Classifieds - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Classifieds - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Page 14 Current Classifieds February 16, 2016 Current Classifieds Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is March 3. Display ad space must be reserved by Feb. 29. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. Place Your Ad Contact Us __________________________________________________________________________________ Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. Ads can be emailed to [email protected] or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101. Place an ad by phone by calling 580-875-3351. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 ANIMALS Fowl FOR SALE: 3-year-old peacock pairs. 1 pair India Blue, 2 pair Pied India Blue. 580475-5887. FREE mixed-colored black and mottled cochin bantams to a good home. 580-255BUY, SELL OR TRADE: 7229. Horses, trailers, saddles, tack MEAT PROCESSING PLANT and old machinery. Call for for sale: Located in Temple, details. 580-512-8923. NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS: Oklahoma. Fully equipped, Young bucks and does. Also including land, buildings, lots, available: Raw goat’s milk, tools & cold storage facilities. JOHNSON RANCH: Black yogurt, kefir and cheese. Also Priced right. Call 580-450- and red Angus, black Maine goat’s milk soap with essen0681. & Hereford bulls for sale. Ex- tial oils. Cox Valley Dairy. Call tensive 400-cow Al program. 580-429-8778. Call 580-252-1393 or 580FOR SALE: 2 female meat FOR SALE: 1 acre lot at Ivy- 467-7433. goats. 580-656-5559. wood Estates off Comanche HOME-RAISED BUTCHER Trail at Waurika Lake. Lot 3 BEEF: Call 580-284-1597. Block 2, adjoining Jefferson County. Call 909-227-2280 FOR SALE: Two longhorn SADDLES: New & used, bull calves. Call Danny at bridles, blankets, all kinds for price. of tack. We have everything 580-467-1779. 120 ACRES with 2 ponds, you need for your horse. Call creek, water, electricity and Add the GOLD standard to 580-695-0852. corrals. Cattle/hunting prop- your herd with top quality erty. Located north of Tisho- Brangus sires. Increase your BUY, SELL OR TRADE: mingo. Call Cindy @ G3 Land profitability while enhancing Horses, trailers, saddles, tack maternal excellence. FOR and old machinery. Call for & Home 580-721-9355. SALE: Registered Brangus details. 580-512-8923. FOR SALE 12 lots, 50x150 in bulls, for information contact BUY, SELL, TRADE: HorseSterling. 580-365-4470. FORD-LANGFORD FARMS, drawn wagons, parts, wheels, Call 580-678-3172 or 678- etc. … 580-475-5132. 4914. WOW! Updated and move-in ready! Completely remod- GENTLE BRANGUS BULLS. eled, very pretty two-bed- Low birth weights, high wean- USED SHOW PIGS for sale: room, one-bath home, with ing weight. No dangle. Extra I will deliver to butcher shop dining room, living room, guarantee: Not happy with the first week of March. They utility room, kitchen with first calf crop at weaning, I’ll should weigh 250 to 280 by new appliances, carport and replace the bull. Beckwards T then. $200 each. 580-467oversized single- car garage, Ranch, Tom Beck, Pumpkin 5181. covered deck, security lights, Center, 353-4304. Real Estate Animals Commercial Goats Cattle Lots/Land Horses Homes Swine etc. 1208 NW Ferris, Lawton. WILCOXSON REGISTERED $69,900. 580-591-6874. ANGUS: Bulls for sale. Virgin, HOUSE FOR SALE: 3 bed- 12 months old and up, superirooms, 1 bath, on almost 2 or genetics, top quality, range acres. Empire. Owner will not ready, guaranteed fertile. Terfinance. $75,000. 580-255- ral, OK. 972-670-9802. Services Will do quilting, 580-3654470. D and T GUTTERS, seamless gutters, free estimates, residential and commercial, HOME ON ACREAGE in LOWLINE ANGUS cattle: satisfaction guaranteed. Central High area: 4 bed- Bulls, heifers, cows. Start Dave, 580-641-1430 or Ivan, rooms, 2 baths, with shop for at $1,250. 580-536-9048 or 580-658-8432. $159,900. Offered by Bridges 585-0103. BLOSSOMS LEARNING Realty Group. Call Anita CauTREE, LLC Two-star childthon, 580-467-0965 for more care, Central High area. Acinformation. BridgesRealty- FOUND: Bird dog. Fletcher cepting DHS subsidy. 