June 2012
June 2012
VILLAGE NEWS for the Churches and Parishes of Charlton Musgrove, Cucklington and Stoke Trister with Bayford JUNE 2012 Rose Andrews (7) H M THE QUEEN’S DIAMOND JUBILEE 2012 RECTOR The Reverend Canon Joanna Penberthy The Rectory, Cucklington, BA9 9PY, Tel: 01747 840230 Email [email protected] (All administrative queries to Jo from Monday to Wednesday noon only please, and to your Church Wardens at other times) CHURCH WARDENS and TREASURERS CHARLTON MUSGROVE St Stephen’s and St John’s Church Wardens: Veronica White 01963 32928 Jonathan Hand 01963 828930 Treasurer: Jeremy Sellick, The Bakery, Ch Musgrove BA9 8HW 01963 32174 CUCKLINGTON St Lawrence‘s Church Wardens: Karen Dunford 01963 34220 Brian Trueman 01747 841014 Treasurer: Christopher Birrell, Clinger House, C’ton BA9 9QQ 01963 33209 STOKE TRISTER WITH BAYFORD St Andrew’s and Bayford Chapel Church Wardens: Nigel Noble 01963 31071 Alan Lyall Grant 34178 Treasurer: Nigel Noble, Green Pastures, Love Lane, Bayford, BA9 9NW 01963 31071 Benefice Safeguarding Officer Jean Sellick The Bakery, Charlton.Musgrove 32174 PARISH COUNCIL CONTACTS Charlton Musgrove PC Chairman: Robin Bastable 01963 32317 Clerk to the Council: Vera Webber 01747 861576 [email protected] Stoke Trister with Bayford PC Chairman: Eldryd Parsons 01963 33628. Clerk to the Council: Patricia Gillman, 01963 34014 [email protected] Cucklington Parish Meeting: Chairman: Gordon Czapiewski 01963 32076 [email protected] VILLAGE HALLS/BAYFORD CHAPEL CONTACTS Charlton Musgrove Village Hall: Committee Chairman: Stephen Nathan 01963 31742 or contact Chris Ring 07708 087005 Cucklington & Stoke Trister with Bayford Arthur Morison Memorial Hall C’ton Committee Chairman: Eldryd Parsons 01963 33628 Bookings: J Rawlings 01963 33320 Bayford Chapel (Mission Hall) Bookings: Alan Lyall Grant 01963 34178 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AND LOCAL POLICE NUMBERS Neighbourhood Watch Representatives: Andy Chesterman 33465(Bayford): Tony Watson 32141(Stoke Trister): Brian Trueman 01747 841014 (C): Pene Volk 01963 32013 (CM) Police Numbers:. Police Community Support Officer Timothy Russell 9467 Phone 101 [email protected] MAGAZINE EDITOR Alison Dixon: Woodbine Villa, Stoke Trister, BA9 9PQ Tel: 01963 32447 e.mail: [email protected] 2 INDEX Directory 1 Bath and Wells 4 From the Rectory 5 PARISH CHURCH NEWS 6-7 VILLAGE NOTICES: general: 8 Charlton Musgrove 13 Cucklington 15 Stoke Trister/Bayford 16 COUNCIL NEWS 17 - 18 Stoke Trister with Bayford PC Charlton Musgrove PC All Parishes Stoke Trister with Bayford Charlton Musgrove Cucklington CHURCH SERVICES 19 EVENTS AND DIARY DATES 20 BLUE CENTREFOLD: JUBILEE EVENTS IN THE VILLAGES __________________________________________________________________________ Adam Syme (6) 3 From the Bishop of Taunton For the whole world we are born… My father used to buy the Daily Telegraph primarily for the crossword and the obituaries – I suspect he was not alone! I continue to buy the Church Times for similar reasons, although it is not the crosswords that attract me, but the monthly diary column of a former Rector of Hackney, John Pridmore, who has a wonderful gift of connecting the things of heaven with the things of the earth! However, at the beginning of May it was not the diary column that grabbed my attention but the obituary written for Canon Eric James, a priest who I came to admire deeply while I was a vicar in South London. I suspect that throughout our lives we come across people who walk a little way with us on our journey of faith and provide the necessary support and encouragement for us during that time so that we can continue our adventure with God. Eric was one such person. I had gone from leafy suburbia to be a Vicar in South London, in the heart of the Surrey Docks, with precious little experience of what it meant to live in the Inner City, let alone to be a priest in the ‘Inner City.’ Eric was born and brought up in Dagenham, and although he had spent time as a college chaplain in Cambridge his heart was with and for those who lived in the urban communities, most of whom had long been out of touch with the church. In this context he sought to live the Christian Gospel, experimenting with new forms of worship and group meetings in flats, and exercising his pastoral skills in ways long remembered by the local population He was, as some of you may remember, one of the architects of ‘Faith in the City’, a report that had a profound impact on church and society in recession hit Britain in the 1980s. It gave huge encouragement to church communities, small and large, to engage with the issues affecting their communities and so make a difference to the lives of some of the poorest and most disadvantaged people. Eric was someone who believed deeply in a gospel that could and should change lives, change churches and change communities and I continue to be deeply grateful for his wisdom and his inspiration. Amongst his writings was the biography of another radical Christian thinker, Bishop John Robinson. Bishop John had come from a long line of clerics, and it was the family motto which had been instilled in him from his earliest years that connect both Eric and John and remain an inspiration to my own Christian witness – ‘not for ourselves alone but for the whole world are we born.’ Only by this maxim can we hope to transform the kingdoms of this world into the kingdom of our God.’ +Peter Taunton Friends of Somerset Churches and Chapels: Church Visits Saturday 23rd June: St.Andrew, Mells; St. Michael, Buckland Dinham and SS Peter and Paul, Kilmersdon. Contact: Simon Colledge, 13 Middle Path, Crewkerne TA 18 8BG tel. 01460 75815 / email: [email protected] 4 A right royal crown: Saoirse (7) FROM THE RECTORY The end of May marks the cusp of spring and summer: in the church’s year, it marks the change from marking the events of Jesus’ life to thinking about what he said and how to live it out. What does it mean to be a Christian? What is the church for? The church always seems to be asking for your money ( and we will be doing again at the Summer Fair, watch this space!!) but that’s so we can look after our five buildings and pay our share towards the costs of the vicars in the diocese. But, the church shouldn’t really be a fundraising group. Jesus’ last words were, “Go therefore to all the tribes, make them into my pupils and teach them to put my teaching into practice”. As we gather together, week by week, on a Sunday to celebrate again Jesus’ rising from the dead, we listen to his teaching, pray for the world in which we live and strengthen ourselves once more to go out through the doors of the church building and, little by little, with God’s help, learn how to put the teachings of Jesus into practice. The very last thing we celebrate in this first half of the church’s year, is not something that happened to Jesus but the fulfilment of one of his promises. This last Christian festival is Pentecost, when we remember God sending his very essence, the Holy Spirit, into the hearts and minds of the first Christian believers. We believe that this gift is still ours today, making God closer to Christians than they are to themselves, and enrols us into a life-long inner dialogue with God , someone to whom we bring all our problems, our hopes and our fears and who in ways impossible to describe accompanies us through our whole life’s journey. And all Jesus’ teachings and all the guidance of God and the twitchings of our conscience, boil down to this one thing: love one another, as I have loved you. Nothing else matters. Jo Every year, the churches in our area get together and invite the Bishop to come to hold a service of Confirmation at which people of all ages gather to reaffirm their baptism vows and be confirmed. Traditionally, this is the prelude to taking a full part in church life by becoming a regular participant in the service when we bless and share bread and wine together, as Jesus did the night before he died and which he commanded his followers to do ever after in his name. If any youngster from the age of 9 upwards, or adult is interested in being confirmed please let the Rector or a Church Warden know. 5 PARISH CHURCH NEWS ALL PARISHES Benefice Summer Fair Saturday 14th July 2012 The next planning meeting will take place in the Arthur Morison Memorial