Winter 2012 - Palm Beach Day Academy


Winter 2012 - Palm Beach Day Academy
Palm Beach Day Academy Newsletter
Winter 2012
Pelican & Flamingo Feather Ball
16th Walter H. Butler
Golf Tournament
Dinner & Auction
Saturday, February 11
lume feathers filled the Venetian
370 Silent Auction items, donated by
Ballroom at The Breakers on February PBDA supporters, families, and faculty,
11th, as more than 340 PBDA trustees, kept guests very busy, as bidding activity
parents, alumni,
placed through
past parents,
an enhanced
and special
bidding device
friends attended
allowed guests
the Pelican and
to move freely
Flamingo Feather
through the
Ball. Chaired by
room, engaging
current PBDA
with old friends
parents Gita
and making
Costa, Carrie
new friends
Murray, Nancy
while keeping
Sambuco, and
close watch on
Missy Savage,
their favorite
Alumna and Faculty Member Jan-Marie Coniglio Cook served as Auctioneer. auction items.
this year’s
much anticipated signature fundraising
Among the most sought after silent auction
event celebrated and embraced the core
items each year are items generously
foundations of PBDA: education, family
donated by PBDA Faculty.
and tradition. The event was generously
Head of School Dr. Rebecca van der
Bogert welcomed guests by announcing
four programs at PBDA that have
supported the growth and development
of the school through the years: Project
Zero, Keenan Grants, FAU Masters
Program, and the Adele Shook Merck
Excellence in Teaching Award and thanked
the evening’s honorees: Daniel and Ewa
Abraham, Susan and James Keenan and
the Keenan Foundation, Susan and James
Patterson, and Adele Shook Merck. The
night continued with the highlight of the
The Silent Auction was the first stop for Feather Ball Guests
sponsored for the 9th consecutive year by
evening: the live auction, followed by
a spectacular dinner, and an evening of
Guests were first ushered into the
dancing. Master of ceremonies, faculty
Mediterranean Ballroom, designed and
member, parent, and alumna Jan-Marie
decorated by Lily Holt of Bruce Sutka
Cook was
masterful as the
Design, to
event auctioneer.
resemble a
Her love for
bird sanctuary, the school and
in keeping
with the
added a genuine
charm to the Board of Trustees President, Scott Johnson
Auction Chairs Missy Savage, Carrie
Murray, Nancy Sambuco, & Gita Costa More than
Continued on page 4
November 19, 2011
unny skies and a gentle breeze set the
stage for the 16th Walter H. Butler
Golf Tournament held November
19, 2011, at The Breakers Ocean Course.
The tournament, which was sold out in
record time, was chaired by Matt Smith
and Joel Kassewitz and supports the
educational programs of the school. New
to the event this year were fabulous holein-one opportunities to win a MercedesBenz ML350 sponsored by Mercedes-Benz
of Palm Beach and a 7-day Get-Away in
Paradise via private jet and luxury motor
yacht, sponsored by Worth Avenue Yachts,
NetJets, and Celedinas & Reese Insurance.
Academy parent and golf professional
Mathias Gronberg raised an additional $500
for the school by offering to hit the driving
shot off the tee at hole #9 for interested
players hoping to better their score.
The PBDA golf tournament was preceded
Friday night with a Happy Hour and
silent auction sponsored by Credit Suisse
at Nick & Johnnies, Palm Beach. Twentysix foursomes arrived at The Breakers
for a shamble start at 8 a.m. Saturday
morning to compete for the coveted Walter
H. Butler Trophy and additional prizes
including Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive,
and a Putting Contest. The overall grand
tournament winning team and Men’s Flight
winner included the team of Judge Moss,
Roger Janssen, Peter Nicoletti, and Dave
Ghirardini with Joel Kassewitz, Darcie
PBDA’s Newsletter The Bridge
is sponsored by the
Hess Corporation
Continued on page 6
work of many. Each year as I
watch what goes on behind the
scenes, I am so moved by the
hours that everyone dedicates.
The events are successful,
ecently we
they bring our school
sponsored the
community together, and
Palm Beach
everyone has fun. Most
Chamber of Commerce
importantly, however, is the
Breakfast and had the
fact that we’re able to make our
opportunity to say a few
budget and provide what we do
Dr. Rebecca van der Bogert
words about our school. I
for our children.
