Garmin GNS 430 Navigation Training


Garmin GNS 430 Navigation Training
Garmin GNS 430
Navigation Training
Andrew Sarangan
1/113 6/14/2004
Andrew Sarangan
GNS 430 Panel
GPS drives an external CDI/OBS
2/113 6/14/2004
Andrew Sarangan
GPS Navigation Basics
Direct Navigation
GPS allows direct navigation from
departure to destination.
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS vs VOR Navigation
VOR navigation is between VOR
stations. GPS navigation is between
GPS waypoints.
Direct Navigation
Unlike a VOR, a GPS waypoint can be
placed almost anywhere.
Also, unlike the VOR, there is no need
to change frequencies when switching
from one waypoint to the next.
Waypoints don’t have frequencies.
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Route
A GPS route can have multiple
legs to navigate around obstacles
or airspaces.
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GPS Route
A waypoint is automatically sequenced to the
next waypoint upon station passage. Active leg
will also sequence automatically.
Active leg
GPS drives the external CDI. Deflection is
independent of OBS setting (unless using OBS
Fly it like a localizer, i.e., set OBS to desired
course for correct needle interpretations.
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Route
Active leg
A waypoint can be skipped at
any time, proceeding directly to
the next waypoint.
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Approach
Active leg
An approach is just another
sequence of waypoints.
High CDI sensitivity
The CDI will automatically
switch to a higher sensitivity
between the FAF and MAP.
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Approach with Radar
Active leg
High CDI sensitivity
If radar vectors to final is
selected, the final approach
leg will be activated
regardless of aircraft position.
The aircraft must intercept the
final approach course prior to
the FAF for proper approach
sequencing to the MAP.
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Approaches
• Standard GPS Approach
– T- structure
• GPS Overlay Approach
– A temporary measure to allow pilots to fly
existing non-precision approaches using GPS
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Andrew Sarangan
Standard GPS Approach
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Overlay Approach
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Andrew Sarangan
Nav/Com Control (Left Side)
COM volume
Pull for squelch
NAV volume
Pull for ident
Push to select NAV or COM
Standby freq will be highlighted
Outer knob for 133.550
Inner knob for 110.550
Standby/Active flip-flop
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Control (Right Side)
Map range. Up to zoom out (higher alt)
Direct To Navigation
Context sensitive menu
Enter key
Clear/Cancel. Press and hold to return
to NAV1 screen
Outer knob selects page groups (NAV,WPT,AUX,NRST)
Inner knob selects pages within group
Push to activate cursor; again to deactivate.
Outer selects field, inner selects subfields
Outer selects character field, inner changes characters
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Controls and Alarms
External CDI source:
Blank = Auto sequence enabled.
SUSP = Auto sequence suspended.
ex: holding fix, MAP
OBS = external OBS-selected course to
the waypoint
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Controls and Alarms
Enroute/Terminal/Approach (CDI sensitivity)
Terminal mode is within 30 NM of the airport
Approach mode is just prior to FAF
INTEG alarm
MSG screen
flashes when
msg is waiting
Flight plan
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Andrew Sarangan
Start Up Page
Updated every 28 days
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Andrew Sarangan
Instrument Panel Self Test
Verify against CDI/GS/Flag
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen –Flight Plan Catalog
FPL2 contains the
saved flight plans.
Activate cursor (push),
select flight plan (outer
knob) and press ENT to
view/edit the flight
FPL2 indicator
Press FPL and turn inner
knob to get the FPL2 screen
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen –Flight Plan Catalog
Hit MENU from the FPL2
screen to create a new
flight plan.
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Viewing a Flight Plan
Flight plan #
Default flight plan name
Select field (outer knob)
and turn inner knob to
enter a new waypoint.
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Editing a Flight Plan
When inner knob is turned,
the waypoint entry menu
pops us. Move between
fields using outer knob and
change characters using
inner knob. Press ENT to
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Adding an Approach
to a Flight Plan
An approach can be
added as the last leg of
the flight plan.
