2015 September
2015 September
Monthly Newsletter of the B.P.O.E., AUGUSTA LODGE #964 Vol. 27, Issue 6, September 2015 September Birthday Bash Lobster & Steak Feed Hot Dog Night Homeless Veterans Benefit Basket Raffle Drawing Bingo - Wednesdays & Thursdays October Birthday Bash Stand Down - VA Togus Early Bird Holiday Fair Basket Raffle Drawing Bingo - Wednesdays & Thursdays Lodge Hours Mon - Tues - 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm Friday - 10:00 am to 11:00 pm Sat. (non-func.) - 10:00 am to 10:00 pm Sunday (football) - 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm Weds - Thurs - 11:00 am to 10:00 pm Sat (function) - 10:00 am to 1:00 am Sunday - 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm Communication, Cooperation, Support 2015—2016 OFFICERS PLEASE REMEMBER WES DE CAMPOS When playing the Pull Tickets, you are playing at your own risk. Exalted Ruler LORI HOWLETT, PER Leading Knight DAN HOWLETT, PER Loyal Knight ADAM PELLETIER Lecturing Knight July: Sara Bangs GAIL GRASSE Money is due for each month’s drawing no later than the last Friday at 3:00 pm. If your payment is not received by that time, you forfeit your number and it becomes available for purchase at the next months’ deadline. Tiler CINDY GERVAIS Secretary CATHY MCCOLLETT Treasurer PAUL DOYON There are currently numbers available to be purchased for the 150 Club. Please see the bartender to purchase your number. Inner Guard KEN BEASLEY Chaplain A. J. RIDLEY Esquire GARY COOPER, PER Trustee TIM RODRIGUE Trustee MONIQUE LAFLAMME BANQUET FACILITY Remember, when planning your next event, the Banquet Facility is available to members for just $100.00, Elk functions for $75.00. Please keep in mind that only a cake may be brought in, you must use our caterers. Contact Nadine Cooper at: Phone: (207) 623-9623 Voice Mail: 622-4909 Email: [email protected] Trustee DAN GALLANT Trustee TERRY BAKER Trustee Challenge, the monthly newsletter of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Augusta Lodge #964, a fraternal organization is published 12 times per year. The newsletter is presented to Lodge members free of cost as a benefit of membership. Publisher: Wes De Campos Editorial Staff: Joanne De Campos augustaelks.org 2 [email protected] Greetings, It is September already, the summer is almost gone. Hopefully we will have a decent Fall with good weather. Football has already started and the nights are getting a little bit cooler. It seems like the Summer goes awful fast. The month of August at the Lodge is usually quiet with most people out on vacation enjoying the good weather and the beach. This August was the exception due to the first Summer Music Festival with some of the proceeds going to the Travis Mills Foundation. Many of us cannot remember the last time something this large has been done here at the Lodge. Many thanks to Tim Rodrigue, his Committee, Sub-committees and volunteers for all their countless hours to make this event happen. We all put away our personal differences and worked for the common good. It is amazing what we can do when this happens. There were many volunteers, some Elks, some non-Elks but together it was extremely successful. I hope in 2 years we can build off of this and make it even better. I would also like to send a thank you to all the community sponsors who made the Summer Music Festival possible. A special thank you to Tim Culbert for taking down all the Lodge PER pictures, cleaning the glass, providing new ribbons, fixing the plates and rehanging them. They look really nice. Also in August we had our Birthday Bash and as usual, the food was excellent. Because it was August, there were not a lot of people in attendance but made for good conversation. We also this month initiated 9 new members to our Lodge, make sure you say hello to them at the Lobster & Steak Feed. Please remember that the life blood of this organization is its’ membership so consider recommending your sons, daughters, grandchildren and neighbors for membership into the Lodge. It is how we will survive. Hopefully September will bring good weather and bring members back