October 19th bulletin


October 19th bulletin
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 19, 2014
The Navigator
El Navegante
St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church
Cumming, GA
Go… Baptize… Teach…
Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen…
Priesthood Sunday October 26 Priesthood Sunday is a special
day set aside to honor
priesthood. It is a day to reflect
upon and affirm the role of the
priesthood in the life of the
Church as a central one.
Please join us on this special
day, Priesthood Sunday, in
praying for our priests, in
praising God for their courage
and their generosity. You may
also show your appreciation
with a simple note dropped in
homemade cards from the
kids, a gift of homemade
goodies, a gift card, a smile or
a phone call to assure them of
your loving care and gratitude
for their presence in the life of
St. Brendan’s. Refreshments
will be provided outside the
church after every Mass next
weekend to celebrate with our
Priests this special date.
Keeping Kids Safe and the Campus Clean Now that school is back in session and the classrooms at St. Brendan's are being used regularly for Preschool and Faith Formation classes, it is very important that we keep the campus safe and clean for our students. Parents, please make sure your kids are not running loose on campus, nor playing unsupervised in areas that are meant for study. We've had several incidents of broken items and marked up classrooms caused by unsupervised children in off hours. Please keep careful watch over your children at all times. Café 107 (monthly parish brunch) will once again open the doors on Sunday, November 2nd. Please make plans to join your parish family for some great fellowship and home cooking anytime from 8am – 3pm. The extensive menu includes items such as fresh hotcakes and French toast (all you can eat), hash browns, sausage, biscuits & gravy, BBQ sandwiches, corn-­‐on-­‐the-­‐cob, drinks and desserts. Cost: age 6 and up is $7/person with family plan of $30; age 5 and under and over 99: FREE! Giving Tree Registration St. Brendan’s active families or individuals, who are in need of holiday assistance, are invited to register for our Giving Tree program. Registration runs from October 21 through November 2. Times and locations are posted on the registration flyer available in the Narthex. Participants will be asked to verify their involvement at St. Brendan’s. Registrations will be accepted for one toy and one article of clothing for each child up to 18 years of age. The program also allows for one household item to be registered per family. St. Brendan’s is very happy to continue to offer this service to our families. See the bilingual flyer, in the Narthex, for more details or contact Kelle Russo at [email protected]. St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church
Pastoral Staff
4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040
Church phone: 770-205-7969, fax: 770-205-5040
Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor...
Rev. Fr. Juan Guerra, L.C., Parochial Vicar ...........
Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar ……
Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar……....
Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon ............................
Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ………………
Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon ..................................
Faith Formation Staff
Don Conklin, Dir. of Faith Formation ………………
Margaret Frain, Dir. of Youth Faith Formation ……
Sara Martinez, Asst. Dir. of Youth Faith Formation
Kate Hoffman, Administrative Support …………….
Monica Plew, Faith Formation, Spanish ……….. …
Nicole Stone, Youth Minister – Edge/Life Teen ..
Caitlin Mullen, Asst. Youth Minister ………………
Stacy Applegate, Youth Min. Coordinator ………
[email protected] ......... ext. 42
[email protected]...... ext. 12
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]………….. ext. 43
[email protected]
[email protected] …….… ext. 40
[email protected] ............... ext. 33
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] ………… ext. 26
[email protected]…………. ext. 13
[email protected]
[email protected]……. ext. 13
Preschool Staff
Julie Lahey, Dir. of Preschool & MMO
[email protected]…………
ext. 20
Music / Liturgy & Sacraments Staff
Lynne Sterritt, Director of Music …………………..
Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Director of Liturgy…
Sandy Spera, Coordinator of Sacraments …………
Luisa Rubio, Registrar ..........................................
[email protected] ..............
[email protected] …………..
[email protected] ..............
[email protected] .................
ext. 19
ext. 43
ext. 27
ext. 15
Administrative Staff
Laurie Johnson, Business Manager.......................
Kelle Russo, Parish Life Coordinator ………………
Mariana Loredo-Loya, Liturgical/Parish Life Asst….
