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May / June 2007
Set to Rise in the
Premier Location
of Downtown
Miami’s only Gated
River Front
pg. 68
pple is famous for their attention to detail. For
instance, if the headphone is unplugged during
playback, iPod will pause the song. Attention to
detail is not just about a healthy obsession for
perfectionism, it's a lifetime pursuit of delivering above
and beyond all expectations. Like Apple, CMC Group’s,
Kashia Orlando, Director of Marketing, and her team,
Clarisell De Cardenas and Lindsay Jackman, truly have a
penchant for perfection. Their synergy and consummate
professionalism has spread the word worldwide, and
made EPIC Residences & Hotel stand out on Miami's
proliferating skyline.
EPIC's on-site two story waterfront sales and
information center, designed by famed Italian interior
designer Michele Bonan, not only provides spectacular
vistas of Biscayne Bay and downtown Miami, but houses
one of the city's most exceptional marketing teams with a
winning formula for success. Kashia says, “if you ask me
what my guiding philosophy is, it would be keen attention
to detail. Constant attention to the minutiae
demonstrates competence and it also shows that a
company cares about its clients' needs. It's my belief that
clients can get a strong indication about how a company
does business and how it will attend to big concerns by
how it attends to little ones."
Kashia and her team exemplify the core values set
forth by the visionary developers of EPIC. High standards Clarisell De Cardenas, Kashia Orlando & Lindsay Jackman
and excellence permeate every project completed by Ugo Colombo's each EPIC resident will have the very finest and most luxurious
CMC Group, which created the landmarks Bristol Tower and Santa finishes, amenities, and service. All waterfront residences spare no
Maria condominiums on Brickell Avenue and the Grovernor House in detail of comfort and luxury.
Coconut Grove. Co-Developer, Lionstone Development, Alfredo and
What sets Kashia and her dynamic team apart from the rest is
Diego Lowenstein, developer and owner of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel their professional attitude and undivided focus to the little things in a
South Beach and Ritz Carlton Club and Residences also possess way that respond to the emotional needs of their clients. Take for
successful developments around the world.
example, their ultra-cool marketing events, EPIC Thursdays, the
EPIC is slated to become a legendary waterfront landmark in the exclusive event series has become the place to be and be seen on
heart of Miami. EPIC will afford access to countless unforeseen and Thursday nights.
seen details. It will introduce residents into the exquisite world of the
Whether it’s a magazine launch or book signing, EPIC Thursdays
Kimpton Hotel brand, which is the undisputed leader of the upscale is the hot buzz around town. EPIC Thursdays launched last winter and
lifestyle hotel industry. Thanks to the level of detail from the start, already has hosted the queen of New York nightlife, Amy Sacco;
Featured Editorial
These exquisite, state-of-the-art residences are priced from the
$500,000s and are scheduled for completion in winter 2008.
For additional information, please visit their website at
epicmiami.com or call 305.400.7399.
Featured Editorial
Miami’s most stylish people, as named by Avenue Magazine; the 10th
anniversary birthday bash hosted by Miami Art Museum Partners; the
Florida Grand Opera Crescendo Circle; the Miami-Dade County Bar
Association Young Lawyers Section; Young Professionals of the Red
Cross and a spectacular performance by New World Symphony.
If there's one universal hallmark of the CMC Group, it is their
unwavering commitment and dedication to excellence on every
project. It is clearly obvious that each and every member of their team
has a deep and personal commitment to offer their clients the
exclusiveness they deserve. They work with the best development
teams, leading architects and a famed PR agency. According to Kacie
Main of O’Connell & Goldberg Creative Public Relations, “Kashia and
her team make sure they don't just fulfill but surpass all of their
client's expectations.” The marketing dynamos of EPIC are much like
the people that run the real estate powerhouse- meticulous, dynamic
and positively obsessive over all the countless details that make life
relevant and beautiful.
EPIC Residences & Hotel's waterfront sales center is open Monday
to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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VIRTUAL SPA. REAL INSPIRATION. fall 2007 ... issue 10............. $5.00
We have the
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step ... DETOXIFY your Relationships
..................................................... by Nathalie Breszytenszky
Is your relationship making you sick, literally? From Britney Spears’ hit “Toxic” to
Pink’s lyrics “You make me sick,” songs about unhealthy relationships have been
topping the pop charts for decades. Now the topic seems to be popping up on medical
charts too. There is much evidence to suggest that the repressed anger, hate, and
grief stemming from bad relationships are the root emotional causes leading to the
suppression of the immune system and even the development of cancer.
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Knowing this, the next time you feel like crying,
let it flow! Or if you are feeling angry, let it out!
Feelings are created by the mind for the sole
purpose of being expressed, not repressed. If
negative feelings are not communicated, they
remain trapped inside the body and over time
cause physical illness. This is due to high levels
of stress within the body.
Have you ever been told, “Don’t cry. Everything
will be OK?” or “Be tough. Keep a stiff upper lip!”
