Extrel Mass Spectrometry Lab 1
Extrel Mass Spectrometry Lab 1
Extrel Mass Spectrometry Lab 1 Getting to Know Your Mass Spec A mass spectrometer is a gas analyzer. Gaseous mixtures are introduced to a mass spectrometer, ionized, filtered based on mass to charge ratios, and detected. This lab will focus on identifying and understanding the components of a mass spectrometer, experimental setup, and basic data interpretation. Greg Thier Extrel CMS Pittsburgh, PA Introduction There are four main components of a mass spectrometer. • Sample Inlet • Ionization Source • Mass Filter • Detector The ionization source, mass filter, and detector are all enclosed in a vacuum chamber. The IQ-2000, an example of a quadrupole mass spectrometer is shown in the image bank to the right. A sample inlet is responsible for bringing gas into the analyzer. The IQ2000 should be configured for this lab with a 30µm fused silica line running between analysis sample and vacuum chamber. This acts as a very slight “leak” allowing small amounts of gas to pass into the vacuum chamber for analysis. An ionization source is needed to apply a charge to gas particles, creating ions. The ionization source found in the IQ-2000 utilizes electron ionization for this process. Gas enters the ionization source, which features two yttria coated iridium filaments. Current is run through these filaments causing them to become very hot and emit electrons. Electrons are propelled from the filament using a voltage bias (giving the electrons kinetic energy) towards our gas molecules. If the kinetic energy in these electrons is high enough to electrostatically repel and electron from a The capillary inlet configuration for the IQ-2000 vacuum chamber and internal components. gas molecule, ionization occurs. An ion is a molecule that has a different number of electrons and protons, leaving it with an overall charge. Gas particles can be given different charges, depending on how many electrons are lost in this process. These charges (and mass of a gas particle) will be used to describe an ion’s “mass-to-charge ratio.” The IQ-2000 ionizer also features several lenses (disc-shaped metal plates with applied voltages) that are used to accelerate and focus ions towards the mass filter. A diagram of our ionizer is shown in the figure above: The mass filter is responsible for separating ions of different masses (using mass/charge ratios). The IQ-2000 features a quadrupole mass filter. 76 A quadrupole is four parallel conductive rods (9.5mm in diameter, approximately 20cm long) with wiring connecting opposite rods. A quadrupole mass filter uses a combination of RF (radio frequency) and DC (direct current) voltages, ramping in magnitude, to “guide” ions towards a detector. Particular voltage magnitude allows ions of specific mass-tocharge ratios to pass to the detector. Lower voltage magnitudes correspond to lower mass-to-charge ratio ions and higher voltage magnitudes correspond to higher mass-to-charge ratio ions. Understanding Vacuum Systems Mass spectrometers need to operate in vacuum systems for two reasons. First, ion-ion interactions need to be limited. Second, the possibility for arcing between high voltage components needs to be minimized. A detector measures ion current exiting a mass filter. The IQ-2000 uses a continuous diode electron multiplier detector, featuring a conversion dynode. In normal operating mode (positive ion detection using a conversion dynode), ions are attracted to the high potential (typically ~ -5kV) of the conversion dynode. Upon striking the dynode, electrons are ejected from this abundant source and attracted to the electron multiplier. The electrons will strike the wall of this electron multiplier tube several times, each time emitting more electrons. This creates a cascade effect, and a multitude of electrons are generating ion current from each ion reaching the detector. Pre-Lab Questions This is because at low enough pressures, there are not enough gas In-Depth Study Questions is called the “Paschen Law.” The mean free path of a gas particle is defined as the distance a particle will travel before in interacts with another particle. Lower pressures yield lower gas densities, increasing the mean free path distance. Increasing this distance can reduce any ion-ion interactions to the point of negligibility. Additionally, lowering the gas density avoids electrical gas breakdown. At low enough pressures, high voltages can be placed on a conductor sitting very close to another conductor without breakdown or “arcing.” particles to conduct electricity. This phenomenon is dictated by what 1. Why is it important to have the sample inlet tubing diameter very small? 2. What characteristic of the chamber may cause arcing between the internal components? 3. Why is it necessary to create “ions” before attempting to filter and detect gases? 