Head of Palm Beach
Day Academy
expressed my gratitude to
What many aren’t aware of
many and commented that
on the evening of the Auction or Golf
there is no greater place than schools to
Tournament is the hundreds of hours
live out the adage that “It takes a village to
our Chairs and Committee members
raise a child.”
have put into preparation; creating
As I was standing on the podium at
themes, decorating, gathering items or
the Feather Ball last Saturday evening,
creating books to be auctioned, soliciting
I looked around the room and thought
underwriting and donations from
quietly to myself, “This is truly a village
corporations, and finding the right band.
that has come together on behalf of our
The list goes on and on. I especially
children.” Indeed, here at PBDA ,our
thank the Feather Ball Chairs, Gita Costa,
children are fortunate that so many are
Carrie Murray, Nancy Sambuco and
committed to their own children and all
Missy Savage. I’m in awe each year as
the other children in the school.
so many hands come together to honor
As many of you know, the only two
our many traditions while bringing new
sources of revenue for an Independent
ideas, a fresh look at things, and a total
School are tuition and fund raising. We
commitment to our school.
receive no support from the state or federal
As I looked around the room Saturday
government and grants are few and far
night I saw many former and current
between for independent schools. Tuition
members of our Board of Trustees. I
payments cover about 70% of each child’s
know the hours that those individuals
tuition and the rest is raised through the
have put into preparing for and attending
Golf Tournament, the Auction, and the
meetings, making difficult decisions, and
Annual Fund. Filling this gap is a big
guiding us through the exciting times as
task that our Development Department
well as the complex times that come with
tackles each year with energy, enthusiasm,
running a school. Thank you.
and a clear vision for what their success
And there were Jack and Shirley
means for our students. Kudos to our
Thompson who committed so many
Development Department, Sara Robinson,
years to the school and graciously
Kathleen Emmett, Paula Martin, Anita
handed a gem over to me. I’ll always be
Nida, and Richard Tummon who supports
indebted to him for everything he did to
them with communications.
make PBDA such a special place and for
They are very aware, however, that none
entrusting me with it.
of our events could happen without the
I arrived that evening to see our faculty
and staff learning how to use the BidPal so
that they could help anyone who needed
assistance. Throughout the night they were
there to assist with the bidding, packing
items for successful bidders, and helping
everyone check out. They had given
items that were popular because it was an
opportunity for students to spend time
with them. And there was Richard taking
pictures for our Facebook page, The Bridge,
and a myriad of other uses. And then
there was Jan Cook, one of our very own
teachers taking such a risk and serving as our
auctioneer. Could anyone better model what
we encourage our students to do? No one
would give so much of herself if it weren’t
for the love of PBDA.
Of course, the whole evening wouldn’t
have been successful without our generous
bidders both in the silent auction and in the
live auction. A special kudos to those who
gave so generously.
And even some of our older students
were there selling books and taking in the
My husband asked me on the way home
how the school did and I quickly answered,
“It was awesome!” I then realized that what
he was asking was if we’d met our financial
goal. At that point in time, I wasn’t even
thinking about budget. My thoughts were
on the way literally everyone had a hand in
the success of the event.
I’m sure our students don’t have any
comprehension of the role that various
constituents play in their education. They
don’t need to. However, I, as Head of
School, am very aware of the gift they are
being given of a closely woven network of
adults creating a tapestry that is focused on
one thing- their success as students and as
adults in the world.
On behalf of all of the children, I’d like to
thank each of you who are a major piece of
the tapestry that makes up Palm Beach Day
Field Day Captains 2012
Annual Fund & Great Expectations Campaign
Your support will ensure the best possible
education for our students, today and tomorrow.
PBDA parents, please make your gift by March 30th, so that
your family’s name can be listed in The Bridge.
