August 7, 2016 - St. Michael`s
August 7, 2016 - St. Michael`s
Saint Michael’s Catholic Community 17150 - 88th Ave, Coopersville, MI 49404 Parish Office: 616-384-4026 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE 4:00 p.m. Saturday at St. Mary 7:30 a.m. Sunday at St. Michael 9:00 a.m. Sunday at St. Michael 11:00 a.m. Sunday at St. Mary Daily Mass Schedule 9:00 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday at St. Mary 9:00 a.m. Wednesday and Friday at St. Michael Eucharistic Adoration: St. Mary—Tuesday after Mass until 4:00 pm St. Michael—Wednesday after Mass until 5:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:00—3:45 p.m. at St. Mary’s Wednesday from 3:00—3:45 p.m. at St. Michael’s Reconciliation can be made anytime by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: Contact the Parish Office at least 1 month prior. Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior. Saint Michael’s Catholic Community is a family challenged by Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to care for others and to become the body of Christ through worship, hospitality and service. Administrator– Rev. Ayub Francis Nasar Email: [email protected] Phone: 616-384-4026 Parish Office Phone: 616-384-4026 Fax: 616-837-7893 Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Parish Secretary: Anna Jonaitis [email protected] Business Manager: Kathie Poelma [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Allan TenEyck [email protected] Faith Formation Knights of Columbus Pastoral Council Kevin Schumaker / 616-340-3483 Scott Bertelson Pam Moore Pete Nielsen David Reames Paul Schmidt Mark Veneklase Credit Union Chris Albrecht / 616-997-6980 Scrip Coordinator Brenda Kilpatrick / 616-837-6363 Parish Prayer Line Mary Ann Laug / 616-837-8223 Lerine Lindberg / 616-837-8882 Environmental Coordinator: Youth Ministry: Craig Bleckley [email protected] Elementary: Debbie Veneklase [email protected] RCIA / RCIC: Deb Wiggins [email protected] Nicole Stroven Finance Council Dave Busman Megan Cusick Sue Felicioni Dave Goosen Marty Marshall Family Center Hall Rental: Contact the Parish Office A calendar of all scheduled events can be found on our parish website. Preschool Phone: 616-384-4026 ext 203 Mrs. Annette Lown [email protected] Meets MWF from 8:45—11:45 a.m. After school care until 4pm. Our Cluster Parish: St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 15164 Juniper Dr., Marne MI 49435 Parish Office: 616-677-3934 or 616-677-1123 Fax: 616-677-5866 [email protected] Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. August 7, 2016 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Michael’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. Aug 14 Altar Servers Mass Schedule and Intentions Saturday 4:00 p.m. MA=St. Mary’s MI=St. Michael’s August 6 MA Holly Szost Sunday August 7 7:30 a.m. MI Roger Hecksel by Joan Hecksel & Family 9:00 a.m. MI Terry Hastings, Sr. by Maureen Russell & Family 11:00 a.m. MA David Hendershot by M/M Rick DeVries Monday August 8—No Mass Tuesday August 9 9:00 a.m. MA Mary Bradley by Ralph LaBelle Adoration begins after Mass until 4pm Wednesday August 10 9:00 a.m. MI Edith Styburski by Tom Styburski Adoration begins after Mass until 5pm Thursday 9:00 a.m. August 11 MA Fran Egan by M/M Dave Behler Friday 9:00 a.m. August 12 MI Joan Smith by the Nick Andersen Family Saturday 4:00 p.m. August 13 MA For Our Parish Family Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. August 14 MI Sue Hornacek by Arno & Judy Driedger MI Eli O’Bradovich by the O’Bradovich MA Nikki Snowdin by Tim May Readings for the Week of August 7, 2016 Sunday Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12; Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40 Monday Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14; Mt 17:22-27 Tuesday Ez 2:8—3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9; Jn 12:24-26 Thursday Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62; Mt 