H metown Businesses


H metown Businesses
H♥metown Businesses
Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.
Holding Electric Mirrors Up to Performance Art
MagicBox Productions
.DVOR%&‡‡[email protected]
Owners: Kyra Soko & Mel Bryce
Interestingly enough, Kyra
and Mel met just when each of
them was looking for some way
to have fun and to play more
in Kaslo. And if that turned out
to be a way to help them make
a living in the area... well that
would be good too.
Now their form of play
involves the pointing of many
microphones and cameras at
performers, capturing it all into
computers, where the real fun for
them truly begins.
Kyra has spent the last
producing music and sound for
everyone from solo pop artists
to live opera to sound tracks
She was trained as a recording
engineer when the medium was
magnetic tape, not a thumb drive
on a key chain.
Mel however, doesn’t know
from tape and carries at least
two thumb drives on her at all
times. What she does know
from is amazing computer
based image manipulation. Still
and video images captured and
layered together then projected
to produce stunning visual feasts.
A visual artist that can “see”
The idea struck Kyra that
they should team up and put on
performances of all kinds in and
around Kaslo. After all what
most musical performances lack
is a great visual show. It can also
be said that great sound makes all
the difference to the performer’s
and to the audience’s experience.
From left to right: Melanie, Kill Bill, Manic, Kyra, MagicBox Race Team
What they didn’t plan on was
a fast and furious friendship that
Kootenay One Fest this year.
While Kyra was recording and
mixing sound for the main stage,
video and still images.
What they do plan on is hosting
a performance once a month
on a Saturday night. MagicBox
will bring in a combination
of performers, drawing on the
abundant local talent here in the
Kootenays and the wonderful
folks passing through our area on
their way to bigger places such as
Vancouver or Calgary.
MagicBox has agreed to put
on all sorts of performances and
However, if Kyra gets her way, a
good many of the shows will be
very danceable.
Kyra Soko & Mel Bryce
Kaslo Manor Lodge
105 Washington Street North • 250-353-2999
[email protected] • www.kaslomanorlodge.com
Welcoming visitors
with family style
hospitality and
offering guests
pure comfort in a
rustic and
charming setting
Owners Marie-Josée Dufresne
and Ernst Garthe with their family on the steps of the Lodge
Welcome to the historic Kaslo Manor Lodge! When we first
saw this decrepit old house in 2005, we knew it needed to be
saved. It has such an interesting history – it was originally built
as the home of George T. Kane, one of Kaslo’s founders, and
for a while was the residence of Francis Caldwell, a well known
entrepreneur. After cleaning many decades worth of stuff out of
the building, we have completely restored it. Our family lives
in one side and we rent out three units on the other side: two
bachelor suites and a penthouse suite that can accommodate a
family of six. We have been in business since 2008.
It is a great family operation, with the kids helping to
entertain our guests. We have met all sorts of interesting
people, who like to know about the history of the lodge as well
as the area. We offer special deals for locals and their families.
Pets and kids are welcome here.
Living in Kaslo is a real treat! It’s a great place for kids
to grow up, surrounded by spectacular scenery on the shores
of a beautiful lake. We are also Park Facility Operators for
Kootenay Lake Provincial Parks, the Lost Ledge and Davis
Creek sites. We love the outdoors and the recreation that is
possible here. Of course, many of the young families in our
neighbourhood feel the same way, so there is a great sense of
community spirit.
Kaslo Hometown Businesses
MJ Dufresne and Ernst Garthe
Oct 9, 2012
Section B 1
H♥metown Businesses
Celebrating Kaslo & Area Business
Making Sure Everyone
Has Something To
Smile About!
409 Cross, Kaslo
[email protected]
Owner: Holly Stamer
Holly grew up in Vancouver. She completed her
first degree in Cell Biology and her second degree in
Dentistry at UBC. After graduating, when she was
practising dentistry in Whitehorse, a colleague called her
and told her about a position in Nelson. Holly had been
to the Kootenays many years before and was excited to
make the move south. She moved to the Kootenays to
raise her son and enjoy life the way it is meant to be lived
– surrounded by beautiful scenery and wonderful people.
Holly loves working in a smaller town where you can
develop real relationships with patients, so in March of
2012 she took over the Kaslo practice from Dr. Don Hunt.
