During the warm summer days, you are welcome to visit the Saulkrasti district! Less than an hour's drive from Riga – sea, sun, nature… everything you need to have a leisurely holiday in one of the most beautiful coastal towns in Vidzeme – S U M M E R O F F E R Less than a kilometre away from the White Dune, you can visit the Saulkrasti Bicycle Museum that offers the only old bicycle collection in Latvia. The collection includes various items connected to bicycle usage, cycling, related associations and the manufacturing of bicycles. Furthermore, in the exhibition, you are able to view the largest collection of Eastern European bicycle manufacturer logos. At the museum, you can rent bicycles for pleasure rides and there is a bicycle workshop just in case. On Fridays and Saturdays, music club «Katrînbâde» hosts parties with music and dances, where you can dance till you drop. For lovers of extreme outdoor activity, corporate events and tournaments, you can enjoy the paintball park «Buðas», where you can rent and buy shelters and modernised equipment. It is also possible to arrange a special leisure activity program. Visit both the cosy bakery – pizzeria «Bemberi» and the cafe – library «Bemberi». You must also taste the mouth-watering pastries at the pastry shop «10 balles». For active sports you can go to «Koklîtes» – the centre for active sports, where you can take kiteboarding and windsurfing lessons, rent equipment, enjoy water attractions – water-skiing, wakeboarding, «bubbles», skimboarding and IN THE boards for balance exercises, water walking balls, and rent sailing boats and beach equipment, etc. «The Baltic Inn» hostel offers swimming lessons for children and water aerobics as well as budget accommodation for families and larger tourist groups. E V E N T S SAULKRASTI JAZZ FESTIVAL IN A TOWN CLOSER TO THE SUN! For taking walks in nature, magical sunset moments and watching the playful sea waves, we offer one of the most wonderful places on Vidzeme’s seashore – Baltâ kâpa (White Dune) and Saulrieta taka (Sunset Trail). T R A D I T I O N A L SAULKRASTI In the centre of Saulkrasti you can find a wellmanaged seaside resort that received the National Seaside Resort Certificate in 2009, moving a step closer to the Blue Flag award. Saulkrasti beach lifeguards will make sure that it is a safe holiday for visiting families. Zvejniekciems and its stony seaside is a much loved part of the Saulkrasti seaside by artists and photographers. Next to it lies the first port in Vidzeme – Skultes osta (Skulte Port), which is the largest among the small ports in Latvia. In 2009, the port celebrated its 70th anniversary. Saulkrasti Jazz DISTRICT Saulkrasti TOWN FESTIVAL For health and beauty, you will find a wide range of body treatments offered at beauty salons. Outdoor activities can be enjoyed on the bicycle route «Crossing Four Rivers», one-day hiking route «Skulte – Inèupe», fishing routes, hiking route for children «Mazais loks» (Small circle). Route information and maps on, in the section «Tourism». 15 km from Saulkrasti you will find the Minhauzena Muzejs (Baron Minhauzen’s Museum), a forest trail and the ceramics workshops of Ingrîda Þagata and Arnis Preiss. However, 16 km further on, visit one of the most beautiful and well-kept Vidzeme castles – Bîriòu pils (Bîriòi Castle). Author of the Saulkrasti Summer logo: Elîna Odiòa Photo: G. Memmçna, S. Sinkevièa 2 Baltâ kâpa (White Dune) Saulkrasti (Pçterupe) Lutheran Church The White Dune lies on the right bank of the mouth of the Inèupe River, offering a spectacular view of the Gulf of Riga. The construction of the church was completed in 1856. In the church, you are able to see the altar piece “Kristus pie krusta” (Christ on the Cross) painted by the painter Jâzeps Millers in 1856, the church organ and the pulpit door frame painting with an image of Saint Peter. Address: Ainaþu iela 4, Saulkrasti, Saulrieta taka (Sunset Trail) It is a 3.6 km long forest trail that stretches along the seaside from the White Dune to Saules tilts (Sun Bridge). From the trail you can have a great view