Conventual Franciscan Catholic Community
Conventual Franciscan Catholic Community
OCTOBER 5, 2014| 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Bonaventure Conventual Franciscan Catholic Community MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday—Friday: Holydays: 4:30 pm 8:00, 10:00 am 8:45 am Communion Service 8:45 am Mass check bulletin RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:15 pm or by Appointment ANOINTING Call the Parish Office BAPTISM Call the Parish Office to register for bi-monthly classes MARRIAGE Call the Parish Office at least six months prior, to arrange PARISH STAFF Pastor Deacon Deacon Executive Director Parish Secretary Bulletin Editor Stewardship Coordinator Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator Director of Music & Liturgy Organist/Accompanist Health & Wellness Coordinator Maintenance Lead Faith Formation Team Director of P-12th grades Administrative Assistant Friar in Residence Friar in Residence Fr. Richard Kaley Jon DeLuney Jack Weiland Ardith Broich Joan DeLuney Sharon Menden Mickey Redfearn ext. 11 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ext. 12 [email protected] ext. 10 [email protected] ext. 10 [email protected] ext. 13 [email protected] Paeter Wait Karen Thompson David Padden ext. 14 ext. 31 Rebecca Running John Mohs ext. 23 [email protected] ext. 25 [email protected] [email protected] ext. 24 [email protected] ext. 22 [email protected] Gary Russell Tricia Kawakami Br. Jeffrey Hines Fr. Ed Goldbach [email protected] [email protected] Tom Stibal Jeanette Chwialkowski 952-854-6654 952-888-0906 PASTORAL COUNCIL Francis Sothy—Chair Jim Bittner–Vice-Chair RCIA Call Mickey Redfearn: 952-854-4733, ext. 13 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday Friday 8:00-4:30 pm 8:00-3:00 pm (Closed for Morning Mass) Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 3:00 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL Open 24 hours, seven days a week Call Pat at 952-888-1147 PARISH LIBRARY Call Tricia Kawakami, Librarian at 952-854-4753 St. Bonaventure Catholic Community Bloomington, MN St. Bonaventure Young Adult Group St Bonaventure Youth Group - JSWAG PRAYER LINE 952-393-5678 952-890-5693 Call the Faith Formation Office: 952-854-4753 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE HOURS FIND US ON FACEBOOK TRUSTEE EUCHARIST, CONFIRMATION Marilyn Mantel 952-835-3945 CHOIR ROOM 952-851-0930 PARISH OFFICE 952-854-4733 ACTIVITIES BUILDING 952-854-4753 901 EAST 90TH STREET ● BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55420 ● 952-854-4733 Fax: 952-851-9690 Email: [email protected] Web Site: 2 WEEKLY CALENDAR MONDAY 8:15 am 8:45 am 9:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm OCTOBER 6 Morning Prayer Communion Service/Rosary Tai Chi in Ambrose Hall Card Club in Room 1 Exercise Class in Ambrose Hall RCIA in Church/St. Francis Room TUESDAY OCTOBER 7 8:15 am Morning Prayer 8:45 am Mass (Fatma Kamara) /Rosary 9:30 am Exercise Class in Ambrose Hall 9:30 am Craft Group in Room 1 11:00 am Food Shelf until 1:00 pm in Room 9 7:00 pm CARE in Room 1 7:00 pm Boy Scouts in Rooms 7, 8 7:30 pm Praise Jesus in Church/St. Francis Room WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8 8:15 am Morning Prayer 8:45 am Mass (Strengthening and Healing the Family Unit) /Rosary 9:30 am BeFriender Training in Church/Youth Room 9:30 am Isaiah Bible Study in Church/St. Francis Room 6:30 pm Faith Formation Classes Grades 1-10 in Activities Building 7:00 pm Choir in the Church THURSDAY OCTOBER 9 8:15 am Morning Prayer 8:45 am Mass (For the Sick and Homebound) /Rosary 9:30 am BeFriender in Church/St Francis Room 9:30 am Exercise Class in Ambrose Hall 7:00 pm Rosary/Marian Prayer/in the Church FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 8:15 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Corpus Christi Home School in Activities Building 8:45 am Mass (†Audrey Vayder)/Rosary 2:00 pm Food Shelf until 4:00 pm in Room 9 SATURDAY OCTOB ER 11 9:30 am St. Thomas More Unemployment Meeting in Room 1 9:30 am Zumba in Ambrose Hall 2:00 am Christian Life Program in Rooms 7, 8 4:30 pm Mass (†Dahm Brothers James, Michael, Herold, Martin) 