FEATURE STORY IGNGEN WATER Hcw THE u I'J zas T'r-§ sr R 1{}0's í-{ Lryr ÍNTr: Vlnrunr-lv Fnrr mr ï)r seasr. he Hunza people -who live high in the Himalayan Mountains * live tull of vitality well beyond 100 with virtually no heart disease, cancen or degenerative diseqses! The Hunzas eat a healthy natural diet, but many peoples of the world do so without the same remarkable lifelong health. Dr Henri Coanda won the Nobel Prize for discovering that the Hunza's secret is the glacial water they drink. The three key healthy properties of glacial water are: . It is "weffer water" (less surface tension) which penetrates cells better. This is caused by "microclustering", allowing better hydration, oxygen and nutrient delivery into cells, and toxin removal. . It is very antioxidant rather than oxidizing (free radicals). . It is highly alkaline. Another Nobel Prize winneq Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the prize for determining that cancer and other diseases thrive in an acidic environment. Your body is designed to be alkaline. OPPOSITE§: MOST BOTTL,ED WÀTER IS ÀCll{}lc! Most bottled waters * as well as tap water, distilled water and reverse osmosis water - are highly acidic, oxidizing (adding free radicals to your body) and do not penetrate through cell membranes very well because of large molecule clusters. {'Atq í §{_r}' Ë3$1'l LID {;{-Àf IAL, \À,,{ï'F:}t'} No, not with the same benefits. The water must be fresh because the antioxidants and micro- clustering diminish in just a few days. John Swindle, Genye Swindle, Susan Wilson CA§ KANCE}i daughter T}iEN I-IOXry *O I GET FRES}T GLA,CÏAI. WATE§,? To recreate the Hunza water, Russian scientists found that electricity could be used to restructure the water, giving it the three necessary properties. Almost four decades ago, Enagic invented the Kangen WATS}T.@ FIELP MT,? RetiredAir Force lieutenant colonel John Swindle, says, "My wife Genye and our Sus an w ere having maj or health Afriend suggestedwe try Kangen Water@, but lwas skeptical. Educated qs an enginee4 I'mvery analytical." issues. were already drinking ater. Then we switched to Kangen Water@, and injust a couple of weeks, Susan and I were very surprised Water@ ionizer strictly for hospitals in that so marry of our conditions got better.. Japan... the country which is rated #l for fibromy algia, lupus, chronic fatigue, acid refiux, hyper t e ns ion, s ev ere m igr aines, longev§ (U.S. is #38!). Only Enagic ionizers are desigrated as a medical device knee pain, insomnia, and arthritis." by the Japanese government. Used in over Susan adds, "l had three major surgeries 250 Japanese hospitals, Enagic ionizers in j ust fiv e m o nths and w asn ï re cov ering evenfwe months later. When I simply are also the ones endorsed by the Geriatric Disease Prevention Association in Japan -- replaced my bottled water with Kangen an association ofover 6500 doctors. Water@, I got rny life back! I had been taking 13 medicationsforyears. Injwt 10 §O J1JST HT}W POïENT IS KANCEN weelts, I was qble ïo rcduce them ta just WAï"ERGi? Kangen Water@ has five times three. And after 17 months I was off all more antioxidants than green tea! And you medieations!" will §pically drink 15 times more Kangen John concludes, "I got more energt, Water@ than a cup of tea, so you can arn began sleeping better and had no more your body with 15 x 5 : 75 times more arthritic pain. And I lost 13 pounds afier tenweeks... without even trying! The three antioxidants! of us got all these results without changing It is micro-clustered, therefore the clusters are only one third that ofregular our diet or exercise... we simply changed water. This actually results in six times our water better hydration, delivery of oxygen, nukients and minerals, and toxin removal than reverse osmosis, bottled or tap water. It is 5,000 times more alkaline than most bottled waters! Genye says, purffied bottled "V[/e w