Winter 2012
7-9th Grade
Blake Burdett
Katia Woodward
5th & 6th Grade
Jackson Cohlan
Alexis Gorfine
7-9th Grade
Bayard Laylor
Lily Schrieber
5th & 6th Grade
Braedon Rupp
Blair Laylor
High Honors
Ones in Consideration
6th Grade
Lilly Carden
Jackson Cohlan
Lulu Fanjul
Alexis Gorfine
Adeliza Grace
Harrison Koeppel
Blair Lalor
Robbie Linck
Jack McClusky
Christopher Ochstein
Oliver Zenou
7th Grade
Madeline Elhilow
Jack Farris
Ben Kern
Teddy Kramer
Briggs Lalor
Nick Leone
Eloise Levenson
Madison McAuliffe
Jack McKenna
Atticus Stonestrom
Robbie Williams
8th Grade
Serena Ainslie
Stoney Cohlan
Chloe Coleman
Lawrence Cummings
Sarah Dunkel
Carlisle Ghirardini
Stewart Johnson
Tucker Kino
Jack Patterson
Slaone Sambuco
Oceanna Schnirman
Natalie Smith
Gabriella Springer
Sofia Tabernilla
Elliott Thornton
Benjamin Wandoff
9th Grade
Lily Schreiber
6th Grade
Franchesca Alfano
Claire Barber
Garrett Barber
Sedley Benitz
Jackie Brown
Claire Dunkel
Janie Ely
Seaton Johnson
Valen Kaye
Jack Litten
Tara McCann
Hannah Moross
India Patel
Braedon Rupp
Olivia Stewart
Sophia Terry
Noah Whall
7th Grade
Aidan Biondi-Copeland
Chritina Caristo
Elisa Flaminio
Andres Garcia
Rodrigo Haberfeld
Chiara Micchelli
Katie Morgan
George Moss
Lauren Pflaumer
Kole Rosin
Jordan Schaefer
8th Grade
Spencer Altus
Kylie Borislow
Peter Burt
Ryan Coyle
Sami Kahlenberg
William Koch
Daniel Lomnitz
Alec Mahoney
Taylor Mahoney
Kalysa Remington
Sloane Rosin
Chloe Saad
Lilly Savin
Christie Toll
Kress Zahringer
9th Grade
Bayard Lalor
Lauren Canapa
William de Melo
Annabel Dewing
Jeffrey Ehrlich
Ryan Ehrlich
Adrianna Fini
Kristen Frederick
Taylor Frederick
Daniela Garcia
Cate Ghirardini
Nathanial Gramentine
Dylan Green
Henry Horgan
Shane Knopp
Camilla McCranels
Raina Menin
Perry Middleton
Abby Moss
Hailey Pflaumer
Lance Prosser
Kaitlyn Straub
Erin Tague
Sydney Torres
Abigail Wandoff
Elizabeth Williams
Natalie Zoller
5th Grade Honors
Book Fairs 2011
development at home. Chairs for the
Lower Campus fair were Amy Bernstein,
BDA’s Lower and Upper Campus
Lauri Norberg, Sandy Singer and Jill
Book Fairs were held during the
week of November 7. The Lower
On the Upper Campus students had
Campus theme was “Reading is Out of This opportunities to meet in small groups with
World.” The Upper Campus fair celebrated “Writers in Residence.” Chris Grabenstein,
our school community and our Green
author of popular books for young
School efforts.
adolescents, gave students advice on their
On the Lower Campus, Maria Bruehl,
own creative writing. Tony Reid, former
author of “Playful Learning: Develop
reporter and chief copy editor for “The
Your Child’s Sense of Joy and Wonder,”
Washington Post,” now is a writing coach
gave a presentation to parents on ways to
for students and young writers. Eileen
support a child’s creative and cognitive
Cornacchia is a writing coach and editor
Pajama Nite concluded the Lower Campus Book Fair week.
Daniela Garcia
4th Grade
Cate Ghirardini
Vanessa Benitz
Quinn Griffin
Chloe Colbert
Shane Knopp
Diana Crompton
Perry Middleton
Zachary Ehrlich
Hailey Pflaumer
Robbie Jackson, III
River Schnirman
Lily Kino
Kaitlyn Straub
Jonah Kotzen
Erin Tague
Sophia Lloyd George
Sydney Torres
Erika Luter
Abigail Wandoff
Carter Nicoletti
6th Grade
Laurin Norberg
Sedley Benitz
Katherine Panagoulias
Lillian Carden
Brinton Roberts
Claire Dunkel
Allison Sanchez
Lulu Fanjul
Liam Storkerson
5th Grade
Robert Linck
