annual report fy2015 - American Swedish Historical Museum


annual report fy2015 - American Swedish Historical Museum
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Mission Statement
The American Swedish Historical
Museum welcomes all people
to explore cultural identity
through the story of Swedes
and Scandinavians in America.
ASHM is a community dedicated
to preserving and interpreting
material culture, and is alive with
celebrations, exhibitions, and
learning experiences.
Museums are mission-driven organizations. This year, the board
reflected on our strategic plan for the years 2011-2015 and all we had
accomplished. Our stated strategic directions for the past 5 years have
been to:
Broaden our audience and base of support.
Be a good steward of the cultural resources we hold in trust.
These statements encapsulate well our major accomplishments of the year.
Our featured exhibitions this year were a wonderful way to attract new
visitors to the museum. Paid daily visitation was 50% higher than our
average, due to the popularity of the Do You Know Pippi Longstocking?
and Indian Nation exhibitions. In fact, our total visitation was the
highest we have had in 5 years--13,215!
At the same time, we invested nearly one million dollars into building
renovations. Our purpose for these renovations was two-fold. The first
goal was to preserve the treasure that is our building. To do this we
invested in several projects, the most important of which was installing
a new stormwater management system. In addition, we mounted snow
guards on the roof, restored 10 out of 57 windows, and replaced the
HVAC system on the lower level. Our second goal was to build a new
source of revenue for the museum through a strong catering/facility
rental business. The improvements to our Assembly Room, Restrooms,
carpeting and lighting on the inside of the building, along with the
terrace and tent on the outside have made our facilities more welcoming
and attractive. In FY15, we had 12 wedding receptions at the museum.
Not only is this a great source of revenue for us, it is a great way to get
new people to experience ASHM for the first time.
As the Board of Governors and staff began work on our next strategic
plan, we first evaluated our mission statement. We considered what we
had to offer our community and where we wanted to put our focus in
the coming years. While the new mission statement does not radically
change anything the museum has been doing, it acknowledges our
desire to grow into a broader organization, serving not only Swedes and
Swedish-Americans, but the broader Scandinavian community.
We are looking ahead to the future with a renewed sense of
TOP: Girl lifting the horse for the last
time before Pippi’s move. BOTTOM:
Visitors cooling off inside the new tent
at the annual Midsommarfest.
Tracey Rae Beck
Executive Director
The American Swedish Historical Museum continued to
work hard this year towards fulfilling its educational mission
by reaching over 2,600 children and adults at 64 organizations
and schools. ASHM was able to achieve this number due
to the continued grant support from the Philadelphia
Foundation and the Connelly Access Program. A highlight
of the school program season was the museum staff’s ability
to pull together and serve Gladwyne Elementary School
who brought 153 fifth graders at the same time for a Viking
program! Each staff member including the Director, Senior
Curator, and Communications and Operations Manager,
manned one of six stations which students and teachers
rotated through during a two hour marathon program day.
After the program, students mailed the museum staff full
length essays summarizing their favorite parts of the trip
and teachers had high praise for the well-organized logistical
handling their lively crowd of over 150 eager youngsters!
TOP: Children at Toddler Time going on a shape
safari. MIDDLE: Delilah the dariy cow came to visit
Toddler Time in April. BOTTOM: Education Intern
Megan Millman with Viking shield and helmet at on
of the library outreach programs.
Library Outreach
In terms of numbers, the Museum has also tied its highest
record for most outreaches ever performed at area libraries
this summer with its blockbuster program Viking Heroes
& Norse Sagas developed to fit the 2015 “Every Hero Has
a Story” Collaborative Summer Library reading theme.
Thanks to the efforts of our University of the Arts intern
Megan Millman, ASHM was able to visit 32 libraries and
community groups and reach 790 children and families.
Cub Scouts
ASHM is continuing its efforts to grow the education
audience by engaging new community groups. Last year, five
Cub Scout programs were developed with grant assistance
from the Swedish Council of America and we are working
to promote these new programs to the Scout community
as a unique opportunity for children to earn achievements
within the Scout ranking system while experiencing hands-on
cultural activities.