Life is busy running a dental practice and being a
single mom to son Benjamin, who is 22 months old,
but Holly is still hoping to hike to the Kokanee Glacier
sometime soon.
Ronda Tate from Kaslo, Holly Stamer from
Vancouver, Shelley Dobie from Muskoka, Ontario,
Jessica Chapman from Creston
There are a lot of new things at the Kaslo Dental
Clinic, besides a fresh new look. There is now a Dental
Hygienist on staff (Shelley), and the office is open until
7 pm two nights a week (Tuesday and Wednesday) to
make it more convenient for working adults. And of
course, since Holly loves kids, it’s a child friendly place
too; a true family practice.
Dr. Holly Stamer
Virgo Enterprises
Kaslo and Area’s Local Plumber
Sean Burns-Graham • 250-353-3237
My name is Gaelen Emery Burns-Graham but people call
me Sean. I am proud to say that I was born and raised in Kaslo.
Even though I have always lived here, the scenery and Kaslo’s
atmosphere and serenity is something I continue to enjoy. The
small town feeling, and the fact I know where most of my
customers live without having to ask makes my job even better.
It gives me great pleasure to spend most of my earnings in town
and I enjoy both supporting and being supported by such a great
Besides having the support of the community for work,
Kaslo is such a great place to raise a family. Even though I’m
a dad with just one little youngster, I have been able to include
my family in my business. My son, Kavan helps me almost
every night to organize my tools and materials. At 20 months of
age he knows more about my tools “and where they are” than
me sometimes.
In 2009 I took over services from Jim Van Horne, and this
winter I plan to get solar hot water certification, deep well and
radiant heat design certification. Recently I purchased a cube
truck which allows me to help more customers per day.
2 B Section
Oct 9, 2012
Sean Burns-Graham, proud to say that he was born and raised in Kaslo.
I offer all kinds of plumbing services – maintenance,
retrofits, replacement and installation. I installed a bidet seat
not long ago. I couldn’t get the bidet to turn on so I knelt down
and put my elbow on the seat. I was going to turn the water off,
but when I lent against the seat the water suddenly came on
and sprayed me directly between the eyes. I couldn’t help but
laugh, along with the customer beside me. I learned directly
from experience that bidets operate from pressure on the seat.
One lesson that will stay with me forever,
I believe if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right. I keep
my wits and my sense of humour. I’m not afraid to get my hands
dirty. For the most part I’m an optimist and people appreciate
that during “sh__y times”!
Kaslo Hometown Businesses
Sean Burns-Graham
H♥metown Businesses
Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.
Design On The Go
Acquires Tourist Maps Business
250-353-2049, Kaslo
[email protected]
Owners: Manon Gagnon and Andy LeCouffe
Oh my, I’ve worked in commercial graphic design for 21
years! Andy and I formed Design On The Go in 2004. We settled
in Kaslo in 2008 after a ten month North American road trip.
BIG NEWS: Design On The Go is the new owner of the West
Kootenay, Nelson and Castlegar Tourist Maps business. This is
a really nice fit for me. It complements my design workload and
the time I devote to my other cooperative venture, The Live Art
Shop on Front Street in Kaslo.
I’m humbled by the confidence expressed by previous
owner, Barbara Brown of Raven Creations, when she
announced to her clients that she was selling her map business
to me: “Manon is an experienced graphic designer; very
knowledgeable in print production; and she is a lovely woman
who has won me over. It was important to me to find a good
fit for my clients and I feel confident that Manon will be a
pleasure for you to do business with.”
Barbara Brown (left) & Manon Gagnon (right)
I understand just how important tourism is to this community
and region. The tourist maps are key tools for small businesses
to connect with travellers. I look forward to working with area
businesses and to getting them “on the map”.
I like that I can set my own schedule, leaving freedom to
organize family time and other interests like curling, running,
pottery and, with help from Andy and Emma (my 9 year old),
enjoying another new venture: vegetable gardening. The weeds
were winning, but now it seems the zucchini and squash might
take over the world!
Manon Gagnon
Live Art Shop
All Local Art
444 Front Street, Kaslo • 250-353-2141
Owners: Manon Gagnon & Heather Gates
What originally started out in July 2010 as a tiny space on
4th Street in Kaslo has become home to the artwork of many
local artists and a tourist favourite. Manon Gagnon and Eliza
Fry had the idea of the open studio concept and instantly other
artists were intrigued and were inquiring if the studio could
carry their work as well. Last February the ladies moved the
shop from 4th Street to its current location at the top of Front
Street and the shop just keeps growing!