6 a.m. area. Call 580-585-0283. to 7:30 p.m. Monday-SaturHOUSE FOR SALE: Pretty, Yellow LAB PUPPIES, only day, before and after school 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, with din- two males left, born Nov. 5, care, bus pickup up from ing, living, and utility rooms. 2015. First shots, AKC regis- Marlow and Central. 580Carport, oversized single-car tered. Contact Joe, 580-656- 658-3500. garage, covered deck, secu- 3701. rity lights. 947 sq. ft. Call 580PUPPIES FOR SALE: cross591-6874. bred, blue heeler father, bor109 Acres Deeded der collie mother. 7 males, parents on farm, working FOR RENT: 2 bedrooms, 1 cattle dogs, 1 shot, wormed, bath. $ 450 a month, $450 580-536-8795 or 580-483security deposit. Also for rent: 5220. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, $650 a month, $650 security deposit. Both in Marlow. NO PETS. LOOKING TO ADOPT 2 jen580-658-1120. nies. 580-351-7041. Dogs Classified Ad Policy R & R GUITARS: Buy, sell, & trade guitars. Amp & guitar repair. Roger, 580-658-0176. Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. BRICK WORK: ALP brick work, brick, block, patchwork. Call Lonnie, 580-483-6291. COME BY AND SEE beautiful homemade wooden furniture! We also make archways for weddings or your yard. If you need help moving trees or carpentry work, please call Billy. 580-560-3713. NOW OPEN: Buzzard’s Nest – Trading Post. More than 5,000 square feet of shopping. 604 S. Rodeo Drive, Comanche. 10-5:30 Tues.Sat. Like us on Facebook at Buzzard’s Nest – Trading Post. Shop the GEMS BOOTH at Butterfields, 805 Main, Duncan. Vintage furniture, mirrors, Betty Boop, wrestling, framed art, Coke, beer, guitars, OU, OSU, Native American, collectibles. Worth the drive! 580-252-2288. T-S 10-5. PERSONALIZED BOOKS! Child’s name, hometown, relatives, throughout the story. Custom-made for your child in just two days. Fun way to encourage your child to read! Debbie, 580-492-4672. www. HOWARD ROOFING AND EXTERIOR PAINTING: Free estimates. All work guaranteed. OK license # 80000742. Call 580-439-6283 or 580467-8606. WE BUY: Junk cars and trucks. Call 580-255-3545. PO Box 1957 Duncan, OK 73534 [email protected] Office - 580-255-5166 Cell - 580-251-0523 Fax - 580-255-4517 Call for current pricing Get your Purina Show Feed needs here! Goodyear - Titan Tires Tractor*Implement*Truck*Pickup*Car Thanks for Your Business! Leroy and Mark Geis 597-3316 or 597-2522 M w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready to go the Extra Mile for you 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 Duncan Marlow •701 N 4th: 3/2, corner lot, $59,000 • 1016 Devonwood: 3/2, garage, $65,000 •310 W. Osage: 3/1, cellar, $69,000 Land •McKinley Rd., Marlow: 4 acres, shop., $54,500 •McKinley Rd., Marlow: 20+ acres pasture. $59,000 •E. LD/Y - 40 acres pasture, pond. $121,000 •Mountain View Rd, Elgin: 30 acres pasture. $120,000 •2604 S Maxwell Rd, Marlow, $56,000 • S Glendon Rd., 20ac., close to golf course, $200,000 • Rt 4, Marlow: 221 Acres, $381,255 GOOD POND DIRT FOR FREE: You supply equipment. You load and haul. Elgin area. Call 580-919-0267. •Payne Heights Addition, building lots, restrictions, SW of Randlett, OK •801 S. 7th: 3/2, corner lot, $105,000 •608 W. Main: 3/2, 2 liv, $150,000 •511 W Steele, 2/1, cellar, $38,000 •509 S 12th, 3/2, cellar, gar, $88,000 •401 W Payne, 3/2½, 2 liv, gar, $129,900 Lots Rural Properties •3323 W. Woods Dr: 1 Acre, 2 bed, MH, $22,000 •607 W. Payne, Marlow, building lot, cellar, $16,000 •3511 E. Hwy 29: 2+ Acres, 2/1, small apartment, $80,000 •3102 E. Hwy 29: 2 Acres. 3/2, cellar, $98,000 •North 1st St., Marlow, 6 City Lots, $18,000 •111 E. Memorial : 2 Acres 3/2, garage, $179,900 •Willowbend Addition, Creek Side Dr., int. lot, $34,500 •2950 N. Plainsman Road: 5 Acres, 3/2, garage, $225,000 •9th & Park, Marlow, building lot, trees, CALL •1526 Glendon: 2 Acres, 3/3, garage, $299,000 •Willowbend Addition, Creek Side Dr., corner lot, Lake Humphreys Property $17,000- $20,000 $44,500 •Area E Lot 19, 2/2, gar, $46,000 Commercial Lots Donkeys Appraisals & Sales about top dressing & spraying for weeds & possibly Green Bugs! We have all LJŽƵƌĨĞƌƟůŝnjĞƌΘĐŚĞŵŝĐĂů ŶĞĞĚƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĂůŽŶŐǁŝƚŚĐƵƐƚŽŵ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ͘ ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Custom signs, banners, decals, vehicle and window lettering, graphic design, business cards, promotional products, embroidery and sublimation. 