Real Estate - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Page 16 Current Classifieds September 12, 2016 Current Classifieds Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is Sept. 29. Display ad space must be reserved by Sept. 26. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. Place Your Ad Contact Us __________________________________________________________________________________ Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. Ads can be emailed to [email protected] or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101. Place an ad by phone by calling 580-875-3351. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 ANIMALS Fowl FOR SALE: Laying hens, guineas, peacocks, turkeys. Eggs, baby chicks and grown birds. 580-591-1042. Real Estate Lots/Land Animals Cats FOR SALE: 1-acre lot at IvyFREE KITTENS: 8 weeks, wood Estates off Comanche need homes. 580-475-2577. Trail at Waurika Lake. Lot 3 Block 2, adjoining Jefferson County. Call 909-227-2280 JOHNSON RANCH: Black for price. and red Angus, black Maine FOR SALE: 12 lots in Ster- & Hereford bulls for sale. Exling, 50’x150’. 580-365-4470. tensive 400-cow Al program. FOR SALE: Four 4+ acre Call 580-252-1393 or 580lots in the Pecan Meadows 467-7433. Cattle Subdivision at 112th Street and Pecan Road, Lawton. $15,000 each. Call 580-5852635. 3 lots for sale in central Elgin. Located on 4th, between G and H streets. This is a no mobile home zone. Nice quiet area. 580-492-5958 for details. FREEZER BEEF for sale: Home raised, on finisher 60 days. Will deliver to Lawton, Walters or Sterling, local. Weighed approx. 1,000 lbs. 580-695-3737. RED ANGUS: Registered and commercial bulls for sale. Bray. 580-641-3770 or 580641-1122. SERVICES Classified Ad Policy BRICK WORK: ALP brick work, brick, block, patchwork. Call Lonnie, 580-483-6291. Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. I am looking for individuals to do free Mary Kay appointments with. It is a chance for YEARLING GUINEAS for you to discover Mary Kay sale. Pumpkin Center area. products, and a chance to 580-353-3078 or 695-8202. use them. Call Katy, 580303-8278. Goats NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS: Young bucks and does. Also available: Raw goat’s milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese. Also goat’s milk soap with essential oils. Cox Valley Dairy. Call 580-429-8778. 3 Toggenburg dairy does. Ready to breed. $175 each. 580-252-7381. ADVOCARE: Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to lose weight and feel great? Then the 24-day challenge is perfect for you! Call Rex for more information! 580-512-4748. R & R GUITARS: Buy, sell, & trade guitars. Amp & guitar repair. Roger, 580-658-0176. Grand opening of THE SKINNY PIG, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sept. 10; 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 11. Primitives, antiques, vintage, and rustic furniture and decor. Like us on Facebook. 1504 E. Hwy. 29, Marlow. Services PARR Real Estate DIRT FENCING D E R Manufactured Homes 1995 double-wide mobile home. 28x80, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 living areas. Utility, kitchen include appliances. 10 acres, 2-year-old 25x30 barn with water, electricity, small pond. Central High schools. $117,000. 405-2745870. FOUND: Black steer, 3 miles east of Geronimo near New Hope Road. Call to identify. 580-512-5846. Donkeys 1992 Shadow double-wide mobile home: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. $8,000 OBO. Currently located at Lake Lawtonka. Must be moved. 580-5832863. Pipe Fencing Corrals Gates Boyd Nunn OWNER 580-641-0377 580-591-1042. Fish SAND HILLS FISH FARM: Pond stocking, different types of fish, can deliver, 580-6586018. 1HZ3ULFHV 6$9(72'$< /HW8V5HEXLOG<RXU8QLW 5HEXLOGLQJ)RUƔ7UXFNƔ7UDFWRU Ɣ2LO)LHOGƔ,QGXVWULDOƔ)RUNOLIW 5LFKDUG.HFN5HEXLOG7HFKQLFLDQ %RLV'¶$UF'XQFDQ2. M w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready WRJRWKH([WUD0LOHIRU\RX 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 Marlow (.LRZD 1WK&+$ :&KRFWDZ&+$VKRS 1%URDGZD\OLYLQJ&+$JDU (0HPRULDOOLYLQJ&+$JDU Commercial Property 1%URDGZD\0DUORZRI¿FHEOGJQHZURRIKLJKZD\ IURQWDJH 16WDWH+Z\/LQGVD\0+VKRSVKLJKZD\ IURQWDJH 1LFNHOV5GPDFKLQHVKRSZHTXLSPHQW Waurika Lake /DNHYLHZ/RW::YDFODQG5('8&(' 6%URDGZD\0DUORZ+Z\IURQWDJHODUJHZDUH- /DNHYLHZ/RWSHDFKDSSOHRUFKDUGZDWHU KRXVHVKRZURRP 5('8&(' (0DLQ0DUORZVKRSEXLOGLQJV /DNHYLHZ/RW%DUQJUHHQKRXVHVWDOOKRUVHEDUQ :0DLQ0DUORZVTIWFRPPEOGJZHTXLS 5('8&(' /DNHYLHZ/RWVIHQFHG5('8&(' RED RIVER LAND 109 Acres Deeded - SW of Randlett, OK Price Reduced To $163,500 55(DJOH¶V1HVWDFUHVRFWDJRQVKDSHGJDUDJH Lake Humphreys Property $UHD(/RWJDU Duncan 5HG5LYHU5ROODZD\+RXVH1HZ&+$ 'UH[DO3ODFHOLYLQJJDUDJH LONGHORN CALVES for sale. Danny, 580-467-1779. 12-14-month-old registered red Angus bulls. Julian blood45 acres with 2008 Solitaire line, LBW, docile disposition. mobile home and 50x 60 Farm raised. Current shots horse barn, north Marlow. and tested. Moon Farms, Will divide land. Corner of Rush Springs. 580-476-2442. Ball Park Rd. & Plainsman Rd. Call Cindy, 580-7219355. G3 Land & Home. FOR SALE: Paint jennies. 6WRS3D\LQJ Horses Gentle virgin purebred Black Angus breeding bulls. ExcelLAKE HOUSE: Waurika lent bloodlines, LBW, vacLake, Eagle’s Nest Addition. cinated, and wormed. Farm¾ acre. Octagon shaped, 4 CASH FOR COINS: Buy or raised in Stephens County. bedrooms, 2 baths, doublesell. Call 580-475-5132 in Hedrick Angus 580-252-2654 car garage. Asking $95,000. Duncan. or 580-467-4168. Leave mesCall for appointment. 580SEEKING DONATIONS PAST LIFE REGRESSION: sage. 355-2243 or 585-3847. of scrap metal to benefit Conventional healing methFOR SALE: Angus bulls 14 FOR SALE: 2-bedroom, American Legion Post 306 in ods not working? QHHT can 18 months old, AI sired and 2-bath home on 17.5 acres inFletcher. 580-512-1577. help with physical, emotional, semen tested. Pierce Farms. cluding a creek. Carport/shop 580-583-3239; 580-467- GOOD POND DIRT FOR or any other questions you with storage building, cellar. FREE: You supply equip- have. Call Sandy, 580-7042987. 1.3 miles west from U.S. 81 ment. You load and haul. El- 9343. www.heartlandmeditaon Ballpark Road, Marlow. Gentle Brangus bulls. Low gin area. Call 580-919-0267. birth weights, high wean405-834-8508. ing weight. No dangle. Extra FOR SALE: Brick home on guarantee: Not happy with corner lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 first calf crop at weaning, I’ll baths and sunroom. 