A crew of volunteers – the artists, their friends and family
members – all pulled together to get the building ready for its
new purpose. As Eliza found herself needing more time to focus
on her art projects and to prepare for an upcoming show at the
Penticton Art Gallery, Heather Gates stepped in to take over her
part of running the studio. Heather is a fabric artist specializing
in quilting and dress making. Heather’s daughter, Zoe also
likes to pull her sleeves up and help out; she will man the shop,
stamp bags and even take after her mom and do some sewing!
Eliza Fry, Heather Gates and Manon Gagnon
The ladies behind the Live Art Shop love what they do every
day because Kaslo is so supportive and scenic, and there are
lots of people interested in art. One of their members, sculptor
Stewart Steinhauer, has provided a wonderful piece of public
art for Kaslo. The beautifully carved granite bears sculpture just
outside on the sidewalk is for sale, but everyone gets to enjoy it
while it is here in town.
Stop in and have a look at the great variety of works that are
produced by artists living in Kaslo and surrounding areas. You
may see Manon throwing or trimming mugs or bowls on the
potter’s wheel, or you can chat with Heather while she finishes
a garment. They will be happy to answer any questions you
may have.
Kaslo Hometown Businesses
Oct 9, 2012
Section B 3
H♥metown Businesses
Celebrating Kaslo & Area Business
706 Jackson Street, Upper Kaslo
Rick Hewat, Certified Financial Planner
[email protected]
Working and Living in Kaslo
I was born and raised here and my family roots in the
Kaslo area date back to 1916. As a young adult, I moved
away to experience the world. During my time away I
gained the knowledge and experience that allowed me to
return to my hometown with my family in 2005. My wife,
Heather and my daughters Tasha and Ellie are involved in
the community via the school and volunteering. It is great
to operate a business in Kaslo and to be part of the fabric
of the community as a whole. Kaslo is a great place to
live and raise children in!
I have 25 years experience in the investment industry,
18 years as a Certified Financial Planner. I joined Leede
Financial in 2003. We have offices in Vancouver, Victoria,
Kamloops, Calgary and Kaslo.
I offer investment advice and
financial planning services
that suit the
individual. My
customers have
commented that
they enjoy my
personalized service – no cold office towers here! I visit
clients in their homes and learn about their lives. I look
forward to many years of serving my clients and building
my business in the Kaslo area. Mountains, lakes, great
people…I get to operate a business and live in Kaslo!
How could it get any better?
Rick Hewat
…And The Local Family
404 Front St., Kaslo • 250-353-9667 • [email protected]
Owners: Hana Culen & Slava Estok
Contemplating our fruitful years as
the full colours of the gorgeous harvest
season unfurl all around us, the answer
to the question “What sets Sunnyside
Naturals apart?” is obvious and easy.
We just look at the ingredients in our
homemade juices, smoothies, shakes and
teas. We just peek under the lid and think
of the sources of what’s cooking in Hana’s
freshly made daily soup. Or glance over
the boxes of fresh produce, the bread,
pitas, homemade wraps, bars, cookies and
small chocolates on our counter.
Our consistent effort to provide the retail
representation for organic local gardeners
and small cottage industries is evident in
a decisive amount of our stock, giving a
wonderful picture of who we live with in
our lovely mountainous community.
4 B Section
Oct 9, 2012
So, who is it that you came to
like and know so much better
since their work has become
a steady feature on your table
Delanie, Hana, Pauli, Peter, Slava
over these twelve-some years
with us? Annik’s or Claude’s tender
The overall health and prosperity of
greens? Rachel and Kate’s veggies, Bent
and Jense’s produce, Ralph’s raspberries? our community, strengthening local
Vince’s famous carrots and potatoes, connections, promoting first of all
Dawna’s or Betty’s goodies, Silvio’s products of local workers – these are
bread, Nathalie’s sunny Okanagan the cherished guidelines of Sunnyside.
They flow spontaneously into a deep
fruits?..... Too long of a list!
involvement with cultural and artistic
Our natural supplement section is as events around us. Another direct result
complete as it can be, with the best products of our priority number one – steadily
from that realm. But the optimal way increasing Local Sustainability in every
they work and can make a real difference aspect of community life.
in your health shows most markedly
if you understand that they indeed
SUPPLEMENT wholesome nutrition.
