Vol 1 Issue 2 2008
Vol 1 Issue 2 2008
W AT TSBURG A REA S CHOOL D ISTRICT 25¢ B OBCAT PRIDE N EWS V OLUME 1, I SSUE 2 A PRIL 2009 W E ’ RE O FF T O S EE T HE W IZARD By: Sarah Shreve could not be complete without the help of the Glinda (Lindsey On March 13 and 14, SeWilczynski), the Good Witch neca traveled to the magical of the North, who tries to help land of Wicked Witches, the friends stay clear of the Winkies and the Wizard of Wicked Witch of the West Oz. We followed the tale of (Holly Ramey). Dorothy (Lacey Murdock), Over the past forty years of the girl from Kansas who was theatrical productions at swept up in a tornado and Seneca High School, only one carried off to the land of Oz. show has ever sold out all three In a desperate attempt to get performances before the achome, she starts on a journey tual production. Breaking a to the Emerald City to meet school record, The Wizard of Oz the great Wizard of Oz (Mark not only sold out, but had a Niedomys). While on this waiting list of people journey, she befriends a wanting to see the Scarecrow (Kyle Giewont), production. Tinman (Jeremiah Gibbons), This musical cast has put in and a Cowardly Lion months of effort and it has (Brandon Bilski) who join definitely shown on the stage. her on the journey in hopes of “It was the first Seneca production having their greatest wishes I’ve seen and it was amazing. It granted by the Wizard of Oz. was far beyond a high school proThis spectacular story duction and it completely blew me and my kids away. Now I’ll have to listen to them singinging Yoo-Hee-Hoo for days,” laughed Nicole Pearsall, whose family traveled from Titusville to see the production. “It was awesome.” T HE M ORE S ERIOUS T EXTING By: Ali D‟Albora Sexting is becoming a serious problem in and outside of school these days. While “sexting” is a controversial topic, what exactly is it? A definition commonly agreed upon is: the sending or receiving of sexual material or pornography via cellular devices. According to Mr. Podpora, in our school, if you are suspected of sexting, your phone will be confiscated. After your phone has been confiscated, you could be suspended from school and pending a school board hearing for potential expulsion. The school doesn’t need proof that you have pornography, they just have to suspect you of it to search your phone. You should also keep in mind that the same consequences are at stake if you have pornography on other devices, likes MP3 players. “Texting” con. on pg. 3 I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : NEWS 1-3 O PINIONS /V IEWS 4 C LUBS 5 P ROM 6-7 S PORTS 8-9 E NTERTAINMENT 10-11 R ANDOM C ORNER 12 B OBCAT P AGE 2 PRIDE N EWS H OW W OULD Y OU G RADE S ENECA ? By: Sarah Shreve “You can’t expect us to know the answer to that question – we go to Seneca; it’s not like we’re smart.” How many times have you heard this response from the student body? But is Seneca really as bad as we make is seem? I asked a number of students how they would grade Seneca. Their responses represent a variety of Seneca students; they all have different interests, are involved in different things, and have different opinions. F: “I hate the „conservative values‟ that everyone seems to have and how students have a close-minded mentality forced on them; most of them are ignorant enough.” – Senior, Female A+:“Our teachers are truly dedicated to making students learn. They are knowledgeable and willing to stay after school or meet before hand; they go out of their way to help you.” - Sophomore, Female C-:“I hate how we are so restricted – we can‟t carry around larger purses, have food or drink, cell phones and even when doing something as simple as going to the bathroom, we need to carry around stupid passes. They treat us like we‟re five years old.” – Junior, Female D:“I wish we didn‟t have career academies. I understand the point in them, but it really restricts what you can and cannot do the rest of your high school career.” – Freshman, Female B+:“This school is one of the cleanest school‟s I‟ve been in. Being on sports teams, I travel to a lot of different schools and none of them are nearly as clean as Seneca.” - Senior, Male F:“I wish we didn‟t have blocked scheduling and we offered a larger variety of electives – especially in the music, art and drama departments. Having block