Copley High School Smoke Signals August 2010-11
Copley High School Smoke Signals August 2010-11
Copley High School Smoke Signals August 2010-11 Copley High School Website ************************************************************************************************************ From the Principal The Excitement of a New Year and New Beginnings Dear Copley High School Families: Although it may feel to some as though summer vacation just began, it is once again time to prepare for a new school year. This time of year is truly exciting for so many. It is a time where everyone gets a fresh start and has the ability to decide the path they will take throughout this school year and the rest of their high school career. Many of our students, teachers, staff and coaches have been busy throughout the summer. Whether it be rehearsing for the upcoming marching band season or the numerous athletes practicing and preparing for our fall sports season, it is truly exciting to be a part of Copley High School. This should prove to be another outstanding school year for our students and Copley families, as we have many exciting events and activities planned. On behalf of everyone at Copley High School, I would like to welcome back all of our returning Copley High School students, especially our freshmen and students who are new to the high school. This sense of excitement is not only there for our students, but for our teachers, staff, and for me as well. I am privileged to begin this next stage of my career with the Copley-Fairlawn School District and with the Copley High School community. Prior to coming to Copley, I was a teacher for Twinsburg City Schools and have spent the past seven years as an administrator for Strongsville City Schools. I am a passionate and dedicated educator that will always work for what is in the best interest of our students. This work is best done with a supportive and collaborative relationship between the school, students, parents and community. I look forward to working with you throughout this and future school years. Furthermore, please help me in welcoming Mr. Rick Gurski as Copley High School’s new assistant principal. Mr. Gurski was previously a science teacher at Cleveland Heights High School and has been an outstanding addition to the administrative team. Mr. Borchik will continue his tenure as assistant principal at the high school, yet will also take over the athletic department in his added role as director of athletics. In addition to these administrative changes, please join me in welcoming the following new staff members to Copley High School. Andrea Andryscik, English Brian Falhamer, Science Melanie Fragge-Media Center Associate Debbie Good, Guidance Jodi Mirman, Science Paula Thompson, French Jacob Sexton, Spanish Ping Fen Sung, Chinese First Day of School On August 31st, all students will report to their assigned homeroom class. Homeroom lists will be posted on the front doors and in the commons area. Once in their homeroom, students will receive their schedules, locker assignments, student planners and emergency medical forms. Please return the completed emergency medical forms to school no later than Friday, September 10th to your child’s homeroom teacher. Also during the first day, each class will participate in a brief assembly to welcome the students back, give them an opportunity to meet the new administration, and review school policies and procedures. I encourage all of our parents to support this first day message by taking the time to review the information in these planners with their students. The planners include more specifics pertaining to building regulations and procedures, academic policies, attendance procedures, athletic regulations and the student code of conduct. We have high expectations for our students both behaviorally and academically. By reviewing this planner and setting a positive tone for the year, we can help to ensure our students meet and exceed our expectations and have a successful school year. In regards to schedules, student schedules should have been finalized at the end of last school year. Schedule changes are only permitted for students that have been inadvertently placed in the wrong class or have a scheduling conflict, such as having two of the same classes or not having a lunch. Students may not change schedules to adjust teachers, lunch periods or to have classes with friends. Students fitting the acceptable criteria to make a schedule change will need to complete an add/drop form found in the main office. The guidance counselors will call students down on a priority basis. Schedule changes may occur during the first two weeks of the school year and all schedules will be locked after that point. Staying in the Loop Please plan on joining us for our annual Open House. Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, September 1st from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. We will have a brief introduction in the auditorium at 7:00 p.m. after which parents and families will have the opportunity to follow their students’ schedule. Teachers will welcome you into their classrooms and review important information about their courses for the school year. Refreshments will be provided in the commons. Our building PTSA will also be available to accept new members. This is an outstanding group of parents that has a positive impact on our students and school. I encourage you to become PTSA members. Senior Option As has been done in the past, seniors that are passing all classes, have passed all sections of the OGT and have completed sufficient credits may have a late entry/early release. Senior option is a privilege that may be lost due to grades, attendance and/or behavior. More specifics on taking advantage of this option will be communicated to students during the first week of school. On behalf of everyone at Copley High School, welcome back and welcome to all that the new year has to offer. We look forward to building upon Copley’s tradition of excellence and working collaboratively to explore how we can continue to improve the educational opportunities for all of our students. By working together, there is no end to what can be accomplished. Please enjoy these final days of summer with family and friends. My door is always open, so please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions and/or concerns. I look forward to beginning our work together. Sincerely, Cameron M. Ryba Copley High School Principal From the Assistant Principal Welcome to the beginning of an exciting school year! My name is Rick Gurski, and I am the new Assistant Principal of Copley High School. I am a native Clevelander, growing up in the city, graduating from St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland State and Ursuline Colleges. I believe that my family’s values and beliefs in conjunction with rigorous academic programs have provided me with a solid foundation for success. These high social and academic expectations are what have gotten me where I am today. This will be my first year at Copley-Fairlawn City Schools, and I could not be happier. Prior to coming to Copley High School I was a science teacher at Cleveland Heights High School as well as The Hebrew Academy of Cleveland. I spent my career working to ensure that things were done in the best interests of students and intend on continuing to take actions in my students’ best interest. Coming to Copley-Fairlawn is an electrifying move for me personally and professionally. I have learned much about the district and its students and look forward to working with the members of this community. This time of year has always been full of excitement for myself and my students, and I look forward to working in the district to bring our students the best every day. Throughout the year if you are in the building or in the neighborhood, feel free to stop by and introduce yourself. I work with an open door policy and look forward to working with you. I hold high expectations for my students, staff, and families. This being said, one of my primary responsibilities at Copley High School is to ensure student safety and maintain an environment conducive of student learning. In order to ensure the proper learning environment, the district has established a set of clear rules and expectations for all students. A copy of these rules and expectations can be found in the Student Handbook, which will be distributed on the first day of school. In this edition of Smoke Signals, I would like to highlight a few important rules and guidelines for the upcoming school year. ARTICLES PROHIBITED IN SCHOOL… ELECTRONIC DEVICES While Copley High School recognizes that rapidly changing technology and our availability to access it have become an integral part of our lives, its use during the regular hours of school operations via communication devices, videotaping devices, camera, personal electronic equipment (i.e. pagers, cellular phones, iPods, mp3, radio, CD players, headsets, television, electronic games, digital games, etc.) can pose a significant disruption to the educational process. In addition these items are subject to unauthorized use and/or possession of others. (CHS is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices). All electronic devices must be turned off and remain put away during school. All items or devices that interfere with school will be confiscated by the supervising adult, submitted to the assistant principal and secured as follows: 1st Offense 2nd Offense Subsequent Offenses Friday Detention, parent/guardian must pick up device. 1-3 days ISAP, Parent/Guardian must pick up device. 1-5 days OSS, Parent/Guardian must pick up device. TARDY TO SCHOOL/CLASS All students must be on time to school and class. If a student is not on time, the following consequences will occur: Tardy to School 3rd Tardy Office Warning 4th-6th Tardy Friday Detention will be assigned 7th and 8th Tardy 1-3 days ISAP 9th Tardy and any subsequent tardies Loss of Driving/Parking Privilege- 3 days OSS (Failure to serve a Friday Detention will result in a 3 day OSS) (Students may be offered the option of riding the bus as an alternative to suspension of tardies to school.) Tardy to Class 2nd Tardy Teacher Warning 3rd and 4th Tardies Teacher assigns a detention for each tardy 5th Tardy and any subsequent tardies to class A Disciplinary Referral will be sent to the Assistant Principal and Friday Detention will be assigned. (Failure to Serve a Friday Detention will result in 3 days OSS) DRESS CODE Based on the premise that behavior and performance are sometimes reflective of appearance, when one or both are inappropriate in an educational atmosphere, education may be somewhat deterred. Therefore, students attending school and any school function, on or off school premises, shall not dress in such a way as to substantially interfere with the conduct of a class or activity. In general, hair and clothing will be neat and clean, not constitute a threat to student health and safety, or damage school property. Clothes and footwear with metal rivets, cleats or spikes are not permitted. Shirts, shorts, and skirts should be modest. Extreme hairstyles and visible piercings are not permitted. 