Webtraxs Tutorial
Webtraxs Tutorial
WEB TRAXS 4.0 User Interface Tutorial Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 1 A CCOUNT L INKS Home: Takes user to the Executive Summary reports page. Feedback: Opens feedback/questions email to [email protected]. Logout: Logs user out of current account. Company Profile: Links to the client’s company profile as it appears on ThomasNet.com. Change Password: Allows users to change their account password. Settings: Allows users to view their account settings. (Domain being tracked, email for notifications, time zone, guest access option, blocking options, and white page searches *) Tagging Instructions: Provides WebTraxs installation instructions and code. * Explained in Settings section Print reports Export to Excel * Most reports will have the option to print and export data. Logging into WebTraxs Step 1. Open a browser such as Internet Explorer or FireFox, and type http://www.webtraxs.com into the address bar. Step 2. Enter the username and password given to you by Thomas Industrial Network, then click the Submit button. (if you do not have this information please contact [email protected]). Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 2 S ETTINGS • URL to your main index file: lists all the domains that are being tracked on the same activity report. (code must be on all the pages of each domain) • Email: email address listed will receive emails when password has been changed and when the account receives 1000 hits. • Your Time zone: shows the time zone in which you are viewing your reports. • Allow demo mode: allows visitors to view your reports by using the password “guest.” • Cookie: This is where you can request that your activity not be counted in your websites activity reports. To have yourself not included click on the Don’t count my hits!. Settings allows users to view their account settings. (Domain being tracked, email for notifications, time zone, guest access option and blocking options) • Default # sessions to display: Allow clients to set default of how many sesions to view on one page. • Default # days to display: Allow clients to set default date range. • IP blocking: If you do not want a particular user to be included in your activity reports just enter the IP address of that user in this box. • Referrer blocking: If you do not want a particular referrer to be included in your activity reports just enter the IP address of that site in this box. • Own referrers: This option should be if you want to exclude your company’s URL or multiple URLs used for the same site. • Index.*—>/: This option should be used if you have two different file names for the same page or using a non-standard page (ex. or ASP). If you enter in the file names Web Traxs will know to count the multiple file name as being only one user page. • Short Query: This option is used mostly for dynamic content. If you put an asterisks (*) in this field it will tell WEB TRAXS to log the entire URL with all dynamic attributes instead of just the main domain and file name. • White Page Search Terms: This option allows you to separate white page searches from yellow pages searches. It can consisted of company name or a variation of it. This usually occurs with reoccurring visitors. Enter in search term and hit enter to add multiple terms. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 3 C ALENDAR You can access the date range calendar from any reports page. Calendar Option Allows you to choose the date range for your reports. • Default date is the last 30 days. • Click on “Enter Range” to select date range (year, month, and day) that you would like to use to filter your reports. *Once a date has been set, all of your reports (except Log Summary) will only show information for that date range, unless you log out or change the date again. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 4 T AGGING I NSTRUCTIONS Welcome to Web Traxs! Username: Password: Please copy and paste the code below to every page of your website or to a file that populates throughout the whole website (only for dynamic websites). Also, you will need to upload the [webtraxs.js] file to the root folder on web server. You can find this file when you log into http:// clients.webtraxs.com, and click on the Tagging Instructions link. Please note that if a web page you want to be logged exists in a different folder in your directory than were the webtraxs.js file is, you will need to change the second line of the code below to correctly reference the file's location. For example "<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="webtraxs.js">" may become "<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../webtraxs.js">" CODE TO BE ADDED: ___________________________ <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="webtraxs.js"></script> <noscript><img alt="" src="http://db2.webtraxs.com/webtraxs.php?id=domain&st=img"></noscript> ___________________________ Enter Web Traxs at http://clients.webtraxs.com to check your stats! Take care and have a nice day Thanks, The Web Traxs Team Crystal Robinson and Sarah Hodge Thomas Industrial Network [email protected] Tracking Paid Advertising In order to have paid campaigns tracked, add a “?wtx=GAW” to the end of all landing URLs within campaign account. (Ex. For mydomain.com to track in webtraxs, I would put http://www.mydomain.com?WTX=gaw as the landing/tracking URL) Google: ?wtx=GAW Yahoo: ?wtx=Y Send an email to [email protected] if you to track other paid campaigns. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 5 E XECUTIVE D ASHBOARD Executive Dashboard - One view of top reports and website health. Total Sessions: Total number of individual sessions for date range specified. Avg. Duration: This section shows you the average online time a user spends on your website. Avg. Pages: This section gives you the average pages viewed on your website. • • • • • • Top Referers Top Search Terms Top Known Domains Top Pages Top Entry Pages Top Exit Pages *Click on “View All” to be taken to a full list of each report. ** Scroll over graph to view user session numbers Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 6 E XECUTIVE DASHBOARD Visitors per Day: This chart shows how many users accessed your site per day over a given month. Executive Dashboard Calendar This calendar describes your website activity by day and month. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 7 L OG S UMMARY Log Summary Reports page provides an overall summary report dating back to the original installation of WEB TRAXS® on the website. • • • Average Duration – Average time spent on the website during a given day. Avg. Pages – Average number of pages viewed in a given day. Sessions – Total number of unique sessions reported in a given day. *You can change the number of days displayed on one page to show 25, 50, 100. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 8 S ESSIONS IP Address Referer Company Name/ISP Search Term Sessions: Report contains a break down of activity by visitor/user session. • Host Column - Shows visitors IP address and Reverse IP Lookup. • Referrer Column - Shows where the visitor came from (referrer) and search term/category. • Time Column - Shows the day and time the visitor viewed your website. • Duration Column - shows how long the visitor stayed on your website. • Pages - Shows the amount of pages viewed on your website by a visitor. • Filter Session - Allows you to filter your Sessions reports by IP Address, Search Engine, Search Term. Referer. and/or Host Name. *For Individual Session Details, click on IP Address Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 9 R EFERERS Referers Page provides a list of all referring URLs, including the average duration time, average pages viewed, bounce rate percentage and total number of sessions for each given referer. *By clicking on an actual referer link, you will be taken to the sessions page filtered to only show that specific referer's activity. • Avg. Duration: Average time spent on the website by referer • Avg. Pages: Average pages viewed on the website by referer • Bounce Rate: Percentage of visits that result one page views by referer. • Sessions: Total number of sessions broken down by referer. • Top Pages - click on icon to be taken to a filter view of Top Pages by specific referer. Entry Pages - click on icon to be taken to a filter view of top Entry Pages by specific referer. Exit Pages - click on icon to be taken to a filter view of top Exit Pages by specific referrer. • • Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 10 S EARCH TERMS Search Terms Provides a list of all search terms used by visitors to find the client’s website. Search terms are listed in order of frequency, from highest to lowest. Filter Option • • Ability to filter Search Terms by Search Engine (Pull Down Box). Search Term count will change when filtered. * In settings page, if you selected specific search terms as “white page search terms” a “yes” will be placed in the White Page column. *Bounce Rate: A Bounce occurs when a website visitor leaves a page or a site without visiting any other pages before a certain session timeout elapses. This column gives you the percentage of bounce rate by search term. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 11 T OP P AGES Top Pages lists all pages that have been viewed on the clients website, in order of most viewed. • • Count - total number of times that page has been viewed on the date specified. Click on page links to be taken directly to a client’s web page. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 12 T OP E NTRY P AGES Entry Pages - Entry Pages refer to the first page that is hit when accessing client’s website. • • Provides a list of the top entry pages and a count of how many times that page has been viewed and considered an entry page. Click on page links to be taken directly to a client’s web page. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 13 T OP E XIT P AGES Exit Pages - Exit Pages refer to the last page that is viewed before leaving the website. • • Provides a list of the top exit pages and a count of how many times that page has been viewed and considered an exit page. Click on page links to be taken directly to a client’s web page. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 14 T HOMAS R EFERRALS Thomas Referral Statistics Thomas Referral Statistics page shows overall view of your traffic from ThomasNet. • Top Pages: lists all pages that have been viewed on the clients website, in order of most viewed. • Top Entry Pages: list of the top entry pages and a count of how many times that page has been viewed and considered an entry page. • Top Exit Pages: list of the top exit pages and a count of how many times that page has been viewed and considered an exit page. • Top Categories: category term is shown when a visitor does not enter in an actual search term and hit “Search,“ but instead may have Browsed a Category on ThomasNet. • Top Search Term: list of all search terms used by visitors to find the client’s website. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 15 U SER P ROFILE Click for States User Profile Shows you details about your visitor’s locations, computer systems, and browsers. This can be used to better gauge the geography of your user base, and well as provide insight into optimized web design for best viewing in your key users computer setup. • Top Countries: This section breaks down your activity by country and state. • Top Browser Versions/Operating Systems: This section shows what type of internet browser and operating system a visitor is using. • Top Screen Resolutions: This section shows the screen resolution of the user’s computer. • Top # Colors: This section shows how many color bits a user’s computer handles. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 16 D OMAIN Domains One view report of domains and Company Name/ISP that visited the website. Filter Sessions: This option allows you to filter your Domain report by Search Engine and/or Referer. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 17 S ESSION D EPTH /L ENGTH Session Depth/Length shows the user engagement, and content consumption, of the website as a whole. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 18 B OUNCE R ATE Bounce Rate - allows a user to view what pages visitors leave from without visiting any other pages on the website. • Entrances: This option shows how many visitors entered into a specific page. • Bounces: This option shows how many visitors entered into a specific page and left without viewing another page. Filter Sessions Allows you to filter Bounce Rate report by Referer and/or Search Term that the “bounced” user came into the website from. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 19 P AGE A NALYSIS Page/Funnel Analysis allows users to target conversion goals on your website and track its performance. Some companies will use funnel analysis to gauge their marketing campaigns based on performance. *Click on any page within that Page Analysis link for Funnel Analysis • URL to your main index file – lists all the domains that are being tracked on the same activity Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 20 FAQ Q. What information is needed from the client to implement WebTraxs? A. Company Name, Company domain name, Contact Info, FTP address, Username, Password *Client can obtain the FTP Info from their webmaster or host. Q. What type of files can we place WebTraxs code on? A. ASP, PHP, HTML Q. How do I get to these web page files? A. Using the FTP information provided, you can either login through your browser, or a FTP Client. (i.e. CuteFTP, WS_FTP, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, etc.) * Always make a copy of the original files before you make any changes. Q. Where do you typically place the code? A. Thomas NY normally places the code at the bottom of each web page before the</body> tag. Q: Where should the webtraxs.js file go? The webtraxs.js file should be placed in the root folder. If it is not placed in the root folder, it should be referenced properly within the WebTraxs code. Q. How fast does WebTraxs take to start working? A. WebTraxs should work almost immediately after you place the code onto the site and upload it to the server. Q: Can the password be changed? A: Yes, Click the Change Password link can enter in your current password and then the new password. Q: Why am I not seeing any Referrers from ThomasNet or other search engines? A: Make sure that the frameset page and every other page has the WebTraxs code on it. Q: Why am I only getting “unknowns” in the Referrers column? A: Make sure the webtraxs.js file is uploaded and in the root folder and correctly referenced in script. Also, check to make sure you are only using the webtraxs.js file provided to you. * Each webtraxs.js file is unique to the specific client’s website. Q: How can I look at traffic for a specific time period? A. On any reports page in WebTraxs, there is a calendar option which allows you to set a date range. Q: How can I view traffic only from Thomas, Google, or Yahoo? A: Either by scrolling to the bottom of the Sessions Page and Filtering your sessions. You can also click on Referers link and then click on referrer domain in which you would like to see traffic. Q: Why is my online time reading 0:00 on certain lines? A: The tracker calculates the “online time” by subtracting the time the last page was requested from the time of the first page request. If a user finds one page and sits on that page the time will be 0 because there is no second page to calculate. *Remember every tracking solution and every search engine is different. Please contact The WEB TRAXS Team at [email protected] with any questions or comments. 21