to the Lodge. There will be more events as Fall progresses and I look forward to seeing you all then. Yours in Elkdom, Wes De Campos Exalted Ruler augustaelks.org 3 [email protected] From the Desk of the Lodge Secretary PROPOSITION FOR MEMBERSHIP The following applications have been read on the Lodge floor. Darren Joyce - proposed by Monique Laflamme Patrick Korte - proposed by Howard Antworth Karen Curtis - proposed by Dan Howlett Life Membership: Francis Preshong Transfer: Belinda Ashworth (From Lewiston) BALLOTING ON MEMBERSHIP There were 4 candidates voted on favorably: David Jackson, Sr. (new member) Robert Wheelock (new member) Beth Baker (reinstatement) Bertrand Martin (transfer) LODGE OF SORROW I am happy to report there were no Lodge of Sorrows. Though Gone, But Not Forgotten NEWS FROM THE SECRETARYS DESK Lodge dues were due March 31, 2015. The dues for 2015-2016 are $68.50 . have not done so, please remit your payment ASAP. If you Our mailing address: Augusta Elks Lodge #964, PO Box 2206, Augusta, Me. 04338. Another way to reach me at: [email protected]. In Elkdom, Cindy Gervais, Secretary augustaelks.org 4 [email protected] augustaelks.org 5 [email protected] JOIN THE NEWSLETTER BOOSTERS CLUB We are looking for members who are willing to donate $10 or any amount to help defray the cost of mailing our newsletter to those members who are not able to receive the Newsletter electronically. Next time you are at the Lodge, give your donation to the bartender or send a check to BPOE Augusta Lodge #964, Attn: Secretary, P.O. Box 2206, Augusta, Me. 04338-2206. Thanks as always for being willing to provide this little bit help. Congratulations to Tim Rodrigue August’s Elk of the Month Tim is a Trustee at the Lodge and has run many functions through the years. During the month of August, he was responsible for pulling together the biggest event the Lodge has seen in a long time, the Elks Summer Music Festival. He and his Committees spent countless hours pulling together this event, running a Super Drawing, selling sponsorships and working on every little detail, ensuring that this event would successful. It was quite an undertaking, and no small feat to see this event run so smoothly on those 2 days. It was great to see it all come together and work well. As they say, Tim never does anything small. If you see Tim, congratulate him on all his efforts for the Augusta Elks lodge. augustaelks.org 6 [email protected] Elks Summer Music Festival Update The First Augusta Elks Music Festival has come and gone. It was a success but not as attended as I would have liked to have seen. Many of us worked tirelessly from Wednesday evening thru Sunday afternoon and though I thanked everyone who helped at any time throughout this process those of you that put forth the extra effort and were there helping set up and tearing down, you truly were dedicated to the cause and we couldn’t have pulled this off without you. Thank you to my sub-committee chairs and all their volunteers: Mike Michaud: Handling the Bands and Event Lineup Lina Michaud: a very successful Bake Sale Dan Howlett: Parking & Shuttles Lori Howlett: Concession Duties and a very profitable weekend Sara Bangs: Public Relations and Advertising. Gary Cooper & Joanne Decampos: Admissions & Finance Terry Baker: Setup and Tear Down Sheila Krause: Kids Events, Raffles, 50-50 and Vendor Tables AJ Ridley: Security Al & Lorana Laliberte: Bar Duties Vicki Rodrigue: Secretary (meeting minutes and follow ups) I would also like to give a special thanks to a few people. Gary Cooper who was there running around setting up, tearing down, collecting the money all weekend, making bank deposits, etc, Terry Baker and Greg Ruby, I wish everyone knew just how much you two did to make this happen, from working with CMP and Mike Chick, of MainEx, to get power to the field on a permanent basis. No one realizes just what you two did, the cost of that job and the added value to our property. I thank you both very much for all you done for me as well as the Augusta Elks. AJ Ridley was there from start to finish, keeping an eye on security, setting up