Ministry Handbook - St. Aloysius Church
Ministry Handbook - St. Aloysius Church
St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory WITNESS THE MYSTERY OF GOD’S MERCY THROUGH STEWARDSHIP TO OTHERS August 14, 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Mercy is the foundation of the Church’s life. The Church “has an endless desire to show mercy”. At times, it is as though, we may have forgotten how to show and live the way of mercy. Through our Stewardship, we are practicing the basis of mercy. This is our joyful call. Pope Francis has proclaimed December 8, 2015-November 20, 2016 as the Year of Mercy because “it is the favorable time to heal wounds, a time not to be weary of meeting all those who are waiting to see and touch with their hands the signs of the closeness of God, a time to offer everyone the way of forgiveness and reconciliation.” He said that “nothing in the Church’s preaching or witness can be lacking in mercy. And he urged all Catholics to spend more time practicing what traditionally have been called the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The corporal works of mercy are: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, visiting the imprisoned, giving drink to the thirsty and burying the dead. The spiritual works are: converting sinners, instructing the ignorant, advising the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving injuries and praying for the living and the dead. In this Jubilee year we are called to live our daily lives with the mercy that the Father constantly extends to us. The Church challenges us to Witness the Mystery of God’s Mercy through our Stewardship to Others. This message is clear as we show signs of pardon, strength, aid, and love to our community. May we never tire and be ever patient in offering compassion and comfort to those in need. “Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old” (Ps 25:6). Enclosed in this handbook is one Stewardship of Ministry sign up form. Please sign up online on our website www.aloysius. org or cut out the sign up form and put it in the collection at Mass. Your ministry interests will be sent to the applicable committee chair. Each family member age 10 and over is encouraged to complete a form, preferably online. Extra forms are available in church or you may copy this form and mail it in to the Parish Office. Many possibilities are listed for ”Witnessing the Mystery of God’s Mercy” through time and talent. In order to help determine where you might focus your commitment to minister, a special presentation celebrating ministry will be given during all Masses held on Ministry Promotion Weekend, August 22/23, 2015. Please attend Mass and the Ministry Fair held after 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday Masses and learn about the many ways you and your family can serve the Lord. You will also receive a copy of Aloysius Alive in the mail featuring articles from parishioners describing how they have witnessed God’s mercy through participating in ministry. Please take a moment to reflect and listen to our Lord’s call to serve and share and then log on or complete the enclosed card. We encourage you to Witness the Mystery of God’s Mercy by giving of your time and talents. Yours in Christ, Stewardship of Ministry Committee 1 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Our Vision Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a vibrant community of peace, love and unity as the living body of Christ. Our Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish embraces and nurtures all, inspiring each to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly in the love of God. Cover art design by Scott Hodgin of Tilt, LLC Description of St. Aloysius Catholic Church Ministry Banners Administration Banner: Fish on an aqua background The apostles made their living as fisherman. In this way they provided for the needs of their community. So too do the stewards of Administration provide for the St. Aloysius community through facilities, resources and communication. Community Life Banner: Three interconnecting circles on an orange background The circle is a symbol of eternity and never-ending existence. The three circles are a monogram for the Trinity. It is the monogram of God. Christians believe that God is a community of three persons. Inspired by God, the parish strives also to grow in this communal relationship. Education Banner: A tree on a green background Vine and branches symbolize new growth. The Education Commission deals mainly with the Christian formation — the faith development of children and young people. Faith seeks understanding and understanding strengthens faith. Social Responsibility Banner: The pitcher of water and basin on a blue background The pitcher and basin recall the washing of the feet before the Last Supper in the gospel of John, a gesture of self-giving, humble service. The water relates to the washing, but it also reminds us of the waters of baptism. Through our baptism we become Disciples of Christ, commissioned to serve God and God’s people as we reach out in direct service and advocacy. Spiritual Growth Banner: The star and compass on a purple background The star and compass are navigation tools. The star of Bethlehem guided the Magi on the journey to find Christ. Like stars and a compass the Spiritual Growth commission guides people who journey in their search for the Lord. Worship Banner: Fire on a red background The Holy Spirit inspired the disciples to go forth and proclaim the gospel. We strive to recapture the spirit of the early church through full conscious and active participation in the liturgy of the church. May the worship life of St. Aloysius be passionate and spirit filled to encourage us to go forth and live Christ like lives. 2 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Communications Committee A ministry providing technical and creative assistance to the parish in areas such as the website, graphics, email, bulletin, and other publications and brochures. Administration Commission The primary purpose of the Administration Commission is to assume responsibility for the functional, material and operational needs of the parish. Pastoral Council Co-Chairs: Chris Valluzzo 928-8376 [email protected] Holly DeKeyzer 928-4228 [email protected] Administration Commission Co-Chairs: Kelly Lopez 936-4002 [email protected] Michael Acaldo 769-2801 [email protected] Aloysius Alive Staff A ministry that produces the parish newspaper on a periodic basis from August to May. Photographers provide a pictorial record of parish activities and special events. Responsibilities Include: Writing, photography, layout, and proofing; journalism experience preferred. Photographers take pictures with their own camera; pictures are submitted on CD or through email. Time Commitment/Meetings: Two to four hours per issue depending on task. Photographer’s time varies according to their availability. Aloysius Alive Contact: Ken Duhe 252-1653 [email protected]; [email protected] Photographers New Chair Needed! Please call or email if interested. Contact: Cathy Dardenne 343-6657, ext. 3029 [email protected] 3 Responsibilities Include: Service based on area of interest and expertise. Time Commitment/Meetings: Time will be based on particular projects assigned. New Chairs Needed! Call or email if interested. Contact: Cathy Dardenne 343-6657 ext. 3029 [email protected] Facilities & Maintenance A ministry that provides assistance in managing the physical plant and property needs of the parish. This ministry includes Handy Helpers, the ministry that organizes spring and fall clean-up days. Responsibilities Include: Planning and consultation with committee, architect and contractors concerning both periodic maintenance issues, as well as building and capital projects. Members may be asked to assist the Facilities Manager with trouble shooting and solutions. Handy Helpers members may help with landscaping projects