2-car replace the bull. Beckwards T garage, storage building, Ranch, Tom Beck, Pumpkin fenced yard and cellar. 1101 Center, 353-4304. W. Choctaw, Marlow. 5802 LONGHORN heifers and 251-1233. Appraisals & Sales 2 longhorn bull calves FOR ROCK CABIN at Clear Creek SALE. Danny, 580-467-1779. Lake, Duncan. 2 bedrooms PO Box 1957 Office - 580-255-5166 plus loft, updated kitchen, Registered red Angus bulls: Duncan, OK 73534 Cell - 580-251-0523 very gentle, AI Sires, 18 mo.wood stove, front and back [email protected] Fax - 580-255-4517 2 yrs. Josh, 580-483-5667. decks. Carport with outside storage. Nice! $45,000 firm. 12-16-month-old registered Angus bulls. Express Genet580-656-5686. 45 ACRES, north of Marlow. ics, LBW, vaccinated, seWith a very nice 3-bedroom, men tested. Farm raised and 2-bath, newer Solitaire mo- all calm disposition. Moon FARM & RANCH FENCING bile home and a 50 x 60, Farms, Rush Springs. 850476-2442. Wire Fencing Marlow, OK 3-stall horse barn with office FOR SALE: Red Angus bred heifers. Moderate framed, gentle heifers bred to low birth weight red Angus bulls. Start calving in late February. $1,850. 580-512-5846. $OWHUQDWRU6WDUWHU *HQHUDWRU)RUNOLIW COME BY AND SEE beautiful homemade wooden furniBUY, SELL OR TRADE: ture! We also make archways Horses, trailers, saddles, tack for weddings or your yard. If and old machinery. Call for you need help moving trees or carpentry work, please call details. 580-512-8923. Billy. 580-560-3713. Homes area. Call Cindy 580-7219355. 0,'&217,1(175(%8,/',1& Lots 6WK5XVK6SULQJVORWV 3D\QH+HLJKWV$GGLWLRQEXLOGLQJORWVUHVWULFWLRQV ,- , :3D\QH0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWFHOODU :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'ULQWORW :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'UFRUQHUORW Rural Properties Land (+Z\DFUHVEDUQ 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVVKRS :5RVH5GDFUHVJDUDJH 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUH 13ODLQVPDQ5RDG$FUHVJDUDJH +DOO5RDG0DUORZDFUHVKRPHVKRS (/'<DFUHVSDVWXUHSRQG 6*OHQGRQ5GDFUHVFORVHWRJROIFRXUVH Commercial Lots This land is accessible from both the river side as well as the section line road. Ideal for hunting and recreation of all types. For Details & Pictures PARR REAL ESTATE Lynn A. Parr Off. 255-5166 Cell 251-0523 :0DLQ0DUORZFRPPHUFLDOORW 0RXQWDLQ9LHZ5G(OJLQDFUHVSDVWXUH Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner September 12, 2016 Current Classifieds SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES PAYNE HEIGHTS Lawnscapes: Professional and insured services, free estimates. Servicing Marlow, Duncan and Chickasha areas. Office 580-756-7177 or Mobile 580-658-0788 or 580-641-2009. [email protected]. MARY KAY? Check it out at I’m also available for personal consults and parties. Call Katy, 580-303-8278. WEBBS Limb & Tree Removal: Excellent service, reasonable rates, free estimates. Call Larry, 580-656-7217. TRACTOR MOWING: Do you have an overgrown field or lot? Call Brian for a free estimate! 580-704-0237. Historic Medicine Park longterm leases, fully furnished cabins for rent including all utilities, TV, internet. LovingHOWARD ROOFING AND ly restored/updated with modEXTERIOR PAINTING: Free ern amenities. Contact us at estimates. All work guaran- 580-353-5366, manager@ teed. OK license # 80000742., AHRN or Call 580-439-6283 or 580- $100 referrals paid. 467-8606. GIGI’S SHAVED ICE: Old Hwy. 7, east of Velma. 12-8 Monday – Saturday and 1-5 Sunday. ESSENTIAL OILS: Call today to hear about the 6,000-yearold secret to health and well-being given in ancient scripture. Essential Oils, 580736-4862. ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Custom signs, banners, decals, vehicle lettering and magFOR SALE: BabyBundler netic signs, graphic design, baby slings. Chiropractic business cards, promotional approved, uses your whole products, embroidery, photo back, not across one shoulgifts, and screen printing. 604 der. Easy, discreet nursing, TREE B GONE: Tree trim- S. 7th St., Duncan. 580-252great bonding, soft material, ming, removal and stump 9633. nice colors. Paper & DVD grinding. Licensed and in- MAKE MONEY right from instructions. Call 580-439- sured. Excellent cleanup. home! Selling Avon products. Free estimates. Call 5806189 (Comanche). Appointment only takes 30 475-4973. HOME-GROWN TREES: minutes. Call for more inforBuy 5, pay for 4! Balled & FOR SALE: Rural water me- mation. 580-536-2020. burlapped, bald cypress, ter for Comanche County NOW HIRING: Kitchen help, red oak, lacebark elm, pine, RWD #3. 580-351-4986. starting at $9 hour, apply in Bradford pear, crape myrtles, McCLUNG CONSTRUC- person only. No phone calls, silver maple & more. No TION: House and trailer mov- serious applicants only. taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. ing, leveling, trailer skirting, Meers Store & Restaurant in 580-656-7273 or 656-6373. concrete and much more. Meers. Closed Tuesdays and PAINTING LESSONS with Contact Jim, 580-512-0981. Wednesdays. Judy McCombs Wednesdays HEARTLAND MEDITATION BILLYS GUNSMITHING: at the Walters Depot. Any STUDIO: Learn the art of 273050 Ballpark Road, level, beginner to advanced, meditation. Join our drum Marlow. Murray State cer$25 per session. For more in- circle. Experience conscious- tified gunsmith, 10 years’ formation, call Lavonne High, ness exploration with group experience firearm repairs, 580-875-2144. Sponsored by hypnosis. Call Sandy, 580- cerakote, duracoat, bluing, Cotton County Art Council. 704-9343. www.heartland- threading, stock work and MURPHY FARMS in Walters more. 10-6 Tue-Sat. 580sells vegetables and honey RED-DIRT FENCING: Farm 583-3767. all year round. If you would and ranch fencing, wire and J&J CLEANING Services: like our menu, like us on pipe, corrals and gates. Boyd Residential & commercial Facebook: Murphy Farms Nunn, owner. Marlow. 580- cleaning. Weekly, biweekly, Walters or email: Murphy- 341-0377. monthly, one-time cleanings, WANDA CENTRAL VAC: move ins and outs. SatisfacWE BUY: Junk cars and trucks. Call 580-255-3545. SAND HILLS FISH FARM: Pond stocking, different types of fish, can deliver. 580-6586018. MOUNTAIN MAN FUR HATS and bags. Daniel Boone, raccoon or skunk hats, $125 each. Mountain man coyote drape hat, $200. Call 580919-0267. Sales and service, new construction or existing. Texhoma area since 1960. 