Julie Williams, Accounts Payable Bookkeeper…….
Laura Myers, Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper ....
Susan Shirley, Communications Coordinator..........
[email protected] ............ ext. 31
[email protected] …………. ext. 41
[email protected]…………… ext. 41
[email protected] ............ ext. 21
[email protected] ............... ext. 21
[email protected] ............. ext. 14
Mary Ann Mallon, Parish Secretary ..........................
[email protected] ............... ext. 11
Elba Banderas, Receptionist.....................................
[email protected]............. ext. 10
Mac McKinney, Coordinator of Maintenance ..................................................................... 678-467-6490
Melvin Rogers, Maintenance ........................................................................................... 404-313-2330
Alex Ayala, Maintenance ………………………………………………………….……………...… 770-500-9341
Mass Schedule
Horario de Misas
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español)
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am,
1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm
Daily Mass
Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am
Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español)
Rosary – after weekday am Mass
The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
en Español
Sundays at 12:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
in St. Sebastian Chapel
Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday
6:45 pm
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last
person served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm
Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm
Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm
English and en Español
Please note: Mass times may vary
on Holy Days. Check the Mass
Intentions in this bulletin or the
website calendar.
Parish Office Hours:
Oficina Parroquial:
Mon – Thurs
9:00 am – 4:00 pm,
Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Emergency Contact Information
Sacramental Emergencies requiring the presence of a priest: 678-224-8448
Comm un ion to th e Sick o r H ome bou nd – Parish Office: 770-205-7969
AA: Bob W. 404-308-6556 or Kathie M. 404-219-4055 Al-Anon: 404-687-0466
Good Samaritan Emergency Assistance Hotline: 770-205-2324
Baptis m
Please contact Sandy Spera, ext. 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43, (Spanish).
M arria ge P repa ration
Arrangements are to be made at least six months before an anticipated wedding date. Fr. Juan, ext. 12.
Cou ns elin g S erv ices
Holy Family Counseling Center - 678-993-8494 and Catholic Charities of Atlanta - 404-920-7725.
Steph en M inis try
Stephen Ministers can provide one-to-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life. Ed Bell at [email protected].
Em ploy men t As sis ta nce is available for those who are actively in search of a job. Rick Sullivan at [email protected] or 678-947-5205.
St. Jo se ph Fo od Pan try Open Wednesday, 4:30 - 6:30 pm in the Barn behind the Church. Barbara Gordon - [email protected]; 770-888-3258.
Fa ith F or mation Catechetical instruction and preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, & Confirmation – ext. 33 (English), ext. 26
Retur nin g Catho lics If you are interested in returning to the Catholic Faith for any reason- contact Don Conklin at [email protected].
In teres ted in Be comi ng Ca th olic? Amy Camacho at [email protected].
Bau tizo s
Favor de contactar al Diácono Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43.
Pr epar acion M atrimo ni al
Los arreglos deben hacerse al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha programada de la boda. Favor de contactar al Padre Juan, ext. 12.
Se rvi cios de Con sej eria
Catholic Charities of Atlanta – 404-920-7725.
St. Jo se ph Fo od Pan try
Miércoles de 4:30 a 6:30 p.m. en el Barn detrás de la Iglesia.
Fo rm acion de Fe
Instrucción y Preparación Sacramental para la Primera Reconciliación, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Favor de contactar a Mónica Plew, ext. 26.
Interesado en Convertirte en Católico? Favor de contactar al Diácono Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43.