Annabel Dewing
Jack McCluskey
Kristen Frederick
Hannah Moross
Taylor Frederick
India Patel
Braedon Rupp
7th Grade
Zara Barrett
Christina Caristo
Jack Farris
Lauren Pflaumer
8th Grade
Serena Ainslie
Sarah Dunkel
Carlisle Ghirardini
Sloane Rosin
Lilly Savin
Oceanna Schnirman
Natalie Smith
Gabriella Springer
Sofia Tabernilla
9th Grade
Tyenisha Anderson
Bayard Lalor
Lily Schreiber
Katia Woodward
Effort Club
5th Grade
Adeliza Grace
Kole Rosin
Lauren Canapa
Seaton Johnson
Jordan schaefer
Annabel Dewing
Harrison Koeppel
Jack Stoll
Jeffrey Ehrlich
Blair Lalor
Atticus Stonestrom
Ryan Ehrlich
Robbie Linck
Robbie Williams
Emily Elhilow
Jack Liten
8th Grade
Adrianna Fini
Tara McCann
Serena Ainslie
Kristen Frederick
Jack McCluskey
Spencer Altus
Taylor Frederick
Hannah Moross
Kylie Borislow
Daniela Garcia
Christopher Ochstein
Stoney Cohlan
Cate Ghirardini
India Patel
Chloe Coleman
Nathanial Gramentine
Braedon Rupp
Ryan Coyle
Quinn Griffin
Olivia Stewart
Lawrence Cummings
Kasen Jones
Jaclyn Swindle
Sarah Dunkel
Shane Knopp
Sophia Terry
Carlisle Ghirardini
Camilla McCranels
Lindsay Toll
Yu Hua Golnick
Raina Menin
Noah Whall
Stewart Johnson
Perry Middleton
Oliver Zenou
Sami Kahlenberg
Abby Moss
7th Grade
Tucker Kino
Hailey Pflaumer
Zara Barrett
Jack Patterson
River Schnirman Aidan Biondi-Copeland Kalysa Remington
Kaitlyn Straub
Anderson Bishop
Sloane Rosin
Erin Tague
Dante Blanco
Chloe Saad
Sydney Torres
Christina Caristo
Sloane Sambuco
Abigail Wandoff
Madeline Elhilow
Lilly Savin
Samantha Webster
Jack Farris
Oceanna Schnirman
Elizabeth Williams
Frank Fini
Natalie Smith
6th Grade
Elisa Flaminio
Gabriella Springer
Francesca Alfano
Andres Garcia
Paige Stancil
Garrett Barber
Rodrigo Haberfeld
Sofia Tabernilla
Claire Barber
Ben Kern
Elliott Thornton
Sedley Benitz
Teddy Kramer
Chritie Toll
Jackie Brown
Briggs Lalor
Benjamin Wandoff
Lilly Carden
Nick Leone
Kress Zahringer
Talia Chachkes
Eloise Levenson
9th Grade
Jackson Cohlan
Madison McAuliffe Tyenisha Anderson
Claire Dunkel
Jack McKenna
Bayard Lalor
Janie Ely
Chiara Micchelli
Lily Schreiber
Lulu Fanjul
George Moss
Katia Woodward
Chloe Garton
Lauren Pflaumer
Alexis Gorfine
Mathew Reyes
for professional authors.
The Upper Campus Chairs included Erica
Elliott, Andrea Levine, Lucinda Stonestrom,
Shelley Garcia, Holly Whall and Kristi
Johnson, along with many others.
Author Chris Grabenstien met with groups of students to discuss the art of writing.
Winter 2012
2012 Dinner & Auction
worked tirelessly in the months before
the event planning all aspects of the
evening, creating class projects, collecting
live auction portion of the evening, where
auction items, helping with décor and
priceless items, exotic trips, sporting
events, and once in a lifetime opportunities invitations, setting up the event, and much
more. Another 60 plus volunteer PBDA
helped contribute to the overall netting
Faculty members were on site throughout
of more than $500,000 for the school, with
Saturday evening to handle everything
an additional $140,000 raised in corporate
from the registration process and bidding
sponsorship. A “Call to the Heart” request
devices to ensuring a smooth “check-out”
supporting Educational Initiatives was
process as guests collected their valuable
announced by PBDA parent and PSC
President Robert Norberg, and closed out
All of this was preceded on January 19,
the evening’s fundraising activities.
