Tinnitus Soft Laser Pen 6
Tinnitus Soft Laser Pen 6
4. Technicalexamination(audiogram,x-ray of neck vertebra,ENG,tinnitometry) 5. Laboratorytesting Audiogramswere taken in all the patients prior to the therapy. After the therapyaudiogramswere taken in 62.5 per cent, i. e. 45 patients,showinga slight improvement. Audiogramprovidesonly for numeric range of perceptionof frequencyof sounds, howeverit does not give us an objective evaluationof quality of hearing. Furthermore,the patients do not see the main improvementin a wider rangeof frequencyof sounds,this remainsusually on a similar level, but the main benefit is the absenceof the additionalburdeningsound caused by tinnitus. Therefore the patients can better analyze sounds in general, their hearing is "refreshed"as they usuallydescribethe result of the therapy. Typicalaudiograms of patientswith tinnitus before and after therapy. for Laserdevice with an infrared laser probe (830 nm) and power output 300 mW was used on the the study. The followingapplicationdosagesand frequencymodulationswere applied following points: 1. meatus acusticusexternus - in the direction of the axis of the auditory duct continuous beam 50 J/cmtr followed by 25 J/cm[, frequencymodulationof 5 Hz' the directionof 2, processusmastoideus- directedon the center, the vector of the beam in 5 Hz pulse counter lateral orbit, continuousbeam 90 J/cmD , followedby 45 l/cmD with frequency. - in fact the we strictly appeal to maintain the direction of the vector of aiming the beam target structure of the helix is a shape of severalsquare millimetres' a week' Having At the beginning,attendancewas scheduledto 10 proceduresin total, twice two series,each completedthe first series, patients returned after 2 3 months for another consistingof 5 - 6 therapies' once a week' Evaluation Levelof subjectivecomplaintswas evaluat€daccordingto three scales: of therapy 1- Percentage scale - complaintsevaluated 100 per cent at the beginning per cent, possible (Blue), accordingto the level of relief decreased(Green) to 80, 70 etc' accelerationof Problems( R e d ) g o e s u p t o l l 0 , l 2 0 e t c . p e r c e n t , n o t i n n i t u s e q u a | s 0 p e r cent. 2- Five-grade scale - analogous to pain scales; Reachingfrom Gr. I = No tinnitusto Gr. 5 = tinnitusinterferingall activities; - Grade I - Grade II = No tinnitus = No interfering sound perceived during the day, only in evenings, causingno discomfort - Grade III = Interfering sound perceivedduring the day, interruptingdrowse only = Interrupting drowse and sleep, interfering sound causing discomfort - Grade IV during the day - Grade V = Unbearablediscomfort,interferingall activities 3- Graphic scale - Patientmarking 0 to 10, accompaniedby a simple graphicsshowing face grimaces accordingto his/her amount of subjective hardship. In order to simplify the effect of therapy as much as possiblethe resultswere divided in four groups: 1. Patientswith no effect of comprehensivetherapy 2. Lessthan 50 Per cent relief 3. More than 50 Per cent relief 4. No more tinnitus, patient free of the disease. This evaluationis identicalwith our previousstudy, and it enabled us to compare easily the resultsof both studies. Table 2. The Role of LLLT in Tinnitus Treatment: Result Result # Patients Percent No effect 15 olo20,B Less than 5O olo relief 19 0/o26,4 More than 5A olorelief 22 o/o34,6 No more tinnitus 16 o/o22,2 TOTAL 72 o/o100r0 Diagram 2. Thc Role of LLLT in Tinnitus Treatment: Result tr No eftct I Less fran 50% relief tr ilorcthan 50% relief tr No rrtre tinnihrs It was interestingto compare our latest results (LLLT only) with those of our previous studies,i. e. our study made in 1998, long-termstudy between1999 - 2OOt,and the initial study aimed at LLLTonly. Table 3. Comparative Results Result 1994 1999-2001 LLLT only No effect o/o19,4 o/o16,0 olo2o,B Lessthan 5O o/orelief o/o!9,4 o/o15,0 0/o26,4 More than 5O o/orelief o/o35,5 o/o43,O o/o30,6 No more tinnitus o/o25,8 0/o26,O o/o22,2 Diagram 3. Comparative Results $(fr &46 4,4$ $ffi 4W rlE8 25,4r, -1999-2Wt ILLTonly ffit{oeffect tesslhrt *%rcli'ef Mdedgt 5O%relief Discussion and ability' Since Hippocratic Oath orders us to treat patients to the best of our knowledge been based on the triad our longterm experience in comprehensivetreatment of tinnitus has at a loss whether we of physiotherapeutic manipulation, medication, and LLLT, we were treatment' mere LLLT' would not harm our patients in a way, giving them only a part of the introductory examination' We have to declare, that we have selected patients during the caused by vertebral sorting out patients whose x-ray indicated a possibility of tinnitus pure evaluation of the role of blockades. On the other hand, this selection led to a more possible cause and a corresponding LLLT in the treatment of tinnitus, leaving out both a the ratio of individual four treatment. we have been positively surprised that in Eeneral slightly increased groups remained similar. The number of patients with no effect of LLLT per cent in comparison to (by 4.8 per cent when compared to the long-term study, by t'4 the absence of medication and the original study of 1993). This is obviously caused by improvement as less physiotherapy, showing