Full Issue PDF - Miniature Hereford Breeders Association


Full Issue PDF - Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Miniature Hereford News
October, 2010
Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
100 Chamisa
Borger, TX 79007
Return Service Requested
Smaller-framed Cows.................................................... 6
MHBA Animal Health Series........................................ 8
Billy Bryan.......................................................................... 8
John Johnson Memorial Scholarship...................... 9
Marketing....................................................................... 10
Region 5.......................................................................... 10
Bulls Eye: A Winning Calf........................................... 11
Iowa State Fair Results............................................... 12
Oregon State Fair Results.......................................... 13
Tri-State Fair Results.................................................... 14
Best in the West: Another Great Year.................... 15
MHBA Breeders Directory......................................... 18
Classifieds ...................................................................... 23
Cover Photo by: Charlotte Williams of WW Ranch; Borger, TX
Upcoming Events
Northern International Livestock Expo
Billings, MT
In: Monday, October 11 by 12:00 noon
Weigh/Measure: Monday, October 11 @ 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Show: Tuesday, October 12 @ 1:00 pm
Sale: Wednesday, October 13 @ 10:30 am
Out: Wednesday, October 13 @ 6:00 pm
Hotel: Dude Rancher Lodge 406.259.5561
More info: Jo Young 406.777.3138; [email protected]
Cow Palace
Daly City, CA
Entries Due: October 6
In: Wednesday, October 20 by 4:00 pm
Show: October 21 & 22
Out: Sunday, October 24
Hotel: Radisson 415.467.4400
More Info: Teresa Speer 925.634.8821; [email protected]
American Royal
Kansas City, MO
Entries Due: September 10
In: Thursday, October 21 by 8:00 am
Show: Sunday, October 24 @ 9:00 am
Out: Sunday, October 24 @ 4:00 pm
More info: Justin Grady 303.378.2169;
[email protected] or Greg Schulz
979.429.0208; [email protected]
North American Int’l Livestock Expo
Louisville, KY
Entries Due: October 1
In: Nov. 16, 12:00 noon - Nov. 17, 11:00 am
Sale: Wednesday, November 17 @ 4:30 pm
Weigh/Measure: November 17 @ 7:00 pm
Show: Thursday, November 18 @ 4:30 pm
Out: Friday, November 19 @ 3:00 pm
More Info: Ben Lisby 812.360.5302; [email protected]
National Western Stock Show
Denver, CO in January
More Info: Lesta Kugeler 970.487.3037;
[email protected]
Justin Grady 303.378.2169
[email protected]
Houston Livestock Show
Houston, TX in March
More Info: Greg Schulz 979.429.0208
[email protected]
Star of Texas Fair & Rodeo
Austin, TX in March
More Info: Greg Schulz 979.429.0208
[email protected]
2 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
M H B A Contacts
M H B A Membership Application
Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
[email protected]
The undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Miniature Hereford
Breeders Association (MHBA), a non-profit corporation, and in consideration of acceptance, agrees to conform to and abide by the By-Laws, Rules,
and Regulations of the Association and Amendments or Modifications
thereto which may, from time to time, be adopted. By signing this application for membership, applicant irrevocably waives any claim against and
grants an absolute release to the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association and
member, employee, or agent of the Association, for any act or omission in
connection with the Association, including but not limited to, any enforcement of the Rules and Regulations presently in effect or hereafter adopted by
the Association.
President: Jim Cole
830-217-4242, 210-849-4243
[email protected]
Vice President: Steve Splitt
308-534-6969; [email protected]
Application is hereby made for membership in the Miniature Hereford
Breeders Association, to be issued in the name of:
Website ___________________________________
Treasurer: Fran Mackenzie
970-487-3182; [email protected]
Secretary: Charlotte Williams
[email protected]
Region 1 - Bill Moreton
Conn., D.C., Del., Maine, Mass., Md.,N.H., N.J., N.Y., Penn.,
R.I., Va., Vt.,W.Va.
Leighton, PA
610.871.2310; [email protected]
Region 2 - Mike Plunkett
Fla., Ga., N.C., S.C.
Vale, NC
704.276.2477; [email protected]
Region 3 - Ben Lisby
Ill., Ind., Ky., Mich., Mo., Tenn.
Bloomington, IN
[email protected]
Region 4 - Julie Sandstrom
Ala., Ark., La., Miss., Mo., Tenn.
Huntsville, AR
479.737.5491; [email protected]
Region 5 - Bev Strong
Iowa, Minn., N.D., Neb., S.D.
Montezuma, IA
641.691.4503; [email protected]
Region 6 - Greg Schulz
Kan., Okla., Texas
Bay City, TX
[email protected]
Region 7 - Lesta Kugeler
Colo., Mont., N.M., Wyo.
Collbran, CO
970.487.3037; [email protected]
Region 8 - Arlou Cox
Idaho, Ore., Wash.
Ellensburg, WA
509.968.4564; [email protected]
Region 9 - Teresa Speer
Ariz., Calif., Nev., Utah
Brentwood, CA
925.634.8821; [email protected]
If you wish to pay by check, please pay in US funds and send to:
MHBA Treasurer, 60885 Salt Creek Rd., Collbran, CO 81624
Membership runs by the calendar year - Jan. 1 through Dec. 31
Memberships and payments received mid-year are valid through Dec. 31 of
the same year.
US: $50
All Other Countries: $60
Current Advertising Rates
Card Size - $60
1/4 page - $105
1/2 page - $165
Full page - $300
Centerfold – $400ea / $700both
Back Cover—$500
Classified Ad: $6 for 1st 20 words, 30¢ per word thereafter
Simplified Magazine Deadlines:
Issue January
April July October
Ads/Articles Due By:
December 20
March 20
June 20
September 20
Advertise on our website!
Rotating Display Ad: $500 per year
Classified: $10 for 1 month
October, 2010 ~ 3
4 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
PJ Ranch LLC
Bob & Peggy Potter
Winton, California
209.358.7123 ◊ 209.617.2857
October, 2010 ~ 5
Smaller-framed Cows
May help contain input costs
By: Sue Roesler, for The Prairie Star, reprinted with permission
ows and their calves are different sizes here in Mandan, ND
but ARS research is aiming for a
smaller-framed cow herd.
“Grazing as long as possible in the
Winter and having a smaller-framed cow
herd that eats less are some of the ways
that may help keep input costs low and
ranches profitable,” says Dr. Scott Kronberg, an ARS research range scientist
with an animal focus. “A lot of us think
it will cost more to feed cattle in the future,” Kronberg said as he explained that
oil has a trickle down effect and other
prices tend to be tied in with oil. “As oil
prices rise, other costs such as fertilizer
and fuel to run farm equipment, also
rises. When it comes to a choice between
driving their cars or paying high prices
for beef, consumers are more likely to
buy cheaper cuts of beef and continue
to drive,” Kronberg said. For some, beef
may even be a luxury if it is unaffordable.
So for producers to stay profitable
in the future, they have to be able to
break-even and continue to have an efficient operation when cattle prices are
low. “Then they can be really profitable
when prices are high,” he said.
Kronberg was one of several speakers on the crop tour at the USDA-ARS
Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory’s annual Friends and Neighbors
Day in Mandan, ND. “There are a lot of
ways to cut the cost of livestock production and still be productive,” Kronberg
said. “We’re looking at grazing more and
feeding less. If I could graze all year I
would,” he said.
Kronberg said even in heavy snow,
cows will eat the grass sticking up
through the snow. They grew Altai wild
rye, which grows very tall, and allowed
the cow herd to graze well into January.
If the snow is just too high, they can
supplement when needed. He said he
is just building a smaller-framed cow
herd to base his research on, and wants
cows to be smaller
and thicker, in
the 1,100 pound
range producing
calves who are 500
to 600 pounds by
the end of October.
“It might seem
a little different to
raise smaller cows.
It is probably not
what your neighbors are doing.
But these smallerframed cows are
really efficient and
live a long time,”
Kronberg said. In
addition, he wants
Registered Texas Miniature Hereford Cattle
cows that will proDan & Sharon Lawson
Tony & Sally Villegas duce a “nice calf ”
Fredericksburg, TX
Alice, TX for 20 years. At
830 990-8962
361 389-1031 the ARS ranch,
they calve in May
instead of March.
The reason is so the
calves will not become bigger cows
who could end up
in their last trimeswww.tinyherefords.com
Lawson Villegas Ranch & Tiny Cow Company
6 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
ter in the Winter and need a higherquality feed for good nutrition.
