Handgrip and Box Tilting Strategies in Handling: Effect on Stability
Handgrip and Box Tilting Strategies in Handling: Effect on Stability
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS 1996, VOL. 2, NO. 2, 109-118 Handgrip and Box Tilting Strategies in Handling: Effect on Stability and Trunk and Knee Efforts Alain Delisle Micheline Gagnon Pierre Desjardins Universite de Montreal, Canada The purpose o f this study was to evaluate the effect o f fou r handgrip/box tiltin g strategies (right, left, backward, and no tilt o f the box) on trunk and knee efforts, body posture, and the stability o f 14 participants w ith lim ited experience in handling. The tasks consisted of transferring a lo w -lying box placed in fro n t o f the participant to a shelf o f the same height at the participant's left. It was hypothesized that tiltin g the box could reduce trunk and knee efforts as w ell as body asym m etry and im prove stability. A tridim ensional dynam ic rigid body model was used to estimate the triaxial net m uscular m om ent magnitudes at the trunk (L5/SI) and at the knees. An approach to quantify the participants' dynam ic stability was also included. Finally, five angles were com puted to characterize body asymmetries. The results showed that tiltin g the box af fected specific trunk efforts, but did not succeed in reducing trunk asym m etric efforts. However, the tilts were executed in a single direction, and it may be possible that com bined tilts o f the box could help reduce trunk asym m etric efforts. Tilting the box had little effect on knee load ings, and the left tilt strategy reduced participants' stability. This study showed the im portance o f considering the position o f the box when assessing the risks encountered in asym m etrical handling. handgrip box tilts manual handling tridim ensional reaction m om ents low back knees stability 1. INTRODUCTION For the last two decades, low-back pain has received much attention in research; yet it remains a major health problem in industry. Asymmetrical manual materials handling has long been associated with low-back pain. In vitro and simulation studies have produced results that emphasize the strain supported by the soft tissues of the spine when forward bending is coupled with torsion or lateral bending (Adams & Hutton, 1985; Gordon et al., 1991; Hickey & Hukins, 1979; Shirazi-Adl, 1989). However, asymmetric hand positions and the box move ments encountered while handling also constitute a form of asymmetry and have received little attention in occupational biomechanics. The impact of this form of asymmetry on joint load ings is not known. Hand position has been studied in the presence of handles only (Bishu & Wei, 1992; Coury & Drury, 1982; Deeb, Drury, & Begbie, 1985). Asymmetrical handle position stabilized the box horizontally and vertically and minimized the physiological stress perceived by the participants This work was funded by the Institut de Recherche en SantS et en Security du Travail du Quebec and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. A. Delisle is supported by a PhD studentship from Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et d’Aide 4 la Recherche and from the Faculty des Etudes superieures de I’Universite de Montreal. Relevance: Biomechanical analyses of the impact of handling parameters such as the handgrip and box tilts are essential for understanding body loadings encountered in asymmetrical handling. Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to Alain Delisle, D6partement d’Education Physique, University de Montreal C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3C 3J7. E-mail: <delislea@ere. umontreal.ca> 109 110 A. DELISLE, M. GAGNON, AND R DESJARDINS (Coury & Drury, 1982), whereas symmetric hand position was shown to minimize hand forces (Deeb et al., 1985). These results are difficult to apply in industry, because field studies have shown that most of the boxes are not provided with handles (Drury, Law, & Pawenski, 1982; Kuorinka, Lortie, & Gautreau, 1994; Lortie, Baril-Gingras, & Authier, 1993). These field studies also showed that handlers developed different grip and tilt strategies that may be considered as a means for compensating the absence of handles. Recently, the impact of the handling context on the choice of grip and box movement in expert and novice handlers was studied (Authier, Lortie, & Gagnon, 1996). The results showed that experts more frequently tilted the box during transfer. Right/left tilts were the most frequent, and backward/forward tilts were also important. At deposit, the boxes remained tilted in 43% of the