Classifieds - Cotton Electric Co-op
Classifieds - Cotton Electric Co-op
March 18, 2013 Current Classifieds Page 17 Current Classifieds Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is April 4. Display ad space must be reserved by April 1. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. Contact Us Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can be emailed to classifieds@ or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101 Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. Place Your Ad __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 REAL ESTATE ANIMALS Classified Ad Policy FOR SALE: 3-bd, 2-ba, home on 9 acres, attached double garage, cellar. New air, roof and carpeting, West Elk across from The Territory golf course. Call 580-786-0321. FOR SALE 1-year-old Red Limousin bull. 580-246-3513 or 580-678-0299. Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. FOR SALE: Brick home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. C.H.A, extra-large garage with heat and air central vacuum. CovCOMMERCIAL OFFICE ered patio and cellar. StorSPACE FOR LEASE: 701 W. age building, in-ground pool. Main in Duncan. Utilities paid. Located in Marlow. $91,000. Call 1580-467-4799. Call 580-281-0318. 6,000-sq.-ft. building for sale: FOR SALE: 406½ S. Ash 2416 SW I Ave. in Lawton St., Marlow, OK. 2-bedroom near Cameron. $60,000. house & lot for sale, carport and two outbuildings. 580-585-2562. $28,000. 580-721-9302. FOR SALE: Back Door Bling – includes three separate FOR SALE: 4405 West Fuller established businesses: Gar- Road, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den center, dog grooming 2 living areas, pergo floors, and bling retail store. Located 2-car garage, cellar, 1,720 sq. in Duncan. Contact Jo Pat- feet/.86 acres. 1 ½ miles west of Hwy. 81, $99,000. 580ton, 580-467-6182. 467-7823. Real Estate Animals Commercial REWARD – LOST DOG: Adult male Italian mastiff strayed from home 4 miles east of Geronimo. Tan, 180200 lbs. tame, last seen wearing a red collar. 580591-2176 or 585-2170. Lots/Land LOTS FOR SALE: For double wides, owner financing, Walters and Randlett area. 580591-1042. FOR SALE: 4 + Acres home site. Inside Duncan city limits. SW side near Vo-Tech. All utilities and sewer available. Secluded and private area zoned agicultural. 580-2510103. FOR SALE: Two-bedroom, one-bath home, 1,100 sq. ft., CH/A , single-car garage on 4 lots, in Sterling area. 580512-7611. For Sale: 103 Elk Dr. located in Cache 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms. Brick home, 1,494 sq. ft. clean/ well maintained. Call Molly, 512-0924. FOR SALE: 305 E. Nevada. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, nice corFOR SALE: 4405 West Fuller ner lot, 1,400 sq. ft. located Road, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, in Walters. For more informa2 living areas, pergo floors, tion, call 580-595-0514. 2-car garage, cellar, 1,720 sq. FOR SALE: 7815 N.W. Lawfeet/.86 acres. 1 ½ miles west ton Ave. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, of Hwy. 81, $99,000. 580- 2,004 sq. ft. Price $159,900. 467-7823. See details on Craigslist. Land for sale 5 acres 10 miles east of Lawton, with water meter. 580-695-8176. MILLERS CROSSING: Lighted country community development, .5-2 acre plussized lots. Stephens County water, underground electric. Central High School and fire department 5 miles away. Call for info. Carl Miller, 580353-8124. LAND FOR SALE & AUCTION: Your farm/ranch & land specialists. Land Pros Real Estate & Auction Co. www. FarmsRanchesLand.c om. Join our online mailing list, never miss a sale! 580-2523880. FOR SALE: Acreage with city water, owner finance for double-wide trailers. Call 580-591-1042. FOR SALE: 8 acres of land for sale. Close to Central High. Has a lot of pecan trees and is away from main road. Includes part of a creek! Call 580-255-0610. FOR SALE: Hardy wine, table grapes, and trees. Vidal Blanc $2; Traminette $5. Piedmontese Nursery & Vineyard. 580-583-5573. Homes HOME FOR SALE: 224 North Ridge Road, Elgin. 2,111 square feet. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. $225,000. Call 580704-5420 for an appointment. FOR SALE: 3-4 bedroom, 2-bath, 2-story home in Ryan. Corner lot with several pecan trees, privacy fence. Built-ins and high ceilings in the living room. Call 580-467-3738. 580-483-1256 . Manufactured Homes FOR SALE: Double-wide mobile home 56x28 to be moved. 3 beds 2 baths, custom cabinets. Asking $24,000..580585-0686. Rentals FOR RENT: Farm house, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 2 plus acres, garden plot, Southwest Waurika, $400/month plus security deposit. Call 407-310-4938, email: [email protected]. FOR SALE: Eleven shank big ox on Laney carrier. Call 580536-7415 or 580-917-5607. Cats FOR SALE: Beautiful seal point and blue point Siamese kittens. Parents on premises. First shots, wormed, litter trained. Call 580-429-8778. Cattle JOHNSON RANCH: Angus, Black Maine & Hereford bulls for sale; Extensive 400-cow Al program. Call 580-2521393 or 580-467-7433. FOR SALE: Red Angus Bull. Registered yearling. Call 580-658-0606 or 580-6413770. FOR RENT: Storage buildings in Comanche. Call 580439-5461. MOBILE HOME SPACE FOR RENT: In Comanche or outside of town. 580-4395461. :H+DYH%X\HUV )RU/DQG,Q 6:2NODKRPD ,I\RXKDYHODQG )RU6DOH&DOO8V PARR REAL ESTATE RU Dogs FOR SALE: English shepherd puppies, great kid, watch & stock dogs. Tri-colored, $100. Call 580-658-6235, Marlow. GREAT PYRENEES puppies. Raised with goats. $50 each. 580-704-7035. FOR SALE: English shepherd puppies, great kid/watch/ cattle dogs, $100. Call 580658-6235 or 641-2791. FOR SALE: Small fold and carry Petco dog cage. Light gauge black wire with chewproof tray. Used very little. $35. 580-252-2389 or 4675775. REWARD – LOST DOG: Adult male Italian mastiff strayed from home 4 miles east of Geronimo. Tan, 180200 lbs. tame, last seen wearing a red collar. 580591-2176 or 585-2170. FOR SALE: Australian shepSALER COWS FOR SALE: herd pups, ASCA reg., reds blacks, $300-$400, 2-year through 7-year-old and Slash V/Hangin’Tree breedpairs. 580-313-0155. ing. 580-581-7523, cowboyBlack bulls for sale: breeds [email protected]. are Angus, Angus Cross, Simmental and Salers. Genetics are from Top AI sires FOR SALE: Donkeys. Call that will bring new genetics 580-591-1042. to your herd. Please call 405FOR SALE: laying hens, 209-3098 guineas and donkeys. Call FOR SALE: Maine Anjou 580-591-1042. bull. Black registered 50% Maine yearling. Call 580658-0606 or 580-641-3770. Pond stocking: Minnows, JOHNSON RANCH: Angus, catfish, bluegill, bass. Will deBlack Maine & Hereford bulls liver to pond. Sand Hills Fish for sale; Extensive 400-cow Farm and bait dealer. 580AI program. Call 580-252- 658-6018 or 405-487-6979. 1393 or 580-467-7433. Donkeys Fish FOR SALE: Extra nice miniature short, bull calf. Six months old. For sale, $700, or will trade for silver coins. Call 580-492-5536 or 580919-0690. BECKWARDS T RANCH STORAGE UNITS FOR Gentle Brangus bulls, low RENT: Waurika Self Stor- birth, high weaning, clean age. Units are 10x10, 10x20 underside. Guarantee: Not and 11x30. Boat storage also happy with first calf crop at available. Call Janie Willmon, weaning time, I’ll replace the manager, 580-228-2816, or bull. 580-353-4304. 