Toddler Time
The museum also continues to serve its youngest audience
through its Toddler Time program. This year the program saw
a 9% increase in attendance by serving 270 children and caregivers. As predicted, the program saw a spike in
turnout with this year’s special theme Down on the Dairy Farm which featured a live dairy cow from local
Pennsylvania farm Colonial Plantation and a donation of Scandinavian filmjölk and yogurt from siggi’s. The
Swedish Council of America continues to support this program which ASHM hopes to expand in the next
year through outreach and field trip opportunities to reach lower income preschoolers in local day cares.
The past year was an especially exciting one for the museum in terms of special exhibitions. Our Senior
Curator, Carrie Hogan, and two fantastic interns from a local graduate-level museum exhibition and design
program, produced two interesting, fun, and high-impact exhibitions: Do You Know Pippi Longstocking?
and Indian Nation: Indian Motorcycles and America (originated by the AACA Antique Automobile Club of
America Museum).
Do You Know Pippi Longstocking? proved to be so popular with visitors, members, and our staff, that at the
end of its ten-month run, we felt compelled to figure out a way for it to stay. While many of the components
were designed to specifically fit into our special exhibition gallery, we brainstormed and measured, and
finally determined that almost 100% of it could be moved into another gallery on the first floor that we felt
was in need of a make-over. So in February of 2015, we celebrated the end of the special exhibit of Pippi
and announced that she would be “moving” across the Grand Hall to a new, more permanent gallery that
she could call home. With the generous support of several funders, the former Nobel Gallery was renovated
(all Nobel contents recorded and archived) and Pippi moved in! The result is a lively and playful gallery
that regularly demonstrates its worth with the hours of fun it provides the museum’s youngest visitors.
While Do You Know Pippi Longstocking? helped to cement
the museum in the hearts of families, kids and long-time
lovers of Astrid Lindgren and her famous character, Indian
Nation allowed us to reach out to an entirely new audience:
motorcycle enthusiasts. The exhibition debuted at the
ASHM in April of 2015 was an original in that the collection
of a dozen motorcycles was assembled after months of
research and tireless effort of Senior Curator, Carrie Hogan,
who personally reached out and negotiated with all of the
collectors who ultimately entrusted their bikes to us for
five months. We also wanted to present the Swede behind
the Indian: Carl Oscar Hedstrom, the company’s original
co-founder. The result was a gorgeous display of early to
mid-20th century motorcycles, along with racing gear and
company merchandising, all of which told the story of
America’s first motorcycle manufacturer from its beginnings
at the turn of the century to the closing of its factory in
Springfield, MA in 1953.
TOP: Visitors
admiring the
motorcycles at the
opening of Indian
Nation. RIGHT:
Children playing in
Pippi’s new home.
Tracey Beck with the Amandus Johnson Volunteer Service Award
winners Margaretha Talerman and Richard Waldron.
Though its walls have been standing since
1926, the American Swedish Historical
Museum is more than just a building of
brick and mortar. The museum is alive
with the laughter of children at Lucia, the
comradery of dance at Midsommarfest,
and voices lifted in song at Valborg.
The ASHM exists because of the life
breathed into it by volunteers. Each of
the 35 events that were accomplished
this year and the over 13,000 people
served was made possible because of the
help of volunteers.
Amandus Johnson Volunteer Service Award 2014
Last fall Margaretha Talerman and Richard Waldron were honored for their commitment to the museum
with the Amandus Johnson Volunteer Service Award. Both recipients have a long history at ASHM, as
employees and volunteers. Upon retiring, each of them immediately dove into giving significant time and
energy to various projects that have helped shape and maintain the museum in the last decade. Margaretha
and Richard continue to extend their impact by generously giving their time on planning committees and
helping at events.
It is with the consistent support of individuals like Margaretha and Richard, along with the Auxiliary and
Midsommarklubben groups, combined with efforts from fresh faces such as special event volunteer Ian
Roseen, collections volunteer Josh Sundermyer, and culinary arts students from Dobbins High School that
keep the museum alive. In an effort to capture the true scope of the hundreds of hours that are donated to
the museum, ASHM will be utilizing the reporting capabilities of specialized software called PastPerfect.
