SERVICE TODAY www.partsnow.com A PARTS NOW! PUBLICATION 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FUSERS Also inside this issue... • Grease: We’ve got you covered • HP LJ 4200/4250 50.5 service error JULY 2007, VOL. 16, NUMBER 6 AUGUST 22–24, 2007 Mandalay Bay Resort and Convention Center | Las Vegas, NV Booth #2622 Readers Choice Awards Nominated Best Website www.partsnow.com Visit partsnow.com to find the link to vote by August 10th. We appreciate your continued support. Parts Now! will be a key presenter again for World Expo Courses. Make sure to enroll before courses fill up. Session W2 Wednesday 1*++ , -*.+ pm !n $0&0' (hat Products and (hich 456s (ill 8ou be Ser<icing> Session W1 Wednesday 8*.+ , 1+*++ Ser<icing the L@ 6A0$A6FP and 6A03A6FP Printers Session W1 Wednesday 8*.+ , 1+*++ Ser<icing the DP L@ P300A Series of Printers Session W2 Wednesday 1*++ , -*.+ Ser<icing the DP 5dgeline Printers Session W3 Wednesday 2*++ , 3*.+ Ser<icing the L@ 630$7G303Amfp Series of Printers Session T6 Thursday Thursday 2*++ , 3*.+ Ser<icing the JL@ 3000G3K00G3L00 Series of Printers Session T4 Thursday 8*.+ , 1+*++ Enter your Recharger magazine subscription number or your PD!R nameJertification and zip code. New JompT!A 2 PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT GREASE: WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED Sone are the days of cure-all Vuips about grease liWe your DadXs famous line' YAll it needs is a little 3-in-&Z[ Lubricants are now hightechZ And theyXre playing a larger role in the rebuilding of fusers and other laser printer parts than e<er beforeZ Find out why fusers' \ust liWe race cars' reVuire specialized lubricants to maintain high performanceZ (e talWed with refurbished product manager @on 6ueller to learn whatXs behind PartXs Now!s ability to ensure that youXre co<ered when it comes to greaseZ Ser$ice Today- How do lubricants affect the performance of refurbished parts? .on Mueller- The right lubricant determines whether your fuser will function well or whether it will breaW down prematurelyZ from <ery high-tech materials' reVuiring the lubricants to worW with these materialsZ For e_ample' ceramic heaters are made of a glass epo_y material and the slee<es used in con\unction with them can be metals' metal alloys or <arious types of plastic polymersZ All these materials need to worW well togetherZ They canXt breaW down or wear on one anotherZ They ha<e to lastZ At Parts Now! we consider a range of fuser and printer aspects liWe operating temperature' design' material compatibility' pressure sensiti<ity and customer performance needs' as well as cost' to determine the right lubricant for the right parts or printerZ ST- What happens if you don’t have the right lubricant? .M- There is no one lubricant that is the Doly SrailZ The big mistaWe refurbished printer parts pro<iders ST- What changes often maWe is in not understanding in technology the Time-to-Temperature Jur<e ` or have impacted lubricants? how long it taWes for a lubricant to .M- Printing technology' mechanics go from room temperature to the and materials ha<e changed and temperature the fuser needs in order gotten more comple_Z Lubricants to run properlyZ The lubricantXs <isha<e had to change to Weep upZ cosity reVuirements are determined TodayXs laser printer parts are made by these tempsZ For instance' if a Service Today talks with Jon Mueller, Refurbished Product Manager. fuser operates at a00b and arri<es at that temperature within &0 seconds' the lubricant must perform within that Time-to-Temperature cur<eZ !f not' the fusers rated life or page count will be dramatically shortenedZ ST- Are the lubricants that color printers need different from monochrome? .M- Not necessarilyZ They both need a lubricant with a particular temperature cur<e and breaWdown pointZ 8ou can ha<e the same operating temperature between a color printer and a monochrome printerZ 8ou can also ha<e completely different operating temperatures between two seemingly similar monochrome printersZ ST- What’s the most expensive lubricant? .M- FranWly' the most e_pensi<e lubricant is the