604 S. 7th, Duncan. Call 580252-9633. $190,750 PARR Real Estate It’s time to think Rusty Buffalo: 18360 Hwy. 49 before refuge. Rocks, Native American art & crafts, rustic tables, rocks, baskets, blankets, rocks, Peru jewelry. 11-4 Wednesday-Friday; 11-6 Saturday-Sunday. RED RIVER LAND Rentals L & L FARM & TIRE SEEKING DONATIONS of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. 8824. 10 young pairs, one Hereford HOUSE FOR SALE: 111 E. bull, one Angus bull and one Fig, Duncan. 1 ½ lots. Com- 25-ton overhead cube bin. plete rebuild, 3 bedrooms, 940-733-2773. 1 bath, laundry room, CHA, POLLED HEREFORD granite countertops, laminate BULLS: Tired of looking for floors. $32,000. 580-252- your bull? Get a Hereford! 4746. 580-591-3797. SERVICES •Area E Lot 14, 2/1, gar, storage, nice cabin CH&A, $68,000 •407 W. Main, Marlow, commercial lot, $38,000 • 7749 Turkey Terrace: 4/2, garage, $52,500 Commercial Property Waurika Lake •303 S Railroad, Marlow, Commercial Shop, SOLD •Lakeview Lot #20, water meter, septic, elec, SOLD •211 & 213 E Main, Marlow, 2 shop buildings, $250,000 •Lakeview Lot #32, WW, vac land, $24,900 •1500 N Broadway, Marlow, 5200sqft bldg, SOLD •Lakeview Lot #40,41 & 44, peach & Apple orchard, water, $41,900 1%URDGZD\0DUORZVTIWRI¿FHEOGJ •Lakeview Lot #18 Barn, greenhouse, 4 stall horse barn, $54,900 •215 W Main, Marlow, 5500sqft, comm. bldg w/equip, •Lakeview Lots #35,36,37 & 48, fenced, small barn w/elec, $54,900 This land is accessible from both the river side as well as the section line road. Ideal for hunting and recreation of all types. For Details & Pictures PARR REAL ESTATE Lynn A. Parr Off. 255-5166 Cell 251-0523 $110,000 •RR 1 Box 72H2, 8 Acres, 3/2/, MH, shops, pond, SOLD Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner February 16, 2016 Current Classifieds Page 15 SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH TREE B GONE: Tree trimming, removal and stump grinding. Licensed and insured. Excellent cleanup. Free estimates. Call 580475-4973. The Knights of Columbus will sponsor the “Lenten Fish Fry” at Marlow Catholic Church, 4th & Comanche streets. (307 N. 4th) Feb. 12, 19 & 26. March 4, 11 & 18. We will serve FISH, FRIES, COLESLAW, BEANS, DRINKS & DESERT. $9 for adults & under 12 eat free. Carry outs. 580-658-2365. Historic Medicine Park longterm leases, fully-furnished cabins for rent including all utilities, TV, Internet. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at 580-353-5366, manager@, AHRN or $100 referrals paid. Lately I’m more concerned with the return on my investment then on my investment. Wheel loader bucket and forks for sale. Bruce, 580647-1952. HAY FOR SALE: Bermuda grass. Fertilized clean hay. Loading available. Hauling negotiable. 4x5 bales, $40 or 5x5 bales, $50. Call 580-4671946 or 580-656-7943. HAY FOR SALE, Bermuda, fertilized, weed killed, 4x5 bales, 35 bales, west of Comanche. 580-436-5329. FOR SALE: BabyBundler baby slings. Chiropractic approved, uses your whole back, not across one shoulder. Easy, discreet nursing, great bonding, soft material, nice colors. Paper & DVD instructions. Call 580-4396189 (Comanche). Don’t gamble with your tax return. Call me for professional return preparation and I’ll help find maximum deducALLISON EXCAVATION LLC: tions. Jennifer W. Harrison Excavation backhoe service. CPA, 580-749-9440 or jenAll types of construction Menwork. Pond work, dirt, gravel, tion ad for $10 off. demolition, dozer, grader MOUNTAIN MAN FUR HATS work, and roll-off containers. and bags. Daniel Boone, 580-695-8338. raccoon or skunk hats, $125 HOME-GROWN TREES: each. Mountain man coyote Buy 5, pay for 4! Balled & drape hat, $200. Call 580burlapped, bald cypress, 919-0267. red oak, lacebark elm, pine, Bradford pear, crape myrtles, silver maple & more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. 