Annual Report 2013-2014 - Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club
Annual Report 2013-2014 - Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club
Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 Incorporating Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Supporters Club Inc. Annual Report and Financial Statements Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. th 84 Annual Report 2013-2014 © 2014 by Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Front cover photo: Zelda Jennings Typesetting and editing: Blair Fidler Proofreading and data gathering: Karen Bloor Back cover photo: Te’a Peluso Other photos contributed by: Michelle Blake, Sue Damon, Blair Fidler, Russ Francis, Mary Farrell, Claire Gilmour, Zelda Jennings, Te’a Peluso, Jaime Taylor Beach Saving PalmPalm Beach (Qld)(Qld) SurfSurf Life Life Saving ClubClub Inc. Inc. Table of Contents Notice of Surf Club AGM ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Officers of the Committee 2013-2014 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 President’s Report ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Secretary’s Report ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6-7 Membership Statistics 2013-2014 .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Membership 2013-2014 ................................................................................................................................................................ 8-9 Treasurer’s Report .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Fundraising Officer’s Report ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Club Captain’s Report ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Beach Statistics 2013-2014 ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Patrol Hours 2013-2014............................................................................................................................................................. 14-15 Club Vice Captain’s Report ............................................................................................................................................................. 16 IRB Captain’s Report ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Chief Training Officer’s Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 18 Total Awards Held .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Senior Awards Gained in 2013-2014 ......................................................................................................................................... 20-21 Surf Boat Captain’s Report ........................................................................................................................................................ 22-23 Youth Development Officer’s Report ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Junior Male Co-Captain’s Reports ............................................................................................................................................. 25-26 Junior Female Co-Captains’ Report ................................................................................................................................................ 27 Coach’s Report........................................................................................................................................................................... 28-29 Senior Carnival Results ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Team Manager’s Report ............................................................................................................................................................ 30-31 Senior Club Championships 2013-2014 ..................................................................................................................................... 32-33 Transport Officer’s Report .............................................................................................................................................................. 34 Administrator’s Report ................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Nipper Report ............................................................................................................................................................................ 36-37 Nipper Championship Awards ................................................................................................................................................... 38-39 Nipper Carnival Results.............................................................................................................................................................. 40-42 Junior Development Awards Gained in 2013-2014 ........................................................................................................................ 43 End of Season Awards ............................................................................................................................................................... 44-45 Sponsors, Supporters and Donors ............................................................................................................................................. 46-47 Vale Harry Edwards ........................................................................................................................................................................ 48 Vale Arthur Sweeney ...................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Season 2013-2014 in Photos ..................................................................................................................................................... 49-51 Officers Honour Board 1930-2014............................................................................................................................................. 52-55 Surf Club Financial Report and Statements ............................................................................................................................... 57-76 Notice of Supporters Club AGM ..................................................................................................................................................... 79 Supporters Club President’s Report ............................................................................................................................................... 80 General Manager’s Report ............................................................................................................................................................. 81 Supporters Club Financial Report and Statements ..................................................................................................................83-101 Autographs ................................................................................................................................................................................... 102 th 84th 84 Annual Report 2013-2014 Annual Report 2013-2014 Notice of Surf Club AGM 2 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Officers of the Committee 2013-2014 Patrons and Governors Don Meers Patron Karen Andrews (MP) Vice Patron Mrs Thelma Joyce Life Governor Mrs Joy Webb Life Governor Honorary Positions Honorary Legal Officer Tony Ingwersen Honorary Medical Officer Dr. Frank McDonnell Executive President Mark Madden (resigned 23 October 2013) Troy Kling (appointed 16th November 2013) Vice President Troy Kling (resigned 16th November 2013) Sam Morgan (appointed 16th November 2013) Junior Chairperson Gary Fraser Secretary Gordon Shears Treasurer Scott O’Neill Club Captain Codey Trethewey Committee Members Vice Captain Jaime Taylor Female Captain Sharna Campbell IRB Captain Codey Trethewey (resigned January 2014) Marco Masia (appointed January 2014) Chief Training Officer Dan Stewart Gear Steward Sam Pike First Aid Officer Emily Rawlings Grievance Officer Arnie Eussen Youth Development Officer Michelle Blake Junior Male Captain Mitch Gilmour & Marcus Traucnieks Junior Female Captain Ashleigh Blake & Te’a Peluso Surf Boat Officer Arnie Eussen Transport Officer Tony Rapallo Building Director Mark Madden Fundraising Officer Mark Madden Team Manager Tony Kennedy Club Coach Nick Dennis Social Director Sue Damon 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 3 President’s Report Artist’s impression of the proposed redevelopment W OW, what a season!!! The 2013-2014 season has come to an end, and I must say it has been a testing and trying one at times. Firstly, I would like to thank my wife Emma and children Sam, Madison and Chloe for their support, and Emma for encouraging me to take on the President role. Thanks to Mark Madden for his work at the start of the season. Mark resigned part way through the season, and that’s when I stepped up and took on the role of President. With the support and assistance of our new administrator Karen Bloor we had a very positive and active season. To all members, well done on an awesome season – without your hard work and dedication our season would not have been as successful as it was. In particular, I would like to thank the following groups within the club: Our training team of instructors and assessors led by Dan and his team: for continuing to improve the skills of members and produce quality lifesavers The Youth Development crew led by Michelle: for your enthusiasm in all aspects of club life and your well-deserved recognition as most improved club in the branch 4 Gus and his board riders: for building a strong team of surfers and your competitive success Gary and his team of Nipper parents: for a very successful season on the beach and in the competition arena Arnie and the boat crew: for resurrecting interest in the surf boat and passing this on to a new generation In February a Trivia Benefit Night was held at Pacific SLSC for my daughter Chloe. 170 people turned out on the night and raised close to $10,000 dollars to go towards her expenses. Thank you to all who attended from far and wide and who have supported my family throughout these trying times. A special thanks to Tony Emerton and all at Pacific for donating the use of their club for this event. We are entering a new era of the Club with major renovations about to get underway Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Troy Kling As I look back on the season, there were many positive and rewarding moments that we all should be proud of, including: Awards & Plaques: Youth Award IRB Award Board Riding Award Nippers 3rd at State on Handicap Annual Door Knock Appeal – $7,300.00 raised Boardies Day – $9,000.00 raised, thanks to Mark Waters and Cesear Perilla Nippers, Water safety, Carnivals, Nipper BBQs – led by Gary and his strong fantastic team behind him Members collecting and fundraising throughout the season I’d like to acknowledge the generosity of the sponsors and businesses that supported us. Without your help the service we provide to the community would not be possible: Palm Beach Supporters Club Roy’s Auto Care Midcoast Marine Neuman Petroleum Big W Bunnings Point Danger Branch SLSQ Pacific SLSC As this Annual Report goes to print we are entering a new era of the Club with major renovations and upgrades to our building about to get underway. Well done team, this is a very exciting time! It was sad to hear of the passing of two of our past members Harry Edwards and Arthur Sweeney. They were two true gentlemen, and words cannot say enough about these guys and their involvement and service to the Club. Well done and thank you. Rest In Peace! I could go on forever and thank everyone one by one for this season, but let me sum it up this way: great members, great club, great results and great rewards. The success of this season was only possible due to all your hard work and dedication: from the committees, through the patrolling members and right down to the nippers and parents on the beach. Thank you. On a personal note, my sincere thanks to all, for being there for me and my family throughout this season and trying times. I could not have done this season without all of you being there. You are true friends, my true Palm Beach Surf Club Family. THANK YOU! 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 5 Secretary’s Report O ur club commenced the start of the season with a positive outlook with growth from the previous year. Our annual meeting saw most of the positions being taken up which was a great result. Over the next few weeks we had everyone in their positions and ready to go. We did not know just how much growth we were about to experience… Our Youth Development officer Michelle Blake had a blinder all year. Not only looking after the teenagers on the beach, but organising their Straddie assault weekend, Xmas function, Youth Excellence Ball (being third on the night), bonding all our teenagers into friendly and good natured young people. I don’t know if Todd saw much of his wonderful wife Michelle during the season. After losing our Administrator Renee Hogben to Coolangatta SLSC, we employed Karen Bloor as the new administrator just before the season started. Karen came right at the time when new and current registrations were coming in for the senior and junior members, with probably 400 to process. Karen was thrown into the deep end, and like all lifesavers, surfaced and began to put all the office into place. It was encouraging to see the Junior Activities expanding during the season with so many mums and dads present during the Saturday training. Again this growth was through the leadership and dedication of JAC chairman Gary Fraser and his band of cheerful parents and their never-say-die approach to the benefit of the children under their care. Big things will be the order of the day next season. The committee team warmed to the challenge to do their best and all members were quickly part of an enthusiastic group. Those who put their hand up included Sam Morgan, Codey Trethewey, Sharna Campbell, Te’a Peluso to list a few. Something else that has happened this season is the raising of funds from outside sources. These included a BBQ at Bunnings in Brisbane. These fundraising ideas were all the go years ago in the club, and I still remember these days of walking the streets of Warwick, Brisbane and Palm Beach selling art union tickets everywhere. It is wonderful to see the members who will do this to ensure the club has the funds to be able to make sure we are available to keep our beach safe and keeping equipment in good condition. Over the months I saw many members pull together to ensure the job at hand had an easy result. There were always members around the club to open the club prior to patrols. Packing away each afternoon wasn’t all that easy, but at the end all was completed. I congratulate the members who received Bronze Medallions, which is the gateway to anywhere in the lifesaving environment. Other awards gained were ARC, IRB, First Aid, Silver Medallion, ATV and Resuscitation. These awards were available with the dedication of loyal members Dan Stewart, Sue Damon, Mary Farrell and Richard Andrews and were a wonderful result for the club. While we have so many wonderful events this season to remember, we had Troy Kling and Emma’s daughter Chloe going through chemotherapy over the last 12 months. The club, family members, near-by surf clubs, friends and local businesses had a fundraising event at Pacific Surf Club. The evening raised close to $10,000 to assist with expenses for Chloe’s treatment. We are all looking forward to the day when Chloe will be free of any illness. 