Hana, Slava & Peter
Kaslo Hometown Businesses
H♥metown Businesses
Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.
The Treehouse
The True Meaning Of
“Family Owned And Operated”
419 Front St., Kaslo 250-353-2955
Ronnie Martin and Pauline Carlson
In 1988 Ronnie Martin and Sandy Scott
first opened the doors to the Treehouse
Restaurant on Front Street in Kaslo. In
2005, employee Pauline Carlson decided
that she liked the company so much she
bought Sandy’s share. Since then, Ronnie
and Pauline have created a restaurant that
has stood the test of time.
Over the years the Treehouse has been
staffed by three generations of family:
Pauline’s four kids and Ronnie’s son have
all waited tables and been prep cooks.
Even Pauline’s elderly Mom has served
customers. Pauline’s husband brought
in his supreme dessert cook talents and
Ronnie’s husband does any renovating and
maintenance that needs doing.
The two owners feel very lucky that
every day they get to wake up and come
to work at the Treehouse.
“It provides us with creative
options and fulfills a social
need at the same time.
The Treehouse, a family run business.
We thrive on the positive
feedback we receive from our
the Treehouse has employed a vast number
Both Ronnie and Pauline are thankful of both young and old residents, and have
to be earning a living in Kaslo. The provided a first job experience to many,
community has lots of honest people – a complete with laughs.
After being in business for so many
staff member recently left a wallet on her
car top for over 30 minutes. It was found years, the Treehouse Restaurant has a
there and returned to her with every dollar unique dictionary of special Treehouse
in it. Convenience, help with child-rearing, terms. And if you peek in the staff
no line-ups, its beauty and the friendliness bathroom, you will see snapshots pinned
up all over the walls, including one of
of its people make Kaslo so unique.
In today’s volatile market the ladies Ronnie and Pauline riding the Buzz Lightfeel very proud to have been here for their Year ride at Disneyland.
customers for nearly 25 years. Since 1988
Ronnie and Pauline
Kaslo Community Pharmacy
The Right Rx for Kaslo
403 Front Street, Kaslo • 250-353-2224
Owner: Ward Taylor
This past August, Kaslo’s local pharmacy went under
the new management of Ward Taylor, who acquired the
business from James and Shirley Morris. This is the first
of many changes for the pharmacy, as Ward plans to
develop a community-oriented pharmacy that focusses
on patient care and is supportive of local organizations
and programs for youth, families and seniors. Ward also
wants to revitalize the store with new merchandise and
welcomes suggestions from residents.
The first time Ward came to the area it was to visit his
brother, who lives in Creston. It was then that he knew he
would eventually make the Kootenays his home.
“As a local pharmacist, I worked in dozens of
communities but none with the charm of Kaslo. Kaslo
has friendly people, a beautiful lake and mountains. And
believe it or not, I think you have mild winters – or at least
they are compared to Regina where I grew up, and stayed
to obtained my Pharmacy degree from the University of
Sheryl, Ward, Maribel and June
Purchasing the pharmacy felt like the right move.
Recently, Ward’s parents made the trip to Kaslo to help
their son with the launching of the new venture, and
Maribel, Sheryl and June all help to keep the pharmacy
running smoothly as it evolves.
As the new owner and pharmacist, Ward is present
in the store most of the time and so has the opportunity
to meet and to get to know his customers personally. He
recognizes that the close relationships that are possible
in a small town will make it easier for him to do what he
hopes: to help people in Kaslo and the surrounding area
optimize their health and well being.
Kaslo Hometown Businesses
Ward Taylor
Oct 9, 2012
Section B 5
H♥metown Businesses
Celebrating Kaslo & Area Business
Wing Creek Resort
Experience a Natural Paradise
9114 Highway 31, 5 minutes north of Kaslo
250-353-2475 • www.wingcreekresort.com
Wing Creek Resort, just 5 minutes north of Kaslo on
Highway 31, attracts hundreds of happy guests from all over
the world every year. Owners, Kevin and Debra left city life
and their corporate jobs in 2003 to make a fresh start here –
after selling everything and hitting the road in a motorhome
for 15 months looking for the ideal business opportunity in a
small, friendly and welcoming community.