and campus beautification. Time Commitment/Meetings: Facilities Committee meets quarterly to discuss areas of need; time commitment varies according to volunteer’s availability. Handy Helpers projects usually are scheduled as 3 to 4 hour sessions once or twice a year. Contact: John Meek 329-4571 [email protected] Bill Quirk 343-6657, ext. 3039 [email protected] Handy Helpers: Bill Quirk 343-6657, ext. 3039 [email protected] St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Finance Council A ministry that prepares and monitors parish budgets, financial planning, the annual Stewardship of Offering program, Parish Endowment, and capital campaigns. This ministry includes St. Matthew’s Guild, the ministry that prepares Sunday collections for deposit, as well as the Bank at the Parish Fair. Responsibilities Include: Assisting in the preparation of the parish budget, overseeing finances of the Church, the School, the Child Care Center and the Fair, and collaborating with the Stewardship of Offering committee. Time Commitment/Meetings: The members of the Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor and meet monthly. St. Matthew’s Guild consists of five teams that serve once every five weeks. Holidays are rotated between the teams. The Bank serves during the Parish Fair weekend. See Stewardship of Offering Committee for additional information. Contact: Dan Gardiner 408-4465 [email protected] (Fin. Council) Contact: Patrick Valluzzo (Fair Treasurer) 924-5429 [email protected] Contact: Kim LaFleur 343-6657, ext. 3022 [email protected] (St. Matthew’s Guild) Executive Committee (Ad Hoc Committee) The Executive Committee is appointed by the pastor. Responsibilities Include: Work with pastor to review building plans, getting input from facilities committee and other committees, as applicable. Advisory committee to the pastor. Contact: Toni Kirby 927-4491 [email protected] Office Mailings A ministry that assists with parish wide mailings. Responsibilities Include: Preparation of printed material for mailing including folding, stuffing envelopes, labeling, etc. Time Commitment/Meetings: A team of ten to fifteen people meet during office hours (usually mornings) at various times from August to May for about two hours each mailing. Contact: Aline Landry 343-6657, ext. 3020 [email protected] Office Volunteers A ministry providing special clerical assistance to the parish office and/or one of the six commissions. Especially needed are volunteers willing to offer a half day per week at a mutually convenient time. Responsibilities Include: Printing, mailing, collating special booklets, typing, filing, etc. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Angela Falgoust 343-6657, ext. 3031 [email protected] Information Technology Committee (IT) (Ad Hoc Committee) The IT Infrastructure Committee is a ministry of the parish that supports and advises the pastor, pastoral council, and parish staff regarding the IT needs in the parish in order to improve the efficiency of communication with parishioners. Responsibilities Include: Evaluation of the Aloysius Church Administration IT Infrastructure consisting of the following: computer hardware and software; network hardware and software; IT contracts, license agreements, etc.; email system, including length and standardization of email addresses; data (and network) security and integrity; broadband internet access, and Wi-Fi systems; data storage and access, digital servers, cloud/offsite storage, local PCs, paper files, etc.; logical file and folder names and hierarchical networked structure; website: interface, logic/structure, technology, access, etc.; telecommunications; closed circuit camera infrastructure; copiers, printers, scanners, etc.…toward paperless. Parish Fair A ministry responsible for organizing the parish’s annual fall fair, including the auction and the golf tournament. Responsibilities Include: Planning the fair’s date, theme & logo, negotiating and booking the fair’s entertainment lineup and rides, securing sponsors, planning the fair’s physical layout, communicating with the Admin Office, Parish and School on fair updates and deadlines, monitoring online registration of fair sales, recruiting Chairs & Co-Chairs for all fair areas, organizing fair volunteers, procuring all food, beverage, supplies and signage, coordinating fair set up and take down logistics and supporting all efforts of the auction and golf tournament. Time Commitment/Meetings: flexible 2015 Fair Chairs: Patrick Downs 205-1117 [email protected], Jesse Downs 405-1852 [email protected] 2015 Co-Chairs: Kate Brady Prejean 405-5363 [email protected] This task will require a current inventory of the Administration hardware software, etc. An IT survey form could be developed to assist with the collection of inventory information at the staff level. Once a current inventory is developed and evaluated for functionality, a needs assessment would be developed. This needs assessment should establish minimum operating standards and be part of an IT master plan to reflect current and future IT infrastructure needs and investment. This information will be used to plug into the parish’s overall master plan as a second phase to meet parish communication needs. This phase will continue in 2015-2016. Time Commitment/Meetings: IT current needs and future needs will continue to be monitored by the committee as necessary. Other meetings and implementation will take place as directed by the pastor. Contacts: Chair: Shawn Usher 216-1500 [email protected] 2015-16 Golf Tournament Co-Chairs: Randy Cangelosi 389-3723 [email protected] Bryan Lindsay 802-4475 [email protected] 2015 Silent & Live Auction Co-Chairs: Chair: Jaci Juneau 223-3099 [email protected] Co-Chair: Kate Sandahl 938-4451 [email protected] 4 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Total Stewardship Committee A ministry that plans and coordinates the timing, vision, and programs of the three phases of stewardship. The Committee members are the co-chairs of the three stewardship committees. Community Life Commission Stewardship of Ministry A ministry that prepares and presents Stewardship of Ministry weekend which provides parishioners with the opportunity to use their God given gifts and talents to serve one another and to build the kingdom. Responsibilities Include: Producing an edition of Aloysius Alive, disseminating updated ministry information including commitment cards and thank you notes and forwarding volunteer’s commitment information to the various committees. Assists in Ministry Fair. Time Commitment/Meetings: Meets 4 to 5 times between April and August. Contact: Erin Pontif Chair 766-8900 [email protected]; [email protected] Suzy Smith Co-chair 768-7721 [email protected] The purpose of the Community Life Commission is to create and foster a spirit of community, to reinforce and strengthen family bonds, and to identify needs so as to better meet the community life needs of the members of St. Aloysius Parish. Pastoral Council Co-Chairs: Scott Ritter 927-1934 [email protected] Phillip Romano (504) 432-8474 [email protected] Commission Co-Chairs: David Kerth 383-3476 [email protected] Tracy Evans 615-6866 [email protected] Coffee & Donuts A ministry that hosts the weekly coffee and donut reception after 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Stewardship of Offering A ministry that prepares and presents Stewardship of Offering weekend which allows parishioners to offer in thanksgiving to God our financial gifts, in recognition that all we have comes from God and is to be used for the common good of all. Responsibilities Include: Producing an issue of Aloysius Alive, preparing a letter campaign, a presentation to the congregation, and follow-up as well as providing assistance to the Finance Council. Time Commitment/Meetings: Meets 4 to 5 times between October and February. Contact: Stephen Mathews Chair 769-6418 [email protected] Michael Acaldo co-chair 769-2801 [email