may 15
may 15
The MAY 2015 PUBLISHED BY THE ITALIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL SOCIETY VOLUME, XXXVI No 5 43843 Romeo Plank Road - Clinton Township, MI 48038 - Phone (586) 228-3030 ext 15 - FAX(586) 228-1678 - Email - [email protected] Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday May 10th - 11:00am - 3:00pm Buffet Stations OMELETTE PANCAKE & BELGIUM WAFFLE Scrambled Eggs CHEFíS CARVING Artisan Breads Roast Turkey Breast New York Strip Steak BREAKFAST PASTRIES Assorted Scones, Danishes, Roasted Redskin Potatoes Country Sausage 69th Annual Festa della Repubblica At The Italian American Cultural Society Banquet & Conference Center Sunday, June 7, 2015 Assorted Imported Cheeses On Sunday, June 7, 2015, the Council of Presidents, COMITES, and the Italian American Cultural Society, in cooperation with over 22 Italian Clubs and Associations, are pleased to announce the celebration of the 69th annual Festa della Repubblica commemorating the birth of the Italian Republic. Our Special Guest speaker for this event will be Mr. Anthony Rugiero, restaurateur. Our young special guests are Ms. Ylenia Bonni’ and Mr. Damiano Alloggia. more details on page 5 Vegetable Crudites Caesar Salad Muffins and Bagels Mixed Field Greens with Balsamic Vinaigrette DESSERT Assorted Chef Salads Cannoli, Eclair, Cream Puffs, Cavatappi Bolognese Tortes, Pies, Cookies Italian Sausage with Peppers & Onions and Fresh Fruit Roasted Spring Vegetables Chicken Florentine Treat Mom and let us do the cooking 586.421.5155 | [email protected] 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. | Clinton Twp., MI 48038 Member - $23 ï Non-Member - $25 Children 10 - 5 $12 ï Children 4 and under FREE Festa della Repubblica Celebration Anthony Rugiero Philanthropist - Entrepreneur Guest Speaker Anthony Rugiero was born into a family who understands the value of hard work and commitment. He is proud to be part of a first generation Italian American family that values fundamental beliefs given to him by his parents, Antonio Sr. and Enrica (Rita) Rugiero. When his father passed in 2008, Anthony was proud to step in as president of the original Roman Village Cucina Italiana in Dearborn along with Antonio’s Corporation, which now operates five growing restaurants; Antonio’s Cucina Italiana in Dearborn Heights, Canton & Farmington Hills and Antonio’s Piccolo in Livonia. Anthony believes it is family structure and great food along with a modern-day business plan that makes for success. Receiving numerous awards over the past 50 years, none is more important than a customer’s compliment of the great food prepared just like mom used to make. Bio continues on page 3 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1401 MT CLEMENS MI 48043 PAGE 2 Italian American Cultural Society Margaret from Shelby Twp Lisa from Macomb Teresa and Arnold from Macomb Janet from Macomb MAY 2015 Luciana from Shelby Twp Jamie from Shelby Twp MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society his father and generates funds and awareness for Diabetes research at the University of Michigan. Since its inception, the Rugiero Promise Foundation has supported numerous charities including Boys and Girls Towns of Italy, Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan, Cirpriano Foundation, Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, (RIM) Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, University of Detroit Mercy International Residential College in Volterra, Italy and Merrill Palmer Anthony and Sabrina Rugiero Skillman Institute. Special Guest speaker continued However, it is family and faith that remains a priority. People say his love for family is Grande. Anthony and his beautiful wife have been married for 15 years, and they have four children, two boys and two girls. Despite a busy schedule, he enjoys spending time coaching his oldest son’s hockey team, attending school events, and spending quality time with his wife and family. Anthony and his family embrace traditional values attending church on Sunday, ensuring that their children understand the importance of honor, honesty, and tradition especially tradition, sharing in holidays and celebrations with his brothers and extended family. It does not stop there, even with his busy schedule of business and family, Anthony established the Rugiero Promise Foundation, a volunteeronly organization, driven on a commitment to improving the quality of life in the communities he serves. Anthony, along with his brothers, founded the signature event Rugiero Casino Royale. This event honors AnthonyRugiero’s longtime friend and mentor, Frank D. Stella, once told him, if you don’t like what you see, it does no good to complain; get involved; get active; do your part and make a difference. PAGE 3 Pope Benedict, and Pope Francis and believes the blessings he has received have helped shape his future. The family lives their motto tiriamo avanti, which means to always move forward in good times and bad; a positive spirit will prevail. He makes frequent trips to his family home in Italy and values the time he spends with family. He enjoys taking the kids around to all the places where he spent summers as a little boy, showing them the rich history and tradition of his family as his parents did for him … Remembering who and where we came from will help us become who we are. Anthony Rugiero at the opera with the family - "Second Generation" - The Future Throughout the years, Anthony has supported Presidential candidates, judges, and senators in their bid for office based NOT on their party affiliation, but their affiliation with Anthony’s belief of American values recognizing that we elect the candidate that is best qualified for the position. Anthony’s faith is the foundation for the business and charitable work he does. His work with the Patrons of the Art of the Vatican Museum is one that he and his wife are proud to serve. He is honored to have had an audience with Pope John Paul, Anthony also serves on many Boards throughout the community that include the Michigan Opera Theatre, Patrons of the Art of the Vatican Museum, (ILICA) Italian Language Inter-Cultural Alliance, Antonio’s Dearborn Heights Spirit Fest, Finance Chair of the 12th District ReL/R Robert, Mark, Erica, Anthony, Patrick Rugiero publican Party and the Veteran’s Court for Southeast Michigan. Recently, appointed Chairman of the International HERITAGE Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting programs for immigrant families and hosting an event each year to recognize successful business and community leaders that have come to Anthony receives special blessing from His live the American Dream. Holiness, Pope Francis Frank Stella passes the torch to Anthony Rugiero Il Volo and Anthony Rugiero at Meadowbrook PAGE 4 Italian American Cultural Society MAY 2015 IACS SENIORS CHAIRPERSON MESSAGE th May 6 is also our annual bake sale. Please make your favorite recipe for our sale, also come prepared to purchase some of the delicious goodies. This meeting will also be our award given to our newest out-standing senior member. ESTHER BEAUDETTE Looking ahead at May, it looks like a very busy month. Compliments of Villa Bella Senior Living, breakfast will be served at 9:00 a.m., at our May 6th meeting. So, come and enjoy breakfast before the meeting begins! May 18th is our annual wine tasting party sponsored by our senior group. Make plans to attend and invite your family and friends to join us. Tickets are $25 for IACS members and $30 for nonmembers. The evening will feature many great wines; great food; coffee and dessert and music, too! Call Esther at (586) 286-2597 or the IACS office, (586) 228- 3030 for your pre-paid reser- our IACS mothers. vations. We will be celebrating MeThis evening will also be morial Day on Monday, May the drawing for the Spring 25th. Enjoy the holiday. Raffle; please return your sold ticket stubs and money TRIP NEWS: for the drawing. Good luck! th Hope you’re our next win- June 24 we have a trip going to Pointe Edward Casino ner. in Sarnia, Ontario. Cost is Our new Sunshine lady is $17; receive $15 on arrival. Dolly Grzedzinski. Her Our bus leaves at 8:45 a.m. phone number is (586) 775- Proper I.D. needed. 7825. Please call her with ill members’ names or mem- Enjoy each day for each day bers who have lost a family is a gift! member so she can relay our Esther thoughts are with them. Sunday, May 10th we all will be remembering our dear mothers in a special way. Happy Mother’s Day to all Spring Raffle You Could Be A Winner! Sponsored by the Italian American Cultural Society First Prize - $1,000, Second Prize - $500, Third Prize - $250 D r a w i n g o n M a y 1 8 th 2 0 1 5 Senior Wine Tasting At The Italian American Cultural Society Banquet & Conference Center Take part in the annual Spring Raffle for a chance to win cash prizes and support the Italian American Cultural Society. The ticket donation is $10/one ticket or 4 tickets/$25. You can buy your own tickets or sell them to your friends, family, neighbors, colleagues... the list goes on. You need not be present to win. To request additional Spring Raffle tickets, contact us now at 586-228-3030, or complete the online form Yours could be the winning ticket! (Please return bottom portion with payment to receive your raffle tickets) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Number of tickets Total Amount $ • Enclosed is my check payable to Italian American Cultural Society $ • Please bill my: • VISA • MasterCard Name Phone No. • Discover Address City State Wednesday June 24, 2015, 6:30 p.m. Complimentary Dinner Served @ The Italian American Cultural Society Banquet & Conference Center 43843 Romeo Plank Road Clinton Twp., MI 48038 Wine Tasting Hosted by The IACS Senior Membership Please Join Us Monday, May 18th, 2015 Doors open at 6:00p.m. Italian American Cultural Society Banquet & Conference Center 43843 Romeo Plank Road