Hall, Cucklington on Monday 18th June 2012 at 6.00 p.m. Village representatives will be attending but anyone who is running a stall, interested in doing so or just helping out on the day is very welcome to attend. Plans for the stalls are coming on but we will always welcome more. To add your name to the list, please make contact with your village representatives who are: Nigel Noble (ST&B), 01963 31071, [email protected], Alan Lyall Grant (ST&B), 01963 34178, [email protected], Brian Trueman (C), 01747 841014, [email protected], Veronica White (CM), 01963 32928, [email protected]. We need to start saving jam jars for the Jam Jar Tombola and nearer the time, donations for the Plant Stall. For the jam jars, we need 250 – 280 and ideally filled with goods to a value of about 50p per jar. The collection details will appear in next month’s magazine but we aim to have all jars with Christine Perrett by 10th July. If you want further details please call Christine on 01963 32311. For the plants please contact Christine Spencer 01963 34299. We asked last month for three prizes per village for the grand raffle and donations/ideas should be fed via your village reps. There will be three top cash prizes of £250, £150 and £100. Changes to gaming laws mean we are not allowed to sell tickets prior to the day but we will be including a book in each of the magazines next month. Please bring them to the door on the day and pay at that point. Further tickets will be on sale at the door. If you have any old crockery etc please do not throw away but instead save it for the ‘Smash a Plate’ stall. We also need some old cricket balls or similar objects to aim at the plates. Offers/loans gratefully accepted. The next meeting of the organising group will take place on Monday 18th June 2012 at 6.00 p.m. NBN 6 FUN DOG SHOW To be held in conjunction with the Benefice Summer Fair Saturday 14TH July 2012 at The Arthur Morison Memorial Hall,Cucklington Kindly sponsored by MYAKKA Ltd, Wincanton Judging 2.30 Entry fee £1 per class Entries from 2.00pm 1. Pedigree puppy (6-12months) 2. Crossbreed puppy (6-12 months) 3. Pedigree adult (over 12 months) 4. Crossbreed adult (over 12 months) 5. Veteran (7 years and over) 6. Child handler (12 years and under) 7. Most handsome dog 8. Prettiest bitch 9. Best condition 10. Best 6 legs 11. Most appealing eyes 12. Waggiest tail Rosettes 1-5th place Pedigree = recognised Kennel Club breeds Dogs must be kept on leads at all times. Please use the exercise area provided. Enquiries tel: 01963 32928 Email: [email protected] Alan Lyall Grant 01963 34178 Church Wardens Nigel Noble 01963 31071 Many thanks to Martin Haskett for allowing us to use Church Farm for our Benefice Rogation service on 13th May. It was a lovely sunny morning and the views from the top of the farm are breath-taking. Thanks also to those who helped organise the service, bring chairs, organ and set up welcome refreshments. ALG ST LAWRENCE’S CUCKLINGTON Karen Dunford 01963 34220 Church Wardens Brian Trueman 01747 841014 Plant Sale: A fantastic £440 for Church funds was raised at the Plant sale and Cream tea. Many thanks to everyone who helped and attended. PL ST STEPHEN’S AND ST JOHN’S, CHARLTON MUSGROVE Church Wardens: Veronica White 01963 32928 and Jonathan Hand 01963 828930 Thank you to Jenny Kimber, whose happy coffee morning contributed £119.45 to the PCC's funds. This fine total was partly due to Jenny's sister Helen who brought along her handmade jewellery for sale. 7 VILLAGE NOTICES Village News: Would you be able to help with distributing this newsletter? We do have a good system in place but it would be so useful to have extra help, either with taking on a round should a distributor be away or ill, or perhaps delivering to a small area in your village on a permanent basis. Copies are usually with your village distributor during the third week of the month and we try to get them on doorsteps as soon after that as possible since it is very frustrating for the organisers of village functions, such as the Jubilee celebrations, or the Summer Fair, if the information doesn’t get out before the end of the month, so delivery is done as quickly