2+ - IPHC
2+ - IPHC
Exo$c proton-‐rich nuclei and connec$on to the Physics of X-‐ray bursters David Jenkins Overview • Lecture 1: X-‐ray bursts – – – – Nuclear Physics involved Wai$ng points Why are there wai$ng points? How do we determine where the wai$ng points are? • Lecture 2: Probing deeper – Why is it hard to predict where the wai$ng points are? – How do we address the structure of such exo$c nuclei on and beyond the line of N=Z X-‐ray burst scenario Neutron stars: 10 km radius, 1.4 Mo, Normal star X-‐ray burst scenario X-‐ray burst Accre$on rate ~ 10-‐8/10-‐10 Mo/year Peak X-‐ray burst temperature ~ 1.5 GK Recurrence rate ~ hours to days Neutron stars: 1.4 Mo, 10 km radius Dura$on of X-‐ray burst: 10-‐100 seconds Normal star Nuclear physics of x-‐ray bursts During the thermonuclear runaway, heavier elements are created through a series of rapid proton-‐capture reac$ons, termed the rp-‐process. Z+1,N Other reac$ons compete with proton-‐ capture during the process. Z Which reac$ons win? Z,N Z,N+1 N (p,γ) That depends upon the Q values, or (γ,p) how much energy can be released in β+ the reac$on. Proton-‐capture reac$ons Photodisintegra$on Beta-‐decay Astrophysical rp-‐process From: www.nscl.msu.edu/research/ria/whitepaper.pdf Possible wai$ng-‐point nuclides 66Se 67Se 68Se … rp-‐process path (p,γ) (γ,p) Wai$ng-‐point 65As 66As 64Ge 65Ge 67As 68As β+ In equilibrium: (p,γ) ↔ (γ,p) Process stalls un$l β-‐decay 63Ga Z 62Zn 64Ga wai$ng-‐point nuclide To determine equilibrium, need Qp 66Se 67Se 68Se … rp-‐process path (p,γ) (γ,p) 65As 66As 67As β+ 68As − Wai$ng-‐point 64Ge 63Ga 65Ge 64Ga time − scale ∝ Q kT e A(Q) isotope production ∝ A(Q) ⋅ e energy production ∝ A(Q) ⋅ Q ⋅ e Z 62Zn Q kT Q kT Common parameter: Q (mass difference) Effec$ve life$me of the wai$ng-‐point nuclide 68Se λ2 p ∝ exp{Q p kT } λeffective = λβ + λ2 p Dominated by β-‐decay 100 t1/2, eff (68Se) (s) 10 uncertainty in t1/2,eff Effect of proton capture 1 0.1 0.01 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Qp (68Se) (MeV) G. Audi and A.H. Wapstra, Nucl. Phys. A595, 409 (1995). kT ~ 100 keV Precision required: < 100 keV (Δm/m < 1.5/106) Timescale X-‐ray burst Wai$ng-‐point nuclide 64Ge 68Se 72Kr 76Sr Dura$on of X-‐ray burst: 80Zr β-‐decay half-‐life 63.7 s 35.5 s 17.2 s 8.9 s 4.6 s 10-‐100 seconds The most important wai$ng-‐point nuclides to inves$gate: 64Ge and 68Se Why are there wai$ng points? calculated staggering magnitudes for !CDE=Z are clearly larger than the data, and the TDE values are close to the Coulomb prediction but smaller by about 150 keV than the experiment. In the JUN45 calculation, the INC interaction is not included. The underlying physics is that inclusion of the isovector force in the f7=2 shell modifies interactions between the tensor force makes pn more attractive than the average o pp and nn, the last term in Eq. (3) becomes smaller, thu increasing the TDE for A ¼ 42–54, as shown in Fig. 2(c We note that the calculations do not support the apparen change in the staggering phase at A ¼ 69 in the experi mental !CDE. This may suggest [33] that the mass of 69 B [16] was measured for an isomer, not for the ground state GXPF1A JUN45 FIG. 3 (color online). Calculated one- and two-proton separation energies for odd-mass nuclei with isospin T ¼ 1=2, 3=2, 5= and for even-mass nuclei with T ¼ 1, 2, 3 using the GXPF1A (left) and the JUN45 (right) interactions. In each box, the first numbe denotes one-proton separation energy, and the second denotes two-proton separation energy. Thick (red) lines indicate the proto drip line. K. Kaneko et al., Phys. Rev. Lek.110, 172505 (2013) Shapes of N=Z nuclei Very Prolate Oblate Triaxial Very, very sensi$ve to underlying quantum structure… The original phenomonological “M-‐M” theory, (Microscopic Macroscopic) was very sound. The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. P. Moller and J.R. Nix. At. Nuc. Data Tables, 