580-656-7273 or 656-6373. ENCOURAGE READING! Custom-made books. Your child is the star of their very own story! Choose from 75 different titles. Your child’s PAINTING LESSONS with name, relative’s throughout Judy McCombs Wednesdays story. Debbie 580-492-4672. at the Walters Depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, BRICK WORK: ALP brick $25 per session. For more in- work, brick, block, patchwork. formation, call Lavonne High, Call Lonnie, 580-483-6291. 580-875-2144. Sponsored by DAFFERN’S AUTO SERCotton County Art Council. VICE now has WRECKER & LAWNWORKS LLC: fullservice lawn and landscape maintenance, installation and tree service. Servicing Lawton, Elgin, Medicine Park, Lake Lawtonka and surrounding areas. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates. Call 580-512-7889. Edgewood Kwik Mart 2 miles west of Comanche on Highway 53 has red & clear diesel + 100% gas, deli food, pizza, beer, & drinks. Call or come by! 580-439-6688. ADVOCARE: Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to lose weight and feel great? Then the 24-day challenge is perfect for you! Call Rex for more information! 580-512-4748. MUD CREEK CREATIONS: Main Street, Comanche. “A unique shopping experience.” Open 10-5:30, Tuesday – Saturday. I will hem pants, jeans or plain. Also do zippers in some pants. 580-641-2910. HOME-GROWN TREES: Buy 5, pay for 4! Balled & burlapped, bald cypress, red oak, lacebark elm, pine, Bradford pear, crape myrtles, silver maple & more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. 580-656-7273 or 656-6373. TOWING. Factory trained w/ over 25 years’ experience on all makes & models. Brakes, heating/AC, major engine & transmission repair, fuel injection service and RESTORATIONS. 580-353-1600 or FOR SALE: New tractor tire 512-8661. inner-tubes, size 11/12 x 24 120 ACRES with 2 ponds, with off-center removable creek, water, electricity and brass valve stem for adding corrals. Cattle/hunting prop- fluid. Korean made. Located erty. Located north of Tisho- in Cache, $25 each. 580mingo. Call Cindy @ G3 Land 531-6114 or 595-0819. Farm & Ranch & Home 580-721-9355. CONSIGNORS WANTED! If Murphy Farms in Walters your children have outgrown sells vegetables and honey or unused items, you need all year round. If you would to know about Just Between like our menu, follow us on Friends! Sell your family’s Facebook: Murphy Farms gently used items, make extra Walters or email: Murphy- money! Sign up and details at! Equipment Antique horse-drawn John Deere sickle mower, $250. Antique horse-drawn sulky rake, $250. Antique horsedrawn cultivator, $250. Antique horse-drawn 2-row planter, $250. 400-gal. diesel tank, $100. 580-475-0495. Pickup hydraulic hay spear. Hooks onto ball in pickup. HAY FOR SALE: Large, Made by Hathaway & SimpCONSIGNMENT AUCTION: round 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 bales son. 580-678-0211. Farm & ranch equipment. of mixed grass hay (100+). Feb. 26 & 27, Elgin. BridgeLarge round mixed-grass hay 580-492-5260. Loading available. 580-756- bales, 5 x 5, $45 each, vol0348 (0341) or 658-6223 / ume discounts. You load, you Offset disk, 12 foot, 3 bar 580-450-2524 or 658-6103. haul. John Sterling, 580-678Miller, four new tires, good LARGE ROUND BALES, 2606 or 357-6095; corner of disks, $4,250. 5 bottom semi weighed 1,320 lbs. Bluestem Trail Road and East Gore. mount moldboard $450. All in and Bermuda. Weed free, net excellent condition. Antique Large round bales, $50 a horse-drawn Sulky single- wrapped, loading available. bale, can load. 580-475bottom turning plow, $250. $60/bale. 580-704-5701. 8096. 580-475-0495. HAY FOR SALE: Easy to Large round bales, 5x5, net 16-foot gooseneck livestock handle 4’×4’ round bales, wrapped. Call 580-656-0365 trailer, white fiberglass top, mixed grass, mostly Bermuda for types of grass and prices. painted Ford blue, 2 axles. $30. 248-8062 or 357-3560. FOR SALE: John Deere 535 Has new 2x12 treated floor- FOR SALE: New one round round baler. Good condition. ing and 2 spares. $1,250. Mo- bale hay hauler. $875. 580580-591-1927. bile home axle and hardware, 467-6694. Bermuda and Bermuda/clo$100. 