“A lot of producers really don’t know
how much their cows weigh because they
don’t weigh them,” he said. Instead, an
average of the cattle is usually obtained
when cattle are weighed in bulks of about
10 at a feedlot. He challenged the crowd
to guess the weight of three Angus cows
who gathered in front of an electric fence
with their Spring calves. “There really
isn’t a cow here who is one I’m looking
for yet,” he said.
Cow #1 was the largest of the three and
weighed 1,483. “She is a pretty common
size for cattle in many regions up here,”
Kronberg said. Last year, the cow weaned
a heifer calf that was 472 lbs. on April
20. This year, her calf was 76 lbs. at birth.
Cow #2 was 1,280 lbs. and weaned a
bull calf that was 520 lbs. in October.
This year, she gave birth to a 86-pound
calf on May 12. Cow #3 weighed 1,005.
The calf size was not given.
While Kronberg does not know for
sure that smaller-framed cows will eat
less and still be efficient, his research is
focusing on that. “If you have a cow that
has to be culled in year eight because of
no calf, that is not efficient to your cattle
production because it costs a lot to bring
her into the herd,” he said.
Range scientists in Miles City, MT
have devised a new method of determining exactly how much forage grazing
calves are consuming. It does not involve
inserting a cannula into the calf. “We
can’t look at production efficiencies until we know what goes into the feeding
expense everyday,” he said.
Winter feeding is usually the most expensive feed for producers if cattle are
kept in a feedlot or in the yard. In addition, if cows are in their third trimester,
feeding a lot of hay is expensive. Smaller
cows that calve in late Spring or Summer
would not run into that problem. “If we
can graze well into the Winter, the costs
go way down,” he said.
Vern Anderson, livestock specialist at
Carrington, ND Research Extension
Center, asked how land prices fit into
the schematic. Kronberg agreed that if
a producer owns his own land, costs can
be contained better.
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
October, 2010 ~ 7
MHBA Animal Health Series
Billy Bryan
BANG’s Disease - Brucella abortus
By: Donna Bryan
By: Peggy Joseph-Potter RN, BSN, MHA
ang’s disease or Brucellosis is caused
by the organism brucella abortus
and is spread from the vaginal discharge of an infected cow or from an
aborted fetus. Brucellosis or “contagious
abortion” causes abortion and premature births in cattle usually between the
fifth and eight month of gestation. The
infection is concentrated in the reproductive organs of the animal where it
localizes in the uterus, udder and placenta of the female and testicles of the
male. The disease can cause “undulant
fever” in humans through the intake of
infected milk. While the occurrence has
been drastically reduced in modern times
due to aggressive vaccination programs,
failure to meet the window of opportunity can have devastating consequences
for an uniformed or unsuspecting buyer.
Bangs vaccinations are required by most
states but not all as most are able to maintain the status designated as “Brucellosis
Free.” Although state and federal regulations have helped to control the disease,
there is still a threat.
Humans can become infected with the bacteria by either eating or drinking something
contaminated with Brucella, breathing in the
organism or having the organism enter through
a skin wound. While ingestion is the most
common source of the contamination, hunters and butchers may be infected through skin
wounds or by accidental ingestion of the bacteria after cleaning deer, elk, moose, or wild pigs.
Encounters with infected herds of wild game
remain the primary reason for continuation of
a regulated vaccination program.
States having the vaccination requirement
also have established timeframes for delivery.
Most include the California mandate that the
vaccination be provided to females between the
ages of 4-12 months. This vaccination must be
given by a licensed veterinarian and appropriate documentation including a numbered ear
tattoo is required.
Symptoms and Transmission:
• Abortions, retained placenta, weak calves
and infertility frequently occurs
• Milk produced by an infected cow may also
be contaminated with the organism
• The organism is usually transmitted orally
but can penetrate unbroken skin or drainage
from an infected eye
• Breeding bulls which are infected can trans8 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
mit the disease to cows at the time of service
by infected semen
Recovery, Testing and Infected Animals:
• There is no treatment for Brucellosis
• Diagnosis is made by a blood test of the
dam and examination of the fetus
• Some degree of immunity exists, as animals
that abort can conceive again and carry the
fetus to term, although the disease remains in
a latent form and the infected animal remains
a source of infection for others
• Infected animals are slaughtered, infected
herds quarantined, and carrier animals identified and traced back to their place of origin
• Buy replacement animals only from a clean
herd, have aborted fetuses checked.
As there is no treatment for Brucellosis, the
main source of prevention is accomplished by
official calfhood vaccinations of heifer calves.
An accredited veterinarian must provide these
vaccinations at calf ages of two to four months
with standard dosage vaccine, or from four to
twelve months using reduced dosage vaccine.
Each calf must be identified by an official vaccination in compliance with state and federal
regulations. Quarantines are imposed on infected herds by state and federal authorities until
the herd has been proven free of the disease.
When it comes to the Bang’s vaccination, it is
Breeder and Buyer beware. Never buy a heifer
without an appropriate state regulated vaccination, documentation and accompanying ear
tag. Breeders should never sell a female without
providing proof of Bang’s vaccination. In our
state, females over the age of 12 months can
never be vaccinated; therefore, they can never
be exposed to other animals through shows or
sales. Animals vaccinated after this age usually
test positive thus requiring the whole herd to be
quarantined; therefore be a responsible breeder
and vaccinate your animals prior to their first
Brucellosis. (2010, September 6). Retrieved from
Cattle Today.
Bucellosis Contagious Abortion Bang’s Disease.
(2010, September 6). Retrieved from Scottishhighlandcattle.com.
Bucellosis in Cattle. In Merck Veterinary Manual.
Haynes, N. B. (1978). Keeping Livestock Healthly.
North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing, L.L.C.
Thomas, H. S. (1998). Storey’s Guide to Raising Beef
Cattle. Storey Publishing.
n July 26 after
a courageous
battle with
pulmonary fibrosis.
Bill Bryan passed away.
He had only a few more
tests to complete and
hopefully he would have
been on the transplant list in September. God
seemed to know best.
He really missed not being able to go to
the shows the last couple years. I remember
the first time Bill asked me if I would like to
take a little trip to Nebraska to look at some
little cows. Well, I was always up for a trip
but I was a town girl so how little were these
cows. We went to KP Ranch and we met the
6 cattle they had picked for us. It was instant
love. We wanted to take them with us that day.
Bill was so happy on the flight home because
it had been 25 years since he had lived on a
farm. Everyone in our town (and neighboring
towns) knew the minis were coming. He built
a barn …put up fences. Laid water and electric
lines. We were ready. Little did we know at
that point of the impact the cows would have
on us. As much as he enjoyed the cattle he
enjoyed meeting all the members of MHBA.
Bill was a people person and he loved his cattle
so this was the perfect relationship.
While it was my idea to buy King Henry
Hunter at the sale, he became Bill’s greatest joy.
The AP press came to the farm to do an
informal interview that ran in at least 2000
papers nationwide.. I remember the day that
Bill had a call from Brazil. A gentleman had
seen the article and wanted a job as our herdsman. Of course, he did not get the job but
by the end of the call he sure knew all that he
needed to know about mini Herefords. We
received calls from all over the country and
Bill enjoyed talking with each and everyone.
Bill loved the mini Hereford breed and I
think through his friendly personality he did
a great job in promoting them.
For those of you who did not get to meet
Bill let me share just a little about him.
Bill had the biggest heart and always had
a story to share. He was what we would call
a redneck cowboy want to be. He loved his
many cowboy boots and hats. Any family
member, friend or employee with a problem
came to Bill. He loved life and he lived it to
the fullest in his 60 short years. To say that I
will miss him is an understatement. He filled
my life with joy for 40 years.
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
John Johnson Memorial Scholarship
By: Cynthia DuVal
ohn Johnson, co-owner of Straitside
Ranch in Sequim, Washington, was
a keystone breeder of Miniature Herefords and developed the first bloodline
of Polled Miniature Herefords. John was
a man who dedicated his time to promoting Miniature Herefords throughout the
United States as well as encouraging youth
to become involved with this special breed.
To commemorate his contribution to the
Miniature Hereford breed, Jerry, Cynthia,
and Alyssa DuVal of DuVal Farms, Silverton,
Oregon, in conjunction with the Miniature
Hereford Youth Foundation are developing
the “John Johnson Memorial Scholarship.”
