National Top Marks
National Top Marks
Performances made by eligible high performances made in interscholastic out wind assistance. COMPETITOR 100 AND YARD SCHOOL 1969 NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROll Compiled by William 'V. Russell school athletes whose schools are members of their State High competition at a meet involving five or more schools; winning MEET 220 YARD Cantley YARD YARD i1.6 \1.6 9.6 9.6 H.6 '.6 '.6 9.1. \).6 !1.6 20.!f 21.1 21.1 21.l 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.:~ 21.:J 21.:1 46.f, .17.1 47.4 47.5 RUN Savag-e (Catholic H.S., Roselle, New Jersey).. Seetional Thomas tEn!':l ••wood H.S .• Chical!'o, Illinois) .. State Meet Sanchez (Canoll:a Park, California) erF State Fina1s Jon"'!1 (Yates H.S" Houston, Texas) Baytown lnvitatiomd Blackman (-Wheatley H.S .. Houston, T",xa!l) .. __ Pasadena Invitational Baxter (I,O!l Anl(eles H.S .• California) . L.A. City Prelim •• r;v.,n (Norwieh H.S .• Conn.) _ .. N.K Championships ~1eAfee (Court •.r Tech H.S .. Cincinnati, Ohio) . State :\Ieet Heab,' (Drayton Plains H.S., -Waterford..... StuteM"' •.t KetterinK. Mieh.) ,., _.. . 'Vheeler (Dubne}· H.S • Lutherville, ....Di!ltrict :\[aryland) MilE ;::~ DASH ......... _StateCIF Finals Jones (Lemuore, California) ..... So. Counties Invitational Sims (WhiW",r H.S., Calif.) ., __ . non,! I Dob)'ns Renn.'tt II.S., Kin!,:!lPort. Tenn.) .. __ _So. Int"rseholastics Hill (So. Park H.S., Beaumont, Texas) State :\Ieet :\Iachanic (Jack~on H.S .. Miami, Florida) State :\leet C;.q'"nter (Mt. Pleasant H.S., Providene ••, R.I.) __. _.. __..H",ndriken Invitationa} H;mdy (Vineland H.S., New Jerse)') .. Sectional 880 9.5 DASH 1.usk Uloudy H.S., COr]'us Christi, 'fex(,sf ... San Antonio Invit. Carpenter (Mt. ]'leasant H.S" Pruvidence, R.I.) .. _ _ _,_ __, _, _,JIendrik ••n Invit. Pouncy (Linculn, H.S .• Dall"s, Texas) Fort Worth Rel/:innal ::;C'IVUZZO(:\[ul!en H.S., Furt J,ol{an, Colurado •. ", _.__ . __ . _ _._ _,_,_ , _District Clul{ston (Nu. Penn H.S., Phila(ldphia, P ••nna.) _'__ , State :\1eet Curl (\Yurthinll: H.S., Hou!!ton, Texa!l) .State :\I••••t Lowe (North Little Hoek H.S., Ark.) !\.1eetofCham\>ions . L.A. City Prelim" Jlear",,~· t Los Anll:eles H.S., Calif.) . :\[erritt (Lane H.S .. Charlottesvi!!e. Va.) _,Stat" Porter (Ea!lt Jeffer!lon H.S., ............ ,State New Orleans, La.). 440 COMPETITOR PERFORMANCE DASH Davi~ ~Dllnbar H.S., Lubbock, Texas). Hereford Invitational Lowe I North I.itt] •• Rock H.S., Ark.) n •••••• i{<'-I{jona! Pouncy tLin<."uln H.S., Dallas, Texns) ....City ~Ieet Branda <Jesuit H.S., Houston, Texas) ._..... __ Dalla •• Invitational Curl (\Vorthinll: H.S., Houston, Te:<as) n ••••••• State Meet Harrb."n (Wheatley H.S., San Antonio, n •••• _••_. _-San Antonio Invit. Texasl _ Hubbard (LaGranl/:e H.S., Texas) State Meet 1,"1/:1{(Bexley II.S., Ohio) _ __ Hel("ional Merritt (Lan", H.S., CharlottesvilJe, Va.) Stah,M ••••t Owens tS.F. Austin H.S., Texa!l) Corpus Christi R"'lI:iona! Hobertsun (\\-'ashinll:ton H.S., Portland, Orel/:on) _. .__' _District Hus!I (Atchisun H.S .• Kansas, Centennial 1.eall:ue Williams (Kirkpatrick HS, Ft. \Vorth, Texas) Ft. Worth Invit. 1:r.0.7 I::'iO}! 1:51.6 1 :.~1.7 ~~;,~:~ 1:52.:\ 1:52.5 1:52.7 1:52.S RUN Bjurklun<! (Pructor H.S" Minnesota) T'refontaine (:\Inrsht1eld H.S .• Coos Ba~', Ore!':on) .. _ , ,._. ,. Sahuque (Red ••mptorist I[.S., New Orleans. La.) _ :McAfec (Courter Tech H.S .• Cincinnati. Ohio) State Meet 4:05.1 State :\I"et 4:08.4 StateMeet 4:08.4 StateMeet 4:08.5 (Memorial AND H.S., School Athletic As~ociation; perfornwnces in races withMEET SCHOOL l\l>ulisnn, Wi!lc.). 11,,1'0101('Vatertown H.S .• Wisc.) Lamh I Bulsa Grande Calif.) H.S., Garden PERFORMANCE :\Ionona (:r""" In"itational ...... '~['I~~it~:i,:;:~i 4 : U~!. .'i Gro,"e, Hamers (Dunedin H.S., Florida) BlI1'kwist (I.ewis and Clark H.S., 'Vash.) __ __ ._ " Stat", 1'I1 •.et Underwood (Sooth Torranee H.S., Calif.) Stat", CIF Prelims TWO MilE RUN Prefont"ine (:\[arshfi..Jd 1I.S .• C,,,,s Ba~·, OI'eIl:On) ._ .. _._ , , ,.---- , - ------_ Corvallis Invitational Chappins (r~xeelsiur II.S .• Norwalk. C"lif.) .. State CIF 1I1",,,t "'hitI.' 1El :>lo,]ena H.8 .• OranR"e, Calif..1 elF S.K Semi Finals Crook!l cNurth II.S., Eng"ne, Ore!':on) IJi!ltrict (~all<'n (East H.S .. Y-,'iehita, Kansas) , _ K.U. Relays Vi!lk (Palatine H.S., Illinois) , State M••d. Hitch.'rsun ISal,'sian II.S., Los Ang:.-I,'s, Calif.) . . ._ ' _.__ .. CIF S.S. Semi Finals Bir (Catholic II.S .. Lafayette, Indiana) .. Rtate:\[,'.'t James IF",rris II.S., SI'okane, 'Nash.) Stat •• :lI~"t C;.,.ter (Vista H.S .• El Cajon, Ca!if.) ClF S.D. Final~ 120 HIG:-t -Wilson IRoos",ve!t Rich (Washington lOW 8:·11.5 R:57.0 fI:02.8 9:0;J.O !J:O:J.4 ~. : U6.1 9:0.'i.O !J:U\1.:' !J:U!J.H !J :10.~ 1:'1.6 n.6 1;J.7 13.7 l:U! 13.' H.O H.n H.O H.O 14.0 H.n H.O )4.0 HURDLES H.S .• Fresno, Calif.) ... H.S., Los Anl<e1es, C;IIif.) Jones (Lemoore, California) Milburn tClark H.S., Opelousas, I.a .•. Brnoll.-y (Mann H.S .• (;1\ry, Indiana f Bunn (McLane H.S., F""!lno. Calif.) Dickinson (New!,urt New!I H.S .. Va.) Lu ••as (Northeast II.S., Oklahmn" City, Oklahuma) :.. No"o \\Voudhridll:'" H.S .. New J",r!l"~'\ Hich:trds (Granite H.S .. Salt Lake Cit~· Utah) , Strain (Conway H.S .. Ark.) . 440 4:10.6 4:11.2 HURDLES . L.I.A.L.O. State 1'Ililhurn IClark H.S., Opelousas, I.a.) .. Washinll:ton (So. Oak CHIT 11.8., Dallas, T ••xas) , __.__'.. ,__ __ State /lIe~'t Rich (Wn~hing:ton H.S., Los Anll:ele!l. C(dif.). Stat" en' Prelims 'Vilson (Hoosevelt H.S .. Fre!lno. Ca1if.) Stat~ Clio' :>Ieet Elkin!l (Jesuit H.S .• Dallas. l'ex:tsf .. _ Dallas Invitatiunal No,"" ('Voudbridl<e H.S., New JerseYf ... 8eetion"J Hutts (Gr:tnd Island B.S .• Nebraska I ... Trans-Nd,rn!lka Cullins IW.-st Che!lter B.S., Penna.) . State ~Ieet Donaldson (Comptun, Calif.) ... _ .. ._ C[~' S.S. Prelim!l LU"as INorth('a~t H.S., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) , __ __.._. . Stat"'1\-1••••t 1'I1",a<lors (Carlsbad H.R, New ~lexic<J) Hohh!l J{"!ay,, 'V"!lt IPermian H.S" O,]('.'\!la. Texas) _!ledunal \Vhitt1el,1 (So. San Franei!lco, Calif.) ·.. King: City Invitational \V)'lie (Hendl'!'!lon H.S .. 'I'",xas) Pasad.'na Invitationa! 180 4:10.4 4:10.4 __ . .. State CIF :\I••",t Southern 1."all:u", Prelim>]; .. elF Central Seetion N.O.R.D.Meet .. Ih'g;onal N. y"s("miteLeal("lle State :\It·(·t 18.:'1 IS.6 IS.7 lS.7 18.8 UU) UU\ .~tat •• :>1c,·t .'ectiunal . . _State ~1t,,·t :\h,.,t uf Champions RelAY Lincoln H.S., Dallas, Texas . ~;!ltaca.l" H.S., Lubbnck, T ••xns Los Anjl;'eles H.S., Calif. Elmore II.S., Huuston, T"xas :\r..KinJey H.S .• Baton Rouge, La Hobb~ H.S., New Mexico •.............. " _Stat •• Me""t Lubbock Invitational L.A. City Prelims Houston Invitational State L.LA.L.a. Hobbs Invitational 40.7 41.5 41.5 41.6 41.6 41.7 93 ball • game ... the star that's IIUP' 6'4" 22'6314" d~~is~~etS:.t~'o~f~:~: 6[~k:~~ f~;~I~:~e'~co~~tJo~e~r~~jn~~a~~)'~i.r~.:::::::: 13'6" High. JUl~~gRJ~~~; RUln~gult. Hauss (lakewood), Elmore (Plainfield), Tie: Leddy (Livingston), Rustle (Pennsauken) Ph e p~t. Adams (St. Joseph's Regional), Cortina (Steinert), Brady (Sf. Joseph's Regional) S. of ThroW: Frame (Union), Jarvis (Essex, Catholic), Carlson (Paramus) .................••••••• . . f~~~lin Throw: . 00 J20 DePalma (Penns 4.40 Yd. in handling (Vineland), Harrington NEW MEXICO Dash (2): Dooley (Albuquerque, Sandia), Easterly que, Del Norte) ..............................................................• for all of you, TOPS Ceraci Sandia), Smith . Del 440 Yd. Yd. Yd. in quality PENN·ULTR us· f Pennbllt basketball IS offiCially approve varsl 't y p Iay by Nfl a lona Ru Ies C0 mmittee THE GENER'Al TIRE ATHLETIC PRODUCTS DIVISION. & RUBBER BOX 951 COM PAN • AKRON". OHIO 44SC . . . Dash: Collins (Mt. Vernon), Christianson (Baldwin), White (West Genesee) ...........• Dash (C): Collins (Mt. Vernon), Christianson (Baldwin), Tie: Johnson (Newark), Powell (North Port) Dash (2): Redd (Hamiltonl Elmsford), Jason (Freeport), Tie: lytle (Walt Whitman), Pickett (Newburgh) ..............................................................•••• 1.M!le Relay: Mt. Vernon, Harborfi~sl Seaford ..•••...•••.•••..••.•••••••.•.•••••••••••••• 1.Mde Med. Relay (440-220·220-880): Wantagh, Harborflelds, Peru ......•.................••.. 2-Mile Relay: Brentwood, Sewanhaka, Roosevelt .....•..................•......••...•.••..•. Distant Med. Relay (440-440-880·Mile): Section I ........•..•.........•...•..•..........••.. High Jump: Armstrong (Mt. Vernon), Jackson (Hempstead), Tie: Brenner (Chenango Valley), (Geneva), Veny (lawrence), Williams (Rome Free Academy) .......•.•......•••••••. Running long Jump: Flippen (Riverhead), Gillon (Peekskill), Dawkins (Edison) ......••••••..•.•. Triple Jump: Gillon (PeekskiJl), Oeligado (Mt. Pleasant), lytle (Walt Whitman) ....••..•.••••.... Pole Vault: DiBenedetti (Guilderland), Watkins (Niskayuna), Sampler (Oyster Bay) •.•.•••••...•. S~ot Put: Zelezniak (Mt. Pleasant), Brodlieh {lynbrook), Still (Patch Hogue) ••...•....•.••.•.... DISCUS Throw: Toran (Uniondale), Engel (White Plains), Zelezniak (Mt. Pleasant) ..•.•....•.••.•. Javelin Throw: Savino (Greenly, Chappaqua) ••••..••••.•...•...•......•.••.•........•••••... ~~~iI~dRe~~~YAtl~~~~ H'gh Jump. McAdoo g~d~~~~' T~~;rSa~f~~d (Smith), Jones (South ~t.k.i~~.::::::::::: Mecklenburg), Running Long Jump: lemmons (Hendersonville), Pole Vault. McDuffie (Te"y Sanford), Byrum S~ot Put: Burke (North Forsyth), McGee (West DISCUS Throw; Umstead {Hillside}, Salisbur9 63'0" 192'8" 220'8" 9.7w 21.9 49.6 1053.1 4.IB.1 9,39.1 14.6 19.5 42.8 1,28.9 3,17.9 . 3.31.5 . . 23'101h" 14'41/2" 55'61/4" 178'0" 6'3" 212'9" YORK 9.6wn : :::::::::::::::::::::::: WilHamson (Smith) 21.6 48.1 1.49.9 4014.9 9018.0 14,4 19.0 1.28.5 3.18,7 3,31.2 8.07.8 8.12.8 lahr 6'5" 24'41/2" 50'51h" 14'lV4" 60'9V4" 166'2" 167'11 " ... the better·bu NORTH CAROLINA Pennsylvan ia pan 100 Yd. Dash, Ga"ett (Te"y Sanford), Hunt (Jacksonville), Young (Enloe) •..••.•.•.•.•.•.•..... • 220 Yd. Dash (C): Jones (Myers Park), Garrett (Terry Sanford), Nelson (South Mecklenburg) basketball that gives yo 440 Yd. Dash, (I) Hunt (Jacksonville), Whitfield (Hillside), Stevens (Twy Sanford) .•.•..•....... . 880. Yd. Run: Waldrop (Polk Central), Nix (Edneyville), Reese (East Henderson) ......••.•...... stars a maximum• performan l·Mde Ru~, Wilkins (Roxboro), Garghwahl (Indepe~dence)! Howell (Hillside) ..•.•.•..•.....•... 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Crumpler (Fike), Adams (Atkins), Hilton (Chapel Hill) •.••••.............. In every gam 180 Yd. low Hurdle" Adams (Atkins), Williams (Dudley), Crumpler (Fike) ..•••............... d . . 880 Yd. Run: McElroy (Massapequa), Meehan (Clarkstown), Christensen (North Babylon) •...••.• l·Mile Run: Supulski (Dansville), Harris (Brentwood), Devlen (Sewhanaka) .................•••.. 2-Mile Run: Broderick (Sewhanaka), Shiland (Cambridge), Gubbins (Bellport) ........•..•....••.• 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Tie: Hyler (Malverne) and Klingbeil (Seaford), Driscoll (Bayshore) ....•.•••• 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Singleton (Mt. Vernon), Bligh (Herricks), Herman (Shaker) ..•.•.•...•••••• 880 Yd. Relay: Mt. Vernon, Oceanside, Valley Central •••.....................•.....•.••••.. HIGHEST .... . (Albuquer- 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Wise {lovington}, Simpson (lovington), Allen (Grants) ...............•.• 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Mitchell (Farmington), Ward (Albuquerque, Sandia), Meraz (L~s Cruces) •..• 440 Yd. Relay: Carlsbad, Roswell, Albuquerque (Manzano) .................................• 880 Yd. Relay: Albuquerque (Del Norte), Albuquerque (Man.zano), AI.buquerque (Highland) I.Mile Relay: Albuquerque (Del Norte), A!buquerque (Sandia), Farmington 1.Mife Sprint Med. Relay (220·220-440·aaO): Albuquerque (Del Norte), Albuquerque, Albuquerque (Manzano) High Jump: lowder (Albuquerque, Valley), Fleming (A!buquerque, Manzano), Marsh (los Alamos) Running long Jump: Brabham (Roswell), Bowers (Albuquerque, Highland), Halms (Albuquerque) pole Vault: Brabham (Roswell), Winter (Albuquerque, Highland), Romeg (las Cruces, Mayfield) Shot Put: Ross (Albuquerque, Highland), Stevens (Albuquerque, Del Norte), Sears (Las Cruces) Discus Throw: Braye (Albuquerque, Sandia), Ross (Albuquerque, Highland), Bradshaw (Farmington) Javelin Throw: Stevens (Albuquerque, Del Norte), Chisholm (Albuquerque, Del Norte), Killebrew (Albuquerque, Valley) .............................................••........... 100 220 in play (Albuquerque, (Carlsbad) (Albuquerque, Cafe (Albuquerque, Sandia), Stovall (los Alamos) Mondragon (Santa Fe), Ayers (Albuquerque, Highland) Del Norte), lynch (Albuquerque, Highland), Reyes (Albuquerque, NEW BEST (Howell) Yd Dash: Palmer (Hobbs), Proctor (Albuquerque, Highland), Armendariz Yd', Dash (C): Palmer (Hobbs), Proctor (Albuquerque, Highland), Henry Norte) 880 Yd. Run: Vaughn (Hobbs), 1 M'le Run: Rojas (los Alamos), 2:M;le Run: Rakoczy (Albuquerque, West Mesa) big contest, Grove), 9.9 .... :::::: ......•..•.•........ Mosingo (Southern Wayne), Streater (Sun Valley) (West Mecklenburg), Hunt (Washington) •......... Mecklenburg), Cameron (Durham) ••••.•.......... IMyerf> Perk), Bonham (Atkins) •...•.••••....••.• : 21.7 49.5 1,53.9 4,16.1 14.5 19.4 ],29.7 3,22.9 6'73,4" 23'01/2" 13'6" 54'10" 158'6" 95 NORTH "Cloud DAKOTA 00 Yd. Dash: Goff (Grandin). Breuer (Wahpeton), Iverson (Williston) .....................•.• 20 Yd. Dash (C): Goff (Grandin), Schlag (Minot, Ryan), Hilzendager (Rugby) .......•.•...•••.. 40 Yd. Dash (2): Schwarting (New Salem), Merkel (Bismarck), Weiser (Watford City) .. 80 Yd. Run: Cichos (Jamestown), Foss (Dickinson), Conilz (Bismarck) .........••..... ·Mile Run: Conitz (Bismarck), Foss (Dickinson), Schwartz (New England}. 20 Yd. High Hurdles: Huether (lisbon), Iverson (Williston), Bentz (Harvey) . 80 Yd. low Hurdles: Huether (lisbon). Goff (Grandin), Iverson (Williston) . ~O Yd. Relay: Minot, Bismarck, Wahpeton . 80 Yd. Relay: Bismarck, Rugby, Minot .Mile Relay: Fargo (North), Bismarck, Minot igh Jump: Dew (Bottineau), Morken (Fargo, North), Heinz (Carson) unning long Jump: Goff (Grandin), Anderson (Fargo, North), Braunberger (Jamestown) ole Vault: Hofstrand (Fargo, South), Foster (Dickinson), Peterson (Minot, Ryan) hot Put: Evenson (Minot, Ryan), Mayer (Bismarck), Bougie (Bismarck) liscus Throw: Frigaard (Wahpeton), Hanson (Fargo, South), Erdmann (Minot, Ryan) avelin Throw: Bruner (Carson), Erickson (Carpio), Dixon (Des lacs) q" The Safest, Softest, Most Portable 9.8** 23.0 50] 1,56.2· . . . . . . . . . 4,21] 14.2wn 20.0 44.0' 1,31.5· 3,24.6· 6'2" . 22'11" 14'6"* 57'5V2" 159'9" 182'7" OHIO 00 Yd. Dash: Wallace (Dayton, Roosevelt), Douglas (Cleveland, John F. Kennedy), Breaston (Belle Fontaine) . 20 Yd. Dash (C): Dicke (Columbus, Upper Arlington), Siefert (Alliance), Clapper (Copley) . 40 Yd. Dash (2): Dicke (Columbus, Upper Arlington), Taylor (Akron, East), luke (Cincinnati, Purcell) 80 Yd. Run: McAfee (Cincinnati, Courter Tech), Galambos (lakewood). Hunter (Medina) . .Mile Run: McAfee (Cincinnati, Courter Tech), Stapleton (Mentor), lunne (Cincinnati, Sf. Xavier) ·Mile Run: Chesebrough (Cleveland Heights), McCrone (Cleveland, Sf. Ignatius), Kramer (Shaker Heights) . 20 Yd. High Hurdles: Hill (Mansfield, Senior), Wallace (Dayton, Roosevelt), Diewald (Oberlin) .. 80 Yd. low Hurdles: Douglas (Cleveland, John F. Kennedy), Mauzy (Youngstown, Rayen), Wallace (Dayton, Roosevelt) . 80 Yd. Relay: Sandusky, Alliance, Cleveland (East) . ·Mile Relay: Cleveland (John F. Kennedy), Cincinnati (Purcell), Cleveland (John Adams) . igh Jump: Wilson (Franklin Heights). Smit (Warren, Harding), Cameron (Oxford, Talawanda) . unning long Jump: lanier (Cincinnati, Hughes), Armstrong (Columbus, Brookhaven), Moore (Newark) , . ole Vault: Unta (Mansfield), Degenhart (Fairborn), Wallick (Columbus, Brookhaven) . hot Put: Caldwell (Columbus, South), Shinsky (Cleveland, Sf. Joseph), leibert (East Cleveland, Shaw) """",.""""""""""""""", , .. """" ,."" .. iscus Throw: Carter (.Newark), Mask (Mansfield, Senior), Rogers (Sandusky) . Landing Cushion! 9] 21.7 48.0 ],52.5' 4,08.5' 9,16.8' 14.1 19.4 1,28.4 3,19.8 6'7'" 23'43,4" 14'6" 60'61/2" 162'8" OKLAHOMA 00 20 40 80 Dash: Calfy (Walters), Schultz (Pond Creek), Craig (Shawnee) . Dash: Kurrasch (Oklahoma City, U. S. Grant), Craig (Shawnee), Weimar (Norman) . Dash: Kurrasch (Oklahoma City, U. S. Grant). Weimar (Norman), Anderson (Tulsa, Central) Run: Flynn (Oklahoma City, Northwest), Woolery (Oklahoma City, Putnam City), Schnetzler (Oklahoma City, Northwest) . -Mile Run: Woolery (Oklahoma City, Putnam City), Wilson (Muskogee). Westbrook (Moore) . .Mile Run: Horton (Oklahoma City, Northwest), Boatright (lawton, Eisenhower), Lindsley (Okla. homa City, U. S. Grant) , , . 20 Yd. High Hurdles: lucas (Northeast), Collins (Midwest City), Burgett (Stroud) . 1180 Yd. low Hurdles: lucas (Northeast), Collins (Midwest City), Kehl (Meeker) . 40 Yd. Relay: Tulsa (Washington), lawton (Eisenhower), Norman . ·Mile Relay: Oklahoma City (V. S. Grant), Norman, Tulsa (Washington) . See Your Thermo-Flex Dealer. Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. :RI~~~i~~m(;n:oJou~~:(~~~~~~er{6uTnUcCa~}~l~';;;'tt~n(S~ili:na~~~er~~~tl~~~r(~~~t~~:~(II~,' 'S'~o'~~rj'::"""" Pole Vault: Smith (Ada), Craig (McAlester), Dial (Marlow) . hot Put: Speed (lawton), Swain (Oklahoma City, Star·Spencer), Brown (Frederick) iscus Throw: Camp (Enid), Jantz (Inola), Carigan (Bartlesville, College) . 9,8 22.0 48,0 1,55.1 4:22.5 9,23.1 14.0 18.9 43.0 3:18.1· 6'8" 24'4"· 13'lV2" 57'31/2" 165'9" OREGON ThermOiiiNC. I <Vauttlnf} Ec,ulpmwt d>pc.datl.h ® AREA CODE 913, 825-0503 P. O. BOX 1184 • SALINA, KANSAS 67401 Yd. Dash: Noye (Gladstone), Graham (Pilot Rock), Graves (Warrenton). . 20 Yd. Dash (C): Henry (Roseburg), Robertson (Portland, Wilshington), Daiber (Gresham, Centennial) 40 Yd. Dash (2): Vance (Portland, Jefferson), Rogers (lake Oswego), Knudsen (Sf. Helens) . ,880 Yd. Run: Hilliard (Eugene, Sheldon), Erickson (Corvallis), Huggins (Eugene, South Eugene) .. :. l·Mile RUn: Prefontaine (Coos Bay, Marshfield), Crooks (Eugene, North Eugene), Mclaughlm rlOO ·Mile RUn:(~~;fonneiai~~r(20~~gBeany~)M~;sh'fi~l::i); 'Hi~fi'~ld' iM'i1'~~~ki~): 'H~~~' ip~;ti~~d, Bens~n)':::: Yd. High Hurdles: Stralton (Philomath), Hatfield (Halsey, Central Linn), Boethin (John Day, Grant Union) . 180 Yd. Hurdles: Hatfield (Halsey, Central linn), Dixson (Bandon), Tsubota (Moro, Sherman County) 440. Yd. Relay: Portland (lincoln), Independence (Central), Portland (Grant) . 1..Mde Relay: Portland (Jefferson), Corvallis, Portland (Madison) . High Jump: Fleer (McNary). Kieling (Ashland), Riley (Eugene, North Eugene) . 120 9.8 21.8 48.9 1,55.1 4:08.4 9,03.0 14.3 19.3 42] 3,22] 6'6" 97 23'13/.1" 14'6" unning Long Jump: Jagger (Eugene, Churchil1), Gremillion (Eugene, North Eugene), Fike (Park rose) ole Vault: Shoptaw (Cottage Grove), Jones (Grants Pass), Nickerson (Eugene, South Eugene) .... hot put: Bakken~o~ (Portland, Grant), Munion (R~seburg), Grimsrud (Portland, Benson) )iscuS Throw: Wilkins (Beaverton), Hammons (David Douglas), Hake (lebanon) . avelin Throw: Daniels (Halsey, Central linn), Reaves (Clatskanie), Cliver (Halsey, Central linn) PENNSYLVANIA ----------------------lOW INITIAL RECOVERS ~~~~yL~~~~~R LITT OR NO RE Q U .....••••••... 1· mc h ME _ 2 A pprox. @ $2.75 SQUAR E YARD UN IT COST to $3 25 Recommended Base @ $2 25 880 Yd. Run, Hendciken) Mach (Banington). .. ... 59'2" 168'9112"* 230'0'" Che,tec) . . DelaSalle), Hudson Koehle, (Coventry), (Waccen) PI~~'.ant)..H~d'~~ Pleasant), Battey (Peovidence, laSalle). Sisco .. (Providence, laSalle) 120 Yd. High Hu,dle" LaSalle) Verdon (lincoln) . I are Constructed ... 