29 - St. Joseph`s Catholic Church
29 - St. Joseph`s Catholic Church
1|Page PARISH STAFF: Fr. Gregory Hart, Pastor Dc. Dan Daily, Deacon Pamela Castillow, Bookkeeper / Office Manager Shannon Stowe, Business Manager / D.R.E. David Burkemper, Catholic Youth (CY) & Family Life Director [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH FACILITIES: Parish Hall Phone: Rectory Phone: SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION All Sacraments require a call or visit to the parish office for more information. Below are some notes for your benefit: Baptism: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a preparation process before Baptism of Children. Registration is required. If possible, it is recommended that all requirements be completed BEFORE the child’s birth. Sick Calls: Please call the parish office if you or an immediate relative would like to receive the Eucharist or Anointing at home or in the hospital. Confirmation: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education and the candidate must be 14 years old. Contact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Convalidations: This is the term for marriages getting “blessed” in the church. Most rules for “Weddings” apply for Convalidations. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 8:00am through Midnight Friday in the Chapel. First Communion: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education. Candidates must be at least 7 years old. Contact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Funerals: Please call the office immediately to sstart preparation. Marriage Cases/Annulments: If you’ve divorced and are planning to re-marry, have already re-married, married, or are marrying / married to someone with that situation even if it was prior to being Catholic: Contact Pamela Castillow at 361-2612. Reconciliation: ½ hour before all weekend Masses or by Appointment. RCIA Classes: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Pat Buhr 479-524-8921 or 479-466-7776. 7776. RCIA is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic or those who may not have completed d the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. Weddings: A minimum of 6 months is required for marriage preparation. No outdoor weddings are permitted. 479.361.2211 479.717.2354 IMPORTANT PARISH CONTACTS: Altar Servers: (Saturday): (Sunday): Mike Della Rosa 479.790.2246 Bereavement Dinners: Norma Deines 479.751.1425 Bulletin: Shannon Stowe [email protected] Cemetery: Mike Zulpo 479.361.2357 Choir: (Sunday): Marty Taldo 479.361.2459 Catholic Youth (CY): (Sixth through ugh Twelfth Grade): David Burkemper 479.361.2612 ext 3 Eucharistic Ministers: Leonard Pianalto 479.361.2633 Gift Bearers: Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612 Misty Piazza Misty Piazza Ryan Pianalto & Shirley Lott 479.466.3994 Gift Shop: Saturday: Sunday (Eng): Grape Festival: (Chairman) Chris Martini (Co-Chairman) Todd Ceola “The Hut” 118th Tontitown Grape Festival dates: Grapevine (e-mail news): Shannon Stowe 479.530.0481 479-422-5870 479.361.2615 August 9-13, 2016 [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Ryan Pianalto 479.287.9384 Lectors: Patricia Gross 479.521.0123 Mary Wyandt Hiebert 479.521.6566 Parish Council: Parish Religious Education (P.R.E.) Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612. Sacristans & Decor: 479.361.2560 479.361.2423 479.466.4128 Margie Ceola Jettie Franco Paula Marinoni If you are new to our parish, we welcome you and invite you to become a member. Registration forms are on the Parish Website (www.stjoetontitown.org) or in the Parish Office. Please complete one for each family member and drop it into the collection basket. Please also call the office if any of your family information has changed (name, phone, address, etc.) so that we can make the changes in our information. We are always in need of more help in our various parish ministries please call the parish office or the person in charge of any ministries you are interested in. We would love to have you! 2|Page SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2016 6 MASS INTENTIONS & SCHEDULE PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL IN NEED Jean Bersi Rob Beyer Thomas Bevins Kim Biondo Benita Bowen Kay Brooke Ginger Daily Paula Gallagher Louis Germany Ellen Goff Tom Goff Roger Gross Alma Hartman Carol Higgins Rose Huff Rainie Johnson Theresa Kappler Channing Lamb Jack Lucy Debbie Magee Msgr. James Mancini Kay Marveggio Megan Taldo McAfee Tom McFadden James Miller Jeb Mills Andy Moffett Julie Neil Helene Newman Deloris Peacy Claudine Pianalto Elsie Mae Pianalto Esther Pianalto Lena Pianalto Leonard Pianalto Robert Pianalto Albert Piazza Jeanette Piazza Margaret Piazza Misty Piazza Oakleigh Roberts Randi Rogers Richard Russell Bill St. Mary Cathyrn Staggs Mary Ann Taldo Gerald Walsh Chadwick Wa Walter Kimberly West Diana Wright We need to keep our prayer list tidy. We will clean it out March 31, 2016. You can keep your loved one on it by calling or ee-mailing ([email protected] ) the Parish Office to let them know which of your loved ones are still in need of prayer. Sat. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri Fri Sat. HOLY FATHER'S INTENTIONS FOR JANUARY JANUARY: Universal: That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. Evangelization: That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. Sat. Sun. Sun. COLLECTIONS: Regular Collection Children's Collection Building Fund Black & Indian Mission SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2016 THROUGH $5,885.83 $6.00 $205.00 $20.00 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Don Mansell Jan 31 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: All Parishioners Jan 31 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: SI: James Schiller Family Feb 1 No Mass No Mass Feb 2 5:15 pm Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: +Lorene Taldo Feb 3 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +Jim Kappler Feb 4 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +Geraldine Copeland Feb 5 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: Sacred Heart of Jesus Feb 5 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: +Gary Mussino Feb 6 7:40 am: The Holy Rosary 8:00 am: Immaculate Heart of Mary Feb 6 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Mary Tessaro Feb 7 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: +Phyllis Hale Feb 7 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: All Parishioners Jan 30 ETERNAL REST Eternal rest grant unto themO’Lord themO’Lord Lorene Taldo Communal Anointing of the Sick will be offered after all the Masses THIS weekend, January 30th and 31st. Those about to undergo surgery, with long-term term illness, etc. are especially invited to attend. Parishioner & mother of Kenneth, Curtis & Phillip Taldo and Marilyn Taldo-Coffman. Coffman. Sister to Richard & Bobby Pianalto and Helen McGinnis innis & Pauline Weathers Entered Eternal Rest January18, 2016 and let perpetual light shine upon them WHAT’S GOING ON AT ST. JOSEPH’S The annual Black and Indian Mission Collection is the first national collection, authorized by the U.S. bishops in 1884. This weekend, January 30th & 31st,, our parish will take up the annual Collection for Black and Indian Missions. Our financial contribution ion helps support Catholic American Indian communities on reservations, in rural areas and inner cities. The collection also supports African American schools and evangelization programs, particularly in the south. With open hearts let us unite ourselves with ith the love of Christ in supporting the Black and Indian Mission Collection. For more information, go to www.blackandindianmission.org. MASSES FOR ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10! 1 All English Masses es Mass 7:30 AM 12:15 PM & 6:30 PM On Ash Wednesday (Feb 10) a special collection will be taken up to support missionary activities and the priests and religious who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they serve among the people of our diocese. 1oo% of this collection goes to direct ministry expenses. Please be as generous as you can in supporting these missionary apostolates through the Ash Wednesday Collection. Fish Frys: The Knights of Columbus will have their Fish Frys on February 12th th and March 18th both at 5:30 PM in the Parish Hall! $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. Come join us!!! 3|Page LENTEN REGULATIONS REGARDING FAST AND ABSTINENCE. Abstinence from meat of warm blooded animals is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one‘s ‘s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. The special Paschal fast and abstinence are prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday. The Stations of the Cross: For Roman Catholics throughout the world, the Stations of the Cross are synonymous with Lent, Holy Week and, especially, Good Friday. This devotion is also known as the "Way of the Cross", the "Via Crucis", and the "Via Dolorosa." It commemorates 14 key ev events on day of Christ's crucifixion. The majority concern His final walk through the streets of Jerusalem, carrying the Cross. Today, images of the Stations (or simple crosses representing them) are on display in almost all Catholic churches. They serve mainly inly as a focus for Lenten worship services. But the Stations can also be performed privately, at any time of the year, even at home. Fr. Hart is leading the Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM and Fridays at 5:30 PM (except as noted) in the Church Calendar. Mass will follow. Bible Study: Epic: A Journey Through Church History on Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (you pick which time works best for you!). This exciting 20 20part DVD series takes you through the major people, places, and events that make up the history of the Catholic Church. See the glory of the Church founded by Christ and understand where you fit into this Epic story. Light snacks will be provided. rovided. Please contact David Burkemper at 361 361-2612 #3 to sign up! RCIA Anyone looking to join the Catholic Church is welcome to call the parish office and you'll be the first to know about opportunities for this year's RCIA which has begun, but inquirers are always invited to join. Meet us in the Parish Education Center Adult Education Room Thursdays 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. This class is also open to all Catholics who wish to learn more about their faith. Child Care is available for those who wish to use it during the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Participating children need to be taken to the Education Center and will need to fill out an information form. Inclement Weather Policy Reminder If Springdale Schools are closed there will be no day or evening classes. For Daily Masses, see our parish website at www.stjoetontitown.org or our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/stjoetontitown. The office will also be closed when "the big four schools" (Bentonville, Fayetteville, Rogers and Springdale) are all closed. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - (P. R. E.) Confirmation Retreat on February 6th for those in the Confirmation Class only. CATHOLIC YOUTH - SR & JR CY We will be hosting a Super Bowl party in the CY Room on Feb. 7 at 5 pm. The CY will provide pizza and drinks, but please bring other snacks (chips, salsa, etc) to munch on. Please RSVP with David Burkemper either by phone or ee mail so I know how much food and drinks to buy. Catholic Heart Work Camp (CHWC) is coming up this June (5-11) 11) in Memphis, TN! Spend a rewarding week helping those in need with people around the country. Cost is only $125, with potential for reduction. Limited spots available and are filling up fast! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Welcome all new adorers!! Midnight to 6am 6am to Noon Laura Leto Denise Kidd 479-442-0643 / 479-409-6467 479-306-4244 479 / 479-439-2047 Noon to 6pm 6pm to Midnight Shirley Hoke Judy Ranalli 479-521-7869 / 479-530-4577 479-361-2086 479 / 479-957-0825 The chapel is open for those who want to Adore the Lord from Tuesday at 8:00 am to Friday at Midnight. Please know that you can still sign up for any hour convenient for you. The Lord loves many Adorers. Adorers are a welcomed for any hour. Two Adorers per hour is especially encouraged! If you cannot attend your Holy Hour, please ask a family member, friend or another adorer to substitute for you. If none are available, then contact your division leader. Inclement Weather: If Springdale Schools are closed, the Adoration Chapel is closed. Adoration will resume at 8:00am on the day school resumes. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - FR. BANDINI COUNCIL Our Next Meeting – Monday, February 8 at 6:30 pm at the KOC hall with food and beverages being served after the meeting. For info or if you have any suggestions, please contact Ryan Pianalto at 479.287.9384 287.9384. FR. HART LEADS A PILGRIMAGE TO FRANCE Pilgrimage to France: In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, join Fr. Hart on a pilgrimage to France from September 19 to 30, 2016. Our journey includes: round trip airfare from Fayetteville, 10 First Class hotel nights (double occupancy), daily breakfas breakfastt and dinner, private motor coach, Seine River cruise, baggage handling, daily Mass at various shrines. Among the sites visited are: Lourdes where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1858, the parish church of St. John Vianney, Cluny Abbey, Paray Paray-le-Monial, nial, the Cathedral of Chartes with its famous stain glass windows, Lisieux - where St. Theresa the little Flower was born, the Normandy Beaches, the site of the Allied Invasion, and the American Cemetery there, and Mont Saint-Michel Saint Abbey 4|Page Church. In Paris, we will visit: Notre Dame Cathedral, Sainte-Chapelle, Museum d'Orsay, Montmartre, Basilica of Sacre Coeur, and a Seine River cruise. Price per person, double occupancy, is $ 4,150 + $ 154 airline fees. Contact Travel Tyme for information and brochure at 1-800-886-2151 or Fr. Hart at 479-361-2612. Deadline to book is April 30! ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OTHER AREA CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS & PARISHES NWA FRASSATI YOUNG ADULTS! Have you made a New Year's Resolution to get more involved in your church and develop your faith life this year? The NWA Frassati Society is an energetic Catholic Young Adults group that yields Spiritual Growth, Social Events, and Service Opportunities! Join us for our bible study series "The Dawn of the Messiah" Mondays at 7pm in two locations: Bentonville and St. Joe's in Tontitown. Join us Friday, Feb 5th at the Jones Center for a Razorback Hockey Game.To learn more LIKE us on facebook.com/NWAFrassatiSociety - visit our website nwafrassati.com or email us [email protected]! DEANERY SPRING RECONCILIATION EVENT 5 HOURS WITH THE LORD: Please join us for the “West Ozark Deanery Spring Reconciliation Event” ~ Friday, March 4, 2016, 4pm-9pm. at St. Raphael Catholic Church, Springdale. 14 Area priests will be available to hear confessions the entire evening. In our church we will have Stations of the Cross in English at 5:30pm & Spanish at 6:30pm. We will also have the Blessed Sacrament exposed several times throughout the night. Bring the whole family to this faith filled event and plan to eat here, too. Our Men’s Club will be hosting an All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry/Grilled Cheese dinner from 5:30-7pm. Adults-$10, Children-$5. This will be the Deanery’s only reconciliation service for the spring. We will be united in the “Year of Mercy.” SUBIACO ACADEMY - SUBIACO Discover Subiaco Academy: Subiaco Academy, a Catholic, Benedictine boarding/day college prep school for boys grades 7-12, in western Arkansas (east of Fort Smith), is offering the opportunity for prospective students and parents to visit and experience Subiaco. 2016 Shadow Days are scheduled for Fridays, February 12, March 11, and April 8. Families can register for a Shadow Day or schedule a visit at another time by contacting: 800-364-7824 or [email protected]. The events are FREE of charge, including meals and overnight accommodations. DIOCESE OF LITTLE ROCK You are invited to attend the Arkansas Catholic Men's Conference V to be held at Christ the King Catholic Church on Saturday, February 6, 2016. The topic of the conference is "Be Courageous, Be Strong, Be A Catholic Man." Archbishop J. Peter Sartain and Dr. Allen Hunt will be our guest speakers. The conference will begin with Mass at 8:00 a.m. celebrated by Bishop Taylor. Registration begins at 7:15 a.m. and will conclude after Mass. The conference will begin at 9:30 and should conclude between 3:30-4:00 p.m. Four talks will be given and should be outstanding. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered from 11:00 - 1:00. This is a statewide function with a large participation from the Central Deanery. Help us get the message about this conference to all the parishes and support our former Bishop. I will need your email and phone number to be used for conference announcements only if you plan to attend. Call me if you have questions or plan to attend at 501-680-3619. Preregistration for men of your parish planning to attend is at TinyURL.com/ACMCregister. Married Couples. By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are at Subiaco, Arkansas, February 12-14, 2016 and at Memphis – Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center, April 15-17, 2016. Space is limited. For more information or to apply call Stephen and Elaine Lienhart at 501-312-1119 or email [email protected] or apply online at www.arkansaswwme.org/apply. Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn NFP at home and at your own pace with the Home Study Course from NFP International, www.nfpandmore.org. Includes Ecological Breastfeeding (it really can space babies), a double-check system of fertility awareness, and Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Work with a live instructor by email. Completion certificate. Only $70. Advertising in the Diocese of Little Rock’s publications builds credibility and trust. Whether it is the award-winning, weekly print or digital edition of Arkansas Catholic, arkansascatholic.org or our new aSpire e-newsletter, reaching other Catholics around the state is simple, affordable and gets results. If you are a business owner or manager and want to introduce your business to the Catholic audience, contact advertising manager Marie Duke at [email protected] or (501) 664-0125. Ask for “Marie’s Special” for a discount. Post-Abortion Support Group: Do you feel alone, hurting or unforgiven from a past abortion? The Respect Life Office, through Project Rachel, is starting a support group, beginning February 15, 2016. The spiritual journey lasts 11 weeks, with small groups