580439-5550. )PNF(SPXO5SFFT Balled & Burlapped t#BME$ZQSFTT %0/5.*445)*4%&"- t3FE0BL 5SFFTGPSUIF1SJDFPG t-BDF#BSL t4JMWFS.BQMF t&MN t(PMEFO3BJO t1JOF t$SBQF.ZSUMF UTPOF O V P t4XFFU(VN t#SBEGPSE1FBS JTD GUI #JHESNPSFPJFUZ t$IJOFTF1JTUBDIF P S NFWB Ř ŀ TB IJ 580-656-7273 - 580-656-7383 Ņ Į 2116 N 5th, Duncan, OK /ļ5 Puzzle Answers tion guaranteed. Call Jenn, 609-384-4726, or Jammie, 580-510-9238. Mention this ad, get 10% off. Page 17 SERVICES Computer repair and virus removal: Install software, set up networks, build custom systems, house calls, Apple surveillance FOR SALE: 2003 concession experience, systems installed. 580-656trailer, ready to go anywhere 3880. in Oklahoma. 580-662-2814 Daffern’s Auto Service now after 6 p.m. BRICK WORK: ALP brick has WRECKER & TOWING. work, brick, block, patchwork. Factory trained with over 25 years’ experience: brakes, Call Lonnie, 580-483-6291. heating/AC, major engine CDL DRIVER NEEDED: 2 and transmission repair, fuel years’ experience, flatbed injection service and restoraand van positions available. tions. 580-353-1600 or 512$0.38-$0.42 per mile. Home 8661. weekly. Based in Duncan. AUTO REPAIR and sales lot 580-641-1430. in Lawton. Can be purchased S&S AMUSEMENTS: car- together for $500,000 or sepnival rides, inflatables, pony arately for 225K/275K. Sits rides, tents, tables & chairs. on Fort Sill Blvd. just outside Steve or Sandy Nunn, 580- of the gate. 580-678-1769 to 232-0030 or 656-5157. Find view. us on Facebook www.faceCARDENAZ & MAHAFFAY Construction: Residential, JACKVILLE AUTO Repair commercial and agriculture and hydraulic cylinder repair: construction. Remodeling, Just off South 13th St., 243 restoration, fencing, painting, Jackville Lane, Comanche. drywall. Best prices and top580-251-1921. We fix any- quality work. Call Jerry, 580thing with wheels! 483-2550. RUSTIC ATTITUDES is now HANDYMAN SERVICES: We inside Mud Creek Creations, can make your life easier, just Main Street, Comanche. give us a call. 580-483-2550. Open 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Great Plains EQUINE DENTues. – Sat. TISTRY. Drafts, minis, mules, COWTOWN CORNER: Buy- donkeys and horses. All Sell-Trade, located at 605 equines at your location or Hwy. 81, Comanche, has out- mine. Group and event disside booth space available counts available. A balanced for Oct. 7, 8 and 9; Nov. 11, mouth makes a happy horse! 12 and 13; Dec. 9,10 and 11. Angie Cardenaz, 580-917580-512-6379 or 467-1427 for 9151. additional information. MASONIC LODGE Benefit Custom welding repair and Fish Fry for Chattanooga and fabrication. Structural, agri- Grandfield Masonic “Scholarcultural and oilfield service. ship Fund” and Chattanooga Tig, Mig and Stick Services. and Grandfield Masonic “PreCall 580-721-9783. vent Blindness” program. 4-7 GIGI’S SHAVED ICE: Avail- p.m. Oct. 1 at Chattanooga able for special events, call school cafeteria. Fishing trip and book your event. Tammy drawing. 580-351-8585, Lee West. Davis, 580-467-0023. Over 30 yEARS eXPERIENCE (VWLPDWHV 5HPRGHOLQJ 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ KRXU6HUYLFH 32%R[6WHUOLQJ2./LF2. Hilliary Communications HD Cable TV and High-Speed Internet Now Available in Rush Springs! $58.95 - Cable $69.95 - 50 mps Internet $28.95 - Phone (unlimited long distance ) $50 - Installation 580-529-5000 800-218-1856 Shop & save at our huge KIDS CONSIGNMENT SALE! Sept. 23-25 at Comanche County Fairgrounds annex building. Still accepting consignors. www.jbfsale. com. Do you want safer household products at affordable prices? We can show you how to have a healthier home on a budget. B&D AUCTION SERVICE: Consignment Auction! Every week! 209 E. Main, Duncan. 940-235-7907. Unique items, antiques, florals, painted furniture. 5,000 sq. ft. of shopping, 21 vendors. Come see what you’ve been missing. MUD CREEK CREATIONS, Main St., Comanche. Open 10-5:30 Tue.Sat. Farm & Ranch RED-DIRT FENCING: Farm and ranch fencing, wire and pipe, corrals and gates. Boyd Nunn, owner. Marlow. 580341-0377. CRIME STOPPERS of Stephens County offers complete privacy and cash rewards for felony crimesolving information! Call or text 580-252-INFO (4636) or submit anonymous tips online through Hydraulic cylinder repair. Multi-Power Products LLC., 602 S. 7th St., Duncan. 580251-0463. Ochsner HOLT ELECTRIC 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDO ,QGXVWULDO SERVICES Dozer-Trackhoe Service Pond, Terraces, Tree Clearing, Building Pads, NRCS Work, etc. For estimate on your job call Jeff 580-704-2226 60,7+&$77/(&2,1& %21'('&$77/(%8<(56 &$77/(%28*+762/'$1'&2175$&7(' )UHVK1DWLYH&DWWOH %RXJKWWR\RXUVSHFL¿FDWLRQ *XDUDQWHHGWR\RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQ ,ILWLQYROYHV6WRFNHUDQG )HHGHUFDWWOHZHGRLW 2I¿FH 0RELOH CROP•HOME•AUTO•FARM•COMMERCIAL C ROP •H OME • AUTO• FAR M• COMME RCI A AL L Affordable Protection That Pays! Wheat Crop Signup by Sept. 30th! Easy Signup Professional Local Service David & Josh Gammill Agents 580-479-5416 888-299-2767 201 W 2nd, Grandfield Visit Our Website—-:ŽŝŶŽƵƌƵĐƟŽŶůĞƌƚƐDĂŝů>ŝƐƚΘEĞǀĞƌŵŝƐƐ Ă^ĂůĞ͊͊ ttt͘&ZD^ZE,^>E͘KD tĞĂƌĞŽŽŬŝŶŐƵĐƟŽŶƐEŽǁĨŽƌ&ĂůůΘtŝŶƚĞƌ͊͊ ,ĂǀĞĂŚŽŵĞ͕ĨĂƌŵŽƌĐŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJLJŽƵ ǁŽƵůĚůŝŬĞƚŽƐĞůů͍>ĞƚŵĞƐŚŽǁLJŽƵŚŽǁƋƵŝĐŬ͕ ĞĂƐLJĂŶĚĂīŽƌĚĂďůĞŝƚĐĂŶďĞ͘ ͞tĞ^Ğůů>ĂŶĚΘŶLJƚŚŝŶŐKŶ/ƚ͟ Page 18 Current Classifieds September 12, 2016 Co-op Connections Card Local Participating Businesses Ɣ Great Member Savings! If your business would like to participate in the Co-op Connections Program, call us at 580-875-4277. Visit for a complete list of national discounts 3B Industries Free car wash token w/purchase of 10. Wholesale pricing on pressure washers and Dixie Chopper lawn mowers 580-439-8876 Locations: Comanche - 301 S. Rodeo Dr. Duncan - 1606 W. Oak & 2015 W. Elk A&M Appliance Service 10% off DPSP0)Ɣ [email protected] A Touch of Bliss Sherri Maxwell - owner 10% off store purchase $5 off hour or 1/2-hour massage 804 N Broadway, Marlow Thurs-Fri. 10 am - 6 pm Sat 10 am-3 pm 580-658-9026 AA Computer Services, Inc. 20% off service, not to include services already on special 3801 NW Cache Rd #22. Lawton 580-357-4482 Mon-Fri 7:30-7:00; Sat 10:00-2:00 ABC Transmission & Motor Company 10% off any service, not to include any service already on special. 