580-475-0495. Bermuda round bales, $65 ver mix. 5x6 rounds net wrap. Case 970, engine/trans. for 10 or more. Round bales, Tested at 9.8% protein. Askgood, seat/console burned, crab/Johnson grass mix, $45 ing $55/bale. Have loader new tires. $1,500. Hesston for 10 or more. Small Bermutractor available. Contact Baler 5540, needs work. da bales $8 for 50 or more. Brett, 405-222-862. Make offer. JD side delivery 580-450-0610. Find out how the little changrakes, need work. Make offer. FOR SALE: 4x5 round bales, es add up to big savings at Antique dining set, 88 years grass hay, will load, can de- old. Make me reasonable ofliver. 580-467-1415. fer. 580-585-0283. My-D Han-D cattle squeeze chute with Priefert headgate and transport wheels. Also a Silver King squeeze chute calf table. 2004 Yahama 350 Bruin 4-wheeler, 2-wheel drive. Call Jim, 580-7047755. FOR SALE: John Deere 535 round baler. Good condition. 580-591-1927 Behold the turtle, who makes progress only when he sticks his neck out. 2007 Deere 200 DLC track hoe, $70k. Bruce, 580-641-1952. Hay BERMUDA HAY: Small Bermuda square bales for sale. Horse quality. Call 580-6957971 or 695-5683. Small square bales of BERMUDA GRASS. Fertilized and sprayed for weeds. $7 a bale in barn. 580-512-2764. 60,7+&$77/(&2,1& 0,//(5&216758&7,216216,1& SPIVEY INSULATION CO. - FREE ESTIMATES SPRAY-ON POLYURETHANE FOAM FOR METAL BUILDINGS BLOWN FIBERGLASS - ATTICS - BATTS. COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICES Don Spivey Owner Operated Since 1974 1-800-522-1644 Puzzle Answers %21'('&$77/(%8<(56 &$77/(%28*+762/'$1'&2175$&7(' )UHVK1DWLYH&DWWOH %RXJKWWR\RXUVSHFL¿FDWLRQ *XDUDQWHHGWR\RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQ ,ILWLQYROYHV6WRFNHUDQG )HHGHUFDWWOHZHGRLW 2I¿FH 0RELOH 5RFN 6DQG )LOO %DFNKRHV 'R]HUV 7UXFNV 12-2%722%,*2560$// Statement of nondiscriminaƟon CoƩon Electric CooperaƟve, Inc. “Feed the Soil” Fertilizer & Chemicals Wheat Fields Pastures Your Co-op Can Blend & Apply Either Dry Or Liquid Call and Schedule Your Appointment Today! Walters Co-op (580) 875-3344 Happy New Year & Thank You For Your Business Co on Electric Coopera ve, Inc. Is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Rural U li es Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and is subject to the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Sec on 504 of the Rehabilita on Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimina on Act of 1975, as amended, and the rules and regula ons of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which provide that no person in the United States on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, na onal origin, age, disability, gene c informa on or veteran status shall be excluded from par cipa on in, admission or access to, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimina on under any of this organiza on’s programs or ac vi es. The person responsible for coordina ng this organiza on’s nondiscrimina on compliance efforts is Jennifer Meason, Chief Execu ve Officer. Any individual, or specific class of individuals, who feels that this organiza on has subjected them to discrimina on may obtain further informa on about the statutes and regula ons listed above from and/or file a wri en complaint with the organiza on; or the Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Complaints must be filed within 180 days a er the alleged discrimina on. Confiden ality will be maintained to the extent possible. Page 16 FARM & RANCH Tractors LOOKING TO BUY: McCormick Farmall Cub Tractor with belly mower. In good condition. 580-467-2248. FORD 641 WORKMASTER tractor $1,500. Includes angle blade, brush hog, post puller and dirt slip. 580-641-3513. 1946 John Deere B tractor, electric start, runs good, needs restored, tires hold air, located near Faxon. $900. 405-488-5390. Current MERCHANDISE Furniture and Appliances COME BY AND SEE beautiful homemade wooden furniture! We also make archways for weddings or your yard. If you need help moving trees or carpentry work, please call Billy. 580-560-3713. Classifieds February 16, 2016 LAWN & GARDEN TRANSPORTATION Tools FOR SALE: Antique rear end grease pump, $100. Call 580252-3066. FOR SALE: 5-gallon air-operated grease gun, $100. Call 580-252-3066. FOR SALE: Pro Series 15K, fifth-wheel hitch. $140. 580875-2213. 2011 Rushmore by Crossroads 5th-wheel, 38’, 4 slides, FOR SALE: ½-ton tool box, double refrigerator, 6-point like new, Kobalt aluminum. auto-level jack system, new Dinette set, 42-in. round table New $300, asking $150. 