Clinton Township, MI 48043 Donation $30.00/per person $25.00/IACS Member Invite your friends & family to enjoy a collection of Fine Wines. A delicious buffet dinner completes the evening. Zip Prepaid Reservations Preferred (586) 228-3030 Email Code Notice of Annual General Membership Meeting & Members Appreciation Night Must be 21 years & older Credit Card No. Exp. Date TO: IACS Members Signature The IACS is a registered 501 (c) (3) organization and is eligible to receive charitable contributions. If 250 tickets are not sold, the drawing will revert to a 50/50 raffle. Tickets compliments of Bagnasco & Calcaterra Funeral Homes. Proceeds from this fundraising event to benefit The Italian American Cultural Society Senior Membership Program . The IACS is a registered 501c3 organization and is eligible to receive charitable contributions. MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society Young Special Guests - Festa della Repubblica Damiano Alloggia is a member of the Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan (FADM) and is on the board of directors. At 27 years old, he is the youngest on the board and leads the FADM Giovani young adults group. Damiano was born in Ottawa, Canada. His mother, Anita, is from Savuto di Cleto, a small town in the province of Cosenza in Calabria and his father, Tony, is from Camarda, a small town in the province of L’Aquila in Abruzzo. Growing up, he and his twin sister, Fabiana, would spend almost every summer visiting their grandparents in Italy, practicing Italian and spending time with friends and family. Damiano has always been involved in the Italian community and studied Italian for most of his life. At a young age, his parents brought him to Italian events in Ottawa since his father was a member of the Abruzzese club, as well as, a director in the National Congress of Italian Canadians. As he got older, he too became a member of these organizations until he moved to Michigan in 2011. Damiano studied Mechanical Engineering at Carleton University in Ottawa. While studying, he worked at the National Research Council Institute for Aerospace Research. This would eventually help in find work in the automotive sector. He was house and can read, write, and speak fluent Italian. Ylenia’s family’s origins are from Partinico province of Palermo and Sora province of Frosinone. Ever since she was in 6th grade, she has been in the choral programs at her school, which has come in handy for when she started singing at Holy Family Church. Ylena is currently the choral director at the church. Ylenia Sandra Bonni is a senior at Dakota High School. She was born on January 23, 1997, in Detroit, Michigan. As a child Ylenia grew up speaking Italian around the At present, Ylenia attends Dakota’s Medical Academy, where she volunteers at Henry Ford Macomb. She’s been accepted at Wayne State University to on the Dean’s list and won two aerospace scholarships. After graduating, he worked as a consultant for a building engineering firm until he received an offer to work for Chrysler in Auburn Hills as a product engineer for the Jeep Cherokee and the Chrysler 200. His fluency in Italian enabled him to work closely with Fiat engineers in Turin, Italy. In July 2013, Damiano left Chrysler to work as a Vehicle Integration Engineer at Ford where he is currently working on future products. Besides work, Damiano enjoys spending his free time involved in the Italian community, playing soccer and traveling. He often flies home to visit family in Ottawa and still strives to travel to Italy as often as possible as well as visit other countries. Presently, his focus in the Italian community is to build the FADM Giovani group and host events to attract young people. fulfill her bachelor’s in Nursing. Her ultimate goal for the future is to become an acute care nurse practitioner. PAGE 5 69th Annual Festa della Repubblica At The Italian American Cultural Society Banquet & Conference Senter Sunday, June 7, 2015 FESTA PROGRAM: Doors open 2:00 p.m. Entertainment by IACS Coro Italiano 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Formal Program: 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Browsing of displays and food tasting 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Dancing and Refreshments Speakers: Ms. Sandra DiNatale Tornberg, Mistress of Ceremonies Mr. Giovanni LoIacono, President IACS Dott.ssa Maria Luisa Lapresa, Consul of Italy Mr. Domenico Ruggirello, President, Com.It.Es., FF Mr. Anthony Rugiero, Guest Speaker Ms. Ylenia Bonni’ & Mr. Damiano Alloggia, Young Special Guests Mr. Domenico Ruggirello Chairman, Council of Presidents COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Domenico Ruggirello Vice Chairman Giovanni LoIacono Secretary - Gloria Tonelli Treasurer - Ottavio Mecca Trustees Gianvito Arato Maria Cicchini Joe Cilluffo Joseph Fortuna, Jr. Luigi LaMarra Enzo Paglia Celestina Silverio PAGE 6 Italian American Cultural Society C a le n d a r o f E ve n ts IACS Members Night - Every Wednesday May 1 – Friday – Regional Italian monthly family-style dinner, live entertainment; this month Abruzzo & Molise Regions – featuring Mr. Aaron Caruso – 7 p.m. arrival – 8 p.m. dinner; prepaid reservations - $25/person – call 586-421-5155 or email: banquet@iacsonline. com May 6 – Wednesday - Italian American Chamber of Commerce at Eastpointe Manor, 24611 Gratiot, Eastpointe - Board meeting 6:00 p.m. – General membership meeting – 6:30 p.m. May 6 – Wednesday – IACS Senior Membership meeting – 10:00 a.m. – Italian Cultural Center May 6 – Wednesday – Conca D’Oro meeting – 7:00 p.m. at the Italian Cultural Center May 6 – Wednesday – Santa Fara meeting, 7 p.m., at the Italian Cultural Center May 10 – Sunday – Mother’s Day Brunch at the Italian Cultural Center May 12 – Tuesday – IACS Board of Directors Meeting, 6:00 p.m. – Italian Cultural Center May 13 – Wednesday – Breakfast of Nations at the Italian Cultural Center – 7:30 a.m. – 10:a.m. Featured speakers: Robert J. Cannon, Supervisor, Charter Township of Clinton; Kirkanne Moseley, Clinton Twp. Cultural Diversity Committee; Macomb County Immigrant & Refugee Speakers; Cost: IACS member $20 - $25/nonmember - includes breakfast. RSVP: 586-731-5400, Ext. 11 or email: [email protected] May 18 – Monday – Senior Wine Tasting at the Italian Cultural Center May 19 – Tuesday - The Michigan Accordion Society will be hosting our annual Youth night Accordion Event at 7:00 PM at Picano’s Restaurant at 3775 Rochester Rd, Troy, MI. Picano’s will prepare a special food menu just for our event. Please come out and help support our young local community student musicians! Event admission is only $5.00, and our events are always open to the public! www. May 20 – Wednesday – Pro Bono Day hosted by the Italian American Bar Association of Michigan, at the Italian Cultural Center; 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Provide general guidance on a broad range of topics – no charge. (see flyer in newspaper) May 27 – Wednesday – Festa Della Primavera 2015, with special guest Roberto Polisano – at the Italian American Cultural Center – doors open 6:30 p.m., dinner 7:30 p.m., show 9:00 p.m. Tickets $55, $60, $65 – open bar. For more information, 248-524-9281 – 248-670-0093. (see flyer in newspaper) May 28, 2015 – Thursday - Lodge Figli Della Sicilia No.227 monthly meeting at San Francesco Church at 7:30 p.m. Pizza and pop to follow meeting. For more information, please call President Salvatore Previti (586) 566-3843. June 6 -Saturday- Mr. John Zaretti will present “Celebrating the Foundation of the Republic of Italy” from 12:00 to 4:00 PM at the IACS. Admission is free. MAY 2015 Regional Dinner featuring food, wine, and culture of Sicily. $25 per person. Call 586421-5155 for reservations. June 7 – Sunday - The Italian Consulate, the Council of Presidents, COMITES, and the Italian American Cultural Society, in cooperation with over 22 Italian Clubs and Associations, are pleased to announce the Celebration of the 69th annual Festa della Repubblica commemorating the birth of the Italian Republic. June 24 – Wednesday – IACS General Membership meeting & Members Appreciation Night – 6:30 p.m., complimentary dinner served, at the Italian Cultural Center. June 25 – Thursday Lodge Figli Della Sicilia No.227 monthly meeting at San Francesco Church at June 13 - Saturday - IACS Banquet and Conference Center presents its second Italian 7:30 p.m. Pizza and pop to follow meeting. For more information, please call President Salvatore Previti (586) 566-3843. July 12 – Sunday – Calabria Club Annual Picnic at CRC Park July 17 – 19 – Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Italian Festival at Freedom Hill Park – (see flyer in newspaper) Council of Presidents - Festa Della Repubbica 31048 McNamee Fraser, MI 48026 The “Festa della Repubblica” is the Italian national holiday celebrated on the second day of June. It commemorates the institutional referendum of 1946 when the Italian population was called to decide on a form of government monarch or republic after World War II and the fall of Fascism. After 85 years of monarchy, with 12,717,923 votes for and 10,719,284 votes against, Italy became a Republic, and the monarchs of the House of Savoy were deposed and exiled. This is one of the most important Italian national holidays which, like July 14th in France, Storming of the Bastille and July 4th in the USA, Independence Day, celebrates the birth of a nation. The Council of Presidents, along with the Italian Consulate, COMITES, and The Italian American Cultural Society is honored to sponsor the 2015 Festa della Repubblica which will be held Sunday, June 7, 2015 at the Italian American Cultural Center in Clinton Township. We are presently in the process of planning for this year’s events. Your participation in the past is greatly appreciated and once again, we call upon your generosity and support by purchasing an advertisement in our program