8:30 a.m.-11 a.m. & noon - 5 p.m. 2308 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton 580-353-7725 Aerola Bombus Children’s Books Educational books: Softcover, e-books, audio books and products. 10% off online orders - Code CE2011 $HUROD%RPEXVFRPƔ American Scents Made in USA 10% discount 910 W Main, Duncan 580-475-0055 Awesome Gifts & Fabulous Finds 10% discount on regular-priced items 826 W. Main, Duncan • 580-658-0988 [email protected] A Scent for You, Angela Fremin, Independent Scentsy Consultant Member Discount on Monthly Specials 580-583-6888 [email protected] Antique Adventures,Ltd. 15% off total purchase 811 SW A Ave. - Lawton Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue. - Sat. 580-351-0170 Arvest Bank Open new checking account, receive $10 or 1st box of checks free. Valid at Lawton, Duncan, Walters and Chickasha branches. 580-250-4540 Attractive Graphics Custom screen printing & vinyl cutting 10% discount PO Box 1188, Cache, OK 73527 580-678-5786 [email protected] Billingsley Ford of Lawton, Inc. 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 8209 NW Quanah Parker Trailway 580-510-0925 Billingsley Ford L-M of Duncan, Inc 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 3505 NW Hwy. 81 580-255-5500 Bluff Creek Lodge 10% discount on all bookings Eastern Stephens County 580-255-9592 • 580-470-5976 Lyndel Strain, owner Brooks Meat Market 10% off meat purchases over $20 1711 N Hwy 81, Duncan 580-255-1421 • 8:30-6 M-F; 8:30-3 Sat Chisholm Trail Heritage Center $1.00 off admission per card per visit 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • 580-252-6692 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway, Duncan Cool It, Inc. $20 off service call $250 off complete system 2407 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-1749 Cosmetic Specialty Labs, Inc. 50% off open stock products. 210 SW Texas Ave., Lawton 580-355-2182 Country Closet Resale Shop 10% off all purchases 1 mi. south of Hwy. 70 on Hwy. 81 :DXULNDƔ Cowboy Opry Music Store 10% off all purchases 300 Oak Main, Comanche 580-439-8111 Debbie’s Little Books 10% off regular purchase price of personalized books. Ɣ(OJLQ Dino’s Dry Cleaners 10% discount 1015 W. Oak, Duncan Ɣ0)Ɣ6DW Edward’s Family Vision 10% off of complete glasses 1619 W. Elk, Duncan, OK Mon - Fri • 9:00-5:30 580-255-1172 Eastside Sod Farm Free estimates and 10% discount Ɣ/DZWRQ Gene Burk Auto Glass 10% off 2302 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-3890 Horse Sense Graphics Jamon Kelley - owner 15% off orders over $100 580-512-7047 [email protected] ,QÀQLW\&RPSXWHU Systems 10% off all labor. 2322 W. Gore Blvd. Ɣ/DZWRQ Johnson & Johnson Locksmith and Door 10% discount, present card prior to service and ordering of parts. 1913 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 580-355-KEYS (5397) or 580-355-8749 Just Between Friends Children’s Consignment Lawton FREE Admission to events & $5 off purchase of $25 or more. 2 Sales A Year, Spring & Fall 580-656-3073 On The Hill Gypsy Horses Horse Breeding & Sales $100 off of breeding fee, or purchase of horse. By Appointment: 580-641-2022 or 580-656-2475: [email protected] Osage Animal Hospital $5 off professional examination :2VDJH'XQFDQƔ 4200 Mon.-Fri. 7:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Plumb Right 5% discount on services. Elgin, OK • 580-512-3903 [email protected] 9am-5pm; 5pm-7am Emergency Hours Red Dirt Bar & Grill $1.00 off appetizers 6425 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 918-720-3739 Rick Wylie Construction 5% discount on 8x10 & 6x8 storm shelters; 10% discount on 8x12 and larger. 580-656-5031 • 8:00 am - 8:00 pm [email protected] Ringtail USA Monogramming, screen printing Buy 12 caps or T-shirts, GET ONE FREE P.O. Box 1763, Duncan, OK 73534 KWWSULQJWDLOXVDFRPƔ Rooster’s Kwik Mart FREE bag of ice with purchase of 12 pack of beer. 185960 N. 2470 Rd., Hastings, OK 3 miles south of Corum 580-439-6444 • 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Rose’s Custom LLC 10% discount on purchases over $200 580-252-9633 Fax: 580-255-6897 Mon - Fri 8 -5 rosescustom@yahoo. com Shane Burk Glass & Mirror Free mobile service in Stephens, Comanche, Grady, Jefferson, Caddo or Cotton counties or 15% off any residential or business windows or in-shop glass replacement. 580-252-5939 Showman’s Choice 10% off Professional’s Choice M-F 8-5:30, Sat. 10-2 1205 SW Sheridan, Lawton 580-355-7469 Solid Plumbing 10% off all service calls, $125 sewer camera, $175 slab leak detection 2809 NW Sheridan Rd, Lawton 580-353-2863 Southern Maid Donuts Lakeside Golf Course $5 green fees all day on Mon. & Tues. Hours: 7 a.m. to dark Walters, OK 580-875-3829 10% off donut & pizza purchases 101 Thoma Dr. #A, Elgin, OK Open 5 a.m. - noon & 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Tue. - Sat. 580-492-6123 Ligon’s Garden Center Southern Trophy 10% off 301 S. Highway 81 Ɣ'XQFDQ Linda’s Carpet Free vacuum cleaner with purchase of $2,000 on Stainmaster carpets 1+Z\Ɣ'XQFDQ Redeem your discounts by showing your Cotton Electric Co-op Connections card at any of the participating businesses. Stephens County Humane Society $10.00 off adoption fee 714 Martin Luther King Blvd. 580-252-7387 Steppin’ Outdoors 15% off all guides & tours. 20% off sponsorship rates. 580-450-1599 Studio 17 Salon & Gifts 15% off products or retail purchases 8176 State Hwy. 17, Elgin 580-492-4744 Sharla Spencer, owner Sue Cabelka, Realtor Jay Kinder Real Estate Experts $500 off seller’s closing costs 1146 NW Cache Rd., Lawton Ɣ Sylvan Learning Tutoring/Education Schedule an assessment and $60 will be deducted from the cost. This is a lifetime assessment fee, no charge for further testing at our center. 2603 NW Cache Rd., Suite 2, Lawton 580-351-9100 The Branded Bear 5% discount on $100 purchase Medicine Park 580-529-3656 The Salt Cellar 15% off non-sale items, excluding boxed cards and gift cards 3801 NW Cache Road, #23, Lawton DPSP0RQ6DWƔ The Vine & The Fig Tree Event center with catering & tea room. 5% off Food/ Up to $25 off in-house catering and 5% off Rentals. Regular prices only & must present card. 1304 W. Hwy. 7, Marlow 580-658-3377 Walters Super Stop 2 slices of pizza & 20-oz. fountain drink for $1.99 + tax 311 W. Missouri, Walters 580-875-2001 Waurika QuikMart All fountain drinks & all coffee $0.82 South Main & Hwy. 70, Waurika 580-228-2560 Wichita Furniture 10% off new purchases 1127 NW Cache Rd, Lawton 580-355-7425 9am-6pm: Mon-Sat 10% off items in Gifts to Treasure shop 9-5 Mon.