their supportive effect. In the group evatuating best. More than one-fourth of all than 50 per cent the leading role of LLLTcan be evidenced LLLT only, which is a patients (26,4) report improvement after therapy performed with 15.0) - Impressive results have result better than those in both previous studies (19.4 and more than one half of all also been obtained in the last two groups , when we imagine + 22'2 = 52'8 per cent)' patients reporting significant and/or total relief of tinnitus (30'6 Conclusion 22.2 per cent patients suffering from tinnitus never more after treatment with therapeutic laser is a great success of LLLT. It only confirms the leading role of LLLT within comprehensivelaser rehabilitationtherapy of tinnitus. On the other hand we must stress the necessity to apply the two remaining parts of our therapeutic triad as well, since medicationand physiotherapeuticmanipulationare integral parts of the general care of our patients, and we should not deprive the suffering of the means and methods capable of bringingthem more relief,which we are awareof. comprehensive therapy of patients suffering frorn tinnitus Prochazka M, Teinska R' 37 patientssufferingfrom tinnitus (age 18-86 years) were treated in three ways: : mobilisation,physicaltraining,physiotherapy' 1. Rehabilitation 2. Same as 1 but with placebolaseradded' 3. Sameas 1 but with functionallaseradded' given, total 10 treatments. Laserused was 830 nm 300 mw. 2-3 treatments per week were Treatment Protocol: - 90 J/cmil CW on mastoideus,45 3/cmtr 5 Hz on mastoideus' - 50 J/cmtr cw On acousticduct, 25 llcmn 5 Hz on acousticduct, -Tebokan EgbT6:-ginko medicationwas added to treatment. than 50o/orelief/no more Results were classifiedas no effect/less than 50o/orelief/more tinnitus. groups Table 4. The percent wise outcome for the three Lessthan 5A o/orelief More than 50 9o relief Auris lVasus Larynx- 7997; 2a fi): 39-42 Diagram 4, The percent wise outcome for the three groups 5O,O% 4sp6 40p% 35,4% 35,5 top96 .. l6roup "l 25,4% 20fr6 tspa 25,8 l2,group 3grouP top96 s,o% o.p96 l{o effect Itlbre than 5O% relief Lesthan 5O% relbf No more tinnitus the effect of laser in a group In an extended study over 3 years Prochazkat12631 evaluated preparations (73o/o) or of 200 pataents. These patients were taking gingko biloba at the neck vertebrae' Betahistadine(39olo)and also had physical therapy, mainty directed 75 Ucmfr into the ear and 135 Laser therapy was performed with a 300 mw GaAlAslaser, J/cmtr behindthe ear. The outcome can be examinedfrom Table 5' Table 5. Results of Extended StudY Result No more tinnitus percent alo26 More than 5O o/orelief o/o43 Less than 50 olo relief o/oL5 No effect o/oLG Diagram 5. Results of Extended Study 50% 459d M ts% to% 25% 2J0% t5% 10% 5% w l{o nDr€ tinnit|s lesst'pn 5O%rclief tVlorethan 50%relief No effect In where the same therapy as addition a group of 31 patients were selected for a double blind study months the outcome was as above was performed, but one group received placebo laser. At 6 follows; Table 6. Results of the Double-Blind Study Result Ufith Laser No Laser No more tinnitus o/o25.8 o/o0.O More than 5O olo relief o/a35,5 o/a25,8 Less than 50 olo relief o/oL9.4 o/o48.4 o/o79.4 o/o25,8 filo effect Diagram 6, Results of the Double-Blind Study il,w6 50.,n6 4',J'x 30pt6 2Ap% ''With La6er I Nolset Lsg}6 g,M ap% t{o more tirmitts iilore thnt 5096 reref L€ssthtl lloeffed S{'%rcW Official paper of the Czeeh Society for the Use of Laser in Medieine Laser Association) Edited under official scientific suprort of EIrII-A(European l.tedical Long-Term Double Blind comprehensive Laser Rehabilitation Therapy of Tinnitus: Study in a Group of 2OOPatients in 3 Years (26'7'2AOZ) M. Prochazka, M.D., RehabCtinic "Jarov", Prague, CZ Ass'prof.A,Hahn,ENTClinic,FNKVFacultyHospital,Prague,CZ Abstract which there is no objective Definitionof tinnitus recordsthat it is an auditory perceptionfor publishedin Laser Partner sonic source from the outer environment.our original study, work' It unambiguously clinixperienceNo. 4/2OOO,has been regardedas a classicaltinnitus a high amount of personal confirmedclinicalexperienceof our predecessors,presentedwith on statistics' However' enthusiasm (Shiomi, Wilden) but, unfortunately, not much based slightly sceptical medical recently our study has gained corroboration by originally authoritiesobtaining statisticallyalmost identicalresults. Our study has been published more than two years ago. With the time passingby we have been under the impressionthat the results might be even better than those obtained during several-monthstherapy in the original cohort of patients.This impressionled to a decisslonthat a new comparisonwith a largergroup of patients,than the originalforty in our basicstudy, and followedin a longer time horizon, might be of a certain interest. We were wondering whether our clinical observations,confirmedby personalexperienceof other clinics,would also find an adequate correlate in statisticalexpression.A model protocol as well as instruction photographsare attachedto the paper. Introduction For our New Study the patients registeredin our clinic due to tinnitus for more than three years were chosen. With regard