scheduling, I didn‟t have a math class for three semesters and then I had to take my PSSA‟s and failed the math portion because I couldn‟t remember. It‟s not fair to claim that our school fails a majority of our testing when some of it could be eliminated with switching to a different scheduling process.” – Senior, Female B: Our technology is advancing and that puts us a step above the other local schools. The whiteboards that are in- stalled in some of the classrooms are really cool and fun to work with.” – Sophomore, Male A+: “Our school is well known for the respect we give to other rivals at games, festivals, competitions… the list goes on. It is cool that our school is represented in such a respectful way by our students.” - Senior, Female Seneca definitely has its faults. But, on the flipside, Seneca is not nearly as bad as the students Continued on pg. 3 M EDAL OF H ONOR G RACING S ENECA By: Jared Lorraine meet with some of the veterans. A few Medal of Honor Wattsburg Area School is recipients, which our school one of only three schools in was privileged to meet, inthe United States participating clude Leo Thorsness, Alfred in the Medal of Honor proRascon, and Sammy Davis, a gram sponsored by the Conman who’s background was gressional Medal of Honor used to create Forrest Society. The Medal of Honor Gump’s character. This program is to help bridge the Medal of Honor program has generation gaps and to imbeen covered by Brian Wilprove patriotism by teaching liams of NBC News and has integrity, honesty, and team drawn the attention of First work. Lady Michelle Obama who Few who have received believes it should be a part of the Medal of Honor awards the national curriculum. are still alive today and this Now comes the exciting program is dedicated to repart, our school is writing and membering their accomplish- helping to create the curricuments. Our school was privi- lum, which means that we leged to teleconference and to create what they will teach in this program! SHS’s own Mr. Hart has been working on this for the past three years with the rest of the Medal of Honors students. Although many may believe that history comes from the books, this programs can help us realize that you don’t just have to read a book to learn historythere are many individuals around us that are living history. V OLUME 1, I SSUE 2 P AGE 3 K ILLER W EED By: Vicky Yosten It seems like smoking Marijuana has become a growing “cool thing” among teens. More often in the media, you see smoking advertised and almost promoted. But, many teens do not realize the dangers of this “cool” activity. According to www.nida. nih.gov, people who smoke Marijuana experience psychological distress, panic, and paranoia. It can also lead to higher depression rates. More teens are in drug treatment for marijuana use then for any other drugs; just proof that this is becoming a really big deal across the nation. Smoking Marijuana is a criminal offense too. If you have possession of marijuana in an amount of 2.2 lbs or less, the crime is a misdemeanor; equaling one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. For possession of any amount over one kilogram, the crime is a felony that may mean 1 to10 years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. If someone you know is on drugs, contact someone immediately. But how can you tell if someone is using Marijuana? If someone is under the influence of Marijuana, they get dizzy and have trouble walking. They may giggle for no particular reason. Blood shot eyes and trouble remembering things are also signs. Smoking should not be taken lightly. If you smoke Marijuana, get ready to add handcuffs as a new accessory. It’s a serious crime with serious penalties. Information from: www.teendrugabuse.us/marijuana.html www.normal.org/ “G RADE ” CON . make it appear. Honestly, there was more confidence in Seneca t an there was negativity. So, why is there so much negativity about Seneca when people seem to have a lot of positive feedback about it? I asked a couple more people why they thought students frowned on Seneca so much: “We’re stereotyped. When so many other schools think they’re better than you and tell you so, you start to believe it.” – Sophomore, Female Teens seem to resort to humor, so when our school is dissed, we tend to just laugh and joke about it; go along with it. It’s easier then defending it.”