5:30 pm Blood Pressure Screening in Church/St. Francis Room SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 8:00 am Mass (For the Parish) 9:00 am Blood Pressure Screening in Church/St. Francis Room 9:30 am Rosary for Life & Marriage–Adoration Chapel 10:00 am Mass (†Doug Pulkrabek) 10:00 am PreK - K Classes in Rooms 4, 6 11:00 am Blood Pressure Screening in Church/St. Francis Room 1:00 pm Secular Franciscans in Room 1 8:00 pm A.A. Meeting in Room 8 WEDDING Pray for Stephanie Furedi and Dion Kuznia who will receive the Sacrament of Marriage on October 18, 2014 MEETING Heaven Help Us Players and anyone who would be interested in being a part of our next Musical Revue (scheduled for January 30, 31 and February 1) is invited to a general meeting on Tuesday, October 14th, 7:00 pm in Room 4 of the Activities Building. We welcome new singers/ dancers/actors offering creative ideas! Call Karen at 952-851-0930 ext. 31. LOAVES AND FISHES Every other month a group of dedicated volunteers gather in our parish kitchen and prepare a meal to serve to the poor and hungry in the St. Stephens Area of Minneapolis, (21st St. and Clinton). This month the supper will be prepared on Monday, October 20 at 5:00 pm, and then served on Tuesday, October 21 at St. Stephen’s Church in Minneapolis. A bus/carpool leaves St. Bonaventure Church at 3:15 pm on Tuesday. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please call the parish office at 952-854-4733. Monetary donations are always welcome to help cover the cost of food. 3 4th Degree Pancake Breakfast Knights of Columbus Building EVERYONE is invited to enjoy a Sausage and Pancake Breakfast from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm on Sunday, October 12, 2014. The Breakfast will include Pancakes, Sausage, Juice, Coffee, and Milk. Adults $7.00 Ages 6-12 years $4.00 Pre-school Free Clown, Free Balloon Art and Face Painting for Children. Blood Pressure Screening provided by the City of Bloomington. Theology on Tap West Metro Young Adults invites anyone ages 18-39 to join us for a six-week Theology on Tap series on Tuesday nights starting October 7. This event is open to Catholics and non-Catholics, and it will take place at Mozza Mia in Edina (3910 W 50th St.) Our first talk will be “Discipleship with Mary,” given by Sr. Mary Juliana on October 7th. Doors open for dinner/social time at 6:30 pm. The talk will begin at 7:30 pm. To learn more about Theology on Tap, West Metro Young Adults, or to sign up for their email list please visit theology-tap/ THE PASTOR Dear Parishioners, We have seen greed—wanting more and more, with disregard for agreements and violation of what is right and just—bring ruin upon oneself and others. It is what Jesus is portraying in the parable in this weekend’s gospel. A landowner planted a vineyard and did everything possible to produce a bountiful harvest, and then leased it out to tenants to care for it. All they had to do was give the owner his share of what he had given them, but they refused, even resorting to violence and murder. As a result they would be brought to a wretched death. Fr. Richard Kaley Pastor We have also seen that God is generous and loving in those gifts he has given to us of creation, of life and of the talents we have. God expects us to care for, develop and nurture our gifts and to share them with others. It seems like a simple enough expectation, one that is right and just. We see in the gospel, however, what happens when greed and selfishness take over: it ends up being self-destructive and destructive of others. To avoid that for ourselves we need to take a look at how we develop and share the gifts God has given us. God expects us to bear fruit by loving as God has loved us. If we believe that what we have ultimately comes from God we will be more willing to share our time, our gifts and our money with others. For with God there is always more. Fr. Richard Reflection Question: Which of your gifts do you find hardest and/or easiest to share? P.S. On a personal note, I will be away on retreat this week. I will pray for you and ask that you pray for me. WELCOME Thank You for joining us today. If you are