-Fri. 908 W. Main, Duncan 580-252-7866 Nancy’s Antiques 20% discount storewide Hwy. 70, west side of railroad tracks Waurika, OK 580-228-2575 or 228-2011 Nita’s Flowers Helen Thomas - owner 10% discount 1%URDGZD\0DUORZƔ 0RQ)ULƔ6DW Keep up with all the local and national discounts by downloading the Co-op Connections Card phone app at Cotton Electric Co-op members get extra relief by presenting their Co-op Connections Card ZKHQJHWWLQJSUHVFULSWLRQV¿OOHGDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJ pharmacies. In 2015, members used their cards for discounts on 1,007 prescriptions not covered by insurance. A total of $29,691.52 was discounted for an average savings of $29.48 per use. The card is free to all members and can be obtained by calling 580-875-3351. 7R ¿QG D SDUWLFLSDWLQJ SKDUPDF\ FDOO Member Services at 800-800-7616 or visit www. Type 22203 into the Group ¿HOGDQGFOLFNµORJLQ¶WRVWDUW\RXUVHDUFK September 12, 2016 Current FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH Goodyear 20.8R42 tractor tires, minimum tread, $150 each or take all 8 for $1,000. 580-467-4851. 2015 bluestem hay, large round bales, 5x6 netwrapped. $47. 580-597-2408 FARM & RANCH Classifieds MERCHANDISE Trailers Fenton; carnival glass; Roseville; Hull; oak hall tree; Mo40’ drop-deck semi-trailer bile gas lamp post; “Almost with 6-foot dovetail. $6,000. Home” by Chris Owen oil 2015 Hay Closeout! Mixed Bumper-pull Totem-all 18- gelee on canvas; reverse2-ton truck with dual propane grass, large round bales 5x5, foot tandem axle, equipment painted laps lamps?; windsystem and good hydraulic $30! Volume discounts availtrailer for skid steer or farm mills. Order now for Christrams. Portable large 3-bale able. Also, 2016 6x5 round, tractor, 14.5-inch rubber. mas! SANTA FE TRADERS, trailer. Pre-1920s John Deere $40 & 2016 small square hay $1,000. Charles, 580-353- Addington Station Antiques. plow, have two. Windmill tow- bales, $8. John Sterling, 5805011 or 574-0103 er. 580-875-3673. Wanted: Antique marbles. 678-2606, Lawton. FOR SALE: Pickup bed trail- Contact 580-476-3739. JD 8350 6 main drill, $1,600. 2016 FRESH OAT HAY, ferer, 8’5”, steel plate in bed and JD 12’ double-cut offset tilized and sprayed. Good sideboards. 580-342-6894. disc with cyl., $1,750. Three quality, did not get rained on. 18.4x38 tractor tines no 5x6 bales, 1,300 pounds. $50 FOR SALE: 2003 concession GERONIMO FREE CLOSET breaks, $200. 580-736-1362 per bale. Delivery available. trailer, ready to go anywhere has a large supply of nice in Oklahoma. 580-662-2814 children’s clothing. Taking or 439-6258. Cody, 580-591-3702. donations. 580-585-1754 or after 6 p.m. Custom welding repair and 2016 HAY: sprayed and fer248-3378. fabrication. Structural, agri- tilized, native/Bermuda, 5x6 2-horse gooseneck with cultural and oilfield service. round bales, $40/ bale, load- dressing room, new 14-ply Tig, Mig and Stick Services. ing available. 580-248-6532. tires, outside needs paint, inside completely redone. J&M FIREARMS: We have Call 580-721-9783. 2016 HAY: native grass, 5x6 a great selection of rifles, $1,600 OBO. 580-252-7381. Sullivan’s Farm Contractor: round bales, $35 per bale, shotguns, pistols, and ARs. Custom hay baling, hay and loading available. 580-248- 2013 MOTORCYCLE TRAIL- Great prices, come check us ER with Prodigy electronic out and have a cup of coffee cattle hauling, farm equip- 6532. ment repairs, plowing, plant- Extra nice, large, round wheat brake controller, Iron Horse with us at 174527 Hwy. 65, ing and more. Robbie Sulli- bales, $80. Large round white flip top fiberglass. For Walters. 580-351-6981. van, 580-721-0222. wheat bales, $70. Large trike or one road bike and FOR SALE: gondola shelvround, fertilized, Bermuda smaller bike, two chocks, ing, double- and single-sided bales, $50. Last year’s Ber- spare tire, great condition. & custom gun shelves with 2009 JD 568 baler, 5x6 muda grass, small squares, $6,000. Call Mike, 580-475displays. Call 580-351-7140. 6343. megawide coveredge, 1,000 $5. 580-512-2764. PTO, big tires, baled this Large 2015, 5x6 round bales Well-maintained 16’ x 6’ stock summer, $10,000. Andy, B-dhal, prairie, and mixed trailer, bumper pull, good 580-695-3439 grass hay, weed sprayed, floor, diamond plate front and COME BY AND SEE beautiSmall square baler, wire tie. fertilized and net-wrapped, fender panels, good tires. ful homemade wooden furni$35. 2016 small squares $2,000 firm. 580-351-8259. $400. 580-512-2764. ture! We also make archways Hesston 540 baler, needs a Bermuda, sprayed, fertilized, 42- foot drop-deck semi- for weddings or your yard. If little work, $500. 580-585- $6.50. Will help with loading trailer with dove tail, ramps, you need help moving trees and delivery. 580-467-0658. electric winch, 8:25x15 tires. 0283. or carpentry work, please call $7,500. Philip, 580-351-8018 Billy. 580-560-3713. 2015 hay, large round bales, FOR SALE: John Deere 535 round baler. Good condition. net wrapped, sprayed and FOR SALE: 16x6 W&W bum- Therapeutic massage chair, fertilized, $25 a bale. 2016 per pull cattle trailer in good 580-591-1927. like new. Zen Awakening with hay, large round bales, net condition. 580-704-7755. heat, $2,000 OBO. 580-357wrapped, $35 a bale. 5800730. 351-7041. Alarm always seems to sound just as a pleasant dream 2016 Hay: 5x6 round bales is getting started … Alarm of native/Bermuda grass. Clock & Dozers FOR SALE: $30 per bale. Loading available after Sept. 5. Comanche Bruce, 580-641-1952 area. 580-439-5745. TRACK HOE for sale: Avance Model: PC200LC-6LE. HAY FOR SALE: Bermuda Hours: 8,842. Call Alexander, grass. Fertilized clean hay. Loading available. Hauling 830-305-4142. $45,000. negotiable. Last year’s hay FOR SALE: Westfield new 4x5 bales, $30 or $25 for 50 grain auger, 6” x 16’, with or more. This year’s hay, $35. LAWNWORKS LLC: fullhydraulic hoses, only used Lenox Tuscany china; 1930- service lawn and landscape 580-467-1946 or 656-7943. 1 season. $1,200. 580-313Native 4x5 round bales $25. 40 high-back saddle; Toledo maintenance, installation and 0988. Bermuda 4x5 round bales lollipop scales; small tiger tree service. Servicing Law16’ gooseneck livestock trailsprayed and fertilized, $35. oak rocker; Coca-Cola gum/ ton, Elgin, Medicine Park, er with ball attachment, $850. peanut vending machine; Lake Lawtonka and surround580-704-9474. 