26 (1981) 1965 S. Aberg. Phys Scr. 25 (1982) 23 W. Nazarewicz. Nucl. Phys A435 (1985) 397. R. Bengtsson. Conf on the structure in the zirconium region, 1988 {Classic “Poten$al Energy Surface” calcula$ons …. BUT The whole concept of isolated “shapes” is naive: there are mul$ple shapes with lots of mixing, as the barriers between shapes are not high. Shapes are hard to predict… The heart of the maker is the landscape……. How high is the barrier between shapes? How many minima? How much mixing? To answer these ques$ons needs more than just discovering the first levels. P. Moller, R.Bengtsson, B.G.Carlsson, P.Olivius, T.Ichikawa Phys.Rev.Lek. 97, 162502 (2006) 73Rb 69Kr 70Kr 71Kr 72Kr 69Br 70Br 71Br 68Se 69Se 70Se (γ,p) (p,γ) Dripline (p,γ) β T1/2=35.5s N=Z How do we know 69Br and 73Rb are unbound? M.F. Mohar et al., Phys. Rev. Lek. 66, 1571 (1991) Isomers and fragmenta$on Fragmenta$on of 92Mo with γ detectors -1200 73 Rb 69 Br -1000 9/2 + t1/2(p)=3 ns + t1/2(p) - t1/2(p) 9/2 Qp (keV) -800 -600 3/2 -400 - 3/2 t1/2(p)=233 ms -200 C. Chandler et al., Phys. Rev. C 61, 044309 (2000) 0 D.G. Jenkins, Phys. Rev. C 78, 012801 (2008) How to determine where the wai$ng points are? The0ISOLTRAP0Experiment M.'Mukherjee'et*al.,'Eur.'Phys.'J'A'35,'1'(2008) R.'N.'Wolf'et*al.,'NIM'A'686,'82'(2012) Detec-on0Principle Charged"parNcle"stored"by"superposiNon"of"strong" homogeneous"magneNc"field"in"z"direcNon"and"weak," electrostaNc"potenNal"for"axial"confinement ! ! ! ! Frequency"measurement Long"storage"Nmes SinglePion"sensiNvity High"precision Frequency"measurement:"eigenmoNon"in"the"trap"can"be" used"to"determine"mass L.'S.'Brown'and'G.'Gabrielse','Rev.'Mod.'Phys.'58,'233'(1986) 13 B The Canadian Penning Trap at ANL Savard, Clark et. al. Can directly measure masses at <100keV level v B + - + Effec$ve life$me of the wai$ng-‐point nuclide 64Ge 92 Aver all the data was carefully analyzed, ΔM = -‐54344 (30) keV 91 Time of flight (µs) 90 89 88 87 100 86 10 85 1 84 -10 -5 0 5 10 Frequency applied - 1414335 Hz Effec$ve stellar half-‐life: 0.5 ≤ t1/2,eff(64Ge) ≤ 7 s 15 t1/2, eff (64Ge) (s) -15 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 -2 -1 0 1 64 Qp ( Ge) (MeV) CPT - AME CPT - FRDM CPT - HF SPEG - AME AME: G. Audi et al., Nucl. Phys. A729, 337 (2003). FRDM: P. Möller et al., At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 59, 185 (1995). HF: B. A. Brown et al., Phys. Rev. C 65, 045802 (2002). SPEG: G.F. Lima et al., Phys. Rev. C 65, 044618 (2002). 2 Effec$ve life$me of the wai$ng-‐point nuclide 64Ge Set up simple network code: 66Se 100 • Photodisintegra$on of 66Se, 65As (calculate new rates using results from CPT) • Beta decay of 64Ge, 65As, 66Se For each T, solve differen$al equa$ons describing abundances of 64Ge, 65As, 66Se. At peak temperature of 1.5 GK, effec$ve life$me of 64Ge ~ 0.7-‐35 s. Effective stellar half-life (s) • Proton capture on 64Ge, 65As 10 1 65As 66As 64Ge 1 1.5Ge 0.1 0.01 0.5 65 2 2.5 Tem perature (GK) Red lines delineate the range allowed by the 1995 AME. Black lines delineate the range 64aGa llowed with CPT result. Timescale of rp-‐process s$ll dominated by uncertain$es at the wai$ng-‐point 64Ge due to the large uncertainty in the 65As mass 68 Resonance obtained for Se 200 ms excita$on 112 110 FWHM ~ 5 Hz ~ 250 keV TOF (arbitrary units) 108 106 104 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Frequency applied - 1331060 Hz With all data collected, ΔM = -‐54232 (19) keV 15 How does this compare to other techniques and theory? Mass excess (MeV) -52.0 -52.5 -53.0 -53.5 -54.0 -54.5 -55.0 FRDM 1995 AME SPEG CSS2 (2003) FMA FRDM: P. Möller et al., At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 59, 185 (1995). 