To form the basis of this scholarship fund,
DuVal Farms is donating the Oregon State
Fair Grand Champion Miniature Hereford
Female—DF Aurora Borealis—to be auctioned off during the 2011 World Miniature Hereford Sale at the National Western
Stock Show. Eric and Erin Eldridge, as well
as Bill Hartnell, of LE&J Cattle Service, Redmond, Oregon, have donated their Fitting
and Showing Services and agreed to continue
exhibiting DF Aurora Borealis at the 2010
Northern International Livestock Exposition
(NILE – Billings, MT), the 2010 Cow Palace
(San Francisco, CA), and the 2011 National
Western Stock Show (Denver, CO). Come
and see the first national Miniature Hereford
Scholarship Fund Heifer at these shows!
This fund will assist graduating high school
seniors involved with Miniature Herefords
in pursuing higher education at technical
schools, community colleges, and four-year
universities. The
scholarship recipient
should demonstrate
not only leadership,
personal growth, and
a desire for attaining
a higher education,
but also express immense passion for
Miniature Herefords
through continually promoting our
breed. Applications
will be available in
November 2010 on
the MHBA Website;
applications must be mailed to the Miniature Hereford Youth Foundation Scholarship
Chairperson and be postmarked by January
1, 2011. The 2011 Scholarship Award Recipient will be announced during the annual
banquet at the National Western Stock Show.
Additional information regarding the application process and applicant requirements
will be posted on the MHBA Website. Good
luck to all applicants!
Sandy Hills Farm
Miniature Herefords
Julie & Bob Sandstrom
Huntsville, AR 72740
[email protected]
October, 2010 ~ 9
Region 5
By: Bev Strong
By: Greg Schulz
arketing and selling Miniature Herefords is no different than selling any
other product. You must define your
product, know your prospective buyers, and
develop the tools necessary to inform them of
your product.
In my opinion the miniature cattle industry
is a niche industry within an industry, which
requires some level of educating prospective
buyers. Many of your potential buyers will be
new to the cattle industry and have limited
knowledge of cattle. So it may help to offer
assistance after the sale.
How do people know you have cattle for
sale? Most folks driving by your property will
not realize that you have some for sale. You
need to have some or all of the following tools
in place to assist you in informing the public
that you have cattle for sale: 1) sign in front
of property 2) advertisement in magazines or
other publications 3)internet web sites 4) stock
shows 5) word of mouth.
It does not matter if you are selling show
cattle, seedstock, or beef cattle. You must know
your product and choose your market. Inform
people about your product. They cannot buy
10 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
from you if they do not know you exist. In my
opinion the best advertisement you can ever
get is word of mouth.
A sign in front of your property so people
who drive by will know you raise Miniature
Herefords can be a good way of advertising
your cattle. A sign on your trailer is like a traveling billboard.
Magazines and printed publications can be
great for advertising your cattle. There are lots
of magazines, so you should make sure the
magazine or periodical of your choice is targeting the demographic that will be most likely
to purchase cattle.
Livestock shows are a great way to market
your premier show stock. Buyers, enthusiasts,
and fellow breeders will be there to view cattle
and select new breeding stock.
What about livestock auctions? Your standard livestock auction may not be the best
place to sell Miniature Herefords. Registered
cattle auctions or specialty auctions may work
out okay for you. Remember, you have a specialty product and you are in a niche market.
You have a premium product and you need to
market it as such.
ain, floods and heat will not keep the
breeders of our wonderful Miniature
herefords away. This is Bev Strong,
Region 5 Director saying “hello” and I hope
everyone had fun at Iowa. We had a couple
of cancellations due to the floods, so keep
CT Miniature Herefords in your prayers.
We had 16 breeders and 82 head of cattle at
the show. Every year the quality gets better.
I would have hated to be the judge.
We had a pasta supper on Thursday and
most everyone attended. The celebrity
class had all new companies represented.
Our only repeat was Sophia from the Des
Moines Register. She sported new cowboy
boots instead of flip flops this year. The
excitement of our Miniature Herefords is
growing in the Midwest. We have gone from
8 breeders to 36 and are growing everyday.
We welcome the new families that showed
and also members who came in just to enjoy. I would like to thank everyone who
attended and all who helped make the show
go smoothly. So I must sign off and dream
up a new class for our show. The stands
were full and that’s what a show is all about.
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Bulls Eye: A Winning Calf
By: Connie
anielle Riley from Cedar, Kansas
received Reserve Champion in her
class at the 2010 Smith County
Fair with an Angus/Mini Hereford cross
Bulls Eye was born on 3/17/09. His
momma was a big black Angus cow that
calved late the year before. We used Hugo, a Miniature Hereford bull, on
all of our late calvers and for clean-up at the end of the breeding season,
so we had about half a dozen Angus/Mini Hereford crosses. Bulls Eye has
a crazy freeze brand looking mark on his left front shoulder that Dani
wished would have been on his “show side.” He was an average size calf
when he was born and was pretty square and boxy looking from day 1.
The girls immediately took a liking to him.
At weigh-in on July 16, 2010 he weighed 1188 pounds and was the
lightest calf in his class, but was definitely the most finished. Hugo’s mini
features really popped in Bulls Eye in the last 60 days, from his nice wide
frame to his full brisket. The combination of that and his momma’s tall
and long lines were perfect to receive Reserve Champion in his class. We
fed him Honor Show Chow from Pro Ag in Kensington, Kansas. Bulls
Eye sold for the maximum price at the premium auction, $1,042.00 over
market price.
This is Danielle’s 4th year in 4-H and 4th year in the beef project. She
already has a mini Hereford/Angus cross calf picked out for next year. Dani
and little sister Matti both like the same calf, so hopefully there will be a
couple Angus/Mini Hereford cross calves at next year’s Smith County Fair.
October, 2010 ~ 11
Iowa State Fair
Des Moines, Iowa
Class 1A: Junior Heifer
1. Eagle Rock Miniature Herefords with JSH
Shania’s Angel; 2. Meyer
Farms with MF Cher; 3.
D&S Mini Herefords with
D&S Miss Josie
Class 1B: Junior Heifer Calf
1. KP Ranch with KAP
Magma Huntress ET; 2.
Strong Miniature Herefords with Miss Miley
Meyer; 3. Meyer Farms
with MF Dory; 4. D&S
Miniature Herefords
with D&S Miss Princess
Class 1C: Junior Heifer Calf
1. KP Ranch with KAP Hapi Huntress 2. Steve
& Judy Splitt with SS Miss Pretty Penny;
3. River Ridge Mini Herefords with Lilly; 4.
Sandy Hills Farm with RLR Magnolia; 5. Klane Farms with K-lane Mountain Princess;
6. River Ridge Mini Herefords with Pretty
Champion Junior Heifer Calf: KP Ranch with
KAP Magma Huntress ET
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf: KP
Ranch with KAP Hapi Huntress
Class 2: Senior Heifer Calf
1. Ronnie Klimesh with SHF Disco Cat; 2.
Steve & Judy Splitt with SS Miss Delia ET; 3.
Ronnie Klimesh with SHF Queen Sadie; 4.
Steve & Judy Splitt with SS Lady Bella ET; 5.
Rolling Hills with RHH Holly; 6. River Ridge
Mini Herefords with Miss Jenna; 7. Lakes
Area Miniature Herefords with Lakes Area
Emma 909W
Champion Senior Heifer Calf: Ronnie
Klimesh with SHF Disco Cat
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf: Steve
& Judy Splitt with SS Miss Della ET
Class 3A: Summer Senior Heifer
1. KP Ranch with KAP Viking Lil Gracie; 2.
River Ridge Mini Herefords with MLU Stella;
3. Dave Thompson with DJS Josie
Class 3B: Summer Senior Heifer
12 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
1. Steve & Judy Splitt with SS
Miss Kim; 2. Old School Genetics with SS
Miss Kitty; 3. Lakes Area Miniature Herefords with
RRR Christi Breeze
Champion Summer Senior Heifer: KP Ranch with
KAP Viking Lil Gracie
Reserve Champion Summer Senior Heifer: Steve &
Judy Splitt with SS Miss Kim
Class 11: Pair of Females
1. KP Ranch; 2. Steve & Judy Splitt; 3. Meyer Farms
Class 6: Junior Bull Calf
1. KP Ranch with KAP Lil Kid Lyle; 2. KP Ranch
with KAP Inch of Fletcher; 3. EAgle Rock Miniature
Herefords with Mr. Stetson; 4. Kath Family Farm
with MPK Fletcher Bright Eyed Jet; 5. Sandy Hills
Farm with SHF Disco Maro; 6. River Ridge Mini
Herefords with Dewey
Class 4A: Spring Senior Heifer
1. KP Ranch with KAP Lil Reni Quip; 2. Mark Ulrich
with MLU Maggie; 3. Eagle Rock Miniature Herefords with JSH Miss Kyra; 4. Lakes Area Miniature Champion Junior Bull Calf: KP Ranch with KAP Lil
Herefords with Lakes Area Miss April 904W; 5.