We can now track and report the hours each volunteer serves. While we are still working on the logistics
of record entry, we have captured over 1,280 hours of donated time this year so far with more entries to
go! The museum is alive with culture, and the volunteers are its very lifeblood. Thank you to all who give
of themselves to help it thrive!
Attendees certainly brought their appetite for knowledge and food to
the conference Beef, Bread, and Beer: Colonial Foodways held at the
American Swedish Historical Museum. The conference focused on
culinary history from the kitchens of Stockholm to the brew houses
of Philadelphia. Speakers at the conference explored the foodways
of Sweden and local Delaware Valley Lenape tribes during the 17th
century, the significance of cattle as part of New Sweden’s economy,
the influence of Dutch cuisine, and the intricacies of colonial brewing.
In the spirit of the conference theme, a homemade lunch was served
courtesy of Dawn Gould and the Auxiliary featuring colonial-inspired
recipes, and Ales of the American Revolution brewed by Yards based on
beer recipes from the Founding Fathers. The conference was heartily
toasted by a crowd of 100 participants and hailed as a success!
Food inspired by colonial recipes was
served at the New Sweden History
Conference 2014.
of new membership sales were
Household memberships.
The museum continued to make great strides
with marketing and membership outreach
in FY2015. With two significantly popular
subjects for our special exhibitions, Pippi
Longstocking and Indian motorcycles, we
took advantage of our increased advertising
budget and tried some never before used
marketing outlets.
Online advertising has continued to become
a bigger and bigger part of our marketing
APRIL 12 - AUGUST 23, 2015
landscape. This year we did a five month
campaign with, and were
also a featured partner in their email blasts
for Indian Nation. This is in addition to the
multiple family websites and blogs used
to promote Pippi Longstocking. We also
ventured into digital advertising for Indian
Nation this summer using digital TV ads at
TOP: Snapshot from ASHM’s Instagram account
the Independence Visitor Center in June and
@americanswedish. BOTTOM: Indian Nation postcard
July, their busiest months for visitation. We
also found that the exhibition’s beautifully designed postcard was a very effective marketing piece. We
took over 1000 postcards to neighboring businesses and organizations that we felt could reach potential
motorcycle enthusiasts. The most successful of these outreach efforts being with the Simeone Foundation
Automotive Museum, who sent a steady stream of crossover visitors.
Our presence on social media has also continued to grow, with our ever increasing following on Facebook
and Twitter, which now total over 2600 and just under 1000 followers respectively. We added Instagram
to our social media tool box in early 2015, and have found that it lends a fun, visually engaging element to
our outreach.
Membership remained strong this past year. With the continued popularity of Toddler Time and our Do You
Know Pippi Longstocking? exhibition, and its new home as one of our permanent galleries, almost two thirds
of membership sales were Household memberships. We are so thrilled to see the museum attract more
and more families with children, and to watch them become more involved with the variety of events and
programs that we offer throughout the year.
New Software
Another success on the membership front was the installation
of a new database system. After using a very limited database for
over a decade, we made the investment in PastPerfect’s museum
database software. This has proven to be far more sophisticated and
integrated then our previous program and has simplified much of
our reporting needs. Down the road we can convert the museum’s
collection database to the same program so that our curatorial staff
can also benefit from all of the tools the software has to offer.