580- tires, two AC, king-size maswith 4 chairs, woodgrain fin- 351-2644. ter, washer/dryer, fireplace, ish with country blue trim, still WANTED: Anvils, forge, central vacuum, two flatin good shape. $100. 580- hammers and primitive metal screen TVs, power awning. 251-0859. working tools. 100 percent $29,500. 580-585-0448. Dining table and 6 chairs, all disabled veteran looking to 4-horse slant aluminum wood, with leaf. Queen-size keep busy. 580-695-6058. 1999 Chevy 2500 4-wheel gooseneck trailer. Dressing bed mattress, box springs TOOL SALE: Tile cutter, table drive with Deweze bed and room, ramp load on side, and frame, hardly used. 580- saw, planer like new, used cube feeder. 580-656-2933. double doors on rear. Pulls 467-1415. once, w/table, a lot more straight, good brakes. Asking tools, pull-behind lawnmow- 1976 Postal Jeep, Windsor $6,000 OBO. 580-574-6889. er sprayer, stove heater, too motor, auto transmission, all CARGO TRAILER: 6’x12’, much to mention. 580-284- new tires, plus 2 extra wheels with new studded tires, have single axle, 15” tires, white, WILL TRADE THE FOLLOW- 5125. manual. 580-641-2910. tie down rails in bed, plywood ING for Bass Tracker boat or interior. 580-678-0211. 2005 Chevy, extended cab, pontoon: Epiphone AJ100CE 4x4, 6.0 gas, auto, flat bed & Les Paul Jr. electric guitars, with built in hay spike, 80k Davison R400 Resonator original miles, clean tight banjo, Hohner HFM100VSB F truck. 405-990-1715. mandolin, Kohala KK concert ukulele, ViolinSmart M165V 1956 GMC Big back glass 16.5” viola, Fohnwind 16 pickup and 1956 Chevy short 4X4 violin, Cecilio CVN200 bed parts pickup, some resto4X4 violin, Hohner 32B Inration started. $3,500. 580structor Melodica, (all new 595-1638 or 580-658-2234. with cases & extras), new 1981 Chevy Shortwide, Casio CTK4200 keyboard w/ 350/350, nice pickup, $3,900. adapter, sustain pedal, stand, Also need parts for 1955 Metlox red rooster dishes, bench, case, & Behringer Rogue River 14 canoe, 3 Chev hard top. 580-658service for 14+ many more; KT108 keyboard/guitar am- seats, 2 with added backs. 2234. 1950s red and gray chrome plifier, and Fender SQ12M Asking $250. 580-699-9832. dinette set; forest green De- 320w monitor. $4,500-$5,000 pression glass; Fenton; Hull; value. 580-215-2192 or 492Roseville; Aladdin lamps; 6776. FOR SALE: 1998 Lincoln gumball machines; ADDINGTown Car in good running TON STATION ANTIQUES. condition. $2,500. 580-704Open 10-5 Tuesday - Satur7882. day. 580-439-5566. 1999 Acura CP, 112,000 Windmills; wagons; gas miles. 2003 Acura MDX, pumps; oil and gas signs; wall 130,000 miles. Both in exphones; Dazey butter churns; cellent condition, warranty, tiger oak furniture; 1920s mafinancing available. 580-255- BEST-KEPT SECRET in hogany china/secretary and Duncan? Stockman’s Clear8881. dining table with 8 chairs. ance Room! Discounted SANTA FE TRADERS inside name brand jeans, boots, Addington Station. LAWNWORKS LLC: full1986 Kawasaki 1000 Po- shoes, OU & OSU gear, Buckboards; vintage farm service lawn and landscape lice Special. Needs battery. dresses, jewelry and accesmachinery; chain saw- maintenance, installation and Tagged through December sories! 2115 N. Hwy. 81. Find carved Indian statues; cast tree service. Servicing Law2015. $4,000 Call 405-476- us on Facebook! aluminum statues; wagon ton, Elgin, Medicine Park, 3057. ALLISON EXCAVATION LLC: wheels; WWII; American Lake Lawtonka and surroundExcavation backhoe Service FOR SALE: 2008 Yamaha oak wardrobe; small English ing areas. 100% satisfaction – all types of construction WR250, like new, never oak ladies’ vanity with mirror; guaranteed, free estimates. work. Pond work, dirt, gravraced. $2,750. 580-512-8770. Fire King Jadeite; Pyrex and Call 580-512-7889. el, demolition, dozer, grader more. SANTA FE TRADERS. 2010 Polaris Sportsman 550 work, and roll-off containers. Hoosier cabinet; reverse EFI, On demand AWD, 471 580-695-8338. I BUY newer, non-working, painted lamps; vending mamiles, 2” ball trailer hitch, lawnmowers and walk-behind chines. Test your strength, chrome wheels, excellent love testers – come in and try weed eaters. 