of the Pçterupe river valley and the sea. On the trail you are also able to see 20 great pines and interestingly-shaped trees. Katrînas liepas (Catherine's Linden Trees) Catherine's Linden Trees are located not far from the White Dune. According to legend, these pines were planted by the Empress Catherine II of Russia while resting briefly on Pabaþi beach. Neibâde beach founder's monument The monument was installed in 1877 in the honour of the Baron of Lçdurga, Karl fon Reitern, who founded Neibâde seaside resort in 1823. Up to World War I, Neibâde had been very popular among not only noblemen of Northern Vidzeme, but also among the aristocrats of the Russian Empire. The monument is located in the Saulkrasti open-air stage park. SAULKRASTI DISTRICT TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE Address: Ainaþu iela 13b, Saulkrasti, LV 2160, Phone: (+371) 67952641 E-mail: [email protected] twitter: saulkrastic Open during: May 1 – August 31 OPENING HOURS: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00 – 18:00 Sat 10:00 – 18:00 Sun 10:00 – 16:00 Saulkrasti Beach The beach is 17 km long and is very interesting in its diversity: from the singing sand in Lilaste to the stony seaside in Zvejniekciems. Nature Park «Piejûra» Vidzeme seaside from Lilaste to the White Dune is a natural reserve with protected plants and once also with a travelling dune. 5 Writer Reinis Kaudzîte's (1839 – 1920) garden-house The garden-house next to the house where the Latvian writer Reinis Kaudzîte (from 1913 to 1920) lived, has, since 1991 become the Saulkrasti Museum, where historical material about Saulkrasti can be found. Address: Skolas iela 19, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 20222765. From May 20 September 30, the museum is open every Friday from 11-17 (group visits on other week days can be booked in advance). Saulkrasti Bicycle Museum The museum collection reflects the manufacturing history of Latvian bicycles. Alongside the unique exhibits, it is also possible to see the old workshop and bicycle shop. It is the only bicycle museum in Latvia. Address: Rîgas iela 44, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 28883160, e-mail: [email protected]; OPENING HOURS: 10.00 – 18.00. Skulte Port The port’s main activities are fishing and timber export. In the port you can find a memorial stone with the engraving: “Skulte Fishing Port was established from 1927 - 1937 at the suggestion of State President Kârlis Ulmanis and built by the Marine department.” Address: Upes iela 41, Zvejniekciems, ACTIVE RECREATION DINING ACCOMMODATION BATHS, SAUNAS Saulkrasti Sports Centre Smilðu iela 3, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67952497 Saulkrasti Skatepark Noliktavas iela 10, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67952497 ® Beach Centre “Koklîtes” “Koklîtes-1”, car park Koklîtes, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29171596; 27168703, Sailing Boat Rental Rîgas iela 74, phone: (+371) 29466501, Boats are rented only with a prior reservation! ® Row boats, water bikes and sunbathing chairs Ainaþu iela 13a, summer terrace “Mare” phone: (+371) 22072777, 26538555 Offers boats for fishermen! ® ”Koklîtes”, beach cafe “Minhauzena Unda”, hotel Ainaþu iela 74, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67955198, “Marve”, hotel Rîgas iela 28, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67951960 “Baltic Inn”, hotel and hostel Smilðu iela 7, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67218401 “Pie Maijas”, guesthouse Murjâòu iela 3, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67951372, 29405480 “Saulrieti”, guesthouse Raiòa iela 11, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67951400, 29407267 “Baltâs dûjas”, guesthouse Zaïâ iela 2, Zvejniekciems, phone: (+371) 29735650 “Aizvçji”, guesthouse Jûras prospekts, “Aizvçji”, Zvejniekciems phone: (+371) 26547055, “Mûsmâjas”, guesthouse Saules iela 27, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 26556518, “Senèu sçta”, guesthouse Rîgas iela 101, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29114962, “Jûras