tables, cleaning them, removing them, dumping trash, etc., each day and there till the last thing was done to the field on Sunday. Lori Howlett for the concession duties, cleaning the concession trailer afterwards, and making over $2,300 selling food. Great job and good food! Lee Buzzell for coming to the rescue with our deep fryer issues and fixing our problems, you’re the man. Al Laliberte, Jeremy Dular, Terry Baker Gary Cooper, Dan Howlett , Barb Thompson, Justin Rodrigue and Vicki Rodrigue for coming to help to tear down. What most people don’t realize is, after an event such as this, we are all dead tired and the tear down is always the worst part and always the part that never seems to have enough help. I hope this letter might encourage a few more people to help with this at the next function. Those of us that did stay and do it were very, very tired and surely would have loved more help. Lastly, my wife Vicki, who helped wherever she was needed and put up with me when I was stressed and probably a little short with her but helped tremendously with the fine details that may have been lost without her. This event will happen again in 2 years. I hope to have many people step up to help and make the 2nd Music Festival bigger and better than the first. We can’t do it without you!!! Again many thanks to EVERYONE that helped in whatever capacity you could to make this a success. We had a few problems that we will learn from and make it better the next time. To say we weathered the storm would be an understatement.. Sincerely, Tim Rodrigue Music Festival Chairman augustaelks.org 7 [email protected] Visiting Dignataries Wes De Campos, ER Elvis Impersonator Mike Coty, PER & Travis Mills A Tribute to Elton John augustaelks.org 8 [email protected] Please consider helping for a few hours on Wednesday or Thursday nights. Contact Linda Littlefield for more information or to volunteer - call the Lodge at 623-9623, the Banquet Room on Wednesday or Thursday at 622-9861 or email to justbartenderlinda @myfairpoint.net. All Members, I would like to start an Elk Riders Club #964 that all members can join. Like many other lodges have done, the members which are motorcycle enthusiasts, form a club and take part in various events, fund raising, funerals, and rides for a Cause. We have several members who own motorcycles that would participate in such a club. We would have our own ELKS 964 patches for our jackets, as well as our own account where we can raise money for different Causes. This also could generate membership and exposure for the Elks as an organization that cares about our Community. Anyone interested please get in contact with me ASAP as I plan to put this together this Fall and Winter and be ready for Spring 2016 to begin our rides, Sincerely, Tim Rodrigue 314-9857 [email protected] augustaelks.org 9 [email protected] Lodge - 623-9623 Augusta Elks Lodge #964 Bingo - 622-9861 ~ September 2015 ~ May ► PO Box 2206, Augusta, ME 04338-2206 ◄ March Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 House Comm. Meeting 6:00 7 6 8 14 9 15 Lobster & Steak Feed 1:00 - 3:00 20 21 22 6th Annual Maine’s Homeless Veterans Benefit 11:00 27 29 11 Bingo 6:00 17 Bingo 6:00 23 Board Meeting 6:15 & Lodge Meeting 7:00 28 10 16 Sat 6 Bingo 6:00 Bingo 6:00 House Comm. Meeting 6:00 Fri 4 Bingo 6:00 Board Meeting 6:15 & Lodge Meeting 7:00 13 Thu 3 18 Bingo 6:00 24 Bingo 6:00 Birthday Bash 6:00 12 19 Hot Dog Night 5:30 - 7:00 25 26 Bingo 6:00 150 Club Pymt Due Lodge Hours Mon-Tues 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm Weds-Thurs 11:00am-10:00pm Friday 10:00 am - 11:00 pm Sat (funct 10:00 am - 1:00 am Sat (non-func) 10:00am- 0:00pm Sunday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday (football) 12:00pm- 9:00pm augustaelks.org 10 [email protected] Lodge - 623-9623 Augusta Elks Lodge #964 PO Box 2206, Augusta, ME 04338-2206 ~ October 2015 ~ ◄ October Sun Mon Tue Wed 6 7 House Comm. Meeting 6:00 11 12 13 19 20 26 27 9 10 16 17 Bingo 6:00 22 Bingo 6:00 Bingo 6:00 Stand Down VA Togus 23 24 30 31 150 Club Pymt Due 28 Board Meeting 6:15 & Lodge Meeting 7:00 augustaelks.org 