15.0 5'10" ~~~h YJd~m~~I'b"~c[,~o(~~~~;de~~:,ntL:~ali~): 'Tu,~~ite Wright ·(W~~~;~;k~ti· .... Running long Jump: Carpenter (Providence, ·s,;;iih(P~~~id~~;~,L~S~il~j, Mt. Pleasant), Myers (Middletown), (Providence, 21 '83/4" Young Rogm), 9,31.6 Alexande, . Centeal), (Newpoet, New- . Cla •• ical), (P,ovidence, Ranftle A7.8* 1:56.9 4:22.4 (P,ovidence, . Low Hu,dle" Daily (Wacwick,Hend,icken) Centeal), 21.4' Hanley 180 Yd. Daily (Providence, . (C~~~nt'y).. Si'c~ .. (P'~~id~n~~, (Warwick), Charland (Warwick, I-Mile Run: Run: man Walton (Providence, Hope),Keaney Hanley(Warwick, (Providence, Tetreault (Warwick) (Providence, laSalle) 2-Mile Fischer (East Providence), Our Classical), lady of Providence Seminary), Unit Cost @ $5.00 to $5,50 Sq. Yd. ME - 2 TRACKS (Newport, 220 Yd. Dt~~aif2; Ca.,p~~t~~. (P,.o.vid~~~~:h\t AAO Yd, Dash (2): Carpenter (Providence, Mt. 1 m. . asp halt toppmg " 3" m b"m d er asphalt ( % m.) . Excav., fill , slope , compact Total O'Neil 47'1 ''" 13'10" 10.3 100 Yd. Dash: Gallagher EST IMATED RHODE ISLAND (Eeie, McDowell). Andmon 9,29.2' 14.0 19.2 1:28.7 3,20.8 7,52.2 ,. ············ pole hot Vault, Put: Turpin Thei,,"n (Reading), (Noeth Eneix (Washington), Vidak (Pi",bu,gh, Gunesch Penn McDowell) Hill,),(Hampton) Yate, (We,t DiscUS Throw: Higgins (lower Allegheny), Moreland), Dvorzak (Freedom),(Erie, Nelsom (Amb,idge), A:19.6* . . 6'5" 237'" ~.Mile 11-Mile Relay: Abington, State College, Butle~,Harrisburg Baldwin (William Penn), Hershey . ." High Jump: White (Bristo1), Yohe (Jersey Shore), Mulligan {Warwick) ......•........ unning long Jump: White (Bristo1), Becker (Oley Valley), Coradetti (Biglerville) riple Jump: White (Bristol), Becker (Oley Valley), Smith (Sayre) Mu,hin,ki 215'3" 9.7 21.2** 48.9 (,56.2 00 Yd. Dash: Scott (Carlisle), Hayes (Cedar Crest), Clugston (North Penn) . 20 Yd. Dash: Clugston (North Penn), Peoples (Wilkes-Barre), Johnson (Chichester) AO Yd. Dash: Neely (Abingtof'"'), Barbour (Chambersburg), Hart (Bradford) . 80 Yd. Run: Weaver (Oil City), Perry (Wissahickon), Hulse (Haverford) . .Mile Run: Showers (Milton), Mclanahan (Camp Hill), Barber (Central Cambria) . .Mile Run: McBride (Harrisburg, John Harris), Keehn (Haverford), Szbat (Mount lebanon) 20 Yd. High Hurdles: Collins (Chester), Walker (Kiski A~ea), Barbee (Harrisburg, John Harris) 80 Yd. low Hurdles: Collins (Chester), Barbee (Harrisburg, John Harris), Smallwood (Hopewell) 80 Yd. Relay: Abington, Clairton, Butler ..•................... avelin Th,ow, 60'1" 169'8" (P,ovidence, 19.8 (,31.4 13'4" 57'113/.1" Pole ip;;~id'''n~~:'Classical), i:i~;;i;~li,DeMars .. j~~~in·g·' .. (W~;,;,i;k): D;ck~y·(P;~Yi·d~~c·e~ .. L~S~il~j Shot VauItD'1.\~~:~lf~)ey· Put: S. Hickey (Providence, (Providence, Classical), Hudson (Coventry) ." Discus Throw: Chesebro (Warwick), Kavanagh (Providence, laSalle), Graeber (Newport, Rogers) .. Javelin Throw: W. Hickey (Providence, laSalle), Santangini (Providence, Classical), Cosentino (Providence, laSalle) ..•....................................................... Hammer Throw: DeMars (Providence, Classical), Rosa (Providence, Hope), Zuckerman (Providence, Hope) 138'5" 218'6" 196'0"* . SOUTH CAROLINA with TOP QUALITY Rubber and Additive" by the improved and proven ME-2 SPECI F ICATIONS under the Supervision of trained personnel from PRELIMINARY PLANNING to PAINTING THE LI N ES. with the Complete Cooperation of the Paving Contractor! 100 Yd. Dash: Blake (Summerville), Downing (Prosperity, Mid-Carolina), Burrell (Columbia, Eau Claire) , ............................•................. 220 Yd. Dash (C): Blake (Summervil1e), Felse (Holly Hill), Burrell (Columbia, Eau Claire) AAO Yd, Dash (2): Blake (Summervil1e), Monroe {Spartanburg), Blanton (Hemingway) .... 880 Yd. Run: Parker (Spartanburg), McKinnon (Myrtle Beach), Timmons (Sumter, Furman) l.Mile Run: Parker (Rock Hill), Shulken (Moultrie), O'Shields (Piedmont, Wren) " 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Sveum (Hopkins, lower Richland), Folse (Holly Hill), Goodwin (Barnwell) .. 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Sveum (Hopkins, lower Richland), Kinley (West Columbia, Airport), Goodwin (Barnwel1) . 880 Yd. Relay: Mt. Pleasant (Moultrie), Ridgeland, Columbia (Eau Claire) . 1-Mile Relay: M1. Pleasant (Moultrie), Columbia (A. C. Flora), Sumter (Furman) . Sprint Med. Relay (220-110-110-440): Hopkins (lower Richland). Florence (McClenaghan), Hol1y Hill High Jump: Hollis (Greenville), Tobin (Mt. Pleasant, Moultrie), Holt (Mullins) . Running long Jump: Barfield (Union), Moon (Greenville), Dowing (Prosperity, Mid-Carolina) Pole Vault: Pierce (Thornwell), Bazemore (Beaufort), Shumphart (Batesburg, leesville) . Shot Put: Galloway (Sumter, Edmunds), Taylor (Greenville, J. l. Mann), Price (Fairfax, AllendaleDiscus Thro~;rff:~ki~s' '(H~~'n'a): 'P;dg~tt' iS~I~d~): 'H(n'c'h'~~~' iMy~tl~' B~~~h) .:::: 10.1 22.0 50.0 2,00.4 4,34.0 15.6 20.0 (,31.2 3,31.6 (,37.3 6'2" 21 '3" 13'51/2" 53'S" 157'7" SOUTH DAKOTA 100 Yd. Dash: larson (Watertown), Cot a (Sioux Falls, Q'Gorman), Hook (Aberdeen, Central) , ..... CJ.9*" 99 HELP 22,3 ,0 Yd. Dash (C): Hook (Aberdeen, Centra!), o Yd. Dash (2): lips (Sioux Falls, lincoln), Central) Run: Wain ....•............................•.................................... o Yd. Run: Ellwein (Sioux Falls, lincoln), Mile (ota (Sioux Falls, O'Gorman), Kambestad (Bristol), Evans (Mission, Bolman (Flandreau, (Onida), Reidel Todd Rainey (Mitchell) .... County), Schulte (Aberdeen, Indian Schoo]), Eggeberg {Brookings} (Ramona) . Mile Run: (allogan (Hot Springs), Barnett (Sioux Falls, O'Gorman), Horacek (Yankton) a Yd. High Hurdles: larscheid (Pierre), Butler (Sioux Falls, lincoln), Feind (Huron) .. o Yd. low Hurdles: Feind (Huron), Butler (Sioux Falls, Lincoln), Newman (Redfield) o Yd. Relay: Rapid City, Sioux Falls (O'Gorman), Mitchell . Mite Relay: Sioux Falls (lincoln), Rapid City, Pierre ···················· Mile Med. Relay (220·220-440-880): Sioux Falls (lincoln), Flandreau (Indian), Rapid City igh Jump: larson (Watertown), An~erson (Dell Rapids), Sc~lepp (Bowdle) . unning Long Jump: lewellan (Mobridge), Stout (Huron), Badey (Yankton) . 'ote Vault: Allard (Jefferson), Hockett (White River), Week (White River) . 'hot put: Amundson (Aberdeen, Central), Haan (Watertown), Brown (Brandon Valley) · 'iscus Throw: Amundson (Aberdeen, Central), Hurley (Milbank), Adams (Sioux Falls, Washington) 51.5 1:57.4* 4:23.9 10.07,1 14.1 * 19.4" ],31.S 3.23,3 3.39,1 6'3" 21'10'12" 13'0%" 62'1'" 211'4"* TENNESSEE 9.7" Action tailoring by Rawlings fits the uniform to the player and to the action. Never interferes. Dash: Wilson (Nashville, North), Williams (Chattanooga, Howard), Cockrell (Antioch) Dash (C): Wilson (Nashvil1e, North), Bond (Kingsport, Dobyns-Bennett), Cockrell (Antioch) Dash (2): Bond (Kingsport, Dobyns-Bennett), Anthony (Tullahoma), Keesee (Memphis, University School) . Run: Hawkins (Knoxville, Fulton), Henry (Kingsport, Dobyns-Bennett), lyles (Memphis, South Side) ..............................•.................................... _Mile Run: Maillie (Nashville, Hillsboro), Hussong (Memphis, Trezevant), Nee (Tullahoma) Yd. High Hurdles: Lusk (Clarksville), West (Memphis, Melrose), Otey (Nashville Meigs) Yd. Low Hurdles: Otey (Nashville, Meigs), West (Memphis, Melro~e), lusk (Clarksville) Yd. Relay: Memphis (Southside), Chattanooga (Howard), Nashville (North) 80 Yd. Relay: Memphis {Southside}, Memphis (Manassas), Oak Ridge .' _Mile Relay: Knoxville (Austin-East), Memphis (Southside), Chattanooga (Riverside) ... .Mile Relay: Memphis (Southside), Nashville (East), Kingsport (Dobyns· Bennett) ......•......... igh Jump: Williams (Chattanooga, East Ridge), West (Chattanooga, Brainerd), Johnson (Chattanocga, East Ridge) •••.•.•.................................•................... unning long Jump: Baker (ChattanooQa, Riverside), Perkins (Memphis, Melrose), lynn (Tullahoma) ole Vault: Smith {Kingsport, Dobyns-Bennett}, Heck (Chattanooga, Brainerd), Mayshark (Knoxville, West) ................................•............................••......... hot Put: Pop!<IT (Knoxville, School for Deaf), Temmers (Memphis, University School), Sharp (Memphis, Hamilton) . iscus Throw: Shaeffer (Oak Ridge), McBride (Memphis, University School), Marler (Memphis, Christian Brothers) .•..••..•••..•.••...........•.•.•..••.. 22.2 4S.6 US,3 4025,5 14.4 20,0 42.9 1.30,0 3.25.7 S.04,1 6'4" 22'9V," 13'S" 59'6"16S'1 " TEXAS Our Team is Dedicated to Serving Your Team! 9,6 00 Yd. Dash: Curl (Houston, Worthing), Hubbard (LaGrange), Williams (Fort Worth, Kirkpatrick) .• 20 Yd. Dash (C): Curl (Houston, Worthing), lethridge (lubbock, Estacada), Williams (Fort Worth, Kirkpatrick) •.•.•..........•.... ' 40 Yd. Dash (2); Hill (Beaumont, South Park), Page (Eldorado), Keim (Perryton)., ..• "." •• ···· 80 Yd. Run: Blackmon {Houston, Wheatley}, Jenkins (Dickinson), Ostermann (Windthorst) . -Mile Run: Skinner (Deer Park), Robles (Dilley), Wallace (lancaster) . ;120 Yd. High Hurdles: Washington (Dallas, South Oak Cliff), Gipson (Refugio), Polk (Galena Park, Fidelity Manor) . 30 Yd. Inter. Hurdles: Wylie (Henderson), Cronholm (Richardson, lake Highlands), McClain (Olton) 40 Yd. Relay: Dallas (lincoln), Fort Worth (Kirkpatrick), lubbock {Estacada} •. ~~i~~~~;), l~~~~ Waf~)~aS~i'th' iS~~~~Y')' : : : : .... ~H-i~~eJ~~~tBI~k~~~o(F~~h~~~~~:' unning long Jump: Stidham (Dallas, Crozier), Hollins (McKinney), Greer (Winters) ole Vault: Roberts (Conroe), Johnson (EI Maton, Tidehaven), Porter (Azle) •............... hot Put: Randell (Dallas, Sunset), Rogers (Corpus Christi, Tuloso-Midway). Walker (Goliad) Discus Throw: Butler (Conroe), Thomas (EI Maton, Tidehaven), Briggs (Seminole) .•. UTAH liTHE MARK OF A PRO" Rawlings Sporting Goods Co., 2300 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63166 A Subsidiary of A-T-O Inc. 100 Yd. Dash: Richards (Salt lake City, Granite), Hefferon (Salt lake City, Judge Memorial), Mamales (Salt lake City, Granger) .....•....................................... 220 Yd. Dash (C): Hefferon (Salt lake City, Judge Memorial), Mamales (Salt lake City, Granger), Hatch (Orem) ........••.........•...........................................•.. 440 Yd. Dash (2): Green (Ogden, Ben Lomond), Webster (Bountifu1), Powell (Salt lake City, Olympus) 880 Yd. Run: Moss (Salt lake City, South), Armitage (Tooele), Jensen (Salt lake City, Highland) l-Mile Run: Olson (Salt lake City, Skyline), Reid (Bountiful, Viewmont), Rideout (Salt lake City, 120 Yd. Hi;~y~~~~I~s':' 180 Yd. lo~a~~r~li~r; y~~'n'g '(Mi'd';a'I~:' Hili~r~~t):' Ma'd's'e~' 'd;~it' 'l~k~' 'City: 'Hi'ghl~~d"): 'HY~; . (Sa'lt R~~~~i;de;(S~I't'l~k~ 'City; 'G;a'~jt~CY~~~g' iMid~~le',' H'il'I~;e'£tj,' Hy'e',' ('Sa'11'la'k'e' 880. Yd. ~~tl~y~k?alitne~ak~' City' '(W~;t'): 'S'a'lt 'l~k~ 'Ci'ty' (Skyli~~),' '6gd~~'(B~~'i.~~~~dj 1-Mde Relay: Salt lake City (South), Salt lake City (Olympus), Sandy (Jordan) •..... . 21.2" 47,3 1.52,2 4.16,S 13.637.4' 40.7' 3.13,56'5" 24'1112" 15'2'" 67'11112" 183'0" 9.7wn 21.5wn 49,3 1.55,84.20,0 14,8 18,9' ],29,1 3.24,4 J-----=-'-----------------,. 100 101 l-Mile Med. Relay (220·220·440-880): Kaysville (Davis), Salt lake City (Granite), Salt Lake City (South) High Jump: Hardman (lehi). Green (Bountiful), Gailey (Salt lake City, Granite) . Running long Jump: Richards (Salt lake City, Granite), Daniels (Ogden), Hunt (Sah lake City, West) Pole Vault: Richards (Salt lake City, Highland), Thompson (Smithfield, Sky View), Page (Bountiful, ~ Viewmonf) ...........................•.•.•.......•••.•.•.............•••...•• Shot Put: Fratto (Salt lake City, South), Clayton (Salt lake City, Granite), Evans (Salt Lake City, Granger) ...•..•...•...............................................••.••••.••• Discus Throw: Bodell (Salt lake City, Skyline), Evans (Salt lake City, Granger), Gleave (Salt lake City, Granite) . Javelin Throw: George (Millard), Bohannon (Moab, Grand County), Jensen (Richfield) . 6'6',' 23'1%" Yd. Rel,W: Tacoma .(lincoln), Tacoma (Franklin Pierce), Spokane. (Gonzaga) . . Relay: Tacoma (lincoln), Spokane (John Rogers), Seattle (Garfield) . de umP: Luers (Vancouver, Hudson's Bay), Stubblefield (Tacoma, Lincoln), lepka (Pasco) . 14'0" h.J 9 long Jump: Singletary (Seattle, Garfield), Metcalf (Seattle, Franklin), McKelvy (Seattle, rnln O'Dea) .••..................•.......•......•.......••...•••••••......•...•.•.. 57'11112" Vault: Carrigan (Orting), Rea (Orting), Spaet (Spokane, East Valley) . e Pul: Walker (Battleground), Wood (Mead), Daunais (Port Orchard, Soulh Kitsap) '168'5" t s ThroW: McCourtie (Othello), Sackman (Lind), Andrew (Castle Rock) . 224'0" ,~Iin ThroW: McPherson (Arlington), labbee (Wapato), Kelleher (Ellensburg) . I 3,35.5't;"- WEST VERMONT 100 Yd. Dash: Smith (lyndon Cenler, lyndon Institute), Handy (SainI Johnsbury, Academy), Milizia (Burlington) ..................................................................• 220 Yd. Dash (C): Smith (lyndon Cenler, lyndon Institute), Handy (Saint Johnsbury, Academy), looker (Rutland) _..................................••...... 440 Yd. Dash (1): Nilson (South Burlington), looker (Rutland), Milhouse (Burlington) . __ •...... 880 Yd. Run: Milhouse (Burlington), Miller (Brattleboro, Union), Tie: Harty (Bellows Falls), Morris (Springfield) . 1-Mile Run: Keller (Burlington, Rice Memorial), Northrup (Craftsbury Common, Sterling), Camara (Windsor) . 2·Mile Run: Stevens (Brattleboro, Union), Bisset (Craftsbury Common, Sterling), Peisch (Burlington) 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Nye (Saint Johnsbury, Academy), Gembrowski (Brattleboro, Union), Getty (Burlington) _ 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Nye (Saint Johnsbury, Academy), Graham (Springfield), Robbins (SainI Johnsbury, Academy) _ ...............................................•....•.......... 880 Yd. Relay: Saint Johnsbury (Academy), lyndon Cenler (lyndon Institute), Burlington (Rice Memorial) . l-Mife Med. Relay (440·220-220·880): South Burlington, Burlington, Burlington (Rice Memorial) _ High Jump: Mead (Windsor), White (Windsor), Barber (Hire~burg, Champlain Valley) . Running long Jump: Titus (Hiresburg, Champlain Valley), Nye (Saint Johnsbury, Academy), Mead (Windsor) . Triple Jump: Woods (Saint Johnsbury), Seivwright (Montpelier), Barber (Hiresburg, Champlain Valley) . Pole Vault: Fargues (Middlebury, Union), Sheehan (Middlebury, Union), Griggs (lyndon Center, lyndon Institute) ........................................................• _ . Shot Put: Johnson (Saint Johnsbury), Oberg (Rutland), Alden (Burlington) . Discus Throw: Johnson (Saint Johnsbury), Fargues (Middlebury, Union), Kaiia (Springfield) _ . Javelin Throw: Mead (Windsor), Maynes (Woodstock), Gale (Saint Johnsbury) .....••......... 4:35.4 9:54.01 ~~: ~:\~~~ ~~~~ii~~tf~~',;,~ha~II~~~~ 22.7 51.8 2:00.5 . W~~d;~~'wil~~~j,' H'i~k~~' iP~ri"e'r~b~;~)' ' ..... 15.1; ,~leJ~r~,I:;:R~hi~lrCI~:;I~~~,~;~g6f;ke~a~~{~~sctl~~,' 205' ning Long Jump: Merchant (Clarksburg, Washington Irving), Ferris (Glen Dale, John Marshall), • I Sle~ds (East Bank) . 1:33.2 e Vault: Childress (BMboursville), Starr (Fairmont, Ellst), Murray (St. Albans) . 3:52.71 t Put: Morrison (Martinsburg), Wright (Charleston, Stonewall Jackson), Calhoun (St. Albans) . 6'3'" cus Throw: McQuain (Clendenin, Hcrbert Hoover), Brown (Parkersburg, South), Hilli.'trd (South Charleston) •...........••.•...................................................• 22'61/4 " 40' 1 J3/.1'~ 137" Yd. Dash (C): Siebert (Brookfield, East), Mers·ch (Menomonie), Brikowski 178'11" 4,26.0 14.3 19.3 42.9** 1,28.8' 3,24.7 6'0112" 21'31/2" 13'0" 54'21/2"" 159'5" 10.0 22.3 Parker) Da~a!~~~glt~S~;g ~~~I.~~~~~~, .. ~~~t~~~,. ~~:~~ .(~~~i.s~.n:. ~~:~I.I~~t~!,.. ~~c.h.a.e.I~~~.~~~I~~~~~~,. Run: (Milwaukee, Marshall), Stark {Fond lac) f\ileYd.Run: Dash: Kenl Baker(Wausau), (Madison,Heller laFollette), Mersch (Menomonie), Siebertdu (Brookfield, East) .....• . Cautley (Madison, Memorial), Herold (Watertown), Biel (Wausau) . Yd. High Hurdles: Greenwood (Park Falls), Grendahl (Monroe), Yd. low Hurdles: Nedoma (Brown Deer), Maley (Wausau), Spaeth Della (Clintonville) (Milwaukee, Boys Tech) . . ile Relay: Racine (Case), Milwaukee (Pulaski), South Milwaukee . 21,3 h Jump: Humbach (Fort Atkinson), Young (Janesville, Parker), Bredeck (Sheboygan, North) . 48.9 ming long Jump: Morrow (Beloit), Buzzell (Delavan-Darien), Maley (Wausau) . 1:55.2 e Vault: Bishop (Prairie du Sac, Sauk Prairie), Waterstradt (New london), Tie: Buchholtz (Bloomer), 4:21.0 lehman (New london) and Schweitzer (Franklin) . 9:34.4 t Put: Dittburner (Cedarburg), Scherr (Slinger), Wettstein (New Hol~tein) . 9.61cusYd.Throw: Relay: Bennett Whitefish(Madison, Bay, Sheboygan (North), (Racine, Milwaukee (Bay Inda View) (Racine, Horlick) .....• . West), Converse Horlick), 14.3 48.8 ],55.2 4:11.1* 14.7 20.3 1,31.1 3,24.2 6'4" 22'8',4" 13'4'14" 60'61/4 " 160'5" WYOMING l:~~:i 3:21.2 6'4V4" 24'03/.1" 48'63/.1" 14'0" 607" Yd. Dash: Ketcheson (Cheyenne, East), Garcia (laramie), Burgess (Casper, Kelly Walsh) Yd. Dash: Yorio (Sheridan), Wilson (laramie), Garcia (laramie) Yd. Dash: Ketcheson (Cheyenne, East), Poll (Sheridan), Wilson (laramie) Yd. Run: Woodward (Cheyenne, East), Holland (laramie), Schaeffer (Riverton) ile Run: Carpenter (Cheyenne, Centra!), Brown (lander), Olaveson (laramie) ile Run: Camargo (Cheyenne, Centra!), Wood (Natrona), Coy (Powell) Yd. High Hurdles: Creager (Cheyenne, East), Freeman (laramie), Weinbarg (Cheyenne, Yd. low Hurdles: Freeman (laramie), lopez (Cheyenne, Central), Miller (Riverton) Yd. Relay: Cheyenne East; laramie; lander . . . . . . East) . . '(C~sp'e'r; . KeilY' Walsh)':::: ~1~JU~~~YMit~~ri(~i~~rt~i~)~r~~~ks~~?cea~~~'r, EK~tIlY'w~is'h); 'S~~db~;g long Jump: Parham (laramie), Burgess (Casper, Kelly Walsh), Madi~on (Riverton) nn10g 168'3" l~e/a~~~:Fi~~hh{J~i~~~):\;~~~h(GIII~~~~):sM2~r~;t(~el~~~I~t)la~~!.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~tu:Tthr~~e~h~R~v(U~~2~)~nB~bvoout(~Sh~~h)~n~,o~r~d~P(';t~l~i~;.;)·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: - (Janesville, ~2~~i6::,Yd. WASHINGTON 100 Yd. Dash: Rice (Castle Rock), Childers (Stevenson), Harrison (Okanogan) ............• _ . 220 Yd. Dash (C): Rorem (Tacoma, Wilson), Bantz (Olympia), Nunneley (Grandview) . 440 Yd. Dash (2): Nail (Tacoma, Lincoln), Stephen (Bellingham), Hodneland (Spokane, John Rogers) 880 Yd. Run: Albright (Seattle, Ingraham), Batchelor (Chehalis), Dimond (Spokane, Shadle Park) .. 1-Mile Run: Burkwist (Spokane, lewis-Clark), Brandon (Tacoma, Clover Park), Mittestaedt (Tacoma, Mount Tahoma) _•....... 2·Mile RUn: James (Spokane, Joel E. Ferris), Blalock (Richland, Columbia), Hackler (Redmond)) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Vorce (lyle), Kendall (Blaine), CUfling (Ilwaco) ................•.• _ . 180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Macklin (Seattle, Garfield), Gross (Wapato), Harlow (PuYi)lIup) .•........ 9.8' 21.5* 47.7* ),55.9 WISCONSIN VIRGINIA 100 Yd. Dash: Merritt (Charlottesville, lane), Dickinson (Newport News), Dobson (Hampton, Bethel) 220 Yd. Dash (5): Merritt (Charlottesville, lane), Dobson (Hampton, Bethel), Cuffee (Norfolk, Washington) ..................................................................•..... 440 Yd. Dash (2): White (Orange), Phillips (Sfaunton, lee), Hudnall (Bedford, Liberty) . 880 Yd. Run: lund (Richmond, Wythe), Sharett (Mclean, langley), lauan (Charlottesville, lane) .. I-Mile Run: Hawkins (Portsmouth, Cradock), Van Dyke (Newport News, Ferguson), Elam (Richmond) 2·Mile Run: lyerly (Newport News), Eden (Richmond, Freeman), Hedley {Richmond, Hermitage) .... 