one thatXs wrong for the fuser' because it can cause mechanical problems that are <ery costly in time and money for the customerZ (e worW to maWe sure that doesnXt happenZ As far as pure lubricant cost' some cost hundreds 3 of dollars per ounceZ (e are currently worWing with a lubricant manufacturer that has de<eloped lubricants for NASAZ ThatXs some highly specialized grease thatXs worth its weight in goldZ ST- What’s the most common lubricant? .M- 6ost liWely water! (hen you thinW of it' water is used in manufacturing as both a lubricant and a sol<entZ !n our case' the lubricant we use on the a000 series is our most common' simply because we sell more a000 fusers and WitsZ ST- What part of a printer is most sensitive to having the right lubricant in order to perform? .M- !n most cases' the fuserZ (e pay special attention to fuser lubricants for that reasonZ Parts Now! currently has a <ery popular fuser that weXre enhancing by de<eloping a custom lubricant that is not a<ailable commerciallyZ The customization has a formulation that will meet the most e_acting operating parameters' and will be e_clusi<e to Parts Now! 4 ST: What do service managers and technicians need to know about the technology behind lubricants? JM: !deally' little or nothingZ Lubricant science is comple_Z Ser<ice technicians shouldnXt ha<e to be the grease e_pertsZ But their refurbished printer parts pro<ider should beZ !tXs a matter of choosing the right partner from the startZ The better your refurbished printer parts partner is and the more they demonstrate e_pertise and Wnowledge in this area as well as other highly technical areas' the more you can rest assured that when it comes to grease' youXre co<eredZ ST- How did you learn so much about lubricants, and how do you keep up with rapidly changing technologies in this area? .M- 4ur product specialists ha<e done' and continue to do a great deal of researchZ At Parts Now!' before we meet with our suppliers we research a machine thatXs new to the marWet to estimate Wey parameters' liWe operating temperatures and materials usedZ (e conduct e_periments to determine how certain 456 lubricants failed' how they are applied' what ensures performance' etcZ (hen weXre going to ha<e something custom-made for a certain application' we do our homeworWZ (e taWe careful precautions to ensure that our refurbished parts ha<e the right grease for the right application' so that they perform the way our customers need them toZ ! TECH SUPPORT SPOTLIGHT: JIM BETHKE Mission Impossible : Help a color blind person fix an image defect in a Color LaserJet printer… Explain to someone why it is wrong to use a horse rib separator to fix a paper jam. These real - life scenarios are not impossible for Jim Bethke, a Customer Support Technician in Parts Now’s! Tech Support. Tell us about your background with Parts Now!? ! ha<e been with Parts Now! for &$ years and worWed in a number of areas in the companyZ ! ha<e worWed in fuser rebuild' mechanical rebuild' Vuality control' warranty testing' and research and de<elopmentZ ! was worWing part-time in Tech Support while doing these other rolesZ About A years ago ! mo<ed to Tech Support full-timeZ !t has been a natural progression o<er the yearsZ What do you hope to accomplish through Tech Support? ! want to help technicians Weep up with the changing technologyZ As technology VuicWly ad<ances' it is hard to Weep up with it allZ !t maWes me feel good to Wnow ! relie<ed a customerXs frustrationZ What have you done to stay on top of the changing technology? ! taWe as many Parts Now! training classes as possibleZ (e ha<e an e_ceptional Training department here that teaches you troubleshooting tips on new and e_isting printersZ Training is as important to us as it is to our customersZ ! also read the <arious trade magazinesZ What’s the #1 piece of advice you have for customers? ! recommend that you always ha<e a ser<ice manual for the printers youXre worWing onZ These manuals tell you e<erything from parts remo<al and replacement to part numbers to troubleshooting ser<ice error codesZ Justomers should speaW with an account rep