940-733-2181. FOR RENT: Mobile home at The Garden. Between Clear Creek and Humphreys lakes. 580-255-8126. FOR SALE: 3 Purebred Black Angus bulls, 18 months old. Express breeding on both sides. $1,750 each. Call Mark Glasgow, 580-342-6902. Please leave message. King Industries, a full service heavy truck and trailer shop. DOT, preventative maintenance, welding and fabrication, service calls, hydraulic cylinder repair and fabricate hydraulic hoses ¿WWLQJV :H VHOO LQGXVWULDO GHWHUJHQW DQG RLO ¿HOG VXSSO\ )RU almost every kind of vehicle we can repair A/C systems and offer tire service and sales. NO CITY 6$/(6 7$; 6: %LVKRS Rd. Lawton. Call 580-536-7675. Fowl FOR SALE: laying hens, guineas, and donkeys. Call 580-591-1042. Dale Wampler Automatic Transmission 119 E. Kansas Walters, OK 580-875-2960 We repair all makes and models Overhauls and safeguard service Cooler and shift kits installed Ɣ5HDVRQDEOH3ULFHV Ɣ:ULWWHQ*XDUDQW\ Ɣ<HDUV([SHULHQFH Walters, Duncan, Lawton Areas Hours 0RQWKUX7KXUDPWRSP Closed)ULGD\V Don Prater Dozers, Inc. Bulldozers -- Scrapers --Trackhoes Marshall Tree Saw mounted on CAT Skid Steer Loader Modern Equipment -- Talented Operators (Strong Desire to Please) 580-658-3462, home 580-641-1952, cell Bruce Prater, owner M w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready WRJRWKH([WUD0LOHIRU\RX 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 Marlow (:KLWDNHU :6WHHOH :6WHHOHVKRS :&RPDQFKH 6WKODUJHFRUQHUORW 6WK :3D\QH³DVLV´ :.LRZDVKRS :*UDQGWRWDOUHPRGHO&2175$&7 6WKFRUQHUORW :6HPLQROHVKRSSRROORWVRIH[WUDV &2175$&7 6WKWRWDOUHPRGHO Commercial Lots %ORFN1%URDGZD\0DUORZIHQFHGORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRPPHUFLDOORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRUQHUORW0DLQ6WUHHW 1+Z\KZ\IURQWDJHIWDYDLO62/' Commercial Property 1+Z\'XQFDQODUJHRI¿FHEOGJ&DOO 'HEELH/\QQ (+Z\DFUHVODUJHVKRSRI¿FH Rural Properties (*DUULVRQDFUHV0+JDUDJH 6:RRGV'UDFUHV0+ZDWHUZHOOWUHHV 10LOH5G&HQWUDO+LJKDFUHV *RDG5G%UD\DUHDDFUHV 5W%R[$)RVWHUDFUHVVKRSFHOODU62/' &65XVK6SULQJVDFUH &R[&LW\5GDFUHVEDUQSRQG 6FLVVRUWDLOVKRSZEDWK&+$ 5W%R[$'XQFDQDFUHVVKRS62/' &50DUORZDFUHVVKRS 10F.LQOH\0DUORZDFUHV)3&$// &OHDU&UHHN5GDFUHVJXHVWKRXVHVKRS EDUQURSLQJDUHQDFURVVHGIHQFHG&$// Duncan 1VWFRUQHUORW 1WK&+$ 1WK&+$ :%RLVG¶$UFQHZUROODZD\KRXVH&2175$&7 1VWOLYLQJDUHDV)3JDUDJH Lake Property $UHD(/RW0+EHGOLYLQJFDUSRUW Land 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVVKRS 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUH 6*RRGULFK5G0DUORZDFUHVZDWHUZHOO 65DLOURDG6W0DUORZDFUHVZDWHUZHOOEDUQ (/'<DFUHVSDVWXUHSRQG 1RI0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUHVRPHFXOWLYDWHGODQG 0RXQWDLQ9LHZ5G(OJLQDFUHVSDVWXUH 3RWWV+Z\DFUHVWUHHV&$// 3RWWV5GDFUHV0+WUHHV&$// DFUHV5XVK6SULQJVJUDVVEDUQZDWHUZHOO %UD\$UHDDFUHVSDVWXUHVEDUQVFRUUDOVSRQGV Lots 3D\QH+HLJKWV$GGLWLRQEXLOGLQJORWVUHVWULFWLRQVNk :3D\QH0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWFHOODU 0HDGRZYLHZ'XQFDQYDFDQWFRUQHUORW WK&KH\HQQH0DUORZFRUQHUORWWUHHV :3D\QH0DUORZFRUQHUORWVKRS :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'ULQWHULRUORW WK3DUN0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWWUHHV :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'UFRUQHUORW Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner Page 18 Current ANIMALS ANIMALS SERVICES Classifieds COTTON ELECTRIC SPECIAL: $25/hour, 4-hr. minimum. Brush hogging and dirt work with front-end loader & box blade. Regular charge is $35 hour 4-hour minimum. 405-658-4159 OR 580-6560382. LAWTONKA RV PARK at FOR SALE: St. Croix ewes Lake Lawtonka near the with lamb, $150-$175. 580- Wichita Mountains Wildlife 467-1713 or 658-2164. Refuge, beautiful view, full hook-ups, Internet and cable. Visit us on the web, www.lawFOR SALE: laying hens, or call 580guineas, and donkeys. Call 492-6553 or 580-678-9323. 580-591-1042. HOWARD ROOFING AND ALLSTAR PEST CONTROL General pest control, termite control and tree spraying service. Serving Stephens and Grady counties. Licensed and insured. “Hired killers,” in business since 1986. 580658-3773. Rabbits FOR SALE: Purebred Nubian dairy goats, excellent showquality bloodline. Bottleraised sweethearts. Registered bucks. I can help 4-H or FFA kids prepare for goat shows. Reasonably priced. Call 580-429-8778. RETIRED FROM GOAT WORLD, FOR SALE: A cutout sign of a Boer goat, $100. 5-goat walker, pull behind mower, $300. Trim stand on wheels, $250. Call 580-2810596, Devol. Sheep Swine For Sale: Peacocks. India blue, cameo, white & pied. Two very nice breeding pairs available. 580-475-5887. Horses BUY, SELL, OR TRADE: Horses, goats, saddles, trailers. Also, stallion service. Call 580-512-8923, leave message. FOR SALE: 3-year-old Welsh-size filly, very stocky, sorrel with flaxen mane, not broke, been saddled 4 times, still needs work, $125 OBO. 580-695-0852. EXTORIER PAINTING: OK license # 80000742, free estimates. Call 580-439-6283 or 580-467-8606. 52 ACRES OF GRASS: available between Walters and Geronimo. You cut and bale. Share profit or ??? Call 580875-3677. 2013 HARVESTING WANT- Vinyl siding, replacement ED. Will pick up canola. Pe- windows, remodeling, room additions, painting, roofing ter, 320-221-3789. MICHAEL’S LAWN SERVICE & repairs. Call Sunrise ConDuncan and Marlow area. struction, 580-620-6752. Buy, sell or trade goats 580475-8096. Tilling, mowing hauling, misc. 580-255-8126. Services BULLDOG EXPRESS: 580252-2928, Formerly Empire Country Store, 7 - 7 Mon-Sat. Homemade cinnamon rolls - Monday & Tuesday: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot links, chili dogs, pulled pork sandwich. Come see us! Phipps Backhoe & Storm Shelters SERVICES 89ER LAND RUN RIDE AND WAGON TRAIN GATHER I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Hors- EASTER BUNNIES: for sale. April 11, 2013, east of Lawton es, saddles, trailers & goats. 580-591-1042. OK., Ride dates: April 12thCall 580-514-1223. RABBITS FOR SALE at 17 20th, ride your horse/mule or FOR SALE: Pygmy goats, ba- Robinson Road, Lawton drive your wagon/buggy, $20. Call Lisa Wright, 580-585bies to adult, $20 each. Cash. 580-492-6346. 7280. Call 580-467-3123. Goats March 18, 2013 PURPLE TIGER energy pills. Energy like a tiger, appetite like a bird! Retail or wholesale. Looking for distributors. 580-252-0533 or 580-6953792. FOR SALE: Bermuda grass sprigging 580-550-0036. HERB’S LAPIDARY ROCK SHOP: Petrified wood, Copelite, diamond saw blades, 365-million-year-old fossils, rough finish turquoise salt lamps, too much to list. 907 S. Highway 81, Comanche. Open Wed.- Sat. or by appointment. 580-439-4186 or 580-439-5347. 580-252-4100 or 580-467-1018 3905 Empire Rd., Duncan, OK 73533 Precast Storm Shelters (10 Year Warranty) Septic & Aerobic Systems (580) 492-5260 REAL ESTATE AUCTION Friday, March 29 – 12 Noon Sterling, OK - Hwy. 17 east to NE 255th, then 1/2 miles south Preview 1:30-3 p.m. Sunday, March 17 Selling rock home and 160 acres +/3 parcels 2,000 sq. ft. 3BR, 2 1/2 bath home with garage, creek trees, wildlife, 30 acres. Adjoining 50 acres +/- and 80 acres +/4 large stock ponds, grass, good fences, very scenic. Selling due to health reasons. Puzzle Answers HOME-GROWN TREES: 2013 HARVESTING WANT- Balled & burlapped, bald cyED: will pick up canola. Call press, red oak, lacebark elm, FOR SALE: 13-yr.