Comu ni ón a los En ferm os o qu e n o pue den sal ir de s us cas as – Oficina Parroquial: 770-205-7969
Holy Land Olive Wood Sales This Weekend How can I benefit on my taxes when I donate appreciated stock to St. Brendan’s? With increased unrest in the Holy Land, unemployment has risen to almost 75%. Some Christian Palestinians have responded by fleeing the Holy Land. The absence of a living Christian community in this area is very dangerous for the future of holy sites such as the Church of the Nativity and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This sale is to help strengthen the Christian presence in the city of Bethlehem and the surrounding areas. Proceeds will go directly to the Christian artisans who create the hand carved pieces. Buying one piece will help prevent Christians from leaving the Holy Land. Now is the time to consider making a special end of year donation to your favorite charitable organization or church, including St Brendan’s. Consider donating appreciated stock as your gift; this allows you to take full advantage of the donation value, while forgoing the tax on the appreciated value. For detailed information on how to accomplish this, or to get details on how this type of gift saves you tax dollars and doesn't affect your cash flow, please contact Sebby Russo at [email protected] or 770 886 2390. LifeTeen Fall Retreat St. Brendan's LifeTeen Fall Retreat, Spoken, will be held November 14-­‐16 at the Georgia FFA-­‐FCCLA Center. The cost per teen attendee is $150. The cost per teen leader is $75. Contact the Youth Ministry office for more information and permission slips. There are only 50 spots available, so sign up today! Youth Faith Formation Upcoming Meetings On Sunday, October 19th, LifeTeen will not meet. On Sunday, October 26th, LifeTeen will meet at St. Brendan’s in the Social Hall beginning at 6:00pm with dinner. It will conclude with a Teen Mass at 7:30. All are welcome to attend this Mass. Third Annual Ernie Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament Monday, October 27, at the Polo Fields Golf and Country Club Tournament will be a 4-­‐person scramble. Registration will start at 9:00 am, followed by a balloon release ceremony at 10:30 am and a shot gun start at 11:00 am. Proceeds from this tournament will benefit the American Cancer Society. For more information about how you can donate a prize, become a sponsor, or register to play, contact: [email protected]. Altar Server Training To be eligible to be an Altar Server, girls and boys must be in the 5th grade or older and have received their First Eucharist. Servers are required to attend 3 training sessions which will be held on Sat. 11/1, 12noon-­‐3pm and Sat. 11/8, 12noon-­‐3pm (alternate date will be Sat. 11/15, 12noon-­‐
3pm). We also offer dates during the week: Mon. 10/20, Thurs. 10/23, Fri. 10/24, Mon. 10/27, and Thurs. 10/30, from 6:30 pm -­‐ 8:30 pm. Weekday training will be limited to a maximum of 4 servers. Please contact Karen Matuza, mack-­‐[email protected], 678-­‐778-­‐8619 OR Matthew Brech, [email protected], 404-­‐457-­‐2735. Parish Electronic Recycling Event Saturday, October 25th (9AM-­‐1PM Church Parking Lot) Start collecting now. Bring all your old electronics for disposal. For a list of accepted and not accepted items, go to our website at www.stbrendasatl.com listed on the front page under the Upcoming Events section. For additional information contact Kelle Russo at [email protected]. Knights of Columbus Annual Polish Dinner The Knights of Columbus of St Brendan's Catholic Church will host the annual Polish Dinner in the Church Social Hall on Saturday, Nov 8, 2014. The doors will open at 6PM; the dinner starts at 7PM. Come and taste the culinary delights of Poland featuring pierogi, kielbasa and golumki. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door for a beautiful assortment of gifts. Soft drinks, beer and wine will be sold by the Knights of Columbus. The $25 tickets will go fast so purchase yours now. For tickets call either Charles Hendricks 770-­‐887-­‐5656, Frank Janik 770-­‐884-­‐0849, Tom Carriere 770-­‐475-­‐9110 or Mike Underwood 770-­‐442-­‐1266. LIFT – Living in Faith Together For all women of the parish -­‐ Tuesday, Oct. 21, 6:30-­‐8:30 pm in the Social Hall. Join us for "LIFT OFF" of this new monthly event brought to you by Adult Faith Formation. Evening will include dinner, a speaker, and always a great opportunity to grow in faith and friendship with others. All are welcome! Suggested donation for evening: $7. St. Brendan’s Theater Scripture These live scripture theater performances are for everyone from young to old. Enjoy the action while learning scripture. Sun. 10/26 at 8:45 am, 10:45 am and 3:15 pm Mon. 10/27 at 4:15 pm Tues. 10/28 at 4:15 pm Location: Social Hall For more information or to help with this program-­‐ Contact: Sara Martinez at [email protected].
