Impact The infl ersity South Bend 1992


Impact The infl ersity South Bend 1992
The typical IUSB student?
Maybe he's 19, majoring in FineAns, working 30 ho urs a week at
a restaurant, and planning (0 ger his degree in six or seven years.
IUSB enrollment for the
spring of 1992 breaks
another record, with
7,4 13 students, up 5
percent from the previous year.
Ran dy Isaacson, ass istant professor of Education, is named rec ipient
of the annuallUSB Distinguished Teaching
Youngsters w hose families ca n't afford dental
care get it free during
the ann ua l free Dental
Hyg iene Clinic at IUSB .
Mental illness and
American social change
are sou rces of concern
for nationa l mental
health expert G eorge
Albee and local psychologist a nd Associate
Professor V. Thoma s
Mawhinney, as IUSB's
"America in the Year
2000" lectures move
into spring .
Or maybe she's 37, with no rime for any more than tWO courses a
Dependent Children, and then applied for someci1ing differenradmission (0 IUSB: "I wanted someth ing better for my kids."
semesrer. She'll be in her mid-forties before she finishes her degree and
Dming ci1e school years, she and her children got by on $100 a
begins her dream of teacl1ing. But her determination is unwavering.
monci1 for food. Butwim ci1e bachelor's degree in nursing finally in her
IUSB's mission of making universi ty education accessible (0 rhe
hand last year, the long rough road is over, and McDonald is now
residenrs ofMichiana puts ci1e campus ar rhe curring edge of service (0
employed at a local hospital.
Inspired by her exan1ple, several of her brothers and sisters are
going (0 college (00.
Like many IUSB srudents, Debra Voltz-Miller didn't get (0 college
right our of high schoo!. Bur when she finally did after becoming a wife
and mother, she made-up fo r lost time, working intensively on evelY
College Level Examination Program available at IUSB, evenrually
graduated, and men pursued a law degree. Now she practices law parrtime and is also a project manager at the Associates Corporation.
Bill S(Out of Elkhart, who finished high school on aGED
America's new non-tradirional college srudents, opening educarional
opportuniries (0 a previously ignored population wirh full-rime jobs
and/o r fam ilies (0 support, and also (0 yo ung people who orhelwise
would give up meir college goals for lack of money. A recenr survey
revealed thar more than 30 percenr oflocal high school graduares who
go on (0 college attend IUSB, considerably higher man me proportion
attending any orher college.
factOlY and secretarial jobs during the day while moonlighting as a
waitress (0 mal<e ends meet. She finally applied for Aid (0 Families with
Many are the lives changed because change was a possibility.
certificate, is a busiJ1ess major at IUSB . He attends classes at boci1 the
South Bend campus and IUSB's Elkhart Cenrer. S(Out (Ook the
Welfare and food stamps kept Leslie McDonald's family fed and
sheltered for four lean years while she earned a bachelor's degree.
plunge in(O college after becoming wealYof his job. "I wanted (0 use
my brain more, and achieve a different life for myself," says the 28-
Growing up in a family of five children, college never entered her
mind: "I didn't have a lot of big dreams." She was a lOci1 grade
year-old. "Going (0 college removed my blinders. I'm not just looking
fOlward (0 Fridays and a paycheck anymore; I'm finding personal
satisfaction ."
dropout, married at 17, first child at 19, divorced at 21 , and working
Welcome to IMPACT, the 1992 annual report from Indiana University South
Bend. I hope you enjoy reading about the many ways IUSB's presence has benefited
our commw1ity.
This year's report centers on how IUSB exerts a profound, positive influence
on the quality of life in Michiana. The quality of life in this community is dependent on
many influences, some of which are obvious. Others, however, are less apP::trent because
of how they have evolved, the degree of their development and the naUlre of their role.
IUSB is a prime example.
Given the rapid growth of the South Bend campus within just a few decades,
and the preoccupation of the University with meeting the demand for more programs
while maintaining a high standard of quality, it's understandable that community
awareness ofIUSB's emergence as a major university campus lags behind the reality.
IUSB's attention has been focused-quite properly-on giving Michiana
citizens the opportunity to obtain a lmiversity education they might othetwise never
have been able to achieve or afford. Meanwhile, IUSB's role as a highly-developed
university Ce1.IIlPUS, and its impact on the local
economy, schools, arts, public safety, indeed the
vitality of our community, are still not common
knowledge to many in our community.
That's why we're devoting this annual report
to providing a current awareness ofIUSB as a comprehensive institution in its own
right; a brief overview of a few of the many ways that IUSB influences the quality of life
in the Michiana community. IMPACT does indeed tell d1e story of a year at IUSB. It
also tells you of some ofIUSB's impact beyond the limitations of a calendar.
And for those of you whom we honor in this year's roll CeLll of donors: Our
most heartfelt thanks for your generosity to a university we believe to be an active force
for good in Michiana.
Best wishes,
Daniel Cohen
New York City philosopher Edith Wyschogrod
discusses "The Healing
of Philosophy" at IUSB's
annual Philosophy Day.
Attending college in their own conullwlity means IUSB students
can give sometlling back to tile conullunity.
Among the thousands of IUSB graduates who had something
val uable to give to tile Midliana community are many prominent
business, civic and political leaders whose example and service are all
admired and appreciated.
Eileen Bender, associate
professor of English and
special assistant to the
chancellor at IUSB and
associate dean of faculties at Bloomington, is
honored with a YWCA
Women of the Year
award for her extensive
service to the community.
The Divi sion of Continuing Education w ins a
Program Excellence
Award from the National University Continuing
Education Association .
Spring economic briefings in South Bend and
Elkhart by Business and
Economics faculty members John Peck, Suzanne
Konzelmann-Smith and
Fred Herschede offer a
cautious forecast for the
and is now a sixth grade teacher at South Bend Madison School. In the
d assroom he encourages students with large dollops of "you-can-doit" enthusiasm and self-esteem, starring with the handshake he greets
them with each morning.
Lois Mason was pregnant and raising a large family when she
enrolled at lUSB. Mason is now not only assistant principal atJohn
But there are many more less well-1mown IUSB graduates who
Adams High School, bur a volunteer speal<er and understanding guide
also contribute much to our conununity, and who are malcing just as
to teenagers, particularly black teenagers. "You have to have self-
big a diffe rence in tile quality of our lives. Here are a few:
Janet Brown was still finding her way toward an undetermined but
respect and strength to do what's right for yo u, not what someone else
wants you to do," she says.
hopeful futu re when she enrolled at IUSB, where she eventually
It rook Lou Berzai 10 years to get his bachelor's degree from IUSB,
became inspired by Professor Glenn Chesnut's courses in religious
and now he's back working on a master's. Education is only one of (he
studies. She graduated, went on to become an ordained Methodist
many pursuits of this busy man, who also runs the Data Processing
minister, and is now a pasror in laG range.
Management Association's 100-booth [fade show and is former
Only 100 teachers in the U.S. are tapped fo r (he $1,000 Sallie Mae
president of (he 35,000-member organization. Berzai is an adjunct
First-Year Teacher Award, and IUSB graduate Patrick H ubler is one
fac ul ty member and advisor fo r Notre Dame's Computer Applications
of them. Three years ago, he completed his bachelor's degree at IUSB
Program, teaching the business side of computer applications.
The new campus greenspace,
from an upper floor o/the
Franldin D. Schurz Library
IUSB Professor Harold
Langland's scu lpture
exhibit at a major Washington, D.C., gallery is
launched with a reception sponsored for IU
alumni. Among the
guests are Third District
Congressman Tim
Roemer .
U.S. Sen. Dan Coats
conducts a national
health care issues forum
at IUSB .
Gloria Kaufman, longtime director of the IUSB
Women's Studies Program, is named the
eighth Eldon F. Lundquist
Faculty Fellow, the most
prestigious honor given
to an IUSB facu lty member.
Research and teaching: Two sides of the university coin.
research, most of which has wider application dun me immediate
first and foremost ro teach. We agree. Teaching is a responsibility of
area. Because Michiana doesn't exist in isolation, almost all research
evelY IUSB facul ty member. In fact, one advantage of [USB is that
is of potential practical val ue ro the community.
even beginning undergraduates attend classes taught by professors.
In 1992, the campus also launched me first issue of The JUSB
Review, an annual publication of ideas, scholarship and creative work
But scholarship is also a crucial part of faculty responsibilities.
Without scholarly activity, faculty members lose rouch with the
by faculty.
content and excitement of their fields, and their teachi ng suffers. ruSB
In addition ro research, ruSB faculty give generously of d1eir
faculty members are constandy engaged in the rigors of research, and
expenise ro the communilY, serving on boards and malcing memselves
the benefit ro Michiana is that much of it has practical application for
available for consultations, programs, workshops and lectures.
the community.
Research projects by ruSB f.1cu lty members vary widely in scope;
here are a few examples of projects completed JUSt in d1e past year:
·initiatingasocial action project and exchange program ofeconomic
Words never uttered at rUSB: "You're only an wldergraduate.
You can't do research."
Faculty aren't the only ones who conduct research at IUSB. Under
the guidance of fac ulty menrors, IUSB students have produced a
and educational support between a Nigerian city and the ci lY of
weal th of information, and d1e unique Undergraduate Research Fund
Benron Harbor, Michigan, with plans for murual projects and work
malees it possible ro extend such experience even ro undergraduates,
exchanges of students and residents;
who have traditionally been left out of research involvement.
·assisting area law enforcement with long-range studies that trade
trends in criminal activities;
·generating information on urban trends, environmental
Undergrad uate projects at lUSB have addressed the emotional
turmoil of young diabetics, provided young families with specialized
information about child-raising, analyzed the economics ofIndiana's
conditions, area heald1 care, state and local economies, the homeless,
public schools, produced a book on accommodating disabled students
state lotteries, lead poisoning, corporal punishment, and other facro rs
and analyzed lalee water quality.
pertaining ro communilY qualilY;
·establishing computer systems for faculty and students ro conduct
sociological research in Michiana;
Bruce C. Westrate of the
History faculty is author
of a critica lly-praised
book on British policy in
the Middle East from
1916 to 1920, published in May.
