March 6, 2016
March 6, 2016
THE BRIDGE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT - PARISH STAFF Fr. Jim Scullion, OFM, Pastor Michele Beck, Music Theresa Cassata, OFS, FFF Deacon Robert Cunningham Fr. Kevin Daly, OFM Fr. John Frambes, OFM Sr. Patricia Klemm, OSF Sr. Patricia McNiff, OSF Briana Ott, Youth Minister Jo Anne Reeder, Worship Deacon George Walker, OFS Parish Office (609) 494-8813 Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 3 PM (Closed for lunch 12 - 1 PM) Family Faith Formation (609) 494-8813 ext. 153 Community Center (609) 494-8861 Counseling Services (609) 494-1554 Read our bulletin online at Daily gospel reflections can be found on facebook at: Follow us on Twitter: @StFrancisLBI St. Francis of Assisi Parish is a Franciscan Faith Community of Holy Name Province in the Diocese of Trenton. Find out more about Holy Name Province online at With open arms for all! MARCH 6, 2016 `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç _ÉÜw {täx ÅxÜvç ÉÇ âáAAA `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç`xÜvç yÉÜ ÉâÜ áxÄy|á{ÇxááA `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç _xà âá á{Éã ÅxÜvç àÉ à{Éáx `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç`xÜvç ã{É tÜx {âÇzÜçA `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY Vocation Office [email protected] Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia, PA Vocation Office [email protected] St. Francis is a sending Parish to ASRCS All Saints Regional Catholic School 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin, NJ, 08050 (609) 597-3800 or visit: `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç `xÜvç St. Francis of Assisi, 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Brant Beach, NJ DATE Saturday, March 5 Sunday, March 6 Monday, March 7 MASS INTENTIONS (L) Living +Deceased 9:00 AM +Ann Kattwinkel +Russell G. Stein 3:30 - 4:30 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM +de Weener Family +John Pallante +John J. Daly 8:45 AM +Rick Glascock +Russell G. Stein +Michael Adams 10:00 AM +Julie Vargo 11:15 AM +Pat Offerman +Stanley Dudek 9:00 AM +James Whitford +Patrick R. Collum +Phil Palermo Tuesday, March 8 Wednesday, March 9 9:00 AM +Bill Kunz Thursday, March 10 Friday, March 11 Saturday, March 12 9:00 AM +Thomas Lally 9:00 AM +James W. Forsythe, Sr. 9:00 AM +Bill Kunz 9:00 AM +Marie Cucinotta 3:30 - 4:30 PM Reconciliation READINGS Hos. 6:1-6; Lk. 18:9-14 Is. 65:17-21; Jn. 4:43-54 Ez. 47:1-9, 12; Jn. 5:1-16 Is. 49:8-15; Jn. 5:17-30 Ex. 32:7-14; Jn. 5:31-47 Wis. 2:1a, 12-22; Jn. 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Jer. 11:18-20; Jn. 7:40-53 Emergency Information: Available on our answering machine (609) 494-8861 and on WJRZ 100.1 FM; 98.5 FM; The Breeze 107.1 FM; WOBM 92.7 FM;; and and Evacuation Information: In the event of a hurricane, severe weather, or extreme high tides, please do not call the Parish Office for assistance and note that none of the parish buildings (churches, community center, residences or maintenance facilities) has been designated as an evacuation site. Evacuate as soon as you can, following the direction of local officials. Mass Schedule through March 12/13, 2016 St. Francis of Assisi, Brant Beach 9:00 AM Daily Mass Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:30 - 4:30 PM Saturday, 5:00 PM; Sunday, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 AM St. Thomas of Villanova, Surf City - CLOSED St. Thomas Aquinas, Beach Haven - CLOSED St. Clare, Loveladies - CLOSED GOSPEL CHALLENGE: The older brother is challenged to put aside selfishness and be like the father, showing love and forgiveness. What can I do to be like the father in the Gospel? Men’s Cornerstone Retreat, Maris Stella 2 Chr. 36:14-16, 19-23; Eph. 2:4-10; Jn. 3:14-21 2 Chr. 36:14-16, 19-23; Eph. 2:4-10; Jn. 3:14-21 Parish Information EVENTS Order of Franciscan Secular, ofs 9:30 AM Information Day, Sr. Lounge 12:30 PM Fraternity Meeting, Church Hall 9:30 AM Living the Word, Room 105 9:45 AM Labyrinth Walk, Church Hall 6:30 PM Friar Gathering for Students Celebrating First Reconciliation 9:30 AM St. Anthony Devotion 9:45 AM Labyrinth Walk, Church Hall 6:45 PM Women’s Spirituality, Room 212 7:00 PM Adoration Prayer Exp. (Gr. 7) 7:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sacrament 7:30 PM Survivors of Suicide, Room 212 6:00 PM Soup, Church Hall 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross 9:45 AM Contemplative Living, Sr. Lounge Soup and Stations 2016 “The Journey” Please join us for Soup and Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent in the Brant Beach Church. This year, Soup and Stations began on Friday, February 12 with