More than 60 Auction Committee members with the pre-auction party at the lovely
continued from front page
home of Margaret and John Thornton
where the class projects were auctioned and
silent auction items were gathered. John
Pickett served as auctioneer and helped the
students raise more than $50,000 through
the sale of their creative artwork and class
books. Throughout the auction season, the
extended family and faculty of PBDA have
shown their generosity with their time and
money. The Auction Co-Chairs join the
school administration and the development
team of Kathleen Emmett, Sara Robinson,
Paula Martin, and Anita Nida in thanking
Federica Antonelli Imperiali with Dale & Marzia Precoda
Susan Keenan
Bob Simses, Louisa & John Cohlan, and Mary Simses
Christie & Tim Gannon
Jennifer & Matti Antilla
Keith & Stacy Palagye
Todd Peters, Frances Webster, Cameron Lickle
Cindy Sulzberger & Steven Green
Tom & Caroline Koons Forrest
Cherie & Ahmad Toufanian
Lee & John Zoller
Christine & Hunter Beall
Winter 2012
Palm Beach Day Academy Sincerely Thanks Our
Corporate Sponsors
for their support of our
Feather Ball Auction & Dinner
$15,000 and Above
$10,000 to $14,999
Christopher Kaufmann Le Salon
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Manchester United
The Breakers
$5,000 to $9,999
G & S Painting Company
Hess Corporation
Jerrick Associates Inc.
Living New York Real Estate Group
All Sport Inc.
Gunster Attorneys at Law
Cap Trust
Celedinas & Reese Insurance
$2,500 to $4,999
Daily Janssen Architects, P.A.
Deutsche Bank
Digital Target Marketing
Hypercube LLC
Modern Staffing and Security
Sabadell Bank & Trust
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Whitehouse Estates Inc.
Woolems Inc. General Contractors
$1,000 - $2,499
ABR Plumbing & Heating Contractors, Inc.
David Yurman
Palm Beach ENT
Dermatology Associates, P.A. of the Palm Beaches
AmeriClean Building Maintenance
Palm Beach Spine and Pain Institute
Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens
Environmental Technology Control
Peetz Windows and Doors Inc.
Arden Insurance Associates, Inc.
Fidelity Investments
Pine Creek Sporting Club
First Bank of the Palm Beaches
PNC Wealth Management
Avantair, Inc.
First Florida Services
Precision Air Systems, Inc.
Fite Shavell Associates
AW Property Company
Robert Reveley – 319 Belvedere Plaza
Barrett Welles Property Group
Flagler Realty & Development, Inc.
Simses & Associates, P.A.
Beanstalk Networks
Florida Crystals Corporation
Benitz Building LLC
Frank Crystal & Company of Florida, Inc.
Smith Architectural Group
Sotheby’s International Realty
Bessemer Trust
Glidden, Spina & Partners Architecture – Interior Design
BG Strategic Advisors, LLC
Gracie Street Interior Design
South Florida Science Museum
Gray’s Sunoco
Templeton & Company
Blue Ocean Capital / Elhilow, Smith & Corson
Braman Motorcars
Holland & Knight
Tercilla Courtemanche Architects, Inc.
Brown Harris Stevens of Palm Beach
House of Lavande
The Cline Group
Burman, Critton, Luttier & Coleman
Ibis Building Corporation
The Forbes Company
Café Sapori
Icon Parking Systems LLC
Thomas M. Kirchhoff Architects
California Closets
Ira Walden & Sons, Inc. Painting & Decorating Contractor Tim Givens Building & Remodeling Inc.
Carpenter’s Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Jones, Foster, Johnston & Stubbs, P.A.
Total Dollar
UBS Financial Services
Christian Angle Real Estate
Kaufman Lynn General Construction
City Mattress
Kettle Comfort
Wells Fargo Advisors
Clifton Budd & DeMaria, LLP
Leeds Custom Design
Wilmington Trust
Mercedes-Benz of Palm Beach
Corcoran Group – Ashley McIntosh
Corcoran Group – Dana Koch
MP Design & Architecture, Inc.
Corcoran Group – Jim McCann
Navarro Lowrey Properties, Inc.
Winter 2012
Golf Tournament
Longest Drive winners were Mike Blum
and Polly Wulsin. The Putting Contest
Continued from front page
winner was Steve Smith followed by
Dave Ghirardini in second
Kassewitz, Rusty Wilkerson,
and Randy Kassewitz winning
Grand Tournament
the Mixed Flight Division.
Sponsor was Marc &
Second place recognition went
Claudia Player. Additional
to Giles van der Bogert, Steven
sponsors included Shoes
Green, Chuck Tobey, and Chris
For Crews, the Stanley &
Storkerson in the Men’s Flight
Arna Smith Foundation,
and Curtis Emmer, Robert
Joel & Darcie Kassewitz,
Konrad, Logan Emmer, and
Golf Tournament Chairs,
The Sterling Organization,
Joe Russo in the Mixed Flight.
Joel Kassewitz & Matt Smith
House of Lavande, The
Closest to the Pin winners were
Seaport Group, Sabadell Bank & Trust,
Glenn Straub, Austin Smith, and Ben Smith.