interested in registering with our parish, please take a moment to fill out the following and mail to the parish office. Registration forms will be sent to you for completion. Name:______________________________________________________________ THANKSGIVING FOR OUR COMMUNITY Address:____________________________________________________________ COLLECTION FOR WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 $10,575.10 St Bonaventure Catholic Community 901 East 90th Street, Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 Phone:______________________________________________________________ 4 PHOTO DIRECTORY Photo / Volunteer Opportunity We want you to be a part of our New Parish Family Directory We will be looking for any candid photography you may have of parish events taken since our last pictorial in 2008. Please submit electronically, (jpeg format, if possible) to the parish office ([email protected]). Photo sessions are scheduled for the month of November. You can register online by going to the St. Bonaventure website (, click on the Portrait Sign Up button and follow the directions. We will have someone available after all weekend Masses in the Church/St. Francis Room to assist you with online registration for the next few weeks. SNOWBIRDS: We want you to be included in our directory as well. In the event you are planning to leave prior to our photo sessions at St. Bonaventure, Life Touch offers you the opportunity to be photographed at another location and still be placed in our own directory. Please call the parish office (952-854-4733) for information on these locations and dates of photography. As with any project, this will require some volunteer effort. If you would be willing to learn more about this exciting project, please call the Parish Office. Tai Chi Chih Respect Life Month October is Respect Life Month. In honoring the tradition, St. Bonaventure’s Respect Life Ministry will be collecting clothing & much needed items for a Baby Shower for Infants & Children at North Side Life Care Center (NSLCC) on the weekend of October 18 and 19. North Side Life Care Center is a non profit serving the needs of women, infants and children who are low income or in crises. Their services include quality prenatal care & comprehensive support services before & after birth. Wish list—The items in bold are most needed: Similac Advance formula & Similac Sensitive formulas 8 oz. powdered cans Diapers size newborn, 1, 4, 5, 6, (2 & 3 not needed) Wipes-preferable unscented Pacifiers Diaper bags Undershirts size 9-12 months Sleepers 9-12 months Small toys, teeters, stuffed animals Crib sheets Digital thermometers Towels and Wash cloths Crib mobile Bibs Sleep sacks Toiletries Infant carrier covers Snugglis Socks Boy and girl new Winter outfits-- newborn—18 months Faith Formation Faith Formation classes have begun. If you have not yet registered your children/youth for classes you can drop by the Activities Building prior to Wednesday class time and fill out a registration form. If you have not already received a Faith Formation calendar, please stop by the Faith Formation Office and pick one up; then be sure to mark all the important dates and events—parent meeting dates, learning station dates and sacramental dates to ensure your attendance. We still need a few substitute catechists and classroom aides for the elementary classes as well as facilitators for Celebrate the Word (CtW), the Children’s Liturgy of the Word program. If you would like more information or would like to help out, call Gary at 952-854-4753. All volunteers who work with children/teens/vulnerable adults are required to have met the Essential Three standards: 1) sign a Code of Conduct, 2) submit to a background check and 3) complete a Virtus training session. You can register for a Virtus Training session at if you have not yet attended one. Tai Chi Chih (TCC) is a moving meditation. Regular practice can energize the body and calm the spirit. The eight-week Level One practice (beginning instruction-learning the movements) begins on October 6th. You are welcome to join the group and experience for yourself the health benefits that come with regular