delicious homemade, meatless soups served with bread and butter at 6:00 PM in the Brant Beach Church Hall followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM in the church. If you are not able to join us for soup, please feel free to come at 7:00 PM for Stations of the Cross. All are welcome to share a meal with us as we continue on our spiritual journey to Calvary each week. Through prayer, hymns, scripture, reflection and meditation, we will reflect on two or three of the Stations of the Cross each Friday as we remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. We also reflect on the suffering that continues to the present day for those who follow in the footsteps of Jesus. If you plan on coming, why not invite a friend….all are most welcome! Soup & Station Dates: March 11 Donations of non-perishable food items for the St. Francis Food Pantry are always appreciated. Please feel free to bring a favorite homemade meatless soup in a crock pot for all to share. Page 1 - March 6, 2016 Parish Information Parish Registration: The Parish Office is located on the second floor of St. Francis Community Center, 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach Twp., NJ. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Please notify the Parish Office as soon as possible if you are moving. Baptism: The sacrament is celebrated three times a month at St. Francis Parish. Group Baptisms are the 2nd Saturday at 10:00 AM and the last Sunday at 12:45 PM each month at St. Francis Church in Brant Beach. Baptisms during Mass are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the last Mass in each Church. Call the Parish Office for availability and requirements: at (609) 494-8813 ext. 154 or 155. Faith Formation and Education: For children ages six through high school. Please call Theresa Cassata, ofs at (609) 494-8813 ext. 153 for more information. Marriage: In accordance with the Common Policy of the five Dioceses of New Jersey, arrangements must be made ONE YEAR in advance. Couples are required to attend Marriage Preparation classes. Weddings are performed on Friday or Saturday. Weddings are NOT performed on Sundays, the beach, Memorial Day, Fourth of July or Labor Day weekends. Pastoral Visitations: Please notify the Parish Office if you or any of your loved ones are ill, homebound, in SOMC, nursing homes or rehabilitation centers. Parish Collections Second Collection Today: Catholic Relief Services Catholic Relief Services helps people, Catholic and non-Catholic, throughout the U.S. and the world especially in times of crisis. Please be generous. Last Week’s 2nd Collection St. Francis Center Collected: $5,613 A Letter From The Pastor... "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel." These words of Pope Francis during an inflight news conference returning from Mexico led to the instant headline: “Pope suggests Trump is not Christian” and Donald Trump’s instant reaction: “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful.” The next day, however, Trump admitted: "I think he said something much softer than was originally reported by the media." The wider context is always important: neither politician nor religious leader likes to have their words taken out of context. The Pope went on to say that he was "not going to get involved" in giving advice about voting. He was, however, raising moral and religious issues that he had raised before from the Gospel. Pope Francis has used this language of “building bridges” before. In a homily from 2014 he stated: “Christians must build bridges of dialogue, not walls of resentment.” Throughout his papacy he has been a prophetic voice for the poor, immigrants, and outcasts. In his trip to Mexico he criticized not only the “rich and corrupt elite” but also the Mexican bishops: “Do not lose time or energy in secondary things, in gossip or intrigue, in conceited schemes of careerism, in empty plans for superiority. Do not allow yourselves to be dragged into gossip and slander.” These words of Pope Francis are no more harsh than the words the Israelite prophet Jeremiah addressed to the ruling elite, king and priests, of Jerusalem: “Do not put your trust in these deceptive words: ‘The temple of the Lord! Only if you thoroughly reform your ways and your deeds; if each of you deals justly with your neighbor; if you no longer oppress the alien, the orphan, and the widow...only then will I let you continue to dwell in this place” (Jeremiah 7:4-7). In the Gospel Jesus echoes these words of Jeremiah when he tells us how we will be judged as Christians: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me...whatever you did for one of these least brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:35-40). These words of Jesus challenge us as Christians whether we are Republicans or Democrats, liberals or conservatives. Jim Scullion, ofm This Week We Need: Budgeted: $15,000 Last Week’s Collection Budgeted: $15,000 Collected: $16,559.42 The JPIC Corner: Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation If the simple fact of being human moves people to care for the environment of which they are a part, Christians in their turn “realize that their responsibility within creation, and their duty towards nature and the Creator, are an essential part of their faith.” It is good for humanity and the world at large when we believers better recognize the ecological commitments which stem from our convictions. From “Laudato Si” Pope Francis quoting from John Paul II’s Message for the 1990 World Day of Peace. Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers Needed!! We are in great need of ushers in the Beach Haven and Surf City Churches for the coming spring & summers seasons. We especially need men, women, and teens who have been confirmed for the 7:30 AM and 11:15 AM Masses. If you are able to help with this important ministry, please contact our Coordinator of ushers, Richie Casler, at [email protected] Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday, March 13 At 2:00 AM EST Turn Your Clocks AHEAD One Hour. Page 2 - March 6, 2016 Easter Flowers and Decorations Fund Drive Franciscan Spiritual Center presents: “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; Let your glory be over all the earth.” Psalm 108:5 Spiritual Direction We now have three certified Spiritual Directors and two Interns offering free Spiritual Direction in our parish. For an appointment please call: Maryann Barrek, ofs, (609) 492-7502 Barbara Horwath, ofs, (609) 384-6188 Pat Simmons, ofs, (609) 661-1361 Anne Bock, ofs, Intern, (609) 204-3835 Kathy Egan, Intern, (215) 694-4651 Living the Word Reflect with others on the Sunday readings as a way to prepare for our Liturgy each week. Mondays at 9:30 AM in the Center. All are welcome, come whenever you can. This is not a Scripture class, no experience is necessary! Next scheduled meeting: March 7, Room 105 Women’s Spirituality The Women’s Spirituality Group provides an opportunity for women to gather and share with other women how they experience God in their lives in the here and now. They meet from September through November and January through June on the second Wednesday from 6:45 to 8:00 PM in the Center. Next scheduled meeting: March 9, Room 212 An Invitation to Contemplative Living This program calls out to those who desire to live more contemplatively in the world, to grow in union with God and others, and to become more aware, intentional and free. God liberates us and heals us through the practice of contemplative prayer. Monthly sessions on the practice of contemplative prayer are scheduled. This group meets from 9:45 AM to 12:00 PM in the Center. Next scheduled meeting: March 12, Sr. Lounge A DVD on contemplative living by James Finley, Ph.D. Scripture Study This group meets every two weeks to learn, discuss and reflect on passages of the Sacred Scriptures. The group is led by Tom Troyano and meets from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Center. No prior experience of Scripture study is required. Next scheduled meeting: March 16, Sr. Lounge Easter Flowers and Decorations Fund Drive We are having our annual Easter Flower Memorial Fund Drive which allows us to decorate the Brant Beach, Beach Haven and Surf City churches from Palm Sunday through the Holy Season of Easter. The Art & Environment Team would like to thank you for your continued generosity and support which allows us to prepare the worship area in a manner that reflects our great joy and gratitude as we affirm our belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life. You may choose to memorialize or honor a loved-one, family member, friend or special occasion by making a donation toward the Easter flowers, decorations or Art & Environment. The names of those memorialized or honored along with the donor names will be published in a special booklet and available in all the churches during the Easter season. The memorials will also be published on the St. Francis Parish website. Donations for Easter Flowers & Plants May Be Made In Any Amount. Donations toward the purchase of other items to be memorialized: $100 Cherry Blossoms and large Easter Wreaths for the church sanctuary. $75 Flowers for Sanctuary Urns for Easter & Holy Thursday $50 Large Hydrangea $35 Hydrangea, Ferns, & Candle Rings To make a donation, please use the Easter Flower