Extra Halloween Candy? We will be collecting extra Halloween candy, which will be stuffed into goodie bags and distributed to the homeless in downtown Atlanta. A collection tub will be located in the Narthex of the church. Thank you for your support! Meals for Priests Ministry Potluck Dinner Oct. 30, Following 6pm Mass There will be a Pot Luck dinner for members, their families and our priests. Come enjoy dinner and meet other members. Bring a favorite food to share. Drinks provided. Door prizes. Anyone interested in serving in our ministry is invited. RSVP by Oct 20th to Mary Perott, [email protected] or call 770-­‐
844-­‐8236. Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday:
Next Sunday:
Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38
Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48
Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9
Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40
Job Opportunity -­‐ (Bilingual) Assistant Director of Music The responsibilities include but are not limited to:
• Playing/directing weekend liturgies to include Adult Choir & Spanish Choir
• Playing/directing holy day celebrations
• Planning music for liturgical celebrations
The ideal candidate should have:
• Fluency in Spanish (required)
• Previous training/experience in church music ministry
• A working knowledge of the Catholic Liturgy, the liturgical year, and the role
music plays within the liturgy
• Strong piano, vocal and conducting skills
• Ability to work closely and pastorally with Director of Music, Parish Staff and
• Ability to motivate and increase participation among parish members.
Send cover letter, resume, and references by October 30, to:
Laurie Johnson, Business Manager
St Brendan Catholic Church, 4633 Shiloh Road, Cumming, GA 30040 or
[email protected]
Save the Date for the ALL SAINTS PARTY! Saturday, November 1st, 2014 6:00 -­‐8:00 pm in Social Hall. Featuring stations of games, crafts, stories and saint souvenirs! Pizza will be sold by the slice and salads, beverages and desserts will be served. Come dressed as your favorite saint! If you attend the 5:00 pm Mass in your saint costume, you will be invited to participate in the procession and have a seat up front. Giving Tree Volunteers Needed The Giving Tree helps those in need from our parish with a Christmas wish. Many volunteers are needed to help with registration, organization, wrapping, distribution, and much more. If you are interested in helping contact, Kelle Russo at [email protected]. Trunk or Treat Please join us for the St. Brendan's Preschool Annual Trunk or Treat on October 24th from 5:00-­‐7:30 pm. Trunk or treating is a safe and unique way to trick or treat by going “trunk to trunk” in a family-­‐
friendly, festive atmosphere. Families can decorate their car trunk and provide candy to the little ghosts, goblins, and princesses. They can even dress as a little “saint” in honor of All Saints Day. Reserve your spot today. Please contact Lori DeRoche at [email protected] for more information. Homeschool Mass
Join us every 1st Friday for a Homeschool Mass.
The next Mass will be Friday, November 7. This will
occur during the regularly scheduled 8:30 AM Mass.
All are welcome! Bring a picnic and meet us at
Fowler Park following the Mass.
A few Moms meet every Friday for Mass, decade,
and play at a local park. Everyone is welcome!
Contact: Susanne Christopher at 610-563-9242, or
[email protected].
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
We cannot serve two masters: When our minds are
on things of this world we do not think about
philanthropy or giving to the parish from our estates,
but when we have a conversion of heart and realize
all we have are gifts from God we begin to think
about how we steward those gifts. How can those
gifts be used to help others? When making our wills
we want to make sure our family is provided for but
also consider your parish as part of your family.
Gifts to the parish endowment fund can help many
parish ministries for years to come. visit
www.cfnga.org or contact: Diane Duquette, Director
of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation, 404497-9440 or [email protected].
Parish Stewardship of Treasure
12"Oct"14 /
19"Oct"14 /
26"Oct"14 /
Stewardship Thought for the
Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God”? See Matthew 22:21 (en español) Cada año nosotros, en época de impuestos, conscientemente damos “al César las cosas del César.” ¿Mi modo de administrar los bienes de Dios indica que tengo la misma fidelidad para dar “a Dios lo que corresponde a Dios?” Electronic/Giving/for/the/Month:
/ /
/ /
La Legión de Maria estará coordinando y entregando la Virgen Peregrina a la familia que
esté en lista, cada Domingo antes de la bendición final. Esta familia traerá la
Virgen el siguiente Domingo antes
de que empiece la misa, para ser
expuesta al pié del altar.