-old bay Peter, 320-221-3789 . pine trees, Bradford pear, gelding, very good handle, SORRELLS NUTHOUSE: Circle E R/C hobby shop mov- crape myrtles, silver maple & stays gentle, anyone can ride, End of season sale. Everying in March to new location, more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, $1,250 OBO, 580-695-1847. thing marked down 10-50% 801 W. Main, Duncan. R/C Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 FOR SALE: 17-year-old alpha off March 22 & 23, 9:00 to cars, helicopters, airplanes, or 580-255-1892. mare, trained, team roping 4:00. Still cracking, 3 ½ miles trains, parts, and more! Open TGR CONSTRUCTION LLC.: horse, used for trail horse last south of Comanche. 580- Mon-Sat. Lonnie Estes, 580General contractor for new 5 years. Very broke, horse 439-8022. 786-6988. residential construction, ofand owner located in Marlow. WALTERS LAKESIDE GOLF Origami Owl Living Lockfers highest quality with best $2,000. 479-372-0132. COURSE 64TH BIRTHDAY ets. Build your own locket prices. Tractor services inROPING SADDLE for sale. Adult size, new front girt and new latego on the back, great shape. $400. 580-591-2523. CELEBRATION: Golf tournament in Walters, Saturday, April 6. $50 a person, 2-person team. Proceeds to benefit golf course. For information, call 580-875-3829. with charms that tell your story. Book your party today! Linda Estes, independent designer, 580-4677429. Visit my Website GYPSY MARES: Foals, yearhttp://w w w.circleecharms. lings for sale. Stallion Gypsy or email cirTRI-COUNTY PLUMBING Warlock standing at stud [email protected]. & SEPTIC, LLC: For all your also available for sale on the plumbing needs. Licensed BE PREPARED WHEN THE gypsy horses. Call 580-656L.P. and natural gas install- RAIN HAS FINALLY RE2475. ers. Veteran owned and oper- TURNED: Lawson Aerator WILL RIDE horses for $600 ated. 580-333-0004. opens, tight backed ground a month. Lots of miles, gentle to reduce run-off and loosen DAFFERN’S AUTO SERtraining. Call 580-475-8096. VICE now has WRECKER & tight soils. Call Keith Prater, I BUY, SELL, TRADE: HorsTOWING. Factory trained w/ 580-641-0198. es, saddles, trailers & goats. over 20 years experience on NEW MACHINE SHOP: SanCall 580-514-1223. all makes & models: brakes, ta Fe Machine, LLC 25 years HORSE & BUGGY: 5-year- heating/AC, major engine & experience, pump jack repair, old black gelding; black bug- transmission repair, fuel in- general oil field machine gy, red wheels, convertible jection service and RESTO- work. Hwy. 7 3 miles west of top, includes harness. $2,500 RATIONS. 580-353-1600 or Velma. 580-444-7282. firm. 580-786-0321. 580-512-8661. NEEDED: neat, honest, Horses wanted-also buying saddles, trailers, old bit and spur collections. Call Gary, 405-226-0630. SCENTSY INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT: Wickless candles, warmers, melts, over 80 fragrances. Call Lisa Bowers, 580-678-4220. friendly, non-smoker, drug free, high- energy person to work in family atmosphere. No beer sold. Closed Sunday. Part time or full time. Apply NEW/USED SADDLES, whole container full of tack, BEAN DINNER with all the Kwik Serv, 719 South Hwy. we’ll beat the competition. fixin’s, Thursday, March 28, 81, Duncan . CALL 580-695-1847. from 11-1:30 at First Baptist Marlow Rock and Fence: OfWANTING TO BUY: Child’s Church of Countyline. Pro- fering aluminum, vinyl, wood, pony (very gentle). Would ceeds benefit new fellowship vinyl-dipped chain-link fence consider buying saddle and hall. Cost is $7. Place to-go and railing along with many styles of decorative rock and accessories. Call 467-2248 orders at 580-467-1041. or 255-8162. PREACHING THE GOSPEL boulders. (580) 658-6133. to the Oilpatch. Join us at UGLY MUG PHOTOGRAFirst Baptist Church of Coun- PHY, CACHE. I would love to FOR SALE: 6-month-old tyline. Sunday school 9:45 put my skill and creativity to male llama, black and white, a.m.; worship service 11 a.m. work for you. Let me preserve keeps dogs out of your pas- and 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday your story in photos! Like me ture, $100, 580-695-0852. Bible study 6:30 p.m. on Facebook. 580-699-1026. Llamas 6WRS3D\LQJ 1HZ3ULFHV 6$9(72'$< Marlow Rock and Fence: Offering aluminum, vinyl, wood, vinyl-dipped chain-link fence and railing along with many styles of decorative rock and boulders. (580) 658-6133. PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, April 6, 2013, 10:00AM Route 3 - Box 85 D Garrison Addition - Marlow, Oklahoma (See Directions Below) Bulldog Express: Formerly Empire Country Store. Spring time fun 1-3 p.m. 3/23. Free popcorn, Stephens County Sheriff’s Dept. dog, Empire VFD, RC Raceway cars, drawing for 2 pulled pork sandwiches. Come join the fun! Real Property: consists of a nice 1996 Patriot 3 Bedroom Manufactured Home (approximately 1,848 square feet) with a Large Living Room with Fireplace and an ENCORE - Sound System. The Home has a Dining Area, Kitchen with nice Cabinets and Built-In’s, Large Utility Room and 2 Full Baths. Additional Improvements: Include an attached 2 Car Carport (18’x20’), Storm Shelter (needs new door) and a Wooden Storage Building. All situated on a nice lot, 340’x400’ (approximately 3.12 Acres). Directions: In Duncan Oklahoma, go 1/2 mile North of Intersection of Highway 81 North and Highway 7 West (Lawton/Duncan “Y”), go West 1/2 Mile to Willmon Drive. Real Property located on Northwest side of Willmon Drive. Terms of Sale: 10% Earnest Money on Real Property on the day of Sale. Balance due at closing upon delivery of Title and Deed. Preview of Real Property will be held Friday afternoon, April 5, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Announcements made day of sale supersede all other advertisements. Please plan to attend this Public Auction. Auctioneer’s Note: This is a Very nice Home Place. Must see to Appreciate! The Real Property will be offered “As-Is - Where-Is.” The Seller reserves the right to accept or reject the final bid. Stephens County Abstract Company will serve as Closing Agent on the Real Estate. YOGA CLASSES: All levels welcome. Monday – Wednesday – Friday beginning at 7:30 a.m. inside Obsessions Hair Studio: off of I-44, turn east on Hwy. 49, go past Loves and Liberty Bank. 520820-8367. BECKWARDS T RANCH 8-month-old heifer bull for sale, BW 73 lbs, 7-month-old, 648 lbs. - $1.80. Prior customers, $1.60. Dam is a 14-yearold Summit cow. 580-3534304. Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. 580-255-8162 · 806 West Main · Duncan, OK · 580-467-2248 SCENTSY INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT: Wickless candles, warmers, melts, over 80 fragrances. Call Lisa Bowers, 580-678-4220 (Auctioneer/Broker) email: [email protected] (Cell Phone) 81&20)257$%/(" 0,'&217,1(175(%8,/',1& $OWHUQDWRU6WDUWHU *HQHUDWRU)RUNOLIW cluding driveways, house pads, leveling yards, etc. $35 per hour with 4-hour min. Cotton Electric members get 5% discount. Tracy Rowe, 580-512-2567. 