- Senior, Male “It kind of seems like the seniors mock Seneca a lot. I think that that has a lot to do with the fact “T EXTING ” CON . The state police could also be notified on this issue. If you are then found with pornography on your phone, you will be labeled a sex offender and will be registered on Megan’s Law. Megan’s Law is a website (www.megans-law.net) that has a list of every registered sex offender in the United States. If you have pornogra- phy of a child that is 18 years or younger, you could have child pornography charges against you. Good luck trying to get a job after you have been labeled a sex offender. It is very doubtful that an employer will take the risk of hiring a person with child pornography charges against them. Even if the charges happened in high school, they won’t take the risk to let it happen within their establishment. Why even take the risk of sexting? Think twice before you take that picture and send it or before you forward a picture of that nature. “Do not do it. You will ruin your career. You will ruin your life.” that they’re just itching to get out and so they’re all like, “we hate Seneca” and the underclass men hear this and are like, “Yeah.” But it really doesn’t. Looking around, we’re probably one of the top schools in our district.” - Freshman, Female So, is Seneca really as bad as we think it is? I guess this is for you to decide. B OBCAT P AGE 4 PRIDE N EWS O PIONIONS & S TUDENT V IEWS W OULD Y OU RATHER ... We’re interested in knowing what the student body thinks. Email your answers to [email protected] or write down your answers and drop them off in the drop box outside Mrs. Ohrn’s room (304). Would you rather try to sleep with a bright light on or with a barking dog? Would you rather have only older siblings that tease you incessantly or only younger siblings that depend L OOKING FOR A J OB ? I F YOU ’ RE 16 OR O LD ER A PPLY AT: W AL M ART , C INEMARK , T OYS R US OR W ENDY ’ S I F YOU ’ RE 18 OR O LDER A PPY AT: B ABIES R U S , H OME D EPOT , T RACTOR S UPPLY C O . OR J OHNSONS N URSERY Would you rather be a gorgeous person of the opposite sex or keep your gender but be an ugly person? Would you rather be spotted in the front row of the studio audience on the Psychic Friends Network or be in the front row of a Richard Simmon’s “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” video? Would you rather be gossiped about constantly or never talked about? Would you rather be able to see your future without being able to change it or know everyone else’s future and not be able to tell them? Would you rather have all your senses diminish by onethird or lose one sense all together? Would you rather eat a cup of mayonnaise or a cup of horseradish? Would you rather always be itchy or always feel like you have to pee? All “would you rather” questions are taken from the board game Would You Rather. Your opinions will be published in the next issue. M OANS AND G ROANS F ROM S ENECA By: Stephanie Johnson Many Seneca High School students complain about having nothing to do. Students say that there are not enough of activities to do inside of school. In actuality, our school has many different opportunities in both sports and various clubs. Students just don’t take advantage of all the different things that our school offers. If people were to participate in the activities that we do have, more activities would soon become available. We complained that we didn’t have a lacrosse team, so the school had sign ups to see who would be interested in playing - and hardly anyone S TUDENT D RIVERS Dear Editors, Although this was not mentioned in the last issue, I feel that the topic of student drivers needs to be brought up. If you’re a student driver, you know that parking conditions have gotten crazy; there is never any where to park and sometimes you end up parking in the road or blocking Would you rather have to shed your body skin once a year (which takes a week) without going into hiding or hibernate for one month every year and have to explain your absence to people. road signs. It’s becoming a really big pain in the butt. The biggest issue that so many people have with this is the fact that students are driving cars and parking them without parking passes. For