Toddler Time (Continues monthly) Volunteer Appreciation Event
Crayfish Party
Bus Trip to ScanFest July 26, 2014
August 15, 2014
August 31, 2014
Annual Meeting
July 15, 2014
September 14, 2014
Swedish Language Classes (weekly)
September 6, 2014
September 22, 2014
Drums Along the Delaware Pow Wow
September 27, 2014
Cinnamon Bun Day October 4, 2014
NYC Church of Sweden Choir Concert
October 12, 2014
Donor Appreciation Event
October 26, 2014
New Sweden History Conference:
Beef, Bead, & Beer: Colonial Foodways
November 8, 2014
November 14, 2014
Astrid Lindgren’s Birthday Celebration
December 5, 2014
Lucia and Christmas Market December 6, 2014
Swedish Museum Singers Holiday Concert
December 13, 2014
Genealogy Club Winter Meeting
January 31, 2015
January 31, 2015
Semlor and a Movie
February 7, 2015
Pippi Family Fun Day
February 16, 2015
Pea Soup and Punch Supper
Pippi Longstocking Exhibition
Re-Opens in New Location
Waffle Day
Easter Family Fun Day
March 1, 2015
March 21, 2015
March 29, 2015
Indian Nation: Indian Motorcycles and America Opening
April 12, 2015
Auxiliary Luncheon And Movie
April 16, 2015
Valborg Bonfire and Concert April 25, 2015
Spring Ting Dinner and Auction
May 2, 2015
Swedish National Day
June 6, 2015
June 20, 2015
TOP: John Hasselberg, Tracey Beck
and Barbro Osher with Outstanding
Achievement Honoree, Bruce Karstadt,
at Spring Ting Dinner and Auction.
MIDDLE: Dancing around the maypole at
Midsommarfest. MIDDLE: Face painting
at Pippi Family Fun Day. BOTTOM: Doug
Strange waving the Swedish flag before
his talk about Indian Motorcycles.
Bo Bergqvist, Chair
Carin Foster, Vice Chair
Earl Seppala, Secretary
David Kirk Seagers, Treasurer
Kristina Antoniades
Christer Baeckstrom
Tracey Beck, Executive Director
Alice (Roni) Christensen
Evert Christensen, Jr.
Rikard Edstrom
David Engstrom
Dawn Gould
Samuel Heed
Marja Kaisla
Fredrik Khayati
Maj Britt Lautman
George C. McFarland, III
Sigrid Neilson
Sandra Pfaff
James R. Roebuck, Jr.
Abby Shaw
James Walker
Fanny Warren
Kim-Eric Williams
Full-Time Staff
Tracey Rae Beck, Executive Director
Lauren Burnham, Education and Public Programs
Sophie Hallberg, Marketing Assistant (through
December 2014)
Carrie A. Hogan, Senior Curator
Ann Humphrey, Education Assistant (through
September 2014)
Caroline S. Rossy, Communications and
Operations Manager
Frank C. Sanders, Facility Manager
Petra Tieu, Marketing Assistant (beginning January, 5 2015)
Weekend Managers
Betsy Cashin
Carol Fucci
Maya Hartmann
Martha Howard
Abigail Johnson
Roberta Johnson
Courtney Anderson
Charlette Hove
Shuangzi Hu
Xuemin Li
Megan Millman
Emily Pierattini
Josh Sundermeyer
Ex-Officio Governors
Leonard A. Busby, Immediate Past Chair
The Honorable Michael Nutter,
Mayor of Philadelphia
Mark Focht, Executive Director,
Fairmount Park Commission
LEFT: Bo Bergqvist became Chair of ASHM’s Board of Governors in
September 2014 RIGHT: Marketing Assistant Sophie Hallberg and
Education and Public Program Manager Lauren Burnham.
*Investment income used for operations only
Buildings and Grounds
Fredrik Khayati, Chair
Erwin Apell
Theresa Stuhlman
Carrie Hogan
Frank Sanders
Earl Seppala
Margaretha Talerman
Jim Walker
Kristina O’Doherty,
Jackie Axilbund
Christer Baeckstrom
Leonard Busby
Carin Foster
Sandra Pfaff
Edie Rohrman
Finance and Audit
Erik Muther, Chair
Bo Bergqvist
Leonard Busby
George McFarland III
Sandra Pfaff
Kirk Seagers
Rik Edstrom
Jim Walker
Kristina Antoniades,
Roni Christensen
Christina Gravdahl
Kristina Hofmann
Maj Britt Lautman
George McFarland
Sandra Pfaff
Caroline Rossy
Inger Stone
Ginny Swedberg
Fanny Warren
Museum Committee
Abby Shaw, Chair
Vicki Cassman
Kasey Grier
Carrie Hogan
Thora Jacobson
Margaretha Talerman
Carin Foster, Chair
Evert Christensen, Jr.