as possible. We have ten issues a year (no delivery in August and December). If you would like to help, either on a temporary or regular basis, please phone Biddy Moreton for Charlton Musgrove (33256), Gay Harrison for Cucklington (31841), Alison Dixon for Stoke Trister, Leigh Common and Riding Gate (32447) and Maggie Giles (33147) for Bayford. If you hear of anyone who doesn’t receive a copy please let Alison know. Special thanks go to Brian and Averill Ellard who have distributed the newsletter for many years – best wishes to Brian for a good recovery from his hip operation and thanks to Mel and Ben Giles who have kindly agreed to take over this round. AD If you have internet access you will find a copy of Village News on your village website Charlton Musgrove: www.charltonmusgrove.org Website Editor: Steve Jarrett at [email protected] Cucklington: www.cucklington.org.uk Website Editor: Clive Dand at [email protected] Stoke Trister with Bayford: www.stoketrister.co.uk Website Editor: Roger Perry at [email protected] Many thanks to Jackie Crisp and the Trustees of the Arthur Morison Hall for their contribution to the Newsletter Fund. JS NEWSLETTER DONATIONS VERY WELCOME! Printing costs of this newsletter are met solely by donations AN APPRECIATION People are so kind. At home, in the church, at clubs, in town, in the shops, there is always someone to help or encourage. Kerbs are too steep, shelves too high, shopping too heavy to lift into the car – someone is always on hand voluntarily to help when you want or need them to. Thank you everyone. All – most – of us decrepit old folk are so grateful to you. Janet Smith CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 8 VILLAGE Saoirse (7) EVENTS Benefice Service All parishes are invited to a special service to celebrate HM the Queen’s Jubilee at St Andrew’s, Stoke Trister on Sunday, 3rd June at 9.30 am 9 CHARLTON MUSGROVE Timetable: Sunday, 3rd June at the Village Play Area 1 pm Gather for the taking of a commemorative photograph of all residents. 1.30 pm Parade of barges and crowns 2 pm Cold buffet 3 pm Toast to the Queen and cutting of jubilee cake 3.30 pm Traditional Games Please remember your jam jar of flowers, your model crown or barge and to get your tug of war team together (see page 13) The Palace: Tessa Garrett (5) CUCKLINGTON Sunday 3 June: The Big Lunch Street Party 12.30 to 2.30. Dress up and bring your own picnic and implements. Followed by: Treasure Hunt around Cucklington 3 – 4 pm, Ending at the Village Hall, where Jubilee mugs will be available. Cream Teas (no charge) in the Village Hall 4 – 5.30 pm, Followed by possible additional activity (eg rounders or tug of war if desired) Monday 4 June: Lighting of the Beacon at 10 pm on John Crocker’s field, opposite Broad Oak. Assemble from 8 pm. Please bring your own seating if required. 10 BAYFORD Lodge Farm, Love Lane, Bayford 12 noon start 12.30-2.00 pm LUNCH 2.00-3.00 Games 3.00 Toast and Jubilee Cake 3.30-4.30 Games 4.30 Tea to finish around 6.00 pm (see page 16 for further details) The Queen in Sherborne with pink hat: Jack Giles (5) STOKE TRISTER Gather at The Manor House from 12 noon for drinks and ‘bring your own’ picnic lunch Children’s Treasure Hunt and games The Loyal Toast and Jubilee Cake at 3 pm (see page 16 for further details) 11 Cat in the Jubilee Mood: Rose Andrews (7) The Queen: Leila Syme (4) The Queen and Prince Philip Tessa Garrett (5) Jack Giles (5) THE QUEEN 12 Henry Andrews (4) CHARLTON MUSGROVE Charlton Musgrove Jubilee Celebrations: Sunday 3rd June 2012 Carima Hand (5) Tristan Hand (8) Our party will be held in the Village Play Area and begin at 1 pm, starting with a commemorative photograph of all residents. See the blue pages for our programme. Please remember your jam jar of flowers, your model crown or barge and to get your tug of war team together. The next coffee morning at Charlton Musgrove village hall is on Friday 15th June at 10.30am – real coffee and homemade cakes and a warm welcome! Beginners Short Mat Bowls at Charlton Musgrove Village Hall Tuesday 19th June – 2pm to 5pm Come along for fun matches - Cost - £2 per session Tea & Coffee will be served Please bring along smooth soled shoes to wear for the sake of the mats. Brian & Stella Wheeler – 01963 34331 : Robert & Jackie Parker – 01963 34474 Charlton Musgrove Mother and Toddler Group meet weekly at the Village Hall on Wednesdays 9.30 – 11.30 am during term times – please come along and join in the fun. Contact Hannah Williamson on 01963 33554. 