11/ 2015 - Eastside Intergroup
Pass It On Eastside Intergroup Newsletter November 2015 Page 1 All About Steve by Steve Page 2 All About Steve by Steve Page 3 Upcoming Sober Events and Meeting Updates Page 4 Oct Office News by Nancy O. Page 5 Birthday Club Faithful Fivers Pink Can Contributions Page 6 Notes from the Archives All About Steve Hi. My name is Steve. I am an alcoholic. I am 60+ years old and in my 4 th year of sobriety. I was non AA dry from 1992-1997. In 2002, I went to treatment and joined AA. Those next 5 years were good years. I was riding the pink cloud, thinking surely I would never drink again. I understood my allergy and my obsession. My plan was simple. Just say no. That plan and the dry plan before it were destined for failure from the beginning. I had no contact with God; I went through the motions doing the steps. When I was 6 years old my father dubbed me Stevie the Stinker the Whiskey Drinker because I would drink from the glasses at my parents’ parties. Funny then, a horror show later. A cousin introduced me to scotch when I was 14. That night I was fished out of a river, or so they tell me. That was the first of countless blackouts. When I was 16, I became a regular Friday and Saturday night beer drinker. My girlfriend and I had broken up and I joined the drinking crowd. When I went off to college I vowed to minimize my drinking and become BMOC, the envy of every guy and the dream of every girl. But I quickly joined the drinkers. I went off to graduate school and again vowed to minimize my drinking. But I quickly joined my kind again. My final semester I studied at my designated table at my designated tavern, beginning at 1PM, ending sometime. by David C. Page 7 & 8 Tradition 11 by Bill W. Page 9 Office Information Newsletter Volunteers Hotline Volunteers Contributions Page 10 Thank you ESIG Representatives After graduation I got a job. I intended to minimize my drinking, but found the drinkers. I was offered and accepted a better job at another firm. I was determined to become the polished executive and to minimize my drinking. But I quickly went back to my drinking buddies at the old firm. At retirement I made a mental list of things I wanted to do and accomplish. None were achieved, because of my drinking. I became increasingly lonely, secluded, and excluded. I drank alcoholically for almost 35 years. That’s a lot of booze. There were significant drink related issues at school and work. I was a menace on airplanes, and was physically removed from one before departure, or so they tell me. How many times did I stop for a few with my buddies, promising to be home for dinner, only to get home after closing hour? (continued on pg. 2) All About Steve By Steve My plan prior to extremely important meetings was always to quit drinking for the 3 day period prior to the meeting. Never happened. Happy conversations turned to murmurs and sideways glances when I entered a room. People “danced” around me to avoid conflict. My wife would send my son to follow me as I took bathroom breaks at the ballgames. My wife pleaded with me to stop. Countless times I listened in shame as she told me what I had done the night before. How this would potentially affect my son broke my heart, but even that wouldn’t keep me away from the bottle. The only thing that could control my drinking was the fear of losing my job. With money I could keep my family. I could keep my house and the other material things I thought I needed to present success. People would sometimes say to me “you certainly have your life in order.” I would cringe, knowing I was living a lie. The appearance of any success was a façade, for inside I was a miserable wreck. About 2 each morning I would wake up. Issue after issue after issue would rotate through my mind. I was filled with guilt and shame. Procrastination was eating me alive. I would often take a drink around 2:30 in order to forget and hopefully sleep. I had a 5 day period where each morning I would go to the basement and put the pointed end of a scissors to my throat, urging myself to push it through. This was the second time suicide was an instant away. Thankfully God had other plans for me. I was not a high bottom drunk. I was not a low bottom drunk. I was a bottomless pit. I was filling the pit with guilt and shame. The pit was like a