David Engstrom
Earl Seppala
Kim-Eric Williams
Strategic Planning
Bo Bergqvist, Co-Chair
Tracey Beck, Co-Chair
Kristina Antoniades
Lauren Burnham
Rik Edstrom
Carin Foster
Sam Heed
Carrie Hogan
Marja Kaisla
Fredrik Khayati
Erik Muther
Sigrid Neilson
Kristina O’Doherty
Sandra Pfaff
Caroline Rossy
Kirk Seagers
Earl Seppala
Abby Shaw
Bo Bergqvist, Chair and Tracey
Beck, Executive Director, are exofficio members of all committees
Event Committees
Pea Soup Committee
Leonard Busby
Jim Collins
Michael Harrar
Erik Heinicke
Roman Hyrcushko
Roy Johnson
Lars Jönsson
Charlie Kalb
Glen Kasper
Edward Keer
Fredrik Khayati
Henrik Swanljung
Spring Ting
Fanny Warren, Chair
Kristina Antoniades
Jackie Axilbund
Tracey Beck
Roni Christensen
Sylvia Davenport
Birgitta Davis
Carin Foster
Christina Gravdahl
Donna Johnson
Kristina O’Doherty
Sandra Pfaff
Mary Anne Powell
Caroline Rossy
Margaretha Talerman
Petra Tieu
Christer Baeckstrom,
Kristina Antoniades
Tracey Beck
Lauren Burnham
Evert Christensen
Dawn Gould
Sophie Hallberg
Sam Heed
Fredrik Khayati
Kristina O’Doherty
Sandra Pfaff
Caroline Rossy
Kirk Seagers
Dawn Gould, President
Tina Cook, Secretary
Linda Alexy, Treasurer
Jackie Axilbund,
Corresponding Secretary
Elisabeth Brown
Elin Gavaghan
Karin Hampel
Donna Johnson
LaVonne Johnson
Kristina Kalb
Karin Kornaga
Diane Kontomus
Jeanne Lemaster
Donna O’Connell
Kristina O’Doherty
Birgitta Paddack
Donna Pop
Mary Anne Powell
Sally Redlener
Virginia Swedberg
Susan Sjöstrom
Margaretha Talerman
Fanny Warren
Kristina O’Doherty,
Tod Benedict,
Vice President
Bill Fagerstrom,
Lavonne Johnson,
Maj Britt Lautman,
Elisabeth Brown,
Ingrid Cagan, Treasurer
Kristina Antoniades
Ulla Britt Apell
Görel Bengtzon
Ragnhild Bergqvist
Iliana Bjorling-Sachs
Mary Jean Clark
Tina Cook
Catharina Copeland
Birgitta Davis
Elisabeth Fetterman
Carin Foster
Kerstin L.M. Frykberg
Elly Gustafson
Ulla Heinicke
Kerstin Hoeldtke
Kristina Hofmann
Elisabeth Hohman
Christine Hudson
Sigurd S. Johnson
Kathi Keefe
Gunilla Knutson
Karin Kornaga
Barbro Pollock
Kjerstin Sama
Ulla Britt Schroyer
Doriney Seagers
Inger Stone
Margaretha Talerman
Inga-Lill Wicks
Birgitta Wilson
Swedish Museum
Christina Gravdahl,
Catherine Schmittle,
Music Director
Kenneth Alexy
Elsa Brenner
Nancy Olson Wilson
Katrina Carlson
Mary Jean Clark
Erik Collins
Helena Swanljung Collins
Jim Collins
Roy Johnson
Karin Kornaga
Elsa Orescan
Christine Rambo
Niels Ryde
Susan Sjöstrom
Virginia Swedberg
With much appreciation, we thank the following
members, friends, and colleagues for contributing to
the collection during FY2014-2015. The Pennsylvania
Historical & Museum Commission donated three
recordings of the Swedish Tercentenary banquet
celebrations in Philadelphia in 1938. Maud Palmer
donated vintage postcards from Sweden. Signe Rooth
donated membership items from the John Ericsson
Society in New York. Kristina Hofmann donated a
pair of Saami boots. The Joan Pearson Watkins trust
(via Jonathan Fairbanks of the Fuller Craft Museum)
donated a late-nineteenth century Swedish wedding
chest. Karin Hampel donated a rare ASHM Lucia
Festival program from 1937. Kim-Eric Williams
donated a Prästrock issued by the Church of Sweden.