book. Below is an advertising contract listing ad sizes and prices. We would appreciate your response by May 15, 2015. The success of our fundraising efforts depends largely upon you. We hope that you will join us in celebration of this important event. Maria Cicchini Program Book Chairman Cell 586 291-9314 Email: [email protected] We agree to purchase advertising space in the Council of Presidents Festa Della Repubblica Program Book. Council of Presidents La Festa Della Repubblica Committee reserves the right to decide the location of our advertisement unless specific space has been purchased. ____________________________ Month Day Year _______________ Check # ___________ ____________________________ Amount Salesperson Sold to Club/Organization/Business:____________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________________________ Zip:________________________ Telephone:________________________________ Gold Pages: $300 Inside Front, Center, Back Cover Full Page: $200 ½ Page: $125 ¼ Page: $75 Contact:______________________________________________ Full page ad size is 7 ½ inches wide by 10 inches high ½ Page ad size is 7 ½ inches wide by 4 ¾ inches high ¼ Page ad size is 3 ½ inches wide by 4 ¾ , inches high Please email PDF formated files to: [email protected] Make checks payable to : Council of Presidents MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society Festa della Repubblica's Second Annual Bocce Tournament Begins June 2 DI GIORGIO EITHER BY PHONE 586-322-9575, OR BY EMAIL, adigiorgio@ IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS AND TO ADVISE YOUR INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE. MORE ABOUT REGISTRATION The 2nd annual “Festa della Repubblica” Bocce Tournament will take place at the Italian American Cultural Society from Tuesday June 2, through Friday June 5, 2015 from 6:00pm to 9pm, and Saturday June 6from 10am to 8pm. Dear Club President, In keeping with one of our great traditions and favorite pastimes, we are organizing the 2nd Annual Bocce Tournament to take place at the IACS as part of the festivities of the Festa della Repubblica, which will be celebrated on June 7, 2015 at the IACS. 1) We would like every club to participate, with at least one team composed of 4 men, 4 women, or a mixed team. 2) The deadline to register is May 25, 2015. The fee and registration form must be sent in or droppedoff by this date. 3) The games will start Tuesday, June 2, at 6:00 pm at the IACS. Games will continue June 3-4-5 at the same time and place. 4) On Saturday June 6 we will have a full day from 9:00 am on. The final game will be at about 7:00 pm. 5) The schedule will be revised if necessary due to bad weather. 6) This schedule guarantees two games of 18 points each before elimination, thus giving teams a better competition instead of a single knockout run. 7) Each player must be a member of the club sponsoring the team, and must demonstrate proof. 8) Please be at the bocce courts half hour before your team’s starting time. Every team will play 2 full games before the elimination. Teams will be provided in advance with time and day to play, along with the house rules, and a release & waiver of liability form for each participant. This information must be be picked-up at the IACS on May 29, 30, & June 1, 2015 between 9 am and 5pm in the office. If this is not possible, please call or email Antonio DiGiorgio, who will supply the information/email to you. If you would like to sign up an additional team, just make extra copy of the registration form. The assignment place of the extra team is strictly based on availability. Please return this registration form with a check for $ 65 for each team that you are entering. This includes a $1.00 administration fee and a meal ticket value of $6.00 for each player for the first game only. Food and drinks are available for the entire PAGE 7 tournament for anyone to purchase. The formation of the team schedule will be done by a draw on May 26, 2015 Make the check payable to IACS and drop off at IACS or send to: Antonio Di Giorgio 47199 Blue Ridge Dr. Macomb, MI. 48044 Ph. 586 322-9575 [email protected] Note: It is imperative that the registration and check are sent in as soon as possible to hold your spot. The deadline is May 25, 2015. Schedule will be developed on May 27, 2015, after which there will be no changes. FESTA DELLA REPUBBLICA BOCCE TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION FORM CLUB NAME _____________________________________________ NAME of CLUB PRESIDENT________________________________ PHONE_______________________ 4 TEAM MEMBER NAMES – MUST BE CURRENT CLUB MEMBERS. 1)________________________________________________________ 2)________________________________________________________ 3)________________________________________________________ 9) There is a travel trophy for the winners. 10) Food and drinks will be available for purchase. PLEASE CONTACT T O U R N A M E N T DIRECTOR ANTONIO 4)________________________________________________________ If registering a second team please make a copy of this form ! PAGE 8 Italian American Cultural Society MAY 2015 IACS Gioventù Hosts First Event By Sandra Tornberg Earlier this year a group of young people came forward with their desire to form a new group within the IACS. Their enthusiasm was contagious and the IACS is thrilled to have young people that appreciate and understand the importance of carrying on our traditions and legacy. And so IACS Gioventù was born. host its first event. The Festa dei Bambini was all about children, bringing together old and new traditions for an afternoon filled with food, music, and fun. Talented young singers Gianna Valenti and Rosemary Mazzola performed the American and Italian national anthems. The young men of the group Subzero, Vito, Angelo, and Claudio Viviano, provided musical entertainment. The event focused on a centuries old tradition that originated in Terrasini, Sicily, la Festa di li Schietti. A man proposing to his future wife would balance an orange tree in the palm of his hand under her balcony to prove his strength and power, and therefore his suitability as The IACS Gioventù chose the a husband. Perched at the day before Easter, April 4, to top of the tree would be a bouquet of roses, which the Their elected officers are President Mario Evola, Vice-president Marcello Pizzo, Secretary Cristina Evola, Treasurer Fran Avara, Sergeants of Arms Giovanni Maniaci and Peter Manzella, and Chairman of Festivities Rosanna Maniaci. young lady would retrieve. In 1985 the residents of Terrasini created the tree lift celebration for the children, and the tradition is celebrated every year on Holy Saturday. At the Festa dei Bambini all the boys age twelve and under had the opportunity to lift the orange tree. The girls formed a circle around them, cheering them on while playing tambourines. All the children were dressed in beautiful costumes representative of Sicily. The Festa dei Bambini was dedicated to the memory of Giuseppe “Joe” Serra, a dear friend to many of the members, who passed away on June 17, 2014. Proceeds from the event will be donated in Joe’s memory for the construction of a gazebo on the IACS grounds. Giuseppe’s father, the owner of Serra Cheese, has graciously offered to match the funds raised. The IACS Gioventù invites young Italian-Americans from all regions of Italy to join so that all the traditions can be shared and passed on. They are hoping to bring many more family events to the IACS. These events will be publicized on the IACS website www., on our Facebook page, and in The Italian American. Thank you IACS Gioventù for a wonderful event, and for giving us hope that our culture and traditions will be carried on! MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society PAGE 9 Please Support those who Support the IACS ATTORNEYS J.B.Bieske and Jenifer Alfonsi 19991 Hall Road Macomb Twp., MI 48044 800-331-3530 fax 586-977-8444 Aiello, Mark Anthony 535 Griswold St #1650 Detroit, MI 48226 313-964-4900 Lucido & Manzella, PC Attorneys & Counselors at Law 39999 Garfield Road Clinton Twp., MI 48038 586-228-3900 Marchese, Giorgio 43455 Schoenherr Rd Ste.7 Sterling Heights, MI 48313 586-323-2300 Salvatore S Aragona DDS 37020 Garfield Rd. Suite T-4 Clinton Twp., MI 48036 586-2630-4060 FINANCIAL ADVISING Donadio Financial Services 47718 Van Dyke Avenue Shelby Twp, MI 48317 586-737-2000 FRUIT MARKET Randazzos Fresh Markets 36800 Garfield Clinton Township MI 48035 586-293-3500 49800 Hayes Rd Macomb, MI 48044 586-566-8700 586-566-0208 fax BAKERIES Bommarito Bakery Michigan Italian Bakery, Inc 21830 Greater Mack Ave St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 586-772-6731 fax 772-6556 13441 13 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48088 586-979-1010 586-979-2160 fax Il Fornaio Bakery 13689 23 Mile Road Shelby Twp., MI 48315 586-566-5280 FUNERAL HOMES Bagnasco & Calcaterra Funeral Homes St. Clair Shores & Sterling Heights 586-777-0557 or 586-977-7300 BANQUET HALLS IACS Banquet Center 43843 Romeo Plank Rd Clinton Twp., MI 48038 586-421-5155 CEMETERIES Resurrection Cemetery 18201 Clinton River Road Clinton Twp., MI 586-286-9020 DENTIST John A. Dobry, DDS 15870 19 Mile Rd Ste 160 Clinton Twp, MI 48038 586-286-0790 Lee Ellena Funeral Home, Inc. Sarah E. Lee, Manager 46530 Romeo Plank Road Macomb Twp., MI 48044 586-412-8999 Resurrection 40800 Hayes Road Clinton Twp., MI 48038 586-412-3000 Wujek-Calcaterra & Sons 54880 Van Dyke Ave Shelby Twp., MI 48316 586-677-4000 HAIR SALONS Pomponi’s Hair Shop 4728 Rochester Road Royal Oak, MI 48073 [email protected] 248-585-5979 or 588-4464 HOME HEALTH CARE Walkar’s Home Relief Services 5005 E. 14 Mile Road Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (586)264-3550 INSURANCE AGENCIES Lucido Insurance Agency 39999 Garfield Clinton Twp., MI 48038 586-286-8200 Auto • Home • Business • Life • Health • Financial Planning POLISHED CONCRETE Creative Surfaces, Inc 20500 Hall Road Clinton Twp., MI 48038 586-226-2950 [email protected] TRAVEL AGENCIES Heritage Travel 3636 Peany Lane Canal Winchester, OH 43110 800-829-2200 Volare Travel Inc. 42500 Hayes, Ste 400 Clinton Twp., MI 48038 586-263-4500 PHYSICIANS Skardarasy, MD Charles Si’ Parla Italiano 33464 Schoenherr Ste 160 Sterling Heights, MI 48312 586-258-3775 LANDSCAPING SC Lawnscape, LLC Macomb Twp., MI 586-263-0641 The Italian American EDITOR Barbara L. Smith The Italian American Bar Association of Michigan ITALIAN EDITOR Sandra Tornberg Announces LAYOUT & DESIGN Lolita Kozloff PRO BONO NIGHT DISTRIBUTION Lelio D’Aristotile WRITING STAFF Esther Beaudette Antonio DiGiorgio Barbara Smith Sandra Tornberg CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Elio Ripari Sandra Tornberg 586/228-3030 ext 15 [email protected] Deadline for submitting material is the 15th of the month. We reserve the right to edit all copy. Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the ITALIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL SOCIETY 43843 Romeo Plank Road Clinton Township, MI 48038 The Italian American Bar Association of Michigan will be hosting a Pro Bono Legal Day on May 20, 2015, during which volunteer-attorneys from our organization will be available (at no charge) to provide general guidance on a broad range of topics, including, immigration, family law, real estate, general business, and employment law. This event is intended to fulfill our organization’s commitment to providing legal education for the benefit of our community. If you have further questions, please contact: Randall J. Chioini (Pres.) - 586.465.4900 PAGE 10 Italian American Cultural Society MAY 2015 Tours to Italy Diverse Pasts...Shared Future Wednesday, May 13, 2015 7:30 - 10 a.m. Customized tours for churches, clubs, family and senior groups are our sepciality. See the best of Italy including Abruzzo, Calabria, and Sicily. Call 1-800-829-2201 email: [email protected] 36 years of experience Featured Speakers: Robert J. Cannon Supervisor, Charter Township of Clinton Event Agenda: Let me show you how to Kirkanne Moseley Clinton Twp. Cultural Diversity Committee 7:30 - 8 a.m. Table Discussions, maximize Networking & Breakfast LJŽƵƌƌĞƟƌĞŵĞŶƚďĞŶĞĮƚƐǁŝƚŚŽƵƌŶĞǁ͘͘͘ Rhonda Powell OneMacomb Committee Member 8 - 9:30 a.m. Program Special Video Appearance by State Representative Anthony Forlini 9:30 a.m. Q & A ^ŽĐŝĂů^ĞĐƵƌŝƚLJĂŶĚ WĞŶƐŝŽŶDĂdžŝŵŝnjĂƟŽŶ d/DW/E^hZE 39378 Aynesley, Clinton Township, MI 48038 James G. Timpa, LUTCF Special Guest Macomb County Immigrant & Refugee Panelists from Albania, Bosnia, India, Italy & Philippines Located at: Authorized Independent Agent (586) 226-1550 or (586) 286-7005 [email protected] This event is a collaborative effort from: HOLY FAMILY CHURCH 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Twp. 641 CHRYSLER DRIVE - DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 (313) 963-2046 Attention Graduating Seniors Cost: $25/person (includes breakfast) $20 for IACS Members - Please inquire for discount at: (734) 845-8695 or email [email protected] RSVP Early - Limited Seating! … and all of our friends in the SE Michigan Ethnic Communities Please register online at In Honor of All Class of 2015 Graduates Families & Friends Welcome to Attend! Friday, May 29, 2015 6:30 p.m. Mass At Holy Family Church 641 Chrysler Drive –Detroit, Michigan Immediately Following Mass: “Graduation Reception in Church Hall during our Social Night” “FUNDRAISING EVENT” RSVP before May 25th - Donation: $10.00 a Person – Seating Limited to 200 people! Deepest Sympathy Charles Bommarito, March 30, 2015 Age 91. Beloved husband of Toni. Dear father of Charles (Betsy), Thomas (Angela), and Michael (Judi). Proud grandfather of Nina (Lance) Eltringham, Anthony, Chaz, Jacob, Marina, Taylor, and Bella. Brother of Catherine Leonard and the late Angelo, Anthony, and John. Visitation was at the Sterling Heights Chapel of Bagnasco & Calcaterra Funeral Home 13650 E. Fifteen Mile Road, (@ Schoenherr) Friday 2-9 pm with short memorial service at 7:00 pm. Funeral Saturday 10:00 am at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers contributions to Alzheimer’s Association would be appreciated. Memories shared at www. For further Information, or for Reservations please call: Rosa Bonni (586) 291-2956 [email protected] Sebastiano “Sam” Previti (586) 206-5185 [email protected] We will be publishing a Memorable Program Book with a Photo and Bio of each graduate as a keepsake from this Memorable Event! Please Fill Out Form to be included in our Keepsake Program, Please include a Photo of Graduate! Mass: Please reserve ____ seats for the Graduation Class of 2015 Mass on Friday, May 29th at 6:30 p.m. Name of Graduate:_____________________________________________________________________________ School Graduating From: ______________________________________________________________________ Parents Names: _______________________________________________________________________________ College Attending: ____________________________________Location: ________________________________ Future Goals: ________________________________________________________________________________ RSVP: May 25, 2015 – SEATING LIMITED TO 200 PEOPLE – CALL TODAY! Mail to: 641 Chrysler Drive – Detroit, MI 48226 MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society PAGE 11 Festa Italiana William E. Bufalino Memorial “Judges Judging Meatballs” Contest The Quest For The Ultimate Meatball Saturday, July 18th Freedom Hill County Park On Saturday, July 18th, once again Macomb County Judges will put their taste buds to the test and determine which contestant cooked and brought to the Italian festival the “ultimate” meatballs. each category. Judging begins 2:30 p.m. and is based on the overall taste of the juicy ground meats; fresh ingredients; exquisite seasonings or sauce. There are two categories, Individual and Restaurant meatballs, and a trophy is awarded to the winner of To register as a contestant, please call the IACS office (586) 228-3030; email: [email protected]; or mail meatball registration form to the Italian American Cultural Society Banquet & Conference Center, 43843 Romeo Plank Road, Clinton Twp., MI 48038. ""!# So, bring a dozen of your famous meatballs in sauce and let the Judges decide! It is a difficult sampler/eating chore for the judges, but someone has to do it. # # Headlining Acts on the Lucido Family Stage: (,&0.-&0.-(0 Does a tribute to her father, the legendary Louie Prima This Michigan native is a gifted Sicilian-American Tenor " ! # $.)$,%(/('&(+-,&!(0$*&$,% $,%+$,1+-.& National & Local Entertainment Italian Wines & Beer Family Fun Zone Restaurant Group I Want To Bring A Dozen Of My Famous Meatballs To Festa Italiana Name Phone Email Festa Italiana 2015 At Freedom Hill Park Cannoli-Eating Contest Sunday, July 19th Within a given 6-minute period, competitive eaters will scarf down cannoli at the annual Cannoli-Eating contest. The winner will be determined as Festa Italiana 2015 World Champion and receive a trophy. All contestants will receive a souvenir t-shirt. Only 12 contestants eligible to compete in the contest so don’t hesitate to contact the IACS office and register your name. Phone: 586-228-3030; email: barb@ PAGE 12 Italian American Cultural Society IACS BOCCE LEAGUE REGISTRATION - SUMMER 2015 REGISTRATION FOR THE BOCCE LEAGUE WILL BE ON MAY 6, 2015, AT THE ITALIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER AT 12:00 NOON. (If you cannot make it on this day, use the form below and mail.) TEAM FORMATIONS WILL BE ON MAY 13th, AT THE CENTER 10.00 A.M. MUST BE PRESENT FOR THE DRAWN OF TEAMMATES. WE WILL PLAY TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS, SO CHOOSE TO PLAY ON YOUR DAY, STARTING ON TUESDAY, MAY 19 & WEDNESDAY, MAY 20. COMMITMENT IS A MUST! WE ALSO ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES, SAME FORM & FEE. THIS YEAR WE CAN REGISTER IN ADVANCE BY CUTTING THE FORM FILLED IN AND SEND WITH THE CHECK MADE TO “CASH” WITH THE APPROPRIATE FEE: IACS MEMBERS $20.00- NON-MEMBERS $68 .00. MAY 2015 Miss Columbus 2015 Pageant Italian American Girls Ages 5-20 Friday, May 22nd Italian American Cultural Center Tickets Adults $33.00 / Children $15.00 6:00-11:00 p.m. All entries must be received by May 10, 2015 7-11 Miss Columbus 12-15 Jr. Miss Columbus all events for the Queen for 16-20 Sr. Miss Columbus the entire year. This is a great way to advertise your All contestants who are business for very little monies. sponsored will be required The monies can be dropped to attend meetings prior off to Bonaldi’s, 41740 to the pageant for practice The Garfield, Clinton Township, and photographing. Michigan 48038. The tickets Columbus Day court is also can be purchased at scheduled to be in 5 parades Bonaldi’s. If you have any so commitment is a must. questions, please email Dawn We will also be participating Bartolomeo db48035@aol. in community service. com . Categories include This is a fun event for Business, Casual, Elegant/ all participants, sponsors Evening and Talent. Hair and guests. There will be and makeup will be provided entertainment, food and a to all contestants the day of celebration of our Italian Heritage. the event. All contestants must be 25% Italian and have a sponsor. If a contestant cannot locate a sponsor then one can be provided. The business/ person who sponsors the contestant will receive two dinner tickets. The sponsor Age Groups as follows: fee is $275.00 which covers 5-6 Queen Isabella Come join us for a great evening !!!!! CALL, IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, 586-322-9575 Deadline is May 8, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------To register, please complete form and return to: ANTONIO DI GIORGIO 47199 BLUE RIDGE DR. MACOMB, MI 48044 Please Print: Experience The Personal Difference... At Simone Eye Center, we take the time to