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Dickinson (Newport News), Betts (Richmond, Armstrong), Brunson (Alexandria, Washington) . 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Dickinson (Newport News), Brandon (Newport News, Denbigh), Davis (Hampton, Bf'thel) .......................................................••.... 880 Yd. Relay: Gloucester, lovingston (Nelson County), Emporia (Greensville County) . 1-Mile Relay: Newport News (Carver), Arlington (Washington-lee), Richmond (Walker) . High Jump: O'Brien (Falls Church, Stuart), Wiggins (Newport News, Carver), Clark (Vienna, Madison) . Running long Jump: Dickinson (Newport News), Lipkins (Newport News, Carver), Steele (Newport News, Carver) ..•.......•..................................................... Triple Jump: Dickinson (Newport News), Kelly (Newport News, Denbigh), Betts (Richmcnd, Armstrong) ............•.......................................................... Pole Vault: Whitcomb (Newport News), lawson (Newport News, Ferguson), Abbott (Norfolk, Granby) . Shot Put: Harrison (Arlington, Washington-lee), Clauson (Alexandria, Hammond), Shite (Newport News, Warwick) ....•.......................................................... Discus Throw: White (Newport News, Warwick), Clauson (Alexandria, Hammond), Biggs (Fairfax) 24'1 " 16'7'" 60'81/4" 175'4" 203'8" VIRGINIA Yd. Dilsh: Rieve:s (Wheeling) .• Harris (<?akhill, ~ollins): Deering. (Huntington) . Yd. Dash (5).: Rieves (Wh.eellng). HarriS (O~khdl, Collms), Harm (Dunbar) . Yd. Dash: Rieves (Wheelrng), Moore (Huntington), Ramella (Huntington) . Yd. Run: Wills (Sf. Albans), Cable (St. Albans), Pugh (Beckley, Woodrow Wilson) . ile Run: Saunders (Fairmont, Senior), Gainer (Beckley, Woodrow Wilson), Dodd (Charleston, Stonewall Jackson) . Yd. High Hurdles: Mason (Ch~rleston), Bolin (Charle$tan, George Washington), Wilson (South Charleston) . Yd. Low Hurdles: Mason (Charleston), Stover (Huntington, East), Minor (Dupont) . 10.0 1,28.2 3,17.8' 6'6" . 10.2 22.4 50.6 1,56.8 4,39.5 10,33.4 15.0 20.5 1,30.3' 3'26.3 6'01/4" 21'5114" 42'9" 12'11" 52'2" 154'0" 10.0 21.7 48.1 ),54.01 4,10.6 9,09.8 14.5 19.8 - I ....•. --, il f--' 83 The World Beaters Puma's WOnDER Shoes. Puma Wonder Shoes give better traction, eliminate wobble on turns. Special Achilles tendon pad and adjustable Velcro1\- Closures give added safety. better fit. And now you can have the newest Puma Wonder Shoe. The 296. This is the track shoe of tomorrow that Puma is making today. A revolutionary new concept, designed for use on Tartan all-weather tracks, it already has bettered world records 4 times-twice in the 200 meter, twice in the 400 meter; and American records 4 times in the 600 meter. Shown: Puma Wonder Shoe No. 296, as described above (red Kangaroo Velour, White trim 68 brush lIke spikes). Puma Wonder Shoe No. 291 (White Kangaroo, Black trim but with 4 detachable spikes). Puma Wonder Shoe No. 292 (Red Kangaroo Velour, White trim with 4 detachable spikes) Puma Wonder Shoe No. 293 (Red Kangaroo Velour, White trim, chrome sole, 6 permanent spikes. All made with Velcro'/' closures. 2-Mile Run: Windsor (Twin Falls), Anderson (Nampa), Day (Nampa) .............•....•....• 120 Yd. High Hurdles: S~ith (Ca~ital), (Minico), Blume (Boise) ..............•......••• 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Smith (CapItal), Griffin (Borah), Blume (Boise) 440 Yd. Relay: Skyline, Twin Fa1Js, Meridian 880 Yd. Relay: Borah,, tAeridian • - •. 1.Mile Relay: Borah, Meridian, Highland . 1.Mile Med. Relay (440-220-220-880): Nampa, Twin Falls, Pocatello High Jump: Jenkins (Nar:np,a), Newell (Borah), O'Donnell, (Minico) . Running long Jump: Gnffln (Borah), Bower (Nampa), Gildersleeve (Skyline) pole Vault: Howerton (Highland)~ ~ester (Capital), Weidenbach (Nampa) .. Shot Put: Monroe (Pocatello), Phillips (Borah), Roberts (Highland) . Discus Throw: Phillips (Borah), Wocicki (Idaho Falls), Decker (Minico) ..••. ILLINOIS -.: 100 Yd. Dash: Hood (East Moline, United), Bradshaw (Edwardsville), G. Murphy (Alton, Senior) .. 220 Yd. Dash (C): Ho.0d (East Moline, United), Vallicelli (Hillside, Proviso West), G. Murphy (Alton, Senior) ...................................................•. , •......... 440 Yd. Dash (2): Foster (North Chicago), Erickson (Berwyn, Morton West), M. Johnson (Alton, Senior) ............•........................................•................. 880 Yd. Run: Thomas (Chicago, Englewood), Dishmon (Chicago, Phillips), Loucks (New Lenox, Uncoln-Way) , ...................................................• l-Mile Run: Popeioy (Glen Ellyn, Glenbard West), Swan (Princeton), Ingraham (Evanston Twp.) .. 2-Mile Run: Visk (Palatine), D. Smith (Moline), Isla-Rubert (Hillside, Proviso West) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Stover (Chicago, Englewood), Mobley (Maywood, Proviso East), Cippole (Joliet, West) •............•................................................... 180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Classen (Wheaton, North), Mobley (Maywood, Proviso East), Patterson (Aurora, East) .................................................•............... 880 Yd. Relay: Alton (Senior), East Moline (United), Skokie (Niles North) . l-Mile Relay: Berwyn (Morton West), Alton (Senior), Chicago Heights (Bloom) . High Jump: Sweet (Colfax, Octavia), Carpenter (East Sf. louis, Senior), Huisinga (Deland-Weldon) .. Running long Jump: Wallace (Alton, Senior), Frederick (Chicago, Forrestville), Cornelius (Rankin) Pole Vault: Williams (Harvey, Thornton), Nelson (Deerfield), Ullom (Naperville) .•..•... , . Shot Put: Holt (Chicago Heights, Bloom), McCoy (Mf. Zion), Bilder (Chicago, lane) . _.... Discus Throw: Griffith (St. Cha.rles), Boling (Chicago Heights, Bloom), Birger (Collinsville) 9,51.4 14.6 19.3* 44.1 1,31.0 3,25.8 3,38.3' 6'1" 22'2" 14'1"* 55'7112" 164'11" 9.7 21.8wn 48.9 UD.8 4,16.2 9:06.1 * 14.0wn 19.6* 1,28.4 3,19.7 6'6" 24'6%" 14'0" 59'101/4" 171'3" INDIANA 100 Yd. Dash: Martin (Indianapolis, Crispus Attucks), Pletcher (Elkhart), Hill (Seymour) .. 220 Yd. Dash (C): Sims (Muncie, Centra]), Hunter (Ossian, Norwell), Martin (Indianapolis, Crispus Attucks) ........................................•............................. 440 Yd, Dash (2): Brown (Gary, West Side), Vana (Griffith), Williams (Evansville, Bosse) ... ,., •• 880 Yd, Run: YorJ<. (Carme!), Keller (Veedersburg, Fountain Central), Anderson (Fort Wayne, North Side) •..... , ............................•....•................... l-Mile Run: Baker (Elkhart), Hill (Indianapolis, Brebeuf), Fineran (Brazil) . Bi;h~p'N'o'li); ~2~iI~luHig~irH~lraJte~~t~e~yfe~n(~~~~~:hpo~;i;; ~r~~~:r +;~h~~~~r~n~u~~~~atH~~~~~d: McDaniel (Terre Haute, Gerstmeyer) , 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Bradley (Gary, Horace Mann), Kempf (Waterloo, DeKalb), Sayles (Indianapolis, Arsenal Technical) •.•....................................... ~80 Yd. Relay: Gary (Froebel), Indianapolis (North Central), Terre Haute (Gergtmeyer) l-Mile Relay: Elkhart, Fort Wayne (Efmhursf), Indianapolis (North Central) . High Jump: Churchill (Crawfordsville), Price (Marion), Wright (Darlington) ...................• Running long Jump: Lintner (Indianapolis, Seetina), Baity (Gary, Emerson), Stall (lafayette, Jeffer· son) ...•..............•..................................................• Pole Vault: Crail (Greenwood), Waltz (Hagerstown),· Thomas (Hobart, River Forest) ...........• Shot Put: Phillips (Indianapolis, Washington), O'Dell (Mooresville), Hannon (Valparaiso, Morgan Twp.) . 9.8 21.9k 48.9 U3.6 4,15.9 9,09.3' 14.4 19.0 ),28.9 3,20.6 6'7" 22'8" 14'6" 64'3112"* IOWA 100 Yd. Dash: Lintz (Ottumwa), Hansen (Clinton), Fields (Sioux City, Central) •.•..•..•••••••••• 220 Yd. Dash (C): Hansen (Clinton), Fields (Sioux City, Central), Miller (Oelwein) , . 440 Yd. Dash (2): Ross (Sioux City, Heelan), Fields (Sioux City, Central), Garbow (Des Moines, 880 Yd. R~~~c~cn~af~;' (cli~;~~); • B~~dfi~ld' .(W~t~r'I~~; . C'o'I~~b~;);' Ti~:''G~~d'~~~' (F~;t"6~dg~): l·Mile Run:SR:a~~a(.x~~trl~~,· c~i~~b'u's): 'p'o'~~i[' (A;"';~s'),''S'ch'u'I;; '(M~~~he'st~;,' W~~t' 'D~I~~;r~j: ... 2-Mile Run: Nordensen (Des Moines, lincoln), Twedt (Des Moines, Hoover), Ranney (Council Bluffs, 120 Yd. Hi~hc~8~dl~~:" For free cotor catalog, write to: Sports Beconta, Inc., 50 Executive B!vd., Elmsford, N.Y. 10523 or 91 Park'lane, Brisbane, CaL 94005. M~C:~r~y' (G~;'~~~ri)',' V~t~~~b~ic' '(C'ed'a'r' 'R'a'p'id~; . K~~~~dy');' '\":u'l~i'hi'II''('F~'ri 'v~/ah'I~~t): 'M~i~ihil'I' {F'o'rt.6~dg~')':::::: 180 Yd. Lo~o~~~~le~; 'M~C~~~y '(Gr'i~~~il),' C'r~~~. (D~b~q~~; 440 Yd. Relay: Clinton, West Des Moines (Valley), Dubuque (Senior) ...........•.••.•.•......• ~8~.Yd. Relay: Fort Dodge, West Des Moines (Valley), Ottumwa .... , •.......••.• ,., •.... ,. !Ie Relay: Indianola, Dubuque (Wahlert), Clinton ... , ...........................•..•...... 2-M~le Med. Relay (220-220-440-880): Fort Dodge, Cedar Rapids (Kennedy), Des Moines (Technical) H-~hleJ~~tD~~: (~Oai~::I)_~h~Wl,' (~~ti:n(~:r'a~fc\ ~~ir~~~~L;~~o~8~u'e',' S~~i~r'}'::: : : : : •.•.•••.... 9.9 21.7 49.0 U7.2 4,22.9 9:41.6k 14.3 19.2 42.9 ),29.7 3,20.3 3,30.3' 7,51.6 6'4112"* 85 Running long J~tT1P: Leverenz Washington) (Ankeny), Leber (Council Bluffs, St. Albert's), Cady (Cherokee, I . 100 Yd. (Kansas 220 Yd. ~h~ AAD 880 Both from Voit. These are today's two "best buys" in quality game basketballs - the GBB and the XB20. Their long-wearing rubber composition covers are molded and fused to a cushioned carcass of advanced 1cosahedron* design. Result: game balls that are unexcelled for performance-dribbling, passing and fingertip control. And balls that hold their official size, weight and shape. The GBB is "panel-bilt" with individually molded panels vulcanized to the carcass; whereas the XB20 features the traditional Voit onepiece cover. Which is best? It's a matter of winners' choice. *"lcosahedron" is a registered trademark of the W. J. Voit Rubber Corp. Dash (C): (Wichita, Yd. Johnson Southeast) City, Wyandotte), Burton City, Wyandotte), Run: .A:n~erson (Shawnee MIssIon, North) Run: Anderson South) Yd, High (Shawnee Hurdles: Graham City, Washington), (Kansas Noffsinger Monroe City, Washington), (Wichita, Southeast), 22'5T.4U 14'4"f: 9.6wn . 21.3w Shook 49.0 Brown . Run: Noffsinger (Wichita, Southeast), Wisner North) ...................•.................................................... 1_Mile (Kansas (Kansas City, Wyandotte), Burton .....•...................................................... Dash (2): ~illiams (Kansas (Kansas City, Wyandotte) Yd. 2.Mile 120 Winners' Choice Dash: Johnson.(Kansas City Washington) . 60'2" 163'4" Vault: Myers (Marshalltown), Kessell (Cedar Rapids, Jefferson), Mahon (Ames) Put· Hesse (Sioux City, East), Puryear (Cedar Rapids, Jefferson), Presson (Bettendorf) Dj~CUSThrow: Kennedy (Storm lake), Omvig (Eagle Grove), Black (Independence) •......... KANSAS Mission, Mission, (Kansas South), South), City, (Shawnee Mission, Wisner (Shawnee Mission, Callen (Wichita, East), Sumner), Burnett North), North), Eichner (Wichita, Turner (Wichita, Smith (Shawnee (Shawnee Campus), Morgan Mission, 1:54.4 . . (Kansas 180 Yd. lo;'it~'ur~I~~e~art~I·I·(M~~~d~id~~)~· P~fty' ·(Sh~~~~· Sp~i'n~s'); 'H~il' Un'~~~j':::::::""'" 880 Yd. Relay: Kansas City (Wyandotte), Kansas City (Washington), Wichita (Southeast) .... J.Mile Relay: Kansas City (Wyandotte), Kansas City (Washington), Shawnee Mission (South). 1.Mile Med. Relay (4AO-220·220-880): Topeka (West), Arkansas City, Kansas City (Sumner) ,. High Jump: Johnson (lawrence). Neal (Shawnee Mission, North). Plinsky (Wichita, East) . Running long Jump: Rankin (Wichita, East), Morrow (Wichita, Southeast), Strother (Wichita He;ght~) Pole Vault: Hardwick {Hutchinson}, Mead (Wichita, South), Graber (Shawnee Mission, North) . Shot Put: Melcher (Marion), Brown (Solomon), Douglas (Assaria, Southeast) . Discus Throw: Edwards (Shawnee Mission, East), King (lawrence), Kotrous (Shawnee Mission, West) Javelin Throw: Pearce (Shawnee Mission, West), Obee (Kansas City, Wyandotte), Fhher (Wichita Heights) ... ", ... , •••.. 4:15.0 9:09.9* 14.0w 18.9wn 1:27.8* 3,19.8 3:35.0* 6'2" 23'2" 14'0" 55'113k" 168'2" 229' 4"* KENTUCKY 100 Yd. 9.8 220 Yd. Dash: Bowens (louisville, Thomas Jefferson), Blair (lexington, Bryan Station), Crockett (Paducah, Tilghman) , . Dash (5): Bowens {louisville, Thomas Jefferson}, Tie: Jordan (Owensboro), Robinson (Frankfort) and D. Scully (Trinity) . 0140 Yd. Dash: Jordan (Owensboro). Blair (lexington, Bryan Station), Geralds (Iroquois) 880 Yd. Run: Smither (Frankfort), Robinson (Flaget), Dixon (Waggener) , . 1-Mi!e Run: Harry (DeSales), Mathews (Westport), Hawkes (Westport) . 2.Mile Run: Haley (louisville, Thomas Jefferson), Pontrich (DeSales), Upchurch (Monticello) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Webb (DeSales), Hisle (lexington, Bryan Station), McMannon (Newport, Catholic) . 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Scrivener (louisville, Mare), Wickliffe (Central), long (louisville, Durrett). 880 Yd. Relay: Paducah (Tilghman), lafayette, Trinity . 1.Mile Relay: Owensboro, louisville (Male), lafayette . High Jump: Wilson (Union County). Simons (Shelby County), Glass (St. Xavier) . Running long Jump: Scrivener (louisville, Male), Bivens (Bardstown), Greenfield (Owensboro) Triple Jump: Briggs (Franklin-Simpson), Dawson (Danville), Bivens (Bardstown) . Pole Vault: Descombes (Millersburg, Military Institute), Jones (Trigg County), Campbell (Eastern). Shot Put: J, Stuart (Glasgow), Weathers (Woodford County), McCollum (louisville, Male) .. , ..... Discus Throw: Foster (lafayette), Sutton (Trinity), Manuel (Millersburg, Military Institute)" •• , .•••• 22.0 48.5 1,57.6 4,20.4 9,40.4 14.6 19.3 1,29.6 3,22.0 6'4" 22'1" 46'3" 13'6" 67'0" 152'2" lOUISIANA 100 Yd. Dash: Porter (East Jefferson), Mlms (Glen Oaks), Boquet (Terrebonne) ...••.• 220 Yd. Dash (5) Porter (East Jefferson), Braud (Baton Rouge, CatholiC), Jollier (Opelousas) ... 440 Yd. Dash (2): Fogle (New Orleans, Rummel), Bizzette (Baton Rouge), Morgan (Woodlawn) .. 880 Yd. Run: Chavis (Opelousas), Hearn (Ruston), Griedor (Shreveport, Byrd) l·Mile Run: Sahuque (New Orleans, Redemptorist), McKinnon (Fair Park), Reaves (Fortier) 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Dupre (Opelousas), Vandenburg (New Orleans, Jesuit), Irnos (Alexandria, Soccerballs Volleyballs Footballs Water Polo Balls i i ~ i • .•.•.. inAction-TymJl1r. A subsidiary of American Machine & Foundry Company 49.3 . . 14.3 ::~ ~~:~~~i~~:,~t~,~~~,,: : ~::~:~:::2:~'P::,kj::~'ndenbu;g(Ne~Ocl~'~': j~;C;ij,DC~'e' ~80.Yd. New Ideas 9.7 21.3 U5.4 4:08.4- Relay: East Jefferson, Shreveport (Woodlawn), H'i~hl~J ~~I;;:H~;o%a~r 1(~aa~~~~c~Uogne);h~~p~I:~n( ~~nnlng Padgett long Jump: p~F~evJa~7;;:B~~~~t ~~ot J~~~,fn Put: Addy \J~han~8rns}, (Baton T~h~~:~~~~s Rouge, (lafayette), Tie: BRa~~~eR;~~~~, Littlejohn (Baton s~uj~~e~Eh)~i~~~a~~c~St:AJ~~~L lee), Matthews (r~~~~on~~u~:;r;t~e1St~e~:~i~d (Alexandria, McDonogh, -Sulphur 6'2" u~v'a ~'s' iT ~r'r~ b~·n·n~·) Rouge), Richard 'B~~;g~~i~' Bolton), (Baton iV~r~il·li·~~,· Ferguson 19.1 42.3 1,28.8 3,20.7 (East B\~~kr(~~~onne)ROS~~;/gt~e()~errebonne) 23'01/2'1 Rouge) ('<;tholic) Jefferson) 46'0114" 13'9" 58'91/2" 165'11'1 205'1" 87 MAINE CHAMPIONS IN EVERY 10.2 22.8 50.7 1,59.8 4:25.0* 10,04.4 14.9 20.1 1,32.2' 100 Yd. Dash: Johmon (Brunswick), Frankland (Bangor), .Chafey (Deering) . 220 Yd. Dash (c): Johnson (Brunswick), Cyr (Brewer), Maines (Brewer) ...•.....•.......... 440 Yd. Dash (2): Maines (Brewer), Winger (Deering), Booker (Bangor) .•.......•......••... 880. Yd. Run: Merrill (Brunswick), Stevens (Waterville), Daly (Edward ,little) . 1-M~re Run: Flanders (Deering), Daly (Edward little), Steve.ns .(Waterville) , 2·Mtle Ru~: Duane (South Portland), Mains (Westbrook), Rlc~'e (~resque Isle) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: King (Orono), Gendrolis (Falmouth). Mlglorlno (Ke~ts Hili) . 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Tozier (Belfast), Robinson (Traip Academy), Stonewlck (Cape Elrzabeth) 880 Yd. Relay· Brunswick , . High Jump: .Tozier (Belfas;):' i-ia'li' iB~I'f~~;);' Tie: lovecky (Thornton Academy), Goodied (Cape LEAGUE .(p'i~~~t~q~i~ 'c~~';'~~i;y'); lo~~Zj~~~! S~r'e'y'li~ '(P~~~'bs~~i . V~il~Y): CI~~~~~ pee Valley) .. , ,., Triple Jump: Hurd (Brunswick), Sheldon (South Portland). Anderson (Bangor) Pole Vault: libby (Waterville), Beaudoin (Brunswick), Flake (South Portland) Running 'Ea'~:t~'a'n' . . . 6~~:u:u~hr~~~j~7~}i1f~;s~0~~a:~n l~~I~~e{M~ibBi~se)~ 6~~ftelSt'e'p'h'e'n'sj'::: :::::: Javelin Throw: lavoie (lewiston), Pelfetism (Edward little), laPierre (Portland) 6'13A,"* ·(S~~;: . 22'3%"* 44'10'14"* 12'6" 54'2112" 147'2'14" 169'2" MARYlAND Balfour is famous for famous awards and trophies. Our customers include the Jets, Colts, Tigers. Mets. Yankees, Commissioner of Baseball, Pro Football Hall of Fame, Baseball Hall of Fame, 76ers, and scores of other national, regional, and league champions in every sport. The reason? Fine design, variety of choice, superior value for each customer dollar spent ... Those reasons are important to high school athletic directors and coaches. Balfour is trophy champion in high school athletics. too! Let us serve YOUR school. vi8f~ Awards Division Attleboro, Massachusetts 02703 Telephone 617-222-3600 100 Yd. Dash: Thomas (Gaithersburg), Ambush (Frederick), Doye (Sherwood) 220 Yd. Dash (S): Thomas (Gaithersburg), Ambush (Frederick), Mapp (J. M. Bennett) 440 Yd. Dash (2): Sees man (Peary), Cordasco (Annapolis), Taylor (Bethesda, Chevy Cha!e) 880 Yd, RUn: Wheeler (Dulaney), Manger (Severna Park), Hart (Walter Johnson) 1-Mile Run: Wheeler (Dulaney), Childs (Parkville), Ruckert (High Point) 2·Mile Run: Pelz (Einstein), Markle (Kenwood), Davis (Dulaney) 120 Yd. High Hurdles: DeMedicis (Crossland), Mabus (Dulaney), lardieri (Dulaney) 180 Yd. low Hurdles: DeMedicis (Crossland), Foale (Wheaton), lardieri (Dulaney) :1440 Yd. Relay: Gaithersburg, Sherwood, Bel Air 880 Yd. Relay: Frederick, Surrattsville, Catonsville 1-Mile Relay: Peary, Walter Johnson, Bethesda (Chevy Chase) High Jump: Boyd (Frederick). Barker (Andover), Baker (South Carroll) .,., Running long Jump: Jennings (Severna Park), Alden (DuVal), Belt (Arundel) Triple Jump: Handy (Somerset), White (Washington), Jones (Somerset) Pole Vault: Graham (Annapolis), Callaway (Baldensburg), Pratt (Montgomery Blair) Shot Put: Yates (Northwood), Matala (Suitland), Klingsporn (Bowie) Discus Throw: Tabron (Fairmont Heights), Manus (linganore), Neal (Chopticon) , ;: trophy catalogs - FREE. 9.9 21.6 49.0 1:52.9* 4:]6.4 9,27,5 14.4 19.6 42.8 1:29.6u 3,22.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6'7" 22'9'14" 46'3'/2" 13'7" 55'134" 160'0" MASSACHUSETTS 100 Yd. Dash· Broderick (Andover), Ryce (Hingham), Beltlzear (Braintree) . 220 Yd. Dash (S): Siramondo (lawrence, Central), DePaolo (Melrose), Daggett (Wdhamsburg) 440 Yd. Dash (1): Horrigan (Weymouth), Cameau (Melrose), Dwyer (Xaverian) . 880 Yd. Run: Elliot (Braintree), Prior (Xaverian), O'Malley (Concord) . I-Mile Run: Quirk (Boston, College High), McDonald (Arch. Williams), Mabee (lexington) . 2·Mile Run: Moynihan (Malden Catholic), Kent (lawrence), Keating (Needham) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Debose (Andover), Warrington (Wachusett), Bradford (Arch. Williams) .. 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Skane (Me]rose), Estabrook (Nashoba), Barnecott (Norwell) . 