Marna Feldt donated several commemorative stamps
from 1988.
TOP: Vintage Postcards donated by Maud Palmer
BOTTOM: Sami boots donated by Kristina Hofmann.
Daily paying visitors were above
the average for the last 5 years.
The generosity of our community of supporters is vital in our ability to carry out
our mission. The following individuals, foundations, organizations and corporations
have given us gifts and grants to support our operating needs, endowment, events and
special projects above and beyond basic membership dues:
$100,000 and above
$10,000 to $99,999
ASHM Auxiliary
Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation
George C. and Esther Ann McFarland Trust
Marie McCauley Charitable Remainder
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
Philadelphia Cultural Fund
$1,000 to $9,999
Kristina & John Antoniades
Jacqueline Axilbund
Ragnhild & Bo Bergqvist
Evert J. Christensen, Jr.
Connelly Foundation
Margaret Copeland
Mr. Paul Muther & Dr. Ulla Dagert-Muther
Sylvia Davenport
John & Carin Foster
Roy & Donna Johnson
W. Robert & Judith A. Lang
Ruth Lindeborg & Leonard Busby
Britta A. Mattson
Dr. & Mrs. V. Eugene McCoy
Dr. Eric Neilson
Kristina & John O’Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pfaff
Philadelphia Energy Solutions
Rosenlund Family Foundation
Earl & Sylvia Seppala
Wade R. Sjögren
Sports Complex Special Services District
SWEA New Jersey
SWEA Philadelphia
Swedish Colonial Society
Swedish Council of America
Margaretha Talerman
Whibco, Inc
$500 to $999
Mrs. Gloria Aitken-Ross
Clifford Anderson
Albert & Evelyne Axelrod
William & Tracey Beck
Biddle & Co.
Central Carolina Community Foundation
Alice Christensen
Ken & Kerstin Cook
David & Catharina Copeland
Gordon & Jane Downing
Rik Edstrom & Lea Knapik-Edstrom
Ms. Marna Feldt
Samuel & Janet Heed
Kristina Gustafson Hofmann
Gudmund Iversen
Kristina & Charles Kalb
Kreischer Miller
Sandra Lazo
Dr. Charles J. Mode
Mrs. Marshall A. Mundheim
Sigrid Elsa Neilson
Mrs. Elsa Orescan
Annika Saracini
James Schnobrich & Chris Daniel
Virginia Swedberg
Lorraine & Richard Waldron
Fanny Warren
Birgitta & Bill Wilson
Merle A. Wolfson
$250 to $499
Margaret Altman
Erwin & Britt Apell
Marianne Baeckstrom
Christer & Patricia Baeckstrom
Elisabeth & Wayne Brown
Robert & Ingrid Cagan
Margaret Churchville
DeAnn P. Clancy
Jimmy & Helena Collins
Jill & Michael D’Andrea
David Engstrom
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Engstrom
Jan & Lillemor Essunger
Michaelle Fleisher
Jeffrey & Christina Gravdahl
Pia & Richard Halloran
Ulla M. Heinicke
Monica & Lakota Kruse
Desiree I. Larosa
Maj-Britt & Robert Lautman
Madden & Tuffano, LLC
Rev. John & Mrs. Lila McCleary
George McFarland III
Bengt & Connie Nestell
Eric Anders Nordstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R. Rambo
Ms. Hope Rosenlund
Linda & Dennis Rydberg
Arthur & Lisa Schiel
Abby Shaw
Kristina H. Smith
Inger & Andy Stone
Robert & Beth Talerman
Eddie Talerman & Dyan Simon
James S. Walker
The Rev. Dr. Kim-Eric Williams
$100 to 249
Linda & Kenneth Alexy
Aon Foundation
Görel Bengtzon & Roman Hrycushko
Alison Bennett
Ingrid Bergstrom-Bogen
Sandra E. Brown
Robert & Julie Jensen Bryan
Lisa C. Caplan