cases. Furthermore, the grips most often used by experts could be associated with specific tilts of the box. Novices generally carried the boxes without tilting them, and they systematically performed deposit with the box held flat. Similar ergonomic observations were made in a biomechanical study comparing expert and novice strategies in the free handling of low-lying loads (Gagnon, Plamondon, Gravel, & Lortie, in press). The results of the ergonomic observations (Delisle & Gagnon, 1993) generally confirmed those of Authier et al. (1996). Experts tilted the box more frequently than novices during transfer and performed the deposit with the box most fre quently tilted. The most frequent grip for both groups was asymmetric with the hands on diagonally opposed corners (the 3/7 hand position, Figure 1), as was the case in other studies (Authier et al., 1996; Drury et al., 1982). However, the second most frequent handgrip for experts consisted of a symmetrical hand position on the middle of diagonally opposed edges (the 8/2 grip, Figure 1). Furthermore, different grips could be associated with different tilts during transfer, resulting in different types of deposit. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different handgrip/box tilting strategies resulting in different types of deposit, as used by expert and novice handlers, on trunk and knee efforts as well as on the stability condition. It was believed that deposits performed on edges of the box (resulting from different tilts of the box), as executed by expert handlers, would reduce trunk and knee efforts compared to deposit performed with the box kept flat, as executed by novice handlers. Moreover, it was hypothesized that expert handgrip/box tilting strategies could help reduce trunk asymmetric efforts and offer better stability and could also reduce body posture asymmetries. Because a new method is presented for measuring body asymmetry of posture, its validity for characterizing trunk asymmetry of posture is, therefore, assessed by confronting it with trunk angles computed from an approach similar to Grood and Suntay (1983). This study may help understand workers’ choices of handling strategies in order to develop more appropriate training programs. Figure 1. The hand position convention, based on Drury et al. (1982). HANDGRIPS AND BOX TILTS IN HANDLING 111 2. METHODS Fourteen healthy male participants volunteered to participate in this study and were finan cially compensated. They were all college students at the Universite de Montreal. Their experience in different manual handling jobs was limited and varied between 3 and 14 months (one to three summertime jobs). Their mean age was 21.1 years (range: 19-23 years), their mass was 76.9 kg (range: 65.9-88.2 kg), and their height was 1.78 m (range: 1.65-1.86 m). The written consent of all participants was obtained after they were properly informed; the experimental protocol had been written according to the guidelines of the Ethics Review Board of the Universit6 de Montreal and was accepted by the Board. The tasks were designed in order to compare different types of deposit as a result of different combinations of hand position and box tilts while handling. Therefore, the tasks were all executed with the same feet position (57 cm apart); participants maintained their feet fixed throughout the tasks and were asked to keep their knees flexed. They were asked to move a 12-kg box (32 cm X 32 cm X 46 cm) from a 16-cm shelf in front of them to a shelf of the same height at their left. The initial and final positions formed a 90° angle. There were three tasks with the hands on diagonally opposed corners: the right hand on the furthest upper right corner and the left hand on the lower left corner of the box (3/7, Figure 1). These three tasks were distinguished by the tilt of the box during handling resulting in three different types of deposit: First, there was not any tilt (flat technique, Figure 2A), the box was kept parallel to the ground and the deposit was flat on the bottom of the box; second, the box was tilted backward (backward tilt technique, Figure 2B) or toward the participant’s body resulting in a deposit on the lower front edge of the box; third, the box was tilted laterally to the right (right tilt Figure 2. Illustration of th e tasks w hile transferring th e box from th e initial shelf (participant's right side) to th e final shelf (participant's left side) for: (A) th e flat tilt technique, (B) th e backward tilt technique, (C) th e right tilt technique, and (D) th e left tilt technique. 