1995 AME: G. Audi and A.H. Wapstra, Nucl. Phys. A595, 409 (1995). SPEG: G.F. Lima et al., Phys. Rev. C 65, 044618 (2002). CSS2: M. Char$er et al., J. Phys. G 31, S1771 (2005). FMA: A Wöhr et al., Nucl. Phys. A742, 349 (2004). CPT: J.A. Clark et al., Phys. Rev. Lek. 92, 192501 (2004). CPT Effec$ve life$me of the wai$ng-‐point nuclide 68Se 100 t1/2, eff (68Se) (s) 10 1 0.1 0.01 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 68 Qp ( Se) (MeV) CPT - AME SPEG - AME Pfaff et al. Contribu$on of 68Se to the $mescale of the rp-‐process ~ 32 seconds. CSS2 - AME FMA -AME CPT - HF CPT: J.A. Clark et al., Phys. Rev. Lek. 92, 192501 (2004). AME: G. Audi et al., Nucl. Phys. A729, 337 (2003). SPEG: G.F. Lima et al., Phys. Rev. C 65, 044618 (2002). Pfaff: R. Pfaff et al., Phys. Rev. C 53, 1753 (1996). CSS2: M. Char$er et al., J. Phys. G 31, S1771 (2005). FMA: A. Wöhr et al., Nucl. Phys. A742, 349 (2004). HF: B. A. Brown et al., Phys. Rev. C 65, 045802 (2002). Se [23] and of Se [24] using the Low Energy Beam and Ion Trap (LEBIT) high-precision Penning trap facility [25] have reduced the uncertainties in the masses to negligible ending values 1.5 respectively.24week Combining them PHY S I C A L of RE V I EkeV W Land E T T E5RkeV, S JUNE 2011 PRL 106, 252503 (2011) with a calculation of the CDE [26] yielded an estimated of Implications Sp ¼ "636ð105Þ whereRapid the uncertainty is Ground-State Proton Decay value of 69 Br and for the 68 SekeV Astrophysical Proton-Capture Process Waiting Point dominated by the estimated contributions from the theo* M. A. Famiano, retical A. M. Rogers, W. G. Lynch, S. Wallace, F. Amorini, D. Bazin, R. J. Charity, CDEM.predictions. F. Delaunay, R. T. de Souza, J. Elson, A. Gade, D. Galaviz, M.-J. van Goethem, S. Hudan, J. Lee, In this Letter,H. we report on theL. G.first direct measurement S. Lobastov, S. Lukyanov, M. Matoš, M. Mocko, Schatz, D. Shapira, Sobotka, week ending 69 M. Tsang, and G. Verde ground-state decay from Br. This result P H Y S I C A L Rof EV IB. EW L E T T E Rone-proton S 24 JUNE 2011 PRL 106, 252503 (2011) National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, 60439 USA accurately constrains the 2p-capture branch of the astro22 Experiment Physics GrantEastNo. DE-FG02-87ER-40316 and Joint Institute of Nuclear Astrophysics,Nuclear Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA 20 68 waiting Simulation (Mirror) Department of Physics, physical WesternContract Michiganrp-process University, Kalamazoo, Se Michigan 49008, USA point to be <0:25% No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. 18 Simulation (9/2+ g.s.) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA (within 1!), which sufficient 16 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New is Mexico 87545, USA to demonstrate that it can Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy 14 be neglected in present type II-95123, x-ray burst models. Department of Chemistry, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130, USA 1,2,3, 4,3 9 10 12 1,5,3 8 12 6 1,5 7 1,3 1,3 6 1,5,3 1 1 11 8 10 13 1 8 14 1 2 3 4 5 8 12 9 LPC Caen, ENSICAEN, Université de Caen, CNRS/IN2P3, Caen, France *[email protected] Indiana University Cyclotron Facility and Department of Chemistry, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, USA 11 Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Groningen, Netherlands [1] R.NL-9747 K. Wallace and S. E. The Woosley, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 1500 Moscow AA 12 Theory FLNR/JINR, 141980 Dubna, region, Russian Federation 45, 389 (1981). 13 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, 37831, USA Indirect [2] H. Schatz et al.,Tennessee Phys. Rep. 294, 167 (1998). 