El objetivo principal es promover
el rezo del Santo Rosario con la
A todos los interesados, por favor
acuda con Toni Domínguez para
escribir su nombre en la lista de
Acompáñenos el 1º de Noviembre
a nuestra Adoración Nocturna
mensual, a partir de las 9:00pm.
Una hora, dos horas… el tiempo que usted desee acompañar al
Santísimo Sacramento.
Informes con Alberto Robles (404)
Domingo del Sacerdocio
26 de Octubre
El Domingo del Sacerdocio es un
día especial dedicado a honrar el
sacerdocio. Es un día para reflexionar y reafirmar el papel central del
sacerdote dentro de la vida de la
Iglesia. Acompáñenos a celebrar a
nuestros Sacerdotes con una oración, una nota de aprecio, una sonrisa, etc., para demostrar nuestro
aprecio y gratitud por su presencia
en nuestra comunidad parroquial.
Después de cada misa ofreceremos
aperitivos afuera de la iglesia para
convivir con nuestros Sacerdotes
en esta fecha tan especial.
Oficialmente se ha
iniciado la Devoción
al Divino Niño en San
Brendan, el Divino
Niño que vino a ayudar los pobres y enfermos de Bogotá, Colombia, por
medio del sacerdote Salesiano Padre John Rizzo. El alimentó a los
pobres, vistió los desnudos y dió
medicinas a los enfermos.
Fiesta de Todos los Santos
Sábado 1º de Noviembre de 6pm a
8pm en el Salón Social. Tendremos juegos, artes manuales, historietas, comida para vender y ¡recuerditos de Santos!
Venga vestido de su Santo favorito.
Ven y oremos juntos la novena al
Divino Niño los Miércoles después de la misa en Español de
las 7:00p.m.
Trunk or Treat
¡Reserve la Fecha!
El Preescolar de San Brendan le
invita a su “Trunk or Treat” el viernes 24 de Octubre de 5:00pm a
7:30pm. Esta es una forma segura
de llevar a los niños a divertirse en
un ambiente amigable y festivo.
Los niños pueden vestir sus disfraces, o personificar a su Santo favorito.
La Renovación Carismática Católica Hispana de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta les
invita a la XI Conferencia Mariana (“He ahí a Tu Madre” Juan 19:27) Gwinnett Center, 6200 Sugarloaf Pkwy. Duluth GA 30097
Sábado Octubre 25 8 am hasta 7pm y Domingo 26 8 am haqsta 5 pm. Donación: $15
de 13 años en adelante. Tendremos sección
juvenile de 13 a 18 años.
Padre John Mario Montoya, Padre Teófilo
Rodríguez, David Bisono, Félix Pimentel
Una vez más el Árbol de la Generosidad estará disponible para todas
aquellas familias en necesidad de ayuda. Miembros registrados de San
Brendan que comprueben su participación activa en la comunidad parroquial podrán recibir la ayuda. Por favor consulte el volante informativo
sobre como calificar así como la ayuda que se proporcionara este año.
Para más información llame a la oficina de Vida Parroquial. Las siguientes
son las fechas y horarios de registros:
18 Octubre
3PM -5PM
Salón de Conferencias/Sacristía
Salón Social
21 Octubre
23 Octubre
Salón de Conferencias/Sacristía
Oficina Parroquial
Salón de Conferencias/Sacristía
Oficina Parroquial
26 Octubre
26 Octubre
Centro de Aprendizaje
2PM hasta la ultima
persona en la línea
Salón de Conferencias/Sacristía
Oficina Parroquial
2 Noviembre
2PM hasta la ultima
persona en la línea
Salón de Conferencias/Sacristía
Oficina Parroquial

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