15 21 Birthday Bash Sat 3 Bingo 6:00 Bingo 6:00 House Comm. Meeting 6:00 25 Bingo 6:00 8 14 Fri 2 Bingo 6:00 Board Meeting 6:15 & Lodge Meeting 7:00 18 Thu Bingo 6:00 Mon-Tues 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm Weds-Thurs 11:00am-10:00pm Friday 10:00 am - 11:00 pm Sat (funct 10:00 am - 1:00 am Sat (non-func) 10:00am - 8: 0:00pm Sunday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday (football) 12:00pm- 9:00pm 5 December ► 1 Lodge Hours 4 Bingo - 622-9861 29 Bingo 6:00 11 Bingo 6:00 Early Bird Holiday Fair 9:00 - 1:00 [email protected] Friday, September 11, 2015 Darin Fredette 01 Peter Camille Jo-Ann Gerard Doreen Ronald Robert Robert G Jeffery John Bryon Gary Stephen Brian Charles Frank Michael Mary Tamy Donald Laurier Julie Norman Jean Jeffrey Pamela Lonwood Robert Harold Richard Jason William William Theresa Floyd Richard Harriet Raymond Alan David Joel Linda Lauren Larry Frederick Peter Lucas Rodrigue Plourde Roy Bartlett Bernard Sullivan Bennett Wright Clark Dumont Farrin Morin Stratton Arnold Jones Naiman Allen Coffin Colfer Dostie Fleury Merrill Pouliot Fredette Laflin Burns Keller Rowe Jones Jr Plourde Valera Welsh Bonenfant Cloutier Morin Skeel George Plante Weeks Harriman Keller Littlefield Pease Biron Isbister McGuire 01 01 03 03 04 04 04 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 augustaelks.org The Birthday Bash Committee would like to thank Jamie Mulligan for her donation to the birthday bash after winning the 50/50 at the Christmas in July Party. Happy Birthday to our Members! Committee Members: Sue Kaplan Eilene Bromberg Lisa Henschel If you are interested in helping the Birthday Bash Committee, please contact any of the Committee members. We could use your help. 12 Edson Heather Alden George Lisa Theodore Cathy Richard Michael Lucien Steven Bill Kyle Roger Gregory Roger David Todd Timothy Richard Michael Barbara Robert Lorraine Roberta Philippe Brenda Gail Bruce Thomas John Lynn Theresea Russell Timothy Blaine Robert Ryan Wilder Susan Lisa Andrea Gary Wayne Robbie Robert Thomas Ronald Scholz Bailey Cook Demos Jr Hentschel Farrington McCollett Campbell Kaberle Luszczki Jr McGee Padgett Riggs Stockwell Malloy Nevells Sr Palmer Farrin Davis Knights Bonenfant McNally Smith Ellsworth Fogg Jacques Littlefield Marson Arnold Farrington Huard Maylin Poirier Souther Chasse Clark Coates Davis Moulton Myrick Robbins Wilkins Cooper Reed Sutter Keller Jr Pelkey Hibbert 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 [email protected] News from the Scholarship Committee NEWS from the Scholarship Committee: We know Elks scholars are dedicated to service. Now, you will have the opportunity to come together in service with your Elks scholar peers. In 2015-16, the Elks National Foundation will launch three Elks Scholar Service Trips for up to 20 Elks scholars each in the summer, winter and spring. These trips will offer you a chance to get to know other Elks scholars, serve a local community in the name of the Elks, and learn more about your Elks family. 2015-16 Elks Scholar Service Trips The Winter Trip will serve the San Francisco Bay area from January 3-9, 2016. We will be staying in Oakland, California and working with Community Collaborations International serving with a variety of organizations that serve everything from veterans, to hunger and homelessness, to environmental causes. The Spring Trip will serve our nation’s capital from March 6-12, 2016. We will be staying in Washington, D.C. and working with Youth Service Opportunities Project while serving with local organizations that serve those suffering from hunger, homelessness, and our nation’s veterans. A major component of any service trip is fundraising for one's costs. While the only costs to you will be your $50 deposit and your travel expenses to our departure location, we encourage you to fund-raise for these costs if necessary. Your orientation into the Elks Scholar Service Trips Program will provide you with a service trips fundraising overview that will equip you to raise the funds to join us on this enriching experience. Application Information: The