of 6-8. Groups will be formed in Little Rock, Fayetteville/Rogers, possibly Northeast Arkansas, and the Hot Springs area. All names and meeting places are strictly confidential. For details call 501-664-0340, ext. 357. All inquiries must be made by February 15, 2016. Encuentro Matrimonial is Marriage Encounter in Spanish and is a program of 44 hours in which couples can leave work, children, housework, and telephone in order to focus only on each other. If you are looking to grow in your relationship, to make it more profound and to enrich it, then you will like the difference that a weekend of Worldwide Marriage Encounter can make in your lives. The next weekend will be at St. John Center, Little Rock, February 12-13, 2016. For more information or registration, call Adrian y Reyna Alvarez (773) 213-9593 or Fermín y Noemi Andrade (479) 644-1152. 5|Page The Diocese of Little Rock seeks a Respect Life Director. Responsibilities include promoting and implementing the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities and Respect Life Program, working closely with parish coordinators, organizing the Mass for Life and monitoring state and federal legislation. Must be a Catholic with demonstrated knowledge of the Church’s moral and social teachings. Position is 25 hours per week and includes benefits. To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, at [email protected]. For more information, call the diocese at (501) 664-0340. The Diocese of Little Rock has an opening for an Associate Director in the Office of Faith Formation. The minimum qualifications include: Theology degree or (5) years of Faith Formation experience, strong presentation and communication skills, and the ability to work some weekends and evenings and travel. The diocese offers competitive pay with excellent benefits. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to: Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, Diocese of Little Rock, 2500 North Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 or email to [email protected]. Administrative Assistant in Diocesan Finance Office: The Diocese of Little Rock has an opening for an Administrative Assistant in the Finance Office to work with investments, insurance, accounting, budgeting, deposit and loan, and property. This is a full-time position with competitive pay and benefits. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, 2500 North Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 or [email protected] Arkansas Catholic is seeking to hire a motivated, organized full-time Advertising Manager to coordinate and sell advertising for the weekly newspaper, website, newsletter and directory. Applicants must have a driver’s license and at least two years of sales experience, preferably in media sales. Office hours must be maintained at St. John Center in Little Rock. Salary includes base pay and commission. Benefits provided include health and dental insurance, retirement plan and paid vacation and sick time. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Malea Hargett, Editor, at [email protected]. For more information, call Malea Hargett at (501) 664-0125. WEEKEND MINISTRIES Date: 30-Jan Altar Servers: C1 C2 Book Cross MC Ernie Woodard Volunteer Matthew Huck Blaise Wittschen Brittan Wittschen Emma Breaux 31-Jan 6-Feb Lectors: Abigail Guy Brayden Zulpo Tyler Ford Christopher Guy Jacob Ford C1 C2 Book Cross MC Sarah Heath Emily Schaben Lucas Schaben Matthew Heath Hannah Pianalto Adrian Gonzalez Lauren Brock Volunteer Max McDonald Torrie Pianalto 7-Feb Denise Kidd Dean Schaben Mike Washkowiak Eucharistic Ministers: Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Evelyn Pianalto Rebecca Pianalto Stan Pianalto Shannon Stowe Sara Miller Judy Ranalli Mike Della Rosa Chris Pianalto Chris Martini Denise McDonald Dail Bevins Robert Beyer Valerie Wright Mary Ann Carender Richard Ptak Maureen Gruich Patricia Mansell Mark Casey Denise Pearce Mike Verucchi Laura Huck Lydia Huck Debbie Verucchi James Miller Gift Bearers: EM to Sick Roger & Sara Miller Family Ryan & Christy Pianalto Family Mike Della Rosa Jeff & Karen Strassle, Dail Bevins Dean & Denise McDonald Family Pat & Bob Brock HAPPY BIRTHDAY! James Kidd Marty Taldo Cheyenne Bright Christine Byrd Michael Mrla Arthur Penzo Phyllis Weis Reece Ryan Bailey Sebert Daniel Rogers Shelly Szalanski Kailey Brinker Joyce Davidson Steve Hendricks Megan Pearce Geraldine Alvis Marty Neil Karen Nichols Michael Wittschen Ernie Woodard Mason Miller Jason Millett Alicia Swearingen Dylan Gee Skyler Ceola Madailein Pitts Mackenzie White HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Mike & Bernadette Collin Larry & Mary Wilburn 6|Page Joseph & Marlene Piazza CALENDAR OF EVENTS – JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2016 Sunday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday MASS READINGS JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY 6 Sunday: Jer 1:4-19; Ps 71:1-17; 1 Cor 12:31-13:13; Luke 4:18; Luke 4:21-30 Monday: 2 Sam 15:13-30, 16:5-13; Ps 3:1-7; Luke 7:16; Mark 5:1-20 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 2 Sam 18:9-19:3; Ps 86:1-6; Matt 8:17; Mark 5:21-43 Wednesday: 2 Sam 24:1-17; Ps 32:1-7; John 10:27; Mark 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mark 1:15; Mark 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:1-11; Ps 18:31-51; Luke 8:15; Mark 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; John 10:27; Mark 6:30-34 Jan 31 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) (With Anointing of the Sick following Mass) Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 No Mass Bible Study 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Bible Study 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Feb 8 Feb 9 No Mass Bible Study 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm LofH 5:15PM Mass 5:30 PM Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM (With Blessing of the Throats) Feb 14 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) Feb 15 No Mass Feb 21 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) PRE 6:15 P M - PEC Feb 10 ASH WEDNESDAY LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Mass 6:30 PM - PEC All Masses are in English Feb 16 Feb 17 No 5:30 PM Mass No 6:30 PM Bible Study LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM PRE 6:15 P M - PEC Mass 6:15 PM PARISH MISSION 7:00 PM The Sacred Heart and Holy Eucharist with Confession Following Mass 6:15 PM PARISH MISSION 7:00 PM Reverence for the Holy Eucharist with Confession Following Mass 6:15 PM PARISH MISSION 7:00 PM The Social Missionary Dimension of the Holy Eucharist with Confession Following Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 24 No Mass Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM PEC = Parish Education Center Bible Study 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 5:15PM Mass 5:30 PM PRE 6:15 P M - PEC Bible Study 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Stations 6:30 PM Mass 7:00 PM AE = Adult Education Room ABBREVIATIONS: C = Church 7|Page Saturday Jan 31 Jan 30 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM (With Anointing of the Sick following Mass) Feb 5 Feb 6 FIRST FRIDAY LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM FIRST SATURDAY Rosary 7:40 AM Mass 8:00 AM (With Blessing of the Throats) Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM (With Blessing of the Throats) Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM RCIA 6:30 - PEC AE Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Mass 12:15 PM Bible Study 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Bible Study 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM PARISH MISSION 7:00 PM The Importance and Value of Eucharistic Adoration with Confessions following Feb 4 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 5:15PM Mass 5:30 PM Rosary 11:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM (With Anointing of the Sick following Mass) Feb 7 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM (Child Care Available) (With Blessing of the Throats) FEBRUARY 7 - FEBRUARY 13 Sunday: Isa 6:1-8; Ps 138:1-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11; Matt 4:19; Luke 5:1-11 Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-13; Ps 132:6-10; Matt 4:23; Mark 6:53-56 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-30; Ps 84:3-11; Mark 7:1-13 Wednesday: Joel 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Ps 51:3-17; Matt 6:1-18 Thursday: Deut 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-6; Luke 9:22-25 Friday: Isa 58:1-9; Ps 51:3-19; Matt 9:14-15 Saturday: Isa 58:9-14; Ps 86:1-6; Luke 5:27-32 Friday RCIA 6:30 - PEC AE Feb 18 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Stations 4:30 PM Mass 5:00 PM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Fish Fry 5:30 PM - PH Feb 19 Feb 20 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM No RCIA Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Mass 6:15 PM PARISH MISSION 7:00 PM The Holy Eucharist: Sacrifice, Communion & Real Presence (Reception Following) Feb 25 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Stations 5:30 PM Mass 6:00 PM Baptism Prep 6:30 PM - PEC Feb 26 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Feb 27 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Stations 5:30 PM Mass 6:00 PM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM RCIA 6:30 - PEC AE PH = Parish Hall LofH = Liturgy of the Hours 8|Page