Kid Lyle
D&S Mini Herefords with MVF Lil Urban Jolene
Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf: KP Ranch with
KAP Inch of Fletcher
Class 4B: Spring Senior Heifer
1. Mark Ulrich with TAC Rowd; 2. KP Ranch with
Class 8: Summer Senior Bull
KAP Lil Kid Payge; 3. Meyer Farms with KAP Lil
1. D&S Mini Herefords with D&S Tikes Red Baron
Quay Viking; 4. Strong Miniature Herefords with
KAP Lil Faye Viking
Champion Summer Senior Bull: D&S Mini Herefords with D&S Tikes Red Baron
Class 4C: Spring Senior Heifer
1. Steve & Judy Splitt with SS Miss Mary Lou; 2.
Class 9: Spring Senior Bull
Dave Thompson with MLU Jojo; 3. KP Ranch with
1. KP Ranch with KAP Orson Hunter; 2. Steve &
KAP Quip’s Lil Celic; 4. Steve & Judy Splitt with SS Judy Splitt with SS Sir Wyatt; 3. Sandy Hills Farm
Miss Shirley ET; 5. Meyer Farms with SMH Miss
with SHF King Willie Kiel
Gertie; 6. D&S Mini Herefords with SHF Queen
Gracie; 7. Rolling Hills Miniature Herefords with SS Champion Spring Senior Bull: KP Ranch with KAP
Miss Abbie ET
Orson Hunter
Reserve Champion Spring Senior Bull: Steve &
Champion Spring Senior Heifer: KP Ranch with
Judy Splitt with SS Sir Wyatt
KAP Lil Reni Quip
Reserve Champion Spring Senior Heifer: Steve &
Class 10: Two Year Old Bull
Judy Splitt with SS Miss Mary Lou
1. Rolling Hills Miniature Herefords with SS Mr
Moses ET; 2. Strong Miniature Herefords with TAC
Grand Champion Heifer: KP Ranch with KAP Lil
Full Ride ET
Reni Quip
Reserve Champion Heifer: KP Ranch with KAP
Champion Two Year Old Bull: Rolling Hills MiniaMagma Huntress ET
ture Herefords with SS Mr Moses ET
Reserve Champion Two Year Old Bull: Strong
Iowa Champion Female: River Ridge Mini HerMiniature Herefords with TAC Full Ride ET
efords with Miss Jenna
Grand Champion Bull: KP Ranch with KAP Orson
Class 5: Cow/Calf Pair
1. Rolling Hills Miniature Herefords with SS Miss
Reserve Champion Bull: Steve & Judy Splitt with
Val ET; 2. KP RAnch with KAP Teddy’s Lil Ayla; 3.
SS Sir Wyatt
Kath Family Farm with KAP Teddy’s Lil Qutie; 4.
D&S Mini Herefords wtih CRCS Miss Snow
Class 12: Pair of Bulls
1. KP Ranch
Champion Cow/Calf: Rolling Hills Miniature
Herefords with SS Miss Val ET
Class 13: Get of Sire
Reserve Champion Cow/Calf: KP RAnch with KAP 1. KP Ranch; 2. Rolling Hills Miniature Herefords;
Teddy’s Lil Ayla
3. D&S Miniature Herefords
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Oregon State Fair
Salem, Oregon
Class 1.
Spring Heifer Calves
1.DuVal Farms with DF Violet’s Hope
Class 2. Jr. Heifer Calves
1. Riverslide Ranch with RR Miss Samantha Silver;
2. Straitside Ranch with SSR Nita 02
Samantha Silver
Class 10. Cow/Calf Pairs
1. Riverslide Ranch with RR Ali Hi;
2. PJ Ranch with KAP Baby Pudge
Pudge; 3. DuVal Farms o5’s Mo Emma;
4. Straitside Ranch with SSR Josy 718
Jr. Heifer Calf Champion: RR Miss Samantha Silver
Jr. Heifer Calf Reserve Champion: DF Violet’s Hope
Champion Cow/Calf: RR Ali Hi
Reserve Champion Cow/Calf: KAP Baby
Pudge Pudge
Class 3. Winter Heifer Calves
1. DuVal Farms with DF Silver Belle; 2. Alyssa
DuVal with DF Sullivan’s Pearl; 3. Silver Peaks Farm
with SPF Queen Susan; 4. Kelsey Potter with SPF
Stars First Noel
Class 11. Pair of Heifers
1. DuVal Farms; 2. PJ Ranch; 3. Silver Peaks Farm;
4. Alyssa DuVal; 5. Straitside Ranch; 6. Straitside
Class 4. Sr. Heifer Calves
1. DuVal Farms/Megan Veach with DF Sapphire;
2. Sweet Sippin Acres waith St. Paulie Girl; 3.
Straitside Ranch with SSR Candance 968
Class 12. Spring Bull Calves
1. Riverslide Ranch with RR Hi & Tike; 2. Straitside
Ranch with SSR Legcay 03; 3. Straitside Ranch
with SSR Cobalt 04; 4. DuVal Farms with DF
Cascade’s High Caliber
Fall Heifer Calf Champion: DF Silver Belle
Fall Heifer Calf Reserve Champion: DF Sullivan’s
Class 13. Jr Bull Calves
1. PJ Ranch with PJR Mischief Blaze
Class 5. Late Summer Yearling Heifer
1. DuVal Farms with DF Aurora Borealis; 2. Diamond S Herefords with Diamond S Willamina
Class 6. Early Summer Yearling Heifer
1. PJ Ranch with o5’s Mo Eva; 2. Alyssa DuVal with
DF Serenade; 3. DuVal Farms with DF Princess Mia;
4. PJ Ranch with PJR Little Ariana; 5. Straitside
Ranch with SSR Tulip 963; 6. Straitside Ranch with
SSR Micky 965
Intermediate Heifer Champion: DF Aurora
Borealis--DuVal Farms, Silverton, OR
Intermediate Heifer Reserve Champion: o5’s Mo
Eva--PJ Ranch, Winton, CA
Class 7. Spring Yearling Heifer
1. Alyssa DuVal with DF Coral’s BJ; 2. Alyssa DuVal
with DF Abby Rose; 3. Margaret Aldridge with Cinder; 4. Riverslide Ranch with RR Miss Lala Tikette;