18:21—19:1 Friday Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15 Sunday Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2, 3, 4, 18; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53 Eucharistic Ministers Greeters Lectors Sacristan Ushers Music 7:30 a.m. Will Reames Mark Borek Kaisee Jonio Denise Parish Amy Hehl Anne Rumptz Cork Boersma Dave Reames Julie Reames Megan Cusick Dave Tolar Amy Anderson-Tolar Julie Reames Amy Hehl Tom Rumptz Calvin Lindberg Dave Tronovich Deb Tronovich Jennifer Mapes 9:00 a.m. Lauren Meerman Ava Thomas NEED 1 MORE Karen Helsen Greg Helsen Kenny Harker Lauren Helsen Peyton Helsen Emily DeVos Joe Hitchings Carol Reens Jo Reens Dennis Zimmer Sue DeVos Curt DeVos Josh DeVos Connor Helsen Greg Helsen Jennifer Mapes St. Mary’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. August 13— 4PM August 14—11AM Altar Servers Austin Fritz Dylan Fritz Alicia Rogers Eucharistic Don Fritz Ministers Jose Gomez Host Kathy Gomez Angie Hanks Eucharistic Vito Dolci Ministers Edna May Cup Jim May Michael Wood Helen Byrne Hospitality Monica Zahm Ministers Leo Byrne Need Two Lector 1 Lector 2 Music Donuts Allan TenEyck Nancy Fritz Anna Jonaitis n/a Chris Pabst Lynn Schoenborn Michele Dykstra Dave Benedetti Vicki Benedetti Leo Raap Donna Raap Wayne Kensil Pat Kensil Mike Dunphy Leonard Horter Pat Wolters Don Banks Garry Karr Vince Schoenborn John Vesbit n/a BISHOP DAVID J. WALKOWIAK ASKS US TO PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS Loving God, Raise up dedicated leaders who will shepherd your people and guide them to your Son. Give generous and willing hearts to the seminarians of our Diocese who have heard your call to live a life of service to the Church. Help us to encourage and support them as they strive to become priests who are models of discipleship, possessors of wisdom and on fire with love for your people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. We especially pray for: Noah Thelen Submissions to the bulletin must be made in writing and sent via mail or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. The deadline is Monday at noon for the following Sunday’s Bulletin. Thank you! Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Michael’s Sanctuary Lamp For Sylvia Dietrich By Larry & Pat Niece St. Michael’s Parish family remembers in their prayers: Ken Heflin, Bill Spencer, Lee Marshall, Helen Langlois, Kevin Johnson, Chase & Harrison Tasker, Dawn Stevens, Anne Pols, Lucille O’Bradovich, Bill Corner, Rose Vargo, Margaret Langlois, Al & Winnie Spencer, Ruth Langlois, Alexandria Gordon, George and Gladys Langlois, Brooke Campbell, Linda Abel-Carroll, Jackie May, the victims of abortion, and the men and women in the military. Beverly Hehl is having a birthday on Aug 12! Let’s shower her with cards. Please send them to 9201 Leonard, Coopersville, MI. Giving Back to God St. Michael’s Contributions from last week. Adult Envelopes $5,246.05 PayPal Online (monthly) $325.00 Loose Cash $310.00 Children’s Envelopes $5.40 Total $5,886.45 Budgeted Income $5,833.00 Surplus/Deficit $53.45 Pie Collection $894.25 Thank you for your continued support! Scrip News: Thank you to our 14 families that purchased Scrip this week. Our total earnings were $172.05. The Dennison Federal Credit Union The Credit Union is open on Sundays in the Parish Office. Call Chris Albrecht at 997-6980 with questions. NOTE: The Credit Union will be closed on August 14. It is with great joy and thanksgiving that we can announce the Renew our Parish goal of $250,000 has been achieved! So far we have $255,622.00 in funds and pledges!!! For those with outstanding pledges, please continue to pay as our goal has been reached with those numbers factored in. Thank you again to the parish community! ST. MICHAEL’S PRESCHOOL NEWS NOW ENROLLING FOR 2016-2017 Tuition discounts and scholarships available. Preschool meets on MWF from 8:45—11:45 am. Your