envelopes that were mailed to your home. Additional envelopes are available at the doors of the church or you may use a plain envelope with the following information: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY your name, the name of the person being memorialized or honored, and a contact phone number. The envelope can be placed in the collection basket, mailed, or dropped off at the Center by March 14. Thank you for your support and generosity. Questions? Please call JoAnne Reeder at the center - 494-8813 ext. 164 Men’s Spirituality The Men’s Spirituality group meets on the third Saturday of each month from 8:30 to 10:00 AM in the Center. We discuss a broad variety of topics and share our views on how we can see the hand of God at work in all things. All are welcome. Next scheduled meeting: March 19, Room 212 Peace Prayer Project Remember to pray the Peace Prayer of St. Francis every Wednesday at noon! Pray for Peace Celiac Disease and Holy Eucharist If you have Celiac disease and wish to receive Holy Eucharist, we now have low gluten hosts in all the churches. Please bring your own pyx [host container] to mass. If you forget your pyx, please tell the priest. We have some extras in the safe. Please see the priest before mass and he will provide you with a low gluten host. Complete directions are posted in the vesting sacristy. Page 3 - March 6, 2016 Family Faith Formation Monthly Meetings: Theresa Theresa Cassata, Cassata, ofs, ofs,Coordinator Coordinatorof ofFFF FFF (Ext. 153) Ellen (Ext. 150) 150) Ellen Halvorsen, Halvorsen, Elementary Elementary Coordinator Coordinator (Ext. Marion Marion Pierri, Pierri, Confirmation Confirmation Coordinator Coordinator (Ext. (Ext. 177) 177) Brianna Ott, Youth Minister (Ext. 179) St. Francis Center unless otherwise noted. Volunteer Applications are being accepted for anyone interested in helping young children grow in their faith. No experience needed, just know that the Holy Spirit and our Faith Formation Team will help you along. Help is needed in the following areas: Classes Grades 1-5 - Tuesday, 5:30-6:45 PM and Wednesdays 4:30-5:45 PM. VOLUNTEER FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS We have a few families with children who would benefit from a program designed for children with Special Needs. We are looking for a volunteer to answer this call. If you are interested, please call Theresa at (609) 494-8861 ext. 153 or email [email protected]. March 7 (Monday) - Friar Gathering for Students celebrating First Reconciliation, 6:30-7:30 PM - Students & Parents - Brant Beach Church. March 9 (Wednesday) Scripture B (Grade 7) Adoration Prayer Experience, 7:00 PM Brant Beach. Please contact Marion to make an appointment. March 11 (Friday) Soup & Stations, 6:00/7:00 PM - Join us as we gather for a simple meal at 6:00 PM and then at 7:00 PM for song, reflection, and prayer in Brant Beach. Stations 13,14 March 12 (Saturday) Mass with Teen Ministry, 5:00 PM Brant Beach. March 14 (Monday) First Reconciliation Celebration, Students and families should arrive at 6:30 PM in the Brant Beach Church Hall. Students bring your posters! Celebration at 7:00 PM in the Brant Beach Church. Reception to follow. Youth Ministry Volunteers Needed Youth ministry is currently looking for volunteers to be part of our core team. Please contact Briana Ott at [email protected] or call (609) 494-8861 ext. 179 for more information. Annulment Information Session March 15, 7:30-9:30 PM St. Aloysius, Jackson For many people, the process of marriage annulment is very mysterious, often accompanied by considerable misinformation. In order to dispel misconceptions, the diocese sponsors Annulment Information Sessions annually in parishes within each county of the diocese. For more information, call (609) 406-7434 or email: [email protected]. Order of the Franciscans Secular ofs Sunday, March 6, 9:30 AM, Sr. Lounge SFO Information Day Sunday, March 6, 12:30 PM, Brant Beach Church Hall Fraternity Meeting. Survivors of Suicide Thursday, March 10, 7:30 PM, Room 212 Book Club Tuesday, March 29, 1:00 PM, Room 212 The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins Knights of Columbus Council #3826 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM St. Mary’s Church, Msgr. Reinbold Hall - Barnegat RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults All of life is a journey and we all journey together into eternity. The RCIA is a process that reflects on this journey in the light of the gospel and our relationship with God, others, and self. Are you interested in journeying with us? All are welcome...baptized and non-baptized...believer and non believer. Please call Fr. Jim or