SCP Our Mission On Earth (Free Online Version)


SCP Our Mission On Earth (Free Online Version)
Cover Article, Christianity Today, October 7, 1991
CP often operates behind the
scenes in reaching our culture.
SCP also amplifies what any of us
could ever do individually, and as
such acts like a high-value blue-chip
stock. Not everything SCP does is
visible. It’s what you don’t see that
often matters most. Open any issue
from 30 years of publication, and
try to find a single advertisement.
You won’t. We refuse to advertise;
we refuse to sell our mailing list or
give out private information. We
he dominating spiritual crisis
of our time is the pervasive
sway of strong delusion. Our
age has seen vast populations brought
under the power of mind-warping
deception—most of the time without
those affected even being aware of it.
Our challenge is to help them see
through the matrix of misbelief, proclaiming that the truth can set them
free just as it has in our own lives.
The pivotal work of the Great
Deceiver is, after all, DECEPTION, creating delusions that roll across the
Earth’s surface like vast thunderheads,
obscuring reality from millions. The
entangling spell of delusion is among
the most powerful of the forces predicted to come upon the earth as we
hurtle into the future.
To counter this formidable power,
SCP has been a great yet untapped
resource in our time. One observer
commented, “SCP is a group that for
years has been operating under the
radar while unmasking today’s most
virulent delusions and spins on the
truth. These unique and bright minds
have themselves escaped some of the
worst delusional traps of our age only
to come back as Christian converts
ready to expose them.”
One of the best graphic illustrations
of how a strong delusion is able to capture and deceive those under its sway
comes from the movie industry. It is
supremely ironic that the movie
industry itself is among the primary
sources of our prevailing delusions,
filling the public mind with every
alternative to the Christian worldview,
from alien visitations to reincarnation.
continued on page 4
never have. But that also means that
we are 100% donor-supported—
which also makes us vulnerable in
times of financial distress.
● SCP’s award-winning Journals
and Newsletters are the visible aspect
of what SCP does in its outreach.
SCP has over 30 years of Journals
and Newsletters to show for this,
many of them in stock and still for
sale. The back issues of most publicontinued on page 6
ISSN: 0883-13
Vol. 36:2, 2012
SCP, Inc.
Editor & President
Tal Brooke
ACCESS Director and Operations VP
Danny Aguirre
Contributing Editors
Peter Jones & Lee Penn
Letters Editor
Copy Editor
George A. Koch & Staff
Tal Brooke & Staff
Chris Kersey
Office Staff
Daniel Yoo and Woo Shin
UC Berkeley Interns
Woo Shin & Daniel Yoo
published by the Spiritual Counterfeits
Project, a nonprofit corporation under the
laws of the State of California. Through its
literature, telephone and speaking ministries, SCP is a resource to provide a biblical
perspective on new religions and spiritual
trends. A more complete description of
SCP’s purpose and ministry is available in
our literature catalog. Write for a free copy.
Though SCP almost never solicits contributions, eschewing the heavy-handed techniques of our day, the ministry of SCP still
depends heavily on Christians who support
us through prayer and gifts (all contributions are tax-deductible). A financial statement for our most recent accounting year is
available on request. Address your correspondence to: SCP, P.O. Box 4308,
Berkeley, CA 94704.
SCP is a member of the Evangelical Press
Association. Not all the views expressed in
SCP publications are necessarily endorsed
by SCP Inc. © 2012 by Spiritual
Counterfeits Project, Inc.
From a YouTube comment on Tal Brooke’s
Whistleblower video on Sai Baba, recently
linked on SCP’s homepage:
Tal!! I just started reading your
books; starting with Avatar of Night and
I want you to know that you have really
changed my life. Your books have
turned me back to Christianity and the
truth of the Gospel which I didn’t really
understand until I began to read your
books. I always had my conscience
telling me something wasn’t right but I
just did not have the wisdom to put
everything together as you have.
Follow-up post to Tal:
I just wanted to thank you and tell
you what you already must know; your
wisdom has been responsible for turning men that will listen to the truth
instead of the great lie. I am currently
reading The Mystery of Death and I find
it fascinating. Like, you I have had
occult experiences in my life; events that
I cannot explain – knowing that this
realm is real and believing in moral
absolutes, how can one deny the divine?
Thanks again PLEASE put more videos
out!! Thank You!!!
Tal’s reply: “That email you sent me
was a real encouragement, one of those
rarities for authors like me that make it all
worthwhile. I will be in touch. Thanks for
taking the effort of getting back to me.
Keep growing in grace. —Godspeed, Tal
Well, I just read your Journal
Article, Surviving Life in the Western
World. What a brilliant read :))
Emotional for me, even a lump in the
throat here and there. Reflecting on
the uncanny overlapping and parallels
in our lives.
Our Dad’s were both friends of
Adlai Stephenson. The Hurlingham for
you, London’s Commonwealth Club
for me. The role of Harrods, the
Serpentine in Hyde Park, all of
Kensington & Knightsbridge and then
New Delhi! I was printing Chakra
magazine a mere block from your publisher, Vikas, in Daryaganj—and then
both of us the sickest we’ve ever been
in our lives in India, on and on.
I particularly liked the contrasting of
opportunistic playboy agents and shallow publishers being upstaged by the
integrity of an Indian, another Kumar
(my co-publisher of the Delhi magazine was Virendra Kumar of Kumar
And the Gandhian simplicity of the
South Indian missionaries, the “real
thing”, shepherds in a foreign land far
from the high society comforts and
Someday we should do a nostalgia
tour of London together! Meanwhile,
My daughter Angelina is getting married here in Maui in a matter of weeks.
How time flies.
Blessings, John Hills
Maui - California - Jamaica - India
I have almost finished with your new
book, excellent read, exceptionally well
written, moving and a fitting requiem
to our generation.
—Bill Kimball
To Tal and Danny,
I just read the Christmas annual letter, and it was very moving. Tal, I feel
your sober concern, even anxiety.
Don’t worry Tal, God has seen your
faithfulness and your unwavering drive
to do His will and save lost souls. Your
reward will be great in heaven, and
your good deeds not unknown. You
have influenced more people than you
probably think, and don’t ever think
that you haven’t left a legacy for gener-
ations to come. Imagine all the people
influenced by C.S. Lewis AFTER he
passed on. You have left the world
something, you helped start the awareness of what was going on in geo politics with When the World Will Be as One
(now updated as One World).
You were the first to really expose
from an insider point of view the
deception of these Hindu scam artists
calling themselves God and you are the
one that kept SCP on track when the
liberals tried to take it over in the 80’s.
You influence leaders, who then in
turn influence the flock. You were
designed for the top people, because
these leaders are the ones who have
influence on the masses. You are a
watchdog, sent by God to keep His
people pure. Always remember what
General Douglas MacArthur said, ‘Old
soldiers never die! They only, fade
away.’ Your influence, is bigger than
you understand and will outlive you.
You are a general in the Army of God
and don’t think that your influence is
over. You might get a call from Fox
News tomorrow, at any moment that
influence is there because of who you
are. It took a lot to get there, and not
everyone can recognize what and who
you are, but I do. I’m one of the smart
ones. For your service and leadership, I
salute you.
Cpl. C.M. Evans
(Note from Danny Aguirre: C.M.
Evans, whom I’ve known for years,
designed the cover for my new book
and filmed the YouTube video of Tal’s
Sai Baba testimony. Tal will tell you
this is too noble a description for who
he really is, but he appreciates any
encouragement he can get! That’s really what this is about.)
Danny Aguirre’s comment to Tal after
being copied the above e-mail by Evans, his
cover designer and long-time friend, was:
“Tal, this is a very powerful encour-
agement from Evans, and very true. It
appears that between the recent cell
phone recovery incident, the YouTube
comments from this guy on the web
getting saved after seeing our video,
and the prophetic words of C.M
Evans, the Lord is telling you that He
is with you, He loves you and values
you for who you are, and your faithfulness toward Him.” —Danny Aguirre
Greetings from Santa Monica. Your
Christmas letter got me thinking. In
the end almost all of us are just like
children who can be turned by a song
or a shiny ornament. It is hard to
admit how the despair of these days
often prevails in light of the deception
and ignorance that continues to dominate in this world.
The sky is always blue and the sun
never fades away though it may linger
behind the clouds for just a moment.
The gospel is truly the sun breaking
through the clouds and I think SCP
does a great job of giving a balanced
view of reality. Thanks for staying at
the helm in the face of dark storms on
the horizon. Great work Captain!
God Bless, Chris Sutherland
(Dear Judge Napolitano, John
Whitehead, a trusted friend, sent me
your Email address (after sending you
my article, Crisis and Betrayal. Did you
get it?—Tal Brooke)
Tal, I read your piece. Thank you
for the generous quote and for your
comments below in your article.
Andrew P. Napolitano
Senior Judicial Analyst
Fox News Channel
privilege to be supporters.
- Charles Smith, MD.
Dear SCP Family,
As always I devour the Journal. When
I think of and pray for you, I think of the
“Mighty Men of David” who were key
to turning the kingdom from Saul to
David. You all are turning the kingdom
from satan to the Savior. Thank you! Tal
and I have a mutual friend in Vishal
Mangalwadi. I'm making my way
through his: The Book That Made Your
World. Oh that it could replace the void
left by colleges and universities' abandoning “Western Civ.” Classes. God,
the LORD bless, keep and shine upon
Bruce Olson
May God bless you all. Thank you
for your beautiful and obedient service
to the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus.