1st Offense Warning, change clothing, and parent contact 2nd Offense Change Clothing, 1-3 Days ISAP 3rd Offense Removal from school, possible suspension/expulsion I am confident in my belief that Copley High School is one of the premier secondary schools in the area and intend to work diligently to ensure the continuous development of our school and its academic and social programs. In order to obtain this goal, I intend to hold all students to the highest expectations of success. The Student Code of Conduct is an integral part of our success. It is important that each student and their parents/guardians take the time to review and become familiar with all of the school’s rules and expectations. I welcome all students and families to come to my office to discuss any questions or concerns at any time. I look forward to meeting and working with the communities of Copley High School. I intend to establish and maintain clear communications between students, families, and the community. Once again I would like to remind you that I operate with an open door policy, please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, and ideas. I look forward to serving the Copley High School and the Copley-Fairlawn community. I wish everyone with the best of luck throughout the upcoming school year. Sincerely, Rick Gurski Copley High School Assistant Principal FOND FAREWELLS Dana Addis- Athletic Director Stephanie Barnes- Guidance Counselor Jennifer Caldwell- English Cheryl Hopkins- Spanish Connie Kosanovich- Science Adam Pittis- Special Education Aaron Sable- Principal John Savage- French Tamara Sheldon- Media Center Associate Adrienne Six- French Karen Soini- Social Studies Consy Warren- Science WARM WELCOMES Andrea Andryscik, English Brian Falhammer- Science Debbie Good- Guidance Counselor Melanie Fragge-Media Center Associate Rick Gurski-Assistant Principal Jodi Mirman- Science Cameron Ryba- Principal Jacob Sexton- Spanish Paula Thompson- French MaryFerrise-InterventionSpecialist Karen Smith, Kathy Carter – Tutors Kamani Grant- Security Specialist FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL DIRECTIONS The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 31. All students should report at 7:25 a.m. to their HOMEROOM. Homeroom assignments have been posted on the main doors and throughout the building for your convenience. CHS students, both new and returning, will have new homeroom assignments for the school year. These assignments have been made alphabetically by grade level. Students should report to the rooms based on the first letter of their LAST name. During the first day, locker assignments combinations and other bookkeeping tasks will be accomplished. New schedules will be distributed during homeroom on the first day of school. These are your schedules for the school year. A few adjustments were made to balance classes after students left school in the spring. EMERGENCY MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION Please make sure your student’s emergency medical forms are updated with all the proper information and placed on file in the guidance office. These forms will be distributed during homeroom and must be returned by Sept. 10. Extra forms may be obtained by calling Mrs. Kramer in the guidance office, (330) 664-4827. These forms are very important should an emergency situation arise while the student is attending school. The Copley Fairlawn City School medication policy states that a Medication Authorization Form needs to be filled out in the event your student needs medication during school hours. This form needs to be signed by both the parent and the physician for prescription medications and signed by the parent for non-prescription medications. Please see Mrs. Kramer in the guidance office for these forms. FROM THE NURSE The Copley-Fairlawn school nurse will be at the high school on Monday mornings during the 2010-2011 school year. Students are welcome to see her with any health concerns during this time. If parents have any concerns or questions relating to health issues, they may contact the nurse at any time through the high school office. The staff at Copley High School can reach the nurse by pager during the school day for consultation or emergencies. All students new to our district will be screened for both vision and hearing. The nurse will also be providing inservice seminars to staff members on common first aid techniques and general medical concerns. CHS OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Open House has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 1, 2010 beginning at 7 p.m. Your student will bring home a copy of his/her schedule for you to use that evening. During study hall and lunch time on your student’s schedule, plan to enjoy refreshments in the Commons and visit the PTA table in the lobby. All CHS administrators, counselors and teachers are anxious to meet you and answer your questions concerning graduation, course, requirements, activities and services. Please understand that it will not be possible for school personnel to answer specific questions until Conference Days in November. We are willing to discuss your student’s progress at any time; simply call 330-664-4827 and arrange an appointment. UNDERCLASS PICTURE PACKAGES OFFERED As a service to our underclass students and their parents, CHS has arranged with Ohio School Pictures for different photographic packages. These packages are assured to be of the highest professional quality. Photos will be taken at CHS on Thursday September 7, from 7:25-2:25 p.m. We urge all students to have their photograph taken so that it may be included in the 2011 Chieftain. There is no sitting fee. If you choose to buy a photo package, the money must be paid on the day of the photo session. All checks should be made out to Ohio School Pictures. Specific details on the photo packages will be given to students prior to September 7. REPORTING ABSENCES When absent from school, a student is to have his/her parents or guardian phone the school 330-664-4823 before 9 a.m. on the day of absence so that the reason for the absence will be known. The attendance office routinely calls parents/guardians to verify absence. Parents should not be offended by the call. The call is only to ensure the location and safety of the student. Without parent contact, a student will be presumed unexcused and dealt with accordingly. NOTE-Doctor and dentist appointments should be made after school hours when possible. Regardless of the reason, if a student misses more than 2 ½ hours of the school day, the student will be charged a minimum of ½ day absence. S M O SMOKE SIGNALS 2010-11 Online K E S I G N A L S st Look for it the 1 week of each month! Issue Submission Email all submissions in Microsoft Word to Ms. Anderson at Month Deadline [email protected] or place disk in HS mailbox. 1 Aug/Sept. Aug. 16 2 Oct. Sept. 20 3 Nov. Oct. 19 Submissions received after the deadline will be published the following month. 4 Dec/Jan. Nov. 15 5 Feb. Jan. 20 6 Mar. Feb. 18 ATTENTION: Our newsletter will be posted on our Website: Smoke Signals LINK 7 April Mar. 21 in .pdf format. Hard copies may be picked up in the high school office. 8 May April 20 9 June June 1 ATTENTION: This will be the last issue of SMOKE SIGNALS this year that will be mailed to every household. Direct access at Instructions: 1. Visit 2. High School tab 3. News -pull down 4. Smoke Signals 5. Download Smoke Signals 6. PDF icon listed below desired month Smoke signals online Hard copies may be picked up in High School office or mailed by request. Please return this form to the Main office. *************************************************************************************************************************************** I would like to continue to receive Smoke Signals by mail. Name__________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Please complete and return to the High School Main Office by Sept. 17, 2010. 2010 State Indicators and Rating for Copley-Fairlawn City IRN: Address: 049981 3797 Ridgewood Rd Copley,OH 44321-1665 County: Summit District Type: City rrc: NEONET State Test Results 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade # Students Took Test # At Least Protident % Proficient State Standard Reading 230 210 91.3% 75.0% MET Mathematics 228 194 85.1% 75.0% MET Reading 257 236 91.8% 75.0% MET Writing 0 0 NC 75.0% - Mathematics 257 230 89.5% 75.0% MET Reading 258 221 85.7% 75.0% MET Mathematics 258 213 82.6% 75.0% MET 0 0 NC 75.0% - Science 258 205 79.5% 75.0% MET Reading 266 250 94.0% 75.0% MET Mathematics 266 244 91.7% 75.0% MET Reading 253 239 94.5% 75.0% MET Writing 0 0 NC 75.0% - Social Studies Mathematics 253 221 87.4% 75.0% MET Reading 263 243 92.4% 75.0% MET Mathematics 263 225 85.6% 75.0% MET 11th Grade '" '" ./ ./ ./ '" ''"" '" '" '" ./ '" 0 0 NC 75.0% - 263 212 80.6% 75.0% MET ./ '''""" ''"" ''"" Social Studies Science 10th Grade State Indicator Met? Reading 266 251 94.4% 75.0% MET Writing 266 251 94.4% 75.0% MET Mathematics 266 251 94.4% 75.0% MET Social Studies 266 245 92.1 % 75.0% MET Science 266 236 88.7% 75.0% MET Reading 259 251 96.9% 85.0% MET Writing 259 252 97.3% 85.0% MET Mathematics 260 252 96.9% 85.0% MET Social Studies 259 249 96.1 % 85.0% MET Science 260 250 96.2% 85.0% MET ./ ./ ./ Analyze... Attendance Rate Graduation Rate The state standard is 93.0% The Graduation Rate indicator is based on the previous school year's graduation rate. The state standard is 90.0%. Aggregate Attendance Aggregate Membership 521,606 544,138 Attendance Rate 95.9% State Indicator Met? MET AnalYZe... # # Graduates 235 Graduation Rate 97.5% in Graduation Cohort • State Indicator Met? 241 MET./ '" Graduation Cohort = Graduates + Net Dropouts + Grade 13 graduates Your dIstrfc.t met 26 out of 26/nt:f1CllfDrs (100.096) Analyze... District Rating: Excellent Methodology for Determining DistrIctRating Disbict Results of State Indicators Met 010 1 100._1 to Index Preliminary Rating #1 100.0% 31.0% 0.0% 93.9% 74.9% 49.9% 39.9% or or and B B B B 104.3 [ Excellent I Effective I Criteria Preliminary Rating #2 Value Added Rating I Excellent II A district rating can improve one level if the district exceeds expected gains for two consecutive years, or can decrease one level if expected gains are not achieved for three consecutive years. Academic Watch Academic Emergency One-Year AYP Criteria A district that meets AYP in the current school year can be rated no lower than Continuous Improvement. This Year This Year Not Met Last Year Met 2 Years Ago Met 3-year AYP Criteria? to B B Continuous Improvement A district that misses A YPfor three consecutive years; and that misses A YPin more than one student subgroup in the current school year; can be rated no higher than Continuous Improvement. # Subgroups Missed AYP Rating Limited by to to or Three~YearAYP AYP Result 50.0% to or !'erformance 75.0% Not Met AYP was not met, so a rating lower than Continuous Improvement is possible. 1 No Effective I Continuous Improvement This Year Last Year 2 Years Ago The district rating is not changed by the Value Added rating. Final Rating: Excellent COPLEY-FAIRLAWN CITY SCHOOLS LEGEND THE FOLLOWING ARE SCHOOL TIMES: 2010-2011 Calendar For Students and Teachers August/September October M -- T W T- F 30+ 31~ I 2 3 6'1 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 13 14 15 16 17 II 12 20 21 22 23 24 *18* 19 27 28 29 30+ M T 25 26 W .. T T •+ November F M T W T F I I 2 3 4+ 5 7 8 8 9 10 11+ 12 13 14 15'1 15 16 17 18+ 19 20 21+ 22 22 23 24 25'1 26'1 27 28 29 29·:· 30 T January December M -'- W 'I M T W T F 4 5 6 7 W T M " T I 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 II F J 2 3 3'1 6 7 8 9 10 10 II 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 17'1 18 19 20 21 14 15 16 17+ 18 20 21 22 23'1 24'1 24+ 25 26 27 28 21'1 22 23 24+ 25 27'1 28'1 29'1 30'1 31'1 31 ... M T. I 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 W .. .F T W T F I 2 3 4 5 6 II 4'1 5'1 6'1 7'1 8'1 9 10 II 12 13 M - T W T- F 14 15 16 17 18 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22'1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25·:· 26 27 28 29 30'1 31 M "- T I 2 3 6 7 8 9~ 10+ 13 14 15 16 17 June T F Approved: January 8, 2008 Revision Approved: November 17, 2009 905 - 3:45 905 - 3:45 905 - 3:45 8:10 - 3:00 725 - 2:25 Kindergarten 905 - 11:45 1:05 -3:45 ABOUT THE CALENDAR By Ohio Law, students are required to be in school 182 days, two of which may be professional statTmeetings and two parent-teacher conference days. Schools may be closed for up to three days for severe weather conditions or other calamities. If all three calamity days are used, the following dates will be used as make-up days first day-June 10, second - June 13, and third June 14. If you are in doubt about school being in session, please listen to the radio. Do not telephone the school since this ties up our telephone lines which may be needed for emergency calls. The radio stations used for announcements are WAKR, WKDD, WNIR, and WTAM. If you do not hear the Copley-Fairlawn City Schools announced as closed, schools will be in session as usual. + May M -- 21 W Arrowhead Fort Island Herberich Middle School High School PARENT CONFERENCES All conferences are scheduled in the evening April T. Commencement June 5, 20II + 28 March + Each year the Copley-Fairlawn Board of Education is required by law to adopt a school calendar. The school year for students begins August 31, 2010 and ends June 9,2011. February F + .:. * Holiday/Recess (No School) ParentlTeacher Conferences, see schedule Teacher Work/Inservice Day (No School) First