16’ cattle guard with lock1850s captain’s ship wheel. ing areas. 100% satisfaction ing gate, $950. Semi-mount Easy to handle 4’ x 4’ round ADDINGTON STATION ANguaranteed, free estimates. moldboard, 5 16’s (80-inch bales. Mixed grass, mostly TIQUES, open 10-5 Tuesday Call 580-512-7889. swath) $250. 580-475-0495. Bermuda, $25 each. 580- through Saturday. 580-439TRACTOR MOWING: Do you 248-8062 or 580-357-3560. 5566. 5’ brush hog, Little Terry. have an overgrown field or 2016 fresh-cut bluestem Dazey 365-4470. churns; Etruscan lot? Call Brian for a free estihay, large round 5x6 bales. Majolica; 1940s Roseville Goodyear 20.8R42 tractor Sprayed and net-bailed. $50. Waterlily 2-piece floor vase; mate! 580-704-0237. tires, minimum tread, $150 580-597-2408. 1-cent electric shock maeach or take all 8 for $1,000. chine; 1900s Victorian brass I BUY newer model, non580-467-4851. Worked hard, saved up for 385 Case-IHC diesel tractor, etagere with marble inserts; working riding lawnmowers. a new Corvette. Too old to late 1980s, canopy, 3-cyl. 35 slate-top oak chest; Alad- 580-470-8001, if no answer, get in and out of one now. HP, PS, live PTO, one remote, din lamps; advertising signs. please leave a message. Oh, well. Dozers FOR SALE: 3-pt., only 1,026 hrs., real ADDINGTON STATION ANTIQUES. Bruce, 580-641-1952 nice. $5,000. 580-695-3439 LIKE NEW Simpson hay bed, LOOKING TO BUY: McCor- Victorian cherub, “Gone With WANTED: Anvils, forge, extra hay outlet on rear, came mick Farmall cub tractor with The Wind” lamp; oak accent hammers and primitive metal off 2013 GMC dually. 580- belly mower. In good condi- tables; 3-sided tiger oak and working tools. 100 percent glass bookcase; tiger oak din- disabled veteran looking to 512-3722. tion. 580-467-2248. ing tables ready for the holi- keep busy. 580-695-6058. FOR SALE: Farmall M and days; Desert Rose dishes at Find out how the little changWD Alice Chalmers. 580- SANTA FE TRADERS inside HORSE-QUALITY Bermuda, es add up to big savings at 467-8827. Addington Station Antiques. small square and 5x6 round MF-1100 DIESEL bales. 580-695-5683 or 695- 1989 TRACTOR with cab. Every7971. thing works now, runs good, FOR SALE: Large round no leaks. $7,000. 580-656bales (5x6), various types of 1027 or 656-5819. grass hay as well as wheat hay. Also, small square bales 2006 JD 7220 tractor, 110 of Bermuda. Weed sprayed HP, power quad, left-hand and fertilized. Loading and reverse, 3 remotes, air seat, delivery available. 580-467- weights front and rear, good air, good paint, 6,100 hrs. 0658. $30,000. 580-695-3439 CUSTOM Bermuda grass Find out how the little changsprigging. 580-550-0036. es add up to big savings at FOR SALE: 60”-64” round bales, sweet Sudan, tested, sprayed and fertilized. Gary 530 Case tractor, diesel, Goodin, 580-678-7619, or starts and runs great. Devol. 580-281-0596. Linda, 678-2440. Clothing Page 19 RUSH CREEK VILLAGE Apartments 1, 2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments Available For Rent. CHA, carpet & mini blinds, stove & refridgerator, washer/dryer hookups, laundry facility & playground on site. Rental assistance available for TXDOL¿HGDSSOLFDQWV HUD Section 8 Accepted Merchandise Antiques Tractors Lawn & Garden TDD 711 500 E Main, Sterling, OK (580) 215-4762 (580) 351-1365 Monday - Thursday : 10am - 2pm This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. TDD 711 505 N. 5th - Rush Springs, OK Contact Julie SPIVEY INSULATION CO. - FREE ESTIMATES SPRAY-ON POLYURETHANE FOAM FOR METAL BUILDINGS BLOWN FIBERGLASS - ATTICS - BATTS. COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICES Balers Equipment Apartments 2 or 3 Bedroom Apartments Central Heat & Air, Stove & Refrigerator, Carpet & Mini Blinds, On-Site Laundry. Rental Assistance available for TXDOL¿HGDSSOLFDWLRQV HUD Section 8 Accepted. Firearms Furniture and Appliances Sterling Village Don Spivey Owner Operated Since 1974 1-800-522-1644 0,//(5&216758&7,216216,1& 5RFN 6DQG )LOO %DFNKRHV 'R]HUV 7UXFNV 12-2%722%,*2560$// L & L FARM & TIRE It’s time to think about Wheat heat So Sowing Mowers We have all lll your you Fertilizer Seed & Chemical Needs available along with custom applications Tools Get your Purina Show Feed needs here! Hay Goodyear - Titan Tires Tractor*Implement*Truck*Pickup*Car Thanks for Your Business! Leroy and Mark Geis 597-3316 or 597-2522 Receive a $20 bill credit when you increase the speed of your SRTC Internet service at least one level during the month of September. And, if you pay your SRTC bill by the 16th of the month, your name will go into a drawing for tickets to a Texas Rangers game in October. Call us today at 888-886-2217 or visit us online to learn more! Time for Preplanting Contact Walters Co-op for all of your fertilizer needs! Services where available. Speeds may vary in different service areas. Some restrictions may apply. All customers paying their SRTC bill in full by September 16, 2016 will be entered in a drawing to win one (1) set of four (4) tickets to attend the Texas Rangers game on October 2, 2016. Starlite Welding Supplies < 1 Yr. Cylinder Lease $40.95 SPECIALS on Welders/Generators 506 Industrial Ave.--By Duncan Cemetery Mon.-Fri., 8 am -5 pm; Sat., 8 am -12 noon Home-owned by Kenneth/Jeff Golay Since 1991 580-252-8320 580- Walters Co-op Elevator Association 580-875-3345 We Appreciate Your Business VERNON OFFICE 7110 US Hwy 287 E Vernon, TX 76384 (940) 886-2217 (888) 886-2217 HASKELL OFFICE 113 N Ave. D Haskell, TX 79521 (940) 863-1125 (888) 863-1125 [email protected] SEYMOUR OFFICE 310 W California Seymour, TX 76380 (940) 889-1125 (877) 889-1125 Page 20 Transportation Boats/ Watercraft Current TRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: 2003 GMC Z71, 4x4, club cab pickup. 252,000 miles. Very clean. New transfer case, radiator, belts and hoses. Runs smooth. $7,000 firm. 580 704-2858. FREE post oak trees for firewood. For more information, call Kenneth Golay, 580-4677705. FOR SALE: 3-year-old peacock pairs. 1 pair India blue, 2 pair pied India blue. 580475-5887. SEEKING DONATIONS of scrap metal to benefit FOR SALE: 2001 GMC Sier- American Legion Post 306 in ra 1/2 ton, 2WD, dependable, Fletcher. 