here at Parts Now! to purchase a ser<ice manual if they need oneZ What’s the most challenging Tech Support call you’ve ever received? !t has to be when a color blind technician called and needed help with an image defect problem on a DP JL@aK00Z ! didnXt Wnow at first they were color blindZ (e had spent &0 to &A minutes troubleshooting different scenarios and nothing was worWingZ 5<erything was coming out greyZ ! was completely stumped and was about to gi<e up when they stated they were color blindZ No wonder! ! guess it didnXt occur to me to asW that VuestionZ ! e<en had a <eterinarian e_plain that they used a rib-separator for a horse to fi_ a paper \amZ They got the paper out' but the damage left behind was really something! Are there new issues customers have been calling about? (e are recei<ing more and more calls on the new color printers and the multi-function unitsZ They ha<e new features' functionalities' terminology' and components that not e<eryone is familiar withZ Not to mention' the size of the printer Weeps getting smaller as more functionalities are added! How do you answer such a variety of questions? Support from the rest of the team truly comes into playZ (e ha<e an e_tremely Wnowledgeable group and we help each other as neededZ !f ! get a call that ! canXt need help with' someone on my team will ha<e an answerZ (e worW well togetherZ The color blind call though stumped us all! What do you like to do outside of work? ! spend as much time as ! can with my wife' friends' and e_tended familyZ ! lo<e to tra<elZ !tXs a big world and ! want to see as much of it as ! canZ A lot of my tra<el has been international but ! hope the ne_t destination is AlasWaZ !Xm also a huge (isconsin Badger fanZ ! go to all the football games and tailgate beforehandZ But it would be nice to tra<el to an away game! Tell us a fact others may not know about you? ! truly en\oy cooWingZ (hen we tailgate before a Badger football game' it isnXt your typical hamburger and brats on the menuZ !f it is a morning game' ! may cooW french toast' eggs' pancaWes or baconZ ! ha<e e<en cooWed fa\itas and spaghetti at the later gamesZ ! liWe to mi_ it upZ 8ouX<e ne<er had bacon until it has grill marWs on it! ! I always get great service from your tech support. As a matter of fact, I primarily use Parts Now! due to your Tech Support. Bill Page, Lexington, VA 5 TECHNICAL 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FUSERS The ne_t time you recei<e a fuser error message' you may be able to VuicWly sol<e the problem yourselfZ ThatXs great news for time-star<ed technicians who want to a<oid minutes on the phone with refurbished parts pro<idersX ser<ice lines' or the hassles of product returnsZ Armed with the following checWlist' you can reacVuaint yourself with some Yfuser basics[' and a<oid frustration or an unnecessary returnZ The 10 Things You Should Know About Fusers below is meant to be a memory \ogger about simple things that may be o<erlooWed e<en by the most e_perienced technician who gets rushed by ha<ing too much to do and too little timeZ 4<er the years' printers ha<e e<ol<ed into highly comple_' networWed' high-speed machinesZ Dowe<er' they still retain the core group of parts and other little things that can be frustrating when trying to ser<ice themZ First' a bacW-to-the-basics reminder of the critical importance of the fuser in the printing process' for your team' or for con<ersations with your customersZ 5ssentially' without the fuserXs proper function' the toner will not be properly fused into the pageZ !n the final stages of printing' the printer passes the paper through the fuser' which has an upper roller and a lower rollerZ As the paper passes through these rollers' a combination of heat and pressure fuse the toner 6 with the fibers in the paperZ The fuser rolls the paper to the output assembly' and you ha<e your finished pageZ Then the paper e_its the printerZ The ne_t time you hit a fuser error speed bump' we hope the 10 Things You Should Know About Fusers help you Yde-fuse[ your frustrationZ Figure 1 1.There goes the heat 3see figure 78 !f you recei<e a A0 ser<ice