580-470-8001, condition, includes camouthem out. Green kitchen cabi- leave message. flage cover $4,995 OBO. net with glass doors; outdoor LAWNWORKS LLC: Full-ser- 580-704-1421. metal chairs. ADDINGTON vice lawn/landscape mainteSTATION ANTIQUES. nance, installation and tree service. Serving Lawton, GOLF CARTS for sale, new Elgin, Medicine Park, Lake and used. Parts and service. Geronimo Free Closet has a Lawtonka, surrounding ar- Trailers available as well. large supply of nice children’s eas. 100% satisfaction guar- 580-656-2314. clothing. Taking donations. anteed, free estimates. Call 580-585-1754 or 248-3378. 580-512-7889. Trailers Paula & Robert Griffith RR 3 Box 261 Walters, OK 580-678-4509 uilts Q n tto o [email protected] C Recreational Vehicles Trucks & SUVs Computerized Perfect Quilting Baby Throws to California Kings CORNISH Insured & Bonded Serving Lawton Since 1980 Musical Instruments PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION INC. &RPPHUFLDO,QGXVWULDO Interior & Exterior 'U\ZDOO)LQLVK 6SUD\3DLQWLQJ &RQVWUXFWLRQ 0DQDJHPHQW 6209 W Gore Blvd, Lawton 580-536-0575 Transportation Merchandise Boats/ Watercraft Antiques Cars Hitches Is Your Trailer Road Safe? •Gooseneck •Receivers •5th Wheel •RV Couplers •Brake Controls •Airbags for a smooth ride Miscellaneous Lawn & Garden Cycles & ATVs Mowers Golf Carts Clothing Before After • Repairs • Brakes • Wiring, Lights • Inspections • Accessories M&M Trailer Service, LLC Marlow, OK Wood & Resistall ® Flooring 2 Miles W. of Hwy 7 & 81, 1/2 mile N. 580-658-6510 Great Selection of trailer parts & pickup accessories February 16, 2016 Current Classifieds Page 17 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Classified Ad Policy SEEKING DONATIONS of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. FOR SALE: BBQ grill, custom-made smoker BBQ pit on wheels, uses wood. 4’x5’, cooks a lot of meat! 580-6780211. 13 used 900-20 truck tires, $650. One older air tire machine, $250. Call 580-5126762. TIME TO START thinking about gardens! Woodchips for sale, $2 a pickup load, you load. 580-281-0596. DAFFERN’S AUTO SERVICE now has WRECKER & TOWING. Factory trained w/ over 25 years’ experience on all makes & models. Brakes, heating/AC, major engine & transmission repair, fuel-injection service and RESTORATIONS. 580-353-1600 or 512-8661. MUD CREEK CREATIONS: Main Street, Comanche. “A unique shopping experience”. Open 10-5:30, Tuesday – Saturday. Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Tan leather swivel recliner on round black swivel base, like new. $75. Solid oak wooden lampstand with built-in table & faux-leather lampshade, approximately 54” tall. $35. 580-215-2192. Historic Medicine Park longterm leases, fully-furnished cabins for rent including all utilities, TV, Internet. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at CHISHOLM TRAIL COW- 580-353-5366, manager@ BOY CHURCH of southern, AHRN or Oklahoma: 10 a.m. Sundays, $100 Bible study at 6 p.m. Wednes- referrals paid. days. New location, 2.5 miles Tan leather swivel recliner on west of Hwy. 81 on Terry round black swivel base, like Road, south of Duncan. 580- new. $75. Solid oak wooden 470-8200. A Church Without lampstand with built-in table Fences – Ridin’ for the Brand & faux-leather lampshade, since 2007 approximately 54” tall. $35. Open Range COWBOY 580-215-2192. FOR SALE: 3-year-old peacock pairs. 1 pair India Blue, 2 pair Pied India Blue. 580475-5887. BARRELS: 55-gallon metal trash barrels. Burn. With lids. 580-606-0620. PLASTIC BARRELS: 15-gallon, 35-gallon and 55-gallon, solid tops, clean. 580-6060620. WANTED: Anvils, forge, hammers and primitive metal CONSIGNORS WANTED! If working tools. 100 percent your children have outgrown disabled veteran looking to or unused items, you need keep busy. 580-695-6058. to know about Just Between HAY FOR SALE 5-ft. round CHURCH, meeting at 10 a.m. Firewood for sale, seasoned Friends! Sell your families bales of rye grass, $50 per Sundays, Stephens County pecan, $85/rick. 580-475- gently used items, make extra bale (net wrap). 4-ft. round money! Sign up and details fairgrounds. Pastor Robert 7815. bales of Bermuda grass, $45 Bohn. 580-704-4692. FOR SALE: Golds Gym in- at! per bale (net wrap). East of CASH FOR COINS: Buy or version table, 1/2 price, $120. FOR SALE: Used brick. 