us, who actually paid our $5 for the passes, this makes us feel really ripped off. I feel that they should start monitoring the student parking lot to see who is parking without the passes. This will eliminate all the drivers who don’t have one and allow more drivers with them to park properly. - Anonymous signed up. So, who’s fault is it that we don’t have as many sports and clubs? I encourage everyone to sign up for something and show off your school spirit. If you are not able to make a commitment to any sports or clubs, you should at least go out and support your fellow classmates. V OLUME 1, I SSUE 2 P AGE 5 T HEY ’ RE A LL B USINESS By: Miranda Kania Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a club for students that are interested in a career in the business field. FBLA is administrated by Miss Wagner. The president is Cody McGill, vice president is Jamie White, treasurer is Zach Taylor, and secretary is Anna Graham. Students enjoy the club because they get to learn M USIC E XCELLENCE about what running a business requires. They have already been in three competitions, including one at Pitt Bradford. At Pitt Bradford, FBLA was represented by 20 qualifiers. Of that 20, 18 advanced to the State competition. If you happen to see one of these students, wish them good luck and congratulations: Kelsey Firestone, Patrick Nolan, Sarah Hall, Becca Johnston, Sarah Erickson, Cody McGill, Ericka Swartzfager, Brooke Schupp, Kayla Hopson, Jen Ballus, Michaela Shinko, Kiera D’Antonio, Allison Gibbens, Anna Graham, Christie Wnukowski, Jamie White, Stacy Felde, Nichole Little, Clarissa Sonney and Shadow Walters. FBLA traveled to Hershey for the State competition March 30 trough April 1st. If you are interested in joining the FBLA club, please see Miss Wagner in room 320. F RENCH C LUB G OES U P N ORTH , E H ? By: Jared Lorraine By: Sarah Shreve On March 27 and 28, two Seneca freshmen, Erin Rzepka and Aimee Duda, traveled to Westlake Middle School to participate in the PMEA District II Junior District Band festival. There are a total of 26 peoNext school year, December ple going on this trip, four 4 - 8, French club students chaperones and 22 stuare going on a trip to Quebec. dents. To help raise money for this trip, Mrs. Calabrese has They are planning on takarranged fundraisers for the ing a tour of Quebec City, students to do, the most recent dining at French restaurants, fundraiser being cookie dough going to Le Village Huron to mix. see maple sugar getting made, and visiting Montmorency Falls. Both girls will experience a day of constant practicing. Erin will attend the festival playing her clarinet and T HE “C” IN R.O.T.C. S TANDS FOR Aimee will attend playing the By: Jared Lorraine alto saxophone. Both girls Cadets will teach Mr. Speirepresent Seneca among many cher’s middle school students other 7th-9th grade students what to do in physical trainThe In a previous issue, who will attend this festival. we reported some of the phil- ing. anthropic activities of the They are also putting on presNext year, the girls will ROTC and we’re here to entation about bullying for qualify to attend the next report even more! the middle school. level of festivals, the PMEA Their Daffodil fundraiser District II Festival. There are four Seneca senraised over $1,500 for the A special congratulations iors graduating this year and American Cancer Society. also goes to Sophomore their leadership and service ROTC is in the process of Jeremiah Gibbons and Senior planning a field day for the have helped many in our Sarah Shreve for advancing on eighth graders, which will school and community. We to Regional Chorus in Februtake place at the end of the commend their efforts and ary. hope that others can see what a year. “C ARING ” difference they can make. If you would like to know more about ROTC, pick up a copy and help support the AFJROTC. B OBCAT P AGE 6 PRIDE N EWS PROM! PROM! PROM! H AIR S ALONS N AIL S ALONS Studio Three Down Town 814-461-1605 727 Peach St. Erie, PA Nails Inc 814-866-7884 5800 Peach St. Erie, PA Hotheads Hair Design 814-459-2625 729 French St. Erie, PA Seneca Masquerade Foxy Nails 814-898-0616 4051 Buffalo Rd. Erie, PA Upper Cuts 814-438-8282 9 Putnam St. Union City, PA Sky Nails 814-455-7105 2314 W. 8th St. Erie, PA Weaver‟s Hairstyling 814- 739-2568 14442 