March Newsletter - Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lackawanna


March Newsletter - Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lackawanna
Child Evangelism Fellowship of
Lackawanna County, Inc.
Affiliated with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Eastern PA, Inc.
Office at Faith Baptist Church, 545 Keystone Ave., Peckville, PA 18452
[email protected] ♦ ♦ (570) 815-3446
John Kornbau~Director ♦ Linda Titus~Ministry Assistant
Ministry Updates
Dear Friend,
Please continue to
collect ink and
toner cartridges
for us. We have
been able to get a
lot of ministry
office supplies
with your help!
Dates to
If you support this ministry, please know
we appreciate every gift that comes in.
I am leaving CEF in the end of March,
The finances have been struggling for
because of that I am already working on
about 6 months now and I am praying for
summer ministry preparations. Although
God has called me on, the ministry of CEF an increase in giving. We would like to
see the ministry grow and reach more
will continue.
children. God has allowed us to increase
I am asked often “Who will take over when ministry in the last several years and we
look forward to what He will continue to
you leave?”. Although we don’t have
do in Lackawanna County.
anyone that we know of right now, God
does. God doesn’t need me or any one of
us. He chooses to use us and then bless us If you would like a new prayer card of my
family or would like to get our new
for our service to Him! We serve a
newsletter, please let me know. I love
mighty, faithful God who knows exactly
what He is doing, even when we don’t have the ministry of CEF and am so thankful
for all that I have learned. I have really
any idea. Linda and State Headquarters
Staff will keep the work going when I leave. appreciated getting to know many of you
and building friendships with you. God
has used CEF to help prepare me for
Shannin Soulsby is planning to return and
service in Ireland. I pray that the ministry
serve as a summer missionary again. We
of CEF grows and flourishes.
could still use someone else to serve as a
summer missionary or trainee alongside of
In Christ,
her. If you know of someone 15 or older
that loves God and children that might be
interested, please let us know.
July 11-15= Missionary Retreat Fellowship Day Camp
July 25-29 = Clarks Summit Day Camp at Heritage Baptist Church
Please register online through our website or call us and ask us for a camp flyer.

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