5. DuVal Farms/Megan Veach with Tokima; 6.
Straitside Ranch with SSR Cary 960
Yearling Heifer Champion: DF Coral’s BJ
Yearling Heifer Reserve Champion: DF Abby Rose
Champion Jr Bull Calf: PJR Mischief Blaze
Reserve Champion Jr Bull Calf: RR Hi & Tike
Class 14. Winter Bull Calves
1. Sweet Sippin Acres with Bud Light Lime
Class 15. Sr. Bull Calves
1. DuVal Farms/Megan Schmaltz with DF Mister
Showtime; 2. Diamond S Herefords with Diamond
S Rocks Lad
Champion Fall Bull Calf: DF Mister Showtime
Reserve Champion Fall Bull Calf: Bud Light Lime
16. Summer Yearling Bull
1. TM Ranch with TM Royal Moon Tracer; 2. DuVal
Farms/Colby Qualey with DF Cascades Mountain
Man; 3. DuVal Farms with DF Jazzy-Dan-Sir
Class 20. Two-yearold Bull
1. Ace High Cattle Co.
with DF Prince EB;
2. PJ Ranch with PJR
Mischiefs Porthos ET;
3. Sweet Sippin Acres with Schlitz; 4. Alyssa
DuVal with DF Majestic King
Champion Sr. Bull: DF Prince EB
Reserve Champion Sr. Bull: JPR Mischiefs
Porthos ET
Moon Tracer
Class 21. Pair of Bulls
1. PJ Ranch; 2. DuVal Farms; 3. Straitside
Class 22. Get of Sire
1. Alyssa DuVal; 2. DuVal Farms
Class 23. Produce of Dam
1. DuVal Farms
Class 24. Best 4 Head
1. PJ Ranch; 2. Riverslide Ranch; 3. DuVal
Farms; 4. Alyssa DuVal; 5. Straitside Ranch
Class 25. Oregon State Fair Award
1. Alyssa DuVal; 2. DuVal Farms
Class 17. Spring Yearling Bull
1. DuVal Farms with DF Sullivan’s Pride
Class 18. Jr. Yearling Bull
1. PJ Ranch with PJR Faras Beau; 2. Straitside
Ranch with SSR Hayden 951
Champion Jr Yearling Bull: TM Royal Moon Tracer
Reserve Champion Jr Yearling Bull: DF Sullivan’s
October, 2010 ~ 13
Tri-State Fair
Amarillo, Texas
Class 1: Prospect Steers
1. ABJ Cattle Co. with ABJ Lil Manchild
Class 2: Market Steers
1. Ralee Bain with KAP Volomg Barto; 2. Benjamin
James with Zero; 3. Audrey Ratliff with WW
Golden Eclipse; 4. Kirstie Kasch with WW Evening
Class 3: Winter Heifer Calves
1. Andrew Aguirre with SF Miss Mary Sue; 2. Greg
Schulz with SF Miss Max Lilly; 3. LK Robinson
Farms with SF Miss Mary Lou
Fall Heifer Calf Champion – SF Miss Mary Sue
Reserve Fall Heifer Calf Champion – SF Miss Max
Class 5: Late Summer Yearling Females
1. Aubree Blissard withLS Sir Tristan’s Lady 973L;
2. Aubree Blissard with LS Sir Tristan’s Lady 9775;
3. Cheraye Aguirre with DLT SF Aubry; 4. Ethan
Smith with SF Miss Princess Laci; 5. Aubree Blissard with LS Miss Sierra Oak 9V64; 6. ABJ Cattle Co
with ABJ Tara
Class 6: Early Summer Yearling Females
1. Leah Stroud with WW Golden June
Intermediate Champion Female – LS Sir Tristan’s
Lady 973L
Reserve Intermediate Champion Female – WW
Golden June
Class 7: Spring Yearling Females
1. Ethan Smith with KAP Lil Kid Jaslin; 2. Weston
Robinson with KAP Lil Quip Isha; 3. Cameron Wall
with SF Miss Willy Girl; 4. Alea Smith with 05’s
Miss Jessica; 5. ABJ Cattle Co with SS Miss Shimmer; 6. ABJ Cattle Co with ABJ Bonita
Class 8: Junior Yearling Females
1. Ethan Smith with SS Miss Bree; 2. Katelin Wall
with SF Miss Chey Girl; 3. Weston Robinson with
SS Miss Jill
Champion Yearling Heifer – SS Miss Bree
Reserve Champion Yearling Heifer – KAP Lil Kid
Class 10: Cow/Calf
1. LK Robinson Farms with KA Teddy’s Edna; 2.
Double W Ranch with MLU Molly; 3. Greg Schulz
with SS Miss Mercedes
Class 11: Spring Bull Calves
1. LK Robinson Farms with LK Spencer; 2. Double
W Ranch with WW Tom Thumb; 3. Greg Schulz
with SF Mr. Maximillian Lex
Junior Bull Calf Champion – LK Spencer
Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion – WW Tom
Class 16: Spring Yearling Bulls
1. ABJ Cattle Co with SS Sir George
Yearling Bull Champion – SS Sir George
Class 19: 2-Year-Old Bulls
1. Double W Ranch with WW Sam’s Gold E
Senior Champion Bull – WW Sam’s Gold E
Class 20: Premier Exhibitor
1. KL Robinson Farms; 2. Schulz Farm
Junior Showmanship
Pre-Junior (ages 3-7)
Won by: Raylee Bain
Particpants: Aubree Blissard, Benjamin James,
Audrey Ratliff, Madeline Smith, Fallon Velasquez
Junior (ages 8-12)
Won by: Myka Blissard
Participants: Andrew Aguirre, Alea Smith
Senior (ages 13-18)
Won by: Leah Stroud
Participants: Cheraye Aguirre, Ethan Smith, Kirstie
Kasch, Weston Robinson, Lawrence Velasquez,
Cameron Wall
Tristan’s Lady 973L
14 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Best in the West: Another Great Year
By Region 8 Roving Reporter
elebrating its eleventh consecutive show, the Oregon State
Fair Miniature Hereford Show is truly “The Best In The
West.” With over 50 head of Minis registered for the OSF,
the 2010 show proved to be a tremendous success. The show coordinators and participants expressed their immense appreciation
for those breeders who continue to support the OSF as well as the
newcomers from Oregon, California, Montana, and Colorado.
Exhibitors moved their cattle into the 150-acre Oregon State
Fairgrounds on Monday afternoon, and conducted weights and
measures on Tuesday. Breeders were greeted each morning with
the aroma of fresh donuts, orange juice, and Starbucks coffee—
sponsored by DuVal Farms, PJ Ranch, and Sweet Sippin’ Acres.
Wednesday’s show began at 3:00 pm, where first in class winners
received 50-pound bags of grain along with a blue water bucket;
division champions and reserves were awarded leather show
halters fitted with engraved nameplates; specialty classes (Cow/
Calf, Pairs, Best 4 Head, etc.) received award platters or trophies.
Grand Champion and Reserve Grand females and bulls were
presented with belt buckles sponsored by Dr. Brian Dietrich,
DVM, owner of Abiqua Animal Clinic, Bob and Peggy Potter
of PJ Ranch, and Jerry and Cynthia DuVal of DuVal Farms.
Directly following the Open Miniature Hereford Show, the
third annual Jr. Showmanship competition occurred; this year
fifteen contestants ranging from ages 2 to 17 vied for four division champion belt buckles (Peewee, Junior, Intermediate, and
Senior). Each participant received a trophy and goodie bag filled
with livestock shampoo, show cattle probiotics, and more. Winners of the belt buckles are: Peewee Division (Sponsored by James
Allen Farms, Markum, OR) – Abby Eldridge, Redmond, OR;
Junior Division (Sponsored by Potter’s Auto Specialties, Silverton,
OR) – Emma Eldridge, Redmond, OR; Intermediate Division
(Sponsored by Sweet Sippin’ Acres, Whitmore, CA) – Kylee
Williams, Sequim, WA; Senior Division (Sponsored by Sweet
Sippin’ Acres, Whitmore, CA) – Kelsey Potter, Silverton, OR.
As a special remembrance for John Johnson, owner of Straitside
Ranch, Betty Johnson sponsored the creation of the “Oregon
State Fair Overall Grand Champion Junior Showman” traveling
plaque, which will be awarded annually to the overall champion
Junior Showman. The first award recipient is Kelsey Potter, from
Silverton, Oregon, who purchased her first Miniature Herefords
in 2009 with her family, owners of Silver Peaks Farm.
To round out Show Day, exhibitors were invited to a special
dinner at McGrath’s Fishhouse to celebrate a terrific show for
all. The “End Of The Trail” Luncheon took place Thursday at
“High noon,” prior to cattle move-out and was sponsored by
DuVal Farms. This was a time for breeders to share stories, laugh
at jokes, and say farewell. Additionally, raffle drawing results
were announced during the luncheon for over a dozen donated
baskets, proceeds of which contribute to the Junior Showmanship competition. Overall, the 2010 Oregon State Fair Miniature
Hereford Show was a terrific, family-fun experience that continues
to be “Best In The West.”
October, 2010 ~ 15
J and M Farm
Registered Miniature Herefords
- Home of -
• Semen $25/straw
• 4 Straw minimum
• $125 Certificate
5 Times Shown,
5 Tim
xas State Fair
ampion 2009 Te
serve Grand Ch
pion; Re
e Division Cham
Sale Cattle Available
Call for Current Listing
June & Meredith Roberts
29909 Roberts Trail
Magnolia, TX 77354
j&[email protected]
Dispersal Sale
•Bred Cows
•Weanling Heifers
•Weanling Bulls
Prices range from $1200 to $2500. Frame Scores of O or smaller.
All cattle born and raised at IteBte Ranch, registered and show
quality. Visit our website for more info!
Judkens IteBte Ranch
Ken & Judy Willingham
573.338.4049; [email protected]
12608 Clear Water, Russellville, MO 65074
16 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Charlie & Ronda Fowler
2635 CR 326; Silt, CO 81652
[email protected]
October, 2010 ~ 17
Region 1
B r e ed e r s
D i r e c t o r y
Alu, Diane
Middleground Farm
Lima, NY
585-582-1363; burnbarrel7@aol.
Bryan, Donna
Southside Farm
Easton, MD
410-443-0460; wob11949@
Carey, Donald M & Ruth
Homestead Enterprise II
Dover, DE
302-734-8004; donaldcarey638@
Carolei, Dawn Marie
King’s Rock Farm
Millbrook, NY
Codington, David
Farringford Downs
Callaway, VA
540-483-9006; chapcod@hotmail.