Walter Carlson
Craig E Carpenter
Donna Cashdollar
Vicki & Barbro Cassman
Dale & Mary Jean Clark
Jens & Allison Clausen
Keith & Hilma Cooper
Frank Dalicandro
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. DeBoer
Nance Dirocco
Maria Dostmann
Liselott Eriksson
Exxon Mobil Foundation
David A. Furlow
Stella S. Gabuzda
Dr. Tina Glisovic-Aplenc
John Hasselberg
Lisa & Bill Hoffman
Kathi Keefe
Dr. Carolyn Berglund Keefe
Karin Kornaga
Maria & Scott Larsen
Barbro & Ernst Larsson
The Liebman Family
Marjatta Lyyra
Duane Malm
Pew Charitable Trust
Ms. Karen A. McKillip
MedTalents, Jeff Edson
Jeffrey Miller
Katherine Monday-Schievenin
Mary Anne Carlson Morgan
Margie Moss
Erik & Nicole Muther
Dr. & Mrs. Keith Nelson
Carl I. Oberg
Al Ostrand
Jere & Birgitta Paddack
Maud Palmer
Philadelphia Society for the Preservation
of Landmarks
PNC Foundation
Mary Anne Powell
Jeff Rasmussen & Family
Eleanor D. Redfield
Emily C Riley
Edith & Albert Rohrman
Ellen T. Rye
Kjerstin & Dominic Sama
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Seagers
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Seagers
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Smith, Jr.
Shirley Stengel
Max & Sandy Stepanuk
Vincent V. Suppan
Karin & David Svahn
Ms. Kathi Vitelli
Mrs. Kenneth Wattman
Rev. & Mrs. DuWayne Winters
Under $100
Charles & Frances Allmond
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Anderson
Daniel & Marcy Bacine
Helene Y. Basile & Family
John Baxter & Theresa McKenna
Elisabeth Beaird
Len & Flo Beck
Adrienne & Bjorn Bolinder
Morgan & Elsa Brenner
Damian Brindell
William Callahan & Rut Vivianne EnglundCallahan
Betsy Cashin
Dr. Charles Colson
Mr. Dale W. Cottrell
Morris & Birgitta Davis
Ed Devinney
William B. Fagerstrom
Kay Ford
Monica Fowler
Antonietta Gianfrancesco
Mary & Owen Gilman
Barbara & Saul Goldstein
Barbara E. Good
Lennart A. Hahr
Joseph & Karin Hampel
Anne Charlotte Hanes Harvey
Jorgen G. Hedenhag
Carrie Hogan & Sarah Schmidt
Elisabeth Hohman
Sylvia Holteen
Thomas F. & Mary Ann Hudson
B. Rena Huntsman
Jenny Lind Club of Michigan
Mr. & Mrs. Sigurd S. Johnson
C.R. Karlsson
Sheila & Barry Kliger
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Knutson
Barbara L. Larson
Anne Marie Lindeborg
Kelly Lord
David Marion
Marlin R. Mattson, M.D.
Rosemary & Jeffrey Moller
Robert C. Nicander
Timothy Nurvala & Al Wulff
Donna Ellen Norling O’Connell
Rose Marie G. Oster
Carolyn Peterson
Barbro & Wayne Pollock
John & Kerstin Radel
Linda T. Raffa
Paul & Kristin Ricchiuti
Deborah Robinson
Estate of Paula Newman
Anita Rothstein & Fran Gelman
Niels Ryde
Nancy Sandberg
David O. Segermark
Denis F. Sheils
Rudy & Jean Soderlund
John & Susan Soffronoff
Christine N. Stainton
Jane Stebbins
Theresa Stuhlman & Elaina Stuhlman
Swedish Cultural Society of Cleveland
John Tepe
Kerstin & Bjorn Tyreus
Kathryn Andersen Woodhouse
Margaret L. Young
Inger M. Zeller
Life Members
David L. Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Ruth Meixner-Bird
Amelie Marie Bonde
Helena Elisabeth Bonde
Countess Clarissa Bonde
Sophia Louise Bonde
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Butcher IV
W. Keen Butcher
Robert Cato
Robert G. Cato, Jr.