IUSB faculty members are continually engaged in a variety of
Many Americans believe the job of a university fac ulty member is
· enhancing our sense ofhisrorical roOts wi th research into local life
and events long ago.
Students this year have reponed on tenant management of public
housing, roadside management ofIndiana highways and me current
state of d1e Pokagon Potawaromie Nation. They evaluated heald1
communications and produced an "IUSB Woman's Journal," a
collection of essays, reviews and interviews.
The Multiplier Effect: IUSB is a powerful economic force.
additional incentive for them to stay here, rUSB's presence adds up to
On the surbce, the economic impact of any instirution can be
a huge economic impact on the communi ry ledger.
The play's tile tlung-and tile dance, tile music, the art.
measured in simple terms: rUSB purchased more than $1.5 million in
IUSB's Silver Celebration
commencement graduates 917 students, compared to the original 31
w ho received the campus' first degrees in
goods and services during 1992, and most of those funds went to local
What wo uld Michiana's cultural landscape be like without ruSB?
providers and suppliers. Of the 16,000 rUSB alumni, more man
IUSB is founder and home to the Michiana Young Men and Boy
10,000 live in Michiana. ruSB employs almost 1,300 area residents,
Choir and the South Bend Yo uth Symphony. The an nual Children's
at an an nual payroll of $17.5 million.
Play, ptoduced by the ruSB Theater Company and Tri Kappa, has
But direct impact is only the up of the iceberg. What isn't readily
apparent is known as the multi plier effect.
Because rUSB amacts a significant flow of income fro m outside
Michiana, it becomes an important contributor to the creation of new
been seen by a quarter of a million people in 27 years; school tlleater
groups are always calling campus for assistance with acting, directing,
scenery, costumes, lighting-virtually every aspect of theater
production .
income and jobs in the communiry. That income is funneled into
An IU report reviewing
the performance of
Chance llor Dan Cohen
g ives him high marks for
hi s leadership during the
past four years at IUSB .
IUSB's Division of Labor
Stud ies celebrates its
20th anniversary w ith a
lecture by Keith Kna uss,
coordinator and professor of Labor Studies,
talking about the future
of th e labor movement.
Without rUSB, Michiana lovers offi ne music would have to travel
Michiana through payroll expenditures and me Universiry's local
purchases of goods and services.
department. The new Dance Program provides yo ung people in the
As the community acqui res this income, a multiplier effect occurs
as the University's expenditures become income for local merchants,
communilY as well as IUSB students with the finest professional
who in turn spend a portion of their dollars locally as well. That
vario us media regularly showcase their wo rk in Michiana and con-
spending generates in turn still mo re income, and so forth thro ugh
tribute tlleir talents
successive rounds of spending in Michiana. Locally, each dollar of
enjoy the dazzling array of talents gathered within the music
instruction. rn fine arts, nationalJy-exllibited sCLup[Ors and artists in a
the communiry's cultural growth and vitality.
The thriving state of the arts at rUSB deeply enriches the fibe r of
ourside income to rUSB expands, through the multiplier effect,' to a
tile community, and adds immeasurably [0 Michiana's image across
total of nearly three dollars circulating in the local economy.
the nation and aro und the world.
The same effect occurs in the job market. Each initial job created
A community is a composite of many things. rt is a myriad of
by ruSB dollars expands to a total of four jobs by the time the
facto rs, of his[Ory, influences and impressions. It is dependent on a
multiplier effect tuns its course. As a result, rUSB significantly boosts
stable bur flexible economy, on educational resources that anticipate
the rate of economic development and gtowth in the area economy.
tomo rrow's needs, on a tllriving cultural life that can deepen the bond
Consider, too, the rUSB students and alumni. We have over
10,000 alumni living in Midliana, a skilled labor fo rce Witll enhanced
with one's neighbors.
The extent [0 which these influences are present and thriving is tile
educational and career credentials and a definite edge in lifetime
truest measure of a community. By ensuring that the significant
earnings potential. By providing Michiana with jobs, an infusio n of
components of this communi ry are of the best, most enduring kind,
money, well-educated citizens witll increased earning power, and an
rUSB effects a deep and lasting impact on the quality of om lives. _
Foreign Languages Professor Joseph L. Peyser' s
book, Leffers from New
France, is publi shed . It is
based on his 12 years of
researc h about the early
history of Fort St. Joseph
in what is now Niles,
The first Distinguished
A lumnus Award is presented to A lan H. Ha ll ,
M.D ., na tiona l expert on
medical toxicology and
consulting toxicologi st for
Operation Desert Storm ,
at the Alumni Association's "Summertime
Swing ."
The National Science
Foundation awards a
$30,000 Instrumentation
Improvement Grant to the
IUSB Department of Sociology to establish an
undergraduate computer
laboratory and a "Computers for the New Majority" project.
T he camp us gratefully acknowledges the generosity o f those listed
on th e fo llowing pages in maki ng
excellence a reality at Indian a
University South Bend during
1992. Gifts acknowledged here
were received by Indiana U ni versity
South Bend fro m January 1 ro
D ece mber 3 1, 1992.
Russell G. and Jean H. Ashbaugh,
Louis and Elea nor Baker
Jacqueline L. Cau l
M r. and M rs . Thomas H . C orson
Arthur J. and Patricia C. D ecio
Va n E. and Jea n Gates
Jo rdan and C raig Kapson
Patt Klein
M r. and M rs. Judd Leighron
Jack K. and Janet L. Matthys
Mr. and M rs. W arren E. M cG ill
D o uglas M . Mi ck
Samuel and Joan New
Ernesti ne M. and Robert Rad in
Sa muel and Shirley Raitzin
Fra nkli n D. Schurz, Jr.
James M. Schu rz
W illi am S. and Kathryn L. Shields
M r. and Mrs. Thomas L. Shul tz
Barbara K. Wa rner
Mr. and M rs. Thomas E . W arrick
W alter O. and M adelo n Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Dar W iekamp
c. O. Tools, In c.
CTS Foundation
Ku err Concrete, Inc.
N ew Energy Company ofInd iana
Northern Indiana Public Service
The Associa tes
M r. and Mrs. G lenn L. Banks
Doloris C. Cogan
George E . and Paula Kay H eiser
Jo nath an W . Housand , Jr.
Fred S. Kahn
Robert O. and Margaret S. Laven
Patticia A. Lodyga
Jan e C. Lowell
M. Me ndel and F rances M . P ise r
M argarer Pri ckett
D avid and Monica Sage
M rs. J. M . Srudebaker, [II
May, O berfell , & Lo rber
Office In terio rs, [ nco
T ravelmo re/Carison Travel
Nerwo rk
Verlder, Inc.
Robert V. Batteast
Leah Berke
Lo is K. Ca rder
Jacqueline R. Carlso n
H arry and Sarah R. Coffman
T homas R. C urski
Lo is A. DclVallee
Lynn M arie D isbrow
C heryl S. E iszn er
Frederi ck C. and Lilla Jane E lbel
James R. Faux
Ca rl A. and M ary C. Fisher, Jr.
T errence F. Gierzy nski
Amy G unther
Susa n D. H aas
Gerald E. and Eileen B. H arriman
Wi lli am G . H ealy
Sally L. Hendri cks
Eugene W. and Al ice W . H enry
Yo un gsook K. Lee
C harles D. Mira nda
Thomas J. M iranda
Janis S. M organ
James L. and Kathleen S. M ulli ns
Dale M. and Ma ril yn S. Pace
G eorge R. Palmer, Jr.
Ed A. Petron
Barth and Hel en Poll ak
Lo ren F. and Jo A nn Priest
Catherin e A. Reidy
Ray mo nd G. Reim er
Merle H. and H azel A. Rusk
Kelly L. Sanford
Kath leen S. Sellers
Ma ureen A. Trubac
Linda Weigel
Phillip and Isabell e L. W h ite
Harold and D o reen E . Z isla
Gary R. Zolman
Al liedS ignal In c.
Bend ix Ma nagement C lub
Brisro l-Mye rs Sq uibb Found atio n,
Earo n Co rporatio n
Evansville P hilharmo nic Orches tral
C orp.
Ind iana Un iversity South Bend
Alumn i Associati on
Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc.
T he M artin Fo und ation , In c.
W hirlpool C orpo ration
Bri an A lbri ght
Jam es R. and Patricia J. Aldri ch
T imothy J. Alfo rd
Jose A. Al varez
Scott D. A ndrews
C raig E. Antho ny
M ichelle D . A ntioho
Kennerh A. Archibald
Susa n K. Armstro ng
Nancy J . Ash
Patrick J . Bae rt
Stanley J. Baran
D avid L. Ba rrett
M ichael Paul and Jill Lo rraine
Barrinea u
Laurence R. Bauer
D o nald R. Bauters
Andrea J . Bed narek
Marrin Bedrock
Jorge and Julie Ben iro
Linda E. Beni tz
Stephen R. and Janet M.
Lind a L. Blodgett
D avid A. Bloss, Sr.
M ichael J. Boa rdley
Wayne D. Bollenbacher
Jo hn O . Boos
Nancy L. Boose
Jay Bowers, J r.
Barbara A. Bowker-C abana
Margaret Ann Buerger
Cha rles E. Car hart, J r.
Bruce A. C arlson
Albert Ca rter
Gregory M. Ca rter
Ro bert R. Carrer
T ho mas C. Catan7_1rite
Joyce A. C hambers
WiLLiam S. Shields, Left, ofthe
fUSB Board ofAdvisors was
presented with the state's
prestigious Sagamore ofthe
Wabash award by State Rep.
B. Patrick Bauer.
Ro nald L. C holaj
Joseph B. and Jane P. Churchman
Danny G. Co can ower, Jr.
