Celebrating the Work of Alexander Liholiho


Celebrating the Work of Alexander Liholiho
The Queen’s
A Weekly Publication for the People of Queen’s • Vol. 19 • No. 7 • February 8, 2010
Celebrating the Work of Alexander Liholiho
In commemoration of the birth of Alexander Liholiho ‘Iolani Kamehameha
IV, we detail his instrumental involvement in the founding of The Queen’s
Hospital. The following are excerpts
from Queen’s 150th anniversary book,
due out on Heritage Day:
During the smallpox epidemic of 1853,
teams of horse-drawn, covered yellow
wagons, heavily laden with the dead,
could be seen every day on the streets
of Honolulu, traveling from one ravaged
house to another. Because there were so
many deaths in the later stages of the
epidemic, graves…were dug only wide
enough to bury bodies lying on their
sides. Between the arrival of Captain
Cook in 1778 and the first official census
in 1853, introduced diseases…as well as
war and famine, had reduced Hawai‘i’s
[native] population by more than 75
percent, from some 300,000 to 71,000.
Many earlier epidemics had taken more
lives, but the 1853 epidemic…came at a
time when the population was already
decimated. This defining trial would lead
a kingdom’s new, young leaders, Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma, to the
founding of The Queen’s Hospital….
On May 13, a man reported to the office of William Cooper Parke, marshal
of the Hawaiian Islands, that two Hawaiian women who lived on Maunakea
Street in downtown Honolulu were sick,
and that he suspected smallpox…. By
the middle of June, forty-one people had
died and 114 were sick. The next week,
the numbers doubled. During the height
of the epidemic, it was not uncommon
to find only dead bodies at a dwelling
place, and fifty bodies were being buried every day…. The Report of the Royal
Health Commissioners…reported 6,405
cases of smallpox and 2,485 deaths—a
death rate of almost 39 percent.
A New Hope for Health
On January 11, 1855, less than a month
before his twenty-first birthday, Alexander Liholiho was administered the
oath of office at Kawaiaha‘o Church. At
the opening of the legislature in 1855,
he addressed many issues, but saved
his most urgent directive for last:
A subject of deeper importance…is that
of the decrease of our population. It is a
subject, in comparison with which all others sink into insignificance….
We [shall not] be acquitted by man, or
our Maker, of a neglect of duty, if we fail
to act speedily and effectually in the cause
of those who are every day dying before
Above: King Kamehameha IV as he probably appeared at the laying of the cornerstone—with full Masonic regalia.
our eyes…. I would commend to your special consideration the subject of establishing public Hospitals.
In response, the legislature passed
a law authorizing…two hospitals “for
the sick poor, being natives of this
kingdom.” Although $5,000 was appropriated, the government’s weak financial position prevented action. Bills
for the establishment of hospitals were
passed in subsequent years through
1859, but did not provide revenue.
Establishing The Queen’s Hospital
King Kamehameha IV married Emma
Na‘ea Rooke on June 19, 1856…. Queen
Emma…immediately took interest in
(Continued on page 2.)
Alexander Liholiho
(Continued from page 1.)
the proposed hospital…. [She] had the
idea of collecting subscriptions for the
hospital…. It is not known whether the
king envisioned being a literal foot soldier for the cause, but according to the
Cabinet Council Minute Book, he did
entertain the idea of seeking voluntary
contributions to fund a hospital as early
as 1857, perhaps influenced by Queen
Emma. It was whaling season when the
King began his solicitations. The docks
of Honolulu Harbor were forested with
the masts of the ships, interconnected
by their weblike rigging, and the putrid
odor of their dead prey wafted in with
the trade winds. The town enjoyed the
business of two to three thousand crewmen, and the ships’ captains were generally in a cheerful mood after a long, brutal arctic season. The king could often
be seen where they congregated, trying
to interest the captains in the charitable
work of a new hospital. …He often wore
white linen and donned a fine Panama
hat. Accompanied by his secretary, who
carried a memorandum book to record
pledges, or subscriptions, as they were
called, the king also called on diplomats,
businesses, and private citizens, whether the day was clear or the streets muddy from rain. He went up and down Fort
Street, and “the by-ways of Honolulu.”