Gough, Malcolm
Chater Valley Herd at Fox Covert
Pilton Rutland, UK
0044 1780 720660; malcgough@
hotmail.com; www.chatervalley.
Harrison, Jan Pilon & Thomas J.
Little Pond Farm
Eagle Bridge, NY
518-677-2028; tomjharrison@
Massarone, Diane & Michael
Spring Hill Farm
Millbrook, NY
914-204-1857; [email protected]
Moreton, Bill & Sharon
Spring Mountain Farms
Lehighton, PA
[email protected]
Mudd, Robert & Sylvia
Pleasant Hill Farm
Pomfret, MD
301-934-9568; sylvia.mudd@
Finley, Milton & Barbara
Oh Heres Heaven
Blackstock, SC
803-385-6693;[email protected]
Popolizio, Frank
South Side Farm
Schenectady, NY
518-588-0188; [email protected]
Furness, Colin & Kelly
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
[email protected]
Rahm, Rob & Krista
Forrest Green Farm
Louisa, VA
540-697-1165; [email protected]
Griesan, M J
Zolfo Springs, FL
[email protected]
Tawney, Richard
Buckhannon, WV
Underhill, Patricia
Becket Farms
Pike, NH
[email protected]
Vadney, Robert & Helen
West End Farm
Altamont, NY
518-356-0984; [email protected]
Vogel, Sr., Jeffrey
RWV Land and Livestock
Jackson, NJ
[email protected]
Yantz, Frank
Sunny Creek Farm
Mt Savage, MD
301-264-4054; [email protected]
Region 2
Barlow, Travis
Treutlen Farms, L.L.C.
Soperton, GA
[email protected]
Cooper, John P.
Spring Trail Ranch, Inc.
Hillsborough, NC
[email protected]
Davis, Sybil
Aiken, SC
803-648-7258; [email protected]
18 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
Hart, Franklin and Rhonda
Macon, GA
[email protected]
Johnson, Susan
JH Miniature Herefords
Tallahassee, FL
[email protected]
Macomson, John
Motlow Creek Land & Cattle
Campobello, SC
864-248-4957; [email protected]
Peskoe, Steven
Double AJ Farms
Davisboro, GA
478-232-1479; [email protected]
Plunkett, Michael & Karen
Vale, NC
704-276-2477; [email protected]
Rabadan, Albert & Ana
Rabadan Ranch
Jupiter, FL
561-262-0845; [email protected]
Swauger, Jake & Beth
Kipling, NC
919-557-6128; [email protected]
Thompson, Richard & Sally
Lake Placid, FL
863-465-8117; [email protected]
Whitley, Yates
Y.W. Miniature
Raleigh, NC
[email protected]
Williams, Ben & Jayme
Capeside Farm
Fayetteville, NC
[email protected]
Region 3
Bohn-Fochs, Charlie Fochs & Nancy
Lyndon Station, WI
608-524-4848; [email protected]
Delp, Dema
D & S Mini Herefords
Marshall, IN
[email protected]
Fulmer, Scott & Trish
Hidden Creek Farm
Mansfield, OH
[email protected]
Gary, Wes & Jane
White Pines Ranch
Pawnee, IL
[email protected]
Grauer, Dave & Tammy
Shiloh, OH
Hayden, Jerry & Susan
Hebron, IN
219-996-6923; [email protected]
Hendon, Danny & Maggie
Hendon Hill Miniature Hereford Farm
Symsonia, KY
[email protected]
Howard, Donald W
Hereford Haven Farm
Wingate, IN
765-275-2417; [email protected]
Krug, Don & Debbie
Pinecreek Farm
Deford, MI
[email protected]
Lindstrom, Jeremy
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
[email protected]
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Lisby, Ben & Amanda
Cream & Crimson Cattle Co.
Bloomington, IN
[email protected]
Logue, Brian
B & A Miniature Herefords
Medina, OH
[email protected]
McCausland, Gerald
T Mac Mini Herefords
Canton, IL
McCausland, Teri
T Mac Mini Herefords
Glasford, IL
309-389-3053; [email protected]
Moore, Doug & Melanie
Moore Farms
DeGraff, OH
[email protected]
Nelson, Wes & Denise
Catalpa Ridge Farm
California, KY
859-635-4690; [email protected]
Neubauer, Curtis
Montague, MI
231-894-9709, [email protected]
Niese, Rick & Bonnie
Leipsic, OH
Penn, Donald
Mannsville, KY
Randolph, Gary & Nelda
Randolph Ranch
Wellington, OH
440-935-2539; [email protected]
Region 4
Franks, Robert
DeWitt, AR
870-976-3388; rlf1160@hotmail.
Hairrell, Bill & Bonnie
Birmingham, AL
205-942-5822; [email protected]
Stottsberry, Brent
Cambridge, OH
Hill, Gary and Lisa
Roland, AR
501-912-9673; [email protected]
Taylor, David
D&Z Mini Hereford Ranch
Webster, WI
[email protected]
Himmelberg, Ron & Susan
Long Creek Farms
Omaha, AR
870-437-5266; [email protected]
Thompson, David & Justin
DJ’s Miniature Herefords
Pioneer, OH
[email protected]
Livingston, Charles R.
White Oak Acres
Kirksville, MO
Tuttle, Chris
Circle T Farm
Loudonville, OH
[email protected]
Sandstrom, Julie & Bob
Sandy Hills Farm
Huntsville, AR
[email protected]
Ulrich, Mark & Lisa
Pioneer, OH
[email protected]
Schulz, Joshua
Schulz Farm
Milton, TN
[email protected]
Upshall, Paul
Riverwood Farms
Sauble Beach, Ontario, Canada
[email protected]
Woiak, Laura
Almond, WI
920-765-1041; [email protected]
Wyant, Jonathan
Orrville, OH; 330-466-6054
[email protected]
Zahm, Linzy
Z Animal Crossing
Huntington, IN
260-468-2181; [email protected]
Schulz, David
Schulz Farm
Milton, TN
[email protected]
Willingham, Ken & Judy
Judkens IteBte Ranch
Russellville, MO
573-338-4049; [email protected]
Region 5
Bang, Scott
Eastern Nebraska Fitting Serv.
Fremont, NE
Bash, Jeff
Old School Genetics
Orleans, NE
[email protected]
Bierle, Billi J.
Sturgis, SD
[email protected]
Bingham, Jami
Melcher, IA
641-218-4363; [email protected]
Brott, Shaun & Kily
North Platte, NE
[email protected]
Ericksen, Evelyn & Merlin
Blue Creek Farm
Hordville, NE
[email protected]
Erickson, Milton & Marcy
Erickson Min Herefords
Detroit Lakes, MN
218-847-5229; [email protected]
Fangmann, Herb & Mary
Fangmann Family Cattle
Rowley, IA
[email protected]
Glosser, Douglas (Doug, Ronda & Kevin)
K-Lane Farms
Blakesburg, IA
[email protected]
Hershberger, Nelson & Sue
Hershberger Mini Herefords
Kalona, IA
319-683-2436; [email protected]
Kahrs, Ethan
EK Miniature Herefords
Franklin, NE
308-775-3745; [email protected]
D i r e c to r y
Miesse, Frank & Irene
Miesse Family Farm
Springfield, OH
937-325-2173; [email protected]
Stines, Chad & Rachel
Stines Cattle Co
Bloomington, IN
[email protected]
Zimmerman, Kent
Goshen, IN; 574-862-2229
B r e e d e r s
Lux, Denny & Kathy Jo
New Ulm, MN
507-359-1917; [email protected]
Mayberry, Randy & Nancy
Utica, OH
740-892-4500; [email protected]
Runck, III, Reno F.