child must be 3 or 4 by October 1st, 2016. For more info, please call our Preschool Director, Annette Lown at 616-384-4026. August 7, 2016 ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH NEWS We are pleased to welcome newly baptized child of God! Tobias Benjamin Glerum Son of Ben and Jacki Glerum Baptized on August 6, 2016 St. Michael’s Parish Festival and Chicken Dinner will be Sunday, August 21, 2016. ADVERTISE Invite your family, your extended family, your friends, your co-workers and everyone you meet! Help us place festival posters in local businesses. Pick them up in the office or in the back of church. KITCHEN needs the following items donated by August 14th: 25 Lbs Sugar, 4 Gal Cider Vinegar, 9 Lbs Onion, 7 Lbs Carrots, 2 Lg Reg Coffee, 2 Lg Decaf Coffee. Please drop them off in the kitchen in the Family Center. LARGE RAFFLE Tickets are available after each Mass and in the parish office. Keep selling your tickets! GROCERY WHEEL: Pick up a grocery bag to fill with nonperishable food items for the Grocery Wheel. COUNTRY STORE: Donated items can be placed in the glass hallway and clearly marked “For Country Store.” MINI RAFFLE is looking for donated NEW items OR you can donate money to be put towards larger items. FOR MORE INFO: Call our Co-Chairs: Cindy Bleckley at 616-460-2004 or Julie Reames at 616-677-3435. Great Job VBS Participants! Our Chores for change service project raised $192.42 for Lori’s Voice, a nonprofit organization that supports and enriches the lives of children with muscular, neurological and other degenerative diseases by providing social & educational opportunities. ST. MICHAEL’S FAITH FORMATION Children’s Liturgy of the Word and Elementary Faith Formation Our program is now on summer break. Our program will resume in September. We are hosting a Safe Environment Training (VIRTUS) Course at St. Mary’s! The Diocese requires all parish or school employees, and all adult volunteers who are engaged in jobs, ministries or programs that involve contact with children attend this course. If you want to volunteer in Preschool, Religious Education Class, Vacation Bible School, or any other program you will need to attend this FREE course on Tues. Aug.16 at 6:00 at St. Mary’s Parish Hall! To register for the course visit: Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. YOUTH MINISTRY (YM)2 CLUSTER NEWS New Parish Directory We are getting ready to kick off a new Parish Cluster Directory and we need your help to make it complete. By participating you will received a free 8x10 portrait, a free directory and a $10.00 coupon to order additional prints. Sign Up for your photography session in the back of church before or after Mass. Or you may sign-up online at your parish website. or Please Update your Contact Information! If any of your contact information (phone, home address, email address etc) has changed, please notify the office. We are in need of volunteers to help make this directory successful. Could you be a “Host” for one or more shifts during a photography session? Would you like to help with proofing the directory? All volunteers will receive a free gift for helping. Please call the Parish Office for more information on how you can help. Make SUMMER giving easy, anytime, anywhere with Online BILL PAY Check with your financial institution to see if they offer BILL PAY. Most customers qualify for FREE Bill Pay sign-up. Set up St Michaels as your “payee” and you can tell your bank when to pay and how much to pay. You can schedule recurring payments weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Save time and your checks. Questions? Please call the parish office. PRAY FOR OUR ENGAGED COUPLES Amy VanDenBrink & Sean Weaver / August 27 (St. Michael) Erica Pizarro & Jordan Warren / August 27 (St. Mary) Kelli Bouchard & Doug Ferguson / Sept 30, 2016 (St. Michael) Lindsi VanGessel & Trevor Shillinger / Oct 1, 2016 (St Mary) Elizabeth DeWitt & Kenneth