Chuck Solomon, Birmingham, AL
Dear Tal,
May God bless you in your work at
SCP. I always enjoy reading your
Journal. I so full-heartedly agree with
your viewpoint and what you say.
With Much Love, Eliana Brooke
(Eliana is Tal’s converted sister-inlaw from Brazil, married to his brother
Lawrence Brooke, founder and owner
of General Hydroponics in Sebastopol.
Lawrence just bought a private jet, but
does not support SCP, unlike Eliana.).
Dear Tal,
We really appreciated your Dec. 3rd
letter. We greatly appreciate the unique
job you are doing for our Lord. It is a
continued from page 1
Yet now and then the system “outs”
itself by revealing the magician’s
secrets, operating behind the curtain
of deception. There could be no better example of this than The Matrix.
In the film, the entire world seems
to be operating normally. Life goes on
seamlessly as people go about their
daily affairs, flooding streets, sitting in
cafés, talking in restaurants and commuting between home and work.
But we soon sense something is terribly wrong. The few who have broken this illusion are trying to get
through to one man, “Neo,” by
manipulating the imagery of this artificially generated reality. Neo, the
hero, soon suspects there is something
going on beneath what he sees. As
those already awake try to get through
to him, things happen in his artificial
“world” that don’t make sense in that
world. One woman trying to reach
him walks straight up a wall and
across a ceiling after appearing in different contexts. Neo has already seen
this woman at a party, where she gives
him a wake-up pill, among numerous
efforts to break through to him. The
efforts have gotten his attention, and
he is ready to wake up to reality.
Opening his physical eyes for the
first time, Neo sees the very-real pod
in which he sits swimming in a kind of
amniotic fluid.
Neo looks off into the distance and
sees identical pods, as far as the eye
can see, in a terrible gray cavern with
machines overhead. He reaches
behind his head and feels a thick cable
plugged in that has been piping in the
illusory computer-generated world
within which he and countless millions have been immersed. This is
The Matrix.
He’s been living in an artificial
womb his whole life and has never left
it. The machines are harvesting the
living energy of countless humans in
similar wombs, all kept in thrall by the
same illusory world Neo had believed
was real. But all of that was just a
smokescreen, hiding the dark reality
he is just now waking up to.
In a staggering glimpse, Neo realizes his whole world has been computer-generated; it is an artificial reality
shared by millions through a massive
computer network. The illusion melts
away, revealing a grim reality. People
are no more than cultivated bio-units,
being used by the computer network.
They have no dignity or meaning in
this dark mechanical world.
Neo is among that fractional onein-a-million able to see things as they
really are. He learns from the others
who have been freed that the human
race is under a cyber-dictatorship,
which began after a global war in
which the machines won. This is a
shockingly hard reality to accept, but
one that offers a doorway to freedom.
Neo is no longer under this terrible
delusion, but freed at great cost. He
cannot return to life in the pod.
More-timid souls might want to crawl
back into their shells and not even
deal with it.
We are warned in biblical revelation
that as time speeds ahead to history’s
climax, strong delusion will capture
the world. It will even fall upon the
Church, perhaps with the kind of
power seen in The Matrix. We are
warned, “If it were possible, even the
very elect would be deceived”
(Matthew 24:24). Those are powerful
and alarming words.
Why do people have a resistance to
waking up? Because their world and
everything they thought they knew
changes drastically, while also leaving
them a moral imperative to reveal the
truth to others—and this can be costly. Many in our time don’t want to
have their lives interrupted or pay the
price, but would prefer to stay in their
pods, clinging to their piped-in “reality.”
Being awakened from under the
power of spiritual delusion is like an
alcoholic or drug addict being confronted by concerned family and
friends. The addict is usually the last
to see the problem and the last to
admit it. The most effective crisisintervention counselors are former
addicts who cannot be conned by
smooth talk and clever rationalizations. They know the landscape
because they have been there. They
can help break the terrible hold of
addiction if the person fully cooperates and truly wants to be freed. But
the addict has to pay a price for letting
go of something that has been the
very center of life for years. The
addict is fearful of what life would be
like without this familiar dependency.
Effectively exposing the various
delusions of our time has some similarities to successful crisis intervention
in which alcoholics and drug addicts
are freed. It requires the willingness of
the person to accept the truth and pay
the price. If they are unwilling, the
effort will be wasted.
In successful efforts, false beliefs of
those trapped in delusion melt away
before their very eyes as they
encounter the power of the Gospel.
Dramatic Wake-Ups
That same kind of release has happened to all of us who have been
among SCP’s core staff. We have each
had wake-ups, some of them dramatic,
followed by conversion.
SCP’s president Tal Brooke, after
graduating from the University of
Virginia, left for India to follow the
Eastern mystical path all the way to
enlightenment. He spent two years in
Mysore State and Andhra Pradesh as
the top Western disciple of India’s
most powerful and illustrious godman.
Brooke describes this in his 400-page
account Avatar of Night.
Having grown up in an atheistic
home from boyhood on, Tal progressed through an array of occult and
mystical beliefs before finally taking
the leap to India. His conversion in a
South Indian hotel room brought him
a stunning awakening from a very
powerful spiritual delusion. His
understanding of reality shifted 180
degrees, and his life changed forever.
Tal Brooke left India with a mandate
to confront and expose this powerful
spiritual lie to any that would listen,
giving him a new purpose in life.
SCP’s founder, Brooks Alexander,
also grew up in an atheistic, liberal
home. He left the University of Texas
Law School to become immersed in
Eastern mysticism in the HaightAshbury scene (the front-line of San
Francisco’s psychedelic revolution),
Tal Brooke in India
meeting Timothy Leary, Alan Watts
and LSD-chemist A. Owsley Stanley
among other luminaries, before his
own conversion to Christianity. SCP
was born from the imperatives of that
Another key resource has been Lee
Penn, who left Harvard University
with a Phi Beta Kappa key and high
honors, then plunged deeply into
atheism, Marxism and other collectivist beliefs. He too met Christ “on
the road.”
Released from scientism, Stuart
Cheff (Chevre) was in UC Berkeley’s
doctoral program in molecular biology under the renowned professor
Gunther Stent, pioneer molecular
biologist and neurobiologist. But one
day Stuart’s entire worldview of materialistic naturalism and the evolutionary paradigm melted away once he
saw the lie. Not long after Stuart’s
conversion, he joined SCP.
Escaping the Mainline Cults
Ed Schneider, SCP’s one-time business manager (and among the best
ever), was in UC Berkeley’s honors
philosophy program, having come out
of a background as a Jehovah’s
Witness child, ever on display by his
parents in a suit and bow tie, as they
went door to door handing out tracts.
Ed was converted by seeing what the
biblical texts meant on their own, free
of cultic manipulation. Monique
Carson, Ed’s future wife, was another
gifted Cal student who finished a
four-year undergraduate course in two
years, carrying 24 units a semester
with a 4.0 average while working 20
hours a week for SCP. Under Ed’s sincere and passionate witness for Christ,
answering her questions, Monique was
converted. She had been wrestling
with various forms of Postmodernism.
Monique soon joined the staff of SCP.
Next came along Josh Ong, also an
office manager, among the most gifted
and passionate SCP staffers ever. Josh
was a Cal Berkeley double major and
Brooks Alexander
came from a rare Chinese Mormon
background. Before his conversion in
high school, Josh was on the brink of
suicide—written up as “The Suicide
Option: When Life Has Lost
Meaning”, SCP’s Journal, Soul Traps of
Thought and Culture (2005).
Like some of SCP’s Cal Berkeley
staffers, Josh stayed on after graduation, marrying another gifted Cal
Student and SCP staffer, Marilyn Mai,
who was converted out of Chinese
Buddhism. Having flatlined her Math
SATs, scoring 800 in high school,
Marilyn came to Berkeley as a math
major but was converted and switched
majors. Marilyn held a very influential
Bible study for female UC Berkeley
Josh was among several SCP staff
also at the head of UC Berkeley’s student evangelical consortium of ministries, from Campus Crusade to
InterVarsity and others, and he also
moderated the big meetings.
Both Josh and Marilyn Ong (pictured on the next page) have been in
greater Asia doing business consulting
while engaging in Christian outreach,
always staying in close touch with Tal,
who they visit whenever they return
to the States.
Meanwhile, many other SCP core
staffers could be mentioned. Their
continued on page 7
continued from page 1
cations are no longer available. SCP
goes that extra mile, making available
what is left (though it has become too
labor-intensive and costly to photocopy Journals that are out of print).
Our Journals are a gold mine and are
written at levels and at a depth found
nowhere else on Earth. Our writers,
from top universities, have far more
insight than mere researchers
because our writers have escaped the
very deceptions they are addressing.
Personal experience offers insight
found nowhere else. Some insiders
have branded SCP as having the
highest IQ of any ministry. No comment. We just try to use the gifts God
gave us.