and Last Day for Students Inservice Day (No School) Conference Compensation Day (No School) COPLEY-FAIRLAWN CITY SCHOOLS 3797 Ridgewood Road - Copley, OR 44321-1695 Board of Education Office - 330-664-4800 , President , Vice-President John L. Wheadon, Treasurer Roger L. Saurer, Superintendent Brian E. Poe, Assistant Superintendent Steven E. Robinson, Business Manager FALL: 09/3011 0 - ElementarylMiddle School 10/21/10- ElementarylMiddle School 11/0411 0 - ElementarylMiddle School 11/11/10- High School 11/18/l 0 - High School 11/29/10 - Conference Compensation Day 08/30/10 . Teachers First Day 08/31/10 . Students First Day 09/06/10 . . Labor Day 1O/l511 0 . NEOEA Day 10/18/10 . Inservice Day 11/05/10 . End of First Grading Period (46) 11/25/l 0 - II /28/l 0 Fall Break II /29/l 0 . Conference Compensation Day 12/2311 0 - 01/03111 ... Winter Break 01117111 . M. L. King 01/21111 . End of Second Grading Period (43) SPRING 02117/11 - ElementarylMiddlelHigh School 02/24/l J - High School 04/25/11 - Conference Compensation Day 01/24/11 Records Day 02/21/11 Presidents' Day 03/25/11 End ofThird Grading Period (43) Spring Break 04/04/11 - 04/08/l1 Break 04/22/11 04/25/11 .. Conference Compensation Day Memorial Day 05/30/11 Commencement 06/05/11 End of Fourth Grading Period (46) 06/09111 . . Records Day 06/10111 Copley High School Time Schedules MODS REGULAR TIME SCHEDULE First Bell 7:20am Mods 1-2 7:25 am - 8:15 am Mods 3-4 Mods 5-6 Mods 7-8 Mods 8-9 8:20 am - 9:15 am 9:20 am - 10:10 am 10:15 am - 11:05 am 10:50 am -11:40 am Mods 9-10 Mods 10-11 Mods 12-13 Mods 14-15 11:10am - 12:00 pm 11:45 am - 12:35 pm 12:40 pm - 1:30 pm 1:35 pm - 2:25 pm MODS Homeroom TIME SCHEDULE First Bell 7:20 am Mods 1-2 7:25 am - 8:14 am Homeroom Mods 3~4 Mods 5-6 Mods 7-8 Mods 8-9 .Mods 9-10 Mods 10-11 Mods 12-13 Mods 14-15 8:19 am - 8:26 am 8:31 am - 9:20 am 9:25 am - 10:14 am 10:19 am - 11:08 am 10:54 am - 11:43 am 11:13 am - 12:02 pm 11:48 am - 12:37 pm 12:42 pm - 1:31 pm 1:36 pm - 2:25 pm LUNCH MODS Lunch 7: 10:15-10:45 Lunch 9: 11:10-11:40 Lunch 11: 12:05-12:35 LUNCH MODS Lunch 7: 10:19-10:49 Lunch 9: 11:13-11:43 Lunch 11: 12:07-12:37 High School A.M. & P.M. Traffic Patterns Morning: A. Buses enter the Front Circle through Gate #1 and drop off by the FRONT doors. B. Parents dropping their students off utilize Gate #4, the western gate near the football stadium. Drop off will be by the POOL doors ONLY. C. Student drivers will enter the Student Lot through Gates #3 & #4. (Please do NOT use Gate #3 as a short cut to drop off students.) D. Teachers will continue to enter Gate #1 to park in the rear east lot. E. Gate #2 is ONE WAY from 6:45 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. Ridgewood Rd. Faculty/buses Enter A.M. Gate Parents & Buses Exit #1 Gate #2 CHS front doors CHS M A S S Gate # 3 Gate # 4 STUDENT LOT DO NOT DROP OFF IN THIS S AREA Driving Students Pool doors Parent Drop FACULTY LOT R D Parents & Students Enter FOOTBALL STADIUM C L E V E Students only w E N P.M. pickup Afternoon: 1. Parents picking up enter Gate # 1 to utilize the east side doors by faculty lot. 2. Buses utilize the center circle in front of the school. 3. Students turning left leave out Gate #3 which will be open after school. 4. Students turning right exit Gate #4 PLEASE REMEMBER PEDESTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT AWAY! D DR RIIV VE E C CA AR RE EFFU ULLLLY Y D VE E DR RIIV S SLLO OW WLLY Y D DR RIIV VE E C CA AR RE EFFU ULLLLY Y Copley High School TRAFFIC PATTERNS EXPLAINED Morning ONLY A. Parents dropping their students off will utilize Gate #4 ONLY, the western gate, nearest the football stadium. They will flow along the stadium and the practice fields, assisted by the Copley Township road barricades that will help direct the car to the glass pool doors school entrance. Parents will exit through Gate #2, assisted by the Copley Police Department. For safety reasons, please do not cut thru the Gate #3 for drop offs or drive thru lot where students are walking. B. Student drivers will also enter through Gate #4, the western gate, nearest the football stadium. Students will also follow the barricades to the center aisle, where they will turn right, and park their cars. C. Buses will enter Gate #1, and drop their students off at the Main CHS entrance, utilizing the center circle. Buses will exit Gate #2, assisted by the Copley Police Department. D. Faculty will enter Gate #1 and proceed to the rear faculty parking lot. GATE GATE GATE GATE #1 #2 #3 #4 FACULTY AND BUSES ENTRANCE ONLY EXITS ONLY FOR PARENTS AND BUSES from 7:00-7:30 a.m. STUDENT DRIVERS ONLY ENTRANCE ONLY FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS ********************************************************************************************************* TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM SCHOOL BUS ROUTES, including bus numbers and pickup times and locations, have been finalized for the new school year. The assignments have been mailed directly to individual students. Please review the Traffic Pattern page. PLEASE NOTE: The circular drive in front of Copley High School is closed to any traffic on both sides at the end of the day from 2:10 to 2:40 p.m. This is necessary to allow our buses free access and to provide a safe loading and unloading area for our students. Please do not park on the circle in front of the building at this time. PARKING PERMITS Student drivers must park in the student lot at the west end of the building. All students who drive will be required to purchase a parking permit from Mr. Gurski, Assistant Principal. Permits will be sold for $50 ($25 per semester) during the month of September. If a permit is not displayed by Oct. 1, driving privileges will be rescinded. *********************************************************************************************************** LUNCH PRICES Elementary, K-4 Middle School, 5-8 High School, 9-12 Adult Milk $2.75 3.00 3.00 3.50 .50 Note: The Copley-Fairlawn City School District will participate in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program sponsored by the State of Ohio and the Federal Government for the 2010-11 school year. Applications are available in the office. Lower West WIng 10lOI &DIIOI] 1~ 142 I 143 ....,•..... I 1G I 146 082 ...-.::.- COUftprd 154 I I .1'11147 174 118 - ---, l.IaIr 181 153 173 152 172 151 171 ~.::. ~I::J lop 110 r 273 .. 253 Upper Ltvtl 150 upper~~ ~ [1IlOl& 1101] 274 - 0lrII ElllT orr 252 170 127 132 ..... 125 131 130 11111 282 251 \ I (2001] 283 11 1 ' - : - ' \ 134 \ "\ [[]I[l] VlICII UII 271 \ .... i\,~ 133 = 272 \ 128 ,\)~ 254 ~12I1 - 270 IIIn Ltvtl 11001J r:,~~ Front Door Copley High School 3807 Ridgewood Road, Copley, Ohio 330..14....22 Fax· 330..1404861 ~21 "Home of the Indians" . Website: GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Guidance Office Phone 330-664-4827 Guidance Office Fax 330-664-4951 August/September Guidance Staff: Debbie Good A-G Toni Ehrman H -O Corinne Magensky P- Z Patty Kramer - Secretary THANK YOU TO STEPHANIE BARNES WHO SERVED IN OUR GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT FOR FOUR YEARS. SHE LEFT TO WORK IN ANOTHER SCHOOL SYSTEM AND IS REPLACED BY DEBBIE GOOD, A FORMER HIGH SCHOOL AND MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNSELOR IN OUR DISTRICT. BEST WISHES TO STEPHANIE BARNES AND A HARDY WELCOME TO DEBBIE GOOD. Wednesday, August 25 Freshman/New Student Orientation Copley High School main gym, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 31, 2010 All students will report directly to their homerooms to pick up current copies of their schedules. Tuesday, August 31 is the first day of school for all students, although vocational students will begin their compact programs before that date. Vocational students will receive a letter from Mrs. Magensky detailing the students’ beginning of school. Counselors will return to the building on Monday, August 16, 2010. Students may resolve any schedule conflicts from August 20 through August 27. No preference changes will be made. New students must register through the Board of Education Office (330-664-4800). After applications are approved, new students may schedule an appointment with Mrs. Kramer, the guidance secretary, by calling 330-664-4827. Registration for new students can be scheduled from August 17 through August 19 from 9:0011:00 a.m. and from 1:00-3:00 p.m. SCHEDULE CHANGE POLICIES AND OPTIONS FOR 2010-2011 All schedule change requests must meet the following criteria: • Summer school coursework is completed and affects course selections. • There is a change in the student’s program of studies. • There is a course conflict that requires a change of schedule. • There is a computer error. • Course prerequisites have not been met. • A required course needs to be repeated. Changes will not be made to accommodate lunches or teacher preferences. All students were given opportunities during the spring to make schedule adjustments. The option to change a schedule in August, without meeting at least one of the above criteria, will not be available. The deadline for schedule adjustments is September 13. 2010 National Christian College Fair – Monday, September 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy, 4687 Wyoga Lake Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH COLLEGE TEST DATES 2010-2011 ACT Test Dates *September 11 October 23 December 11 February 12 April 9 *June 11 Registration Deadline August 6 September 17 November 5 January 7 March 4 May 6 2010-2011 SAT Test Dates October 9 November 6 December 4 January 22 March 12 May 7 June 4 Registration Deadline September 10 October 8 November 5 December 23 February 11 April 8 May 6 * Test given at Copley High School. The Copley High School test center code is 173800. Limited seating is available, so sign up early. Please note: Both the SAT and the ACT require registration at least one month prior to the actual test date. Late registration is available with an extra fee. Any student planning to take these tests should promptly see his/her guidance counselor for registration information and sample materials. SAT & PLAN TEST PLANNING FOR SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) will be given to tenth and eleventh grade students on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at CHS. Cost for the test will be $14.00. Students who plan to take the SAT should take the 2010 PSAT/NMSQT this October. The PSAT/NMSQT tests verbal and mathematical reasoning and writing skills, making it an excellent preparation for the SAT. The PSAT/NMSQT will provide students with personalized feedback on college success skills that will be tested on the SAT. The PLAN Test will be given to tenth grade students on November 9, 2010. The content of the PLAN test is closely tied to that of the achievement tests in the ACT Assessment, which is broadly used for college entrance and placement decisions. The curriculum-based tests cover the skills and knowledge that are commonly taught in the nation’s schools and are judged to be important for success in both high school and college. Tests measure what students know and what they are able to do with their knowledge. The cost is $11.00. Test information is available in the Guidance Office (330-664-4827). How Do I See a School Counselor? Students are encouraged to visit the Guidance Office any time they are free – before school, during a study hall, during lunch, or after school. Students should NOT miss a class in order to see their counselor unless it is an emergency. When a student enters the Guidance Office, he or she should arrange an appointment with Mrs. Kramer, the guidance secretary. A student is not in trouble if he or she is asked to come to the Guidance Office. What Does a School Counselor Do? • CLASSROOM GUIDANCE – Counselors work cooperatively with staff to provide vocational, college, career, and financial aid information. • INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING – Counselors are trained to help resolve personal, social, educational, and career development issues. • GROUP COUNSELING – Counseling may be provided in small groups to help students with concerns about relationships, personal matters, and developmental tasks. • PARENT CONSULTATION –Counselors will conduct parenting meetings, facilitate conferences, and offer appropriate information for situations as they arise. • STAFF CONSULTATION –Counselors assist staff members