In Good Company
In Good Company
In Good Company A Video Project with People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders In Good Company will result in 10 short videos featuring people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) who have overcome challenges to achieve success in a range of areas including work, friendship or independence. The purpose is to share the videos with people with ASD so that they can gain some inspiration and hope to meet their own challenges. If you would be happy to feature in one of the videos, please get in touch with us. We are looking for a range of contributors; your achievements don’t need to be extraordinary, we are looking for stories that people with ASD may relate to in some way. We will make the videos freely available on YouTube so that anyone with an interest can access them. We plan to begin filming in September 2013. If you want to take part, in the first instance, please get in touch via email or phone (contact details are below): Kulwant Dhaliwal, PRODUCER EMAIL [email protected] MOBILE 07595 754715 The Charity Red2Green has commissioned Hi8us Midlands to deliver In Good Company with funding from the Big Lottery Fund. Red2Green HI8US MIDLANDS MEDIA FOR ALL RED2GREEN, Harvey’s Barn, Park End, Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge CB25 0NA T 01223 811662 Turning the Red Lights Green is a registered charity, Number 1112429, and also a company registered in England and Wales, Number 5485413, trading as Red2Green
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