When the king and his cabinet met
on May 24, they decided to name the
new hospital The Queen’s Hospital, in
recognition of Queen Emma’s passion
and vision in its establishment. …The
king announced that subscriptions
from some 250 businesses, groups, and
individuals had totaled $13,530…. The
king and the queen headed the list of
subscribers with pledges of $500 each
(about $13,356.27 in 2008 dollars).
It was…resolved that the board of
trustees would comprise a president and
twenty subscribers—ten subscribers
were to be elected at the meeting, and ten
would be nominated by the minister of
the interior to represent the government.
…Although some of the government appointees were controversial, and the king
lost his temper and gave sharp rebukes,
the meeting ended in a general spirit of
satisfaction. The king was named President of the Board of Trustees….
The Queen’s Hospital Corporation’s
signed on June
20, 1859. The
purpose of the
hospital was “for
the relief of indigent sick and
disabled people
of the Hawaiian
Kingdom, as well
as of such foreigners and others as may
desire to avail themselves of the same.”
The trustees were also to receive sick
and invalid seamen of other nations
and patients of any description….
The Queen’s Dispensary
In the middle of July 1859, a building
for the dispensary was rented for $60
a month…. Located at the foot of Fort
Street at the intersection of King Street,
the dispensary was large and airy. The
main business thoroughfares at the time
were King and Nu‘uanu streets; Fort
Street was rather quiet. However, downtown Honolulu near the Queen’s dispensary was as colorful as it is today.
Hawaiian burden-bearers trudged along
the streets trying to find buyers for their
calabashes of poi, vegetables, fowl or pig,
which were balanced on either end of an
aumaka (pole). Milk vendors set up during the morning hours on certain street
corners, called “milk stand.” “Poi market” was where sellers arranged their calabashes along the curb of the sidewalk.
Vendors promoting their product directly or by colorful oli (chants) would have
twenty or more open calabashes of poi
ready for passersby to dip their fingers
into and test one batch after another.
Opened to the public on August 1,
1. The Queen’s Hospital on barren land in
1860. 2. Theodore Heuck, one of the first
trustees and the architect of Queen’s original
hospital building. 3. The entrance to Queen’s
grounds, circa 1880, with date palms planted
by Dr. William Hillebrand.
1859, the Thrum building was outfitted as a dispensary for outpatients
with eighteen beds for “boarding inmates,” [and] would be the home of
The Queen’s Hospital until…1860….
In closing that year’s session of the
legislature, the king expressed great
satisfaction in the establishment of
The Queen’s Hospital:
…Let the fact be made known, that
in Honolulu the sick man has a friend in
everybody. Nor do I believe that He who
made us all…has seen with indifference
how the claims of common humanity have
drawn together…names representative of
almost every race of men under the sun.
Over a hundred patients were treated [at the dispensary] during the first
month, of whom just three paid for treat(Continued on page 3.)
In the Year of the Tiger
Dear Honey, Though miles of
ocean separate us right now, you
are always here next to me. You
are in my heart and on my mind always. Much love, your Tweet<3
in love with you over and over
again as each day passes. I’m
thankful to the man above for
bringing you into my life. I love
our past & I’m excited for our
future. With you EVERYDAY is
Mom & Dad, Happy VDay. Valentine’s Day. Love & KissThanks for all you do. Warms my es, SY <3
heart to see the relationship U
have w/my sons. love, gwynne To: My BFF Sunrise AKA Ginger, Thank you for being there
Never stop thinking of you. With for me always. Remember that
all my heart, I love you! Raq
I’m here anytime you need me
Another year has passed, and too, we can weather any storm
my love for you has grown. I fall together! Love you hunee =)
From: Sunshine
Alexander Liholiho
(Continued from page 2.)
ment. There were ten “boarding inmates,”
as inpatients were called. In just over two
months, twenty-five people were accepted as inmates, and fifteen of these were
released, with twelve pronounced cured.
During that first month, 965 medical
consultations took place, and some of the
destitute outpatients received free meals.
The total cost of caring for patients and
feeding the staff for the month was $97
(about $2,600 in 2008 dollars).
On January 5, 1860, the trustees selected the Punchbowl site, where Queen’s
stands today. Located past the edge of
Honolulu, there was scarcely a building
on the entire nine acres, and because of a
lack of water it was barren…. The American missionaries of O‘ahu, whose mission
houses were located directly south of the
parcel, would speak of visiting Lahaina,
Maui, as a reprieve from the dry, dusty
and barren area in which they lived….