Don’t listen to this advice. Doing so can be
detrimental to your health. Repressed negative
feelings are harmful to the body and increase a
person's level of the stress hormone cortisol, a
hormone that has been found in many studies
around the world to directly lower immune
system function. According to the Journal of the
American Medical Association, cortisol is an
important hormone in the body, secreted by the
adrenal glands and involved in the following
functions: proper glucose metabolism, regulation of blood pressure, insulin release for blood
sugar maintenance, immune function and
inflammatory response. Although stress isn’t the
Page 17
only reason cortisol is secreted into the bloodstream, it has been termed “the stress hormone”
because it’s also secreted in higher levels during
the body’s “fight or flight” response to stress,
and is responsible for several stress-related
changes in the body. Higher and more prolonged
levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (like those
associated with chronic stress) have been
shown to have negative effects. According the
New England Journal of Medicine, when the
immune system is not functioning properly,
cancer cells, which exist in every human being,
can multiply and form tumor sites. Researchers
around the world say there is a direct correlation
between cancer and “sick” relationships. The
Journal of Psychosomatic Research has reported
that extreme suppression of anger was the most
commonly identified characteristic of 160 breast
cancer patients who were given a comprehensive
psychological interview and self-administered
questionnaire. Repressing anger magnified
exposure to physiological stress, thereby
increasing the risk of cancer. Another example of
the ill-effects of a poor relationship on health
comes from renown cancer surgeon Dr. Ryke-
Geerd Hamer from Germany. Dr. Hamer examined 20,000 cancer patients with all types of
cancer and noticed that his patients seemed to
have something in common: There had been
some kind of psycho-emotional conflict prior to
the onset of their cancer—usually a few years
before—a conflict that had never been fully
resolved. Dr Hamer started incorporating
psychotherapy as an integral part of the healing
process and found that when the specific
conflict was resolved, the cancer immediately
stopped growing at a cellular level.
Dr. Hamer believes that many people with cancer
are unable to share their thoughts, emotions,
fears and joys with other people. He calls this
"psycho-emotional isolation." According to Dr.
Hamer, the more people tend to hide away sadness and grief behind a brave face, the more
susceptible they are to diseases, like cancer.
Some of us are not even aware of our emotions
further intensifying isolation and negative factors
that contribute to disease. A common denominator among all the reports from around the
world have indicated that people who repress
emotions tend to be more prone to illness,
particularly immune-system related diseases.
To keep stress at bay and to keep cortisol levels
under control, you must take steps to learn
various stress management techniques. Many
healthcare professionals have found the following
steps to be very helpful in relaxing the mind, body
and soul. First, be willing to change. If you are in
a toxic relationship, be willing to seek help or get
out of the relationship all together. A reluctance to
change could put your health and life in danger.
Second, find a detox program that works for
you. The Journal of Holistic Medicine suggests
detoxing the lymphatic immune system with
regular massage exercise. Also, strengthen the
immune system by eating a balanced, nutritious
diet with foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Third, eliminate what psychologist Dr. Tana
Dineen calls the victim mentality. If you believe
bad things always happen to you, then you are
giving people power over you. Take back control,
change the toxic conditions and revise your
toxic thoughts. Fourth, move out of fear and
reconnect to your life. When you live in fear, you
are not living at all. You reside in a state of high
stress and anxiety. This weakens the immune
system and allows sickness to thrive. Fifth, learn
to forgive yourself and others for past grievances.
Anger, hurt, resentment, bitterness all work
together to weaken the immune system. Dineen
says, “There needs to be a willingness to face
emotional pain from the past, to express and
release painful feelings, and to forgive others and
yourself for wrongs committed.” Finally, welcome
the winds of change into your life. Alter whatever
environment you are in that you feel is bringing
you down emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
This may include a bad relationship, a bad job or
even living in a city you are not happy about. Find
a lifestyle that gives you back your life, and be at
peace with each decision you make.
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Does the thought of a white wedding with all the bells and whistles have you dashing
for the hills like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride? Perhaps eloping with your Prince
Charming might be right up your alley as opposed to right down the aisle. Let's face
it, weddings can be stressful to say the least. So many times in the wedding process,
a frazzled bride will exclaim, "We should just elope!" But few actually go through with
it and let the thought fade into the distant horizon. But with so many celebrities eloping these days, the concept is losing some of its former social stigma, you might just
consider this easier and faster option. Especially, if you find yourself growing a few
extra heads and transforming into the dreaded Bridezilla.
Forty-three years ago, my parents eloped at a
small chapel south of Newton, New Jersey. They
each had two witnesses; 6 guests attended.
A friend took photographs. My father’s theory:
"The success of the marriage is in inverse proportion to the opulence of the wedding." His
thinking is that the more time and effort a couple
devotes to picking out the perfect scented invitation, colorful favor, or caterer, the less they
work on their compatibility during the critical
period of engagement. Decades later, it seems
like the apple had not fallen far from the family
tree as his only daughter bypassed the overly
commercialized route of marriage and opted for
a quiet, backyard garden ceremony under the
stars. Both my husband and I vacillated and
agonized over locations (Miami or Negril?), the
guest list (under 80 over 200?), invitations (modern or classic?) and especially the budget (under
or over 40K?). We soon became wrapped up in
all the hype and began losing sleep over creating the perfect day. In the process, we turned
into Snow White’s dwarfs, Grumpy and Angry
while planning our happily ever after. Until one
evening we decided to simply elope. We didn’t
run off to Vegas or take our lunch at city hall,
instead we decided to invite our close friends
over for dinner and surprise them with the news.
