Tri-Con 45/55
Tri-Con 45/55
11220-11_Tri-Con 45-55_20150402_3_11220_.pdf PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS ANO DOMESTIC ANIMALS DANGER, EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS LICUID AND VAPOR UNDER PRESSURE, FATAL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED, CORROSIVE. CAUSES SKIN BURNS AND IRREVERSIBLE EYE DAMAGE, WHICH MAY HAVE A DELAYED ONSET. DO NOT DUE TO ACliTE TOXICITY For retail&ale to and uu D)' otrtUitillpptica~'l or persons under their direct supervision and only lor thot.a llh1 covt'•d b)' tt'!&c.mi\ed' appl!eaf04''a c:.o~GIUOI"' BREATHE VAPOR OR GAS, INHALATION MAY CAUSE SERIOUS ACUTE ILLNESS Tri-Con 45/55 Pre-Plant Soil Fumigant OR DELAYED LUNG, NERVE, OR BRAIN INJURY. DO NOT GET IN EVES, ON SKIN OR ON CLOTHING, NOTE: CHLOROPICRIN MAY BE IRRITATING TO THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT, AND EVEN AT LOW LEVELS CAN CAUSE PAINFUL IRRITATION TO THE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Chloropicrin ....... ......... ... ..... ......................... .. 54.7% Methyl Bromide...... ........................................ 45.0% OTHER INGREDIENTS: .................. .•.......•.......... ~ TOTAL: ................................................................ 100.0% EYES, PRODUCING TEARING, IF THESE SYMPTOMS OCCUR, LEAVE THE FUMIGATION AREA IMMEDIATELY. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Some materials thai are chemlcake&lslanl to this product are listed below. For more option•, tallow the instructions ror C1tegory H on the chemical-resistance category selection chart. PPE constructed of Seranex, neoprene, and chlorinated polyethylene provide short-term contac:t or splash protection again&t liquid In lhit product. Longer-tenn protection if. provided by PPE constructed ofVII.on, Teflon, and EVAL barrier laminates (for ex1mple, responder sub manufatWred by life-Guard or Sit.ter&hHikl g\oves manufactured by North), \Mlere chemicllkniallnt materia~ 11re requifed, leather, canvas, or cotton materials offer no protection from this product and must not be WDI'TI as the sole article of protection whan contact with this product i& poiiiiSible When performing tasks with NO potential for contact with liquid fumigant, all handlers(including applicators) mu1t: • Wear long.,.leeved shirt, long pants, shoes and &ocks. • Not wear jew&lry, goggles, tight clothing, chemical-re~istant glove1, rubber protective clothing, or rubber boolll when handing Methyl bromide can be trapped inside dothing and cause &kin injury. H1ndkl~ with no poterrtial forcontad.Mtt iquid rumigant{e g, &hovete"}maywear cotton, • • • • • Long.,.leeved shirt and long pants, Chemical-resistant glove&, Chemical-fesistant apron, Protectiw eyewear (Do NOT wear goggles), and Chemical-fesi&tant footwear with lOcks In addition, when an air-purifying respi~tor i& required under this labeh Directions for Use, Prot&elion for Handlers, R~spiratory Protaclion and Slop Work Triggers section. handlers (induding applicalor5) must wear. " A NtOSH-certified full-facepfeca alr"flUtifying respiratorwtth can.ridges certified by the manufacturer for protection rrom exposure to methy1 bromide at concentrations up to 5 ppm (e.g, a 3M air-purifying respirator equipped with 3M Model 50928 Organic Vapor/Acid Ga&IP100 cartridge&). IMPORTANT: A &elf-contained breathing apparatu& (SCBA) Is not permltled for routine handler tasks. If responding to an emetgency when corrective action if. needed to reduce air concentrations to acceptable ~veil , wear an SCBA E&cape~nty SCBA respirator& mlnit not be used by handlars for re&ponding to emergencin. In add*ion wear PPE r~qulred tor potential contact with liquid lumigant Set label bookie/ [01' oddilioflol Precautionary S/alrmtnl$ NOTICE: Contains methyl bromide, a 6Ubliiitance which harms public health and the environment by destroying ozona in the upper atmosphere. Agricultural Use Requirements U&e this product only In accordance with its labeling and wtth the Woncer Protection Standard, 40 CFR 170 Refer to label booldel under"AQrfcuhural Use Requiremenls" in the Direc/ions for Use uction for inronnation about this standard, This prod11cl wtigh.t 13 92/bs.lga/ @ 6B QF (10 '\:::), Storage and Disposal DO NOT CONTAMINATE WATER. FOOD, OR FEED BY STORAGE OR DISPOSAL Pesticide Storage: SICJU! In a dty, cool, well-venliated araa under lock and key. Post as a pesticide stOfaga area. , Pe1ticide Disponl: Peaticide waliite&. are toxic, Improper dispo&al of excess pe&ticide, 'PRY rnbdut&, or rinsate ilii a violation or Federal Law. If lheliia wastes cannot be dfJpoMd ol by use according to a.baJ lni#Udlon1, eonfJ.d )'OUt 81111 Pctl1dd• Of El'MfcmmttntAI ControiAQ:eney, Otlht H'ulrdov• Wat.te t•PflliSentatM. at the neare&t EPA RtQ~al Oft to for Ol.rfcl•-"'4· Wlan a cjln~•r tt. parlill!J f~ Md ln.,. h P'IO ftlr1Jitttoq.Wtm•nt ror tnt p.