balloon, expanding as more guilt and shame were dumped in with each bad behavior. The guilt and shame was doubled when I added in the guilt and shame associated with breaking every “covenant” of behavior I had made with my Mother. (I learned this was my spiritual malady, page 64, BB, consisting of the bedevilments, page 52, BB.) My freedom began the day a policeman woke me in my car in front of a liquor store. He gave me the option of a breath test or calling my wife. I made the right decision. She gave me the option of AA or hitting the streets. I chose AA over death by drinking. I went to a meeting the next morning and announced I needed a sponsor. A man said he would be my temporary sponsor and that he would find a sponsor for me. He made the perfect choice. Beginning with day one of my sobriety every alcoholic I have met has helped me. God put a handful of recovering alcoholics directly in my path. Collectively they guided me through the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. They were God’s messengers. They made sure I was convinced that I was an alcoholic, that I couldn’t solve the problem, that only God could get and keep me sober. They made sure I found my God, who became God. The reigns were loosened, but never removed, and I began working with God one on one. He showed me what I had to do to get rid of the guilt and shame. I did all my amends (more will pop up, I am sure). He promised that he would continue to take care of me if I became, and continued to be, His agent. I promised that I would carry the Big Book message to other alcoholics, and to practice the principles He taught me in all my affairs. I know my work can never end. He promised and has delivered sobriety, happiness, serenity, and peace. I can have all of this forever if I continue to follow His directions, to carry out His will for me. I know He will always provide the power. Upcoming Sober Events Nov. 7th: Treatment & Bridging the Gap Workshop from 11 am to 1pm at Grace Lutheran Church. Free Workshop. Nov. 7th: Area 72 Western WA Archives Quarterly Meeting from 9 am to 3 pm at Maple Valley Presbyterian Church in Maple Valley. Nov. 7th: District 35 Gratitude Dinner from 5:30 to 9:30 pm at Pine Lake Covenant Church in Sammamish. Nov. 7th: District 36 Gratitude Dinner at 5:30 pm at Si View Community Center in North Bend. Nov. 13th: District 39 Gratitude Dinner from 5:30 to 9 pm at the Eastside Foursquare Church in Bothell. The cost is $6. Nov. 14th: District 38 Gratitude Dinner from 5:30 to 9 pm at the Eastside Foursquare Church in Bothell. Nov. 14th: Area 72 A.A. PI/CPC Quarterly from 9:30 am to 3 pm at the Presbyterian Church in Kelso. Nov. 14th: : Live at Pine Lake Speakers Meeting at 7 pm at Pine Lake Covenant Church 1715-228th Ave SE, Sammamish. Doors open at 6:30pm. Speaker is Nancy N. from Burbank, CA (childcare available) Nov. 19th: Eastside Volunteer Workshop from 1:30 to 2:30 pm at Eastside Intergroup Office in Bellevue. Great opportunity for service work and fellowship. Nov. 21st: Conway Oldtimers Speakers Meeting from 5 to 8 pm at Fir Island Lutheran Church in Conway. Nov. 28th: District 34 Gratitude Dinner from 6:30 to 9:30 pm at the North Bellevue Community Center in Bellevue. The cost is $5. Meeting Updates NEW MEETINGS! 12 & 12 Fellowship Hall 5 NEW (open) meetings 6am-7am Country Village 23732 Bothell Everett Hwy, Bothell Monday: Architects of Adversity Tuesday: Sobriety at Sunrise Wednesday: A Good Days Start Thursday: ODAAT Lives Friday: Seeing Thru the Haze B.Y.O.L. (Bring Your Own Lunch) 12:00-1:00pm Wednesdays Hope Hall in Snoqualmie 8305 Meadowbrook Way NE SUPPORT NEEEDED Unbridled 7:30pm Thursdays United Methodist Church 7525 132nd Ave NE, Kirkland Steps to Freedom 12:30 p.m. St. Judes 10526 166th Ave NE, Redmond Vounteers Needed Conferences ESIG Table at Live at Pine Lake To volunteer call ESIG at 425-454-9192 Nov. 13th to 15th: 2015 Serenity at the Shores in Ocean Shores. Please view www.oceanshoresjamboree.com for additional information. Nov. 27th to 29th: Gratitude in Action Everett Conference 2015 in Everett at the Holiday Inn. The cost is $125 and the website is www.everettconference.org. Live at Pine Lake Held the second Saturday of every month. Service positions available. For further information email: [email protected] February Office Report We