Putin to psychotronic war - Organised Crime of Covert Electronic
Putin to psychotronic war - Organised Crime of Covert Electronic
Make your hom e page elespectador.com Helps | Contact Us | Forum s The Spectator | Print Subscriptions REGISTER >> JOIN >> Online Edition Tuesday , Aug 7, 2012 Last Updated: 7:16 pm International HOME NEWS Where am I? OPINION ECONOMY SPORTS CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY BLOGS MULTIMEDIA Monday International | July 31, 2012 - 11:28 pm The Russian president spoke of the balance of power in the future Putin to psychotronic war By: Daniel Salgar Antolinez Weapons that attack by waves and leave no trace determined armed conflict after the nuclear age. Me gusta 66 Tw eet 21 Rev iew s 31 Send Print Rate: Recomienda esto públicamente en Google Post 18 of 30 in International Advertising Vladimir Putin, Russian president, announced before his election to spend U.S. $ 770,000 million in military advances for a decade. / AFP Paute Fácil Enlaces relacionados ANUNCIE AQUÍ More International News The development of psychotronic weapons-wave devices by controlling the thoughts, feelings and human behavior-has remained hidden for over five decades. So there is a disproportionate amount of speculative information about it and many think it is pure science fiction. But recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin endorsed his psychotronic weapons program, suggesting that progress has not stopped them and that Russia is preparing for future wars. It's hard to believe that the other powers do not. Putin, with his Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said that "a country's military capability in space and its countermeasures of information, especially in cyberspace, will play an important if not decisive in determining the nature of armed conflict. In the more distant future weapon systems will be developed based on new principles (ray technology, geophysics, waves, genetics, psychophysics, etc.). All this, combined with nuclear weapons, will provide new tools for strategic and political goals. " 6 Aug 2012 The blows against Bashar al-Assad 5 Aug 2012 An extended war 5 Aug 2012 Federico Franco's criticism 4 Aug 2012 The other candidate 3 Aug 2012 The man who runs the repression in Syria Advertising The president also said that these weapons will be comparable in effect to the nuclear, but "more acceptable in terms of military and political ideology." Serdyukov added that Moscow will create an advanced military research agency similar to the Agency Advanced Research Projects Pentagon (Darpa, an acronym in English). The announcement was made in the proposals for weapons to be included in the next investment program of the state military. Putin had earlier announced it would spend U.S. $ 770,000 million in military development for a decade. The scientific curiosity of the Russians on this technology is not new. Mojmir Babacek, Czech author known for his research into psychotronic weapons and founder of the International www.elespectador.com/impreso/internacional/articulo-364160-putin-guerra-psicotronica 1/4 Movement Against Manipulation of Central Nervous System, tells the viewer that since 1920 began to investigated phenomena as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance, and during the 60 and 70 had a real arms race between Russia and the U.S. in this area. The goal was to find the physical phenomena that govern psychic phenomena. Russian scientists spoke of torsion fields and educate Americans about scalar fields. "The concepts differ substantially and sound like scientific mystifications, which supports suspicions that were discovered physical principles of psychological principles, but have remained hidden," says Babacek. John Hall, a biologist and physician who treats alleged victims of mind control and is the author of A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America, told The Spectator that psychotronic weapons sent waves the electromagnetic spectrum and the human nervous system to alter behavior, thought, perception, and the musculoskeletal system. "A hologram is a victim, hears voices, has involuntary muscle movements and limbic and headaches, among others." How would use these weapons in the next war? "When you can use a system-such as the Research Program for High Frequency Active Auroral (HAARP), developed by the U.S. which increases the energy emitted largely taking it to the ionosphere, can point to large areas on Earth's surface . By submitting the radiation at frequencies that control the activity of the heart, one could kill entire armies stopping the heartbeat of his soldiers, "he replies Babacek. Why Putin said that these weapons would be more acceptable in the military and political ideology? For the Czech author, may be less culpable because they not leave radioactivity after use, as it does with nuclear weapons. Furthermore, if the technology is not used to kill enemies, but to make them "incapable of fighting, overheating their bodies, rendering them unconscious, making them sick, causing pain in internal organs or epilepsy, and who use that technology may presume that lead the fight humanely. But using this technology would make totalitarian powers of a new type and the concept of human freedom disappear from history. " Another aspect of a psychotronic war, says Hall, is that no known protection that works consistently against these weapons. "The obvious goal is to control a global population without using violence." At least not violence made of bullets, missiles and bombs, as we know it today. Subscriptions The Spectator Print version Subscribe ACTIVE KEY ITS PRIVILEGES Benefits for subscribers Meet them States tend to deny having psychotronic weapons and only support that develop, but Babacek, among a vast number of