in obtaining knowledge and skills, e.g. learning styles and test interpretation. • CONSULTATION WITH THE COMMUNITY – Counselors may refer students and their families to community agencies when long-term counseling is needed to help with more serious personal, social, or educational concerns. • ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL ACTIVITIES – The counseling staff will administer standardized tests, oversee the scheduling process, and review college applications. • PROGRAM MANAGEMENT – Counselors work collaboratively with other school/community members on the development of the Guidance Program by identifying and gathering guidance resources, designing activities, and assessing and evaluating their impact. • PUPIL APPRAISAL –Counselors will assist in the collaborative effort to identify students’ strengths, needs, and interests through intervention assistance, team assessments, multi-factored evaluations, individual career plans, etc. What is confidentiality? The Guidance Office is a place a student or parent may come to discuss concerns confidentially. Confidentiality means that personal concerns will not be shared with others. However, counselors are required by law to contact other adults if a situation arises that puts someone in physical or emotional harm. What might bring a student to the Guidance Office? • I’m here because other students are giving me a hard time. • I don’t have any idea what I want to do after graduation. • I am having problems with one of my teachers. • My girlfriend/boyfriend dumped me. • I need help figuring out how to get better grades. What might bring a parent to the Guidance Office? • I need to communicate with all the teachers about a situation at home and/or a medical need. • I need some suggestions on how to improve my child’s study habits. • Which courses does my child need to get into college? GET YOUR NEW HIGH SCHOOLER OFF TO A GOOD START THIS YEAR. 1. Set up a study routine. High school teachers give longer assignments and expect students to take more responsibility for their own learning. Get your teen into a regular study routine. Every day at the same time, he/she needs to block out at least one hour for studying or reading materials. 2. Encourage your teen to be active. Kids who are more active in school activities do better in school. 3. Think about what your teen wants to do after high school. If he/she plans to go to college, now is the time to start taking the necessary classes and earning the grades. Senior year may be too late to take all the classes he/she will need. 4. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Research shows that teens are sleep deprived. You can’t change the starting time of your teen’s high school, but you can make sure he/she goes to bed at a reasonable time every night. While he/she may never agree to take a “nap,” if you suggest it’s “power sleeping,” he/she may get a little extra sleep after school before studying. P OLLLL P PR RIIN NC CIIP PA ALL’’S S R RO OLLLL PR RIIN NC CIIP PA ALL’’S S R RO OLLLL P PR RIIN NC CIIP PA ALL’’S S R RO ACADEMIC RECOGNITION P PA ALL’’S S PR RIIN NC CIIP 4th 9-WEEKS 2009-10 In order to promote student academic achievement, Copley High School publishes various recognition rolls each nine-week grading period. Students who earn a 4.0 and above grade point average (GPA) receive Principals Roll status; those with a 3.5-3.99 GPA receive Honor Roll Status; and students with a 3.0-3.49 GPA receive Merit Roll recognition. Students at all grade levels must carry a full course load and not receive any incomplete grades for the grading period in order to qualify for this recognition. (Hence, students with incompletes are not included below.) 12TH ADAIR, NICHOLAS BEAUREGARD, ALEXIA BETZ, RACHEL BOLOGNA, KAYLA BUCKHAM, MADDISON 9th BUDIMLIC, SIMON AALSETH, COURTNEY CALDERONE, ALEXANDER AALSETH, DILLON CHRISTOPHER, REBECCA ABDOULKARIM, IMAN COHEN, ARIEL BOTOSAN, JACOB CROWLEY, KIMBERLY th TH 11 10 DU, ALAN CSEPE, THOMAS BAUMGARDNER, BRYAN ALEXANDER, JESSICA EMICH, SUMMER DAVIS, SARAH BLASHFORD, ETHAN BLACHANIEC, LEAH FARBER, TAYLOR DEMOR, STEVEN BOSWELL, MELISSA BURNS, CASEY FARBER, WHITNEY DESIMONE, KATELYN CARDONE, LISA CALDERONE, MEGAN FELA, ELIZABETH DONCASTER, LAURA FRANK, LAUREN CHECK, DENNIS HASKINS, CHRISTOPHER DRESSLER, KEVIN FRIES, TIMOTHY CHEN, ANNA HAYS, JACOB FELA, ERIC FROST, AMBER COPELAND, EVAN HELFER, EMILY FRESH, DAVID GARRISON, JON CRANE, SAMANTHA JEONG, SOHYUN (LACEY) GREEN, MONICA GRABLE, ABIGAIL DESIMONE, GINA JIVAN, WESLEY HERCHICK, SAMANTHA HAIDER, SYED DUGAN, MICHAEL JOSEPH, SAMUEL HODGE, MEGAN HELFER, SARAH ELISEEVA, OLGA KABACH,SARA HORVATH, KRISTINA HUNKO-HAYNACK, EMMA FEATHER, LYNDSAY KELLER, GINA HU, JENNIFER JIANG, LEAR GAUG, ANDREW KOELLNER, MITCHELL JARMUSIK, NATALIE KAUFMAN, DEVON GOLDSTEIN, KAYLA LEATHERS, SYDNEE KANG, JISOO KULAS, JACKSON HANEY, EVAN LEE, JOON KASTING, KRYSTEN LEVY, CHARISTOPHER HARPEL, ANDREW LEFKOVITZ, LANDON KHAN, OMER MCCURRACH, IAN ISLER, SARAH MCCURRACH, ANDREW KLEIN, KASEY MERRITT, BRITTNEY JIVAN, KAYLEE MYERS, PAIGE KOLK, MICHELLE MIDDENDORF, HEIDI KORMUSHOFF, ALEXANDRE NACE, TYLER LEE, HA NEUL MOYEN, SAAJID LENTINE, JAMES RAJKOWSKI, BRANDON LEFKOVITZ, LAUREN NOONAN, CASEY LIAO, CHUGUO (JOSEPH) REED, DANIELLE MAAS, III, JOHANNES PANG, EDWARD MASON, DANIEL REVESZ, AMANDA MATWEYOU, ELLA PETSCHE, ALYSSA ROBBINS, JESSICA SMITH, AMY MILLER, PATRICK RININGER, ELISE SAFFLE, SCOTT SNYDER, RYAN NACE, EMILY ROBERTS, JENNIFER SCHMIDT, SAMANTHA STROBELT-MCCANN, NEVAN NOBLE, BETHANY SAMSON-AKPAN, LATASHA SEE, DEVIN TALLEY, MARY JO NORVAL, BROOKE SCHAFFNER, SHELBY SMEZNIK, BETHANY VIDALIS, ANDREW PARSONS, WILLIAM SCHOENBERGER, GRACE WALLACE, MACKENZIE WANG, ERIC PASINI, DAVID SCHOENEWALD, LAUREN WANG, JEFFREY WEIGAND, PETER REICHENBACH , KATELYN SCHUMACHER, ALLISON WISEMAN, CHRISTY YERIGERI, KEVAL ROURKE, KELLY STOPAR, ALEXANDER YANG, VICTORIA SCHURR, HANNAH SUTTER, KYLE SHOBE, JONATHAN TRIBUZI, ERIKA SMEZNIK, MEGAN VANGILDER, AMANDA TOMAYKO, JOSHUA WEBB, KATHERINE TORRES, TONI ZUREK, SYDNEY VARLEY, MATTHEW VIJ, ROHIN WANG, CAROLINE WELLS, ANNE WILKERSON, REBECCA SIMON, NATALIE 44ttthhh 99-- W WEEEEK KSS 22000099--1100 9TH GRADE ABDOULKARIM, LAYLAA ADKINS, NATHAN ALBRECHT, SUMMER BAILEY, TYLER BEARD, TAYLOR BIDWELL, NATHAN BOYD, CAROLINE BROWN, COURTNEY BURTON, COLIN CANODE, HIKARU CHAPMAN, ISAAC D’ATTOMA, JACQUELINE DEMOR, BENJAMIN DOWNEY, CAROLYN FELIX, MALCOLM FREYHOF, REBEKAH GATHAGAN, BRANDON GEHRING, MELISSA GJORGIEVSKI, GORAN GOSNEY, RENEE GREEN, ALEXIS GREGORY, MIKAYLA HANNA, ALYSE HERR, HANNAH HICKMAN, DAMON JARMUSIK, JEFFREY JURY, IRINA KAHWAJI, DAVID KALISH, NATHANIAL KASZUBSKI, MORGAN KIEFER, BREANNA KULAS, JACOB LEACH, MONICA LEACH, NATALIE LUNDY, TAYLOR MARTIN, ALLISON MARTIN, NICHOLAS MATTEI, RYAN MC LEAN, SARAH NAGY, STEPHANIE NICKERSON, MARCUS NORVAL, BRENNAN PECK, MONICA PENNINGTON, JARAD RAMNYTZ, MARY RANKIN, LILLIAN RAY, MARCUS REDD, JENNA REJON, ANGELA SCHEPP, CORY SELF, AARON SHY, ALICE SMITH, TAJAH STANTON, ALEXANDREA TAURER, NINA TAYLOR, INDIA TEBCHERANI, CLAUDINE THOMAS, ASHLEY TYNAN, BRIDGET UEYOKO, SOICHIRO WASHBURN, ZOE 10th GRADE AITKEN, CASANDRA AL-SHIMERY, NORAL ARNOLD, KEVIN BEAUREGARD, KEIFER BELLIS, RENEE BERK, KIMBERLY BORGEN, ANDREW BUDIMLIC, GORDON BURTON, ALEXANDER CHO, EUN CHRISTOPHER, EMILY COHEN-CHUDOMELKA,LINDSIE CSAKY, HOLLY CSEPE, STEVEN DAVIS, DANIELLE DOWNEY, KEVIN ECK, JAMES EMERSON, SAMANTHA FISH, EMMA FRAZIER, JESSICA GAJARSKYKOTTLER,BRITTANY GALLIEN, MICHAELA GEISENDORFER, NICHOLAS GIGLIOTTI, LOUIS GOLDSTEIN, CARRIE GOODMAN, NATALIE GOULD, IAN GRAF, TAYLOR HARVEY, JACOB HASSAN, SASHA HASTINGS, EMMA HAVERCHAK, ALEXANDRA HAWKINS, HEATHER HECKMAN, DANIEL HITE, CHRISTINA HOEFLE, BROOKE HRUBIK, WHITNEY IVERSON, RACQUELLE KASZUBSKI, IAN KLEINES, SARA KRACKER, MEGAN LANE, CHRISTOPHER LEE, JIHYE (SOPHIE) MAREK, CHRISTINA MASTRANGELO, TYLER MATAR, SUMMER MCKELVEY, ALEXANDRA MCMAHAN, KATEY MEYER, NICOLE MILLER, MARGARET MORRIS, BAILEY NEDOLAST, MATTHEW PARKER, ISAAK PLAYER, ARYELLE POLLAK, MICHAEL POWELL, CHYINA POWELL, TAYLOR PUPINO, NICHOLAS REIF, DEVON REINKE, MATTHEW RUHAAK, BRADLEY SANDQUIST, KATELYN SAUNDERS, ALIA SHEA, RYAN SHINOHARA, DAIGA SHOCKEY, MARGARET SIGNORE, HENRY SIMON, SETH H HO ON NO OR RR RO OLLLL 10th GRADE (cont.) SUH, CHRISTINE SWEETEN, HAILEY TEKTAS, MELISA THELEN, KELSEY TOMAYKO, JASON WAHL, ANTHONY WANG, SISSEL WEBB, EMMA WEBEL, JESSE WELLS, JOHN WITTKOPP, SAMANTHA WYLIE, ABIGAIL ZAKE, BRYAN 11th GRADE ALMUSAITEER, ABDULRAHMAN BERKOVITZ, JON BIGGINS, ANNE BORCHIK, DAVID BRANOVACKI, LARISSA CAMPBELL, ALISE CANNON, TREVOR CAWTHORNE, ERIN CAYE, NICOLE CHUPARKOFF, KENNETH COBB, AMBER CONNOLLY, JOSEPH CORNWALL, HALEY CROFT, JENNIFER DRESSLER, ANDREW DREZDZON, MATTHEW EGGERT, ERIN EZZIE, JESSICA GAUTHIER, ERIN GIANCARLI, AUDRA GILL, ERIKA GRAF, KELSEY GRUICH, ALEXANDRA HALE, KRISTIN HAYS, ZACHARIAH HEMPHILL, KARA JONES, ALYSSA KIM, CAROL KNIGHT, LINDSAY KOELLNER, KATHERINE KOTRAN, SAMUEL KRUSE, SARAH LENTINE, JOSEPH LEWIS, MICAH LOUGHRY, CHRISTOPHER LUCAS, JASON LUPO, JOSEPH MACCLELLAN, JESSICA MARTIN, NICKOLAS MARTIN, SARAH MATAR, SHATHA MCKELVY, MICHAEL MEHOK, RICHARD MIGDAL, SPENCER MILLER, TYLER MOYER, VICTORIA NICKERSON, FRANCES NIXON, SCOTT ORCHOSKY, STEVEN OSTAPOWICZ, PETER PESSEFALL, JENNIFER POPOVICH, KAILYN QUEENER, AISHA G GPPA A 33..9999 -- 33..55 11th GRADE (cont.) RAJKOWSKI, ALYSSA RAMSEY, SALENA REDOVIAN, KAITLYN RICKER, EMILY ROBERTS, CHRISTINA RUMAN, ALENA SCHNEIDER, ANTHONY SCHNEIDER, WILLIAM SCHOENEWALD, GREGORY SCRUGGS, IMANI SHEMUGA, LAURA SKORMAN, TAYLOR SLOVENSKY, ALYSSA SNYDER, JOSHUA SPENGLER, CARASELLA SWEETEN, LAUREN SZALAY, ALEX TABLER, ADAM THOMPSON, COURTNEY THOMPSON-MOSES, JORDAN TURNER, JANAE VRABEC, CURTIS WEST, KAYLIE WHITE, THOMAS WILLETT, SHANNON WISE, ERICA ZIMMER, MEGAN 12th GRADE ABEYESEKERA, JUDITH BENNETT, BROCK BIRTI, KIRI BREEDEN, RACHEAL BROCKMAN, CLAYTON BROWN, SHELLEY BURGESS, TAYLOR BURHOE, JACHIN BURNS, PEYTON CHRIST, ADRIAN COSTA, FRANKLIN DAHER, ALEXANDER DAHER, LUKE DANKO, WESLEY D’ATTOMA, JOSEPH D’AVELLO, MARIA DAVIDSON, KRISTINA DECRISTOFORO, BREANNA DEVIA, JAVIERA DOMBROWSKI, COLTON ELIE, THOMAS ELLIS, PHILLIP EVANKOVICH, AMY FERGUSON, MICHAEL GAMBOA, ALEJANDRO GARTH, JASMINE GEORGE, CHRISTIAN GILL, ZACHARY (TYLER) GRAN, SABRINA GROH, NATHAN GUYTON, AMBER HARTER, JILLIAN HOSE, SAMANTHA KAPUSINSKI, CARLI KEARNS, ALEXXIS KEIGER, DANIEL KLIONS, JULIE KUNGLE, BRITTANY 12th GRADE (cont.) LAYMON, ADAM LAYMON, ALEX MAKISHI, ANDREW MARTIN, JONATHAN MARTIN, TAYLOR MATTEI, NICOLE MITCHELL, KATHLEEN MORGAN, MELANIE NEAL, MARRISSA NIST, TIMOTHY OLIVER, SARA PALMIERI, STEVEN PATTERSON, AARON PELLE, ALEXANDER PERNECKER, THOMAS PETERS, JOSHUA PIKE, CONNOR POPP, MADISON PUPINO, NICOLE REYNOLDS, KATELYNN ROBINSON, JAZ RODENBECK, ANDREW ROSE, MICHAEL ROURKE, KATIE ROWLANDS, LAUREN RUHAAK, BRIAN SABO, ASHLEY SABO, JOSEPH SCHALL, ELLIOT SCHOENEWALD, JAMES SCHOTT, ANDREW SCHWARTZ, ABIGAIL SHAH, ANOLI STAKLEFF, SLOAN TEKTAS, DERYA THOMAS, KAYSEA TREBISKY, ALEX WATKINS, KAYLA WHARTON, JESSICA WOODYARD, CYDNEY 44ttthhh 99--W WE EE EK KS S 22000099-- 1100 9TH GRADE 9TH GRADE ATEN, AUSTIN BANIT, LUBA BAUMGARDNER, KELSEY BEGUM, DOLY BOLOGNA, DANIEL BRAMAN, KORY BRIDGES, JABREA’ BROWN, TROY BUCHANAN, ANTHONY BUDO, KOSTA BURT, ALONZO CALHOUN, JACOB 10TH GRADE 11th GRADE ALLEN, ELISHA AXE, ETHAN BARTEL, ALAINA BOTOSAN, DANIELLE BURKE, JORDAN COSTA, BRANDYN CROSSGROVE, JORDAN DAYAN, ETHAN DELP, RONALD DEMROVSKY, MITCHELL DICHLIAN, MICHELLE DROTAR, ANDREA 12th GRADE ALLEN, RODRICK ANDERSON, CALVIN BENSON, NICOLE BOLAS, EMILY BOTOSAN, MARYBETH BUTLER, NICOLE BUTLIEN, ROBERT CAROTHERS, ZAKARY CARTER, CESILY CARTER, DIONNE CHO, SHIN (SAMUEL) 9TH GRADE 9TH GRADE CARDEN, DANIELLE CAYE, ABBY CSENSICH, SHANNON DEMROVSKY, AARON DICOSIMO, JOSEPH FORBES, NIA FRAGALE, STEPHANIE GRANT, RILEY HAMAD, COSETTE HILTON, SAMUEL HOWELL, WILLIAM JOHNSON, SANTERIA 10TH GRADE AITKEN, KAYLA ALMUSAITEER, MOHAMMAD ARNOLD, BLAKE BAIRD, CHRISTA BETINIS, SARA BRADY, LATAVIA BRUCE, JUSTIN BRUNENMEISTER, ALLISON BUCHANAN, SARAH BURHOE, NATHANIEL CHADDA, RAJAT COMBEST, KIA COPEN, CHARLEENA DEAN, BRIANNA DICOSIMO, ANTHONY ELLISON, MICHAEL M RO OLLLL ME ER RIITT R 10TH GRADE ENSTROM, BRANDON FARAHATI, SAHAND FIELDS, KELLY GANGLE, MICHAEL GEORGE, ASHLEY GILL, BLAINE GUEDRAS, JESSICA HARRIS, LAWRENCE HISS, KARL HYLBERT, SAMANTHA JACKSON, CHRISTOPHER KISER, BRENTON 12TH GRADE CODY, JEREMY DATES, DEMIKA DIXON, DOMINIQUE DOMBRADY, JUSTIN DURANT, RAYMOND