Only one approach can
be loaded into the flight
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Adding an Approach
to a Flight Plan
Press MENU and
highlight Select
Approach field.
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Adding an Approach
to a Flight Plan
This will activate the
WPT4 screen. Select
the desired approach.
GPS Overlay Approach
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Adding an Approach
to a Flight Plan
Select transition
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Adding an Approach
to a Flight Plan
Load approach into
flight plan.
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Verify Flight Plan
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Removing a
Waypoint from a Flight Plan
To remove a waypoint,
highlight the field and
press CLR.
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen – Removing an
Approach from a Flight Plan
To remove the entire
approach, highlight the
approach (blue field)
and press CLR.
Any segment of the
approach can also be
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL2 Screen - Flight Plan Activation
Press MENU and
highlight Activate
Flight Plan field. Press
ENT to activate.
Alternatively, press
MENU from Flight
Plan Catalog screen.
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL1 Screen – Viewing Active
Flight Plan
Flight plan #
FPL1 shows the active
flight plan and the active
Active flight plan is
designated as #0.
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Andrew Sarangan
FPL1 Screen – Activating a
Different Leg
A different leg can be
activated. Highlight the
waypoint (outer) and
press MENU.
FPL1 indicator
Press FPL to quit FPL screen
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV2 Screen – Map Display
Magenta line shows
active leg of flight plan.
White line shows other
Use CLR key to
increase/decrease map
NAV2 indicator
Verify that auto
sequence is on
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV1 Screen – Default Nav
NAV1 screen can be used to view the CDI display as well as some
extra information such as ETE, Bearing to station, Present track etc..
DTK = Desired Track
CDI display
Active Leg of
flight plan
Course information
NAV1 Indicator
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Andrew Sarangan
External CDI
GPS drives the external CDI.
CDI is insensitive to OBS.
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV2 Screen – Map Display
Next DTK alert flashes
when approaching a
‘Steep turn ahead’ alert
will appear in the MSG
window if ground speed
is high.
Next DTK Alert
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV2 Screen – Map Display
New course instruction
will flash when close to
the waypoint (using
standard rate turn).
Course change
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV2 Screen – Map Display
Active leg will
automatically sequence
upon station passage.
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV2 Screen – Map Display
GPS expects the external
OBS to be set to the DTK
(even though this makes
no difference to the CDI).
If the difference between
the DTK and the OBS is
more than 10 deg, a
warning will appear under
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV3 Screen - NAVCOM
Enroute airport
Airport closest to the
next waypoint will be
Activate cursor (push),
select the frequency
field (outer), and press
enter to automatically
load frequency into the
standby channel.
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV3-WPT1 Screen (NAVCOMAirport Location)
Press ENT on any field
in the NAV3 screen to
get to the WPT1 screen
for that airport.
Press ENT or CLR to
return to NAV3.
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV3 Screen - NAVCOM
Any airport in the flight
plan can be selected.
Activate cursor (push),
select the airport field
(outer), and rotate
subfield (inner). Press
enter to select
highlighted airport.
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Andrew Sarangan
NAV3 Screen - NAVCOM
Arrival airport
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Andrew Sarangan
WPT1 Screen – Airport Location
General airport
information is listed in
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Andrew Sarangan
WPT1 Screen – Airport Location
Press Menu to invoke
airport selection menu.
Or enter the airport
code (outer, then inner).
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Andrew Sarangan
WPT2 Screen – Airport Runway
Airport diagram is on
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Andrew Sarangan
WPT2 Screen – Airport Runway
Press Menu to invoke
airport selection menu.
Or enter the airport
code (outer, then inner).
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Andrew Sarangan
WPT3 Screen – Airport
Similar to NAV3 screen
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Andrew Sarangan
WPT3 Screen – Airport
Press Menu to invoke
airport selection menu.
Or enter the airport
code (outer, then inner).
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST1 Screen – Nearest Airport
NRST1 contains all the
nearest airports.
