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Read more about Gammastone (PDF document, 8 MB)
GAMMASTONE AIR Engineering| Architecture | Interior Designer Quatar, Jnaury 2015 Argumentations Gammastone | Introduction First chapter | Theory 1. 2. Ventilated facade: definition Technical features Second chapter | products and application 3. 4. 5. 6. Gammastone Air Building details Gammastone Gres 3,5 and Gammastone 18 Q&A HEADQUARTER Europe Gammastone Owned by MARMOELETTROMECCANICA® Srl Via Flaminia Km. 41,400 – 00068 Rignano Flaminio (RM) Italy VAT Nr. 04795551003 Capital stock Euro 100.000,00 Phone +39 0761 5051 Fax +39 0761 508388 Toll free number 800 54 54 33 (Italy only) Email [email protected] Rignano Flaminio (Rome- ITALY) HEADQUARTER GammaStone Owned by MARMOELETTROMECCANICA® Srl Via Flaminia Km. 41,400 – 00068 Rignano Flaminio (RM) Italy VAT Nr. 04795551003 Capital stock Euro 100.000,00 Phone +39 0761 5051 Fax +39 0761 508388 Toll free number 800 54 54 33 (Italy only) Email [email protected] 4000 sqm Modern and Functional Premises The assets Second warehouse- 2.000 sqm Località San Paolo 211/a 03036 Isola del Liri (FR) Italy Tel. +39 0761 5051 Fax +39 0761 508388 Numero verde 800 54 54 33 Email [email protected] Group core business Production of machines and diamond tools for marble and granite Big size and lightweight slabls for ventilated facades Interior claddig Porcelain gres for kitchen top for DIY field Geografic area sales 24% 30% 9% 37% Europa Italia Resto del Mondo Stati Uniti Employees Total 53 Production 34 Quality control 2 R&D 2 Reception 2 Administration 3 Purchase office 2 Technical office 3 Commercial office 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 More then 350 distributors in the world More then 45 agencies in Italy More then 100 Countries More then 1.000.000 final customers ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION Production Gammastone AIR SLABS MANIFACTURING LAVORAZIONE LASTRE HANDLING MACHINE POLISHER BLOCK CUTTER INTERNAL WAREHOUSE EXTERNAL WAREHOUSE Theory Definitions “VENTILATED FACADE / DRY INTERNAL CLADDING ” Architectural item for perimetric cladding external / internal, dry build, for aesthetic and fisical features (termo-acustic insulation, comfort, humidity protection, etc …); “ARCHITECTURAL ITEM (FUNCTIONING SYSTEM)» Building section which single parts contribute to a specific function (i.e. loft, roof, structure, etc..); “PERIMETRIC CLADDING EXTERNAL / INTERNAL” NO structural item; as static is technically a cantilever system; “DRY” Parts are assembled in the yard without cement, adhesives, gluing or adhesives to mix on site. “AESTETHIC FUNCTIONS, THERMO-ACUSTIN INSULATION” PERIMETRIC CLADDING Bearing or primary STRUCTURE: Substains the weight of other structures as columns, slabs, beams, plinths, bearing walls Beared or secondary STRUCTURE: These structures download the weight on other structures with no bearing function as per primary structures DRY SYSTEM Mechanical and/or chemical anchoring system of the structure made of stiles and rails (pic.1) Mechanical anchoring with bayonet system on the slab backside (pic. 2) Mechanical anchoring of the insulation on the external cladding of the building(pic. 3 e 4) (pic.1) (pic.2) (pic.3) (pic.4) Technology THE PATENT The current patent regards a reinforcement system for gres slabs, in porcelain or ceramic, marble, travertine or thin vulcanic stone . For interior and exterior cladidng. The panel can be divided into three parts: THE SHEET, with a structural function to resist to push. Sheet are so made: Internal sheet: wood sheet OKUME reinforced with fiberglass matting (or STAINLESS 5/10) External sheet: ceramic thin slab reifiorced with fiberglass matting (or stone or glass) THE GLUING has the important rule to resist to the stress between CORE and sheet mainteinig the panel compacted. The Core, the panel’s soul, has got the main function to link the two foils. It must primarily resist to cutting forces, and partially to flexion. Statically, the core’s paramount function is to increase the material’s inertia moment, in order to create a distance between the two foils, keeping them in contact without a relative translation amongst the two. It functions as the soul of an “I” shaped beam, distributing the load to the two skins, or external foils, as much as the “I” soul distributes it to its wings. If the core lacks of cutting force resistance, the two foils would work as separate, whilst the core’s high resistance, along with the adhesives efficacy, allows the two foils to support each other despite of their irregular nature. In this way, there is a more than proportional increase of the inertia moment among the two foils and therefore the stiffness of the beam is exponential. The diagram below wants to give an idea of the tensions’ trend and of the cutting agents in the panel subjected to a flexional stress for a qualitative evaluation of the Sigma’s trend among the several layers. GFRC + Gammastone AIR Technology : 1984,74 N Monolithic GFRC: 189.61 N •FISSAGGIO DEL PANNELLO ALLA SOTTOSTRUTTURA FIXING SYSTEM There are many fixing methods existing nowadays for the invisible hooking system: the ones suggested are the steel rivets (head + stem) or the positioning of the threaded insert. In both cases, the element that opposes to the fixing element’s discharge is the stainless sheet steel reinforced with