Oculys Performance at CKHA
Oculys Performance at CKHA
REAL-TIME MOBILE VISIBILITY EMPOWERS FRONT-LINE STAFF, IMPROVES PERFORMANCE Oculys Performance at CKHA TH E C H A L L EN G E “We took a big picture approach, centered on a strong belief in our people, and the tools needed to achieve our performance goals.” Sarah Padfield, Chief Operating Officer, CKHA “With Chatham-Kent we were able to collectively innovate and contribute to measurably improved performance. Working collaboratively with hospitals to meet their performance and patient care goals is the cornerstone of our success.” Chatham Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) is a 200+ bed community hospital operating on two campuses in southwest Ontario, and serving a resident population of approximately 110,000. The hospital’s Emergency Department (ED) sees over 65,000 patients per year, providing the majority of after-hours care in the region, and offering the only ED along a nearly 200 km stretch of highway known for severe weather and 50+ accidents annually. Along with 74 other hospitals in Ontario, CKHA participates in the Pay-for-Performance (P4R) incentives program focused on reduced Length of Stay (LOS) and improved patient satisfaction, with measurement and funding allocations based on relative performance among all participants. In October 2013, CKHA’s P4R ranking was 16th of 74 for Total Length of Stay (LOS) for Admitted Patients, and 18th of 74 for Time to In-patient Bed (from decision). While National Research Canada (NRC) surveys indicate 90% of patients were satisfied with the care received, all wait-time metrics were out of alignment with provincial standards, thereby entrenching: • a challenged financial position, and • challenged hospital-wide communication, particularly for front-line staff encumbered by a lack of transparency, inefficient processes, and outdated technology. Just one year later, in October 2014, much had changed, and CKHA was emerging as the ‘exceptional community hospital’ presented in its vision statement. P4R rankings had improved to sixth of 74 hospitals for Total LOS for Admitted Patients, and for Time to In-patient Bed (from decision). Over the same period, Total Beds in Operation had been reduced from 265 to 216, despite consistent (and at times higher) volume of patients visiting the ED. Organization-wide culture change with a notable focus on teamwork, knowledge and accountability was underway, with improved financial positioning among its key benefits. Franck Hivert, President and CEO, Oculys TH E S O LU T I O N CKHA’s road to improvement began with broad reinforcement of the concept of connectedness. Programs fostering leadership and continuous improvement were put in place to enhance communication, insight and accountability – within and among departments – which began to change behaviours, break down silos, and improve awareness. Performance potential, however, continued to be hindered by a lack of visibility, coupled with cumbersome paper- and phone-based processes. As such, the hospital began investigating options to bring the technology supporting the staff’s capacity for patient care excellence up to modern standards, through visibility. S IMP LE I M PLEMENTAT I O N , I N STA N T AWA RE NESS A fully ‘agnostic’ application, Oculys integrates directly with CKHA’s existing information technology system. Following an eight-week implementation and brief staff training on the fully intuitive information displays, CKHA staff had only to glance at their handheld device or departmental screens for the status in the ED and in every department across the hospital. There was instant awareness of how long each patient had been waiting, the impact of presenting concerns on available beds and where there was potential to flex up or down. Access and awareness quickly translated to enhanced accountability, as staff began working more diligently and more cohesively to prioritize care delivery in alignment with provincial wait-time guidelines. H OW OCU LYS D E L I V E RS SIMPLE Direct alignment with current IT EFFICIENT Fewer phone calls, less paperwork REAL-TIME Instant data THE WORK AND THE WORKLOAD ARE EXACTLY THE SAME, BUT THE ‘ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE’ DISPLAYED BY OCULYS PERFORMANCE ENABLES MORE INFORMED, COLLABORATIVE AND ULTIMATELY, MORE SATISFYING RESULTS. “Oculys has helped to reinforce organization-wide culture change focused on our values, particularly teamwork, knowledge and accountability.” Sarah Padfield, Chief Operating Officer, CKHA COMPREHENSIVE Hospital-wide transparency “We haven’t cancelled a single surgery since the implementation of Oculys. The map makes planning easy, and has improved collaboration, how we work as a team.” COLLABORATIVE Teamwork through transparency Willi Kirenko, Vice President, and Chief Nursing Executive, CKHA “With Oculys, front-line staff can understand the demands on the organization as a whole, and from a leadership perspective it allows us to be far more proactive in our decision-making.” Leah Matteis, Manager, Patient Flow, Social Work and Discharge Planning, CKHA “Oculys is a great tool to understand the full flow of patients. It adds accountability and clarity, and eliminates phone calls. The system now moves the patient.” INTUITIVE Minimal training FLEXIBLE Configurable view Karen Waymouth, Integrated Director, Health Information Management and Privacy Officer, CKHA CKHA BY THE NUMBERS 1350 employees 280 credentialed staff of physicians, midwives, dentists, nurse practitioners 110,000 residents of Chatham-Kent 65,000 annual ED visits 93 percentage of satisfied patients TH E PR O OF IS