112 A. DELISLE, M. GAGNON, AND P. DESJARDINS technique, Figure 2C) resulting in a deposit on the lower right edge of the box. The fourth task involved another type of grip resulting in another type of tilt and deposit: The box was first tilted on its lower left edge, the right hand was then placed on the middle of the lower right edge and the left hand on the middle of the upper left edge of the box (8/2, Figure 1). After having tilted the box to the left (left tilt technique, Figure 2D), and after having transferred it, the deposit was made on the lower left edge of the box. The data were collected using two AMTI (Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc., Newton, MA) force platforms, for the measurement of the three components of the resulting force under each foot as well as the-point of application of the resulting force and the couple about the vertical axis of the platform. A Peak motion measurement system (Peak Performance Technologies, Englewood, CO) with four video cameras (Panasonic WVD-5100) were used to collect the positions of the 29 anatomical markers on the participants. The force and film data were electronically synchronized by an electrical pulse and were sampled at 60 Hz. The three-dimensional (3-D) locations of the markers as well as the locations of the markers for the orientation of the force platforms were obtained by Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) procedures (Marzan, 1976). The calibration was realized by filming 24 points distributed in a volume of 3.9 m3. The accuracy and precision of the 3-D reconstruction were assessed by filming another set of 24 control points covering the same volume. Because in tridimensional analysis of handling tasks the markers are not always seen by all four cameras, the accuracy and precision of the 3-D reconstruction were assessed for each combination of two, three, and four cameras. The DLT reconstruction error, evaluated as the root mean square (RMS), averaged 3 mm along the x, y, and z axes. The maximal difference between real and recon structed coordinates of any point along any axis was 10 mm. The 3-D dynamic segment model included 14 segments: feet, shanks, thighs, pelvis, and the trunk with a lower part (from L5/S1 to T12/L1) and an upper part (from T12/L1 to C7/T1), head-neck, arms, and forearms plus hands. The positions of the markers on each segment were filtered with a fourth-order zero-phase Butterworth filter (Winter, 1990). The cutoff frequen cies were selected automatically from residual analyses (Cappozzo, Leo, & Pedotti, 1975) and ranged from 0.1 to 3.2 Hz. Finite-difference techniques were applied to calculate linear velocities and accelerations. Each body segment was assumed to be a rigid body and had a local coordinate system made of the orthopaedic axes, corresponding to longitudinal, sagittal, and transverse axes. An inverse dynamic analysis was performed on each segment to provide the net moment and net forces at the joints. The inertial properties included the mass, the position vector of the centre of mass in the local coordinate system, and the moments of inertia about the axes of the local system (Zatsiorsky & Seluyanov, 1983,1985). It was assumed that the axes of the local coordinate system corresponded with the principal axes about which the moments of inertia were defined. For the current analysis, the net muscular moments were reported about the three orthogonal orthopaedic axes on the trunk at L5/S1 and on the shanks at the knees to represent moments in axial twisting, lateral bending, and flexion/extension; the trunk was considered as one segment (from L5/S1 to C7/T1). More information about the development of the 3-D segmen tal model can be found in Gagnon and Gagnon (1992). For the evaluation of the participants’ stability during the tasks, the minimal horizontal force applied at the centre of gravity that could move the centre of pressure out of the base of support was estimated. The method for this estimation is described elsewhere (Delisle, Gagnon, & Desjardins, 1996a). This estimation is based on the assumption that when the centre of pressure passes outside of the base of support, the system is no longer in equilibrium, because there is no support against which the reaction force can be applied. It was hypothe sized that the static friction force under the feet is always large enough to compensate for any horizontal force applied to the system. Therefore, a single horizontal force applied at the centre of gravity that can bring the centre of pressure out of the base of support was calculated to characterize the level of stability of the participants, and was called the destabilizing force. The