Joseph Cocquyt
Deanna Co leman
Step hen R. Co rdi ll
Rosalie P. Co rson
Valerie J. Cma nche
C hristopher Lee Craft
Thomas L. Csena r
Robert Jay C unningham
M ichael P. Dabrowiak
Kare n M. Da ily
Moni que J. D eguara
Jeffrey R. D eitchley
Ralph D . D illon
Rebecca M . Dodd
Michael and W illy Dom iniak
Henry Dorsett
Kevin R. and Cynthia A. DuBree
Sharon Lee C. EIizondo
Joh n H. Engel
Martin C. E lwi n
James M. Eva ns
Christine M . Fabi illi
Paul L. Fetchik
Michael J. Flowers
Teri S. F redericks
Douglas R. Freeman
G. Scott Frisk
Lisa K. Ful ton
Michael and Barba ra A. Fuzy, ][]
George A. Garner
Barbara S. Glazier
Jon R. and Melody An n Gocher
David C. and Dorsey S. Gordon
F lorita Ann G raf
William S. and Audrey Graham
Ri ley P. Grieb
Kimberly A. Grzesk
Surendra and Kare n Gup ta
Douglas B. Hadaway
Riley W. and Carol B. Hanback
Peggy Hanson
Phi lip M. and Deborah Harbert
M ichael R. Hann on
John J. and Martha P. H arpe r
Brenda J. Harvey
Wi lli am M. H auguel
Fred and Debra Heaney
Barbara J . Helminen
Geoffrey R. H enry
Deborah L. I-Iesch
A. Wi lliam Highfield
Kathleen L. H olcomb
C harles E. Ho rswell
G regory C. Horvath
Jonathan W . Housand, J r.
David E. and Marilyn A. Huber
Carol L. I-lull
John P. Husba nd
Susan K. Huys
Frances L. Janssen
Michele L. Jenkins
W illi am O. Johnson
Jac k H. Jones
Brian R. Jordan
Harold E. Joy
bny E. and G inger L. J ustice
Daniel D. and Kathryn Noce
Kam inski
Judith I. Karnes
Wi ll iam R. Kasten
Al bert S. Katz
Jud ith M. Kel rner
J. R. King
John V. King
Donald A. Kobb
Lisa H aynes Koch
Thomas E. Koeh ler
Michael P. Kotick
H elen M . Kramer
C harles E. Kraus
Robert 1-1. Kuespert
JeffJ. and Lois Kurowski
Chester 1<. and Susan G . Kwi las
Robert W . Ky nast
Bruno Lacopo
Larry R. Lambert
H . Douglas La ne
Alan D. and Kathlee n La ng
Al fred P. Large, J r.
Jane M . brson
Wayne 1<. and Roxanne R. Lauer
Gregory E. Lawso n
Jo hn D. LeafY
Brad ley P . Lem ler
Molly E . Leuchtner
Susan Lingar
Te resa Lopez
Step hen Lutz
Dennis E. Mackowiak
Susan M . Magley
Leo nard A. March
Richard M. and Mary K. March
David Harding and Aarcm
Berofi/ry, center, joined Tom
Rosenberg and Kathryn
Votapek as part ofIUSB's Chester String
Jeffrey P. Marks
Thomas G . and Gloria G . Marull o
J im W . Masters
Gary L. Maxwell
Matthew S. Mayer
Patrick B. and CI1Clyl L. McCaffery
George D. McElfresh
Vera McGuire
Kat hlyn McLaughli n
Carolyn D. Metzger
Do uglas M. M ick
V. Richard Mi ller
Frances L. Milo
Thomas]. and Caro l Miranda
Joseph M itchell
F ri tz H . Moeller
James W . Moore
Dia ne M . Moran
Carla W . MottS
P. Thomas M urray, Jr.
Mau reen M. Musci
Jea n L. M usial
Alan H. Nadon
Anthony Nate
James D . Nelson
Adrianne L. N ichols
C harles E . N iemier
Warren K. and Barba ra L. North
Jane A. Norton
Bruclc 1<. and Linda K. Novak
Michael R. Oberholtzer
Sharon C laney Orban
Darcy B. and Jean C. Pajak
Lynn Pau l
John E . Peck
Ge ne R. Pendl
John K. Pitcher
Robe rt C. Po llock
Jeffrey R. Powers
Jo hn E. and Anne Pyle
Tracy C. Ranalli
T eri L. Raven
Douglas C. Ream
Mari lyn J . Rees
James C. Rein ki ng
Mary P. Renne lls
Emil W . and Sh irley A. Reznik
Roberta M . Robb ins
Leigh An ne Roberrs
Wi lliam and Gail Rodewald
Mark-Raymond P. Rod ri gues
Edwa rd R. Roge rs
E llen D. Rogers
Susan M. Rogers
Kirk Root
Mary Debora Rosenfeld
Loren J . Roth
Joseph A. Ru pchock
Ronald G. Sa nders
Patrick S. and Kathleen M . Scheets
Catherine A. Schmidt
W illi am J . and Lorette M.
Schm uh l, Jr.
Ti na M . Schoof
C hrisrine A. Schubert-Lauber
An ita L. Schwarz
An n Lynn Schwarz
Kath lyn L. Shan holt
Brian R. and An drea L. Sm ith
Ronald L. Shaw
Cynthia 1<. Shilt
Cas im ir W . and Lesa D. Sikora
Danie l R. Skwa rcan
Ju li ann J. Spa razynski
Robert Stachowiak
Antoni o Sraltari
Ronald J. Strzelecki
Kenneth and Charl otte Stuff
Cra ig T. Sulentic
Karl F. Swank
Robert M . Sweeney, II
Judi th L. Swisher
Gregory and Deborah Tezich
Dorothy Thome
Howard J. Thornton
Ma rk Ti lli ng
Pitner A. and Dianne W .
Patricia T roeger
D avid L. Va nce
Steve and Carolyn VanOoteghem
Loretta C. Va nslager
Vaugh n
Stephen A. V igneault
Anthony P. Via Ii
Nancy L. Wait
Michael and Kerry Wallace and
Fam ily
·t . L. Walling, Jr.
Margaret R. Weiss
Margaret Werner
Larry G. W hite
Greg A. W hitney
James R. and Janet L. W illiams
Raymo nd W. W ise
Randy W loda rski
Colette Wolfson
Patricia L. W ruble
Madelyn V. Yo ung
George A. Zagorski
Wanda B. Zahrt
Ke nneth Z ienty
Eugene l. Z immer, Jr.
Gary T. Zwierzynski
Adams & Westlake, LTD
AlliedSignal In c.
Am eri tech Services
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, In c.
Cap ital H oldin g Corporation
Caterpillar Foundation
CNA Foundation
Crowe, C hizek and Compa ny
G iddings & Lewis Foundation ,
Howmet Corporatio n
IBM Corporation
IDS Fi nancia l Se rvices Inc.
Im agineering Enterprises, Inc.
Metalstamp, Inc.
McGlad rey & Pullen
NBD Bancorp
Narro n Company
NOlwest Bank
Price Waterhouse Foundation
R. E . Jackson Co ., Inc.
Reliance E lectric Co mpa ny
Sociery Nationa l Bank, Ind iana
State Farm Compa nies
Sundstrand Corporation
Sysco n International, Inc.
The Associates
The Torringto n Com pany
The Upjohn Company
Va ll ey Ameri can Bank
Waste Ma nagement, Inc.
Whirlpoo l Corporation
Wyn Wade, d irector of
the Academ ic Resource
Center, is quoted by
TIME Magazine as
author of an "excellent
study" on the Ku Klux
Klan, and is also interviewed by the BBC on
that subject.
A $75,000 gift to IUSB
to support expansion of
Purdue Technology
Programs is announced
by the A lli ed-Signal
Foundation, Morristown,
Congressman Tim
Roemer holds a news
conference at IUSB
praising the new higher
education bill, which
wou ld make higher
education more affordable to middle class
fami lies and the " New
Ma jority" students w ho
attend IUSB.
Lea nn M . Adams
Bernard J. Asdell
Kathleen T. Barnett
Douglas C. and Catherine
Larry L. and Carol J. Beachy
Colette A. Bent
John D. Bond
Bonni M. Boone
Ralph E. Bren nan
James J. Buzalski
Sta nley Ca rr
Carla S. Cata lino
James R. Davis, II
An nette M . Dresbach
Gary L. D rury
Brian D . and Lisa K. Eberhart
M. G ilbert and Barbara Jo
Rebecca J. Fierro
Donald C. Find lay
M ichacl B. Gasko
Euge ne L. and Lucile 1-1 . Geyer
W illiam A. and Lesli e T. Gitlin
Wesley C. Good
Nora K. Harmsen
David J. Harris
Charles E. Hassel
Russel l L. and Patricia L. Heyde
Jill E. I-lives
Laura A. Horgash
C indy Livingston J urries
Angela R. Kaufman
W illiam D. Kimbriel
Jennifer A. Klein
Cynthia E. Lapidus
Edwa rd A. Lawton
John B. Lehman, Jr.
Ka ron L. Lenhart
Jerry O. Lentz
D. Robert Lindborg
Vance F. Lopp
C. Wesley Magn uson
Shant Ma rkarian
Vernon D. Marti n
Rona ld G. Meiser
Sam J. Miller
Edwa rd]. Molenda
William S. and Cecilia P. Mull
Richard N . Myers
Cherie L. Nannfeldt
Diane B. O'Rou rke
Betry Pate
Roger S. Peci na
John J. and Marjo ri e Reuthe
Roberta A. Rich
Robert E. Riddle
Wayne H. and Ma rj orie Risinger
G regolY A. Robbins
Susan K. Rodgers
Lori J. Rourke
Donn H. and Maty A. Spilman
Robert E. Sriver
Gene A. and L. Ann Stutsman
George W. Surguy
John S. Szakaly
Lynn Robert T homas
Linda M. Tu rner
David A. Varner
Jeanna L. Walter
Harvey Wei ngarten
Howard Wiesjahn, II
Mike L. and Sharon Y. W illiams
Ei leen L. Winfrey
Procter & Gamble Distributing
John W . and Marlene J. Adams
Loti L. Alexander
Anonymo us
Mari lyn Arney
Patricia S. Bachman
W. Eugene Bailey
Betry J. Baim
Janet L. Beckman
Debra R. Bedwel l
C heryl J. Beerbower
Barbara J. Beeson
Susan E. Bella-Howland
Iris R. Bergr
Janet E. Birch
Andrea F. Bose
Susan R. Bowers
Kathleen M . Brennan
Judith A. Briganti
Paula N. Brown
Judith K. Burkhart
G inger Lee Calhoun
Richmond E. Calvin
Joyce E. Chambers
Gloria Chernay
Jerry D. and Marry Christine
Kim M . Christofeno
W illiam R. and Merry L. Clark
Lorinda G. Clayton
Danny G. and Renee L.