glass fibers, whose mechanical resistance increases considerably from the structural application to the other layers by means of patented resins. PULL-OUT VALUES FROM INTERNAL LABORATORY REASEARCH: Extraction of a steel rivet, nail diameter 4.88mm, Head 9 mm: kgf 80. Extraction of a steel structural rivet, nail diameter 4.88mm, Head 9mm: kgf 150 •FISSAGGIO DEL PANNELLO ALLA SOTTOSTRUTTURA FIXING POSITIONING As shown in the diagrams below, there is a crown around the head of the rivet or the threaded insert, within which the deformation of the sheet steel takes place and consequently the discharge of the rivet from the panel. Around it, it would be appropriate to track another security zone. The minimum distance from one fixing point to the other (if linked to different hooks), or from the rivet and the edge is represented by the safety round crown. Report of breakage impact point on 20x20 cm samples with 1KG steel marble: AIR da 38 mm GRES 18 mm = 100 cm NO BREAKING = 100 cm NO BREAKING GRANITE 3 cm CONCRETE 3 cm QUARTZ agglomerate 3 cm Gres 3,5 mm with mat Gres 5 mm Gres 3+3 mm with mat Gres 1 cm with mat QUARTZ agglomerate 3 cm = 90 cm BREAKING = 90 cm BREAKING = 90 cm BREAKING = 40 cm BREAKING = 30 cm BREAKING = 50 cm BREAKING = 60 cm BREAKING = 90 cm BREAKING Breaking trial on a 20x20 cm with 1kg steel ball: PRODUCTS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Gammastone AIR Gammastone GRES 18 Gammastone deBAIN Gammastone AIR Great shaped ventilated facades Gammastone Gres AIR Gammastone Natural AIR Gammastone Glass AIR Gammastone AIR Great shaped ventilated facades Caratteristiche principali Max dimensions : size Thikness Weight Coupling system Natural Air Gres Air Glass Air 1200 x 3000 mm 1000 x 3000 mm 1500x3200 1000x1000 1000x1500 1000x1000 1000x1500 personalizzabili 18 mm 15 mm 16 mm 20 kg/m2 14 kg/m2 16 kg/m2 Cealing or visible solution Gammastone AIR Great shaped ventilated facades Main components:: Upper closing (sez. D-D) Basic node (sez. C-C) Gammastone AIR Great shaped ventilated facades Main components: External corner (sez. E-E) Internal corner (sez. F-F) Gammastone AIR Great shaped ventilated facades Main components: Windowsill (sez. H-H) in Gammastone AIR Windowsill(sez. H-H) in sheet Gammastone AIR Great shaped ventilated facades Main components: Ceiling (sez. K-K) in Gammastone AIR Ceiling (sez. K-K) in pvc / aluminium K-K Gammastone AIR EXTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR EXTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR EXTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR EXTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR INTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR INTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR INTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR INTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR INTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR INTERNAL CLADDING K-K Gammastone AIR DETAILS K-K Gammastone AIR DETAILS K-K Gammastone AIR DETAILS K-K Gammastone AIR CURTAIN WALLS Easy FIX Gammastone AIR SPECIAL PRODUCTIONS | ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS COVERING The Gammastone AIR panel, thanks to its dimensions e its possibility to be cut in sub-multiples according to the planning requirements, allows the realization of covers for architectural elements that are structural but unsightly, conferring it a monolithic aspect that matches the rest of the façade. Gammastone AIR SPECIAL WORKING | FALSE LEAK AND CORNERS Gammastone AIR FURTHER EXTERIOR APPLICATIONS | SUN LOUVRES Their main function is to contrast solar radiation within a building carrying out, therefore, a crucial energetic role, and also to nullify the luminous dazzle of the internal environments, increasing thence their comfort. In collaborazione con: Dettaglio sezioni In collaborazione con: Fascione centrale Particolare maniglia e pomolino In collaborazione con: Hi-Tech Back door Particolare catenacci laterali e superiore In execution New Dehli - India In execution Manchester- UK In execution Londra - UK In execution Varese - Italia In execution Torino - Italia Gammastone GRES 18 INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | WALL COVERING Gammastone GRES 18 INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | WALL COVERING Gammastone GRES 18 INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | BAR COUNTERS Gammastone GRES 18 INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | Gammastone GRES 18 INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | KITCHENS Gammastone GRES 18 INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | KITCHENS Gammastone GRES 18 INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | STAIRS Gammastone GRES 18 MANIFACTURING ON COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL (CNC) Gammastone deBAIN INTERIOR APPLICATIONS Synthetized porcelain Gres at 1200-1400°C with a 3mm depth welded by means of special resins on a special light-weight sandwich panel, reinforced structurally with a glass fiber wicker inserted between the Gres layer and the panel itself. Gammastone deBAIN INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | SHELVES AND BENCHES Gammastone deBAIN INTERIOR APPLICATIONS |SINK Gammastone deBAIN INTERIOR APPLICATIONS | SHOWER PLATES Q&A Here is a list of hypothetical questions and its brief but concise answers, exploiting