December 28, 2014 - St. Andrew the Apostle
December 28, 2014 - St. Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL 6415 NE ANTIOCH ROAD, GLADSTONE, MO 64119 ● WWW.SATAPS.COM Sunday, December 28, 2014 ● Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph ● Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (c. 1710) By Andrea Celesti Father Vincent M. Rogers Pastor Phone: (816) 453–2089 ext. 3 Email: [email protected] Father john R. Fitzpatrick Associate Pastor Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 7 Email: [email protected] Rebecca Sachen Principal Phone: (816) 454—7377 ext. 318 Email: [email protected] Shelley Palmarine Business Manager Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 4 Email: [email protected] Mass Times Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 7:30 am Thursday 8:45 am & 6:00 pm Confessions Monday 8:30 am (School Students) Monday 12:00 pm Wednesday 5:30 pm Thursday 9:30 am First Friday 8:00 am Saturday 3:15 pm—4:15 pm Adoration & Benediction Thursday Adoration 9:30 am—6:00 pm “ Rosary 5:00 pm “ Benediction 5:45 pm First Thurs. Overnight Adoration 7pm Thurs. - 7am Fri. For Sacraments, Youth Programs, & Ministries Please see pg. 11 of the bulletin for contact info. Bulletin Submissions & Prayer list [email protected] * (816) 453—2089, ext. 5 Please submit by Monday at 5pm or earlier. Parish News 2 Welcome! ST. ANDREW’S HOLIDAY MASS SCHEDULE & OFFICE CLOSINGS 151 new families Mary, Mother of God: Holy Day of Obliga on In 2014, * Wed. Dec. 31 * 7pm Mass * No confessions joined St. Andrew’s Parish! This * Thurs. Jan. 1 * 8:45am & 6pm Masses * No weekly adora on nor monthly overnight adora on. makes a grand total of families that are part of our parish family! Parish & School Offices CLOSED: Dec. 31, & Jan. 1st Catholic Key Newspaper Appeal * Jan 3/4 Weekend If you would like a subscrip on to the diocesan Catholic Key newspaper, please pay $25 for the year subscrip on, and designate that on your envelope to place in the regular collec on basket the Jan 3rd/4th weekend. There will not be a second collec on taken up. Thank you. Homebound Voicemail Box 964 If you sit next to any new parishioners at Mass, please invite them to join you and your family for donuts a er the morning Masses! December Altar Bread If you would like to receive Holy Communion from this ministry during the weekend OR if you currently receive it but need to make a change to your weekend schedule, please call Silvia Torres at (816) 452-3231 before Friday and leave a message. You will be contacted regarding your needs. Donated in memory of the Poor Souls in Purgatory Donated by Anonymous PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Our parishioners who are sick or suffering: Steve Ballard Francoise Bayliss John Bayliss Sylvie Bernard Stephanie Cain Ross & Clarene Cascio Larry Catanese Kathryn Cure Carolyn DeMarco Jace Devolder Johanna Dorcy Bill Frentrop Miriam Gemperle Paul Hebert Candace Louis John Loya Nick Manoy Anthony Mazzeffe John Mahan Wes McKellar Coleen Moore Ann Mulcrone Larry Munger Lewis Nordike Natale Occhipin , Sr. Theresa Occhipin Ava Ohden Pam Parker Be y Payne Mary Pearson Ka e Perkins Jorge Reyno Sheila Roth Virginia Schembri Barbara Schmidt Charlo e Scolaro Judy Serrone Kenny Su on James Thornton Theresa Tobin Anna Cangelosi Toler Chris ne Trollinger Nancy Tutorino Our family and friends who are sick and suffering: Jo Ann Holdener, Alec Lindsey, Rosemary Miele, Sheila Vonn Ahme, Tom Vonnahme, Jay Overstreet, Zachary Vowinski, Douglas Bayliss, Tim Diondo, and Ric Laudel. Our family and friends who serve in the military. All parishioners who have passed away recently: David Ambriz, Sal Cascone, & Ma hew Manzo, Sr. The most recently added names to the sick list above will appear in bold-faced font each week, and they will appear in the bulletin for one month. Afterwards, they will be transferred to our Prayer Hotline for continuous prayers. If you wish to have a name appear for more than 30 days, please contact the parish