get to know our patients and service their needs; • Diseases & Surgery of the Eye • Cataract Surgery, LASIK, Epi-LASIK, PRK, CK • Diabetes, Glaucoma, Emergencies • Complete Contact Lens and Eyeglass Department Call today to schedule an appointment – FULL NAME NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! PHONE/CELL Congratulations! Voted as an ‘Hour Detroit’ Magazine “TOP DOC” Piero A. Simone, MD Board certified and on staff at Royal Oak and Troy Beaumont Hospitals Si Parla Italiano! (CIRCLE ONE) DO YOU WANT TO PLAY TUESDAYS or WEDNESDAYS Beaumont Macomb Medical Center 15959 Hall Rd., Suite 202 Macomb Twp., MI 48044 Simone Eye Center 29245 Ryan Rd., Suite 100 Warren, MI 48092 586-247-5959 586-558-2981 Jeffrey R. Varanelli, OD, FAAO WWW.SIMONEEYECENTER.COM MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society Italian Education Scholarships Sponsored by Italian American Cultural Society The Italian American Cultural Society is offering a wonderful opportunity to high school students to obtain two semesters of Italian language at the Italian American Cultural Center in Clinton Township, Michigan. Award Information: Scholarships Awarded: Five IACS scholarships consisting of two semesters of Italian education at the Italian American Cultural Center (September – MAY). The winners of scholarships will receive a Certificate towards continuing the Italian education classes at the Italian American Cultural Center and a letter of recommendation for college. IACS Membership News cal sketch, reason for wanting the award, and a photo in color or black & white. Eligibility: Applicant must be entering 9th grade as of fall Application Deadline: May 2015 – 12th grade. 13, 2015 – All scholarship applications will be reviewed Sponsorship provided by: by the Italian American Cultural Society. Winners Italian American Cultural Society will be announced at the IACS General Membership 43843 Romeo Plank Rd. Clinton Township, MI48038 meeting in June of 2015. Phone: 586.228-3030 Requirements: Applicant Fax Number: 586.228-1678 must submit an essay: “Why Email: [email protected] I would like to study Italian”, a letter including biographi- The Italian American Cultural Society APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP Return the completed form along with essay, biographical sketch, and photo to the IACS First Name Last Name Date of Birth High School Grade Address/City/State/Zip Home Phone Email Reason For Wanting To Receive The Award PAGE 13 Cell Every member strengthens the Italian American Cultural Society to better educate and preserve our traditional Italian culture. Your support by way of renewing your membership is needed to help make the IACS more responsive to the Italian American community it serves. At the request of the IACS Board of Directors, beginning in June of 2015, membership renewals will be prorated or reduced through December. Afterwards, rather than the member join date, your membership will be renewed annually in January, and the membership fee will be adjusted accordingly. Details will be further announced at the General Membership Meeting & Members Appreciation Night on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. PAGE 14 Italian American Cultural Society MAY 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT Comfortable, spacious visitation rooms with private lounges Private hospitality suites for dinners & funeral lunches Outdoor seating on porches overlooking natural wetlands Dedicated children’s room ! Ample parking Competitive pricing !Natural light throughout funeral home 0II)PPIRE*YRIVEP,SQI 6SQIS4PERO6H 7SYXLSJ1MPI6H 1EGSQF8S[RWLMT1- 7EVEL0II)PPIRE1EREKIV 0II)PPIRE*YRIVEP,SQIGSQ Italy Con Noi Italy Con Noi On Comcast Channel 90 Wed-ThuFri-Sat 5:00 - 6:00 PM Sunday 4:00-5:00 PM For more Information 248-524-9281 Patronato ITAL-UIL @ The Italian American Cultural Center Continues on Thursdays New Hours - 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon For further information, please call Ms. Barile 734-421-3460. MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society UAW-Ford Member Exhibits Motor Cities Through His Lens Acclaimed photographer and UAW member draws inspiration From global automotive industry UAW-Ford’s inaugural Art Collaborative at the National Programs Center in Detroit, March 27, drew more than 500 entries and featured 90 works of art from salaried and hourly UAW-Ford members nationwide. The independent panel chose first, second and third place winners in three categories: photography, painting, and mixed media, as well as a “Best of Show” category. Richard Haskin’s photograph, The Conversation, won the Best of Show and first place in photography. Haskin’s work was part of his photographic exhibit DETUR that debuted in metro Detroit and Detroit’s sister-city, Turin, Italy, last year. Three of his works were chosen for the UAW- Ford show Conversation, Homage to Corrdado Parducci and Mosaico. Richard Haskin has always loved art and Italian culture. As a third-generation UAWFord member, he also takes pride in the automotive industry and Detroit culture and history. Haskin has combined these passions in his photography that recognizes two global cultures and automotive cities. “Turin, Italy and Detroit are very alike in a lot of ways,” said Haskin. “They have both benefitted from, and are dependent upon, the automotive industry and both suffer when the industry pulls back.” Haskin, who worked at the Ford Research and Engineering Center in Dearborn for 40 years as a pipefitter, and more recently in predictive maintenance, graduated from Wayne State University with a fine arts degree thanks to the UAWFord Tuition Assistance program. His art career blossomed in the seven years since then. PAGE 15 before the big money comes to the rescue, it is first the creative individuals who make the difference. Where Haskin’s second show, Art Within Art: from Italy to Detroit and Vice-Versa! also exhibited last year in Turin and at the Dearborn Rotunda Gallery. For that project, Haskin was granted the rare honor of photographing art within the Detroit Institute Arts. Haskin is working on his next project, Rearview Mirror, a photographic essay on the influence of the automotive industry on Detroit culture. “It is becoming much easier and clearer to see how creativity is helping Detroit resurge,” said Haskin. “Even Dearborn. Mitchell Brown’s Untitled sculpture won first place for mixed media and Glen Skinner’s Garages won first place for painting. Both winners work at the Ford Product Development Center in Dearborn. Skinner also won the third place distinction in painting for his work, Air Show. Second place winners were Bridget Volinski’s sculpture, Contemplations of G; Phil Cierpial’s painting, JGSTKG-1; and Jerry Basierbe photograph, Rock and Surf – Big Sur. Basierbe works at the Dearborn Product Development Center and both Violinski and Cierpal are engineers in Dearborn. others see problems, the creative individuals see opportunities.” The two other first-place winners also hailed from A venue for all of life’s special moments The Italian American Cultural Society Banquet & Conference Center 586-421-5155 - - email: [email protected] Third place winners were Michael Conner’s Delightful Assembly for mixed media and Rob Kennedy’s Waiting for Wind for photography. Conner works at the Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville and Kennedy is a Dearborn engineer. UAW-Ford Vice president Jimmy Settles and Ford Motor Company Vice President of Labor Affairs Bill Dirksen, attended the awards reception at which winners were announced. Settles spoke about the event as an example of the continued collaboration between the UAW and Ford Motor Company. “We are one company, one family,” said Settles. “This highlights the talent of our workers – both salaried and hourly— both on and off the job.” PAGE 16 Italian American Cultural Society MAY 2015 GOVERNMENT OFFICAL, INDUSTRY LEADERS, TV JOURNALISTS HONORED IN NEW YORK CITY MARIO M. CUOMO AWARD IN PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDED AT NIAF GALA NEW YORK GOVERNOR ANDREW CUOMO JOINS GALA HONOREES New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, business executives, Italian American community leaders, friends and supporters of the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) gathered in Manhattan for the Foundation’s annual New York Spring Gala on April 8, 2015. During the cocktail reception, guests were served the famous Bellini cocktail under the towering marble columns at the Italian Renaissanceinspired Cipriani 42nd Street. They also viewed the sports memorabilia, fine jewelry and designer women’s purses that were part of the silent auction. NIAF’s Chairman Joseph V. Del Raso welcomed everyone to the Foundation’s dinner. “Tonight we celebrate NIAF’s 40th Anniversary to begin on April 26. It is my honor to unveil the Italian American Leadership Council (IALC) for members to commit themselves to being leaders and stakeholders in NIAF, the Italian American community and our future. Join us in this endeavor,” Del Raso said. Besides welcoming honorees and guests, Del Raso introduced Bishop Frank Joseph Caggiano of the Diocese of Bridgeport who gave the invocation. Governor Cuomo joined the more than 500 guests to present the inaugural Mario M. Cuomo Award in Public Service to Janet DiFiore, the Westchester County, N.Y., district attorney. The award recognizes Italian American public servants who are known for their passion, conviction and dedication to serving the Italian American community. I am proud to be a supporter,” Palminteri said. At the podium, Cuomo spoke about his father’s legacy. “My father was dedicated to represent the best of the Italian American people and he wanted to model the best of the Italian American culture,” Cuomo said. “He led a life of principle, dignity and honor. He was about honor and commitment and living up to his word.” Before