love our volunteers! Our October Volunteers were: Rick L, Carrie W, John E, Leslie G, Steve C, Robin, Wallene D, John M, Sandy C, Ted W, Dina L, Leah W, and Don D. Thank you all! October 10th was the open house in our new office space. It happened to be a very windy and rainy day but despite the weather we had a great turnout! We grilled hotdogs in a tent in the parking lot and had fruit, veggies & cake to celebrate! Thank’s everyone that attended, we had a great turnout despite the weather! There has been a handful of people ask about having the office open on weekends. Before we consider whether to open on Saturdays I’d appreciate some feedback. Would you come on a Saturday to pick up literature for your group if we were open? Please give me a call if this is something of interest. Currently our office hours are Monday through Friday 10am to 6pm. Twenty-Six 12th-Step calls were answered during office hours in October. This doesn’t include the caller looking for a meeting, calling about events or after hours calls—just the newcomer asking for help stopping drinking during business hours. We even had a few people call back to thank us and let us know how they were doing. What a gift to be a part of carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the still suffering alcoholic. After hours the calls go through our Hotline which is coordinated by Eric C. and Bill J. We have a Treatment & Bridging the Gap workshop scheduled for November 7th from 11am to 1pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Bellevue. Come join our Treatment Chair, Tim M. and his committee members for a light lunch and learn what we can do to help with bridging the gap between treatment centers & hospitals and Alcoholics Anonymous. And… we’ll be done in time to make it to the Gratitude dinner! Another workshop is scheduled for November 19th at the Intergroup Office from 1:30 to 2:30 and will cover service work available in the Intergroup Office from answering phones and 12th-Step calls to literature, coins and more. Please RSVP if you are interested. 425-454-9192. We’ve been busy putting together hundreds of packets at the office to go out to Doctors through a project Erin A. our CPC chair has been working on. The plan is to have everyone offer a packet to their doctor for information on AA. It sounds like many of them have been very receptive and appreciative. We also have some samples of the “Adopt a Rack” that Andy G. our P.I. Chair is using in his program to reach the community. In this effort, he is asking meetings to adopt a rack by agreeing to keep the literature stocked in the rack at various establishments. The meeting would purchase the pamphlets to fill the rack and then continue to do so to keep the rack filled. These are small racks that hold only a few different pamphlets. The purpose is to make the community aware of Alcoholics Anonymous so that we can continue to carry our message of recovery. All of our committee chairs are doing a doing a great job in our community — Thanks! The Grapevine has a new book out called Forming True Partnerships that I hear is really good. We should have a new order in soon—stop in and look at the wide selection of Grapevine books we have in addition to our regular selection of AA World Service literature. We also carry a wide selection of sobriety coins from aluminum or bronze to special “bling” coins! We’ve sold 1,480 Big Books since 1/1/2015! I hope that you all have the opportunity to attend a Gratitude Dinner in November. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Our office is closed on Thanksgiving day and the day after Thanksgiving. Thank you for allowing me to be of service! Nancy O. How Can You Help Support Your Intergroup in Addition to the 7th Tradition at your Meetings? Become a Faithful Fiver! Or Join Our Birthday Club! What are Faithful Fivers? Faithful Fivers are AA members who graciously pledge to contribute $5.00 each month to support Eastside Intergroup in its efforts to carry the AA message of hope and recovery to those alcoholics who still suffer in the Eastside area. As a Faithful Fiver, your contribution can and will make our vital services possible. The Faithful Fiver idea came about when we remembered that we wasted much more than $5 each month during our drinking days. Contributions to Eastside