Emery / Oct 15, 2016 (St Mary) Zack Nelson & Amber Hoogerhyde / Dec 17, 2016 (St. Mary, GR) Steven Jewell & Madeline Fischer - Feb 18, 2017 (St Mary) Julie Brown & Nathan Zielinski - August 19, 2017 (St Mary) Aaron Devos & Lindsay Latimer – Sept 30, 2017 (St Mary) Alexis Yost & Randy Looks - Sept 30, 2017 (St Michael) Lindsay Latimer & Aaron DeVos / Sept 30, 2017 (St Mary) St. Michael’s Council #9909 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: The St. Michael’s Knights meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. ST. MICHAEL’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK THE COOPERSVILLE OBSERVER 616-997-5049 [email protected] THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! SUMMER EVENTS: Sun, Aug 7 Tubing Trip in Newago for HS & MS. See website for forms. Noon—5pm Wed, Aug 10 Local Service Wednesday—6pm St. Mikes Fri, Aug 19 Drive in Movies at the Getty! HS & MS Movie and Time TBD. Sun. Sept 25 Kick-off for HS & MS Faith Formation! Have texting and want to sign up for REMIND? Please talk to Craig Bleckley about how to do it!! Thanks!! Interested in being part of the Youth Ministry Core Team? Contact Craig! We are looking for St. Mary’s people in particular, but not solely. COMMUNITY EVENTS ST JOSEPH WRIGHT-Annual Barbecue Chicken Dinner and Festival, 18784 8th Ave, Sunday August 14th from noon to 5pm (Dinners are served Noon –4pm) $8 for adults and $5 for children ages 5-12. Children under 5 can eat free. Entertainment will include a Grand Raffle of $3,000, quilt and mini raffles, games for children as well as teenagers, live music, craft booth, bake sale, grocery wheel with home grown produce, BINGO, and a Vegas Tent. Please join the people of St. Joseph’s for dinner, fun and games. Our Sunday Mass will be at 11 am. Worldwide Marriage Encounter - Rekindle the romance in your marriage and make it even better! Join a Worldwide Marriage Encounter to renew and enrich your marriage and your faith, too! Weekends are scheduled for Aug. 5-7 at St. Mary’s in Westphalia, Sept. 16-18 at the Augustine Center near Petoskey, and Oct. 21-23 at St Pat’s in Brighton. For more info on these and other Weekends or to apply, please visit or call Harry & Karen Porter (888) 628-7433. Interested in Prison and Jail Ministry? Join us for one of our next Info Sessions to see if this Ministry is right for you! Tuesday, August 9 from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm or Tuesday, August 9 from 6:30 – 9:30 pm Both sessions are Downtown Grand Rapids at the Cathedral Square Center. If you would like to attend one of these Sessions please call by August 2, the Program Director, Tricia Worrell at 616.475.1255 St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council # 11581 The Knights meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00PM. For more info please contact Grand Knight: Steve Lampe: (616) 293-7355 ST. MARY’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK H & S Companies 4575 Lake Michigan Dr. / 616.453.8551 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 ST MARY’S PARISH NEWS ST MARY’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Our Lady of Fatima Guild SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE Religious Education Classes Begin Sept 18 -Pre-School thru 2nd grade Children’s Liturgy / During Mass Sept 21—1st-7th Grade @ Parish Hall TBD - 8th grade-Confirmation Registration forms available in the Narthex and Online. REGISTER TODAY! Youth Ministry 6th –8th grade Watch the bulletin for special activity dates for Coopersville Cares. Donations of backpacks, lunch boxes, pencils, notebooks, markers, and other school supplies would be appreciated. PLEASE DROP OFF DONATIONS BY AUG 13. so items can be distributed to families in need before school begins. St Mary’s Picnic Planning Group: is looking for volunteers for various committees for the picnic, Games, prizes, set-up, etc. . If you would like to help, please call the parish office. Parish Picnic / Fr Ayub’s Welcome Party will be Sept 11, The day will begin with Mass at 11AM at our Cemetery Altar (weather permitting). Please bring a lawn chair. After Mass we will proceed to the Parish Hall for Food, Fun and Fellowship. All Are Welcome! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR GODS KITCHEN: Volunteers are needed from 10AM to 2PM, Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 12 & Dec 10. Sign-Up forms available in the Narthex. New Parish Directory Please sign up for your portrait session. Sign up forms are in the Narthex or you may sign up on line at our website, or by calling the parish office. Many Volunteer Opportunities available. Sign Up Sheets are available in the Narthex or call the Parish Office. ST MARY’S ADULT BIBLE: Wednesdays 9:00-10:30 in the parish hall. Newcomers are invited to join at any time. For information contact Jill Brown 899-2215. SAVE THE DATES DATE EVENT Aug 1—13 Our Lady of Fatima Guild School Supply Drive Aug 16 Safe Environment Training (VIRTUS) Course Aug 21 St Michael’s Parish Festival Sept 11 Sept 21 –24 Community Mass/Parish Picnic & Fr. Ayub Francis Nasar’s Welcome Party Parish Directory Pictures Oct 8 Pre-Cana Class Oct 30 Recital Jill Brown / Maureen Carmody 3PM Feb 4, 2017 Valentine Dinner & Dance Giving Back to God St. Mary’s Contributions from July 30/31 Adult (107) $4,952.00 Loose $147.41 Total $5,099.41 Capital Improvement $45.00 Thank you for your continued support! For more information on any of these programs please contact our Director of Religious Education, Theresa Steffes at 677.3934 or 677.5065 or [email protected] Do you have a Love of the Lord and of His Children? If so, we are looking for you! Catechists are called to this special ministry to share, educate and form our children in their Catholic Faith. We are in need of faith-filled individuals to be catechists and catechist assistants in the coming school year for our Wednesday night Religious Education program. If you are willing to share your faith with our young people please contact Theresa at our Religious Education Office to set up an interview. Training will be provided and is available online over the summer months. We are hosting a Safe Environment Training (VIRTUS) Course! The Diocese requires all parish or school employees, and all adult volunteers who are engaged in jobs, ministries or programs that involve contact with children attend this course. If you want to volunteer in Religious Education Class, Vacation Bible School, or any other program you will need to attend this FREE course on Tues. Aug.16 at 6:00 at our Parish Hall! To register for the course visit: Visit for all church happenings! “Like” St. Mary’s Catholic Church—Marne on Facebook and “Follow “ us on Twitter and download our MyParishApp PLEASE REMEMBER THESE ST. MARY’S PARISHIONERS IN YOUR PRAYERS William Brown, Pat Goodwin, Kelley Kasul, Doris Kowalczyk, Ken Malewitz, Jon Perrin, Jim Poley, Ann Pols, Mabel Siemen, Kathleen Sobie, Judy Wensink and the personal intentions that St Mary’s Parish parishioners hold close to their hearts. If you or a loved one would like to be added to this prayer list, please contact the parish office at 677.3934 or Linda at 677.3269 for evening requests call Darlene 616.453.0157 or email: [email protected] Specializing in Service Licensed & Insured Free Estimates GENERAL DENTISTRY HOME PRODUCTS QUALITY CLEANING AIDS Call Winnie Spencer, Parishioner 837-8631 Coopersville Heating & Cooling Mark Janose (616) 837-1312 Don Janose (616) 292-3344 706 W. Randall Street Coopersville, MI 49404 Office Hours by Appointment (616) 837-6521 Mike Laug (616) 837-6315 L-P Tree Service Professional Tree Health Care, Trimming, Feeding & Removal Council #9909 For membership information, please call Dave Reames at 477-8065 My Basketball BASICS 402-1600 VanZantwick ● Bartels ● Kammeraad Commercial/Residential 616.534.4383 Enhancing