the guests dined on Italian specialties, including thinly sliced prosciutto with fresh mozzarella and roasted pear and frisee salad, Christina Carlucci, a New York City based performer, recently in the national tour of “Annie,” sang the United States national anthem and “Inno di Mameli,” Italy’s national anthem. DiFiore thanked Governor Cuomo for taking the time to be at the NIAF Gala. “This evening is about scholarship and education. Thank you for the fight for quality education and educational opportunities for every child in the State of New York,” DiFiore said. “Mario Cuomo is a model, the most cherished Italian American to call our own.” New York Gala dinner chairman Gerard S. LaRocca, a member of NIAF’s Board of Directors and the Italian American Leadership Council, and chief administrative officer, Americas, Barclays Capital, thanked the Foundation’s New York committee for rebuilding the NIAF New York Gala into the institution it is today. LaRocca was joined by this year’s master of ceremonies, Chazz Palminteri,AcademyAward nominated actor and writer, who was warmly welcomed by the guests. “As you may recall, I, too was a NIAF New York Gala honoree in the recent past. This is a great organization that does a great deal for the Italian American community. After dinner was served, Palminteri opened the awards ceremony with a posthumous honor for WABC 7’s Lisa Colagrossi, Emmy Awardwinning reporter, whose sudden passing in mid-March has greatly affected the Italian American community in New York. Her colleague at WABC-TV Ken Rosato accepted the award on behalf of her family. “I accept this award on behalf of our beloved colleague and will present it to her husband Todd and the boys upon their return from Florida visiting family,” Rosato said. Rosato, Channel 7’s anchor at Eyewitness News This Morning and Eyewitness News at Noon, was also honored with the NIAF Special Achievement Award in Media. Rosato, a veteran news reporter, received the New York Emmy Award five times and is a recipient of a New York StateAssociated Press Award. He joined WABC’s Eyewitness Team as a freelance reporter 12 years ago and has worked in media markets, including Elmira-Binghamton, N.Y. and Miami-Ft. Lauderdale. A graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts with a Master of Arts in languages, Rosato speaks five languages fluently, including Spanish and Italian. A dual father-and-son award in real estate was presented to Edward A. Riguardi and Peter G. Riguardi. NIAF recognized Edward Riguardi’s more than 50year career in commercial real estate. Edward retired in 2010 as managing director in the New York Transaction Group of Jones Lang LaSalle. His son Peter is president of the New York region of Jones Lang LaSalle and leads all operations for the company in the New York, New Jersey and the Connecticut area, overseeing a team of approximately 1,700 professionals. NIAF recognized their careers in the industry with the Foundation’s Special Achievement Award in Real Estate. “They represent the family success that all Italian Americans aspire to,” said Palminteri. “These five honorees and their stories are a testament to why we gathered here tonight and telling their stories is the core of NIAF’s mission,” Palminteri added. NIAF’s President and Chief Operating Officer John M. Viola introduced special guest Piero Corsini, director of RAI World, who travelled from Rome, Italy, to present a video about the new channels and initiatives the media company has launched to showcase Italians and Italian Americans in Italy and abroad. Joining the honorees and guests were Italy’s Consul General in New York Natalia Quintavalle; actor Ralph George Macchio Jr., best known for his roles in the “Karate Kid,” and “My Cousin Vinny”; Miss New York Jillian Tapper; television news host Tom Murro; athletic director at Sacred Heart University and former manager of the New York Mets Bobby Valentine; the Region of Lombardia’s Education Training and Employment Assessor Valentina Aprea, with representatives from Italy’s Lombardy region, NIAF 2015 Region of Honor; as well as NIAF’s vice presidents in the Greater New York region Susan Paolercio and Nicholas R. Caiazzo. To close the evening’s festivities, Alfio, ItalianAustralian vocalist, came to the stage and performed the melodramatic Italian ballad “Il Mondo.” Several guests danced in the aisles as he continued to sing Italian melodies. The NIAF New York Spring Gala proceeds support the Foundation’s philanthropic and educational programs. NIAF thanks this year’s Presenting Sponsors Jones Lang LaSalle and the Viola Foundation Inc. The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the heritage of Italian Americans. Visit MAY 2015 Italian American Cultural Society Festa Italiana 2015 – Gara: Dei Bambini The 12th Annual Beautiful Baby Contest will be held on Sunday, July 19th, at one o’clock in the afternoon, at Freedom Hill County Park. Our Beautiful Babies need to be at least 25% Italian and will be judged within four age groups: nine – 18 months; 19 – 24 months; toddlers ages three and four years; and children five years old. All babies, toddlers, and children up to age five participating will receive gifts, and one winner from each age group will receive a $75 gift card. PAGE 17 Sunday, July 19th – Baby Contest Prizes for Everyone! category will be eligible. The contest will be held in front of the main stage; parents should consider the weather conditions when To enter the contest, please selecting outfits for their submit your baby’s photo, babies. and on the back of the photo, please print his/her name, Mom or dad must register birth date, and percentage of their child (children) on July Italian and mail to the IACS 19th by 12:45 p.m. For further office, 43843 Romeo Plank information, please call the Road, Clinton Twp., MI IACS office - 586/228-3030 48038 no later than Friday, or July 10th or Email – barb@ Only the first 10 children for each PAGE 18 Italian American Cultural Society MAY 2015 FADM Reimburses Tuition for Children’s’ Italian Classes For several years the Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan has sponsored a reimbursement program for member families with children enrolled in Italian classes at the Italian American Cultural Society. By offering this benefit, the FADM is hoping to foster interest and participation in the organization by the younger generations. And most importantly, the FADM wants as many children as possible to learn the language of their heritage! The criterion is that the families must be members of the FADM or Friends of Abruzzo for one year in order to be eligible for reimbursement. In addition, the children must successfully complete their courses. The FADM is hoping for increased participation in the program. Please contact Sandy Tornberg at 586-907-6631 or [email protected] for additional information about the program. The FADM is an organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the culture of the Abruzzo region of Italy. Club Pacentro of Detroit ! BOWLING NIGHT IACS Participating in International Children’s Festival By Sandra Tornberg The IACS has been invited to participate in the 5th Annual International Children’s Festival. The event will take place on May 31 at Troy Athens High School. The International Children’s Festival is a day in celebration of cultural diversity represented by children. The event consists of stage performances, country exhibit tables, food sale and children’s entertainment activities. It is a great family event. Last year more than 350 children participated, performing before an audience of 1000 people. The children of our Italian Education Program and IACS Gioventu’ will be performing a song in Italian. In addition, we will have a display table of articles representing our culture and information about the IACS and our Education Program. We are grateful to Joe Recchia, president of the Michigan Accordion Society, making sure that we were given an opportunity to participate this year. If you have any questions, or would like your children to participate, please contact me at 586-907-6631, or sandratornberg@comcast. net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talian American Cultural Society PAGE 19 Your family deserves exceptional care, Your family deserves exceptional care, at a cost you can afford. at a cost you can afford. At Wujek-Calcaterra & Sons, caring for your At Wujek-Calcaterra & Sons, caring for your family with k i n d n e s s a n d c o m p a s s i o n family with k i n d n e s s a n d c o m p a s s i o n is is our main concern. As a family-owned funeral our main concern. As a family-owned funeral home, our incomparable service reflects home, our incomparable service reflects generations of t r u s t e d e x p e r i e n c e . Yet our generations of trusted experience. Yet gracious service and surroundings are our gracious service and surroundings are s u r p r i s i n g l y a f f o r d a b l e . Call us to discuss surprisingly affordable. Call us to discuss how we can exceed your family’s expectations… how we can exceed your family’s expectations... You may find the ultimate in service and facility You may find the ultimate in service and facility is the most reasonable. is the most reasonable. STERLING HEIGHTS STERLING HEIGHTS SchoenherrRd RdatatMetro MetroParkway Parkway 586-826-8550 586-826-8550 Schoenherr SHELBY TOWNSHIP SHELBY TOWNSHIP Van Dyke at Twenty-Five Mile Rd Van Dyke at Twenty-Five Mile Rd 586-677-4000 586-677-4000 w w w. Wu j e k C a l c a t e r r a . c o m April 2, 2015 Catherine Ann Coppola March 22, 2015 March 28, 2015 Over the past twoSaier weeks, the WujekVictoria and Calcaterra families have had John the honor of serving S. Farmer Sr. the following: Rachael Ann Hudson Richard Joseph Marie Ahee Lillian Marie Olenzek Alan Cameron Jackson Betty Jane Mathews March 23, 2015 Richard George Rinke April 3, 2015 April 8, 2015 Jimmie Walter Foehr