protected] Stewardship of Prayer A ministry that prepares and presents Stewardship of Prayer weekend which allows parishioners to make a commitment to grow closer to God through personal prayer, community worship and spiritual formation. Responsibilities Include: Producing articles for Aloysius Alive and the Bulletin; preparing a presentation to the congregation; providing assistance to the parish office in this area. Time Commitment/Meetings: As needed to prepare for the weekend. Contact: Jay Montalbano Co-chair 769-7632 [email protected] Angela Montalbano Chair 769-7632 [email protected] 5 Responsibilities Include: Picking up donuts and apple juice, setting up, making coffee and cleaning up. Time Commitment/Meetings: Volunteers are usually scheduled 3 to 4 times a year. Contact: New Chair Needed! Call or email if interested Claire Grandy 343-6657 ext. 3021 cgrandy@ Christmas Crafts Group A ministry that plans and coordinates an annual Advent craft event for children. Responsibilities Include: Preparing craft supplies for individual ease of use as well as demonstrating craft on day of event to children, if desired. Time Commitment/Meetings: One initial meeting; time commitment varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Meme Tassin, Chair 769-5106 [email protected] Crystal Harmon Co-chair 223-6736 [email protected] Family Life A ministry that promotes “Family” with celebrations for all ages, including St. Aloysius Feast Day celebration and Holy Smoke bbque competition. Responsibilities Include: The Family Life Committee volunteers will organize events, set up and decorate, serve food and clean-up. Time Commitment/Meetings: Initial organizational meeting per event to coordinate responsibilities. Contact: Claire Grandy 343-6657, ext. 3021 [email protected] St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Mardi Gras Viewing Party Responsibilities Include: Organization/planning of this event, set up and decorate, serve food and clean-up. Time Commitment/Meetings: Initial organizational meeting per event to coordinate responsibilities. Contact: volunteer needed: contact Claire Grandy [email protected] Hosting Committee A ministry that provides resources and support for parish receptions. Responsibilities Include: Assisting and planning events, recruiting volunteers to organize, prepare food, set up, serve, and clean up for First Eucharist and Confirmation receptions, and other receptions in the parish. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies; as necessary. Contact: Chair: Allison Hoffpauir 302-7694 [email protected] Senior Ministry A ministry that provides resources and opportunities for our senior parish members to be active and grow in Christian fellowship. Responsibilities Include: Assisting in the planning of events and participating in planned events. Senior Ministry activities include: information presentations, luncheons, trips, retreat, Bible studies and Five-O-Exercise. Time Commitment/Meetings: Time varies according to event. Contact: Claire Grandy 343-6657 ext. 3021 [email protected] Contact: Five-O-Exercise Donna Gerstner 766-3591 Knights of Columbus A ministry composed of Catholic men who work together to support their Church, their community and each other. Responsibilities Include: Promoting and coordinating social, athletic and fundraising functions. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability with meetings on the second Thursday of each month. Contact: Josh Zelden, Grand Knight 202-3554 jzelden@ Mardi Gras Float A ministry that promotes fellowship among parishioners during Mardi Gras season. Float Responsibilities Include: Participation in creating and preparing the float to ride in the Southdowns Parade. Adults must ride with children. $100.00 riding fee, including a $25.00 non-refundable deposit per person. Time Commitment/Meetings: Mandatory Krewe meeting in order to ride, in addition to volunteer hours preparing float and costumes. Contact: Nathan and Elizabeth Fourrier 806-8103 [email protected] Men’s Club A ministry that provides food and fellowship with guest speakers for male parishioners at scheduled meetings throughout the year and provides volunteer services to the parish and its ministries. Responsibilities Include: Organization and implementation of a men’s parish retreat, scheduled meetings throughout the year, and an annual crawfish boil, in addition to supporting parish events, including the Parish Golf Tournament, as the need arises. Time Commitment/Meetings: Requested annual dues are $20.00 which covers dinner at regularly scheduled meetings. Contact: Ernie Spreen [email protected] Scouting A ministry that supports Boy Scout, Cub Scout, and Girl Scout troops within our parish. Responsibilities Include: Coordinating and participating in scout activities. Adult volunteers are also needed as Merit Badge Counselors. Time Commitment/Meetings: To be determined at a later date. Contact: Greg Grandy (Boy Scouts) 278-7068 Patience Appleton 768-1404 [email protected] Erick Comeaux (Cub Scouts) 769-6543 [email protected] Singles Social Group A ministry that provides resources and opportunities for our parish’s single adults to grow in Christian companionship. Responsibilities Include: Working with Catholic Diocese and our members to promote social functions for parish singles. Time Commitment/Meetings: Monthly Contact: [email protected] 6 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Welcoming Committee A ministry that welcomes newcomers to St. Aloysius Parish. Responsibilities Include: Coordinating and hosting two luncheons per year. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Anne Roberts Co-chair 343-4424 [email protected] Sydney Hebert 717-1718 [email protected] Co-Chair Leslie Edwards (504) 296-1985 [email protected] Co-chair Ministries of Religious Education Confirmation Small Group Facilitators A ministry that coordinates sacramental preparation for the celebration of Confirmation. Responsibilities Include: • Journeying with high school juniors on their walk through our confirmation program • Partnering with a second adult to lead a small group of six to eight teens • Opening your home to that small group for four home sessions • Being a welcoming, encouraging resource to those teens • Attending an daylong retreat where small groups truly have the opportunity to bond Time Commitment: • Four home sessions on Sunday afternoons or evenings, depending on your availability (Sept & Oct) • A one-day confirmation retreat in mid-September • A confirmation orientation (August) and closing service (November) • Two training sessions, one for the home sessions and one for the retreat Contact: MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Becky Wannamaker 921-2506 Ambassadors Committee A ministry that guides new parishioners throughout their first year of membership. Responsibilities Include: Providing an open line of communication for new parishioner families and encouraging involvement in ministries and community events. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies Contact: New Chair needed: contact Claire Grandy [email protected] Education Commission The Education Commission is responsible for those ministries that form us in the knowledge and practice of our faith so that we may become more fully that community of faith envisioned in our parish mission statement. Youth Ministry A ministry that promotes spiritual growth and guidance for the parish youth. Pastoral Council Co-Chairs: Ann Michael Lagarde 218-3109 [email protected] Aimee Dawes 603-4315 [email protected] High School Youth Group Member Teens in high school are invited to join the high school youth group and have fun at Life Nights, summer trips, softball, and retreats! Commission Co-Chairs: Scott Poche 202-5752 [email protected] Allison Pham 573-0635 [email protected] High School youth group meets in the Parish Hall on Sunday evenings following 5:30 p.m. Mass. Meetings are called “Life Nights,” and everyone is welcome. There are no sign-up forms to complete! Some activities include: • Retreats • Icebreaker games • Small groups • Speakers • Praise & worship music • Adoration • Confession • Softball • Game nights • Trips to San Antonio, Disney World, and Vacherie (mission trip) Meetings include dinner and end at 8:30 p.m. All are welcome! High School Youth Leadership Team Teens in high school offer leadership and creativity to the high school and junior high youth ministry programs during meetings, retreats, trips, and other special activities. Teens are invited to apply for Youth Leadership Team each spring. This team helps to lead the youth group and commits to striving toward extraordinary holy lives and supporting each other. 