6 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Gordon Shears Our coach Nick Dennis had a great year with a small squad of U17 and open members. Medals at State Board riding was a good result and hopefully there will be more starters next season as I see skis, Malibu boards and Arnie’s boat crew getting ready for the next season. Allied to Nick’s training we have now a very professional gym set up on the northern side of the club. The person responsible was member Tony Rapallo who pushed the Supporters Club to fund the equipment over several months. Gym memberships are available from Karen in the Surf Club office. It would be beneficial for all levels of membership join up to get the benefit of keeping fit. I hope to see as many as possible using the club during the winter months to keep members at a general fitness level, as next season creeps up soon! Membership Statistics 2013-2014 Membership Category Life Member Long Service Active Senior (18+) Leave / Restricted Probationary Active Junior (15-18) Active Cadet (13-15) Past Active Honorary Under 14 Under 13 Under 12 Under 11 Under 10 Under 9 Under 8 Under 7 Under 6 Associate Total Males 35 4 48 0 1 23 16 0 0 8 14 16 8 8 18 21 17 12 74 323 Females Total 0 1 18 1 0 11 7 1 0 5 13 13 17 16 15 11 9 14 89 241 35 5 66 1 1 34 23 1 0 13 27 29 25 24 33 32 26 26 163 564 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 7 Membership Life Member Kenneth Bagnall Ronald Bagnall John Batchelor Trevor Bone Ian Cowper Ronald Crowe Harry Edwards † Richard Felton Keith Forsyth Bill Gallagher Noel Gill Russell Gilmour Barry Hayward Barry Howes Ross Howes Warren Johnson Barry Jukes Lloyd Kenny Graeme Kling Troy Kling John Landers Ross Linnett Phillip Mann Malcolm Nutt Colin Paterson Antony Rapallo Ian Sarow Russell Schultz Gordon Shears Jeffrey Spink Daniel Stewart Robert Stewart Graham Stockwell Robert Stockwell George Stone Long Service Geoffrey Bagnall Arnold Eussen Sasha Finney Timothy Kennedy Garry Thomas Active Senior (18+) Colin Bachelard Catherine Baddeley Todd Blake Karen Bloor Issam Boashash Larraine Busch Sharna Campbell Philip Clark Greg Cox Dean Damon Susanne Damon Andrew Egoroff Paul Evans Blair Fidler Trevor Fitness Connor Flanagan Julian Flanagan Gordon Gage Cara Garbellotto James Gardener Benjamin Gill Janelle Gill 8 Darren Gilmour Sarah Grimshaw Robert Hade Nick Hall Lena Hegel Donald Hooker David Howe Zelda Jennings Simon Jensen Micah Jones Dale Josephson Peter Kelley Anthony Kennedy Gina Kurki David Lincoln Matthew Lincoln Mark Madden Marco Masia Sanet Miller Samuel Morgan Brent Mudge Scott O'Neill Luke Opray Chris Peate Rebecca Petersen Paul Phelan Samuel Pike Emily Rawlings Scott Rawlings Sue Rawlings Erica Read Wayne Reilly Shelley Roberts Craig Smart Antony Craig Taylor Jaime Taylor Andrew Traucnieks Codey Trethewey Justin Wade Elissa Walldorf Gary Wellman David Wilson Geoffrey Wood Leave / Restricted Active Cadet (13-15) Mackenzie Wood Mary Farrell Zak Bagnall Ella Brennan Taylor Channell Ethan Crisp Aaron Davis Meg Dunford Tristram Garbellotto Royce Goss Kathryn Grimshaw Shannon Highlands Samuel Howe Taine Josephson Aaron Kennedy Bryce Kennedy Jacinta Kennedy Clayton Kimeklis Georgia Madden Dom Miller Jayden Paludan Zak Taylor Kawchi Wolff Summer Wolff Zak Young Under 12 Probationary Ben Booth Active Junior (1518) Victoria Bachelard Lizzy Bagnall Ashleigh Blake Chloe Blake Amaya Braid Jack Bryson Brayden Clark Vinicius Dias Will Evans Alex Gage Katie Gill Mitchell Gilmour Aaron Highlands Molly Holland Kieran Kennedy Samuel Kennedy Lea Klinkhammer Jordan Lalicz Henry Lang Dominic MIsso Noah Monaghan Tomas Nicolau Samuel Peate Te'a Peluso Kyle Rapallo Jack Rawlings Ryan Roberts Ziggy Schroder Tyla Smith Marcus Traucnieks Brad Vagg D'Arcy Wade Pauline Waschkeit Samuel Wood Past Active Julie Dennis Under 14 Malachi Berlowitz David Braid Bethany Clark Christian Dennis Jade Gilmour Komaki Ido Daniel Lincoln Jemima Smith Elise Thornton Alex Wilson Under 13 Cody Armstrong Stuart Bachelard Thomas Baddeley Kirah Bembrick Tom Bryson Telesa Burnett Zali Cheffers Sebastian Cox Elly Hennessey Christopher Howe Charlotte Jensen Laticia Josephson Madelyn Kelley Sienna Mansbridge Chelsea Mayer Aidan McCabe Charische Miller Lachlan Peate Alexander Perilla Aidan Phelan Cooper Pope Kaleb Schofield Jy Smart Ruby Traucnieks Claire Valek Lance Wegner Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Chelsea Asser Jonah Berlowitz Maddison Bosse Karly Bourke Brock Chisholm Rebecca Correa Mendes Destiny Crisp Sienna Davis Luke Francis Luke Fraser Caleb Gregory Angelina Hickey Konatsu Ido Charlie Johnson Bridgette Kennedy Jaeda Leyshon Samuel McAuliffe Jessica McMahon Andrew O`Neill Sam Paludan Markus Perilla Daniel Reid Luke Shipton Erin Smith Harry Tas Kira Thornton Brayden Walton Riley Winter TY Yarrow Under 11 Madeleine Bachelard Tiarna Bembrick Jade Britton Leroy Cane Emma Carter Nick Close-Innis Luci David-Tooze Cecilia Egoroff Chloe Glen Thomas Jensen Charli Kelley Charis Mansbridge Mitchell Masia Karlee Mayer Jade McAtamney Kaya Mukai Mia Picton Kia Pope Taylor Ryan Beau Smart Kayla Topalovic Noah Van Drimmelen Loren Walton Zali Welsh Tyra Young Under 10 Grace Bryson Keely Crane Gabriel Crisp Grace David-Tooze Hugh Dennis Joshua Drummond 2013-2014 Gloria Fekete Hannah Gregory Taylor Hastie Indiana Hayden-Smith Ayla Hook Zax Jessup Amelia Johnson Emma Lincoln Kate Mahon Tayla Miller Abbey Schofield Beau Shipton Russell Thornton Adrian Townsend Aimee Wattam Celeste White Kyle Winter Harmony Yarrow Under 9 Faith Asi-Hunt Cinamin Berlowitz Jake Campbell Ryan Cane Izaac Clark Annabelle Close-Innis Oscar Cooper Lachlan Fraser Ella Glen Jed Gregory Flynn Hastie Samantha Jennings Indya Jones Annie Kennedy Ryan Lincoln Dharma Martin Letasha Martin Sam McDonald Zara Nunan Fynn Paludan Caleb Perugino Jacqueline Phelan Jesse Reid Caleb Robert Emilee Robinson Cierra Ryan Kye Silver jack Smith Elle Spicer Charli Tas Seth Welsh Tyson Winter Ryan Withers Under 8 Daniel Baird Elias Berlowitz Nicholas Britton Joely Chapple Max Chisholm Joel Crane Declan Field Noah Gregory Havana Hayden-Smith Matthew Heppell Cory Hook Maximo Jennings Alice Jensen Star Jessup Harvey Johnson Zach Keegan Tiffany-Rose Kimeklis Beau Lester-Sutherland River Loffler Marley Martin Olivia Masia Kaela McAtamney Jonthan McDoid Jasper O`Neill Oliver opray Mahlee Peate Lucinda Phelan Alana Picton Max Rossberg Catherine Statham Rhys Thornton Rory Withers Under 7 Talita Bosse Hayden Campbell Noah Carter Charlotte Cooper Levi Crisp Tyron Date Oliver Dillon Dane Fraser Chloe Gregory Laura Gregory Daniel hannah Shaun Hastie Callum Hatten Holly Jones Corey Jordan Ella Lincoln Jack Lynch Yunes Maroz Rose Overton-Locke Isaac Robert Jace Robinson Thomas Scurrah Sofi Shipton Noah Smith Oliver Thomson Amalie Van Drimmelen Amber Winter Under 6 Siana Barker Zeke Chisholm Declan Cole Phoenix Cole Cooper Flaherty Matisse Francis Courtney Glen Riley Herreygers Taylah Hickey Eryn Hook Kailani Hurley Leia Ido Ella James Molly Keegan Oliver Kennedy Cruz Loffler Harrison Mead Asher Poznanovich Gabrielle Reid Charlee Rossberg Harrison Scurrah Angus Thomson Elijah Welsh Huntah Wilson Brock Withers Associate Josette Armstrong Carolyn Asser Pauline Bachelard Stephen Baird Daniel Bembrick Kikuyo Berlowitz Michelle Blake Belinda Bosse Anthony Bourke Kiri Braid Barbara Bryson Matthew Bryson Rachel Campbell Leanne Cane Katie-Jane Carter Troy Carter Andrea Chapple Glen Cheffers Wayne Chisholm Luke Cole Angela Connellan Sam Cooper Carlos Correa-Mendes Tamarah Crane Warren Crane Darren Crisp Peta Crisp Helen Date Selina Davis Suzanne Davis Suzanne Dearlove-Britton Cameron Delahunty Grant Dillon Melissa Drummond Brian Field Karynne Finniear Carol Fisher-Yarrow Brendan Flaherty Lisa Flaherty Tristan Flanagan Russell Francis Gary Fraser Regan Fraser Claire Gilmour Hannike Glen Stephen Glen Jason Goss Adam Gregory CHerie Gregory Ruth Hastie Troy Hastie Ben Hatten Alisha Hayden-Smith Sam Hayden-Smith Kylie Hennessey Steven Hennessey Darrel Henry Julie Heppell Alicia Herreygers Simone Hickey Yvette Hickey Bernadette Hook Dean Hook Julie Howe Maki Ido Shinsuke Ido Mark Innis Andrew James Karla James Wayne Jennings Caroline jensen Naomi Jessup Stephen Jessup Julie JOHNSON Michael Johnson Chris JOnes Lisa Jordan Melanie Keegan Justine Kelley Felicity Kimeklis Kim Kimeklis Miles Paludan Rachel Peate Karen Perilla Angelina Perugino Roslyn Perugino Melanie Phillips Malcolm Picton Gary Pope Tracey Pope Nicola Poznanovich Ian Reid Jeanne Reid Stuart Robert Raelee Robinson Penolope Rossberg Timothy Rossberg Shannon Ryan Kellie Schofield Peter Schofield Kelly Scurrah Carol Shipton Ben Silver Sandra Smart Adam Smith Amber Smith Krystal Kimeklis Russell Kimeklis Jennifer Langton Andrew Lester Shane Leyshon Adam Lincoln Scott Loffler Ping Lu Matthew Lynch Wayne Mahon Susan Mansbridge Ala Maroz Adam Martin Kristelle Martin Sonja Masia Anita Mayer Russell Mayer Matthew McAtamney Nicole McAtamney Helen McCabe Svetlana McDoid Neil McDonald Paul McDonald Sharon McMahon Lisa Mead Clive Miller Kanta Mukai Troy Nunan Jasmine Overton Michelle Smith Debie Spicer Karen Statham Philip Statham Caroline Tas Dirck Tas Matthew Thomson Rebecca Thomson Jennifer Thornton Wayne Thornton Kerrie Townsend Mark Traucnieks Erich Valek Mayoreen Valek Sarah Van Drimmelen Judith Wade Geoff Walton Mike Wattam Bradley Webber Linda Wegner Colleen Welsh John Welsh Nigel White Danny Wilson David Wilson Natalie Winter Scott Withers Mark Yarrow Peta Young 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 9 Treasurer’s Report G oodbye to 2013-14 and greetings to 201415. 2013-14 was an interesting year for surf club with regard to finances. The policy to encourage membership, member participation and to get families more involved was implemented. As part of this project membership fees were put on hold and several were decreased. Dorm use was also encouraged for rostered patrollers. As a result there was a considerable decrease in income from membership fees and the Dorm rentals. Additionally, as part of the drive to encourage participation in club activities club support towards funding for carnivals increased this year. This has put considerable pressure on working capital. On the bright side many members became more involved and both the juniors and seniors got behind the fundraising drive and put in a big effort to lift fundraising revenues. Part way through the year Mark took on the role as fundraising coordinator and has put in a great effort along with many others and fundraising looks to be making a comeback. If fees are to be kept low and support for activities maintained, we will all need to put a huge effort into fundraising next year and in future years. Scott O’Neill Expenditure on new equipment, repairs and maintenance was moderate and enabled the lifesavers to keep the beach open and do what the club is about. “Make the beach a safe and welcome place.” Thanks to the supporters club who once again continued with their invaluable support. During the year they donated assistance through funds, services, equipment and goods of approximately $100,000 towards operating the surf club. In total the supporter’s club donations totalled $259,203. This included paying out the redevelopment loan, servicing other loans, and contributions to the future building development. Well done to Darrel and his team. Thanks to the supporters club who once again continued with their invaluable support The Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing once again granted $10,000 to the club towards encouraging young people to participate in sport. The grants carried over were all acquitted to complete the trailer purchase, buy boards for the nippers and finish the gymnasium. The gym is now deriving membership fees and arrangements are being put in place to use the gym facilities to provide an income stream in the future. 