SCS Financial, The Atwood
Group – Merrill Lynch, St.
Mary’s Medical Center and
the Children’s Hospital at
St. Mary’s, Hypercube LLC.,
the George F. Baker Trust,
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Johnson,
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Straub,
the Merck Family, the Luter
Family, the Duncker Family,
John & Diahanne Cochran, the
Wytrzes Family, SSG, Perry
Ellis International, All Sport,
Inc. and Iceland Spring Water.
Tournament Champs, Roger Janssen, Judge Moss,
Peter Nicoletti & Dave Ghirardini
Two of the Mixed Flight winners,
Logan & Curtis Emmer
Mixed Flight Winners Joel & Darcie Kassewitz,
Randy Kassewitz & Rusty Wilkerson
Treasure Island on the Lower Campus
he newly opened Treasure Island is a
great place to bring your unwanted
recyclable objects, from pen-caps
to paper towel rolls or old gift ribbon. We
already have acquired a plentiful bounty of
re-usable items for teachers and students to
The idea of this resource center is born out
of the traditional Remida Center, found in
the Reggio Emilia inspired school models
of Italy and beyond, where the close
relationship that students share with their
environment, is at the center of the learning
philosophy. We hope that one day our very
own Treasure Island will encompasses a
beautiful atelier as well.
“I think Treasure Island is really cool
Winter 2012
because the first time
I looked at all the stuff in
there, I had really good ideas
of what to use to make all kinds
of things.”
– Seray Ozgenc, 2nd Grade
Walter H. Butler
Golf Tournament Sponsors
Grand Tournament Sponsor
Marc and Claudia Player
Classic Tournament Sponsor
Stanley & Arna Smith Foundation
Breakfast Sponsor
Shoes For Crews
Happy Hour Sponsor
Credit Suisse Securities
Golf Cart Sponsor
The Seaport Group
Closest to the Pin Sponsor
Sabadell Bank & Trust
Driving Range Sponsor
SCS Financial
Putting Contest Sponsor
The Atwood Group, Merrill Lynch Private
Banking and Investment Group
Team Sponsor & Hole Sponsor
The Duncker Family
Team Sponsors
George F. Baker Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Johnson
Joel & Darcie Kassewitz
House of Lavande
Celedinas & Reese Insurance
Hole or Tee Sign Sponsors
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Straub
Wytrzes Family
The Luter Family
St. Mary’s Medical Center and the
Children’s Hospital at St. Mary’s
Hypercube LLC
The Merck Family
Snack Sponsor
The Sterling Organization
Hole in One Sponsors
Mercedes Benz
Worth Avenue Yachts
In-Kind Sponsors
All Sport Inc.
Iceland Springs Water
Perry Ellis International
“I enjoy helping sort all the
donations and think all the objects
come from things in and on the earth
and it takes energy to make them. So,
reusing instead of re-making is a better
– Lily Arp, 2nd Grade
Please be aware of this great new resource
for all the classrooms at PBDA and continue
“I think it’s a really good Idea to have
to supply us with objects you do not need,
Treasure Island to help you re-use stuff
so that we can turn them into student-made
to make something you really wanted to
learning tools and creative works-of-art.
– Taylor Handley, 2nd Grade
Our collection time and location is:
The first Friday of each month in front of
“I really like the idea of Treasure Island
the new library on the Lower Campus, just
because you don’t have to take stuff from
before Flag ceremony. Students and teachers
the smelly garbage, it’s neat and clean and will be on hand to help collect and carry
easy to get stuff for projects.”
– Sofia Halpern, 2nd Grade
Thank you to all who have donated!
W inter
Winter 2012
December Spectaculars
year’s performance included a first - Baby
Jesus was played by Mrs. Cook’s daughter
and future PBDA student, Calvitt.
Jan-Marie Cook served as Director with
help from Les Heilakka, technical Director;
Concert was “Big Apple Holiday” and
featured solo and chorus performances
by students from Kindergarten
to 3rd Grade. Lower Campus
music teacher Robyn Huff and
Kindergarten teacher/
choreographer Sara
Boyd produced the
show with help from
Jim & Paulette Danni,
Jim Gramentine,
Jan-Marie Cook, Les
Heilakka, Jennifer
Wilson, Susana Gil, Lisa
Conroy, Jonathan Paine
and Jennifer Sparks.