FEERASTA, NASIR GATHAGAN, BRYCE GOODMAN, CODY HACKETT, PAIGE HARAMIS, CASSANDRA HENIGE, SAMUEL 9TH GRADE KAPLAN, ALEXANDRA KARAKIS, DIMITRI KENYON, ELISE KISH, EVAN MILLER, CODY MORGAN, ANDREW NEAWEDDE, ANNA NIST, DREW O’LEARY, VINCENT PANGAS, GINGER PELLE, MIRANDA PHAN, TOMMY 10TH GRADE FINLEY, KOHL GAMAUF, EMILY GAVIN, JOSHUA GIAKOS, ZOE GRIGGS, MORIAH GUYTON, ANTHONY HARAMIS, TESSA HEARD, KAYLA HORNING, MARISSA JANOS, PETER JOHNSON, MAXWELL KIHN, GUILLAUME KLINE, THOMAS LABATE, KRISTINE LABATE, MERISSA MAKISHI, JASON 11TH GRADE G GP PA A 33..4499 –– 33..00 9TH GRADE PRENTISS, MEKENZIE QUAM, LUKE ROBBINS, JOEL ROBINSON, CARA ROUNTREE, ROLEEZA ROW, ALEXANDRA ROWLANDS, DAVID SABIN, KATHERINE 12TH GRADE HRUBIK, KEVIN HUFF, CODY IVASKU, KEVIN JEWETT, GREGORY JOHNSON, DEVONTE KANSA, ALEXANDER LUFT, SALLIE MCCROSKEY, JUSTIN MCKINNIE, TAYLOR MCNULTY, MEGAN MEACHAM, JAEHLA 9TH SUBOTIN, ADAM TWIGG, PAITAN VRABEC, ERICA WALTERS, BRANDON WINLAND, SAVANNA WOODWARD, DAVID YASEEN, ABDULLAH SMITH, JON THOMAS SOLTIS, BENJAMIN STANKARD, JOHN (JACK) 10TH GRADE MARSHALL, CLAIRE MASON, EVAN MCNAIR, JORDAN MORIC, NICOLA NACE, NICOLE PEARCE, ANDRU PFEIFFER, MICHAEL PFLUEGER, JOHN PIETZ, DANIEL PORTER, ASHLEY PRISTIC, MAXWELL RAMSEY, PAULA RICE, HANNAH RICH, JESSIKA RICHARDSON, JALEEL ROCKOFF, JACOB KLIMO, JOHN KOOZER, ZACHARY KROPP, CAMERON LANE, CAMERON LOWENSTEIN, NILDA MARSHALL, JONATHAN MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER MARTIN, JAYMES MESSNER, RYAN O’DONNELL, DANIEL PORTER, NICOLAS RAY, DEISHA 9TH GRADE SCHOENBERGER, DONOVAN 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE M ME ER RIITT R RO OLLLL 11TH GRADE REDD, ROBERT RICHARDSON, TYLER RODGERS, HAASUN SANDFORD, BRETT SCOTT, TRE’ SEEMAN, HANNAH SIMPSON, DARIUS SKINNER, KALYN TABLER, ALEX TAYLOR, SHAWN TOBAR, HAZEN TODARO, STEPHEN 12TH GRADE MENEER, CLAIRE MERKLIN, BRIAN MUBARAK, MOHAMMAD MURPHY, JENNIFER PAUL, JORDAN RAUCKHORST, BRITTNEY REED, SARAH ROSE, BENJAMIN SABO, KENNETH SAMSON-AKPAN, IKEMESIT SCOTT, LAUREN SHARNSKY, LAUREN 10TH GRADE 10TH SATTERFIELD, LAUREN SCHINDEWOLF, ANDREW SCHOTT, JACOB SCHREINER, CONRAD SMITH, FATIMA SPEARS, CHAUNCEY STITT, DANIEL THUTT, MICHAEL TORRENS, REID TRAYLOR, BRYANNA VAN DRESS, SARAH WALKER, ZACHARY ZELENKA, STEVEN 11TH GRADE TRAYLOR, KENYA WANNER, AMANDA WHEELER, SAMUEL WILLIAMS, CHARLES WILLIAMS, HUNTER WORNER, ALEX ZBASNIK, JOSEPH ZORZI, LEAH 12TH GRADE SHARP, SARAH SPENGLER, MICHAEL, STOCK, ELLIOT TIEDEMANN, MICHAEL TOBIAS, AARON TODARO, JOSEPH VANCANT, BRIANNA WILLIAMS, DANIEL GRIMES, RYAN Dates To Remember August/September 2010 Issue August 25 August 31 September 1 September 6 September 7 September 8 September 10 September 15 September 15 September 22 9:30 am 7 – 9 pm All Day 9:30 am 4:30 – 7 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Freshman/New Student Orientation First Day of School CHS Open House Labor Day – No school CHS Picture Day PTA Council meeting CHS Senior Class Spaghetti Dinner CHS PTSA meeting After Prom “TGI Fridays” Fundraiser After Prom Meeting CHS Main Gym CHS Main Gym CHS MOCR CHS Commons CHS MOCR TGI Fridays CHS MOCR *MOCR – Main Office Conference Room 2010-2011 CHS PTSA Executive Board Jodi Vrabec President 330-666-5628 YOU ARE INVITED TO THE CHS PTSA MEETING Wednesday, September 15th at 7:00 p.m. Kay Makishi 1st Vice President 330-668-2452 Cheryl Wells 2nd Vice President 330-666-1873 Denise Kepple Treasurer 330-665-1046 Main Office Conference Room (Light Refreshments will be served.) Please plan to attend the first PTSA meeting of the school year. We will plan the activities for the upcoming school year, discuss CHS events and issues, and meet and talk to the Principal. We look forward to seeing you! Laurel Haumesser Secretary 330-668-4739 Jennifer Grable PTA Council Rep. 330-666-7996 Christy Kaszubski PTA Council Rep. 330-666-7453 Cheryl Sandquist Alt. PTA Council Rep. 330-666-7453 2010-2011 CHS PTSA Meeting Dates September 15 October 13 November10 December 8 January 12 February 9 March 9 April 13 May 11 All meetings are held at 7:00 pm in the HS Main Conference Room Stay current with CHS PTSA information BECOME A CHS PTSA MEMBER! Join Copley High School PTSA today! We invite everyone - parents, teachers, students and community friends – to become a member. When you join our local PTSA you will feel connected with the school community, have a chance to put your skills to good use by volunteering and set a good example by demonstrating the importance you place on education. We’re excited to again provide you with a valuable web-based set of tools that you can use to keep better in touch with events, activities and timely announcements related to your child’s school experience. These tools also make it easier, less time-consuming and less expensive for us to operate and fund our PTSA. Just Between Friends will create a private, secure account for your household and link that account to our PTSA. You create your own account – no more long membership forms to fill out in a hurry on Open House evening. To begin receiving important PTSA information, go to Enter 20890tok in the Join Your Group field – it’s your token to get connected. It will take only a few minutes to answer the questions, verify your information and create your user name and password. If you’re already in the Just Between Friends system from last year, enter the token and update your information. You will be able to join the appropriate group, i.e., Parent, Teacher, or Grade of Student. Sign up for volunteer opportunities under “I want to volunteer”. Use the tools as much or as little as you’d like. Help links accompany the system on every page. Check the PTSA website for more information or if you have questions. If that doesn’t help, please e-mail or call me with questions ([email protected]). We’ll activate you in the system once we receive your membership fees. The membership fee for each person remains $5.00. We’ll collect fees at Open House on September 1st and at our first PTSA meeting on Wednesday, September 15th at 7pm. If you are unable to attend either of these events you can always send the fees to the school. Please make checks out to CHS PTSA and mark your envelope PTSA MEMBERSHIP. Please help us in our efforts to go GREEN by registering online. PTSA information will be actively update via e-mail and it is your chance to stay connected. by clicking on our link under “Shortcuts” on Thank you in advance for your support! the CHS website Homepage Jeannie Alexander, Chairperson AFTER PROM NEWS Cheryl Wells, Chairperson 3rd ANNUAL EXTREME GARAGE SALE First After Prom Meeting Thank you so much to all of the Copley-Fairlawn families that donated items to the Extreme Garage Sale and to those who came in and purchased items. Wednesday, September 22, 2010 Thanks to our PTSA volunteers: Christy Kaszubski, Jeannie Alexander, Kent Makishi, Debbie Dugan, Jodi Cawthorne, Barb Peck, Mona Kotran, Belinda Check, Deb Sutter, Kim Nickerson, Sue Dichlian, Joanne Pang, Beth Hofacker, Kay Makishi and Cheryl Wells for the many hours that they worked sorting, pricing and selling the donated items. Also, a big thank you to our student volunteers: Abby Grable, Jessica Alexander, Erin Cawthorne, Michelle Dichlian, Sarah Helfer, Monica Peck, Edward Pang, Hazen Tobar, Tyler Miller and Curtis Vrabec. 7:00 p.m. CHS Main Conference Room Come Help Plan This Great Event for Our Seniors! It was a successful day as we raised over $3,000! We are off to a great start in our fundraising efforts for After Prom 2011. 2010 – 2011 After Prom Fundraising Events Eat Out at TGI Fridays FURTAL COMES TO CHS The PTSA is excited to be using a great new After Prom fundraising tool called Furtal! If you do your online shopping through our furtal, the PTSA receives cash back from each of your purchases at no additional cost to you. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 PTSA earns $5 for every $20 you spend dine-in or carry out voucher required – in this issue or see PTSA website! Barnes & Noble Fundraiser December 1st & 2nd - Holiday shopping & gift wrapping Before you make your next purchase online, go to the CHS website, click on PTSA and then on the “Furtal” link or simply go to: B & N Book bag - May 21st & 22nd for summer 2011 Required Reading “Congratulations Copley Grad” Yard Signs Salute Your Senior! Available by contacting Cheryl Wells at [email protected] Choose from the many affiliated businesses such as Gap, Kohl’s, Target and and shop as you would normally. The PTSA will receive a percentage of your total purchase. Please support this new fundraising tool that makes it simple, fun and free to generate money for our organization and After Prom 2011. or 330-666-1873 “Beat Revere” Shirts Available at home football games & in the HS Commons the week of the Revere game – (Oct 25th thru 29th) Flowers for Friends Valentine’s Day Flower Sale – on Valentine’s Day Watch the PTSA Website for information on these and other PTSA and After Prom Events! STUDENT DIRECTORY Kim Nickerson, Chairperson CHS PTSA is once again offering a Student/Parent Directory. It is a great resource when organizing events/activities or trying to contact other parents. The more families that participate, the better resource it will be. To be included in the directory and receive a finished copy, parents/guardians need to fill out the Directory Form and return it no later than September 17th to: Copley High School, 3807 Ridgewood Road, Copley, OH 44321 attn: PTSA Directory A copy of the Directory Form is included in this issue of Smoke Signals and will be sent home with the fall paperwork from school. It is also available on the PTSA website. The Directory Form includes a page for purchasing ads in the Directory. It is a great way to promote your business! Any questions should be directed to Kim at 330-668-6803. REFLECTIONS IN THE ARTS NEED HELP WITH COLLEGE APPLICATIONS AND SCHOLARSHIP SEARCHES? This year’s theme is “Together we can…” WE CAN HELP. This National PTA program is open to ALL CHS students. CHS PTSA has parent volunteers who will work with students on college preparation. Submit an original work in one of these areas: Literature, Photography, Musical Composition, Visual Arts, Film, or Dance Choreography. Submit your entry by December 10, 2010. For seniors, the volunteers can help with the college search and application process. For sophomores and juniors, the volunteers can help them timeline when and which standardized tests to take, discuss potential summer volunteer and/or employment opportunities relevant to their interests, and help in identifying colleges based on their majors. More information or details can be found at and click on “programs”. Students and parents with questions can contact: Please contact Jodi Vrabec, [email protected], with any questions. Kay Makishi at [email protected] Barb Varley at [email protected] or CAREER EXPLORATION Kay Makishi, Chairperson We are continuing the program that we started last year that matches students who wish to explore a career with a volunteer who has offered to speak to our students. Sometimes a student can even shadow the person to get a real feel for the profession. Here are the careers currently available: Architect, private firm Attorney, private firm Chemist, research and quality control Chemical Engineer, air pollution control industry Civil Engineer Mechanical Engineer, auto industry Polymer Engineer, University of Akron Family Physician, private practice Kindergarten Teacher Elementary Education High School Math Teacher, Akron Early College IT Director, private firm Small Business Owner, Insurance and Financial Business Machinist, training program and company Market Analyst, large company Non- profit Financial Development, Red Cross fundraising Nurse, RN, surgical recovery unit Polymer Scientist, University of Akron Pre-trial services, U.S. Court System Probation Officer, U.S. Court System Psychiatrist, private practice Research Scientist, bio-medical research lab Speech Pathologist, educational setting VP, Investments, investment advisory field If you are interested in any of these careers or are able to volunteer for the program, please contact Kay at [email protected] or (330) 668-2452 for more information. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! The PTSA would like to thank the following businesses for their generous support of the CHS 2010 After Prom. The PTSA could not hold this great event for our seniors without the continued support of our community. A Wok Acme / Fred Albrecht Corp. Akron Aeros Akron Racers Akron Symphony Akron Tractor & Equipment, Inc. Akron Zoo American Legion Anne’s Grapevine Aramark Refreshment Services Bake Shop Bekaert Corporation Benefit Services Best Cuts Boston Mills / Brandywine Bravo Brueggers BW3 Grill & Pub CHS Food Service Chick Fil A Chili’s Grille & Bar Chipotle Mexican Grill City of Fairlawn Coldstone Creamery Copley Chiropractic Clinic Copley High School Class of 2010 Copley Lions Club Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Dannemillers Dietrich Family Orthodontics Dominos Fairlawn City Women’s Club Fifth Third Bank in Montrose First Watch Fitness 19 – Fairlawn Plaza Five Guys Burgers & Fries Friendlys Giant Eagle Gionino’s Pizza Great Harvest Bread Company David G. Haas & Maria C. Haas, D.D.S. Hershey’s (Pat & Sue Dichlian) House of Hunan Island Delights Ivans Deli J Parker & Sons Kiwanis of Copley-Fairlawn Laser Quest Leonardo’s Lewis Landscaping and Nursery, Inc. Longhorn Steak House Loyal Oak Golf Course, Inc. Macaroni Grill Mary Coyle Ice Cream Max & Erma’s McDonalds Mr. G’s Olive Garden Omnova Solutions Foundation On Tap Outback Panera’s PF Chang Pizza Hut Primo’s Deli Red Lobster Regina’s Rinky Dink Riveria Bowling Lanes – AMF Fairlawn Rizzi’s Rockne’s Roebecks Sam’s Club Senn Construction Co. Sheetz Shislers Skyway Drive In Smuckers Strickland’s Swenson’s Drive-in Restaurants Tiffany’s Bakery Wal-Mart Winking Lizard WE NEED YOUR HELP! There are many volunteer opportunities in the Copley High School PTSA. Please check all in which you are interested. Forms can be turned into the CHS Main Office or mailed to Copley High School, 3807 Ridgewood Road, Copley, OH 44321 Attn: Volunteer Coordinator. ___ Conference Dinners AFTER PROM COMMITTEES: ___ Staff Appreciation ___ Chaperone ___ Reflections (Art Program) ___ Clean-up ___ Refreshments (provide refreshments when needed) ___ Decorations ___ Food ___ Senior Gift Bags ___ Set-Up ___ Sign In & Sign Out Name Email Address Phone # Copley High School PTSA STUDENT/PARENT DIRECTORY Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Don’t miss out on being included in and receiving a copy of the Copley High School PTSA’s 2010-2011 Student/Parent Directory. Last year we had over 450 students listed. It’s a great resource! To be included in this directory and receive a copy of the finished directory, please complete, sign, and return this form to Copley High School, 3807 Ridgewood Rd, Copley, Ohio 44321 attn: PTSA Directory. Please return no later than September 17. You must complete and sign this form to be included in the Directory. One directory will be provided only for households submitting this form. Please legibly print in ink the information as you would like it to appear in the directory. Student Information: __________________________________________,______________________________________, _________ Child 1 Last Name First Name Grade __________________________________________,______________________________________, _________ Child 2 Last Name First Name Grade __________________________________________,______________________________________, _________ Child 3 Last Name First Name Grade Street Address: ___________________________________________City:___________________________ Zip:__________ Phone Number: __________________________ E-mail Address:_________________________________________________________ (check here ______ if you do not want your email to be included in directory, then we will only use it for a database to send information) Participates in the following school activities: (Please circle all that apply) Child 1: Music Athletics Academic Teams Clubs Child 2: Music Athletics Academic Teams Clubs Child 3: Music Athletics Academic Teams Clubs Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Information: Name(s) of adult(s) living at above listed address___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature If you have any question, please contact Kim Nickerson, 330-668-6803 or [email protected] Your participation in this Directory indicates that you will not use this information for solicitation purposes. Advertise in our Student / Parent Directory CHECK ONE BOX Business Card Ad Quarter Page Ad Half Page Ad Full Page Ad $25.00 $50.00 $75.00 $125.00 [Please turn in business card with your order.] [If you have Ad Art, send in digital artwork in .jpg format or camera ready art.] [If you have Ad Art, send in digital artwork in .jpg format or camera ready art.] [If you have Ad Art, send in digital artwork in .jpg format or camera ready art.] ADVERTISEMENT INFORMATION Text for ad where camera ready is NOT provided: CONTACT INFORMATION Name Business Name Business Address Business Phone Email To be included in this directory and receive a copy of the finished directory, please complete, sign, and return this form to: Copley High School Attn: PTSA Directory Advertisement 3807 Ridgewood Rd, Copley, Ohio 44321 Please return no later than September 17. Email any art to Kim Nickerson at [email protected] Copn 125 Montrose West Avenue Copley, Ohio 44321 330-665-4880 09/23/2009 Copley HS PTSA AfterProm 9-15-2010 Welcome Back to School, Music Booster Parents and Students, 12th Annual Copley High School Marching Band Invitational The summer has passed all too quickly, as it always does, but we are ready for a new school year and that means a new Saturday, October 16, 2010 year of financial and volunteer support for our outstanding music program! I hope that everyone is well rested and feels welcomed and encouraged to jump right in to volunteering at concessions, chaperoning on the buses during football games and competitions, and helping to run the Boosters many other fundraising events this year. It truly is the best way to meet with new and old friends, know what is going on with your musical student and also to feel that you have Each year, the Copley Music Boosters host a Marching Band Invitational. This event features high school contributed in a significant way to the overall education of your child. bands from Northeast Ohio presenting their marching band show for the opportunity to advance to State We want to extend a sincere thank you to Sam's Club for allowing the Boosters to purchase two freezers for the price of level competition. This year on the Infocision Field at Copley Stadium, we are hosting this popular event – one at the beginning of the summer. As many of you may know, the upper concession stand in the high school was widely regarded as one of the top competitions in Northeast Ohio. seriously lacking appropriate freezer space making it difficult to keep on hand what we needed for basketball, volleyball, and other games and events for which we were providing concessions. Thanks to Sam's Club and our two new freezers, The event is sponsored and organized by the Copley Music Boosters. [All vocal and instrumental parents are we will be ready for our winter and spring activities in the high school. automatically members of the Copley Music Boosters.] This event requires all Copley Music parents and Sincere thanks are extended to retiring Treasurer Carol Joy Powell and Secretary Beth Crowley. You ladies did an students to volunteer in two or three hour shifts. outstanding job in two very busy positions and we can't thank you enough for all of your organization, professionalism and dedication to the Boosters. You will be sorely missed and hard to replace. I know you will both be around helping out the Boosters at concessions, events and other activities. Trip Credit Fundraiser And our Boosters welcome the return of Vice Presidents Sharon Nagy and Lorraine Signore. We are now more experienced, and ready to hit the ground running for a new year. Thank you, as well, to Treasurer Alec Works and While the Copley High School Marching Band Invitational is mainly a fundraiser for Secretary Cristine Braman for taking over this year. We are most excited to have you both on the Board this year, Boosters, the Music students have the opportunity to earn Trip Credit toward their future bringing with you new energy and ideas. trip. [Trip occurs every other year. The next trip is Spring 2011.] Attached is an order form [please make copies] to be used to solicit advertising support from local businesses which I hope everyone has had the chance to take a look at the Music Boosters new and improved web site. Marcy Supelak has certainlywill be included in the competition program. outdone herself with the interesting and informational site. She is continuing to add and make changes so be sure to make it part of your weekly routine to keep up on all that is new with the Boosters. If there is something you would like to see or a way we can improve communications, please feel free to let us know. All advertisements [check, ad form, and ad] must be dropped in the white mailbox in the Music Wing by Friday, October 1, 2010. Also, anyone who is not getting emails regarding the Music Boosters should email any Board Member at any time and have his or her name added to the list. Even if you notice that you used to get emails and now you are not, chances are that your email address has been lost to cyber space! We aren't sure what happens, but many email addresses seem to disapper from year to year. Good Luck Notes As everyone realizes, this is a "trip" year and with that brings a new excitement and anxiety to the year. We hope that all Also attached is the order form [please make copies] for the “Good Luck” Notes that of the music families with contribute to all of the fundraisers going on this year both financially and through volunteer efforts. students, parents, relatives, and friends may purchase for $10 each. These also need to be The trip to New York is still in the planning stages but it will certainly be fun and action packed. Families have the opportunity to cut down on the overall cost of the trip by participating in the Sausage and Cheese sale, the turned in with payment by Friday, October 1, 2010. Entertainment Book sale, the Music Card fundraiser, the Citrus sale, and other opportunities throughout the year. Please keep an eye out on the website, through emails and especially through your Music Student about all of these money makers. Questions on the Fall Competition – Karen Martin – 330.665.2331 ‐ [email protected] Until next time, I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of the summer and participates this fall with lots of energy and enthusiasm because all are most needed and welcomed! Questions for the Ads – Nicolette Bartz Koozer ‐ 330.873.9766 ‐ [email protected] Sincerely, Karen Martin Meetings are at 7 pm. Sept 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7, Jan 18, Feb 8, March 15, April 12, May 10, June 7 12th Annual Copley High School Marching Band Invitational Saturday, October 16, 2010 Each year, the Copley Music Boosters host a Marching Band Invitational. This event features high school bands from Northeast Ohio presenting their marching band show for the opportunity to advance to State level competition. This year on the Infocision Field at Copley Stadium, we are hosting this popular event – widely regarded as one of the top competitions in Northeast Ohio. The event is sponsored and organized by the Copley Music Boosters. [All vocal and instrumental parents are automatically members of the Copley Music Boosters.] This event requires all Copley Music parents and students to volunteer in two or three hour shifts. Trip Credit Fundraiser While the Copley High School Marching Band Invitational is mainly a fundraiser for Boosters, the Music students have the opportunity to earn Trip Credit toward their future trip. [Trip occurs every other year. The next trip is Spring 2011.] Attached is an order form [please make copies] to be used to solicit advertising support from local businesses which will be included in the competition program. All advertisements [check, ad form, and ad] must be dropped in the white mailbox in the Music Wing by Friday, October 1, 2010. Good Luck Notes Also attached is the order form [please make copies] for the “Good Luck” Notes that students, parents, relatives, and friends may purchase for $10 each. These also need to be turned in with payment by Friday, October 1, 2010. Questions on the Fall Competition – Karen Martin – 330.665.2331 ‐ [email protected] Questions for the Ads – Nicolette Bartz Koozer ‐ 330.873.9766 ‐ [email protected] 12th Annual Copley High School Marching Band Invitational Saturday, October 16, 2010 High School Bands Invited from Northeast Ohio 3,000 – 5,000 Students and Adults expected to attend the event 25% of each business ad sold by the students go to their Trip Credit Program Advertisement Order Form Full Page Ad Half Page Ad Quarter Page Ad Business Card Ad 8.5” x 11” 4.25” x 11” or 5.5” x 8.5” 4.25” x 5.5” 2” x 3.5” $200.00 $100.00 $50.00 $25.00 Student’s Name Company Name Address City – State – Zip Code Point of Contact ‐ Name Contact – Phone Number Contact – E‐Mail Address Advertisers • Please make your check payable to “COPLEY MUSIC BOOSTERS”. • Return this form [and your electronic artwork in .jpg format] or your actual business card . • Electronic files can also be emailed to [email protected]. Students Please turn in the following NO LATER THAN Friday, October 1, 2010 in the white mailbox in the Music Wing. 1. 