Installation Manual - Vera Controllers - UI7


Installation Manual - Vera Controllers - UI7
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Installation Instructions for
Omni Z-Wave Interface Plugin for Vera Controllers – UI7
Serial Connection for Leviton Automation Controllers
Thank you for downloading the Omni Z-Wave Interface Plugin. These instructions outline how to connect a Vera
3 Controller running User Interface Version 7 to a Leviton Automation Controller. These instructions are also
suitable for the Vera Lite and Vera Edge running User Interface Version 7. This manual does not provide
instructions on how to pair your Z Wave devices to the Vera.
The Plugin provides two way instant feedback and control (activation license required) of Z Wave dimmers, relays,
appliance plugs, roller shutters and door locks from a Leviton Omni automation board.
What’s Required
The following items are required:
1 x Vera Controller
1 x USB to DB9M cable
1 x DB9M to RJ12 cable
1 x Ethernet Cable
1 x Plugin Activation Key
1 x Omni Automation Board
Connecting the Hardware
Before powering on the Vera 3 Controller (“Vera”) connect the USB cable to the bottom USB port on the
Vera, connect the Ethernet cable between the WAN port of the Vera and your home network and connect
the DB9M to RJ12 cable to the USB cable and a spare serial port on the automation controller (use serial
port 2-5). You can now power on the Vera.
Your Vera is ready when the Power, WAN & Wi-Fi lights are solid green. USB port 1 light will also be solid
green. It may take up to 15 minutes whilst the Vera upgrades the firmware to the latest version which is
part of the initial power up process of the Vera. Do not power off the Vera during this period.
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Setting up the Vera for the first time
Open a web browser and go to Select “I have a new gateway to
Scroll to the bottom of the Terms and Conditions, tick the acceptance button and press Next.
Select your appropriate Vera controller (in this case Vera 3).
Select the controller from the list.
The controller will then check for any firmware updates. Press Next.
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Once complete you will be asked to create your new login account to the Vera Portal and press “Next”
Once the firmware has been applied press “Go to Controller”.
You will be directed to the main Portal dashboard. Select “Complete Setup” which will take you to the User
Interface of the Vera.
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Installing the Plugin
Select “Apps” and then “Install Apps” in the left hand menu. On the right hand side type “Omni” in the
Search bar and press “Search app”.
You will see the Omni Z Wave Plugin logo and the Description “Omni Z-Wave Interface”. Press the “Details”
Button. On the next screen press the Install Button and Press “OK” to confirm the installation.
Once installed click on the “Devices” Tab. You may need to refresh your browser and press the Devices Tab
on the left side. You will see the Omni Z-Wave Interface Device. The Main screen shows the version
number and the status of the Plugin. If it is “Deactivated” the Plugin will not provide any control or
feedback. In order for the Plugin to work you must enter an Activation Key (see section 6 below).
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Setting up the Plugin
Click on the arrow on the right hand side of the Omni Z-Wave Interface Dashboard (shown in the picture
above) and it will open the Omni Z-Wave Interface Setup page. It will say “Deactivated” and the Activation
Key will be blank.
This screen allows you to configure the Interface for your Activation Key. Do not add any details in the IP
Address or Port Number boxes (this function is for future releases), these must remain blank. Only the
Activation Key should be entered on this screen.
Obtaining & Entering your Activation Key
In order for the Plugin to operate and provide communications to and from the Leviton automation
controller it must be activated. To activate the Interface you will need to obtain a unique Activation Key.
Open a new web page and navigate to and you will be taken
to the Automation Distributors Australia’s License Portal Website. Click on the “Omni Z-Wave Interface
You are required to add your Controller Serial Number. If you noted it from above add it in, otherwise it
can be located on the outside of the box your Vera came in otherwise it can be found under Users &
Account Info -> Unit Settings. It is shown as “Application ID”. You cannot proceed further without adding
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in a serial number. Please ensure you have entered your Serial Number correctly or your Activation Key will
fail to activate the Vera.
Press the Purchase Button and you will see a notification at the top the screen saying “Success you have
added the license to your shopping cart.”
Create a Login Account
In order to obtain a license you must first register an account. This enables you to use your Coupon and
allows us to e-mail you your Activation Code to you. If you have not previously registered click the
“Register” button on the left hand side or the “Create an Account” option on the top right of the website.
Otherwise you can select Login and enter your credentials. Remember to choose your appropriate
Customer Location. Fields with an “*” are mandatory fields. All other fields are optional. Please read the
Terms and Conditions, tick the box to confirm you have read them and press “Continue”.
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Redeeming a Coupon
If you have a Coupon to redeem as part of your purchase, press the “Shopping Cart” Menu at the top of the
web page option first to enter your unique Coupon code. Once applied you can then proceed to Checkout.
Completing the Purchase
To complete the purchase press the Checkout menu button at the top and follow the steps to complete
checkout and payment. Once you have checked out and we receive confirmation of payment, we will email to the address you supplied in your login details your Activation Key.
When you have received your Activation Key go back to your Vera page . Return to the Omni Z-Wave
Interface Setup Page and enter the Activation Key number including the dash into the New Activation Key
field. When you press the “Set” button, if the Activation Key is valid for your Vera, the Status will change to
Press the Back button and you will be taken back to the Devices page. You will notice that the Interface
front page will also say Activated.
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10. Linking the Plugin to the Serial Port
You now need to link the Serial Port to the Omni Z-Wave Interface. Press the “Apps” tab, then click on
“Develop Apps” and select “Serial Port Configuration”.
In the “Used by Device” drop down box select Omni Z Wave Interface. Then press the “Reload Luup”
Congratulations!! You have set up the Controller to send and receive Z Wave commands and provide
feedback to your Leviton automation controller. The next step is to get the Automation Controller to send
the commands to the Vera.
Before configuring PC Access you will need to pair your Z Wave modules to the Vera. Please refer to the
Pairing Z Wave Modules to the Vera 3 which can be found on the ADA Website.
11. Configuring PC Access
Open the PC Access client file and in the left hand navigation bar select Expansion -> Serial. Select a spare
serial port and change it to “ZWave”. Leave the baud rate at 9600.
11.1 Dimming, Relay, Roller Shutter Modules and Power Point Plugs
Select Units and change the House Code Format to Vizia RF Z-Wave. To link the modules add the Device
number of the module into the Address/Node column. To locate the device number go into the module
within Vera, Press the right hand arrow and scroll down and press “Advanced”.
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Save your PC Access file and upload it to the automation board. Congratulations!! You are all set up and
you should now be able to control your Z Wave modules. Do not use the first unit number of each group of
8 (eg Unit 1, 9, 17, etc). This is used for scene controllers and your devices will not function.
11.2 Access Control
In PC Access select Access Control from the left hand menu. Change the On the Reader row click on the
Device Type and change the device type to Z Wave and add in the Device number of your lock.
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