The Christmas Pageant featured volunteer students from
The Christmas Pageant
Kindergarten to 9th Grade.
is a long-standing
Martha Dyal, Costumes; Wendie Crawford,
tradition that welcomes
Props & Costume Assistant; and Elizabeth
volunteer performers from
The Holiday Concert on December 8 featured Lower Campus
performers from Kindergarten to 3rd Grade.
Kindergarten to 9th Grade. This Sheehan, Hand Bell Director.
011 ended with two popular traditions
at PBDA - the Kindergarten through
3rd Grade Winter Concert, and the
Christmas Pageant.
The theme for this December’s Winter
Alumni Gather for Holiday Cheer
lumni, Faculty and Parents
gathered at Cha Cha’s on Worth
Avenue for Holiday Cheer on
December 15. Over 75 members of the
extended Palm Beach Day Academy
family spent the evening catching up with
old friends, former teachers, and even a
few new additions who quickly found
themselves welcomed as honorary Pelicans
or Flamingoes.
The PBDA community filled Cha Cha’s to capacity.
Alumnus & past-parent Ed Crawford ‘70 and past
parent & current grandparent Larry Ochstein
Faculty member Emily Mateer, Alumna Kristina Anderson
McPherson ‘02 and Faculty/Alumna Jan-Marie Coniglio Cook ‘95
Recent graduate Nick Kassatly ‘00 & friend
Recent graduates Blair Brandt ‘03 and Stephen Turchan ‘04
Alumni Jon Lappin ‘85 & Geoffrey May ‘85 with
current faculty member Ralph Greco
8 Winter 2012
Current parents joined the celebration.
Former Pelican Captain Richard Cowell ‘44 and wife
with parent Carter Leidy
Lower Campus Hosts
Design Charette
information about our specific priorities
and dreams for the project. Meetings
were held with parent groups, students,
the faculty, and members of the local
community. On the final day, a Design
Charette was held with all interested
stakeholders to create preliminary designs
that incorporated the priorities identified
during the week.
On March 1, Danks and Howard will
s planning continues for a newly
designed Lower Campus at
PBDA, a key component will be
utilizing the outdoor spaces in unique and
interesting ways. To that end, PBDA has
hired Sharon Danks and Lisa Howard of
Bay Tree Designs, Inc. to help
guide the master planning process,
aptly named the Educational
Playscape Project. A collaborative
effort of the school community,
the mission of the Educational
Playscape Project is “to create
an engaging outdoor learning
environment that stimulates the
development of the whole child
through creativity, self-discovery,
natural exploration, innovation,
and imagination.”
Guided by a leadership team
comprised of parents, faculty,
Lower Campus students were involved in the process and
and administrators, a week-long
offered ideas for the final design.
visit to PBDA in early December
by Danks and Howard provided an
conduct a videoconference with the
opportunity to meet with all stakeholders
leadership team to share three conceptual
to share examples of engaging outdoor
design plans based on the information
spaces throughout the world and to gather gathered in December.
National Junior Honor Society
8th Grade
Serena Ainslie
Spencer Altus
Stoney Cohlan
Ryan Coyle
Sarah Dunkel
Carlisle Ghirardini
Stewart Johnson
Sami Kahlenberg
Tucker Kino
Jack Patterson
Kalysa Remington
s the second trimester closes, 23 of
our 8th & 9th Graders are eligible
for induction into the National
Junior Honor Society. To be eligible,
students must have an 85 average, have
earned Effort Club, have a “1” or “2” in
Consideration and have completed at least
5th Graders Honor the
U.S. Presidents
BDA’s 5th Graders followed in the
footsteps of nearly two decades of
previous 5th Graders to continue the
tradition of The Presidential Address, on
February 17.
Chloe Saad
Sloane Sambuco
Lilly Savin
Oceanna Schnirman
Natalie Smith
Gabriella Springer
Sofia Tabernilla
Elliott Thornton
Christine Toll
Benjamin Wandoff
9th Grade
Bayard Lalor
Lily Schreiber
Student Leadership Council
Lily Schreiber
Vice President
Bayard Lalor
Katia Woodward
Carlisle Ghirardini,
Stewart Johnson, Jack Patterson &
Sloane Sambuco
Chiara Micchelli &
Atticus Stonestrom
Claire Barber & Harrison Koeppel
Cate Ghirardini &
Nathanial Gramentine
Carter Nicoletti & Allison Sanchez
MathCounts 2012
BDA’s MathCounts team competed
with schools from all over the county
on February 11. Overall, the team
placed third in the county. Elliott Thornton
qualified to represent PBDA at the State
Level MathCounts competition in Orlando
in March.