● SCP’s Web site is able to reach the
world. We get orders from readers
around the world, from Asia to
Europe, and their e-mails show they
are often passionate about this gold
mine of SCP information they have
found. We are also hoping to have a
Web outreach in Spanish for Central
and South America. Our key articles
could make a huge difference if they
were available to these Spanishspeaking cultures, where the Church
seems to be rapidly growing—as the
inevitable deceptions crop up in their
● Another dimension of outreach
are the books associated with SCP
Yamamoto in the 1980s. More
recently, SCP President Tal Brooke,
SCP founder Brooks Alexander and
SCP ACCESS Director and VP of
Operations Danny Aguirre have all
written timely books to add to this
outreach. Now and then we print letters from those who were converted
from the New Age, the occult,
Neopaganism, other religions or
some brand of humanism or atheism.
The list goes on.
● SCP has had interviews too
numerous to list. Christianity Today
once featured SCP as the headliner
of its cover story on apologetics and
countercult organizations. SCP was
on the cover as well as the article’s
establishing first photo, with Brooke
and Alexander at the mural near
People’s Park and Telegraph Avenue.
● In its earliest days, SCP crossed
the country in its own bus, exposing
the invasion of Eastern mysticism—
Transcendental Meditation as disguised Hinduism—and capturing
imaginations, as Brooks Alexander,
Billy Squires, Jerry Yamamoto and
key staffers toured large cities and
small towns, speaking at conferences,
churches and before various groups.
Our first mailing list came out of this
one-time (and at times demanding)
national tour. Today, our speaking
ministry continues. Most recently,
Danny Aguirre spoke to hundreds at
New York City’s Union Square.
● And let’s not forget the ACCESS
Line. For over 25 years, SCP’s freeof-charge ACCESS telephone counseling line has reached innumerable
lives, rolling them over into an eternal destiny. Over these decades, tens
of thousands of calls have been
answered by SCP, people’s questions
and personal needs given wise counsel. Sometimes conversions have
taken place right then and there, as
those on the phone dedicate their
lives to Christ. Other times seeds
have been planted for conversions
down the road, and we may hear
about it years later. SCP is the only
major apologetics ministry that offers
telephone counseling. The only one!
But there is more to what
ACCESS has done than that. There
are people walking the Earth today
who otherwise might not be—their
lives at one time on the brink of suicide. That’s why they called us in
Some of these tragedies have been
averted and suicides prevented. What
kind of price tag does one put on this
effort?—one we do free of charge.
What if it was your son or daughter?
Yet SCP rarely mentions most of
these outcomes, to protect these
individuals’ identities and honor their
need for privacy—they don’t want to
be under a spotlight. Yet this is one
more outreach SCP does that is
never factored into our low subscription rates (recently raised from $25
to $35 domestic and from $35 to $45
foreign). But we are not in the moneymaking business or into moneyraising hoopla; that is why you never
get circulars or flyers from us asking
for money. We do not ask for money.
Nor do we schmooze big donors on
the golf course. It’s allowable, but I
can’t do it.
Most recently we have put up a
video link at the top of SCP’s web
page on the history of SCP (The
History of SCP On Youtube - Watch
Now). It will soon be updated from
Part I, to the full video. Should anyone be interested, you can email the
link to others. Turn up the sound and
have a look.
Meanwhile, I feel compelled to tell
you as “shareholders in SCP” what
your investment has done, and I can
tell you that it has gone a long, long
way. May it continue to for years to
Tal Brooke is the President &
Chairman of SCP. He has authored
over nine books and his work has
been recognized in Marquis Who’s
Who in the World and Who’s Who in
America. He has won three firstplace EPA awards in the nationwide
contest. Tal Brooke, a graduate of
the University of Virginia and
Princeton, was converted in
continued from page 5
common thread is experiencing firsthand the alien terrain of our era’s
strongest delusions before being
freed by the Gospel.
We aren’t talking about dilettantes
skimming the surface, like so many
self-proclaimed “experts” who grew
up in sheltered homes, getting their
insights from the local library. Bless
them for their zeal, but “it takes
more than desire to be a neurosurgeon.” The Christian subculture is
filled with unvetted “authorities.”
High Aptitudes
SCP’s core staffers have been fullimmersion veterans with aptitudes
high enough for them to go to the
big-league universities. SCP has had
at least 7 staffers who have scored
perfect-1600 SATs, others have gotten at least one 800, and we’ve had
another staffer who scored a perfect
LSAT, getting directly into
Berkeley’s Boalt Law School’s doctoral law program. But the program
frustrated him, so he asked Tal if he
could come on board at SCP.
A few times in SCP’s history, all
core staff had at least Mensa-level
IQs (in one case, during Tal’s early
tenure as president, even the fellow
who ran the mailroom was in UC
Berkeley’s doctoral math program).
There has been also the occasional prodigy along the way. One day
Tal noticed a really young guy cleaning up at SCP, wanting a job. It was
Charlie Eads, who got into UC
Berkeley at 15, testing out of three
years of computer-engineering
courses and was already taking
senior-level courses as a freshman.
Yes, he could have hacked into
NORAD. Charlie became a games
developer, and stays in touch with
Then there was Julian Jones, the
son of Peter and Rebecca Jones, who
also got into Berkeley at 15, spoke 7
languages and still maintains the
highest score of all
time at the Monterey
Defense Language
Institute, where he
stayed when he was
also a young GI while
at Cal.
Julian insisted on
cleaning up SCP’s
mountainous inventory
of publications. One of
Julian’s more dubious
achievements was to
(L-R) Marilyn Mai, Steve Mockford, Evan Rosa and Josh Ong, among SCP’s best staff
buy a “weaponized”
teams ever. Tal called them the A-Team as they worked at SCP while going to Berkeley.
hot-rod “that would
continues its work in the heart of
have made Frankenstein proud.” As
Berkeley, just blocks from Telegraph
Tal feared, this prized machine
Avenue and People’s Park where it all
(made of “quads and rocifiers from
started. This is depicted in the photo
an abandoned scud missile,” to use
taken by Christianity Today of Tal
Tal’s neologisms) soon blew up on
Brooke and Brooks Alexander at
the nearby freeway, expelling flames
Berkeley’s “ground zero” of chaos, the
and black smoke, becoming one
famed mural.
more horror story among SCP’s
gifted interns. Tal saw himself in
SCP has continued faithfully proJulian and regretted his early graduducing some of the most probing and
ation and inevitable move.
substantive materials to be found anywhere in unmasking today’s assaults
These extremely bright Christian
on reality.
converts have been drawn to SCP by
the quality of its work over the
To repeat: The very ones who came
years, and most have remained
out of strong delusion are now
friends and fans. We do not want to
unmasking it with the experience and
be immodest by telling you these
insight to reach the brightest skeptics
things, but if we did not, you would
of our generation without intimidanever know. Perhaps it’s finally time
tion or apology.
to follow the Apostle Paul’s example
of boasting in excellence.
SCP has been silent for too many
years while other ministries with far
When God-given discernment is
less to blow their horns about have
combined with very high intelligence
been so loud in self-promotion that
as well as deep personal experience
SCP’s low-keyed triumphs get lost
and then subjected to a probing
in the cacophony.
knowledge of Scripture, you end up
with that rarest of spiritual assets—
eye-opening truth that has the power
to free minds and break delusions.
SCP has never stopped effectively
SCP’s track record is the best proof
unmasking countless false spiritualiof this unique combination of assets,
ties that have formed the seductive
shown by the countless letters of gratparadigms of delusion in our time,
itude and encouragement from former
and we have been doing this for over
Eastern acolytes and New-Agers con30 years.
continued on page 14
Spiritual Counterfeits Project
SCP’s Influence
SCP’s Mandate
A Brief History of SCP
ince 1973, the Spiritual Counterfeits Project [SCP] has been a frontline
apologetics organization confronting the occult, the cults, and the New Age
movement and explaining why they are making an impact on our society.
SCP was born from the counterculture of the turbulent ‘60s, as the first wave of
Christian conversion hit those who had left Christianity for Eastern mysticism.
Those who shaped SCP came to faith in the heat of that battle—the very battle
now facing the Church from which those in SCP had escaped.
SCP has become a Christian think-tank composed of people from top universities
who have spent years on various spiritual paths before becoming Christians. They
are considered some of the most gifted people in the field. Yet they know the final
arbiter of all issues is God’s revelation, which towers above all human learning and
experience. The heart of SCP’s ministry is spiritual discernment from personal
experience combined with mature biblical reflection and in-depth research.
SCP maintains an extensive library and files on cults, the occult, and “new religious movements.” SCP has over 6000 groups on file, which the New York City Library has assessed as the most complete collection of such materials in the United States. Time, ABC, and other major networks and newspapers quote us
about various movements & issues. SCP publishes newsletters and journals for a wide audience, both in America and
overseas. Those publications began in 1973 when SCP passed out tracts at guru Maharaji’s “Millennium ‘73” at the
Houston Astrodome. SCP’s broad exposure came as a result of a nationwide speaking tour in 1975, in which SCP traveled the country in its own bus.
SCP gained national prominence and respect after taking TM [Transcendental Meditation] to Federal Court and winning the case. SCP’s evidence on TM, much of it secret and previously unseen, exposed TM for what it was, a version
of Hinduism. David slew Goliath. The court banned TM from public schools across the country. As a result, the national media, including Time magazine, started to come to SCP for advice on the cults. SCP started growing into a national ministry and never looked back.