580- Comanche. Call 580-439sell. Call 580-475-5132 in Call 580-351-2644. 656-5559. 4092 or 580-439-5955 Duncan. WILL TRADE THE FOLLOWING for Bass Tracker boat or pontoon: Epiphone AJ100CE & Les Paul Jr. electric guitars, Davison R400 Resonator banjo, Hohner HFM100VSB F mandolin, Kohala KK-C Concert ukulele, ViolinSmart M165V 16.5” viola, Fohnwind 16 4X4 violin, Cecilio CVN200 4X4 violin, Hohner 32B Instructor Melodica, (all new with cases & extras), new Casio CTK4200 keyboard w/ adapter, sustain pedal, stand, bench, case, & Behringer KT108 keyboard/guitar amplifier, and Fender SQ12M 320w monitor. $4,500-$5,000 value. 580-215-2192 or 4926776. OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE to Wichita Mountains: Features hiking trails, auto tours to historic, interesting places, $15.95 ea. $2 postage. Send check: Valley of the Wichitas, P.O. Box 6741, Lawton, OK 73506. NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS: Young bucks and does. Also available: Raw goat’s milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese. Also, goat milk soap with essential oils. Cox Valley Dairy. Call 580-429-8778. Spring pond stocking has begun! All types of fish. Sandhills Fish Farm, Marlow. Call 580-658-6018. FOR SALE: Outdoor dog pen, chain link, $100 OBO. Icebox, white, $125 OBO. Runs perfect. 580-475-8096. LAWNWORKS LLC: fullservice lawn and landscape maintenance, installation and tree service. Servicing Lawton, Elgin, Medicine Park, Lake Lawtonka and surrounding areas. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates. Call 580-512-7889. FOR SALE: new military grade lay flat discharge hose, 2” x 50’ with double-banded aluminum cam and groove couplings with cap and plug. $45 each. Located in Cache. 580-531-6114 or 595-0819. Pecan and mesquite firewood or grilling wood for sale. 580693-0329. AIRPLANES for sale, Luscomb and Bonanza. 1927 touring Model T Ford. Volvo 18-wheeler truck and race car trailer. Building for rent, No. 1 Honda Lane, Chickasha, 5,000 sq. ft. 580-5125550. FOR SALE: Flail mower & brush hog, and lawn sweep. New, in box. LOOKING FOR: commercial icemaker, trailer house steps, storm windows, electric lap blanket, electric toothbrush. 580-512-5550. FOR SALE: 2 new brown aluminum windows, various sizes. Also, new 3-ft. fiberglass door with Texas stars in glass. 2003 ¾ ton white Chevy pickup bed. Also tow package and gooseneck hitch. 580-246-3513 or 6780299. FOR SALE: Pro Series 15K, fifth-wheel hitch. $140. 580875-2213. Starlite Welding Supplies Torch & Regulator Repair Welder-Torch Kit Specials 1 Yr. Cylinder Lease $40.95 SPECIALS on Welders/Generators 506 Industrial Ave.--By Duncan Cemetery Mon.-Fri., 8 am -5 pm; Sat., 8 am -12 noon Home-owned by Kenneth/Jeff Golay Since 1991 580-252-8320 Page 18 Current News February 16, 2016 EVEN THREE IS A CROWD. WE THINK YOU’RE GOING TO LIKE THEM! This spring, there will be two changes to Cotton Electric billing cycles: 1. The four-cycle billing system will be streamlined to a two-cycle system. Cycle 2 will be absorbed into Cycle 1 Cycle 4 will be absorbed into Cycle 3. 2. Billing dates and penalty dates will be tied to fixed dates within each month. Cycle 1 will be billed on the 5th of each month. Penalty date will be the 20th of each month. Cycle 3 will be billed on the 15th of each month. Penalty date will be the 1st of each month. The changes will take place during April 2016. Watch for more information on our website,, and in the March edition of The Current. NEVER OVERLOAD OUTLETS. Helping members use electricity safely, the power of your co-op membership. Learn more from the experts themselves at 2115 N. Hwy 81 • 580-255-7762 IS IN THE AIR! And Stockman’s has the New Arrivals to prove it! Stockman’s has tack for your s ’ n a m Stock Spring Horse Events h s i w wants to ior n u J e h t l al ow h S k c o t s e Liv ors, t i b i x E a Are K! C U L D GOO END OF S EASO CLEARAN N CE SALE! L im ited time only! Stop in fo ro of season ur end c sale! Don learance ’t forget t ake an additi onal 20% off already lo w sale pr ices!
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