14 1000 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Catania, Catania, I-95123, Italy Systematics [3] H. Schatz and K. E. Rehm, Nucl. Phys. A777, 601 (2006). (Received 17 December 2010; published 24 June 2011) 10 0.4 [4] W. H. G. Lewin and M. van der Klis, Compact Stellar Experiment We report the first of the proton separation energyUniversity for the proton-unbound 0.6 0.8 1.0 on1.2 1.4direct measurement 500X-ray (This work) Sources (Cambridge Press, Cambridge, 69 68 nucleus Br. Bypassing the Se waiting point in the rp process is directly related to the 2p-capture rate Q Value [MeV] England, 2006). through 69 Br, which depends exponentially on the proton separation energy. We find a proton separation [5] 0B. S. Dzhelepov, SSSR Ser. Fiz. 15, 496 (1951). Br of aSp69 ð69Se BrÞmirror ¼ $785þ34 this is less bound compared to previous predictions which energy for 69from $40 keV; FIG. 5. Comparison of the best-fit results [6] Y. B. Zel’dovich, Sov. Phys. JETP 11 (1960). have relied on uncertain theoretical calculations. The influence of the extracted proton separation energy on level ordered simulation to the experimental data. [7] isV.examined I. Goldansky, Nucl. Phys. 19, 482 (1960). the rp process occurring in type I x-ray bursts within the context of a one-zone burst model. -500 Savory [24] 0.2 AME03 [28] 0.0 Lima [20] 2 Ormand [18] 6 4 AME95 [27] 8 Brown [26] [8] B. Blank et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 60, 403 (2008). Wohr [21] Clark [22] Pfaff [16] the ground state in experimentsDOI: relying on the short life10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.252503 PACS numbers: 21.10.Dr, 27.50.+e [9] S. Hofmann et al., Z. Phys. 23.50.+z, A 305, 26.30.Ca, 111 (1982). þ [10] D. F. Geesaman et al., Phys. Rev. C 15, 1835 (1977). -1000 time [42]. Assuming Masses the observed peak to be the 9=2 long 35.5 s half-life of 68 Se, compared to the time scale and decay properties of many nuclei along the [11] J. Giovinazzo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 102501 level with a pure ‘ ¼ 4 transition, we have of a typical x-ray burst (& 10–100 s), and its(2002). location on proton drip line play a keysimulated role in the this rapid proton- (rp) [12] E. Hourani et al., Z. 334, 277limit (1989). possibility as the dotted line in Fig. Our simulation of [1]).-1500 the proton dripPhys. line Aseverely further progression capture process (see5. Wallace and Woosley The rp [13] J. D. Robertson et masses. al., Phys.It Rev. 42, 1922 (1990). to heavier has Cbeen shown, however, that2010 process consists of tail sequences 1995 2000 2005 the assignment displays a low-energy causedofbyfast theproton-capture [14] M. F. Mohar et al.,reactions Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1571 (1991). 2p-capture through unbound nuclei such as reactions on proton-rich nuclei near the proton drip line long lifetime that is inconsistent with the data. Moreover, if Year 69 et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, þ decays. When the reaction [15] B. Blank 4611 (1995). Br can bypass key waiting points if these nuclei are flow and their subsequent ! a spin-parity of 9=2þ is assigned to the observed peak, [16] R. Pfaff et al., Phys. Rev. C 53, 1753 (1996). only slightly unbound [2]. Figure 1 illustrates a possible reaches weakly bound nuclei at the proton drip line, further then the CDE extracted from our measurement for this et al., Nucl. Phys. (1992). the 68 Se waiting [17] P. Möller rp-process reaction pathA536, which61bypasses 2p Flow 10 Sp (69Br) [keV] Counts / 83 keV 6 7 30% 10% 3% 1% 0.3% PHYSICAL REVIEW C 84, 051306(R) (2011) 69 Kr β-delayed proton emission: A Trojan horse for studying states in proton-unbound 69 Br A. M. Rogers,1,* J. Giovinazzo,2 C. J. Lister,1 B. Blank,2 G. Canchel,2 J. A. Clark,1 G. de France,3 S. Grévy,3 S. Gros,1 E. A. McCutchan,1 F. de Oliveira Santos,3 G. Savard,1 D. Seweryniak,1 I. Stefan,3 and J.