Friends Circle Donors - Hospice of the Valley


Friends Circle Donors - Hospice of the Valley
Friends Circle Donors
Hospice of the Valley would like to express its gratitude for the generous
support of our Friends Circle donors, whose gifts up to $249 were received
from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
Gladys Aanestad
Donald R. Aasen, USAF (Ret)
and Olga Aasen
Claudia Aasen-Blaine
Ian and Kelly Abbott
Mayme Abbott
Barbara Abeln
Joel and Cynthia Abrams
Bob and Nancy Adams
Brian and Gina Adams
Harold Adams
John and Dorothy Adams
Richard and Lani Adams
Irving and Vivian Adatto
Mac and Marge Adcock
Cookie and Arnold Addison
Barbara Adler
Nancy Adrian
Don and Toni Agnelli
Patricia Akahoshi
Bernadine and Jerry Akgulian
Molly Akutagawa
K. Alameda-Durham
Gene and Iris Alberts
Beverly Albright
Jacquelyn Alderete
Patricia Alderete
Jeanne Alexander
Norman Alexander
Jerry Alexanderson
Molly Alexandro
Bernie and Rochelle Alhadeff
Josephine Alioto
All West Environmental
Robert Allario
Don and Sally Allen
Loretta Allen
Robert and Eleanor Allen
William and Karen Allen
Margaret Allvey
Diana and Douglas Alman
Kathy Almeida
Gregory Alnas
Jim and Leonne Alter
Ruben and Bonnie Alvarez
Vee Amato
AMD Matching Gift Program
Kathy America
American Antiques Club
The American Legion
Nanci Amos
Howard and Sue Anawalt
Kristin Anderson
Robert and Louise Anderson
Trudy Anderson
Vivian Anderson
Allen Ando
Lloyd and Elaine Ando
Diane Androvich
Joann Andrushko
Darlene Anger
Heather Ankeny
Modesta Antonio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aquino
Daniel J. Araldi, DDS
Alice Arata
Paul and Elizabeth Archambeault
Jeannine Ardjomand-Kermani
Doris Arensberg
Dolly Ares
Augie and Kathy Argabright
Teresa Ariente
Evon Armanini Hass
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Armanino
Ron and Sharon Arnaud
Suzanne Arnaud and John Parks
Gloria and Fred Ascher
Marcia and Craig Ash
Emebet Assefa
David Attard
Janet Attard
Pauline Attard
Michael Atwell
Marilyn August
Regina Augustine
Mary Aumack
Leia Austin
Naomi Avanzino
Joan Avery
John Avery
Lawrence Axelrad
David and Janet Azevedo
Mike Bachman
Chris and Cathy Bachmann
Jerry Bachur and
Denise Quieto-Bachur
Anna Bacon
Anna Bailey
Jim and Cheryl Bailey
Leslie and Dale Bailey
Margaret Bailey
B. Elaine Bainbridge
Patricia Baio
John Baird
William Baiss
George and Bernice Bajada
Beverly Baker
Charlesie and George Baker
Gary Baker
John and Jerri Baker
Lori Baker
Suzanne Baker
Margaret Baldwin
Jeffrey and Susan Balfus
Balkamp, Inc.
Patty Ball
Hilly Balmforth
Mel and Kay Bandanza
Annette and Keith Bandy
Sharon Banks
Maria Banuelos
Karen Barba
Joseph and Paula Barbara
Jeannie Barbieri-Low
Marie Barclay
Jack Bariteau
Gail Barklow
William Barmettler, Jr.
Claude and Anita Barnes
Joan and Larry Barokas
Morgan and Kathie Barokas
Bob and Marie Barone
Audrey Barr
Ronald and Mary Ann Barr
Al and Evelyn Barreras
Phyllis Barrett
Jean Barrick
Elizabeth Barron
Anna Barry
Franja Barry
Dan and Shelly Barsanti
Gino and Lu Barsanti
M. Maureen Basile
Ann Bassford
John Bates
Cathy Battles
Lois Battuello
Anne and Frank Baumann
Rochelle Baumstein
Robert A. Baylor and
Mary E. Morris
Rosalie Baylot
Jean Beale
Neil and Patricia Bean
Kenneth Bearie
Jean Beattie
Lou and Ellen Beaudet
Jeanette Beavers
Bryce and Darla Beck
Marilyn Becker
Mary Jo Becker
Ren and Bonny Becker
Stephen and Jill Becker
Gretchen Beers
Ann Begun
Mayetta Behringer
Mary Belfield
Donna Bell
Patricia Bell
Bella Vista High School
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bellas
Mary Bellicitti
Glynis Benbow-Niemier
Paul and Peta Bender
Bryan and Dori Benke
Bill and Mary Benson
Alfred and Madelyn Benzo
Thomas Berger
Alyssia Berkowitz
Marilou Bernal
Allan and Judith Bernstein
Marietta Bernthol
Annette Bertram
Gary Bertuccelli
Rose Best
Kathy Betando
Ineko Betts
Fritz and Dagmar Beyerlein
Louis and Angie Biagini
Victor Bialkowski
Elizabeth Biasca
Mr. and Mrs. Nestore G. Biasi
Don Bice
Martin P. Bilan
Daniel Binder
Joseph and Barbara Binggeli
Roger and Millicent Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Bitcon
Lynne Black
Dick and Sharon Blaine
Terri Bland
Donna Blank
Ken and Allie Blase
Douglas and Imogene Blatz
Marjorie and Sheldon Blickman
Richard and Susan Blish
Larry A. Blitz and Lori Andersen
Paula Blohm
Mildred Bloom
Brenda Bloomfield
Bill Blosen
Ray and Sonja Blow
Patricia Blue
Rita Blumstein
Brigitte Bobay
Elizabeth Bocks
Eugene and Harriet Boden
William Boehner
Steve and Joan Boice
Jack and Tami Bois
Tom and Norma Bommarito
Debbie Bone and Elaine M. Laing
Michele Bonnett
Martha Bonnici
William and Nellie Booth
Lawana Boots
Rudy and Maria Borello
Stephen and Faith Borges
Charles and Patricia Borgia
Renie Borowski
Carl and Anna Borrelli
Joan Bose
Bossi Family
Barbara Bossingham
David and Linda Boston
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Boswell
Richard Bothman
Peter and Ginny Botsford
Jerri Bottini
Clay and Carol Boudreaux
Bev Bourbon
Louella Bourgerie
Paul and Maryanne Bourque
Tom and Janet Boutton
Leonard and Tanya Bove
Denise Bowden
Kathleen Bower
Susan Bowers
John Bowles
Mary Bowman
Suzanne B. Boxer-Gassman and
Gerald R. Gassman
Thomas and Carol Boyce
David and Marna Boyd
Ann Boyum
Gene Bozzo
J.M. and Sharon Bradburn
Fadhilla Bradley
Florence Bradley
Doris and Joe Bragdon
Charles and Barbara Brand
Charlotte Brawley
Nan and Gary Breeding
Donald Brennan, MD
Janet and Horst Brenner
Susan and Stephen Brenner
Frances Brewster
Jean Brian
Bill and Kathie Briggs
Chester and Evelyn Briggs
Robert and Judith Briggs
Victor and Ruth Brill
Randolph Brine
Michael and Mary Ann Brison
Scott and Betty Brittain
Roger and Margot Brockmeyer
Douglas and Roberta Brogden
Dick and Connie Brooding
Connie Brookner
Ellen and Richard Brooks
Irving and Donna Brott
Alice Brown
Charles and Barbara Brown
David and Sheila Brown
Erika Brown
George P. Brown and
Judith A. Ludwick
Maureen Brown
Susan Brown
Vivian Brown
Warren Brown
Michael Brownell
Ada M. Brubaker and
Susan J. Bjerrum
Col. and Mrs. Gunther A. Brumme
Matilda Brunello
Preston and Penny Brunst
Patricia Brust
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bruton
John and Judith Bruzus
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow L. Bryant, Jr.
Carl Buck
Marie Buck
Nicole Buckland
Mine Budiman
John D. Budnik, Jr.