Main St. Wattsburg, PA Lovely Nails 814-866-9717 5630 Peach St. #A12 Erie, PA Hair We R 814-461-1400 3014 Peach St. Erie, PA Le‟s Nails 814-866-9366 3854 Peach St. Erie, PA Tanglez Hair & Nail Studio 814-454-2090 3115 Peach St. Erie, PA D RESSES Prom 2009 at the Erie Bayfront Convention Center April 25, 2009 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm Fancy Nails 814-866-5952 5142 Peach St. Erie, PA T UXEDOS Bridal Elegance 814-866-7790 5640 Peach St. Erie, PA Tuxedo Junction 814-866-6839 800 Millcreek Mall Erie, PA David‟s Bridal 814-860-8003 2094 Interchange Rd. Erie, PA Cuffs Formal Wear 814-866-7799 5640 Peach St. Erie, PA Dots 814-898-3308 4431 Buffalo Rd. Erie, PA Bridal Elegance 814-866-7790 5640 Peach St. Erie, PA Deb‟s 814-868-8473 5800 Peach St. Erie, PA David‟s Bridal 814-860-8003 2094 Interchange Rd. Erie, PA Charlotte Russe 5800 Peach St. Erie, PA Sears 814-866-4255 800 Millcreek Mall Erie, PA Bon-Ton 814-868-5216 810 Millcreek Mall Erie, PA Men‟s Wearhouse 814-864-2111 654 Millcreek Mall Erie, PA V OLUME 1, I SSUE 2 P AGE 7 W HERE TO T AKE Y OUR P ROM D ATE T O E AT : S TUCK A T P ROM We have all heard of crazy scholarships, but how about a $3,000 scholarship for incorporating duct tape into your prom attire? T HE A VALON T HE S AFARI G RILLE C ARMEN ’ S O LIVE G ARDEN M AX & E RMA ’ S R UBY T UESDAYS B ARBATOS TGI F RIDAYS A PPLEBEES T EXAS R OADHOUSE O UTBACK S TEAKHOUSE H IBACHI J APENESE S TEAKHOUSE S MOKEY B ONES O’C HARLEY ’ S P UFFERBELY S ENFINI ’ S The 2008 Duck Brand Duct Tape Scholarship Winners from Selinsgrove, PA. It is typical for high school students that attend prom, to make that “one night” memorable; drinking and other risky behavior does not have to be included in the night to make it memorable. B ERTRANDS M ATTHEW ’ S 1. Discuss plans with your M ARKETPLACE G RILL There is no limit to your For more information on this scholarship or to see previous winners, log on to: www.stuckatprom.com. This scholarship closes on June 8th. PROM ISE T O K EEP I T S AFE Edgar Snyder has composed some “prom safety tips” that allow you to make the most of your night, safely: R ICCARDOS Duck Brand Duct Tape has arranged this scholarship for the past couple years. Requirements include: attending prom and creating a dress and suit entirely out of Duck Brand Duct Tape. It’s as simple as that. creativity. Create matching outfits or design a themed dress. The only catch - don’t design something too outrageous. In order to win - you must wear your outfit to prom and take a picture there and send it in. friends or date ahead of time. Know your agenda and communicate with your parents. 2. Plan ahead what you’ll say if someone asks you if you want alcohol; “no.” 3. Find out what your curfew is and only stay out so late. Give yourself enough time to come home; don’t try to rush home. 4. NEVER drive with some 84% of teens will spend between $200 and $6oo on a dress. The average couple spends $1,300 on a date during prom. 67% of teens will rent a limo as transportation to prom. 56% of teens will ask their parents for money to help pay for prom. The average prom ticket costs $20 for couples and $12 for singles. The average cost for a dinner for two is about $60. Stats taken from: www.lynnpolice.com one who is under the influence. When driving, be aware of other drivers. Typically, there are a lot of drunk drivers on the road during prom nights. 5. Make sure you know what your own personal morals and values are. People may try to influence you to stray away from them; just remember to say “no.” NOT everyone is drinking; 81% of teens have chosen not to drink for prom. 65% of 12th graders disapprove of consuming five or more drinks once or twice each weekend. 39% of male high school students say it is acceptable for a boy to force sex with a girl who is drunk or high. IT’S NOT. 70% of teens killed on prom weekends are not wearing seatbelts. 