Ground was broken on June 13, and
the trustees set the date for the laying
of the cornerstone for…Tuesday, July
17, 1860. The King first gave a speech
in Hawaiian…. [A translation of] the
speech reads in part:
What then are the feelings, and what is
the manner of the sickness of those lacking basic necessities? …They have no family, no friends, no house…. However, if a
well meaning soul should extend a hand to
a sick and troubled “Lazarus” lying at the
doorway, and welcome him into his house,
Eunice, I Y U. Hiram
Happy Valentine’s Day Cobe Stacey loves all the SDS staff.
Yoshino! You are the GREATEST
Annie, E Komo Mai Ia Na
joy in my life and my forever
Queen’s Ohana. Aloha, Salm
Valentine! I love you, Mommy
Lote, Can you give me directions
Roses are Red; Violets are Blue;
to your heart? I’ve seemed to
T8DH RNs; Thank goodness for
have lost myself in your eyes.
you! Nursing Assistants, We
Your cupcake
can’t do it w/o you!! XOXOXO
Marc, 12 Years and still going
Receiving Guys, Rock & Roll!
strong! Happy Valentines Day
Thanks for always looking out
Hon! Love, Sandy
for me and for sharing your
lunches & goodies! :o)
Happy Valenties Day Matt.
(Mac) Thank you for a wonTo my colleagues in the Rehaderful 9 years. (yeah right-hee
bilitation Services Dept: You are
hee). I love you. Always yours,
an awesome bunch of people to
Mrs. Beamer (Ampi)
work with. You always put patient
care needs above your own. You Margie, Would you touch me
provide excellent patient care. You so I can tell my friends that an
are team players with other profes- angel has touched me? Your
sionals on the treatment team, pro- sweetie
viding guidance & education, and
never once asking for or expecting Thank you SY for always being
anything in return. Mahalo for all there for me as my best friend,
Love of my life and wonderful
you do! Kim
…and he revives from his illness, and he
escapes death, what should be his payment? He has no money, nor wealth….
And thus we are all gathered here today….
The Hawaiians are poor, they are sick, they
are friendless. Here are their fortune—to
be tended to until they are in good health….
the aloha of the people for this great blessing they have gained, and to show their appreciation to all those who have made donations, and assisted in this fine work, the
building of The Queen’s Hospital.
The King then gave a different
speech in English:
Contributions towards the support of a
hospital, are declarations of kindness aforethought, and of a long-sighted policy of love
towards those who need other hands than
their own to smooth their restless pillows….
In the name of the wretched and miserable, I thank you. In the name of the otherwise sleepless, I pray you may be at ease,
and in the name of the dying, who die more
painlessly for what you have done, I desire
from the bottom of my heart, that long
years of happiness may be in store for you.
wife. You are God’s gift to me Your steady strength supports
and I thank Him everyday. Love me; Your tenderness sustains
Always ~ PL
me; You’re the perfect love for
me. Goober
Maddie, After all these years
of having interoffice parties Lianne Manalo: Happy Valenand after-hours “Moonlighting” tines Day Love you girl thanks
isn’t it time you give us all for always being there!
a paid vacation?! Kick your
shoes off, let your hair down,... Nancy Agustin: Happy Valencome on, it’s limbo time!! Ras- tines Day keep smiling!
cally yours, David
To All My Sisters in WHC: JusTo my 2 boys Kai and Mickey. tice, truth, and beauty are sisters and comrades. With three
Luv you!
such beautiful words we have
CDD Staff, You’re a great no need to look for any others.
bunch! Smile & keep up the Love, Lori
good work! :o)
Katie Carr: Happy Valentines
Mrs. Al, You are the best wife a Day have a fabulous day!
guy could ask for! Love, Mr. Al
Mom, Thanks for all of your
CB: You complete me. BF
love and support. Making the
trip from Oregon means A LOT
To my husband Kaleo, You and to me. Love, Michelle
me are like Peas & Carrots. I
love you. nani
Happy Valentines Day to My
Sweetheart Brian!! May we
Imaging PSC, You guys ROCK! Al- never forget to thank the Lord
though you may think you are not for all the blessings He has
appreciated, you are.You are facing given us!! And are many ina new challenge, and I know that deed-2 beautiful sons, a home,
you will all be successful! Keep up a fluffy dog, jobs, and vacathe awesome work! Happy Valen- tion! I look forward to growing
tines Day! Anonymous
old with you!! I LOVE YOU!