880 Yd. Relay: Melrose, Weymouth, lawrence (Central) , . High Jump: Ziegler (Harwich), Hackler (Nashoba), leach (Melro~e) . Running long Jump: Sharpe (Andover), Warrington (Wachusett), Fuller (lynnfield) . Pole Vault: Skane (Melrose), Watson (Watertown), Rich (lynnfield) . Shot Put: Naughton (Weston), Matson (Wareham), Wappel (Catholic Memorial) ' , . Discus Throw: Woodward (Tantasqua), Morley (South Yarmouth, Dennis Yarmouth), Furbur (Dover, Dover Sherborn) . Javelin Throw: Chagnon (Frontier), Queeney (Wakefield), Conboy (North Quincy) . 10.1 21.7 48.8 1,54.1 4:18.7* 9,24.D 14.4U 20.0 1,30.5 6'6" 22'6" 14'6"* 63'9'" 151'5" 205'3'" MICHIGAN 100 Yd. Dash: Bennett (Oscoda), Young (Mt. Morris), Slane (Chelsea) . 220 Yd. Dash (S): Burger (Reading), Rucker (lansing, Boys Training School), Harper (Detroit, St. Francis) . 440 Yd. Dash (2): Holt (Dctroit, Ford), Murphy (Midland), Sheppard (Ferndale) . 880 Yd. Run: Reabe (Drayton Plains, Waterford Kettering), Cornwell (Baffle Creek, lakeview), Tipton 9.8w 21.5w 48.3' 1,52.7' U~i~~'): 'G~~'d'''':'i~ .{J~~k~~~: Run:(D~~r~J~'rt~h(~:~~~r~~~~,' 'B~di~rd'),' 'J~~k.{D~t'r~i;,' R~~if~~d' 4,16.8 Parkside) . 9,26.4 2.Mile Run: SchOff (Grosse Pointe, North), Williams (Farmington). McMahan (lincoln Park) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Drumheller (Riverview), Whitfield (Kalamazoo, Hackett), Stralton (Wyoming, 14.2* 180 Yd. lo.2°~~~le~et~~~;to~· (F]i~i,' C~~'t;~I),' M~;"i~~~ '(D~t~~i't: 'R~df~;d'tj~i~~)' R~~'v~~' (P~~;iac, 19.3 1,29.5 880 Yd. Rel~::rtg:~~it' (M~~k~~~i~j: j;ii'n't' {C~~;r~i): '6~t'r~'ii '(C~~t;a'lj .:::::::::::::::::::: 3,21,7 1..Mile Relay: Southgate, Midland, St. Clair Shores (lakeview) . 6'51/2""" High Jump: Miller (Sturgis), Saincone (South lyon), Rodgers (Hillsdale) . l·Mile Write for our beautiful . . BIKE R nning long Jump: Dejonge (Grand Rapids, Central Christian), Stuyvenberg (Grand Rapids, u Northview), Gray (ludington) •..•...•....................................•...... pole Vault: Boyer (fremont), Draper (Oscoda), Copland (Okemos) . ~hot Put: Nelson (Battle Creek, Central), Jones (Taylor, Taylor Center), Spicer (Defroit, Thurston) ® MINNESOTA 00 Yd. Dash: lut~ '(Rochester, Mayo), Merrill (Orono), lekander (Moorhead) •...... 20 Yd. Dash (C): lutz (Rochester, Mayo), Merrill (Orono), Schlauderaff (Glencoe) .. 40 Yd. Dash (2): Merrill (Orono). McNellis (Glencoe), Heaton (South St. Paul) . 80 Yd. Run: .Brauchle (Edina). Steiner (Alexander, R~msey), l.aursen (Minneapolis, Central) _Mile Run: Blorklund (Proctor). Slack (St. Paul, Hardmg). Kreidler (Duluth, Denfeld) . 20 Yd. High Hurdles: Carpenter (Minneapolis, Roosevelt), Hunkins (St. louis Park), McDonald (Two Harbors) . 80 Yd. low Hurdles: Becker .(Edina), Ault (White Bear lake), McDonald (Two Harbors) . 80 Yd. Relay: Moorhead, Edma, Rochester (Mayo) ....................•............. _Mile Relay: Edina, Rochester (John Marshall), Minneapolis (Washburn) .....•....... ligh Jump: Jourdan (Wayzata). Thomas (St. Paul, Central), Dokken (Moorhead) . unning long Jump: Thomas (St. Paul, Central), Anderson (Moorhead), Honza (Montgomery) ole Vault: Hanson (St. Cloud, Technical), Koch (Montevideo), laBatt (Coon Rapids) hot Put: Robley (Pelican Rapids), Cook (Richfield), Anderson (Golden Valley) . iscus Throw: Severson (North St. Paul), Rounds (St. louis Park), Thompson (Alexandria) SUPPORTING REASONS WHY THE EXPERTS LIKE BIKE ... MISSISSIPPI Top quality Broadest line. Wh but Bike offers s many styles? AI best of their kind Like these thre leaders. • No. 10 all purpos star performer. Larges selling, most widely used • No. 58 Track & Swi Supporter. All nylon; quic drying, long wearing. • No. 55 Cup Supporte Unit. Maximum protectio with unexcelled comfort. :! ,. q ' , ~j :, ~' '1 PREVENTION SPECIALISTS OF ATHLETIC AND CARE: IN THE. INJURIES . MISSOURI 00 Yd. Dash: M. Chavis (Kansas City, Southeast), love (St. louis, Sumner), A. Chavis (Kansas City, Southeast) ...•...••................•............................. . 20 Yd. Dash (C): M. Chavis (Kansas City, Southeast), foster (Kansas City, Central), love (SI. louis, Sumner) •........••.....••..........................•..................•. ,., •• 40 Yd. Dash (2): Foster (Kansas City, Central), Howard (University City), Tie: Johnson (Grandview), lowe (Kansas City, East) ..........•....................................... 80 Yd. Run: Schutz (Pattonville), Smith (St. louis, Northwest), Urbach (Parkway, Central) "Mile Run: Pelikan (St. louis, DuBourg), Wilson (Sf. Louis, Southwest), Nellums (Kirkwood) -Mile Run: Benkert (Kirkwood), Kaufmann (Webster Groves), Collette (lee's Summit) ..........•. 20 Yd. Hurdles: Knapp (Webster Groves), Sharp (Kansas City, Southeast), Bowman (Kansas City, Central) .......••••...•. _..•.................................................. 80 Yd. low Hurdles: Watson (Kansas City, Central), Sharp (Kansas City, Southeast), Boehm (Affton) 80 Yd. Relay: Kansas City (Southeast), Kansas City (Central), SI. louis (Sumner) ... ·Mile Relay: Sf. Louis (Northwest), Kansas City (East), Kirkwood ......•.......... -Mile Relay: St. louis (Northwest), Kirkwood, Kansas City (Ruskin) . ligh Jump: Tolbert (Kansas City, Westport), Hansbrough (Poplar Bluff), Cason (Kansas City, Central) unning long Jump: Geredine (Kansas City, Central), Ree$e (University City), Spencer (Webb City) ole Vault: Bowman (Kansas City, Central), Kartsonis (Kansas City, Center), Lang (lee's Summit) hot Put: Buys (Kennett), Moore (Poplar Bluff), Eaton (Kansas City, Oak Park) .............• iscus Throw: Buys (Kennett), Komm (Independence, Wm. Chrisman), Essert (ladue) ...•••.......• MONTANA 00 20 40 80 ,< . 00 Yd. Dash: Dowsing (Tupelo), Jones (forest), Graham (Mt. Olive) ...•.••. 20 Yd. Dash (S): Dowsing (Tupelo), Jones (forest), Graham {Mt. Olive) ..•.... 40 Yd. Dash (1): Kimbrell (Natchez, Adams), Ellzey (Salem), Mason (Newton) 80 Yd. Run: Potter (Natchez, Adams), Blackwell (Tylertown), Strong (Utica) ......•. -Mile Run: Morrison (forest Hill), Spraggins (leflore County), Strong (Utica) 20 Yd. High Hurdles: Rawls (Natchez, Adams), Pickering (Collins). Hudson (McAdams) 80 Yd. Low Hurdles: Rawls (Natchez, Adams), Pickering (Collins), land (Durant) 40 Yd. Relay: Tupelo, West Tallahatchie, Natchez (Cathedral) ..••.......... 80 Yd. Relay: Gulfport (East), West Tallahatchie, Rolling fork ••........ •Mile Relay: Wingfield, Collins, Binford ...........•........•........... ligh Jump: Van Skiver (Gulfport, East), Brown (Puckett), Veazy (Coldwater) •...... unning long Jump: Crane (Natchez, Adams), Dowsing (Tupelo), Benefred (Gulfport) ole Vault: Huffman (Hazelhurst), Pemberton (Hollandale), Phillip (Morton) ..•...... hot Put: Myers (St. Stanislaus), Thornton (Pascagoula), Holmes (McComb) iscus Throw: Saffle (Callaway), Enis (Baldwyn), Northcutt (Biloxi) . Yd. Yd. Yd. Yd. Dash: Dash Dash Run: Kerbel (Billmgs, Senior), Robinson (Kallspel1, Flathead), Welch (Butte, Public) (C). Kerbel (Billings, SenIor), Welch (Butte, Public), Robinson (Kalispell, Flathead) (2) Vetter (Butte, Public), Reopelfe (Butte, Public), Woods (Butte, Public) . Miller (Helena, Senior), Dutcher (Billings, Senior), Collins (Billings, Senior) . . . 20 -Mile Yd.RUn: HighBlankenship Hurdles: Schlabs (Billings,(Medicine Senior), lake), PelletierGrue(Helena, (Manhattan), Senior) Bedient Hotzel (Butte, (Darby) Public) . . Senior), Senior), Stockdale (Helena, Senior), (Billings, Kerbel Senior) (Billings, . rI-Mile 80 Yd.RUn: low Dutcher Hurdles: (Billings, Epler (Helena, ;Aclntosh (Great Falls, Collins C. M. Russell), I Senior) .........•............................••..•...................••....... 80 Yd. Relay: Butte (Public), Billings (Senior), Billings (West) •.•.....................•....... ~Mile Relay: Helena (Senior), Butte (Public), Billings (West) ..................•............... igh Jump: Olson (Billings, Senior), Thompson (Kalispell, flathead). Prill (Billings, Senior) ....•... , 91 !! 21'8" nning long Jump: G.u~lickson (Shelby), Kimmett (~unburst), Buresh (Fairfield) : . iple Jump: Thomas (Billings Central), Hazelbaker (Dillon, Beaverhead County), Beckwith (Columbia Falls) 45'4"* ......................•....•......................................... 13'0" Ie Vault: Buresh (Fairfield), Gilbert (Roundup), larson (Worden, Huntley Project) .............• at Put: Barefield (Great Falls, Central), Wilson (Ka!ispell, Flathead), Painter (Billings, Senior} ..•• scus Throw: Wilson (Kalispell, Flathead), Sward (Kalispell, flathead), Barefield (Great Falls, Central) •••.•..••..••...•..................••............•.••••............... "elio Throw: Stiles (Malta), Dickson (Polson), Frost (Eureka, Lincoln County) .................• 55'10112" 161'1" 242'7"* NEBRASKA o Yd. Dash: Williams (Omaha, Technic(1), Webb (Omaha, North), Strnad (lincoln, Southeast) .... o Yd Dash (C): Williams (Omaha, Technical), Webb (Omaha, North), Strnad (lincoln, Southeast) o Yd' Dash (2): Lebsack (Hastings), Adams (Omaha, Creighton Prep), Glass (Omaha, Technical) a Yd.' Run: Waldron (Minden), Holechek (Sidney), Adams (Auburn) . :Mile (Omaha, North), Hall (Grand .. ~ile Run: Run: Hawkins Welsh (North Platte), Yost Perez (Grand(Scottsbluff), Island), Schulz (Omaha, Island) WestSide) o Yd: Low Hurdles: a Yd. Relay: Grand Butts (Grand Island), George (Omaha, Island, Scottsbluff, qmaha (Nort~) Creighton Prep), Golden (Omaha, North) . ... .>::J ile Relay: Omaha (Central), Omaha (Rummel), Lincoln . gh Jump: Taylor (Omaha, Benson), Sinclair (lincoln, Northeast), Dyston (Fremont) . nning Long Jump: Blahak (Columbus, Scot us), Schmaljohn (Ravenna), Muller (Scribner) . 'Ie Vault: Eaton (Lincoln, Southeast), Lauer (North Platte), Tie: Conner (Scottsbluff), Dethloff (Grand Island) •., ' ;Ie Om,ha (Nodh), Omaha Island), (TechnICal), Island Creighton Prep), Jackson (Boys Town).. ~~ YdRel,y' High Hurdies: Butts (Grand GeorgeGrand (Omaha, ot Put: Yentes (Holdrege), Abele (Seward), Brower (Geneva) .............................• scus Throw: Kloepper (Hastings), Swanson (lincoln), KeJJogg (Scottsbluff) . 10.0 22.2 48.9 1,56.5 4,22.3 9,48.0 14.2** 19.6 1,29.9 3,24.3 8,05.8 6'4112" 23'0" 13'10" 57'5112" 176'0"* NEVADA o Yd. Dash: Palm (Las Vegas, Clark), Nunnley (Reno, Hug), Webb (Las Vegas, Clark) . o Yd. Dash (S): Palm (Las Vegas, Clark), Nunnley (Reno, Hug), James (Las Vegas, Rancho) . o Yd. Dash (2): Cowperthwaite (Carson), Clary (Hawthorne), Christensen (Las Vegas, Clark) .•.• o Yd. Run: Clary (Hawthorne), Christensen (Las Vegas, Clark), Jessup (Reno, Hug) . Mile Run: Cameron (Carson), Quinn (Las Vegas, Clark), Young (Las Vegas, Rancho) . o Yd. High Hurdles: Cooks (Las Vegas, Clark), Smith (Fernley), Aranquena (Elko) . o Yd. Low' Hurdles: Beauchamp (Reno, Hug), Aranquena (Elko), Smith (Fernley) . o Yd. Relay: Reno (Hug), Las Vegas (Clark), Carson . o Yd. Relay: Reno (Hug), Las Vegas (Clark), Carson . gh Jump: Lisby (Las Vegas), Montague (Reno, Manogue), Wessman (Sparks) . nning Long Jump: Jacobson (Carson), Culver (Reno), Cooks (Las Vegas, Clark) . Ie Vault: Dankworth (Reno), Selmi (Reno, Hug), Demosthenes {Reno} . ot Put: litsler (Las Vegas, Western), Townsen (Las Vegas, Rancho), Barrilla (Las Vegas, Bishop Gorman) ...•..........•....................................................... scus Throw: litsler (Las Vegas, Western), Allred (Lowrey), Coronet (Las Vegas) •.•.•........• " NEW ,,, , ~; Yd. Dash: Ouellette (Laconia), Abbott (Winnacunnet), Dussault (Nashua) .......•...••.•••• Yd. D.ash (S): Nydegger (Concord), Rochette (Dover), Sorensen (Portsmouth) . Yd. Dash (1): Stabler (Monadnock), Paige (Concord), Kuhn (Portsmouth) .•.................. Yd. Run: Longfellow (Nashua), Keegan (Franklin), Goldsmith (Keene) .•••.................. jJe RUn: Harris (Keene), Sweetser (Exeter), Shangraw (Keene) ......•••..........•..••.... ile Run: Ackley (Concord, Bishop Brady), Butterworth (Winnacunnet), Mayes (Keene) ....•.... o Yd. High Hurdles: Giguere (Laconia), Daigle (Somersworth), Beers (Exeter) . o Yd. Low Hurdles: Giguere (Laconia), Briggs (Nashua), Batchelder (Exeter) ..........•....... o Yd. Relay: laconia, Portsmouth, Winnacunnet •.................................•....... gh Jump: Currier (Lebanon), Wilczynski (Timber lane), Guest (Hanover) . nning Long Jump: Giguere (laconia), Briggs (Nashua), Tie: Collins (Salem), Purington (Dover) Ie Vault: Watkins (Monadnock), Kuegal {ExeterJ, Thomier (Nashua) •......................... ot Put: Twombly (Nashua), Lang (Nashua), Rawski (Spaulding) •.•.............•............• scus Throw: Twombly (Nashua), Gay (Keene), Clay (Plymouth) .....•........•..............• velin Throw: Trybulski (Keene), Goldsmith (Keene), Mills {Keene} ...•....•.•.•...•......•••.• NEW ·{J·.F.'K.;·:::::::.' 23'6'" 14'4"* 57'5" 169'7" 10.0** 22.5 50.8 1:55.1* 4,30.0 9:43.2* 15.1 19.8 1,33.0 6'33/4"* 22'3';""· 12'6" 50'4" 139'1" 170'3" JERSEY 10 Yd. Dash: Hauk (Sf. Joseph's Regional), Babyick (Cinnamison), Patterson (Clearview) W Yd. Dash (S): Hauk (St. Joseph's Regional), Johnston (Rahway), Hoppe (River Dell) .........• o Yd. Dash (1): Handy (Vineland), Drew (Bloomfield), Tie: Ricciardi (Iselin, J.F.K.), Zungoli (Bloomfield) ..•..........••...............•..........................•...•..•• o Yd. RUn: Savage {Roselle, Catholic}, White (Morristown), Byrne (Westfield) . Mile Run: Spiers (Paramus), White (Morristown), Turner (Metuchin, St. Joseph's) . Mile Run: Keogh (Essex, Catholic), Gordon (MorristownL Medlin (Haddon, Twp.) . a Yd. High Hurdles: Novo (Woodbridge), Daniels (Lakewood), Henry (Bergenfield) . o Yd. Low Hurdles: Novo (Woodbridge), Abitante (Roselle, Catholic), Tie: Bykowsky (Sf. Joseph's ~Mile,~ann~~)~~I~~iln 6'93,4"* HAMPSHIRE o '0 o o "t 10.4 21.7 50.3 1,59.1 4,36.3 14.5* 19.8 43.2 1:29.8* : ..: ..::::::::::: :::::: ..: : 9.8 21.5 47.5 1,50.7 4,18.3 9,23.7 13.9 lB.9 3,22.3 ., ~ ' '! I rJ ,~".,.,~,~,~ 120 Yd. High Hurdles: 180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Hackett Syphax (Roosevelt), (Roosevelt), Syphax Powell (Roosevelt), (Ballou), Faucette Allen (Spingarn) (Eastern) . . 880 Yd. Relay; Me.Kinley, Easfer0. BaUou .. Anacostla, Eastern . 1.Mile Relay: McKinley, High Jump: Baker (Eastern), Stokes (Ballou), Hayes (Cardozo) . Running long Jump: leonard (Eastern), Johnson (Roosevelt), Johnson {McKinley} pole Vault: Wright (Wilson), Tally (Roosevelt), Green (Coolidge) . Shot Put: Webster (Coolidge), Washington (Roosevelt), Howard (Coolidge) Discus Throw: Washington (Roosevelt), Evans (Cardozo), Smith (Roosevelt) 81 15.0 19.6 1,26.9 3,22.5 5'10" 21'10112" 10'6" 55'5112" 145'5" flORIDA 100 Yd. Dash: Tinker (Coral Gables), Gilbert (Miami, Northwestern), Thompson (Miami, Killian) .... 220 Yd. Dash (C): Tinker (Coral Gables), Pinkney (Jacksonville, Raines), Garren (Bradenton, Manatee) 440 Yd, Dash (2): Machanic (Miami, Jackson), Garren (Bradenton, M.;Inatee), Williams (Jacksonville, Forrest) .............................•........................................ 880 Yd. Run: Russell (Jacksonville, Wolfson), Kaiser (Sarasota, Riverview), Jones (FI. lauderdale, Stranahan) " . 1.MiJe Run: Ramers (Dunedin), Mcinnis (Titusville), Terry (lakeland) ........•.•.•....... 2-Mile Run: Fulton (Punta Gorda, Charlotte), Ogle (Jupiter), Stansel est. Augustine} •............ 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Smith (Miami, Coral Park), Shine (Jacksonville Beach, Fletcher), Cobia (Winter Haven) ...............•.......... _ . 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Hall (Miami, Northwester'1), Reddish (Sarasota, Riverview), Blanton (Ft. Pierce, Dan McCarty) ...........................................•.••.................. 880 Yd. Relay: Miami (Killian), Miami (Jackson), Jacksonville (Raines) . 1.Mile Relay: Miami (Killian), Miami (Northwestern), Titusville . High Jump: Victrum (Miami, Edison), Williams (Jacksonville, Raines), Head (Orlando, Edgewater). Running long Jump: Falana (largo), Allen (Jacksonville, Raines), Miller (Miami, Killian) Pole Vault: Hess (largo), Cotton (Ocala), McMillan (Orlando, Boone) . Shot Put: Bennett (Miami, Northwestern), Dimitrouleas (Pompano Beach), Killian (Brandon) _. Discus Throw: Hogan (Daytona Beach, Sea breeze), Dancer (St. Petersburg, lakewood), lee (Tampa, Blake) ... the athlete's finest Professionals and amateurs alike rely on Riddell for the 9.7 21.4* 47.3* 1,55.1 4:10.4* 9,33.6 14.1 19.8 1.26.6 3,11.8' 6'7112"* 23'6" 14'8"* 56'6" 175'10" GEORGIA finest football helmets, shoes and pads ... baseball shoes ... track shoes. See 100 Yd. Dash: Brooks (Washington), Burks (Washington), Shearouse (Bendictine) 220 Yd. Dash: Shearouse (Bendictine), Howell (Valdosta), Bell (Columbus, Carver) .. 440 Yd. Dash: Vaughn (Baker), Bell (Columbus, Carver), Medlin (Avondale) . 880 Yd. Run: Vaughn (Baker), Crews (Tucker), Dempsey (Baker) . l·Mile Run: Thomas (Cairo), Smith (Washington Co.), Doss (Carrollton) . 2-Mile Run: Gibson (Baker), Collins (Columbus), Fowler (Douglas Co.) •............. 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Elder (lakeside), Williamson (Washington), Smith (South Cobb) 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Williamson (Washington), Elder (lakeside), McCoy (Josey) 440 Yd. Relay: Washington, Columbus (Carver), Baker 1-Mile Relay: Westminster, Sandy Springs, laGrange . High Jump: Johnson (Smith), Collett (Cherokee), Hood (Beach) ....•........ Running long Jump: Gibbs (Charlton Co.), Foltz (Turner Co.), lundy (Oconee Co.) Triple Jump: McCoy (Josey), Robinson (Baker), Dukes (Archer) . Pole Vault: Vickers (Cairo), Tatum (Carrollton), Smith (Bradwell Institute) . Shot Put: Brown (SW DeKalb), Shankweilder (Cross Keys), Smoak (Columbus) Discus Throw: Stricklin (Hardaway), Dibois (Valdosta), Ennis (Jenkins) .. your nearby Riddell Dealer today. 9.8 21.9 49.5 1,54.8 4:21.4* 9,51.7 14.4 19.4 42.0' 3,23.9' 6'4" 22'4112"" 46'3112"'" 13'7'12''" 57'3" 163'2" HAWAII ~y~I~II~I~I$I~L~/ 'A,Vtf"","'. 100 Yd. Dash: Allmond (Punahou), Brown (Radford), Wright (Iolani) . 220 Yd. Dash (C): Allmond (Punahou), Ripperton (Punahou), Brown (Radford) 440 Yd. Dash (2): Abbott (Punahou), Mau (Punahou), Sadowski (Iolani) . 880 Yd. Run: Mench (Castle), Simoes (Roosevelt), Pimental (Baldwin) . l-Mile Run: Mench (Castle), Jacobson (Kailua), Foster (Iolani) . 2-Mife RUn: Young (Castle), Muraskas (Radford), Warren (Kamehameha) ........•..... 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Chang (Roosevelt), Kahiapo (Kamehameha), Galang (Farrington) 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Kahiapo (Kamehameha), Davies (Kailua), Chang (Roosevelt) B80 Yd. Relay: Punahou, Kamehameha, St. louis .............•..............•. l·Mile Relay: Punahou, Radford, Kailua .......•............................... High Jump: Ferman (Kaimuki), Kleinjans (Punahou), Wheelock (leilehua) . Running long Jump: Wright (Iolani), Hookano (Kamehameha), Shimizo (lahaina luna) Triple Jump: Peahi (Kailua), White (Radford), Campbell (St. louis) . Pole Vault: Deacon (Punahou), Davies (Kailua), Soares (Punahou) ..•............... S~ot Put: lolotai (Iolani), Ige (Aiea), Nash (Hawaii Prep) ....•.•.•...................•.•...•. DISCUS Throw: lolotai (lolani), Collins (Kailua), Nash (Hawaii Prep) 10.2 22.7 50.8 1,57.8 4,13.6 9,52.5 . 15.3" 20.2 1,30.3' 3.27.9 6'2" 21 '103/4" 44'2112"* 13'10%"* 52'6" 158'6" IDAHO DES PLAINES, ILLINOIS 60018 100 Yd. Dash: Minter (Borah), Mangum (Nampa), Carroll (Borah) 220 Yd. Dash (C) Smith (Capital), Benedict (Highland), Minter (Borah) .. 440 Yd. Dash (2): Wadsworth (Borah), Benedict (Highland), lantz (Mendlan) a80.Yd Run lukenn (Mlnlco), KnIghton (Borah), ReIman (TWin Falls) I-Mile Run Sloan (TWin Falls), Kent (Mountain Home), Hendricks (Blackfoot) ...•...... 10.3 22.4 48.8 1,58.8 4,28.6 , A.B: 111: C.l): A, A,\: A·I: VI: oS: IV: 11: A: I, A: A, II: L: A, II: It: I, AA: :-.I: C·!>: III: II: A, v: J,: B: c: B, It: I.: S: (, A.2: 11: 1.11: c:A,c: 2.7 2.11 2.5 2.0 2.!J: 2.4 2.U 2.:1 2.0 1.~[ 1\': 2.41 .2.4 ", " It" i,~ I''" II'" E~.E III W ~~ ~~ o~t • ~. J5 AA: .