As early as 1975, SCP anticipated the New Age movement and the rise of spirit channeling and warned of these phenomena in its newsletters. Currently, the effects of those occult beliefs are inundating the media, the business world,
the school system, the family and the unwary Church. It is evident that Christians must become active and aware or
face rising opposition and further loss of ground in our society. SCP is dedicated to this important task of making
Christians aware. But it is equally dedicated to reaching nonbelievers lost in the maze. That task is mainly done through
crossover publications spearheaded by SCP’s Journals.
The award-winning SCP Journal (four times a First-Place EPA Award winner) is regarded by peers as unsurpassed in
the field of analyzing and discerning the inside workings of new spiritual trends. The Journals address the very latest
deceptions—New Age seminars entering the corporate world with increasingly sleek programs, Neopaganism, Anthony
Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Mystical & Wahhabi Islam, near-death experiences (NDE’s), Gaia, & Wicca on television
before uncritical millions, and the leap in today’s pop culture from vampires to Gaia. In the name of truth, sophisticated lies are fed to unwary people who live in and shape our world. What this means is that SCP’s mandate to communicate with our generation by creating crossover material is more vital than ever. It is a critical mission at a critical time.
SCP, grounded in conservative faith, is also an information broker and gives advice by telephone through its ACCESS
line (510-540-5767). Its journals and published materials are available for a minimum donation of $35.00 per year ($45
outside USA).
SCP Index
of Materials
B 001 ONE WORLD, Tal Brooke. $14.95
B 003 THE MYSTERY OF DEATH, Tal Brooke. $13.95
B 004 RIDERS OF THE COSMIC CIRCUIT, Tal Brooke. $15.95
B 005 VIRTUAL GODS, Tal Brooke, Ed. $12.95
(Out-of-print copies are still available)
B 301 AVATAR OF NIGHT, Tal Brooke. $16.95
B 008 REASON IN THE BALANCE, Phillip E. Johnson. $19.95
B 009 DARWIN ON TRIAL, Phillip E. Johnson. $9.95
B 355 DEFEATING DARWINISM, Phillip E. Johnson. $9.95
B 356 HOLLYWOOD WORLDVIEWS, Brian Godawa. $14.00
B 355 THE WEDGE OF TRUTH, Phillip E. Johnson. $16.00
BL 010 AMERICA’S WANING LIGHT, Tal Brooke. $2.95
BL 016 GOSPEL TRUTH/PAGAN LIES, Peter Jones. $8.00
BL 080 TM IN COURT, SCP. $3.95
Alexander. $1.50
P 004—SPIRITUAL POWER, B. Alexander. $1.00
P 005—REFLECTIONS OF AN EX, B. Alexander. $1.50
P 030—WHAT IS SPIRITISM And Why Are They Saying Those Awful
Things About It? B. Alexander. $1.50
P 031—DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: Fantasy Role-Playing and
the Occult, S. Dokupil. $1.50
D. Halverson. $1.50
P 080—THE COMING WORLD RELIGION, B. Alexander. $1.50
Contemporary Culture, B. Alexander. $2.00
P 082—URANTIA... the Brotherhood, the Book, $1.50
P 083—REVISIONING REALITY: A Critique of A Course in Miracles.
P 086—HOPE IN REINCARNATION: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and Life
After Death, $1.50
P 091—REBIRTH OF A YOGI, Rabi Maharaj. $1.50
P 094—EXPANDING SUFI HORIZONS, J. Isamu Yamamoto. $1.50
SOCIETY, $1.50
AUDIO TAPES/CDS (In Transition)
A 001—THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND GAIA, Tal Brooke. $5.00
A 004—AUTHORITY CULTS: The Undoing of Individuality, William
P. Kellogg. $5.00
Alexander. $5.00
A 006—EVANGELIZING THE NEW AGER, Rabi Maharaj. $5.00
ORDER, Marc Mueller. $5.00
set of above tapes, $30.00
A 009—MORMONISM, J. Bjornstad. $4.00
A 011—A COURSE IN MIRACLES, M. Williamson, G. Jampolsky, D.
Halverson. $4.00
A 012—THE BAHA’I FAITH, J. Valentine. $4.00
PENTECOSTALISM, E. Pement. $4.00
A 014—JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, J. Valentine. $4.00
A 015—MY YEARS IN INDIA, Tal Brooke. $5.00
A 016—THE COMING WORLD RELIGION, Tal Brooke. $5.00
A 017—THE SPIRITUAL FRONT LINE, Tal Brooke & Marlin
Maddoux. $5.00
A 019—MAITREYA & BENJAMIN CREME, by Tal Brooke. $5.00
A 020—HIGHER GUIDANCE, by Tal Brooke. $5.00
* indicates out-of-print and no longer available
J 3503—AYN RAND—(Vols. 35:2-35:3, 2011) $7.00 Features:
Surviving Life in the Western World—Tal Brooke, Ayn Rand: The
Janus Face of Libertarianism—Lee Penn, Christian Witchcraft
and Christo-Paganism—Brooks Alexander
(SPECIAL ISSUE)—(Vols. 34:4-35:1, 2011) $7.00 Features: Two
Years under an Anti-Christ—Tal Brooke, Anti-Christs and False
Messiahs Down the Ages—Lee Penn
J 3403—THE ABOLITION OF MAN 2—(Vols. 34:2-34:3, 2010)
$7.00 Features: Crisis and Betrayal—Tal Brooke, Passing
Through the Land of Shadows—Danny Aguirre, The World
Church of 2017—Lee Penn, The Toxic Invasion—Steve
J 3401—THE ABOLITION OF MAN—(Vols.33:4-34:1, 2010) $7.00
Features: Encounters with Familiar Spirits—Steve Wohlberg, A
Perilous Spiritual Journey—Greg Albrecht, Depopulation:
Making the Abolition of Man a Reality—Lee Penn
J 3303—VAMPIRES RISING—(Vols.33:2-33:3, 2009) $7.00
Features: Vampires Rising—Tal Brooke, The Menace Behind
Twilight—Steve Wohberg, An Apologetic of Horror—Brian
Godawa, Depopulation: Making the World Safe fpr tje Elite—Lee
J 3301—APOCALYPSE WHEN?—(Vols. 32:4-33:1, 2009) $7.00
Features: The Mayan Apocalypse of 2012—Lee Penn, The Shape
of Things to Come 2—Alan Morrison, The View from Iron
Mountain—Brooks Alexander
J 3203—PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE—(Vols. 32:2-32:3, 2008)
$7.00 Features: The Rapture—Steve Wohlberg, The Millennium:
the Thousand Years of Rev. 20—Tal Brooke, The Shape of Things
to Come—Alan Morrison, The Twilight of Freedom—Lee Penn
J 3201—STAGING THE FUTURE—(Vols. 31:4-32:1, 2008) $7.00
Features: Arthur C. Clarke: Visionary of a Mystical World
Order—Tal Brooke, The Sunset of Liberty: Setting the Stage for
Tyranny—Lee Penn, Orchestrating the End: The Prophetic Quest
of Dispensationalism—Stephen Sizer
J 3103—THE COMING SPECTRES 2—(Vols. 31:2-31:3, 2007) $7.00
Features: Ironies of Disbelief: Militant Atheism and the Law of
Unintended Consequences—Brooks Alexander, The TechnoUtopians 2: Managing the Masses for World Order—Lee Penn,
Witchcraft in the Military—Brooks Alexander, Conditional
Submission: The Christian’s Relationship to Earthly
Government—Alan Morrison
J 3101—THE COMING SPECTRES—(Vols. 30:4-31:1, 2007) $7.00
Features: Sanctioned Mockery: And the Rise of Attacks on
Christians—Tal Brooke, The New Spirituality & Its Hallmarks—
Alan Morrison, The Techno-Utopians: Managing the Masses for
World Order—Lee Penn
J 3003—FROM LIBERTY TO LEVIATHAN—(Vols. 30:2-30:3, 2006)
$7.00 Features: From Liberty to Leviathan—Lee Penn,
Witchcraft: Real and Imagined II—Brooks Alexander, Becoming
Conversant With the Emerging Church—D. A. Carson, An
Update on the Emerging Church—Tal Brooke
J 3001—THE SPIRITS OF THE AGE—(Vols. 29:4-30:1, 2006) $7.00
Features: God TV—Alan Morrison, Witchcraft: Real and
Imagined I—Brooks Alexander, Opus Dei & The Da Vinci Code
II—Lee Penn
J 2903—THE GREAT LIE—(Vols. 29:2-29:3, 2005) $7.00 Features:
The Great Lie—Tal Brooke, From Old Gnosticism to New Age
II—Alan Morrison, Opus Dei & The Da Vinci Code—Lee Penn,
The Descent Into Unbelief—Jonathan Rice
28:4-29:1, 2005) $7.00 Features: The Soul Under Siege II—Lee
Penn, From Old Gnosticism to New Age I—Alan Morrison, The
Suicide Option: When Life Has Lost Meaning—Josh Ong
J 2803—CONTROLLING THE LAND & THE SOUL—(Vols. 28:228:3, 2004) $7.00 Features: The Soul Under Siege—Lee
Penn,The Strange Marriage Between Western Ecology and
Eastern Thought Part II—Jonathan Rice, The Strip-Mining of
Culture—Alan Morrison,The Role of Plagiarism in Religious
Movements—William Alnor
J 2801—OF GODS AND NATIONS—(Vols. 27:4-28:1, 2004) $7.00
Features: One Nation Under What?—Phillip Johnson, The
Emerging Reality of a New World Order—Tal Brooke, When the
State Becomes God—Lee Penn, The Strange Marriage Between
Western Ecology and Eastern Thought—Jonathan Rice
J 2703—THE TWO JERUSALEMS—(Vols. 27:2-27:3, 2003) $7.00
Features: The Intelligent Design Movement—Tal Brooke
interivews Philip Johnson, The Two Jerusalems—Alan Morrison,
The Promise to Abraham—Brian Godawa