to maximum objectiveness,the patients who had finished attendancedue to unknown reasonswere includedin the "no-effect"group, althoughwe are well aware that a part of them finished the treatment becauseof various other reasons (such as time cunsumingengagements,problematictransport,family reasons).In a small group of 5 patientswe tried to check the objective reasonsby a phone Qu€rY,and indeed, 2 patients gave other reasonswhilst 3 patients had finished attendancedue to unsatisfactory or no result of procedures.Even though it is interestingfor us to have another little group of 6 patients visiting our cllnic for check ups and for a series of therapiesdespite (after a year and more) zero effect of procedures.In a part of this group (in 3 patients) a certain subjective improvement (up to less than 50 per cent relief) can be noticed after a long attendance (Z - 3 years). There iS certainly a point at issue, to what an extent this subjective improvementcan be regardedas an objective one, whether these patients have not settled down to their complaint...It is a problem of little numbers,definitely not having any influenceover the total figure, however, from a clinical point of view we considerthis observationinteresting...It should be also mentioned that, in general, complianceof patients suffering from tinnitus is excellent, which may be caused by the level of their subjectivetribulationsleadingto a craving to get rid of it' Materials and Methods We have evaluated in total 200 patients visiting our clinic since 1997 till now for tinnitus, followed till 2001, i.e. at least for 3 years. With our approval B patients, who were totally free of tinnitus after a short period of treatment, were crossedoff and finished attendance earlier. In this respectwe have an odd case history of a female patient, who was relievedof her several years lasting lateralizedtinnitus after a single mobilizationof distal C vertebra (note that entire B.B per cent of patientsin our originalstudy were relievedof tinnitusonly by mere physiotherapyproceduresaimed at axial skeleton there really exists an often patients' disputed diagnosisof vertebrally conditionedtinnitus). As it can be seen above, who finished the therapy due to reasons unknown, have been incorporatedin the group "therapy with no effect". Evaluatedgroup of patients was chosen at random from the whole number of our patients with tinnitus, the main condition being particularlyregular attendanceduring the period of the last three and more years. In all the patients a subjectivetinnitus had been diagnosed, i.e. an organic cause of this condition could not be straightly determined by examinations (meaning that especiallypatients with dg. neurinomus statoacusticusor another organic cause, such as a tumor or a head injury with a positive finding by NMR, CT or EEG,were possible excluded).In this respectwe are well aware that some dubitation could be seen in might atheroscleroticchangesof veins, especiallyof carotid veins and a. vertebrales,which also be regardedas an organic cause of tinnitus. However,with almost a hundred-per-cent these level of incidencein population of higher age categoriesit is rather difficult to call changesa PathologY. Table 7. Distribution of sex and Age among the Patients Age o-15 llale 2 r5-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 s5-65 65-75 75+ Total 3 9 11 23 28 32 4 tL2 Female 0 4 7 16 L9 25 16 1 88 Total 2 7 16 27 42 53 48 5 200 Diagram 7, Distribution of sex and Age among the Patients B liale gFemale 35-+F ffi (in comparison Our group (New Group) of patientsconsistedof 112 males and 88 females of males, with our previous study there was an interesting shift towards higher share of tinnitus accordingto our opinion this more correspondswith the level of distribution was 64 years, within populationin relationto work anamnesisand hobbies).Averageage higer categoriesof rangingwithin the limits of 15 and 98 years.This meant a shift towards with the incidenceof tinnituswithin the population,and maybe age, probablycorresponding media, mainly by those also due to the fact that our activities have been covered by on the basis of media focussed on seniors, and thus new patients could have appeared influence. almost classical'three Level of subjectivecomplaintswas evaluatedaccordingto, nowadays scales: per cent at the beginning of therapy' 1. Percentage scale (complaints evaluated 100 per cen, possible accelerationof according to the level of relief decreased to 80, 70 problemsgoesUptoll0,l20percent,notinnitusequa|s0percent), 2.Five.gradesca|e.ana|ogoustopainscales(I=notinnitus,V=tinnituslimitinga|l activities,II, III and IV = clearly definedcomplaints) = No tinnitus - Grade I - Grade II in evenings' = No interfering sound perceived during the day' only causingno discomfort = - Grade III Interfering sound perceived during the day' interruPtingdrowseonlY .GradeIV=InterruPtingdrowseands|eep,interferingsoundcausingdiscomfort duringthe daY - Grade v = unbearablediscomfort,interferingall activities face accompaniedby a simplegraphicsshowing 3. Graphic scale (patientmarking0 to 10, hardship)' grimacesaccordingto his/her amount of subjective
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