Sr. Pat M. at the parish office if you are interested. NO Class March 8 Next class: 7:00 PM, March 15, Room 212 Easter Tridiuum O Lord, be present with these men and women who serve our country. Comfort their spirits with your divine presence and grant them strength, wisdom and grace. SSgt. Stephen Ballinger Maj. Michael Berk Maj. Maureen Davis-Berk PFC Thomas J. Bonder Pvt. Matthew Cacace Capt. Andrew Cairns Sean Michael Campoli, USN Capt. Jeffrey Casler Capt. Robert Cunningham Gen. Martin E. Dempsey Lt. David Elsenbeck Capt. Michael J. Elsenbeck, MD Airman Patrick Esmerado A1C Matt Fitzpatrick Lt. Cmdr. Bob Gerstemeier PFC Matthew Gurten PFC Anthony Hardado Lt. Cpl. Forrest Hendricks Sgt. Matthew Hill Lt. Cameron Hockman Capt. Ryan Hughes Tech Sgt. Bradley Iseminger PO Anthony Juliano Lt. Col. Michael Kloepper Capt. Timothy Koenig Pvt. Emily Jane Konzelmann Sgt. Amanda A. Kuchta Cpl. Travis Lastfogel SSgt. Stephen Leddy Spc. Jose Paul Lopes 2nd Lt. Christopher Martinelli Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Martins Sgt. Anthony Mauro 1st Lt. Stephen McNamara Capt. Brendan Murphy Capt. Catherine Murphy Lt. John S. Ondik Sgt. Kristopher Pickarts Lt. Col. Kyle N. Remick LTC Brett Robistow Ensign Michael Rossi, Jr. USCG Capt. Morgan R. Samuels PFC Kyle Stewart Sgt. Robert Taylor 1st Lt. Shereen Thomas Lt. Col. Thomas Walsh Cpl. Alex Werner Spc. Brandan K. White 1st Lt. Daniel White SSG Reid Wilbraham Lt. Mark Woodard Page 4 - March 6, 2016 SPECIAL EVENTS Family Health & Safety Fair Friday, April 15 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Labyrinth Walk Monday, March 7, 9:45 AM - 5:30 PM Tuesday, March 8, 9:45 AM - 5:30 PM St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall The Labyrinth is a path of prayer, a walking meditation that can become a mirror of the soul. It is a spiritual act of pilgrimage, a metaphor of life’s journey. Choose a day and treat yourself to some quiet time. St. Francis Community Center Gym Free Continental Breakfast and many free health screenings are offered. Call Senior Services at the Center for a list of screenings. Sponsored by: St. Francis Center, Long Beach Island Health Department & Southern Ocean Medical Center. SAVE THE DATES All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast Sunday, April 24 Tickets available to purchase on March 28 A finger Labyrinth is available for those who are unable to walk the Labyrinth. Spring Card & Game Party/Luncheon Tuesday, May 10 Tickets available to purchase on March 28 Fish & Chip Dinner Thistle of Kearny returns! Friday, March 18 4:30 to 7:00 PM $16 adults / $8 child St. Francis Community Center Gym Dine In or Take Out Take out dinners begin at 4:30 PM. Dine in begins at 5:00 PM. Includes: Fish or Chicken Dinner, Beverage and Dessert Tickets are on sale at the Front Desk of the Community Center, or a limited amount of tickets will be available the day of the event. HELP WANTED In-Home Therapist Family Support is accepting applications and resumes for a part-time In-Home Therapist. Must have a LCSW or LPC and experience working with families. Please send your resume to: [email protected]. Children Services: • • • 1 full time year round Preschool Teacher (P-3 Certified a must); 2 part-time year round Teacher’s Aide; and 1 full time Teacher’s Aide. There will be a 50/50 drawing. Proceeds to benefit St. Francis of Assisi Parish First Aid, CPR Certified, Bi-lingual a plus. Experience in a Preschool Setting. Please send resume to [email protected] or fill out application at the front desk. Donations of Baked Goods are needed. Please email or call Lori Dudek at: [email protected] or (609) 494-8861 ext. 118. St. Francis Center is an EOE/AA Employer Community Center Donations Volunteer Week Celebration Day Friday, April 15 9:30 - 11:30 AM St. Francis Community Center This breakfast celebrates all the volunteers that contribute so much to St. Francis Parish and Center. Come and meet your fellow volunteers and enjoy a delicious breakfast! St. Francis Center/LBICC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible. Our federal tax ID number is 22-2003458. We have provided supportive services to the community for over 40 years and with your help we will continue to do so. Our online donations are processed by PayPal so it’s fast, easy and secure. We are only able to process donations from NJ residents. Thank You cards for your donation are available at the Front Desk of the Community Center and at the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued generosity! Also visit the Gym for the Family Health and Safety Fair for free health screenings and much more! Page 5 - March 6, 2016 Senior Services Recreation & Aquatics For information call ext. 108 or 109. For info. please call ext. 105. Visit the Spring Brochure Struggling with Medicare Part B payments? You or a loved one may qualify for assistance. The Medicare Savings Program can help by providing Medicare Part B savings. CALL SENIOR SERVICES FOR MORE INFORMATION. Daily Reassurance Calls Do you know of a senior who is isolated? Senior Services makes daily reassurance calls to seniors who have no one to check on them. Please call the Center and ask for extension 108 to request that we call them. Caregiver Support Group Second Tuesday of every month, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Ocean County Southern Services Center 179 S. Main Street, Manahawkin, NJ. Meals on Wheels Volunteer Substitute Drivers needed for all routes! Call Sherry today to sign up at (609) 494-8861, ext. 109. Walking Program Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 - 8:45 AM in the Gym. Ladies’ Exercise Class Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 to 10:30 AM Room 99 - All are welcome to attend. Volunteer Attorney Tuesdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM By appointment only for those who qualify. Cards: Senior Lounge Call if you have questions or wish to register. Canasta: Monday, 12:00 - 4:00 PM Mah Jongg: Tuesday & Friday, 12:00 - 4:00 PM Pinochle: Wednesday, 12:00 - 4:00 PM Party Bridge: Thursday, 12:00 - 4:00 PM Educational Services (609) 494-8861 ext. 185 Adult Basic Skills Consortium Winter/Spring 2016 Southern Regional High School 600 North Main St., Manahawkin, NJ NJ High School Diploma Preparation Free Classes Building 9/10 - Room 7-1 Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 - 9:00 PM online at or pick up a Brochure at the Center lobby. 5th Annual March Madness Free Throw Contest Saturday, March 5 - 9:00 AM St. Francis Community Center Gym Fee: $3.00 Grade Groups: • K (modified distance & baskets), • 1st & 2nd grade (modified distance & baskets), • 3rd & 4th grades (modified distance), • 5th & 6th grades, • 7th & 8th grades, • high school and adults (broken down into male and female categories) and • Ladies 18 and older. Registration is required. For more information call the Recreation Department at ext. 105. Private Swim Lessons: $25 (per half-hour) Semi-Private Swim Lessons: $20 per person (per half-hour) Appointments for lessons must be made through the Aquatic Center Reception Desk at ext. 187. Session I Aquatics Begins March 5 Water Tots (Ages 1-3) 4-Year Old Beginner Swim (Age 4) Beginner Level 1 (Ages 5 & Up) Beginner Level 2 (Ages 5 & Up) Intermediate (Ages 6 & Up) Competitive Swim (Ages 8 & Up) Begins March 7 Swim Clinic (Ages 5-10) Aquatic Aerobics* Deep Water Aerobics* Arthritis Water Exercise* *Drop-In Fee: $13 (space permitting) See Spring Brochure for details Dick Manzo’s Spring Basketball Clinic - Ages 8-13 Mon. thru Thurs., March 7-10, 4:00-6:00 PM Tot & Tyke Basketball - Mon. thru Thurs., March 14-17 Ages 4 & 5, 4:00-4:45 PM - Ages 6 & 7, 5:00-5:45 PM English Second Language Classes (ESL) Building 9/10 - Room 2-1 Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 - 9:00 PM (LIMITED transportation will be provided) Additional classes are available in Northern Ocean County. All classes are FREE to the community. For more information please call (609) 494-8861 ext. 185. Classes are provided by the Ocean County Consortium through a grant from the Dept. of Labor & Workforce Development. (Classes are subject to change). All Level Yoga - Mon., 5:00-6:15 PM, March 14-April 18 Gentle Yoga (Beginner Level) - Wed., 8:00-8:45 AM, March 16-April 20 Pickleball is Here! Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 12:15-3:00 PM in the Gymnasium $5 Drop-in or $30 for a book of 10 passes Page 6 - March 6, 2016 Family Support Services Children’s Services Food Pantry Hours: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM; Tuesday, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and Thursday, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM St. Francis Preschool is an accredited program from the National Association for the Education of Young Children. NAEYC-Accredited programs must meet NAEYC’s 10 standards for high quality early childhood education. For more information about NAEYC standards visit: CHILD CARE & PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Open Enrollment! Full Day, Work Day or Extended Day Toddlers: Ages 13 months to 2 1/2 Preschoolers: Ages 2 1/2 to 5 Please continue collecting Campbell's Soup Can Labels Did you know that in addition to collecting labels from cans and boxes you can also register your ShopRite card online? Any Labels for Education product