Robert C. and Susan K.
Albert L. Courtney
T homas M. Csena r
Richard P. and Sandra I.
Dawnin e DeFauw
Margo DeMont
DianaJ . Dlye
Marilyn Eberhardt
David A. and Sharon O. Eme ry
Carolyn H . Farrow
Beverly K. Faulkens
Gayle Fiwek
Artist's depiction o/the new
classroom/office builcling east
o/the Administration
Lorraine L. Frederick
Eric and Sheryl Free
Joyce M. Frey
W ill iam L. and Ruth A. Gates
Mary Grebe
Marianne Gripado
Laurie S. Hale
Frances Matie Haley
Daniel K. Hardy
Paul D. Hirstein
Helen M. Hogan
Suzan ne E. Hoke
Wynelle E. Hughes
Janice M. Ivkovich
Michael S. Jackowiak
Ca rolyn F. Jackson
Susan M. Jackson
Leonard E. James
Ca rol Jean Johnson
Ka ren A. Kalberer
Armon and L. Bern ice Kauffman
James P. Keister
Sara J. Keyser
Eric A. and Doris A. Kimmel
David S. Kindig
Pamela Allison Klute
Elisabeth Knight
Danny L. Koester
Arlene J. Kolakovich
Barbara Kowalewski
Wayne J. Krepel
Ma ry Ann Kwiecinski
C urtis L. Leggett
Jena M. Lewis
Ba rbara J. Lies
Pamela M. Lindley
Gisella A. Mancin i
Steven D. Mann
David R. Manspeaket
Ronald M. Mars
Karen McCarthy
Sue McDonald
John E. McEneaney
Barbara A. McKeever
Karen M. McKibbin
Gwen Menetal
Debra M. Mick
Carolyn J. M iller
Deborah E. Moerman-M illice
Janis S. Morga n
A ssociate Professor Fran
Sherwood 's novel Vindication, a fictional account
of the life of 18th century
femini st writer Mary
Wollstonecraft, is accepted for publicati on by
Farrar, Strau s and
Giroux, a major New
Yo rk firm . Rights to th e
book we re also sold to
six foreign publi shers,
and paperback companies we re involved in a
bidding w ar. In December' s New York magaz ine, Sherwood 's editor
predicts the book w ill get
ma jor attention . It's due
out in May, 19 9 3.
The state Budget and
Finance Committee unanimously approves a
$ 16 .5 million classroomoffi ce facility for IUSB .
With enrollment increa ses
over the pa st six years,
IUSB is in trem endous
need of the building.
JUSE Dental Education
students in the Riverside
Hall Clinic.
Kath leen Pelletier Mo riarty
C harl ene M uncy
Jerry L. Newsome
Ma rlene N ickerson
Lo is ]. N iemier
Kristina J. O'Chap
V icki M . Oda r
Robi n A. Oshi nski
D eborah A. Patrick
J. V ince nt Peterson
Joseph L. Peyser
Susa n M . Pinne
San d ra]. Poll ock
Steven K. Prather
Bryan and Susan Ra th ke
D olo res R . Rauch
Todd A. Regina
Jean ine A. Reynolds
Kath ryn] . Rhodes
M alY Kathlee n RobertS
Rona ld]. Rogala
Eldon E. Ruff
D aryl M . Rybi cki
Nancy L. Sanders
C harles A. and Ba rbara A. Sauter
Barbara B. Schafer
Allen L. Sch lem mer
Beth Irw in Schmeltz
Sally G. Schreibe r
Kent Schumacher
E. Marcia Sheri dan
Alo n D . and Ba rbara A. Snell
Da n E. Snid er
James T. Starkey
Mo rris A. and D enise C. Sun kel
Suzan ne Swain
Iv is A. To rok
D oris M . Towner
Floyd Urbach
Kathleen A. Wald ron
Debara S. Wa rren
Jane L. Weaver
Ka ren E . Werner
Terrence P. Z ubler
BIO M ET, In c.
General Accid ent I nsurance
Co mpany
IB M Corporation
[USB Student Associati on
Me morial Hosp ital of South Be nd
Occidental Petroleu m C hari ta ble
Foun da tio n
Westingho llse Foundation
Jerry A. Abee
Jan et L. Ackart
George H . and D arl ene M .
Ad kins
Ken neth W. Ai ken
Debra L. Al len
Mark A. and D ebra A. Althoff
Scott Alwin e
Sheela Am in
Evelyn R. A nde rson
Kathy S. A ngelo
Ru th An n Anthony
D avid M. Antos
Ma rk A. A rmstro ng
James J. Arno ld
Spencer B. and Peggy M .
D avid J. A rpasi
Co ra Askren
Fawne Atki nso n
Ka ren L. A ult
Im oge ne Austin
Susa n K. Badger
Ramo na Baer
Jane Bailey
Susan M . Baker
Ti mothy A. and Ca rol Baker
Joh n Ba m ber
C h ris Banasza k
Regina Barack
Joseph P. Ba ranowski
Ja mes A. Bare
Joh n M. Barrett
Matsha R. Base
Ka thleen S. Bassett
T heresa H . Bassett
Bruce L. and Lyn A. Batzer
Edward F. H . Bauer
Btenda B. Bau mgartner
James L. and Nao mi I. Baye r
Gayle A. Becker
Gilbert Bee mer
Nettie M . Bellman
M ichael and Pa tricia Bellovich
David M. and Laura A. Belt, JIl
GalY C. Bel ti ng
Sylvia K. Be nall ack
Adelle A. Benyo
Beth A. Berge ron
Mary M . Berkshire
Sand ra S. Bidd le
Paula S. Bishop
Ga ry R . and Ma ry E. Black. 11
C harla M. Blacker
Robert A. Blakeney
David A. Bl oss, Sr.
M ichelle A. Blough
M ichae l J. Bognar
Steven P. Bognar
Maurice E. Bokhart
James E. and Cathy M . Bo li nger
G loria E. Bond
G ail Bontrager
W illiam N . and Stephanie Booth
M ichael A. Borkowski
Beverl y A. BOlT
Rob in B. Ba rr
Ka ren S. Bo rtz
Sally M . Bostick
Ma rk D . Botts
J ulie Bowers
Norm a J . Boye r
Wayne E . and Karen S. Braden
C ha rles C. and Ge rtrud e E .
Brad ley, J r.
Ga rland Y. Brad ley
La ny and Sh irley Braner
M aria Brewer
Roberta A. Briedis
Sheri L. Brockie
Linda J. Brondsted
Sheri L. Brown
Lau ra A. Bru gh
Elizabeth A. Bryner
T homas H. Buckleitner
Robert E . and Angela M .
Katherine C. Bueter
Do n Bun nell
T homas J. and J ud ith P.
Burm eister
An n M. Burzycki
M ichael E . and Rebecca F. Bu der
T erry M . Buder
E i leen Bybee
Bon ita Bykows ki
Brenda J. Bynum
Amy L. Ca narecci
David] . and Ma rgie M. Canlleld
C hrisrina Ca paro
Ma rietta Cap pel letti
Sandra J. Card
Jo hn R. and Ma ry Ca rey
Jan ice Shan k Carr ico
Frank R. and Co nstance L.
Ca rroll
Pat ricia H. Ca ry
Jud ith A. Cassady
D oris C hambers
Stan ley R. and M argaret J .
C ham bers
Evelyn C h il d ress
James J . and Suza nne E.
C ietzniak
Ma rjo rie A. Clawso n
D ennis and D eborn h C leve nger
Di ane M . Coath
Kay M . C ochrane
RosemalY G . C onnick
R ichard B. and C heryl A. Conroy
C heryl Coo k
Rebecca C ook
Teny B. and Tina M. Corley
Myra K. Cors
Todd J. Co ulam
Kathry n E . Couture
Richard F. and Patri cia An n
J cny E. and Gwen 1'. C ramer
J oe Crimm ins
Joseph E. Crowell
Pau l N . Cu lp
Ronald A. and Gail A.
C unningham
J acq ueline A. Dabros
Lin Dah lkemper
Richard J. and Estelle G .
Dah lkemper
C harl es A. Da lto n
Cynthia D avis
Kerry S. and Diane L. Davis
T imothy E . and Sand ra L. D avis
J o hn M . and Boni ta ). Dawson
Tim R. Dawso n
Ross J. Deal
Muriel J . D eCloedt
Gene A. DeFauw
Melissa DeFluiter
Russell A. and Doro th y D .
Lance E. and Concetta
Jill D eLu cia
Way ne M. D enl inger
Brad ley J. Den nis
Donna J. D eRuntz
Lori E. Deutsch er
Lo is L. DeVaux
). Evely n Dickerson
Robert E . Di ltz
Lisa L. Dobso n
C atherin e A. Dodd
M ichael and Lynda Doering
Steven C. and Barbara R. D olby
H el1lY and Yvo nne Dorsett
Brian P. and M ary Gwyn ne
Larry and C hris Dow
Frederi ck F. Downey
J ay E. Downs
D uane P. and Wai Kuan D regits
Patricia D lye r
Kenneth E. and Kenda). Dues
J oe E. a nd Mattie ). Duke
Connie Dungy
Barbara ). Durflinger
Congressman Tim Roemer
admires a sculpture by
IUSB Professor Harold
Langland, right, at an
alumni reception for
Langland's exhibition in
Washington, D. C.