application for the Winter Tr ip will be available on September 1, 2015, and close on October 18, 2015. You will be notified of your selection status by October 23, 2015. The application for the Spring Trip will be available on October 19, 2015, and close on November 30, 2015. You will be notified of your selection by December 4, 2015. Eligibility requirements: Any Elks scholar 18 and older by the star t of the tr ip is eligible to apply. You are responsible for getting to the central departure location. If selected, you must provide a $50 participation fee. Other trip costs will be covered by the Elks National Foundation. Housing and food will be provided. You should expect to work from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on work days. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Respectfully Submitted, Lina B. Michaud Scholarship Chairman Augusta Elks Lodge #964 augustaelks.org 13 [email protected] More News from the Scholarship Committee Upcoming ENF Most Valuable Student Scholarship Announcement Applications are available online after September 1st, 2015. Download the MVS application form at: http://www.elks.org/ENF/scholars/mvs.cfm. Applications are due at the Local Lodge closest to the applicants residence by 10:00 p.m. on December 4th, 2015. Schools in our jurisdiction: Cony, Erskine, Hall-Dale, Maranacook, Monmouth and Winthrop. The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2016 competition. Scholarships range from $1,000.00 to $12,500.00 per year. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership and financial need The Scholarship Committee hosted a Bake Sale at the Elks Summer Festival. With the help of local business/club contributions, many bakers and a team of awesome volunteers we raised nearly $600.00! A "Big" Thank You to the following area businesses: Bacon Farm Texas Roadhouse Sandy Point Catering Sharon Brunette Cakes Fantasy Foods American Legion Post 4 Auxiliary A & K Fine K-9 Pet Grooming Salon The Scholarship Committee launches its 1st Scholarship Meeting for the Year of 2015/2016. Date: Thursday, September 10th, 2015 Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Lodge Lounge The Agenda includes the review of the application process/judging for ENF and Local Lodge Scholarships, Fundraising Ideas and Planning for the Early Bird Holiday Fair (October 31st & November 1st, 2015). Scholarship Committee: Nanci Kittredge, Jack Thompson, Terry Cloutier, Michael “Shu” Michaud and Lina Michaud (Chairperson) *We welcome Lodge Members to attend our meeting with fundraising ideas to support our local lodge scholarships and build our fund. Lina B. Michaud Scholarship Chairman E-Mail: [email protected] augustaelks.org 14 [email protected] Augusta Elks Lodge Annual Lobster & Steak Feed Sunday, September 13th Serving 1PM - 3 PM Music To Be Announced See Bartender for Tickets Twin Lobsters . . . . $20 Steak Dinner . . . . . $14 augustaelks.org 15 [email protected] At the Augusta Lodge FRIDAY, September 18, 2015 TIME: 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. SPONSORED BY: The P.E.R. Association MUSIC: to Dine, Sing and Dance Hot Dogs—$2.00 each French Fries—$2.00 2 Hot Dogs and Fries—$5.00 Home Made Desserts Come Support YOUR Lodge and help raise money for the PER Account We Hope to See You There!!! Members and Guests Welcome. augustaelks.org 16 [email protected] Scholarship Committee augustaelks.org 17 [email protected] Your business could be advertising in the newsletter. For $75.00 a year, you have a business card size ad. Contact the Lodge Treasurer if you are interested. Augusta Elks Lodge #964 We need your help. Bingo is in need of volunteers. We need people from 4:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. To learn more, contact Linda Littlefield at 623-9623 or come in and see what you can do to help. Change Service Requested The Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks Augusta Lodge #964 - A Fraternal Organization P.O. Box 2206 Augusta, ME 04338-2206 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 197 Augusta, ME
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