10 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Fund Raising Officer’s Report T his season saw improvements in some fundraising areas and downturn in others. With the annual SLSA Surf Appeal the Club raised an outstanding $7,300 which more than doubled last year’s effort of just over $3,000. A big thank you to the Brisbane crew who ran a massive weekend at Bunnings at Cannon Hill, raising over $2,000 on the weekend on their own. Many thanks to our many members who participated in raising the funds plus Bunnings, Big W at Robina, Burleigh, Mt Ommaney and Toowoomba, The Pines Elanora and Wendys (The Pines). We also had outstanding support this season from former member Mark Waters from Today Homes and nippers’ dad Ceaser Perilla from Quantum Property Services, who organised an outstanding Boardies Day Sportsman’s Lunch at Currumbin RSL which raised over $9,000. The lunch featured former Brisbane Bears AFL star Richard Champion as MC, who in addition to compering a great lunch and auctioneering a range of great sports memorabilia items, also belted out some great renditions of songs including Cold Chisel’s “Flame Trees”. Special guests also included current Brisbane Lions players Simon Black and Dane Zorko. We’d love to see a similar event next season. In terms of grants this season, the Club was successful with two Get Going grants from Sport and Recreation Queensland including $9,244 for nipper boards, rescue boards and training resources, plus $9,090 for promotional and membership development activities including upgrading the Club’s website which will be implemented next season. The Club also benefited from the annual Queensland Government/SLSQ operating grant to sustain our Club operations, and our successful Supporters Club continued to be our major funding contributor. This season we also completed the gym upgrade project, funded by the Jupiter’s Community Benefit Fund, and well done to Tony Rapallo for bringing the gym upgrade project to a successful completion which included additional funds from the Supporters Club. We wish the Club Surf Coach Nick Dennis all the best with his lease of the gym and provision of fitness and health services. In addition this season, the Club organised a hugely successful Trivia Benefit Night for President Troy Kling Mark Madden and his family to support two-year-old daughter Chloe, suffering from Leukaemia. The night was held at Pacific Surf Club, one of Troy’s former clubs, who not only donated the use of their fantastic club function facilities but also donated the night’s bar profits. Outstanding support from our sister club. In addition to Pacific SLSC, the night was also supported by a large number of local businesses and individuals with generous donations of prizes and funds including: Caltex Elanora, Renee and David Hogben from Coolangatta SLSC, The RACQ Royal Pines Resort, Mantra Resort Surfers Paradise, Craig Miller and Kings Apparel, FSG, Sirromet Winery and the Delahunty family, Ray Friend from Cambio Group, Gold Coast Titans, Gold Coast Suns, Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club, the Member for Burleigh Michael Hart, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Claire Gilmour and Gold Coast Remedial and Oncology Massage, Rick Van Kampen and Can Do Fitness (Coolangatta SLSC), Streets Ice Cream, Rackley’s Swim Centre Burleigh, Mark and Sharon Freemantle, Ross Calvert, Mick Willets, John Batchelor, Dan Stewart, Richard Andrews, Tony Emerton and DHD Surfboards, Boutique, Coles Palm Beach, BWS Palm Beach and more. The night which was attended by a capacity crowd of over 150 raised close to $10,000 to assist with some of their expenses and hardships including medical expenses, travel, loss of earnings and other costs. Deservedly, Troy and Emma Kling won on the night accommodation at the luxurious Mantra Surfers Paradise where, Troy claimed, they would enjoy a belated honeymoon. As for the trivia, 16 teams battled out a tough and enjoyable contest, with the night the winner. Many thanks to MC Gerry Keyte from the Tweed Heads PCYC and trivia runners Di Murray and Evelyn Casey. Next season we look forward to growth in a range of fundraising areas including the SLSQ Sustainability Fund. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 11 Club Captain’s Report S o many great things can be said about this season, from competitions to the amount of awards we as surf lifesaving members have obtained through the season. I could mention the trips we have had away, our amazing collection drive, how many rescues we have completed, preventions, first aids and the list goes on for the many great things Palm Beach has done this season. The one thing that I will say is that everyone in our great club has done their very best for each other. From our seniors down to our juniors, everyone in this club has done nothing but support each other and motivate each other to do their very best. Codey Trethewey We have pushed each other to our fullest potential and had so many great times along the way. Each and every one of you should be as proud as I am about all the hard work put in this season. I’d like to personally thank our 120 active patrolling members, who amongst them clocked up a total of 5893 hours patrolling our beach this season. A special shout out to the following ten members who contributed the top ten total patrol hours for the season: Member Total Patrol Hours Mitchell Gilmour Te'a Peluso Samuel Morgan Victoria Bachelard 315.5 244 190.5 155 Samuel Pike 154.5 Codey Trethewey 147.5 Marcus Traucnieks 126.75 Chloe Blake Ashleigh Blake Alex Wilson 107.5 91 89.5 Everyone in this club has done nothing but support each other and motivate each other to do their very best I wish you all a safe and happy break and cannot wait to see you all again next season. 12 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Beach Statistics 2013-2014 Beach Attendance Estimated total number of people Month Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Total Swimmers Between Flags Swimmers (200m either side) Craft Users (200m either side) On Beach (200m either side) Total 534 1,190 516 1,380 1,124 689 583 1,065 7,081 104 502 153 508 369 272 120 198 2,226 25 343 195 596 598 300 416 240 2,713 751 3,193 1,258 2,391 2,006 2,516 1,137 1,579 14,831 1,414 5,228 2,122 4,875 4,097 3,777 2,256 3,082 26,851 Preventative Actions Number of People Warned Month Sep-13 Swimmers Craft Users Beach Users Warning Signs Shark Alarms Total Apr-14 83 142 495 528 0 872 273 282 9 47 71 123 4 9 46 56 5 251 716 345 0 123 128 305 12 28 25 76 592 45 27 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 468 1,307 1,072 596 1,049 474 691 Total 2,675 365 1,873 853 0 5,766 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Rescues Rescues by Type of Equipment Month Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 Total No Equipment 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 6 Rescue Tube 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 0 10 Rescue Board 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 IRB Other 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 5 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 4 Total 0 3 0 16 2 4 2 2 29 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 13 Patrol Hours Rostered/ Member Colin Bachelard Water Substitute Volunteer Safety Rostered/ Total Member 42 – 11.5 53.5 Ethan Crisp 34.5 96.5 24 155 Dean Damon 58 – 20 78 16.5 – – 16.5 Lizzy Bagnall 16.75 – – 16.75 Zak Bagnall 20.75 – – 20.75 15 3 3.5 21.5 Ashleigh Blake 34.5 34.5 22 91 Chloe Blake 43.5 42 22 107.5 Todd Blake 47 4 – 51 Paul Evans – 16.75 – 16.75 Tim Evans Amaya Braid 22 7.5 24 53.5 Will Evans David Braid – – 1.5 1.5 Mary Farrell Ella Brennan – 11 – 11 Trevor Fitness Jack Bryson – 49 – 49 Connor Flanagan Tom Bryson 30 4.5 1.5 36 Alex Gage Sharna Campbell 34.5 – – 34.5 Bethany Clark 14.5 – 3.5 18 Brayden Clark 29 10 16.5 55.5 Benjamin Gill 37.5 39 – – 4 – 41.5 39 Janelle Gill Katie Gill Victoria Bachelard Catherine Baddeley Geoffrey Bagnall Malachi Berlowitz Issam Boashash Philip Clark Tiago Correa Mendes 14 Water Substitute Volunteer Safety Total 65 – – 65 51.5 – – 51.5 75 9 2 86 4 – 5 9 Christian Dennis 14.5 – – 14.5 Vinicius Dias 37.5 – – 37.5 Meg Dunford 10 10 6 26 Andrew Egoroff 41 – 8 49 – 3.5 – 3.5 63.5 – 2 65.5 55 – – 55 34.5 – – 34.5 48 – – 48 53.5 – – 53.5 32.5 – – 32.5 13.5 – – 13.5 Susanne Damon Cameron Delahunty Arnold Eussen Gordon Gage Cara Garbellotto 39 – – 39 37.5 5.5 – 43 29 4.5 – 33.5 – 41.5 4.5 0.5 – – 4.5 42 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 2013-2014 Rostered/ Member Noel Gill Darren Gilmour Jade Gilmour Mitchell Gilmour Royce Goss Kathryn Grimshaw Water Substitute Volunteer Safety 57 – – Rostered/ Total Member 57 Samuel Pike Antony Rapallo 31.5 23.5 – 55 30 52.25 3.5 85.75 Kyle Rapallo 53.5 260 2 315.5 – 4.5 – 93 – 154.5 33.5 – – 33.5 2 – 24.25 Emily Rawlings 32.5 – – 32.5 4.5 Jack Rawlings 13.5 – – 13.5 Scott Rawlings 20.5 – 6 26.5 4.5 4.5 4 13 Sue Rawlings Robert Hade 58 – – 58 – – – Lena Hegel 61.5 22.25 Sarah Grimshaw Nick Hall Water Substitute Volunteer Safety Total 56 – – 56 41.5 9 – 50.5 Erica Read 28 – – 28 0 Wayne Reilly 19 – – 19 – 37.5 – 37.5 Sarah Riseley – 19.5 – 19.5 43.5 16 – 59.5 Ryan Roberts 43.5 20.5 – 64 9 4.5 – 13.5 Shelley Roberts 28 – – 28 32 – 3 35 Gordon Shears 39 – – 39 33.5 4.5 – 38 Tyla Smith 29 – – 29 52 4.5 26 82.5 Antony Craig Taylor 48 – – 48 31.5 33.5 10 75 Jaime Taylor 32.5 13.5 – 46 – – 5 5 Zak Taylor 23.5 – – 23.5 Zelda Jennings 28 8 2 38 Elise Thornton 18 – 4.5 22.5 Simon Jensen 49 – – 49 Andrew Traucnieks 33.5 – – 33.5 34.5 3 – 37.5 Marcus Traucnieks 29 38 – – 38 Aaron Highlands Shannon Highlands Molly Holland Donald Hooker David Howe Samuel Howe Komaki Ido Micah Jones Dale Josephson Taine Josephson 54.5 – 6 60.5 Peter Kelley 39 – 6 45 Aaron Kennedy 70 4.5 – 74.5 Jacinta Kennedy 42.5 14.5 – 57 Samuel Kennedy 27.5 – – 27.5 Clayton Kimeklis 52.5 – 1.5 54 Gina Kurki 34.5 3 – 23.25 – Daniel Lincoln 19 David Lincoln 71 Harry Lincoln 73.5 24.25 126.75 Codey Trethewey 73.5 70 4 147.5 Mitchell Trickey 33.5 – – 33.5 D'Arcy Wade 46 – – 46 Justin Wade 55 17.25 – 72.25 Elissa Walldorf 37 13.5 – 50.5 55.25 Kyle Wegner 33.5 – 21.75 Gary Wellman 27.5 – 23 50.5 37.5 Ben Willetts 43.5 24 7.5 75 – 23.25 Alex Wilson 30 58 1.5 89.5 – 1.5 20.5 Geoffrey Wood 27 – – 27 – 12 83 Samuel Wood 20 4.5 7.5 32 55 – 11.5 66.5 Zak Young 10 – 1.5 11.5 Matthew Lincoln 46 – 32.5 78.5 TOTAL 3921 1533 481 5935 Matthew Lynch 4.5 – – 4.5 Georgia Madden 38 – – 38 Mark Madden 47 5.5 2 54.5 61.5 19 – 80.5 Jordan Lalicz Marco Masia Samuel Morgan 76 114.5 – 190.5 Brent Mudge 9 – – 9 Scott O'Neill 41 – 29.5 70.5 Luke Opray – – 8.5 8.5 Jayden Paludan – – 1.5 1.5 Samuel Peate 9 4.5 – 13.5 Te'a Peluso 67 177 – 244 Rebecca Petersen Paul Phelan 35 43 – – – 34.5 35 77.5 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 15 Club Vice Captain’s Report W hat a year!! This was my second year as Club Vice Captain and the growth and success of our little club over the last year has made me proud to be part of it. This year was like no other for myself at the club; seeing the success of our junior training program has been the highlight for me to say the least. I congratulate all the juniors who competed this year as they really put our little club on the map once again. I would like to make special mention of our new bronze medallion recipients this season; having captained many of you during the year, I am proud to say that you guys are going to be the future for our club and your commitment to surf life saving is to be noted! 16 Jaime Taylor On the life saving front, this year was a big one. All patrol members are to be congratulated on their efforts both on and off the beach (patrols and training). This year we saw a total of 26,851 patrons in our care with 5,766 preventative actions being taken. This shows the vigilance and care you as Palm Beach life savers are showing towards the community. Lastly, I would like to make once again a special mention to a person I consider a mentor in the life saving world. Welcoming back Richard Andrews was a blessing. The work and commitment he shows gives our little club the push and energy to move forward into the future. Thank you everyone for a great year!! Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. IRB Captain’s Report Marco Masia T he 2013-2014 season has come to an end. This season saw myself taking over as IRB captain to allow Codey more time to concrete on his role as Club Captain. I’d like to firstly thank Codey and Troy for showing me the ropes. There has also been a number of people assisting me with various repairs throughout the season as it has been the busiest season in a while for the IRBs with a record number of new IRB drivers (including myself) and new IRB crewies. Congratulations to all members who gained IRB awards this season. These people got their IRB Crew Certificate: Victoria Bachelard Lizzy Bagnall Ashleigh Blake Chloe Blake Amaya Braid Ella Brennan Jack Bryson Ethan Crisp Vinicius Dias Andrew Egoroff Will Evans Mitchell Gilmour Sarah Grimshaw Lena Hegel Aaron Highlands Shannon Highlands Samuel Howe Micah Jones Samuel Pike Antony Rapallo Kyle Rapallo Ryan Roberts These people got their Silver Medallion IRB Driver: Marco Masia Samuel Pike Ryan Roberts Justin Wade We are in the process of applying for grants for some new equipment, including a new IRB and motor – we’ll keep you posted on this. Thanks to Peter and the team at Midcoast Marine for their continued support and advice over the season. As special mention to Sam Morgan and Sam Pike who cleaned and painted the IRB shed this season! Last of all, thanks to my family for allowing me out on the weekends! 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 17 Chief Training Officer’s Report A lthough another season passes, there are still some courses continuing in what has been a very active training room through the year. Just about everything we do on the beach nowadays, whether we be nippers or older members needs some sort of training to be signed off on before it takes place. Of course, this places a heavy load on those who prepare and process the paperwork. Karen has picked up on this quickly and we owe her many thanks for smoothing out most of the “wrinkles” along the way – “wrinkles” often created by us not doing the right thing by our roles and responsibilities. The staff at Branch, including Kerrie Barnes, Rachael and Kat have also been of great assistance. Some of the administrivia is being made simpler, but it will always be there – especially as more of our theory study and outcomes can be done on line. Proficiencies went quite well, but the cost to the club for pool hire may be avoided this coming season by asking you to obtain a certified swim time at any pool, at your leisure before coming to proficiency day. As well, I believe the proficiency paper will be shorter and more relevant to current changes than repeating the same old stuff, and available for access on line. More advice concerning this will follow. The lists on pages 20-21 indicate the number and variety of awards gained by our members throughout the season. We started the season very short of Patrol Captains (Silver Medallion, Beach Management), Oxy-Defib operators (Advanced Resuscitation Techniques), IRB Crewpersons and Drivers (IRBC, Silver Medallion-IRB Driver) but have increased our numbers to basic patrol sufficiency. But there is more room for improvement. 