Intergroup from AA members are limited to $3,000 per member per year and are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code: 501(c)3. Thank You October 2015 Faithful Fivers! Dave W. Barbara M. Pam Z. Beth L. Nancy O. Ulf W. Eastside Open Breakfast Eastside Intergroup Birthday Club! Many of our members contribute to ESIG $1, $2 or $5 per year during their AA Anniversary month. We’ll print your name, sobriety date and home group in our Newsletter. Your Birthday Club contributions directly support your Eastside Intergroup Office which provides a 24 hour phone line, literature, coins Birthday Club! Name______________________ Home Group_________________ Sobriety Date_________________ Contribution $________________ Get your name & homegroup in the newsletter! November 2015 Birthdays Terry O. 11/1988—27 years Pine Lake Stag Yes! Please enroll me as a Faithful Fiver! Here is my contribution of $_______for_________months Name________________________________________ Address______________________________________ City__________________ State/Zip_______________ Return this form to: Eastside Intergroup 13401 NE Bel-Red Rd. Suite B6 Bellevue, WA 98007 Shelly N. 11/2011—4 years Inglewood Hill Women’s Recovery Group Pink Can Contributions Reflections Five & Dime District 35 Living Sober Anchor Group Women of Worth Better Odds Sober Wake up Seven& Sober Fresh Start Lifeline Sober Cartooners Eastside Open Breakfast u!!!! o y k Than Notes from the Archives By David C., District 38 Archivist Hello from the vaults of the District 38 Archives. As November is Gratitude month, I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to serve as the Archivist for the District. I have spent the last 20 years in collecting and preserving our rich AA history, and hope to continue for many years to come! After my sobriety, this search for knowledge has been my consuming passion. Every time I find the answer to my questions, there always seems to be more doors opening, and more questions that need answering. I cannot begin to tell you how rewarding it is to see people come up to me and ask questions about our history that I can answer! I hope that you will be coming to our Gratitude Dinner on November 14 th, at the Eastside 4 Square Church in Bothell. I will be exhibiting a large display in the Fireside Room. Amongst other items, I will have my new exhibit on my trip to Dr. Bob’s House. In that exhibit, there is a unique item that was given to me in Cleveland. It is a very rare pin from the 1935 AMA Convention in Atlantic City. This is the convention that Dr. Bob went to and got drunk after he found sobriety. The collector that gave this to me said that he has found only 2 in his 25 years of collecting AA history! I will also be showcasing my new exhibits on the Washingtonians and the Oxford Group. These two displays took me almost 6 months to put together and are filled with photos and information on those two historical groups. You might ask what do those pre-AA groups have to do with our Fellowship? Well the answer is without them we would not be here today. I am so fortunate to be able to bring items like this to you all. I know that most of you don’t care about things in the past, and would only like to see pieces of AA history. Well, the District has almost every piece of literature that AA has produced to the present, in the traveling display. There will be a lot of those items at the Gratitude dinner also. Come see the Big Book display and find something you might have never seen before. Remember “It’s not I’ve seen the Archives, but What’s New in the Archives. More will be revealed. P. S. Stop by the Archive room at the District 38 Gratitude dinner on Nov. 14th at the 4 Square Church in Bothell and see all the new exhibits. Till next time…… Tradition Eleven “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.