error' or eVui<alent' the fuserXs heat source may ha<e burned outZ This is the eVui<alent of walWing into a room' flipping on the light switch' and the light bulb burns outZ There is no foolproof way to pre<ent or predict when the lamps will burn out in either 456 or refurbished fusersZ The fuserXs necessary heat comes from two primary sources: halogenGVuartz lamps or ceramic elementsZ 4ne contributing factor can be shippingZ Though it is rare' shipping may weaWen or breaW the filaments in the lamps or cause the ceramic to cracWZ At Parts Now!' we taWe special precautions with all pacWaging on fusers and other refurbished parts to Weep this occurrence to a bare minimumZ 2. Where’s the pressure? !f proper pressure isnXt applied' the fuser canXt functionZ A sign that thereXs a lacW of pressure is an improperly fused pageZ The pressure the fuser needs comes from the LPe flower pressure rollerg and springsZ The springs in the fuser put pressure on the fuserXs lower pressure rollerZ eollers are a<ailable in many different forms: foam' solid rubber' multi-layer coated and other materialsZ Some fusers can worW with either a solid or foam LPeZ The type of material used by the 456 is specific to each printerZ Parts Now! uses the same type of material as the 456' unless another Vualified roller passes our e_acting Vuality standardsZ For e_ample' a foam roller could worW where one would e_pect a solid rollerZ 3. Upper fuser roller (UFR) @ust as it taWes two to tango' it taWes two rollers to maWe a fuser function properlyZ !f the LPe isnXt the issue' itXs possible the upper fuser roller fhFeg isZ hpper fuser rollers come in many typesZ The most common is an aluminum tube coated with Teflon' or a similar material' not unliWe what you would find on your pans at homeZ The way the coating is applied and the cure temperature of the coating are criticalZ !f the coating is nicWed or scratched' toner can accumulate on the upper fuser roller and transfer print defects to the pageZ !t is normal for separation claws to maWe marWs or thin lines on the rollerZ This can happen e<en after a page or two has printedZ !n this case' the coating is not damaged' but a line does appear on the rollerZ To minimize hFe issues' Parts Now! refurbished fusers ha<e a brand-new hFe installed &00i of the timeZ This means you can be sure that youXll recei<e ma_imum life and performance from this component of your refurbished Parts Now! fuserZ Figure 2 4. Check the fixing film/sleeve 3and don9t belie$e the myths>8 Another fuser component that may be the cause of a fuser malfunction is the fi_ing film or slee<eZ !f the slee<e isnXt turning properly' the paper canXt mo<e through the printer to its final printed stateZ There are two common myths about fi_ing film or slee<esZ 4ne myth is that the slee<e must turn when the main dri<e gear turnsZ (hen e_amining the fuser' as you hold it in your hand' the slee<e may or may not turnZ This does not necessarily mean your fuser is defecti<e' since fi_ing film fusers rely on the paperXs thicWness to pro<ide the friction needed to rotate the slee<eZ Another myth is that slee<e color determines Vuality <see figure -?Z This is simply untrueZ LiWe the hFe' Parts Now! uses new slee<es for filmsg in our refurbished fusers &00i of the timeZ !f a slee<e is manufactured properly it will perform as good as or better than the 456' regardless of colorZ !nstead of color' at Parts Now! we pay attention to Vuality and pro<en performanceZ (e use the same inspection process for our refurbished fusers that the 456 uses on its fuser fi_ing films and slee<esZ (e ensure the slee<e is correctZ They are run to lifecycle and moreZ (hen you recei<e a Parts Now! fuser' rest assured that we ha<e put it to the test and that itXs bacWed by a K-month warrantyZ 5. Check the fuser’s flags or sensors All fusers ha<e sensing le<ers for flagsg that must mo<e freely in order to ensure proper printer functionZ These flags tell the fuser or other components inside the printer what to doZ LiWe traffic cops who use flags to direct cars' sensing le<ers fflagsg guide the paper through the printer' including