-C. Thomas3 1 2 Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan,Université Bordeaux 1, UMR 5797 CNRS/IN2P3, Chemin du Solarium, BP 120, F-33175 Gradignan Cedex, France 3 Grand Accélérateur d’Ions Lourds (GANIL), CEA/DSM-CNRS/IN2P3, Bvd Henri Becquerel, F-14076 Caen, France RAPIDNational COMMUNICATIONS (Received 25 August 2011; published 16 November 2011) PHYSICAL REVIEW C 84, 051306(R) (2011) Particle decay of 69 Br and 65 As was observed through β-delayed proton emission of 69 Kr and 65 Se, respectively. Decay spectroscopy was performed through β-p correlations using a position-sensitive silicon-implantation detector surrounded by a γ -ray detector array. A β-decay half-life of 27(3) ms was measured for 69 Kr and 33(4) ms for 65 Se. The 69 Kr ground state decays by a superallowed transition to its unbound isobaric analog state RAPID COMMUNICATIONS in 69 Br which immediately decays by a 2.97(5)-MeV proton group to the first excited state in 68 Se at 854.2 keV. This chain of decays constrains both the mass and spin of the 69 Kr ground state. We observed no evidence of PHYSICAL REVIEW C 84, 051306(R) (2011) Br.ROGERS et al. ground-state proton decay fromA.69M. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.051306 PACS number(s): 23.40.−s, 23.50.+z, 27.50.+e, 26.30.Ca Counts / 50 keV Proton-Detection Efficiency (%) Beyond determining the limits of existence of very neutronthrough indirect techniques or through direct observations deficient nuclei between nickel and tin, slow progress has been immediately following 69 Br production using in-flight decay made in the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei with N < Z, that is, [2]. Initial searches attempted to produce 69 Br through fusionRAPID COMMUNICATIO nuclei with negative Tz , in this region. This is unfortunate, as evaporation reactions [4] and 78 Kr projectile fragmentation, these nuclei and their decays are critical in understanding the leading to a lifetime upper limit of 24 ns [3,5]. The first direct A. M. ROGERS et al.key information PHYSICAL REVIEW C 84, 051306(R) (2011) rapid-proton capture (rp) process, providing measurement of 69 Br ground-state proton decay, reconstructed for testing the CVC hypothesis, exploring the breakdown of from the breakup into p + 68 Se, found 69 Br to be unbound by mirror symmetry due to Coulomb effects and poor binding, 785+34 5 FIG. 2. (Color online) Partial particle-identification −40 keV [2]. 100spectrum 14 andinyielding stringent tests of contemporary nuclear-structure for implanted heavy ions the DSSD. The energy-loss signal is Similar complications exist for 65 As. Compared to 69 Br, 4 90 +110 65 3 models. measured by the silicon #E detector while the RF, gated on the As is considerably longer lived 12 (t1/2 = 190−70 ms) [6]. It 2 80 additional timing signals, measures heavy-ion TOF. Particles Recently,theconsiderable progress hasare been made concerning still, however, lies near the proton andPartial is difficult FIG. 2.drip (Colorline online) particle-identification spectrum 1 64 68 . separated based on theirthe charge, Z, and isospin, T astrophysical aspect:z For both Se(Color rp-process 70 the Ge and for10 implanted heavy for ions measurement in the DSSD. The energy-loss signal is to produce in sufficient required FIG. 1. online) Schematic of the implant-decay station.quantities 65 by the silicon #E detector while 700 measured RF, gated on 900 the 950 800 850 Proton-rich nuclei implanted DSSD decay and are correlated “waiting points,” measurements60of their proton-unbound pre- into the in a Penning trap. Recently, the As ground-state mass was the 750 additional timing signals, measures the heavy-ion TOF. Particles are 65 69 with β and pthe decay products as well as coincident γ rays measured 8 E (keV) cursors, As and Br, have been reported [1,2]. In case of events and are removed by subtracting uncorrelated events in in the surrounding HpGe array. Energy determined by a storage-ringseparated lifetime measurement [1]. based on their charge, Z, andThe isospin, Tz . loss and timing signals were 50 64 68 Gewindow the waiting in from Setheit first likely the latter half of the time [12].point is likely bypassed, while inferred decay Qp value generated silicon #E detector with additional time-of-is so low, 