77 Background The mass spectrometer vacuum system must be at very low pressures (< 1 x10-5 Torr range) before turning the electronics on. The IQ-2000 uses a two-stage pumping system. There is a small diaphragm pump connected to the cart. This provides the first stage of vacuum, or a “rough” vacuum. For this reason, this pump is often referred to as the “roughing” pump. Connected to the chamber is a turbo molecular pump. This pump will pull the chamber down to operating vacuum. The electronics module controlling the IQ-2000 is referred to as the “5221 card cage.” See diagram below: The 5221 card cage has several necessary connections. The processor board supplies the instrument to the PC for instrument control, has a connection for signal coming out of the detector, and has a vacuum interlock safety function. The filament supply supplies our filament current and bias voltage and has the ability to control a heater (not featured on the IQ-2000). The Pole DC board supplies the DC voltage for the quadrupole. The baseboard reads our vacuum chamber pressure from an ion gauge, and has the ability to command a variety of input/output signals (not featured on the IQ-2000). The multiplier supply supplies the multiplier voltage in positive ion mode (connection J18) and negative ion mode (connection J16 – not featured on the IQ-2000). The dynode supply supplies the high voltage for the conversion dynode. The optics supply supplies the specified lens voltages for the ionizer. The optics raw supply provides the raw +/-120V and +/-430V voltages for the optics supply. Diagram of 5221 card cage. For detailed description of each electronics board see MANUAL 78 Activity Extrel MAX-CS control electronics Using the diagram above, fill in the table with each connection’s corresponding function. Function Diagram Number Quadrupole Controller DC Supply 1 Filament Voltage and current 2 Preamplifier 3 Software Ethernet Communication 4 Software USB Communication 5 Multiplier (+) Voltage Supply 6 Multiplier (-) Voltage Supply 7 Ion Gauge 8 Optics Voltage Outputs 9 Dynode Voltage Supply 10 Vacuum Interlock Connection 11 Connected to the vacuum chamber and wired to the 5221 card cage is an ion gauge. The ion gauge uses a hot filament to ionize the residual gas in the vacuum chamber and the collects and neutralizes the ion created. The current created at the collector is used to calculate the pressure. Note: Pressure readings can change for different gases due to the difference in ionization characteristics. This hot filament gauge is called a Bayard-Alpert gauge. (IMAGE) 79 Wired to both the 5221 card cage and the vacuum chamber is a quadrupole controller or “QC.” The QC is connected to the Pole DC Supply on the 5221 card cage. The QC takes the DC voltage and adds RF voltage, sending both of these to the quadrupole. (IMAGE) Before collecting data, if the system has been off and/or vented for a long time ( >1 day), or if the vacuum chamber hardware has been changed and/or cleaned, the QC needs to be resonated. Resonating the QC will optimize the voltages going to the quadrupole so that maximum voltages may be achieved. The “oscillator status” on the QC will show if the commanded scan cannot be achieved in the current resonance state of the QC. [For more information on resonating the QC, see MANUAL]. 1. Turn on the switch labeled “Main Power” located on the back of the instrument cart. There are two status LEDs on the side of the turbo pump. These LEDs will blink while the bearings in the turbo pump are accelerating and stay constant once the bearings have reached maximum speed. Note that the turbo pump will only begin to spin up to speed after a delay as the roughing pump pulls the chamber pressure down. (If the turbo pump LEDs do not remain constant, see MANUAL) 2. Allow the system to pump for approximately five minutes, and then turn on the switch labeled “Electronics.” After approximately one minute, the green “ready” LED on the processor board should come on. At this point, the electronics are ready to connect to the software. Lastly, wired to the processor module and the multiplier detector is a preamplifier. The preamplifier (or “preamp”) takes ion current, sends it through a gain resistor, and converts is to a signal voltage that can be read by the software. This voltage will give m/z signals, or “peaks.” (IMAGE) When the filaments are turned on, we begin heating the iridium wire and emitting both electrons and photons. The emitted photons cause the filament to “glow” and can be seen through the glass chamber walls. Electron emission is the emission of electrons induced by an electrostatic field, or the amount of electrons flowing off the filaments. This is measure in milliamps (mA). The electron emission can be read in the Merlin software in the tune window (IMAGE) under FIL_ON, em_cmd, “emission meter.” Experimental Part 1 – System Startup 80 4. Double click the “Merlin Automation Data System” shortcut. This will open up the software package to control the instrument. The default view for Merlin Automation shows four windows: prof (profile), pict (picture), list (list), and cent (centroid). You should see a baseline around 100mV in the profile window (displayed in the top-right corner of the window. To change the windows viewed in the software, click the “select views” tool (IMAGE). More software details and exploration will be in lab 2. 5. Open the tune window by clicking the tune tool (IMAGE). 6. In the tune window, highlight “System_Voltages” and click the “on” Boolean. You should now be able to see several LEDs on you 5221 card cage, as well as a light on the QC. 7. Highlight IG_ON in the tune window and click the “on” Boolean. You can now check the vacuum system pressure by highlighting “Pressure” and clicking the Update box. NOTE: In order to see a real “readback” in the tune window, you must highlight the particular reading you need and click the update box. 8. If the pressure is below 10-5 Torr, the filaments can be safely turned on. 9. Highlight FIL_ON and click the “on” Boolean. The filament in the ionizer assembly should now be able to be seen glowing. NOTE: By expanding the FIL_ON selection in the tune window, several settings and read-backs can be found. For information on different settings see MANUAL. 