Robert J. Eberhardt
Monica Eblen
Da niel E. Eggleston
Douglas W . and Laura F. Elliott
V iolet Elliott
Joan Elum
J ane Eri e
Martin C. Elwin
C hristine M. Etzel
Mary E. Evans
J oseph A. and Rosema lY A. Ewing
J ane Fabrycki
M ichael J. Fanner
D ena Fearnow
John G. and Linda I. Fecteau
Dominic M. Fej er
Beth An n Fei ler
Sara E. Felabom
Donald L. and MalY L. Ferran
Pau l L. Fetchi k
Harold Finley
Flo rence F. Fischgrund
J oh n J . and Pamela 1'. Fish
Donald W. and Jean ine K. Fisher,
C heryl Torok F leming
Vivian H . Fletcher
Carol J .. Flora
Donald R. and Mary Ellen F lorea
Randall E. and Debra D. Foster
Gary A. and Tamera K. Fox
J ames L. Frain
Randy Fras
Thomas G. Freel
J oan K. Freeman
Carol Freund
Joan L. Frisk
Laurel J . Frohwerk
A lan C. and Martha J. Frutchey
Daniel W. and Linda C. Fuchs
Th o mas and Sherrill Fuj imu ra
J ames R. and Garnett Sue F uson
James F. Gallagher
David A. and Marilyn Gardner
Elizabeth A. Gavin
D an iel Gearhart
Leno re R. Gen tner
John F. and Mary )0 G eo rge
J ud y A. Gepharr
Richard E. Geschke
Jeffrey V. G ibney
Beverl y Gi llespie
Thomas M . G ilJespie
Edward L. and Ma rie E. G illil and
Roger A. G ingerich
Jenni fer N . G li ck
Steven A. and M argaret B.
E lla R. G oodman
G len A. and Lisa A. Gorski
Kenneth G. and Marion S.
G radcless
Craig A. Grauel
Rick L. G raverson
J ames E. G ray
Gail R. Greenlee
Martha A. G rieger
Linda Cro nk G riffin
Beth Fa rekas G rogg
Ann C. G und lach
J osep h R. and Pat ricia D. Guzzi
Yo ungja C. Ha
Richard C. and Chelyl Haas
David W . and M ichele A. H ack
Alan and Priscilla H all
Jud y A. Hall
Brent Hansen
Jo A. Harber
Ja net H arn ish
Larry G. H arrel
Avon L. Hartfo rd
Doug and Pat Hartford
Martha L. Hawkins
Diana S. H ays
Carol J. Hecbman
Mary E. H eckaman
Barbara J. Helminen
Francie Hendrick
Paul A. H enley
Patricia A. H err
Gi lbert 1'. Hershberger
George N. H er["L
Cynthia M. H esch
Mary L. H esch
Phili p E. and Pa mela Wynne
H esch
J ack M. and Dorie Denessen
Jolene K. H odgso n
A rlene L. Hofe r
David R. Hoffinan
Roberta L. Hoffman
D ebra S. Hogan
Janer C. Hoke
Becley L. H o llaway
Joyce E. Holmes
Kim berl y J . I-Ioober
Stephen). and Patricia E.
H orvath
Brice Hosterman
) ulia A. H oste der
Ta l13J. Ho uin
Diane H o useknecht
D iana H o usemeyer
Patricia M. Howard
Diane Howe
Pam H owell
M ichelle Huber
N . Fred Huber
Ro bert C. Hudson
Sandra K. Hughes
Jo lene Hui ras
Marv in L. Hull
Patsy J. H umphries
Jane Hunsberger
John 1'. and Nancy L. Hutchings
J oseph T. and Ann 1'. lams
T imothy L. and Suzanne M . lott
D oris M . Irish
D enise C. Jackso n
Em ily J . Jamberdino
Judith J an k
J ames B. Jaroszewski
Rick D. Jefferies
Linda K. J ohns
Barbara L. J ohnson
Ralph A. and V ictoria A. J ohnson
Robin L. J ohnson
Ca therine A. J ones
Leonard J ozwiak
Susan L. ) udd
H ardey F. Kane
Nancy Kan lic
Jane Kano use
Richard Kapiszka
Kath leen KarcLewski
Joseph M. Kasznia
Linda Kauffm an
J ohn M. and Rita K. Keb
Lorie A. and Kathy Keck
Rick L. Keck
Mary 1-1. Keeh n
Scon D. Keen
Arthur F. Kemp
Michael J . Kenna
Paul F. and Lynn P. Kereszres
David and J oan M . Kintzele
Dan iel M. Kirwan
Robert L. Kizer
Susan J. KJepinger
Rebecca S. Kline
Virginia Knaal(
Thomas C harles and Kathryn
Kennedy Kni ola
Jack A. Kobold
Stephen Koch
J effrey L. and) udy A. Koep key
David C. Kolbe
Barry R. and Lisa Ann Kosek
Justine M urray Kraft
M ichael D. Kramer
Steven A. Kranda
Kathy Kremz
Mary I. Kretchmer
Roge r and O pal Krider
Diane Kriesel
M ichael G. Krueger
Edward S. Krzyza nowski
Karo lyn S. Kucela
SCott Kucela
Marvin D. and Donna L. Kuhn
Stephan LaCluyse
Beverlee L. LaD ow
J ohn L. LaFountain
Larry Landy
Jeri-Lynn Langwith
Anna Mac Lan["L
Ken neth E. and Kathy Lapkiewicz
Eleanor Lardo n
Paul R. Las kowski
Melvin) . Launer
Betry N . Lawson
Lyd ia S. Lee
Jeffry K. Lehner
George H. and Sharon S. Leis
Linda S. Leliaert
Student Aaron Hoffman
wins a $2,500 National
Endowment for the Humanities grant for research on scientist
Nikola Tesla, father of
radio technology.
Fall enrollment tops
8,000 for the first time,
with total enrollment
of 8,081 representing a
5 percent increase.
More than 500 prospective students vie for
places in the new Master
of Social Work degree
program, which IUSB
offers to meet obvious
community demand.
A $75,000 grant from
the Lilly Endowment to
IUSB will help recruit
and train administrators
for the South Bend and
Elkhart school corporations.
James M. Lemanski
Rick L. Lengacher
John N. and Judy A. Libercowski
Ronald W. and Ann Liechry
RonJ. Lies
Judith R. Liszewski
Ruth E. Little
Dianna L. Long
Rita A. Lopinski
Richard C. Lord
Keith A. Lovisa
John W. and Therese G. Luce
Julie Lucky
AdahM. Lynn
Joe and Joan MacHatton
Dennis E. Mackowiak
Mary C. Madigan
David W. Majerek
Helen F. Malosh
Loretta S. Manley
Rodney Allen Mann
Rebecca T. Mannarino
R. Michael Manolakis
Constance A. Marciniak
Henry E. Marsolais
Gail M. Marcin
Marilyn L. Marzolf
Ellen K. Mathia
Michael D. Matz
Gary L. Maxwell
Jane N. Mayse
Rickey Gard Diamond McArthur
Margaret McCandless
Rebecca A. McClure
Dean Robinson and Mary Ann
McCollough, Jr.
William H. and Doreen C.
Joyce M. McFadden
Edward and Amanda B.
Janet K. McKinney
Sean M. McLaughlin
Mary Ann McQueen
Robert L. McReynolds
DanaJ. Mehl
Elyce Meilstrup
James C. and Sandra J. Menne
Gerald D. and Ruth E. Mercer
Rose Marie Merrick
Marjorie Ludwig Mester
. Randall.£: Metcalfe
Cheryl Meyerhofer
James C. and Carol L. Meyers
Barbara A. Mickow
AmyL. Miller
Carl S. and Carol B. Miller
Gary J. and Audrey J. Miller
James C. and Shirley A. Miller
Julie A. Miller
lloyd P. and Lois W. Miller
Marlen W. Miller
Richard C. Miller
Sheryl N. Milner
Shay E. and Lila Phyllis Mintz
Michael R. and Jeanette K.
David L. Mitchell
Deborah J. Mixell
Diana L. Mize
Edward H. and Ruth Mondich
Ann Marie Monhaut
Lisa A. Montgomery
Judith M. Moore
Diane M. Moran
Rosanne H. Morris
Mary Jane Morse
Tom and Shelby Morse
Joan E. Murphy
Steven D. and Linda L. Murphy
Eunice P. Murray
Bryan D. Myers
Carol S. Myers
Christiane H. Myers
Diane Myers
Kim A. Myers
John R. and Eva G. Nagy
Robert M. and Rhea D. Nail
Michael L. Nardini
Jeffery J. and Christine A. Nash
Leona Neely
ClaudiaJ. Neff
Brenda Nejman
Lois B. Nelson
Judy New
DebraJ. Newbill
Carolyn Niedbalski
James E. Niemasik
Rand W. and Gail K. Nilsson
C. Andrew Noftsger
Verlyn Nofziger
Carrie A. Nowak
Jeffrey E. Nunn
Linda O'leary
Mary A. O'Neill
Marilyn V. Oplinger
Robert H. Oppenheim
Trent G. Orfanos
Jose M. Ortiz
Chris Osborne
Thomas R. Osmer
Warren Outlaw
Mary G. Pajakowski
Betry L. Papay
Deborah J. Pardue
Jayne D. Parmerlee
lain W. Paterson, Jr.
R. F. Pamaude, Jr.
Daniel K. and Ubonwan Patrick
Patricia A. Pauszek
Ronald J. Pavone
Matthew Todd and Karen H.
Marilyn Peacock
Mary G. Peltier
James E. Petersen
Mark H. Peterson
Mary M. Peterson
Mary Ann Peterson
Susan K. Peterson
R. Gladys Phemister
Kathleen Philip
Herbert E. and Jacquelyn S.
Pletcher. Jr.
J an Pletcher
Patricia A. Pletcher
Steven DeWitt Pletcher
Vincent W. Poczik, Sr.
Robert C. Pollock
Diane Eleanor Pontius
Brian G. and Diane M. Poole
Them L. and Margaret Pope
Ellen L. Powell
Kimball N. Pratt
Gary L. Price
Carolyn J. Pritchard
Ralph M. and Kris L. Prohl
Vada B. Quackenbush
Charles F. and Judith A. Quinn,
Tobie S. Raderstorf
Jerry L. and Christine G. Rans
Elizabeth Ann Rapalee
Chester A. and Irene N.