In less than 48 hours, my husband and I (with
the help of a few friends) threw together a surprise “elopement” ceremony. In the few hours
we had to prepare for this life changing event,
we laughed, giggled, danced, joked and waved
good-bye to stress. More importantly, we had
time to truly reflect on the real meaning of marriage and find the heart-felt words for our vows.
To this day we do not regret our decision and are
happy that we chose to commit our lives to each
other in the moonlight’s shadow with our very
close friends, family and dogs.
However, before you decide to elope, you
should carefully consider the pros and cons like
we did. First, consider the real reason you want
to eschew societal norms and get married on
the sly. Most couples who elope say that they
want to save money. A combination of eloping
and a honeymoon typically costs tens of thousands dollars less than a traditional wedding,
minus the hassle of months of wedding planning.
Second, a couple might want to avoid family
arguments, especially if one partner's parents
disapprove of their choice of spouse, or if a
divorced set of parents can't stand to be in the
same room together.
One couple interviewed, cited cultural differences as a main factor in their decision to elope.
The family of both parties wanted to showcase
their wedding traditions, leaving the couple no
room for compromise. The wedding would have
been either 100% Pakistani or 100% traditional
Chinese, four hour tea ceremony and all.
Besides the logical reasons for eloping, there's
something old-fashioned and romantic about
the idea of running off to city hall. However, there
are some disadvantages to eloping. You'll be
missing out on celebrating with dear friends and
family. Some may actually be angry that you didn't
include them, especially after they've invited you
to their wedding, or included you in their
bridal/groom party. There's no woman more
scorned in this case as mothers of the bride who
especially tend to have hurt feelings when they
find out that their daughters didn't invite them to
their wedding. If your parents already don't
approve of your better-half, this might be the
straw that breaks the camels back and a reason
to be labeled the black sheep in the family. In
addition, you'll also be missing out on the
chance to live the day in the life of a beautiful
princess – instead of looking back on pictures of
yourself in a gorgeous setting, surrounded by
loved ones, you might have only a few snapshots of yourself in an everyday dress set to the
backdrop of an impersonal city hall.
If you and your soul-mate decide that eloping is
the right option for you, consider these alternatives that might avoid some of the downsides of
running away with your fiancé into the sunset:
• Have a ceremony that's just the two of you,
but throw a small, personal reception afterwards
for all your friends and family.
• Hire a professional photographer to come
with you to city hall, then send out great pictures
of the event with your wedding announcement.
• Invite your parents and best friends to come
with you - the eight or so of you can go out for
a celebratory dinner afterwards. This keeps the
wedding cost down but the spirits high.
• Elope now, but make plans to have a blowout
ten-year anniversary party. You might even
include a creative note with your wedding
announcements saying something like "Our
wedding was like the song, Just the Two of Us,
but we invite you to celebrate when we make it
to ten years on February 14th, 2014."
If you do decide to elope, be sure to think it
through carefully. Consider where you want to
marry, and look into the marriage license laws.
Maybe you want to escape to a tropical island or
toast as husband and bride under the Eiffel Tower.
However, many places don't allow you to apply
for a license and marry on the same day. This is
also partially why eloping to Las Vegas is so alluring, as fast marriages are considerably easier
there. But statistically, marriages in Las Vegas
have a higher rate of divorce than other states.
Elopement isn't for everyone, but maybe it could
be right for people who haven't even considered
it. It's a common mistake to assume eloping is
the part of the disposable marriage merry-goround, that it means your marriage has less
credibility, when that's not the case at all. You're
still signing up to someone for a lifetime's commitment and that doesn't change – no matter
how many people hear you make your vows, or
how much you decide to spend on monogrammed chocolate covered favors. And isn't
that the whole point?
Just remember, be true to yourself and do what
makes the two of you happy. If that means celebrating it in a traditional way, with something
borrowed, something blue, something old
something new, go for it! Or if it is just the two of
you saying your vows under a pavilion at your
local zoo, just do it! No matter which direction
you choose, remember the real reason why you
are getting married and focus on the private
experience and covenant between the two of
you. No matter how you say "I do!", your day will
no doubt be special.
by Nathalie Breszytenszky
Music is a sanctuary;
de f i n e you r ex i st e nce
a better wa y for you to sh a r e you r t a l e n ts wi th th e wor l d.
the notes offer a space to let your spirit
fly. It is not just a place of refuge, it is the
language of the heart. For heights and
depths no words can reach, music is the
soul’s own speech. As a musical artist,
music is the essence you breathe, the
substance you exhale. You’ve invested
countless hours honing your craft,
perfecting your reason for being. To you–
creating and performing are not just a part
of your life - they define your existence.
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