Any frequency can be
automatically loaded
into standby by
highlighting it and
pressing ENT.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST1-WPT1 Screen
(Nearest Airport Information)
Highlight an airport in
the NRST1 screen and
press ENT to access
WPT1 screen for that
Press ENT or CLR to
return back to NRST1.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST2 Screen – Nearest
NRST2 contains all the
nearest intersections.
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NRST2 –WPT7 Screen
(Nearest Intersection Information)
Press ENT or CLR to
return back to NRST1.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST3 Screen – Nearest NDB
NRST3 contains all the
nearest NDB stations.
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NRST3 – WPT8 Screen
(Nearest NDB Information)
Press ENT or CLR to
return back to NRST1.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST4 Screen – Nearest VOR
NRST4 contains all the
nearest VORs.
Frequency can be
automatically loaded
into standby.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST4-WPT9 Screen (Nearest
VOR Information)
Frequency can be
automatically loaded
into standby by
highlighting it and
pressing ENT.
Press ENT or CLR to
return to NRST4.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST6 Screen – Nearest ARTCC
NRST6 contains the
nearest ARTCC.
Frequency can be
automatically loaded
into standby by
highlighting it and
pressing ENT.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST7 Screen – Nearest FSS
NRST7 contains the
nearest FSS. Frequency
can be automatically
loaded into standby by
highlighting it and
pressing ENT.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST8 Screen – Nearest Airspace
NRST8 contains the
nearest airspace.
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST8 –Expanded Screen
(Nearest Airspace)
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Andrew Sarangan
NRST8 –Expanded Screen
(Nearest Airspace)
Highlight Frequencies? and
press ENT to access WPT3
screen for that airspace.
Frequency can be
automatically loaded into
standby by highlighting it
and pressing ENT.
Press ENT or CLR to return
back to NRST8.
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Andrew Sarangan
DRCT1 – Direct Navigation
DIRECT can be invoked
any time. By default, it
presents the next waypoint
in the current active leg.
New airport can be
entered by activating the
cursor (press), selecting
the field (outer) and using
the subfield (inner) to
change the airport code.
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Andrew Sarangan
DRCT1 – Direct Navigation
By selecting the FPL
field (outer) and using the
subfield (inner), the list
of airports in the active
flight plan (#0) will be
shown. Current leg can
be bypassed. Activate
confirmation is required.
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Andrew Sarangan
DRCT1 – Direct Navigation
Current leg is being
bypassed – Direct to RID
from present position.
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Andrew Sarangan
DRCT1 – Direct Navigation
By selecting the NRST
field (outer) and using the
subfield (inner), the list
of nearby airports will be
shown. Activate
confirmation is required.
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Andrew Sarangan
DRCT1 – Direct Navigation
Press MENU in the
DIRECT screen.
Previous DIRECT
commands can be
cancelled to return to the
original flight plan.
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Andrew Sarangan
OBS Selected Course
Selected course to the next
WPT is displayed as active
segment, and CDI moves like
a normal VOR.
Select OBS
Select course
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Andrew Sarangan
Starting the Approach
This airplane is still on the enroute leg. It will be automatically sequenced
to the approach leg.
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Andrew Sarangan
GPS Overlay Approach
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Andrew Sarangan
Initial Approach Fix
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Andrew Sarangan
Outbound Segment
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Andrew Sarangan
Outbound Segment
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Andrew Sarangan
Procedure Turn
Start procedure turn
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Andrew Sarangan
Procedure Turn Outbound
Procedure turn headings are not shown. DTK
remains on the outbound course.
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Andrew Sarangan
Procedure Turn Inbound
Automatically sequences to inbound leg
when aircraft turns inbound on the PT.
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Procedure Turn Inbound
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Andrew Sarangan
Inbound Segment
Approach is automatically armed prior
to FAF. CDI goes to high sensitivity.
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Andrew Sarangan
Final Approach Segment
Final approach leg
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Andrew Sarangan
Missed Approach Point
Approaching MAP
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Andrew Sarangan
Missed Approach Point
at MAP
Auto sequencing is suspended at MAP.