~ CROSS COUNTRY 0- (cant.) DATA FOR 1968 00 15:16.U 14:I!oi.2 2S 10 :2~.7 12 :ill 12:24UI 4::!7.4 ::U:~.1 15n I;;:z R.~I 2.0~I::~:J. 2. IS :H 21 2.U 12:59.0 12 12:IH.6 10::11'1.7 II 12::\6.11 2.5 :1::J2.0 ~I:4a.0 147 IX:I :2:~.(I ::t~.O ::~o.n 1.2 1611 121, 121 1"2 71; 65 uH 12:2!'." 12 2.~ 2.11 2.U 2.5 2.11 1.1101 1.~ 14 '" s:~ :\1; 14 :I::!:\.II ~ ~.:r.U.1I ~I:2X.0 '::'-".0 :nu :51.6 '<I 1:17 72 S4 6. S4 51; (,:\ fir, !Jl 21 :!.n 13:-16.0 12::i5.1; 12:15.~ 14:41.7 2.5 :20.0 2H;-, 15u ]51 21 ~17 '·1 IS ~2 2~ 42 It, 10:54.6 14 12:21.1 lU:1:{.u 12:5.4.5 2.0 ~I:4~U) 9:2:UI ~.:fiS.;, :. :t::J'.1) 4:47.0 0:59.S 2:.s·UI I10:! I!'iS 1:1. :~5.0 !oi:\ !'is I,,!J ';4 12. 14:1 4;1; '!'i 4;4 '" 2:! 2,:' 2.0 ~Il 2.5t:{ 214 2.;; .•2.5 1:11 !oi4 2.0!!::{7.11 :~2 U:t)fL2 2.0 :!I3 I~ 12.0 l111 12:IIU! 4:aO.n 40:HJ,2 :~:I:U) ::~5.0 :al.4 1"1 2.4 1I:! 2.512:46.6 2JJ 2' 25 1~I 12 '" 11 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.0 Uq 2.n:1:44.0 2.2 2.2 1.~q 25 ,. 20 :\11 ":\:! ~t 2.5 2.11 2.0 10:04.0 10:3';1.0 11::W.O lI:IJ1.!' _:1.11 2.11 ~! ..12~ :57. as:\ 1111 Inl .,-,~ 10:21.0 I·A: 11 :2G.r. INDIVIDUAl a.srTlm. STATE )'lar}'land 2nd Tim. James Ruckt>rt !Hilo:h Point) K",nn ••th Sunday tGO\·. Thomas John!'On) Ed Snodj:rass (North Harford, . Anrirt'S lIaS;::iPr \Po ••les,'illiPl Dani ••1 :'.'''~·nihan t).lald,·n. Catholic.1 Bob Wh •••.•lt'r (DuIant'}·) ).tar!t'n Gardn ••r ISouth Carroll I Clinton Hyson IFairm ••nt H",ic::"hts\ J ••r ••me Junt's IS ••mt>rs••t, Jam('s K••nt ILawn·n ••••1 :\Iinn,·s ••ta :\Iis:«ouri )'1"ntana \\'nrr ••n Kru ••s;:: ••r 111:,~w[ Park) J.'rry 8inkd (D ••tr ••it. St. AnthonYI Trac •.y Elli"tt I Elk H••pi,I". Ch ••rl·ylnnd. (;",.,Ion 1"'kuri (Ir"lIwo'''!I I.",n ••y Pi ••••ian •• IBar:'l!n) (;arry Bj ••rklund IP,.,>("t••rl Stt''''' \\·il",.u 451. I•••uis. S'''lthw('>;tl Uan Blank ••n"hil' .lIillins;::" • .s••••i••rJ :'Ilik•• :'1,,).lahall ILinco]n l'ark) Hall'h Z ••ppa l::it. J."Ujsl Al A.lnlll!l I Na]",I.·,m 1 Jam"!1 Nt'ls ••n t bh""minl!) ).Iilch Irwin \I{u.tyurd, Tom St ••if\er .1{""",·iII ••• AI,·x:tn.l ••r-I{'·YI H••b X,·lIums IKirkw •••••I. Crak 1)1"••n 11I ••I••n:•• S ••ni"rl Nphraska J:mws J"hll N.,w Hampshire Hru,· •• Buttl'l·woI·th fllum).t.,", \Vinnacunn.·t) :N••a] A.~kl ••y ,C ••II••"r.l, Hishol' Brady, I.arry C"t.· ':'It'rerlith. Int ••r-Lnk.·", Hill SI •••n •••• 41i<,JIisl Hill Saml's ••" I Hurlinl::t ••n Tw! •. , \\'alt Cha.lwich (Conr ••rdl Bill Luti. Jr. IC"nc ••,..!. Bi ••h"I' Un ••ly) Frank Oas ••••vlia" IN"rthli ••ld. Tilt"n.1 ~~~r~1 ~,~~~m('ill[:~.I:I~~";'''~~,~~r 1 I~harl"" Zh'I.Ti ••h • Edi""n 1'Wj •. 1 Tim Turn ••r .).!t·t" ••h ••••• Sl. .J''''''I,h·!IJ Anti}· A •.t"l •• I Paramus Calh ••lici Iti ••""tI" I(••j"s 41.,." Alan"'''1 St ••v(- (;I'athnh! ICharl"tlt,. 1",1"».·,,,Io·n •••,. 1."0'1 C"nit~ ,llismar ••k I :'I1:tI'li" K"lv.·t's II,it ••hdll", I{"s;::inald :-.1••i\tf.· •.• Cindnnnti. C"urtil'r T.·..-II) 1t:",.ly Hei"rolinv: 4 Putnam City, St ••,·t' pro,r,,"tnillt· 1(:•••", lIay. :'larshli.·ldl lIa,';'\ B••s;::s;:::,,\4111.1<·,,"II-I ••ncO'. C"ntrall Hill K ••ndall I(;ikhristl W. Sh"w.·rs ,:'Ililt"ol H ••IIi•• "·alt ••n .Pn',·id"I1 ••••. H"".·lfill. I{i••k Hir.lin (ir.oum\ 'FI:,ndr ••au. Indianl Bill H •.rr ••nIKn"x,·ill.'. W""ll J"hn l'"w.'l1 I I{i<,-hanl ••"u , ~::~'i~·".~~hs~ ~:~~~7.~ltli·i71~' ).fa""achusett ••. ),Ii"hil{an LO\\'l'r }'enin:;;ula UI'I>t'r l' ••n;nsula XewJ ••r-se)· Pan>("hial N,'wM.·x;c •• North C"",,]in1' N"rth Dakota Ohi •• Ok1:.h ••ma Orel{"l1 J' ••lInsyl\'all;a Rh".le Islantl South Dakota T.·nn ••"".· •• T ••xa" II"wki ••s lOm:.ha. N"J"th) ~ ;;:inH~:i I~f.,::.,:~ il7.:~'~:~~:ls, r:;IIG~!.:i)'t. ~;:: ~'I/; U:n·i.1 n"ni]la ,L.'wis,·jII.·I 11,,1. Orin I I·••t ••••t 1 Th ••ma •• lIlak.· 11I••II••w!I "'"lIs 1 U"lIal.! Hak"r 4\·.·n~"lu,,"'. eni""1 J ••hn V:". Dyk •• 4X••wl".rl ;-';••ws. J-\'rs;::us"nl 1t:" ••I)' •.•1••1.1" tCh"rl ••ttt'S,·i11 ••• AI1••.maa-l"l Hllnd}·Jam.·s 18p ••kll' ••.••.•••rrisl K.·ith Anders"n Illattle Gr ••um!J ).Iik •• \\' ••11" 1St. Alhnn"! (i]cnn H ••ruld (\Vat •.rlowlI) 'rom G •.yer (Platteville) -4 Kit CarJ>entt'r (CIi ••y('nne, Central) :'tlike Yate~ (Lav-rllna'e) Yindnia \\·a"hilllo:t ••n "'estYirdnia \Visconsin Wyoming L STATE CHAMPIONS WINNING STATE A, 2A, :\A: 4A: Alahama Alaska "· •.••• terll Auhurn lIirminlo:ham ,\A A AAA AA-A AAA Ariz ••na Arkansas Sunnyvale (H"m •.sh·,dl Res ••da Con ••urd IYJ;:naci" ,'all"YI Oaklan,IISk)'line) 1(3n ••h" Cunl""n tC ••nloval 5"rinlo: Valley 1).I"nt •• Vista. \Vashins;::t"n :'Ianhattan Beach (Mira C""tal ~~~ ~:.~.~·~isc.' Suuth""n Can",la Alh"rta I: II: III: Cals;::ary City W ••st Kinv:s District Ea ••t Pictou Rural Hamilton ISlJuthm,mut) J{ ••v:inn 1"' •.8t) Dell,' ••r 4Lin ••••ln. Fort C••llins Ip" •••h·,'1 Lea.h·W" t Lake C"unt)'/ I. ).1 S I II New I!ritain )'lnnh"ilI •• 1St. n ••rnan\'s, Cromwell B •.nndywin •• Archm.·re A: 11: N,.va sc"ti" Onhl"i•• C.>IIn ••••tj,;-lIt D ••lnwa •.•• Distl'i,·t Fh.J'i'!a ,,£ C••lumhi;. AA " 1 11 (;.· •••. s;::i:. '" IInwaii 1.lah •• IlIin ••is In.Ii:lIla wa I•. A: II: AA,\A AAA AA " " I< AAAAA K"IIIU"~\- AAAA AAA 2-1A AAA AA :\Iai" •• ).I"r)·],,,,d IB"rry) ~h"arrl~:stun .Tudsoni" Calir"rnia C('lItraJ C••ast L"s Ans;::el••s City Nm·th C••a"t O:.klnn'( Snn .J"aquln I. M S AA A IN CROSS COUNTRY \-Innt Dim ••nd Homer Cortez i 11I,linn 1 Phoenix Littl(' I(••ck \ Centrah A~ H Saskah'hew:.n C"I ••ra.l" SC \vns"n Titus"ill.· PomlHUIo Hea ••h i Blancll" EI~" Cnlum"us ,I!ak ••rl Atlant:t IN ••rth RI,rin!!." J.·fT••rs ••n Ca1itl •• NnmlHI Hail ••" IW •••••I Hi\'"rl Elmh;.rst t Yurk I F"rl "·II}·"'· .Nnrth Si.I ••1 I),.,. :-'I"ill"s 4I.j,,,· ••luI Am"!1 1;)"\.anIa1 •• n•.,',.r:<h Packw,,,,,II!· ••I..i,d :'liles ShawlI"" ).Ii"s;ulI .S"ut"l T"I •••k:, I"'<'"SI' Salina 1S: •••r •••• H ••artl t~.~t~~~ii;., .D ••Snl.·,,1 Ow('nsl ••••·" 1'"rtl:II<,1 East :'Ilillinockd rSI",n"k, Su!1lvan (Sumner) Dulaney Winaton Churchill co, COACH .• UNNER.UP " !IIari"lI I'atrick \\·ayn •• Williams Birminv:ham Hirminlo:ham Larr)" Kanuit Dun Harri ••••n l-;mm ••t Smith (;e ••rs;::'"Putts Hnh"" Hann ••n n••""n Charl.'s 1'ntllo ••k Hays1' ••mlins ••n Wt'St Chu!!ink Casa Grande Snowt1ake Fa)· ••tt",'iJI •• l{us>;e1h·i\J •• Liltl •• I{••ck 4J ••eT.It"I,insunl C,·awronbvill •• "hn Cnn non Ed M •••.v:: •• 1 F •.r!!\Js,nl ).t" ••Ka~· D.:'It. N"I·th I,orne Ast"n ,,':.1"1"'11 Blair :'larvin lI"ds<1 ••n Richard An,l •.rs ••n .J 1n'ins;:: IUack Douv:la"ShaTJ.le!l J ••s"l.h Salalia Da\'idCurtis Phili,.C ••nn ••r H('nr)'Srhaf{>I' N. ,J. (:aiJ,·v \\,i11ianlll,;ynt ••n Sam I{"herts Sh ••I<I.,n An.lers"n Jack K('••n Ha •.••ld Kuha nu.1 Ki07.I ••r nul. .sit:.,' .1"""I.h N."Wlon D,mn.·lt.",·t> H••h •••·t V:.n<i,·rl.;n,I,·" Harl:HI :l,tillikin t;a\'I.·I':t1m,·r (~"~ald Th"m]>s"11 Davi •• Ei.lahl Arlt'n KI'u!!"r \"'1'1)'1\ :-;'Ch01i,h .Iu •• S,·hral! U••rll;" S ••hr •••.•I••r .Iim Williams R"I •••rt Th ••ml'''''11 H ••h,·rt l'u ••k,·1t .f"••k Wilkin" ••" EmnH'U 5te\'en" D ••nnis Harm"n H"b Dean George ThoJl1!JsolI • FOR 1968 lCH Jack Jurian Richal·.IT"Js,,1I Ron I{"ch£on! Paul H"r!':t'r Clarke ).Iass.')" ).Iike C'trnm Harry n.·.!lirk Frank C:orl :~r;,~: ii'I'~"" Ja"k (~.'nh.·.·,\l')' 41'al"amus C:.II".li,·. Justin LnJ<'h IAIIo1l<11I<'nl"", lIif~hlan'\1 .Jimm)' lI"w.,11 I, lIi11 ••id.·, .Tim Fos_~ I ni<-kin~olll (:ar)' :\1)'1"..· tN.,w H•••·kf •.•·,I, .Jim (;al:lluh ••,; II,:.",'''''''''''!' c; •.J\t·II"rt ••n .Oklah ••ma Cit)'. N"rthw •.,.I. )'Iark lIi,·li,·I.1 .:'Ii1wauki,·, L•.~,n"r.\ Hill I I·h•••·nix 1 Rul •••rt Ni ••lsen .Sil.·t;!;1 J. AUnh"nd .C ••rnwells ]ft·jv:hts. 11"n":'],'/II1 Jam.·s Ver ••••n ILill ••••lnl :'Ib'n'" \" ••"IIS;::D"I! Il'in •• Hi.Is;::.·. Odalal (;'~"'V:" IInl",r • Kn ••'(vill.,. 11••lst ••n I K"'vin :'II<-P.,••k I!lUl'st, L. D. H,·II) Paul Staus!.",·y 111••us\"n, \V.'st ••IIt'.~tt'J·J Ri ••har,1 I'dtiv:,'pw I Hi.'hard~.on. 1','an"'1 J-·ernand •• Dt"I.n('.·.',!a IEI1'as ••. 1""'hl It ••n.· N"r:.nj" IFalrurri:,sl \\· ••••I••~, St"ut • Karnt·" Cit)"1 Arlhur (i"v: ••n 4H.·II" .••.. " Falls. K ••vin II<·,,,! ••••• J.· •.i••h". )'1t. )'1:ln~li ••1oI1 ~"than I!•••·tt ••lwr .:'h· ••hani ••s\'iII.·. L •••·.na\·i~1 D •.nnis Smith IAIIt'r:han)" Tim J ••nl:t" .S ••"ttl,·. Sh"rt' ••n·stj ).lark Ni ••keU (l·at •••,,,,,! :'.Iik •• C••hh (St. Alhnns) Dan Cautley IMa"h~Hn, Memorial) Duug make (Ath ••na) ~,~'i>: I::;~. :'li;~,,:.I~ ·d.:;./~',:',','.;:\1 (":<1·1 ••" Hi\""'" • 1<:1 p"s". T,·.·h 1 y •.•.m'.tlt 1',·n·;r. 4S ••.,tt ••hlulr, IUniv,'rsity I Can·.'r 1 lIis;::h S •.ho,,11 Hurlins;::am.· Pacilic 1'1\.1is,,<le•• (PalisiL,les) lIayward \Tennyson) Castlem ••nt S"cram.'nt •• IKellne<1yl San Di•.·s;:: •• 11·••int 1••>111:<] p ••!yt ••.•.hnk La Cr •.••• c.·nta t,Cr •.••• c••nta \':.11 ••)'1 Darlm,mlh J"hn ;\lartin Ancast.'r 1'hil ),1111 ".~. :;t<·v.,J,·n I .•,,' Sn ••'''''''' An.l)" Kirk {;.~.r!!" y"unl! I. •••• !ta"mU1iM'" nub"" Nh l'aul'Pus;::h n••1t (; ••••• 11,••• nohhy \\·at1i ••n Kal"l (;rei".'nhun: I't't" N,·js"n H ••n Stark 1Iarris FI ••w ••r!l William )'lahan Fr."\ [.u.lwilo: 1I~'r"n J ••••s"l' K.·ith Gillilan.1 J ••)' I·.·nn.·r Junior Hi!!h Colora,]» Sprin!!s ,\\·II1'S ••1>1 Pu ••"I •• t 1.::,·nt••nniall Tie: Br ••••mlit"id Ft. Carson IF ••untain. Newins;::t"n Cheshir •• Beth,,! Sal ••sianum lIarrinv:I"1I Cardoza Oda"<I,, .11.,on ••' B" ••a Hat"l1 Atlanta iI>yk.'sl Atlanta t S)'h'an! Scntt,lal •• IlIamilt"lIl Kamehanwha Twin Falls Arc" \Hlltt ••1 E"anst"1\ [ ••••lis .X •••.th (".·••tn.11 Ua\· ••n!>"I·1 4\\·,·"tl 111"",",'1'1 J)"s).t"iTws l-:ad,·(;ro\"t· I~,'dnr Hapi,ls \ I'rairi.'1 (·.,nrl'.1 I H"aman-(;'mra,11 Elk 11<>1'11 .J-;I~ H"rn-Ki ••,!.alll""1 Wi ••hit:t. .W.·"t. ":1 Dura.l •• t· ••lb,· Trih;,u •• L.oub,·i1! ••• Ath.· •.•",,) S"IIlt'r1' •.t 1'•••.tlan,1 .D(",rins;::' {Le<r Academ}'1 El'st MlI.chias (Wa~hinKtuli Ac"dcm)"/ Sl'rinp:bruok Centra.l Ie Smith H.·x MiIl ••r I,a •.r)' I'ick.'rin~ ~~:~; ~;tl~'~:::~, Frank O·Hntlrk.· J{ •••• nl.1 ~l ••H.·:.,·y n•••.••.• Ja •••• uuJ J,.".'ph IIt·atti., 1I:.r ••I.\ ).1••O ••n:,J,1 !IIkh:. ••1 (;alli ••" H ••rl,,'rt H"n1" J,., (;hal"l,'" B<'I,"<'tt .J"hn 1·1'<·st••n 1."wro·nr.·Grav.'" EI.I • ~liII"r I ••'" Thumas J"rr)" KI ••ink"i'h Fn ••ISiml", ••n K<'IIOls"" l·h"rI.·s HiI.·~· nOli Lan!!.> H••h•.•·t ,,'.·lIs \\":.11:. •••' II "I'S"II H"I!.·r Fn','mau !>alt·I\,·\'alllt l·h,.I••H.'at"ll lIa\' (:.·"h:.'" L,:,wl"<'nc(" 1-"",·n·11 :\I:tn·i•• S••II.~· I;an-Ilul'n .•· 1"11:.1'10.,. .I ••• ,,'" p:.ull'alh·I'",,1) (;nr)' H•••·kwitll Cud ~t"cD"nalol HkhardGIlrolner ]0:, T, Jallues It. J. O'Brien 0-0 70 71 (Continued from page 62) ,.. . % U HIGH SCHOOL RECORDS FOR STATE FINAL MEETS (TRACK) - KEY: "Run on 2 Full Turns +Run on 1 Full Turn tRun on Straightaway 81~ 111 If i!1 i!!ijjjitl 111m un STATE lilll1111111il11111 , ~ j~ ~8c I~5~ 1_ ~ ~ j ~ '" '0 0. '" 2 !i! >'" )i!!ll)!!! 11jlllJjJI I1j IJIJII/I!i! IZ !11 iilJ :::> o u '" '" o'" u ~ '" z o ~~~ I:: ~I u ~;;::: ~~~ ~..;;.': flljjliiilljjjllj 11 o 0: ~ :r u I; 20.8 21.3 20.5 21.6 22.3 22.1 21.2 21.4 21.4 t 21.8 21.2 21.1 20.5 21.5 21.6 21.1 21.9 46.4 21.5 49.7 22.5 21.3 21.3 21.5t 21.4 50.8 47.9 49.1 47.7 47.8 21.8 49.5 49.1 48.8 48.9 1 :52.5 4:08.5 4 :17.7 1 :53.4 4 :12.6 1 :52.2 4 :08.4 1 :56.3 4 :19.4 1 :58.1 4 :25.6 1 :53.9 4 :11.1 1 :56.2 4 :19.5 1 :54.1 4 :19.0 1 :57.0 4 :23.1 1 :57.4 4 :23.5 1 :54.7 4 :18.6 1 :49.9 4 :07.4 1 :55.8 4 :16.2 1 :58.7 4 :20.9 1 :53.2 4 :16.5 1 :56.9 4 :27.5 1 :57.5 4 :25.0 1 :59.3 4 :31.2 1 :51.4 4 :06.0 1 :55.5 4 :17.2 1 :54.3 4 :27.8 1 :53.1 4:11.1 1 :56.8 4 :26.6 1 :55.7 47.9 48.2 48.8 50.4 47.8 49.1 47.8* 48.2 49.6 48.0 47.0 49.0 49.5 Mile 880 440 120 2·Mile Run 180 1f2.Mile Hurd Hurd Relay 13.8 14.3 13.7 13.8 14.3 14.4 14.0 14.4 14.3 14.3 14.1 14.3 13.6 14.2 14.2 14.3 14.8 14.9 15.7 13.9 14.6 14.3 14.0 14.3 18.9 19.1 18.2 18.9 19.3 20.4 18.7 19.5 19.1 19.7 19.4 19.5 18.0 18.9 19.6 18.9 19.7 20.5 20.3 18.9 19.6 19.2 19.1 19.3 1 :27.0 1 :31.7 1 :28.0 1 :27.8 1 :30.7 1 :30.4 1 :30.4 1 :31.3 1 :29.2 9 :16.8 9:21.7 9 :14.0 9 :02.7 9 :14.8 9 :45.4 9 :29.2 9 :33.2 9 :24.2 10 :01.8 1 :28.2 1 :31.9 9 :43.4 9 :20.2 1 :31.9 10 :07.7 1 :31.5 10 :10.0 1 :34.4 9 :07.3 8 :48.3 1 :27.1 9 :07.3 1 :32.3 1 :28.8 1 :29.3 1 :30.3 10 :03.8 III :., (Continued from page 63) ;.., HIGH SCHOOL RECORDS FOR STATE FINAL MEETS (FIELD) w I- ~ '" Ijjjj!Jifstl IJl11 -. jjliljJjIJiflJllll1!J/I!ilirljJl11!iIJ <=z~~ ~~=c~=u~~~=~=~~~= ~=~<~<~~=~= ~~=~=~~>~~~1i~~ ~=~= ~-5 .. ~~ ~ " '':::: ::::i:. ~ Ohio (AA) 9.5 (A) ", 9.7 Oklahoma 9.4 Oregon (A-I) 9.8 (A-2) 10.0 (B) 9.6 Pennsylvania (A) 9.6 (B) •..... 9.9 Rhode Island 10.0 South Carolina 9.6 South Dakota 9.9 Tennessee •................... 9.7 Texas ...........................• 9.4 Utah 9.7 Vermont 9.8 Virginia (I-A) 9.6 (I-B) 9.9 (II) 10.0 (III) 10.1 Washington (AA) •... 9.5 (A) 9.6 W~st ViJ,ginia 9.8 WIsconsIn ...................• 9.5 Wyoming 9.9 IJlI!/JIIIJlliJiliilil/lflfl!IJlj -< - 100 220 #Run on Curve E. .§ :~ .a::: ~2 c.zi -g~ State Shot Ohio (AA) (A) Oklahoma Oregon (A-I) (A-2) (B) Pennsylvania (A) (B) Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee uu •••••••• Texas Utah Vermont Virginia (l-A) (I-B) (II) (III) Washington (AA) (A) .. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 61' 8%" 57' 1'/,," 65' 1" 61'10" 58' 71/,," 52' 4" 62' 1',4" 60'11" 61' 1" 55' 514" 62' 1" 59' 6" 68' 5%" 58' 3%" 53' 511'2" 60' 7" 58' 11/,," 56' 6" 53' 9" 62' 91/,," 59' 0%" 55' 1" 66' 711:/' 56' 9%." Discus Javelin 189'11" 184' 2" 182'101/,," 188' 7" 224' 6%" 231' 7" 711,," 164' 158' 9iiz" 198' 2" 182' 31/,," 230' 168' 9'12' 215' 8" 157' 81/,," 222' 9" 170' 11;.]," 211' 4" 178' 3" 197' 31/,," 170' 8" 224' 160'10" 193'10" 168' 9" 163' 31/,," 162' 2" 154' 2" 175' 611'2" 222' 2" 178' 6" 210' 51/,," 175' 179' 5" 170' 2" Long Jump High Jump 24' 30/.," 6' 7" 22' 6,*" 6' 6" 24' 11;.]," ~:; 23' 23' 23' 22' 23' 22' 23' 25' 23' 6' 8*" 6' 61;.]," ~~,4"6' 51,4" 4%" 6' 3" 9" 6' 91/,," 7" 6' 80/.," 6%" 6' 2%" 3" 6' 4th" 91h" 6' 4" 61,1/' 6' 4" 10/.,' 6' 81,4" 6%" 6'10" 6' 24' 00/.," 6' 22' 81/,," 6' 22' 4" 6' 21' 4" 6' 24' 2%" 6' 22' 9" 6' 22' 61;.]," 23' 3" 25' 00/.," 22' 7%" 3" 5%" 31,4" 4" Olf,' 8" 6" Pole Vault Triple Jump 15' 1%" 14' 03,411 14' 9" 15' 01/,," 14' 81/,," 13' 90/1" 14' 111 48' 13' 81/,," 13' 71/,," 13' 51/,," 14' 1" ~::~41h" ~" 14' 13' 7" 40'11 %" 14' 51;''' 48' 60/,' 13' 7';' 46' 3" 13' 11' 14' 16' 6' 7%," 13' 211 9" 7" 7" 51,4" 6'11" 14' 21j~1I 6' 50/.,' 13' 50/.," 44' 1 0/.," , --..-=:!!!!!!III Meet Management ~I~ Track Meet Management In a poorly organized track meet there are often long delays. Those who pride themselves on efficient management usually set a time limit for the entire meet and make every effort to establish a new time record every time aprogram: meet is held. Here are a few promises which appeared on a recent 1. The meet will begin on the dot at 1 :30 and everyone, including the contestants, can be on their way home by 3:00. 2. There will be one hour and thirty minutes of thrilling events and there will be activity during practically all of that time. 3. The public address system will keep everyone informed as to the winner and the technical features of the meet. 4. No contestants or officials will be on the field in such a position as to screen the view of spectators. Materials Which Are Essential For a well organized meet, the following must be available: Loud speaker system and megaphones for supplementary announcers and callers, large scoreboard, scorer's table and platfonn for presentation of awards. Large forcompetitors' adequate supply of safety pins, badges the officers,numbers medals and and an ribbons. Press stand, ticket sellers, ushers and concession attendants. Officers to keep the field cleared and to give protection where needed. A supply of rule books, state or national record application blanks and one or more anemometers. Typewritten copies of interesting material relative to performers and historical facts about the meet for use by the announcer. Instruction to Competitors Preliminary material should remind coaches that all competitors should be instructed to act without assistance after the meet starts. There can be no coaching by attendants or any running along the side of the track. Competitors must rely upon themselves to know when to report for an event and how to proceed after the meet starts. A special section outside the track should be provided for the coaches. Preparation for Field Events A competent staff assistants must be appointed by the management. Here are a fewofreminders: General Equipment: Scales and instruments for weighing and measuring the throwing implements, several steel tapes and stickers to show that implements have been approved. Shot Put: The circle should be marked by a metal, wood or plastic band. Practice rings are desirable. The stopboard should be properly pinned to the ground. The National Committee recommends a concrete surface. Discus: The circle should be marked in a manner similar to that for the shot put. One or more practice rings are desirable. Lines of pen- ====:Iiiii---,--.-:, Meet Management nants should indicate the throwing sector. Arcs at various distances may be marked with a material which is not injurious to the eyes or skin and markers on these arcs will enable the crowd to determine the approximate distance of each throw. Javelin Throw: Concentric circles should be marked in the throwing sector starting with a distance of about 125 feet from the scratch line. This will enable the spectators to estimate the distance of each throw. Radial lines may also be drawn to aid the measurers. Running Long and Triple Jumps: The pit should be properly filled and the surface should be level with the take-off board. There should be a rake for leveling the surface after each jump. The take-off board shall be painted white to make it more prominent. It is recommended that the ground immediately in front of the take-off board be slanted upward at a 30 degree angle. It will assist the jumper if the ground at the side of the runway is marked at intervals of three feet to enable jumper to adjust his stride. High Jump: The standards should be inspected. A number of extra crossbars should be available. Pole Vault: Use the same precautions as for the jumping events. Other convenient materials are: a step ladder, a stick for replacing the bar and extra pins for the standards. Preparation for Track Events In meets which involve four or more schools, the heat drawings should be made in advance by the Games Committee. In meets involving fewer schools, the contestants may enjoy drawing for the best lane. Inspect all starting lines, finish lines and posts, hurdle marks, lane lines and exchange zones to be certain that they are accurately and prominently marked. An attendant should have a ball of yarn ready for each race. Bottle pool balls or other drawing device, and mimeographed or printed cards or sheets for recording entries and heat winners should be on hand. A starting pistol (.32 caliber for outdoor meets), blank cartridges and one or more referee's whistles should be ready and in good working order. Stop watches must be properly regulated and inspected. Several extra hurdles should be available and the hurdles should be placed near the marks where they will first be used. A ball of cord will be found useful by the hurdle setters in accurately lining up each row. A competent staff must be ready to promptly place and remove the hurdles. A raised platform for finish judges and timers is necessary for accurate timing and judging. It is recommended that all meet managers have a platform for this purpose, set back from the track at least 20 feet. The officials' area at the finish should be roped off. Batons must be available for the relay races. 