larger the destabilizing force the more stable the participant was. To better comprehend specific trunk positions relative to the pelvis, the approach described HANDGRIPS AND BOX TILTS IN HANDLING 113 by Grood and Suntay (1983) was modified and applied to the trunk. This approach is described elsewhere (Plamondon, Gagnon, & Gravel, 1995). Grood and Suntay’s approach was also applied at the knees to characterize their orientation. Flexion/extension was defined about the transverse axis of the thigh, internal/external torsion was defined about the longitudinal axis of the shank, and abduction/adduction motion was defined about a floating axis normal to the two preceding axes. Another tool was incorporated to supplement the kinematics of the tasks, more specifically to characterize the asymmetry of the whole body. Five ergonomic angles were computed to evaluate the asymmetry of the body during the tasks. These angles were computed from the projections of four vectors on the horizontal plane. These vectors characterized the orientation of the grip, shoulders, pelvis, and feet. The grip was characterized by a vector between the right and left hand markers, the shoulders by a vector between the two markers at C7/T1 level (14 cm apart), and the pelvis by a vector between the right and left lateral markers at L5/S1. Finally, the orientation of the feet was defined by a vector normal to the mean longitudinal vector of both feet. The five ergonomic angles computed were: (a) the grip relative to the shoulders and (b) to the pelvis, (c) the shoulders relative to the pelvis and (d) to the feet orientation, and (e) the pelvis relative to the feet orientation. Finally, the orientation of the feet relative to the initial position of the box was also computed. Analyses of variance with repeated measures were applied to test the differences, and multiple comparisons were used to identify the differences. A probability level of .05 was chosen to identify the major differences. 3. RESULTS The handgrip/box tilting strategies affected specific trunk efforts (extension and lateral bend ing) and specific trunk orientations (torsion and lateral bending), resulting at deposit in larger coupling of extension and lateral bending efforts with the backward tilt technique and in some degree of trunk asymmetry for all tasks (Table 1). The trunk resultant and extension moments were smaller for the backward tilt technique, whereas the right lateral bending moment was larger. These lateral efforts combined with the trunk extension efforts imply important cou pling of efforts for this backward tilt technique. Note that the right tilt technique, as opposed to the other techniques, resulted in a left lateral bending moment at deposit. At the same time, the trunk was similarly and deeply flexed for all tasks (about -40°). Larger left torsion was reached with the right tilt technique(-18°), smaller with the backward tilt technique (-4°), whereas small lateral bending was present for all tasks, except for the right tilt technique. For the left knee, all efforts were smaller with the left tilt technique, although its orientation was similar to all tasks (Table 2). A flexion moment (31-46 Nm), an external torsion moment (22-27 Nm), and an external lateral bending moment (35-52 Nm) were the predominant combined efforts at deposit. The right knee characteristics were not studied, because most of the participants’ weight was supported by their left lower limb at that time. The ergonomic angles revealed that at deposit the left tilt technique offered the smallest asymmetry of the grip relative to the pelvis and shoulders, and that the backward tilt technique offered the smallest asymmetry between the shoulders and pelvis (Table 3). For all tasks, the pelvis relative to the feet angle was similar (about 40°) and accounted for about 60% of the asymmetry between the shoulders and feet. The shoulders relative to the pelvis angle was smaller for the backward tilt technique (16°) and larger for the right tilt technique (30°). As to the grip orientation, it was more parallel to the pelvis and shoulders for the left tilt technique than all other tasks, and it was more parallel to the pelvis with the backward tilt technique than with the flat and right tilt techniques. Finally, the stability was poorer for the left tilt technique given the smaller minimal destabilizing force encountered at deposit with this task. However, the orientation of the minimal destabilizing force was similar for all tasks, that is, the greater risk of a loss of balance was toward the left and slightly toward the back of the participants. 