the fuserZ (hen a traffic copXs flag doesnXt worW' you get a traffic \amZ !n a printer' if a flag doesnXt worW properly' you get a paper \amZ 8ou Wnow them as Y&3Z__ paper \ams[ or Y$Z__ \ams[ in Le_marW printersZ Depending on the type of error you recei<e' you can determine which flag is causing the problemZ Flags can be easily inspected prior to the fuserXs installation by maWing sure they are secure and that they mo<e freelyZ !f there are problems' in most cases' you can simply snap or lightly bend the flags bacW into placeZ 6. Levers: The ups and downs of the fuser Some fusers ha<e le<ers or spacers placed in them to establish a gap between the upper fuser roller and the lower fuser rollerZ The le<ers are meant to pre<ent flat spots from de<eloping and in some cases' for printing on en<elopesZ (hen they are on the en<elope setting' toner will not fuse properly on normal paper thicWnessZ This is a <ery common complaint thatXs easily sol<edZ !t only taWes a second to checW the le<ers prior to fuser installationZ Parts Now! fusers are always shipped in the same orientation as the 456' so you would be <ery unliWely to encounter this issue upon initial installation of Parts Now! fusersZ Though it is something to checWZ eemember to remo<e the spacers if they are presentZ 7. Adjusting the printer’s temperature Some printers ha<e the option of maWing temperature ad\ustments to optimize printing for different media types and paper thicWnessZ At Parts Now!' we commonly hear from field technicians that Y! ne<er used to ha<e to turn up the fuser tempZ[ !f you ha<e ne<er had to do this in the past' consider yourself lucWyZ But with todayXs increasingly sophisticated printers' you may encounter this in the futureZ Sometimes fusers will properly fuse the toner to the paper without these ad\ustments' but it is important to Wnow where they are and how to ad\ust them for optimum printing 7 VualityZ !f youXre unsure how to set the printerXs temperature' reference the printerXs manual or contact Parts Now! Tech Support' and weXll point you in the right directionZ 8. Help! The fuser service error is still there! Another call we recei<e is' Y! put in the new fuser and it still has the fuser ser<ice errorZ[ This may happen with DP aR and older printersZ !f this happens' it may be a good time for you to taWe a coffee breaW and checW bacW in a little whileZ The printer may need to time-out or power-down for up to $0 minutes after the fuser ser<ice error appearsZ !f you did not switch the printer off fiZeZ the display reads 3+ serviceg and you installed the new fuser' the machine will Weep displaying the error messageZ The printer needs up to $0 minutes in a power-off condition in order to clear out the errorZ 9. Inputs and Outputs 4ther Wey parts on fusers are the paper input ramps and output guides fyou might Wnow these by other namesgZ These components allow the paper to enter and e_it the fuserZ They should periodically be checWed for any foreign material that may be inside the printer that may end up in the paper path in front of the fuserZ The common term Ypaper-thin[ was probably born out of this situationZ The foreign material need only be thicWer than Ypaperthin[ to cause a hang-upZ Parts Now! conducts input and output checWs on its refurbished fusers to remo<e any 8 tiny bits of dust or matter before the refurbished fuser is shipped to youZ But you may want to checW the input ramp for a small nicW or burr' \ust in caseZ These may occur during the cleaning processZ (hile the fuser may ha<e worWed in our test printer' after shipping and cleaning' alignment may be slightly different and could cause a \amZ !n most cases' you can simply remo<e small burrs with your fingerZ !tXs also possible that the e_it guides or rollers shifted during shipping or while in the printerZ Simply snap them bacW in lineZ 10. Check to see if it’s time to shift gears. All fusers ha<e dri<e trains fsmall gear bo_esg that must mesh with other gears inside the printerZ Parts Now! conducts Vuality inspections to ensure proper gear function in its refurbished fusers prior to shipmentZ But the fuser