7 Training is essential to the leadership team; a two-day training is held at St. Aloysius in early June, and a weekend training is held at False River in August. St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory High School Youth Ministry A ministry for parents and young adults which focuses on high school teens and gives them opportunities to feel welcome and a part of our parish. The major focus is Sunday evening meetings, called “Life Nights.” Adults are invited to join the Adult Core Team, which ministers to teens in the following areas: • Food committee - coordinates meals for youth group meetings on Sunday evenings • Environment committee - plans and sets up ambiance for youth group meetings • Planning teams - plans and organizes youth group meetings (Life Nights) • Softball and summer fun - runs the summer softball team and hosts casual game nights • Service committee - brainstorms and organizes service projects • Variety show committee - annual variety show fundraiser hosted the Sunday before MLK Day • Fall Retreat - annual retreat over Labor Day weekend • San Antonio trip - annual trip for graduating 8th graders over Memorial Day weekend • Vacherie mission trip - annual week-long mission trip to Vacherie, Louisiana in July • Disney trip - trip to Disney World every other year over the Mardi Gras holidays Adults are also needed to transport teens, take photos, and publicize events. Junior High Youth Ministry A ministry for parents and young adults specifically focusing on ministering to 7th and 8th grade students. Responsibilities Include: • Coordinate food for Jr. High meetings on Sunday mornings (once a month) • Host and/or help chaperone the annual Food Drive Scavenger Hunt (October) • Help chaperone the annual trip to New Orleans for an NBA game • Help chaperone and/or coordinate the Jr. High evening Lock-in (February) • Help coordinate the Living Stations of the Cross (during Lent) Time Commitment: • Eight junior high youth group meetings per year (responsibilities rotate). • Commitments can be based on your availability and/or interest! Contact: MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Alicia Perilloux, parent coordinator 235-9946 Young Adult Ministry Young adults aid in ministering to high school and junior high teens while building community. Also helps to coordinate with various young adult events run by the Diocese. • The Adult Core Team has an annual training/planning event as well as ongoing training throughout each semester. Time Commitment: • Adult volunteers meet with our youth leadership team on the first Tuesday of every month. • Life Nights are hosted on Sunday evenings approximately twice a month. • Commitments can be based on your availability and/or interest! Contact: MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Junior High Youth Group Member Teens in seventh and eighth grades are invited to join the junior high youth group and enjoy fellowship with their friends through a variety of activities! Teens need not be enrolled at St. Aloysius School to join! Junior High meetings are held in the gym on Sunday mornings from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. once a month. Some of the activities include: • Inflatables • Food drive scavenger hunt • A night in New Orleans attending an NBA game • A lock-in featuring games and a dance party • Various service projects • An end of the year party • Young adults are invited to join the Adult Core Team, which is a group of young adults committed to building up youth of St. Aloysius Parish through leadership, mentorship, catechesis, service, faith formation, and fellowship. ACT members plan and facilitate High School Youth Group Meetings, as well as coordinate and chaperone special events throughout the semester. See High School Youth Ministry and Junior High Youth Ministry for more information! The Adult Core Team has an annual training/planning event as well as ongoing training throughout each semester. Contact: MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Parish School of Religion A ministry that teaches the faith, tradition, and values to children attending non-parochial schools. Elementary PSR is provided for first through sixth grade students while secondary PSR is geared toward seventh through twelfth graders. This ministry includes: Program Directors Responsibilities Include: Opening classrooms, greeting students, monitoring sign in/out process and returning attendance sheets to Parish Office. Time Commitment/Meetings: Elementary PSR: 8:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. on approximately 12-14 Sundays from September to February. Contact: Tricia Greely 343-6657, ext. 3026 [email protected] or Christie Collins 769-3909 [email protected] 8 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Secondary PSR: 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. on approximately 1214 Sundays, from September to April. Contact: MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Jr. High PSR Coordinators: Contact: Tania Gudiel 268-3275 High School PSR Coordinators: Contact: MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Catechists Responsibilities Include: Working as part of a team to provide religious instruction. Elementary and Jr. High School teams work from an established curriculum. High School team curriculum based upon existing materials. Time Commitment/Meetings: Elementary PSR: 8:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Sundays, Fall & Spring. Contact: Tricia Greely 343-6657, ext. 3026 [email protected] Secondary PSR: 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. on approximately 1214 Sundays from September to April. Contact: MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Sunday School A ministry that provides formal religious education for children four and five years of age during the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. Responsibilities Include: Preparing and implementing lessons with the children. Time Commitment/Meetings: Ninety minutes on Sunday mornings during the regular school year, excluding holidays. Contact: Tricia Greely 343-6657, ext. 3026 (9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Mass) [email protected] Music Makers Ministry A ministry that coordinates weekly gatherings to encourage music and fellowship among mothers and their children. Responsibilities Include: Playing with your own child and interacting with other families. Time Commitment/Meetings: Group meets on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. in the K.C. House Contact: Tricia Greely 343-6657, ext. 3026 [email protected] Pray and Play Group A ministry that coordinates monthly gatherings to encourage fellowship among mothers and their children. Responsibilities Include: Organizing and/or hosting one monthly event per year. Time Commitment/Meetings: Monthly Contact: Kristen Overall 985-518-2462 [email protected] Erin Rice 352-316-1063 [email protected] Infant Baptism Preparation A ministry that assists parents seeking Baptism for their children. Responsibilities Include: Conducting baptismal seminars and assisting with rites preceding Baptism as well as the Baptismal Celebration. Time Commitment/Meetings: Two or three times a year. Contact: Bryan and Susan Andries 772-2156 [email protected] Speaker Series Ministry The purpose of this ministry is to invite speakers to St. Aloysius Parish to enhance the spiritual life of the family. Speakers will offer practical faith-centered ways to help children and their parents grow in their Catholic faith and to make effective faith based decisions in today’s modern world. Vacation Bible School A ministry that organizes a one-week summer program for children ages four years to sixth grade. Responsibilities Include: Teaching or assisting with crafts, story time, games and refreshments. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Tricia Greely 343-6657, ext. 3026 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: • Research/secure speakers • Coordinate speaker dates • Event promotion • Invite volunteers to help with childcare (must be Child Protection certified) during the event • 3 to 4 events a year. Contact: Tricia Greely 343-6657, ext. 3026 [email protected] Ministries of St. Aloysius School Home and School A ministry that provides parent and/or grandparent-staffed volunteer services to St. Aloysius School. More information can be found in the SAS Student Directory. Contact: Regina Leonard 819-2789 regina.leonard@ Wren Eagleton 343-3790 [email protected] Mimi Plauche 769-8172 [email protected] 9 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory SAS Come, Lord Jesus A ministry that works with a small group of eighth grade students on personal prayer and spirituality. Contact: Jenny Morales 383-0550 [email protected] SAS Coordinating Committee A ministry that provides assistance to the school principal in the overall operations of St. Aloysius School. Members are appointed. Contact: Erin Candilora, Principal 383-3871 [email protected] School/Faculty Staff A ministry that provides educational, spiritual and religious formation for children pre-school through eighth grade. Contact: Erin Candilora, Principal 383-3871 [email protected] SOS Service Club A ministry that promotes the spirit of service by offering a variety of volunteer opportunities to students in seventh and eighth grade. Contact: Erin Candilora 383-3871 [email protected] Athletics A ministry of St. Aloysius School that assists the Athletic Director through multiple volunteer activities. Opportunities include: coaching, field preparation, concessions, gate collection and site management. Contact: Jerry Guillot 342-0614 [email protected] School office 383-3871 Social Responsibility Commission The primary purposes of the Social Responsibility Commission are to provide a focus on areas of community outreach, advocacy, service and social needs. Pastoral Council Co-Chairs: Kim Hardman 939-6962 [email protected] Melanie Lemoine (504)236-8670 [email protected] Commission Co-Chairs: Brooke Reynolds 936-9450 [email protected] Cathy St. Pierre 931-1436 [email protected] Bereavement Food Team A ministry that provides food to families who have lost a loved one. Responsibilities Include: Volunteers serve as members on one of the four food teams providing a sandwich tray, two side dishes, and two desserts to the bereaved family following funeral service. Time Commitment/Meetings: Providing food 3-4 times a year, depending on the number of funerals in a year. Contact: Nancy Keaton 344-5674 [email protected] Catholic Social Teachings Ministry A ministry that raises awareness among our parishioners of the Catholic Social Teachings and the relevance of these teachings in our daily lives. Responsibilities Include: Providing feedback and assistance on issues that arise in the parish regarding catholic social teachings. Coordinating any events for speakers on catholic social teaching issues. Time Commitment/Meetings: As needed. Contact: Chair: Maria Mathews 761-4091 [email protected] Ministries of St. Aloysius Child Care Center Child Care Center Parent Council The purpose of the Council is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Director in matters involving various areas of importance. These areas include, but are not limited to, Administrative Support, Parental Involvement, Spirituality/ Education, Facilities, Fundraising, and Communications. Responsibilities Include: Attend monthly meetings to facilitate communication between parents and the administration in an ongoing effort to support the quality of care provided. While the Council is not a policy-making body, it assists the administration with strategic planning by providing parental viewpoints and feedback about proposed changes that affect the Center as a whole and working with the administration to review various aspects of operations, including teacher retention, parental and employee handbooks, fundraising, finance, food service, extracurricular activities, changes in procedures or services, and facilities issues. The Council also oversees the structure of parent committees, ensuring each have clear charges and leadership in place. Time Commitment/Meetings: Council meetings are held monthly or more often if an event requires additional meeting times. Contact: Kim Blair 343-1338 [email protected] Counseling Referral Program A ministry that provides counseling to individuals and families referred by pastor and/or school administration. Cost is based on a sliding scale. Responsibilities Include: Volunteers must be board certified social workers who are willing to participate in the Counseling Referral Program. Confidential referrals. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to parish needs and volunteer’s availability. Contact: Angela Falgoust 343-6657, ext. 3031 [email protected] 10 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Communion Ministry to the Homebound A ministry to provide the Eucharist to the homebound. Responsibilities Include: After the appropriate formation, lay ministers administer communion and deliver the weekly bulletin to up to six homebound St. Aloysius parishioners who reside within the church parish. Time Commitment/Meetings: Communion is administered every 4 to 6 weeks, on a rotating schedule with other ministry team members. Schedules are mailed quarterly to team members. Contact: Deacon Chauvin Wilkinson 343-6657 [email protected] Co-Chair: Angela Falgoust 343-6657, ext. 3031 [email protected] Communion Ministry to Long-Term Care Facilities A ministry to provide the Eucharist to residents of longterm care facilities. Responsibilities Include: Participation in and set up for Masses and communion services; taking communion to residents once a month. Time Commitment/Meetings: Volunteers in this ministry are scheduled to provide the Eucharist to residents of long-term care facilities once a month, according to rotating schedule. Contact: Deacon Chauvin Wilkinson 343-6657 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: Attending organizational meetings to determine ways to offer support and to plan healing events for families suffering the loss of a child. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to the needs of families. Contact: Erin Rice (352) 316-1063 [email protected] Giving Tree A ministry that provides gifts and basic personal items during Advent to people in need. Responsibilities Include: Identifying needs of the ministries, making ornaments, collecting and distributing gifts, and wrapping gifts. Time Commitment/Meetings: One planning meeting in October. This ministry completes its yearly ministry in early December. Commitment varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Arline Mistretta 769-2433 [email protected] Co-Chair: Traci Blanchard 767-3318 [email protected] Good Samaritans A ministry that provides meals to families in need. Dignity of Life Ministry Provides positive messages of respecting life from conception to natural death. Responsibilities Include: Planning activities relative to four major programs each year: 1) the annual Bishop’s March for Life in January; 2) an elective program for the youth of the parish; 3) an elective program for the elderly; 4) topics chosen from the Dignity of Life issues of Child Abuse, Contraception, Domestic Violence, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Euthanasia, Health Care For the Poor, Human Cloning, or Human Trafficking. Time Commitment/Meetings: Organizational meeting in the Fall of each year; all other meetings scheduled as needed, depending on program activities of the four major programs. Contact: Ross McCalip (Respect Life) 978-2421 [email protected] Food Bank A ministry that promotes the involvement of parishioners in the donation of food at Sunday Mass for the Baton Rouge Food Bank. Responsibilities Include: Weekly collection from the baskets in church of donated food items and delivery to the Food Bank. Time Commitment/Meetings: Volunteers are assigned 1-2 weeks within the year for pick up of food from the church and delivery of food to the Food Bank. One social is planned each year to allow volunteers to meet each other. Contact: Krista Haefner 603-7196 [email protected] Co-Chair: Wanda Townsend 266-5909 [email protected] Gentle Hands This ministry ministers to families who have suffered the death of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, early infant loss or other tragedies. 11 Responsibilities Include: Organizing and implementing the preparation and delivery of meals to families needing prepared meals for a limited time period. Twice a year this ministry holds a frozen food drive. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Cristyn Mayeux Hodges 571-5106 [email protected] Habitat for Humanity A ministry that provides assistance in building homes. Responsibilities Include: Working on construction projects or at Habitat Restore. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Work dates to be determined. Contact: Kim Boudreaux 205-2870 or 388-7776 [email protected] St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Interfaith Federation of Greater Baton Rouge The Federation is made up of member congregations from various Christian denominations as well as other faith traditions. Responsibilities Include: Participating in the programs of the Interfaith Federation of Greater Baton Rouge, which include: serving noon meals two to three times a year during weeks St. Aloysius is assigned to serve at the Holy Grill soup kitchen in north Baton Rouge; attending the annual Community Prayer Breakfast in the fall; providing Christmas gifts for children at Holy Grill through St. Aloysius Giving Tree Ministry; promoting and attending Interfaith Federation events; serving on Federation committees if interested; serving as a parish delegate to the Federation if interested; and in any other way assistance is requested. Time Commitment/Meetings: One parish organizational meeting in the fall to introduce participants to Federation programs. Time commitment depends on requirements of chosen program. Volunteers for Holy Grill are recruited several weeks before each assigned week of service in the year. Contact: Christina Riquelmy 928-9122 [email protected] Elizabeth Walsh (Holy Grill) 921-1609 [email protected] Personal Loss Support Groups A ministry of individual support groups for those who have suffered through separation, divorce, loss of a loved one, or family crises (i.e., Alzheimer’s disease). Responsibilities: Meet with peers to offer and receive support due to personal loss. Time Commitment/Meetings: Participate in support group meetings as scheduled and as needed. Contact: Angela Falgoust (Grief support) 343-6657, ext. 3031 [email protected] Angela Falgoust (Separated/Divorce Support) 343-6657, ext. 3031 [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry A ministry that creates physical gifts of prayer to others in need of comfort through knitting and crocheting, sewing, or quilting items such as prayer shawls and hats for cancer patients. Responsibilities Include: Members use their talents to create items for others. No experience is necessary and is easy to learn. Materials and instructions are provided. Time Commitment: Optional monthly gatherings are held the second and fourth Thursday of each month for fellowship, pattern, and idea sharing. Contact: Rebecca Valadie 715-5553 [email protected] Joyce Boone 324-7279 [email protected] Just Faith A ministry that promotes and supports small faith group processes, which include scripture, the Church’s historical witness, theological inquiry and church social teachings. Responsibilities: Team members choose from a variety of topics offered by the Just Faith National Office and facilitated by team members. Time Commitment/Meetings: One planning meeting during the summer months. Other commitments/meetings vary according to parishioner’s interest, choice of topics and the availability of facilitators. Contact: Thomas Telhiard 505-0482 [email protected] Prison Ministry at Angola State Prison-Kairos A ministry that provides spiritual growth opportunities and support through weekend retreats for incarcerated men at Angola State Prison. Responsibilities Include: Members serving the residents of Angola State Prison through the Kairos prison ministry program. Opportunities include participating in training and the Angola retreats, baking cookies or preparing letters and children’s art Agape. Time Commitment/Meetings: Time required varies according to volunteer’s availability. Three Kairos camp retreats are scheduled at Angola each year in the spring, summer, and fall. Contact: Rick Blackstone 387-5871 [email protected] Co-Chair: Matthew Zylicz (504) 906-6288 [email protected] LSU Lunch Bunch A ministry that provides lunch to LSU students at Christ the King Student Center. Responsibilities Include: Organizing, planning and serving meals once or twice per semester. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Jill Roshto 266-9527 [email protected] Natalie Himmel 202-0013 [email protected] Prison Ministry at Dixon Correctional Facility A ministry that provides spiritual growth opportunities and support to individuals incarcerated at Dixon Correctional Facility. 12 Responsibilities Include: Visiting the prisoners on Friday evenings at the correctional facility. Time Commitment/Meetings: Approximately two hours at least once a month for a visit to the facility-this includes participation in a Eucharistic service and discussion group. Contact: Jeanie and David Bondy 926-9506 [email protected] St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory St. Aloysius Cantera Mission (Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua) A ministry of parishioners 18 years of age and older, of different proffessional backgrounds who are encouraged to participate to help Cantera achieve its mission of creating a more just, equitable and sustainable society in Nicaragua through community development and popular education. Responsibilities Include: A mission trip(s) to Cantera Mission in Managua, Nicaragua to build relationships and hope with the people, to identify specific needs by area and assist them in those needs, particularly in the youth community center, farms, and schools. Time Commitment/Meetings: 7-10 day trip to Cantera Mission in Managua, Nicaragua. In addition, 4-5 preparatory meetings and 1-2 follow up meetings on return. These meetings are for team building and preparation for immersion into a new culture. Contact: Alvin Raetzsch 341-2265 [email protected] Amy Pizzolato 907-8876 [email protected] Society of St. Vincent de Paul A ministry that provides assistance to those in need. Responsibilities Include: Attending monthly SVDP meetings and serving on a team to visit the needy within the geographical boundaries of St. Aloysius Parish. Time Commitment/Meetings: Attending monthly meetings and making home visits on a 4-6 week rotation basis. Each rotation generally involves a 4-6 hour commitment. Contact: Frank Endom 504-439-3030 [email protected] Stephen Ministry A ministry of trained lay ministers who serve as one-to- one caregivers to individuals facing a variety of crises or life challenges, such