J 2701—THE MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS—(Vols. 26:4-27:1,
2003) $7.00 Features: Neale Donald Walsch: Conversations
With Myself—Lee Penn & Tal Brooke, Harry Potter:
Manipulating Reality—Lawrence Burkholder, The Mystery of
Lawlessness: An Exposition on the Antichrist—Alan Morrison,
Angels and Demons in the Movies—Brian Godawa
J 2603—THE ESSENCE OF PAGANISM—(Vols. 26:2-26:3, 2002)
$7.00 Features: The Essence of Paganism—Peter Jones & Tal
Brooke, Postmodernism & The Movies—Brian Godawa, The
Radical Islamic Agenda—Aleesha Khan, The Masonic Quest—
Lee Penn
J 2601—RADICAL ISLAM—(Vols. 25:4-26:1, 2002) $7.00 Features:
Strange Fire: The Invasion of Pagan Sexuality—Peter Jones & Tal
Brooke, The Age of Masonry by Lee Penn, The Radical Islamic
Mind—Aleesha Khan, Anthroposophy: The Occult Influences of
Rudolph Steiner, Pt. 2 by Carrie Tomko
J 2503—REALITY TV—(Vol. 25:2-25:3, 2001) (NEW SCP Digital
Reprint) $10.00 Features: Reality TV: Cannibalizing the Moral
Order—Catou Grinyer, The Origins and Influence of Masonry,
Pt. 1 by Lee Penn, Between Isaac and Ishmael by Brooks
Alexander, Anthroposophy: The Occult Influences of Rudolph
Steiner, Pt. 1 by Carrie Tomko
2001) $7.00 Features: The Wedge of Truth—Tal Brooke interviews Phillip Johnson, Not by the Sword: Bizarre Signs,
Prophetic Commands & Group Intimidation by Matthew Davis,
The World Church of 2017 by Lee Penn, Deconstructing Satan,
Part II by Brad Scott
J 2403—DARK APOCALYPSE—(Vol. 24:2-24:3, 2000) $7.00
Features: The Great Lie by Tal Brooke, Dark Apocalypse by Lee
Penn, Pokémon for the Uninitiated by Catou Grinyer, The
Proliferation of a Movement: The International Churches of
Christ II by Danny Aguirre, Deconstructing Satan, Part I by Brad
J 2401—WITCHCRAFT: SPELLBINDING A CULTURE—(Vol. 23:424:1, 2000) $7.00 Features: Spellbinding a Culture by Tal
Brooke, Harry Potter: Occult Cosmology and the Corrupted
Imagination by Alison Lentini, The Witches of Harvard and MIT
by Tony Carnes, New Age and Globalist Strategies: Unity,
Collectivism & Control by Lee Penn
J 2303—THE COMING WORLD RELIGION PART II—(Vol. 23:223:3, 1999) $7.00 Features: A High-Level Insider
Converts—Michael Graham’s 28-Year Journey by Tal Brooke,
The New Age Christ of David Spangler by Ron Rhodes, The
Proliferation of a Movement: The International Churches of
Christ by Danny Aguirre, The United Religions: Globalist and
New Age Plans by Lee Penn
CONT.—(Vol. 22:4-23:1, 1999) $7.00 Features: Secrets of the
Soul—Gary Zukav, Putting God in Small Packages by Tal
Brooke, Lost in the Supermarket: Pop Music and Spiritual
Commerce by Alison Lentini, The “Oprah Effect” by Ron Rhodes,
The United Religions Front—Foundations for a World Religion
by Lee Penn
J 2203—SWEET LIES II—(Vol. 22:2-22:3, 1998) $7.00 Features:
Spirit Voices—and the Van Praagh Media Circus by Tal Brooke,
Leaving Marianne Williamson & A Course in Miracles by Tony
Carnes, Conversations With the God of This Age by John Moore,
Anthony Robbins and the Quest for Unlimited Power by Ron
Rhodes, Jean Houston—Profile of the New Age Advisor to
Hillary Clinton by Craig Branch
J 2201—SWEET LIES—(Vol. 21:4-22:1, 1998) $7.00 Features: The
Terrible Strength and Weakness of Naturalism—an interview
with Phil Johnson by Tal Brooke, America’s Glitzy Guru,
Marianne Williamson by Ron Rhodes, The Mayan Gospel—The
Mass Appeal of James Redfield’s Celestine Prophecy by John
Moore, Brennan Manning—The New Monk of Mystic
Protestantism by John Caddock, Terminal Ecumenism—Bishop
Swing and the United Religions Initiative by Brooks Alexander
J 2103—THE COSMIC MEDICINE MEN—The Mystery Teachings of
Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, and Bernie Siegel (Vol. 21:3,
1997) $5.00 Features: Deepak Chopra, Wizard of Boundless
Healing by Tal Brooke, The Temptations of Deepak Chopra by
William Alnor, Energies of Mind & Body by Ron Rhodes, Andrew
Weil, New-Medicine’s Man of the ‘90s by Brooks Alexander
J 2102—JESUS AND THE DEN OF THIEVES II—Further Assaults,
Alterations and Redefinitions of the Person and the Work of
Christ (Vol. 21:1-2, 1997) $7.00 Features: The Cosmic Christ of
Channeled Revelation by Tal Brooke, A New Christ by Peter
Jones, Jesus on the Rack by Brad Scott, The Jesus of the
Watchtower by Ron Rhodes, Between Isaac and Ishmael by
Brooks Alexander, Has God Really Spoken by Ron Rhodes
J 2004—JESUS AND THE DEN OF THIEVES—Scholarly Assaults,
New Age Alterations, and the Creation of other Christs (Vol.
20:3-4, 1996) $7.00 Features: Jesus and the Den of Thieves by
Tal Brooke, Apostasy in America by Peter Jones, The Quest for
the Historical Jesus by John Moore, The
Jesus Seminar by John Moore, The Cosmic
Christ by Ron Rhodes, The Real Jesus
Already Stood Up by Brooks Alexander
J 2002—VIRTUAL REALITY—Virtual Gods,
Designer Universes (Vol. 20:2, 1996) $5.00 Features: Virtual
Gods, Designer Universes by Tal Brooke, Virtual Bodies in the
City of Bits by Donald L. Baker, Embody the Avatar by John
Moore, Virtuality and Theophobia—Becoming the Ghost in our
Own Machine by Brooks Alexander
J 2001—CYBERSPACE—Storming Digital Heaven (Vol. 19:4-20:1,
1995, double issue) $7.00 Features: Cyberspace: Storming
Digital Heaven by Tal Brooke, Welcome to the CyberMillennium, Part One by Donald L. Baker, Virtual Man by John
Moore, Extropianism by Brian Godawa, The Faustian Bargain by
Brooks Alexander
Coming Global Church (Vol. 19:2-3, 1995, double issue) $7.00
Features: Preparing for the Cosmic Millennium by Tal Brooke,
Community and the Cosmic Christ by Warren Smith, Last Exit
Before Judgment by Brooks Alexander, Signs of the Times by
Warren Smith
J 1901—NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: Revelations From the
Deathplane (Vol. 18:4/19:1, 1994, double issue) $7.00 Features:
Near-Death Experiences by Tal Brooke, Embracing a False Light
by Warren Smith, Clues to a Near-Death Experience by Craig
Branch, When Heaven Can’t Wait by William Alnor, The Tinsel
Halo by Brooks Alexander
Freeing All the Inner-Children (Vol. 18:3, 1994) $5.00 Features:
A Brief Look at John Bradshaw by Tal Brooke, Singing the Song
of Myself by Richard John Neuhaus, Recovery and
Codependence by Kenneth Meyers, Early Roots of the
Codependency Movement by Edward T. Welch, Recovery’s
Family Tree by Brooks Alexander
J 1802—ONE NATION WITHOUT GOD: Life in Post-Christian
Amerika (Vol. 18:1-2, 1993, double issue) $7.00 Features: When
America Provokes God by Tal Brooke, Can We Be Good Without
God by Charles Colson, In Defense of Liberty by Keith Fornier,
Censoring the Past by Gary DeMar, Redefining Culture Through
Media by Theodore Baehr, Burden of Conflict: Church and State
in Crisis by Brooks Alexander
The Culture War on Christianity (Vol. 17:4, 1993) $5.00
Features: America’s Waning Light by Tal Brooke, This Is a
Christian Nation by Herbert W. Titus, Restoring America’s
Christian History by Mark Beliles & Stephen McDowell, The
Christian Idea of Government by Rus Walton, Burden of Conflict:
Church and State in a Fallen World by Brooks Alexander
J 1703—THE WAY OF ECOLOGY: Remaking Man in the Earth’s
Image (Vol. 17:3, 1992) $5.00 Features: The Ecological Great
Awakening by Tal Brooke, Eco-Religion and Cultural Change by
Brooks Alexander & Mike Coffman, America’s Ecological
Millennium by Douglas Groothuis, Downsizing the Family of
Man by Alison Lentini, The View From Iron Mountain by Brooks
J 1702—ALIEN ENCOUNTERS: UFOs and the Realm of Shadows
(Vol. 17:1-2, 1992, double issue) $7.00 Features: Machines
Made of Shadows by Brooks Alexander, Encountering UFOs by
John Weldon and John Ankerberg, Part I: The Alien Obsession,
Part II: Of Gods and Aliens by Bill Alnor, A Brief Look at “A Brief
History of Time” by Hugh Ross, Alien Messages on the Big
Screen by Tal Brooke
J 1604—EDUCATION: Capturing Hearts and Minds for a New
World (Vol. 16:4, 1992) $5.00 Features: Abolished Man: From
Instruction to Indoctrination in the New Education by Brooks
Alexander, Capturing Hearts and Minds for a New World by Tal
Brooke, Deconstruction: The Crisis of Values and Truth in the
Academy by Marc Mueller
J 1603—WITCHCRAFT: From the Dark Ages to the New Age (Vol.