priede”, camping Upes iela 56a, Zvejniekciems, phone: (+371) 67954780 “Straupes”, holiday house Lilaste, phone: (+371) 29188277, “Lilaste”, recreation centre Lilaste, phone: (+371) 26439830, Curative bath-house ”Rozçni” Phone: (+371) 29196438, Curative bath-house “Asni” Lilaste, ”Jaunladiòi” Saulkrasti rural district, Saulkrasti region phone: (+371) 29254569, Hotel and Hostel “Baltic Inn” Smilðu iela 7, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67218401, Holiday house “Straupes” Lilaste, phone: (+371) 29188277, Hotel “Marve” Rîgas iela 28, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67951960, Recreation Centre “Saulrieti” Raiòa iela 11, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29407267, Recreation Centre “Lilaste” Lilaste, phone: (+371) 67700358, Camping “Jûras priede” Upes iela 56a, Zvejniekciems, phone: (+371) 67954780 Guesthouse “Aizvçji” Jûras prospekts, “Aizvçji”, Zvejniekciems phone: (+371) 26547055 Guesthouse “VinDen” Rîgas iela 77, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 26558349, 67951570 Hotel “Minhauzena Unda” Ainaþu iela 74, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67955198, Guesthouse “Pie Maijas” Murjâòu iela 3, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29405480, ® “VinDen“, guesthouse Rîgas iela 77, Saulkrasti, e-mail: [email protected] phone: (+371) 26558349; fax (+371) 67951570 Campsites and Guesthouse Krasta iela 10, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29896885 ”Tereza”, guesthouse Akâcijas iela 1a, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67952541, 29134171 Holiday house ”Uzkalni” ”Uzkalni”, Zvejniekciems phone: (+371) 26346047, 67954186 Bath-house ”Valery” Riga region, Saulkrasti district phone: (+371) 67752040; (+371) 26147311 Russian Bath-house ”Tereza” Akâcijas iela 1a, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67952541, 29134171 Water Aerobics and Swimming Teaching for Children “Baltic Inn”, Hotel and Hostel Smilðu iela 7, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67218401 Yoga – pranayama and meditation Liepu iela 1a, phone: (+371) 67951200, Paintball Park “Buðas” Phone: (+371) 26785909, prior reservation, Recreation on Water Recreation Centre “Lilaste” Lilaste, phone (+371) 67700358; 26439830, Saulrieta taka (Sunset Trail) 4 km long from the White Dune to Saulkrasti centre seaside resort at the end of Raiòa iela (Raiòa street). Children’s camp organisation ”Klasika” Recreational and adventure camps by the sea in Saulkrasti. Phone: (+371) 67545584, 28643874, Orienteering organization “Kâpa” Traditional orienteering event “Saulkrasti Spring 2011” Phone: (+371) 67993396, 67951011, Tourism routes: BICYCLE RENTAL Saulkrasti Bicycle Museum and Bicycle Workshop 10 bicycles, Rîgas iela 44a, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 28883160, Hotel “Marve” – 6 bicycles Rîgas iela 28, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67951960, Bicycle Rent – 4 bicycles Krasta iela 10, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29896885 HORSE RIDING “Jûras zirgi”, Saulkrasti Riding School Upes iela 6, Zvejniekciems, phone: (+371) 26785844 Horse Riding, Zvejniekciems, phone: (+371) 29460788 With prior reservation. ”Koklîtes-1”, car park Koklîtes, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 29171596, 27168703, “Kurði”, cafe Saulkrasti ring road next to Inèupe, phone: (+371) 67218794. “Bemberi”, cafe - bakery Vidriþu iela 21-1, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67951251 “Bemberi”, cafe - library Address: Raiòa iela 7, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67952236, 28695448, “10 Balles”, cafe – pastry shop Ainaþu iela 9, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67952873 ”Baltic Inn”, pizzeria, bar and banquet hall Smilðu iela 7, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67218401 ® “Marve”, restaurant Rîgas iela 28, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67951960, 26446461, ® “Krastiòbârs”, cafe Raiòa iela 11, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67951400 ”Neibâde”, cafe