relies on proper alignment with other gear assemblies in the printerZ !f the printerXs e_isting gears are se<erely worn or seized' the newly installed fuser dri<e assembly can be damagedZ To a<oid this mishap' run a VuicW checW of the old fuser for any gear damageZ 6aWe sure all other gears on the assemblies are functioning properly prior to installing the refurbished fuserZ This can pre<ent damage to the newly installed fuser' and ensure proper printer function once itXs installedZ TaWing a few minutes to reacVuaint yourself with some of the basics on how fusers worW can help to a<oid some frustration or an unnecessary returnZ (e hope 10 Things You Should Know About Fusers enables you to e_perience the satisfaction and time sa<ings of being a Fuser SuruZ Dowe<er' e<en the sa<<iest technician needs a helping hand once in awhileZ The e_perts in our Parts Now! Technical Support Team are a<ailable at &ZL00ZLLKZKKLL' 6onday ` Friday 7 am to 7 pm' to walW through issues whene<er you need assistanceZ hntil then' may the force of foolproof fusing be with you! ! By Jon Mueller Refurbished Product Manager, Parts NoG! Pam Olson Editor Jon Mueller Anna Schryver Larry Nelson Jim Bethke Service Today is a Parts Now! publication with a mission to serve as a technical resource for printer repair technicians. TECH TIP 50.5 SERVICE ERROR IN THE HP LJ 4200/4300 SERIES PRINTERS Joncerns about the A0ZA ser<ice error in the DP L@ a$00Ga300 printer has been the most common call recei<ed by Parts Now! Tech Support latelyZ Justomers belie<e they ha<e a defecti<e fuser when they see the A0ZA ser<ice error in a$00Ga300Ga$A0Ga3A0Ga3aAmfp printersZ !n actuality' it is not a defecti<e fuser but rather the wrong fuser has been installed in the printerZ Fusers for the a$__Ga3__ are not interchangeable with each otherZ 42xx/43xx fuser and maintenance kit compatibility chart 4200 4300 4240 4250 4350 4345 Fuser Fuser Fuser Fuser Fuser Fuser RM1-0013 RM1-0101 RM1-1082 RM1-1082 RM1-1082 RM1-1043 Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit Kit Q2429A Q2436A Q5421A Q5421A Q5421A Q5998-67901 So remember' when you recei<e a A0ZA ser<ice error' maWe sure you ha<e the correct fuser for the printer you are repairingZ Contact a Parts Now! account representative at 800.886.6688 to receive a copy of our HP and Lexmark fuser chart to help identify the correct fuser needed for common printer models. 9 SALES STAFF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES Jay Spaanem President & CEO Thad Bainbridge Bill Bohne Jim Breedlove Noah Canas Dan Cassidy Alex Colton Doug Damon Michael Davidsaver Tom DePrey Roy Divine Ext. 1269 Ext. 1223 Ext. 1179 Ext. 1302 Ext. 1113 Ext. 1257 Ext. 1140 Ext. 1272 Ext. 1256 Ext. 1166 Kevin D. Guy VP of Sales and Marketing James Evans John Feldman Barney Gugel Darrel Hayner Tim Kohl Julie Krauth Joe Lalley Aaron Le Hew Rick Maharajh Dave Martin Ext. 1262 Ext. 1237 Ext. 1180 Ext. 1304 Ext. 1117 Ext. 1122 Ext. 1162 Ext. 1173 Ext. 1309 Ext. 1322 Theresa McCorkell Brent Molldrem Larry Riedl Robert Rioldi Tim Ritschard Randy Rueth Fabian Ruiz Andy Schuth Paul Seibold Jim Sherman Ext. 1319 Ext. 1268 Ext. 1288 Ext. 1270 Ext. 1147 Ext. 1130 Ext. 1314 Ext. 1236 Ext. 1145 Ext. 1125 Matt Sickler Mike Tilley Ken Wagner Ext. 1218 Ext. 1142 Ext. 1134 STRATEGIC ACCOUNTS Chris Jankos Director of the Western Region Michael Cox Strategic Accounts Manager CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT Matt McLeish Ryan Humphrey Michael Dimarzio Bonnie Foster Virgil Grenia Samantha Hauser Brett MacArthur Lanette Mannon Jason Meyering Ext. 1289 Ext. 1105 Ext. 1324 Ext. 1417 Ext. 1182 Ext. 1470 Ext. 1281 Ext. 1475 Ext. 1276 Dave Geishirt Sales Manager Jaime Rose Lee Nelson Jennifer Potts Andy Schmidt Nathan Tucker Sarah Yahn Ext. 1227 Ext. 1275 Ext. 1243 Ext. 1233 Ext. 1155 Ext. 1292 CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR CUSTOMER SERVICE Clark Wilson Sales Manager Heidi Satterthwaite Maria (Alex) Ackley Donna Banfield Christine Cassata Marlene Espinal Lori Farrell Vito Griseta III Vito Griseta, Jr. Jacob Hagman Ext. 1283 Ext. 1154 Ext. 1158 Ext. 1234 Ext. 1311 