To PTs, OTs, SLPs, and RAs: Thank Your Loving Wife
you for your hard work, dedication, Summer Palimoo: Happy Valenand compassion for patient care. tines Day thanks for listening!
You are awesome to work with.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hui-I
CCCU night shift crew: My
heart’s all a-flutter wishing HapChelle, If you were a burger py Valentine’s Day to da bestest
at McDonald’s, you’d be called co-workers ever!!
McGorgeous! love, your sister
Clin Ed Team: Roses are Red; ViTo my co-workers and UC, NPC olets are Blue; Who are the best
members on T10: You all are a educators??? You (Bucky), You
real bunch of Sugar Babies! [awe- (Cyndi), You (Leatrice), You
some team to work with.] DT
(Roni), and You (Sharon)
Walster-eenie-beenie, Happy Kristy Lau, How was Heaven
Valentines Day to the world’s when you left it? Your angel
bestest Wally-Bread maker!!
Love you, M
JW, my forever Valentine, thank
you for being in my life. NW
Ras, You’re Perfect; Your femi(Continued on page 4.)
ninity/masculinity attracts me;
But let me remind you that so long as
sickness shall exist, there will be a duty
imposed upon us…. I trust, therefore, ….
that you will continue your support to this
praiseworthy institution.…
On December 6, 1860, the completed hospital building was opened to the
public for inspection. Furnishing took
another week, and then The Queen’s
Hospital began admitting patients. The
building was indeed heralded as one of
the finest buildings in Honolulu, as the
trustees boasted it would be.
H1N1 flu vaccine is available while
supplies last at Employee Health, Monday-Friday, 6:30 am to 3:30 pm.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Departments due for annual TB monitoring at Employee Health are: Cast
Room; Chief Administrative Officer;
Health Education & Wellness; Housekeeping; Orthopedic Administration;
Patient Relations; QET 8DH; QET 8Ewa;
Volunteers; VP Nursing/CNO; VP Finance; and VP Professional Services.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2010 Ke Kauka Po‘okela,
the Outstanding Physician of the Year
Award. Ballots are available on the
Queen’s Intranet, Harkness Dining
Room, Harkness 303 and 307 (The
Queen’s Referral Line). A copy has also been sent to all departments. If
you have any questions, please contact
Merary at 537-7172.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blu-ray player: Sony BDP-S360, still in box.
$110 obo. x7534.
Waiting room furniture: Coffee table, endtables, lamp, bkshlvs, elec & non-elec exam
tables, rosewood desk, executive chair, small
refrigerator, microwave, pictures. Medical
office closing, POB II. All avail after Mar 15.
Call Diane 526-9575 or 636-5134.
Marriott Mountainside: 2/2 villa. Vacation
rental. Base of Park City Ski Resort, Utah, ski in,
ski out, 1,200SF, soaking tub in master suite,
sleeps 8 w/2 king beds and 2 sofa beds, 3
flat screen TVs, fully equipped kitch, w/d,
fireplace, mini kitch in othr BR. Fitness center,
heated pool, 5 hot spas. Avail 3/19 to 3/26/10.
$2,100/wk. Call Howard at 395-4792.
Downtown: 2/1/1+st pkg, 10 min fr QMC.
Sm pet ok. $1,400 incl utils. Call 428-0089 or
email [email protected].
(Continued from page 3.)
From Queen’s to Kaiser, Happy
Birthday & Happy 10th anniversary Honey Bunny. I love you.
Hi Honey, This has been a
tough year for me!!! So much
has happened, I don’t know
if i’m coming or going ;-( I do
know one thing. I am so thankful that I have you in my life!!!
Thank you for all your love and
support! Happy Valentine’s Day
to the love of my life. Love Me
To my T8E staff, I am thankful for
and appreciate the strength of our
T8E Ohana…your Aloha (unconditional love), Ho‘omau (perseverance), Lokahi (collaboration/
cooperation) and Kakou (all of Dear Denise, Happy Valentine’s
us, in this together). Debbie
Day!! May this day and everyday for us be like Valentine’s.
To The Magnet Team: We’re With lots of hugs & kisses :-)
sweet on you! From: the Staff Would you like to go on a date?
of T10PP/NSY
Dinner & a movie. How about it?