114 A. DELISLE, M. GAGNON, AND P. DESJARDINS TABLE 1. Means and Standard Deviations of the Trunk Characteristics at Deposit, and the Probability Levels ( N = 14, p < . 0 5 ) _____________________________________ Significance Levels Type of Tilt of Box Right (R) Backward (B) Variables Left (L) Flat (F) Trunk Efforts Resultant m om ent (Nm) 207 (21) 208 (20) 192 (24) 206 (25) ns ns .00 .00 ns .00 Extension m om ent (Nm) 203 (21) 203 (23) 184 (23) 203 (25) ns ns .00 .00 ns .00 Lateral bending m om ent (Nm)a 28 (27) 33 (24) 51 (14) -2 2 (19) .00 ns .00 .02 .00 .00 -3 9 (8) -1 3 (6) 6 (7) -4 2 (8) -9 (7) 8 (6) -4 0 (8) -4 (8) 9 (4) -4 0 (7) -1 8 (6) 0 (6) ns ns ns ns ns ns .01 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ns .02 ns .00 .00 Trunk Orientation Flexion angle (°)b Torsion angle (")b Lateral bending angle Ob Lvs. R L vs. F Lvs. B Fvs. B Fvs. R B vs. R a Negative sign means an effort in left lateral bending. b Trunk orientation relative to pelvis. Negative signs mean flexion, left torsion, and right bending. TABLE 2. Means and Standard Deviations of the Left Knee Characteristics at deposit, and the Probability Levels (N = 1 4 , p ^ .05) _____ _________________________________________ Type of Tilt of Box Variables Backward (B) Significance Levels Right (R) Left (L) Flat (F) 55 (15) 31 (18) 22 (5) 35 (19) 66 (15) 44 (18) 26 (6) 44 (17) 71 (18) 38 (19) 26 (5) 52 (19) 72 (13) 46 (24) 27 (5) 46 (17) .00 .01 .00 ns ns ns .01 .00 .03 ns ns ns .00 .01 .00 ns ns ns .01 .03 .00 .03 ns ns 49 (14) -1 9 (13) -4 (8) 53 (14) -2 6 (13) -7 (10) 48 (16) -2 2 (13) -8 (8) 49 (14) -2 0 (11) -8 (6) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns .01 ns ns .05 ns .02 ns .00 ns ns ns Lvs. R L vs. F L vs. B Fvs. B Fvs. R B vs. R Left Knee Efforts Resultant m om ent (Nm) Flexion m om ent (Nm) External torsion m om ent (Nm) External bending m om ent (Nm) Left Knee Orientation Flexion angle (°)a Torsion angle (°)a Lateral bending angle (°)a a Knee orientation w ith Grood and Suntay (1983) approach; negative signs mean extension (0° is fu ll ex tension), internal torsion, and adduction of the tibia. HANDGRIPS AND BOX TILTS IN HANDLING 115 TABLE 3. Means and Standard Deviations of th e Ergonomic Angles and Stability Variables, and th e Probability Levels (/V = 14, p < .05) Type of T ilt o f Box Variables Ergonom ic Angles Mean feet orientation (°)a Shoulders/feet at deposit (°) Pelvis/feet at deposit (°) Shoulders/ pelvis at deposit O G rip/pelvis at deposit O G rip/shoulders at deposit (°) S ta b ility M inim al destabilizing force at deposit (N) M inim al destabilizing force/feet O b Significance Levels Left (L) Flat (F) 21 (3) 66 (7) 41 (5) 24 (7) 22 (4) 66 (6) 41 (6) 26 (6) 21 (4) 57 (4) 40 (4) 16 (4) 21 (3) 70 (6) 40 (6) 30 (6) 28 (6) 3 (7) 48 (8) 23 (8) 33 (4) 17 (5) 55 (19) 68 (19) 30 (36) 31 (37) Backward (B) Right (R) L vs. R L vs. F L vs. B F vs. B F vs. R B vs. I ns ns ns ns ns ns .00 ns .00 .00 .00 .00 ns ns ns ns ns ns .00 ns .00 .00 .00 .00 49 (6) 19 (7) .00 .00 .01 .00 ns .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 ns 64 (23) 71 (15) .02 .03 ns ns ns ns 45 (13) 35 (47) ns ns ns ns ns ns a Relative to the initial box position. b Relative to the base o f support. 4. DISCUSSION A tridimensional dynamic rigid body model was used to analyze the effect of different types of deposit, as induced by different grips and tilts of the box, on trunk and knee efforts as well as on the asymmetry of the body and the stability of the participants in asymmetrical handling of low-lying loads. The trunk and knee postures, the moment magnitudes about the three orthopaedic axes at L5/S1 and at both knees, five ergonomic angles, as well as the level of stability of the participants were used to describe differences in handling techniques occurring as a function of handgrip and tilt techniques. It was believed that the use of different strategies of deposit, as induced by different handgrips and tilts of the box, may help minimize the asymmetric efforts on the body. Furthermore, these strategies may influence the worker’s stability. The comparison of the angle between the shoulders and pelvis and the trunk orientation angles in torsion and lateral bending (modified Grood and Suntay’s approach) shows good agreement between both methods. This gives evidence of the validity of the new method. However, correspondence cannot be perfect, because the angles to describe the whole body asymmetry were computed from the projections of different vectors on the horizontal plane. This implies that the asymmetry occurring in the frontal plane cannot be described by these angles. For