6 90(80) keV, that sequential 65 40spectroscopic is not.into Interest, however, in the and structural measured using2p two upstream Heavy ions implanted the DSSD, corresponding to flight information events and are removed by subtracting As significantly bypasses the 64 Geuncorrelated events in capturemicrochannel through plate detectors the 4 latter half of the timeenvironment. window [12]. properties these nuclei remains. We report on(not theshown). decay of 30 where triggers in the #E detector, wereof identified via #E-TOF waiting-point nucleus in the explosive rp-process 65 65 Heavy ions implanted into the DSSD, corresponding to Se and 69 Kr intothe their proton-unbound the redundant TOF information reduced backgrounds The only spectroscopic information comes from β-decay data via #E-TOF where 20 in the daughters As and triggers #E detector, were identified 69 65 65 2 in the Br. TheseDSSD parentstriggered are relatively long-lived, ∼30 ms, allowing particle-identification spectrum. events, with- degrader where Se was reported to decay to the IAS in its Asthe backgrounds in the the redundant TOF information reduced at the intermediate focal plane and transported to an 10 them to to bedecay cleanly separated, and implanted a enddaughter out a #E signal, correspond events. A set transported, of parallel implantation followed an observed 3.55(3)MeVspectrum. proton-decay particle-identification DSSD triggered events, withstation in at the of the LISE3 beamline.by Time0 0 decay, 64 out[7]. a 0#E signal, correspond events. A set of parallel decay wheresettings the nuclei β populating of electronics utilizing low andstation high gain digitized (TOF) and energy-loss (#E) measurements allowed 1000 2000to decay 3000 4000 5000 6000 the Ge state 0 the 1 of-flight 2 3 states 4 5 6group 7 to 8 9 ground 10 electronics utilizing low and high gain settings digitized the event-by-event fragment identification. Decay spectroscopy Decay Energy (keV) interest in their and short-lived daughter nuclei. TheProton original goal DSSD high-energy implant events lower-energy decay Because of the additional binding due to pairing for Energy (MeV) DSSD high-energy implant events and lower-energy decay performed on fragments implanted into a double-sided was to observe the Kr β-decayusing strength bypassed the events. A proton energy calibration was69performed a wasthat even-Z nuclei, the proton events. drip line extends out farther proton energy calibration was performed using strip detector (DSSD), correlated with β-delayed protons. FIG. 8.A Charged particle decay-energy spectrum for atime corre69 239 241 244 FIG. 6.Cm. Proton-detection efficiency as a function lifetimes 244 isobaric andand fed the Br ground state, where in the triple-α source containing linesanalog from state Pu,(IAS) Am, and,DSSD correspondingly, are longer for proton-rich 239 Kr 241 Exo$c proton-‐rich nuclei and connec$on to the Physics of X-‐ray bursters Lecture 2: Probing deeper into the nuclear structure David Jenkins Overview • Lecture 1: X-‐ray bursts – – – – Nuclear Physics involved Wai$ng points Why are there wai$ng points? How do we determine where the wai$ng points are? • Lecture 2: Probing deeper – Why is it hard to predict where the wai$ng points are? – How do we address the structure of such exo$c nuclei on and beyond the line of N=Z Shapes are hard to predict… The heart of the maker is the landscape……. How high is the barrier between shapes? How many minima? How much mixing? To answer these ques$ons needs more than just discovering the first levels. P. Moller, R.Bengtsson, B.G.Carlsson, P.Olivius, T.Ichikawa Phys.Rev.Lek. 97, 162502 (2006) C.J. Lister et al., Phys. Rev. 42, R1191 (1990) Other evidence for shape coexistence Jπ=0+ is first excited state, so NO g-decay, just E0 Isomer found in fragmentation at GANIL. When fully stripped the isomer lifetime becomes very long as it can only decay