practice. Pre-registration is not necessary, just show up in Ambrose Hall at 9:30 am, learn about TCC and decide then if you want to join the group. Adoration St. John Vianney said, “Although the good God does not allow us to see Him, He is none the less present in the Blessed Sacrament; none the less ready to grant us all we ask.” Our Adoration Chapel in in need of an adorer on: Monday 10:00 am Sunday 11:00 am Please call Pat at 952-888-1147 to fill this need. May God Bless You. Thank You. 5 Please Join Us For Blood Pressure Screening We are pleased that we will once again be offering Blood Pressure screenings the second weekend of the month after all Masses beginning October 11th and 12th. We will be holding our Blood Pressure clinics in the beautiful new St. Francis Room where there will be plenty of space and privacy for those we will be serving. Please stop by and see us if you would like your Blood Pressure checked. If you are skilled in Blood Pressure assessment and would like to share your gifts through this important ministry of our church, please stop by and introduce yourself or call Becky Running, Health and Wellness Coordinator at (952) 854-4753 Ext.23 or email [email protected] Understanding Infertility October 8, 2014 7 pm – 9 pm St. Gabriel the Archangel St. Joseph Campus 1310 Main Street, Hopkins, MN NO registration needed free will offering There will be an opportunity to ask questions and find resources. A caring panel of experts will present the theological, biological, emotional and spiritual aspects of infertility. If you or someone you know is struggling with infertility, plan on attending to gain insights, resources and hear personal stories, too. Time for questions in large group and also, time to talk to panel members one on one. archspm_events/infertility-affects/ YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRIES Sever’s Corn Maze Fall is here- All are Welcome! The Youth & Family Ministries invites you an afternoon of fun. Sunday October 19th - 11:15 am (meet in the South parking lot after Mass to carpool). Entrance fees paid directly to Severs - $13 (4 & Older, 3 & Under FREE) Coupon available at Corn Maze—Corn Pit-Giant Slide—Jumping Pillows—Exotic Animal Zoo and More Contact Emily Dahl- 952-484-9383 ([email protected] We Care Meal Ministry We are excited that the “We Care Meal Ministry” is up and running and we would like to invite you to join us if you can. We are seeking volunteers who would be willing to prepare a home cooked meal for those in our church family experiencing the birth of a new child, illness, loss or life transition. The time commitment is completely up to you. The more volunteers we have the more we can share with those experiencing need. At the welcome desk you will find Meal Ministry cards for those who would like to share their gifts through this ministry as well as cards for those who would like a meal brought to them. Simply fill out the cards and place them in the mailbox to the left of the Welcome Desk. We will contact you and work with your schedule and availability and for those needing a meal, to talk about any special dietary considerations. Women of God Fall Mission Project The Women of God Ministry would like to invite you to join us in our Fall Mission project. We are partnering with the Papal Footprints Appalachia Shoe Box Mission project and the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women in collecting many needed items for more than 600 families living in poverty in and around parishes in Kentucky. This project has been thriving for more than 30 years and has brought incredible joy to these families in need. Some of the items we are collecting are as follows: combs/brushes, toothpaste and toothbrushes, hair accessories, washcloths and small towels, dental floss, deodorant, bar soap, shampoo. Stationery, religious items and school supplies are also needed. We would also greatly appreciate small toys such as match box cars, Beanie Babies, jacks, yo-yo’s, slinky, decks of cards, small dolls, etc. Be creative and have fun! This can be a wonderful service opportunity for people of all ages and children especially enjoy shopping for other children their age. Please refrain from toys that could be harmful or scary and items that could leak out like nail polish and creams. There are bins with children’s gift wrap at both the North and South entrances of the church for you to place your gifts/treasures into. These will be collected the 4th week in October and placed into shoe boxes for shipment. If you have spare shoe boxes we will also accept these (please bring the empty shoe boxes to the Activities Building where we have more room to store them). Thank you in advance for your participation in this important mission project. 