example, in the tasks studied, the trunk was deeply flexed (about 40°), and the true torsion of the trunk about its longitudinal axis was not completely considered with the angles 116 A. DELISLE, M. GAGNON, AND P. DESJARDINS computed between the shoulders and pelvis vectors’ projections. Despite this, the results obtained from both methods for assessing trunk asymmetry showed good agreement; for example, the right tilt technique showed larger trunk asymmetry with both methods. This new tool provided valuable information. Different angles were computed to calculate the level of asymmetry taken by the lower limbs as compared to the level of asymmetry oc curring in the trunk. For the tasks studied, the lower limbs accounted for about A of the asymmetry observed between the shoulders and the base of support, and the trunk took the other part. Moreover, the results obtained with the grip relative to the pelvis angle revealed, as anticipated, that the left tilt and the backward tilt techniques were the handgrips most parallel to the pelvis. One has to remember that the handgrip used with the left tilt technique imposed the hands to be on the middle of the edges of the box, whereas the backward tilt of the box was such that the hands were brought at the same distance antero-posteriorly, which reduced the asymmetry of the grip relative to the pelvis. The results of this study showed that the use of different handgrip/box tilting strategies influences the net muscular moments encountered at deposit, especially at the L5/S1 joint. However, the types of deposit executed in this study did not succeed in minimizing trunk asymmetrical efforts. Asymmetrical hand positions have been shown to offer greater vertical and horizontal stability of the box (Coury & Drury, 1982) and, combined with the tilting of the box, were perceived as a potential alternative to better distribute the weight of the box in a symmetrical manner on both hands and to reduce asymmetrical efforts at the trunk (Authier et al., 1996). However, the box tilts, as executed in this study, resulted in important asymmet rical counteracting efforts that can be explained. The right tilt technique, which transferred most of the weight of the box toward the right hand, resulted in a predominant counteracting left lateral bending moment. The backward tilt technique transferred most of the weight of the box toward the left hand, which resulted in a predominant right lateral bending moment. This technique further shifted the centre of gravity of the box closer to the L5/S1 joint, which resulted in reduced trunk extension efforts. The left tilt technique also shifted most of the weight of the box toward the left hand, and a right lateral bending moment was observed at deposit. This was also the case for the flat technique. Therefore, the flat technique, associated to novices, was not worst nor better than any other tilting techniques associated with expert handlers. An important fact that probably limited this study is that all tilts were made in a single direction (left, right, backward). The combination of different tilts could be advanta geous. For example, a lateral tilt combined with a backward tilt of the box could result in a better distribution of the weight of the box on both hands, and a better balance of trunk lateral bending efforts. In fact, Authier et al. (1996) observed that experts more frequently laid down the box on a corner than novices, which implies a combination of tilts in several directions. This seems an interesting avenue to reduce asymmetric efforts and deserves further research. Based on the results of this study, the handgrip/box tilting strategies proved to involve important trunk asymmetric efforts. Gagnon, Plamondon, and Gravel (1993) studied the effects of different starting postures on trunk triaxial net muscular moments in asymmetrical tasks. With the trunk flexed forward and twisted about the longitudinal axis of the trunk, they observed maximum lateral bending moments of 60 Nm. On the other hand, Plamondon et al. (1995), studying different starting positions of the load (90°, 45°, 0° from the sagittal plane), observed maximum lateral bending moments of 37 Nm, and these efforts were similar for all starting positions of the box. In this study, left lateral bending moments at the trunk reached 51 Nm at deposit with the backward tilt technique. Although box dimensions and the tasks in the aforementioned studies differed from this study, feet position was also fixed. Therefore, it appears that tilting the box can have an effect on trunk lateral bending moments as important as the initial trunk