Kevin and Debra have worked hard to create Wing Creek
Resort, an award-winning, eco-friendly adult vacation
destination for honeymooners and couples who want to
experience a quintessential Canadian mountain village
and connect with nature. The resort features five cozy
one-bedroom cottages, the Falling Water Spa, a gift shop
showcasing the work of local artists, a retreat centre for arts
and yoga retreats, multiple hiking trails, flower gardens,
an orchard, forest, and a mountain stream cascading down
to the beautiful, private beach. The spectacular views
of the Purcell Mountains and Kootenay Lake create an
Debra and Kevin of Wing Creek Resort
inspirational setting for guests. Kevin and Debra provide
highly personalized service to ensure each guest experiences
a perfect vacation.
They have now teamed up with locals Dwight & Debbie Smith and Jeff & Monica Davie to expand the resort
into a LEED-certified residential community featuring the
world-class timber frame homes of Hamill Creek Timber
Homes in an idyllic setting. The team is proud to be designing Wing Creek as a legacy project for Kaslo and area. The
show home employed some 60+ locals and the team looks
forward to continuing to provide local employment as the
project grows. Come out and have a look for yourself!
Debra and Kevin
Flare Salon
A New Flare
311 4th Street, Kaslo • 250-353-1145
Owner: Vanessa Carlson
In the 15 years since she graduated from Selkirk College,
Vanessa Carlson has been hairdressing on and off while
raising her two daughters, Kelsey and Julia. With the girls
growing older and becoming more self-sufficient, Vanessa
decided that now was the time to seize the opportunity and
take over Flare Salon in Kaslo.
“My husband, Clint, supports all my endeavours and
Kelsey and Julia are interested in helping out when the salon
is open,” Vanessa explains. Vanessa’s whole family was
born and raised in Kaslo – she couldn’t feel better about
owning and operating a business in her home town knowing
that she has the ongoing support of her family and friends.
Hairdressing didn’t always come easy for Vanessa. The
very first time she cut hair she was about ten years old and
she was cutting her brother’s hair. The haircut went well,
looked pretty good, but his ear didn’t fare so well. Needless
to say, she has come a long way since that first hair cut – ears
are now much safer.
6 B Section
Oct 9, 2012
Vanessa and nephew Kachis
She plans to continue her education to stay current with
trends and to get the qualifications necessary to offer waxing
and gel nails. More distant plans include laser hair removal.
For Vanessa, what she loves about her chosen field are
its creative side and that it’s a very sociable job. She also
appreciates the flexibility of the working hours, which
leaves her time for family and personal interests. What she
loves about living in Kaslo is family, her friends and the
fact that she can go hiking, running, or cycling right out her
front door.
Kaslo Hometown Businesses
H♥metown Businesses
Meet your friends and neighbours, who are also your hometown service providers.
Landmark Bakery
Coffee, Tea And Comfort Foods!
416 Front Street • 250-353-2250
In October 1995 I moved to Kaslo from Vancouver with my
family for the lifestyle of raising children in a small community.
Fred and Lianne Rudolph were selling their bakery and it fit the
desire I had to participate as an integral part of this beautiful
village. I had never worked in a bakery, and over the last 17 years
Fred and Lianne have been very supportive in helping me learn
the trade.
Although completely unfamiliar with baking, I was not
unfamiliar with Kaslo. My family roots here go back to around
1912, when my great-grandparents, Adam and Mary Ann Link,
moved to Mirror Lake and my great-grandfather Frank Abey
moved his family to Kaslo where he became the town druggist
(pharmacist). My grandmother Marion (Link) Abbey finished
her schooling at the Mirror Lake school; her sister Olive was the
Mirror Lake postmistress in the 1950s. On the trivia side, my
grandmother’s brother, Norman Link, married one of the Kane
daughters, and these relatives visit Kaslo every two years.
It really is a pleasure to run a business in the centre of Front
Street, and I’m continually learning new information about my
relatives, and the area. One of my favourite stories is one of my
Robert and Bettyann
father’s. One summer, back in the late ’40s his job was to lead a
blind horse who was pulling a mining cart from one of the mines.
Because I live in these same mountains, that story feels all the more
real to me.
The lifestyle in Kaslo is rich with opportunities. As a family
we have volunteered and benefited from the time many volunteers
have put into year round sports programs, a school where the
teachers care, and a general ability to get out on the lake, up to the
Kokanee Glacier, or to take a few hours to explore Fletcher Falls.
