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“The Easter Bunny IS real! VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 THE VICTORIAN VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY // SPRING 2016 // APRIL EDITION BOOK WEEK IS COMING! LUNAR ECLIPSE?! EGGS?! EGGS?! Take a peek into the science of Lunar Eclipses. - Page 2 How well do you know your breakfast? - Page 2 Self-proclaimed book nerd?! Come test your skills. - Page 13 : S T N K E E V E E W L I K R O O AP B & R E T EAS THE BEST SHAKESPEAREAN INSULTS OF ALL TIME Because who doesn’t think of immediately relating Shakespeare to English Literature? By Keisha Ding, Writer 9. "Milksops!" (Much Ado About Nothing) 10. "Thy tongue outvenoms all the worms of the Nile." (Cymbeline) 8. "More of your conversation would infect my brain.” (Coriolanus) 3. Your brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after voyage." (As You Like It) 4. "Away, you mouldy rogue, away!" (Henry IV Part 1) 5. "Pray you stand further from me." (Antony and Cleopatra) 6. "You, minion, are too saucy.” (The Two Gentleman of Verna) 7. "There's no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune."(Henry IV Part 1) 2. "Thy sin's not accidental but a trade." (Measure for Measure) 1. "Methink'st thou art a general offence." (All's Well That Ends Well) VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 BOOK WEEK! By Chun Fai, Writer As we approach to the annual Book Week of 2016, some students like me were bored because of the same and “old school” up coming activities of what we could do in book week. But luckily for this year, me and some other students of The Vic have created suggestions for our friendly English Department about “fun” activities we could add into this year’s book week. So here is a sneak peek of our 2 suggestions: Are you an Artistic student? Do you like to sketching or drawing? Or maybe you’d like to show off your skills drawing “fan-art”? In our opinion, Character sketching allows you to submit your personal fan art of your favorite character from your favorite book and share it to your teachers and friends. In addition, we will also gather all your fan-art(s) and select the best of the best sketches of each character to present around the school, the winner will also receive a prize from the teachers. Getting bored reading your favourite book? Or want to share your interest to another student in an “Opposite” way? Our second suggestion is the Story Twister; here you can rewrite your favourite book into a different genre. For example changing The Woman In Black into a Comedy, or even Harry Potter into a Horror story, and the possibilities are endless. We hope you will enjoy all this suggestions, and if you have any personal ‘oustanding’ opinions wanted to include into next year’s book week, you can send an E-Mail to the English department or any Vic members next year. V The chipping of a cheshire cat’s smile. By Edward Ye, Writer • WHAT_IS A LUNAR ECLIPSE? A Lunar eclipse is a phenomenon that a moon can get a deep red glow and is sometimes called a blood moon. When the moon does not have its own light, its surface reflects the Sun’s rays. IN THIS APRIL EDITION OF Time to recount on all those book characters we dressed up as. THE MOON’S GOBBLED UP?! The Vic 2-5 NEWS 6-9 A&E 10-11 VIC PERSPECTIVES 12-13 EDITORIAL 14-15 ARDICITY 16-17 SPORTS 18 GAMING 19 FUN & GAMES ONLINE TELL ME A STORY ONLINE BvS MOVIE RANT ONLINE VIC COMICS The earth’s 3 shadows are called: Penumbra - the outer part. Umbra - darker, central part. Antumbra - a partly shaded area beyond the umbra. • WHY DO LUNAR ECLIPSES HAPPEN? During the lunar eclipse, the sun, moon and Earth aligns a straight line, during the scene, the moon blocks the sunlight from shining the Earth, which caused the lunar eclipse. The scientific term is called the sygyzy, which comes from the Greek word of being paired together. • STAGES OF LUNAR ECLIPSE: Penumbral eclipse begins: This begins when the penumbral part of Earth's shadow starts moving over the Moon. This phase is not easily seen by the naked eye. Partial eclipse begins: The Earth's umbra starts covering the Moon, making the eclipse more visible. Total eclipse begins: Earth's umbra completely covers the Moon and the Moon is red, brown or yellow in colour. Maximum eclipse: This is the middle of the total eclipse. Total eclipse ends: At this stage, the Earth's umbra starts moving away from the Moon's surface. Partial eclipse ends: The Earth's umbra completely leaves the Moon's surface. Penumbral eclipse ends: At this point the eclipse ends and the Earth's shadow completely moves away from the Moon. (Continued on the Page 3) NEWS - 2 PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT & RECYCLE THIS PAPER THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 MY GRANDFATHER, THE HK BUS DRIVER The wheels on the bus go round & round. by Jade Fok, Contributor as the technology takes over our minds and actions, “Most people would just walk past the drivers without looking up, in the best case scenarios, younger and polite passengers might look up and smile towards the bus driver. However most of the times, the closest wording to being grateful of the bus driver is ‘Thankyou’ when the passengers suddenly recalls that he or she will need to get off the bus and shouts out to the bus driver ‘司機有落’ (or ‘I would like to get off’ in english” Dickson states. No matter is it just a thank you note or just a smile, I think that we as passengers should still give the respect bus drivers need, don’t you think so? Buses, Why not? Buses aren’t a transport that most notice in their daily lives, though there can be a few bus lovers, you can admit that it isn’t common. Operating as one of the largest bus companies in Southeast Asia, the KMB carries approx. 2.61 million passengers per day, while some other prefer the choice of driving to work or taking a taxi, yet thousands and millions of Hong Kong citizens still rely on the near-40 year old transport. My g randfather, Dickson Tam (LEFT), a bus driver ever since 1998, has seen the ch a n ge s i n H o n g Kong for almost two decades. When he w a s j u s t a fi r s t started working, the bus companies had just introduced the buses with air conditioning, but many of the buses that he would drive still had no air conditioning, and, I quote, “sometimes in t h e s u m m e r, i t would get very hot and there would often be passengers coming on the bus with a hand fan.” The Vic: The What do you think about the job of a bus driver? “In my perspective, I think that being a bus driver not only can benefit the community, but also people in need” During rain storms and typhoons, buses stay operational for 2 extra hours after the signal was sent, meaning that as Dickson said “You get to help the people who are stuck in the rain to return home safely before the storm gets any worse” The Vic: In your perspective, what is the overall change in Hong Kong? Have the passengers changed over the years? How has the passengers of the bus changed? “Yes it has changed over the years of his bus driving.” Dickson states that when compared to ten years ago, there is certainly a larger ratio complaints to the bus companies. “More people have demanded a better service, and they all seem to think that because they paid for the journey, the bus service has to be perfect.” It is known to most people that passengers get on the bus by the front entrance, and get off at the back exit, and in the newer buses in the recent years, the door mechanism which allows the passengers to get on opens in an inward direction, on the contrary, the door mechanism which allows the passengers to exit opens in an outward direction, both avoid hitting passengers while the door is opening. However in some extreme cases, Dickson has experienced where some passengers might try to get off at the front entrance since they sat nearer to the front entrance, some have demand the bus to stop even though the stop light was not lit, and some—who are not affected by disabilities— wait until the bus has fully stopped before packing their belongings and leaving the bus. Some have also demanded that the bus driver stop at each station no matter if the stop had been lit. This causes the bus to progress slower in between stations, resulting in complaints made by the passengers asking why even though there is only one person getting off, the bus still stays at the station for a long time. What most people neglect is that the buses aren’t the MTR, especially, “When the door closes on the MTR, they usually still give passengers enough time to make a last minute rush to enter the bus, but on the contrary, a bus doesn’t allow this, when passengers are on the bus, they would just naturally expect what they would if they were on an MTR train.” This is one of the many things that my grandfather has noticed in the recent years. “Well, the attitude of people has certainly changed over the years, and also the actions they take have also changed” In the past, passengers would greet the bus driver, and would say ‘Good Morning’ or ‘hello’, but nowadays, Last Lunar Eclipse: Next Lunar Eclipse: Date Mode Date Mode 25-5-2013 Ascending 11-2-2017 Ascending 28-11-2012 Descending 11-2-2017 Descending Incans: The Vic: Have the streets of Hong Kong changed? It is said that Hong Kong is a fast paced city with concrete mountains filling up the stunning skyline. By the end of June 2015, the government predicted that everyday, there are about 12.5 million passengers journeys within Hong Kong I thought, what better way to see the changes in Hong Kong than through the eyes of a man who drove a bus in the streets of this populated city for seventeen years? (Continued from page 2) The streets of Hong Kong were never as wide as they are now, they used to be narrow and thin. The roads fifteen years ago were not used for large and heavy cargo, the streets of Hong Kong then were more narrow and thin. The Vic: How has the technology of Hong Kong changed? How has the traffic of Hong Kong changed? “Since the horsepower of cars has became stronger, the speed of which the cars are traveling at has also become faster.” And naturally, since the horse power is stronger, vehicles like buses appear to be much slower, more and more cars will try to change lanes to pass the bus, resulting in a higher chance of car accidents.” Even though buses are more of a slow moving vehicles, they have also been in car accidents due to their speed and weight. Earlier last year, a double decker KMB bus topples over due to a quick crash of a delivery bus into the KMB bus’ side, and toppled over since it lost control of the weight distribution of the bus. Luckily, no one was hurt since the bus had only the bus driver himself, and he had luckily escaped after the crash. A History of Buses in Hong Kong: Long before my grandfather started driving the bus, the two buses companies were still separate-- CityBus and NWFB were not yet to be bought by Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Limited and NWS Holdings Limited. CityBus on one hand, started to operate in 1979 with only one double decker bus, providing a shuttle bus service to a group of employees working in a Hong Kong dockyard. While it was a success, to extend their business, Citybus started their first residential bus route. Afterwards, it was all about increasing in routes and size. By 1995, the company had over 40 routes and expanded their fleet to 500 buses. As for NWFB, which was quite similar to CityBus, had octopus cards installed to all of its buses by 2001, and in 2002, the company had upgraded its buses to a fully operational air conditioned fleet. The two companies united in 2004, by joining the Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Limited and NWS Holdings Limited. Bus drivers will also need to undergo tremendous amount of training, making sure that everyday we as passengers would be able to reach the destination perfectly. Similarly to the Mayans, the Incans believed that lunar eclipses occurred when a jaguar would eat the moon, which is why a blood moon looks red. The Incans totally believed that the Earth turned red because of the Jaguar has ate the Earth, creating it to have a red moon. Mesopotamians: The ancient Mesopotamians believed that a lunar eclipse was when the moon was being attacked by seven demons. This attack was more than just one on the moon, however, for the Mesopotamians linked what happened in the sky with what happened on the land, and because the king of Mesopotamia represented the land, the seven demons were thought to be also attacking the king. In order to prevent this attack on the king, the Mesopotamians made someone pretend to be the king so they would be attacked instead of the true king. After the lunar eclipse was over, the substitute king was made to disappear (possibly by poisoning). Chinese: In some Chinese cultures, people would ring bells to prevent a dragon or other wild animals from biting the moon. In the nineteenth century, during a lunar eclipse, the Chinese navy fired its artillery because of this belief.During the Zhou Dynasty in the Book of Songs, the sight of a red moon engulfed in darkness was believed to foreshadow famine or disease. Here is an image of how the lunar eclipse works: Familiar faces on the bus In the bus driving industry, when you’re working with the same route every day, it's most likely that you’re going to come across some familiar faces, and these can be young or old passengers each with a different job, each with a different background, and each with a different place in the society. “Before I worked in the Kowloon side, I was working in a route that travels up a mountain and back down, and most of the time, I saw elderly who are either going to get their groceries or the ones who are going out buy something from the wet market. And what’s interesting is that you get to see the same person over the course of an hour, and you’re most likely going to get familiar with the elderly who live close by.” Some myths from different areas on Earth has some stories about lunar eclipses. For example: Some passengers break rules to give red packets It’s a tradition in Chinese new year that you give out red packets, but according to bus driving rules, the bus drivers aren’t allowed to receive red packets and it’s best if they don’t ,“Some elderly would give out fruits or red packets to the bus drivers. Usually, they would leave the fruit on the dashboard when we’re distracted and walk away quickly so that you don’t have time to stop them.” A Comedy play for Book Week Octopus cards have also been a great role in changing the bus industry. After being launched in 1997, the octopus