75 Results of 1969 Stote High School Trock Meets EY: Winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are listed in that order. Name of school is in parentheses. In meets-_ having more than one class, winners are from the class having the best mark. "w" Wind Aided "n" Non-Winning Time *New State Record **Ties State Record (C) Run on Curve ($) Run on Straightaway (2) Run on 2 Full Turns (1) Run on 1 Full Turn ALABAMA Dash: Pugh (Mobile, Toulminville), Whatley (Montgomery, Booker T. Washington), Amerison (Mobile, Toulminville) , , . 20 Yd. Dash (C): Pugh (Mobile, Toulminville), Whatley (Montgomery, Booker T. Washington), Amerison (Mobile, Toulminville) . 40 Yd. Dash (2): Hall (Birmingham, Carver), Russell (Montgomery, lanier), Cargile (Birmingham, Jones Valley) . 80 Yd. Run: Cotchery (Birmingham, Carver), Hamm {Birmingham, Woodlawn}, Vaughn (Birmingham, Berry) . .Mile Run: Duval (Mobile, Davidson), Kline (Montgomery, Robert E. Lee), Brown (Birmingham, Banks) . -Mile Run: leverett (Birmingham, Woodlawn), Morgan (Birmingham, Ulman), Stinson (Montgomery, Robert E. lee) . 20 Yd. High Hurdles: Taylor (Birmingham, Mt. Brook), Flowers (Montgomery, Jeff Davis), Wade (Dothan) . 80 Yd. Low Hurdles: Sullivan (Montgomery, lanier), Nelson (Birmingham, Western), Wade (Dothan) . 40 Yd. Relay: Montgomery (Booker T. Washington), Mobile (Toulminville), Montgomery (Robert E. lee) . 80 Yd. Relay: Mobile (Toulminville), Birmingham (Carver), Birmingham (Woodlawn) . -Mile Relay: Birmingham (Carver), Birmingham (Woodlawn), Mobile (Toulminville) . -Mile Med. Relay (220-220-440-880): Birmingham (Carver), Montgomery (Robert E. lee), Mobile (Davidson) , ,., .. , .••.. ,',. istance Med. Relay (440-880·1320-Mile): Birmingham (Woodlawn), Montgomery (Robert E. lee) ... igh Jump: Pugh (Auburn), Murphy (Birmingham, Parker), Tie: Fletcher (Trinity), Jones (Western) .. unning long Jump: McKinnon (Southside), arum (Montgomery, Booker 1. Washington), Newdome (Mobile, Murphy) . riple Jump: Orum (Montgomery, Booker T, Washington), Steele (Birmingham, Carver), Berger (Birmingham, Ensley) , , . ole Vault: Hicks (Montgomery, Robert E. lee), Eckert (Mobile, McGill), Busbee (Mobile, McGiH) . hot Put: Hannah (Albertvil1e), Tomlinson (Mobile, McGill), Montiel (Mobile, U.M.S.) ., . iscus Throw: Hannah (Albertville), Montiel (Mobile, U.M.S.), Tomlinson (Mobile, McGill) ",. 9.8**21.8 48,8**1,57.6 4,26.3 9,55.2 14.7 19.1 42.7 UO.4 3:19.8" 3,35.3 10,43.0 6'6" 22'334" 46'5112" 14' 61'10'12"" 173'6" ALASKA This is the same + 5 that is used in the bowl games, bail parks, Little Leagues, playgrounds -everywhere ... the same +5 that has been endorsed by coaches, athletic and recreation directors, physicians and other authorities throughout the nation. You can order it in any or ail of five sparkling colors: Yeilow Gold Stripe' Stripe' Green Stripe' Orange Stripe' Bright Pink White Stripe. It's absoluteiy safe. Special organic pigments in colored +5 are so safe they are used to paint children's toys. Wiil not stain. Washing takes it right out. Use +5-plain or coiored-to make starting points, track lanes or to mark any athletic field. Wherever athletic areas are marked, play safe with + 5. 1 The OTHER COLORS AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER i\., GEORGJlA ® For information write to:~:.... e • CALCIUM TATE, GEORGIA· PLANTS AT TATE, MJ~lE 00 Yd. Dash: Earl (East Anchorage), Saltzman (Kenai), Dynes (Fairbanks). 20 Yd. Dash (S): Stark (East Anchorage), Arness (Kenai), Earl (East Anchorage) ,. 40 Yd. Dash (2): Tibbetts (East Anchorage), Talley (West Anchorage), lowman (West Anchorage) .. 80 Yd. RlJn: Thibodeau (Juneau), Tibbetts (East Anchorage), Martin (Homer) , . -Mile Run: Thibodeau (Juneau), Beechick (Dimond), Root (East Anchorage) " . -Mile Run: Thibodeau (Juneau), Bodnar (East Anchorage), Haines (Fairbanks) , ............• 20 Yd. High Hurdles: Hoedel (Homer), Cranford (Eilson), Hogue (West Anchorage) 80 Yd. low Hurdles: Riley (West Anchorage), Ehmann '(Palmer), Hayes (Kenai) 40 Yd Relay: East Anchorage, West Anchorage, Chugiak . 80 Yd. Relay: East Anchorage, West Anchorage, Fairbanks ,. -Mile Relay: West Anchorage, Dimond, Fairbanks . -Mile Med. Relay (220-220-440-880): Sitka, Mt: Edgecumbe, juneau -Mile Relay: West Anchorage, East Anchorage, Dimond . ligh Jump: Furry (Dimond), McCabe (Sitka), Atchison (West Anchorage) . unning Long Jump: Huston (Palmer), Miller (Juneau), Saltzman (Kenai) , .. , , . riple Jump: Miller (Juneau), Schultz (Petersburg), Keyes (Ketchikan) ........................• ole Vault: Gorup (West Anchorage), Nahorney (West Anchorage), Meiers (East Anchorage) .... hot Put: Mizer (Juneau), Rupert (West Anchorage). Jordan (Kenai) . iscus Throw: Mizer (Juneau), Kohring (Chugiak), Stevens (West Anchorage) DIVISION AREA 404 893-2511 GA., GANTT'S QUARRY, ALA. 41'634" 12'9" 48'11" 138'10" ARIZONA Company PRODUCTS 10.6 23.0 51.6" 2:02.2* 4:32.6 ..•• 10:09.0* 16.8 22.1 45.0 1:34.4· 3,36.8 3.58.3 8,34.4' 5"10" 20'1" 1100 Yd. Dash: Perkins (Westwood), Rosie (Winslow), Malone (Santa Cruz) . 20 Yd. Dash (C): Perkins (Westwood), Rosie (Winslow) " , ....• 40 Yd. Dash (l): Rose (Central), Abeln (Canyon del Oro), Sanchez {Marana} " ...• 80 Yd. Run: Snyder (Cortez), McKinley (Bisbee), Bridger (Antelope) , . l·Mile Run: Crouch (West Phoenix), McKinley (Bisbee), Blodgett (Peoria) , . 2-Mile Run: Gladstone (Coronado), Mejia (Nogales), Sobarzo (Dysart) "., , , .. 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Wilkins (Phoenix, Union), Malone (Santa Cruz), Ezell (Winslow) .......• 180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Tie: Malone (Santa Cruz) and Rosie (Winslow), Davis (Tucson) ,, . ~~i'6~~'::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: li~~~i~dRe~:~~ypa~eV;d~~'SaCnO~iadngu~I,Bc:~~o~' High Jump: Owens (Tempe), Tie: Eppling (Canyon del Oro), John (Benson), and Winston (Santa Cruz) Running Long Jump: Grisby (Pueblo), Razo (Dysart)/ Rosie (Winslow) "", .•.•...... " .. '..... ,. 9.9 21.4*--49.1 1:54.9* 4,18.8 9,39.4 14.6 19.3·""" 1,28.9 3,24.1 6'5" 24'0112" 1 - 77 22.2 16'6" 79'6" 3.15.2 U7.7 21.2 188'0" 22'9" 8.57.0" 18,3"" 4:25..1 42.4 4:12.1 50.7*" 3.17.0 14'2" 16'0'" 13.7" •.••12' •.•• " 1.51.6 1.53.6 46.6" 14.1" 2.01.1 4.23.7 58'5112" 41.8 44'811:2" 3.32.5 3.30.8" 2.00.8 24'21/4" 162'2" 21.7 54'8" 9.30.2" 20'6" 171'5"" 48.3 5'11" 159'6" 644.2 '1" 18.9 51.0' 43'0112" 14,1 21'4~~" 61'2" 7'0" 43.0 42'IIW' 4:22.0" 15' 10.0 9.6 22.6** 10.2 Pole Vault: Ray (Chandler), Shot Put: Hills (McClinfock), Discus Throw: Gunzel (Palo Hart (Willcox), Pierce (Window Verde), Davis Barela (Paradise Valley) .....•...................•.• Rock), Chastain (Miami) ...........•............. (Tolleson), Scroggins (Safford) . ARKANSAS 100 Yd. Dash: Lowe (North little Rock). Carter (Fort Smith, Northside), Harris (Crossell) . 220 Yd. Dash (C): Lowe (North little Rock), Harris (Crossett), Johnson (Stamps, Ellis) . 440 Yd. Dash (2): Owens (Fort Smith, Northside), Freeman (Pine Bluff). Jetf (Pine Bluff, Coleman) BBD Yd. Run: Feltner (Russellville), Rodgers (little Rock, Cenlral), Bizzell (Fort Smith, Southside) .. l-Mile Run: Nicholson (litlle Rock, Central), Jones (Fort Smith, Southside), Hill (Dumas) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Irwin (little Rock, Hajj), Hune (North little Rock), Medley (lillIe Rock, Central) . laO Yd. low Hurdles: Strain (Conway), Hune (North little Rock), Studdard (little Rock, Central) .. 440 Yd. ReJay: Fort Smith (Northside), Crossett, little Rock (Central) . 880 Yd. Relay: Fori Smith (Northside), Crossett, Uttle Rock (CentraJ) . l·Mile Relay: Fort Smith (Northside), North Uttle Rock, Uttle Rock (Central) . High Jump Searles (Pine Bluff), DavIS (lillie Rock, Central), McDougald (Crosself) . Running long Jump: Carpenter (North Little Rock). GUlens (Scott), Searles (Pine Bluff) . Pole Vault: McDougald (Crossett). Durman (Fordyce), Woods (Fort Smith, Northside) . Shot Put: Fox (Crossett), Dean (Joe T. Robinson), English (Searcy) ...........•............ Discus Throw: Wilson (Conway), Hale (North little Rock), Brown (little Rock, Hall) . CALIFORNIA 100 Yd. Dash: Robinson (EI Centro). White (Santa Ana), Hearvey (los Angeles) .. 220 Yd. Dash (C): Robinson (EI Centro), White (Santa Ana), Hearvey (Los Angeles) . 440 Yd. Dash (2): Jones (Lemoore), Sims (Whittier), Briscoe (Los Angeles, Washington) . 880 Yd. Run: Sanchez (Canoga Park), Baxter (Los Angeles), Beaver (Oakland, Skyline) . 1-Mile Run: Underwood (South Torrance), Amaya (BuriingalT'e), Tschudin (Los Angeles, Palisades) .. 2-Mile Run: Chapp ins (Norwalk, Excelsior), Johnson (West Torrance), White (Orange, EI Modena) .. 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Wilson (Fresno, Roosevelt), Rich (Los Angeles, Washington), Low (Pomona) .. 180 Yd. Low Hurd!es: Wilson (Fresno, Roosevelt), Jones (Lemoore), Low (Pomona) . 440 Yd. Relay: Oakland (Castlemont), San Diego (Uncoln), Los Angeles (Locke) . l-Mile Relay: Los Angeles, Compton (Centennial), Los Angeles (Dorsey) . High Jump: Brown (Compton), Culp (Oceanside), Tie: Bradley (Pasadena, Muir), Redmond (Ygnacio Valley) . Running Long Jump: McAlister (Pasadena, Blair), Primm (Atwater), Williams (Fresno, Edison) . Pole Vault: Smith (South Torrance), Pullard (Los Angeles), Albanese (King City) . Shot Put: Cunningham (Santa Barbara), Eskeli (Gardena, Serra), Winchester (Spring Valley, Mt. Miguel) . Discus Throw: Adams (Los Altos), Birtwhistle (Palo Alto, Gunn), Gledhill (San Bernardino, Pacific) ALBERTA, IN THE WINNER'S CIRCLE THE WilSON K6800 TRACK SHOE The leader of Wilson's record-breaking line, designed to put an athlete ahead of his competition, An extremely lightweight shoe with kangaroo uppers and red trim, "Customized Last" and Flexibond construction, , , skillfully crafted for perfect formances today's and trackwinning meets, perfit, running atcomfort w:w.J41IL _® 11.••. WILSON SPORTING GOODS RIVER GROVE, Ill. Another qualtly company of Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc .. CO. L.TV CANADA 100 Yd. Dash: McDonough (Ross Sheppard), Yeomans (Ernest Manning), Clare (Red Deer) 220 Yd. Dash (C): McDonough (Ross Sheppard), Yeomans (Ernest Manning), Clare (Red Deer) 440 Yd. Dash (2): Lange (Harry Ainlay), Sartorius (High Prairie), Wasilenko (Coaldale) 880 Yd. Run: Ula5zonek (Western Canada), Lange (Harry Ainlay), Ulaszonek (Western Canada) l·Mite Run: Brown (Viscount Bennett), Nicoud (St. Francis), Amsbaugh (Bonnie Doon) 440 Yd. Relay: Calgary City, Edmonton City, North Ea~tern l-Mile Relay: Edmonton City, Calgary City, North Central. High Jump: Hellard (Central Memoria!), Olson (Lacombe), Polei (Wetaskiwin) Running Long Jump: Bell (Lord Beaverbrook), Harding (James Fowler), Sartorius (High Prairie) Triple Jump: Bell (Lord Beaverbrook), Diakowicz (Western Canada), Gibbons (Bonnie Doon) Pole Vault: Bestwick (Sf. Francis), Lange (Harry Ainlay), Pollock (Onaway) Shot Put: Bauer (Western Canada), Stevenson (Jasper Place), Johnson (Ross Shepard) Discus Throw: Sweetland (Viscount Bennett), Anderson (Western Canada), Stevenson (Jasper Javelin Throw: Pearson (Viscount Bennett), Curlett (Rocky Mountain House), Milor (Athabaska) MANITOBA, . •.•.• . . . . . . . . . . Place) ...• CANADA 100 Yd. Dash: Gislason (Arborg), Fetter (John Taylor, St. James), Morgan {Churchill, Winnipeg} . 220 Yd. Dash: Thompson (St. James), Verry (Kelvin, Winnipeg), Rivers (Selkirk) . 440 Yd. Dash: Cookshaw (Swan River), Thompson (St. James), Mathieson (Gimli) . 880 Yd. Run: Hershman (Daniel Mac, Winnipeg), Rivers (Selkirk), Hutsal (Brandon) . l·Mile Run: McCleery (DanieJ Mac, Winnipeg), McMahon (Brandon), MacDonald (Private Schools, Winnipeg) . 2.Mi!e Run: McCleery (Daniel Mac, Winnipeg), Kernahan (Kelvin, Winnipeg), McMahon (Brandon) .. 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Thompson (St. James), Verry (Kelvin, Winnipeg), Rawlings (Roblin) . 440-Yd. Relay: St. John's (Winnipeg), Sf. James Collegiate, Miles MacDonell Collegiate (East Kildo· man) . 1.Mile Relay: $1. James Collegia1e, Daniel Mcintyre (Winnipeg), Brandon . High Jump: Crawford (Miles Mac, East Kildoman), NeiJson (Kelvin, Winnipeg), Dzamen (Swan River) Running long Jump: Matthes (Suburban Conference, Winnipeg), Olmstead (Beausejour), Ha11aren (Glenlawn, St. Vital) . Triple Jump: Schroeder (Elm Creek), Douglas (SisJer, Winnipeg), Bauer (Suburban Conference, Winnipeg) ...................................................................•... II II" -- 78 79 14] 1,30.5' 49.S 3.23.4" 14.9 1,30.S 22.1 9,35.5 19.6 6'1" 1,29.2 22'9" 21.6 20.0 49.2 47.8** 9:51.5· 14.4 60'9" 135'4" 161'2" 43'S" 1055.4' .20] 6'.41.4"· 9,41.2 4,26.2 44'63.4"* 56'63,4" 1,55.3 23'0" 4,19.9 47'3" 50.4 IS2'11'" 13'6" 2007" 46'83/4"* 1054.1' 172'1" 4:24.1 3,]S.9 15'01.4"* 1,5B.2 167'11" 21.9 4,31.S 149'6" 12'21/4" 1397" 42'93/4" SI'SI/4" 20'10%" 21'83.4" 22.3 12'6" 6'4" 5'11" 10.1 10.0 9] 9.6' Pole Vault: Brown (Cloverleaf Conference, Winnipeg), Carriere (Selkirk), lindsay (Brandon) Shot Put: Hughes (Suburban Conference, Winnipeg), Nylen (Beauseiour), Scantlebury (Virden) Discus Throw: Bornn (Swan River), Switzer (John Taylor, SI. James), Jamieson (Roblin) Javelin Throw: Kaprawy (lundar), McKnight (Killarney), leon hard (Swan River) NEW BRUNSWICK. . . . . CANADA 100 M. Dash: Wheeler (Harrison Trimble), Green (Yanier), McBean (McAdam) . 200 M. Dash (C): Sapier (Southern Victoria), Allaby (Moncton), leach (McAdam) . 400 M. Dash (2): Allaby (Moncton), leach (McAdam), Morris (Saint John) ..•.......... 800 M. Run: Morris (Saint John), Slipp (Fredericton), Gould (Fredericton) . 1500 M. Run: Slipp (Fredericton), Heffernan (Moncton), Beattie (Fredericton) . 3000 M. Run: Beattie (Fredericton), Gould (Fredericton), Burgess (Moncton) 110 M. High Hurdles: Price (Saint John), Bryant (Saint John, Vocational), Morgan (Saint John) 400 M. Relay: W.A.K.E., Saint John, N.W.LA.A I-Mile Relay: W.A.K.E., York-Sunbury, N.W.I.A.A . Running long Jump: Sapier (Southern Victoria), Price (Saint John), Doran (Fredericton) Triple Jump: Doran (Fredericton), Clark (Rothesay Collegiate), Price (Saint John) . Pole Vault: Dickinson (Hartland), Morgan (Saint John), Chamberlain (Saint John, Vocational) Shot Put: leach (McAdam), Gillespie (2othesay Regional), Hargrove (Bath) . Discus Throw: Crawford (Harrison Trimb~e), Hovey (Rothesay Collegiate), Hargrove (Bath) . Javelin Throw: Budreski (Rothesay Regional), Hones (Nackawic), Gillies (Fredericton) .... NOV A SCOTIA. . . . 11.2 22.3 49.4 2,00.0 4,11.0 9,23.5 . 15.5 52.1 3,41.0 20'1" 41'S" 10'9" 47'0'/2" 124'7" 14S7" CANADA 100 Yd. Dash: Jones (Bridgetown, Regiona!), Denton (Truro), Williams (Halifax, Sidney Stephen) .. 220 Yd. Dash (C): Jones (Bridgetown, Regional), Williams (Halifax, Sidney Stephen), Denton (Truro) 440 Yd. Dash (2): Maclean (Halifax, Sidney Stephen), MacDonald (Antigonish), Archibald (Hanfs Co., Hants West) . 880 Yd. Run: Peck (Halifax, Prince Andrew), Parsons (Windsor, Kings College), Banks (Kings Co., West Kings) . I-Mile Run: Book (Kings Co., West Kings), Keddy (New Ross), Emery (Halifax) . 2·Mile Run: Book (Kings Co., West Kings), Emery (Halifax, Prince Andrew), Allen (Halifax, Prince Andrew) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Joe (Truro), Parsons (Windsor, Kings College), Langille (Middleton) . 440 Yd. Relay: Halifax (Sidney Stephen), Windsor (Kings College), Middleton . 880 Yd. Relay: Halifax (Sidney Stephen), Truro, Windsor (Kings College) . I-Mile Relay: Halifax (Sidney Stephen), Windsor (Kings College), Bridgewater . I·Mile Med. Relay (220·220-880-440): Duncan MacMillan, Windsor (Kings Co!lege), Bridgewater . High Jump: Wells (Amherst), Pertus (Halifax, Sf. Pat's), Woods (Annapo!is Royal) .••............. Running long Jump: Boyd (Bridgetown), Langille (Middleton), Hanling (Duncan MacMillan) . Triple Jump: Boyd (Bridgetown), Woods (Annapolis), Hartling (Duncan MacMillan) . Pole Vault: Gaunt (Halifax, Sidney Stephen), Carter (West Kings), Anderson (West Kings) . Shot Put: Smith (Windsor, Kings College), MacDonald (Windsor), Hartling (Duncan MacMillan) . Discus Throw: Smith (Windsor, Kings College), Hartling (Duncan MacMillan), MacDonald (Windsor) Javelin Throw: MacDonald (Windsor), Joe (Truro), Cormier (Pictou Academy) . ONTARIO. II '3" 50'7'" 127'S'" 160'10"· 10.3 23.3 High Jump: Sawchuk. (Saskatoon, North), McRorie (South East), Nishnick (Prince Albert) . Running Long Jump: Poncellet (Qu'Appelle Valley), Morrison (North West), Nishnick (Prince Albert) Triple Jump: Hiebert (South West), Johnson (West Central), Mera (North West) . Pole Vault: McFee (North East), Johnson (East Central). lenko (North West) . Shot Put: Ostevik (Saskatoon, South), Barber (Prince Albert), Bzde! (East Central) .............• Discus ThroW: Hait (Saskatoon, South), Oster (North West), Ostevik (Saskatoon South) . Javelin Throw: Metzler (Qu'Appelle yalley), Krakowski (East Central), Johnson (Central) . Hammer: Gidych (North West), HeWItt (North West) ..................................•.•.•.• COLORADO 100 Yd. Dash: Holmes (Colorado Springs, Palmer), Mitchell (Denver, West), Scavuzzo (Mullen) .... 220 Yd. Dash (C): Holmes (Colorado Springs, Palmer), Mitchell (Denver, Wesr), Scavuzzo (Mullen) 4.40 Yd. Dash (2): Shields (Mullen), White (Wasson), Windle (Alameda) . 880 Yd. Run: Tesar (longmont), Waddle (longmont), Stegner (Poudre) .......................• 1-Mile Run: Elston (Colorado Springs, Palmer), Warner (Delta), Maravilla (Pueblo, Central) . 2.Mile Run: Villareal (Denver, North), Castaneda (Colorado Springs, Palmer), Pedan (Widefield) .. 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Fisher (Manual), Wedgeworth (Manual), Hill (Longmont) . 180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Fisher (Manua!), Adsit (Wheat Ridge), Black (Widefield) . 880 Yd. Relay: Manual, longmont, Washington . 1-Mile Relay: Manual, Aurora (Centra!), Mullen . High Jump: Duvall (Colorado Springs, Palmer), Smith (Pueblo, Centennial), Tie: Fisher (Manual), Kunz (Wheat Ridge) . Running Long Jump: lees (lakewood), Bryant (Mitchell), Sparks {Colorado Springs, Palmer) .....• Triple Jump: Bryant (Mitchell). Douglas (Wheat Ridge), Mal10ry (Washington) . Pole Vault: Spears (Arvada), Hines (Wheat Ridge), Amador (Adams City) . . Shot Put: Klune (lakewood), Peralta (Colorado Springs, St. Mary's), Pagnolla (Ronca iii) Discus Throw: Borden (littleton), Williams (lakewood), Wallace (Mapleton) . 50.5' 2,02.7 4,41.6 9,52.5 16.4 46.0 ),34.5 3,39.0 3:44.7 6'1" 22'41/2" 43'31/2" 10'6" 51 '23/4" 145'1" 166'9" CONNECTICUT 100 Yd. Dash: Vann (Hartford, Public), Brown (McMahon), Waugh (Kennedy) ..........•......... 220 Yd. Dash (C): Vann (Hartford, Public), Walker (Bloomfield), Schlict (Waterford) 440 Yd. Dash (1): lakes (Coventry), Fagan (Stratford), Walker (Bloomfield) 880 Yd. Run: Buell (Norwich), Wheeler (Staples), Rivera (New london) 1-Mile Run: Melly (Newington), Goodwin (Danbury), Vall (Farmington) 2.Mile Run: Duggan (Hartford, Public), Squires (New Milford), Elliott (Waterford) 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Taylor (Hartford, Public), Cirillo (Platt), Allen (Fitch) 180 Yd. low Hurdles: Taylor (Hartford, Public), Cirillo (Platt), Colston (Waterford) 880 Yd. Relay: Hartford (Public), Darien, Woodrow Wilson High Jump: Evans (Wolcott), Kenyon (Conrad), Emery (Ellington) .......••.•......•.......... Running Long Jump: Estelle (West Haven), Wright (Rippowam), Weed (lyman Hall) ...........• Triple Jump: Estelle (West Haven), Wright (Rippowam), Rush (Hartford Public) Pole Vault: Acousta" (Norwich), Ford (New Britain), Schooley (Sil;nsbury) Shot Put: Taylor (Hartford, Public), Oressigaker (Amity), Lowe (Fitch) Discus Throw: Dressigaker (Amity), Kowalski (Southington), Bezrutczyk (New Britain) Javelin Throw: Corrie (Wilton), Vetiefeuil1e (Windham), St. Onge (William Hall) - CANADA 100 Yd. Dash: Hebson (Toronto, Central), Martin (St. Andrews College), Roy (Niagara Falls) 220 Yd. Dash (C): Swainson (Parkdale), Fraser (lisgar), Hisred (Hill Park) . 