18 Dan Stewart In particular, I want to mention the IRB people who need to make a big regular weekend commitment to complete their courses and the SRC and Bronze squads who also have to make time in a busy life to fit in all the training required. I think we can stand proud and say we all earned our awards and they weren’t handed out like medals from a corn flakes packet. We live in a world where education will always be ongoing. Already, I have found that there will be a new “roll out” of First Aid including Advanced First Aid, the CPR certification, reintroduction of a Silver Medallion Advanced First Aid, more on line theory. Many of these have workplace relevancy in all industries. But if you can’t be bothered by all this, we still need you. Basic life saving is in fact the base of the pyramid on which we build our proud beach traditions. I need to acknowledge the support, assistance, dedication and loyalty of many people in this club. In particular, the efforts of all our trainers (Sue Damon, Richard Andrews Mary Farrell, the IRB boys from Currumbin), Victoria and some of the other younger juniors, the trainers in training (Sam Pike, Sam Morgan, Te’a Peluso, Mitch Gilmour), the visiting assessors, the skills and competition coach Nick Dennis for taking some that next step forward to becoming really good life savers. There are many others who made it more enjoyable for us all – sausage cookers, gear toters, water safety, supportive parents, and so on. There was a real club spirit and feel to achieving our outcomes. Thanks to you all, especially for accepting any knowledge, experience, advice and enthusiasm from an old dude who doesn’t swim or paddle much now, just pays out on you in the old life saving traditions when you stuff up. Vintage Season—more to come! Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Total Awards Held Award Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate Apply (Senior) First Aid Female Male Total 3 10 13 10 8 18 Assessor Radio 0 1 1 Assessor Surf Rescue 0 1 1 ATV Operator Induction 2 11 13 Bronze Medallion 13 18 31 Facilitator Apply First Aid 0 1 1 Facilitator Surf Rescue Certificate 0 1 1 IRB Crew Certificate 8 12 20 Junior Activities Age Manager - Online Theory 2 1 3 Junior Activities Age Manager Course 1 1 2 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 6 - QLD and NT 14 12 26 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 7 - QLD and NT 10 14 24 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 8 9 17 26 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 9 13 16 29 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 10 13 7 20 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 11 16 8 24 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 12 11 16 27 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 13 13 13 26 Junior Activities Preliminary Evaluation Under 14 5 9 14 Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation Under 8 - Restricted 5 9 14 Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation Under 9 11 13 24 Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation Under 10 5 5 10 Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation Under 11 15 6 21 Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation Under 12 7 15 22 Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation Under 13 10 11 21 Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation Under 14 5 9 14 QLD 4WD Induction 2 10 12 QLD Tractor Induction 2 10 12 Radio Operator Certificate 13 19 32 Resuscitation Certificate 19 24 43 Silver Medallion Basic Beach Management 0 5 5 Silver Medallion IRB Driver 0 4 4 Spinal Management 2 1 3 Surf Aware One 11 21 32 Surf Aware Two 13 17 30 Surf Play One 14 12 26 Surf Play Two 10 15 25 5 8 13 Surf Safe One 11 7 18 Surf Safe Two 16 7 23 Surf Smart One 12 15 27 Surf Smart Two 13 12 25 Training Officer Radio 2 0 2 Training Officer Resuscitation Training Officer Surf Rescue 2 2 1 0 3 2 Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed) 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 19 Senior Awards Gained in 2013-2014 Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate Karen Bloor Issam Boashash Timothy Delahunty Vinicius Dias Janelle Gill Mitchell Gilmour Simon Jensen Peter Kelley Marco Masia Sean Miller Samuel Morgan Michael Moutsias Te`a Peluso Samuel Pike Gary Wellman Geoffrey Wood Apply (Senior) First Aid Chloe Blake Karen Bloor Amaya Braid Ella Brennan Barbara Bryson Jack Bryson Matthew Bryson Timothy Delahunty Janelle Gill Katie Gill Mitchell Gilmour Lena Hegel Shannon Highlands Samuel Howe 20 Lea Klinkhammer Kyle Rapallo Gordon Shears Pauline Waschkeit Samuel Wood Assessor Radio Troy Kling Assessor Surf Rescue Richard Andrews Sharon Kyme Daniel Stewart ATV Operator Induction Colin Bachelard Andrew Egoroff Darren Gilmour David Howe Micah Jones Gina Kurki Matthew Lincoln Samuel Morgan Samuel Pike Sue Rawlings Wayne Reilly Ryan Roberts Gary Wellman Ella Brennan Jack Bryson Ethan Crisp Meg Dunford Cara Garbellotto Mitchell Gilmour Royce Goss Lena Hegel Aaron Highlands Shannon Highlands Samuel Howe Jacinta Kennedy Lea Klinkhammer Gina Kurki Jordan Lalicz Luke Opray Samuel Pike Ryan Roberts Tyla Smith Zak Taylor Marcus Traucnieks Mitchell Trickey Pauline Waschkeit Gary Wellman Samuel Wood Facilitator Apply First Aid Bronze Medallion Dan Stewart Colin Bachelard Victoria Bachelard Chloe Blake Karen Bloor Issam Boashash Amaya Braid Facilitator Surf Rescue Certificate Richard Andrews Dan Stewart IRB Crew Certificate Victoria Bachelard Lizzy Bagnall Ashleigh Blake Chloe Blake Amaya Braid Ella Brennan Jack Bryson Ethan Crisp Vinicius Dias Andrew Egoroff Will Evans Mitchell Gilmour Sarah Grimshaw Lena Hegel Aaron Highlands Shannon Highlands Samuel Howe Micah Jones Samuel Pike Antony Rapallo Kyle Rapallo Ryan Roberts Queensland 4WD Colin Bachelard Andrew Egoroff David Howe Gina Kurki Matthew Lincoln Samuel Morgan Samuel Pike Antony Rapallo Sue Rawlings Ryan Roberts Gordon Shears Gary Wellman Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Queensland Tractor Colin Bachelard Andrew Egoroff David Howe Gina Kurki Matthew Lincoln Samuel Morgan Samuel Pike Antony Rapallo Sue Rawlings Ryan Roberts Gordon Shears Gary Wellman Radio Operator Certificate Colin Bachelard Victoria Bachelard Chloe Blake Karen Bloor Issam Boashash Amaya Braid Ella Brennan Jack Bryson Ethan Crisp Meg Dunford Cara Garbellotto Janelle Gill Mitchell Gilmour Royce Goss Lena Hegel Aaron Highlands Shannon Highlands Samuel Howe Bryce Kennedy Lea Klinkhammer Gina Kurki Jordan Lalicz Matt Norling Scott O`Neill Luke Opray Samuel Pike Ryan Roberts Tyla Smith Marcus Traucnieks Mitchell Trickey Pauline Waschkeit Gary Wellman Samuel Wood Resuscitation Certificate Colin Bachelard Stuart Bachelard Victoria Bachelard Kirah Bembrick Karen Bloor Issam Boashash Amaya Braid Ella Brennan Barbara Bryson Jack Bryson Matthew Bryson Sebastian Cox Meg Dunford Cara Garbellotto Janelle Gill Mitchell Gilmour Royce Goss Lena Hegel Aaron Highlands Shannon Highlands Christopher Howe Charlotte Jensen Laticia Josephson Madelyn Kelley Lea Klinkhammer Gina Kurki Aidan McCabe Scott O`Neill Luke Opray Alexander Perilla Aidan Phelan Samuel Pike Cooper Pope Ryan Roberts Kaleb Schofield Jy Smart Tyla Smith Ruby Traucnieks Pauline Waschkeit Lance Wegner Gary Wellman Mackenzie Wood Samuel Wood Mitchell Gilmour Training Officer Radio Surf Rescue Certificate Susanne Damon Mary Farrell Sharon Kyme (CPR Endorsed) Victoria Bachelard Malachi Berlowitz David Braid Tom Bryson Bethany Clark Matthew Delahunty Christian Dennis Jade Gilmour Daniel Lincoln Jayden Paludan Jemima Smith Elise Thornton Alex Wilson Zak Young Training Officer Resuscitation Susanne Damon Mary Farrell Sharon Kyme Training Officer Surf Rescue Richard Andrews Susanne Damon Mary Farrell Sharon Kyme Silver Medallion Basic Beach Management Andrew Egoroff Alex Gage Mark Madden Marco Masia Samuel Pike Silver Medallion IRB Driver Samuel Pike Ryan Roberts Marco Masia Justin Wade Spinal Management Ashleigh Blake Amaya Braid 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 21 Surf Boat Captain’s Report T he drought is over for the Memory of Andy Frizzell Surf Boat which got its chance to taste the salty waters once again after a long wait in its home of homes the boat shed. But notably over all this season there was the happy bond amongst all members – juniors and seniors – growing stronger as the season progressed. With this happening, it only puts the future of the club in a positive direction. I would like to take this chance to acknowledge the positive way the Supporters Club Committee are working in with the Surf Life Saving Committee; this also is very positive for the future of Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club. November 2013 saw a number of members try to surf a surf boat. A dozen members turned up one Sunday morning expecting just to row out to sea and catch a wave, not knowing the front from the back of the boat. Well, now they know how to surf it up after a long time learning the basic skills. Only discipline, dedication and determination has got them this far. Now it’s up to the members to decide which direction and destination they would like to take surf boat rowing. 22 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Arnie Eussen The Surf Boat will continue through the winter, so all are welcome to come down and try it out. Yours in Surf Boat Life Saving. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 23 Youth Development Officer’s Report A Michelle Blake s the season has now come to an end, I feel grateful for all the members, trainers , staff, parents and of course our Seniors, that have put in so much effort to help make our youth Development Team such a success. The setup of our Facebook page was the start of more great things to come, with the communication lines open to the younger members who don’t read their emails but will always read their Facebook messages!! The posting of photos and events quickly led to a growth in interest in being a part of events that were on offer. Some events that were definitely a highlight and created a big bond with our seniors were… Mt Warning Walk The Beach Bash Annual Australia Day Surfing Comp Stradbroke Island Patrolling Weekend Christmas Party Youth Excellence Ball Palmy Seniors Club Champs Youth Development fun Awards Night Dorm Sleepover (organised by Junior Club Captains) With all of that said, I would like to congratulate our Seniors. You are definitely a very talented group who have definitely done your club proud this season. 24 It is no wonder that we won The Most Improved Club on the Gold Coast for Youth Development!!! Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Junior Male Co-Captain’s Report Mitch Gilmour A big thank you to the parents who have helped through the season. Especially Michelle Blake, for organising all our events for the Youth Development Group this season. This year has been the best so far. All these events brought all the club members together, from all different age groups and abilities. It has created a fun atmosphere down at the club that we have not had for some years. My highlights for this year were: Stradbroke Island Trip Beach Bash Youth Development Ball Surf Boat Rowing State Carnivals Ocean 38 Carnival Sleepovers at the Dorm Annual Dinner - May Training with Nick and all the Seniors / Nippers Water Safety for Nippers and Carnivals Training with Team Xtreme – First Aid, Spinal Management, ART Training through the PBSLC – Bronze, Crews Early morning surfs with the other club members Senior Club Champs This year with our training we have produced the best results in Carnivals, both Senior and Junior. Thank you Nick Dennis for all the training you have given us through the season. Also a big thank you to Arnie for starting up the surf boat rowing at Palm Beach again. It has been the best fun I have had all season, catching waves in the boat. Looking forward to next season. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 25 Junior Male Co-Captain’s Report F or me, the 2013-2014 season has been a memorable one, with many highlights coming to mind: Beach Bash Youth Development Ball Stradbroke Island Trip All Carnivals Annual May Day Dinner Intensified training regime Awards achieved by Youth Development Crew Water Safety at Nippers Carnivals PATROLS Sleepovers at dormitories Youth Development Awards Night Pool Rescue Carnival MAJOR HIGHLIGHT: Morning surfs and general growing of club as a club; improving friendships etc. To begin with, the obvious must be stated. This club, now, in terms of its youth aspect is something that it hasn’t been for many years. The club is a close-knit community now; a club. This has only been possible because of the attitudes of the youth (under 14’s and up) crew and through the efforts of club officials; particularly Michelle Blake and Karen Bloor. Marcus Traucnieks Also, a special thank you to Lena Hegel, who this season has trained and patrolled with the club while on exchange from Germany. She has contributed to our club as a member and her efforts should be recognised. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we definitely enjoyed Lena’s involvement and we’ll miss her and wish her all the best in Germany when she leaves us. Lena said at our Annual Dinner that our club was her choice, what a compliment! There is one minor issue that I’d like to raise in this report. This is in regards to a lack of interest in swimming training in the club that isn’t healthy for competition. This year, on two occasions I’ve commenced an initiative (with the support of our Coach Nick) to try and encourage our club members; especially the youth development crew, to improve on their swimming; somewhat of a weakness for some of our members. Competitively, we can mix it on surf craft but at times fall behind when it comes to swimming. It would be encouraging to see more motivation from more members to compete better in all disciplines at our club. I believe the subtle, ongoing fostering of an overall “be more competitive” culture within our club could see growth in the competition and training side of our club. In recognising Karen; she organises everything official we do as a competitive unit i.e. carnivals and she also has been steadfast in her management of notifying people of what is happening at the Club. A big thank you must go to Karen. There’s also the wonderful, committed Michelle Blake. She has done everything for us this year. All that the Junior Co-Captains have enunciated in terms of season highlights has been attributed to Michelle. Words can’t describe what Michelle has done for the club and for the Youth Development Initiative this season but a massive thank you might suffice. Nick Dennis’s efforts as the club coach definitely need to be recognised also. He has transformed what was an inconsistent training programme into a high standard training regime that has served well in terms of carnival results this year. We definitely look forward to further training under Nick, a champion competitor himself. 