card have been a great deal of help to the bus company. “Most people in the past days would only start pulling out their wallets to get coins if they were standing right in front of the payment box, and with some luck, passengers might even take out their wallets and the coins before going on to the bus. Some might also ask how much is the bus fare. But now, octopus cards have increased the flow of people getting on to the bus, resulting in less time wasted on passengers paying and getting on the bus.” If you are like me, and and you often come across buses, you’ll know most bus drivers won’t enjoy a conversation with the passengers when they are trying to focus and drive. But, that doesn’t mean that passengers haven’t said peculiar things to the bus drivers. Some have asked the bus drivers are they going to this specific destination, which are common questions in Hong Kong, and in usual sense, the passenger would get on if the driver answered yes to the destination. But in some cases there are passengers that refuse to get on the bus even after they answered yes and insisted that they don’t want a bus that goes to that destination. In this article we as readers and passengers have traveled a long journey, discovering the secrets and experiences in bus driving, and I would like to leave a simple note: From the history of buses to the changes in Hong Kong, bus drivers might seem insignificant, but the next time you take the public bus, just imagine all the things that they have been through: the training, the familiar faces fading away day by day, they are all parts of the history of Hong Kong. There will always be another layer to the simplest things. V Type to enter text WILL POWER Thursday, 21st April 2016 5th Floor Hall NEWS - 3 VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 EGGS, RE-BIRTH, & CHOCOLATE! By Chloe Tan, Contributor Easter. What do you associate the word Easter with? Perhaps the yummy gooeyness of the chocolate easter eggs or are you merely just looking forward to the week long holiday from school? But have you really thought about the true meaning behind this special celebration? Most people won’t really care what the holiday is but personally, I believe people should understand the past happenings and the reason behind this celebration. Many people celebrate easter with joy. Once a year, Christians celebrate this important holiday by remembering the story of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Christ three days after his death. They attend Easter church services where they revise the Easter story from the bible and celebrate day where Jesus willingly gave up his life. Others think that this is a great opportunity to finally spend some quality time with their family and friends. This is the time where we all cook a delicious meal to enjoy under the sun while children mainly celebrate with the ionic part of easter. How did the re-brith of Christ lead to bunnies? The easter egg hunt. Youngsters may enjoy decorating it the easter eggs which are then often used in a pleasurable scavengers where all engage as a team and attempt to find all the hidden easter eggs. It is also a good surprise to place something within the easter egg and whoever finds the egg would either be pranked or may receive a wonderful gift. Now moving on from the serious reflecting, let me tell you more about the interesting facts regarding easter. Did you know that the tallest chocolate Easter egg ever made was constructed in Italy in 2011. It was more than 10 metres high in height and weighed 7,200 kg. In fact, it was even taller than a giraffe and heavier than an elephant. The special easter flower is the white lily with is the symbol of resurrection. Did you ever wonder where the name Easter came from? Well, I sure didn’t know until now. The name Easter originates from Easter, the Anglo Saxon goddess who symbolise the hare and egg. During the old days, pretzels were actually associated with easter because the twists in the middle of the pretzel were to thought to resemble people’s arms crossing in prayer.Americans consume over 16 million jellybeans during easter, which is enough to circle around the globe three times. Now may I ask you, how do you eat chocolate bunnies? Research shows that 76% of people actually eat the ears on the chocolate bunnies first. On the whole, enjoy this easter holiday joyously with you family and friends, spend some time with your family and friends and leave all those worries under your desk, you can deal with them another time. Most importantly, take some time in reflecting what easter really means to you and celebrate from the bottom of your heart. DON’T IGNORE THE CHILL, IT’S REAL By Ashley Kot, Managing Editor Climate change is real, and it’s happening to us right now. Coldest Weather Yet As the first breeze of spring blows upon us, many are left to wonder: Why was it so cold this year? Those who grew up here or have lived here for a long time would understand this concern; Hong Kong’s only ever been hot or cold, never freezing, yet this year we’re met with iced peaks on the highest peaks in Hong Kong and the coldest temperature ever recorded in Hong Kong: −5.7 °C. Some may call it a hoax, but none the less the affect that Global Warming is having on us is visible everywhere. California’s extreme droughts, the fastest rise in CO2 levels that humankind has ever witnessed and recorded, Tornado clusters becoming more and more of a common weather and downpours everywhere. features a villain that wishes to commit a mass homicide to clean humans off the face of the earth. Hunger Games, despite it’s main focus on the old latin saying ‘Panem et Circenses’ (Bread and Circus), also hints at a world after Climate Change has finally taken over us. The rise in sea levels submerges a large number of states in America and the cruel and inhuman society as we see it within the book was sketched from such a world, the world where humans kill each other for entertainment and to keep order. It’s affecting the way the world moves. Yet sea levels may not be what would kill us in the end; the spin of the earth depicts when we’re facing the sun, and Global Warming’s affecting that too. The cycle isn’t going away, but the melting of the ice due to Global Warming in the South and North poles could be accounted for over 66% of the change in the shift of the Earth’s spin axis. Taken from a official report on this incident : ”It’s a huge, mind boggling process on the global scale, but imagine it like a top. Spinning a top with a bunch of pennies on it will cause wobble and drift in a certain pattern. If you rearrange the pennies, the wobble and drift will be slightly different. That’s essentially what climate change is doing, except instead of pennies, it’s ice and instead of a top, it’s the planet. Suffice to say, the stakes are a little higher.” The shifting of these poles would highly damage GPS calculations and satellite communications, both of which can be said to be used by almost ever yone within developed countries. Education is not enough, we need action We’re taught from a young age that Climate Change, Global Warming can be prevented if only we’re all to live a little greener. War would become inevitable Hong Kong’s always been one of the safest cities to live on earth, and yet that will not stop the sea levels from rising nor the wars from starting. During the years of 1500 to 1850, mass amounts of droughts within Europe also brought with it war, we know that period as The mini Ice Age. Despite the casual and comedic cartoons that we’ve watched based off of it, scientist deduce that just as the cooling of the earth caused mass amounts of war; so will Global warming. Yet scientists show that some of the damage we’re causing can never be mended, droughts caused by climate change are changing rainforests and it’s predicted that they will store less and less carbon as the climate continues to change. No more excuses, no more warnings There are so much more that we don’t know and can’t know, yet one thing is for sure. We can no longer hide our heads underneath sandpits and use excuses such as ‘mass unemployment’ to not push forward renewable energy. Even if we were to have faith in our own species ability to not start wars at the time of our utmost desperate need to band together, the rising sea levels are estimated to affect over 13 million people in the United States. It’s in our movies and books The warnings are also weaved into our entertainment— Kingsmen:The Secret Service, (ABOVE) Vic Art Editor Y10 Joyce Lam’s WHARF Hong Kong Secondary Art Competition “Selected Entry” on the theme of climate change. We are sure to face issues during our path to try and find a way to co-exist with our planet, but pushing it back and calling it hoax is asking for it. V V DESCRIBE YOUR FAVOURITE STORY OR BOOK IN A VERY TWISTED WAY *Or perhaps, there’s no need to be twisted at all. By Sharon Lee, Editor Everybody has their favourite book or movie that they will watch over and over again without feeling the slightest twinge of boredom. But when you take the movie and twist in such a way that most of people couldn’t guess that it was the book or movie itself, you get some amusing results. I conducted a quiz to find out about people’s favourite book or movie in one sentence in a twisted way. The below are some of my favourite. Game of Thrones: People fight for the throne left vacant after previous king died as the kingdom crumbles, meanwhile, zombies inflict land while people are left vulnerable in the crossfire in the way for the throne and a group of men in black and left trying to fight off zombies. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: A boy is retrieved by a part giant to go to a school of wizardry and embarks on a journey with a ginger and a know it all to find out about an undead man’s gemstone after being scarred for life (literally and figuratively) by a man who seeks immorality and doesn’t have a nose. Hunger Games: A young girl is forced to participate in an arena where the goal is to brutally kill other children taking part in the arena to go home by a group of rich people with fancy clothes and accents after replacing her sister who was originally picked to take part in the arena. + UNKNOWN: Girl’s best friend repeats a week over and over to stop her making a contract with satan’s pet to unintentionally end the existence of the world but when girl realises her friend does this she sacrifices her entire existence to stop satan pet’s little chaotic game and restarts everything but the only one who remembers girl is her best friend and best friend has to deal with a world where nobody remembers her. NEWS - 4 PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT & RECYCLE THIS PAPER THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 TWINS! TWINS! 5 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT: EGGS! Out of all the people in the world, I had to look like you. By Tiffany Mak, Writer I have never met or personally knew many twins, though I am certain that I have met an individual and was then confused that they had a doppelganger. Over the past few weeks, I have come across the most twins in my life and was fortunate enough to be able to learn that not all twins look identical not to mention that each are very unique individuals themselves. “What’s the thing that people ask that pisses you off the most?” I asked Felix & Anthony, of which Anthony replied, “When they ask if we speak the same.” Turns out, no, twins don’t speak the same as if it was not obvious enough. I am certain of that coming from the fact that they barely spoke in sync or in an identical manner during the course of the interview. “We’re just different people,” Katie and Hannah said in another interview. “I’m more serious and organized and Katie is less serious and organized.” Hannah added. Identical twins are probably the easiest to spot, though I have also met fraternal twins, which was quite interesting as I assumed that twins looked identical for the whole of my life…until the day of the interview. “There are two eggs instead of one,” Anthony said. Oh, I see…and nodded awkwardly, glancing at Felix who looked nothing like him. I immediately regretted that I had not touched this part of the research I was supposed to conduct. “People are usually surprised that we are twins,” Jaap said, “and it’s annoying that people say I look like a boy and he looks like a girl.” She looked nothing like a boy by the way. Twins, I have found, usually go well together like salt and pepper. Jason and Julian emphasized that they were “really close,” Katie & Hannah both have their friends, though assured me that they “knew most about each other.” Some, however, do find having a twin makes their lives a little competitive. “We get compared,” Austin and Alin said, “there’s a lot of pressure in the competition,” Jaap said. Having a brother myself, I do get compared sometimes, though most of the time I just compare who had the larger slice of cake, which is a totally different context. (ABOVE) Sum & Yee doing twin things. The definition of the shape, oval. By Keisha Ding, Writer Easter is coming and Easter is the time where people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and also celebrating the new birth, that what the egg's you see around the city is for, eggs that represent new birth.; and here are a few facts about eggs: 1) To tell if an egg is raw or hardboiled, spin it! If the egg spins easily it means that the egg is hardboiled, but if the egg is wobbly while it's spinning, it means that the egg is raw. 2) If a raw egg was accidentally dropped on the floor, sprinkle it heavily with lots of salt to make it easier to clean up. 3) There are actually more colours of eggs that white and brown, it depends on the different breeds of chicken, some lay brown or white and even blue! 4) The yolk colours depend on the diet of the hen. 5) As a hen grows older, it produces larger eggs. Which made me wonder, what would my life be if I was actually a twin, and my brother was the same age as I was, going to the same school, attending the same classes and then going home and spending more time together. Would I like it more? “I’d prefer being a twin than a regular brother,” Julian said and Jason agreed. Sum & Yee also agreed on the same thing, “Being a twin is great! It’s like you always have a best friend.” Sum said. “Our relationship would change a lot,” Katie said when I asked what would happen if one was significantly older or younger. “Like we wouldn’t be attending the same classes, and not be together all the time.” V I guess having a twin is an amazing thing, if you are a twin, you are pretty lucky; only 32 out of 1000 people in this world are twins. You get to celebrate your birthday together with double the cake because there are two birthdays in one day, at least that is the case for Austin & Alyn. Though at the end of the day, the only competition that somehow matters between twins is who gets the bigger slice of cake not who is better or smarter, because twins are unique individuals who, like all siblings will get along so much better if they were just being themselves, not a better version of the other. THE VICTORIAN (V.5 - E5 - #31) EDITORIAL STAFF... Managing Editor: Ashley Kot, Editor Consulting Editors: A&E: Art & Queen Vic Logo: Sharon Lee, Editor Joyce Lam, Editor Ardicity: Photoshop: Pak Hei Lam, Editor Ian Lee, Editor Athena Lai, Editor Michelle Kung, Editor Page One & News: Gaming: Vic Facebook Page: Ashley Kot, Editor Sze Hang Lo, Editor Wai.Y.Lam Editor Editorial: Fun & Games: Sze Hang Lo, Editor Ashley Kot, Editor Sports: Karen Chau, Editor VSA Perspectives: Jessica Yam, Editor Ashley Kot, Editor Coaxers & Cajolers: Mr. Burrage, Mr. Copus, & Ms. Walls Vic COMICS (Online): Sze Hang Lo, Editor NEWS - 5 VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 MOVIE REVIEW: Deadpool By Katie Mottram, Writer Release Date: 18th March 2016 Movie Studio: Director: Robert Schwentke Rating: Starring: Release Date: Movie Studio: Director: Rating: Starring: Ryan Reynolds Allegiant is the third and final book in the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Ross. In 2014, the first book in the series was turned into a major motion picture, starring Shailene Woodley as Tris. There are only three novels in the book series, but just as practically every major movie franchise, Allegiant is to be split into two parts, Allegiant and then Ascendant, which is set to come out next year. Do you remember that leaked test footage of a ‘teased’ Deadpool movie back in 2013? No? Well, it looks like Fox has officially released their apology letter after their ungodly abomination of Deadpool in Wolverine: Origins. About a year ago I watched the second instalment of the franchise, Insurgent. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure as to whether I liked how far the movie strayed from the novel, but after watching the trailer for the movie, which was released in September last year, I am really hopeful. The highly anticipated R-Rated, comedy gold, is action packed and fourth wall breaking moments in the of the year, Deadpool. Do you have any idea how much of a hit the news of the movie was? Marvel fans collectively felt the orgasmic pleasure of finally getting to see me on the big screen. The story of the movie is basically my life story: local merc gets diagnosed with cancer, shady organization offers up a contract that could turn him into a superhero. Well, not one that would end up turning him into a silent mutant with knives implanted in his wrists like bald Hugh Jackman with his mouth sewn shut, or a freaking space cop with an animated green suit. MOVIE PREVIEW: Allegiant By Jay Ku,Writer The movie, starring the sexiest man alive, Ryan Reynolds, as yours truly, is a must see for comic book fans who aren’t afraid of unadulterated gore, sexual themes and dry humor. Luckily, I didn’t have to turn into those two abominations, it was a career low for me, anyway. In the movie, or, my official origins story, I get to be played by the world’s sexiest man alive: Ryan Reynolds. Did I mention that? He’s been wanting to meet me for eleven years, so I guess our relationship is official. No hard feelings for Blake, though. That time I was sitting down in the cinema after having to push through a bunch of Deadpool wannabes, and finding a kid right next to me: eight years old, wearing a little Deadpool costume with his dad with the same outfit. Good lord, was I astonished, and you have no idea the horror I had to go through - A child, watching an R Rated movie! So let’s make this a warning for any one of your VSA students who are dying to watch it. Honestly the trailer doesn’t give me much information on the film. While it does tell me about plot, it doesn’t show any traces of a subplot. One thing that i love about the book trilogy is the relationship between Tris and Four, but the movie trailer only shows action. As a fangirl, I am absolute Fourtris trash, and the lack of romance in the trailer worries me. This movie is going to be very different from the previous two because it is set in a place that the characters had never even known existed. I’m really interested to see how the producers built the setting, because the trailer shows a scene completely different to what I was expecting it to look like. Even though I have my doubts, as a huge fan of the series, I’m really excited for Allegiant, when it comes out on the 18th of March, I will definitely go see it. V V ABOUT THAT GUNS N’ ROSES REUNION TOUR By Joshua Ng,Writer After more than 20 years of estranged relationship, Guns N’ Roses are back. Front man Axl Rose, former Guns N’ Roses lead guitarist Slash, and former Guns N’ Roses bassists Duff McKagan had performed their first stadium reunion show in 8th April Las Vegas. The reunion tour had brought back the raw and energetic signature sound. Guns N’ Roses is one of the most iconic hardrock bands in history. Influenced by the raw and energetic performance by Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Queen, and more; the band had released their critically acclaimed debut album Appetite for Destruction in July 1987. While the rest of the music industry was delivering the glamour and fame in their music, the original lineup – front man Axl Rose, lead guitarist Slash, bassist Duff McKagan, A&E - 6 rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin, and drummer Steven Adler, had delivered the dark side of the Los Angeles underground. With explicit lyrics related to drug, sex, and violence. Songs such as Welcome to the Jungle, It’s so Easy, Paradise City, and Sweet Child O’ Mine had defined the band’s signature raw and loud sound that many artists, such as Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for my Valentine, are still being influenced today. As members of the original and later lineups had left the band, Guns N’ Roses had been declining since 1994, which is when lead guitarist Slash had left, due to his disagreements with front man Axl. Slash had later formed the 2000’s defined super group Velvet Revolver in 2001 with McKagan, former Guns N’ Roses drummer Matt Sorum, guitarist Dave Kushner, and vocals Scott Weiland, but has been inactive since 2007; Weiland’s death in December 2015 had also put the band’s future in question. But it seems like Slash and Axl had been in good terms since early December last year, as good friend and front man of Aerosmith Steven Tyler, had “Helped them to reunite,” and they are ready to show the world needs Guns N’ Roses. Classic hits such as Welcome to the Jungle and Sweet Child o’ Mine are featured in the reunion tour’s setlist, while newer songs Slash and Duff had not recorded such as Chinese Democracy and This I love were also performed. V PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT & RECYCLE THIS PAPER THE VIC - APRIL- 2016 9 SHOWS TO BINGE WATCH AT THE MOVIES WITH AUSTIN UNG By Tiffany Mak, Liesl Yip, & Valerie Yip, Writers Grey’s Anatomy is a medical drama about understanding, compassion, tolerance and kindness. I found myself completely engrossed in the blood and gore, it’s compelling and creative medical cases. (DISCLAIMER: speaking as a person who is able to withstand high amounts of gore during dinner, only watch this if you won’t With David Lynch’s most known film Blue Velvet is rereleasing to theatres in March 25th and his collaboration with Mark Frost to make the third season of Twin Peaks after roughly 26 years after its season 1 rerelease. Ever since this is pretty big news, so I’ve decided to review some of his films. If you are still scratching your head on who is David Lynch then let me introduce him to you. David Keith Lynch (born January 20th, 1946), is an American director, screenwriter, artist, musician, actor and author. He is most known as a surrealist films and has a rather unique approach to films and in many cases rather violent elements intended to confuse, disturb or offend — but at least not as violent as Quentin Tarintino (who uses excessive violence and gore, just watch Kill Bill and you'll know why). be traumatized by a human heart in a box, amputation, gaping holes from where organs should be, bomb in the abdomen; as in a homemade bazooka inside a human’s abdomen). Rizzoli and Isles provides lighthearted quips and features highly witty female characters. Jane Rizzoli, is a tough, independent and shrewd homicide detective. While her partner in crime, Maura Isles, is collected and book-smart in a sharply endearing way. Not only does the show build tension appropriately to its genre of crime drama, it also gives great comic relief. Daredevil is a thrilling excursion into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there’s an intensity to the show that will draw you in pretty quickly; the compelling mysteries, the gore, and of course seeing Matt Murdock pretending to be a ‘regular’ blind guy, while going on night-time panty hose wearing escapades, fighting bad guys, trying to save Hell’s Kitchen from the wrong hands. Teen Titans is for your inner nerdy child. It’s full of clever dialogue and unique, relatable, and extremely likeable characters, and funny animation. This has been one of my favorite tv shows as a kid and as a teenager. But unlike other animated kid shows, it contains surprisingly dark plot lines, with themes of death, pain, betrayal, and destruction that aren't usually depicted as candidly in a kid's show. Of course, it also has a fair share of lighthearted but undoubtedly hilarious episodes that would put a smile on anyone's face. Project Runway is great for binge watching because the designers on the show bear a myriad sense of style. The creativity that the designers exert never ceases to leave my eyes bulged and my mouth hanging wide open. Contrary to popular opinion, it is nothing like most reality TV shows in the sense that the judges never take sides or make unfair eliminations. In fact, I often agree with the judges’ choices; which speaks volumes assuming my criticality and pickiness in regards to show selection. Fresh Off The Boat depicts numerous racial stereotypes in a surprisingly lighthearted and humorous fashion. The show is great for laid-back binge watching, provided that no one gets butthurt. Friends is the definitive TV show of the 90s. As one of the most iconic and popular TV shows in history, there’s no doubt that it’s worth a watch. The sitcom tells the story of six friends who live in New York. Despite its simplistic plotlines, you will definitely relate to at least one of the the six characters: Chandler’s dry wit, Monica’s neuroticism, Phoebe’s eccentricity, Joey’s simple-mindedness, Rachel’s spunkiness, and Ross’s goofiness. This show will leave you spellbound as you fall in love with its six charming characters. The story of How I Met Your Mother is narrated through flashbacks from the future (2025) by Ted Mosby- it is not only a wildly hilarious tale of how Ted searched for his perfect soulmate, but also a tale of five friends and their (LEGEN - wait for it... DARY) adventures. Robin is the ambitious, young reporter. Barney is the casanova, an aficionado of hooking up and womanizing. Marshall and Lily are the annoying couple that’s been dating for nine years, they are the college sweethearts that you hate to love. HIMYM with its elaborate con games, fake identities, wedding day disasters will leave you in fits of laughter. The center of Breaking Bad is rooted in the reality of life that most American middle class lives, it tells the captivating journey of Walter White, of how desperation and love for his family has drove him to take irrevocable steps that led him down a dark, winding path. The character portrayal and their moral evolution is exquisite, Breaking Bad doesn’t only give you the potential to become a crystal meth cook, but through realistic storytelling, it also teaches you how one’s decisions can affect everyone related to us, and the tribulations of leading a life the wrong way. V Eraserhead David Lynch’s very first work is Eraserhead, which was made in long 4 years due to it’s extremely low budget (USD 10000) about a couple who gets a child. Unlike an average kid, the baby looks like a freaking mutant. Soon, Mary X, unable to deal with the stress of having a baby, leaves Henry. Henry soon goes mad and things starting to go ape-sh*t. Henry starts to get visions of him turning into a pencil and eraser. Finally we see Henry killing him. Because this is a Lynch film, there’s a catch: Turns out the the bandages acts as a bag to keep the internal organs together, and Henry straight up murders the baby. Henry then finally embraces The Lady In The Radiator as the film ends. Overall, Eraserhead is an uncomfortable movie even to my standards, but it is one of the most unique horror movies I have ever seen. Based on this cult film I’ll give it 4 rotten potatoes out of 5. Lynch then found even more success after directing The Elephant Man starring John Hurt (aka the guy who got his chest bursted in Alien). The Elephant Man is about a slightly fictionalised account of Joseph Maverick (however the script calls him John), a man whom has severe deformities. However, ever since I haven't watched it, so obviously I can’t review it. Off to the next film: Dune. Dune (1984) Lynch’s adaption of the Frank Herbert’s 1965 classic Dune was a flop: Critics and audiences hated it and it was a box office failure. It’s understandable on why is it confusing: It’s trying to summarise all the Game of thrones books in extremely good detail within 2 hours and 14 minutes. Thus Lynch heavily relies on voice-overs, cross cutting etc. The story is about roughly 10,000 years later, where the universe is ruled by Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. The most important part of the empire is a chemical called Spice, which has special properties such as expanding life and consciousness. It helps the Spacing Guild (Think of a Space Association), as it allows safe and instant space travel. Then the Spacing Guild fears that the production of Spice (which can be made in the planet Arrakis, also known as Dune) would be threatened. The Guild then approaches to Shaddam IV and persuade him to destroy House Atreides as the House’s leader, House Leto Atreides has grown and suspected of building a secret army and thus a highly possible threat to the Shaddam. Shaddam