Francine Bunnell
Luella Burd
Allen and Lana Burge
Jack and Virginia Burgett
George Burke
Karen Burke
Thomas and Lois Burke
Jack and Darlene Burnham
Joan Burns
Mary Burrell
Larry Bursch
Ron and Roberta Busby
Dennis and Lavon Busch
Sylvia Busch
Judy Bush
John and Nancy Buthenuth
Anthony and Sarah Butterfield
Robert and Colleen Butterfield
Richard and Tara Button
K. Bynum
Bud and Yvonne Cabral
Mainini Cabute
Sandy Cademartori
Edward and Marjorie Cahn
Andrew and Marilyn Calciano
G.K. and Ilona Caldwell
Nina Caldwell
Annual Report 2010-2011 Supplement | Hospice of the Valley | Page 1
Friends Circle Donors Continued
Marvin Calhoun
Ronald and Marcia Cali
California Hydronics Corporation
Mary Callaghan
Don and Clare Callejon
Vanessa Callison-Burch
Camenzind Bros.
Debbie Cameron
Salvador and Denise Campagna
Dolores Campbell
Dorothy Campbell
Louise Campbell
Shirlie Campbell
Campbell Union School District
Eugene Campi
Patricia Campise
Robert and Connie Canter
David Cantua
Lauretta Cappiello
Vita Cardia
Cardinal Professional Products
Anna Cardinale
Cathy Cardoza
Edward and Cathy Cardoza
Elvamae Carl
Tom and Arlene Carleton
Milt and B.J. Carlson
Betty Carlton
Marjorie and Wayne Carmony
James and Norma Carney
John and Patricia A. Carney
Malkah Carothers
Virginia Carpio
David and Jane Carr
Dolores Carr
Fred and Candy Carr
Mary Ann Carr
Linda Carroll
Richard Carroll
Stanley and Carolee Carroll
George Carsella
Barry and Leila Carter
John Carter
Lana Carter
Norman and Cynthia Carter
Ron and Judy Carter
Gary and Bernice Caselli
Pam Casey
Peggy Casey
Peter and Catherine Cassidy
Robert Castillo
Gordon and Cindy Castro
Martha Castro
Elsie Catalano
Mia and Dale Cater
Deann Caughey
CCM Development
Joe and LaVerne Celentano
Toni Cerrudo
Mary Chaboya
Donald and Judith Chamberlin
Betty Champlin
Katherine Chan
Joyce Chang
Barbara and James Chappell
Marilyn Charell
Jeanette Charlet
Hal and Karen Chase
Claud and Charlotte Chastain
Angie Chavez
Charles and Joan Chavtur
Junko Cheng
Nancy and Eldon Cherniss
Alice Cheung
Mary Louise Chiappino
Louis Chiaramonte
Sandra Chiaramonte
Charlotte Chiechi
Francis Chiechi
Phil and Toni Chimbidis
Albert and Betty Chinn
Nick Chiotellis
Jaime E. Cho, DDS
Joseph and Patricia M. Choi
Marolyn Chow
Deal and Nancy Christensen
Christian Singles Fellowship
Christman Family
John Cihi
Ron and Eleanor Cimoli
Pauline Ciraulo
Charles Cirelli
Randolph Cisneroz
Auralie Citrigno
Cermette and Anne Clardy
Amy Clark
Tamara Clark-Shear
Peter and Janet Claus
Sue Coatney
Edward and Carole R. Cobb
John and Charley Ann Cobb
Waldo and Win Cobb
Cathy Coccimiglio
Louis and Mary Coccimiglio
Peggy Coe
Gina Cofone
Nettie Cohen
Colaizzi Family
Patricia Coles
Paul Colin
Kathryn Coll
George and Marty Colla
Gordon Collins
Mrs. Helen Collins
Colonial Manor Ladies Club
Rosemarie Coltrin
Robert and Dianne Colyar
Roy Combs
Hannah Comiskey
Community Health Charities
Loubelle Concepcion
Lena Conley
Helen Connolley
Susan Cook
R.W. and Marilyn D. Coole
Daniel and Kathleen Cooley
Jacquelyn Copple
Dr. and Mrs. Mario N. Cordero
Harry and Joanne Cornbleet
Donald and Judith Cornellier
Lora Corner
Martha Coronado
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corrigan
Glenda Corsmo
Dominic and Suzanne Cortese
Dom and Jean Cosentino
Philip and Jean M. Cosentino
Cosmetique of Germany
Mark Costantini
Vicki Costanza
Ray Cote
Stan Cotton
William and Mary Cotton
Kathleen Coughlin
Bernard and Marcia Coullahan
Ginny and Jack Cover
Finetta Cowman
Maureen Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Cox
Amie Coy
Janis and Gerald Crawford
Diane Creedon
Katie Creegan
Ann and Roy Crews
Rose Crimi
Barbara Crisp
Marilou Cristina
Diane Cristine
Peggy Crites
Bonnie Crocket
Cathy and Christopher Crockett
Michelle Crosby
David Cross
Richard and Paula Crus
Noemi Cruz
Jerry and Patty Cummings
Dolores Cunha
Carol Cunningham
Grant and Mary Cunningham
Cupertino De Oro Club
Cupertino DeAnza Lions
Charities, Inc.
Cupertino Federated
Womens Club
Cupertino Odd Fellows Lodge #70
Cupertino Rotary Endowment
John and Vickie Cupples
Beverley Curtis
Janie and Ewell Curtis
Lidwine da Silva
Veronika Dafoe
Douglas and Darlene Daggett
Salvatore and Nancy D’Agostino
Ryan Dail
Al and Pat Dalcher
Esmelita Damba
Diane Danen
Donald D’Angelo
Elizabeth Daniels
Dee Danna
Helen Danna
Stephen and Kelly Danna
Alden and Ann Danner
Jeri Dansky
Sue Daughtrey and Patti Smith
Karen Y. Davidsen and
Robert E. Wendell
Richard and Joyce Davidson
Dorothea Davis and Family
Edith Davis
Florence Davis
Gwen Davis
Jeanette Davis
Karen Davis
Regina Davis
Robert Davis
Sara Davis
Janet Davis Morgan and
Albert B. Morgan
Christine Davison
William Dawson
Janis Day
Sondra De Beauclair
Jake and Wilda De Haeseleer
Lena De Kesel-Lams
Carol and Mark De La Mater
Richard and Joann De La Rosa
Shevlin De La Roza
T-Marie De Vere
Barbara de Wit
Evelyn Dean
Tony and Grace DeCaro
Janis Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Decker
Walter and Joanna Deere
Rocco DeFelice
Allen Deguchi
Louise Deisenroth
Benny Del Re
Henry and Anne Della Maggiore
Donna DeLong
Sandra Delvin
Florence DeMalta
Judy and Bob Demartini
Bill and Sue DeMatteis
Stephanie Demos
James and Nancy Dempsey
Gloria Dench
Patricia Denver
Charles and Barbara DePaoli
Quintin Depina
Lucille Deretich
Sheila Dermer
Rebecca Deuben
Mr. and Mrs. Derek DeWinter
George and Marye DeYoung
Cynthia Di Giorgio
Jerry Di Salvo
Diamond Foods, Inc.
Manuel and Manuela P. Dias
Whitney Diaz
Nate Digre
Robert Dilworth
O. Welter Dimond
Benny and Patricia Dinapoli
Edith Dinardi
James Dingle
Mr. and Mrs. John Diquisto
Patrick and Mindy Dirks
Jim and Athana Divers
Susan Divita
Catherine Dixon
James C. Dixon and
Kelly L. Kennedy
Dorothy Doherty
Ann Dohn
Nancy Dohner
Vincent and Beverly Domenech
Martha Dominick
Frank Donahoe
Maryanne Donahoe
Maureen and Michael Donald
Patricia Donohue
Susan Dooley
Ace and Judy Dorlarque
Judy Dotson
Edmund and Joanne M. Dougherty
Edward Dowling
Mary Downey
Harold and Mary Doyle
Barbara Drake
Kathleen Drayson
Dorothy Dreher
Ralph Dreike
Prudence Dreyfus
Henry and Joy Drinker
Vladimir and Dolores M. Drobot
Thomas and Pauline B. Duffy
James and Louise Dunaway
Katherine and F. Thomas Dunlap
Jeffrey and Susan M. Dunn
David and E. Dianne Dunton
Jan Duquette
Jane Durie
Justin Durocher and Family
Maria Dutra
Mary Dutrow
Ellen Dwyer
Cynthia and Norman Dyer
Carla Dziedziak
Julie A. Eagleton and
William Feemster
John and Pam East
Doris Ebert
Charles Edmonds
Blake Edwards
John and Mary Jane Edwards
Pamela Edwardson
Francine Effren
Edward and Patricia Eggert
Barbara Ehrlich
Linda Ehrlich-Jones
El Camino Hospital
El Camino Hospital Retirees
Irene Elardo
Susan Ellefson
Carol Ellenberger
Marie Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Elliott
Denise and Kenneth Ellsworth
Eric and Janet Emanuel
Jean Embree
Nancy and Keith Embree
Gary E. Emick and
Paddy Murphy
Paul and Kathleen Englert
Ron and Shari Enos
Margery and T. Epperson
Buzz and Clemie Ereno
Douglas and Melissa Erickson
Irvin and Juanita Erler
Tatiana Escalante
Stacy Escobar
Michael and Bonnie Escobedo
Mordie and Marian Eskenazi
Judy Eskinazi
Gilbert Espinosa, Jr.