office. Altar & Rosary Society Poinsettia Memorial Sale 3 Altar & Rosary Society Poinsettia Sale 4 School News 5 Virtus Training (Protec ng God’s Children) Class Tues. January 27, 2015 6:30pm @ St. Andrew’s Parish Hall Congratula ons to the UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER WINNERS! Want to a end a school field trip? Or volunteer in one of our parish or school youth programs? All volunteers who encounter youth need to take a one- me diocesan Virtus training class. In addion, it is mandatory that they complete a background check every 5 years and fill out an Ethics & Integrity in Ministry form. You must pre-register online at by crea ng a username & password. 1st Place = Joey Palma, 2nd Place = Ella McNeil, Ques ons? Please contact Ka e Overstreet at 3rd Place = Luca Silvio, 4th Place = Natalie Palma (816) 453-2089 ext. 5 or [email protected] Parish News 6 The Coming Home Committee Are you looking for a way to get involved? Are you passionate about mee ng new people and making others feel welcomed? Do you like to be around others who share the same love of the Catholic religion as you? Then, this commi ee is perfect for you! Our goal is to embrace new parishioners, RCIA converts, and fallen away Catholics with the love of Christ and to welcome them home to St Andrew's Parish family. We need your crea ve ideas and passion to help to accomplish this! Hello St Andrew's family! We are wrapping up our first year and are looking for addi onal members for our new year that starts at our February 2nd, 2015 mee ng. We have implemented various ideas throughout the year and have received encouraging feedback, but in order for us to con nue this momentum, we need you so we may con nue our mission and purpose! The commi ee strives to: * Be the face of Christ and the first person of contact for new parishioners * Provide general informa on about the Catholic faith * Invite and encourage others to par cipate in parish ministries * Serve to facilitate a personal, ongoing bond of connec on with others to parish life * Discover new and crea ve ways to best reach out to fellow parishioners, or those who have fallen away, and who need our help in bringing them back home. So what's the me commitment? * We meet only 1 me per month for about 1 - 1.5 hours at a me. (Not bad!) * Addi onal volunteer opportuni es available if you would like to be more involved. * A one or two-year commitment (Note: You can start with a one-year commitment, and see how you like it.) If you like mee ng new people, being involved in the parish and helping others become closer to Christ, then we need you! We encourage ALL parishioners to apply, especially new parishioners. If you are interested in joining, please complete an applica on today on the parish website at Please return the applica on to the parish office by Wednesday January 14, 2015. We look forward to mee ng all of you! God Bless! Kris ne Tejada, Coming Home Commi ee Member Wednesday, December 31st * 7:00 pm Sacristan: Sharon Echols EMHC: Ushers: Sacristan: Laura Heinz David Lackey Lectors: Ryan Carnes EMHC: Anita Pabon Rudy Pabon Servers: Grant Stoner Caleb Stoner Thursday, January 1st * 8:45 am Sacristan: Sharon Echols EMHC: Geri Townsend Lectors: Margaret Mancuso Dan Grelinger Ushers: Ronnie Hall Jerry Townsend Servers: Ben Wormsley Thursday, January 1st * 6:00 pm Rainaldo Ambriz David Lackey Laura Heinz Lectors: Paul Benedict Debra Carothers Ushers: David Lackey Bill Carothers Servers: Nicholas Peterson Dylan McNair Adult Formation & Local News 7 BHI Class: Our Life in Christ Dates: Thursdays, Jan. 8, 15, & 22 Instructor: Scott McKellar Time: 6:30pm Register: Place: St. Andrew’s School Rm 133 Description: This course investigates Part 3 of the Catechism: “Life in Christ.” Students will learn the Catholic understanding of the human person, as discovered in nature and revealed by Sacred Scripture and Tradition. From the Catechism, we discuss the common human vocation to beatitude and how this vocation is lived out as “Life in