authors, scientists, researchers, bloggers, says that from the scientific literature and information leaks, the existence of such weapons is obvious, though impossible to prove whether they have been used. A development known in the U.S. Pandora is the project of the Walter Reed Army Institute and DARPA, and its sub Bizarre. Richard Cesaro, director of Darpa for the project Pandora, talked about his goals: "To achieve a technological leap in the military must go beyond pumps and gain control over the minds of enemies." The HAARP program is in Alaska and was funded by the Air Force, U.S. Navy and DARPA. Although its official purpose is to study the ionosphere and to further improve the radio communications and surveillance systems, many blame this project to use energy to cause natural disasters. The Washington Post has published about another project of the U.S. Air Force, not to mention his name, also in an investigation conducted by the navy of that country. In the project, the newspaper said U.S. doctors were able to "pass phrases within the human head, despite having a marginal intelligibility." In the Soviet Union, says Babacek, research was conducted by the Center Vent, funded and controlled by the Soviet Defense Department. The same center carried out 26 other investigations. There are countless cases in which allegedly have been used psychotronic weapons. According to Russian newspapers, there was an attempt to use "psychotronic generators" www.elespectador.com/impreso/internacional/articulo-364160-putin-guerra-psicotronica 2/4 during the coup against Gorbachev, but his application was not successful. The president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, alleged victim of a microwave electron bombardment while besieged in the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras. The son of Saddam Hussein in an Iraqi newspaper wrote that the Americans tried to form clots in the blood of his father by electromagnetic radiation. According to the U.S. Army newspaper, Israel has used this technology against the Palestinians. Alexander von Hahn, an independent researcher, told The Spectator that there is no evidence that these weapons have been used recently in Russia. However, Von Hahn spoke with the lawyer, former student of the Russian Academy of Border Defense and opposition leader, Yury Shulipa, who said that "21 to December 25, 2011-the day of the first and second anti-demonstrations Putin in Moscow larger, the police interrupted the functioning of the cell phones of those who participated in the peaceful march. " Shulipa said he could not "exclude or psychotropic psychotronic weapons that have been used, at least on an experimental basis," the protesters or against opposition leaders individually, although it is impossible to obtain factual evidence that this has happened. None of the above cases has been sufficiently tested. One of the biggest challenges is that psychotronic weapons leave no evidence or proof to find guilty. Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice portal director, told this newspaper that the fact that the weapons "are operated by remote control and do not leave a trail of bullet or evidence" too complicated research use. This also means that those who claim to be victims of these technologies are usually classified as mentally ill. Hall says that most victims are dealing with U.S. and that the progress of this country in the area are very important. "The most puzzling is the ability to communicate with the victims through synthetic telepathy that only they can hear. It is impossible for them (the victims) to convince any of the torture they are subjected. Obviously, the weapons system is designed to mimic symptoms of common diseases, schizophrenia or hallucinations. " Putin psychotronic weapons designed for the more distant future, but the international community has debated the issue for several decades. In 1979 the Soviet Union representative on the Committee on Disarmament of the UN warned in an article that the harmful effects of RF radiation in organs like the heart, brain and central nervous system should be established as a reality. The same year the Soviet Union sent to the Committee on Disarmament a list that included as potential weapons of mass destruction radiological weapons (using radioactive materials), the particle beam, the infrasound, which use acoustic radiation, and electromagnetic , which operate with radio frequencies. Welsh said that the international community has tried to agree on legislation to regulate the use and production of psychotronic weapons and "although Western countries agree that the issue should be supervised, have taken different perspectives and some claim that new developments Scientists must be treated individually they have a potential arms race. " In 1999 the European Parliament urged the implementation of an international convention for a global ban on research and development, military or civilian, who seek to apply knowledge of chemistry, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of human brain development weapons that allow any form of manipulation. So far, however, there is no global consensus and Russia is the first to officially announce his arsenal psychotronic prepares for the future. Daniel Salgar Antolinez | Elespectador.com Tags of this note: psychotronic w eapons Vladimir Putin Rate: 31 Your vote: Discuss | Em ail | Print | Reviews This is a space for the construction of generating ideas and opinion. www.elespectador.com/impreso/internacional/articulo-364160-putin-guerra-psicotronica 3/4 This space aims to create a constructive coexistence and reflection, not a scene of attacks thought otherwise. To comment on this article you must be a registered user. 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