440 Yd. Dash (2): Blackman (Birchmount Park), Close (Central), Creen (Waterdown) . aao Yd. Run: Jorgenson (North Toronto), Delben (Sf. Clair), Brace (Lawrence Park) . I·Mile Run: Drevins (Dundas), Smith (G. S. Henry), Cape (Walkerville) . 2-Mile Run: Smith (G. S. Henry), Dufresne (Chippewa), Slaven (Acton) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Kargel (Humberside), MacDonald (Michael Power), Gnyp (Kipling) 440 Yd. Relay: Nelson, Thistletown, Humberside . aao Yd. Relay: Hill Park, Parkdale, Ridley College . I·Mile Relay: Central Technical, Northview Heights, Southmount . High Jump: Smith (Richmond Hill), Noroski (Monarch Park), Kanakos (Vincenl Ma!sey) Running long Jump: Martin (Sudbury), Dufault (Lowe), Blackman (Birchmount Pork) ." ladore (Belle River), McDonough (St. Michaels) Triple Jump: Robertson (Sir J. A. Macdonald), Pole Vault: Simpson (Agincourt), Anderson (Michael Power), Rice (Birchmount Park) Shot Put: Crosby (Grand River), Smith (Vincent Massey), Yanaky (Bloor) Discus Throw: Crosby (Grand River), Annis (Sheridan), Smilh (Vincent Massey) Javelin Throw: Dowsell (Sarnia Centra!), Hobbs (Perdue), Taylor (University of Toronto) 48.9* 1.56.2 4,23.1 9,20.5 lS.3w . 43.5 ),31.5 3,23.7 6'3" . . . . . . 21'Sv," 46'11/2" 15'9"* 57'4" 174'6" 219' CANADA 100 Yd. Dash: Willms (Centra!), TarasoH (Saskatoon, North), Oster (Northwest) 220 Yd. Dash (C): Helman (South West), Morrison (North West), Willms (Central) 440 Yd. Dash (2): Tarasoff (Saskatoon, North), Stolniuk (North West), Wyton (South Central) 880 Yd. RUn: Tarasoff (Saskatoon, North), Geoghegan (Saskatoon, South), Mireau (North East) I-Mile Run: Geoghegan (Saskatoon, South), Yawney (East Cenfra!), Kidd (West Central) 2.Mile Run: Yawney (East Centra!), Mlynarczyk (Centra!), Kidd (West Central) 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Ellert (South West), Rodin (South Central), Johnson {East Central) 440 Yd. Relay: Saskatoon (South), Saskatoon (North), North West . I-Mile Relay: South West, East Central, North East . . . . . . DELAWARE 9.7wn 21.5· 100 Yd. Dash: Moss (Wilmington, P. S. DuPont), Parker (Middletown), Stewart (lewes) . 220 Yd. Dash (C): Moss (Wilmington, P. S. DuPont), Ward (Wilmington, P. S. DuPont), Parker (Middletown) . 440 Yd. Dash (2): Cushing (Wilmington, A. I. DuPont), Mears (Georgetown), Howell (Milton) . 880 Yd. Run: Saddler (Mt. Pleasant), leinhiser (Brandywine), Patterson (Dover) . 1-Mile Run: Patterson (Dover), Cleaver (Brandywine), Temple (De laWarr) . 2.Mile Run: Byrd (Wilmington, P. S. DuPont), Price (Mihon), Wether hold (Harrington) . 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Mishoe (Dover), Savage (Newark). Payne {Christiana} . 180 Yd. Low Hurdles: Payne (Christiana), Miller (Seaford), Savage (Newark) . 880 Yd. Relay: Wilmington (P. S. DuPont), Middletown, Wilmington (A. I. DuPont) . 1-Mile Relay: Christiana, Dover, New Castle (William Penn) ..........................•..•...• High Jump: Dunn (Newark), Jones (Brandywine), Thayer (Milford) . Running long Jump: Madric (Wilmington, P. S. DuPont), Ednie (Wilmington, A. I. DuPont), Johmon (Smyrna) . Triple Jump: Thayer (Milford), West (Seaford), Stevens (Wilmington) . Pole Vault: James (Wilmington, A. I. DuPont), Roberts (Wilmington, A. I. DuPont), Coulter (Dover AFB) SASKATCHEWAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 23.3 51.3 2,00.D 4,35.2 9,45.4 IS.D 45.1 3,34.9 .•.•..••••••• "",." •.....•..•.•............•................••.......•• Shot Put: Webb (Salesianum), Williams (Seaford), Dee {Dover} Discus Throw: Dee (Dover), Hyrcak (Newark), Starke ~Dover, Caesar Rodney) Javelin Throw: Hazzard (Tower Hill), Baldini (Arch mere), Stenger (lewes) DISTRICT OF . . . COLUMBIA 100 Yd. Dash: Burgess (Eastern), Belcher (McKinley), Ronne (Anacostia) •....................... 220 Yd. Dash (C): 8elcher (McKinley), Burgess (Eastern), Cooper (McKinley) -440 Yd. Dash (2): leonard (Eastern), Acker (Coolidge), Colbert (Anacostia) 880 Yd. Run: Young (Dunbar), McDow (Coolidge), Pharr (Wilson) I·Mile Run: Young (Dunbar), Youmans (Cardozo), Flood (Cardozo) ...................•........ . . . ~ * CD C":) (') ~OrJ). ~-....~ =-=~ r-:,= ~ ~(t5"" ~ rJ). s-~~ ==:-0 OO~~ en: ::E::E~\O)O{/)--j ~ ~ •••• ~ ~~ ~~~ ::r-. () 0 ;>;"'ITO~ ,::rQ)ro OQ)~::r 0..;>;" ~ ro::r -. -'-. ro ::r a () ~ ::J~.~ (l) <0;::J~~8" ::r::r::J<l .....•.. ,roro t\) {/)(){/){/)::J (/) o..roqt1""O ""Oro~ro~:3 I-' C::rS!.. oro t\) ~ o..;::;:""O.§ro--jO hi ~,~ITQ);>;"....,o:: ::J~(i)O':3~ _::J::;E --:I IT:3 C:3 ro ro :J''< 0..::r::;E (/)OQ ~ OJ~. Q) oIJ" c' ,OQ o..::J '< ~~-'OQ ~ 9;{/)'""O::r cr:J •....•.. Q){/) CD c:::: ?5:2. ;>;"~::J()O ~ ~ 3Q)....,roOOQ 0..c;::;E""O{/) ~. r Q) C:!". CD (f> (f> "'0 \0) S!; COMPETITOR AND MEET SCHOOL PERFORMANCE ............. _..5t ••.t(' CIF n_s., Oakland, Calif. ...... St ••.t"Mct'tPrelims H.S .• Coml)ton, CaliC, . D"r"p~' H.S., Los Anl'::t'les, Calif. .-::::-k~~',{I:~;::;(i)ni~~. it ationa Hi~h!anrls H.8., San Antonio, Texas .. Cast]emont C.'lItellnial BBO SPRINT ~~~~:~ 1:2S.2 :~~~:~ MEDLEY State State State _Btate State )[ ••••t State State :'\i •• rt :J 315.2 :, 16.~ :j 17.0 :,17.1 :,17.4 POlE VAULT CarriA"~'n (OI'UnA" H.S .• -"Vash.) . Pullard t Los AnA"e!e~ H.S., Calif.) Smith (S<1Ilth H.S .• T01·rane",. CaliC.) _ State )1e.·t K.U. Relays S ••eti"nnl State M",et S1. John's Relays GI"'nrlal", H••lays Pratt Hdays Sanctioned ]'lIed Hohhs Invitational _West Coast Relays ... State Meet ..... I•. A. City Finals ....... QuarterFinals CIl:' So. Section Simpson (Adncourt H.S .• Sc~t!"b")·"I1A"h. Ont.).Ontario Cbampionshi])s Hoberts (Conroe I£.S .• Texas) Brenham Invitational Sw",nson (Nic"let H.S., \Vise.) Bra\·.·lan.1 ConI. Lydon (San Mateo, Calif.) ", Central Coast H"A"iona] )[al'tin IHi.::hlanris H.S .• Lake. T",xas) Riehardson Invitationa! Pacifie Leaj("ue Gin.::rich 1Ro:;emead, CaliC.) . ..... elF C.C. . Alban ••,.., (Kin.::s City n.s .• CaJiC.) . LONG Hewitt WaJJace Downey Game5 State Me(>t 15- ~ 15.S 15_21' J5.2 15. Pi II Jr,15_01 7_0 (;.!':!j r,. ~11' (;- !I ti. ~!:! 1;_ SI li_ S fi- S 6. S 011.: 61,4 PERFORMANCE L~·tle nYhitmun N.Y.) Arkle)' Est,,!! •• H.S., 2·1. 41.~ 2·1- .1 2.1. ~ 2·1- :\ai 2·1. :\1', 2~- 2:<1 2·t.21; 2·1- 2 JUMP Clan. I1.S .• Calif . .! .... $aL~~...:~II:~r" \'"I1!'y Tucker 1San Joaquin )It'morial H.S .• 'Fresn", Cali!. 1 __ _ Thomas (Carvt'r I['S .• N ••w Orl",ans. La. 1 Dkkinson IN"'WIH>rt News H.S., \'ir.::inin). Turn ••r (Dunbar H.S .• Darton, Ohiol Smith ISouth H.S .• Bakerslield. CaliC.1 . Utley tCup.'rtin", Calif. I Huntington SHOT 16-41,2 2::;· 24· --~ (Santa \\"'st Coast R,'la~'~ Sm,th.'I'n (:Iassic State :>1<,.·t Classic DeJuno It(>la}'s Santa Clara Vall.,y L.·:;v;'''' St~,ti"n. 51). 7~, 51).1)' 4 ~I- :. ~H. Ga, ~S- 6';. ~S. 21' 47-]1 ",,7-·j! ·\7· ~ ~j- :, PUT H.S .• Gardena, Adam" iSt. Josephs N.·", Jersey) Nee]y t Brackpnrirke Texas) Nauj("hton Ifi.7 16-7 JUMP " ", .. ,.. :" ..•" MEET Stat.'I'I-It>d .... State :\I<,.·t CIF SO. Section Finals CIF So>.S.·.·tion Finals Calif. I Phillips n ••. ·asbin.::\'Hl H.S., InilianapoIis, Ind.f _ . Naug-hton nVeston H.S .• )Iass.) n.s., Texas) )[arks (Richurdson JUMP (Merced, CaIiC.) (Alton H,S., IIJinoi",) TRIPLE Freem;>n J<:skeli 1Serra .. HwwII IComptun. Ca.liC.) State CIF )! ••••l Lisby (Las V<'A"as H.S .• Nevada! _ Statr 1\1(>(>t Joseph (\YMhinl/:ton H.S .• Los Ang<,l ••s, CaliC.> ._.. .... .. _.. S"uthern Leaj;:1H' Culp tOceanside, Calif. I " ;\voead •• Le'HnH' BrHdley (COmptoll, CaIiC.) _ '- .. _.. _•.... _._ BelIflower III\"itllti"",,1 Hro ••k,. t Wbitman H.S., R••tbt'sdn. )Iuryland I . Distrid ]J""k.'r ,Ch ••n.l1,·r H.S., Oklah"ma I ..... State Meet Clark tN"rth H.S .. Bakersti",ld, Calif.) W"st Coast Hda~'s Fletcher (11••<>v"r H.S .• 'Fresno. CaliC.) Fresno City )!eet SCHOOL Hnntlnll 1Suns(>t H$ .• Dallas. Texasl Stuart I(;!usv;ow II.S .• K(>ntuekyf Cunning-ham (Santa Baruara, Calif. ) RELAY F"I·t DodA"e H.S .. Iowa South",ast H.S .• \Vichitn. Kansas \Vanta.::h H.S_. New York Del Norte H.S .• Albuquerque, N.:>L Cooli,Jge H.S .. \Vashin.::ton. D.C Bu",na H.S .• V<,ntura. CaliC. \Velling-ton ILS., Kansas .. Cedar Falls, Iowa Hobbs H.S., New Mexico Lemoore H.S .• Calif. HIGH II.S :,1:,.5 :,15.1 )jeet CIF Prelims CIF Pr ••lims oC Champions )1eet )it·et AND Flil'pen (Riverhead H.S., N",w y"rk) S.·,·ti"nal Kinne)' (Dnnran H.S., Oklahoma I __._ SI:".· Thomas <Carn'r H.S., New Orl •.ans. La.! ... N.O.R.n. /I1.·,·t Bunn (McLane H.S., Fresno, CaliC .•......... No. y"s,'mit<· L.'av;ue Brown (Houston II.S., San Antonio. T.',,,,s) H.'gion,,1 Allen (Tulare H.S., CaliC.) W,'st C" ••st H"lays ),[cAlIist!'r tRIair H.S .• Pasatl"IH., CaliC ..1 . StateCIF Lusk tJ\1o(}d~' H.S., Corplls Christi. T.·"ns •.... Redonal 1\!U RELAY Killian II.S .. iltiami. Florida \Vheatley H.S .• Houston, Texas Centennial H.S .• Com1'ton. Calif Lo_~ An.::eles H.S .• Calif D"rsey H.S .. Los Ang-e!es. CaliC Northsirle H.S .. Fort Smith, Arkans~''; De! Norte H.S .• AJhuquerque, N.)!. Northwestern H.S., )1iami. Florida MILE I 1i:~ RELAY h ••••••••• Stat •.•1I1('('t Killian H.S., !IIiami, F!orio ••.................. n •••••• L.LA.L.a. Stale ~tcKilll('y HS, Baton Roug'C', La. East A.S., Cle"'('land, Ohio Classic n •• ~teet of Champions Northsi<ie n.s., Fort Smith, Ark Hobbs B.S., New Mexico __ lIobb~ Invitational \Vyandotte H.S., K~lnsas City. Kan~a~ . State )[eet Del Norte H.S., Albuquerque. New )[exic" _ Di~trid Lincoln H.S., Tacoma. \Vash _ State )[eet North Littl!!' Rock H.S .• Arkansas Tig-cr Helay,; MILE COMPETITOR 41.~ 4l,fI. ~ )'!ontvah'. .- _ .. H.S., San Antuni", ..... Stat<· )'Ie('t 5tale;\I".·t Ri,·h"I·,1son In\'itational 1;7·111 G7.4I 6-1. j;:~, r,.I_:{I· r,:1.!1 fi:\.2" B.S., . . State :\1e<'( 62.111, 62- 6% DISCUS Frame But!er Nunn Taylor IUnion H$ .• New Jerse~'1 t Conroe H.S .• Texas) . (Coronad" H.S .• EI Paso. '1'exI'''' OlartCord H.S .• Conn.) Kellol!:A" ISenttsblulT Ji.S., Nebraska) Adams (Los Altos, CaIiC) . Hirtwhistl", t Gunn H.S .• PaJn Alto, Ca!if.) Davis IHilisdale H.S .• San 1\1ut",". Cu!iC.) DressiKaker 1Ami\i n"A"ional H.S., \ ••. ·"oduridg-e, Conn .•......... Hl'ig-gs \S ••minole, Tt>xas) Stat", ;\!t, ••t BO'an Jnvitational .... R.,A"ional l!12-S IHO-4 IH!J-1] 1I:1rt("1"<1 Invitational BiA"Ten )1 ••"t St"t" ClIo' StMeCIF l\Ie",t .. CIF{>nt!'aICuast Stat •• :>1<, ••t Distriet 1 R~J1HH.. 1kJ;. 1Rfi1k5_ 11'2_11 1HI_j(il:~ JAVELIN }' ••arre (-"" ••st H.S., ShaWl!!!!' 1\1issi"n. Kltnsa~1 . Stiles j)[alta H.S .• South Dakota) . .\lushinski j Ambridge H.S., Penna.) . OU•••· \\Yy:mdotte H.S .• Kltns"" City, Sa"tu"A"ini (Clltssical H.S., Providel1c",. H.!.I H.·.d,m,,1 Stat •• ),I".·t State ;\h·"t It ••gi"",,1 11.'ndriek.>n Invitationul G",org-e C'!i!!ar!' II.S., Filimore, Utahl ." .... Stut •• ;\I•••,t Stevens (Del Norte H.S., AlbuQuerQu",. N.M .•. District De Palma (Penns Grove H.S., New Jersey} Sectional Ceraci (Vineland H.S., New Jersey) Seetional Daniels (Linn H.S., Halsey, Qre&,on) •............. Dlstrict ::!·H- 7 ~~~: ~ 22~- ~~!: 220· 2J\)· 0. "-I Look . Gill helps win in any event. around at any meet. You'll see Gill track and field equipment everywhere in nearly every event. Gill keeps competitors competitive by providing equipment designed to the latest official rule changes. See what Gill has to offer. Be On The Right Track With The Best • Write for the new 1970 Gill Color Catalog. It features over 200 items and it's FREE. ALUMINUM SPILL PROOF ROCKER HURDLES Selected for most all the NCAA Championships from 1961 to 1969. Start the '70's with our championship hurdle. GOLDEN BAR New pole vault records were set over our nonbreakable fiberglass crossbar at the 1969 NCAA and AAU Championships. (GILL) GOLDEN RIDE A new profile in fiberglass poles ... bola to improve performance. the para- TRACK AND FIELD EQUIPMENT ALUMINUM The Harry Gill Company / Dept. FR/ Box 428 / Urbana, Illinois 61801 ~J;=~g'T~--?7-~9~~---Ci)--a"';::;"O"'j"°"'p..,-c..-::s-ch ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT CO. P.O. Box 145 Wynnewood, Pa. 19066 ":-"::=:Q?o 63 62 HIGH SCHOOL RECORDS FOR STATE FINAL MEETS (TRACK) KEY: 'Run on 2 Full Turns +Run on 1 Full Turn •. tRun on Straightaway #Run HIGH SCHOOL RECORDS FOR STATE FINAL MEETS (FIELD) on Curve Long STATE 100 220 Alabama •..................... 9.8 21.5 Alaska 10.2 22.3 Arizona (AAA) 9.7 21.4 # (AA) 9.9 22.5# (A) 9.9 21.9# (B) 9.9 22.0# (C) 10.2 22.9# Arkansas (AAA) 9.5 21.2# (AA) 9.7 21.7 (A) 10.0 22.2 (B) 9.9 22.0 California 9.4 20.5 Canada: Alberta 10.0 22.6# Manitoba 9.5 21.8 New Brunswick 10.0 22.1 Nova Scotia 10.2 22.8 Ontario 9.8 21.5# Saskatchewan 9.8 21.9 Colorado 9.6 21.2 Connecticut 9.6 21.1 Delaware 9.8 21.8 District of Columbia .. 9.5 21.7 Florida (AA) 9.6 21.4# (A) 9.8 22.0 (B) 9.7 22.1 (C) 10.1 22.6 Georgia (AAA) ""'''''' 9.7 21.4 (AA) 9.9 21.2 (A) 9.9 22.0 (B) 9.9 22.3 (C) 10.0 22.5 Hawaii _. 9.9 22.2 Idaho 9.8 21.5 Illinois 0. •••••••••••• 9.6 20.9 Indiana 9.5 21.9 # Iowa 9.5 21.3 9.6 21.0 Kansas '''''''''''''0. •••••'''''' Kentucky 9.6 21.2 9.5 20.7 Louisiana .nnnm •••••••••• 10.0 22.0 Maine ..h •••••••••••••••••••••••• Maryland ""'''''''''''''''' 9.7 21.1 Massachusetts 10.1 21.7 0. •••••••• 9.8 21.4 Michigan M!n~es?ta .. m •••••••••••••••• 9.9 21.9# MISSISSIPPI 'On'."nnnn •• 9.6 21.3 Missouri ..h •••••••••••••••••• 9.6 20.8 0. •••• 9.6 21.0 Montana 0. •••••••••••••• 9.7 21.4 Nebraska mh •••••••••••••• 9.8 21.4 Nevada New Hampshire 10.0 21.7 New Jersey 9.3 20.6 New Mexico 9.3 21.1 New York 9.4 20.3 North Carolina 9.8 21.4 North Dakota ""'m •..' 9.8 21.5 880 Mile 48.8 51.6' 48.3+ 49.4+ 49.4+ 49.6+ 51.8+ 48.2* 48.8 48.8 48.8 46.6' 440 1 :54.5 2 :02.2 1 :54.9 1 :58.4 1 :57.5 1 :58.3 2 :02.9 1 :55.5 1 :53.6 1 :58.1 1 :53.6 1 :48.8 4 :21.3 4 :32.6 4 :14.7 4 :22.3 4 :23.2 4 :28.7 4 :34.3 4 :21.0 4 :20.3 4 :21.2 4 :24.7 4 :07.6 51.0' 50.7 51.3 50.5* 48.9* 49.7 47.8* 48.3 48.1 48.6 47.3* 49.0 48.6 51.5 48.3 49.2 50.2 49.9 50.7 49.5 48.1 47.3 47.3 48.0 48.0 47.3 48.5 50.0 48.9 48.8+ 48.3* 48.2* 49.3 48.4 49.2 48.4 49.5 50.1 46.7 48.5 47.3 48.3 49.3 1 :57.4 1 :59.4 1 :57.0 2 :00.0 1 :54.3 1 :55.6 1 :54.1 1 :51.6 1 :55.4 1 :54.3 1 :53.2 1 :56.5 2 :00.4 2 :00.0 1 :54.4 1 :56.4 1 :58.9 1 :58.4 2 :01.0 1 :52.7 1 :53.8 1 :50.4 1 :52.7 1 :55.3 1 :53.7 1 :54.1 1 :53.3 1 :58.9 1 :52.9 1 :54.1 1 :52.7 1 :51.7 1 :57.2 1 :54.1 1 :55.5 1 :55.3 1 :57.1 1 :55.1 1 :50.7 1 :53.1 1 :49.8 1 :53.9 1 :56.2 4 :23.7 4 :22.0 4 :28.1 4 :27.2 4 :11.3 4 :27.0 4 :22.5 4 :10.8 4 :24.2 4 :27.4 4 :10.4 4 :16.3 4 :35.8 4 :37.5 4 :23.2 4 :26.4 4 :21.4 4 :31.8 4 :30.0 4 :11.8 4 :18.1 4:11.7 4 :08.0 4 :14.5 3 :58.3 4 :19.0 4 :08.4 4 :25.0 4 :14.1 4 :18.7 4 :13.2 4 :05.1 4 :21.9 4 :08.4 4 :16.5 4 :18.6 4 :19.7 4 :22.6 4 :14.9 4 :18.1 4 :10.3 4 :16.1 4 :20.4 (Continued on page 71) , ....•. ~·a-I~ ;-;;-.;::::;-~;o.,'";""'--o.."'c..- ::s ••.·OO 120 180 13.8 15.6 13.8 14.9 14.2 14.4 15.1 13.8 13.9 14.5 14.4 13.7 18.3 20.7 19.3 19.3 19.1 19.2 20.5 18.8 18.9 19.4 19.0 18.3 V2·Mile Hurd Hurd Relay 14.1 15.1 20.8 15.9 14.5 15.0 14.2 14.6 14.5 14.2 13.7 14.3 14.8 15.5 14.3 14.5 14.8 14.7 15.1 15.3 14.4 14.1 14.1 14.2 14.1 13.9 14.1 14.3 14.3 14.4 13.9 14.3 14.5 14.0 14.4 14.2 14.5 14.5 13.8 13.9 13.9 14.3 14.4 19.1 19.3 19.9 19.5 19.4 19.8 20.1 20.9 19.1 19.4 20.0 19.5 20.7 19.7 19.3 19.6 18.6 19.1 18.5 19.3 18.6 19.1 19.0 20.0 19.0 19.1 19.6 18.9 19.0 19.4 19.6 19.2 18.8 19.0 18.1 19.2 19.3 1 :32.0 1 :34.4 1 :27.9 1 :31.4 1 :30.1 1 :32.2 1 :33.7 1 :26.9 1 :28.0 1 :30.0 1 :31.3 1 :25.9 1 :35.9 1 :31.5 1 :32.4 1 :28.5 1 :30.3 1 :30.5 1 :26.9 1 :26.4 1 :28.7 1 :30.0 1 :33.9 1 :30.3 1 :29.6 1 :27.1 1 :28.3 1 :27.6 1 :27.8 1 :28.7 1 :27.9 1 :32.2 1 :29.6 1 :28.8 1 :28.8 1 :28.4 1 :28.2 1 :29.0 1 :29.1 1 :29.8 1 :30.6 1 :27.1 1 :25.4 1 :28.7 1 :31.5 2.Mil Run 9 :37. 10 :09. 9 :32. 9 :53. 9:47. 10 :04. State Shot 00 (A) Javelin alifornia .....__ 8 :57.~ anada: (B) Alberta Manitoba N. Brunswick .. 9 :57. Nova Scotia 9 :46. Ontario 9 :12. Saskatchewan .. 9 :40. Colorado 9 :51. Connecticut 9 :19. Delaware 0. ••• 9 :41. ist. of Columbia lorida (AA) 0. •.• 9 :25. (A) 9 :33. (B) 55' 4%," 50' 71)." 50' 7" 49' 711 53' 4/1 62' 2%," 49'10";"" 62' 21;"" 60' 7" 58' 6" 57' 60' 1%" 57' 9112" 55' 5" 189' I" 171' 5" 21' 160'10" 22' 166' 41/.," 22' 170' 51);" 23' 230' 1" 22' 180' 7" ,22' 23' 200' 7" 23' 190' 2" 22' 159' 6" 153' 149' 1" 145' 1" 177' 8" 142' 7" 178' 6%" 182'11" 158' Ph" 158' 6%" 188' 9" 176' 211:(' 159' 9" (C) 50' 11)." 138'11" 176'10%" 196' P;,," Georgia (AAA) .. 66' 7" 168' 6'4" 9 :47. (AA) 59' 9" 156' 9" 9 :47. (A) 52' 8%," 147'11";"" 9 :50. (B) 53' 8" 143' 7%" 9 :58. (C) 52' 2'4" 177' 9 :39. Hawaii .0. •.•••.•.•.••••. 58' 6'4" 169' 5'12" 6112" 9 :26. Id~ho 59' 5%," 9 :43. Ilhn01s 62'101)." 180' 4" 9 :06.1 Indiana 64' 3!j2" 168' 5" 9 :09. Iowa " 65'111/0" 229' 4'4" 8" 9 :41. Kansas 62' 71)." 177' 167'11" 9 :09 9 Kentucky 67' 239'IP;"" 182'10" 9 :34: Lo~isiana m •• _ •••••••• 59' 01.4 11 162' 5" 198' 6]/2" MaIne .._ __ . 54' 91.411 184'10" 9 :49.9 Maryland 64' 61/2" 151' 5" 205' 3]12" 9 :26.2 Massachusetts 63' 9" 9 :24 0 Michigan 63' 7" 9 :19:3 M!n,!es?ta 60' 01)." 171'11'12" MISSISSIPpI •..•...... 57' 71h" 160' 5" Missouri __ 62' 41~" 179' P;,," 91;"" 242' 7" 9 :30.3 Montana 61' 61;"" 180' 176' 0" 9 :37.4 Nebraska 58' 7" 177'10" 9 :27.2 Nevada 60' 1112" 216' 1" New Hampshire .. 56' 11h" 157' 6" 244' 192' 8" 9 :32.9 New Jersey .m ••• '·· 65' 3" 212' 9" 178' 9:23.7 New Mexico 61'11%," 186' 1" 190' 9 :39.1 New York mm·h,,, 64' 5')1," 171' 8" 9 :13.5 North Carolina 58' 2%," North Dakota 58' 91)." 172' 0'12" 189'10" -- High Jump 24' 61'lOlh" 55' 1%:' 65' 9" 52' 5" 56' 5%" 56' 71)." 50' 7" 57' 7!jo" 66'11/1 Jump 1'4" 6' 7'4" 21' 6%" 6' 5" 25' 3!j2" 6' 8%" 21' 5"12" 6' 2" 23' 5!j2" 6' 3%" 23' 21)." 6' 2" 21' 8%," 6' 0%" 6' 6" 22' 9" 24' 0" 6' 4'4" 6' 3" 22' 7" 6' 4" 22'10" 25' 4112" 7' 0" 173' 6" 158' 184' 6" 148'11 '4" 173' 7" 165' 147' P;,," 168' 41;"" .. 65' 81)." 184' 4" 167' 2112" 56' 3" 151' 4" labama laska , rizona (AAA) .. (AA) (A) '" (B) (C) rkansas (AAA) .. (AA) Discus 8" 8" 2" 5%" 71)." 6%" 5%," 5'11'/2" 6' 2" 6' 6' 1" 6' 6" 6' 3%" 6' 71)." 6' 7%," 21)." 6' 41)." 23' 8" 6' 4" Pole Vault Triple Jump 14' 2'4" 46' 8'4" 12' 9" 41' 6%," 15' O%," 13' 13' 13' 12' 14' 14' 9" 3%" 2" 1'4" 8" 13'11%," 13' 3" 16' 0" 12' 6" 43'10" 12' 7%" 45' 3%," II' 7" 44'10112" 11' 71;"" 46' 9" 48' O%," 15' 9" 12' 2'4" 45' 0%" 15' 0'4" 46' 4V,." 2'4" n: 7"12" 48' 44' 634" 12' 14' 8" 6' 7!j2" 6' 6";"" 13' 5%," 12' 8";"" 6' 2" 5'11" 11' 61"," 6' 5%" 13'I1Vo" 46' 3%" 23' 6' 31;"" 13'10'12" 46' 8%" 21'111)." 6' 11)." 13' 71;"" 45' 4%" 13' 5" 44' 4%," 22' 4%" 6' 3" 22' 6' 2%" 12'10%" 43' 0%" 6' 7" 44' 2%" 13'10%," 22' 7'4" 23' 6' 4%," 14' 1" 15' O%," 24' 6'4" 6' 91)." 15' 0%" 23' 9"12" 6'10" 23' 3%," 6' 4%" 14' 4" 6' 8%," 15' 4" 23'11" 46' 5" 14' 23' 6112" 6' 6" 48' 1%" 24'11" 6' 4%," 14' 5" 44'101)." 12' 9%," 22' 31)." 6' 1%," 23' 4" 6' 71)." 13' 71)." 46' 6'4" 14' 6" 22' 6" 6' 6" 14' 6%" 23' 8%," 6' 8" 23' 4" 6' 6%" 13' 51;"" 23' 5" 6' Ph" 13' 6" 15' 0%" 23' 6%," 6'10" 6' 61;"" 13' 8%" 45' 4" 22' 8" 24' 5%" 23' 01)." 23'111;"" 21' 2%." 22'lPh" 24'10112" 6' 5%" 14' 1" 6' 9%," 14' 4" 22' 314" 6' 3%," 13' 7" 24' 4!j2" 6' 8%" 14' 23'101;"" 6' 9%" 14' 41;"" 24' 41)." 6' 6%," 14' 5'12" 50'10" 23' 01;"" 6' 7%" 13' 8" 14' 6" 22'111;"" 6' 6" 23' 6" (Continued on page 71) I'" ilill HI i '~, 'ql 'Of uo 'l( udora STATE CHAMPIONS i- ll..• ,•.•.. Allken·,. Cnrssett ;\lar:lna Staff Kenai Hartford ••rd Auburn Fr 1:-OJiller Litka \\'8rro;>n Kinzel Havana Huhha 1'''1>1> •••tt •11 Cairo Frankfurt Clinton Furt Wendell D.'nn'l' l.uui,,~·ille Car" ••n t••rth 1\1anllal\ 11\lal •th Fountain) AAA AAA: ••1 AA F"rt Owo;>nsboro Carrollton East Dud!:'e :-01"Une lI •• nI.. IIrown (NUI·th) Richanl Y('rnonWilkf's Duan Inn.