“ A.A. Grapevine Editorial by Bill W. on October 1948 "Our relations with the general public should be characterized by personal anonymity. We think A.A. ought to avoid sensational advertising. Our names and pictures as A.A. members ought not be broadcast, filmed, or publicly printed. Our public relations should be guided by the principle of attraction rather than promotion. There is never need to praise ourselves. We feel it better to let our friends recommend us." Providence has been looking after the public relations of Alcoholics Anonymous. It can scarcely have been otherwise. Though more than a dozen years old, hardly a syllable of criticism or ridicule has ever been spoken of A.A. Somehow we have been spared all the pains of medical or religious controversy and we have good friends both wet and dry, right and left. Like most societies, we are sometimes scandalous -- but never yet in public. From all over the world, naught comes but keen sympathy and downright admiration. Our friends of the press and radio have outdone themselves. Anyone can see that we are in a fair way to be spoiled. Our reputation is already so much better than our actual character! Surely these phenomenal blessings must have a deep purpose. Who doubts that this purpose wishes to let every alcoholic in the world know that A.A. is truly for him, can he only want his liberation enough. Hence, our messages through public channels have never been seriously discolored, nor has the searing breath of prejudice ever issued from anywhere. Good public relations are A.A. lifelines reaching out to the brother alcoholic who still does not know us. For years to come, our growth is sure to depend upon the strength and number of these lifelines. One serious public relations calamity could always turn thousands away from us to perish -- a matter of life and death indeed! The future poses no greater problem or challenge to A.A. than how best to preserve a friendly and vital relation to all the world about us. Success will heavily rest upon right principles, a wise vigilance and the deepest personal responsibility on the part of every man jack of us. Nothing less will do. Else our brother may again turn his face to the wall because we did not care enough. So, the 11th Tradition stands sentinel over the lifelines, announcing that there is no need for self-praise, that it is better to let our friends recommend us, and that our whole public relations policy, contrary to usual customs, should be based upon the principle of attraction rather than promotion. Shot in the arm methods are not for us -- no press agents, no promotional devices, no big names. The hazards are too great. Immediate results will always be illusive because easy shortcuts to notoriety can generate permanent and smothering liabilities. (continued on pg. 2) Tradition Eleven “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.“ A.A. Grapevine Editorial by Bill W. on October 1948 More and more, therefore, are we emphasizing the principle of personal anonymity as it applies to our public relations. We ask of each other the highest degree of personal responsibility in this respect. As a movement, we have been, before now, tempted to exploit the names of our well known public characters. We have rationalized that other societies, even the best, do the same. As individuals, we have sometimes believed that the public use of our names could demonstrate our personal courage in the face of stigma; so lending power and conviction to news stories and magazine articles. But these are not the allures they once were. Vividly, we are becoming aware that no member ought to describe himself in full view of the general public as an A.A., even for the most worthy purpose, lest a perilous precedent be set which would tempt others to do likewise for purposes not so worthy. We see that on breaking anonymity by press, radio or pictures, anyone of us could easily transfer the valuable name of Alcoholics Anonymous over onto any enterprise or into the midst of any controversy. So, it is becoming our code that there are things that no A.A. ever does, lest he divert A.A. from its sole purpose and injure our public relations. And thereby the chances of those sick ones yet to come. To the million alcoholics who have not yet heard our A.A. story we should ever say, "Greetings and welcome. Be assured that we shall never weaken the lifelines which we float out to you. In our public relations, we shall, God willing, keep the faith." Thank you October Hotline Volunteers! Office Information Mailing Address 13401 NE Bel-Red Suite B6 Bellevue, WA 98005 Phone: 425-454-9192 Email: [email protected] Website: www.eastsideintergroup.com Office Hours Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00 pm Bob B. Carmen A. Carrie W. Chuck M. Elton B. Fred M. Ginny K. Guy P. Intergroup Meeting Jim R. Joe M. John K. John R. Keith S. Leslie G. Matthew M. Merrill G. Newsletter Contributors First Thursday of each month 7:30-8:30pm Bellevue Christian Reformed Church 1221 148th Ave NE, Bellevue 98007 All members welcome! Office Manager Nancy 0. Email: [email protected] Publisher……................Alma O. Editor……………..