Teresa Estep
Nikolay and Larisa Esterkin
Charles and Nina Estes
Manuel Estrada
Inez Etchechury
Donald and Mary Lou Etten
Michael and Leslie Evans
Vince and Patrice Evans
Roy and Angela Evulich
Joseph and Patricia Fabiny
Jeanne and Erik Fabricius
Daniel Facciola
David and Aiko Fadness
Joan Fagan
Barry and Judith Fairfax
Thomas and Kathleen Faith
Katie Falconer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Faris, Jr.
Dick and Sue Farley
Kathleen Farmer
Phoebe Farnam
Adam Farver
Jackie Fazzio
Sharon Featherston
Jeanette Fedasz
Lauri Feetham
Jeannine Feldman
Raul Felix
Fred H. Feltner, Jr.
Anita and Jim Fenner
Nicholas and Dina Ferentinos
Salvatore and Gloria J. Ferla
Toby and Barry Fernald
Chris and Charese Fernandes
Thomas and Stephanie Fernane
Diva Ferrara
Joseph and Diane Ferrara
Clara Ferrari
Ferrari Family
Gerald and Robin Ferrari
Carl and Jenna Ferrigno
Richard Field
Burl and Rachel Fields
Yvonne Fields
Karen Fierravanti
Caroline Fifield
John Figini
Mary and David Figone
Ann Filice
Frances Filice
Mary Lou Filice
Michael and Carol Filice
Susan S. Filice and Diana M. Fama
John and Joanne Finan
Jill Findlay
Susan Fisch
Albert and Jean Fischer
Steve and Jan Fischer
Janet Fish
Bill and Diane Fisher
Marilynn Fisher
Martha and K. A. Fisk
James and Lorraine Fitch
Raymond Flanagan
John Fletcher
Skip and Nancy Fletcher
Mary Florsheim
Ray and Rose Flowers
Nancy Flynn-Silva
Annual Report 2010-2011 Supplement | Hospice of the Valley | Page 2
Friends Circle Donors Continued
Jamie and Dennis Fobar
Bernardette Foley
Lynn Folsom
Barbara Foncannon and
Jim Bunce
Emily Chung Foo
Linda and Chat Forbes
Marlene Forbes
Sharon Ford
Melinda Fore
Timothy Forell
Edward and Marcella Forman
Anthony and Mary Pat Formosa
Mary Forster
Jan Foss
Four Seasons – Division of
Standard Motor Products Inc.
Anna Fox
Joan and Marvin Fox
Lynda and Stephen Fox
Liz and Ralph Fragapano
Josephine Francesconi
Gary Francis
John and Deanna Franco
David and Fran Franklin
Ed and Cyndi Franks
Albert Franzino
Catherine Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Frazier
Sherine and Lester Frazin
Bruce and Peggy Frederick
Joyce Frederick
Helen Fredkin
Mark and Susan Fredkin
William and Norma Fredlund
Joan Freeman
Susan Freeman
Joyce Freiberg
Adeline French
Gregory and Anne B. Fretz
Nancy Frey
Ann Friedman
Louis and Ann Frontino
Dudley and Gail Frost
Betty Fuchs
George and Rusty Fullmer
Donovan Funston
Kenneth Funston
Joaquin and Marie Furtado
Sandy Gabe
Joe Gadek
Linda Gagliani
Jennifer Gagliardi
Bonnie Gallaway
Giuseppina Gallo
Peter Galvin
Jules and Joan Gamache
Ray and Jaci Gamaza
Judy Gammell
Dennis and Linda Garden
Fred and Marilyn Gardner
Howard and Patricia Gardner
Janet Gardner
Wilma Gardner
Kathleen Garvin
Wayne and Janice Gash
Kristina Gatto
Johnny and Maria Gayanich
GE United Way Campaign
Carol Gear
Richard and Kimberly Gee
Kathryn Gemello
Frank and Kathleen G. Genco
Mel and Rosalina George
Melinda George
Noelle George
George E. Hall Investments
Frank and Connie Geraci
Judy Gergurich
Joanne Getas
Susan and Walter Ghijsen
Harriet Ghione
Loreene Giansiracusa
Frank Gibbons
Ken and Marjorie Gibbons
Gibino Family
Lance and Arlene Gidel
Clem and Ellie Gietzen
Linda Gifford
Pauline Gifford
Thomas and Debbie Gilardi
Steve and Pat Gilbert
Florence Gilchrist
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gildner
Jean Gill
Stewart and Cathy Gill
Dave and Mary Gillies
Janice Gilman
Frank and Pat Gilstrap
Pete and Julia Gimenez
Josephine Giovannoni
Ciro Gippetti
Antoinette Giuffre
Martin and Ann M. Gizdich
D.L. Glaserud
Harriett Glass
Glen Schanck Rental Company
Daniel and Barbara Glines
Karen Glovka
Carol Goedde
H.S. and Ellen Gold
Sondra and Alex Goldberger
Richard and Sharon A. Golzio
Jackie Gomes
Rebecca Gomes
Isidro Gomez
Joe and Jo Mae Gonyea
Jeanne Gonzales
Dolores Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez
Good Samaritan Hospital
Charles and Heather Goodman
Alan and Sheila Gordon
Francine Gordon
Mark Gordon
Harvey and Gladiola Gorham
Laurie Gorham
Alfred Gorman
Eden Gorriaran
Joyce Gossman
Linda Gottlieb
Bonnie Gould
Frank Gracey III
Betty Grand
Marian Grandi
Jim and Connie Grant
Lois Grant
Catherine and Ronald Granville
Andy and Christine Gray
Janet and Michael Gray
Ronald and Sandy Greaser
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Green
Gary Green
Joel Greenberg
Stephen and Arlene Greenberg
Sally Greene
Agnes Greenshields
Ann Greenspan
Gretchen Gregersen
Ingrid and Robert Gregg
Patricia Gregory
G.T. Griff
Robert and Sally Griffith
Doris Grijalva
Patricia Grilione, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grosh
Michael Grundy
Nicole Guerrero Borja
Robert and Marsha Ann Guevara
Allen and Karen Guggenheim
Steve and Nadya Gulesserian
Michael Gulizia
Gail Gullickson
Ron and Kay Gullo
Raymond and Barbara Gunzel
Robert and Martha Guthrie
Adele Haeussler
Catherine Hagen
Gordon and Frances Hagen
Irene Haggerty
Timothy Haggerty
Marisa Hale
James and Kathryn Hall
Judy Hall
Jenna Hallead
James Hallenbeck, MD
Larry and Rosalie Hallinan
Eileen Hamada
Michael and Elaine Hamilton
Ellen Hammack
Margie Hammack
Pamela Hammer
Clarence Hammonds
George and Shizuka Hanada
Mary and Steve Hand
L. Eugene and Marilyn Handloff
Larry and Mary Haney
Barbara Hanfling
Daniel and Judith A. Hanley
Kathleen and J.M. Hansell
Anita Harbor
Kenneth and Rhonda Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy
Trudi Harger
The Harker School
Carl Harlow
Oscar Harper
Albert and Rhoda Harrington
Miles and Noreen Harrington
Patricia Harrington
Andrea Harris
Karen Harris
Edna Harrison
Ruth Harrison
Alice Harrold
Bill Hart
Douglas Hart
John and Judy Hart
Hilary Harvey
Shirley Harvey
Kenneth and Beverly Haughton
Kathleen Hawkes
Mary Hawkes
Januth K. Hayashi and
Peter S. Stickland
Walter and Anne Hayden
Betty Hayes
Alice Haywood
Atha Haywood
Patricia Heacock
Roberta Head
E. Donald and Carol J. Hebert
Gerald and Lois Hedquist
George and Denise Heeg
Phyllis Heenan
Leanna Heffron
Dwile Heggem
Gail Hehir
Quentin Heim
Peggy Heiman
Chuck Heinrich
John and Norma Heinrichs
Bob and JoAnn Heissner
Patricia Helin
Alan and Patricia Heller
Betty Heller Rosania
Pat Helms
Joyce and Dan Hemenez
Thomas and Nancy Henderson
Veronica Henderson
Diane Hendricks
Andrew and Bernice E. Henriques
Bruce Henry
Margo Heran
Edie and Bob Herbst
Julio and Joan A. Herdocia
Robert and Ruthann Herendeen
Alberta Herfurth
Carolyn Herkner
Susy Herlinger
Michael and Susan Hermeston
David Hermon
Jan Hermsen
Cristal Hernandez
Jean Herriges
Barbara Herring
Bob and Betty Hertz
Jim and Becky Hettema
Lon Hettrick
Patti Heyer
Eugenia P. Heylen
Paul and Jan Heymann
Larry and Sharon Hicks
Deborah Higgins
Linda Higgins
Amy Higuchi
Mary Hiland
Eileen and Steve Hilberg
Glenn and Regena Hilbrich
Hill View Packing Company, Inc.