then gives Atreides the ability to rule Dune, but what they do not know is that they would be ambushed by their longtime enemy, the Harkonnens. If you thought this was confusing enough, be very worried, because this is within the first 10 minutes and 30 seconds (I actually counted) of the movie. The story is about roughly 10,000 years later, where the universe is ruled by Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. The most important part of the empire is a chemical called Spice, which has special properties such as expanding life and consciousness. It helps the Spacing Guild (Think of a Space Association), as it allows safe and instant space travel. Then the Spacing Guild fears that the production of Spice (which can be made in the planet Arrakis, also known as Dune) would be threatened. The Guild then approaches to Shaddam IV and persuade him to destroy House Atreides as the House’s leader, House Leto Atreides has grown and suspected of building a secret army and thus a highly possible threat to the Shaddam. Shaddam then gives Atreides the ability to rule Dune, but what they do not know is that they would be ambushed by their longtime enemy, the Harkonnens. If you thought this was confusing enough, be very worried, because this is within the first 10 minutes and 30 seconds (I actually counted) of the movie. After a lot of strange prophetic dreams for the Duke’s son, Paul then worries that these dreams mean something, and suspects their doctor, Dr. Yueth is hiding something. That becomes true as Yueth turns out to be the traitor and thus deactivates the shield generator for their base, allowing The Harkonnens to attack them. Paul and his mother are sent to die, but they fight back and the ship crash lands into the dessert, where they are populated by the Sandworms (worms that are ridiculously big). They soon gain the trust of The Fremen, and in return Paul teaches them the use of sonic weapons. And fast forward 2 years Spice production has been halted. Soon the Guild fears that Paul may drink the Water of Life. Soon the guild’s worries are shown in Paul’s dream, and so he drinks it. After drinking it he fulfils the Fremen prophecy as a man who can fully control sandworms. With these groundbreaking powers he goes and regains the base, where he kills off the sadistic Baron Vladimir Harkonnens and goes into a hand in hand with Feyd-Rautha. In the end, Paul wins and saves the day. Honestly, it isn't so bad as critic thought. In fact, the performances are great and the set designs from HR Giger (the guy whom designed the original Alien in the film Alien). There are great performances delivered from Patrick Stewart and Kyle MacLachlan (a friend of Lynch) and the sandworms look awfully original. Overall I’ll give it 4.5 rotten potatoes out of 5. Blue Velvet (1986) Blue Velvet is David Lynch’s rare straight forward films and arguably his best work. To sum up, it is a neo-noir film based on a college student (Jeffery Beaumont, possibly Kyle MacLachlan’s best performance) solving the mystery of a severed ear located in the middle of the field. Blue Velvet is infamous for it’s sexual content and violence. In fact, numerous actors and actresses such as Val Kilmer, Harry Dean Stanton and Debbie Harry declined to star in it. The film is relatively simple and straightforward and even has references to Lincoln’s assassination. The antagonist, Frank Booth, a sadistic rapist whom rapes Dorothy, the suspect for the severed ear case. This obviously shows that Frank is the killer, so Jeff soon stalks him and even tries to stop him. One of the favourite aspects of Blue Velvet is how strong the performances are. MacLachlan is determined but yet weak to fight against Booth, whom is portrayed by Dennis Hopper. Hopper gives a very strong acting that it feels extremely uncomfortable to watch whenever he is on screen and gives Frank far more intimating villain than he should be. To sum up I’ll give 5 out of 5 rotten potatos. Twin Peaks (1990-1991) and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) Twin Peaks is a groundbreaking television show made by David Lynch and Mark Frost. It revolves around the murder of high school student Laura Palmer, which is being investigated by Dale Cooper. Palmer’s death becomes an outcry to the small town Twin Peaks (hence the name of this show), as the investigation get more and more unpredictable. Due to its complexity, strong acting and complex sub-plots became a national phenomenon. The first season had 8 episodes and while the second season has 22 episodes. The first season fully discusses how Laura Palmer was murdered while the second season is more about find the killer, which apparently is a supernatural entity. Despite the fact that it is ultimately unfulfilling, but Lynch manages to make realistic town with horror and comedy mixed makes this show truly unique and also surreal as hell. And thus, I will give this acclaimed TV show 5.9 out of 5 stars There is also a prequel film, called Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. It premiered at the Cannes Festival. Despite the fact that it was booed and was critically panned by critics, but it is now regarded and underrated. It is about the 7 final days of Laura Palmer, whom for spoiler reasons I can’t tell everything to you. Again, Lynch strikes with his trademark surrealist themes, allowing it not only to be even more creepy than the TV show, but the lack of any actual investigation makes me feel as if not watching a Twin Peaks film… which makes me feel betrayed. But hey, at least David Bowie makes a cameo. Because Fire Walk With Me has a high creepy factor and no actual investigation at all, so I’ll give it 3 rotten potatoes over five. There are also see more of his frequent work, such as Nadja, Mullholland Drive, Lost Highway, Wild At Heart, and Inland Empire and several short films which I have not seen. His daughter, Jennifer Lynch, is currently making a film called A Fall From Grace starring Tim Roth (famously known as Pumpkin in Quentin Tarintino’s Pulp Fiction). V A&E - 7 THE VIC - APRIL- 2016 Looking for good reads? Look no further! Book Recommendations THE TIME TRAVELLER’S WIFE LADY By Janet Wong, Writer The Time Traveller’s Wife is a romance novel written by Audrey Niffenegger. It is notable for having an unique take on time travel. In the novel, the protagonist, Henry DeTamble has no control over his powers, and must treat it as an obstacle to work around in his life. However, his time travelling powers has also brought him together with his wife Clare Abshire, as they first met during one of his time travelling trips. Consequently, it is also what links him to his daughter, Alba. They are linked by Henry's time travelling abilities, which are passed on to Alba, albeit with better control. MIDNIGHT: PREVIEW Niffenegger is talented at creating the appropriate mood and atmosphere befitting each scene. Most notably, the relationship between Clare and Henry was developed naturally (or as naturally as it can be when time travelling was involved). Cassandra Clare Nothing felt forced. I really enjoyed reading the book and felt that it was definitely something I could recommend, but only to a very specific audience. By Katie Mottram, writer Two years ago, character Emma Carstairs was introduced to us in Cassandra Clare’s novel, City of Heavenly Fire. Now Clare has began a new series, The Dark Artifices, set five years after CoHF and revolving around Emma. The book is essentially what most would call a “fluff piece” - The writing isn’t filled with metaphors, and the story doesn’t have any deep meaning, but is still enjoyable and will appeal to most romantics due to the nature of their relationship and the way they support each other. I am a huge fan of Cassandra Clare’s writing because her novels are both thrilling and humorous, and I’ve read all of her Shadowhunter novels. It is a little over the top, so if that is unbearable, this is not something you should read. Incase you haven’t read any of them, most of Clare’s novels are set in a universe where Shadowhunters protect humans from demons, her two series are The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. The use of time travel spices the story up and d i ff e re n t i a t e s i t from other romance novels. Henry and Clare’s relationship is the core of the story, and their love is what motivates and drives them to overcome the obstacles Henry’s time travelling brings them. One of the things I love most about her writing is that because all of her novels are set in the same universe, Cassandra tends to connect characters and put them in each other’s stories, which is what she will be doing in Lady Midnight. It is in truth a clever device something to link the two lovers together and force them apart, creating the s o m e w h a t melodramatic ending. Using time travelling as a device, Niffenegger weaves a love story that is like no other. Their love is fragile- they know they can be torn apart at any time- but they still desperately strive for some semblance for normalcy. Their deep yet fragile bond is the most well written and fascinating part of the story. The writing, although not outstanding, is surprisingly smooth and mature for a debut novel. Even though I love her work, I must say that I won’t be surprised if I am bored with Clare’s newest series. Lady Midnight will be her 10th Shadowhunter novel and part of me is expecting her to run out of new ideas. Nonetheless, I will be reading Lady Midnight when it comes out on the 8th of march, my hopes are high for this book. TELL THE VIC… WHAT DID YOU THINK OF BATMAN Vs SUPERMAN? WARNING: “Ben Affleck was about the only good thing about the only good thing about the movie.” “I wish Wonder Woman appeared with a more significant role in the movie.” “Other than the plot, I think the movie was ok. I can make it more clearer with Superman and Batman’s life.” “Batman vs Superman was a mess. There are just too many things happening within the movie. The action was really enjoyable and the effects ware very good. The movie was so focused on the setting up the Justice League that it forgot to be a good individual movie.” “I think the biggest thing is just the Snyder doesn't understand DC, if anyone has seen the previous Superman film would know that he just doesn't get the comics. I love the dark and gritty setting don't get me wrong, but he doesn't do it as well as Nolan did.” As a devoted DC fan I was fairly disappointed at the outcome of Batman vs Superman. The movie was mediocre at best with the cameos and didn’t really manage to convey the main characters like the comics did. “After watching Superman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, I thought this movie was not as good as it says. The start of the plot was quite confusing, going from superman life to batman’s back and forth. I only found the fight scene interesting because they added Wonder Woman in it, and how it takes all three heroes to take down one monster.” A&E - 8 AUSTIN UNG RANT… “Batman VS Superman is basically Batman and Superman taking on Lex Luthor. The film spends most on it's time opening potential for subplots which can be expanded on JLA movies which WB Bros are expanding. Thus, most of the time it's more of talking rather than fighting. I think that Snyder failed miserably as he tries so hard to include so many comic book storylines, such as The Death of Superman, which is a comic arc involving Doomsday killing off Superman, The Dark Knight Returns, which is about a 50 year old Batman fighting against the authorities and eventually a criminal gang called The Mutants (which is an obvious inspiration for Ben Afflek's Batman as he his opposes against Superman just like in TDKR). I also do think that Wonder Woman seems to be a forced inclusion as she has an extremely minor role throughout the film. However…” DUE TO US RECEIVING AN 800 WORD ARTICLE (WHEN WE REQUESTED TWO SENTENCES), YOU CAN FIND THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE ONLINE. Share anonymous secrets, revelations, opinions, dissatisfactions or anything else you can think of related to VSA life with The Vic at: PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT & RECYCLE THIS PAPER THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 MOVIE PREVIEWS By Naveen Yeung, Writer By Sharon Lee, Editor THE JUNGLE BOOK Release Date: 15/4/2016 (Just released) The jungle book is a live action reimagining of the cartoon from our childhood. As we all know, the story is about Mowgli, a boy who enters the jungle and encounters different animals do not exactly have his best interests at heart. He ventures through the jungle with his two furry companions, Bagheera the black panther and Baloo the bear, while trying to escape from the vicious claws of the Bengal tiger Shere Khan. This movie mostly uses some of the newest photorealistic rendering, computer-generated imagery and motion capture technologies, and generates very realistic looking animals and brings the jungle to life. This movie is worth seeing if you wish to see the story brought to life, you should definitely watch the movie. CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Release Date: 27/4/2016 Instead of the usual battle between heroes and villains, Captain America: Civil War will feature a ‘civil war’ between the heroes we are familiar with. The newest installation to the Captain America series explores the grey area in between good and evil and shows how hard it can be for one to choose between one’s duty and friendship. As usual we can expect good quality production and the typical action packed scenes throughout the Marvel movie. It’s a good idea to watch this since the plot crosses over several Marvel movie series, and the movie itself will probably be worth it as it has a more innovative concept. X-Men: Apocalypse Release Date: 19/5/2016 When the first and most powerful mutant Apocalypse awakens after thousands of years, he tries to gather the four horsemen and destroy humanity. He recruits Magneto and other mutants to create a new world where only mutants exist. On the other hand, Professor X must lead Raven and a group of young mutants to stop the immortal mutant from wiping out humanity. New mutants will be introduced for the first time in the film universe so new powers are something to look forward to. Perhaps the audience will be once again be confused by the complicated timeline, but please do expect much from the film, as it is supposed to be the best there is yet in the XMen series. ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Release Date: 26/5/2016 The sequel to ‘Alice in Wonderland’. This time, Alice returns to Wonderland by a looking glass to save Wonderland from Time, the villain who is half human, half clock. Unlike the first movie, the sequel is directed by James Bobin, not Tim Burton, so the sequel probably won’t have the same unique dark style. The movie is based on Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass, the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, however the movie’s storyline will probably have little similarities to the original book’s plot. Overall it should be a movie worth watching, considering the cast and the small fragments we can see from the trailer. FINDING DORY Release Date: 17/6/2016 Sequel to the 2003 film Finding Nemo, Finding Dory will be focus on the amnesiac character Dory and will explore more of the well known character whose playful nature has warmed people’s hearts. The movie will be about reuniting her with her family and will include most of the main cast from Find Nemo. Andrew Stanton, the director of the previous film will be returning as a writer and director of Finding Dory. The previous movie was touching and the animations was beautiful, which sets expectations high for the movie coming out. I suggest you go watch it if you are an avid Disney fan as disney has provided us with brilliant movies as of recently and if you are looking forward to seeing the development in Dory’s character. THE BFG Release Date: 1/7/2016 The BFG, a much loved novel written by Roald Dahl will be getting a movie which is premiering at the start of July. The movie will revolve around a young orphan, Sophie and her journey to a land of evil, man eating giants when she befriends the friendly Big Friendly Giant. One of the next installations to Disney studios, fans can expect to see great results from the movie, as seem from trailers and previews of the movie which have been released. The movie seeks to capture the heart warming relationship between Sophie and the BFG which was portrayed in the novel. I hope the movie will be able to show the gentleness of the BFG, who was written as a soft spoken giant who cared for Sophie and other children very much. A&E - 9 DO YOU HAVE A UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE ON VSA? Post them @ VIC Perspectives: “One word to describe _________? VIC Perspectives: “One word to describe _______? PHOTO CAPTION CONTEST: Post & vote for winning caption ideas at Last edition’s winner... This edition’s contest... We chose to do this theme because we were inspired by Buzzfeed posts! Unlike other Vic Perspectives, we didn't want to feel limited to all the responses that we received, and we wanted to hear from everyone on their thoughts... however stupid or random they may be. Kristi Wong & Jessica Yam “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” -Anon Editors & Photojournalists VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 UNDERAGE DRINKING IN HONG KONG by “Anonymous” Contributor ••• “Hong Kong is a difficult city to be in, especially for young people. There’s pressure at home, pressure at school and pressure in the community.” This statement is particularly relevant for everyone to blame his or her problems on in the city. Whether it’s losing opportunities, not performing well academically, or towards their actions – such as drinking underage. Combining the words ‘underage’ and ‘drinking’ is a bit of an oxymoron in Hong Kong, because of the way the law works. Although none under 18 can consume or purchase alcohol at places with a liquor licenses, restrictions on the sale of these products at convenience stores seems vague and almost non-existent. The lack of regulations makes drinking a convenient crutch for teenagers. For instance, new 7-11s are rapidly opening in the tiny area of LKF central, counting up to a total of 4 currently. On weekends underage drinkers invariably surround them. Fairly saying, to me the immediate problem with ‘underage’ drinking doesn’t lie in the act of drinking, it lies in our natural instincts. If you look at the States – those eligible at 21 tend to go wild at university, because of the freedom and access they now own towards to alcohol. Curiosity is an unconscious human aspect that allows us to constantly try and unravel discoveries. For those ‘underage’, alcohol is undeniably one curious being. Sometimes I feel like people stereotype the causes of underage drinking with things like this: “Studies are finding that underage youth believe alcohol enhances their social interactions, and often see it as a way to earn acceptance from peers. Other factors may originate from a need to relieve stress.” Despite the accuracy of certain aspects, they tend to have Editorial Cartoon by Sze Hang Lo missed out teenagers just being naturally curious. It’s only natural to be curious about alcohol, something that is glorified in the media, or even in families. With that being said, parents play a significant role on this issue. Notably, there are no legal age restrictions for consuming alcohol in households. Depending on different familial values, I am aware that some parents encourages their teenage child to consume alcohol or tobacco with them, thinking that ‘they are old enough’ by the age of 15 or 16 and should be ‘introduced into the adult world’, symbolizing a sign of maturity. As to respond, teenagers are likely to accept the offer, relating back to their nature of curiosity as mentioned. Like any other issue, the severity of it depends on the extent. However it is worth noting that alcohol and tobacco are addictive substances, and allowing teenagers to drink or smoke exposes them to the risks of addiction if they do not hold sufficient self-control. Hence, this suggests that parents take on a crucial role in shaping their child’s interests especially during the teenage years, and how they value the consumption of alcohol directly reflects upon the behavior of the child. The stereotype of users on alcohol or tobacco is often listed and connected with the act or plaything for adults. Whereas being a teenager having such adult “thing”, might increase person’s maturity, or maybe higher the “cooler-ness” of themselves. Snapchat is a phone application that allows the user to share their immediate status as part of their daily story, or you can call a virtual album that contains photographs and videos, where friends and families can view or “read” their stories easily. As usual, like a set schedule, from Friday to Sunday, starting at 8pm, there would be a bunch of updated stories, where the filter of “LKF” is always applicable. On their stories, apart from young faces and dark environments, cigarettes, shisha, beer, spirits...etc, often accompanies. But, besides the impact on our health, I would say, our experience is still very green, and there is a possibility of danger that is unsolvable at some time, especially during nighttime, at bar areas, where behaviours after alcohol is often uncontrollable. You might disagree with me because you had experiences with escaping from dangerous predicaments. But, they are limited. Limited under a certain environment, where it is suitable to who we are, such as a student at school, and a child at home. So, how do you think about teenagers under 18 at an over 18 environment, with a bunch of strangers that are mostly adults? Dangerous events are unpredictable, especially under an unsafe environment, where no one will bear the responsibility of supervising you. Hong Kong laws do offer a certain degree of freedom, or some may consider a loophole, towards purchasing and consuming alcohol underage. Nonetheless, there are places that enforce this more strictly. For Singapore, it is illegal for anyone under 18 to consume or purchase alcohol, and anyone found misbehaving in public places under the influence of alcohol could potentially face imprisonment of up to three months. However will strict policies eliminate the curiosity and drive teenagers hold towards alcohol access? I doubt it. The debate over underage drinking in Hong Kong could go on for a long time without a correct o p i n i o n . U n d e n i a b l y, e x c e s s i v e a l c o h o l consumption is certainly detrimental to health during growth, however towards a mature age, one should known that sensible self-prescribed moderation and knowing your limits is key to the well being of yourself, and those around you. V EDITORIAL - 12 GIRLS, DON’T TAKE THAT PILL! by Ashley Kot Managing Editor ••• “We all go to doctors, and we do so with trust and blind faith that the test they’re ordering and the medicine they're prescribing are based upon evidence, evidence designed to help us.”—but what if they don’t? What if our doctors aren’t doing what’s best for us but instead following a biased and ancient method of medicine testing that could overdoses half of our population daily? during the study? Who would be responsible? “— As described by McGregor. Shockingly, she reveals that the cells used within laboratories are all male cells; while males are homogeneous, females have fluctuating levels of hormones. Thus the results derived from drug tests are ‘cleaner’ and ‘cheaper’. Previous medical research and general views on the different sex had only assumed that the difference between men and women were only within the reproductive systems and sex hormones. Researchers now believe this is not the whole story. Yet now, a mass amount of research has shown us just how different women and men are, not just in the aspect of their anatomy, but also of their hormones and other body conditions that was once ignored within drug trials. Alyson McGregor, an Emergency doctor, says when a patient passes into the ER, the doctors order the same tests without ever considering the gender of the patient. The terrifying fact is, sex may play a much more important role in medicine than we all thought. McGregor states the current situation could be described with “this saying in medicine: children are not just little adults. And we say that to remind ourselves that children actually have a different physiology than normal adults. And it's because of this that the medical specialty of paediatrics came to light.” When we think about why prescriptions for each individual is different, we tend to tilt towards body mass and allergies; yet more than 80% of drugs redrawn from the market are due to side effects that are discovered in women. Cells are not the same within each individual. Cells too have sexes; while one may prefer to be one gender over the other (transexuals), Sex is DNA “every cell in our bodies -- skin, hair, heart and lungs -- contains our own unique DNA, and that DNA contains the chromosomes that determine whether we become male or female, man or woman.” Sleep aid Ambien, a drug that is primarily prescribed to women, was revealed that the appropriate dosage for women should be half the amount typically prescribed; women metabolise drugs slower than men, thus many complain waking up groggy as there was still active drugs in their system How did we allow that to happen? It is because of the long and tedious process that takes years and years for a drug to be developed from an idea to the pill prescribed to us in those little plastic bag, the dozens of tests and trials were required to prevent these issues. Wars reap away people’s lives and freedom. World War II alerted us to the desperate need to protect people from u n i n f o r m e d a n d f o rc e d m e d i c a l research. One of which was to forbid women of childbearing age to enter any medical research. “There was fear: what if something happened to the fetus This Editorial was written in hopes that many of our esteemed doctors and n u r s e s m a y i n t h e f u t u re b r i n g awareness that sex (not gender) matters within prescriptions. Or, as McGregor concluded, “from now on, I want you to ask your doctors whether the treatments you are receiving are specific to your sex and gender. They may not know the answer -- yet. But the conversation has begun, and together we can all learn. Remember, for me and my colleagues in this field” Your sex and gender matter. “Your sex and gender matter” V Link to the ted talk: PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT & RECYCLE THIS PAPER THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 GRAVE NOT THE VIC THAT BIG ISSUE? NAH FACEBOOK PAGE OF A OPINION POLLS PROBLEM - MARCH POLL Q School rules don't allow Sharks sports hoodies to be worn in school. I would like hoodies to be worn: Although I feel obligated to say that underage drinking should be eliminated and anyone who partake in this should be prosecuted by the law, there is no doubt that this “problem” of underage drinking will not go away. To be blunt, there is no stopping teens from doing what they want. Personally, I think that underage drinking isn’t that big of a problem, that is, if you drink in moderation and know your limits. Although quite frankly, teenagers shouldn’t be chronic drinking at that young of age, especially if you’re under 16. However, whilst I believe that underage drinking isn’t the end of the world, I still think that teenagers shouldn’t use alcohol as a mean of stress relief or an escape from reality to have fun. I know for myself that I don’t drink because I find other ways to have fun and enjoy myself just as much without being intoxicated. The main reasoning behind this issue becoming a concern is that teens are more likely to be more irresponsible, therefore, they can’t be trusted with potentially life-threatening substances like alcohol. Ironically, adults who believe this forget that adults are usually the ones who have a drink too much on a night out and end up having their stomach pumped in the emergency room. In the end, we can’t completely annihilate underage drinking completely as we are under the direct or indirect influence of alcohol constantly. With good education regarding alcohol consumption and with teenagers knowing the consequences behind alcohol drinking, I think everyone is entitled to have their own opinion about drinking and it is up to them on whether they would like to participate in it. >> Anonymous, Year 9 - APRIL POLL Q With the Wong Chuk Hang MTR set to open in January 2017, how will this affect your journey to / from school? “SOCIAL DRINKING” IS NO EXCUSE I know personally quite a few teenagers who drink, some more severely than adults. Some call it ‘social drinking’ and it seems to void them of responsibilities. Some do so to as a sign of ‘maturity’, which is ironic, because being an adult is about responsibilities. There is no easy solution to underage drinking, there’s a reason why the rate of underage drinking is still going up. A teenager is the last thing that comes up when you think about an a l c o h o l i c , s