10 hours of community service.
On February 24, the twenty-three
students and their parents enjoyed a
luncheon in the Raymond Wean Library
before participating in a special induction
Congratulations to these fine students.
MathCounts Team 2012 - Front four boys, Daniel
Lomnitz, Jack Farris, Atticus Stonestrom, & Ben Kern;
Back row, Ben Wandoff, Elliott Thornton, Carlisle
Ghirardini, Jack Patterson, Sloane Sambuco, Serena
Ainslie, & Oceanna Schnirman
Like Us on Facebook
A lot goes on at PBDA every week.
Our facebook page tells the story.
Winter 2012
4th Grade Community Garden
he 4th Grade Community Garden
is growing more than produce. It
has yielded plenty to eat, but it has
also helped the 4th Graders learn about
sustainability, responsibility, patience,
and much more. The project began in
September when the students built the 20’
X 10’ boxes and filled them with soil under
the direction of Dr. Richard Raid - plant
pathologist from FAU. When it came
time to plant the boxes and the small beds
outside the 4th Grade rooms, the students
did the research needed to make decisions
about what to plant, when to plant it and
how to care for it. They learned which
plants were compatible and what sort of
watering and sunlight each needed.
The results have been delicious and the
students claim there is a difference between
what they’ve grown
and what they get
from grocery stores.
In February, the 4th
Graders and parent
volunteers hosted
the 3rd Grade for a
garden picnic.
Fourth Grade teacher Erin Koury initiated
the Community Garden and spent last
summer organizing the program for this
year and beyond.
International Day - February 10, 2012
hildren in Pre-Primary to Third
Grade celebrated PBDA’s 17th
Annual International Day on
February 10. The day was the culmination
of months of preparation which began with
the Parade of Nations at the International
Day of Peace Flag Assembly on September
23. Since then, the children have been
involved in learning about the cultures
of their countries and preparing for the
February event. This studey will continue
through May
Third Grade (Room 207) shared a musical piece
from Madagascar
Pre-Primary entertained the audience with their rendition of
“Home on the Range” for the U.S.A.
Marisa Schnirman
named Upper Campus Head
alm Beach Day Academy wishes two
of its teachers well as they begin new
roles. Last spring, current Upper
Campus Head, Jim Gramentine, made the
decision to return to the classroom after
six years in the leadership position. His
decision created the need for a new Upper
Campus Head, and the hope was that he or
she would possess a solid understanding
of the tradition of excellence at PBDA and a
forward thinking view of the future.
That person is Marisa Schnirman. Marisa
came to PBDA in 2007. She earned
her BA from Florida Atlantic University and
an MA from the University of Oklahoma.
Marisa is currently pursuing her Ph.D at
FAU She has taught for 20 years at Tribal,
public and independent schools including
her five years at PBDA. She has enjoyed
the pleasure and challenges of being a
curriculum coordinator and teacher for
many grades and subjects. Her daughter
Oceanna is in 8th Grade and son River is a
5th Grader.
Marisa confesses that in her prior
experience nothing compared to PBDA’s
tradition of excellence, warmth of family,
and collaboration of efforts that combine
to give our students a wonderful school
Jim Gramentine, who was chosen by
former school head Jack Thompson as the
individual to head the Upper Campus
during the transition to a two-campus
school, will hand the reins to Marisa on July
1. Jim’s thoughtful, playful and carfully
organized dedication has been deeply
appreciated by the faculty, students and
parents. Jim returns to his 2006 role as
4th Grade teacher. The current 3rd Grade
families will soon realize how fortunate
Jim’s decision is for them.
Parents, students and faculty are joined
in wishing both of these fine educators the
very best as they reverse roles.
P a l m B e ac h D ay A c a d e m y
Upper Campus
241 Seaview Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480
(561) 655-1188 Fax (561) 655-5794
Lower Campus
1901 South Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 832-8815 Fax (561) 832-3343
Second Grade (Room 202) investigated the
country of Sri Lanka
Winter 2012
Third Grade (Room 206) performed a dance to honor Ghana
The Bridge is published by Palm Beach Day
Academy to inform its community of the
activities of the school, its students, faculty
and parents. Editor Richard Tummon
and Development Director Sara Robinson
invite your suggestions, reactions and
comments regarding The Bridge.