Leroy W. Dahlberg
Sylvia Davenport
Torsten Edvar E.A.
Lincoln & Ruth Ekstrom
Marna Feldt
Margaret Finley
Mrs. Richard A. Groos
Len & Elly Gustafsson
Olov Hagerbrant
Douglas Hellstrom
Dr. John Hemmingson Hill
Dr. Robert Nyden Hill
Mr. Bengt Jansson
Jenny Lind Club of Michigan
Joseph & Lisa Kohn
Marcia Larson
Dr. Elizabeth Larsson
Mrs. Anne Martenson
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Matz
Rita G. Matthews
Ellen Peterson Morris
Erik Neilson
Cindy Nord
Barbro S. Osher
Dr. Georgina Peacher
Herbert V. Peterson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pfaff
Morris C. Rambo, Jr.
Dr. Signe A. Rooth
Jea & Stephanie Rosenlund
Hope Ryden
Dr. Robert Savage
Karl E. Schober
Wade Sjögren
Robert A. Souders
Margaretha Talerman
Ruth M. Taylor
TOP: Swedish Museum Singers perfoming
at Valborg Bonfire and Concert.
BOTTOM: Senior Curator Carrie Hogan
and Museum Exhibitions Intern Charlette
Hove at the opening of Indian Nation: Indian
Motorcycles and America.
We would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that provided
donations of tangible gifts and/or services to the museum and its events.
Academy of Natural Sciences
Kristina Antoniades
Arden Theater
ASHM Auxiliary
ASHM Board of Govenors
ASHM Midsommarklubben
Avalon Golf Club
Avenue Kitchen
Jackie Axilbund
Christer Baeckstrom
Barnes Foundation
Benari Jewelers
Bo Bergqvist
Boxcar Brewery
Brooklyn Brewing Company
Elisabeth Brown
Leonard Busby
Chamber Orchestra of
Evert Christensen, Jr.
Roni Christensen
Comcast Spectacor
Courtyard Marriott (Navy Yard)
Jill and Michael D’Andrea
Sylvia Davenport
Englund’s Men’s Store
Equilibrium Spa
FACE Stockholm
John & Carin Foster
Fringe Arts
General Warren Inne
Judy Glowiak
Dawn Gould
Christina Gravdahl
Bonnie Grilli
Gudrun Sjödén
Maya Hartman
Hassis Men’s Store
Hedgerow Theatre Company
Sylvia Holteen
Inn at Osprey Point
Iron Hill Brewery
Jeffrey A. Miller Catering
Margaretha Joelsson
Donna Johnson
Kalmar Nyckel Foundation
Xander Karkruff
Donna Kurlyak
la peg.
Tina Lassen
Leif Ericson Viking Ship Inc.
LilleKnappen, Inc.
Gullbritt Mengelbier
Montgomery McCracken
Walker & Naked Brewing
Jennifer Nieling
Rhoads, LLP
Ocean Prime
Kristina O’Doherty
Old Swedes Historic Site
Birgitta Paddack
Penrose Diner
People’s Light and Theatre
Sandra Pfaff
Philadelphia Flyers
Philadelphia Phillies
Pop’s Water Ice
Mary Ann Powell
Linda Raffa
Reading Fightin’ Phils
Paul Richiutti/ 2PK LLC
Ristorante LaLocanda
Jim Roebuck
Caroline Rossy
Sabrina’s Cafe/ Spencer’s ETA
Kirk Seagers
Seasons 52
Abby Shaw
Bill Siegel
Stephanie Nuse
Swedish Colonial Society
Swedish Press
Margaretha Talerman
The DeFused Band
Union League of Philadelphia
Vine Dining
Linda Vizzi
Jim Walker
Fanny Warren
Birgitta Wilson
Yard’s Brewing Company
TOP: Kristina O’Doherty, Donna Johnson and Margaretha
Talerman with auction items at Spring Ting Dinner and
Auction. BOTTOM: Raffle items at SmörgåsBeer’d.
Phone: 215.389.1776
1900 Pattison Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19145