…….Sandy B. Archivist……………..…David C. Mike S. Sara K. Sheree P. Steve C. Susan M. Ted W. Tim B. Tina B. Office News …….…… Nancy O. Directions to the office www.eastsideintergroup.com AA Team Afternooners Bellevue Breakfast Group Big Book Step Study Bills Story Downtown Stag Eastside Beginners Eastside Open Breakfast Eastside Women Fresh Start Grace Rules Kenmore Friday Nighters Mercer Island Monday Mornings Moss Bay Nameless Bunch of Drunks Newport Daytimers Serenity Break Serenity on Sunday Sober Valley Wake Up Women’s Big Book Study Women’s Saturday Share Women’s Saturday Steps Rick L. Carrie W. John E. Leslie G. Steve C. Robin Wallene D. John M. Sandy C. Ted W. Dina L. Leah W. Don D. District GSO & Area Info Thanks to the following groups for sending contributions to the Eastside Intergroup office in the month of OCTOBER 2015 Group contributions enable us to pay the rent and bills for your Intergroup Office, maintain our phone lines 24 hours a day 7 days a week, publish a monthly newsletter, provide a meeting directory, and carry AA information and literature. Back-ups: Bob F. Pat A., Bill R., Sheree P., Steve C. Hotline Coordinators: Eric C. and Bill J. Thank you to our office volunteers too! They ensure that when someone reaches out for help by calling Alcoholics Anonymous, the caller always reaches a real person! Personal Story…..…… John M. Group Contributions Travis S. Eastside Intergroup: Eastside Intergroup 13401 NE Bel-Red Rd. Suite B6 Bellevue, WA 98007 District 35 Issaquah District 35 P.O. Box 442 Issaquah, WA 98027 Western WA Area 72 702 Kentucky St., #535 District 36 Bellingham, WA 98225 Snoqualmie Valley, Duvall, North Bend General Service Office (GSO) District 36 P.O. Box 459 P.O. Box 1963 Grand Central Station North Bend, WA 98045 New York, NY 10163 District 38 District 34 Kirkland Bellevue, Redmond, East Lake District 38 Sammamish, Mercer Island P.O. Box 322 District 34 Kirkland, WA 98083 P.O. Box 50081 Bellevue, WA 98015 District 39 Bothell, Kenmore, Woodinville Thank you Intergroup Reps! The following Intergroup Reps were in attendance at our meeting. See you on Thursday, Nov. 5th! Andy G. - Core Relations, District 35 PI & ESIG PI Chair Betsy N. – Women of Worth Brian G. – Living Sober Charlie C. – ESIG Web Committee Dan H. – Pine Lake Stag & ESIG Corrections Chair Erin E. – District 34 Liaison Hayley H. – Millennium Group Holly F. – Women’s Way Jack S. – Eastside Nooners Jackie S. – Bothell 12 X 12 Jane L. – ESIG Accessibility Chair Jen T. – Sobriety Lifeline/Joy of Living Jerry B. – Anchor Group JoAnn P. – Eastside Sunday Breakfast John K. – Sammamish Big Book Study/Live at Pine Lake Kathy H. – Sober Seniors Kiera E. – District 35 Intergroup Rep Kristi G. – ESIG Events Chair/Issaquah Tuesday Night Lisa S. – 59 Minutes at Pine Lake Margaret H. – Eastside Women Margie C. – ESIG Web Committee Mary B. District 38 Rep/Bellevue Breakfast Phil K. – Area 72 Corrections Chair Rob P. – Lifeline Robbie D. – Better Odds Sober Sandy B. – ESIG Newsletter Editor/FSHQ Sheree H. – Fresh Start Susan M. – Sober Cartooners/Sanity in Sobriety/Wednesday Willingness Tiffani N. – Wake Up Tim M. – ESIG Treatment Chair/A Way Up/ Newport Hills Step Study Todd G. – Juanita Triangle What does an Intergroup Rep do? An Intergroup Rep is elected at his/her Home Group and attends the Eastside Intergroup Meeting on the 1st Thursday of each month from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. You represent your home group at the monthly meeting and hold a vote for your group. Because Eastside Intergroup covers five Districts and is a central clearinghouse for local AA activities and information, you become a vital link between the Intergroup office, the Districts, and your home group. The Intergroup Rep keeps his or her home group informed about work being done, activities going on, etc. You become a part of the networking between Eastside Intergroup and the groups.
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