a d l y, t h a t ’s s l o w l y changing.” Personally, I don’t see a little alcohol consumption in teenagers is too much of a grave issue, but it shouldn’t be a getaway for anyone, let alone teenagers. I’m saying this from my personal experience, since I only share a few drinks with my father to celebrate. Come to think of it, the prospect of underage drinking, especially younger teenagers at the at of thirteen to fifteen, is pretty disturbing (I know a couple of friends who drink impulsively and they say it’s to drown their problems). I guess the issue here is how teens can be irresponsible (of course, adults are guilty of this as well) when it comes to drinking and how dangerous it can be to them. We can’t get rid of underage drinking, but we can minimize it by teaching early on that you have to be responsible. We can’t stop teenagers from doing what they want, and we should know that alcohol is so engraved into our culture that it’s hard to get rid of completely. Confronting the problems that may have caused these pressures to make teenagers drink may be helpful, or occupying them with something much more healthy. >> Anonymous, Year 8 NOBODY KNOWS BUT THAT’S WHY IT’S IMPORTANT A lthough I am not a doctor, in response to Ashley Kot's editorial I believe that there are certain areas that should be further investigated within the medical profession. It is said that research has shown that males are Homogeneous while females have fluctuating levels of hormones which would result in different effects within both genders. In my opinion, drugs and pills should be deprived once professions have discovered side effects recognised in females. I fully agree to the point made Ashley makes in her opening paragraph. Many parents brought their child to experienced doctors in hope of giving their child the best medical attention they need. Nonetheless, many of these tend to give blind faith and trust, not knowing what may happen within the hands of the doctor. Although the medication may have passed through various tests, there are still certain risks. All in all, in prevention of any further lost lives in the future due to improper use of medication, I would like to alert all and raise awareness for those who care greatly about their health. Gender and sex matters. >> Anonymous, Year 8 >> Lydianne Ng, Year 8 NOBODY KNOWS BUT THAT’S WHY IT’S IMPORTANT I feel as though the medicine industry has lied to us somewhat. They speak as though a certain drug or prescriptions can heal us for sure when mostly they’re basing it on the grounds of research that may be incorrect. One thing about Science that I dislike is that they disregard to include the ‘theory of’ before anything. The theory of evolution; the theory of photosynthesis etc.. These are all things that doesn’t go against a lot of logical sequences, but then again, we used to believe that gods exist and the earth is flat, so we’re not always right. To neglect putting the theory of before something may have graver consequences on students like us in the long run. >> Anonymous, Year 8 LOOSEN RULES ON SPORTS HOODIES T he sports hoodie was kindly distributed by our school in late 2015 and won the hearts of the majority of the sports team members. The hoodie soon superseded school jackets as the amount of students that flaunted their new 'uniform' spread like an epidemic. A few teachers raised their concerns in apropos to this situation and the school hoodie was banned within a month. The ban undeniably sparked outrage amongst a number of school team members as they felt that the hoodie should be worn as an emblem of their contribution and memorable times spent together with their team members. Without a platform to properly voice their opinions, a few even suggested to write a petition against this ban. As a result, The Vic conducted a poll in regards to this controversial topic and uncovered that 89% of the responders would like to wear sports hoodie in school. It is, without a doubt, that the majority of the student body feels that the school hoodie should be allowed to be worn. Regardless of this, there was still those that do not think that the sports hoodie should be worn in school, as one begs the question, why? The reasons for this and the rationale of why the school hoodie was banned in the first place still remains unknown. Will it affect the aesthetic of our school uniforms? Do they fear a "social difference" between sports team members and students? Will we ever know? >> Chantelle Yan, Year 8 EDITORIAL - 13 VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 ARDICITY STUDENT COUNCIL 2015-2016 INTRODUCTION TO CONGRESS SYSTEM By Amos Chiu Hello everybody! Today I would like use this article to introduce and explain to the students who don’t understand how does the congress work. As you know, the HK government have the legislative council, where different district council members will monitor and supervise the government through discussing the issues happening in HK, verifying and approving the financial budget, listening to various of complaints from the HK citizen, etc. The one who held the meeting and setting meeting agenda is the president of Legislative council of HK, Jasper Tsang. Same case applied to our congress! The class representatives are just like the district council members, and the student council is the government itself. Whenever the student council wants to make something happen, the proposal need to get approved by the Congress. Then who is the “president” of the student congress? The answer is our Vice president Vania Leung. Through this platform, students can have the opportunity to practice the concept of how the society works. And that sums up of how the congress works! So keep looking forward to our work and again, enjoy reading “The Vic”! Member Introduction By Noxx Lam Hi, I’m Noxx Lam and probably most of you would recognize me as the guy who’s walking around with a camera during assembly and school events. Obviously, I’m a photography enthusiast; I really enjoy capturing the moments of our school life through photos or film. Which is why it may not be surprising to some of you that I’m the person behind all of student council’s event promotion videos. Another hobby of mine is robotics and programming, and I find myself spending most of the time coding and building robots instead of working on my PP and this explains my black circles and why I look like the walking dead most of the time. It’s been a great term serving you guys as the secretary of promotion and feel free to say hi and talk to me whenever you see me around in school :) FEATURED MEMBER Name: Noxx Lam CLASS: Y10 Joy ROLE: Secretary of Promotion Noxx is the secretary of promotion and promotion is what he does very well!! -Thomas Apart from his smart promotional tactics and excellent A very hard working member, always give his 110% effort while executing his duty. -Amos video shooting skills, Noss is a leader within our student council cabinet and has, made crucial contributions to our development. -Alvin Noxx, someone whos very willing to voice out his opinions and tries very hard to put words into action. -Vania Diligent & clever. -Hoi Man Great and hilarious guy, really clever and very hardworking!!! maybe just- a bit too hardworking. -Sabrina He's very reliable (when it comes to promotion)🌚 " -Michelle ARDICITY - 14 Here are some photos of our 2015 Christmas Ball! The rest of the photos has already uploaded on our Facebook page! Check them out too! A big thanks to Sean Lee, Sylvester Chan, Alex Chan, Angela Poon, Audrey Ching, Oscar Tong, Melanie Kwan and Jerry Wong!! (In no particular order) THE VIC - VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 SPORTS C Grade BBall: “The Force Awakens” by Jonathan Chung & Linus Lim, Writers After the news of former NBA superstar Kobe Bryant retiring after this season, many consider it to be a sign of a new era of basketball. The same can be said for the VSA U14 boys basketball team, as members of the once championship caliber A grade/ U20 basketball team graduates from VSA,U14 boys basketball team proved to everyone that a new era of VSA boys basketball has started through solid and convincing results in the ISSFHK group stage. After 4 matches, the U14 basketball team remain unbeaten with average points difference between VSA and opposing team of 18.25, it’s clear that the current U14 boys basketball team is a dominant force not to be underestimated in the future. One of the key to current success of U14 boys basketball team is balanced power between the starters and the bench. According to basketball team coach David L e e , i n p re v i o u s m a t c h e s o f t h e tournament, the players coming off the bench can often stretch the lead gained by starters, preserving crucial stamina for the starters when opposing team strikes back. Especially considering that players at the age group of under 14 often don’t have the stamina needed to play 40 minutes without significant drop of performance, a strong and trustworthy bench can often determine who the winner of the age group is. Another important factor to the current success of U14 boys basketball team is experience. Many members of the U14 boys basketball team had participated in the same tournament last year, and Coach Lee saw significant improvement in terms of game awareness compared to last year, which is crucial because those are skills that can’t be developed without having first-hand experience of a basketball match. Also, as many of the members still have 4-5 years left in their VSA boys basketball team career, there are lots of time for team chemistry to be developed between members which can further enhance their performance overall. But in the end, having balanced power between starters and bench along with experience won’t matter if the team doesn’t have the heart to win it all, so U14 boys basketball team members must not be taken away by their previous success in their upcoming matches and if they can perform well on a consistent basis, it’s no question that they are capable of challenging titles of many other tournament. Just Cutout & Glue the flaps together The Very First Vic Mini Paper Soccer Ball. V Random Sports Facts The word “Soccer” is a 1800s slang term ! The most football tricks done in one minute is 85. John Farnsworth a freestyle footballer from England, currently holds the record. Olympic gold medals only contain 1% of gold (They are mostly Silver). Samuel Groth holds the record for the fastest serve in tennis and at 263km/hr, it’s faster ! than the top speed of an average car. SPORTS - 16 The tallest NBA basketball players were Manute Bol and Gheorghe Muresan both 231cm tall. *To scale Astronaut Alan Shepard played golf on the Moon after he smuggled a golf ball and club on to the NASA Apollo 14 mission. The most football touches in 30 seconds is held by a female, Chloe Hegland. who manage to touch the ball 163 times with her feet whilst keeping the ball in air. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Ruben Alcaraz set the record of the longest time to spin a basketball on one finger which is in: 10 minutes and 33 seconds. The dents and dimples on a golf ball help the ball fly further than one that is smooth. THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 U14 GIRLS B-BALL REPORT kick. In those total of 40 minutes, our eyes were on our opponents and the ball. At that time, nothing else mattered, the only thing that mattered was getting the ball to the opposing hoop and score. During the match, one of my teammates was doing a layup but one of the opponents pushed her on the back while doing it and she got injured. It was an extremely sad loss especially since we were so close to the championship, with a complete winning streak. Sadly, the best we could do now was to win the second runner-up. By Alison Cho, Contributor Our coach Ms. Tong Li Ling always told us that “It doesn’t matter what the score is, you just need to go out there and do your best, and most importantly have fun. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes during the game, it’s part of your growing process to be more and more skilful and successful at basketball. So just go out there and give it your best!”. These words are our motivation for every game, we now have stronger wills to win and a much more focused mind.About 3 months ago, the season started. After six incredibly intense games, we were finally at the finals fighting for a third place in the ISSFHK Division 2 U14 girls competition. Throughout the game, all of us were sweating and breathing hard as we listened intently to our coach’s instructions on what to do next. The whistle blows and we made our way to our spot on the court. Once we were on the court, our instincts automatically ROAD TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP By Griffin Lin, Writer We have eight girls in the u14 team and one seven We have eight girls in the u14 team and one seven due to unfortunate injuries within the team. One of my teammates, including myself, sprained our ankles during the season which made us unfit to play in both practices or competitions. The last 3 games were definitely the most nerve wrecking and toughest to play since only seven of us were fit to play. We had a total of six wins and one loss: one of them during the semi-finals which we lost by seven points to Delia School of Canada, unfortunately, I was unable to witness the match first hand since the game took place all the way at Harrow Tw e l v e b o y s , o n e CONGRATULATIONS coach, one season, U14 BOYS one objective and one championship. Jason Wong Against all odds, the C Grade U14 Boys successfully went on a seven game unbeaten run to take home the ISSFHK Division 2 B a s k e t b a l l Championship and to be crowned champions! James Ma Y7C Y7H Garvin Chan Jason Lau Kyle Cheng Adrian Leung Griffin Lin Matin Sat Max Chang This is OUR road to the championship, this is OUR story. Firstly, congratulations to all the teams that participated in this year’s ISSFHK basketball season, a shout out to the U18 Boys, U16 boys, U12 boys, U16 girls and the U14 girls. Well done to all the teams, we all tried our best, went out to the court, and shared the passion of playing basketball to everyone. International School Hong Kong and my ankle was still injured. Y7J Y8P Y8R Y8R Y8R Y8R Y8T Yang Yang Y8T George Ji Y8P Aidan Ha Y8R A few months back, the twelve of us went out to represent VSA in the annual ISSFHK Div 2 b-ball season. As we look back to where the journey all first started, we would like to thank all the teachers, students, coaches who has led us and supported us every second of every minute of each game, cheering on the benches, shouting out ‘’Go VSA!’’