Frances Hillier
Philip Hines
Hinkle, Jachimowicz, Pointer
& Emanuel
Scott Hintergardt
Faye Hinz
David and Beverly Hirsch
Larri Deane Hirschklau and
Michael J. Hirschklau, MD
Martha J. Hitchcock and Robert
Cheryl Hlebakos
Hock & Company
Betty Hodges
Mildred and Donald Hoeppner
Clara Hofer
Allyn Hoffman
Gail Hoffman
Joseph Hoffman
Kirstin Hofmann
Judith Hogan
Elaine Hogle
Betty Hogue
Tom and Ellen Hogue
Yumiko Hojo
Bill and Emily Hollinger
Gary and Kris Holloway
Charlotte Holmdahl
Bill and Jean Holmes
Donna Holmes
Harry and Donna Holt
Ina Holt
Bill and Peggy Homan
Fusako Honda
Hong Family
Sung Hong
Marian Honig
Mary Hontalas
Richard and Julie M. Hood
Dale Hoover
John and Michelle Hoover
Jason and Julie Hooz
John and Molly Hope
Debra Hopkins
Donald Hopkins
Susan Hopkins
Fred and Ruth Horiuchi
Jean Horner
Bill and June Horton
Carol Howard
Sue Howell
Cathie Hower
Diane Howland
John Howmiller
Ofelia Hsieh
Elaine Hu
Eleanor Hubert
Steven and Jane Hubert
Candace Hubman
Mary Ann Hudson
Sherry Huff
Julie Hughes
Marcia Hughes
Randall Hughes
Harriett Huls
Maryann Humes
Carriebelle Humphrey
Marilyn Hungarland
Arthur and Bonnie Hunt
Frank and Carol Hunt
Nancy Hunt
Tamara Hunt
Idell Hunter
George and Sharon Hurley
Marlene Hurrell
Glenna Hurst
Marjorie Hurt
Steve Hussey
Colleen Hutchings and
Richard L. Widger
James Hutchinson
Kim Hoai Huynh-Vu
Diane Hylton
Gayl Hynek
Luciano and Ersilia Iacomini
Helen Ibsen
Minoru and Lillie Ikeda
Ed and Sandy Ilsley
Martha and Hank Imwalle
Gloria Inaba
Therese Inches
Independence High School
Independent Order of Foresters
Kay Ingalls
Masako and Shirley Ino
James Inouye
Joe and Marie Intaschi
Andrew Irish
Charlie and Pat Isherwood
Sol and Virginia Israel
Daisy Isreal
Sherri Ito
Mina Itzkowitz
John and Jan Ivancovich
Rita Ivancovich
Adrienne Iwanaga
Dorothy Iwasaki
Mike and Becky Iwen
Bernice Jackson
James Jackson
Josie Jackson
Nurit Jacobs
Irwin and Laura Jacobson
Jane and Len Jacobson
Karl Jacobson
Alan and Leilani Jaffe
Catherine Jagelski
Susan and Thomas Jalone
George James
Chuck and RoseAnn Janda
Catherine Jankovic
Josephine Janousek
Richard and Barb Jarvis
Curtis and Barbara Jasper
Norman Jeffery
Robert and Meryl Jelinek
Bruce and Teresa Jenkins
Sandy and Earle Jenner
Marilynn J. Jennings and
Gwendolyn C. NakaGama
Mitzi Jensen
Pauline and Roger Jensen
Annette Jeong
Sandra Jertberg
Dorothy Jetton
Ramon and Anne Jimenez
Beverli Jinn
Sarah Joelson
Johanson & Yau
W. Kent Johns
Barbara Johnson
Bertram Johnson
Marilyn Johnson
Melinda Johnson
Evelyn Johnston
Gary and Suzanne Jones
Gloria Jones
Lincoln and Muriel Jones
Marjorie Jordan
Ronald and Gail Joseph
H. Wilkes and Ann C. Joy
Eugene and Janis Jud
Colleen Julian
Margaret Juliano
Mr. and Mrs. Maria Kachadurian
Carol Kaganov
John and Helen Kahle
Danielle and Robert Kane
Steve Kaneko
Anita Kapadia
Warren and Judy Kaplan
Catherine Kara
Darlene and Richard Karasik
Annual Report 2010-2011 Supplement | Hospice of the Valley | Page 3
Friends Circle Donors Continued
Selma Karchem
Rita Karlsten
Donald H. Karoski and
Norma Simpson
Ravi and Vinata Karra
Robert and Carol Kary
Takeshi Katsumoto
Doris Katz
Diane Kauffman
Susan Kauffman and
Steve Lustgarden
Werner Kaufmann
Connie Kay
Karen Kazlauckas
Richard Keady
Margaret Keenan
Sandra Keenan
Dennis and Jan Keene
Elizabeth Keifer
Robert and Donna Keller
Penny Kelley
Rosemary Kelley
Rebecca Kellogg
Robert and Patricia Kelly
Thomas and Valerie Kemper
Siobhan Kenney
Keppel Construction
Marcia Kerins
Marilyn Kerr
Stuart and Ritamary Kesler
Mary Key
Charles and Rose Keys
Shahbaz Khan
Jan Kiefer
Thelma Kihneman
Norman and Joyce Kihnley
Maureen Kikuchi
Alan and Carolyn B. King
Elaine King
Thelma King
Donna Kingsbury
Pat Kinkey
Sherrel and Priscilla Kirk
Michael Kirkorian
Edward and Eleanor Kiss
Marie Kitajima
Richard and Pamela Kittler
Todd and Anna Kjos
Edward and Valerie Klaus
Klebig Family
Gregory and Mary Ann Klees
Charles and Penny Kleinhenz
Sandra Kley
William and Marlene Kline
Joyce Klose
Betty Klotz
Barbara Knight
Dennis and Lonnie M. Knight
Harvey and Elaine Knoernschild
Hiroharu and Kathleen Kobata
William and Beverly Koch
Marcia Koelmans
Patricia Koepernik
Jack and Susan Koepfgen
Tom and Margaret Koewler
Jack and Meredith Kogel
Nina Kogut
Ruth Kohan
Martina Kokosova
Steven and Cheryl Kole
Betty Kong
Thomas and Mary Korn
Barbara Koslowski
Edward Kraft
Fitnete Kraja
Linda C. Kramer and Deborah
Kramer Radin
Marilyn Kramp
Jean Krcik
Amos and Audrey Krebs
Helen Kreutz
Judith Krongold
Thaddeus Kubiak
Don and Joyce Kudrna
Ollie Kueffer
Vicki Kuhlmann
Lila Kung
Marilyn Kupcho
Kuperman Family
Mrs. Howard Kurasaki
Marianne Kurzweil
Kathleen Kyne
Steve Kyte
Elaine La Beau
D.J. Lacerda
Tim and Kelly Ladouceur
Bob and Heather LaFrance
Jerry and Joyce Lahann
Margarida Lam
Julie LaMantia
Terri Lambert
Howard Lamcke and
Susan Bernardini
Marilyn and Robert Lammers
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Landi
Tony and Jane Lane
Jim Lanning
Joyce Lansfield
Lark Avenue Car Wash
Jerome and Bernandine Larkin
Dale G. Larson, PhD
Joanne Larson
Richard and Laura Larson
Gary and Susan Latshaw
George and Carol Lattimer
Joe Lattuada
James Latusky
Lau Family
Gary and Laura Lauder
Ed and Jean Laughlin
Mrs. Norman Lauppe
Mary Lou Laurent
Ernie and Irene Lavoie
Thomas Law
Clyde Lawrence
Jean Lawrence
Lawrence Accountancy
John Laws
Mark and Jeanne Lazzarini
Tan Le
Jerry Lebovitz
Ann Lee
Daniel and Shirley Ann Lee
David Lee
Katherine Lee
Wilson Lee
Jolene Lema
Gilbert Lemke
Elaine Leonard
Lee Leonard
Mark and Candace Leonard
Robert and Joan Leonard
Shirley Leonard
Laurie Leonetti
Matthew and Colleen Lepori
Chauho Leung