Cross Acres Farms
Cincinnati, OH
859-473-1341; [email protected]
Schley, Don & Nola
Polish Enterprises
Elkmound, WI; 715-879-5385
Kath, Mark & Paula
Kath Family Farm
Hollandale, MN
[email protected]
Kearns, Justin
Kansas City, MO; 816-898-4602
[email protected]
October, 2010 ~ 19
D i r e c t o r y
B r e ed e r s
Klimesh, Ronnie & Janice
Snyder, Eric & Tina
Lawler, IA
River Ridge Mini-Herefords
563-569-8506; [email protected] Eldon, IA
Koop, James & Christie
[email protected]
Gridiron Acres
Ackley, IA
Splitt, Steve & Judy
Splitt Creek Ranch
[email protected]
North Platte, NE
308-534-6969; [email protected]
Kveton, Don
Ramsey, MN; 612-308-8664
Stadler, Corey and Jessica
[email protected]
Northfield, MN
Lashley, Marty & Cherri
[email protected]
McCook, NE
Strong, Bev & Lamont
[email protected]
Strong Mini Herefords
Montezuma, IA
Lindsay, James & Sheila
641-691-4503; [email protected]
Lindsay Littles
Hot Springs, SD; 605-745-3022
Wakefield, Scott & Lisa
[email protected]
Waking Acres Farm
Waconia, MN
Meyer, Emily
Meyer Farms
Garrison, IA
Wallace, Gregory
[email protected]
Worthington, MN
Meyer, Steve
[email protected]
Meyer Farms
Garrison, IA
Warren, Craig & Terri
319-477-5040; [email protected] Altoona, IA
Meyer, Shawn & Laura
Raging Rock Ranch
Watkins, MN
320-764-2131; [email protected]
Penzenstadler, Jim
Lakes Area Mini. Herefords
Chisago, MN; 651-257-0868
[email protected]
White, Brent, Shelley & Jenna
Rolling Hills Miniature Herefords
Blakesburg, IA; 641-938-2653
[email protected]
Region 6
Abernathy, Justin
Abernathy Farms
Altus, OK
Petersen, Ali
KP Ranch
Tekemah, NE
402-377-2309; [email protected]
Adams, Skip & Shey, Madellyn,
Ashton, Saige
Adams Cattle Co.
Abilene, TX
325-669-7552; [email protected]
Petersen, Kenny
KP Ranch
Tekemah, NE
402-377-2309; [email protected]
Anderson, Charles & Pamela
Flying A Ranch
Waukomis, OK; 580-758-3221
[email protected]
Quiring, Dale & Sheryl
Sherdell Farms
Lohrville, IA; 712-465-1107
[email protected]
Atteberry, Clayton & Gertrude
Atteberry Farms
Hawkins, TX
20 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
Bartlett, Virgil
Amarillo Tri-State Exposition
Amarillo, TX
806-376-7767; [email protected]
Dumas, Hillary
Montgomery Mini Herefords
Montgomery, TX
936-689-2404; [email protected]
Beals, Don
Edmond, OK
405-844-9890; [email protected]
Earle, Lynne and Lou
Crackerdog Ranch
San Marcos, TX
512-396-9596; [email protected]
Beaver, David & Marie
Bar Triangle
Spring, TX
281-376-6664; [email protected]
Evans, Ryan
Cumby, TX
Clapper, Gunner
Seiben Farms
Georgetown, TX
[email protected]
Fulgham, Jeff
Brownsboro, TX
[email protected]
Gibson, Brad
Gibson Cattle Co.
Pampa, TX
806-669-9402; [email protected]
Cole, Jim & Laura
Cole Cattle Co
McCoy, TX
210-849-4243; [email protected]
Giedeman, Joe & Peg
Double Venture
Harper, TX
[email protected]
Cole, John
Cole Cattle Co
McCoy, TX
Griebenow, Regena
Orion Herefords
Alpine, TX
432-249-0566; [email protected]
Blissard, Mike & Amanda
Blissard Cattle Co.
Big Spring, TX; 432-267-4265
[email protected]
Cooper, Liberty
Krum, TX
940-367-7802; [email protected]
Cooksey, Paul
PnD Farms
Winnsboro, TX; 903-440-4609
[email protected]
Dale, Charles & Beverly
Heath, TX
972-771-8445; [email protected]
Dee, Trin, Amber & Brianna
Round Rock, TX; 512-423-2421
[email protected]
Dinkel, Amelia & Rick
Corpus Christi, TX
361-949-0349; [email protected]
Dousay, Kimberly
Little Patch of Heaven Farms
Dayton, TX
713-515-0506; [email protected]
Hill, Don & Barbara
Lazy Lane Farm
Hawkins, TX
903-857-2475; [email protected]
Holloway, Kelly
Georgetown, TX
[email protected]
Ivy, David & Marilyn
Seguin, TX
830-660-1229; [email protected]
James, Benjamin
Dalhart, TX
[email protected]
Jensen, Andy & Danielle & Wyatt
Jensen Show Cattle
Altus, OK
[email protected]
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Jones, Bobby W.
Denton, TX
[email protected]
Julian, John
Julian Cattle Company
Canadian, TX
[email protected]
Long, Kash
Wheeler, TX
[email protected]
Lozano, Gilbert & Julie
La Vernia, TX
210-316-9401; [email protected]
Kerr, Charles & Karen
Western Edge Farm & Ranch
Borger, TX
806-273-3205; [email protected]
Marshall, Justin
Canyon, TX
[email protected]
King, Jack and Brenda
J K Ranch
Huntsville, TX
936-295-3967; [email protected]
McKenzie, Blake
Burleson, TX
[email protected]
Kortokrax, Kurt & Laura
4Krax Farm
Azle, TX
817-270-5576; [email protected]
McLean, Richard & Meredith
Bergheim Miniature Herefords
Boerne, TX
[email protected]
Kyle, Loy & Jacueline
Harts Creek Farm
Trinity, TX
936-594-7803; [email protected]
Meier, Edward D.
Stonewall, TX
[email protected]
Kyle, Walker & Carla, Eric, Josh, Julian
Elite Mature Hereford
Pampa, TX
[email protected]
Neusch, Justin
Canyon, TX
Largent, III, Roy
Point of Rocks Ranch
Fort Davis, TX
432-426-3591; [email protected]
New, Ronny
Manchaca, TX
[email protected]
Otto/Degraw, David & Misti
MD Miniature Herefords
Fredericksburg, TX
830-889-5726; [email protected]
Lawson, Don & Sharon
Fredericksburg, TX
830-990-8962; [email protected]
Phillips, Kaden Cole
Phillips Farm PBullard, TX; 903-894-6461
Leifeste, Mason Avery
Cameron, TX
254-605-0088; [email protected]
Poe, Kelton
Needville, TX
[email protected]
Lindquist, Eric
Alice, TX
361-668-8533; [email protected]
Poole, Janet
New Zealand
(09) 439-2420
[email protected]
Rector, Mark & Susan
Rockin R Cattle Company
Decatur, TX
940-399-8259; msrockinr@yahoo.
Shipley, Robert, Vicki, & Kyle
Glory Farms
Fairfield, TX
903-389-2676; [email protected]
Robbins, Allen
Shetland Meadows Farm
Bellville, TX
[email protected]
Roberts, Meredith
J and M Farm
Magnolia, TX; 281-252-5080
[email protected]
Robinson, Larry
L K Robinson Farms
Amarillo, TX
[email protected]
Rogers, Randy W. & Carolyn S.
Sunshine Acres Miniature Herefords
Barnsdall, OK
[email protected]
Ross, Thomas & Beth
TBR Ranch
Spicewood, TX
830-613-8504; [email protected]
Rutledge, Mike
Salado, TX
Schertz, Kris & Stacy
Schertz Livestock
Anna, TX; 972-924-4954
[email protected]
Schulz, Bud
Schulz Farm
Bay City, TX
[email protected]
Schulz, Greg
Schulz Farms
Bay City, TX
[email protected]
Smith, Thomas, Karen, & Harrison
Gatesville, TX
[email protected]
Stott, Julie
Oconnell NSW, Australia
[email protected]
Stricklin, Dickie
Needville, TX
[email protected]
Stricklin, Suzie
Needville, TX
[email protected]
Stroud, Leah
Borger, TX
[email protected]
Thomas, Jonathon & Robin
Hot Bat Farmz
Tuttle, OK
405-381-9985; [email protected]
Thompson, David & Dorothea
Double Lazy T Ranch
Salina, KS
[email protected]
D i r e c to r y
Lunz, Randy
Windaway Farm
Greenville, TX
903-259-6197; [email protected]
Schutt, Jim & Cathy
JCS Miniature Herefords
North Zulch, TX
979-224-2135; [email protected]
B r e e d e r s
Kasch, Bob, Patty, & Kirstie
Borger, TX
806-274-4701; [email protected]
Ratliff, Sarah, Lee, & Audrey
Fritch, TX
806-274-8553; sara.ratliff@
Thompson, David R.