. CONGRATULATIONS U14 GIRLS Evelyn Hui Y8C Heidi Chui Y8P CK Lee Y8P Lotus Chan Y8T Tiffany Poon Y8P Joyce Wong On behalf of my team, I Y8R would like to thank all the students and teachers who have had faith in us Y8R and cheered for us along t h e w a y, y o u r m o r a l Y6R support has really meant a lot to us. We would also like to congratulate all the teams that took part in this year’s ISSFHK basketball competitions, U18 boys, U16 boys, U14 boys on their championship title and also the U16 girls. Alison Cho Ashley Au no matter we were losing by 24 points, or winning by 8 points, all of you were there by our side supporting all twelve of us. Our coach, C o a c h M r. David Lee, thank you for everything you have provided us, the training, the drills. Yeah, sure it was tiring, but it is all the training and dedication you have placed in to us, the trust you have given us, that has brought us to where we are right now, without you, we have no clue what a mess we will end up in. As you have always told us ‘’The score doesn’t matter, the points don’t matter, it is the experience and the dedication you’ve put into your game that matters. So go out the court, play your game, your way, try your best and let’s win the ball game!’’ Thank you for all the support and hope you have given us, we are every happy to say we have finally brought the title to where it belongs, our home, our school, VSA!!! Special thanks to Ms. Liu, Mr. Copus, Mr. Millard and Mr. W. Wong for joining in multiple games with us as our fans during the course the season! These are the memories that we will cherish everyday, not the winning, but all the support you have given us, HONG KONG OLYMPIC STATS SPORTS -17 THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 GAMES FALLOUT 4: REVIEW In the year of 2054, governments start to build vaults and our protagonist was chosen to live in one of these vaults. They started building vaults because a small scale nuclear war had happened in 2053. In the year of 2066, China decided to invade U.S. for the last bit of oil on earth. Ultimately, in the year of 2077 the world had nuclear war in a global scale broke out called the Great war, causing the whole world become a wasteland. The protagonist of the game is lucky enough to be chosen to live in vault 111. Unlike other vaults where a lot of inhumane experiments were conducted by the government to create new species, technology, and theories, he was only sealed in a cryo-pot and was waked 210 years after the Great war. However, as you wake up, the “Institute” captured your son “Shaun” and your wife was killed for stopping them to do so. So, you went on to a search for your son with your wife’s wedding ring. GAME STYLE OF FALLOUT 4 This is a game based on your personality and playstyle, it is like reading a book but somehow also writing it. The best part of the game is you can choose how you want to live in the wasteland. Fallout 4 allow you to make choices freely and allow you to involve in the world actively. The game style is really similar with most RPG. You can choose what class and what skills to level up after gaining experience. You can choose to be smart, strong, lucky and fast. There are 7 skill tree called “S.P.E.C.I.A.L”, each have the maximum of 10 level. S for Strength, P for Perception, E for Endurance, C for Charisma, I for Intelligence, A for Agility and L for Luck. Every level up in the game will affect your playing experience, the way you interact with the characters and the environment, and even the ending you get. For myself, I mainly level up my Strength, Charisma and Luck based on me in real life, as I prefer to use strength to solve problem. The points you attribute to the skill tree will lead to different perks. For example, “Brawler” increase your melee damage. They even have perks like “Lady killer” that increase your charisma between female. Throughout the game, you will meet a lot of GAMES by Linus Lim, eSports, Editor Reviews, News… & more! “WAR, WAR NEVER CHANGES” By Wai Lam Leung, Contributor different companions which all have different yet special personality. They all show different reaction to what you do. If your relationships is maxed out, it will give you a special perk to increase your character’s ability. Brotherhood of Steel is racist towards the “synths” (robots that thinks and acts like human) but is still trying to destroy the “Institute”, the Railroads that keen on save the “synths” through destroying the “Institute”. Some of the companions are even able to perform romance with you, since we are living in an open-minded world, homosexuality is also available in the game. Unlike characters in Fallout 3 where they are in more of a neutral mood, characters in Fallout 4 is much more emotional. You can feel the fear, joy and hatress of what the characters behold. At the end of the game, I realise that the characters in the wasteland is a living individual, and their own story apparently is more special than mine. It doesn't necessarily require knowledge of the previous series to understand. If you’re consider buying this game, its totally gonna worth it. Missions in the game is fun but also repetitive. However, mission/events happens randomly around the wasteland. Different mission will give you different reward, companions or short stories that makes you go on to a feels train. If you want to expand the lifespan of this game, you can ignore the main storyline and focus on sidequests. I know some people that have yet to finish the main storyline after hundreds of hours. In this case, I used 30 hours to focus and finish the main storyline. Final Score: 9/10 OVERALL & COMPARISON WITH OLDER SERIES (SPOILER ALERT!) Overall, Fallout 4 is a nice game individually. It was named the game of the year for reasons, such as the graphics, design, and the build up of companions’ personality is up to a decent standard. The combat and shooting system had doubtlessly improved from the previous games. However, it seem like that they only focuses on the flashy graphics and the combat system which is the popular trend of nowadays gaming industry. Comparing it to the old Fallout games, they have certainly taken out a lot of elements that made the Fallout series fascinating. IN BRIEF: +Personality of characters +Relationship between characters +Combat system +Visual effect and graphics +New features (Building shelters, crafting, framing, etc…) +Decent storyline +Wide range items +Excellent Voice acting and dialogue For example, the options you can choose in a conversation has been decreased. Also the perk system’s significance have been decreased too in Fallout 4. In the previous series, the perk “Lady Killer” provide you alternative solutions to problem. In Fallout 4 the application of “Lady Killer” have been largely limited. The funniest part is it actually increase your damage against female, becoming a literal “Lady Killer”. +Quality and Quantity of missions +Character creation Also a significant part that is missing is the “Karma” system. In previous games, if you do good/bad things it will affect your Karma, eventually making you a bad or good person. In Fallout 4, they removed such system, which makes the fun of the game significantly decrease as saying or doing anything DOESN’T CHANGE ANYTHING! -Less engagement to the world’s event Repetition of missions Another mentionable point is the plot. They focused on building the image of NPCs in the game, which made the conflict between different clans more realistic. Like the way +Wide range items +Excellent Voice acting and dialogue -Less roleplaying compare to old ones Less decision making ‘GAME OF THE YEAR’ AWARD GOES TO: UNDERTALE: ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME? By Jay Ku, Writer As games develop, more and more people have access to technology that allows them to express their creativity through creating fan made games, or individually develop their own, original games. Indie games, like Hotline Miami 2, Super Meat Boy, Broforce and Terraria are gradually becoming more and more popular, gaining their own fanbase (and rightfully so). What are indie games? Indie games are video games developed by an individual or a small team of people, without being backed by a publishing company financially. Most indie games start from kickstarter projects or even the developer doing it in his/her free time. Even so, there have been a few indie games that have been rather popular to boot, with incredible storytelling and wonderfully crafted characters. These stories make you feel part of it, and there are moments where you want to pause the game and savour the moment, with characters that make you feel like you’re really talking to them, filled with emotion, comedy, and seriousness. In late 2015, an indie game (released in September 15th, available on Steam for both Mac and PC) has been crowned, or rather in popular opinion, as this year’s best indie game, with engaging characters and a fun mechanic, where the game plays you as much as you play it, selling over 500,000 copies so far, and has been nominated Game of the Year. Developed, published, illustrated, soundtrack created by a single person, tobyfox (with additional artwork by Temmie Chang, of course). What is Undertale about? In a very short synopsis (and without spoilers), you roleplay as a human child who has fallen into the Underground, where monsters who were banished long ago, live in. In the game, you can befriend or fight the monsters, and your goal is to escape from the Underground and return to the surface. Of course, that’s just scratching the surface of the iceberg; Undertale is best played blind, where you know absolutely nothing about it and dive straight in. The question is: why was it nominated as Game of the Year? What is so special about a pixelated, Earthbound looking, 8-bit game with only one dimension and no fighting and gore? The game received loads of accolades not because of the “action” or “acting”, but rather the unique, engaging characters and the writing. Although there isn’t a myriad of characters voice acted by A-list voice actors like Troy Baker or Nolan North, but these characters felt real, in the way the game reacts to your previous choices and changes how those characters speak to you. The heartfelt moments in the game are complemented by the comedic elements that a certain few monsters that you would certainly fall in love with. Although the graphics and artwork seem simple and bland, the animation and soundtrack make up for it, like the main theme of the game. The pixelated artwork of the main characters were also able to convey emotions effectively. Undertale is completely replay-able, and you will never cease to find new surprises in each playthrough (unless you’re that thorough in your first play-through, then kudos to you). Now, Undertale has gained a cult following, and it is looked down upon if you kill anyone in your walkthrough, preferably sparing the monsters, because if you kill everything… You’re going to have a bad time. V GAMES - 18 THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 JUST FUN & GAMES Fun & Games by WHICH BOOK DOES THIS FIRST LINE BELONG TO? Memes by Ashley Kot It was a pleasure to burn. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. 5 6 After a year of slavery in the Salt Mines of Endovier, Celaena Sardothien was accustomed to being escorted everywhere in 8 shackles and at sword-point. The week before I left my family and Florida and the rest of my minor life to go to Boarding School in Alabama, my mother insisted on throwing me a going-away party. 7 Wind howled through the night, carrying a scent that would change the world. The last thing I wanted to do on my summer break was blow up another school. 9 10 Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Cassandra Clare, City of Bones James Dashner, The Maze Runner He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air. CURRENT NEWS EVENTS IN MEMES "You've got to be kidding me," the bouncer said, folding his arms 4 across his massive chest. In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning 3 over in my mind ever since. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone John Green, Looking for Alaska Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth Christopher Paolini, Eragon FIND THE VIC 2 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. Sze Hang Lo Can you find the Queen Vic in these book covers? PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT & RECYCLE THIS PAPER FUN AND GAMES - 19 THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 AT THE MOVIES Friends Of Dawn By Anonymous, Contributor WITH AUSTIN UNG I spread my eyes as I start to ascend, Got out my phone, my wallet, and my keys. I saw a photo about an old friend, And with his face is all the memories. Batman VS Superman is basically Batman and Superman taking on Lex Luthor. The film spends most on it's time opening potential for subplots which can be expanded on JLA movies which WB Bros are expanding. Thus, most of the time it's more of talking rather than fighting. I think that Snyder failed miserably as he tries so hard to include so many comic book storylines, such as The Death of Superman, which is a comic arc involving Doomsday killing off Superman, The Dark Knight Returns, which is about a 50 year old Batman fighting against the authorities and eventually a criminal gang called The Mutants (which is an obvious inspiration for Ben Afflek's Batman as he his opposes against Superman just like in TDKR). I also do think that Wonder Woman seems to be a forced inclusion as she has an extremely minor role throughout the film. However, I think that Lex Luthor is extremely faithful to its source material as Lex’s first appearance (Action Comics Issue 26) actually includes him having hair. I can think of it now, and remember, Happiness shined the sun on you and I. About all the times we had together, Colorful like a rainbow in the sky. I have chosen to structure this poem as Shakespearean sonnet because the style of structure suits how my sonnet develops onwards. Since this is a Shakespearean sonnet, it has fourteen lines. This is important for my sonnet to develop the story from one quatrain to the next, which fits with my theme. The rhyme scheme and the iambic pentameter also adds rhythm to how the poem is read. The iambic pentameter is evident as every line is ten syllables long. In my sonnet, I have used different poetic devices. One poetic device is the simile. An example in my sonnet is the phrase ‘colorful like a rainbow’ on line eight. I also used the volta, located between lines twelve and thirteen. This changes the tone of the poem from