IN TH E P E R FORMA NCE Measured results are a testament to the power of real-time mobile visibility provided by Oculys. BEDS IN OPERATION ED TOTAL LOS ADMITTED E XPA N S I ON TO H O U S EK E E PI N G A N D P O RT ERI N G Keen to continue the trend of strong performance results established in 2014, CKHA approached Oculys about expanding the power of visibility to include housekeeping and portering services. The idea was the result of a water main break in the CKHA parking lot, which revealed the existence of BBM™ groups on the housekeeping team, and the potential to improve efficiencies and communication by leveraging Oculys. Oculys KeepNTouch was launched in March 2015, providing a mobile workflow companion that allows users to manage tasks and collaborate with the team, in real-time. Oculys KeepNTouch provides instant insight into: • Rooms to be cleaned • Housekeeper sign-in and out by room • Instructions to mitigate spread of infection as required • Notification to admitting when rooms are ready “The visibility provided by Oculys KeepNTouch will greatly improve workflow efficiencies,while enhancing collaboration between housekeeping and other staff.” Beth Hall, Director, Support Services, CKHA “Oculys has changed how we work, and made things much more streamlined, especially since we’re rarely at our desks. It’s the last thing I check at night, and the first thing I look at in the morning.” Beds in operation results from March 2013 to December 2014. All other results from October 2013 to December 2014. Amy Zoumboulis, Supervisor, Housekeeping LE SS O NS L EARNE D AT C KHA L ESS O N S L EA RN ED AT O C U LYS The right solution, at the right price. Oculys was more affordable, more comprehensive, and easier to implement than other technologies, and enabled ongoing innovation and performance improvement at CKHA. Performance delivers possibilities. Through understanding of performance goals, in combination with CKHA’s commitment to excellence, Oculys was able to scale its own capacity to ensure continued high quality delivery, on-time and on-budget. Direct involvement. As a nimble start-up, Oculys welcomed our participation in configuring the robust tool that has redefined how we work at CKHA. We drove each other crazy, but the quality of the end result speaks for itself. Single log-in. Right from the start, specifications for Oculys at CKHA included a single log-in on each handheld device or unit screen. Re-inputting the password is only required if it’s been inactive for an extended period. Not having that would have been a deal-breaker. The pace of patient flow requires instant access, instant insight. Culture change, across the board. In creating a decision-support solution that delivers clear and simultaneous value for the ED, the units, for housekeeping and for leadership, we have, in Oculys, a tool that has made us work better together, hospital-wide. “I miss Oculys!” is the resounding response during rare periods of full power-outage. It’s archaic when we have to revert to paper bed boards and multiple phone calls, with no insight into what’s going on in other areas. BlackBerry®. Although Oculys works on any mobile platform, CKHA chose BlackBerry for its reliability, connectedness, and end-to-end security. We have instant access to the information we need, while confidently maintaining patient privacy / PHIPPA compliance, which lets us provide better patient care. Beyond the dashboard. Among the 18 hospital sites where Oculys is implemented, CKHA took the product’s flexibility for custom configuration to a new level. The results include: transfer functionality and report generation; entirely new products like Oculys KeepNTouch workflow companion for housekeeping and portering; and the innovative connection between CKHA and the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC). We pride ourselves on the simplicity, power and flexibility of our solution to meet the unique needs of each hospital. Innovation breeds innovation. The original vision behind Oculys was as a management tool, providing health care leaders with real-time insight into the pulse of their organizations. Each implementation, however, underscores the fact that the true power of the tool is in the extent of its accessibility for all front-line staff. HOW O C ULYS IS CHANGING H OW H O SP ITAL S WO R K Better insight More transparent More accountable More informed More collaborative Implemented at 18 hospital sites, Oculys is: • Providing instant, accurate data for 23,000 front-line staff managing 4,319 beds • Processing over 21,000 information feeds daily • Enhancing the patient care experience of 839,776 ED visits and 164,913 surgeries annually WH AT ’ S NE X T E-NOTIFICATION WITH COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRE (CCAC) By mid-2015, CKHA will be the first hospital in the Erie St. Clair Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) to have a direct connection to CCAC through an e-notification system that will run on Oculys. The resulting efficiencies will save an estimated 10 minutes per patient, as staff will have access to each patient’s pre-hospitalization status with CCAC, enabling faster decisions for physician referrals, improved discharge communication, and higher overall patient satisfaction. CKHA and Oculys have completed their testing and are excited about receiving final authorization from CCAC to incorporate this innovation into patient flow practice. R E SP E C T, T E AMWOR K , CO MPASSIO N, TR U ST, K NOW L E DG E , ACCO U NTA B IL ITY Teamwork, knowledge and accountability stand out among the six CKHA values that Oculys has helped to reinforce.