2. 3. Forms Ads Payments Advertising Questions ‐ Nicolette Bartz Koozer – 330.873.9766 or email [email protected] Copley Music Boosters is a 501[c][3] non‐profit organization dedicated to maintaining the excellence of the Copley‐Fairlawn City Schools vocal and instrumental music programs. Thank you for your support. Copley Music Boosters – Fall OMEA Advertising ‐ Copley High School ‐ 3807 Ridgewood Road ‐ Copley, Ohio 44321 12th Annual Copley High School Marching Band Invitational Saturday, October 16, 2010 12th Annual Copley High School Marching Band Invitational Saturday, October 16, 2010 Good Luck Note Order Form Good Luck Note Order Form Put your personal message to your favorite marching band member, section, or Director in the Fall OMEA Program for everyone to see. Great for Moms, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Grandparents, Friends, and event the pet. - Joe T-Bones Rock! Put your personal message to your favorite marching band member, section, or Director in the Fall OMEA Program for everyone to see. - Joe T-Bones Rock! Best Wishes! [Quads and Color Guard] [Trombone] Love, Mom & Dad 2011 Best Wishes! [Quads and Color Guard] [Trombone] Alex and Andrea, Copley Band is the Best! We are so proud of you! Great for Moms, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Grandparents, Friends, and event the pet. Alex and Andrea, Copley Band is the Best! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad 2011 Love, Mom & Dad 2011 2013 Love, Mom & Dad 2011 2013 2” x 2” Circle ‐ $10 Each 2” x 2” Circle ‐ $10 Each Student Name: Student Name: Instrument / Section: Instrument / Section: Graduating Year: [circle one] 2011 2012 2013 2014 Graduating Year: [circle one] 2011 2012 2013 2014 Message: [30 word maximum] PLEASE PRINT Message: [30 word maximum] PLEASE PRINT Make checks payable to: Copley Music Boosters Place form and payment in an envelope and put them in the white mailbox in the Music Wing. [Good Luck Notes do NOT earn Trip Credit.] Last date to order: Friday, October 1, 2010 Make checks payable to: Copley Music Boosters Place form and payment in an envelope and put them in the white mailbox in the Music Wing. [Good Luck Notes do NOT earn Trip Credit.] Last date to order: Friday, October 1, 2010 ash ‐‐ Check # _________ Cash ‐‐ Check # _________ FUNDRAISING – TRIP CREDIT OPPORTUNITITES & VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES COPLEY MUSIC CARDS A Copley tradition is back by popular demand. The Copley Music Card offers special deals and/or discounts at various local businesses for an entire year. Each student who sells a card earns trip credits for next year’s trip to further their music education and experience. The Music Cards are $10.00 and your support goes to both the choir and band students and our local community businesses. Thank you – GO INDIANS!!! MUSIC YARD SIGNS ARE HERE!! Put away your Pink Flamingo sitting in your yard. Make a statement and show your school spirit by purchasing a Copley Music Yard Sign. Each sign is $15.00 each and can be purchased by contacting a CMB Board Member or by stopping by the Spirit at any home football game. Barn Marching Band Competition – Advertising Opportunities We are still selling advertising space in the event program for the upcoming Copley Band Competition. This is wonderful opportunity to advertise your local business and help the school music program at the same time. Students earn Trip Credits!!! Good Luck Notes are also available for $10.00 each. Make a shout out to your friend or to your band student! Questions for the Ads Nicolette Bartz Koozer, 330.873.9766 [email protected] Questions regarding the Fall Competition Lorraine Signore - 330-812.4738 – [email protected] All the proceeds benefit the music students at the CHS and CFMS. Thank you for your partronage! We Need You! Volunteers are needed to work concessions throughout the year. Right now, we have football, volleyball and boys & girls soccer. Please consider making a difference with a few hours of your time. FRUIT SALE COMING Check the Music Booster website for volunteer opportunities or contact a board member! Mid-October 2010!!!! MORE INFORMATION TO COME Thank you. 2010/2011 Entertainment Books The 2010/2011 Entertainment Books are being offered by the Copley Music Boosters in support of the Choir and Band programs. Each book offers discount opportunities in the area and around the country including: 9 Dining 9 Attractions 9 Movie Tickets 9 Shopping 9 Car Care 9 Groceries 9 Travel 9 Services 9 Home Furnishings Each book sold not only provides an opportunity for students to earn a trip credits but also raises monies for uniforms, music, instruments, etc. for both the band and the choir. More information is available on our website:, under “Copley High School” ‐ “Organizations” – “Music Boosters” or by contact Kristy Kaszubski @ [email protected]. Thank you for your support. Student Athletic Admission Card GO INDIANS! High School Students Can Attend Every Athletic Event for $25 $25.00 Follow this process: • Fill out the bottom of this page and clip it off. Send it or bring it to the High School courtesy of Jim Borchik. • Make checks payable to: Copley High School Attention all Copley-Fairlawn parents whose children will be in grades 9-12 in the 2009-2010 school year. The athletic department will offer a Student Athletic Admission Card. For a twenty-five dollar fee, the student can purchase an admission card which • When the cards are available for pickup, you will be notified via e-mail, phone, or public service announcement. PLEASE REMEMBER... • Cards are non-transferrable. • Cards may only be picked up in the Athletic Office during designated hours. They will not be available at any home events. will get them into EVERY HOME ATHLETIC EVENT (except for home tournament events) for the 2009-2010 school year. If You have any questions, contact the athletic department. Phone: 330-664-4833 Fax: 330-664-4838 E-mail: [email protected] Attention: Parents of students grades 9-12 next year! Student Name ____________________________________________ Parent Name _______________________________________ Grade in 2010-2011 ___________________ Phone Number: ___________________ E-mail address: ____________________________________________ COPLEY ADULT ALL SPORTS BOOSTER CLUB THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! To Family, Friends and Community Members: On behalf of the Copley Adult All Sports Booster Club Board members, I want to extend my gratitude and thanks to all of you for your support of the various fundraisers and activities sponsored by the Booster Club throughout the course of the school year. Your generosity allows us to provide equipment, uniforms, awards, scholarships, etc. for our student/athletes in grades 7-12. This year we are providing the funding for the ImPACT program which is a research-based computer test developed to help clinicians evaluate an athlete’s recovery following concussion. Every Copley student/athlete will be screened and provided a baseline. Safety is the number one priority for our student/athletes. We invite you to join us as a board member or to be a member of one of our committees. We have many opportunities for you to be involved and show your support. Come join us! Advertising opportunities (banners and programs) are available to the local business community. Your tax-exempt contribution makes a difference. For those who have already taken advantage of this opportunity—THANK YOU! If you would like to be an advertiser, please go to our website for more information: GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF OUR STUDENT/ATHLETES! Go Indians! Sincerely, Lorraine Signore President, CAASBC Please check the Copley-Fairlawn City Schools website for updates and changes on the sports schedules at Please note that date, location, and times are subject to change without notice. Mr. Jim Borchik, Asst. Principal- Athletics (330) 664-4833 ~ hi 5 0 U tr: 00 ~ U .I!AIE seosr V Football V Football V Football V Football V Football V Football V Football V Football V Football V Football OPPONENT Jackson Cleveland J.F.K. Orrville Highland Barberton Cloverleaf-Homecoming Wadsworth Green Tallmadge Revere HlA Aug. 27 Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. I Oct. 7 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Aug. 28 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 JV JV JV JV JV JV JV JV JV Jackson Cleveland J.F.K. Revere Highland Barberton Cloverleaf Wadsworth Green Tallmadge H H H H A A H A A 10:00am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00 am 10:00am 10:00 am Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 6 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Jackson Hudson Revere Highland Barberton Cloverleaf Wadsworth Green Tallmadge H A H H A A H A A 7:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:00pm 7:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football A H H A H H A H H A I.IMI. 7:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm ~ ~ 0 Aug. 28 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 24 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC Revere Invitational Malone Invitational Suburban Lg. Duals Tiffin Invitational Garaway Invitational Wadsworth Invit. Medina Suburban League District A A A A A A A A A 9:00 am TBA 10:00am TBA TBA TBA 10:00am 9:00 am TBA o .I!AIE .wlBI JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JV/VB Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JV/V B Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JV/VB Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer JViVB Soccer OPPONENT Stow Strongsville Green Medina Revere Brecksville Perrysburg Wadsworth CVCA Cloverleaf Worthington Highland Jackson Barberton Tallmadge Aurora HlA Aug. 23 Aug. 25 Aug. 31 Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 18 Sept. 21 Sept. 25 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 16 A H H H A A H H H H A A A H A A 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 1/3:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 1/3:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm II/1:00pm Aug. 23 Aug. 25 Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Sept. I Sept. 8 Sept. II Sept. 15 Sept. 18 Sept. 22 Sept. 25 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. 