'RHV\RXUKRPHKDYHDQ\RIWKHVHV\PSWRPV" 5RRPVWKDWJHWWRRKRWRUWRRFROG" +LJKXWLOLW\ELOOV" 7KHUPRVWDWZDUVZLWK\RXUVSRXVH" +LJKKXPLGLW\LQVXPPHU" +RXVHMXVWQHYHUVHHPVFRPIRUWDEOH" 7KHUHGRHVQ¶WVHHPWREHHQRXJKDLUÀRZ" 'XVWEXLOGXSZLWKLQGD\VRIGXVWLQJ" 3UREOHPVZLWK\RXUV\VWHPVLQFHLW¶VEHHQ LQVWDOOHG" $Q\RQHZLWKDOOHUJLHVRUDVWKPD" $&VWDUWVDQGVWRSVIUHTXHQWO\RUUXQVDOO WKHWLPHDQGKRXVHLVVWLOOQRWFRRO" +DYHEHHQWROGE\RWKHUFRQWUDFWRUVWKDWWKHSUREOHPFDQQRWEH¿[HG" ,I\RXDQVZHUHG<(6WRDQ\RIWKHVHTXHVWLRQVZHFDQKHOS /HW8V5HEXLOG<RXU8QLW 5HEXLOGLQJ)RUƔ7UXFNƔ7UDFWRU Ɣ2LO)LHOGƔ,QGXVWULDOƔ)RUNOLIW 3LSSLQ%URWKHUVKDVVSHFLDOLVWVWKDWFDQSLQSRLQWDQGFRUUHFWWKHVHSUREOHPVDQGLQPDQ\FDVHV\RX GRQ¶WHYHQKDYHWRUHSODFH\RXUHTXLSPHQWZLWKWKHVROXWLRQXVXDOO\EHLQJHDVLHUDQGFRVWLQJDORW OHVVWKDQ\RXPD\WKLQN7KHUHLVQRRWKHUFRQWUDFWRULQ/DZWRQPRUHTXDOL¿HGWKDQ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVDW GLDJQRVLQJDQGFRUUHFWLQJWKHVHDQQR\LQJLQFRQYHQLHQWXQKHDOWK\FRPIRUWFRPSURPLVLQJDQGHQHUJ\ ZDVWLQJFRQFHUQV&DOOXVWRGD\DQGOHWXVPDNH\RXUKRPH)HHO$V*RRG$V,W/RRNV$IWHUDOO \RXUKRPHLV\RXUODUJHVWLQYHVWPHQWDQG\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\GHVHUYHWREHFRPIRUWDEOHGRQ¶W\RX" 5LFKDUG.HFN5HEXLOG7HFKQLFLDQ %RLV'¶$UF'XQFDQ2. &DOO7RGD\ ³&RPIRUW:LWKRXW&RPSURPLVH´ ZZZ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVFRP March 18, 2013 Current Classifieds Page 19 SERVICES SERVICES FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH MERCHANDISE TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Offers a wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the rest of their lives. Interested in a party or selling it yourself? Call Donna, 580585-2022. ROSES CUSTOMS LLC: custom signs, banners, decals, vehicle and window lettering, graphic design, business cards, promotional products, embroidery and sublimation. Call 580-252-9633. FOR SALE: 30-ft. Crustbuster grain drill, 6-row International planter, 50 press wheels for a grain drill. Call Jim at 580-704-7755. FOR SALE: 1980 International 1486 tractor, closed cab with air, $9,400. Boss Little Dude soft hose, 200 ft., $600. 580-467-2202. WANTED: Will buy “Good” used furniture and will take antique pieces on consignment. Call: 580-252-0880. DOZER FOR SALE: D3C Caterpillar series 2, working, BILL’S TRACTOR REPAIR: in good condition. $25,000 35 years experience. Call OBO. Call Randy, 580-931580-355-6010. 6371. FOR SALE: 1980 Ford 3600 tractor with front-end loader, $9,500. CALL 580 351-2644. BEAVER CREEK TRACTOR SERVICE: Sandy topsoil, fill sand, fill dirt, rock driveways, septic systems, ponds, clearing, dozer, backhoe & trackhoe. Call 580-704-4804, Cache. Cosmetic Specialty Labs FACTORY OUTLET: Features hydroponically grown aloe-vera based products, muscle rubs, hand/foot care, juices, aromatherapy. 210 SW Texas, Lawton, 580-3571260, M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. OCHSNER DOZER SERVICE: Pond, terraces, tree clearing, building pads, NRCS work, etc. For estimate on your job, call Jeff, 580704-2226. PROBLEM SKIN? Take action, no obligation. Call 800364-2182. FOR SALE: Hinimoto 23-hp tractor with Rototiller and 3 CASH FOR COINS: Buy or OLD FARM EQUIPMENT: pt., $2,500. John Deere Gasell. 580-475-5132, Duncan. Grain pasture, John Deere tor, 4-wheel drive, $2,300. Vinyl siding, replacement square baler, new Holland Call 580-492-5744. windows, remodeling, room swather, Hamey-8 ft. adjustadditions, painting, roofing able tandem disc, and cultivaFOR SALE OR TRADE: 05 & repairs. Call Sunrise Con- tor packer. East of Duncan, cm 2-horse tailer 6’wide. 580-467-4976. struction, 580-620-6752. Good condition. 580-467WATER TESTING: Southern Wanted: Tractor or combine 2795. Plains Environmental Labo- tires, size 24.5 x 32, with FOR SALE: 48’ 2007 enratory. Analytical testing for some life left in them. Please closed gooseneck trailer, drinking water, waste-water, call with price, 580-429-3109, $12,000. Insulated, power, soil, pools and spas. 8 a.m.- 580-531-6114. lights, A/C, heat strip, clear 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 704 vinyl curtains, fits two-door SW 11th Street, Lawton. HAY FOR SALE: Maternal cars plus golf cart. Low miles, wheat and rye grass net wrap three 7,000-lb. axles. 580583-5573. brown bales. 580-228-5189. Trailers Hay FOR SALE: 4x5 bales, 580467-1713 or 658-2164 Farm & Ranch CIRCLE S WELDING SERVICE: Pipe & structural weld- ANDY’S BIG TRACTOR, ing, 32 years experience. Call Truck, Construction & Diesel Repair, now open on South 580-305-5175. PROBLEM SKIN? Free dem- 11th Street, Geronimo. We will try to repair your pickups onstration, no obligation. Call and equipment, and fix them 800-364-2182. with new parts if necessary. Freckles the clown’s crazy 580-695-3439, 351-8018, or critters petting zoo: Booking [email protected]. parties. Wagon rides, clown, petting zoo & souvenirs. Call 580-355-9525. WANTING TO BUY: Child’s FOR SALE: Case International round baler. Good condition. 580-439-5421 or 580656-4083. Wheat hay for sale. Call Dave, 580-536-7675. FOR SALE: Small square bales of Bermuda hay. Sprayed and fertilized, no weeds or Johnson grass. 65-70 lbs., delivery available. Call 580-695-7971. FOR SALE: We have 17% premium cubes, $30 bulk, $10 bag for pallet of 40. All purpose 15% grass/alfalfa cubes $330 bulk, $9.50 bag PAINTING LESSONS: pony (very gentle). Would for pallet 40. Call 580-492Wednesdays at the Walters consider buying saddle and 4169. depot. Any level, beginner accessories. Call 467-2248 We have 17% premium alfalfa to advanced, $25 per ses- or 255-8162. cubes, $350 bulk, $10 bag sion. For more information, for pallet of 40. All purpose call Lavonne High, 580-87515% grass/alfalfa cubes $330 2144. Sponsored by the Cot- FOR SALE: 1,000-gallon bulk, $9.50 bag for pallet of ton County Art Council. water storage tank 8 ft. poly 40. Call 580-492-4169. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: $50 mantel feed troughs. All good FOR SALE: 14% stock cow condition. 580-439-5421 or cubes, $230 bulk, $7 bag for per rick. Call 580-313-0593. 580-656-4083. pallet of 40. Banded alfalfa, OTASCO: Mike’s Small EnFOR SALE: 2N Ford tractor, $365 or $12 bale. Banded gines. Authorized Stihl Dealnew motor overhaul, new teff, $350 or $9.50 bale. Call er, Parts & Service for 40 valve job, new clutch and 580-492-4169. years. Also, authorized Snapgauges, 12V system, new per Dealer, Parts & Service, ,We have 14% stock cow on sale now. In Marlow since muffler and tailpipe, new PTO cubes $230 bulk, $7.00 bag 1963. 308 W Main, 580-658- override clutch and paint job. for pallet of 40. Banded alTires 80%. 580-656-4979. 2518. falfa. $365 or $12 a bale. FOR SALE: Older trencher Banded teff, $310 or $9.50 Shop for great bargains at runs and digs great. Has a bale. Call 580-492-4169. the GEMS booth inside Butboom from a 6510 and fairly terfields of Duncan, 805 Main Banded stock cow alfalfa St. Advertising, swords, bil- new chain. Top end was $320. Or $10 a bale. Banded liard lights, framed art, Coke, rebuilt a couple years ago. wheat straw, $4.50. Banded sports, NASCAR, Harley, $3,500 OBO. 580-353-8124. orchard, $345 or $10. A bale. ATTENTION HUNTERS: I will take unwanted deer! You can keep antlers and I will take the rest. Central High ADDINGTON STATION AN- area. 580-641-1639. TIQUES 1940s lawyers cabi- FOR SALE: 12-, 16-, 20- and net pair, tiger oak dressers, 22-gauge guns. 580-429Dr Pepper case, Dr Pepper 3594. sign, American Thread Co. FOR SALE: CVA 50 display case, floor lamps, ac- cal.,inline 209 primer, all cent tables. Tuesday-Satur- nickel steel, mossy oak stock. day 10-5:30. 