life. Funeral Homes, Inc. West Michigan Veterinary Service 837-8151 Grand Haven 616.890.6872 Custom Hog Roasting Matt & Amy Hehl - Parishioners 14468 - 88th Ave., Coopersville, MI 837-6761 - [email protected] Chad Williams - Parishioner P.O. Box 234 - Coopersville [email protected] Phillips Jewelers Daniel’s Hair Salon and Tanning Fine Diamonds Watches & Jewelry 323 Main St. Coopersville Expert Repair & Appraisal Services 248 Main St. Coopersville Cooper ● Sigma ● Carlisle (616) 677-5202 1454 Franklin St. Marne, MI 49435 837-8689 ON SITE CAR RENTALS of Ravenna, Inc. 231-853-6511 3580 Thomas St., Ravenna Featuring… Ziebart® Protection Services Hidden Hitch® Towing Products TidyCar® Detailing U-Haul® Truck/Trailer Rentals Trailer Repair & Maintenance DENNIS ZIMMER, PARISHIONER Spring Lake 616-846-4520 Michigan O nline Auctions 997-6462 Depot Café Located Downtown Marne Meals created with pride P.O. Box 362 Marne, MI 49435 Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am - 2:30 pm Sat. 7am - Noon Sun. 8am—1pm (231) 853-6193 (616) 677-1280 675 West Randall Coopersville, MI 49404 837-9777 FOUNTAINVIEW ASSISTED LIVING 997-9253 640 W. Randall Coopersville KERRI SNOWDIN Publisher/ Editor Interurban Owners: Jim & Bobbi Poley 616-837-6633 Ed & Dorothy Alt - Parishioners ● Gasoline ● Custom Diesel Fuel ● ● Home Heating Oil ● Roger Holman, D.O. Sara Koenes, P.A.C. A Service Company 678 Front Ave (@6th) Grand Rapids, MI 49504 OIL COMPANY Randall St. Medical P.C. ZIMMER AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES “Complete Auto & Truck Body Repair” Doug Otterbein, Parishioner (616) 235-6860 ext 112 Fax 235-1634 DOUG’S AUTO BODY INC. 14960-68th Coach Jim McGannon STANDARD Computer Systems, Inc. 837-6617 616-997-7173 Volleyball ● Basketball ● Soccer Spring Lake WILLIAMS ELECTRIC, LLC Clinics & Camps 616-842-6100 620 Washington Ave. 213 E. Savidge St. 997-8989 Jeff & Norma Luke 217 W. Randall P.O. Box 111, Coopersville, MI 49404 Phone: 616-997-5049 Fax: 616-997-9235 [email protected] Dennison Federal Credit Union Ken LeRoy Clark 214 Church St, Coopersville - 837-8161 Hours: Mon-Thur 11am-10pm Fri: 11am-11pm Sat: 7am-11pm Sun: 8am-8pm Fine Food & Spirits Nunica - 837-7096 Corner of Cleveland and 112th. Coopersville Car Care St. Michael’s Parish, Coopersville Your Church Credit Union Savings - Loans - Financial Counseling Chris Albrecht - Chief Financial Officer ~ 616-997-6980 OPEN EVERY SUNDAY from 8:30am-9am and 10am-11am W. Randall St. 837-7295 1275 Coopersville Lori Brown - Owner Coopersville Floral (616) 997-8808 300 Main Street Coopersville, MI 837-8525 Computer Sales & Support Office Supplies 270 Main Street Hours: M,Tu.W.F: 8am-6pm Th: 2pm-7pm Sat: By Appt. 18” 2-Items for $12.99 + Tax Downtown Coopersville Downtown Coopersville Main Street, Coopersville 616-997-1938 997-0327 - - - -Coupon - - - - 837-6728 25 N. 68th Ave. Ste J, Coopersville Phil’s Lawn Service Lawn Care & Snowplowing 16358 112th Ave, Nunica MI (616) 292-1587 Body Shop Auto - Light Truck - 4 X 4 ~Air Conditioning Repair~ Ron VanDyke, Owner 616.837.8297 Small Engine Repair, Parts, and Service WILLS INJURY CRIMINAL St. Michael’s Preschool M,W,F 8:45—11:45 a.m. For more information about our Preschool Contact our director Mrs. Annette Lown 410 Bridge St N.W., Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (616) 454-4119 COOPERSVILLE Steve Merle Sales and Service 837-6419 Gould Pumps 706-1966 1354 W. RANDALL, COOPERSVILLE, 616-837-8608 THANK YOU ST. MICHAEL’S BULLETIN SPONSORS!: The advertisements that appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs which the church would otherwise incur. Please patronize these sponsors and thank them for their generosity. To advertise on this page please contact the parish office for more info! Bulletins published by St. Michael’s Parish. Printed by L & L Printing. For advertising information call St. Michael’s Parish Office at 616-384-4026. CHC DAVID M. SHABLUK, D.D.S.