13 100 Club Winners for May No.6 Biddy Moreton. No.47. Douglas Woods. Somerset Community Barn Owl Project a Nesting Box for every Parish in the County Somerset Wildlife Trust is teaming up with local parish communities for the Barn Owl Project. Somerlea Farm Charlton Musgrove had a visit from Chris Sperring MBE. He agreed the habitat around the farm was ideal for breeding Barn Owls (lots of voles) He has provided a community nesting box and selected a mature Ash tree in a field hedge at Somerlea Farm. It can be seen from the house and the B3081 roadside. 60 schools in the county have organised children’s workshops making 335 nesting boxes. We hope to involve local children and families in the parish. If we are fortunate to have breeding Barn Owl chicks, Chris will come down to Somerlea for the ringing and recording. He may even bring “Beau “his Barn Owl with him for the children to see. VILLAGE ‘SAFETY NET’ Remember to phone 01963 31634 for help in Charlton Musgrove if you need to call on the "safety net" which is in place. DC Angela Grant, Margaret Kelly and Diane Coe Invite you to their AFFORDABLE ART SALE on Saturday 14th July from 10:30 to 3:30 at Charlton Musgrove Memorial Hall FREE Entry Incredibly low prices: over 50 @ only £10 each over 90 mounted /framed (open to offers) ! Refreshments available from 11 am to 3 pm all proceeds will go to St. Margaret`s Hospice Diane on 01963 31634 for queries The Charlton Musgrove Flower Show will be held in The Memorial Hall on Saturday 8 September 2012. Entries should be delivered to the hall from 8.30 and no later than 10.15 on the day. The Flower Show will open at 2.30 with Refreshments and Prize Giving. The Schedule and Entry Form will be circulated with the Village News next month. NM Flying the flag: Bee Andrews (4) 14 CUCKLINGTON Cucklington Jubilee celebrations Imogen Whitehead (5) Rhodri Whitehead (3) Bunting, Flags, Decorations, Fancy Dress are all encouraged for the two days. The whole village can join in the national celebration of The Queen’s 60 Years on the Throne. Sunday 3 June: The Big Lunch Street Party 12.30 to 2.30. Dress up and bring your own picnic and implements. Followed by: Treasure Hunt around Cucklington 3 – 4 pm, Ending at the Village Hall, where Jubilee mugs will be available. Cream Teas (no charge) in the Village Hall 4 – 5.30 pm, Followed by possible additional activity (eg rounders or tug of war if desired) Monday 4 June: Lighting of the Beacon at 10 pm on John Crocker’s field, opposite Broad Oak. Assemble from 8 pm. Please bring your own seating if required. An indication of numbers attending for each of the events (Lunch, Tea, Beacon) would be most helpful. Please contact Gay Harrison (01963 31841) or Virginia Davies (01747 841 450). GH/VD Philip Thomas: Philip lived in the village for many years before moving to Northumberland in November 2003. Sadly, Phil has died. His wish was to be buried in Cucklington, and Caroline and Beth are returning with his ashes for a service in the Church on Thursday 12th June at 3 pm. This will be followed by tea in the Arthur Morison Memorial Hall. All are welcome to both. BCT Arthur Morison Memorial Hall (Cucklington and Stoke Trister with Bayford) Hall bookings should be made through Jenny Rawlings who also holds the keys. JR Cucklington, Stoke Trister with Bayford Flower Show: 11th August 2012. Photographic section this year ……. Snapshot ……………………………………… .. 1. Jubilee Celebrations. 2. A Bloom 1. A family group. 