Betsie River Watershed Restoration Committee Meeting Notes
Betsie River Watershed Restoration Committee Meeting Notes
Betsie River Watershed Restoration Committee Meeting Notes – Draft #2 Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 from 1pm to 3pm at the Weldon Township Hall in Thompsonville Facilitator: Don Tanner Notes taken by: Kimberly Balke Committee Members Present: Donald R. Tanner, River Guide and Betsie Landowner Kimberly Balke, Conservation Resource Alliance Ed Hoogterp, Crystal Lake Association & Watershed Plan Writer Max Bromley, Springdale Township & Betsie River Landowner Ron Hitesman, Weldon Township & Betsie River Landowner Stacy Daniels, Crystal Lake & Watershed Association Mark Tonello, MDNR Fisheries Division Richard Anderson, Betsie River Landowner & Iron Fish Distillery Casey Ressl, Conservation Resource Alliance Amy Ferris, Crystal Lake Township John Ransom, Benzie Conservation District Charles Mayer, Betsie River Landowner Chris Sullivan, Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy Gary Sauer, Benzie County Commissioner Craig Meredith, Betsie River Sportsman’s Club Ron Evitts, Colfax Township & Betsie River Landowner Agenda: Introductions were made, meeting notes from October 2015 were approved, and the meeting proceeded as follows: River Care Financial Report The 4th quarter River Care financial report 2015 is attached. There was a $35 contribution from Bill Cragg (CRA sent a thank you) and no expenditures this quarter leaving a balance of $2,206.96. There is $3,299.54 in the Betsie endowment. Crystal Lake/Betsie River Watershed Plan Update Ed H. reported the following: • Goal is for the draft plan to be submitted to MDEQ for review in late March 2016. Scott Gest is finalizing maps, and the maps are available on the Networks Northwest website. • Some priority areas in the plan include Bellows Park & Beulah Beach that have e. coli issues, severe road stream crossings, an Elberta brownfield, moderate/severe streambanks, and protection of steep slope areas. Invasive Plant Species Work Katie G. was unable to attend. The Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program awarded the network a grant and so they will be treating more areas this year. Sustain Our Great Lakes The CRA grant is entering its final year. The MDNR State land & Neetz streambank stabilization and woody debris work was completed, plantings will happen this spring (Kim B. ordered from Benzie Conservation District). The Red Creek crossing site is being design by NRCS (in cooperation with Grand Traverse Band EQIP funds) with a recommendation to move the stream slightly north and better skew the new culvert to fit the stream. MDNR Special use permit has been applied for by Benzie Road Commission and tree removal will occur before the seasonal Northern Long Eared Bat restrictions go into effect (April 1). Construction is slated for summer 2016. Post-monitoring for aquatic insects, amphibians and reptiles at the Nessen Rd./Little Betsie and Gudemoos/North Platte will be completed in April or May 2016. Craig M. noted that the VanNord and adjacent streambank is increasing in erosion severity; Kim B. had observed that last summer during the streambank inventory and will visit that site as a possible optional woody debris site since one of the Dair Creek landowners does not want to do allow woody debris placement in the former impoundment under this grant. Recreation Don Tanner reported that recently MDNR, Networks Northwest, Sean Dupperon, Anne Bourne and he met to discuss the Benzie County Waterways Program application which was denied funding. Networks Northwest (NN) ended up submitting a scope of work and revised cost proposal to MDNR to do a waterway trail plan for the Betsie watershed (including both Benzie & Manistee Counties). Kim B. touched base with Elizabeth Calcutt ([email protected]) with NN in early April after this meeting and NN is in final stages of approval and signing a memorandum of understanding with MDNR for $5,700 for this planning effort. Ideally and hopefully, more grant funds may be sought by partners in the fall. There are a number of state land sites on the Betsie where informal access is causing erosion. Kim B. noted that Springdale Township in Manistee County has identified the informal access sites on state land at County Line/Moore Rds. and Dzuibanek/Kurick Rds. as top priorities in their recreation plan. Land Protection Chris Sullivan reported that the Railroad Point property closing documents are complete and the Crystal Lake outlet property acquisition is in process utilizing FEMA dollars. Chris S. has been in discussions with a couple other landowners in the watershed regarding land protection. It was noted that sadly Bill Johnson passed away; Bill and his wife own a considerable amount of land on the Betsie adjacent to highway 669. It was confirmed after this meeting by Chris Sullivan and Mark Tonello that the Wistrand 40 acre property on Dair Creek has indeed been purchased by the State of Michigan for $105,000 and was recorded in Benzie County on January 5, 2016. Betsie River Fishery Mark Tonello was pleased to report that MDNR Crystal Lake fishery assessment is complete (the previous one was from 1955) and approved by all pertinent MDNR levels; it