Kids Club @ The Creek 2016 at the church. (Not at Pickens Rec. Center) Jim Roberts Family Our own church planters in New Delhi, India What an eventful past few months it Memory verse … Psalms119:11 Thy has been! In December, we had our word have I hid in mine heart, that I might parents here with us and we were able not sin against thee. Kids, keep practic- to complete our very first translation ing the Ten Commandments and project (a missional devotion). This was memorizing the books of the O.T .& very exciting for us as we tested out the N.T. (in order.) the waters of how well everything would be done. We were blown away Cloth es Dr ive Folks start saving by the quality of both the translation good clothes for our community clothes th work and the printing of the books. We give away is now Mach 19 . are currently underway translating our Youth Ser vice …Feb ru ary 28 t h second book that will deal with disciLet’s support our young folks as they pleship. We have started relatively lead in the worship service of a most small with these books and we will be moving into full Bible commentaries in Holy God. the future. Of course, this will take Bridge Group (30 - 50year olds) … time and money. If you would like to th March 12 at 5PM … Dinner and a be involved in helping with this or have movie in the fellowship building. Food questions regarding this please contact is provided. Come and enjoy a night of my father at: [email protected]. Christian fellowship. Visitors welcome! In the beginning of January we moved locations of Grace Baptist Church Chattarpur to a better location with more visibility. It is a better space with an office upstairs that we can meet for Hands & feet ministry , Monday Bible classes. We are currently having night the 29th at 7PM at the Church. some work done inside and trying to get ready for a re-launch at the end of Quote from Paris Reidhead March. We have been working at build“We who are born from above testify ing our relationships with the families to the change that God has wrought of those that come to our church. in our hearts. Perhaps the best time Please help us pray for these dear peofor you to tell someone what has taken place in your life is when that ple that they will come to church and person comes to you and says, ‘What also that they may be saved. We are has happened to you? I have known back in the states right now trying to you before and after. You are differ- get some paperwork fixed. We arrived ent, Tell me about it.’ This is the best on the 28th of Jan. We ask for your opportunity to tell someone about prayers in this, as it as it has been sevChrist. If they don’t see a difference, eral years since we applied … See Mis- all the talking in the world is mean- sionary board in the hall of old church ingless.” Paris Reidhead or contact Emmett for the full letter. Romans 13: 11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Pastor Kevin Kuykendall www.milecreekbc.com Feb. 14, 2016 Sermon Notes Prayer Requests for This Week Nursing Home ministry Our Missionaries The Lost The Prison Ministry Our Sick & Shut-Ins Our Military Our Pastor and his family Bro. Kevin & Mishelle Kuykendall, Cody, Courtney and Canon Shirley Smith Samuel Elliott Megan Cooper Verner Smith Charles Curtis Harvey Smith Margaret Head Libby Curtis Ronald Verner Jo Ann Slaton Sidney Jones Edna White April Abercrombie Justin Free Mary Moore Jimmy Freeman John Black Danny Hendricks Virginia Jackson Jimmy McCollum Ruth Hayes Welcome to our Nursery Ministry Today’s ministry workers Today AM: Judy & Jackie Holcombe Tonight's Service: Angela & Lauren Ellenburg Next week AM: Ashley & Tammy Hendricks Next week PM: Shandle Alexander & Adie Burrell Ushers’ for Today: Nathan Ellenburg Jordan Painter Brandon Dyar Skippie Nix Dale Burkette Harold Kelly Psalms 24:4-5 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD , and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
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