Donna Marie Griessel John Delbridge Ferguson Helen Perosky March 29, 2015 Frank Ben Leong Eric Michael Schafer March 18, 2015 Elizabeth Ann Steudle Kenneth Ernest Damon William Thomas Poindexter Stephen Schleicher Constance Eleanor Bilinski Ann Elizabeth Gettlinger Dennis M. Blair March 24, 2015 Earl Glenn Ledbetter April 4, 2015 April 9, 2015 Charles Edward Cox Mary Irene Smith Rose Esse Donald Maynard Butler Harry Ronald Bennett Irene Cox Gerald Maurice Smits Stanley Kosal Joseph Grippe Julia M. Dillon Judith Louise Woerner Frederick William House Duane J. Gmerek March 30, 2015 March 19, 2015 Brian Jennings Sturgis Joseph John Imbronone March 25, 2015 Valerie Dee Boughton Gjergj Gjokaj Gary Otto Nilson Ted Harry Bokano Joan Grillo Gladys Evelyn Hutchens April 5, 2015 Samantha Noel Taub Joseph Frank Malik Edward Sera Raymond Jude Lee March 31, 2015 Stanley Dean Thompson William James Seley April 10, 2015 Leon Joseph Rosinski March 26, 2015 Albert Joseph Casale Richard James Pokorski Barbara Angeline Buchholz March 20, 2015 April 6, 2015 Raymond Edward Sobczak Elizabeth Ann Powell Ronald Melvin Lewicki Marilyn Joyce Bethuy Loretta Jaworski James Elliott Stier Concetta Frances Sassone Emil Antoine Salem Martha Ann Fedolak Charleen June Laudazio Valerie Kay Sokol Kenneth Russell Wizinsky Mildred Clara Fisher Adnan Madoun, PhD April 12, 2015 Delphine T. Stanglewicz Donald Harrison Middleton Renno Maxwell Puhl John E. Cortez March 27, 2015 Mary Ann Theisen Thomas Daniel Marsack April 1, 2015 Chester Henry Grand March 21, 2015 Irene Mary Walega Wanda Andrusz Richard James Smith Richard Joseph Adamski April 13, 2015 Irene Sophie Modrzejewski Richard William Beauchemin Robert Steven Van Hulle Wardah S. Almadanat Anthony Louis Rahall April 7, 2015 Denis Allen Simmons James John Nowak Rose Ajoian Jerry Joseph Skutnik Thomas Theodore Boothby With loving remembrance, please keep their families in your prayers and have faith that their loving spirit lives on. March 17, 2015 Deborah Buchalski Justin David Newton Joseph Arthur Teres Barbara Helene Tocco With loving remembrance, please keep their families in your prayers and have faith that their loving spirit lives on. ® PAGE 20 Italian American Cultural Society MAY 2015 May 10, 2015 Happy Mother’s Day Veteran Benefits: What You Should know Free Seminar Fo For F or Wa or War W ar a r Time T Tim Tim me eV Veterans Vet Ve Vetera etera er eran rans ra r a an ans ns & Surviving Spouses Guest Speaker: Michael Moceri From The American Association for Wartime Veterans Seating is Limited Call Today to RSVP! 586.412.8910 Located in the Lincoln Center Wednesday | May 6th | 6:30pm-7:30pm Join Us for an informative presentation RQXQGHUVWDQGLQJ9$EHQH¿WVDQGWKH application process. Find out more about Villa Bella, and take a tour of our vibrant community. 15894 19 Mile Road Clinton Twp., MI 48038 Join the Tigers on Italian Heritage Night as they take on the Tampa Bay Rays at Comerica Park! A portion of all ticket sales with go directly to the Italian community. Further information forthcoming in future editions Tampa Bay Rays vs Detroit Tigers @ Comerica Park Wednesday, September 09, 2015 7:08 PM SAVE THE DATE L'Italo Americano MAGGIO 2015 GENNAIO 2013 UNA PUBBLICAZIONE DELL ITALIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL SOCIETY’ XXXVI XXXV NO. 5Nº1 UNA PUBBLICAZIONE DELL’“THE “THE ITALIAN AMERICAN CULTURAL SOCIETYVOLUME “ VOLUME, 43843Romeo RomeoPlank PlankRoad Road - - Clinton Clinton Township,MI MI48038 48038- Phone - Phone (586)228-3030 - Fax (586)228-1678 - Email: [email protected] 43843 Township, (586) 228-3030 - FAX(586) 228-1678 - E-mail: [email protected] A TUTTI I NOSTRI LETTORI 2013 AUGURIAMO UN FELICE E PROSPERO Si è svolta l’elezione Comites L’elezione del Comites per la circoscrizione di Detroit si è svolta il 17 aprile 2015. Ringraziamo tutti nella nostra communita’ che hanno votato, e coloro che hanno partecipato al processo: Lia Adelfi, Tonino Corsetti, Davide DiCicco, Antonio DiGiorgio, Franco Iaderosa, Giulia Pittau, e Lino Scamardella. Siamo grati al Reggente Consolare Dott. Vittorio Palladino e al personale del Consolato d’Italia a Detroit per aver facilitato questa elezione importante. Offriamo le nostre congratulazioni al nuovo presidente Domenico Ruggirello e tutti gli eletti e li auguriamo tanto successo. A Mia Madre Edmondo De Amicis Non sempre il tempo la beltà cancella o la sfioran le lacrime e gli affanni mia madre ha sessant’anni e più la guardo e più mi sembra bella. Non ha un accento, un guardo, un riso che non mi tocchi dolcemente il cuore. Ah se fossi pittore, farei tutta la vita il suo ritratto. Vorrei ritrarla quando inchina il viso perch’io le baci la sua treccia bianca e quando inferma e stanca, nasconde il suo dolor sotto un sorriso. Ah se fosse un mio prego in cielo accolto non chiederei al gran pittore d’Urbino il pennello divino per coronar di gloria il suo bel volto. Vorrei poter cangiar vita con vita, darle tutto il vigor degli anni miei Vorrei veder me vecchio e lei… dal sacrificio mio ringiovanita! PAGINA 2 Italian American Cultural Society FESTA DELLA DONNA 2015 Inviato Mancini da Domenico Domenica 8 marzo l’Unione Donne Italiane all’Estero si sono riunite a Villa Penna di Sterling Hts. per celebrare l’8 marzo, il giorno dedicato a loro. Ed erano tante, 260, solo donne, da 14 a 92 anni e vedere tante giovani donne ha piacevolmente sorpreso tutti. Erano lì insieme per un giorno di festa ma anche per celebrare le conquiste sociali, economiche e politiche delle donne. Un’occasione per rafforzare il messaggio che condanna la discriminazione contro le donne che non può più essere presente nella nostra società e che la violenza è un crimine e va denunciato non solo dalla vittima ma da ogni persona che ne fosse testimone o ne fosse a conoscenza. Ospite d’onore della Festa è stata l’On. Marilyn Lane, State Representative per il District 31, che nel suo intervento ha detto, “I am of Italian origins and very proud of it ….we are the best”. Prima di essere eletta alla House of Representative del Michigan, l’Onorevole Lane è stata sindaco di Fraser, una città di 15297 abitanti dei quali 2433 sono di origine italiana. DJ della Festa è stato Pino Marelli che in sottofondo ha allietato la serata con tutte canzoni dedicate alla donna. Per l’UDI-E, al posto della presidente Maria Iucci, assente per lutto in famiglia, ha parlato la segretaria Luciana Pietrantoni che ricordato gli scopi dell’UDI-E e che il ricavato della festa sarà devoluto ad organizzazioni che operano in soccorso delle donne vittime di violenza “come è stato fatto con il ricavato della Festa della Donna del 2014” Infatti nel 2014 l’Unione ha donato $500 all’organizzazione Turning Pointe di Mount Clemens grazie anche a Giorge Penna che ha agevolato enormemente in ogni aspetto nel costo finale della della Festa 2015 come fece anche in quella del 2014. L’arrivederci è alla festa della donna del 2016 ed un invito a tutte le donne italiane, di nascita o di origine, a iscriversi all’UDIE per una più forte voce contro la violenza, gli abusi, la discriminazione contro le donne chiamando al 586-791-6749 / 586-2944862 / 248-879-1773 Foto: da S a D: Padre Giulio Schiavi – Maria Mancini (treasurer) – Hon. Marilyn Lane – Luciama Pietrantoni (secretary) GIORGIO MARCHESE ATTORNEY/AVVOCATO Fluent in Italian 586-323-2300 Initial Consultation at no charge • • • • Divorce Real Estate Wills/Estates Corporations • • • • Civil Litigation Personal Injury OUIL/Traffic Offenses Business Transactions Silver Pine Complex 43455 Schoenherr, Suite 7 Sterling Heights, Michigan 48313 MAGGIO 2015 Terzo Settore: accolto Ordine del Giorno FitzGerald Nissoli in favore delle associazioni operanti per le Comunità italiane all’estero Roma, 9 aprile 2015) – Oggi, in occasione dell’esame del Disegno di Legge recante “Delega al Governo per la riforma del Terzo settore, dell’impresa sociale e per la disciplina del Servizio civile universale”, il Governo ha accolto l’Ordine del Giorno presentato dall’on. FitzGerald Nissoli in favore dell’associazionismo operante in favore delle Comunità italiane all’estero. Infatti, come ha fatto notare l’on. Nissoli, “l’associazionismo italiano all’estero ha supplito sovente all’assenza dello Stato, assumendo di volta in volta il ruolo di punto di aggregazione e di partecipazione, di promotore della nostra cultura e della nostra lingua, di società di mutuo soccorso e di ispiratore di opere sociali e di L'Italo Americano Editrice Barbara Smith Editrice Italiano Sandra Tornberg Impaginazione e Design Lolita Kozloff Distribuzione Lelio D’Artistotile Cronisti Esther Beaudette Antonio DiGiorgio Barbara Smith Sandra Tornbeg Fotografi contribuendi Elio Ripari Sandra Tornberg Il materiale da pubblicare deve essere sottomesso alla redazione il 15 del mese. La redazione ritiene il diritto di recederne il contenuto. solidarietà di cui restano segni tangibili”. Di fronte a questo protagonismo sociale, sussidiario, l’on. Nissoli ha sottolineato che”è necessario che i criteri per riconoscere le forme associative esistenti tra le comunità italiane nel mondo, oggi di competenza del Ministero degli affari esteri, siano armonizzati con il nuovo impianto normativo nazionale in materia di associazionismo di volontariato e di associazionismo di promozione sociale e che ad esse vengano estese anche tutte le disposizioni di carattere fiscale attualmente vigenti per gli enti operanti all’interno del Terzo settore e l’accesso ai fondi previsti per tali enti”. In tale ottica, l’on.FitzGerald Nissoli ha impegnato il Governo a far sì che “nella predisposizione dei prossimi decreti attuativi”, si abbia “cura di salvaguardare il patrimonio associazionistico italiano nel mondo, frutto del lavoro instancabile di generazioni di emigrati e che avrà un ruolo decisivo in «termini di rete» anche in futuro”. http://angelafucsianissoli. us/2015/04/12/terzo-settoreaccolto-ordine-del-giornofitzgerald-nissoli-in-favoredelle-associazioni-operantiper-le-comunita-italianeallestero/ MAGGIO 2015 Italian American Cultural Society PA- Casa Bianca, Obama a Renzi: “Impressionato dalla tua energia sulle riforme”. Il premier: “Usa nostro modello” Sulla Libia il presidente del Consiglio: “Piena condivisione, pronti ad assumerci responsabilità”. Preoccupazioni comuni sulla Grecia: “Servono riforme importanti”. Sintonia sui temi economici. Il premier: “Basta austerità”. Il leader americano: “Governo italiano sulla strada giusta per le riforme” WA S H I N G T O N - “Purtroppo non ho antenati italiani ma mi considero un italiano onorario perché amo tutto dell’Italia”. N e l l a conferenza s t a m p a congiunta tenuta alla Casa Bianca al termine del faccia a faccia con il premier Matteo Renzi, il presidente americano Barack Obama ha subito reso omaggio al nostro Paese. “L’Italia ovviamente è uno dei nostri alleati più vicini e forti. Questa è l’occasione per celebrare i nostri rapporti”. Poi i complimenti al premier italiano. Obama si è detto “impressionato dall’energia di Renzi, dalla sua volontà di sfidare lo status quo, dalla visione per le riforme che servono a scatenare il potenziale economico dell’Italia”. Il presidente del Consiglio è stato definito da Obama “una voce guida in Europa”. Dal capo del governo italiano parole di omaggio pieno al modello americano, che suonano anche come una stilettata a diverse cancellerie europee: “Negli Usa, negli ultimi sette anni ha detto Renzi - si è ridotta la disoccupazione ed è aumentato il Pil. In Europa è aumentata la disoccupazione e si è ridotto il Pil. In Europa qualcosa non ha funzionato. Per questo l’economia Usa deve essere un modello per l’economia europea”. I due leader hanno poi affrontato i temi più dolenti: dalla crisi libica a quella greca, ai difficili negoziati con l’Iran. Grecia. Renzi ha manifestato la sua preoccupazione per la situazione greca. D’altra parte la crisi di Atene ha pesanti ripercussioni anche sull’Italia, come dimostrato dall’impennata di oggi dello spread. “Sono preoccupato perché la situazione in Grecia e in Europa non è quella del 2011 o del 2008, sono epoche differenti e bisogna lavorare con forza per trovare un accordo ed è importante rispettare il governo greco”, ha detto, “ma Atene deve rispettare tutti gli accordi del passato”. Il presidente Usa, che nei mesi scorsi ha avuto un atteggiamento benevolo nei confronti Atene, oggi ha pronunciato parole più dure: “La Grecia deve iniziare a fare riforme importanti, ridurre la burocrazia e a introdurre flessibilità”. Libia. Poi il il discorso si è spostato su uno dei temi che più stanno a cuore al governo di Roma. Il dramma dell’immigrazione nel Mediterraneo e la crisi di Tripoli, su cui l’Italia spera di ricevere un aiuto concreto da Washington. “Esco dall’incontro - ha esordito Renzi - con la convinzione che la piena condivisione con gli Usa nelle prossime settimane mostrerà i frutti più efficaci. Nel Mediterraneo è in corso non solo una questione di sicurezza ma anche di giustizia e dignità dell’uomo”. E ancora: “L’Italia è pronta ad assumersi la responsabilità di una leadership negli sforzi diplomatici in Libia. Il punto chiave è bloccare il traffico degli esseri umani. Il Mediterraneo è diventato un cimitero”. Quanto a Obama, si è preoccupato soprattutto di escludere un intervento militare nell’area: “La crisi libica non si risolve solo con droni e attacchi militari”, ha detto. Il presidente ha aggiunto che dalla Libia “possono venire minacce terroristiche” e che è “una zona a rischio”. Ma ha assicurato che Italia e Usa lavorano “in coordinamento anche con altri partner” per affrontare la crisi. di intesa quadro raggiunta con l’Iran verso un accordo onnicomprensivo e abbiamo convenuto sul fatto che finché non sarà raggiunto l’accordo finale le sanzioni sull’Iran continueranno a essere applicate”. Il presidente americano ha poi aggiunto: “Se l’Iran non obbedirà a questo accordo, dovremo applicare altre sanzioni”. A f g h a n i s t a n . Sull’Afghanistan, un altro segnale di sintonia tra i due Paesi. E un impegno italiano che farà piacere a Washington. “L’Italia sta al fianco degli Stati Uniti in una grande sfida che porterà le truppe del nostro Paese a restare in Afghanistan mesi in più rispetto a quanto si era immaginato”, ha detto Matteo Renzi. Expo. L’Expo milanese è stato l’occasione per uno scambio di battute tra i due leader. “Ho l’impressione che molti americani visiteranno Milano per l’Expo”, ha detto il presidente americano sottolineando come “il cibo sia qualcosa che l’Italia conosce molto bene”. Renzi ha scherzato: “Ho ancitipato l’expo portando una bottiglia di vino al presidente Obama, ricordando quanto disse una volta in un’intervista a proposito del vino toscano”. “Farò rapporto su questo vino”, ha concluso sorridendo il leader della Casa Bianca. L’uscita di scena, dalla sala della conferenza stampa, ancora all’insegna della cordialità. Barack Obama e Matteo Renzi si sono stretti con vigore la mano. Mentre raggiungevano la sala da pranzo, il presidente Usa ha accompagnato il premier italiano con una mano sulla spalla. politica/2015/04/17/news/ renzi_incontra_obama_alla_ casa_bianca-112196446/ Iran. Obama ha toccato il delicato tema dell’accordo con l’Iran sul nucleare: “Ho aggiornato Renzi sul testo ! PAGINA 4 Italian American Cultural Society MAGGIO 2015 Le Regioni d’Italia CALABRIA Stemma Calabria della regione La Calabria è una regione dell’Italia Meridionale di 1,978,133 abitanti[, con capoluogo Catanzaro. La regione costituisce la punta dello stivale. Confina a nord con la Basilicata, è bagnata a ovest dal mar Tirreno, a est dal mar Ionio, a nord-est dal golfo di Taranto e a sud-ovest è separata dalla Sicilia dallo Stretto di Messina, la cui distanza minima tra Capo Peloro in Sicilia e Punta Pezzo in Calabria è di soli 3,2 km, dovuta al legame geologico Data la difficoltà di raggiungerla via terra, in passato la regione veniva chiamata anche la “terza isola” d’Italia. La Calabria ha una superficie prevalentemente collinare, che si estende per il 49,2% del suo territorio. Presenta ampie zone montuose che coprono il 41,8% del suo territorio: • a nord il versante meridionale del Massiccio del Pollino al confine con la Basilicata, con le vette più elevate della Calabria, il Monte Serra Dolcedorme 2.267 m e il Monte Pollino 2.248 m . • nel nord-ovest, a sud della piana di Campotenese, si elevano i cosiddetti Monti di Orsomarso, e a sud del Passo dello Scalone ha luogo la Catena Costiera, che si allunga tra la costa tirrenica e i profondi valli dei fiumi Crati e Savuto, che la separano dall’altopiano della Sila. • nel centro-nord la Sila, un vasto altopiano con foreste di aghifoglie e latifoglie che si estende a sud fino all’istmo di Catanzaro; • Tra l’istmo di Catanzaro e il valico della Limina sorgono le Serre calabresi, tra cui spiccano quelle vibonesi che si spingono con un doppio allineamento montuoso fino a congiungersi direttamente con l’Aspromonte; la vetta più elevata delle Serre, il Monte Pecoraro, raggiunge 1423 m; • fra le pianure di Piana di Sant’Eufemia e di Piana di Gioia Tauro si erge il gruppo del monte Poro 710 m nella zona sud della provincia di Vibo Valentia; • a sud infine si erge l’acrocoro dell’Aspromonte la cui vetta più elevata, il Montalto o monte Cocuzzo che raggiunge i 1955 m. • la pianura più grande della Calabria è la Piana di Sibari. Le pianure coprono il 9% del suo territorio e sono tutte di modesta estensione. Le montagne occupano circa il 41%. Il clima calabrese è generalmente di tipo mediterraneo. Il litorale ionico è più secco e arido di quello tirrenico che si presenta con un clima più mite. Le temperature in genere lungo le coste non scendono mai sotto i 10 gradi e non salgono mai sopra i 40 °C, con punte di 42-44 °C nei mesi estivi. Lungo gli Appennini e nelle zone interne, dal Pollino, alla Sila fino all’Aspromonte, il clima è montano appenninico (continentale freddo) con inverni freddi e nevosi, l’estate è tiepida e non mancano temporali. Da segnalare l’interessante escursione termica giornaliera, in inverno, nella valle del Crati, dove anche a quote di pianura possono verificarsi abbondanti nevicate. L’Aspromonte, regione montana nel sud della Calabria, in provincia di Reggio, fu scenario di una famosa battaglia del Risorgimento, in cui Giuseppe Garibaldi rimase ferito. È tuttora possibile ammirare l’albero cavo in cui secondo la tradizione Garibaldi si sedette per essere curato, nei pressi di Gambarie, vicino a Reggio. In questo periodo anche a Cosenza si manifestarono movimenti liberali e patriottici, il più noto è quello del 15 marzo 1844 che si concluse con uno scontro a fuoco nel Largo dell’Intendenza tra i soldati borbonici e 21 patrioti poi condannati a morte, e dei quali ne furono giustiziati soltanto sei, Da questa rivolta presero spunto i Fratelli Bandiera, veneziani che vennero in soccorso ai fratelli calabresi e vennero fucilati presso il Vallone di Rovito insieme ad altri 7 ufficiali il 25 luglio 1844. In seguito i cosentini parteciparono a molte vicende del Risorgimento, dalle guerre d’indipendenza fino all’impresa dei Mille. Garibaldi fu a Cosenza il 31 agosto del 1860; due mesi dopo, un plebiscito sanzionò l’annessione al Regno d’Italia. Con il Regno d’Italia costituito nel 1861, la Calabria fu divisa amministrativamente nelle province di Catanzaro, Cosenza e Reggio, rimarcando esattamente le preesistenti province del Regno delle Due Sicilie. Nel 1947 la Calabria è una delle 19 regioni (divenute 20 nel 1963 a seguito dell’autonomia del Molise dall’Abruzzo) previste dall’art.131 della Costituzione Italiana. Nel 1970 venne infine definitivamente istituita la Regione Calabria con Catanzaro capoluogo di Regione. Calabria
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No.227 will be having its
monthly meeting at 7:45 p.m.
at San Francesco Church.
Pizza and Pop will be served.
please call President Salvatore Previti (586) 206-5185.