purchases that you make, we will automatically receive 1 point for each product. Only residents of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut or Massachusetts are eligible to participate. To register your ShopRite card(s) go to The following information is needed: Saint Francis Preschool, Beach Haven, New Jersey, 08008. Please share this information with a friend. More than one school can be registered on a card. This will help us in purchasing equipment and materials for Children’s Services. The Food Pantry currently needs: Pasta Sauce, Soup, Mac & Cheese, Cereal, Diapers - Sizes 4, 5 & 6, Baby Wipes Parenting and Anger Management Groups St. Francis Community Center and locations throughout Ocean County. To register, please call (609) 494-8861 ext. 197. Funded by the Department of Human Services. Auto Ownership Program Please consider donating your old car (in fair to good condition) to St. Francis’ auto ownership program. We are in need of donated cars to assist clients to make the transition from welfare to work. For more information on a 1098-C tax-deductible donation, please call: Auto Ownership Program Coordinator, (609) 494-8861 ext. 195. Blissful Babies - Family Support "Blissful Babies" Infant Massage Series St. Francis Community Center $50 for a 5 Week Series Please call to register or for more information (609) 494-8861 ext. 197 For infants 6 weeks old - pre-crawlers Guidance on the communication of touch with parent and baby will be demonstrated by Certified Infant Massage Instructors. Join us for an hour a week for a deep bonding experience between you and your baby. In addition, class will help promote healthy sleeping, assist with elimination concerns and reduce colic/gas. “The class helped with the colic and started us on a nightly ritual of massage which both of us love. I highly recommend taking the class” - Infant Massage Graduate. “It was a great social activity for the two of us and supports nurturing touch between caregiver and baby” - Infant Massage Graduate. Counseling Services by appointment (609) 494-1554 Journey Through Grief This program is designed to help men and women, of all ages, work through the normal stages of grief with education and group support. The program stresses that grief is a journey, a natural and normal reaction to a significant loss in our lives. Education and support can ease our way on this journey. The group is open to all members of the community regardless of religious affiliation. Registration is required. There is NO FEE for this program. Collection containers are located in the lobby of St. Francis Center and Children’s Services hallway. For an updated list of products please visit: or pick up a copy in the front lobby of the Center. Thank you for your continued support! When cutting your labels please only cut the UPC and the points value. See the pictures below: Thank you for your continual support! Weekly Meetings Always open to everyone! Al Anon St. Francis Center Beginners Meeting, Thursday, 7:00-7:30 PM Open Discussion, Thursday, 7:30-8:30 PM Al-Anon is a fellowship of family members and friends of alcohol/drug abusers, who share their experience, strength and hope with one another. Alcoholics Anonymous SOMC, Sunday, 7:30 PM Lights Off, Sunday, 9:15-10:15 AM St. Francis Center, Room 116 St. Thomas of Villanova, Surf City Monday through Friday, 12:30 PM Friday (men), 8:00 PM For Saturday Meetings: Call the AA Hotline (609) 494-5130 Page 7 - March 6, 2016 St. Francis Travel New location: 4 miles south of our Manahawkin location: 128 Bartlett Ave., Bartlett Commons, Rt. 9 South, West Creek, NJ 08092 Call Nancy at Home Town Travel (609) 597-5100 Email: [email protected] Cruises ! Bermuda and Caribbean t u aboard Celebrity’s Summit O d l o April 22 - May 01 S Fly to San Juan, spend one night at the Embassy Suites in San Juan with a breakfast prior to boarding the ship. Visit St. Maarten and St. Thomas in addition to two full days in Bermuda. Special package includes one way flight from Newark Liberty to San Juan, transfer to the hotel, one night at the Embassy Suites in San Juan, Manager’s cocktail party, full cooked to order breakfast, transfer to the ship, choice of accommodations, port and government taxes and an unlimited beverage package. The ship will return to Cape Liberty, NJ. Balcony $1,949.00, outside $1,395.00, inside $1,195.00* A valid passport is required and insurance is suggested. Information Night: Wednesday, March 30, 6:00 PM, Sr. Lounge Bermuda ut! O aboard Celebrity’s Summit d So l May 15 - 22 Enjoy three full days in King’s Wharf on the beautiful island of Bermuda. Lounge on the beautiful pink sand beaches, swim with the dolphins