Ratkiewicz, Jr.
Gale Q. Reber
Brian W. ReeceI'
Deborah Reed
John and Otha Reese
Cynthia G. Reeves
Michael Regan
Walter D. Regan, Jr.
Timothy Regnier
Gary E. and Ruth P. Rehm
Mary E. Richard
Jerry R. and Christine Ringle
Jean M. Roberson
Timothy B. Roberts
RichardJ. and Julie A. Robison
Steven J. Rockenbaugh
Kathleen F. Rodosovich
Patricia K. Rogers
Maribeth Roncz
Catherine Roney
Melinda K. Roose
Mila Roose
J ames A. Rose
Mary Beth Rosheck
Joseph S. Ross
Thomas Rossow
LorenJ. Roth
David P. Roush
James R. and Stephanie R.
Linda S. Ruffner
Lawrence J. Russo, Jr.
Denise A. Rzepka
William H. and Mary A. Sage
Richard L. and Linda K. Sahlhoff
TobyW. Salo
Michael A. and Colleen
Carol Anne Sanders
Richard B. Sanders
Marie-Louise Sandine
M. Corinne Sandlin
Juanita Santiago
Marianna Saul-Cullar
David A. Saull
Ellen L. Sayles
Shirley J. Scarbrough
Carol L. Schaal
Larry E. Schadler
JoAn Schaetzle
Sally J. Schlueter
Philip M. and Elaine Schmucker
Sarah T. Schroeder
Richard B. Schulte
Fay Schwartz
Randall W. Scott
Timothy A. Seago
Betty L. Shaw
Suzanne M. Shead
Larry and Nelda J. Sheagley
Nancy K. Shelley
Timothy S. and Margaret M.
J. David and Linda Shepherd
Margaret M. Sherwood
Cynthia K. Shill'
Randy L. Shoff
Gary R. and Brenda S. Shumaker
Rowene J. Sibley
Martha F. Sims
Lakshmisree Sinha
Judith E. Skupien
Terry A. Slamkowski
Robert W. Smeltzer
Donald Lee and Lorraine F.
Smith, Sr.
J. Christopher Smith
Robert W. and Lois J. Smith
David L. Smithson
Edgar and Sandra Snoke
Kenneth J. Sobczak
Kathy B. Sorensen
Linda D. Sorg
Rosemary Z. Spalding
Brent F. and Kimberly J. Spring
Clyde R. and Violet Stacy
Jeri E. Stahr
Barry E. Stanton
Judith A. Steele
William A. Steenbeke
Gerald R. Steinbaugh
Pnina Steiner
Frances R. Stenberg
Gregory T. and PamelaJ. Stevens
Daniel R. and ConnieJ.
Mary C. Steward
H. Kathryn Stewart
Thomas E. Stiles
Michael and Barbara Stillson
Ann R. Stoltz
Jeff and Lynn Stratford
Jack A. and Mary E. Strom
Jane Ann Strzelecki
Leonard J. and Amy J. Strzelecki
Gregory B. Stump
Duane S. and IrmaJ. Stutzman
Kathleen Kelly Sullivan
Victor P. Sulok
Kenneth Sumner
Jean O. Surig
Michael E. and DonnaJ. Suth
Max E. and Jane H. Sutton
Clement J. Svilow
Helen Kuznetsova,
Ph.D., professor of
Chemistry at Perm University in the Republic of
Russia, arrives on campus to initiate lin ks between IUSB and her
institution in the former
Soviet Union .
After a long , complicated process i nvolvi ng
the City of South Bend,
the South Bend schoo l
system , the Pentagon
and state and federa l
legislators, IUSB finally
acquires the Army Reserve faci lity for its
Purdue Technology programs, and awards
contracts for renovation.
The hot Presidential race
and election results send
news media to IUSB for
interviews with Political
Science Associate Professor John Lewis, while
SPEA Associate Professor Richard Metzcus
releases results of a local
IUSB poll on the election.
Ma rk W . Swadener
Patty Swim
Barbara A. Szczepanski
Suza nne Takach
Denn is Tansey
Pat Tassell
N~ncy ]. Taylor
Ronald and Jul ia A. Teall
Thomas and C herie T eghtm eyer
Robert D. Tennyson
Jean M arie T etzlaff
Margaret A. Thomas
Rurh Thomas
Melvin H . and Dorothy L.
Rebecca Thompson
W illiam Thompso n
Larty T horn ton
Carolyn J. Ti ede
George and Lori Tierce
Teny D. and Susan S. Tillett
Blaine and Rhonda Tippen
Andrew C. and Mona M . Tisch
Karen S. Tobias
Margaret L. Tobin
Elaine S. Todd
Robert J. and AJlne K. Toth
Joseph B. and Na ncy L. T rippel ,
Jane E. Troup
Lorai ne P. Troyer
Richard D. and Dorris A. T royer
ShetTi J. Tubinis
Kevin L. Turk
Robert A. and Sherry L.
JanetA. Tutko
Don A. and Maty L. T weedje
So ula Tyler
Rebecca S. Tyree
Gerald J. aJld Bonita Ujdak
Joh n G. and June M . Ulety
Johnny W. U lmer
James R . and Kath leen Ungurait
Diane F. U nwin
Gerrit and Barbara VanderLugt
Cynthia M. Vandervlugt
NaJlcy Vandygriff
Lisa An n Vandyke
Patricia Ka te VanDyke
Robert K. VanGoey
Jam~s.i=, and Laura A. Vervynckt
Deborah]. Vigna
Sara VonGunten
Fredrick M . Voynovich
Paula Swanson Wagner
Larry R. and Lynne M .
Colleen F. Wa ldron
Lisa M. Walker
Kerry Wallace
Connie S. Walsh
Grego ty L. Wah
Linda Ann Weaver
Carolyn S. Weber
Elaine M. Weingart
Joyce Welter
Wendell R. We([Stein
Lisa B. Wetzel
Patricia T. Whalen
Gerry L. W harton
Pamela G . W hite
Ron W hitesell
Frank J. Wieczorek, III
Eugene F. Wiedling
Kathleen W ilkening
Ke nneth L. and Patricia H.
Wilkinson, ]r.
Alford L. W illiams
Ron L. Wi lliams
Stephany L. Williams
Robert W. and ]oni K.
Susan L. W illi amson
Richard B. Wi lson
Debra W inslow
Harry 1<. W inters, Jr.
Katherine P. W irt
Bruce W. W isler
Wayne and Kath leen W isler
Patricia L. W ismer
Scon D. Wisthuff
Pau l M . and AJl n Marie W itek
Robert M . W itner
JackJ. and Mary J. Wolfe
Mark D. Wolfram
C hristin e L. W ukovits
Carol Wym an
Malyellen Yacka
Wi lli am D. Yagley
LeLand W. Yarian
Ma ry F. Yo un gs
George A. Zago rski
Robert J. and Patricia J. Za krocki
Julie L. Zeider
Robert L. and Kathy G. Zeiger
John S. and Rita L. Z ielinski, Jr.
Gary Z immerle
Leading toxicologist Alan Hall
MD., was chosen as the first
recipient o/the fUSB Distinguished
Alumnus Award.
Gene Zo llman
Merv in D. Zook
A1a.o Ameri ca Inc.
A1liedSigna l lnc.
Am eri tech Services
BellSouth Enterprises, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Fou ndation, Inc.
Cummins Engi ne Foundation
Dana Corpo ration Foundation
1st Sou rce Bank
Grace Foundation Inc.
Graco Foundation
IBM Corporation
IDS Fi nancial Se rvices Inc.
INB Na tio nal Bank
Indiana Bell
Merrill Lynch
M inier Supply Inc.
Nabisco Brands, In c.
NBD Ba nco rp
NCR Corporation
Norton Company
Schurz Co mmunicati o ns
Society National Bank, Indiana
U nited T echnologies Corporation
W hirl pool Corporation
W inn-Dix ie Stores, Inc.
Nancy A. A1,mann
Judith A. A mico
Jan ine S. A ndrysiak
Ano nymous
Will and Olga Y. Area
Tamara M . Ashley
Dani el J. and Donetta K.
L. G ene and Donna M . Bach
Linda Baker
Brent F. Barber
N icolette Barone
John]. Barron
Alden G . Beasley
Neva Darl ene Becker
Marilyn S. Bellis
Elyssa A. Berkas
Leal, Berke
Robert Berryman, Jr.
Carolyn J. Berza i
Louis J. Berzai
B. L. Bickel
Sylvia K. Bieghler
C raig and Helen Blaschke
Adam and Rosa Bossnack
Arth ur E. Botto rff
Durleen M. Braasch
Arlene Bradbury
Ira Bragg, III
Simon M. and Renee Brazy
David R. and Brenda K. Breslin
Claude M. Brewton
Candace D. Brezovec
Lind a J. Brondsted
Marshall L. Brown
Narvidad E. Buyoc
Richard A. Campbell
Andrew V. C angelosi
David D. and Brenda Cangelosi
Gloria A. Carr
Constance L. Carroll
June E. Cather-Nyers
Eugenia Chando nia
Susan C h inworth-Martig
Bert and Sharon K. C hudzicki, Jr.