10.The multiplier and dynode can now be turned on. Highlight Dynode_On and click the “on” Boolean. Highlight the Multiplier_On and click the “on” Boolean. Part - Tuning 11.The instrument will first be tuned to air signals. Make sure the “T” fitting at the end of the sample inlet is open to room air. NOTE: When tuning, it is important to keep the multiplier detector from becoming saturated. The bar at the right side of the profile window shows the level of saturation. Numerically, the detector saturates at 10V. If the detector becomes saturated, lower the voltage by expanding Multiplier_On, highlighting Multiplier_Voltage, and using the Up/Down arrows to adjust the voltage applied to the multiplier. Regions of Stability and the effect of Delta-Res and Delta-M on scan line 81 12.The instrument first needs to be “hardware tuned.” Using the following guide, hardware tune the instrument until nitrogen and oxygen signals are shown approximately 1 unit wide, at m/z 28 and 32, respectively. Each ion will have a “region of stability” depending on the combination of RF and DC voltages applied, these regions are the triangular shapes on the graph. The goal is to get a scan line like the one shown in black, for independent, resolved peaks at every mass along the spectra. Adjusting the hardware (DeltaM and DeltaRes) will affect this scan line according to the graph. DeltaM / DeltaRes: Clockwise – Peaks narrow, decrease in height, and move to higher mass CounterClockwise – Peaks broaden, increase in height, move to lower mass (DeltaM affects low mass resolution more than higher mass resolution, DeltaRes affects higher masses more than lower masses. )Mass Cal: High mass gross position DIP switches – “On” moves peaks to lower mass Fine Mass Cal: High mass fine mass cal Linearize offset: Low mass peak resolution and position DeltaM and DeltaRes adjustments are found on the Pole DC Board Other tuning parameters are found inside the access panel of the QC 13.Gross lens tuning is done by switching the quadrupole into RF_Only mode to remove any DC filtering voltage. Highlight quadrupole_1 and select the box next to RF_Only mode. NOTE: Without 14.Move the voltages of the four ionizer lenses (Ion Region, Extractor lens, Lens 1, and Lens 2) up and down until maximum signal is observed in the profile window. 15.Fine tuning is completed the same way as gross tuning except with DC filtering voltage. Turn off RF_Only mode and continue tuning, making smaller voltage adjustments. The peaks should become symmetrical, with noise reduced to a minimum. Additional software tuning can be adjusted by clicking quadrupole_1 and selecting calibrate. For more advanced tuning adjustments, see MANUAL. Part 3 – Leak Checking 16.It is very important for a mass spectrometer to be free of air leaks. Leak checking the instrument will be done with helium. Before leak checking, be sure the instrument is tuned properly so that a helium signal is visible. Change the scan range to m/z 2 to 6. 17.Spray helium into the “T” fitting of the sample inlet. Be sure you can see a helium peak at m/z 4. If not, the instrument will need to be tuned more before proceeding. 18.Secure the pFTBA bulb assembly to the end of the sample inlet. 19.Open the toggle valve on the pFTBA bulb assembly. 82 20.Spray helium around each fitting of the sample inlet and each potential spot for leaks around the chamber. A leak is found if the helium signal reappears while spraying the gas around a sealed instrument. If leaks are found, the fitting, bolt, or adjustment at the leak needs to be carefully tightened. 22. After you are done tuning the instrument, save your tune file. Use the following format “YYYYMMDD_[YOURNAME]_Tune.” For example, if John Smith tuned the instrument on January 1, 2015, the tune file would be named “20150101_JohnSmith_Tune.” The tune files are saved on the computer under C:\Merlin Automation\tune. 23.The instrument can now be turned off. Start by opening the tune window, and turning the filaments off. 24.Turn the ion gauge off. 25.Turn the system voltages off. 26.Wait for approximately 2 minutes, then turn the main power off. Thought Questions Post-Lab Questions In-Depth Analysis Questions Caption... 1. Using the cutaway diagram shown below, label the following 4 main components of the mass spectrometer. Note that the electronics and data system are not pictured. A. Sample Inlet Part 4 – Additional Tuning B. Ionizer 21.pFTBA is widely used as a mass spectrometer tuning and calibrating sample because it provides well-known signals over a wide mass range. With the pFTBA bulb attached and opened, continue to tune the instrument until a spectrum is obtained showing signals that correspond with the attached peaks. (ATTACH pFTBA Spectrum). C.Mass Filter D.Detector 2. On the cutaway diagram shown below, where is the vacuum chamber? 83 3. What do you think might stop the turbo pump LEDs from staying solidly lit? 4. When a QC is not properly resonated, would you expect to lose low mass signal or high mass signal? 5. If you lower the filament emission (em_cmd) in the software from 3.0mA to 1.0mA, what do you think will happen to the “glow” of the filament? What happens to the intensity of the singals? Try it! 6. Why are electrons emitted from the conversion dynode attracted to a multiplier with a -1kV potential on it? 7. Knowing that air is composed mainly of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide, what masses did you observe corresponding to each air component? 8. What component corresponds to a peak at m/z 18? 9. What component corresponds to a peak at m/z 14? 10.What do you think would cause two components with equal partial pressures to have different intensity peaks on the mass spectrum? 84