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Andrew Sarangan
Missed Approach Segment
Terminal mode (low
CDI sensitivity)
Press OBS to start
Course to Missed Approach
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Andrew Sarangan
Missed Approach Segment
Direct navigation to Missed Approach Hold
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Andrew Sarangan
Missed Approach Hold
Hold entry method
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Missed Approach Hold
Auto sequence suspended at holding fix
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Andrew Sarangan
Missed Approach Hold
Clock counts up from zero
abeam the holding fix
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Andrew Sarangan
Missed Approach Hold
Clock resets and counts up on
inbound leg
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Andrew Sarangan
Direct to the IAF
If you want to skip all the
intermediate waypoints and
go straight to the IAF, press
PROC and select Activate
Approach. This will create a
direct leg to the IAF and
activate that leg.
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Andrew Sarangan
Direct to the IAF
Direct course to the IAF is
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Andrew Sarangan
Changing to Radar Vectors
Press PROC and select and
activate Vectors to final.
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Andrew Sarangan
Changing to Radar Vectors
Final course is active even
though the aircraft has not
intercepted it. Automatic
sequencing will begin when
the aircraft intercepts the
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Andrew Sarangan
Changing to Radar Vectors
Vectors to final is indicated
by VTF.
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Andrew Sarangan
Selecting a Different Approach
Press PROC and Select
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Andrew Sarangan
Selecting an Approach
If the active flight plan does
not contain an approach, the
Activate and Vectors to Final
options will be greyed out. A
new approach must be
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Andrew Sarangan
Selecting a Non-GPS Approach
Select, load and activate a new
approach (vectors to final in
this example)
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Andrew Sarangan
Non-GPS Approach Warning
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Andrew Sarangan
Radar Vectors to Final
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Andrew Sarangan
Non-GPS Approach Warning
Localizer frequency is automatically loaded to standby
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Andrew Sarangan
Standard GPS Approach
This airplane is still on the enroute leg. It will be automatically sequenced
to the approach leg.
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Standard GPS Approach
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Intermediate Segment
This airplane is on the intermediate approach segment.
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Inbound Segment
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Inbound Segment
Approach is automatically armed prior
to FAF. CDI goes to high sensitivity.
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Final Approach Segment
Final approach leg
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Missed Approach Point
Approaching MAP
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Missed Approach Point
at MAP
Auto sequencing is suspended at MAP.
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Missed Approach Segment
Terminal mode (low
CDI sensitivity)
Press OBS to start
Course to Missed Approach
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Missed Approach Hold
Hold entry method
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Missed Approach Hold
Auto sequence suspended at holding fix
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DME Arcs
DTK will constantly
change along the DME
arc. Fly the DTK and
set the external OBS to
the DTK. If the
difference between
DTK and OBS is
greater than 10 deg, a
change course warning
will appear under
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Minimum satellites required: 4 (or 3 with baro-aiding)
Minimum satellites required for RAIM: 5 (or 4 with baro-aiding)
RAIM prediction forecasts availability of RAIM
RAIM prediction is automatically done prior to arming the approach at the FAF.
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NAV2 (map) and NAV1 (default) are the most frequently used pages.
Program flight plan prior to departure. Include anticipated approach. Multiple
approaches cannot be programmed.
Program separate flight plan for the alternate airport.
During flight, monitor NAV2 (map screen) for DTK and Distance.
DIRECT can be used anytime to bypass a segment, or to navigate to
somewhere else.
If expected approach is cleared, GPS will automatically activate the approach
and arm the APR mode (higher CDI sensitivity)
If cleared for a different approach, select and activate that approach using
PROC (which will present a direct navigation to that IAF).
Use PROC if a different transition is desired (vectors to final).
Auto sequence will be suspended at the MAP. Activate auto sequencing if a
missed approach is necessary.
For published holds, entry method will be suggested, and auto sequence will
be suspended. Outbound and inbound legs will be automatically timed (in
VOR/LOC and COM frequencies can be automatically loaded from the
database into standby.
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