2. Water feature. PL 100 CLUB WINNERS: April: P Loxton and R Minter. May: D Jordan and L Fraser 15 STOKE TRISTER WITH BAYFORD Jubilee Celebrations for Stoke Trister, Bayford, Riding Gate and Leigh Common BAYFORD: LODGE FARM 12 NOON Sunday 3rd June THANK YOU EVERYBODY FOR THE DONATIONS AND PLEDGES SO FAR TOWARDS THE JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS. THERE IS STILL TIME FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO ATTEND BUT HAVE NOT YET REPLIED. If you wish to come, please contact Maggie Giles on 01963 33147. Anyone who has flags or bunting could you please display them to help decorate the village? The Queen in her coach Tessa Garrett (5) SEE BLUE PAGES FOR PROGRAMME __ STOKE TRISTER THE MANOR HOUSE 12 NOON Sunday 3rd June All welcome: Please bring along your own picnic. We have some chairs and tables but bring your own if you can. Wine, beer and soft drinks will be available and donations appreciated on the day. SEE BLUE PAGES FOR PROGRAMME The Queen and a Corgi: Bee Andrews (5) 16 Betty Wareham Betty's family would like to say thank you for the many cards and condolences they have received since her death in March. They especially want to thank her friends and neighbours for all the support she was given on her return to Stoke Trister after her illness last summer. With your help she was able to be at home, which was so very important to her. A very special thank you also to those who decorated the church and Morison Hall so beautifully for the Thanksgiving service and to those who attended and made it such a special occasion. Bayford Coffee Morning will be held at Bayford Chapel from 10 am –12 noon on Thursday 7th June. Den Hazell Den is still in Carrington House and is moving to a bungalow in Dukes Close soon. Win Ward Congratulations on your 90th Birthday on 27th June, with love from all your friends and neighbours in Bayford. Best wishes to Brian Ellard, who is home from hospital and making a good recovery after his hip replacement operation. Our thoughts are with Maggie Giles, whose brother has sadly died after a long illness. Many congratulations to Elizabeth and Adam Persson on the birth of their son, Frederick Hugh, on May 14. Neighbourhood Watch Please don’t be afraid to ring me if you have any doubts about callers, or have seen anything suspicious (01963 33465). We have heard from the Community Neighbourhood Watch Office that there has been an increase in rogue traders calling door to door to obtain work, using ‘hard sell’ tactics and charging exorbitant amounts. It is also important not let any stranger into the house without genuine identification and to keep doors and windows locked where possible. If you think a caller is bogus or a rogue trader, then call the police immediately using the general number 101 (or 999 only in a real emergency). Andy Chesterman COUNCIL NEWS RUBBISH COLLECTION AFTER the DIAMOND JUBILEE BANK HOLIDAY 4/5 JUNE 4th June: No change: Monday collections as usual 5th – 8th June: All collections one day later, including Friday pick-ups on Saturday, 9th June. STOKE TRISTER WITH BAYFORD PARISH COUNCIL: Thanks to the Parish Council for contributions towards the Jubilee parties in Bayford and Stoke Trister. MG/AD CUCKLINGTON PARISH MEETING: Cucklington Parish 14 May 2012: Thank you for inviting me to Chair the Parish Meeting. I look forward to working with you, and for you in the best interests of our community. We would all wish to thank Vivian who has performed this role for over 10 years and has worked tirelessly for Cucklington. She has always been available to discuss local issues and has made sure the authorities respond appropriately. She has also secured funding for projects which help to maintain the character of our lovely village. Vivian is still involved in the defibrillator project and is now on the Village Hall Committee. 17 There are some activities underway, as well as the normal Parish business: Parish Plan: A group has been formed to take forward the Parish Plan. The group comprises the following: Martin Speller, Julia Crawford-Smith, Christopher Birrell and John Crocker. They are investigating current standards for this document and will be consulting our community. This process will take many months and will require a great deal of hard work from this group. The aim is to give an overview of how we would like to see Cucklington develop over the next 10 to 15 years. Emergency Plan: We have an emergency plan but it is now time to review and update it. Some people have moved, some