by two-photon emission or higher order. E. Bouchez, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 082502 Reorienta$on in Coulomb excita$on p Shape coexistence in mean-‐field models: Skyrme M. Bender, P. Bonche and P.H. Heenen Phys Rev C74 (2006) 024312 HFB+GCM method Skyrme SLy6 force density dependent pairing interacYon B(E2) values e2fm4 Restricted to axial symmetry : no K=2 states Shape coexistence in mean-‐field models: Gogny J-‐P. Delaroche et al. HFB+GCM with Gaussian overlap approximaYon Gogny D1S force Axial and triaxial degrees of freedom B(E2) values e2fm4 Which nucleus has “best” shape co-‐existence? Theory says 72Kr, but experiment points at 68Se…..but the differences are subtle and a reflec$on of our advanced understanding P. Moller, R.Bengtsson, B.G.Carlsson, P.Olivius, T.Ichikawa Phys.Rev.Lek. 97, 162502 (2006) True collec$ve oblate rota$on? Certainly, the 68Se g.s.b. has a level sequence which appears to have a small (and smooth) moment of iner$a consistent with classical oblate collec$vity S.M. Fischer et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 4064 70Se12C16O ⇒ 98 a.m.u. Isobaric contaminants ⇒ A = 98 Break up 70SeCO inside EBIS and charge breed up to a q = 19+ charge state (A/q ~ 3.68) ⇒ eliminates isobars! REX-ISOLDE ⇒ ε ~ 2.4% ⇒ Ib(70Se) ~ 1.4 x 104 delivered to MB target 104Pd(70Se,70Se) @ 2.94 MeV/u “normal kinemaYcs” MINIBALL array Miniball is purpose-‐built for detec$on of low mul$plicity gamma rays with high efficiency Segmented detectors and on-‐board pulse shape analysis are employed to locate point of first interac$on to give superior Doppler correc$on Par$cle Detec$on The scakered projec$les and/or recoiling target nuclei are detected in a CD detector which subtends angles of around 10-‐50o • • • • • • Total area = 50 cm2 (93% ac$ve) 16 annular p+ strips/quadrant 24 sector n+ strips/quadrant Total of 160 discrete detectors Wafer thickness 35 -‐ 1000 μm ΔE-‐E moun$ng Coulomb excitaYon of 70Se A shape study of 72Kr (2+) - a rarity that gives a deeper understanding of effective nucleon-nucleon interaction IS478 Spokesperson – B.S. Nara Singh, http://isolde.web.cern.ch/sites/isolde.web.cern.ch/files/April%202013.pdf ~ 28 % effect Energy (Arb.) Energy vs Strip No. Strip CD gated gamma spectra Doppler Corrected for 104Pd target excitation, ~ 430 counts Doppler Corrected for 72Kr projectile excitation: ~180 counts in 710 keV line 104Pd 72Kr Structure at the proton-‐rich limits The region of interest Isospin symmetry Shape-coexistence rp-process 56 56 Recoil-‐decay tagging Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 57 Recoil-‐beta tagging Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 58 Recoil separators RITU (Jyvaskyla) FMA (Argonne) Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 59 RDT Instrumentation at JYFL JURO GREAT Focal plane spectrometer GAM RITU r oil separato c re d le il -f s Ga n 20-50 % Transmissio TDR Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 Total Data Readout Triggerless data acquisition system with 10 ns time stamping 60 RITU+GREAT Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 61 Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 62 TDR : Total Data Readout • • • • • • Triggerless Data Acquisi$on System Rates up to 850 kHz without dead$me 380 channels $mestamped data 10 ns resolu$on Time-‐of-‐Day clock with 32 day rollover Flexible + Easily Scalable Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 63 74 Test case: Rb Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 64 Proof-‐of-‐principle • • • • • natCa (36Ar, pn) 74Rb Ebeam = 103 MeV τ½ (74Rb) = 65 ms β+endpoint ~ 10 MeV σ ~ 10 µb Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 65 High energy positrons Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 66 Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 67 Varying the beta gate size 1 10 MeV 3 10 MeV 6 10 