These last 17 years of getting up very early in Kaslo seem to have
just blown by and now this place really feels like my home town.
Robert Abbey
Balfour Autobody
and Glass • 250-229-5788
Kootenay Lake
Automotive • 250-229-5799
7699 Hwy 3A, Balfour
Owner: Mike Poetsch
My name is Mike Poetsch and I am the owner of Balfour
Autobody and Glass and Kootenay Lake Automotive. I have
lived in Balfour for over 40 years so my roots are deep in
this community.
When I was little, my father Horst was always working on
one car or another just to keep the family moving from place
to place. I am sure that is where I learned the satisfaction
of driving a “fine” automobile. We had a few real gems!
I always liked the final step in the rebuilding process: the
painting! To see a car whose paint you have helped to restore
… there’s nothing like that feeling. My brothers, dad and I
built numerous models complete with custom paint.
I started working at a local autobody shop when I was
about 17. Of course, I was hooked and my life plan was set.
Eight years ago I started my businesses from the ground
up – eagerly watching the excavation of the land and the
construction of the shop. The last step was hiring my
amazing staff.
Here I am 30 years later, the owner of two thriving
automotive shops in my home town. I am married to, quite
possibly, the perfect woman and have three of the greatest
kids around. I live in an area teeming with outdoor adventure
and small town culture. I love it here – life is good!
Kaslo Hometown Businesses
Mike Poetsch
Oct 9, 2012
Section B 7
H♥metown Businesses
Celebrating Kaslo & Area Business
Hal the Painter
Paint Your Wagon & Everything Else!
Owner: Jeff Coulter
If you could just pick up and move somewhere, where
would you go? About 16 years ago in Toronto that exact
choice was presented to Jeff Coulter. So he loaded a one
way rental truck and drove to the coast and stored his
possessions. Now was the time to look for a new “home”;
so he went off on a visit to see a friend in a small town.
After waking up on a Saturday morning and standing, coffee
in hand, overlooking Kaslo Bay and the Purcell mountains,
he realized that he’d found that home – Kaslo. He said
“The high rises (mountains) here sure beat the high rises in
Jeff had been a painter in Toronto, so in Kaslo he hung
out his shingle “Hal the Painter.” Why Hal? There were only
six Jeffs in town already, and some were painters too (there
are at least eight Jeffs now). So, he abbreviated his middle
name Halifax to Hal, and problem solved.
Hal the Painter enjoys what he does, making inside and
outside, residential and commercial, new again with colour to
Jeff “Hal” Coulter
brighten everyone’s life. From Howser to Woodbury he has
(happy) repeat customers.
His motto? Do it right the first time!
Jeff enjoys reading, music (blues), R & R and travel by
road (you get to see it all). And putting his dream house on
paper and then – to build it in Kaslo – it is home!
PS: Don’t step into a full paint tray, especially in front of
the customer!
Making The Small Extraordinary!
[email protected][email protected]
Procerus.ca Find us on Facebook and Twitter!
Steve and Asia Hoffart became full-time Kaslo residents
in 2010 after falling in love with the unique character and
breathtaking natural beauty of the area. Along with them
they brought two Bachelor of Business Administration
degrees and several marketing awards from international
business competitions. Their consulting firm, Procerus,
offers a number of business solutions geared toward small
and medium sized organizations, including website design,
social media training, marketing material design and print,
email marketing, and more. They strive to find dynamic and
cost effective ways to provide your business with the tools
for marketing success. Steve and Asia are privileged to work
with some of Kaslo and Area’s businesses and organizations,
their work together is very rewarding and they look forward
to many more years working and living in Kaslo.
Procerus is a Latin word that means tall. The story behind
the name is available at Procerus.ca and is definitely worth
the read.
8 B Section
Oct 9, 2012
Asia and Steve
In addition to their work with Procerus, Steve and Asia
both sit on the board for the Kaslo and Area Chamber
of Commerce; Steve was honoured to be elected as the
Chamber President this year. Asia also sits on the board for
the Kootenay Lake Historical Society and volunteers as the
Assistant Race Director each year for SufferFest. They are
very proud members of the community and look forward to
helping build a stronger Kaslo now and for the future. They
encourage questions and hope to have an opportunity to
work with many of Kaslo and Area’s wonderful businesses,
organizations, and people.
Kaslo Hometown Businesses