no longer have the capability to provide support and there are many new people in the Parish who may not be aware of the plan and may wish to be part of it. Contact You can contact me by phone, email or in person – Gordon Czapiewski Telephone 01963 32076; email [email protected] . Feel free to contact me. GC COMMUNITY ACCESS DEFIBRILLATOR We have now ordered the defibrillator which will be installed in the Cucklington telephone box. Actual installation will take place after a full training evening for the village which will take place on Friday, 22nd JUNE betweem 7pm and 9 pm in the VILLAGE HALL The training will be comprehensive and will be conducted by Tom Jackson of the South Western Ambulance Service. It will be done on a ‘drop in’ basis so that there will be an opportunity for all attending to get hands-on experience using the equipment and practising first aid on manikins. Tea/coffee will be provided. Defibrillators are proven life savers and all are urged to attend. Attendees are invited to make a small donation to cover extraneous installation costs for the defibrillator. AC CHARLTON MUSGROVE PARISH COUNCIL FOR SALE: HP NOTEBOOK MINI 210-1000. 1.67GHz Processor. 1 GB ram. Windows 7 Operating System. Microsoft Office (Word, Excel etc). Complete with charger and carrying case. No faults as far as we are aware. Previously used by the Parish Clerk who now has a full size lap top. Best offer over £80 accepted. E-mail: [email protected] or call Vera on 01747-861576 Copy Date for combined JULY/AUGUST issue: MONDAY, 18th JUNE Please send your copy to: Brian Trueman (for CUCKLINGTON) Hillside Cottage Cucklington BA9 9PT 01747 841014 [email protected] Biddy Moreton (for CHARLTON MUSGROVE) Roundhill Farm Charlton Musgrove BA9 8HH 01963 33256 [email protected] 18 Alison Dixon (STOKE TRISTER/BAYFORD) Woodbine Villa Stoke Trister BA9 9PQ 32447 [email protected] JUNE CHURCH SERVICES Florence Bristol (12) JUBILEE BENEFICE SERVICE SUNDAY, 3rd JUNE ST ANDREW’S, STOKE TRISTER at 9.30 am 10th June 8.00 am 9.30 am 10.00 am 11.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Morning Praise Growing Faith Morning Praise CMSS C WINC ST 17th June 9.30 am 11.00 am 6.30 pm Holy Communion (CW) Holy Communion (CW) Evensong (BCP) B CMSS C 24th June 9.30 am 11.00 am 6.30 pm Holy Communion (BCP) Morning Praise Evensong C CMSS ST 1 JULY 11.00 am PET SERVICE BAYFORD BARN CMSJ – S.John’s,Charlton Musgrove CMSS – St Stephen’s Charlton Musgrove C – St Lawrence, Cucklington, ST – St Andrew’s Stoke Trister, B - Bayford Chapel WINC – St Peter & St Paul, Wincanton 19 VILLAGE EVENTS AND DIARY DATES JUNE PAGE June 3-4 June 4th & 5th June 6th Wednesday June 7th Thursday June 15th Friday June 18th Monday June 18th Monday June 19th Tuesday June 22nd Friday June 23rd Saturday VILLAGE JUBILEE PROGRAMME BANK HOLIDAYS Toddler Group Charlton Musgrove Mem Hall every Wednesday during term time Bayford Coffee Morning 10 am – 12 noon Bayford Chapel Coffee Morning Charlton Musgrove Hall 10.30 am Summer Fair Planning Meeting Arthur Morison Memorial Hall 6 pm COPY DATE Short Mat Bowling Charlton Musgrove Memorial Hall 2-5pm Defibrillator Training Arthur Morison Hall 7-9pm Friends of Somerset Churches Visits Centrefold & 13, 15,16 13 13 17 6 18 13 18 4 A good number of children in our parishes attend Horsington Primary School, which is the venue for the Horsington Summer Fete on June 16th from from 2-5 pm: Ferret Racing. Raffle, Sumo wrestling, tombola, pony rides, face painting, beer tent, BBQ, Teas and cakes, skittles, bouncy slide and much more! Future dates July 14th Benefice Summer Fair Arthur Morison Memorial Hall, Cucklington 2.00 pm July 14th, Affordable Art Sale Charlton Musgrove 10.30am – 3.30 pm Cucklington, Stoke Trister with Bayford Flower Show: 11th August 2012. ‘TALENT FOR TEXTILES’ FRIDAY JULY 6TH 9./30-5.00 PM AT YARLINGTON HOUSE: A HIGH QUALITY FAIR with 25 stands selling linens, lace, fabrics, vintage fashions etc. Talks 11am 12noon 2pm 3pm. Tickets in advance £3.50 or £5 on day. For further information ring Sue Bosanquet on 01963 210200. The Charlton Musgrove Flower Show will be held in The Memorial Hall on Saturday 8 September 2012. 20