4 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 JViVG JV/VG JViVG JViVG JV/VG JViVG JViVG JV/VG JV/VG JViVG JViVG JViVG JViVG JV/VG JViVG JV/VG Medina North Royalton Toledo C. C. Cuyahoga Falls Green Revere Walsh Wadsworth Jackson Cloverleaf Sylvania N. Brecksville Highland Brunswick Barberton Tallmadge A A H H A H H A H A H H H A A H 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 1/3:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 1/3:00 pm 517:00 pm 1/3:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 517:00 pm 5/7:00 pm 517:00 pm Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VB Golf VBGolf Revere Invit. Green Invit. Pre-Season League Green Revere St. Vincent Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Walsh Invit. Wooster Invit. Rarbenon Tallmadge Norton Suburban League Brecksville Hoban TBA 12 17 18 26 30 I 2 7 9 II 13 14 16 20 22 27 29 Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer A A H H H A H A H H H H H I.IMI. TBA TBA 8:30 am 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 3:30 pm 11:30am 8:00 am 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 3:30 pm 8:30 am 3:30 pm TBA lfl ~~. .!!AI.E. .sm!IT Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 10 16 18 19 23 26 30 31 I 2 7 9 14 16 20 23 25 27 JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf JVB Golf OPPONENT Brunswick Medina Pre Season League Lake Invit. CVCA Green Revere Hoban St. Vincent Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Barberton Tallmadge CVCA-Norton Medina Toum. Walsh JV Invit. Brecksville TBA TIME 10:00 am 10:00 am 8:30 am 7:30 am 3:30 pm TBA 3:30 pm 4:00pm 3:30 pm TBA TBA 4:00 pm TBA 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm IUOam 3:30 pm Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 10 II 12 16 18 23 25 26 31 I 8 9 13 15 16 20 21 27 VG Golf VGGolf VG Golf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VG Golf VG Golf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VGGolf VG Golf Lake CVCA Hoban Pre Season League Elms Norton Green Walsh Invit. Revere Wadsworth Highland Cloverleaf Barberton Tallmadge Nordonia/Mayfield Suburban League Woodridge Twinsburg A H H A H H H A A H A H H A A A H H 12:00 pm 10:00 am 10:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am II:OOam 4:00 pm TBA 4:00pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 3:30pm 8:30 am 3:30 pm 3:30 pm Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 10 II 13 16 17 23 24 2 7 9 14 16 JVG Golf JVG Golf JVGGolf JVG Golf JVG Golf JVG Golf JVG Golf JVG Golf JVG Golf JVG Golf JVG Golf JVG Golf North Royalton Hudson Highland Toum. Hudson Highland Cloverleaf Green Revere Green Highland Revere Cloverleaf H A A H H H A A H A H A 10:00 am 12:24 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00pm 3:30 pm 3:15 pm 3:30 pm 3:15 pm 3:15 pm "/A A H A A H A H H H A A H A H H A A Copley High School 2010-2011 Sports Schedules Continued DATE Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Sept. 2 Sept. 7 Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 Sept. 25 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 9 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 SPORT JV/Y Volleyball JV /Y Volleyball JV/v Volleyball JV/V Volleyball JV/Y Volleyball V Volleyball JV/V Volleyball V Volleyball V Volleyball JV Volleyball V Volleyball JV Volleyball JV/v Volleyball JV/V Volleyball JV/V Volleyball JV/y Volleyball JV/V Volleyball JV/V Volleyball .IVN Volleyball OPPONENT Brecksville Green Revere Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Barberton Lake Invit. Tallmadge Green Cuy. Falls Quad Copley Quad Revere Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Smithville Barberton Tallmadge HfA A H A H H A H A A A A H H A A H A A H Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 23 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball 9 Volleyball Brecksville Green A H A A H H A H H A H A A H A H Il:OOam 4:00 pm 4:00pm 9:00 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00 pm 9:00 am 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG A H A H A A H A H H H A A H A A A H A 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 9:00 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00 pm 4:15 pm 8:30 am 4:30 pm 13 17 19 23 25 26 30 31 I 2 7 8 II 13 14 15 20 22 23 25 28 Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Revere Hoban Toum. Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Barberton Copley lnvit. Green Revere Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Barberton Smithville Orrville CVCA Norton Green Revere Medina Wadsworth Firestone Cloverleaf Canton Cent. Cath. Nordonia Highland Doubles Toum. Barberton Twinsburg Tallmadge Jackson Glenoak Lake Suburban League NC Hoover TBA H TIM 12/1:00pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 9:00 am 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 10:00 am 10:00 am 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 1:00/2:00 pm 5:30/6:30 pm 5:30/6:30 pm .I!AI.E Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 17 19 23 25 26 30 31 I 2 7 8 13 14 15 20 22 23 28 Dec. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 11 Dec. 16 Dec. 18 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Jan. 6 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 27 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 : : '. TBA L«I C; ~ ,~ ~. ~ ~ rJJ. Dec. I Dec. 3 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 21 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 Jan. 19 Jan. 28 Feb. I Feb. 4 seaar JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG JVG Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis V/JV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling V Wrestling V/JV Wrestling .IV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling VIN Wrestling V/JV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling VIN Wrestling VIN Wrestling 'i/JV Wrestling VIJV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling .IV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling JV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling V/JV Wrestling B/G BIG BIG BIG BiG BIG BiG BIG BIG BIG BIG B/G BIG Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming OPPONENT CVCA Norton Green Revere Medina Wadsworth Firestone Cloverleaf Canton Cent. Cath. Nordonia Highland Barberton Twinsburg Tallmadge Jackson Glenoak Lake NC Hoover Briggs Dual Meet lronman Toum. lronman Toum. Medina Duals ReverelTalimadge Huron Medina lnvit. Medina Invit. Cloverleaf/Highland Dies Toum. Dies Toum. Barberton/Wadsw. Hephner Toum. Hephner Toum. Green Manchester .IV Invit. Manchester/Hoban Streetsboro .IV Suburban League Manchester/Hoban Green Hoover Revere Wadsworth Jackson Canton Holiday Invit. Cloverleaf Barberton NE Classic Tallmadge Suburban League Wooster Orange .I!AI.E A H A H A A H A A A H A H H H A H A 10:00 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:15 pm 4:15 pm 4:30 pm Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 14 Dec. 17 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 Dec. 29 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 25 Jan. 28 Feb. I Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 15 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 SPORT JV /VB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV/vB Basketball JV/vB Basketball JV!VB Basketball JV'VB Basketball VB Basketball JV/YB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV/YB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV/VB Basketball JV /VB Basketball JVNB Basketball JV'VB Basketball JV NB Basketball OPPONENT John Marshall Firestone Green Revere Wadsworth Cloverleaf John Adams Northwestern Highland Normandy Barberton Tallmadge Stow Green Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Barberton Tallmadge HfA H A H A H H H A A A H A A A H A A H A H H A A A H A A A A A A A A A A A A A A H 9:30 am TBA TBA 9:00 am 6:00pm TBA TBA TBA 6:00pm 3:00 pm ]0:00 am 6:00 pm 4:00 pm 9:00 am 6:00 pm 8:00 am 6:00 pm TBA TBA 6:00 pm Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan.6 Jan. I I Jan. 13 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 25 Jan. 27 Feb. I Feb. 3 Feb. 8 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B Green Revere Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Barberton Tallmadge Green Revere Wadsworth Cloverleaf Highland Barberton Tallmadge H A H H A H A A H A A H A H 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm H A H A A A A H A H A H A 4:30 pm 4:15 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am 5:30 pm 4:30 pm 8:00 am 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Dec. 4 Dec. 8 Dec. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Jan. 5 Jan. 8 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feh, 16 JV/VG JVNG JVNG JVNG JVNG JVNG JVNG JV/VG JVIVG JVNG JVNG JV/VG JVNG JVNG JV/VG JV /VG JVNG JVNG JVIVG .IV/VG Firestone Green Revere Jackson Wadsworth Cloverleaf Stow Highland Barberton Brecksville Tallmadge Green Revere Wadsworth Cuy. Falls Cloverleaf Highland Barberton A A H A A A H H A A H H A H A H A H H A 11'6:00 pm 617:30 pm 617:30 pm 617:30 pm 617:30 pm 617:30 pm Y7:00pm 6/7:30 pm 6/7:00 pm 6/7:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 6'7:30 pm 6'7:30 pm 67:30 pm 6'7:30 pm 6.'7:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 67:.'() pm HLA I!M..E Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Revere Kenmore Tallmadge TIME 617:30 pm 12:3017:30 pm 617:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 6'7:30 pm 617:.'0 pm 617:30 pm 4:45pm 6/7:30 pm 617:30 pm 6 /7:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 6'7:30 pm 6:7:30 pm 6'7:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 617:30 pm 6/7:30 pm 617:30 pm 617:30 pm Aug/Sept. 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1 Copley All Adult Sports Booster Club 2010/2011 Annual Membership Drive Dates to Remember Community Night Pep Rally — 7:00 PM Infocision Field Aug 16 Fall Sports Reception/ Banquet—6:00 PM Nov 15 Winter Sports Community Night 6:30 Nov 17 Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony Dec 11 Reverse Raffle/Silent Auction—6:00 PM Mar 18 Mulch Madness March-May 2010 CAASBC Golf Outing June 2010 The C.A.A.S.B.C. Annual Membership Drive has begun. Our membership monies allow us to supplement the numerous athletic programs offered at the HS and the MS. From football to basketball from swimming to track and field, we are able to provide additional funding for equipment, uniforms, etc. The Booster Club would like to thank you for your continued support of our young student/athletes. For more information, please visit our website at And in recognition of your support, we are happy to acknowledge you as a C.A.A.S.B.C. member in the Fall and Winter Sports Programs as well as on our website. We have different levels of opportunities for your support ($125 which includes a season pass/$50/$25)— every dollar is used for the student/ GO INDIANS! Banner Advertising Available There are still opportunities available to purchase a Banner for Infocision Field during the Fall & Spring and the HS Gym during the Winter. With the field turf installed and the usage capability of 24/7, your advertising opportunity is maximized. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Diana Greenspan [email protected] or Cathy Warren [email protected] 2010‐2011 Copley All Sports Booster Club BANNER ADVERSTISING PROGRAM We do all the work! We will design and order your banner for you! Advertise your outdoor banner to over 35,000 fans at the Copley High School Stadium during the 2010‐ 2011fall and spring sports seasons! Maximize your advertising dollars with the yearlong indoor program, which includes Girls Volleyball, Girls and Boys Basketball, Wrestling and Sectional/District Basketball Play‐Offs. Really show your spirit with a baseball banner that will be seen at 25 home high school games and even more summer league games. Please make checks payable to: Copley Adult All Sports Booster Club Mail your order today! Copley Adult All Sports Booster Club C/O Diana Greenspan 808 Village Parkway Fairlawn, OH 44333 [email protected] 330‐328‐8099 or C/O Cathy Warren 3551 Minor Road Copley, OH 44321 [email protected] 330‐620‐0245 New Outdoor Banner(s) 4 x 6 feet at $225.00 each__________ $____________ New Indoor Banner(s) 3 x 3 feet at $175.00 each__________ $____________ BANNER RENEWALS ARE $175.00 EACH ANNUALLY *10% Discount if also placing ad in program Banners are a combination of yellow, blue, and white The Copley-Fairlawn City Schools do not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age or disability in access or employment practices, or participation in programs, activities, and/or services. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Saurer, Superintendent of the Copley-Fairlawn City School District, and ADA Coordinator (330-664-4811). Individuals needing TTY/TDD services may use the Ohio Relay Services (1-800-750-0750) to communicate with the Copley-Fairlawn City Schools. COPLEY-FAIRLAWN CITY SCHOOLS Copley High School 3807 Ridgewood Rd. Copley, OH 44321 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage Paid Akron, OH Permit No. 147 Return Service Requested Calendar of Events AUGUST 25 FRESHMAN ORIENTATION 9:30 AM 30 TEACHER INSERVICE DAY 31 SCHOOL STARTS SEPTEMBER 1 OPEN HOUSE 7-9 PM 6 NO SCHOOL –LABOR DAY 7 PICTURE DAY MUSIC BOOSTERS 7 PM 8 PTA COUNCIL SENIOR CLASS SPAGHETTI DINNER 15 CHS- PTSA 21 BOARD OF ED. MTG. OCTOBER 1 MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS KIWANIS SPAGHETTI DINNER 4:30 PM 2 HOMECOMING DANCE 7-10 PM 9:30 AM 10 4:30-7:00 PM 7 PM