as hospitalization, chronic illness, job loss, grief, divorce, cancer, financial difficulties or other life struggles. Stephen Ministers are called the “after people” as they offer support after a crisis situation occurs. Responsibilities Include: Attend all training sessions. Two year commitment to ministry Time Commitment/Meetings: Training sessions once a week for 2 ½ hrs for 50 hours of training; occasional Saturday trainings or retreats, and twice monthly meetings for continuing education and supervision (2.5 hrs) Contact: Marie Hebert 937-1276 [email protected] Bob Schoen 206-7799 [email protected] Kathy Nikolaus 603-7772 [email protected] 13 St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Ladies Ministry A ministry that provides for the spiritual needs of the women sheltered at the St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelter. Responsibilities Include: Meeting with the ladies at the homeless shelter for a structured, facilitated spiritual hour of reading the Word and praying together. Time Commitment/Meetings: Volunteers are organized into teams of two; one team visits the shelter each Friday from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Contact: Kay Hoffpauir 344-0143 [email protected] Thanksgiving Baskets A ministry that organizes the donation of food at Thanksgiving to those in need. Responsibilities Include: Buying and delivering the food items chosen, to the family in need, in time for Thanksgiving. Time Commitment/Meetings: Parishioner sets up a day/time to deliver the food items in the Thanksgiving basket to the family in need. Contact: Melanie Lemoine (504)236-8670 757-8012 [email protected] Spiritual Growth Commission The purpose of the Spiritual Growth Commission is to promote formation and growth of communal and personal spirituality. Pastoral Council Co-Chairs: Harold Odom 931-5216 [email protected] Glen St. Martin 315-2828 [email protected] Commission Co-Chairs: Mary Dawson 405-1780 [email protected] Sharon McCarthy 231-0635 [email protected] Adoration Chapel Spend an hour with Jesus every third Saturday from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Responsibility is a one-hour commitment once a month-whatever hour is convenient on the third Saturday. Contact: Ross McCalip 978-2421 [email protected] St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Time Commitment/Meetings: From two to five weekly, two-hour sessions per engaged couple; usually assist two couples per year. Contact: Erica and Kerry Badeaux 907-3944 [email protected]; Annie and Chris Stogner 241-0069 [email protected] Library A ministry that maintains the parish library. Adult Come, Lord Jesus A ministry of small groups that meet for prayer using Sunday readings. Responsibilities Include: Self-development through personal prayer and spirituality. Time Commitment/Meetings: Approximately once a week. Contact: Jane Sherman 755-1453 [email protected] Adult Formation A ministry that provides educational and spiritual growth opportunities to the parish. Responsibilities Include: Organizing periodicals, books and videos as well as monitoring the return of borrowed items. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Kathy Screen 343-6657, ext. 3037 [email protected] Little Rock Scripture Study Scripture study. Limited reservations due to parish renovations. Contact: Mary Karam 766-7940 [email protected] Momnipotent This ministry meets on a weekly basis to serve the spiritual and fellowship needs of the women of the parish, especially with young children. Following a book study format, we dive into topics that challenge and encourage our vocation of motherhood, with Mary as our primary teacher and intercessor. Contact: Jena Cook 832-686-1659 [email protected] Louise Flavin 907-2888 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: Facilitating classes, programs, and other events on varied topics; involvement also includes providing refreshments and other supportive services. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Kathryn Lewis 757-8151 [email protected] Justin Ourso 248-2022 [email protected] Prayer Line A ministry whose members pray for the special intentions of others. Responsibility: Group meets for one hour twice a month from September-May, except for holidays. Men’s Group Contact: Mickey Hubbell 381-8040; Ron Lewis 216-0030 [email protected] Women’s Group Contact: Kathy Screen 343-6657 ext. 3037 [email protected] RCIA Ministries A ministry to those preparing for membership in the Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Responsibilities Include: Praying for, receiving and passing along prayer requests/ special intentions. Intentions are submitted to the prayer line by phone and by email to [email protected] Time Commitment/Meetings: daily Contact: Odette Collett 766-5470 [email protected] Adaire Yarbro 763-6915 Creighton Retreat An Ignatian retreat following the liturgical year to experience God’s grace in the midst of our busy lives. Responsibilities Include: • RCIA Sponsor accompanies a candidate throughout the Rite. • RCIA Scripture Session Leader would be responsible for presenting a scripture session to the candidates. • RCIA Hospitality Committee member would be responsible for refreshments for all RCIA meetings and sessions, as well as the Easter Vigil reception. • RCIA Children’s Ministries member would be a catechist for children entering the Church through RCIA. Time Commitment/Meetings: Sunday sessions after 9:00 a.m. Mass until 11:00 a.m. as well as retreats and Rites. Contact: Rebecca East (RCIA) 343-6657, ext. 3024 [email protected] Divine Mercy A novena in preparation for celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday. It begins on Good Friday and ends on the Saturday after Easter. Contact: Leticia Courville 454-4800 [email protected] Engaged Sponsor Couple A ministry that assists the Priest in the preparation of engaged couples for marriage. Responsibilities Include: A husband and wife team meeting in their home with the engaged couple. 14 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Rosary Group A ministry whose members meet to recite the rosary together. Mass Coordinators A ministry that is responsible for the set up and the coordination of liturgical ministries and facilities at Sunday Mass. Responsibilities Include: Meeting at 7:30 p.m. every second Monday of the month in chapel to recite the rosary. An opportunity for fellowship is available after prayer. Time Commitment/Meetings: One day a month. Contact: Bill Holden 766-2515 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: Set up, coordination, and monitoring of liturgy and ministers, sound, lights, air conditioning, fire alarms, etc. during Sunday Mass. A team of people is needed for each Mass time. Time Commitment/Meetings: Training will take place before ministry starts. A volunteer will serve at Mass once a month. 20-30 ministers are needed for this ministry. Contact: Luke Laborde Co-Chair 281-0711 [email protected] Erick Comeaux 753-0039 [email protected] Meeting during the school year after Wednesday assembly, approximately 8:00 a.m. in the church office Time Commitment/Meetings: Once a week during school calendar year Contact: Carol Regan 769-0906 [email protected] Other groups available: call Kathy Screen 343-6657, ext. 3037 [email protected] Funeral Coordinators A ministry that is responsible for the set up and the coordination of liturgical ministries at funerals. Small Christian Community A ministry that promotes a connecting of faith and life events. Responsibilities Include: A team of ministers responsible on a rotating basis. Must have availability during weekdays and on Saturdays. Contact: Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 [email protected] Connie Planche 343-6657, ext. 3033 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: Formation and participation in new SCC, assisting current SCC groups with faith development, and planning an annual gathering. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies by group; developmental group meets quarterly. Contact: Jan Herrington 939-6101 [email protected] Altar Servers A ministry that assists the priests with processions and rituals of the Church at liturgical celebrations. Vocations A ministry that instigates programs to spark interest in considering a religious vocation. Responsibilities Include: Open to boys and girls, fifth grade through adults. Training for new servers is year round beginning in the fall. Time Commitment/Meetings: Scheduled monthly and as needed for special services. Contact: Kirk and Cheryl Michelet 768-1902 [email protected] Amy Johnson 247-1273 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: Developing videos, brochures, articles, etc. and promoting religious vocations Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Armando Corripio 769-1224 [email protected] Worship Commission Sacristans (Altar Society) A ministry that prepares the altar and church for worship. The purpose of the Worship Commission is to lead the community to “full, conscious, and active participation” in the liturgy of the Church. Responsibilities Include: Caring of vestments, altar vessels, providing and maintaining purificators, corporals and altar cloths. Time Commitment/Meetings: Varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Jan Shaw 344-4006 [email protected] Pastoral Council Co-Chairs: Jose Barro 571-9534 [email protected] Cheryl Welborn 819-2645 [email protected] Commission Co-Chairs: Mary Karam 229-2883 [email protected] Jeannie Tribou 802-5669 [email protected] Art and Environment A ministry that prepares the seasonal décor of the worship space. Responsibilities Include: Creating decorations, floral arrangements & banners for the church for the major feasts and seasons. Time Commitment/Meetings: Planning meetings and work days. Time commitment varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Pat Hodgin 387-1191 [email protected] 15 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory Children’s Liturgy A ministry that provides a monthly celebration of the Liturgy of the Word appropriate to the understanding and experience of children (K-fifth grade). Youth Liturgical Ministers Special opportunities for parishioners in seventh through twelfth grade to serve in liturgical ministry at Sunday Mass. Responsibilities Include: Playing instruments, singing in the choir, bringing up the gifts, serving as ushers, readers, or altar servers. Time Commitment/Meetings: Time varies according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 [email protected] MacDougall Womack 343-6657, ext. 3027 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: Planning, preparing, and conducting the liturgy. Time Commitment/Meetings: During 11:00 a.m. Mass one Sunday a month with monthly planning meetings on the following Thursday evening. Contact: Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 [email protected] Readers A ministry that proclaims the Word of God at liturgical celebrations. Responsibilities Include: Preparation and study of the weekly scriptures. Time Commitment/Meetings: Once a month in addition to annual ministry formation. Contact: Mandy Shipp 749-6486 [email protected] Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 kthevenet@ Ministries of Music Ministries which inspire the assembly to express its faith in song. Youth Choir: A choir for young people in fourth through eighth grade which provides music for the 11:00 a.m. Mass on one Sunday of the month. Youth Choir Website: Rehearsals: Thursdays, 3:00-4:30 p.m. (Convent Choir Room) Contact: Eleanor Bach 803-9662 [email protected] Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion A ministry that prepares and organizes lay people to assist the priest in the distribution of communion. Responsibilities Include: Preparing the bread and wine for Mass; distributing communion at Sunday and weekday Masses. Time Commitment/Meetings: After appropriate formation, serve approximately every two to three weeks. Contact: Glynn & Georgette Fontenot 216-2369 [email protected] Sunday Evening Music Ministry: Musicians who provide liturgical music at 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass. High School and College singers and instrumentalists are invited to join this music group. Rehearsals: 4:30 p.m. Sundays in Church and as needed during the week. Contact: Anna Hittle 712-490-7556 [email protected] Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers A ministry that creates a welcoming atmosphere for parishioners joining in worship. Renewal Singers: The Music Ministry which serves at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday. This choir is open to high school age, adult and senior singers. The group will also sing for major feast days and solemnities in the church year. Accompanied by a variety of instruments the choir will make use of piano, pipe organ, guitar, strings, winds and percussion. Rehearsals: Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 p.m. (Convent Choir Room) Contact: Eleanor Bach 803-9662 [email protected] Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 [email protected] Responsibilities Include: Welcoming, assisting with seating and receiving offerings at Sunday Masses. Time Commitment/Meetings: Serve at assigned Masses, scheduled according to volunteer’s availability. Contact: Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 [email protected] Steven Giglio 923-8468 [email protected] The St. Aloysius Chorale: This choir will lead the singing of the assembly at 9:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday, as well as, perform on all the major feast days of the church year. It is open to all ages from High School Youth through Seniors. This choir’s repertoire leans toward more traditional sacred music with organ accompaniment. Rehearsals: Sundays before Mass 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (Convent Choir Room) Contact: Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 [email protected] 16 St. Aloysius Parish Guide Book & Directory The Festival Ringers, A Hand Bell Choir: Prepares music for handbells for a monthly Mass. This is a fun challenging music group, open to teens and adults, which adds festivity and variety to the music during the liturgy. If you have experience playing an instrument, consider joining the Festival Ringers. Rehearsals: Monday 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Convent Music Room Contact: Lenny Long 751-7041 [email protected] Resurrection Choir: A bereavement ministry of St. Aloysius Church, this choir provides liturgical music for funeral celebrations. Singers are available for rehearsals and liturgies during the day as needed for parish funerals. Contact: Ken Thevenet 343-6657, ext. 3030 [email protected] Kingdom Ministries Kingdom Ministries are offered back to the Lord as an effort to build the Kingdom and live as God’s people. They are as varied as the needs of those whom these ministries address. In the Marketplace: Ministries in the “Marketplace” are those ministries that are performed in our place of work or in the larger community, such as when we work for the implementation of justice and other Christian values, give witness through service in civic or community activities, work to improve political or economic structures, or share our time and talents as volunteers in hospital ministry, charitable organizations, service clubs, etc. In the Family: Ministries in the family include all those ministries whereby we serve the Lord by the commitments we make to care for an aging parent, an infirm spouse, a handicapped child, or a family member in need. Also included are specific commitments to strengthen the family unit, whether that family unit be the husband/ wife relationship, parents and children, single parent and children, or any other family unit combination. In the Diocese: A number of ministries are available. Call the Diocese for further information. 17