Rîgas iela 45, phone: (+371) 28200207 ”Lilaste”, cafe and bar Lilaste, Saulkrasti rural district phone: (+371) 26439830, ® ”Mare”, summer cafe Ainaþu iela 13 a, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29216204 ® ”Cietie rieksti”, summer cafe Rîgas iela 77, car park ”Katrînbâdes placis” phone: (+371) 27636033, 29391642 “Bufete”, cafe Ainaþu iela 42a, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67951599 ® “Terçze”, cafe Akâciju iela 1a, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67952541, 29134171, “Minhauzena Unda”, cafe Ainaþu iela 74, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67955198, 26481904, “Vçja rags”, pub Akmeòu iela 2, Zvejniekciems, phone: (+371) 26826199 “Pie pieturas”, cafe Ainaþu iela 28a, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 29540291 ® “Mezgls”, cafe Saulkrasti, “Jaunsaules”, Zvejniekciems phone: (+371) 67954256 ”OPEN” bar Rîgas iela 100, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67951641 “Sorento”, cafe Banquets, catering for groups. Ostas iela 1a, Zvejniekciems phone: (+371) 26674385, 28691970, with prior reservation. ® “Glâbðanas stacija“, cafe Summer grill cafe and cocktail bar Ainaþu iela 35b, Saulkrastu district, phone: (+371) 67770572 ® “Aizvçji“, summer cafe Jûras prospekts, “Aizvçji”, Zvejniekciems phone: (+371) 26547055, ® Juice, cocktail and snack shops: Car park at the White Dune At the end of Vidriþu iela (Vidriþu street) by the sea Seaside resort ”Rûíîtis”, car park 5 2 ® pictogram marks enterprises that are open during summer! SHOPPING CENTRES ”Elvi”, grocery store, Ainaþu iela 20, Saulkrasti ”Mego”, grocery store, Rîgas iela 100, Saulkrasti ”Mego”, grocery store, Bçrzu aleja 1, Zvejniekciems PHARMACIES Mana aptieka Ainaþu iela 10, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67951289 A. Aptieka Ainaþu iela 34, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67952892 SOUVENIRS ENTERTAINMENT Music and dance club ”Katrînbâde” Rîgas iela 77c, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 26379239, 26779912 Rental of premises for banquets, weddings, celebrations, phone: (+371) 29552628 Saulkrasti Culture and Sports Centre Atpûtas iela 1b, Zvejniekciems, phone: (+371) 67954179 Saulkrasti Open-Air Stage Ainaþu iela 42, Saulkrasti, phone: (+371) 67954179 5 ”Pûra Lâde” Jewelry, knitwear, handicraft, souvenirs. Ainaþu iela 20 (2nd floor), Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 29594502 ”Arnis Preiss Ceramics Salon” Ainaþu iela 6, Saulkrasti; phone: (+371) 29783447, POST OFFICE Ainaþu iela 6a, Saulkrasti phone: (+371) 67951340 Atpûtas iela 1b, k/n ”Zvejniekciems” phone: (+371) 67954240 INTERNET ACCESS Saulkrasti Library Raiòa iela 7, 2nd floor, phone: (+371) 67951502 Beach Lifeguard Station Swimming Area Paintball Horse Riding WiFi Cafe - pizzeria ”Neibâde” Rîgas iela 45, phone: (+371) 28200207 Recreation Complex ”Baltic Inn” Smilðu iela 7, phone: (+371) 67218401 Beach Centre ”Koklîtes” Car park ”Koklîtes”, phone: (+371) 29171596; 27168703 PETROL STATIONS ”Kurði” Saulkrasti ring road (Via Baltica in the direction from Riga), Riga region, Saulkrasti district, LV 2160 phone: (+371) 67218788 ”Kurði” Saulkrasti ring road (Via Baltica in the direction to Riga), Riga region, Saulkrasti district, LV 2160 phone: (+371) 67218795 ”Lukoil” Riga region, Saulkrasti rural district, Mazþvîguïi, LV 2160 phone: (+ 371) 67301522 ”A un C” Ltd., car gas station Zvejniekciems, Melnsila iela 2, Saulkrasti parish, Saulkrasti district, LV-2160 phone: (+371) 67954816 TAXI SERVICES ”Saulkrasti” Ltd. ”Limbaþu Taxi” branch office, phone: (+371) 27813813 Taxi Services, phone: (+371) 29231886 Taxi Services, phone: (+371) 26436206 Taxi Services, phone: (+371) 29533344 DIRECTORY INQUIRIES 1180, 1188, 1199,, 24h Saulkrasti bus station inquiries, phone: (+371) 67951551 Saulkrasti Train Station, phone: (+371) 67951535 EMERGENCY CALLS From mobile phones or fixed-line phones: 112 Fire Brigade and Rescue – 01 Police – 02 Ambulance – 03 Saulkrasti Beach Lifeguards (+371) 2 8 6 60 091 or 112
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