Garlen Leung
Judy and Gordon Levin
Susan Levin
Fleur Levine
Howard and Yvette Levine
Joel and Barbara Levine
Alex and Mitchell Levy
Donald and Rita Levy
Joyce Levy
Ken and Gloria Levy
Cheri Lewis
Howard and Darlene Lewis
Lois Lewis
Marvin and Maureen Lewis
Paul Lewis
Robert and Joan Lewis
Sandy Lewis
Sybil B. Lewis
Violet Lewis
Nora Libby
Barbara Licina
Gerd Lien
Elizabeth Liera
Chad and Katherine Lincoln
Patricia and Ken Lindsay
Jay and Cindy Ling-Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Linstrom
Roselyn Lipkis
Judy Lipp
Marilyn and Jerry Lipson
Harold and Eleanor Lipton
Trula Little
Stan and Ruth Litwin
Shirley Litzinger
Leland Livingston
Stephen and Bonnie Lodoen
Homer and Jacqueline Lohr
Loma Prieta Club
David and Maria Lonero
Michael and Penny Long
Lupe Longoria
Karen Loomis
Alexander and Sally Lopez
Demy Lopez
David Lopez Gonzalez
Mike and Elli Lorch
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Lorenzo
Yvonne Loscher
Los Via Jaros-Chapter of
Good Sam
Tosca Loskutoff
Helen Lott
George and Elisa A. Lotti
Susan Lotz
Helena Lou
Russell Louthian
Craig Love
Julianne Lovin
Robert and Fran Lowry
J. Lucchesi and Sharon Grennan
Morgan and Mary Jane Lucid
Charleen Lucio
Linda Lucitt
John and Rosemarie Luis
Richard and Lynda D. Lukens
Elizabeth Lum
Peggy Lund
Harriet Lundquist
Roy and Fran Lusk
Ken and Shelley Luskey
Charles and Pamela Luther
Rosemary Lutus
Leslie Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynd
Jan Macedo
Debbie Machlin
Barbara Mackey
John and Alison Mackey
Ronald and Joan Mackin
Paul MacQuiddy
Madco Welding Supply
Bhavit Madhvani
M. Mehdi and Delores MadjdSadjadi
Jim and Bridget Madruga
Charles and Lorraine Magarian
Jennie Magid
Cheryl Mahoney
Kevin Maloney
Mary Mammini
Rosanne Manalo
Brooks Mancini
Sandy Mandell
Lorna Manjarrez
Bill and Linda Manry
Martha Manson
Rob and Katie Manson
A. Manuel
Roberto and Anne L. Maragoni
Martin and Mamie Lee Marcott
Gabriel Marcu
Ronald and Charleen Marfil
Pero and Anka Margaretic
Mitchell Mariani
Del and Susan Marklein
Loretta Marks
Nicole Maron
Annette Marotta
Henry Martin, Jr.
Juaneva Martin
Judith Martin
Christina Martinez
Robert Martinez
Susan Martinez
Patricia Martinez Cosgrove
William Martorano
Terry and Naomi Maruyama
Lois Masin
Susan and Michael Mason
Mary Massaro
John Massey, MD and Denise
Massey, MD
Alfreda Mastman
Joseph and Margaret Mastropolo
Gary and Wilda Masunaga
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin E. Matheny
Nancy Mathews
Chelsea Mathis
Walter and Laverne Mathison
Patricia Matranga
Pam and Norm Matteoni
Henry and Mabel Mattos
Steven and Lois Matusow
Glenn and Susan Mau
Ruthalee Mauldin
John and Mary Ellen Maurer
Doris May
Howard May
Elvera Mayer
Suzanne Mayo
John Mazzella
Kenny and Nancy Mazzetta
Kristell Mazzuco
Martha McAllister
Lloyd and Donna McBeth
Patrick McBrearty
Blanche McCain
Brian McCarthy
Susan McCarthy
Steven McChesney
Curt and Arlene McClelland
Jon and Emily McClelland
Beverly R. McClure and Family
Michael McCluskey
William McCluskey
John and Jan McCormack
Diane McDonald
Keith and Amy McDonald
Sharon McDonald
Gary and Roselea McDowell
William and Anne McDowell
Richard McElroy
David McGaw
Maureen McGroddy
L. Robert McGuire
Sharon McGuire
Carolyn McIntyre
Sandra McIsaac
Michael and Theodora McKee
Robert and Tanya L. McKenna
Gay McLaughlin
Richard and Nancy McLean
Sally McMahon
R. Donald McNeil, Esq.
Joel Medlock
Gloria Meeks
Robert Mehler
Micheal Mehr
Larry and Brenda L. Mehringer
John and Irene Melani
Michael R. Melen and
Zoe Ann Allman-Melon
Debbie Melmon
Stewart Melnick
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Melo
Michael and Sylvia Meltzer
Phil and Janice Menacho
Frank and Olivia Mendiola
Paul Mendoza
Fred Menichetti
Cydney Menihan
Paul Mensch
Linda Mercado
Merck Partnership for Giving
Robin Merriam
Nigest Mesele
Caryl Meslo
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Messner
Daniel and Ilse Meyer
Fred Meyer
Gerald and Libby Meyer
John and Katy Meyers
Teresa Mezil
William S. Michael, MD
Michaels Family
Micheli Family
Grant and Deborah Michels
Marian Mickelson
Mid Peninsula Widow and
Widowers Association, Inc.
Bonnie Middlebrook
Judy Migliore-Hight
Gayle Miller
Joyce Miller
Michael Miller
Richard and Carolyn Miller
Sallie Miller
Thelma Miller
Carol Milligan
Nancy Milligan
Pat and Joyce Milligan
Leonard Milner
Sumiye Minami
Joyce Mine
Angie Miraflor
Ann R. Mirassou
Lois and John Mirch
Micki Mistretta
Anne Mitchell
Ken and Diane Mobeck
Richard and Laurie Mobilio
Kathleen Modrich
Jan Moellering
Helmut and Ursula Moessner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Moffett
Joni Moitozo
Daniele Molle
Elaine Mollenberg
Ruth Molloy
Lottie Monarch
Amy Moody
Emma Mooney
Frank and Gladys Moore
Herb and Dee Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Al Moore
Robert and Dorothea Moore
Sylvia Moore
Marilyn Moore Hitch and Family
Dorothy Moranto and Family
Frances Morella
Lisa Moreno
Anna Morey
Richard Morey
Donald and Lillian Morgan
Joe and Ann Morimoto
Sue Morita
Toshie and Raymond Morita
Robert and Diane Morris
Mike and Ann Morrissey
Cara Morrow
Tom and Teddy Morse
Raymond and Lily Mow
James Mowen
Ann Mueller
Phyllis and John Mueller
Terry and Pamela Mullen
Kathleen and Peter Muller
Annual Report 2010-2011 Supplement | Hospice of the Valley | Page 4
Friends Circle Donors Continued
Joseph Mulligan
Richard Mullis
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murakami
Domitila Murillo
Janet Murphy
Terri Murphy
Glenda Murray
Naresh Murthy
Bernadette Muscat and
Michael Lukens
Carol Myers
Danae and Ian Myers
Jean Myers
Jerry and Barbara Myers
N.A. Williams Co., Inc.