26 That said, this season has definitely been a success. What about our “Most Improved Club” award? What an achievement! Also a big thankyou to the many people who do an array of tasks every week and without whom the wheels would fall off, to make our club great! If it was at all possible I would like the opportunity to be permitted, as one of the Junior Co-Captains, to sit in on the Committee meetings that Michelle Blake attends to perhaps give a “Youth” contribution and generally learn more about the workings of Our Club. Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Junior Female Captains’ Report Ashleigh & Te’a A s the season comes to an anticipated end, it is hard to dismiss the incomprehensible amount of fun that was had this summer. The Youth Development Program at our surf club has not only enhanced our season enjoyment tenfold, it has forged lifelong friendships and some of the most memorable moments of our and all the rest of the gang’s surf club life. The crew this season started off scattered through all areas of the club in their own separate little groups; the competitors, the casual patrollers, the newcomers, and the ones that never had a group to call theirs, and over what seemed a very short season the crew collected together to form a bond that will be forever inseparable. For many this was just Palm Beach SLSC and we were all just bunch of people who came together to patrol, but now we all call it our second home, our second family. Each and every member of the youth crew have racked up more patrolling hours than ever before, turning up to not only their own patrols but also volunteering on numerous other patrols. The crew collected together to form a bond that will be forever inseparable The immense array of expeditions, experiences and journeys we have immersed ourselves in this season are a reflection of the exponential growth we, as a surf club, are undergoing, and is exciting to witness and be a part of. From the first annual Straddie trip, to the world-class training, from flogging everyone in the Gold Coast Beach Bash, to the late night sleepovers at the club, and to transforming from the red and yellow daggy patrolling uniforms into suits and ties, dresses and heels, this season will be definitely one to remember. However, arguably one of the most prominent components of yesterseason that remains etched in our minds, that overwhelms us with a sense of pride every time we take that familiar stroll up and over the concrete ramp of Palm Beach Surf Club, is the fact that we know that all the friends we consolidated over the season will be there, out on their boards, swimming or anything in between, waiting for you with open arms to enjoy the ocean and the collaborative involvement it provides. A massive thanks to the best Youth Development officer; Michelle Blake , to the senior clubbies, trainers, parents and everyone in-between that have been involved in creating such a spectacular and unforgettable season for the youth crew. It cannot be put into words how immensely proud we are as the Junior Female Captains to see this happen right before our eyes. Being together: that was, and still is, the best part about being a 2013-14 member of the Palm Beach SLSC Youth Development crew. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 Ashleigh Blake and Te’a Peluso 27 Coach’s Report W hat a season it has been! Looking back over the Past 12 months I don't think anyone would have predicted the amount of growth we have had in what used to be our “small” club. After a slow start to the season our senior squad really stepped up and our numbers increased dramatically which saw a dedicated group of seniors training week after week. I am so happy to say that both our Junior and Senior squads are now stronger than ever. Below are some of my highlights of the season: Junior and Senior squads are now stronger then ever I started the season with the challenging task of taking on both the Junior and Senior coaching roles. The nipper squad was booming and we had loads of momentum from a great season in 2012-2013. However our senior squad had dwindled away over the previous years and was lacking direction. 28 Our Juniors’ performance at Nipper branch! Such an awesome effort at this carnival with the best results we had seen at a nipper carnival for years. We shone on the beach and also in the water! for the first time. The Australia Day surfing competition really showed how close our Junior and Senior clubs are with nippers and adults all surfing together showing off their skills and most importantly having a great time. Our first Senior Club Championships in years. We had around 30 competitors take part in 6 challenging and fun events. Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Nick Dennis Thank you to everyone who has helped out over the last year. I would especially like to thank the Junior and Senior committee for supporting me with all endeavours, officials, water safety, parents, and competitors for all your hard work throughout the season. The Australia Day surfing competition showed how close our Junior and Senior clubs are Senior Carnival Results Point Danger Branch Senior Championships 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th U15 Male Beach Flags U17 Female Ironwoman U17 Male Beach Relay U17 Male Beach Sprint U17 Male Surf Board Relay U17 Female Surf Board Marcus Traucnieks Ashleigh Blake Mitchell Gilmour, Aaron Kennedy, Marcus Traucnieks, Kyle Wegner Mitchell Gilmour Mitchell Gilmour, Marcus Traucnieks, Kyle Wegner Ashleigh Blake 2014 QLD Senior Championships 4th U17 Male 2km Beach Run Kyle Rapallo Point Danger Branch Pool Rescue Competition 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 4th 4th U15 Male 100m Manikin Carry with Fins U13 Female 100m Obstacles U15 Male 100m Manikin Carry with Fins U15 Male 100m Manikin Tow with Fins U15 Male 200m Obstacles U15 Male 50m Manikin Carry U19 Female 100m Manikin Carry with Fins U19 Female 50m Manikin Carry U13 Male 100m Obstacles U19 Female 100m Manikin Tow with Fins Open Male 4x50m Medley Relay U13 Male 100m Obstacles U13 Male 50m Brick Carry U17 Male 100m Manikin Tow with Fins U17 Male 200m Obstacles Marcus Traucnieks Ruby Traucnieks Alex Wilson Marcus Traucnieks Marcus Traucnieks Marcus Traucnieks Lena Hegel Lena Hegel Aidan Phelan Lena Hegel Mitchell Gilmour, Paul Phelan, Samuel Pike Sebastian Cox Aidan Phelan Mitchell Gilmour Mitchell Gilmour 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 29 Team Manager’s Report T he 2013-14 season saw small numbers of competitors representing Palm Beach SLSC at various carnivals throughout the season. Carnivals included: Cudgen, Oceans 38, Point Danger Branch, Queensland State Titles, and Australian Titles. Board riding competitions at the Gold Coast and Queensland State Board Riding Titles were also included. Oceans 38 Series Our competitors came from the U14s, U15s, and U17s. Each representative gave their best every time, whether in the water or on the beach. U14s: U15s: U17s: Club representatives in beach and water events included: U14s: U15s: U17s: Alex Wilson, Matt Delahunty, Jade Gilmour Marcus Traucnieks, Aaron Kennedy, Kyle Wegner, Chloe Blake Mitch Gilmour, Kyle Rapallo, Ashleigh Blake This carnival was held over 3 rounds and consisted of water events only. It was quite similar to State Titles, with clubs coming from all around Queensland, and competition was tough. We had 5 competitors competing throughout the series with many competitors progressing through heats and qualifying for quarter finals: Alex Wilson, Jade Gilmour Marcus Traucnieks, Aaron Kennedy Mitch Gilmour Point Danger Branch Titles, Currumbin Beach For this carnival, Palm Beach had eight competitors competing and finished 8th overall. A lot of fun was had by all. U15s: U17s: Marcus Traucnieks, Aaron Kennedy, Kyle Wegner, Chloe Blake. Mitch Gilmour, Kyle Rapallo, Ashleigh Blake Team spirit was excellent and great to be a part of, with all competitors supporting each other in different arenas and competitors competing in additional events to enable teams to be made. Cudgen Senior Carnival, Cudgen Beach NSW This was a great little carnival across the border, allowing our members the opportunity to team up with other clubs to compete in team events. We all had great time and a much laid back and enjoyable carnival. Participants were: U14s: U15s: U17s: Jade Gilmour Marcus Traucnieks, Aaron Kennedy, Kyle Wegner, Chloe Blake Mitch Gilmour, Ashleigh Blake Competitor Result Marcus Traucnieks 3rd U15 Beach Flags Mitch Gilmour 4th U17 Beach Sprint 5th U17 Beach Flags 30 Competitor Result Marcus Traucnieks 2nd U15 Beach Flags 5th U15 Board Race 5th U15 Ironman Mitch Gilmour 3rd U17 Beach Sprint 5th U17 Beach Flags 6th U17 Ironman Ashleigh Blake 2nd U17 Ironwoman 4th U17 Board Race Mitch Gilmour, Aaron Kennedy, Marcus Traucnieks, 3rd U17 Male Beach Relay Mitch Gilmour, Marcus Traucnieks, 3rd U17 Male Board Relay Queensland State Titles, North Kirra Palm Beach had five competitors competing in tough competition over a three-day period. Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Tony Kennedy Congratulations to all competing and trying their best throughout the carnival. U15s: U17s: Marcus Traucnieks, Chloe Blake. Mitch Gilmour, Kyle Rapallo, Ashleigh Blake Particular congratulations to Kyle Rapallo for a fine state-level effort with the club’s best result: 4th in the 2km beach run. Australian Titles, Scarborough Beach Matt Delahunty was the only Palm Beach member to compete at the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships at Scarborough Beach in WA. Gold Coast Board Riding Competitor Result Alex Wilson 1st U14 Male Ruby Traucnieks 1st U13 Female Ido Konatsu 1st U12 Female Kirah Bembrick 2nd U13 Female Beau Smart 3rd U11 Male Laticia Josephson 4th U13 Female WINNERS OF THE CARNIVAL – GOLD COAST RIDING CHAMPIONS FOR 2014 Club Championships Saturday 3 May saw the return of the Palmy Club Championships, after an absence of many years. 30 competitors participated in water, beach and novelty events, and much fun was had by all. Matt competed up a year, in the U15 division, in the board riding and board race events. Matt did himself and his club proud by being the last nipper in Australia to make it to the semi-final of the board race. Board Riding Titles Once again we have seen success in the competition of surf board riding in SLSC Sports. Over previous years we have had great results in this area and it is tremendous that we are once again the club showing the results on the podium. These board riding competitions are held in age groups from U11s to Masters. We had great results at both carnivals and congratulations to all who competed at both events, especially to the members listed below Queensland State Board Riding Competitor Result Alex Wilson 1st U14 Male Ruby Traucnieks 2nd U13 Female It would be great to see some of these competitors competing at inter-club carnivals. The more numbers we have, the more teams we can enter. GO PALMY! As Team manager, I would like to send out a big thankyou to all our competitors. They may not always have got the results that they wished for, but they always had smiles on their faces and supported other members at all times. I can say that I am very proud of all our members in their dedication and making sure the blue and white was represented with pride .To all the parents and helpers, thanks for the unwavering support on and off the beach. Finally a huge thanks to Nick Dennis, our club coach, who has again given our competitors an excellent preparation, as well as support and encouragement at all times throughout the season. A huge thanks also to Karen Bloor for all the behind the scenes work she does for our competitors through the surf club office. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 31 Senior Club Championships Event 1st 2nd 3rd Female Emily Rawlings Jade Gilmour Chloe Blake Male Jayden Erskine Mitchell Gilmour Marcus Traucnieks World Body Surfing Championships Female Jade Gilmour Emily Rawlings Ashleigh Blake Male Ben Gill Jayden Erskine Mitchell Gilmour Headless Chicken Flags Female Emily Rawlings Victoria Bachelard Te’a Peluso Male Mitchell Gilmour Sam Howe Sebastian Cox Female Laticia Josephson / Ruby Traucnieks Male Alex Wilson Jayden Erskine Marcus Traucnieks Female Laticia Josephson Victoria Bachelard Shelley Roberts Male Ben Gill Mitchell Gilmour Jayden Erskine Handicap Surf Race Board Race Beach Sprint Palmy Relay 32 Jade Gilmour Kyle Rapallo, Jade Gilmour, Combined Laticia Josephson, Sebastian Cox, Jayden Erskine Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 2013-2014 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 33 Transport Officer’s Report Tony Rapallo T he 2013-2014 season has been one for discussion regarding the future of our existing vehicles. The club four-wheel drive is well and truly at the end of its life and decisions need to be made regarding its future and possible replacement. After much discussion, the committee have endorsed me to look at options that are best fit for all facets of the club. Therefore, after consultation with representatives from junior activities, youth development, senior activities and education and training, it was my recommendation to look at a replacement. I have specifically recommended looking at a 12-seater bus such as a Toyota Commuter that is most suitable for the diverse groups and their associated activities. Therefore, the club will be looking at a grant application in the near future to acquire a commuter vehicle that has limited restrictions on driver credentials other than an open licence. I am hoping to combine a grant application, trade in and assistance from the supporter’s club to meet the club needs. A 12seater vehicle could be utilised in many ways, such as: Assisting the members from Brisbane with travel and collections Youth development programs Fundraising Travel to carnivals Education programs Supplement the supporter’s club operations The 22-seater bus has once again assisted the club income stream via quarterly donations for use from 34 Elanora High (income of approximately: $7000 and outgoing approximately: $3000 a year). Although the club gets minimal use throughout the season for its operations, there is a clear tracked financial benefit to our club. Without this resource, the surf life-saving curriculum at the school would likely fold. The community partnership with the high school is well established and one we should continue to foster and promote. Hopefully more interest in life saving at the school will continue and the club benefits from future membership. The bus is in very good shape mechanically due to regular maintenance and minimal kilometres driven per year. It was great to see the youth development members enjoy their time attending the Straddie camp and youth development ball at Bond University, whereby travel in the bus was so beneficial. It is on these occasions that members appreciate having such a vehicle. We are very fortunate. Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Administrator’s Report T Karen Bloor hanks to all members who welcomed me and who I got to know over the season for your support, which has helped me get to know what Surf Life Saving is all about and the love members have for their Club. It has been a truly awesome year and I have learnt a lot from you all. In the role of Administrator you see everything regardless, plus you are involved directly or indirectly with every aspect of how the Surf Club runs. So “full on” would be a word I would use to describe this role. I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved. Knowing that all the roles are voluntary, I was more than happy to help out when required. By doing this you get to understand all so to speak. What is great is that members drop in to see me about all aspects: Training, Carnival, Awards, Fundraising, and so on, or just to have a chat which generally turned into a something for the club. Also all the members always call out when they come to surf or training or just walking by. I really appreciate that, and it made me more aware of how important this role is to the members and the community. Well, Saturday mornings were a real eye opener and a big learning curve for me and the new committee, but so much fun. Everyone is involved – “it’s all happening” – which is awesome. I would get here at 7am and the dads would have it sorted, which was great. Once Nippers started then the Brissie crew (“the Sams”) would come and check on me, making sure I had a coffee and was OK! And this happened all season – the members made sure I was OK. Our patrollers save lives and that’s what this is all about Then there was Proficiencies and Awards (aka “scary stuff”), but with the help of Dan “Pesky” Stewart I learnt a hell of a lot. We now have a system in place that works and we are setting up a training template for each season. Thanks Dan for your patience, but we got there. Also with the support of Branch – Kerrie, Kat and Rachel – they are a very switched-on team, and we are very lucky to have them. Doing the Bronze Medallion Course this year with my bestie Janelle Gill made me realise why there is so much training, why there is so much paperwork. When doing this course all active members contribute to your training, whether they are there with you in the water to ensure your safety, or in the training room doing demos for you to understand why all aspects are important because our patrollers save lives and that’s what this is all about. Within this role I have developed a great relationship with the Supporters Club, and we work well together – so thanks to you all for your support and help throughout the year. With the support of Troy Kling with his nonfuffly persona, which works for me, we had a great year so 2014-2015 should be a ripper. See you then, and once again thanks to you all for your help and support. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 35 Nipper Report T hank you to everyone for their contribution and support of the Palm Beach Nippers for the 2013 -2014 season. We were fortunately blessed with one of the better summer seasons of good weather and surf conditions to match. The season saw the election of a new and enthusiastic Junior Activities Committee (JAC) who were all very inexperienced in managing and coordinating the Nippers activities however the “Team Attitude” and willingness to achieve the outcomes planned during the winter months was tremendous… One of the major deliverables for the new JAC was the vision of developing confident Nippers in a fun and safe beach environment which was achieved. Awards throughout the season. Thanks Dan and our Age Managers for your time and patience with our Nippers teaching them the important core lifesaving skills. Socially this season saw the Nippers and parents have lots of fun and great laughs at the well organised Halloween party held at the Club followed by an enjoyable Christmas party down at the Estuary Parklands where everyone had a fun afternoon of games and novelty relays. The safety of our 240 registered children on the beach and in the surf was paramount and the introduction by the club of the high-visibility (fluorescent pink) ‘rashie’ vests during all nipper sessions was very welcomed. Surprisingly the older boys hardly took them off! Also greatly appreciated was the increase in Water Safety numbers on Saturday mornings, especially by the past nippers who are now part of the Senior Club youth crew. This was also a big contributing factor to the success of the Nippers this season. The JAC and Nippers would like to thank and acknowledge the past efforts of our previous Junior committees of Mark Madden, David Lincoln, and Tony and Marie Kennedy for their assistance and mentoring throughout the transition into this season. Also thank you to all the Senior Club Members who were so supportive of the Juniors at Saturday activities and especially carnivals throughout the season. With the guidance of Dan Stewart and Age Managers, our Nippers successfully achieved their Surf Lifesaving 36 Congratulations to our Nipper Captains of the 2013-14 season as voted by their peers: Male: Alex Wilson Female: Jade Gilmore Well done Alex and Jade! Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Gary Fraser Competitively this season saw many Palm Beach Juniors amongst the winners with outstanding results at all the carnivals and competitions attended. The strong results were due to the high participation by our Nippers this season with a team of 45 competing at the State Junior Championships at North Kirra and similar numbers attending the Branch Championships. The all-age nipper carnival at Byron Bay (Far North Coast NSW Branch) in December attracted a large team that enjoyed a great weekend away. In addition we competed strongly in the Gold Coast City Titles, Branch Little Dudes, State Endurance events and Gold Coast Board Riding Championships where the Palmy team won the Teams Trophy. Thank you goes to Gus Wilson for the Board riding Trophies he handmade for all that competed. Many of our Nippers achieved top 10 placings and the team looked great in their Palm Beach gear and were very well behaved. It was a real group effort in very trying conditions, especially with the Carnival being placed on hold on the Saturday and eventually moving to Currumbin Creek for Sunday finals. This is such a great achievement and you should all be very proud of yourselves! The Club’s Queensland State placegetters were: Queensland State Junior Titles Result Competitors Gold U12 Male Beach Relay Riley Winter, Jonah Berlowitz, Luke Shipton, Silver 13 Male Beach Sprint Tom Bryson Bronze U14 Male 2km Beach Run Malachi Berlowitz Bronze U13 Female Beach Sprint Charische Miller Bronze U11 Female Beach Flags Taylor Ryan Queensland State Board Riding Titles Result Competitors Gold U14 Male Alex Wilson Silver U13 Female Ruby Traucnieks Queensland State Endurance Titles The Palm Beach Junior State Team was honoured this season at a State Dinner held at the Club thanks to the Supporters Club. The dinner saw the return of two former Nipper Captains Karla Gilbert and Tim Delahunty who delivered inspiring speeches and presented the competitors with their Club uniforms. The dinner obviously inspired the team when competing a few days later with five medals won and the club placing 16th in the Overall Club Points Score and 3rd for the Handicap Club Points Score. Result Competitors Gold U12 2km Beach Run Sam McAulilffe Congratulations to all of our Under 14’s moving on to the Senior Club next season. We wish you all every success for a smooth transition and we thank you for your contribution to Palm Beach Nippers, you have done yourselves, your families and the Club proud. Thanks also to our U14 Age Managers Cam Delahunty and Gus Wilson for the guidance and experience that you have passed down to these great examples of youth involved in the Palm Beach community. Finally a big thank you to everyone involved with the Nippers during the season from parents, Team/Age Mangers, Gear Stewards, Water Safety, IRB Drivers & Crew, BBQ Kings, the committee and of course our congratulations to all of our wonderful nippers on a fantastic effort this season. See you on the beach! 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 37 Nipper Championship Awards Under 14s Award Female Male 1st Age Champion Jade Gilmore Malachi Berlowitz nd Bethany Clark Alex Wilson rd 3 Age Champion Komaki Ido Daniel Lincoln Water Champion Jade Gilmour Alex Wilson Beach Champion Komaki Ido Malachi Berlowitz 1st Age Champion Ruby Traucnieks Jy Smart 2nd Age Champion Kirah Bembrick Christopher Howe 3rd Age Champion Laticia Josephson Sebastian Cox Water Champion Ruby Traucnieks Christopher Howe Beach Champion Kirah Bembrick Jy Smart 1 Age Champion Konatsu Ido Luke Shipton 2nd Age Champion Jaeda Leyshon Luke Fraser 3rd Age Champion Kira Thornton Sam McAuliffe Water Champion Konatsu Ido & Jaeda Leyshon Sam McAuliffe Beach Champion Konatsu Ido Luke Shipton 2 Age Champion Under 13s Under 12s 38 st Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Under 11s Under 10s Under 9s Award Female Male 1st Age Champion Mia Picton Beau Smart 2nd Age Champion Taylor Ryan Kaya Mukai 3rd Age Champion Jade Britton Leroy Cane Water Champion Mia Picton Beau Smart Beach Champion Taylor Ryan Kaya Mukai 1st Age Champion Taylor Hastie Beau Shipton 2nd Age Champion Amelia Johnson Kyle Winter 3rd Age Champion Tayla Miller Russell Thornton Water Champion Taylor Hastie Beau Shipton Beach Champion Amelia Johnson Beau Shipton st Cinamin Berlowitz Lachlan Fraser nd Indya Jones Jesse Reid rd 3 Age Champion Samantha Jennings Oscar Cooper Water Champion Cinamin Berlowitz Lachlan Fraser Beach Champion Cinamin Berlowitz Lachlan Fraser 1st Age Champion Mahlee Peate Rory Withers 2nd Age Champion Alana Picton Beau Lester-Sutherland 3rd Age Champion Kaela McAtamney Oliver Opray Water Champion Mahlee Peate Rory Withers Beach Champion Mahlee Peate Rory Withers 1 Age Champion 2 Age Champion Under 8s 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 39 Nipper Carnival Results 2013 QLD Endurance Championships 1st U12 Male 2km Beach Run Wave Warriors Junior Challenge 2nd 3rd 4th 4th U13 Male Beach Flags U11 Male Beach Flags U10 Female Beach Flags U13 Male Beach Flags Samuel McAuliffe Christopher Howe Beau Smart Amelia Johnson Jy Smart Gold Coast U11-U14 Junior Titles 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 4th U12 Female Beach Flags U11 Female Beach Flags U11 Female Beach Sprint U12 Male Beach Sprint U13 Female Beach Flags U12 Male Beach Flags U13 Female Beach Flags U14 Male Surf Board Konatsu Ido Tiarna Bembrick Tiarna Bembrick Luke Francis Kirah Bembrick Luke Francis Laticia Josephson Matthew Delahunty Little Dudes Carnival 2nd U8 Male Beach Flags 2nd U10 Male Beach Flags 4th U10 Female Wade Rory Withers Beau Shipton Taylor Hastie Gold Coast U11-Masters Boardriding Championships 1st 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 4th U12 Female Surf Board Riding U13 Female Surf Board Riding U14 Male Surf Board Riding U13 Female Surf Board Riding U11 Male Surf Board Riding U13 Female Surf Board Riding 40 Konatsu Ido Ruby Traucnieks Alex Wilson Kirah Bembrick Beau Smart Laticia Josephson Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. PDB U11-U14 Championships 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th U12 Male 1km Beach Run U12 Male Beach Relay U13 Female Beach Flags U13 Male Beach Sprint U14 Male 2km Beach Run U14 Male Surf Board Relay U11 Female Beach Flags U12 Male 1km Beach Run U12 Male Beach Sprint U13 Male Beach Flags U14 Male Cameron Relay U11 Female 1km Beach Run U11 Female Beach Relay U11 Female Beach Sprint U12 Female Beach Flags U12 Male 1km Beach Run U12 Male Beach Sprint U12 Male Surf Board Relay U13 Female Beach Relay U13 Female Surf Board Relay U14 Male Surf Board Race U11 Female Beach Flags 4th U11-U14 Mixed Beach Relay 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th U12 Female Beach Flags U12 Male Beach Relay U12 Male Cameron Relay U13 Female Surf Board Race U13 Female Surf Board Rescue U13 Male Beach Relay U13 Male Cameron Relay U13 Male Surf Board Race U13 Male Surf Board Relay U13 Male Surf Team U14 Male Beach Relay Jonah Berlowitz Jonah Berlowitz, Luke Francis, Luke Shipton, Riley Winter Kirah Bembrick Tom Bryson Malachi Berlowitz Malachi Berlowitz, Matthew Delahunty, Alex Wilson Taylor Ryan Samuel McAuliffe Riley Winter Tom Bryson Malachi Berlowitz, Tom Bryson, Matthew Delahunty, Alex Wilson Tiarna Bembrick Tiarna Bembrick, Jade McAtamney, Kia Pope, Taylor Ryan Tiarna Bembrick Konatsu Ido Brayden Walton Jonah Berlowitz Jonah Berlowitz, Luke Francis, Samuel McAuliffe Kirah Bembrick, Laticia Josephson, Madelyn Kelley, Ruby Traucnieks Kirah Bembrick, Laticia Josephson, Ruby Traucnieks Matthew Delahunty Tiarna Bembrick Tiarna Bembrick, Kirah Bembrick, Malachi Berlowitz, Jonah Berlowitz, Matthew Delahunty, Luke Francis, Jy Smart, Beau Smart