580-439-5566. New w/box $250.00, firm. SANTA FE TRADERS inside Addington Station Antiques. Mission-style tiger oak deacons chair pair, 1974 Jack Stevens “Cathedral of the Plains” oil painting, 1940s Coca-Cola 10-cent gum vending machine, aluminum Coca-Cola box. Clothing NEED CLOTHES? Marlow Samaritan Clothing House is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the first Saturday of every month. Anyone can come fill their clothing needs free of charge. 214 West Main in Marlow. 580-658-6017. FOR SALE: Grass catcher and buggy top for 100 series CASH FOR COINS: Buy or John Deere mower $250. sell. Call 580-475-5132, Dun- Simco 15” saddles in good shape, $350.00./ solid 15” can. big Horn saddle, $200 OBO. Murphy Farms has a new lo- CALL 580-351-2644. cation: 1 mile north on Hwy. 281 from Hwy. 5 in Walters. TUBING AND ROD FOR 20 acres of vegetables com- SALE: 2 3/8- inch construcing soon, Murphyfarmsor- tion tubing 80 cents a ft. Lots of ¾-inch sucker rods $7.50 each. Lots of ¾-inch sucker Empire Sanitation: Rural rod good for shallow wells at trash pickup for Stephens $10 each. East of Duncan. County. $20 per month, week- 580-467-4976. ly pickup, no set-up fee if you FOR SALE: Horizontal dry provide your own container. boring machine, Ditch Witch 580-467-7570. Now serving 150, 5’ long augers, at least Waurika Lake & Corum. 50’ of: 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” and 16’ REALLY DOING MUSIC: DJ tandem axle trailer, (car haulfor all occasions. Over 20 er), $2,500 580-353-8124. years’ experience. Contact FOR SALE: 12 cyd. Dump Roger Mathews, 580-678bed for tandem-axle truck 5504 or 580-704-9086. with cylinder PTO pump and HONEST & DEPENDABLE: controls. $3,000. Bruce PratLady seeking houses to er, 580-641-1952. clean, no job too big. ReferFOR SALE: 1980 Internationences available on request. al 1486 tractor, closed cab 33 years experience. 580with air, $9,400. Boss Little 444-2169. Dude soft hose, 200ft., $600. R&B HANDY MAN SERVIC- 580-467-2202. ES: We can do it all! Free EsFOR SALE: 14’ Krause chistimates. Do not hesitate, call el. 20-hole 8” drill. Chevrolet now! Rob: 580-656-5908 or pickup bed trailer. 14’ flatbed Bill: 580-251-0199. trailer. 300-gallon diesel fuel THE RUSTY BUFFALO tank. 1- ton flatbed for Ford TOO: Hwy. 49 Medicine Park, or Chevrolet with a hydraulic rocks, geodes, fossils, rocks, hay spear. 580-512-3024. blankets, baskets, rocks, rusFOR SALE: John Deere 4440 tic tables, Native American good condition 158 loader, art, rocks. Weekends, 11-6. 7,000 hours. John Deere NEEDED: neat, honest, 4020 new paint Schafer post friendly, non-smoker, drug driver. 8-bale hay hauler. 28’ free, high-energy person to Krause chisel plow. 580-512work in family atmosphere. 3024. No beer sold. Closed Sunday. WANTED TO BUY: 11 or 13 Part time or full time. Apply shank Laney ripper. Call Jim Kwik Serv, 719 South Hwy.81, at 580-704-7755. Duncan. Marilyn, Elvis, vintage clothing, wrestling, collectibles. 50# loose salt, $4.00. Call 580-492-4169. FOR SALE: Small round bales mixed grass hay, $5.50 per bale. Small square bales wheat hay, $6.60 per bale. Call 580-512-2764. FOR SALE: 1,000 round and rye grass large round bales. 4x6 100 corn bales. Call Junior Ledford, 580-251-0173. Call 580-252-3066 or 580786-9006. Entertainment PAINTING LESSONS: Wednesdays at the Walters depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, $25 per session. For more information, call Lavonne High, 580-8752144. Sponsored by the Cotton County Art Council. Fitness and Health Cosmetic Specialty Labs FACTORY OUTLET: For all your beauty needs, featuring talc-free mineral make-up. FOR SALE: 48’ 2007 en210 SW Texas, Lawton. Call closed gooseneck trailer, 580-357-1260. M-F 8 a.m.-5 $12,000. Insulated, power, WANT TO BUY: Heri- p.m. lights, A/C, heat strip, clear tage Rough Rider Combo vinyl curtains, fits two-door 22LR/22MAG Pistol. 580cars plus golf cart. Low miles, 255-5403. three 7,000-lb. axles. 580583-5573. FOR SALE: 6x20 covered stock trailer. 580-512-8884 or 439-2327. Firearms Ɣ Accessories Equipment MERCHANDISE Ɣ Ɣ Garage Sales FINAL YARD SALE! April 5-7. 11 miles north of Lawton on Hwy. 62 then 6 miles west of Porter Hill. VanMetre Estate. Furniture, washer/ dryer, household items, plus-size clothing, musical instruments, boat, rods & reels, shotgun, two bird dogs, tools, shop supplies, miscellaneous. Ɣ Lawton Meat Processing 353-6448 Custom Butchering and Processing In Business Since 1911 (formerly Lud Mieling) Merchandise 603 East “F” - Lawton, OK (Across Street from Sears Service Center) Antiques EASTER SPECIALS Addington Station Antiques. Cranberry Aladdin lamp with cranberry hobnail Fenton shade 1991, carnival glass marigold Ray’s dinnerware, Fire King jadeite swirl bowls. TuesdaySaturday 10-5:30. 580-4395566. SANTA FE TRADERS inside Addington Station Antiques. FOR SALE: Banded stock Fenton hobnail cranberry cow alfalfa $320 or $10 bale. opalescent, Fenton cranberry Banded wheat straw, $4.50. swirl vase, Watling balanced Banded orchard, $345 or $10 weight drug store scales, a bale. 50# loose salt, $4. 4 freestanding oak mirror, metpoint 12-gage wire, $55 a roll. al tobacco signs, 1950s Roy Call 580-492-4169. Rogers kiddie horse ride. FOR SALE: SMALL SQUARE BALES OF MIXED GRASS HAY. $7 PER BALE. MARLOW AREA. CALL 580-5120856. FOR SALE: Square bales of #1 alfalfa for sale in barn, $9.00 each, 100 available. 580-658-5052. Tractors FOR SALE: Kubota Grand L2900 Tractor, 32-HP, 4 wd, shuttle shift 8-speed GST transmission , 810 hrs., excellent condition, $7,495 OBO, Request photos. 580-4677533. ANDY’S BIG TRACTOR, Truck, Construction & Diesel Repair, now open on South 11th Street, Geronimo. We will try to repair your pickups and equipment, and fix them with new parts if necessary. 580-695-3439, 351-8018, or [email protected]. FOR SALE: Massey Ferguson 3500 with brush hog. 580-429-3594. :H6HUYLFH$OO0DMRU%UDQGV 2I(OHFWULF3RUWDEOH:HOGHUV :DUUDQW\6HUYLFH3DUWV ZZZZHOGHUUHSDLUFRP HPDLOZHOGUUSU#VEFJOREDOQHW %DUWRQ 7KHDUHD¶VQHZHVWZUHFNHUVHUYLFH &DOOXVIRUDOO\RXUWRZLQJQHHGV 5HFRYHU\ :UHFNHU 6HUYLFHVZHRIIHU 8QORFN&DUV-XPS6WDUWV$OODVSHFWVRIWRZLQJ 0DUORZ.ZLN/XEH.ZLN.OHHQ&DU:DVK <RXU)XOO6HUYLFH$XWRPRWLYH&DUH)DFLOLW\ :HRIIHU 2LO&KDQJHV 7UDQVPLVVLRQ)OXVKHV 1HZ8VHG7LUHV )ODWV)L[HG %UDNH-REV 7XQH8SV 0LQRU0HFKDQLFDO:RUN &RPH9LVLW0DUORZ¶V %HVW$XWRPDWLF&DU:DVK 6HOI6HUYH%D\V9DFXXPV &DUSHW6KDPSRRHU )UDJUDQFH0DFKLQH 6%URDGZD\0DUORZ Page 20 MERCHANDISE Current LAWN & GARDEN Furniture & Portable Appliances Buildings FOR SALE: White electric and Sheds stove, 220. Window on oven door and has clock. 20” wide, 3’ tall and 24” deep. About 3 years old. $350. 580-6560859. FOR SALE: Couch and love seat, olive green , teal, beige fabric. Good condition, $700.00 for the set. Truck cab clearance lights, new, set of 5, $50.00. Call after 4 p.m., 580-658-3959. Musical Instruments New Yamaha YPT330 61key keyboard with stand, 110 adapter, sustain pedal, Road Runner case, $299. New Behringer Ultratone KT108 keyboard amplifier, $99. 