Christ.” The concepts of freedom, conscience, sin, grace, virtue, and law will be explored along with their role as the means of motivating moral action from relationship and excellence rather than mere duty and legalism. Finally, the Ten Commandments will be our frame of reference for examining specific questions about moral actions and virtues. Cost: BHI reduced the price of tuition to only $25 per course or $40/married couple! Students can save even more money if they want to pre-pay for the year of courses. It is $150/individual or $240/married couple. As always, if a student cannot afford a course they can request a scholarship, and we will not turn them away. For more information, please visit, email [email protected], or (816) 714-2331. A Biblical Workshop with S.O.S. Benefit Dinner Professor Sco Hahn: for Seminarians "The Gospel of John and the New Evangeliza on" Professor Sco Hahn is well known to many Catholics as one of the most popular speakers in the country. He is a convert, a Biblical theologian, author, and founder of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. h p://www.salva Dr. Hahn was appointed by Cardinal George in 2014 as the McEssy Dis nguished Visi ng Professorship in Biblical Theology at Mundelein Seminary. He is also a discre onary lay consultant to the Va can Congregaon for the Doctrine of the Faith. He is a frequent presenter on Catholic radio and television. Dr. Hahn is married to Kimberly Hahn, have six children, and reside in Steubenville, Ohio. Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 7, 2015 at St. Therese Parish (Parkville). More details about this event will be provided soon by the diocese. Ques ons? Please contact Dr. Sasso at [email protected] The 22nd annual “SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS” Benefit Dinner is dedicated to Our Lady of Knock and is scheduled for Friday, January 30, 2015. This event benefits seminarians from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, and Conception Seminary College. It promises to be an evening filled with fun and laughter, celebrating our Catholic faith, dining on wonderful food, and socializing with our priests and seminarians! We have two wonderful speakers: Archbishop James P. Keleher, Archbishop Emeritus, of the Archdiocese in Kansas, and Fr. Donald P. Farnan of St. Thomas More Parish in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, who will eulogize Bishop Raymond Boland. S.O.S. will be held at the Marriott Muehlebach Hotel, 12th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri. The ticket price is $150.00 per person at tables of ten people. To reserve your place, or an entire table, or donate to the marketplace or VIP silent auction, contact: Martha Hodes at 913-207-9893 or [email protected]. Adult Formation & Local News 8 Kansas City-St. Joseph SAVE THE DATE! Diocesan Cursillo Retreats * Fri. March 13th, 2015* 6:30 - 8:30pm @ St. Andrew’s Interna onal Speaker, Spiritual Author, & Preacher Fr. Jacques Philippe With over 500,000 copies sold in 18 languages, Fr. Jacques Philippe's wri ngs on themes such as prayer, interior freedom, and peace of heart have become classics of modern Catholic spirituality. A er joining the Community of the Bea tudes in 1976, he spent several years in the Holy Land studying Hebrew and the Jewish roots of Chris anity. He has also preached retreats regularly in France and abroad and has consolidated his principal retreat themes into five books on spirituality. In recent years, he has devoted himself primarily to spiritual direc on, preaching retreats, and working for the development of the Community in Asia and Oceania, where he travels frequently. More details coming! For more informa on, please call (816) 714-2308 or contact Jim O'Laughlin at (816) 630-1090. Men’s Retreat is February 19-22, 2015 & Women’s Retreat is March 19-22, 2015 @ The Sisters of St. Francis Retreat Center in Independence, MO. Cursillo is an encounter with oneself, Christ, and our brothers and sisters. It enables Catholics to: Deepen their relationship with Christ; Grow in their understanding and appreciation for the Catholic faith; Share their faith with family, friends, and others; Sustain a much deeper faith life for the rest of their lives. For more information, please contact Mary Giordano at (816) 2152677 [email protected] or Henry Parente (816) 507-1699 [email protected] h p:// A Christmas Gift Mass of Thanksgiving On Saturday, January 10th, 2015, a Mass of thanksgiving will be held at St. Gabriel’s Parish, 4737 N Cleveland, KC MO at 9am. for Married Couples... Couples, do want to give each other something real- A special second Saturday Mass will be held in honor of our Blessed Mother's intercession for all the prayers answered in our diocese sidewalk counseling ministry and Friends of Prayer prayer groups. All our welcome! ly special this Christmas? How about a Any ques ons? Please contact Tina Gorman at [email protected] ment? That's just the beginning of Retrouvaille: For Struggling Marriages You Can Help Your Marriage... Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vie) helps couples through difficult mes in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples experiencing difficul es in their marriage. For confiden al informa on about or to register for the February program beginning with a weekend on Feb 27March 1, 2015, please email [email protected], call 1-800-470-2230, or visit gift filled with Romance and Excitewhat you will receive on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! The next Marriage Encounter Weekend in KC is Feb. 6-8, 2015. For more details, visit:, call Tony and Barb Zimmerman (816)741-4066, or e-mail [email protected]. Youth Formation 9 Mass Intentions MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 29th 7:30 am Madelynn Adkison Tuesday, December 30th 7:30 am † Edmund Gardner Wednesday, December 31st 7:30 am † Marvin Noll 7:00 pm Holy Day Vigil Mass: † Joe & Nicky Nicola Thursday, January 1st 8:45 am Holy Day Mass: † Joseph Hummel 6:00 pm Holy Day Mass: † Dustin Howell 10 Friday, January 2nd 7:30 am Kathy Sutton Sacrificial Offerings to God: Saturday, January 3rd 8:00 am Ray Schweizer 4:30 pm † Sonny Ferrara Dec. 13 & 14 Offertory Sunday, January 4th 8:00 am † John Wutich 10:30 am St. Andrew’s Parishioners 6:30 pm † Paul Scola Maintenance Plate $37.00 $749.21 Building († Indicates Mass for deceased person) $26,855.22 2nd collec on Total $25.00 $1,068.00 $28,734.43 Liturgical Ministry Schedule Saturday, January 3rd * 4:30 pm Sunday, January 4th * 10:30 am Anna Marie Inzenga EMHC: Greeters: Linda Buck Karen Castrianni Greeters: Youth Lectors: Vic Cascio Santa Cascio Lectors: Anita Pabon Youth Ushers: Rod Heelan John Kalmus Ushers: Ron Miller Rudy Pabon Joe LaBella Vince Liberto Sal Avendano Jeff Gorman EMHC: Laura Heinz Servers: Johnny Joe Liberto Connor Brady Dick Trischler Youth Servers: Nnamdi Anyanike Laurie Filley Connie Miller Ekene Anyanike Frankie John Cherrito Seth O’Dell Sunday, January 4th * 6:30 pm Sunday, January 4th * 8:00 am Fred Hack EMHC: Mindy Ramsey Donna Geisinger Greeters: Geri Townsend Lynn Mathews Greeters: Michele Brady Hannah Gorman Lectors: Margaret Mancuso Christina Florez Lectors: Dan Grelinger Candy Pfaltzgraf Ushers: Jerry Townsend Jerry Mathews Ushers: Christopher Motko Gary Gass Patrick Childress Earl Pittman Bill Chirpich John Chirpich EMHC: Steve Connelly Servers: Sean Childress Guerren Bass Everett Bass Servers: Zachary Gass Ashley Gass Mary Chirpich Diocesan Office of Child & Youth Protection The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Mary Bultmann at 816-714-2387 or [email protected] for more info. Calendar 11 Monday, December 29th * School Closed 7:00 am Rosary 7:30 am Mass 8:30 am School Confessions 12:00 pm Confessions Tuesday, December 30th * School Closed 7:00 am Rosary 7:30 am Mass Wednesday, December 31st * School Closed 7:00 am Rosary 7:30 am Mass 10:00 am Small Faith Sharing 5:30 pm Confessions 6:30 pm Cantor Practice 7:00 pm Holy Day Mass 7:15 pm Choir Practice Thursday, January 1st * No Adoration & School Closed 8:45 am Holy Day Mass 6:00 pm Holy Day Mass Friday, January 2nd * School Closed 7:00 am Rosary 7:30 am Mass Sunday, January 4th * NO youth programs 7:30 am 8:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm Rosary Mass Mass Mass Saturday, January 3rd * Hospital Ministers: Vanderheiden & Torres 7:00 am 8:00 am 3:15 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm Men’s Cursillo First Saturday Mass Confessions Rosary Mass Directory Parish Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone Office………………………....