\1irtl Clar D"n'lld:-,1cCraf' IUnitE-dl ••n •.•Lo\"estrand ••(· Urresti •• \\'hit •• U, St. Anne's Ac;)tI('my nub Hobby Ashcraft Thomas Ern.'st:-'Iiller Carl Dnn I~icharrls Barnhardt Preston Bo;>nham ••n Bart"w Hamilton Duhl (Hill AA: I'.u·k COACH JamM< Ch:.rl..,; Nels"n H:o)·II:.mnwn,J Shan 1,;,hollr 1I"l:'le" Hu!.!h Dllver 'rucson .\1i1es Foreman W.A.K.E. Scnttdale 1I••lIe C"nlidg'e \\',,It'ott \\'{'1Iin~ton Hill Birming-ham Juneau \\"<"51 Bisbee Plaint· City Ano:-h"rslt.· It(Uni A.S.D.n.1 IHamilton) 1\A; AA: A: r,I Sasknt"on :-01ari••n Shawn",,, AshCork East North \"'ins]ow }'f·"ria .'0",10;>1' Punahou RUNNER·UP And1OraR'e JamMlJ!t"an"TS Jam"" Ken::;awin 8m Pet Frank Ah'f( Little COACH (Dysart) Mission Wiltruut ·Stliart 1t••1",•.t Davi,ICurti» D. .I n•.. D Th V"vi,! nc)(\Vi]slIn nunl'arsons H. R Ken l<;milG.Nasser Cawl Dinol"rli R"bert Hawkins ••rr ••n Rock :;Iad OxCord ••hertT"llfU'r ••• \'all<l('r:-.tol"" \\'oolwa)' Brav "I••r.,Orzech ••ld D :-'Iac\'k"r ••k (North) 111':.(1)' ••se Smith Henry Baumann U••hr •• Rose re)· :'ITariU" Phil Do" Patrick :'Ilulkey Kelley AAA: Chugiak Crumw ••ll Arn Kirk ••1<1 8:.nol('T" t:n!:'er W.A.K.E. A, D. )'ath·rs ••n Cnlumbus (Baker) Sam Paducah ITih.:hmanJ B FIRlo:"et Rockland Saskatoon ••II••vue Alton Elkha Juhll jam~ (;ih"on T Y"J;:i James Jim \VaYTlt'Madntosh f>h••],lon·An,lpr>ion Rex Bill ••mmy •• ISt'llinT) t••• E~t'I' Holsclaw Pith; Chilrl('" J.JI,Nitzk (South) Conll EUI:'.'n"SR "erh'n Richard '\'illinm R••h,·rt II flt'hr£'ns :'.IRj••r ••bert ill \Vill"l':-er (;ardner Tay]"r Thorn JI"nry Puck lI"al:']an.1 Rile)' Puwell Chari ••no" ••" Cnnway Tie: Art Rainwater Bristol (Liher!)'} KinJ;:s STATE .\liami Boise Collel':'"c IN Borah) l,ewis.Pa]merJ School ••••. "\.1: AA: L, \\'cst :'.1iami Eastern ~.t 1-:\"('1'1::'1"""11 I!:'n:.d •• nf,t tR'omen· Kinl:'s •• Duan K"n n•• 1'••ter R'1Il :\lkh:U'1 Ht'nn'S::wal':e tKillianl hCity ert Fn'nch Arnold U n•• •• nHichnnlJuhl .schl.·y\Villiarns"1I L District Stuart ••r"y ••b ••rb":winJ;: P.·at'uck CBooker SCHOOt Burnett b••• Ca"sidy erts Ash.! Danie]" ••wn T. Wuhin!':"ton I-'ah ••k(~ ,J"rd ••n Corhelt Soperton K :-Ol WilminJ;:ton Junction Hip:hland Kansas inJ;:s ••nument F"l'tSmith ColleJ;:f' City (Treutl City IA.1. (Wy:uulott'd S('hool (Northsid,,} ••estern) nSprillJ.~s) duPont) I4A: fiA Raint Sitka Fr..,;n Cuncordia Carrull To Dike Bedl Fnrmin!::'t.,,, S"eial KanHusCity Hran,lywine l'ho,'nix Iolani ••••. n"o"e"('lt Los o;> •••. •• JDeQueen J. Jerry Hay Edmund :'.like Arlen Chari.,,; Bill AI nob Keith AISiml,ler Eldri,lI1;e dHill Circle ••hn lIiII An~ lRooseveltl ••hn 1Sidney (Chl'istinnl Ro naylor Sta\'!"}" Dvurak Dani£'\s ••I~ Ch,·st.,]· Stnk l\t",rlin ]!iIlTry AI FihRerald O·K ••••. Hilt')' IIrl/n" Kr'Il':t'r (SlImnt'!") an Ynmashiru Presley Skiffin!:'ton ••r •••• Stephen) Ce (iish ••n I'ittman !'h-!ac3uJ,:'a \(Can"ert Ea"'l HiR"hb.ndl BirminR'ham :.r••bile Ha}· ~Uni\"('rsity ••••.• Mxl.Seissum (Birminl':"ham :.tilitaryl :\1••"a\\\"pstw" ••,IJ Tucson Jo:,lmont"nCit)· Cah:,ary DunOI"'n: Lilloly John jEdward •• {Palo Cann Wa)'n(·Cnrder R••midno V(>rrlel I.awendow>lki ••n York-Sunbury Atlanta (No •• Col East Council Indianal'o1is ••rad" Point Bluffs SprinJi:s (Hea,lIancl) (North (St. (Palmer) Alhert) C ••ntral) :'.h· ••rsShuler Taml,a Toronto Atlanta Namt·a n"is •• tRish L"uie (.\1idd[eton) (\Va»hinl:'ton (Sir ••" Bin!::, J. Kt'lIy) A. ~1acDonaldf ••.tini Bartow ••n AcademYI NOI'I,h].·t J.\\'iIIiilmll C" I:<el>h ••k Lovett) JlolJida)' •••• "es \\· ••WINNING lIartford A1I"tin :\IrNaul'("ht (C"nardJ ••n Jo:.lmuncl SkiffinJi:ton Alberta New Brunswick IN TRACK AND 0- FIELD FOR 1969 J>.. I C. Charlton '0\ -J; 'I. -D ,~ '0 s d • ;) I -I j ~ t i STATE CHAMPIONS (/",wnnt Ii AA'\: 1.II"ish,,!:. AA: A, it: c: I.: Ll.: :\t"in.· :\1: s: AA: A' B; -"lan'lan,1 C: ;"Ias,,;,chus{'tts A, H: c: D, to:: :'Iiehh::an tl."w •.r 1'.-lIin"1I1:o) A' II: C: D, .UJ'I'l,,·l'eninsull" A-B: C, D, :-O]inn.'s<>t:. :-Oli""issil,pi :\Ii"" ••uri AA: A, """ I. " S AA A :\ 8 C A Nehra"ka II C D AA A Nt""II'!:' S('w Ham1,shire X ••wM ••.xico I.I AA A n North Carolina N" •.th Dak ••t;1 Ohi" I II A 8 AA A Oklah"ma AA A " C I IN TRACK AND Haton H••u~(' Ti ••: Central LaFourch" Scntt ~I ••tai.-i(' tSt. M;ll'tinl .\1o.tairi •• lgam lIarth.'1 J ••an ••r ••th' .gt. J"se,.hl Hrunswick $"(',, tTh"rnt ••n ,\ ••;"I,>ffi)". Or"n •• K ••nnebunk \::;t. Anth"ny";1 lIulaney Fn'''o;>rkk Jo'[drmontHeiJ;:hts l'"ol.'sville Braintree :-Olell"O's" An,\","er Urnintree {Archhish"" \\'illiamsJ 1I"lt"lI lNash"h" Ht!1:'i••n"IJ D ••tr ••it OtedC ••r,1 Union, t:c"rs •. Ht'a,linJ(" (;ra"" Lak., Gla,l"t ••n •• nntunal:'on l'kkC ••nt t:,lina Natch,'z IAdams) Tie: Collins '\' ••"t Tall:,h"tchie :-01:\,lis"" (RidJ;:"lantl] IJtiea Kansas Cit)· IC ••ntrall St. Lollis, PrineiJ·ia. l. ••ckw ••••d " nillinp:s ,S ••ni"rj lIavre Shelb,' 1\le,li;ine Lake (;r:Uld Islan.1 Si.lrw)' \\'nuneta IIayt's Cente~' Las \'''J;:as \Clarkl F ••rlll('y Nashu'!. :\1••nailn"ek Albu'luerque HI('I Norte) 1""~'inj:;tun t:unice II ••nde,·s'lIlvill •• Fa)· ••tt~\"iI1e (TerrySanf<JI·.B Hismal'ck (;nm<1in Cleveland (Kt'lIo('dy) Arcanum N"rman Ad, Chll.ndl ••r lIuiseCity FIELD FOR 1969 (cont.) :-'1.I;al'lan.1 C. FalJ;:"ut L. P"I"rin Anlh.,n)· I' ••rter n ••n Schwab ~~~i~;~~e~harr Uumini •• DiUias •• Clilr ••rd :'.kC"rmkk Freo! ••riek Nad ••an nub Dean Adam Craven K.'nno;>th Klwe Hob£'rt B"l<weli Jos",C Schulwt'rk H ••bcrt ~klntyre Hi"hanl C••l!ins Arthur S"ensen ,,:,"•••"••tt I,,~all» J ••hn :\lacK ••nzie Paul Hil'er JanwsN ••w ••1I Philip D"lLper Hot •••rt Hktlartls l) ••u!:'la" FiJl'l.ula \••••bsl.'r :-'I"rri~on Ed Ih'I1,\rieks"n Dave A]I('n Jack B:dll')' Lib.'rt)' Cnsh 1'.11. Walkt'r Juhnny (;r:'y lIan" ••)'{;r.·er Jack E)· •••rl)· (; ••n.·H"wl.·tte Hah,h :-01 •••·1'••.1' Duudaslbke I,arr)' :'.kClulIJ;: D:l\'io!Willinrns nob Jlan"o" Henry Hdtz Charles H<,I'lIel"t Dalo;>Buhak Hich"r.! \\,hitt'h ••:.d Jack Co ••k FrandsTat(' Pann •••]'itsas Howard A nd ••rsun Ual •.•Buck R"bt'rt Ruck ••.rt Phil Hrintnall Huh Hart Bruce Whiting Fr(',IN •••.•l!ing W.Killian Itkhar,1 Graeff Wn •.y Litt]ejohn Dorsey R••.irdon \\'ayn •.•Jo:!!.te" Harold MeCreary COACH " •.••••• ER·UP eOj .CH STATE _••~.~ 11:,,·,·:\1." Ol,,'I'"ls:'s I,ak •• l'ru,"i,\,·nce Erath St. J •••,t'l,h • Ha"id"'''1 Smith ]'"rtlarl<l Bath C:-OI ••n('J Falmuuth I, ••a\"itt Cws!llaod Gaith •••r:sbun:, Chol'tic ••n S"meI"H·t \Veymollth Wakd'ieh\ Fa!muuth (Lawrence) \\'estun Fu)(bor" It. l-:arl,· n.>t'\:,I<II'rin,, I Battl •• Cn..,k (Centr"ii Osc..,<ia Sh ••"ht·rd Athens Escanaba tll"h' Nan\('? H:<n('uck Rapi,\lth'er :'.I""rh{·ad Gulll'''l·t (I-:ast) R ••lJin!:, Fork Binfunl Kansas Cit)' (Suuth ••ast) Aurura Gal •.•na Butte Bil1ioJ;:1<\Central) Fairfield :'.Ianhattan Omaha (N ••rth) C"lumbus iScotus~·r E]wo"'\ Tie: Mnxwell Hl'publican City Reno (Prudor H. Hul>:') Z ••"hyr Cuvt~ (Whitto;>JI) K.>ene Lebanoll Albu(\Ue •••.IU•• tHiJ;:hland, Roswt'lI ~Goddardl Ft. Sumn •••r Suuth ••rn Pines (}:ast t :'.h'ers Park Far!:" (North) (Jnd ••rw ••••d Da)"t'lIl tRoose\"elt) Ti ••: U1'P('r ArJinJi:tofi MiddJetown (:-01udi!lon) Oklahoma Cit)" (U . .s. Grant) A]tus .\1arietta Weleetka H:uuMt~l:.rK William 11\••••01 Davi.lSmitl. Frank l.iul.'li ••!..1 CarloK ••m),tun Stan I'itt" Fred J",'('e Frank ~ ••w ••ll John Bah'" Du.II.')' O'LO'Ilr)' James DtLtf Ra)"mund CharI"'" UUll. Duncan AI Wi]kl·nb ••n Charl ••sTurn ••r Larry (lu ••lln>an Duane I'i""k.·y (;" •• Und ••rw ••••,1 U ••u!:'lalL 1I••,"in (;.·ral,ll>ark ••r lI ••rna •.•IOlson Jnnwj; (; ••tta ItayBish ••1' Ryan GrfLysun K W.l'kkl·tt,Jr. Nick G{'rh:lr,Jt Chari ••" :-'kAlist ••.r HiIlCrunwl ••)· (; ••••rj:".·Tarrant It ••hert nr)'l'~ .fam~Ni('ls ••n Frank Cruz noh.·rt Luther Jamt'!lI>!U'tz J"hn I.awh·r ~~~~~sJ~:~;:~:l };I,\,,'n I"'n"on (;.-"r!,:.·Smith (; ••"rJ;:" .\Ir"ss J ack :-'In~".·s ~I~~~I)~~~~~~:~"~' Tony Sh .•w Juhn :'.lcMillan John Williams Stu:trl AII"n Gnl')' Th ••mass ••n Di ••k Bt'list •• D. :.lit<'h,,11 1\1an·CI'<,st ••n I.. 1!)"and ••nhurJ;: John Bin Bob Hllrt Huh .\lcClain Harn'y D"f,n 0- t1I 00- STATE CHAMPIONS STATE WINNING ()J-eg'on A-' Hh"'le A-2 H A H C D },;lalHl S<>uth Carolina AAAA AAA AA ) I A South AA Dakota -1 P, A H Tennessee Texas AAAA AAA AA P. u , s A H A H L'tah Yermont Vil'ldnia '-A I.B II Washin~ton \"est Virginia \"isconsin 1lI AA A AAA AA A: H: C: AA: A, H, C, \Vyoming IN TRACK AND SCHOOL nosebun:Halsey (C\'ntrall.inn) \Vallowa LaSa!I,·) Providence l'r"vi<1.'1)C(· \Classical) :-'liddlt>town (St. (~e'Jrge's) l',,!·tsmouth (P!'i!)ry) "','stColumbia (Airport) :-'1,mltrie I'rusl,,'J"ity (:'Ilid-Carolina) U"l1yHili Siou;.: Falls (Lin"oln) D..II Hapids K('tTers]>m !l1('mphis ISouth Sidef San Ant ••nio (\\'h"atley) An~leton }<'ort \Vorth (Kirkl,atrick) Lubbock (COOI"'I') C('lina Granite :-'li11ard St. Johl1sbury (Aea<1,'my) Newl><,rtNews Orang-,' (Orange County I Loving:ston (Nelson County) \\'t'st Point 'I'ac"ma (Lincoln) Raymond St. A!bans :-'lount Hope Jim Robinson Tinker Hattid,\ Don \\'i!son I'derCul·tin Alfre,\J\lolT" T,·dHt'rsey .James Gorman j,arry Langf",..j William Smith t,. L. Armstrong: Arti,> Knig:ht. Jr. Hkhar<!(;!"l'.mo I,allren CaIT.,11 :\Iatt:\1ottice Itul,,·Hone H. Sapenter Hill Holias Dona!,ll'arke!' Char!i •• .'I1itchell \'irg:i!:-'1i11.'r Hal Erickson Phillip Hobison f{aym"nd Frey Juli •• C"nn Bill Libby Sh"rmalll,('ag:ue I,estel' Sill'!' Dan \Vats ••n Ead Bach Sam Lt'!{ose Gen~ Spadaro ~ladison (LaFoll.!He) Tie: Franklin Sauk Prairie Militowl\ (Unity] Otto Bn,itt'nbach Phil Bollhagt'l. garl H('rbert Anton Andersen Laramie Gillette Byron LaGran~e DuaneJ"reeman :-'Iark Higdon Denny Brown Rudy Sanford i CROSS COUNTRY (cont.) FIELD FOR 1969 COACH RUNNER-UP DATA COACH Eugene (North) Gladstone (;ilchrist Providence (H"I''') I'mddence (Centra\) ,'\!idd!<'town East Greenwich Columbia (J<;au Clairt'l HOl,kins (Lower Richl!tI\,I) Hidg-e!and John's Island (St. John's) Aberdeen (CentJ"ld) Platte Onida King:sport (D ••byns·H.'nnett) Dallas (Lincoln) Lubbock (Estacado) Lufkin (Dunbar) WhiteOak f{ocksTJ)"inKs Skyline Grand County D ••nnisDavis Chuck Adams J.'rry Bennett EdwJH<i McLau).:'hHn E,lwar,llIaire Jost'ph Mig:liueco Carl !{ohcl"ti Bob Ca!'!ton .T,·tf<;untcI· :-'las"n1\lo01"<'1" I{olwrt Big:g:erstatf Hon Stocking Cla1"<-'ne"Sh'J"1\ HillWittc Dan Crowe \"iIIi., Toles HolliHGaine}' KG. Hedd Tommy Atkins Hersht'l Budeson Ben Hathaway Del Ford Newl"JI·t News ICarver) Charlottesville (Albemarle) Gloucester Mathews Seatt!,· (Garfield I :-'1aple Valle}' \Tahoma) Charleston 'fie: Fayetteville \\'iUiamstown \Vausau Tie: CedarburgPark f"alls Tie: Colfax Kohler Rh'erton Torrington Upton Dea"e!" \Varr •.n Colernan \Villi,' Haines Louisl'utt Steve Lewis Hol •••rt (;ary William1\laxwell Keith Pritt Walter Beene Mike He('d Bill Smil,'~' John Barth Lnrq'Hilg-endorf John Damro (;[el\n Funk Glenn Burge"" James \Viseman B. F. \Veavel" Denni" Dyrig FOR 1968 ~ ~5 ]]~ ~1~~ 2nd INDIVIDUAL Best Time STATE Alabama Al:.skr-. \Vestern Arizuna Arkansas A,2A.:1A: 4A: 2.0 Z.O 10:02.4 9 :f,:\.2 AAA AA-A AAA AA A 2.(\ 2.(\ 2.0 2.0 2.0 2',( 10 :51.:) 10:H"<) 10:22./) lU::)5.0 ~;; I 71 10S 47 B Ca1if"rni:~ Centn.! Coast L ••s An~el(';; City North Coast Oak1and Sa,··JoaQuin ~~:~ ~.~~~·.~~i:>co S')1,thcrn Cal1a<1a A!berta Nova Scotia Ontario Saskatrh('wan Co\'))'atl" C,>nnel·ticut Delaware Di"trictofC.,lumbia f"lorida Geol'gia Hawaii I,laho l1\inois Indiana {"wa Kansas , Maine Ii 1(~:, ~O \):; 42 4K :;:, 26 \1::H.O 224 H 2.6 :~.O 4.!'i :1.0 21':14.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 2.!'i 2.0 2.0 2.2!'i H: ~:~" AAAA AAA AA A B C AAAAA AAAA AAA 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.75 2.75 2,75 L M S U! 61' 62 124 17\1 f\ \' 16 1!f 42 111:21.0 UI:11.4 10:20.2 11:,,2.0 11:16.0 1\:5:-\.0 10:02.!1 (I !J:!'i:U) 1:\:26.:1 S:4\J.() 10:\14.:; !):5K.6 10:16.7 10:0:,.:' 10:15.4 10:11'.0 !):1!'i.0 9::,1.2 9:39.0 9:56.0 9 :59.9 :11 21' 21' 7(11) \19 *'1\ 59 112 142 7!1 12!'i 115 ,II 12 I' 14 1\1 9 26 2:\ 14 U9 20 K7 13 J~ ~ 1'6 12 !'iU3 12/) 3M 73 46 f( 10:01.3 139 14 13:59.6 42 13 14:21.0 14 :38.8 40 30 17 11 High) Ken Hevis (Anchol"age, Din1<>n,I) O'Neil (C/Osa (;ran,l.,\ Frank Nejia (N"ga!.''') Phil VerJ ••e (Fay.'tteville) Jim Smith ISearcvl Hick J<"lan:wan (Charll'ston) Hubha Cadson ICrawfo •.•!sville) Garry Beatty (Calg-ary, Cn:·scent H •.ig:hts) David ll:mks (Auburn, \\'('st King:s) Doug!as Catn}Jb ••1J IThorburn. }o~ast Pictou) Jame" Sla\"en (Acton) Jack !IIil!er I H('~ina. ,V('sO ,'\1aravi1la l1'u('b!o. C('ntral1 'I'rujin" (1'\11'1.10, Centennial \ \V •.bst ••r (Cast\" Hoek. DouJ.!!as) Jamt's F.v ••II (Norwich. Fre(' Aca']('my) D. H)'ni (\·.ri!min~ton. P. S. duPont I .TI'fT Brokaw (Wilmington. Towpr Hill) \Va!Ten Y"\lman ICarrioza) P'>ITY Stitps ()rJan,J", C"I(JT]ial\ Th'Jmas Fulton (Punta (;orda, (~ha1"1"tte\ ~::::~~ ~';h~~~~~ :g'/,ll~~~~';~:i~~:;tr) K ••nneth Shelhy (Gonion Lt' ••) Curt Men~h (Kancohe, Oahu. C ••st\',) Scott Lloyd (Idaho Falls) A1\"1I .Tmltl (W ••iser) K"II p,,})('joy IGlen J<;llyn. Glpnbar,1 Ste"e \\'ynd('I' ICh.'stert,m) Tom Carrizales (Des Muine". Tp,'hnical) J):iVC Krantz 1\VaterJo". Cu1umbus) Tom Kielty (Urbandal(>j Mark Aschim (Decorah) Hicky O'J{ourke I Villisca) Mik.> Cassaday (ilIiles) Anc1erson (Shawnee Mission. Amon Thornton (EI Dorado) John Elliott (Phillipsburg) Pat Oenbring (Axtel1) Tim Harr~' (Louisville, DeSales) Mike Haywood (Ashland. Paul Blazer) Ken F!anders (Portland. Deerinp:) Steve Ford (Rangor, John llaJ,tist) Henry Chipman (Anson, Academy) Be~t Time A. Bray IHirmin!l."h:.m. University T. DuwaJl (Mobi].,. DavirlsoJ\) IA\lburn\ \.'Il"nt~umCJ"~·, H. E. Lee) J:tek I,arson (Sunnyva!t'. Fremont) Ste"e HaulJl (Los Ang:l'les, University I1ig:l\) }o;\"encio Hurtado (Hnyward. T,>nnysonj Pat Sl ••t ••r \ Oakl:Ind, Skyline) H"b Denniston (Folsoml Charles L.,dbetter (S"n Di,'j:!,"o, Kearn)') Hill Juhm;on ISan Francis'~'J, l,ow •.ll\ Fn.d Hitcherson ILos AnJ,:eles. S:dt'sian) ~! 1:; 6 10 4U 154 la7 14:1 (1::;2.0 !1:47.0 10:1!U) 1:\:0\1.2 ~) : 4 (I. ~ llO 14:20.0 lK:04.0 2.0 A: AAA AA 10::)2.2 11::;!J.O 2.2:; 2.25 2.0 2.n 2.IA Kentucky !' 10 : 11. 9 !) :,>1.0 14::J:'.\ 10 :2~.0 Hi:07.4 10:41.5 2.K 11 111 ·12 2.' 2.0 AA A 10:16.0 45 2.2 I: II: An,ly Ht'echik (Anchorag:e, I)in",,,,I) D. (;Iadston.' (;len<lale. Cortez) Tom :-'IcKinle~' IBisheel Terry :Murphy (Littl(' Rock. Hal\) .Tohn Fetlner (j{usse!JviHe) Johnny Hlack (Littl.' Hock. Hnbinson) Dennis G:u'dizzer I Prairie Grove) 4\1 2.0 II: III: I:! 10 17 l' 10:!'iV) :\.O 1, .T. Elliott K. K!ine 11 :00.0 2.0 II: :, 21 2.0 2.(1 :1.0 A: 20 Hi2 ,,'pst! South) Chris Carey (Bur1ingamcJ Ctitf Husby Ilh·seda) Dan ]\tunins,,\ Nat Burns (Castlemont) Kevin I)"ughcrty (Davis) Dave Cart.'r (SI,dn~ VI,lIpy. :Monh' \Villi,' E;.shman i\ ••. ·;,shin~ton) !tub,'n Chal'l,in>; INorwalk, i<:x"dsi,.r) !tay NicolIIl i Calgan·. St. Francis) Hohert Bouk (Auburn. \ ••••.,;1 Kings I Fr(',J Pettipas (Thorburn. gnst Pictou I :-'1:"'c Smilh IToronto, (;.'org., S. lI ••nrYI Jim ,'\1d.('o<1IR,'gina. \ ••.• P"tj \'iJJH)'J"('al iD"nH'I', N"rth) Ste~ner I Furt Comns. I'ou,h'p) Lon~ <L('; ••lviJIt'. I,ak(' CCHmtr) .Joseph 1II,'l1y INt'wingt"nl RileY (W i!minc:toll, Sale"ianumJ ' ••.• ethe1"h,,],1 (IIarringt,on) '1',.,1 S"humaket (\Vilson) I) ••] Hairn"rs <Dulw{lin) D.'nnis Rk('lton (liollyw ••"'1, ChamilH"Jc·) R.,ckv ]\1"0"" IAthens) Mark Ht'adrick INorth Rl'ring:>;) Lanza Smith <Hamilton) Danny Young: I K,U}('ohe. Oahu, Castl.') Mik •• Dille \Nampa) Kevin Blackburn (Ahe}',1pen) Duane Smith (:>!oHne) ,'\I:l.rk HiI' (LafaYt't.te, (;('n\1"al) Arnold n"Anda (Da"en~"'1"t, Cpntl'al! Dav"l'owell (Ames\ Hoh Stauffer (]<~aJ.deGrove) Dl'nnis Ellingson IDecurah) R"g:er Vil1ers (Montezuma) Curt Hoe~h (Elk Horn. Kimba11tmJ) . John Noff>;in~er (\Vichitn, Southeast) John 'Vitherspoon (ToJleka. \V.>st) Mike Nixon (Altamont) \Vayne 'Vinter (Durham) Glen Haley (Louisville, Jefferson) Gene Bondi (Newport, Catholic) John Dahl (OM Town) John Duncan (Falmouth) Rex Bickford (Sullivan, Sumner) Vist;t) ~ ~ RESULTS OF NAI.A. Billings, Montana, *New Record 1969 TRACK MEET June 6-7, 1969 **Ties Record 100 Yd. Dash: Ford (Southern, Louisiana), Austin (Southern, Louisiana), Haynes (Texas A & I) __ . 220 Yd. Dash: Ford (Southern, Louisiana), Jackson (State College of Arkansas), Farmer (Fresno Pacific, California) . 440 Yd. Dash: Newhouse (Prairie View A & M, Texas) Francis (Arkansas A M & N), Dotson (Prairie View A & M, Texas) . 880 Yd. Run: Johnson (Prairie View A & M, Texas), Shoaf (Grambling, Louisiana), Andersson (California Western) . Mile Run: Savage (Westmont, Ca]ifornia), Crawford (Harding, Arkansas), Botteriall (Southwestern Louisiana) . 3-Mile Run: Ellis (Eastern Michigan), Tighe (Whitworth, Washington), Dirkes (St. Cloud State, Minnesota) 6-Mile Run: Ellis (Eastern Michigan), Tom Hoffman (Wisconsin State, Whitewater), Craig (St. John's, Minnesota) 440 Yd. Re]ay: Southern (Louisiana), Texas A & I, State College of Arkansas u __ on ••. nununn __ •••••••••• n .••••.•••••• nhnu .••••.••. uun •••••••••.•••.•••..••••••••• • • __ Mile Re]ay: Prairie View A & M (Texas), Southern (Louisiana), Arkansas AM&N __ __ . 120 Yd. Hurdles: Daniels (Texas A & I), Bouyer (Ferris State, Michigan), Proctor (Red]ands, California) . 440 Yd. Intermediate Hurdles: Ball (Prairie View A & M, Texas) Minor (Prairie View A & M, Texas). Fast (Tabor, Kansas) . 3000 Meter Steep]echase: Captain (Taylor, Indiana), Campbell (Eastern Michigan), Kelley (Central Washington State) __ . . Long Jump: Proctor (Redlands, California), Fox (McMurray, Texas), Johnston (State College of Arkansas) __ . Triple Jump: Craft (Eastern Illinois), Dixon (Southern Oregon), McClellon (Southern, Lou isiana) . High Jump: Abugattas (Northwestern, Iowa), McCiellon (Southern, Louisiana), Wright (Lewis & Clark, Oregon) . Pole Vault: Hisaw (Eastern Washington), Parris (McMurray, Texas), McDona]d (George Fox, Oregon) . Shot Put: Bagby (Prairie View A & M, Texas). Feuerbach (Emporia State, Kansas), Pin card (Northwestern Oklahoma) . Discus Throw: Hale (Ottawa, Kansas), Mattox (Graceland, Iowa), Yriarte (Southern Oregon) __ . Javelin Throw: Burgasser (Wayne State, Nebraska), Belington (Central Washington State), Woodson (Emporia State, Kansas) . __ . Hammer Throw: Panzica (Adelphi, New York), Lawrence (Emporia State, Kansas), Smiley (Eastern Michigan) . 9.5 20.5 46.6 1 :50.3 4 :06.8 13 :55.2 30 :10.4 40.4 3 :10.2 13.9 51.8 9 :25.6 25'6*" 52'2¥.J" 7'0¥.J" 16'11;.>" 55'11 %" 171'5" 242'3" 186'3" TEAM TOTALS Prairie View A & M (Texas) Southern (La.) Eastern Michigan __ Texas A & I Emporia State (Kansas) State Collf'!ge of Arkansas Redlands (Calif.) Centra] Washington State McMurray (Tex.) Westmont (Calif.) Southern Oregon Arkansas A M & N . . Whitewater State (Wisc.) Eastern Illinois Whitworth ("Wash.) Eastern Washington State Northwestern (Iowa) Wayne State (Neb.) Ferris State (Mich.) Ottawa (Kansas) Grace]and (Iowa) 'l'ay]or (Indiana) Ade]phi (New York) LaCrosse State (Wisc.) Lewis & Clark (Oregon) George Fox (Oregon) Simon Fraser (B.C. Can.) Grambling (La.) Harding (Arkansas) 691/2 68 361/2 28 26 25 21 17 16 16 14 14 12 12 12 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8~ 8~ 8 8 8 8 Willamette (Ore.) ~ 8 Tabor (Kansas) 7 Northwestern Oklahoma State 6 Fresno Pacific (Calif.) 6 California Western 6 Southwestern Louisiana ._ m •...••....• 6 Peru State (Neb.) 6 St. Cloud State (Minn.) . 6 St. John's (Minn.) 6 Oklahoma Christian 5 Eastern New Mexico 4 Adams State (Co]o.) 4 Hillsdale (Mich.) 4 Howard Payne (Texas) 4 Kansas Wesleyan 4 MayVille State (N. D.) 2~ Kearney State (Neb.) 2 Morningside (Iowa) __ 2 Manchester (Indiana) 2 Linfie]d (Oregon) 2 Colorado College 2 Huron (S. D.) 2 Jamestown (N. D.) 2 }. Western Illinois 1 Colorado Mines 1 Find]ay (Ohio) 1 } Lock Haven State (Penna.) 1 West Georgia 1