Pauline and Robert Naber
Susan and Bernie Nachshen
Madeline and Richard Naftzger
Samir and Julie Najmeh
Asako Nakamura
Brooke Nakamura
George T. Nakamura Family
Patricia Nakashima
Napa Electrical Sales Group
Lorraine Nardone
Delyse Nash
Pamela Nates
Jean Navarra
Mario Navarrete
Lorena Navarro, MD
Ronald and Janice Naymark
Sherman and Bettey Naymark
Fred and Betty Jean Neebling
Rita Neer
Linda and Mike Negich
Rosalee Neibaur
Doug and Linda Neilsson
Paul and Marion Neiswander
David and Marcia Nelson
Dorothy Nelson
Gordon and Ruth Nelson
Charlene Nemeth
Shirlee Nepple
Dorothea Neri Ponti
Margaret Nettles
Irene Newey and Family
Steve and Gayle Newgren
Charmaine Ngin
Mr. and Mrs. Hung N. Nguyen
Thu-Lan Nguyen
Ansuino and Elizabeth Nicoli
Gertrude Niehans
Niel and Nancy Nielson
Ann Nigro
Bill Nishimoto
Robert Nishimura
James Nissen
David and Maureen Noel
Robert and Sandra Nolan
Anne Nolte
Mariko Nomura
Michael Noonan
Roger and Shirley Nopp
Mark and Randy Nordstrom
Donald and Sherry Norman
Northern California Chapter Of
The Appraisal Institute
Paul and Janice Nowak
Lorraine Nunes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nunziata
Sean and Ann O’ Kane
O.C. McDonald Co., Inc.
David Oakes
Ardis Obert
Bill and Judy O’Brien
Blanche O’Brien
Elsie O’Brien
Robert and Cheryl O’Brien
James O’Connor
Trish O’Connor
James and Leslie Odermann
Charles and Crystal Odle
Ethel Oeser
Joyce Ogawa
Michael, Barbara &
Sean O’Grady
Linda Ohara
Robin Ohara
Tokio Ohara
Dennis and Patricia Ohori
Betsy Oka
Masayuki and Shirley Okabe
Rodney and Irene Okimoto
Teiji Okuda
Lynn Olavarri
Don and Lene Olivero
John and Joann O’Loughlin
Robert and Karen Olsen
Bob and Lorene Olszewski
Michael O’Neil
Mary Jo O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Oram
George and Susan Oreglia
Lawrence and Sheila Oreglia
Mark and Shelda Orlando
Sal and Gloria Orlando
Sandra Orlando
Nancy Orlowski
Charles and Jo Ann Orr
Esther Orsi and Family
Gary and Michele Orsinger
Lorraine and Leo Ortolan
Etsuko Osaki
Maureen Osen
Laura Osman
Donald and Irene Ost
Brendan O’Sullivan
Kevin O’Toole
Richard and Joan Overholtzer
Kent Owen
Janet Owens
Margaret Oxsen
P.E.O. Chapter D K
Rosalind Pacciorini
Janis Pacciorrini
Patricia Padilla
Amy Palaniuk
Z Palileo
Mike and Joan Paliotta
Marilyn Palma
Olga Palomares
Sally Palomo
Sister Joan Panella
Joaquin Paniagua
Mafalda Panighetti
Shidokht Paparoski
Gary and Nancy Pappani
Hank and Jean Pappani
Wanda and Nicholas Papson
Joyanne and John Paquette
Laura Parish
Lyn Park
Martha Park
Dale Parker
Leonard Parker
William and Margaret Parkin
Frederick J. Parrella, PhD
Victor Parrette
Marion Parseghian
Stuart and Harriet Parsons
Zafar and Cindy Parvez
John and Beverlee Pasco
Tarang Patel
Marie Patellaro
Clara Patnude
Peggy and Barry Patrick
Jimmie and Judi Patterson
Janet Patton-Gutierrez
Steve Paul
Joe and Mary Pavone
Dennis W. Pawson and
Judith Adams
Dr. Norma D. Peabody
Tyler Peak
Carl and Arlene Pearce
Howard and Vivian Pearce
Mark and Lee Ann Pearce
Dorothy Peck
Judy Peckler
Beverly Pedersen
Jean and Kent Pedersen
Eleanor Pedraza
Robert and Rockesanda Peeks
Kurt Peepari
Patricia Pena
Frank Perata
John and Sharon Pereira
Katy Peretti
Erin and Everado Perez
Joe and Charlotte A. Perez
Jim and Jean Perkins
Jolly Perkocha
Frank and Marilyn Perna
Mary Ann Perotti
Marjorie Perren
Donald and Genevieve Perrucci
Adeline Perry
Charles and Alice Perry
Gloria Perry
Florence Pessin
Connie Peters
Jerry and Sandy Peters
Joanne and Fred Petersen
Pamela Petersen
Anita Peterson
Carol Peterson
Dale and Kent Peterson
Michal Petkoff
Leo and Angela Petrucci
Roger Pettey
Glee Pettijohn
Esther Petty
Ray and Adele Petty
Beatrice Pezino
Janet and Al Pezino
Pfahnl & Hunt Accountancy
George Pfleger
Helen Pham
John and Jean Philippi
Barbara J. Phillips and
Daniel R. Little
Donna Phillips
Lillian Phillips
Paul and Kathryn Collins Philp
Benny and Marjorie Philpott
Vu Phuong
John Piazza
Ronald and Betty Pieracci
Walt and Jacquie Pierce
Mary Pierson
Rocky and Laurie Pimentel
Helen Pingel
Alan and Clarian Pintacura
Ray and Irene Piontek
Ronald Piovesan
Mary Pitts
Laura Pixton
Rosalyn Pleatman
Carol and Michael Pliner
John Poch and Debora
L. Sawyer-Poch
Marc and Joan Poche
Edward Pollak
Alf and Jan Pollestad
Cheryl Pollock
Nicholas and Bernadine Ponticelli
Pete and Pat Pors
Deborah Post
Carolyn Potts
Judith Poutré
Betty Powell
Robert and Nancy Praetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Prahm
Carolyn Prandi-Lamarr
Jo Ann Pratt
Precision Tool Distributors, Inc.
John Preovolos
Evelyn Prescott
Preston Wynne Spa
Kathleen Prevost-Moisan
Benjamen and Judith Price
Joyce Price
Marian C. Price and Family
Pamela Price
Lawrence Prill
Donella Prince
Eric and Valerie Prior
Richard and Joanne Provines
Carol Prussia
Marc and Nikette Pujalet
Edward and Marlee Puppo
Kinue Purdy
Fred and Evelyne Purman
James and Barbara Pusateri
Nancy Pyeatt
The Honorable Nancy A. Pyle
Quadro Family
Milton and Orpha Quadros
Carol and James Quakenbush
Luis Quaresma
Bernadette Quimson
Naomi Rabbie
Jane Radelfinger
Louise Raimundo
David and Karen Rajkovich
Mary Rajkovich
Elmo Rampone
Janice Ramsey
LaVerne Randall
Julia Ranieri
Art and Carrell Rankin
Louis Rapa
Michele Rappaport
Paul and Linda Rasmussen
Eugene and Sheila Ravizza
Michael and Josephine Ray
Carol Razee and Family
Barbara and Tom Read
William and Sally Reagan
William and Joanie Reckmeyer
Robert Redfern
Randi Reed
Rebbeca Reese
Judy Reeve
Xavier Regli
Hunter Reid
Karl and Marjorie Reid
Marian Reid
Marjorie Reid
Peggy Reid
Rollin and Ruth Reim
Marilyn Reinhardt
Mark and Margie Remelman
Rocky and Elenore Renati
Robert and Betty Renfer
Florence and Carl Reynolds
Geraldine Reynolds
Richard E. Rhoads, Jr.