The neuro service line is now under
Darlena Chadwick, RN, VP of Patient
Services. Nona Irvine, RN, is now the
director for the neuro units. Surgical
units, which are under Karen Schultz,
RN, VP of Patient Services, now report
to director Loraine Fleming, RN.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bring your old phone books to the loading dock for recycling into oil change
boxes and embankment stabilizing
material. Newspapers are accepted as
well, but no shiny pages.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Queen’s Orthopaedic & Spine Symposium, Essentials of Spine Care for
Primary Care Physicians: The Painful
Back and Painful Neck, will be held on
Saturday, February 20 at the Queen’s
Conference Center. For more information, call the Office of CME 537-7009
or email [email protected].
Valentines Day! Always, Ruby
To Violet: Tili you are an amazing women and don’t let anyone
tell you otherwise. You keep
strong and me and pua will be
ok? ok! With all the love that I right here if you need us. love
ya sis, Summer Kaliko
have, Rich
Happy 4th wedding anniversary Tuna Lei: Roses are Red; Violets
to my wifey Misty B!!! Love al- are Blue; Lemons are sour; So,
let’s shop for an hour! Happy
ways, Just me, B2!!
Valentines Day! xoxo – Toad
To my shiggy-wiggy, huggy
bear, dish washer and dog To the Queen’s Volunteers:
walker: Happy Valentine’s Day! Queen’s volunteers are awesome; Special in every way;
Love, your wonderful wife
Sharing their aloha; Each and
E.K., As we grow older together, As every day; These angels come
we continue to change with age, to help us; And our patients too;
There is one thing that will never We appreciate so very much;
change…. I will always keep fall- Everything they do; So as we
ing in love with you. YOUR BABE. celebrate; This St. Valentine’s
Day; We honor you, our volunMrs. J, Some people come into
teers; And would like to say…;
our lives and quickly go. Others
You are all our Special Valenstay awhile, make footprints on
tines!! With aloha from the
our hearts and we are never, evVolunteer Dept. Employees
DAY!! Fr Jen
Hugs and kisses to my Boojer
Bear on this special day.
Pua Kahaulelio: You are a wonderful person; so beautiful inside Rich a.k.a Dr. Naga ~ 2009
and out. You deserve the best. brought us such heavy hearts.
your sister Summer Kaliko
You had a lot to endure. 2010
already started off with a bang.
Mega love to the staff at the
You’ve been so strong throughWHC, U/S Imaging & file Room,
out it all. I’m thankful for all of
POB3 U/S & Mammo for all your
our friends and family who suphard work. You Rock!! Lashes
ported us through this journey. DisH-W, A quarter of a century? Are neyland is right around the corner
you sure? Hmmm…I’m think- and we have that to look forward
ing the next 25 years will be just to next! You are my rock, my everything. I love you with all my enas lovely. All my love…BB
ergy. I’m so lucky to be your wife.
Dearest Baba and Alaka’i Boy, I You’ve blessed me in many ways
have been blessed with both of you and made my dreams come true.
and very thankful for the uncondi- Thank you for being you and for
tional love that you give me. Happy choosing me. Love ~ Denise
The Queen’s
Auto care: Full engine computer diagnosis.
Waipahu. John 676-1077.
Motorcycle svc: Lg selection parts & full service maint. Cert Harley mechanic. 741-3713.
Babysitter/child care: M-F, flxbl hrs, safe
n’hood nr QMC/downtn, on bus rt #13. Mo
rates incl 2 meals+2 snacks. Indr/outdr play
areas. Exper, reliable, FT/PT, perm or temp,
furloughs & long breaks too. Call 595-6360.
Computer repair: Mac/PC, hardware or
software. Email [email protected].
The Print Connection reserves the right to edit or
refuse any ad. The Print Connection does not make
any warranty about the fitness of any product or
service listed in Q-Mart.
The Queen’s Print Connection is published
by Creative Services. If you have news or
wish to opine, call us at 537-7532 or e-mail
[email protected]. News deadline is the
Monday prior to publication.
QHS/QMC President. . . . Art Ushijima
Publisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roy Cameron
Editor/Writer. . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Kimura
Assist. Ed./Writer. . . . . . . Glee Stormont
The Queen’s Medical Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.
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