6 MEMORIAL MASS ASSOCIATION In 2002, we began the Memorial Mass Association at St. Bonaventure. For a donation of 60 dollars (per listing), a mass a month (total of 12 masses) will be said for all those who are enrolled individually or as a family. Those to be remembered will be listed in the bulletin every week for a year. Enrollment can start any week of the year. Donald Macht Susan Stalter Oster/Mahoney Families Janet Halbur & Glenn Halbur Milner/O’Neil Families Richard Kinsella Families Goergen/O’Rourke/French Families O’Donnell/Seifert Family Marilyn Baumtrog Virginia Roden Daisy Druhl Mary Lou Dinneen M/M Jack V. Carson Robert Springer Gerlach/Hanf Families Delbert Mahoney & Family Steve Kane Hayes/Meyer Families Adelmann/Blaylock Families Eaton/Henderson Families James L. Eidem Anne Stahmer Davis James Bovie & Family Jack Sorteberg Family Peter Herold Family Fourniea & Andring Families Nee/Beserock Families Joe Shefchik Families Graff/Barnes Families Thomas Roszak Trenda/Beckman Families Florence Mahon & Family Lorang & Hebig Families Duret & Dold Families M/M Thomas P. Goodwin Edward Bugja Mary Phelan McCurnin M/M Howard Hyde DeGroff & Hackenmiller Families Richard Wortman Blake/Merrick Families Curt Brasket Peter McKenna/John Families Robert Brancale Kleve-Chwialkowski Families Marvin, Gerald & Elizabeth Quast Novitzki/Kryzer Families Don & Ruth Koepke Jerry & Jean Holmes Bump/Wortman Families Wallace & Helen Fair Catherine & George Durno, Sr. Lou & Grace Stone Behrendt/Peerman Families Bisson-Dacey Families Stibal/Fratzke Families Peter J. Zylla Family Liv/Dec Peter Quat Bui Ludewig/Gores/Lensing Families George & Cel Christian/Ron Enos Smith/Akers Families Ray Logelin Gorghuber/Kaluza/Hummel Families Tom Zilka/Zilka Family Hertel/Laframboise Families Shirley & James Powell Herman & Mary Solyntjes Family M/M George Clark, Jr. Ms Dorothy Hampton Vera Gasparovich Ms Margaret Dullard Atkins Family Boner/Beresni Family Silveriana Daculan Seato Gonimil Grace Riacel Daculan Zick/Montbriand Family Jack Hanna Family Mrs. Ethel Murphy Bonnie Hapkee Mr. Larry Riddle Mr. Daniel Small Ronald Pufpaff Dibble/Johnson Families Konsela/Johnson Families Soluk/Mantel Families Poppler-Perera Families Janice Hallberg Streator Jirak/Von Hagen Families Althen/Laudenslager Families Don & Veronica Poquette James Patrick Heusbourg Don Olson Celso Daculan Bill Connors Phyllis McCormick St. Joseph’s Classmates St. Theresa Classmates Joseph & Shirley Vavrosky Larry Tabone & Fam/Adeline & John Pace Greenwood/Hazel Families George Durno, Jr. Roman & Marie Thill Ambrose Derhaag Family Lynette Mahoney Johnson Kalinowski/Koelln Families Mrs. Ethel Murphy M/M Lon Burchum M/M Kenneth Cook/Judy Schiller Mamie & Patrick Goodwin Gaffney/Povolny Families Peggy Fallon Ray Vavrosky Mike McCrank Francis Pladsen The October Memorial Mass is Sunday, October 19 at 10:00 am READINGS OCTOBER 5, 2014 Sunday: Is 5:1-7/Phil 4:6-9/ Mt 21:33-43 Monday: Gal 1:6-12/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/ Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Gal 3:1-5/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Gal 3:7-14/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Gal 3:22-29/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 ©Liturgical Publications Inc SAINTS & SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Monday: St. Bruno, Priest, Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Virgin Tuesday: Our Lady of the Rosary Thursday: St. Denis, Bishop & Companions, Martyrs, St. John Leonardi, Priest Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary SCRIPTURE VERSE "But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.' They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?" - Mt 21:38-40 Bulletin Article Deadlines Bulletin Articles are due in the Parish Office by 8:00 am Mondays. For Bulletin Due Date For Bulletin Due Date October 12 October 6 October 19 Monday, October 6 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. Compliments of SMITH FOUNDRY COMPANY 8405 Lyndale Ave. S., Bloomington (952) 881-2151 Family Owned & Operated Since 1969 7840 5th Ave. Bloomington 729-9395 MORRIS NILSEN FUNERAL CHAPEL 952-881-4445 Richfield - Bloomington South Suburban 6527 Portland Ave. WEDDING CAKES • COOKIES PARTY & PHOTO CAKES PASTRIES • DELICIOUS DONUTS Mon-Fri 5:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat 5:00 AM to 4 PM 612-869-3226 Kathryn T. Raidt Attorney at Law • Wills • Real Estate • Probate • Trusts Advertising Brings Results! Early Morning and Evening Appointments Available 6950 France Ave. S #109 926-2288 ESTATE PLANNING IS LOVE! Place an Ad Today! Wills – Trusts – Health Care Directives Free Initial Consultation Call Attorney Bill Peterson 952-921-5818 GREG MUELLER Parishioner Office: ® (952) 953-4500 Call Tim Browne at 952-852-4050 Email: [email protected] Join Your Neighborly Credit Union Today! 612.798.7100 LYNDALE AVE BRANCH 9550 Lyndale Ave S OLD SHAKOPEE RD BRANCH 4025 W Old Shakopee Rd RICHFIELD BRANCH 345 East 77 St Insurance and Restoration Experts FREE INSPECTIONS Roofing, Siding, Windows Gutters & Insulation E-Mail: [email protected] for more information Lic #BC586136 FOR AD INFO CALL TIM BROWNE AT 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. Bonaventure Bloomington, MN B 2C 02-0859 09-18-2014 17:43:19 Greg Jeans Greg Jeans Insurance Agency Owner Operated • Insured Aeration & Overseeding Special AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BUSINESS $125 Includes Seed 7600 Parklawn Ave #307 • Edina, Mn 55435 Bus: 952-253-9405 [email protected] up to 6,000 sq ft, Min 48” gate required Fertilizing, Weed Control, Mowing Services on Sale Call Now Johnson Hardware Call Now to SAVE 952-201-6972 509 west 98th st (south east corner of 98th and lyndale) m-f 8:30-9 • sat 8:30-6 • sun 9:30-3 Ph 952-884-7528 Present this ad for 10% off cards & gifts LINDBERG “We Put Your Faith CHIROPRACTIC In Education” DANIEL S. MILLER Attorney at Law Member of Knights of Columbus Probate • Wills • Living Wills Trusts • Elder Law Medical Assistance • Powers of Attorney American Blvd. & Portland Ave. “A real hardware store” 952-881-7224 DJ Pete’s Auto For All Your Auto Repair Needs Thanks for Trusting Your Vehicle With Pete’s 9149 Old Cedar Ave. So. Bloomington, MN 55425 Call Us Now 952-854-6888 “Low Labor Rates & New Client Discounts” 5 Qt. Oil Change $21.50 Dr. Bruce A. Lindberg PreK-8th Grade 952-881-8160 505 BMO Harris Bank Building 66th & Lyndale • (612) 866-0146 200 W. 98th St. 952-881-4421 Raymond E. Haeg Plumbing, Inc. INSTALLATION & REPAIRS 500 West 98th Street Bloomington For All Your Plumbing Needs 7226 Cedar Avenue • 612-866-6092 952-888-5678 MEMBER FDIC EAGLE MECHANICAL LTD. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. TAKE 10% OFF ANY SERVICE WITH AD 952-884-2453 Serving Bloomington/Surrounding Area 952-451-0499 EAGLEMEC.COM Viens Lawn Service Complete Maintenance & Lawn Care Advertising Brings Results! 10% Discount for New Seasonal Contracts Which includes Spring Clean Up, Weekly Mowing & Fall Clean Up Place an Ad Today! Call Tim Browne at 952-852-4050 10% Discount on Any Landscaping with This Ad Email: [email protected] Phone (952) 888-4296 Steve Viens - Parishioner Mike St. Aubin/Funeral Director Funeral Chapel & Cremation Services EDINA • 952-920-3996 • West 50th St. & Hwy. 100 FOR AD INFO CALL TIM BROWNE AT 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM EDEN PRAIRIE • 952-975-0400 2 Blks N. of Hwy. 5 on Mitchell Rd. ST. Bonaventure Bloomington, MN A 2C 02-0859 09-18-2014 17:43:19
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our Executive Director, Ardie Broich. in the parish office. 952-854-4733 ext. 12
Questions on the committee decision should be directed to Art Breitbarth at