Marjorie A. C lawson
Randall G . Claywell
MaryW. Coe
Ronald S. and Nancy Cohen
Barbara Co lborn
Nancy Cond it
Gail L. Co nnolly
William M . and Mary Lou
Julie A. Crites
Grace Currie
H. Co leman and Jeannine M.
D avis, III
Rosalie ] . Day
Katen D ea rdurff
Emil D eD ap per
] oyce H. Deepe
Lauren Johnson Denney
Joseph J. Dervin
James R. Dewey
David M. Dosmann
Regina R. Drury
T amara L. Eggbeer
Thomas E. Ernspetger
Laura M . Figg
Peggy ]. Fisher
Nancy A. Flanders
ConieJ. Fra nk
David R. Frank
Anonymo us
Patti Garlick
Charlotte E. Garner
Christy A. Gaski ll
Do ris M. Gearhart
Patricia Gerrard
Mary E. Goerke
Emily Sayward Good
Rose A. Go rdon
Donna D. Goss
Ana Maria Goulet
Margie A. Graf
Susan l. Greenawalt
Es telle G. G reer
Martha Joan Grimmett
Edwa rd E. Grontkowski
T homas A. Grunwald
Robert T. Gudates
J. Kent Gu ild
Ju li anne Haim
David J. and Joan Halperi n
Sally Hamburg
Ed irh L. Hamilton
Carl ton D. H ansen
Lisa A. Harnish
Lawrence C. Hartley
Shi rl ey Hennessy
Jean M . Hill
Brian Hoffacker
Kathleen Hoffman
Flo rence E. Hoham
F. Karhleen Hojnacki
Prudence E. Holzhausen
Patsy J. Humphries
Paul and Judith M. Hums
C hris Irwin
Marga ret M . Irwin
George lstok
Leonard E. James
Beverly A. Jemrs
Richa rd W. Jen kins
Josepb Ju arez
Gloria Kaufman
David J. Keeler
Donald W . Keeler, J r.
Lynne C. Kel ler
J ane Marie Kelly
Kathleen Kelsey
Joan M. Keultjes
Robert A. and Jean A. J(jbler
Thomas A. and Ba rbara M.
Suza nne Kowalski
Elizabeth J. Krager
Jo hn B. Kra use
Anne M . Krieger
Sand ra J. Krizmanich
Karl M. and Mary Ellen
Kro nsrein
Geo rge Krovitch, J r.
Jon B. Kubley
Janet Kuhns
Mike Larranaga
Patricia Latkowski
Jane Anne Lawrence
Marilyn Lawrence
Michael J. Lawrence
Arthur R. Leinen
Dee Ann Lesley
Luanne Long
Jeffrey Lovisa
Tina M. Lowe
Hel1lY R. Luniewski, Jr.
John H. MacDona ld
Sandra J. Madden
Ellen L. Maher
Margaret C. Malone
Greg Mangus
Charles F. Mani on
Lee An n Mann
MelindaJ . Manuel
Sand ra E. Marietta
Shant and Di ane Markarian
Chester A. and Gisela M. Martin
Janis K. Martinsen
Janet Mato
Paul B. McCahill
Kathlee n Mclnerney
Vicki L. McIntire
Kathryn McLaughlin
Thomas M. McLaughli n
Sarah L. Mellen
Marie Waring Mengel
Frances Joan Meyers
J udy K. Mileski
John W. Miller, J r.
Myron Mi ller
Sara Briggs Mi ller
Suza nne Z . M iller
An neT. Mills
Pamela L. Mims
Lori A. Mischke
Teri Mohnke
Maureen J. Muldoon
Barbara J. Myers
W illiam B. Myers
Mary E. Narvig
Josephine Newell
Teri N icholas
Ken A. Norman
Warren K. North
Ber'1i~e Brown O'Brien
Rebecca A. Parker
Ruth M. Pavi ch
Ronald J. Pavone
MalY J. Pederson
Albert L. Peiffer
Mary M. Peterson
Wi lliam E. Pittman
Nancy A. Plennert
John A. Podemski, Jr.
G. P. Radman
Caro lanne C. Robb
Betty Ryan
Susan E. Saavedra
Nancy B. Sanders
Jack R. Saylor
Dan iel L. Scarsella
Monica Scearse
John Scheibel
Lillian W . Scheibel
Anne D. Schm itz
Belinda Gail Schnick
Howard W. and Eleanor K.
Esther Schrock
Marilou Schroeder
JoLynn Scopelitis
Ronald A. Sebelski, S1".
Denise C. Shellhamer
Neil and Leah Silver
Phyllis G . Sims
Margaret E. Slawson
Harold and Jacqueline Slutsky
John W. and Regina Sm ith
Judith A. Smith
Raymond L. Smith
Carl A. Sobieralski, S1".
Harry A. Spigle
John E. Spigle
Cynthia Stavros
Lynne Stericin-LoSecco
John A. Stol te
Crista R. Stouffer
Ronald A. and Barbara Szumslci
Nancy L. Thomas
Lynn G . and Louise G.
Cordell M. Tjaden
Marc Tjaden
Nancy T jaden
Debra Tolliver
Ton ia Tombaugh
Mildred Ulicny
Nancy E. Vitale
Ron C. Voth
Steven K. Wagner
Richard A. Wallace
PamelaJ. Walsh
Dolores A. Ward
Larry E. and Pam Ward
MichaelJ. Wargo
James E. Weigand
Dorothy Weinstein
Phyllis M . Wezeman
Maxine Whiteman
Ruby B. Wh iteman
Elonda R. W ilder-Hami lton
Rllthanne Wi ltro ut
Lester M. Wolfson
Richard F. Xaver
Florence G. Yeandel
Louann R. Yeater
Patricia L. Yost
Nancy Young
Paulette F. Zimmer
Herbert M . Z immerman
Marshall Counry Board of
Marshall Co un ry Republican
Central Committee
Merropolitan Life Foundation
NBD Bancorp
Saint Joseph's Medical Center
The Associates
T he Torrington Company
Tyler Refrigeration Corporation
A. H. Deveney & Co. , Inc.
A1liedSignal Inc.
Ameri can Express Foundation
B10MET, Inc.
Ernst & Young Foundation
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Grossn ickle Eye Center, Inc.
Holy C ross Parkview Hospital
Indiana Association of Nurse
Indiana Bell
Indiana Universiry South Bend
Clarence Bremer
Ch ristophel' K. Haidri
Donald B. and Gail B. Marti
John L. and C harleen L.
Roy E. Sch reiber
Morteza Shafii-Mousavi
AJuI11ni Association
Johnso n Controls, Inc.
M. Bea rdslee Anesthesia Service,
Elected and university
officials prepare for a
"Whack at the WaiL"
celebrating fUSE's
acquisition ofthe former
Armory for Purdue
Wi lliam R. Bain
Mary J. Coleman
Steven and Mary L. Filbert
Michael H. Matuszak
John C. Migas
Linda A. Rothrock
Douglas and Patricia Agbetsiafa
Peter A. Aghimien
Patricia J. Aldrich
Harold G. and Wanda L. Annis
Roberta Ashley-Hall
Edward S. Baiz, J1".
Dennis Barth
Wayne Bartholomew
Genevieve M. Bardett
Karen L. Behnke
James D. Benn
Michael L. Blakesley
Franklyn G. Bonn, Jr.
International health care
scholar Margretta Styles,
former head of the
American Nursing Association, presents the
second annual Distinguished Professor in
Nursing lecture at IUSB.
At the same time, IUSB is
notified that 100 percent
of the 1992 graduates
passed the national
licenSing exam for Registered Nurses.
Students tune in the TV
for classes in "Techniques in Reading,"
IUSB's first telecourse.
Assistant Professor De
Bryant initiates the Social
Action Project, a collaborative effort in education,
culture and economic
development between
Benton Harbor, Michigan, and Aba-North,
Mel and Lesley Anne Bookout
Ernest Brandewie
Joseph Burt
Jeffrey S. and Carol Buszkiewicz
Michael Carrington
Jennifer Casey
Jacqueline C. Caul
Linda Chen
Miriam Sue Chesnut
John Jay Childs
Joseph Thomas Chowattukunnel
Gloria Cleveland
Lawrence J. and Patricia B.
Kevin Colpaert
Timothy J. Coney
Joseph Coti
Stephen W. Cullen
Michael F. DeBoni
Carl DeBruyn
Warren R. DeFerbrache
Keith D. Dennis
Sarah C. Dedef
Sharon Dill
Cynthia A DuBree
Douglas and Susan Duff
Cathy Duncan
Sven and Judy Elfving
Scott Emerick
Dale R. Engles
Edward F. Fara
Mary Farinella
Marion Fishier
Betry J. Foltz
Joan Forsythe
Peggy Lou Foster
Constance J. Fox
David R. and Deborah L. Fox
Roberr W. Fox
John F. and Donna M. Freidline
Kristin A Froehlke
Marcia Frost
PatrickJ. and Gertrude Griffin
Daniel P. Ganser
Mary Claire Gassensmith
Brenton E. Gindelberger
Mark E. Gleixner
Eileen Godollei
Susan Marie Goe
Dian,na Lynn G90dpaster
Le6 Goodsell
Joseph Gress
Joan M. Gruner
Warren Haas
James R. and Martha E. Haines
Christine E. Hale
Mary D. Hankins
Beverly J. Harman
Joan E. Hatton-O'Banion
Patricia Heiden
Rose Marie Hengesbach
Patricia A Herr
Ann Holston
Lani L. Hoshaw
Betry Huffman
Dale E. and Jeanne E.
Florence M. Hurcomb
Richard Jahnke
Leonard E. James
Billie Kalberer
Matthew and Rose
Reynold Kapsa
Connie S. Kary
MikeF. Keen
Lawson R. Kendall, Sr.