16:3, 1991) $5.00 Special report by Brooks Alexander—Tracing
Modern Witchcraft From Its Ancient Pagan Roots to Modern
J 1602—NEW WORLD ORDER: The Iron Hand of Peace &
Spiritual Unity (Vol. 16:2, 1991) $5.00 Features: Breathing
Together: Conspiracy & Intention by Brooks Alexander, I. The
Emerging Reality of a New World Order, II. World Order &
Freedom of Religion by Tal Brooke, Will Christendom Survive
the New World Order? by Stuart Chevre, The State of the World
– 12 Years Later, by Marc Mueller, Dialogues With Malcolm
Muggeridge, Tal Brooke & Malcolm Muggeridge, A Letter Home
by George Koch
J 1601—GAIA: A Religion of the Earth (Vol. 16:1, 1991) $5.00
Features: Gaia—A Religion of the Earth by Tal Brooke, I. Gaia:
Sects and Squabbles, II. Deep Ecology by Brooks Alexander, The
Goddess Comes of Age by Alison Lentini, The Gaia Hypothesis:
Science, Mythology and the Desecration of God by Stuart
Chevre, Creation: The Christian View of Ecology by Francis
*J 0903—VISUALIZATION: Mind Power and the Mind’s Eye (NEW
SCP Digital Reprint) (Vol. 9:3, 1990) $10.00 Features:
Visualizing the Tower of Babel by Tal Brooke, Mind Power and
the Mind’s Eye by Brooks Alexander, Visualization, Guided
Imagery and the Holistic Health Movement by Stuart Chevre.
Reviews: Jacob’s Ladder by Tal Brooke
Digital Reprint) (Vol. 9:2, 1990) $10.00 Features: Adhesive for a
Generic Religion by Tal Brooke, Oracle of Transgression and
Joseph Campbell’s Myth-Conception by Brooks Alexander, Myth
and the Power of Campbell by Doug Groothuis, Jung: Man of
Mystic Proportions by Charles Strohmer
*J 0901—MINDING THE STORE: Influences of the New Age
Movement in Business (SCP Digital Reprint) (Vol. 9:1, 1990)
$10.00 Features: Identifying the New Age Seminar by Doug
Groothius, Gates of Entry for the Occult by Tal Brooke, Not Built
in a Day: Context and Pretext of the New Age in Business by
Brooks Alexander, Business as Unusual: The New-Age Rage and
Corporate America by Carl Raschke, New Age, Business and the
Law by Herbert Rosedale
J 0801—FAITH ON THE LINE (Vol. 8:1, 1988) $5.00 Features: Faith
on the Line: An Interview With James Houston, I Believe in the
Creator by James Houston, Tragedy and Hope in Genesis 3 by
Brooks Alexander, The Hunger Project: Inside Out and The
Forum: est in heir by Carol Giambalvo
J 0701—SPIRITISM: The Medium and the Message (Vol. 7:1, 1987)
$5.00 Features: What Is Spiritism and Why Are They Saying
Those Awful Things About It? by Brooks Alexander, A Matter of
Course: A Conversation With K. Wapnick, A Course in Miracles:
Seeing Yourself as Sinless by Dean Halverson. Reviews: Dancing
in the Light by Shirley MacLaine, Riders of the Cosmic Circuit by
Tal Brooke; reviewed by Brooks Alexander
*J 0501—EMPOWERING THE SELF: A Look at the Human Potential
Movement (Vol. 5:1, 1982) $7.00 Features: The Rise of Cosmic
Humanism by Brooks Alexander, The Flowering of the Human
Potential Movement by Francis Adeney, Est: The Philosophy of
Self-Worship by Stanley Dokupil and Brooks Alexander,
Lifespring and the Sovereignty of Subjectivism by Dean
Halverson, and more.
J 0402—EXPANDING HORIZONS: Psychical Research and
Parapsychology (Vol. 4:2, 1981) $5.00 Features: Separating
Wheat From Chaff: Biblical Discernment and Parapsychology by
Mark Albrecht and Brooks Alexander. Interview: Dave Hunt and
paranormal researcher Jeffrey Mishlove.
J 0401—INNER HEALING (Vol. 4:1, 1980) $5.00 Features: An
Assessment of the Pioneering Work and Popularization of Inner
Healing by the Late Ruth Carter Stapleton by Brooks Alexander,
Inner Healing by Steve Scott and Brooks Alexander, The Farm by
Joseph Carruth
J 0301—ECKANKAR: A Hard Look at a New Religion (Vol. 3:1,
1979) $5.00 Features: Paul Twitchell and the Evolution of
Eckankar by Woodrow Nichols and Brooks Alexander, The
Teachings of Eckankar by Mark Albrecht, Critical Analysis of
Eckankar by Mark Albrecht, and more.
J 0201—HOLISTIC HEALTH: The Marriage of Science and Religion
(Vol. 2:1, 1978) $5.00 Features: Holistic Health From the Inside
by Brooks Alexander, The Sellout of Science by Mark Albrecht
and Brooks Alexander, Implications of the Holistic Medicine
Movement: A Conversation With Paul Reisser, M.D., and more.
J 0102—UFOs: Is Science Fiction Coming True? (Vol. 1:2, 1977)
$4.50 Features: The Modern Prometheus: Science Fiction and
the New Consciousness by Woodrow Nichols and Brooks
Alexander, UFOs: Is Science Fiction Coming True? by Mark
Albrecht and Brooks Alexander, and more.
J 0101—THANATOLOGY: Death and Dying (Vol. 1:1 1977) $5.50
Features: The “new” mythology of death. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross,
Raymond Moody and Robert Monroe’s works are critiqued from
a biblical perspective.
* indicates out-of-print and no longer available
N3601—Do Parent’s Rights End at the Schoolhouse Gate by John
Whitehead, Something-Ism by Peter Jones. $1.50
N3504—The End of the World According to Harold Camping by
Robert Godfrey, The Rise of Indigenous Paganism by Peter Jones.
N3503—Global Warming, Religion, Politics and Science by Brooks
Alexander, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by Peter Jones.. $1.50
N3502—Invasion of the Body Scanners by John Whitehead,
Breaking the Will of the People by Tal Brooke. $1.50
N3501—Lady Gaga and the Pornificaton of America by John
Whitehead, The Gospel for 21st Century Sodom by Peter Jones.
N304—Facing Death in Christ by Mark Ashton, An Encounter of
the Highest Order of Magnitde by Tal Brooke. $1.50
N3403—The Nations Have Come to Our Doorstep by Danny
Aguirre, Have We Forgotten God by John Whitehead $1.50
N3402—Avatar, A New Dawn by Tal Brooke, The Lost Symbol by
Peter Jones. $1.50
N3401—Oracle of Transgression, by Brooks Alexander, Wiccan or
Christian America? by Peter Jones. Loving Big Brother: The
Future is Now by John Whitehead. $1.50
N3304—Science Versus Religion: Reexamining the debate, by
George A. Koch, Quo Vadis Free Speech? by Peter Jones. Know
Your Rights or Lose Them, by John W. Whitehead $1.50
N3303—The Shack: Taking the Church by Storm, by William P.
Kellogg, How Closet Liberals are Hijacking Liberalism? by Peter
Jones. $1.50
N3302—Beasts in the Sanctuary: When the Church Defiles its
Own, by Lee Penn, What Leader Can Save Us? by John W.
Whitehead. $1.50
N3301—The Battle for the Minds of Children by Tal Brooke and
Alan Morrison, Jezebel and the Cultural Creatives by Peter
Jones, Children of the Night by John W. Whitehead, $1.50
N3204—Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed by Tim Williams.
Would you risk it all for freedon by John Whitehead, Eckart
Tolle’s Old Error by Peter Jones, $1.50
N3203—When Churches Become Cult-like by Charles Leeser.