orientation or the initial box placement. Moreover, these box tilting strategies also had some impact on knee efforts, but to a lesser extent. Tilting the box to the left probably shifted the line of gravity closer to the left knee and reduced the efforts encoun tered at deposit for this joint, which was, however, linked to the imposed feet position. However, efforts at deposit were relatively important for the left knee with 22 to 27 Nm in internal torsion and 35 to 52 Nm in external bending. The values in torsion are close to the HANDGRIPS AND BOX TILTS IN HANDLING 117 maximum torsional strength for cadaver knees (35-80 Nm; Piziali, Nagel, Koogle, & Whalen, 1982) and could involve some risks for ligament injury. However, the contraction of the muscles crossing the knee probably reduces the potential for injury (Louie & Mote, 1987). Efforts in lateral bending are less critical, because they are much smaller than the maximum strength of cadaver knees in lateral bending (125-210 Nm; Piziali et al., 1982). Interestingly, the handgrip/box tilting strategies affected the level of stability of the partici pants. The left tilt technique was significantly less stable, probably because this technique shifted the global centre of gravity closer to the left limit of the base of support, which was for all tasks the side of the base most at risk for a loss of balance. Furthermore, the impact of the handgrip/box tilting strategy on stability observed in this study was as important as the impact of the width of the base of support or the flexion of the knees reported before (Delisle et al., 1996b). In this study, feet position was imposed and the feet remained fixed throughout the tasks, and only two handgrips were used to analyze the effect of four tilts of the box. However, in free handling tasks, up to 40 different handgrips were used by expert handling workers, and the type of tilt of the box as well as the position of the feet were among handling parameters reported to be affected by the height of grasp and weight of the box (Authier, Lortie, & Gagnon, 1995,1996), which confirms the wide diversity of handling strategies and their com plexity. The choice of a handling strategy is context dependent, and there are many possibilities of combination of handgrips, box tilts, and feet positions that may represent safe or risky handling strategies. For the first time, this study revealed the effect of tilting the box on trunk and knee loadings, body posture, as well as on the participant’s stability. This effect was as important as the effect of the width of the base of support and flexion of the knees addressed before (Delisle et al., 1996b). One important aspect that has received little attention and that could also be determinent is the strategy of feet displacement. Although these handling parameters are studied separately, they are probably interdependent, which means that one parameter could modify the effect of another. However, by studying them separately, it is possible to determinent the potential of each of these parameters to affect body joints’ muscular efforts, body posture and stability. Further research will be required to study the effect of the interaction of these parameters and will necessitate the analysis of strategies closer to real handling task situations. In conclusion, the deposits performed on edges of the box (resulting from different tilts), and associated with expert handlers, did not reduce trunk asymmetric efforts as compared to deposit performed with the box kept flat and associated with novices. However, the box tilts were executed in a single direction, and it may be possible that combined tilts of the box could help reduce trunk asymmetric efforts. The handgrip/box tilting strategies had little effect on knee loadings, although one strategy showed smaller resultant left knee moment at deposit. One strategy, consisting of tilting the box in the direction of the movement (the left tilt strategy), resulted in poorer stability, because this strategy shifted the centre of gravity toward the left, which was in the direction most at risk for a loss of balance. This study showed the importance of considering the handgrip/box tilting strategy when assessing the risks encoun tered in asymmetrical handling. REFERENCES Adams, M.A., & Hutton, W.C. (1985). Gradual disc prolapse. Spine, 1 0 ,524-531. Authier, M., Lortie, M., & Gagnon, M. (1995). Handling techniques: The influence of weight and height for experts and novices. Journal o f Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 1(3), 262-215. 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