MeV Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 68 74 Iden$fica$on of Rb A.N. Steer, et al., NIM A565, 630 (2006) Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 69 74Rb level scheme from RBT Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 70 78 Unknown case: Y • Nothing known about 78Y except 0+ superallowed decay and (5+) beta-‐decaying isomer • RBT technique applied using 40Ca(40Ca,pn)78Y reac$on • Cross-‐sec$on should be very similar to 74Rb • 90% of flux proceeds to low-‐lying isomer • Isomer is too long-‐lived for effec$ve tagging Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 71 Euroschool Piaski, September 2008 72 New DSSD • As RITU is designed to operate on heavy mass regions, recoil separa$on is not anymore op$mal in the A~70 region. • Recoil distribu$on is focused on the right hand side of the DSSD (beam and scakered components follow closely the recoil distribu$on so it can not be centered). • 8 kHz rate is impinged only on the half of the ac$ve area of the DSSD which in turn increases risk of random correla$ons! • Device was tested with 28Si + 40Ca reac$on at Eb=75 MeV with various different beam intensi$es (simultaneously with phoswich or planar ge set-‐ up). New DSSD design Recoil map from the (old) GREAT DSSD • Only right hand side works as an ac$ve detector. • Consists of 120 x 80 strips with strip pitch of 0.480 mm • 500 mm thick • In total ~10000 pixels! • -‐> 0.8 Hz recoil rate / pixel. Slides from Panu Ruotsalainen Phoswich scintillator • High/low energy beta-‐par$cle detec$on and discrimina$on: Direct energy & full pile-‐up discrimina$o • Beta/gamma discrimina$on • Discrimina$ons can be done on the basis of pulse shape analysis. 3 x PMT (Hamamatsu, 10 dynode stages) Scin$llator head Light-‐guide BC-‐404 (”fast”) d = 10 mm Beta-‐par$cles • BC-‐404: rise $me ~ 0.7 ns, decay $me ~ 1.8 ns, light output 68 % of anthracene • BC-‐444: rise $me ~ 19.5 ns, decay $me ~ 285 ns, light output 41 % of anthracene BC-‐444 (”slow”) d = 31.5 mm Phoswich scintillator • Traces were recorded from Lyrtech ADCs. • Pulse shapes were categorized online by rudimentary algorithm. • On the basis of online analysis, device works and can be u$lized for tagging purposes! • We s$ll need to resolve the possible gain in data quality… Combined pulse shapes (high E betas) Beta-‐tagged JUROGAM II gammas Fa ) mmas a g d n s a E beta w o l ( st only UoY • Designed to suppress events associated with cp evapora$on channels. • Consists of 96 20 x 20 mm CsI crystals (Hamamatsu) divided into 6 flanges (8 x 2 crystals in each flange). • Signal chain: Mesytech preamplifiers -‐> ”GO-‐ box” -‐> Lyrtech ADCs. • Measured detec$on efficiency for 1 charged par$cle is 80-‐90 %. RITU LISA chamber JurogamII UoY Comparison of recoil gated (blue curve) and raw UoYTube (light blue) spectra from 28Si + 40Ca reac$on. ~40o ~60o Evaporated par$cles from O and C reac$ons (Ca-‐target gets oxidized easily.) …scakered O and C. Measured distribu$on of evaporated par$cles in 28Si + 40Ca reac$on. Simulated distribu$on of evaporated par$cles in 40Ca + 40Ca reac$on (J. Saren) . UoY • Test was performed in August 2011 (~50 hours beam on target w/ various Ib). • Reac$on of 28Si + 40Ca was u$lized at Eb=75 MeV to populate excited states in 66Se via 2n evapora$on channel. • This was good test case as the 2+ -‐> 0+ transi$on in 66Se has been recently iden$fied by A. Obertelli. Beta tagged JUROGAM II spectra all recoils recoils w/ 0 cp @ UoYTube Counts / keV 2 Counts 20 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 Counts / keV 1 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Log( t) 5 6 7 8 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 5 0 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 t (ms) 700 800 900 1000 Counts / keV Counts / 5 ms Counts / keV 25 15 30 0 12 3 20 40 4 3 2 1 0 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 Energy (keV) 540 560 580 600