Darla Rhodes
The Honorable and
Mrs. Richard W. Rhodes
William Rianda
Bernadine Ricci
Marie Rice
Dean Richardson and
Sylvia Torrey
Richard and Barbara Ridout
Forrest and Shirley Rieben
Ron and Kathie Riel
Mary Riley
Paul and Janet Rinck
Arthur and Evalynn Sue Rinsky
Pia and Paride Riparbelli
Michele Rissman-Baltuch
John and Blodwen Ritchie
Carol Rizzo
Tony and Judy Rizzuto
Debbie Roberts
Lynn Roberts
A.M. and Lesley Roberts Mason
Bill and Joyce Robinson
Floyd Robinson
Susan Robinson and Scott Furman
Ismael and Margaret Robledo
Bernice Robles
Beth Rocha
Kenneth Rochette
Virginia Rochette
Steven Rockhold
James and Susan Rodda
Marilyn Rodgers
Susan Rodin
Norma Rodrigues
Adriana Rodriguez Leyva
Robert and Leslie Roe
D.S. Rogers
James and Betty Jean Rogers
Jim and Roselyn Rogers
Donald and Nelda Roggerman
Betty Rogoff
Raymond and Teresa Rogoway
Dick and Genevieve Rolla
Bernardine Romasko
Amari Romero-Thomas
Laurie Roos
Richard and Karen Roots
Marco Rosa
John and Elizabeth Rosania
Amy Rose
Florence E. Rose and Family
Michael Rose
Francine Rosen
Kathleen Rosendin
Jim and Arlene Rosenfeld
William and Nancye Rosenkranz
Allen and Susan Rosenzweig
Linda Roshan
Bobby Ross
Helen Ross
Robert and Jenny Ross
Steve and Teri Ross
Ronald and Linda Rossen
Linda Rossi
Roy and Loretta Rota
Joan Rotar
David Rotstein
Annie and Michael Rubenstein
David and Dian Ruder
Jessica Rugani
Sybil Ruggles
Philip and Nancy Ruhle
Bonnie Ruling
Mary and David Rumzie
Paul and Lillian Ruscitto
Carol Rushford
Mary Ruso
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Russi
Amy Rutherford
Patrick Ryan
Treb and Melissa Ryan
Gina Rybolt
Elizabeth Sabatino
Robin Sabes
Sue and Albert Sabes
Jean Sabich
Ruth Sacco
Joe and Elda Saccone
Lester Sachs
Jim Saeger
David and Ruth Sakai
George and Karen Sakamoto
Toshiko Sakamoto
Krista Salas
Salinas Fire Fighters Association
San Jose Flipper Dippers
Richard and Rosie Sanborn
Peter and Rosalie Sanchez
Hector Sanchez-Flores and
Lucila Ramos-Sanchez
Barbara Sanders
Sandra Sanderson
Robert and Judith Sandoval
Monica Saneholtz
Eugene and Joanne Sanfilippo
Joan Sanford
Joseph and Joann Sangiacomo
Annual Report 2010-2011 Supplement | Hospice of the Valley | Page 5
Friends Circle Donors Continued
Santa Clara County Law
Joseph and Teresa Santana
Ronald Santucci
Mark Sarjeant
Rob and Amy Sarringhaus
Mary Sasaki
Michael and Stephanie Saso
Candace Satterlee
Ed and Julie Sattler
Joe Saucedo
Sandy Saucedo-Boom
Robert and Gloria Saul
Anneliese Scadden
Jim Scamardo
Bob, Sonia, Ken, Stream,
Mia Scarr
SCCMAA-Bridge Group
Olga Scerri
Cathy C. Scherzer and Family
Thelma Scheu
William Schick
Tim Schieffer
Edward and Annette Schiffman
Jeffrey and Linda Schlageter
Dudley and B.J. Schleier
Marlene Schmid
Beth Schmidt
Carlene Schmidt
Jim and Carol Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schmidt
Thorsten Schmidt
Isabel and Michael Schneider
Jeff and Connie Schneider
Kenneth and Marcia Schneider
Erik Schoennauer
Steven and Paula Scholpp
Bette Schott
Del Schram
Natalie Schriger
Ruth Schroeder
Carolyn Schultz
Gary and Lois M. Schultz
Joanne Schunter
Jamie Schweizer
Kathleen Sciba
Mary Ann Scolari
Florence Scollan
Gonzalo Scott
Karen Scott
William and Susan Scott
Gary and Peggy Scriven
Michael and Jeanne Scullion
Todd Seal
Georgia Seefeldt
Margaret Seese
Marilyn Sefchovich
Jon and Suzanne Segel
Leland and Bernice Seimas
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Seipel
Luana Sell
Nanci and Fred Sellers
Barbara Sellin
Doris Sencenbaugh
C. Serrano
Leslie Serrano
Linda Sessions
The Setzer Foundation
Daniel and Alice Sexton
Richard and Sandra Sexton
Thomas and Mary Jane Sexton
Helen Shadel
Aprille Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Shain
Lovelle Shak
Loren and Robyn Shalinsky
Sandra Shanabrook
James and Rhonda Shank
Dorothy Shannahan
Kathleen Shannon
Ann Sharon
Deborah M. Sharp and Family
Eleanor Sharp and Eric A. Prouty
Gregory and Karen Sharp
Lavilla Sharp
Saxon Sharpe
Ken and Wendy Sheeder
Richard and Masel Sheehan
William and Cynthia Sheehan
Ellen Sheets
Diane Shehan
Katherine Shehan
Stacy Shelton
Corinne Sherman
Donald and Judith Shernock
Maremaro and Lily M. Shibuya
Benjamin Shieh
Goretti Shifman
Chih-Lung Shih
Barry Shiller
Robin Shilling
Jean and Kurato Shimada
Esau Shimizu
Regina Shirey
Hatsue Shiroyama
Michelle Short
Tom and Sue Short
Marian Showalter
Laverne and Lynn Shrum
Dee Shuster
Sher Sicley
Diane Siegel
Judith Siegel
Marlene Siegler
Timothy Siemon
Michael Sigman
Janet Silberman
Bill and Sue Silfvast
Carol and Jim Silfvast
Donald and Geraldine Silva
Linda Silva
Penny Silva
Raymond and Carolyn Silva
Jack H. Silveira, MD
Jerome and Joy Silveira
Leo and Diane Silveira
Rogerio and Maria Silveira
Cheri Silveira-Moliere
David and Barbara Silverstein
Alfred and Roberta Simon
Bruce and Sheryl Simpson
Richard and Elaine Simpson
Steve Simpson
Virginia Sincich
Joan Singer
Charlene Singleton
Leo and Susan Sipich
Kassandra Skordilis
Bruce and Ruth Skovmand
Herbert and Marlene Slavin
Sleepy Hollow Farms
Jim and Laynn Sleigh
Lois Smid
Barbara Smith
Clare Smith
Daniel and Jean Smith
Darlene Smith
Donald and Janet Smith
Eleanor Smith
Florence Smith
Frank and Jean Smith
Gerald and Virginia Smith
John Smith
Karyn Smith
Kim Smith and Family
Mavis Smith
Nancy Smith
Paul and Sue Smith
Paul and Valerie Smith
Tyra Smith
William Smith
Smith - Wagle Commercial
Management Inc
Joanne and Kenneth Snow
Phyllis Soergel
Carol Sohn
Fran Sokoff
Melvin and Sybil Sommer
Richard and Dorothy
Joanne Sorensen
Victor and Debbie Sosa
Barbara Soto
Dale and Judy Southherd
Joanne Souza
Mary Jane Souza
Laurie Spaeth
Fulvio and Donna Scalcione
Pete and Betty Sparaco
Mary Sparks
Fran Spector Atkins
Florence Spinner
Alfred and Ruth Sporer
Douglas Spottswood
Robert and Sue Ellen Sprague
Irving Sprugasci
Karen Spychala
Oneita and Donald Stacks
Cathy Staiti
John and Nancy Stallone
Stanley J. House, Attorney at Law
Roger and Sharon Stanton
Thomas and Bevin Stark
Rebecca Staudenmaier
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stednitz
Don and Arlene Steele
Rosemary Steenhausen
Trilby Steiger
Arthur and Donna Stein
Henry and Sandra Stein
Nina and James Steiner
Craig and Linda Stenberg
Greg and Elaine Stephens
Maurice and Marsha Stevenson
Mrs. John W. Stipes
Ken Stivers
C.J. Stoll
Bonnie and M. Lee Stone, MD
Lisa Stone
Karen Storey and Steven Tedesco
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Strate
Joan Strayer
Jimmy and Maggie Strickland
Terrence and Karen A. Strobach
Victoria and Mark Strombotne
Edward and Nancy Strong
Twyla and Atlee Stroup
Judith and David Stuart
Linda Stubbs
Betty Stubenrauch
Al and Rosemary Stuebing
Norm and Judy Stupfel
Larry Sturgeon
Eric and Madeline Stusnick
Annie Sueda
Irene Suess
Jeannie Sugaoka
Gary Sullivan
John Sullivan
Richard and Marlene Sullivan
Jim and Anita Sunseri
Lorraine Sunseri
Pearl Sunseri
Sunshine Club
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
Support Systems Homes Inc.