Police in Thought Pursuit by Bruce Fein, No One Was Expecting
It by Peter Jones. $1.50
N3202—Episcopal Bishop’s Dream Gains Ground by Lee Penn.
Constitutional Freedoms: Our Line in the Sand by Tal Brooke,
Geo-Politics, Pagan Spirituality by Peter Jones. $1.50
N3201—India Revisited, Reaching Western Seekers: Bill Alnor
Interviews Michael Graham. Christian Liberty Versus Martial
Law by John Whitehead. $1.50
by Lee Penn. Examining “The End of Faith” by Sam Harris by
Christopher Cobb. $1.50
Jones and David Haddon. Scientific Atheists on the Warpath, by
Phillip Johnson. $1.50
N3102—FALLING FROM GRACE by Tal Brooke and Jonathan Rice
(a reflection on Ted Haggard’s fall and other scandals). $1.50
N3101—HIGH-TECH SPELLCASTING by Marcia Montenegro. The
Ongoing Curtailment of Christian Freedoms by John
Whitehead. $1.50
N3004—POP GNOSTICISM by Peter Jones. Turning Schools Into
Enclaves of Totalitarianism by John Whitehead. $1.50
Evan Rosa. SCP Staff Update. $1.50
N3002—NARNIA: A REVIEW by Tal Brooke & Ted Baehr. The
Character of Courageous “Hate Speech” by Peter Jones. $1.50
NEW ORLEANS by Tal Brooke, Ted Baehr and John Whitehead.
The Bad Timing of “The Da Vinci Code” by Jason Apuzzo. $1.50
The Battle Over Judges and What’s at Stake by Peter Jones.
N2903—INDIGO CHILDREN by Tomko, Khorochev & Mai. No
Place to Hide: Living in the Surveillance State by John
Whitehead. $1.50
Catastrophe Hits Sri Lanka by Tal Brooke. $1.50
N2901—ASIA, WALKING THE EDGE: Tal Brooke Interviews Ajith
Fernando, Director of Youth for Christ Sri Lanka on the Asian
Challenge (three months before the tsunami). $1.50
REPORT, by Josh Ong & Marilyn Mai. SCP Wins Another FirstPlace EPA Award by the SCP staff. $1.50
Brooke. Beyond Belief: A Pagan Read of Early Church History
by Peter Jones. $1.50
N2802—THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, A Review by Brian
Godawa. Civil War in the Church by Peter Jones. $1.50
N2801—THE WICCAN HOLY GRAIL by Tony Carnes. The Origins
of Halloween by Alan Morrison. $1.50
Event With Phillip Johnson. $1.50
N2703—A JOURNEY TO MARS HILL by Tal Brooke, a full report on
the Jan.-March of 2003 trip to Asia. $1.50
Linda Harvey. To End All Wars by Ted Baehr. $1.50
Kupelian. The Difference Between Sick and Evil by Andrew
Vachss. $1.50
N2604—BY WHAT AUTHORITY? by Greg Kronz & Tal Brooke.
The Force & The Ring by C.M. Evans. $1.50
Sanders. Features: Saying Goodbye to Zen Physics by David
Haddon. $1.50
Penn & Tal Brooke. Features: When Death Claims a Mother by
Tal Brooke. $1.50
N2601—THE JABEZ CONTROVERSY Continued by John Moore.
Features: A Time For Sober Reflection by Lee Penn. $1.50
MANTRA? by John Miller. Features: The Dark Message of AI by
Chris Evans and Tal Brooke. $1.50
Jones (with contributions by Tal Brooke). Features:
WorldNetDaily’s Geoff Metcalf interviews Tal Brooke. $1.50
Jones (with contributions by Tal Brooke). Features:
Reincarnation: An Overview by Alan Morrison. $1.50
N2501—FROM CHAOS TO COSMOS by Alan Morrison. Features:
The Harry Potter Hoax by Dan Wooding, who interviews Tal
Brooke. $1.50
Labyrinth of Subversion by Lee Penn. Features: Peter Jennings’
Investigative Report on Jesus by Tal Brooke. $1.50
Wooding Interviews Tal Brooke by Dan Wooding. Features:
American Horror: A Review of “American Beauty” by Charles
Jarvis. $1.50
N2402—RE-INVENTING GOOD & EVIL ... in Filmland by Charlie
Jarvis. Features: The Y2K Meltdown of Credibility by Tal Brooke.
N2401—BERKELEY DAY: A Celebration of the Truly Open-Minded
by Tal Brooke. Features: The War on Moral Absolutes by Richard
Lowry. (Vol. 24:1, 1999) $1.50
N2304—POSTMODERN MOVIES II: The Good, the Bad and the
Relative, Part II by Brian Godawa. Features: SCP Newsbriefs by
Tal Brooke. (Vol. 23:4, 1999) $1.50
N2303—POSTMODERN MOVIES: The Good, the Bad and the
Relative, Part I by Brian Godawa. Features: SCP Newsbriefs by
Tal Brooke. (Vol. 23:3, 1999) $1.50
N2302—GODDESS WORSHIP by Russ Wise and Tal Brooke.
Features: American Media & Selling the Occult by Rich Poll.
(Vol. 23:2, 1999) $1.50
N2301—EARTH SPIRIT: Weeding the Earth by Gene E. Veith.
Features: “What Dreams May Come,” a movie review by Tal
Brooke. (Vol. 23:1, 1998) $1.50
N2204—END OF A PROPHET by Joe Szimhart. Features: SCP Staff
Update. (Vol. 22:4, 1998) $1.50
N2203—BIBLE CODES, PART II by John Winston Moore. Features:
Mother of a New-Age Messiah, the Confessions of a MotherDisciple by Joe Szimhart. (Vol. 22:3, 1998) $1.50
N2202—BIBLE CODES, PART I by John Winston Moore. Features:
Reflections on a Trip to Cambridge by Tal Brooke, What’s Wrong
With Hate Crime? by Brooks Alexander. (Vol. 22:2, 1997) $1.50
Times Bestseller by Joe Szimhart. Features: “Contact,” a movie
review by John Winston Moore. (Vol. 22:1, 1997) $1.50
Heaven’s Gate by Brooks Alexander. Features: Hell at Heaven’s
Gate by Peter Jones. (Vol. 21:4, 1997) $1.50
N2103—LIVING IN DARKNESS by George Byron Koch. Features:
Special Bonanza Letter Issue. (Vol. 21:3, 1996/7) $1.50
N 2102—A BRIDGE TOO FAR by Peter Jones. Features: Liberal
Protestantism’s Death Wish by William Murchison, Predators,
Scavengers and the Body Politic by Brooks Alexander. (Vol. 21:2,
1996) $1.50
Brooke. Features: SCP Wins Another First-Place Award by SCP,
Habitat II, Notes From Istanbul by Nancy Schaefer. (Vol. 21:1,
1996) $1.50
Features: Liberalism Battles Orthodoxy in Philadelphia by Peter
Jones, Ph.D., Media Blindsight—Beyond Hypocrisy, Part 2 by
Brooks Alexander. (Vol. 20:4, 1996) $1.50
N2003—IN SEARCH OF MAITREYA: An Evening With Benjamin
Creme by John Moore. Features: The UN and the Leaven of
Beijing by Peter Jones, Ph.D., and more. (Vol. 20:3, 1996) $1.50
N2002—SPIRITS IN HIGH PLACES: A Critique of Isabel Allende by
David Haddon. Features: The “Navy Way” by Brooks Alexander.
(Vol. 20:2, 1995) $1.50
N2001—THE CULTURE OF DISBELIEF, an essay book-review by
Phillip E. Johnson. Features: New Age Seminars Part 2. (Vol.
20:1, 1995) $1.50
N1904—“THE FORCE” or Pumped, Scooped, Charged & Slain by
George Koch. Features: From the Frontline: New Age Seminars,
Part 1. (Vol. 19:2, 1995) $1.50
N1903—ANOTHER MARY, Another Jesus, Another Gospel by Tim
Kauffman. Features: a review of Lambs to Slaughter. (Vol. 19:2,
1995) $1.50
N1902—HOLY LAUGHTER or Strong Delusion? Features: a review
A Crossover Thriller Written for Adults.
Make no mistake, Return of the Giants: A Dark Tale of the
Nephilim, by Robert T. Brooke, is a thriller that pulls no punches. The story is based on an IMAX-level dream the author had of a
horrifying recombinant DNA stealth
scientific project in the forests of
England. A fellow English journalist,
John Hills, just reviewed it on
Amazon: “Ragingly brilliant, riveting.
Couldn't put it down.”
Adrenaline junkies who love
thrillers have a rare treat in store,
while those too sensitive for the
shock levels of a Tom Clancy or
Stephen King should probably pass.
It could be just the thing for your
non-Christian friends as well as many
of you who can handle the heat. The
Nephilim are the ancient giants that
were destroyed in the Great Flood,
and endless speculation has surrounded their terrible powers. This
book explores these mysteries,
including a supernatural dimension.
Return of the Giants crosses some heavy terrain; from the dark
rituals and intrigue at Bohemian Grove (based on believable reports);
to underground scientific projects at Stanford; high drama at
Cambridge; to the shrouded New Forest region of my native England,
where the terrifying giants are harbored in a massive facility. Those
behind the “New World Order” are hovering in the shadows, a feast
for those able to read between-the-lines.