the certification achieved at the Istituto Giordano. . PHISICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PANEL Q: What is the panel’s behavior when undergoing loading management? A: Thanks to its stratigraphy, the composite Gammastone AIR Panel confers to materials generally weak such as Gres and natural stones a high degree of tenacity (resistance to static loads) and a high resilience (resistance to impulsive or sudden loads). Q: Could the panel defoil or the layers unstick? A: The sticking of the layers the compose the Gammastone AIR panel is a structural one, and it is achieved by means of special bi-component resins disposed in an uniform way all over the surface of the panel, without discontinuity points not even along the depths. Q: What is the warranty on the Gammastone product? A: 25 years warranty insurance on damage caused by an improper manufacture of the panel, along with a 25 warranty on the inalterability of the colour of the ceramics, except for the finishing that contain iron in the pigment. Q: Which pull-out values do the rivets or the threaded inserts achieve in the sheet steel? A: According to the used device, the pull-out values go from 120 to 180 kgf. To these absolute values it is of paramount attention to apply the safety coefficient based on the ruling legislations. Q: Can I pierce or drill the panel while building? A: Of course you can. The Gammastone AIR panel can be worked on in a very simple way. With standard diamondcut utensils. APPLICATION ON VENTILATED FACADES Q: What depression load can the panel bear if installed in a ventilated façade system similar to the one you’ve proposed? A: Since we are talking about a system, i.e. numerous components assembled with one another (clamping, alloy pillars and currents, hook, and then panel) it all depends on how these are shaped and interconnected. For example, a Gammastone AIR panel resisted to a depression load of over 450 KG. Q: Which tangle do you suggest to use for the sub-structure of the ventilated façade rather than the other types of façade? A: It depends on the use of the façade and the loads it is subject to. But generally speaking, the mechanical performances of the Gamamstone AIR panel you can save up to 10-15% of the sub-structure. Q: What are the advantages/savings for putting up a Gammastone AIR panel on a facade? A: The Gammastone AIR panel allows a higher manufacturing productivity thank to its big dimensions, with the consequent optimization of the installation and setup. Furthermore, its light-weight avoids using heavy machinery which are usually used for natural stones. Opposite to the composite alloy panels, there is no need for a team to be employed in the transformation of the flat layers, leading to the need to less work hours. Q: Execution speed: how many square meters can a construction site team build in a day? A: On the average, it is possible to count up to 15% less compared to a ceramic facade, with the productivity estimated to be of 1.2 hours per square meter. You can save up to 25% compared to natural stone façades thanks to its light-weight and simplicity in operating the sheets. Q: How long is the durability in time of the Gammastone AIR panel? A: Ageing simulations have been tested in a laboratory, giving us outstanding results in terms of stability and durability. Q: Which alterations can the panel suffer if installed in particularly aggressive weather conditions, such as a seascape? A: None. As confirmed by the tests in the laboratory based on the corrosion of saline mist. Q: What is the Gammastone AIR’s reaction to fire? Is it considered as a combustible product, or could it even spark the fire? Does it release toxic gas or harmful leaking? A: Absolutely not! The product is altogether classified as Class 1, that is to say that it’s impossible for it to combust or leak. Its combustion releases breathable fumes and not toxic. It does not spark fires since it does not spark flames. And once you distance the panel from the heat source, it will arrest its combustion autonomously. PS: In special applications, where the edge of panel is protected from fire (example: frame applications), the Gammastone AIR panel supplies the flame only with its two main sides, i.e. the natural stone/Gres and the sheet steel, that are incombustible by nature. Q: Could the panel suffer damage due to galvanic corrosion in points of contact with the alloy sub-structure? A: Since the Gammastone AIR panel is made of INOX Steel, a more noble material than alloy, it could actually lead to a minimal corrosion, but not on the panel. Our experience highlights that the this corrosion is mainly superficial and it doesn’t alter the mechanical properties of the materials. Nonetheless, we leave certain evaluations of electronic dividers or safety devices to the single project. Q: What is the panel’s behavior in the face of temperature leaps in an exterior environment? A: Tests based on freeze and unfreeze cycles have been done, that confirmed the inalterability of the panel when facing temperature leaps. Q: Could the edge of the panel absorb water? Could it suffer damage if exposed to freezing weather? A: Absolutely none. The Gammastone AIR panel absorbs water in a very minimal way, less that 1% and it doesn’t suffer any damage due to freezing since it has been declared nonfreezable. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!