Edward Surian
Susan Sutherland
Roger and Karen Sutter
Nicholas Svetcoff
Dick and Cindy Swan
Karen Swan
Dale and Cheri Swanson
Danny and Bob Swanson
Kathy Swanson
Rosela Swart
Beth Sweningsen
Susan Swensson
Russell and Verda Swigart
Caryl Swinyard
David and Nancy Sylva
Leah and John Sze
Thomas and Jane Taber
Johanna Tacci
Sumi Takagi
Nancy Takaichi
Carla Talavera
Gus and Marjorie Talbot
Hoa and Kim Tanaka
Howard and Colleen Tanaka
Jereann Tanaka
Michael Tanaka
Hiroshi and Ann Taniguchi
Karen Taoka
Kristen Tarabetz
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taradalsky
William and Lois Tarr
Joe and Gloria Tassi
Anne Taughinbaugh
Rick and Ann Tavan
Douglas Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor
Joyce Taylor
Linda Taylor
James and Ruth Teague
Edward and Karen Tefankjian
Bob and Carolyn Teicheira
Roy and Sigrid Teixeira
Beverly Tempkin
Diane Templin
Vincent Teng
Mary Lou Terras
Christopher and Julieta Terry
Russ Testa
Carol Thailer
Thatcher Family
Walter and Eleanor Thedford
Victor Thiesse
Richard and Nancy Thigpen
Linda Thomas
Todd and Jan Thomas
Stephanie Thompson
Orlena Thornton
Della Thurgood
James Tidgewell
Dexter and Elizabeth Tight
Nancy Tilman
TLI Solutions Inc.
Bob Tobin
H.W. and L. M. Toensfeldt
Nancy Toledo
Richard and Minnie Toledo
Toni M. Toledo and Patrick Todd
Mana Tominaga
Jeanne Torre
Joseph and Laurie Toscano
Scott and Ginger Tower
Carrol Towner
Petrus Townsend
Sharon Tracey
Julia Tranchina
Helen and Jean Traphagen
Martha Traverse-Williams
Barbara and Walter Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Don Travis
Martin and Susan Trieb
Barbara and Henry Trisler
Gil and Fran Troutman
Dominic Truchetta
True Fellowship Lodge
Terry and Karen Trumbull
Karen Trydahl
John and Dell Marie Tsoras
William Tubbs and Beverly
Sarah Tull
Hla and Fanny Tun
Maurice and Florence Turek
Mary Ann and John Turn
Frank and Connie Turner
Randal Turner
Gus and G.G. Uccello
Its and Marian Uenaka
Gene and Susan Urquhart
George and Nancy Valby
Gabriel Valdez
Jan Valentine
John and Mary Valentine
Valley View Packing Co., Inc.
Jeanine Van Dalsem
Mary Ann Van Dalsem
Family of Edward Van Hagen
Jamie Van Zanen
Jackie Vance
Mary Louise and Tom
Irene Vandorn
Rose Vandyk
Jill and Richard VanHoesen
Lolita Vargas
Emilie Varnum
Frank Vasquez
Denny Vawter
Karen Vejvoda
Betty and Jack Ventimiglia
Vicky Vercellino
John and Joyce Vernali
Donna Verville
Dorothy Vidlock
The Villages Women’s 18-Hole
Edgar Vincent
Lena Vincent
Lisa Vincent
Megan and Scott Vincent
Roger and Margaret Vincent
Nicholas Visminas
Margarita Vizcaya
Bernard J. Vogel, Jr.
Mary Vognovich
Shirley Voll
John and Helen Adams Vollmer
Karen Vollrath
Darryl Von Raesfeld
Usa Vorakoondumrong
Diana Voss
Kim Vu
Benjamin Wade
Leland Wade
Yvonne Wagener
Tom Wagner
William and Debora Wagner
Jennifer Wagster
W. David and Jill Walker
Melody Wallace
Jayne Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waller
Robert Waller
Viola and Joan Walley
Joseph Walter
Annual Report 2010-2011 Supplement | Hospice of the Valley | Page 6
Friends Circle Donors Continued
Nobuko Wang
Paul Ward
Kathleen Warren
Dore and Billy Warshal
Robert and Yvonne Wason
Dirk Wassenaar
Louis and Bonnie Waterer
John and Louise Watkins
Alvin Weaver
Robert and Bernice Weber
Keith and Barbara Weichert
Barbara Weidmann-Werres and
Christoph W. Werres
Susan Weiner
Sophie and Bernard Weinzimmer
Sheila and Martin Weisberg
Scott and Lanette Weise
June Weldon
E. John and Jo E. Weller
Wilma K. Wellington
Linda Wells
Ed and Jane Wendler
Nancy and James Wendling
Richard and Carol Wentzel
Margaret Wenzel
Ruth Werts
Lynn Wesson
West Valley Federated Womens
Club Inc.
Beth Weymer
Edward Wheat
W.R. and Maria A. Wheatley
B.C. Wheeler
Matilda and Glenn Wheelock
James and Raymonde Wheldon
George Whinery
Charles White
Jerry and Ruth White
Matthew and Ann White
Sue White
The White Caps
Travis and Sonia Whitfield
John and Jean Whittier
Lillian Wickemeyer
Paul and Anna Wiesehahn
Mary Wiginton
Wilbur Packing Company, Inc.
Dennis and Marianne Wilcox
Victoria Wild
Melinda Wilhelm
William G. Davis School Staff
Beth and Charles Williams
Brenda Williams
Fletcher and Rita Williams
Jack and Mary Williams
Jacqueline Williams
Jay and Allene Williams
Lynn Williams
Ruth Williams
Gary and Cat Willoughby
Donna Wills
A. Joseph Wilson
Everett and Janet Wilson
Herb and Fran Wilson
Marion Wilson
Stephen Wilson
Jack and Beverly Winchell
Ute Wingerath
Margaret Winkelman
Opal Winterhalder
Donna and Ken Wirt
Soni Wiseman
Elisabeth Wisemiller
Herbert Wolf
Donald Wolfe
James Wollak
Howard Wolsfeld
Women of the Moose San Jose
Chapter No. 643
Women of the Moose-Sunnyvale
Chapter 1283
Leland Wong
Roger and Nancy Wong
Barbara Wood
Benjamin and Audrey Wood
Catherine Wood
Dolores Wood
Kay Wood
Morris Wood
Richard Wood
Elsa Woodard
Rosemarie Woodruff
Cheryl Woods
Linda Woods
Dan and Jean Woodward
John Worden
Dale and Bonnie Workman
John and Lori Wortley
James and Diane Wotus
Cliff and Elizabeth Wright
Lillie Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wright
Taed Wynnell
Hiroko and Masaki Yamada
James and Grace Yamakawa
Stan and Yuri Yamamoto
Michael Yambra
Sam Yang
Constantino Yannoni
Amy Yarberry
Gary Yarberry
Patricia Yates
Jerry Yee
Ruane Yee
Miao Yeng H. Yeh
Katherine Yeoman
Bill and Peggy Yetter
Pranee Yi
Elinor Yokoi
Yoshie Yokoi
Victoria Yore
Margaret Yost
Barbara Young
Helen and Ken Young
Marilyn Young
Stacy Young
Stanford and Donna Young
John A. Youngblood, Sr.
Betina Youssef-Hatch
Earl Yowell
Mervin and Emily Yue
Michael and Carmen Yurchak
Paul and Sharon Zahnd
Arlene Zanchuck
Harriet Zander
Zapp-a-Form Printing &
Lillian Zappelli
John and Sue Zaro
DJ Zaziski
Zenti Family
Sharon Zimmerman
Selma Zinker
Jerome and Phyllis Zis
Nelda Zoller
John and Nina Zoria
Mary Zuccaro
Gary Zucconi
Jill Zuleeg
Arlene Zumsteg
Every effort has been made to assure the
accuracy of donor names. If a name has been
misspelled, omitted, or listed improperly, please
accept our deepest apologies and contact
the development department at 408.559.5600
so that we may correct our records.
Our Mission
We affirm dignity and hope for those facing serious illness by providing
comfort through compassionate palliative, hospice and grief care.
We strengthen our community through advocacy, education,
research, and volunteerism.
Hospice of the Valley
4850 Union Avenue
San Jose, California 95124
408.559.5600 |
©2012 Hospice of the Valley. All rights reserved.
501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Tax ID 94-2803411
Annual Report 2010-2011 Supplement | Hospice of the Valley | Page 7