580458-0208. Carports start at $595: Metal buildings, barns & animal shelters. Best prices anywhere, free installation. Visit our display yard, South Hwy. 81 across from fairgrounds, Duncan. 580-252-3880 or visit Tools FOR RENT: 50-hp 46’d 6’ bucket, 7’ box blade, 7’ brush hog, $250 for 10 hr plus diesel. Meter in 24 hrs., will deliver. 580-656-1645. New Epiphone Les Paul Junior electric Guitar with Musicians Gear hard case, $199. New Epiphone AJ100CE acoustic-electric guitar with Musicians Gear hard case, $199. Fender SQ12M 12” 320-watt monitor/speaker, $75. 580-458-0208. FOR SALE: 2000 18’ Party FOR SALE: Vintage (late Barge by Tracker Marine. 1970s) Sansui 9090 stereo Great condition, 50-HP Merreceiver. Rated 125 watts/ cury outboard, AM/FM radio, channel. Interior electron- fish/depth finder, Bimini top, ics cleaned and/or replaced mooring cover. Good trailer & and several other upgrades. tires, $8,500, OBO. 580-504Wood veneer case in 2263 or 504-5892, after 5. Transportation Boats/ Watercraft above average condition. $1,100. 580-585-163. Mowers I BUY certain riding lawn mowers and chain saws. Working and not working. 580-470-8001. FOR SALE: Lawn Mower, Ariens 54” cut Zero Turn, purchased last summer, movedno longer need. Less than 20 hours on meter. $3,000. 580591-1096. March 18, 2013 WANTED: Classic & antique old vehicles, 1910 thru 1975; also old gas pumps & half-ton pickups 1911 thru 1958. Call 580-658-5751 or 658-3739. WANTED: 1959 Cadillac; 1956 or 1957 Lincoln Continental; 1955-57 T-bird, 196163 T-bird; 1953-63 Corvette; 1955-60 Chevys or Fords; 1964-68 Mustangs; 1960s70s Pontiac, Chevy, Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, Oldsmobile, Buick or Ryleys. Call 580-658-5751. FOR SALE: ’71 Camaro drag car, $12,000. Ladder bars and tubbed, runs 6.50’s in 1/8th, on methanol. 400 turbo trans., 350 bored to 385, fresh rebuild, 4.56 rear end. 580-583-5573. FOR SALE: Crystal Clean ’94 Buick Park Avenue, white, blue leather interior, $1,800, 193,000 miles, good tires. 580-597-2501. FOR SALE: 1958 Chevy flatbed truck, have kept up non-operational tags, does run and has new seat covers. Call 580-704-9570 or 580704-8320. FOR SALE: 35-ft. Vogue motor home, ice maker, 2 roof ACs, 2 central heating units, 3-way refrigerator, conventional oven, microwave, 2 TVs, sleeps eight, 34K miles, new engine, $10,500. 580439-5901 or 580-251-1648. Free Estimates 580-470-5455 580-512-9877 Duncan FOR SALE: ‘71 Camaro drag car, $12,000. Ladder bars and tubbed, runs 6.50’s in 1/8th, on methanol. 400 turbo trans., 350 bored to 385, fresh rebuild, 4.56 rear end. 580-583-5573. FOR SALE: Restored 1954 Chevy Bellaire, pearl white, dove gray interior, 350 V8, power steering and brakes, new Michelin tires. Runs great, drive anywhere $15,250. 940-632-5690. FOR SALE: 1998 Toyota Sienna LXI Mini Van good condition. 580-574-0752. Trucks and SUVs Cycles and ATVs FOR SALE: 1985 Chevrolet long bed pickup 350 Motor, asking $1,700 or better offer. Call 580-591-1913 or 580-591-3446. FOR SALE:1996 Seadoo Bombardier with trailer cover. Excellent condition. 580-3576575. FOR SALE: Ladies’ 3-wheel, 5-speed bicycle, never used. $125. 580-658-5052. HONDA: FourTrax Rancher FOR SALE: Boat propeller ES 4 Wheeler, 2006 has less blocks, to repair bent propel- than 600 miles. Very good ler on boats. Good job to pass condition. Asking $3,400. time! 580-467-0146. 580-591-1096. FOR SALE: 1989 Nissan Pathfinder, runs good asking $2500 or better offer. Call 580-591-1913 or 580-5913446. Cars Golf Carts FOR SALE: 2005 Lincoln Town Car, 177,000 miles $4,800. Call 580-467-3529. FOR SALE: Golf Carts for sale or lease. 580-656-2314. FOR SALE: 96’ Chevy ext. ½-ton pickup 350 auto, new ac, narrow bed, new rotors and pads on front, nice truck, high mileage , runs like a top. $3,300. 580-512-5844. FOR SALE: 1999 Isuzu Rodeo 4x4 clean, well maintained, low miles. 580-5740752. Residential Cellulose & Fiberglass FOR SALE: 27-ft. bumper pull sportsman camper with superslide. 2000 model. Sleeps 6, queen bed in bedroom. A/C, heater, fridge, water heater, etc. all work. Comes with some camping supplies. 580-467-0484. $6,800. FOR SALE: 2006 Excel model 30RSO 5th wheel, 32’, three slides, new tires, very clean, $23,500, and 2007 Forest River Wildcat 5th wheel, 29’ with 1 slide, rear kitchen, $14,900, 580-5850448. Recreational Vehicles Insulation NEED TO SELL, DUE TO HEALTH: 1985 Vogue II Motorhome. New engine 15,000 miles, new cooling system, new air ride system, steel-belted tires. Make offer, would consider trade for 5th wheel. Call 580-439-5901 or 251-1648. FOR SALE: Ford 1- ton flatbed, 1,800-lb. feeder, good farm truck. Call 580-6586217 or 641-0820. FOR SALE: 1951 Buick Super 4-door runs and drives $5,000. 1985 Fleetwood motorhome runs and drives good. $2,500. Call 580-4925744. South Central TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION FOR SALE: 2005 Bayliner fish and ski, 135 Mercruise, FOR SALE: Norman Lab trolling motor, heavy trailer, Model 11 speakers. Look and swing way tongue, surge sound great. Wood veneer brakes, spare tire, depth I BUY MOTORCYCLES: in excellent condition. $175. finder, like new. $9,500. 580- Tom’s Motor Sales Company, 467-1395. LLC. Call 580-756-0037. 580-585-1631. Lawn & Garden Classifieds FOR SALE: 2003 bumper pull travel trailer, sleeps 8, couch slide out tent pop out. Everything works, $6,800. Call 580-467-3529. FOR SALE: 1993 International 2-ton diesel truck, 16 ft. box, 6’x8’ power lift. Auto trans., good rubber, runs great. 580-658-2995 or 626293-4094. FOR SALE: 1976 Dodge motor home. $500. 580-6560233. FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy suburban, 148,000 miles, very clean, $6,500. 580-512-6762. METAL BUILDINGS METAL ROOFING PURLIN TUBING 1706 N. 2nd Street, Marlow, OK Metal Building Components for Commercial, Residential, Farm, & Ranch 580-658-1156 Building Farm Ponds & Private Lakes In the Cotton Electric Service Area )DUP3RQGDQG/DNH&RQVWUXFWLRQ $ORQJ:LWK /DQG&OHDULQJDQG6KHDULQJ )HQFH5RZV %XLOGLQJ3DGV )RU (YHU\-RE ³7UDFNKRH´ 6WURQJ'HVLUH WR3OHDVH 6KHWKLQNV ZH¶UHMXVW¿ VKLQ¶ 7KH\WKLQN ZH¶UHMXVW¿VKLQ¶ 6HUYLQJWKH 6RXWKZHVW$UHD 'RQ3UDWHU'R]HUV &DOO%UXFH$W ³%XOOGR]HUV´ March 18, 2013 Current Classifieds More Classified ads are on the back page. TRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: 1976 C-60 Winch truck, runs good asking $3,500. Call 580-591-1913 or 580-591-3446. WORK BOOTS for sale. Steel-toe, new. Red Wing Pecos, sizes 7 ½ and 12. Rocky lace-ups, size 8 ½. $80 each. 580-656-5365. TERRITORIAL WAGON TRAIN and TRAIL RIDE: Gather May 3rd @ Cooperton, Oklahoma at Kenneth & Arlene Boyd’s Place. Ride Dates: May 4 - 8th. Ride your horse/mule or drive your wagon/buggy. Information: Lisa Wright, 580-585-7280. CANNING JARS: wanted. Mason type. 580-606-0620. WANTED: Will buy “Good” used furniture and will take antique pieces on consignment. Call: 580-252-0880. TUTOR FOR ALL GRADES: All subjects, except upperlevel math. Driver’s Education special. 