(816) 453-2089 Hours…………..M thru F 8:30 am—4:30 pm Website…………………… Facebook….St. Andrew the Apostle Parish & School Parish Staff Pastor, Fr. Vincent Rogers…………….ext. 3 Associate Pastor, Fr. Fitzpatrick……..ext. 7 Business Manager, Shelley Palmarine..ext.4 Pastoral Associate, Katie Overstreet......ext. 5 [email protected] Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades K-5) Donna Geisinger………………………...ext. 107 [email protected] Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades 6-12) Carolyn Anch…………………………..305-1903 [email protected] Edge Youth Director, Julia Winkler...876-0633 [email protected] Administrative Assistant, Fred Hack..ext. 113 [email protected] Social Outreach, Geri Townsend…….....ext. 2 Prayer & Worship, Ginny Trischler…453-7377 [email protected] Music Director, Susan Campagna….454-1489 [email protected] Parish Council Fr. Rogers Jeff Gorman Gary Herman Becky Sachen Jeremy Strohmeyer Parish Ministries Tammy Liberto Kent Pesek Shelley Palmarine Grace Hickey School Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone Office………………………..(816) 454-7377 Fax…………………………..(816) 453-6393 School Hours………….8:15 am — 3:15 pm Preschool Full Day……8:15 am — 3:15 pm Preschool Half Day….8:15 am — 11:45 am Extended Care, Before School,7:00am—8:00am After School…….3:30 pm — 5:00 pm School Staff Principal, Rebecca Sachen……….ext. 318 School Secretary, LuCinda Buckner..ext. 321 Sacramental Preparation Baptism Registration, K. Overstreet…. ext. 5 Baptism Class, Ronnie Hall……….701-6104 First Communion, Donna Geisinger..ext. 107 Confirmation, Carolyn Anch……....305-1903 RCIA & RCIC (Adult & Youth Converts)…...ext. 5 Marriage Prep, Fr. Rogers….……….…ext. 3 Diocesan Young Adult Ministry (20-30’s) Dave DiNuzzo……[email protected] Adoration, Tina Gorman………….734-4685 Adult Education, R. Hernandez….454-6655 Altar & Rosary Society, F. Vogel...455-0503 Altar Servers, Fr. Rogers………….…..ext. 3 Annulment Advocate, Fr. Fitzpatrick....ext. 7 Circle of Friends, Teresa Tobin….804-9145 Coming Home Committee…………….ext. 5 Cookie Ladies, Geri Townsend….…...ext. 2 Funeral Dinners, Rene Daniels….468-4355 Greeters, Karen Castrianni……....455-3305 Homebound Ministry, S. Torres.…452-3231 Hospital Ministers, J. England…...437-8881 Lectors & Ushers, Trischlers…….453-7377 Legion of Mary, Rhoda Nicola…...454-8633 Men’s Cursillo, Henry Parente…..507-1699 Prayer Hotline, S. Torres…………454-3231 Pro-Life, Edie Ferrara…………….468-9292 Sacristans, Dan Grelinger………..455-6164 Senior Classics, S. Briscoe………436-5918 St. Benedict’s Food Pantry……….415-2728 Small Faith Groups, H. Lopez…....453-6599 That Man Is You! G. Lebold……..454-0447 Vocations, Sandy Sutton………....413-0762 Women’s Cursillo, M. Giordano....215-2677 Morning Star Gift Shop………..550-8310 INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address: St. Andrew the Apostle #028550 6415 NE Antioch Road Gladstone, MO 64119 Contact person: Katie Overstreet (816) 453-2089, ext 5 Software: Win XP-SP3, MSPub 2007, AA-X Date of publication: Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 10 text pages + this page = 12(1 ad page) Special instructions for Production: Please print 650 bulletins. THIS IS THE BULLETIN FOR 12-28-14... FedEx shipping address: 6415 NE Antioch Road, Gladstone MO 64119 Special instructions for delivery (if any): Please deliver bulletins to the school (located behind the church). FedEx tracking e-mail: [email protected]
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