or just enjoy the fabulous British hospitality. Special package includes accommodations in a balcony cabin, port and government taxes, $150.00 per person onboard credit, unlimited beverage package. A valid passport and insurance is suggested. $1,650.00 per person based on double occupancy. *inside cabin does not qualify for the unlimited beverage package. Information Night: Wednesday, March 30, 6:00 PM, Sr. Lounge Sightseeing Trips New England Fall Foliage October 10-17 Begin your tour in historic Boston visiting the Old North Church where Paul Revere began his famous midnight ride. On to Faneuil Hall for a quick stop. Continue with the route of Paul Revere from Lexington to Concord. Head south for a stop at Plymouth Rock before a two night stay in Hyannis, John F. Kennedy’s Summer White House. Ferry to Martha’s Vineyard. On to Rhode Island and Connecticut enjoying the beautiful Fall Foliage. Head into the beautiful Berkshire Mountains where Norman Rockwell spent the last 25 years of his life. Visit the Norman Rockwell Museum and admire the collection of Saturday Evening Post covers. Visit Plymouth Notch, the birthplace of our 30th president, Calvin Coolidge and continue on to Woodstock, Vermont, described as “the prettiest small town in America”. Journey to the White Mountains of New Hampshire to your resort in North Conway where you will enjoy dinner. Next travel past Maine’s lakes to Portland on the rocky Atlantic coast. Visit the waterfront and continue on to Kennebunkport with free time to explore this quaint small town. Enjoy a farewell Maine lobster dinner. Package includes: round trip transfer to airport, round trip airfare, tour with nights (1) Boston, (2) Hyannis, (1) Mystic, (1) Stratton, (1) North Conway, (1) Kennebunkport, breakfast daily, three dinners and insurance. Price is $1,999.00 per person. Singles and triples on request. Limited availability. Deposits must be made by March 10. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Maris Stella Retreat & Conference Center 7201 Long Beach Blvd., Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008 Lenten Weekly Holy Hour for World Peace Maris Stella Chapel Wednesday, March 9, 16, 23, 3:00 - 4:00 PM Holy hour will provide an opportunity for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and silent prayer for world peace. No registration needed. For more information: call Sr. Pat - (609) 494-2917. A Simple Lenten Retreat - Honoring the 40th Anniversary of Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Canonization Maris Stella Retreat Center Wednesday, March 16 - 12 Noon - 4:00 PM Retreat will offer the viewing of the film “A Time for Miracles”, sharing, prayer and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Cost: Free will offering - bring brown bag lunch - drinks provided. Registration is required by: March 5. Call Sr. Pat at (609) 494-2917 or (609) 494-1182 or email [email protected]. Ancient Order of Hiberian Fr. Duffy Division #2 20th Irish Heritage Dinner Dance Saturday, March 12 St. Mary’s of the Pines Parish Center 1 Bishop Way, Manahawkin Doors open at 6:00 PM - Dinner at 7:00 PM $35 donation - BYOB NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR Southern Ocean Medical Center Member of the Meridian Health Family Volunteers Needed Commitment: Four (4) Hours Per Week Volunteer Opportunities: 1. Information Desk: Main Entrance & Emergency Entrance 2. Emergency Room: Room Preparation & Patient Transport 3. Transport: Taking Admitting & Discharged Patients by Wheelchair 4. Customer Relations: Visiting & Assisting Patients 5. Gift Shop: Salesperson & Gift Wrapping 6. Clerical: Office Work—Various Departments 7. Patient Comfort: Assisting Patients with Small Tasks 8. Surgical Department: Comforting Patients & Assisting Staff 9. Courier: Delivering Mail Qualifications Required: 1. A Caring Heart 2. The Desire to Give Back to the Community 3. A Kind Smile - Big Plus For more information or to schedule a visit, please call or email: Janet Bennett, Supervisor of Volunteer Services, (609) 978-3833 or [email protected]. FREE Income Tax Prepared - Sponsored by AARP/IRS Now through April 14 Monday, 9:00 - 2:00 PM, Walk In & Thursday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Walk In (except March 24) St. Mary’s of the Pines Parish Center 100 Bishops Lane, (off McKinley Blvd.) Manahawkin Wednesday, 1:00 - 5:00 PM, Appointments Only (609) 994-3671 Perry’s Lake Club House 4 Princeton Ave., Manahawkin You must arrive at least one hour before closing time to assure there is sufficient time to complete your taxes. Thank you for your cooperation. Page 8 - March 6, 2016
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