Silver Hills Miniature Herefords
Kerrville, TX
304-617-4413; [email protected]
Turner, Matthew
Spring, TX; 281-364-6693
[email protected]
Turner, Travis & Lauren
Turner Land and Hay
Webberville, TX; 979-324-2057
[email protected]
October, 2010 ~ 21
Villegas, Tony E. & Sally
Alice, TX
[email protected]
Wall, Brian & Christie
4 Wall Farms
Amarillo, TX; 806-353-3408
[email protected]
B r e ed e r s
D i r e c t o r y
Walters; Bob & Kathy
Rocking W Ranch
Center Point, TX
830-634-2202; [email protected]
Webb, Jerry & Lauren
TR Minis
Kensington, KS
785-476-2477; [email protected]
Weins, Henry & Patti
Sapulpa, OK
[email protected]
Wendling, Pat & Bonnie
Hilltop Herefords
Halstead, KS
316-835-3626; [email protected]
White, Randy & Tracy
RTW Mini Hereford
Plano, TX
972-509-7954; [email protected]
Williams, Charlotte & Steve
Double W Ranch
Borger, TX
[email protected]
Williams, Shirley Read
Oxen Lane Farm
Peaste, TX; 940-682-7297
Wilson II, Quinton
Montgomery, TX
[email protected]
Region 7
Adams, Jeane
Singing Pines Ranch
Kiowa, CO
303-621-2680; [email protected]
Aldridge, Margaret (Peg)
7 Ranch
Bayfield, CO
[email protected]
Barcus, Debbie
Hamilton, MT
[email protected]
Beebe, Shannon
BB Ranches
Bayfield, CO
[email protected]
Bennett, David & Alta
Commerce City, CO
[email protected]
Berry, Steve A.
Brighton, CO
303-659-4202; [email protected]
Bottini, Pat
Pueblo, CO
719-948-1255; [email protected]
Fowler, Charles & Ronda
Dry Hollow Ranch
Silt, CO; 970-876-0331
[email protected]
Grady, Justin
J Bar W Cattle Co
Elizabeth, CO
[email protected]
Hall, R. Kevin
Boone, CO; 719-251-6546
[email protected]
Hilton, Loye & Frances
LFH Mini-Herefords
Aztec, NM
505-860-2274; [email protected]
Jenkins, Joleen
J Bar W Cattle Co
Bottini, Joe
Elizabeth, CO; 303-646-9497
Pueblo, CO
[email protected]
719-948-4441; [email protected] www.jbarwcattle.com
Bouma, Jon & Johanna
Kasselder, Dan & Amy
Bouma Cattle
DNA Cattle Co
Missoula, MT
Calhan, CO; 719-347-2239
406-799-2973; [email protected] [email protected]
Krenning, Gerald J. & Kellie R.
Burhenn, Miles & Jesse
Bridger, MT; 406-662-5256
Stevensville, MT
[email protected]
Kugeler, Lesta
Campbell, Mark & Micheline
Salt Creek Ranch
X Lazy P Ranch
Collbran, CO; 970-487-3037
Belt, MT; 406-277-3628
[email protected]
[email protected]
MacKenzie, Fran
Cardiff, Melanie & Gianinetti Family Salt Creek Ranch
GIC Cattle Co.
Collbran, CO; 970-487-3182
Carbondale, CO
[email protected]
970-963-3613; [email protected] www.saltcreekminiherefords.com
Clarke, Christie
Choteau, MT
[email protected]
Ehart, Shelby
Collbran, CO; 970-487-3552
Fisher, Randy
Hotchkiss, CO; 970-872-4487
Foster, Ron & Madeline
Elbert, CO; 303-648-3979
22 ~ Miniature Hereford News: Issue #7
Mannel, David
Mannel Miniatures
Loma, CO; 970-858-7483
[email protected]
Massengale, Bob & Joan
Iti Biti Acres
Howard, CO
719-942-3126; [email protected]
McIntyre, Steve & Gaylynn & Stephen
McIntyre Cattle Co.
Lakewood, CO
303-233-5952; [email protected]
Olson, Randy and Karen
Olson Miniature Herefords
Franktown, CO
303-660-5262; [email protected]
Orton, Lambert & Robyn
Bar O Ranch
Steamboat Springs, CO
[email protected]
Reust, Mark & Robyn
Reust Min Herefords
Clayton, NM
[email protected]
Ribble, Carson
Brighton, CO
[email protected]
Richardson, Deb
Missoula, MT
Schrader, Ken & Elke
S Bar Ranch
Bayfield, CO
970-884-7789; [email protected]
Shue, Bill & Dona
Two Shoes Ranch
Craig, CO
970-824-0105; [email protected]
Stafford, Ed & Marcia
EMS Gelbvieh Ranch
Kiowa, CO
303-621-8745; [email protected]
Thuener, Henry
Shady Lawn Farm
Fort Lupton, CO
303-947-7665; [email protected]
VanDyke, Brent
VanDyke Herefords
Hobbs, NM; 505-390-9266
[email protected]
Velasquez, Alice
ABJ Cattle Company
Santa Rosa, NM; 575-781-0102
[email protected]
Official Publication of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Watson, Clayton & Ruth
Pagosa Springs, CO
970-731-0183; [email protected]
Wooden Nichol Ranch
Aumsville, OR
503-749-2015; [email protected]
Wright Jr., Thomas
Watkins, CO
303-261-0427; [email protected]
Pennington, Rick and Faye
Rocky Road Minis
Lacenter, WA; 360-263-4855
[email protected]
Young, Jo & David
Riverslide Ranch
Stevensville, MT
406-777-3138; [email protected]
Potter, Kelsey
Silverton, OR
Brooks, Tony & Kim
Molalla, OR
503-829-7290; [email protected]
Shiplet, Louetta
Benton City, WA
[email protected]
Clarke, Carol
Zavdiel Farms
Woodinville, WA
360-863-6421; [email protected]
Cox, Travis & Arlou
Quarter Circle J Cross
Ellensburg, WA
509-968-4564; [email protected]
Eldridge, Eric & Erin
LE&J Fitting Services
Redmond, OR
[email protected]
Hardy, Kari & Roy
Rocken K Miniature Cattle Co.
Outlook, WA
509-854-6331; [email protected]
Johnson, Betty
Straitside Ranch
Sequim, WA
360-683-6527; [email protected]
Lantz, Kathy & Bruce
Yelm, WA
Morse/Helland, Ray & Phyllis
Homestead Herefords
Eugene, OR
Nichol, Glen
Spencer, Kaylee
Silverton, OR
[email protected]
Veach, Megan
Scott Mills, OR
Watts, Robert
Diamond S. Herefords
Kennewick, WA; 509-585-8381
[email protected]
Region 9
Bening, Charli McCord & Scott
Dolce Vita Cattle Co.
Catheys Valley, CA
[email protected]
Boriolo, Don & Bev
Boriolo Ranch
Plymouth, CA
[email protected]
Duysen, Sammie
Porterville, CA
559-781-1391; [email protected]
Gill, Craig & Lori
Lowe Ranch
San Luis Obispo, CA
[email protected]
Kendell, Bart & Julie
Double Bar K Cattle
Uintah, UT; 801-479-3644
[email protected]
May, Todd
May Farms
Atwater, CA; 209-357-3323
McFarlane, Alison
Dawson Cattle Co
Carmel Valley, CA
[email protected]
Pitts, Randy
C & R Ranch
Carson City, NV
[email protected]
Potter, Bob & Peggy
PJ Ranch LLC
Winton, CA
209-358-7123; [email protected]
Proven sire with great disposition. Easy to handle.
Well muscled. 05’s Sir Alex,
reg#: 42843222 DOB:
4/11/07 $2500. Bill or
Dona Shue 970.824.0105;
[email protected] CO
Rozema, Dallen & Janell
Rozema Livestock
Spanish Fork, UT
[email protected]
Speer, Teresa & Dan
Dantre Ranch
Brentwood, CA
[email protected]
Tracy, George & Donna
Bald Eagle Ranch
San Miguel, CA
[email protected]
Wesley, Edward & Dagne
Whitmore, CA
[email protected]
Wheeler, Charles & Rose Marie
Hilmar, CA
D i r e c to r y
DuVal, Jerry, Cynthia & Alyssa
DuVal Farms
Silverton, OR
503-873-5572; [email protected]
Smith, Douglas
Ridgefield, WA
[email protected]
Didion, Cory
Golddust Ranch
Placerville, CA
B r e e d e r s
Region 8
Qualey, Colby
Silverton, OR
Coleman, Paul
Crossroads Ranch
Phelan, CA; 760-249-8853
[email protected]
Bos, Ryan & Carson
Double B Mini Herefords
Atwater, CA
[email protected]
Carneal, Mark
Marquis Ranch
Murrieta, CA; 714-264-8096
[email protected]
October, 2010 ~ 23
Home of KAP Silver Sampson
continues .. .. ..
legacy continues
the legacy
Double W Ranch
Steve & Charlotte Williams
100 Chamisa, Borger, TX 79007
806.274.5115 ~ [email protected]