Janet Kenigsberg
Keith Knauss
WilliamJ. Knighr
Brenda E. Knowles
Paul Kochanowski
David C. Kolbe
Lester C. Lamon
Theresa A. Langel
William R. Lankford
Kent Laudeman
Cathy Lee
Mary W. Lehman
John M. Lewis
Tamara L. Lewis
Scott Littell
Laura L. Livrone
Janet Lootens
Joseph P. Lorenc
Clara M. Loring
Rachaelle A Lubinski
Ellen Maher
Janet M. Mariotti
Lavon M. Marks
Donald B. Marti
Michael]. Marvin
Ellen Mathia
Debra K. Mattison
T. C. Mays
Debra McClain
Barbara E. McHugh
Becky Middleton
Vicki Mikulak
Teri L. Miller
Thomas C. Miller
Patti Molchan
Andrew Naylor
Victor A. Nemeth
Judith E. Newton
Steve Norton
John E. Peck
Karl Perusich
Joseph L. Peyser
Deborah Piacsek
Sarah Anne S. Piser
Nancy Plennert
Dirk L. and Kay Pletcher
Ruth A Raber
Emma M. Rajski
David P. Remley
Victor Riemenschneider
Shirley M. Roemer
Peggy Rowland
Eldon E. Ruff
Beth Rupel
Betty Rusk
Mark J. Rzepnicki
Earl J. Savage
Elizabeth Scarborough
David and Valerie Scholl
Lisa M. Shaffer
Frances E. Shearer
Laura Shearer
Anne T. Sidney
Ruth V. Simmermeyer
Thomas T. Spencer
Jeffrey D. and Jan Anthony Starr
Jenny Strebinger
John L. Stutsman
Myra K. Summerlot
George W. Surguy
Mary C. Suter
John Swanda
JohnJ. Szot
Rosemary Taylor
Norma Tebo
David W. Thornton
Charles J. and Mildred M. T ull
June M. Tuller
Victor H. Tyler
Tom Vander Ven
David Vollrarh
Jennell Weaver
Richard C. Webster
Freda Wentzel
James L. and JoAnn Wittenbach
Lester M. Wolfson
Gale L. Wood
James L. and Shari A Woodruff
Catherine A Wright
Holly L. Yoder
Norma Zakrocki
Mary Ann Zemke
Ronald T. Zielinski
W. Bruce Zimmerman
Susan D. Zook
AIliedSignal Inc.
Exxon Education Foundation
IBM Corporation
Martin Marietta Corporation
Prudential Insurance Company of
Schering-Plough Foundation
Science Applications International
Sonja Marshalek
Elyce Meilstrup
James L. and Kathleen S. Mullins
Brenda K. Nellist
David E. Ogden
Martha M. Pickrell
Nancy Jo Pinney
J. Wesley and Roberta Robbins
Rick A Roberts
John~. and Michele C. Russo
Philip H. Schatz
Ruth P. Segety
Bill Storey
Jerome Tannenbaum
Kathryn Taylor Tkachyk
Thomas A. Troeger
Frances M. VanFleit
Burkhart Advertising, Inc.
Canteen Food and Vending
Northwestern Murual Life
Society National Bank, Indiana
South Bend Audubon Society
Teachers Credit Union
Louis and Eleanor Baker
Phyllis J. Beck
Peter J. Biegel
Charles E. and Judirh A Brothers
Harry and Sarah Coffman
Walton R. and Carolyn A Collins
Paula Ruth Dale
Margaret K. Eiszner
Joseph and Caroline A Fanchi
Robert L. Fancil
Martha Jane Fields
Florence F. Fischgrund
Professor and Mrs. J. David Fred
Patrick J. and Gertrude Griffin
Jerry Hammes
Charlotte E. Hunt
David M. Ivey
Wilma A. Kalberer
Albert S. Katz
Susan Y. Kiang
Jennifer A Klein
WayneJ. and Kathryn K. Krepe!
Curtis L. Leggett
Michael A. and Kathleen E.
Michael and Carla Cutting
Mary Jane Danner
Beverly Faulkner
Chesrer K. and Susan G. Kwilas
Marta Makielski
Laura E. Marnocha
Diane E. Olechna
Diane Dudek Parmelee
Eleanor Marie Stoeckinger
Sandra L. Tiffany
Rhonda S. Vera
Carol L. Whalen
Rita Wienholts
The Associates
No tricks on Halloween,
just a treat from IUSB to
the community as 25
employees and students
donate time and skills to
fixing up a house for the
Habitat for Humanity
Indiana University trustees approve an architectural firm's proposal
to expand the IUSB
Master Plan to include
what is now residential
property west of campus. Development of the
property, however,
would be years away.
New musicians Aaron
Berofsky of New York
City and David Harding
of Toronto, Ontario, join
IUSB's esteemed Chester
String Quartet.
For the second straight
year, the IUSB Titans
men's basketball squad
upsets Bethel College
112-101 to claim the
Bethel Classic Championship.
Dennis Ray Bankowski
Joseph and Michele M. Bleich
Beverly Chutch
Walton R. and Carolyn A. Collins
Keith D. Dennis
Dot Feldman
Lester C. Lamon
J. Thomas Lang
Maty Ann Meiser
R. V. Raghavan
Atiqus Samad
AIIiedSignal Inc.
AT&T Corporation Foundation
Charter Hospital of South Bend
Godfrey Conveyor Company
Hoffmann laRoche Inc.
Memorial Hospital of South
Syscon International, Inc.
Thomas M. Becker
John G. Blower
Kathy Conrad Brewton
Heather Brown
Thomas E. Byers
John P. Chapo
Walton R. and Carolyn A. Collins
Denice D. Depaepe
S. E. Dobis
Irene M. Engel
Michael J. Ferry
Ray E. and Diana 1. Hess
William P. Hojnacki
Michael A. Hurst
Philip E. Jacobson
Edna M. Kelsey
Sandra J. Kieffer
Louis M. Kujawski
Patricia A. Lodyga
Margaret A. McKinney
Colleen A. Melendy
Paul T. Minnis
Michael F. Reedus
Christina Kaye Senff
Susan Biddle Shearer
Matthew C. Stokes
Bruce J. Tisdale
Thomas 1. Tucker
G. T. Wrasse, II
Chet Zawalich
A1liedSignal Inc.
Bruce R. Bancroft
Douglas M. Mick
David and Monica Sage
Charles Brian Sauers
Charles K Wilber, Jr.
A1liedSignal Inc.
Coopers & Lybrand
1st Source Bank
Joe Kernan for Mayor Committee
Memorial Hospital of South Bend
Saint Joseph's Medical Center
South Bend Medical Foundation,
The Associates
Valley American Bank
WSJV Television, Inc.
Elyce Meilstrup
Gwendolyn Mettetal
Thomas A. Myers
Fred J. Naffziger
Nicholas A. and Cinda 1. Neal
John E. and Anne Pyle
Rosemary Rendek
Mike Richardson
Kirk Root
Ellen 1. Sayles
William S. Shields
David H. Snook
Richard B. Stoner
Jenny Strebinger
Tom Vander Ven
William G. Verbrugge
David Vollrath
Lester M. Wolfson
Indiana University South Bend
Alumni Association
Saturn ofMichiana, Inc.
Society National Bank, Indiana
Michelle D. Antioho
Kathleen A. Barrett-Jones
Eileen T. Bender
James G. Bigham
William J. and Martha Brusda
Bud Coffinan
Daniel Cohen
CatherineJ. Dilley
Gail Fickel
Michael J. Flowers
Lawrence Garber
Joyce A. Graybill
Gerald E. and Eileen B. Harriman
Doug and Pat Hartford
Leonard E. James
Jerry J. Jones
Brenda E. Knowles
Paul Kochanowski
Lester C. Lamon
LaMar E. Lantz
Jane C. Lowell
Ellen 1. Maher
Wayne and Judy Bartholomew
Louis B. and Linda 1. Bixler
James 1. Edwards
William C. Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Gerkin
MichaelJ. Ham
Gerald E. and Eileen B. Harriman
Robert 1. Hill
Paul A. Joray
Brenda E. Knowles
Paul Kochanowski
Lyn Leone
Ronald Minichillo
Esther 1. Mooneyhan
FredJ. and CaroiA. Naffziger
Don M. Newman
Marilyn G. Parent
Joseph 1. Peyser
Mary Lu Robinson
Rebecca]. Robinson
Faith S. Schultz
William S. Shields
Frank X. Steggert
Estate of Doris M. Weil
Donald W. Zimmerman
Clark Equipment Company". '
Crowe, Chizek and Company
Elkhart Area Chapter, Institute of
Management Accountants
Indiana University South Bend
Alumni Association
Maxi-Blast, Inc.
Sonat Exploration Co.
Swiss American Secutities Inc.
Union Pacific Corporation
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 3rd
Winnie Brown •
Alice Cangelosi •
William M. Connolly'
Charles R. DuVall
Ernest H. Gerkin"
Noah Leonard James •
Gerald E. Harriman
Sue Lake'
Warren E. McGill
Carol Dee Minichillo"
Robert N. Robinson'
Fran k E. Shalaty •
Donald D. Snyder'
Harry A. Spigle •
Frank X. Steggert
Neil G. Thompson'
George A. Wing'
Lester M. Wolfson
• Memorials
Thomas Ehrlich, LL.B. , LL.D.
Jon S. Armstrong
Bristol, Indiana
Samuel Raitzin
South Bend, Indiana
B. Patrick Bauer
South Bend, Indiana
Melvin Reed
South Bend, Indiana
Roland W. Chan1blee
South Bend, Indiana
Franldin D. Sci1urz, Jr.
South Bend, Indiana
Arthur J. Decio
Elld1a.lT, Indiana
William S. Shields
South Bend, Indiana
Robert]. Hiler, ] r.
LaPorte, Indiana
Don Vanen
South Bend, Indiana
Fred S. Kmn
South Bend, Indiana
EricA. Todd
Bloomington, Indiana
(IV Trustee Representative)
John D. Walda
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Frederick F. Eichhorn, Jr.
GalY, Indiana
Joseph M. Black
Seymour, Indiana
Milton "]osh" Fineberg
Carmel, Indiana
Harry L. Gonso
Indianapolis, Indiana
P. A. Mack, Jr.
Bloomington, Indiana
Robert H. McKinney
Indianapolis, Indiana
Ray Richardson
Greenfteld, Indiana
EricA. Todd
Bloomington, Indiana
Daniel Cohen, Ph.D.
Lester C. Lamon, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor
Academic Affairs
Leonard E. James, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor
Student Affairs
Keith D. Dennis, M.B.A.
Vice Chancellor
Business Affairs
Douglas B. Hartford, Ed.D.
Vice Chancellor
External Affairs
Lee Martin
ElIdmt, Indiana
Arthur H. McElwee, Jr.
Granger, Indiana
Samuel L. Milligan
South Bend, Indiana
Ernestine M. Radin
South Bend, Indiana
Barbara 1<. Warner
South Bend, Indiana
Datwin L. Wiekamp
Mishawalca, Indiana
Faculty members Keith Knauss and
Ted Hengesbach prepare for the
Silver Celebration Commencement.
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