580-512-1577. daily driver, mileage 220k. Should you need a place to Asking $4,000. Call 580-251- DUMP DIRT, call Kenneth, 0999. 580-467-7705. ESSENTIAL OILS: Call today to hear about the 6000-yeaold secret to health and well-being given in ancient scripture. Essential Oils, 580736-4862. FOR SALE: 1996 F150, 2007 Bass Tracker Pro-Team 173,000 miles, 4.9 liter 170TX, 50 HP Mercury, depth straight 6. $2,500. 580-313finder, trolling motor, shade, 0516. live well, ladder, and cover. Very clean, garage kept. FOR SALE: Restored 1965 $7,500. 580-656-3690, no F100, 351 Windsor. $12,500. For information, call 580-313calls after 9 p.m. Thank you. 0516. Boat tow bar. No longer need. 200 Ford F250, extended Devol, 281-0596. cab, clean vehicle, good condition, 580-875-2297 or 4052007 Toyota Camry LE, red, 818-0545. Cars 177K miles, 1 owner, $6,550. 90-day powertrain warranty with full purchase price. Franklin Auto Sales. 580357-9000 or 585-3828. Classifieds FORD F150 292, V8, dump bed, needs work. 580-3570370. CHISHOLM TRAIL COWBOY CHURCH OF SOUTHERN OKLAHOMA: 10 a.m. Sundays, Bible study at 6 p.m. Wednesdays. New location, 2.5 miles west of Hwy. 81 on Terry Road, south of Duncan. 580-470-8200. A Church Without Fences - Ridin’ for the Brand since 2007. OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE to Wichita Mountains: Features hiking trails, auto-tours to historic, interesting places $15.95 ea. $2 postage. Send check: Valley of the Wichitas, P.O. Box 6741, Lawton, OK 73506. Paula & Robert Griffith RR 3 Box 261 Walters, OK 580-678-4509 uilts Q n tto o [email protected] C Computerized Perfect Quilting Baby Throws to California Kings FOR SALE: used brick. 580656-5559. MACHINE QUILTING, $55 per quilt, any size. Your choice of color or thread. 580-606-3001. WATER SOLUTIONS REPAIR WORK: Commercial sewing machine repair, quilting machines and more. Guaranteed work. 580-5601323. 817-832-0612 VOTE! Clarence “Scooter” Bivins for Cotton County Commissioner District #2. Term 2017. WANDA Central Vac: sales and service, new construc1982 GMC crew cab dually, tion or existing. Texhoma new transmission, strong 454 area since 1960. 580-439motor, $1,800 OBO. 580NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS: 5550. 475-8096. WANT TO BUY older Honda Young bucks and does. Also 110 or 125 three-wheeler. 2001 F650 Ford Cruzer, 300 available: Raw goat’s milk, Maytag wringer washer, good working condition. Looks CAT motor, Phoenix bed, 580-353-5011 yogurt, kefir and cheese. Also nice with square white body, leather, TV, air ride, 5th wheel 2007 Yamaha V-Star, hitch, 107k miles, $35,000. goat’s milk soap with essen- trimmed in red, $150. 5801300CC, motorcycle. 8,050 Call Larry Wilson, 580-704- tial oils. Cox Valley Dairy. Call 475-0495. 580-429-8778. miles, runs great, $3,950. 3994. TIME TO START thinking Call Paul, 580-585-3828. LAWNWORKS LLC: fullabout gardens! Woodchips FOR SALE: 1985 Chevy pickservice lawn and landscape for sale, $2 a pickup load, you up. Also, 1969 & ’68 Chevy maintenance, installation and load. 580-281-0596. pickups, go together. 580tree service. Servicing LawGOLF CARTS for sale, new 514-6861. ton, Elgin, Medicine Park, ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Cusand used. Parts and service. Trailers available, as well. 2005 Chevrolet Colorado Lake Lawtonka and surround- tom signs, banners, decals, crew cab Z71 LS. 3.5L, auto, ing areas. 100% satisfaction vehicle lettering and mag580-656-2314. 2WD. 185K miles, one own- guaranteed, free estimates. netic signs, graphic design, business cards, promotional er, non-smoker. Well-main- Call 580-512-7889. products, embroidery, photo tained, solid and dependable; FOR SALE: New militarygifts, and screen printing. 604 no mechanical issues. Great grade lay-flat discharge hose, 2006 Fleetwood pop-up S. 7th St., Duncan. 580-252daily driver, good gas mile2” x 50’ with double-banded trailer, stove, sink, icebox, 9633. age, A/C. $7,500. 580-255aluminum cam and groove air, very good condition with 1222. couplings with cap and plug. decent tires. $4,300, open to Located in Cache, $45 each. offers. 580-284-5085. 531-6114 or 595-0819. 2005 Denali 27’ fifth-wheel. AIRPLANES for sale, LusTwo air conditioners, one comb and Bonanza.1927 slide, non-smoker, well-kept. touring Model T Ford. Volvo $12,000. 580-251-0012. TDD 711 18-wheeler truck and race FOR SALE: 2012 Excel Wincar trailer. Building for rent, slow, 34’, 3 slides, perfect No. 1 Honda Lane, Chickacondition. Lots of extras. Marsha, 5,000 sq. ft. 580-512Newly Remodeled, low. 580-512-2569. 5550. 1, 2 or 3 Bedroom Apartments FOR SALE: 2006 Fleetwood Extra Storage, Central H&A, pop-up trailer, stove, sink, MASONIC LODGE Benefit FOR SALE: Flail mower & Stove & Refrigerator, Carpet & Mini icebox, air, very good condi- Fish Fry for Chattanooga and brush hog, and lawn sweep. Blinds, Washer/Dryer Hookups & tion with decent tires. $4,300, Grandfield Masonic “Scholar- New, in box. LOOKING FOR: On-Site Laundry. Rental Assistance HUD Section 8 Accepted. open to offers. 580-284- ship Fund” and Chattanooga Commercial ice maker, trailer house steps, storm windows, This institution is an equal 5085. and Grandfield Masonic “Preelectric lap blanket, electric opportunity provider & employer. FOR SALE: 2001 Idle Time vent Blindness” program. 4-7 toothbrush. 580-512-5550. 8’ slide-in camper, electric p.m. Oct. 1 at Chattanooga Range COWBOY jacks. Very nice, kept inside. school cafeteria. Fishing trip Open CHURCH, meeting at 10 a.m. drawing. 580-351-8585, Lee $4,000. 580-591-2933 or Sundays, Stephens County West. 351-7935. fairgrounds, Duncan, OK. BEST-KEPT SECRET in Pastor, Richard “Snip” AllenDuncan? Stockman’s Clear2003 Ford F150 STX: 99K ance Room! Discounted 254-339-7465. miles, $4,950. 90-day pow- name-brand jeans, boots, WANTED: Anvils, forge, ertrain warranty with full pur- shoes, OU & OSU gear, hammers and primitive metal chase price. Franklin Auto dresses, jewelry and acces- working tools. 100 percent Sales. 580-357-9000 or 585- sories! 2115 N. Hwy. 81. Find disabled veteran looking to keep busy. 580-695-6058. 