580-591-2921. FOR SALE: 1938 Chevy Street\ Rod. Call for details. 252-3066 or 786-9006. No calls after 9 p.m. FOR SALE: Swing set (slide, two swings, trampoline) $85, reg. price $269.99; Ford Ranger canopy, black, $200; Propane heater Kerosheat, 23,000 Btu, used twice, $45; pet carrier, medium, $25; Norcent 27” LCD TV, $150; Call 580-875-3677. STORAGE UNITS FOR RENT: 10X25 for $40 a month in Faxon, OK. Call 580-695-9721 or 580-3538353. Leave message if no ANDY’S BIG TRACTOR, answer. Truck, Construction & Diesel FOR SALE: FS 1500 watt gas Repair, now open on South generator, $100. 580-65811th Street, Geronimo. We 9372. will try to repair your pickups FOR SALE: Gas stove, washand equipment, and fix them er, coffee table. 580-333with new parts if necessary. 0037. 580-695-3439, 351-8018, or [email protected]. Miscellaneous TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Offers a wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the rest of their lives. Interested in a party or selling it yourself? Call Donna, 580585-2022. FOR SALE: Full-size bed, 9-drawer dresser, 5-drawer chest of drawers, large stereo speakers, camping equipment., Trolling motor 34 lb. thrust, fish locaters, plumbing fittings, Onan generator, router. 580-248-5074. FOR SALE: Water meter, Comanche Country Rural Water District #3. Sharon Ballard. 580-585-1680. FOR SALE: Euro body shaper, like new for cardio and strength training. Whole body vibration. Improves balance, bone density and circulation. $1,000. Call 580252-8889. NEW BRICK: approximately 400, $0.50 each. 2 bottom plow, good condition, $250. Call 580-252-1649. FOR SALE: 2009 Yard Machine Hydro riding lawn mower 42-inch cut 22 horse power Kohler engine, $700 or best offer. Also 5 old school desks, $150. 580-529-3733 or 3517052. Bob Davis, Medicine park area. FOR SALE: 20-ton shop press, $90. 3 aluminum truck tanks, $75 each. fertilizer or feed transport wagon, $250. 2 large oxygen tanks, $150 each. Large argon tank. $150. 580-606-0600. FOR SALE: Nelson automatic waterers w/heaters, $75 each. 50-gal. compressor tank, $70. New 5’ whirlpool tub, white, in crate, $725. Trojan hydraulic cattle chute, excellent condition, $7,000 580-606-0600. FOR SALE: Pink “Adam” pattern Depression glass. Approximately 75 pieces, all in good condition. Not willing to piece out. $1,200 OBO. For information, call 580-2524281. BEAN DINNER with all the fixin’s Thursday, March 28, from 11-1:30 at First Baptist Church of Countyline. Proceeds benefit new fellowship hall. Cost is $7. Place to-go orders at 580-467-1041. CPR Class for your home or business : RN OU medical grad, ready to teach and certify you in CPR. Please call for availability and price. 580595-1473, Crystal. FOR SALE: 1993 S10 Chevy pickup, $1,050. 33’ pipe trailer, $1,400. 16x6 gooseneck utility trailer, $1,200. 38 Special S&W pistol, $525. Other miscellaneous items. Call 940-704-3495. FOR SALE: Miller Bobcat welder, 250 amp, AC/DC, 20 horse power, Kohler engine, 307 hours. 580-492-4832 or 580-581-7040. FOR SALE: Restored 1954 Chevy Bellaire, pearl white, dove gray interior, 350 V8, power steering and brakes, new Michelin tires. Runs great, drive anywhere $15,250. 940-632-5690. Ochsner Dozer Services Pond, Terraces, Tree Clearing, Building Pads, NRCS Work, etc. For estimate on your job call Jeff 580-704-2226 Page 21 Classified Ad Policy Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Starlite Welding Supplies 5HJXODWRUV7RUFK5HSDLU 7RUFK.LW6SHFLDOV We Appreciate Your Business 1 Yr. Cylinder Lease $40.95 SPECIALS on Welders/Generators 506 Industrial Ave.--By Duncan Cemetery Mon.-Fri., 7:30 am -5:30 pm; Sat., 7:30 am -1 pm Home-owned by Kenneth/Jeff Golay Since 1991 580-252-8320 Page 22 MISCELLANEOUS Current MISCELLANEOUS DRIVER’S ED INSTRUCTION. Beginning drivers or refreshers. 580-591-2921. CHISHOLM TRAIL COWBOY CHURCH: Meeting south of Duncan on Refinery FOR SALE: GE 26.7-cu.-ft. Rd. For information, call 580refrigerator/freezer, no frost, 656-4373. side by side. $300. 580-875- Stephens County Combined Honor Guard provides ser2213 or 284-5884. Steel pipe with couplers, 31 vices at all military veterans’ pieces, 28’ long, OD 5”, ID funerals. Uniformed guard 4.25”. $5100, 580-536-3144. furnishes 21-gun salute, I bought as well casing but plays taps, folds flag. Serves Stephens, Cotton, Comannever drilled the well. che and Jefferson counties. FOR SALE: Swimming pool, No charge. Call L.D. Williams 21’ x 4’ deep, sand filter, at 580-439-8244. has brand-new pump motor, includes nice ladder, robot FOR SALE: Hardy wine, vacuum sweeper, and all ac- table grapes, and trees. Vicessories, needs new liner, dal Blanc $2; Traminette $5. Piedmontese Nursery & Vine$700, 580-429-2490. yard. 580-583-5573 OAK FIREWOOD: seasoned or green, $75.00 a rick deliv- CACHE CREEK COWBOY ered in the Marlow, Duncan, CHURCH (4C): Now gathComanche, and Waurika erin’ at Lo Ranch House area. Please call 580-656- (Lawton Rangers) ½ miles south of Hwy. 7 at 2102 SE 2632. 60th. 10 a.m. Sunday & 7:30 OAK SPLIT OAK wood for p.m. Wednesday. A church sale. $60 rick. 580-658-5193. of second chances. www.caFIREWOOD for sale. $65 or call 580rick. 580-656-6966. 585-3443. News March 18, 2013 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Structural pipe 2 3/8 $1.00 per foot; 2 7/8 $1.25 per foot located in Velma. Call 580-251-1020. FREE 30-page guide to common local spiders (includes 60 photos) available from author. If interested in electronic copy (pdf, about 4.5 MB), please contact aachiri@ QUILTING BEE: Each Tuesday at Senior Center. Other crafts. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Lunch. All welcome. Legion Bldg.; 1-44, Exit 45 East & bear south. Call Louretta, 580529-2739. FOR SALE: Firewood – hickory, oak, pecan, blackjack. 50% split. 580-470-5966. FOR SALE: Small fold and carry Petco dog cage. Light gauge black wire with chewproof tray. Used very little. $35. 580-252-2389 or 4675775. SEEKING: donations of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. FOR SALE: Mountain Man fur hats, Daniel Boone raccoon or skunk hats, $100 each. Custom made to fit you! Ammonite fossils also available, $25 and up. 580-919-0267. OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE: to the Wichita Mountains New 8th Edition features 25 hiking trails and 20 auto-tours to historic & interesting places. $15.95ea. $2 postage. Send check: Valley of the Wichitas, P.O. Box 6741, Lawton OK, 73506. HERB’S LAPIDARY ROCK SHOP has new gift items. FOR SALE: NATIONAL bilEstate sale behind rock shop. liard pool table: $550; 2002 907 S. Highway 81, ComanHD 1200 Custom Sportster che. Open Wed.- Sat. or by Empire Sanitation. Rural 12,000 miles: $6,800; 2007 appointment. 580-439-4186 trash pickup for Stephens Cub Cadet lawn & garden County. $20 per month, weekor 580-439-5347. tractor 1554: $1,700. 10-hp ly pickup, no set-up fee if you Coleman Power-mate gen- COTTON ELECTRIC SPEprovide your own container. erator: $450. Call 580-467- CIAL: $25/hour, 4-hr. mini- Now serving Waurika Lake & mum. Brush hogging and dirt 2463. Corum. 580-467-7570. work with front-end loader & FOR SALE: Lincoln Ranger Tuesdays, box blade. Regular charge is DOMINOES: 225 welder/ generator 10,500 $35 hour 4-hour minimum. Thursdays. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. watts Kohler 23-hp. gasoline 405-658-4159 OR 580-656- Senior Center. (Also senior motor. Brand-new in the box exercise, games, & classes 0382. 2-year-old warranty. $2,900. Thurs.). Lunch. Legion Bldg.; CG’S SEPTIC REPAIR, LLC: Call 580-591-3295. I-44, Exit 45 East & bear Specializing in servicing all south. 580-574-1942. www. Super Blue Stuff, OTC: with HOME-GROWN TREES: Cosmetic Specialty Labs aerobic systems, including Emu Oil, 4.4 oz. & Super Balled & burlapped, bald cy- FACTORY OUTLET invites compressors, sprinklers & White Stuff, OTC Roll-On 3 press, red oak, lacebark elm, public for pampering & relaxCOMMUNITY water pumps. Septic tank in- WALTERS pine trees, Bradford pear, ation. Saturday appointment oz. (no color or fragrance) spections. Curtis Giles, 580- FOOD PANTRY: 8 a.m. to 10 crape myrtles, silver maple & only. Groups & clubs wel- for Natural Pain Relief of 248-8239 or 483-1655. a.m., second and fourth Satmore. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, come. 210 SW Texas, Law- muscles, joints, headaches, urdays in old City Hall, 131 ½ CARRY Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 ton. Call 580-357-1260. M-F cramps, etc. Discounts for CONCEALED W. California Street. Serves when buying more than 1. CLASS: NRA/SDA certified anyone with identification. or 580-255-1892. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. instructor. Call 580-704- For information, call 580580-439-6189 (Comanche). PAINTING LESSONS: Cross Creek Cowboy 4804, Cache. 591-6826. Wednesdays at the Walters Church: Meeting at 313 W. UGLY MUG PHOTOGRAWE BUY & SELL: Gold & Sildepot. Any level, beginner Main in Marlow. 10 a.m. Sun- PHY, CACHE, OK. I would OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE: to advanced, $25 per ses- day mornings. Pastors Butch love to put my skill and cre- ver coins and supplies. 113 to the Wichita Mountains To sion. For more information, & Cheryl Swanson. Bible ativity to work for you, let me W. Main, Duncan. 580-251- order trail guide and other call Lavonne High, 580-875- study at 6:30 p.m. on Monday preserve your story in photos! 9818. publications about the Wichi2144. Sponsored by the Cot- nights. Call 580-251-0629 or Like me on Facebook. 580- FOR SALE: Seasoned oak ta Mountains: see www.wich251-1208. firewood. 580-255-8126. 699-1026. ton County Art Council. FOR SALE : Tappan wall oven-$50. Dell computer, keyboard, and printer, $50. 580-512-2764. FOR SALE: Petrified wood, turquoise, tiger’s eye, rose quartz, agates, jaspers, hundreds more, handmade, wirewrapped pendants. Beautiful, reasonable. Custom orders welcome. Rockit1043@, 580-313-1100. PAINTING LESSONS: Wednesdays at the Walters depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, $25 per session. For more information, call Lavonne High, 580-8752144. Sponsored by the Cotton County Art Council. FOR SALE: Buick Park Avenue, white leather, extra clean, no accidents, 193,000 miles, asking $1,800. Good tires, 2011. 580-597-2501. FOR SALE: Blue Finn 15 ft. Open Boat, 9.8 Nissan Outboard Motor. Has fish finder, anchors and trailer. Very good shape. $1,850, 580492-5174 or 512-1536. FOR SALE: 8M Ford tractor, good rubber, starts right up. $1,950, 580-492-5174 or 5121536. FOR SALE: 12x64 mobile home, to be moved. Extension in living room, 2 bedrooms, some furniture, needs some repairs. CHEAP!! Call 580-512-5840 for more information. Poultry Nesting Boxes Arvel Hignite Rush Springs 580-641-1267 580-476-2608 Rt 1 Box 68C2 Hastings, OK 73548 Walker Creek Estates at Waurika Lake! 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, open living-dining-kitchen area! New vinyl windows, nice home on a very pretty setting with trees and on big lot! Reduced to $64,900 Listed with RE/MAX OF DUNCAN 580-252-7800 Call Bryan Fisher for info and to view at 580-251-1195. Shop The merchandise in this advertisement was selected far in advance of publication. Therefore, if an item is out of stock, and a replacement is unavailable, we will offer a comparable value to you. We appreciate your understanding and your business. Any typographic, photographic, or production errors are subject to correction in pricing and description. All models shown may not be on display in all stores but are available from our warehouse stock. NOW and SAVE! Instant Savings! 10% 377 SAVE $ On this Frigidaire 4-Piece Stainless Steel Kitchen Suite OFF SAVE $100 26 Cu. Ft. Side-By-Side Refrigerator #FFHS2622MS by mail with the purchase of qualifying Frigidaire Professional Series appliances. Offer good Mar. 13 to Mar. 31, 2013. #FFBD2411NS Smoothtop Electric Range #FFEF3043LS Additional charge for Gas Range 1.6 Cu. Ft. Capacity Microwave Oven See store for details. #FFMV164LS $ NOW .431 2399 Frigidaire Gallery Stainless Steel Dishwasher t 0SCJU$MFBO4QSBZ"SN t*OUFHSBUFE$POUSPM1BOFM t'JUT.PSF$BQBDJUZ #FGHD2465NF After 10% Off Instant Savings 1100 INSTANT Good 3-13 / 3-25 $ Up To SAVINGS SAVE 419 Lifetime Tub$Guarantee! ON THE PAIR $ SAVE 180 ON THE PAIR After Rebates Hotpoint® Affinity Frigidaire® Top-Load Washer Top Load Washer t&YUS"DUJPO3JCCFE#BTLFU GOING ON NOW with the purchase of a qualifying LG TV. t $V'U$BQBDJUZ t%VBM"DUJPO"HJUBUPS t8BTI$ZDMFT t1PXFS3JOTF0QUJPO t WaterFall Wash Technology t"VUP#BMBODF4VTQFOTJPO for Better Cleaning #HTWP1200DWW t%VSB.PUJPOWash Action See store for details. Replacing your old appliance with an ENERGY STAR® qualified model is the smart choice. ENERGY STAR products use less energy, save money on electric bills, and help fight global warming. An ENERGY STAR qualified Dishwasher is estimated to save about $50 in utility costs over its lifetime. 1 OrbitClean Tall Tub Dishwasher #FAHE4044MW Hotpoint® Electric Dryer Frigidaire® Affinity tDVGU$BQBDJUZ Electric Dryer See Store for Additional in-store Offers! Over the life of your ENERGY STAR qualified washer, you’ll save enough money in operating costs to pay for the matching dryer. 1 t%VSB%SVN*OUFSJPS tDVGU$BQBDJUZ t)FBU4FMFDUJPOT t %SZOFTT$ZDMFT #HTDX100EDWW #FARE4044MW * MSRP $1598 PAIR $349 349 1399 * WASHER MSRP $429FOR $ $ * DRYER MSRP $449 THE PAIR After $100 Mail-in Rebate and Additional Savings NOW NOW Good 3-13 / 3-30 518 SAVE 918 $ *MSRP $649 599 $ NOW On This Frigidaire Gallery Stainless Steel 3-Piece Kitchen Suite 26 cu. ft. Side-By-Side Refrigerator #DGUS2645LF 3 Cycle Dishwasher #FGBD2435KF Smoothtop Electric Range #DGEF3041KF Additional charge for Gas Range $ NOW .431 2399 After $200 Mail in Rebate Good 3-13 / 3-31 *All prices shown are Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. MSRP applies to the continental 48 United States and does not include such items as delivery, installation, installation accessories (i.e. range cords), or removal of old appliances. Actual dealer price may vary. 1 Estimates established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department Of Energy to calculate the savings in energy and/or water costs over the lifetime of the product. Actual savings my vary based on use and other factors.
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