Ext. 1274 Ext. 1259 Ext. 1290 Ext. 1234 Lori Cerniglia Sales Manager 10 Tamara Helmers Shanee Ivy Karen Krauth Sylvia Martinez Sylvia Medenwaldt Kristin Severson Dawn Vanderhoof Ext. 1274 Ext. 1279 Ext. 1157 Ext. 1415 Ext. 1169 Ext. 1188 Ext. 1118 PARTS PARTS NOW! POLICY NOW! POLICIES PARTS NOW! WARRANTY AND RETURN POLICIES WARRANTY POLICY NEW PRODUCT This includes OEM’s Equivalent to New (ETN) remanufactured product that has been rigorously tested by the OEM to perform at the same performance levels as a new OEM product. These products are sold by the OEMs as new product to Parts Now! LLC. Warranty: OEM only. Not warranted by Parts Now! LLC OEM FACTORY REFURBISHED PRODUCT Warranty: OEM only. Not warranted by Parts Now! LLC PARTS NOW! REFURBISHED PRODUCT The Parts Now! LLC Warranty does not apply to defects resulting from: (1) inadequate or improper maintenance; (2) unauthorized modification or misuse; (3) usage outside of the environmental specifications of the part or product; or (4) improper site preparation and maintenance. • Parts 1. Refurbished SX, LX, EX, EX+, 4019 and 4029 engine fusing assemblies and maintenance kits Warranty: Twelve (12) months 2. All other refurbished parts Warranty: Six (6) months • Used Printers 1. As-is Warranty: Guaranteed only to work upon arrival to the customer We will repair or replace solely at our discretion. 2. Refurbished Warranty: 90 days We will replace or repair, at our discretion, the part or parts that fail during the warranty period. This is a limited warranty and does not cover cosmetic blemishes, scratches, and color defects. PARTS NOW! PNO PRODUCT Warranty: OEM only. Not warranted by Parts Now! LLC DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THE ABOVE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ACCURACY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND TITLE, AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY AGAINST INTERFERENCE WITH YOUR ENJOYMENT OF THE PROGRAM PROPERTY OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT NO EMPLOYEE OF PARTS NOW! LLC OR ANY OTHER PARTY IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTY NOT IN THIS AGREEMENT. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE • • We are not responsible for damages incurred in transit as our shipping terms are FOB from our dock. The shipping carrier is responsible for such damage. We do not issue Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) numbers for products damaged due to shipping. We will place a new order for the customer while the carrier is processing the customer’s claim. At such time as the claim is resolved and payment is made, the customer will be credited. RETURN POLICY EXCHANGES 1. Requirements Product exchanges must: a) Be repairable (no alterations or physical damage) b) Have a valid Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number c) Be an exact equivalent of the product that we are sending to you d) Be received by us prior to the RMA expiration date e) Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. 2. Return Process When we receive the product for exchange, we will inspect it to confirm that the product is correct and eligible for return. If the product is not eligible for exchange, we will then notify you with an explanation and return the product at your expense or dispose of the product at your direction. 3. Reimbursement • Pre-credited advanced exchange Upon inspection and acceptance of the exchange product, the open RMA will be closed. If the exchange product is not accepted, open account customers will have a core charge billed to their account. For customers who have an advance core credit authorization on file, the core charge will be placed on the credit card on file. • Other advance exchanges Upon inspection and acceptance of the exchange product, we will, in our determination, credit the account of an open account customer, send a refund check or issue a credit to a credit card account of a non-open account customer. WARRANTY RETURNS 1. Requirements Product being returned to us due to defect or our error must be returned with: a) A valid RMA number b) A copy of the original invoice c) ALL original packaging (if new) d) The reason for return 2. Return Process When we receive the product for warranty, we will inspect it to confirm that the product is correct and eligible for a warranty claim. If the product does not qualify under our warranty policy, we will then notify you with an explanation and return the product at your expense or dispose of the product at your direction. 