68% of teens who drink on prom night do not remember anything from that night. B OBCAT P AGE 8 PRIDE N EWS SPORTS BASEBALL By: Jessica Wisor teammates. The varsity team is led by In preparation for their Coach Rick Stoutamyer and opening game against Mer- the junior varsity team is led cer High School on April by Coach Ray Trejchel. Both 1st, the baseball team has teams are assisted with the been working incredibly help of Andy Wells and hard to be the best they Travis Parke. “We are very could be. Seniors Tim Eibl, impressed with the efforts of Craig Strain, Evan Stutzman the players. The team is and Zach Taylor heen lead- committed to improving,” ers of the team and concommented one coach in a stantly encouraging the other recent interview. “As we Dean Liebau Favorites Color: Purple Favorite Movie: DC Mnt Lab 1.5 Favorite Song: “Fancy Footwork” by Chromeo Favorite Lunch: Perogies Biggest Hero: Ikka Backstrom “He is an amazing snowboarder and is constantly growing at the sport, just like what I aim to do in any activity or sport that I participate in.” Good Luck, Boys! W RESTLING Grade: Senior Sports: Soccer, Track and Field and Snowboarding iron out some defensive shortcomings, we will develop into a very competitive team.” Wanting to be at their best, the baseball team practices run Monday through Saturday and last two hours . “This year’s players have bonded extremely well and are committed to hard work and success.” By: Brittany Firestone I interviewed Nathan and Garret Smith to find out more about the wrestling season, their team mates, and their habits for a tournament. How do you think this season went for you and your team mates? NS: I think this season went fairly well. GS: Most of the players did their best on the mat, but when at practice, they did not try all that hard. Did you work your hardest this season? NS: I worked my hardest to do a good job on my tournaments. I took my weekends to practice for this season. GS: Yes, I gave it almost everything. How many pins did you have this past season? NS: About 13. GS: Not sure How often did you practice? NS: Five days a week and I put in a lot of effort into this season. I did a lot to get in shape and to get my pins right. GS: Everyday and after school. Did you eat healthy to insure that you would do well in tournaments? NS: Yes, I eat vegetables and light meat during the week. GS: Yes. Do you think you got the recommended amount of sleep before the tournaments? NS: Yeah, I also sometimes get a little more that I need. GS: On the tournament days and on the mat. Can you tell us a little about this past season? NS: It started off as a really big team and then it started to get a lot smaller when they found the people who really wanted to wrestle. They all put off a lot of wins. GS: A lot of new people tried out for wrestling, but our team stayed small. The wrestling team had a great season and I hope they have another one in the future. Thank you to Nathan and Garret Smith for their help on the inside look on the wrestling team. V OLUME 1, I SSUE 2 P AGE 9 C HEERLEADING By: Kristin Miller Hopefully, the competition squad is going to start If you see more cheerleadpractice by the end of the ers staying after school, that is school year and continue because Seneca High School is throughout the summer. It is introducing a competition their aspiration to be persquad. A competition squad is forming by February 2010. just like the typical cheerleaders, except, they attend and Returning head coach participate in numerous comOlivia Kimmy and Assistant petitions. Coach Maggie Wetmore, are E PIC P ANTHERS very excited and ready to start practicing. Olivia is thrilled to have at least 20 girls signed up already. She wants a large squad and encourages anyone who is interested to sign up. Sigh-up’s are in the office. Remember, the more the merrier! S OFTBALL By: Brittany Firestone The Epic Panthers, a volleyball team here at Seneca, are playing in seven different tournaments this spring. Also called Junior Olympics, the team has been diligently working in hopes of making it to the final round. They practice one to three times a week. Constantly improving, they continue to grow as both individual players and as a team. The team will travel to tournaments as far away as Columbus, Ohio. There are two teams being represented by Seneca. There are two teams; the 16th and the 17th. 17th Team is a team for teens that are 17 years old and younger. The 16th Team is for teens that are 16 years old and younger. The tournaments that they go to are pretty hard for them and they have to try their best to do well. Coach Wagner seems very pleased with her team and suspects a good season. Go get „em, Panthers! By: Sarah Shreve Although they lost