3828. us on Facebook! Cycles & ATVs September 12, 2016 Golf Carts Complete Water Well Service Irrigation Systems Service And Drilling. Hitches Is Your Trailer Road Safe? Before 580-251-1929 •Gooseneck •Receivers •5th Wheel •RV Couplers •Brake Controls •Airbags for a smooth ride After • Repairs • Brakes • Wiring, Lights • Inspections • Accessories M&M Trailer Service, LLC Marlow, OK Wood & Resistall ® Flooring 2 Miles W. of Hwy 7 & 81, 1/2 mile N. 580-658-6510 Great Selection of trailer parts & pickup accessories Recreational Vehicles a Park Plgaez Villa Apartment Homes 401 School Rd. - Temple, OK (580) 342-6802 Miscellaneous Trucks & SUVs AUTO HEALTH HOME COMMERCIAL 403 W Main Marlow, OK 580.658.3077 FARM LIFE September 12, 2016 Current Classifieds MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Shorty Brown ADVOCARE: Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to lose weight and feel great? Then the 24-day challenge is perfect for you! Call Rex for more information! 580-512-4748. Big tight 5x6 bales of GRASS HAY, some weeds. $20. 580641-1952 Thompson Cattle, Inc. Electric wheelchair, $65. Old fiddle, 2 bows, $100. New mandolin, $85. Old electric guitar, $250. Uke, $50. Light CRIME STOPPERS of saltwater rod and reel, $20. Stephens County offers Small 3x4 metal trailer, $30. complete privacy and cash 405-243-6883. rewards for felony crime- FOR SALE: Air-operated solving information! Call or grease gun, $100. Rear-end text 580-252-INFO (4636) or grease dispenser, $100. Call submit anonymous tips online 580-252-3066. through LOTS of WESTERN books, Historic Medicine Park longterm leases, fully furnished cabins for rent including all utilities, TV, internet. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at 580-353-5366, manager@, AHRN or $100 referrals paid. NOW HIRING: Kitchen help, starting at $9 hour, apply in person only. No phone calls, serious applicants only. Meers Store & Restaurant in Meers. Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 22 joints of 2 3/8 tubing, construction grade, $24 a joint. Delivered up to 15 mi. from Empire. 580-251-1689. 3 water meters from Cotton County Rural Water District #2. Priced at $1,000 each. 580-512-8170. COLLECTORS THROWBACK MENS JERSEYS: Fourteen football, five baseball, and two basketball jerseys. Sizes XL – 3XL. Good condition. Asking $60 each. Photos available. Call 580284-7674. Leave message. NEW Wheelchair lift for a van, 580-875-2297 or 405818-0545. Atlanta Falcons and Georgia Bulldogs wall banners: Excellent condition. 45 x 27 each. Asking $40 for both. Photos available. Call 580-284-7674. Leave message. Shop & save at our huge KIDS CONSIGNMENT SALE! Sept. 23-25 at Comanche County Fairgrounds annex building. Still accepting consignors. www.jbfsale. com. B&D AUCTION SERVICE: Consignment Auction! Every week! 209 E. Main, Duncan. 940-235-7907. Aluminum car hauler with tilting ramps, strap and spare. Two propane tanks: 100-gallon in good condition; 80-gallon needs gasket. Ten-cent shoe shine machine. 580875-3673. Metal trash barrels with lids. 580-606-0620. FOR SALE: about 80 concrete blocks, new condition, no mortar. 50 cents each. 580-591-2986. FOR SALE: rebuilt Quadrajet carb for Buick, Pontiac or Olds. $75. Others not rebuilt from $15-$25. 580-252-3066. WAMPLER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 119 E. Kansas Walters, OK 580-875-2960 We repair all makes & models. Overhauls & safeguard service. Cooler & shift kits installed. • Reasonable Prices • Written Guaranty • Over 40 Years Experience Walters, Duncan, Lawton Areas HOURS Mon. thru Thurs. 7 am to 5 pm Closed Fridays Shorty Brown • 580-467-1468 Hoveround MPV5 electric wheelchair, excellent condition with charger and drink holder. $350. 925-864-9428 Dish hopper with sling adapter. $125. 925-864-9428 Classified Ad Policy Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Barton Recovery & Wrecker $1 each. 580-351-8568. Antique horse-drawn farm equipment, $150 each. Sulky rake, 7-foot sickle mower, Wanted: Antique marbles. 2-row corn planter, and a Contact 580-476-3739. single-bottom sulky turning Grand opening of THE SKIN- plow. All in good condition. NY PIG, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 580-475-0495. Sept. 10; 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 11. Primitives, antiques, vintage, and rustic furniture and decor. Like us on Facebook. 1504 E. Hwy. 29, Marlow. FOR SALE: Rural water meter for Comanche County RWD #3. 580-351-4986. Cattle bought, sold and forward contracted. Stocker cattle, feeder cattle and replacement cattle bought and sold. Cattle appraisals available. Bonded cattle buyer. Page 21 FOR ALL YOUR TOWING NEEDS! Apartment Homes TDD 711 406 W. Indiana - Walters, OK (580) 215-4775 1, 2 or 3 Bedroom, Central Heat & Air, Stove & Refrigerator, Washer/ Dryer Hookups, Carpet & Mini Blinds & Laundry Facility On-Site. Rental Assistance is Available to 4XDOL¿HG$SSOLFDQWV HUD Section 8 Accepted. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. Services Include: Unlock Cars Jump StartsAll Towing Aspects Marlow Kwik Lube & Kwik Kleen Car Wash Your Full Service Automotive Care Facility &RPH9LVLW0DUORZ·V We Offer: Oil Changes Transmission Flushes Best Automatic Car Wash, New & Used Tires Flats Fixed 6HOI6HUYH%D\V9DFXXPV Brake Jobs 7XQH8SV Carpet Shampooer 0LQRU0HFKDQLFDO:RUN )UDJUDQFH0DFKLQH 6%URDGZD\0DUORZ Page 22 Current News September 12, 2016 Parting Shots 4443 NW CACHE RD, LAWTON, OK, 73505 580 - 355 - 1355 (Behind Braum’s on Cache Rd.) 2015 Yamaha Viking VI MSRP: $13,599 ER EMB SEPT IAL! SPEC SALE: $9,995 Photo by Jennifer Kriz Stock: YFA100412 2016 HONDA PIONEERS MODELS STARTING AT Look who stopped by our booth during the Stephens County Free Fair. The 2016 batch of queens includes, from left, Petite Miss Kristin Boles, Junior Miss Olivia Cantwell, Young Miss Lily Taylor, Miss Stephens County Aubrey Bowden and Little Miss Addeline Wright. $7,994 2016 CAN-AM DEFENDER HD8 MSRP: $10,999 SALE: $9,829 The Pie Show at the Stephens County Free Fair always draws a big crowd. The trio of judges tasted many, many pies in the 2016 competition. Cotton Electric member Vicki Zimmerman took home the Best in Show ribbon. SALE PRICES LISTED DO NOT INCLUDE: DESTINATION CHARGES, PREP/ASSEMBLY OR DOCUMENTATION FEES 2115 N. Hwy 81 • 580-255-7762 MAKING ROOM FOR THE NEW! COME CHECK OUT OUR AMAZING DEALS ON BOOTS! Just Back From Market! Tons Of New Stock! Check Out Our Latest Supply Of Fashion Apparel •Booties •T-Shirts •Flannel •Chokers •Tanks •Jeans •Necklaces •Kimono Tops •Purses •Boots •Wristlets •Watches
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