Karly Bourke Luke Fraser, Andrew O`Neill, Daniel Reid, Brayden Walton Luke Francis, Harry Tas, Brayden Walton, Riley Winter Ruby Traucnieks Laticia Josephson, Ruby Traucnieks Sebastian Cox, Christopher Howe, Aidan Phelan, Jy Smart Christopher Howe, Aidan Phelan, Cooper Pope, Jy Smart Christopher Howe Sebastian Cox, Christopher Howe, Jy Smart Sebastian Cox, Christopher Howe, Cooper Pope, Lance Wegner Malachi Berlowitz, Tom Bryson, Matthew Delahunty, Daniel Lincoln 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 41 2014 QLD Board Riding Championships 1st U14 Male Surf Board Riding 2nd U13 Female Surf Board Riding Alex Wilson Ruby Traucnieks PDB U8-U10 Carnival 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th U8 Female Wade U10 Male Beach Flags U10 Male Beach Sprint U8 Female Beach Flags U8 Male Wade U10 Male Wade U8 Female Wade U10 Female Beach Flags Alana Picton Beau Shipton Beau Shipton Mahlee Peate Beau Lester-Sutherland Beau Shipton Alice Jensen Amelia Johnson 2014 QLD Junior Surf Life Saving Championships 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th U12 Male Beach Relay U13 Male Beach Sprint U11 Female Beach Flags U13 Female Beach Sprint U14 Male 2km Beach Run U11 Female Beach Sprint U13 Female Beach Flags 42 Jonah Berlowitz, Luke Francis, Luke Shipton, Riley Winter Tom Bryson Taylor Ryan Charische Miller Malachi Berlowitz Tiarna Bembrick Laticia Josephson Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Junior Development Awards Gained 2013-2014 Surf Play 1 Siana Barker Zeke Chisholm Declan Cole Phoenix Cole Cooper Flaherty Matisse Francis Courtney Glen Riley Herreygers Taylah Hickey Eryn Hook Kailani Hurley Leia Ido Ella James Molly Keegan Oliver Kennedy Cruz Loffler Harrison Mead Angelina Perugino Asher Poznanovich Gabrielle Reid Charlee Rossberg Harrison Scurrah Angus Thomson Elijah Welsh Huntah Wilson Brock Withers Surf Play 2 Talita Bosse Hayden Campbell Noah Carter Charlotte Cooper Levi Crisp Tyron Date Oliver Dillon Dane Fraser Chloe Gregory Laura Gregory Shaun Hastie Callum Hatten Holly Jones Corey Jordan Ella Lincoln Jack Lynch Rose Overton-Locke Isaac Robert Jace Robinson Thomas Scurrah Sofi Shipton Noah Smith Oliver Thomson Amalie Van Drimmelen Amber Winter Surf Aware 1 Daniel Baird Elias Berlowitz Nicholas Britton Joely Chapple Max Chisholm Joel Crane Declan Field Noah Gregory Havana Hayden-Smith Matthew Heppell Cory Hook Maximo Jennings Alice Jensen Star Jessup Harvey Johnson Zach Keegan Tiffany-Rose Kimeklis Beau Lester-Sutherland River Loffler Marley Martin Olivia Masia Kaela McAtamney Jonthan McDoid Jasper O`Neill Oliver opray Mahlee Peate Lucinda Phelan Alana Picton Max Rossberg Catherine Statham Rhys Thornton Rory Withers Surf Aware 2 Cinamin Berlowitz Jake Campbell Ryan Cane Izaac Clark Annabelle Close-Innis Oscar Cooper Lachlan Fraser Ella Glen Jed Gregory Samantha Jennings Indya Jones Annie Kennedy Ryan Lincoln Dharma Martin Sam McDonald Zara Nunan Fynn Paludan Caleb Perugino Jacqueline Phelan Jesse Reid Caleb Robert Emilee Robinson Cierra Ryan Kye Silver jack Smith Elle Spicer Charli Tas Seth Welsh Tyson Winter Ryan Withers Surf Safe 1 Keely Crane Gabriel Crisp Grace David-Tooze Hugh Dennis Joshua Drummond Hannah Gregory Taylor Hastie Ayla Hook Zax Jessup Amelia Johnson Kate Mahon Tayla Miller Abbey Schofield Beau Shipton Russell Thornton Aimee Wattam Kyle Winter Harmony Yarrow Surf Safe 2 Madeleine Bachelard Tiarna Bembrick Jade Britton Leroy Cane Emma Carter Nick Close-Innis Luci David-Tooze Cecilia Egoroff Chloe Glen Thomas Jensen Charli Kelley Charis Mansbridge Mitchell Masia Karlee Mayer Jade McAtamney Kaya Mukai Mia Picton Kia Pope Taylor Ryan Beau Smart Loren Walton Zali Welsh Tyra Young Surf Smart 1 Chelsea Asser Jonah Berlowitz Karly Bourke Rebecca Correa Mendes Destiny Crisp Sienna Davis Luke Francis Luke Fraser Caleb Gregory Angelina Hickey Konatsu Ido Charlie Johnson Bridgette Kennedy Jaeda Leyshon Samuel McAuliffe Jessica McMahon 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 Andrew O`Neill Sam Paludan Markus Perilla Daniel Reid Luke Shipton Erin Smith Harry Tas Kira Thornton Brayden Walton Riley Winter Ty Yarrow Surf Smart 2 Cody Armstrong Stuart Bachelard Thomas Baddeley Kirah Bembrick Telesa Burnett Zali Cheffers Sebastian Cox Elly Hennessey Christopher Howe Charlotte Jensen Laticia Josephson Madelyn Kelley Sienna Mansbridge Chelsea Mayer Aidan McCabe Charische Miller Lachlan Peate Alexander Perilla Aidan Phelan Cooper Pope Kaleb Schofield Jy Smart Ruby Traucnieks Claire Valek Mackenzie Wood 43 End of Season Awards President’s Shield—Tony Rapallo Life Saver of the Year—Sam Morgan President’s award—most distinguished club member. Best all-round patrol member. Palm Beach SLS Supporter’s Club Trophy—Michelle Blake Karen Andrews Dedicated Service Award—Dan Stewart Best senior club person (18+). Active member who has gone well beyond the call of duty. The Lancaster Memorial Trophy—Alex Wilson The Rapallo Family Trophy—Tom Bryson Distinguished individual achievement in surf competition. 44 Distinguished individual achievement in beach competition. Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. The Spink Family Trophy—Ashleigh Blake Mary & Andy Frizzell Memorial Trophy—Marcus Traucnieks Best junior club person (15-17 years). Best cadet club person (13-15 years SRC). Margaret May Encouragement Award—Jade Gilmour Maurie Webb Shield—Sam Pike Most improved cadet / junior club person. Best new club member. Top Three Patrol Hours Member Mitchell Gilmour Te’a Peluso Sam Morgan Hours 315.5 244.0 190.5 Fundraiser of the Year—Brisbane Crew 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 45 Sponsors, Supporters and Donors Palm Beach (Qld) SLSC gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance given to us throughout the year, which ensures the essential operation of our Surf Rescue equipment and vital Life Saving services. We appreciate your support in our efforts to serve the community through our commitment to keeping our beaches and surrounds safe. Donations Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Supporters Club Inc – We greatly appreciate your continued assistance. Thank you to the following organisations and contributors who have assisted this life saving season: Grants Point Danger Branch Neumann Petroleum – Thank you for the fuel, oil Gold Coast City Council—Rebate on rates and grease supplies for our surf rescue equipment. Surf Life Saving Queensland—Sustainability Fund Justin Wade & Midas at Tingalpa – Thank you for overhauling the ATV and other repairs during the offseason. Queensland Government Roy’s Auto Care – Thank you for the provision of discounted service and maintenance of our vehicles. Gaming & Racing Community Benefit Fund— Patrol trailer and gym equipment Get Going Grant—Surf Life Saving Equipment and rescue boards Get Going Grant—To upgrade club website 46 ROY’S AUTO CARE Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Midcoast Marine—Thank you for the provision of Wendys, The Pines discounted service and maintenance of our IRBs. We also take this opportunity to thank the many members, patrons and community members who have purchased raffle tickets, made donations during our annual Surf Safe Appeal, or donated funds to the club this year. Your contribution is very gratefully received and appreciated. Thanks also to nippers dad Cesar Perilla and former club member Mark Waters from Today Homes for their help raising funds through Boardies Day. Surf Safe Appeal & Boardies Day We take this opportunity to thank the following centres for their support during our largest fundraiser, the annual Surf Safe Appeal and for allowing our Nippers to raise much needed funds for the club and for the State Titles uniforms: Big W Stores at Robina and Toowoomba We would also like to thank Big W at Stocklands (Burleigh) and Robina for allowing us to collect outside their stores during the year. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the Surf Life Saving Foundation for their donation of $2000 to add to our total collected during the Surf Safe Appeal and Boardies Day. The Pines Shopping Centre, Elanora 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 47 Vale Harry Edwards 21 October 1935 - December 2013 The funeral of a great Club Man, a Life Member and past Office Bearer including Club President- one Harry Edwards, aged 78- was held on Thursday, December 12 in the Chapel of Gregson and Weight, Caloundra. We remember Harry, his wife Marcia and their family for the significant contribution the family made to Palm Beach Queensland SLSC over an extended number of years. Harry originally retired to Palm Beach but later moved to Caloundra. A great man, always positive and an unfussable but efficient leader. Harry and Marcia also have 7 grandchildren who will miss their "Poppa" very much. Harry loved his swimming and it is believed he passed away while involved in a swim session. His spirit is probably still somewhere in the vicinity of the old Clubhouse verandah, watching and waiting for that special wave. R.I.P. Harry Edwards Vale Arthur Sweeney Your Club sadly informs you of the death of our past member Arthur Sweeney following a battle against the ravages of cancer. Arthur died in the comforting presence of his mother and family members at around 6pm on Thursday June 5th. Arthur served as a member for many years from the early 60’s when he first joined as a junior with his schoolmates Russel Gilmour and Peter Pownall. 30 June 1948 - 5 June 2014 His enthusiasm for ski paddling led to many competition distinctions, including the honour of partnering our legend paddler George Marshall on the double. Those who knew Arthur will remember him as a great and reliable lifesaver willing to take risks to help others, a bit of a scallywag who kept the place alive, a fiercely proud Palm Beach member who always remembered us. "Meat Head" as he was fondly nicknamed has probably scrounged a paddle from St. Peter and is off to find George for a final triumphant paddle through the blue ocean sky and the white-capped cloud. A group of newer and older members of Palm Beach SLSC joined family and those others paying respect and tribute to Arthur at his funeral service held at Carbrook. R.I.P. Arthur Sweeney Arthur Sweeney (rear) with George Marshall in 1967 48 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 49 Officers Honour Board Year President 1930-31 Tom King Jack Church 1931-32 Tom King Dave Corbett 1932-33 Tom King Dave Corbett 1933-34 Tom King John Stewart 1934-35 Bill Keogh John Stewart 1935-36 Bill Keogh John Stewart 1936-37 Bill Keogh Rod Knight 1937-38 Bill Keogh Rod Knight 1938-39 Harry Griffith Andy Frizzell Jack Cartledge 1939-40 Harry Griffith Ron Knight Frank Byrne / Tom Walsh 1940-41 Harry Griffith Tom Walsh Bob Hull 1941-42 Andy Frizzell Tom Walsh Bob Hull 1942-43 Andy Frizzell Reg Gilmeister / A. Crank A. Crank / Danny Mullins 1943-44 Andy Frizzell A. Crank Danny Mullins / Ian Elford 1944-45 Andy Frizzell Ian Elford Danny Mullins 1945-46 Andy Frizzell Reg Gilmeister Ian Elford 1946-47 Andy Frizzell Tom Murphy Harry Rowden 1947-48 Andy Frizzell Roy Pascoe Ken Francis 1948-49 Andy Frizzell Ken Francis Ray Pascoe 1949-50 Andy Frizzell Ken Francis Keith Forsyth 1950-51 Andy Frizzell Harry Aldridge Ken Francis 1951-52 Andy Frizzell Harry Aldridge Ken Francis 1952-53 Andy Frizzell Ken Francis George Stone 1953-54 Andy Frizzell George Stone Vic Frizzell 1954-55 Andy Frizzell George Stone Vic Frizzell / Gil Graham 1955-56 Andy Frizzell Gil Graham Lloyd Aldridge 1956-S7 Andy Frizzell Jack Spencer Gil Graham 1957-58 Andy Frizzell Jack Spencer Don Kenway 1958-59 Andy Frizzell Don Kenway / Ivan Rojahn Ivan Rojahn / Guri Lluka 1959-60 Andy Frizzell Ivan Rojahn Col Muller 1960·61 Andy Frizzell Col Muller Fred Aldridge 1961-62 Andy Frizzell Barry Jukes Guri Lluka 1962-63 Andy Frizzell Jack Spencer Col Muller Peter Ward 1963-64 Jack Spencer Maurie Webb Col Muller Peter Ward 1964-65 Maurie Webb Jack Spencer Peter Ward Ian Comadira 1965-66 Andy Frizzell Maurie Webb Peter Ward Barry Howes 1966-57 Andy Frizzell Gil Graham Ian Gunn Warren Johnson 1967-68 Andy Frizzell Gil Graham Ian Gunn / Barry Howes Barry Howes / Les Joyce 1968-69 Andy Frizzell Gil Graham Ian Gunn / Barry Hayward Barry Hayward / Warren Johnson 1969-70 Gil Graham Maurie Webb Barry Hayward Peter Connell 1970-71 Gil Graham Maurie Webb Arthur Sweeney Bob Stockwell / Trevor Bone 1971-72 Gil Graham Maurie Webb Trevor Bone Barry Hawes 1972-73 Gil Graham Bob McPherson Trevor Bone Gary Greenwood 1973-74 Gil Graham Bob McPherson John Batchelor Ian Sarow 1974-75 Gil Graham Bob McPherson John Batchelor Lloyd Kenny 52 Deputy President Captain Vice Captain Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 1930-2014 Secretary Treasurer Chief Instructor Fred Cliff Jack Church Fred Cliff Tom King Bill McPhee Bob Stewart Boat Captain Bill McPhee Dave Summers Bob Stewart Bill McPhee / Dave Summers C. O'Keefe John McPhee Bill McPhee / Charlie Rowden John McPhee Charlie Rowden Dave Eaves Jack McCarthy Charlie Rowden Dave Eaves John McPhee Jack Anderson Jack Anderson / Alan Willing Andy Frizzell Cec Twist Jack Anderson Alan Willing / Harry Mellor Don Christenson Jack Ryrie Jack Briggs Harry Mellor Tom Walsh R. Wallace Harry Mellor Don Christenson Ted Donald Harry Mellor Andy Frizzell Eric Haynes Ted Donald Harry Mellor Dan Mullins Eric Haynes Ted Donald Harry Mellor Reg Gilmeister Eric Haynes Ted Donald Harry Mellor Ian Byrnes Jack McKain Ted Donald Harry Mellor Ron Morrow Alan Gray Phil Comadira / Jake Wilde Harry Mellor Norm Collins Alan Gray Phil Comadira Harry Mellor Alan Robinson Alan Gray Phil Comadira Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Alan Gray Phil Comadira Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Alan Gray Phil Comadira Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Alan Gray Phil Comadira / Alan Gray Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Alan Gray Maurie Webb Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Alan Gray Maurie Webb Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Gil Graham Maurie Webb Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Ivan Rojahn Maurie Webb Harry Mellor Ken Bagnall Ivan Rojahn Maurie Webb Harry Mellor Ken Bagnall John Dank Maurie Webb / Peter Ward Harry Mellor Jack Spencer Barry Milligan Dave Sams / John McLane Ron Coffey Jack Spencer Jack Spencer Nick Eden Ron Coffey Warren Johnson Col Muller Ron Coffey Ross Linnett Nick Eden Ron Coffey Ross Linnett Nick Eden Ron Coffey Keith Taske Ross Linnett / J White Ron Coffey Warren Johnson Ian Cowper Ron Coffey / Dick Felton Ian Gunn / Barry Hayward Peter Wyeth Dick Felton Barry Hayward Peter Wyeth Barry Hayward Bill Gallagher Bill Gallagher Peter Connell Rodney Hyman Bill Gallagher Peter Connell Warren Johnson Barry Howes Bill Gallagher Peter Connell / Peter Wildin Warren Johnson Bob Stockwell Bill Gallagher Peter Wildin John Watley Barry Jukes Peter Wildin John Watley Barry Jukes Peter Wildin Greg Batchelor Mike Connelly Peter Wildin Robert Garland 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 IRB Officer GII Graham Les Joyce 53 Officers Honour Board Year President Deputy President Captain Vice Captain 1975-76 Gil Graham Barry Jukes Lloyd Kenny Greg Bachelor 1976-77 Gil Graham Barry Howes Lloyd Kenny G Savage / Philip Mann 1977-78 Gil Graham Barry Howes Lloyd Kenny Trevor Bone 1978-79 Gil Graham Barry Howes Ross Howes 1979-80 Gil Graham Barry Howes Ross Howes Ken Ryan 1980-81 Vince Sharland Ken Bagnall Ross Howes Tony Bourke / Max Sahl 1981-82 Vince Sharland Bob McPherson Bob Stewart Max Sahl 1982-83 Barry Howes Lloyd Kenny Ian Sarow Robert Walsh / Ken Chandler 1983-84 Barry Howes Lloyd Kenny Ian Sarow Russell Schultz 1984-85 Barry Howes Peter Farlow Col Paterson Ken Bagnall 1985-86 Barry Howes Ken Bagnall Col Paterson Rick Gardener 1986-87 Harry Edwards Ken Bagnall Maarten Sherrington Wendy Flynn 1987-88 Harry Edwards Ken Bagnall Scott Pacey Mark Dudley 1988-89 Ken Bagnall Harry Edwards Scott Pacey Mark Dudley 1989-90 Col Paterson Harry Edwards Mark Dudley Chris Ware 1990-91 Col Paterson Dan Stewart Gordon Shears Eddie Valladares 1991-92 Jeff Spink Malcolm Nutt Gordon Shears Russell Schultz / Garry Thomas 1992-93 Jeff Spink Malcolm Nutt Dan Stewart Ian Cowper 1993-94 Malcolm Nutt Dan Stewart Mick Gatehouse Ian Cowper 1994-95 Malcolm Nutt Dan Stewart Scott Prenzler Ian Cowper 1995-96 Malcolm Nutt Dan Stewart Scott Prenzler Ian Cowper 1996-97 Dan Stewart Gordon Shears Scott Prenzler Steele MacKenzie 1997-98 Gordon Shears Russell Gilmour Troy Kling Steele MacKenzie / Michael Wellman 1998-99 Gordon Shears Russell Schultz Ray Todd Anthony Preston 1999-2000 Gordon Shears Russell Schultz Ray Todd (vacant) Michael Karzon 2000-2001 Dan Stewart Garry Thomas Col Troyahn Lyndell Gimpel 2001-2002 Garry Thomas Gavin Jordan Wayne Clarke Andre Ireland 2002-2003 Garry Thomas Gavin Jordan Wayne Clarke Wade Eastburn 2003-2004 Craig Brodie Gavin Jordan Jamie Quinn Michelle Dale 2004-2005 Craig Brodie Garry Thomas Katie Sandercock / Nigel Ward Patrice Robertson 2005-2006 Bob Stockwell Graham Stockwell Nigel Ward Lee Wilkinson 2006-2007 Bob Stockwell Graham Stockwell Nigel Ward 2007-2008 Bob Stockwell Brett Ross Darrel Henry Matthew Rayfield 2008-2009 Darrel Henry Brett Ross Scott Rawlings Ben Gill 2009-2011 Troy Kling Dan Stewart Scott Rawlings Harry Auckett 2010-2011 Scott Rawlings Troy Kling Sam Morgan Shannon O'Donnell 2011-2012 Scott Rawlings Troy Kling Dean Damon Codey Trethewey 2012-2013 Mark Madden Tony Rapallo Sue Damon Jaime Taylor 2013-2014 Mark Madden / Troy Kling Troy Kling / Sam Morgan Codey Trethewey Jaime Taylor 54 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 1930-2014 Secretary Treasurer Chief Instructor Boat Captain IRB Officer Barry Howes Peter Anderson / Peter Wildin John Batchelor Barry Howes Peter Wildin Greg Batchelor Barry Howes Peter Wildin Greg Batchelor Gil Graham Barry Howes Peter Farlow Greg Batchelor / Ken Warner Lloyd Kenny Col Paterson Barry Howes Peter Farlow Lloyd Kenny Ken Ryan Col Paterson Lloyd Kenny Peter Farlow Gil Graham Max Sahl Bob Stewart Lloyd Kenny Peter Farlow / Bob McPherson Gil Graham Greg Humphreys Gordon Shears Bob McPherson Bruce Gardiner Paul Humphrey Greg Humphreys Ross Howes Bob McPherson Ken Ryan Gil Graham Craig Roach Col Paterson Bob McPherson Ken Ryan Gil Graham Russell Gilmour Eddie Humphreys Bob McPherson Lloyd Kenny Harry Edwards Russell Gilmour Gordon Shears Bob McPherson Lloyd Kenny Col Paterson / John McKay Russell Gilmour Col Paterson Bob McPherson Lloyd Kenny Wendy Flynn Russell Gilmour Col Paterson Ron Allen-Waters Jeff Spink Matthew Butel Russell Gilmour David Hansen Ron Allen-Waters Jeff Spink Matthew Butel Russell Gilmour Clayton Rutherford Maurie Webb Jeff Spink Dan Stewart Russell Gilmour Andrew Rodgers Col Paterson Harry Edwards Dan Stewart Russell Gilmour Andrew Rodgers Col Paterson Harry Edwards Graeme Kling Russell Gilmour Sean Lewis Col Paterson Harry Edwards Graeme Kling Steve Mangin Neil Pattinson Harry Edwards Harry Edwards / Robyn Slade Ann Parsons / Graeme Kling Russell Gilmour Troy Kling Harry Edwards / Denis Dwan Elaine Eussen Dan Stewart / Rod Smith Arnold Eussen Daniel Cowper Denis Dwan Michael Casey Dan Stewart Arnold Eussen Troy Kling Elaine Eussen Michael Casey / Robyn Slade Dan Stewart Craig Paddon Troy Kling Julie Dignum Robyn Slade Dan Stewart Arnie Eussen Troy Kling / Mitch Gray / Ray Todd Ross Linnett Robyn Slade Dan Stewart Arnie Eussen Rob Gray Ross Linnett / Rob Hunt Robyn Slade / Gordon Shears Peter Daniel Arnie Eussen Chris Hudson Ross Linnett Ian Cowper Wade Eastburn Russell Gilmour Chris Hudson Ross Linnett Ian Cowper Dan Stewart Neil Smith Chris Hudson Ross Linnett / Sue Dorries Ross Linnett / Sue Dorries Simon Kealley Chris Hudson Sue Dorries Simon Kealley Christian Brown / Brett Ross Sue Dorries / Robert Donaghue Don Meers Simon Kealley Brett Ross Dan O'Brien / Dave Carmody Brett Ross Dan O'Brien Sue Dorries David Carmody Robert Donaghue Warwick Fletcher / Robert Donaghue Michelle Dale Telford Erskine Graham Stockwell Maxine Breust Telford Erskine Noel Gill Dan Stewart Brett Ross Mitch Gray / Troy Kling Blair Fidler Sue Damon Amanda & Martin Ainsley Troy Kling Mitch Gray Blair Fidler Mark Freemantle / John Hooker Sue Damon Troy Kling Tim Rainsford Geoff Humrich Amanda Ainsley / Sue Rawlings John Hooker Sue Damon Troy Kling Troy Kling Emily Rawlings Scott O’Neill Richard Andrews Arnie Eussen Troy Kling Gordon Shears Scott O’Neill Dan Stewart Arnie Eussen Codey Trethewey / Marco Masia 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 55 56 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Surf Club Financial Report and Statements 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 57 58 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 59 60 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 61 62 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 63 64 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 65 66 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 67 68 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 69 70 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 71 72 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 73 74 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 75 76 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Supporters Club Inc. Annual Report 2013-2014 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 77 78 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Notice of Supporters Club AGM 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 79 Supporters Club President’s Report I am pleased to report the Supporters Club has continued its strong trading pattern, and has again completed a successful year. The sales have continued to climb with a very healthy 5.1% increase over the previous year. This is a very solid result given the economic conditions throughout the year and a credit to the management and staff of the Supporters Club. All areas of the club contributed to the overall result with bar trade showing a 3.6% increase in sales, Bistro returned an outstanding 11.6% increase and Gaming finished at 3.5% above last year. The trading year also saw a significant increase in the Supporters Club assets. These have shown an increase from $354361 to $553,530 representing an improvement in our position of a very healthy 36%. A great big thank you to the staff and management of the Supporters Club for their efforts throughout the Darrel Henry year. The results are a reflection of their hard work and talents, and represent a significant achievement in the current economic climate. The patrons and members have enjoyed consistent standards in food quality and service. High standards have given the club an advantage over our competitors, and have increased our membership base throughout the year. We have also recently introduced a new staff uniform that has been well received by both staff and members. There have been recent changes to our management team as we welcome our new General Manager, Ian Wills. Ian brings a wealth of experience in club management and we look forward to his contribution to our club in the coming years. Ian's expertise will be a strength for the club as we move forward with our redevelopment. The great news is the Supporters Club will undergo a significant renovation that will ensure the club is a main destination for meals and entertainment in our local community and beyond. This redevelopment is due to commence this month and will be completed early November. Renovations include new bar, new dining areas, new amenities, new reception area and an upgraded external facade. We will be posting information on our website soon and will keep the members informed throughout the rebuild. The building committee has been working for nearly two years to bring it all together and I would like to thank Cameron Delahunty and Scott Rawlings for their outstanding contribution. It has been a significant task and would not have been possible without their guidance and expertise. I would also like to recognize the work Gary Fraser did to plan, engage and manage the financial aspects of the development. His contribution has greatly assisted the club to minimize our costs and place us in a strong position. Finally I would to thank the Supporters Club board Tony Rapallo, Geoff Bagnall, Cameron Delahunty, Troy Kling, David Lincoln and Scott Rawlings for their great contributions throughout the year. They have worked tirelessly to ensure the Supporters Club are in a strong position to be able to assist the Surf Club over the year. Members can look forward to an exciting twelve months with the redevelopment commencing this month, and I can't wait to see the new look club! 80 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. General Manager’s Report B eing my first report to Members, I must say how impressed I have been with the professionalism and enthusiasm displayed by Staff and Committee alike. My sincere thanks go to the Committee, Staff and Members for their warm welcome to this great Club. Given my appointment to the position was at the very end of the financial year, President Darrel is in a better position than I to discuss 2013/14 in detail. I will say however, that the financial performance of the Supporters Club in recent years has laid a solid foundation for the next phase of the Club’s development and I am excited to be able to take part. I’m sure that Members are also looking forward to the upcoming redevelopment of the Clubhouse and I have no doubt that there are great times ahead. The Club will be ‘business as usual’ at all times during construction and I encourage Members to continue supporting the Club during the building phases and beyond. Ian Wills In particular: Gross revenue increased by 5.1%, Total liabilities remained consistent with 2012/13, Bar sales and Gaming revenue increased by a modest 3.2% and 4.2% respectively, and Cash on hand increased to $592,683 from $317,837 last year. These funds will be of great assistance to necessary Clubhouse improvements while no doubt also providing valuable support to the Club’s primary purpose of supporting surf lifesaving. Mention must be made of the entire Supporters Club team for ‘stepping up’ early in 2014 as a result of senior and operational management changes. The Club is very fortunate to have the services of dedicated people and special thanks must go to our Administration Manager Jenny Arnot and Duty Managers Lisa, Sue and Paul for their efforts in sometimes difficult circumstances. I look forward to working with you all. The Club’s success can be attributed to a combination of sound trading and careful management of costs. While income from bar and gaming trading areas were generally consistent with the previous year, special mention must be made of the Club’s catering. Head Chef Wade, Steve and their team have worked hard during the year and the results are there to see. Gross income from catering increased by just over 10%, with net profit up by an impressive 27% as a result of fantastic meals and management of costs. Well done! I also look forward to working closely with all sections of the combined Palm Beach Surf Club and Supporters Club towards achieving our common goals. I have been involved with the club industry for many years now (I have the grey hair to prove it!) and it is a pleasure to see such a positive atmosphere around a Club. I’m certain that the current redevelopment phase will be the start of very good times and I encourage all Members to take an active interest in their Club as well as encouraging others to join in. Overall, the good results achieved in the previous year were generally maintained during 2013/14. See you at the Club! 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 Ian Wills JP BBus ACCM 81 82 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. Supporters Club Financial Report and Statements 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 83 84 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 85 86 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 87 88 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 89 90 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 91 92 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 93 94 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 95 96 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 97 98 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 99 100 Palm Beach (Qld) Surf Life Saving Club Inc. 84th Annual Report 2013-2014 101 Autographs Phone: (07) 5534 2180 Website: Reception: [email protected] Surf Club Administrator: [email protected]