their first game against Northwestern March 31, the softball team is showing great potential. A lot of the confidence comes from the softball seniors: Sam Bartholomew, Dawn Horn, Jessica Luden and Brittany Pituch. “I think we have a lot of potential and our season will be better than last year,” commented Brittany Pituch in It’s good that they’re playing and a recent interview. getting the experience, but it’s hard to try to re-teach the fundamentals.” She says that the team has been working incredibly hard. Brittany has no doubts in her They have been practicing mind that the team will pull long, hard hours and are aim- through, despite the loss against ing for one of their most suc- Northwestern. cessful seasons in the past “Our team has a lot of heart and couple years. a good attitude. I believe with a “The only thing our team good attitude and lots of heart, we seems to be struggling with right can overcome any obstacles that now is the fact that there’s a lot come our way.” of underclassmen and some have Good luck, girls! never played before. T RACK AND F IELD By: Kristin Miller nac, the coach, encourages the Ms. Gulnac likes track and students of Seneca to come field because it is very individTrack and field is getting a and support the track and field ual, and there is something for running start on the season. members. everyone. It also appeals to They are working very hard, those who simply enjoy the practicing from 3:00-5:00 With long runs, tiring thrill of leaving people in the throughout the school week. hours, and painful exercises, dust, throwing their cares Intense, muddy, and cold, the one might ask, “Why would away, and soaring to the sky. track and field members are anyone dare to join track and elated. They practice and field?” Freshman sprinter, This is her second year of slave to do the best that they Lacey Murdock participates coaching and she hopes that can for their school and fami- because she has girl’s soccer in year is as successful, if more lies. the fall and would love to keep successful, than last year. in shape. She also has three Their first home meet is older brothers ran, and they th here on April 7 . Ms. Gulthought she would do well. P AGE 10 B OBCAT E NTERTAINMENT AND R EVIEWS T HE R ACE C ONTINUES By: Barbara Witherow Have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet an alien? Well, wonder no more; Race to Witch Mountain will be sure to entertain you in this alien packed, non-stop action filled movie. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Anna Sophia Rob and Alexander Ludwig, Race to Witch Mountain starts with a clip of various “UFO” sightings. It then shows you the day to day life of Jack Bruno (Johnson) who accidentally meets two kids; they had stowed away in his taxi cab. Race to Witch Mountain is rated: Their journey to Witch Mountain is an exciting and trilling adventure. A great movie for any age level, this is a movie you won’t want to I’ M “T AKEN ” T HIS M OVIE B ACK Liam Neeson and Maggie Grace star in the movie that tells the story of retired secret service agent Bryan Mills. After his daughter is kidnapped in Paris, he travels and seeks revenge on his daughters kidnappers. Poorly directed, Pierre Morel, showed the only interesting movie moments out in the previewing trailers. Once you pay the $7.50 to see the movie, you expect a little more than two hours of “blah.” P ICK ANOTHER A PPLE By: Vicky Yosten Submitted: Anonymously We all watched the previews to this movie; built up to be a phenomenal action thriller, Taken turned out to be a flop. miss out on. Take your five year old sister or your grandpa. Guaranteed that everyone will love this movie. This movie was certainly not the top of the charts. Taken is rated: Apple has recently just released another IPod. Called the 4gb IPod shuffle, this is the smallest music player currently out there. Measuring 1.8” tall by 3” thin, the controls are located on the ear buds. If you need to find out the name of a song that your listening to or the who the artist is, you push a button. The voice over feature will activate and it will tell you the information about the song. While incredibly neat, this new IPOD does have its disadvantages: the controls are close to your ear, making it hard to tell what buttons to use and earbuds alone cost close to 30 