—Dan Wooding, ASSIST Ministries
❏ Enclosed is $20.00 for Return of the Giants
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of The Celestine Prophecy. (Vol. 19:2, 1994)
$2.50 {reprints}
*N1901—PSYCHIC PROPHECY: GordonMichael Scalion’s Vision of Global
Catastrophe. Features: An SCP Report:
Hopeful Signs & Future Battlefronts. (Vol. 19:1, 1994) $2.50
N1804—A MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: A Visit With Jane Campion.
(Vol. 18:4, 1994) $1.50
N1803—SCP’S 20th BIRTHDAY ... Still Exposing the Esoteric and
the Counterfeit. (Vol. 18:3, 1994) $1.50
N1802—PHILLIP JOHNSON INTERVIEW—an interview with the
author of Darwin on Trial, and much more. (Vol. 18:1-2, 1993)
Process. (Vol. 17:2, 1992) $3.00
Discerned, How to Respond. (Vol. 17:1, 1992) $3.00
the Whole Life Expo concludes. (Vol. 16:3, 1991) $3.00
N1602—IS YOUR CHURCH CULT-LIKE Part I—12 Characteristics
of a Counterfeit Church; Cultic Tendencies Checklist. SCP’s tour
of the Whole Life Expo begins. (Vol. 16:2, 1991) $1.50
N1502—FLEEING THE FORCES: An Interview with Moira
Prophet Lewis—Tal Brooke interviews Moira, daughter of
Elizabeth Clare Prophet—cult leader of the Church Universal
and Triumphant. Confronting the Church of Christ
(Boston/Crossroads Movement) by Bill Kellogg. (Vol. 15:2,
1990) $2.00
the New Age in the Church by Brooks Alexander. Review: Communion by Tal Brooke. (Vol. 15:1, 1990) $3.00
AGE—Features: Nursing’s New Age by Sharon Fish, New Age
Medicine: A Second Opinion by Carolyn Copeland. (Vol. 14:3,
1989) $2.00
N1104—LEGALITIES ASIDE: Final Reflections on Lee v. Duddy—
Features: When Talk Isn’t Cheap and Speech Isn’t Free by
Brooks Alexander, The Lawsuit in Perspective by Bill Squires,
Expert Opinion and the Bias of Experts by Brooks Alexander.
(Vol. 11:4, 1986) $2.00
*N1103—NATURAL RELIGION IN THE ‘80s—Features: Green
Politics: Biblical or Buddhist? by Ron Sider, Circle of Sisters: A
Journey Through Elemental Feminism by Alison Lentini,
Satanism and the Devolution of the New Religions by Carl
Raschke, and more. (Vol. 11:3, 1985) $3.00
*N1102—TANTRA: The Worship and Occult Power of Sex—
Features: Tantra: The Worship and Occult Power of Sex by
C028 Church of Religious Science (incl. Mind Power Newsletter)
C029 Church Universal & Triumphant (incl. End of a False Prophet
& Fleeing the Forces Newsletters) $10.00
C031 Maitreya (incl. In Search of Maitreya Newsletter) $9.50
C032 Cursillo $3.00
C033 Da Free John $6.00
C035 Matthew Fox (incl. Preparing For The Cosmic Millennium
Journal) $12.00
C036 Mormonism $8.00
C037 Momentus $7.00
Brooks Alexander, Tibetan Buddhism in America by Marquand
M. Gorton, and more. (Vol. 11:2, 1985) $3.00
N1101—MIND POWER: A History and Analysis of the New
Thought Movement—Mary Baker Eddy and The Church of
Christ (Scientist), and more. (Vol. 11:1, 1985) $2.00
N1005—NEW AGE MOVEMENT: Self-Deification in a Secular
Culture—Features: From Mysticism to Christ; Celluloid
Prometheus: Transcendentalism of George Lucas; Breaking
Through Spiritual Autism; and more. (Vol. 10:5, 1984) $2.00
Catalog of Access Materials
C001 Course In Miracles (incl. Spiritism Journal and Course In
Miracles Audiotape; Jampolsky & Halverson) $15.00
C002 Islam $7.00
C003 Fantasy Role-Playing $6.00
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SCP Journals)
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continued from page 7
verted by SCP’s outreach and materials.
Below are a few of these letters that
have made our efforts worth it, often
as we have faced all sorts of discouragement that we have kept to ourselves.
• I’m an ex-New Ager. I was so
pleased to read something so wellresearched, so different in approach
and insight. It’s the strangest thing to
read something so well articulated and
come away agreeing with what’s been
said while thinking, That’s exactly what
I’ve been trying to say for ages but have
been unable to express so well. Such articles can only strengthen SCP’s apologetic arsenal and help equip believers
with some hands-on knowledge. —
Gerard Rackley, South Australia
• No one has the critique of false
religion nailed better than you. I
burned my books of magic in 1974. …
Work of yours was later instrumental
in my developing a coherent response
to my own occult thinking, as well as
that of others. — Peter B. James
• I come from a New Age background (astrology, Tarot cards). I was
saved in May of 2000, and, by the
Lord’s grace, when I asked for wisdom, came upon your Web site shortly thereafter. I have been an avid reader of your journals since then. I eagerly await them. I feel your Mission is
one of the most important of our
times. So many are deceived; it breaks
my heart. —Carol Palombo
• I appreciate your ministry so
much. In the past 8 years, you would
not believe the changes in our family’s
life because of the influence of SCP.
—Mrs. Gail Chang
• You literally opened my eyes
with the journal you sent (The Spirits
of The Age). It has explained many
mysteries I have grappled with over
the years. How easily we are [led]
astray is the most sobering thought I
have. —Karen Holliday
• I was born in India in a Hindu
family. I prayed to God for
discernment, and God
answered our prayer in the
form of an e-mail from Ravi
Zacharias Ministries, recommending Tal’s book Avatar of
Night. There it was, the
answer to our prayer. After
reading Tal’s book, I gave it
all to Jesus, and laid all my
burdens on Him. Since then,
I have read and re-read this
book. Tal, what you are
doing with SCP is amazing
and a blessing to many. —Soni, a converted Hindu
Most recently, at the very beginning of the mail section of this
newsletter we have yet another exciting conversion to report.
The Real Ghost-Busters
SCP has been predicting trends
such as channeling (mediumship) long
before they hit the mainstream. SCP
has produced a gold mine of insights
and information waiting to be discovered, winning a string of top journalistic EPA awards that organizations ten
times its size do not have.
Those who have stumbled across
SCP usually become ardent subscribers, often complaining about not
hearing of SCP earlier.
You can help us spread the word
about SCP through your church and
network of friends so it doesn’t all go
to waste!
What happens when you or someone you know discovers that a relative,
close friend or coworker has been
recently taken in by some occult bestseller or craze such as the Mayan
Calendar’s Predictions for 2012,
Neopaganism, alien encounters,
Wicca, Edgar Cayce, Near Death
Experiences, channeling, The Da Vinci
Code, The Celestine Prophecy, Neale
Donald Walsch’s Conversations With
God, or A Course in Miracles?
Do you really know what to say?
If you can’t answer with credible
insight, and offer pat answers instead,
your non-Christian friends will detect
this in a heartbeat and write you off
on the spot. Your brief opportunity
will have vanished like the mist in
midday. Such are the times we live in.
But we will say it again—now you
know who to call. SCP has had thousands of groups on file, and if you
check out our catalog you will find
SCP has written extensively on the
hottest topics besieging our culture in
the age we live in.
“The real Ghost-Busters on the
scene are found in Berkeley at SCP,
having come out of the fire themselves.”
Tell your friends that SCP can give
them the materials they need to reach
that relative, friend or coworker
caught in Deepak Chopra, Gaia,
UFOs or countless other spiritual
Tell them of SCP’s award-winning
Newsletters and Journals and they will
see why SCP has garnered an armload
of awards and maintained such a dedicated subscription base. It is a gold
mine of information that is exceptionally rare and uniquely relevant for our
So spread the word and help this
unique ministry not just survive, but
move ahead to face the challenges and
expose the delusions that merely baffle
most ministries.
Give a friend the
Four Times a First-Place EPA Award Winner
SCP Journals are unsurpassed in the field
of analyzing and discerning the inside workings of new spiritual trends. SCP has 6000
groups on file, which the New York City
Library assesses as the most complete collection of such materials in the United
States. Time, ABC, and other major networks and newspapers quote us about various movements and issues.
SCP is a Christian think-tank composed of
people who have spent years on various
spiritual paths before becoming Christians.
This gives them insight and discernment. Yet
they know the final arbiter of all issues is
God’s revelation, which towers above all
human learning and experience. SCP has
some of the most gifted people in the field
who have learned that conservative orthodoxy is the only trustworthy path of analysis.
SCP Journals have addressed the very latest deceptions—New Age seminars entering
the corporate world with increasingly sleek
programs, Joseph Campbell’s mystical
teachings on television before uncritical
millions, and the leap in today’s pop culture
from ecology to Gaia. In the name of truth,
sophisticated lies are fed to unwary people
who live in and shape our world. Subscribe
today and you will see why we have such a
dedicated subscription base.
($45.00 outside USA) or more
to receive the SCP Newsletter
and Journal for one year.
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