3. Reimbursement We will, at our discretion, select one of the following options: a) Replace the product b) Repair the product c) Credit you for the invoiced amount of the product (if the product is not replaceable due to lack of inventory). Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. OTHER RETURNS 1. Requirements Manuals, printheads, consumables, and special order items are not returnable. We will only accept for return product involving our error. Product returns must: a) Be returned unused within 30 days of purchase date b) Have a valid RMA number c) Be received by us prior to the RMA expiration dated d) Have ALL original packaging (if new) e) Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. 2. Return Process When we receive the return product, we will inspect it to confirm that the product is correct and eligible for return. If the product is not eligible for return, we will then notify you with an explanation and return the product at your expense or dispose of the product at your direction. 3. Reimbursement All product returns by customers, except for those resulting from our error, may be subject to a restocking fee of 20%. Upon inspection and acceptance of the returned product, we will, at our discretion, credit the account of the open account customer, send a refund check or issue a credit to a credit card account of a non-open account customer. RMA PROCEDURE Our sales representative will assign an RMA number to you. It is your responsibility to put this number on the outside and inside of your returned product package to insure adequate customer/product identification. Product returned to us without valid RMA number identification will be refused by us. RMA numbers are valid for 30 calendar days from the date issued. RMA Return address: Parts Now! 3150 Pleasant View Road Middleton, WI 53562 11 ONLINE TRAINING SCHEDULE Introduction to Printer Network Cards Image Formation for HP Printers Color Theory and Process HP Color LaserJet 4600/4650** Lexmark T Series* HP LaserJet 4100/4050/4000* HP LaserJet 4200/4250/4300/4350* HANDS-ON TRAINING AUGUST SCHEDULE Monday, August 6 HP LaserJet 2100/2200/2300 Tuesday, August 7 Lexmark T Series Wednesday, August 8 HP LaserJet 9000 Series Thursday, August 9 HP Color LaserJet 9500* Friday, August 10 DesignJet Fundamentals* HP LaserJet 8150/8100/8000/5Si* HP LaserJet 4345mfp* HP LaserJet 2100/2200/2300* MFP Fundamentals* *The Image Formation course is a prerequisite for all monochrome printer training courses. **Color Theory & Process is a prerequisite for all color printer training courses. *A previous monochrome laser printer course is a prerequisite for this class. **A previous Color class or Color Theory & Process is a prerequisite for this class. Hands-On Training courses will be held at our state-of-the-art training facility in Middleton, WI. Further information on course details, area hotels, and directions to the training site can be found at www.partsnow.com in the Technical Resources section or by calling (800) 886-6688. Visit http://videotraining.partsnow.com for more details and for your free trial! PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Madison, WI Permit No. 367 JULY 2007, VOL. 16, NUMBER 6 HEADQUARTERS 3150 Pleasant View Road, Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 203-1500 • (800) 886-6688 • Fax: (608) 203-1460 www.partsnow.com SOUTHEAST BRANCH: (800) 886-6688 • Fax: (954) 938-7256 1901 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 WEST COAST OFFICE: (800) 886-6688 • Fax: (510) 785-9611 21053 Alexander Court, Unit B Hayward, CA 94545 CANADA OFFICE: (877) 246-2133 • Fax: (450) 246-2102 32 rue Richelieu Lacolle, QC JOJ 1JO Canada