dollars; I wouldn’t suggest losing them.. PRIDE N EWS V OLUME 1, I SSUE 2 P AGE 11 T HE T WILIGHT P HENOMENON By: Alesia Blum from him, but whenever Bella finds herself in danger, EdWhat has teens, especially ward can not find the power the girls, in love with Twito stay away. After a little light? For those who read the research and the help of Jacob book before seeing the movie, Black, Bella finds out what it was the well written plot Edward really is... a vampire. and the unlikely pairing of The two suddenly find themtwo completely different peoselves inseparable in a desperple from different backate and tangled love web. grounds. If you saw the movie beBella Swan moves to the fore reading the book, you small town of Forks and atdefinitely missed out. The tends Forks High where she movie was outstanding, but meets Edward Cullen. the book covered a lot of the Throughout the next couple finer details that not everyone of months, Edward tries evecould pick up from the film. rything to keep Bella away Many people enjoy the movie because of the fantastic actors and actresses. Teen heartthrob, Robert Pattinson, plays Edward Cullen, Kristen Stewart plays Bella Swan, and Taylor Lautner portrays Jacob Black. Twilight is definitely a must see and a must read. If you want extra Twilight enjoyment, check out the Twilight Soundtrack which includes songs from Paramore and Linkin Park. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer. A LL H AIL THE H ALO By: Vicky Yosten Halo Wars is a game that takes place before Halo and Halo 2. It describes how the war started and fills in gaps of the story that fans of the game have been confused about. The story line is short, but it is good. Halo Wars is a RTS (real time strategy) game which means it is an action and strategy game. It is not only a one player game, but it is also a multiplayer as well. It is played on the X-Box 360. I asked a few SHS gamers what they thought of Halo Wars and here is some of their responses were: “The in game graphics are very good as are the cut scene graphics,” said Mark Niedomys. players. Some people were disappointed about the fact that the game was not in first person. Halo Wars is rated: Dallas Wisor stated, “The AI is awesome and, by the way, it can adapt to the skill level of the Can you find all the Easter eggs? Egg search from www.funschool.com W ATTSBURG A REA S CHOOL D ISTRICT 10770 Wattsburg Road Erie, PA 16509 Phone: (814) 824.3400 You Can E-Mail Us! [email protected] A DV I S O R : M RS. K RISTY O HRN EDITIORS: A LI D ’ALBORA S ARAH S HREVE Hey guys. So, as you can tell, we’re getting a little better at this whole “newspaper” deal. When the first one took MONTHS to get out, it seems to be becoming an easier task as we are getting a grasp on things. We would like to take a second to recognize our hardworking and dedicated staff. As editors, it takes a massive amount of time and effort and having a staff is so helpful to getting everything organized. Without them, there would be no newspaper. On the same note, we would also like to recognize the thoughtfulness of Mrs. Snippert, who printed our massive copies of newspapers. Although we know that the concept of a school newspaper is “new,” we encourage everyone to be involved. You can write to the us, the editors, by email or in the drop box located outside Mrs. Ohrn’s (room 304). If you chose not to participate in the newspaper, at least purchase a newspaper. This will help us continue to bring them to you and will let you in on the school happenings. We also would like to hear your opinions; our staff can only come up with so many creative ideas. We know the minds at Seneca have many creative ideas; we want to hear what you want to read about. This is our plea to you. :) We’d like to close with a massive thank-you to everyone who purchased newspapers and to our staff. Last, but not least, a HUGE thank-you to our advisor who has helped us with everything, Mrs. Ohrn. THANK YOU! C ONTRIBUTORS: A LEISA B LUM B RITTANY F IRESTONE S TEPHANIE J OHNSON The Random Corner: Many Emotions of Seneca M ARANDA K ANIA J ARED L ORRAINE K RISTIN M ILLER J ESSICA W ISOR B ARBARA W ITHEROW One of our editors: Ali D’Albora V ICKY Y OSTEN Lindsey Wilczynski and Brooke Surgener were hungry! Oh. The silly faces of Seneca! We always knew she was crazy. ;)