~l;ltluct., tot\lm ~•eyllndottoth• teoOitttanl Of di"rlbUbt, ~.,lice Ill~ ap and~ pro~cdon bonnet bdH•Ihl~ eont.ln"- DANGER ~ PELIGRO POISON Si U!dtd no DllimtM Ill .hifMIIO. bus~t~~e a oft:uim pt~ra f11U J t /IJ ur/i'IIK a UJ/611 m . .IJUa. (1fy...,.,.,..,..,.d,..hlbd,JiM•-·t·~illfl~ilrtldllil.) IN ALL CASES OF OVEREXPOSURE, GET MEDICALA"rrENTION IMMEDIATELY. TAKE PERSON TO A DOCTOR OR TO AN EMERGENCY TREATMENT FACILITY. FIRST AID IF INHALED: Move person to ftash air. If person is nol brealhing, call 911 or an ambulance; then give artincial respiration. preferably by mouth-to-mouth, if poasibll!, CaH a poiJon control center or doclor for 1\.Jrther treatment advice. IF SWALLOWED: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately fortrestmenl advice. Have periiion &ip a glass of water lr eble to swalow. Do rtallnduc. vomiting 1Jn141u loki to do •o by 1 poh.Oft CGMr~ eontu or dodot. Co not enythlnt by I"'"''Uth loan unconscioua pet5on 1""- IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING : IF IN EYES : It Is a violation of Federal lew to use /his product in e manner inconsistent with its labeling Do no/ apply thfs product in a way that will contact workers or other persons. either direcffy or through driff Only handlers may be in the application block from the start of/he application unlillha entry restricted pen·od ands, and in the bu"er zone during the buffer zona period. For af!y requirt~ments specif'ic to your State or Tribe, c;onsult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN laalher, or other porous, non-cl'lernical-re5istant gloves. If such gloves are exposed to liquid fumigant, they must immedlataly be removed and discardad. When performing tasks wHh potential for contact with liquid fumigant, all handlers (including applicators) must w. . r: DIRECTIONS FOR USE Restricted Use Pesticide RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE • Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse &kin immediatetywith planty ol water ror 15-20 minute&. Cal a poison control center or doclor ror trertment advice. Hold eye& open and rinse slowly and gentty with water ror 15-20 minutes, Remove conllct len&e&, if present, after the ftr51 5 minutes; then continua rinsing eyes Call a poiaon control center or doctor for treatment advice. Not•: Have the product container or label wilh you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. Contalnar H.nd•ng: Store qMd'am upria}lt. .-""""od 10 1 r44 ot Wll to prevtnl dpp.;,_ Do ""'•ubject cylndor< to._ l\allllllr>9 01 , . - , . . , ...... ....., " dtopplt)g, bu,.nping. dnSIQil,g, Of a.lld~niJ. Oo nQt " " rope Wt01. !'tOOl..,,'J or Pnbt·dn"M:n to uNoed cylindva. Tral'lspon e~cleta ""'"" hMd truek,. totktructc or OCher de'o'k:~ to ~d'l lht cyt~de.r an bo flmiy uw:red. Do r\OC ccmov. ~ ptt~loalot! bonnet and &tlr.t)r Clp ~ ~ttt!y Hiott. Uia. Roph~ ul•tycap and \1'11"0 prOCt~lon bonntt ~ ~ndu Is not 1r1 ua Rotum of Contalrw.ra: Cytndor. "'' tt.o Pfopelt)' or fl• racft.ttant 01 dbbtbutor .tllf'ld nartl bll re.Mnad pt~ aftot Uh. Oo nol lhlp cyliftdaf1.'¥Mbovt a.aretynpli Of Vllv• ptOl~ctio,n bop'lnetL Su Iabtl hookltl for co,plelt Dirt<:IIOIJS fo1 UJe EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: Chemtrec 1~00-424-9300 Trical, Inc. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN 8770 Highway 25 P. 0 . Box 1327 Hollister, CA 95024-1327 Ear1y symptoms of overexposure to methyl bromide are dizzinHs, headache, nausea and vomiUng, weaknen, and colapse. Lung edema may develop in 2 to oi8 hour. alter exposure, accompanied by cardiac Irregularities; these effect' are the u&ual cau&e of death Repeated overexposures ean r"ull in blurred vision, &tag gering galt, and mental imbalance, with probable recovery al'ter a period of no exposure. Blood bromide lewk suggest the occurrence, but not tha degree, or exposure. Treatment 16 symptomalic. •da Rttf!llabl• Cont•irt•r. Onty tt\e reglllfaN or dtuributot 1:. dO'Wil!d to th!. c~•r. Tim t1)ntlin•r can be rdlla.d 'Mth ~•Udd• on.,. Do ~ ''"... th.i» container for any other purpose, Cleaning the container befor• final dispose! i1 the responsibility of lhe person di&posing of the conte iner. Cleaning before refiling is the responsibility of the refiller. Container Disposal: To clean the container befora final disposal, remove any remaining liquid from the container, using dry air pressure if necessary. Allow container to aerale for at least 5 days. After aeration, wash container using hot wllf:er; then orfer container to qualified reconditioner or dhipoae of as directed by Slate or local regulaUonl. T EPA Reg No. 11220-11 EPA Est 11220-CA-4 NET CONTENTS_ __ LBS.