is available online at The Betsie River creel survey report is close to production and print. River Gauges Max Bromley is going to work on a sole permit application for all stream gauges (data currently tracked on with John Ransom, Benzie Conservation District as the applicant, and the Betsie River Care fund will cover the $50 permit fee. Events • Benzie Conservation District is hosting the volunteer aquatic insect survey on May 14 at several locations in the Betsie and Platte watersheds. • Benzie Conservation District is hosting the annual river clean up on June 11. Check their website at for details on these events! Other • Colfax Township is working with Benzie County Road Commission to raise funds to replace Nostwick Bridge. Upon inquiry from Ron Evitts, Kim B. noted that it is very difficult for CRA to raise grant funds to replace bridges with bridges as grantors typically prioritize passage of aquatic species and significant sedimentation reduction in • funding river projects. MDNR Natural Rivers Program and MDEQ staff have regulatory authority over what new bridge design could/would consist of, i.e. whether piers can be allowed in the river. Beavers have created dams on the Little Betsie upstream of the eastern most Bentley road crossing. Kim B. and fellow staff Kira Davis observed this in early December during site visits. Kim B. let BCRC know. Next Meeting The next meeting is tentatively planned for Tuesday, May 17, at 1pm at the Weldon Township Hall; meeting agendas will be mailed in advance. Scenic view of Red Creek, a Betsie tributary, downstream of Haze Road. River Care Working Funds Available: - at the start of the Quarter $ 298,668.76 Quarterly Activity Report: $ 2,171.96 $ 13,104.69 $ 2,453.29 $ 784.40 $ 1,544.84 $ 10.18 $ 561.16 Regional Betsie Big Sable COL Pere Marquette Big Manistee Pine Little Manistee (River Care) (River Care) (River Care) (River Care) (River Care) (River Care) (River Care) (River Care) $ 319,299.28 Total River Care River Care Working Funds Quarter 4 2015 October - December Plus Contributions Rec'd For Quarter $ Expense 12,000.00 $ 35.00 BDR, Benzie3 7,725.25 Operating Transfer to projects $ 175.00 $ 1,000.00 $ - $ 250.00 $ - $ - $ Big Sable LWD 3,500.00 13,460.00 11,225.25 Wage & Fringe 13,084.70 558.93 37.83 13,681.46 Indirect Costs 3,378.47 144.32 9.77 3,532.56 253.61 48.88 Sub Contract 227.50 Staff Travel 227.50 1,888.36 Printing & Postage & Photos 27.85 175.38 2,366.23 0.49 28.34 Permit Fees 0.00 Meeting Expense 135.00 Newsletter & Impact Report 123.27 258.27 1,696.23 1,696.23 Office Supplies 0.00 Field Supplies, Equipment Repair 82.04 368.99 451.03 River Care Kids 0.00 Reference Materials/Maps 0.00 Training & Education 0.00 Raffle Materials 0.00 Misc River Care trademark renewal Less Total Expenses 600.00 $ 600.00 28,845.40 $ $ 281,823.36 $ - $ 4,580.13 $ 96.97 $ 175.38 $ $ 8,699.56 $ 3,356.32 $ 609.02 $ - $ - $ 368.99 $ 34,066.87 $ 10.18 $ 192.17 $ 298,692.41 Cumulative Summary: Equals River Care Working Funds Available 2,206.96 1,794.84 River Care Permanent Funds Balance of Permanent Funds $1,007,902.71 $3,299.54 $1,157.75 $0.00 $0.00 $6,277.65 $0.00 $6,277.65 $1,024,915.30 $2,710,983.93 $26,768.00 $101,772.35 $19,000.00 $192,534.89 $26,321.00 $135,350.30 $48,857.00 $3,261,587.47 Total River Care Funds Raised to Date** Reviewed By: ___________________________ C O N S E R VA T I O N R E S O U R C E A L L I A N C E Leelanau County Grand Traverse County Benzie County 2 1 Lake Michigan Otter Creek 3 22 Cry 4 Pla tte Lak e sta lL ake Frankfort 10 5 6 7 te at Pl Honor 8 r ive Long Lake Lake Ann 9 11 R 12 31 13 115 Duck Lake Betsie Lake Green Lake 31 22 115 ir Da 14 k ee Cr 18 Manistee County 16 Otter Creek Watershed Be 20 15 Benzie County t sie r ve Ri 21 22 19 17 Platte River Watershed e ttl e si r ve Benzie County Michigan Ri B et Li Wexford County Betsie River Watershed Benzie County River Care TM Completed Projects 1. Otter Creek Timber Bridge 13. Kinney Creek & Stanley Road Culvert Replacement 2. Otter Creek Grand Traverse Band Brook Trout Study 14. Dair Creek Recovery, Dam Removal & Culvert Replacements, and Betsie River Stabilization & Instream Habitat 3. North Branch Platte River Culvert Removals (2) 4. North Branch Platte River & Gudemoos Rd Culvert Replacement & Stabilization 15. Dair Creek & Landis Road Culvert Replacement 5. Brozofsky Creek & Platte Road Culvert Replacement 16. Misty Acres Dam Removal, Road Crossing Removal, Instream Habitat & Streambank Stabilization 6. Tamarack Trout Farm Restoration 17. Betsie River & Aiken Road Instream Habitat 7. Platte River & South Street Stabilization 18. Betsie Streambank Stabilization & Instream Habitat 8. Platte River & Burnt Mill Road Timber Bridge 19. Betsie Day Use Facility Stabilization 9. Platte River & Burnt Mill Road Instream Habitat 20. Betsie River & King Road Improvements 10. Woodcock Creek & Burnt Mill Road Timber Bridge 21. Betsie River & Long Road Abutment Removal & Stabilization 11. Platte River & Reynolds Road Timber Bridge 22. Little Betsie & Nessen Road Timber Bridge 12. Stanley Creek & Hulbert Road Culvert Replacement P 231-946-6817 F 231-947-5441 E [email protected] 10850 Traverse Hwy., Suite 1180, Traverse City, MI 49684
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