being peaceful and happy to a mysterious one. Another poetic device I used is imagery on line six, where I create a point that the reader imagines the setting with shining sun. A fourth poetic device I used is pathetic fallacy. I depicted the sun as a happy sign, and with that it shows the reader being happy. This emphasizes the point of happiness in my poem. Overall, my sonnet “Friends of Dawn” is about friendship. The message is that friendship lasts forever, and I used different forms of structure and language to explain the message. Overall, I think that the screenwriters accomplished it, entertaining audiences back in 1997 with the thrills of 11 percent in Rotten Tomatoes! Those empty nights without you next to me, Those mornings when I see you deep asleep, Inside that tired mind I cannot see, Where all the thoughts and troubles you would keep. Day and night inside your small dark faint room, Beyond the wooden door I cannot see, Call after call, so busy, I assume, But what’s to know if I barely see thee. You are like the dark black color to me Not responsive to the calls from the light; Empty gusts blow back when I look at thee, Why can’t you be like the bright color white? What did I know? What can I even say? It’s all for me at the end of the day. Commentary: The shakespearean sonnet i have created mainly expresses the sadness,anger and complain because of the lack of love my father gives to me because he is too busy. However, in the last two lines, i state that i understand that his hard work is all for me. The tone of my poem is mainly a complaint tone for the first 3 quatrains, but later in the couplet i change to a more comforting tone and express that i understand. The rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF which is the rhyme scheme for a shakespearean sonnet. Throughout the poem, i have used a variety of poetic devices to make the poem more appealing to the reader. I have used metaphor, simile, visual imagery, personification, assonance and alliteration in my poem. In the poem i have used these poetic devices, not only to make it more appealing to the reader, but to also help to create tone and express my theme. Sonnet 626 Lettered Future By Anonymous, Contributor By Anonymous, Contributor Never have I once imagined such love What would I do without you beside me For the wings of a mesmerising dove Shall embrace the love from your heart maybe Dear me of the future, how are you now? I write from the past, in the hot summer Please remember this small meaningful vow We swear upon as I write and wonder. You are the brightest burning star by far, The tree that blossoms every winter fall. Dancing flows of larva bursting afar, Thou flaws are ever endlessly small What would he want to remember from here? The joys? The sadness? The long, slow lessons? Would he want them to slowly disappear With times he wished to spend with that person? Guilt once left me wondering vast For crimes of wistful stealing thou may sublime. Never have you once doubted me at last, Treating as though I were the last dime Though we may have grown helplessly apart You will forever remain in my heart. Commentary: The main theme and topic of this sonnet is based on unconditional love from friends and family. In the first stanza, one has described how they feel towards this kind of love.By expressing that I have never imagined such love, this would create empathy towards one as an effect from the readers. The second stanza mainly consists of metaphors regarding the counterpart, comparing him or her against nature using personification. In the third stanza, one gave a detailed account of their past encounters and how they were grateful for the counterpart for not giving up on them. As a conclusion, one portrayed their emotions towards the other and how they will still remain in one’s heart no matter how far apart they are physically. I have written a sonnet named “Friends Of Dawn”. This sonnet is about love in the sense of friendship. It talks about how a strong friendship lasts forever even if they aren’t physically around you. Overall, I think that the film is mediocre. The film focuses on too much subplots than the plot itself, giving the effect of a lack of plot at the first glance. The lack of Joker is one of the biggest warning signs as this makes Batman nearly nothing good to do. I’m not expecting a grand scheme, but at least find him to buy some time would be much better. By Anonymous, Contributor Analysis Despite its flaws, I also need to compliment the tone. The tone is much more similar to TDKR as it explore the abilities of being a vigilante and its limits. It also features a much darker Batman. In TDKR Batman snaps Joker’s neck and in BvS Batman does use a gun, mirroring his early appearances (in which he uses a gun) and he also tortures evil-doers for information. However, I think that the quality of TDKR is much more better than BvS as it handles its subplots much more better. Thus, I hope that Warner Brothers learnt that this means just because the film has a lot of content does not mean that the quality would be good. It was a fun time before you had gone, I will always see you when it is dawn. I was also disappointed by Cyborg and Aquaman too, as they serve as little the equivalent of a cameo. However, the Flash’s cameo is extremely satisfying for some strange reason. This is because it tells a lot about the potential future in which Superman becomes insane after Lois dies. This is similar as the story of the video game Injustice: Gods Among Us, which is Mortal Kombat with a twist: A roster of DC characters ranging from Aquaman to Zod. The video game is actually pretty awesome and I suggest you guys to check it out. Doomsday is a whole new level of awesomeness. It is extremely faithful to the comic books, but I think the fight seemed to be too short as in the story arc “The Death of Superman”, there was over 10 issues, not including the aftermath. Thus, Snyder’s execution can be summarised as pathetic. Anyway, the fights scenes are decent, and it surprises me as there isn’t any slow motion. Snyder is infamous for his fetish in slow motion. For example, in 300, there are a lot of slow motion fight scenes. The damage done to Gotham City and Metropolis is significantly lower than Man of Steel (which had 2 billion dollars worth of damage), which makes much more sense. Friendship had built between the two of us, It was not long ago we were alone. Of all the times we walked, or took the bus, The nice photo that we took on my phone. There are also appearances of much less known characters or easter eggs which you didn’t get, such KGBeast, which in the film he is Anatoli Knyazev, Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman’s love interest in the comics, Mother Box (the weird box in Cyborg’s video in which in the comics it was a supercomputer used by The New Gods), The Flash (as a civilian stopping a robbery at a Grocery Store), Darkseid (The guy that controls the mosquito monsters during Flash’s dream, Lex’s warning to Batman, and the Omega symbol), Joker (“Freaks dressed like clowns), Robin (possibly Jason Todd, as it in the comics he was killed off by Joker, only resurrected during as Red Hood), Riddler (the question mark graffiti) and finally The JLA (Batman, Superman and Wonder woman teaming up). It’s All For Me At The End Of The Were my feelings better hidden? Unsaid? Would it have changed my life for the better? What if I hadn’t run away from dread? Is it better to save it for later? And so, as I seal this vow between us I hope you’ll make the right choice, as you must. Commentary This sonnet is written in the format of a letter, where the protagonist wrote it for their future self to read. In the sonnet, the protagonist is hesitating over whether or not they should keep their feelings for themselves or confess. In the end, the protagonist doesn’t confess, and writes this letter to tell their future self to decide whether then is the right time or not. The protagonists hopes her future self does not regret her decision not to confess. Even though it isn’t directly written out, the main idea of the sonnet is to show that “Nothing gold can stay”, and that they shouldn’t have taken their time for granted. ONLINE EXCLUSIVE-A&E VOLUME V - EDITION V - #31 Omniscience By Jay Ku, Soon-to-be Alumni In the beginning, there was only darkness. Nothing existed but the chaos and the seemingly eternal oblivion that was once the universe. There was only singularity. Time didn’t even begin to exist, nothing had meaning at all, let alone living things, planets, galaxies… That was the universe that we all came to know today. But then, for a moment, I came to be. It all happened so quickly; I was born in the middle of a vast space of mere nothingness for a fraction of a moment, and a blinding, destructive cosmic explosion followed my birth. It was overwhelming. Needless to say, the explosion spreaded throughout the whole universe, forming interstellar clouds of dust and gas. They stayed there, floating motionlessly in the middle of the vast space. Gradually, they clustered together, forming planets, solar systems, then discs of galaxies… It would have been a magnificent sight for any sentient being, but alas I was the only one to view it fully. Emotions meant nothing to me that time, neither did time, which was the reason why I merely observed what would be called the birth of the universe for eons. Besides observing, I did nothing else; I perceived every single event that happened, but did nothing, nor could I interact with anything within my immediate vicinity at all, if I wanted to. I was but a spectator of time. I witnessed the formation of a bright, orange yellow sun, as it was began to form from extreme quantities of heated gas. Rocks, now planets, began to orbit around the large ball of glaring, intense heat. Nine planets, heated rocks of various sizes circled around the sun quickly, as their surfaces began to reshape and adjust to this lingering genesis of this particular solar system. I have taken an interest in this solar system, and I could foresee a rather… intriguing future in one of its planets; the third planet away from the sun. I witnessed mountains of fire erupting and forming, beginning to show me its true potential of destruction. For some reason, I found it beautiful. The delightful sight of the solid form that was the result of molten liquid and gas condensed and cooled. The surface of Earth, which I had taken the liberty to give such a simple name, began to form as more of it cooled down. As I was marvelling at the beauty of these solid planets, tremendous rocks raced into Earth, and began to bombard its surface, not sparing the a single piece of the planet of the havoc wreaked upon it. For the first time , I felt sadness and overprotectiveness; I wanted to stop them, to stop the rocks from ruining my precious Earth, as they continuously attacked the surface I once marvelled at. Around four Earth’s orbital cycles later, the bombardment stopped, and it left me in sadness, disappointed that it was no longer beautiful, but I sensed something coming. Due to the heat brought by the destruction, the surface of the Earth began to reshape and reform, and mountains of molten rock rose from the ground, and began sprouting soot, flaming and molten rock from their rigid brims. I no longer felt bad for the suffering the Earth had to endure, but instead felt pleasure for it, for the extreme makeover might have been worth what would happen next. I decided to ignore the growth of the rest of the universe, for my interest had grown as I watched the Earth begin to form landscapes naturally. Immense mountains towered over the vast sea and the single piece of land the former had surrounded. Climate changes came and went, and yet it had never gotten "old" to me. Time was the most trivial subject that I could ever think of, for I... I was no tangible, nor living being. What was thousands of millennia felt like minutes to me, as what had actually happened was a deep contrast to what I had perceived; day came as quickly as night came in a matter of seconds. Time was trivial to me, thanks to my omniscience. I was eternal; I was immortal, but I was intangible. I was not a living being, rather a mere spectator of the world. I was stuck between the limbo of existence. This was a price to pay for being omniscient, but I'll have to admit that it was worth it. Despite my own flaws, I had paid attention to every detail, every motion... Every life. Yes, I had realized that I had missed a particular detail within the encompassing ocean: a single cellular being - no, a whole new wonder of the world was beginning to thrive. The new species had began to evolve into multicellular underwater beings, some with tentacles, gills, fins... Years passed, and the animals slowly came out from their hiding and bravely embraced the land, as the earth, too, had commenced separating and formed other lands. Plantlife had begun to thrive as well. So did the creatures. Dry lands, empty lands spread plant life everywhere habitable, and the population of creatures flourished. I observed the creatures growing from single-celled beings to a dominant reptilian race, along with some other mammalian species, as well. Most of the reptilian race were large in size, as the strong devoured the weak, whom were trying to survive by running and hiding. Then came an old friend of mine: a meteor. Like millions of years ago, I felt the same dread that had washed over me when the shower had bombarded the young Earth, but I accepted the inevitable as I again watched it obliterate every creature unlucky enough to be within the blast radius. The large reptilian species were absolutely exterminated, leaving the smaller ones to survive and pass on their young. Life went on. Survivors of the meteor blast gradually evolved, and adapted to the new environment they were presented with. Millions of years passed again, and I had never gotten bored of observing the peculiar behavior of those creatures inhabiting my precious Earth for generations, a world that I had decided to take possession in and focus on; a world that I had nothing to do with. I was eternal and I could see, hear, and sense everything. I sometimes question my existence, but even my omniscient knowledge couldn’t answer the question: “Why do I exist? What am I, really?”, so I had given up, and continued to watch nature take its course. Evolution continued to progress, as a primitive being who was able to walk on two hind legs, had began to lose hair, and slowly, they possessed little hair, unlike their ancestors. Those evolved primitive creatures, which I had called homo sapiens, had invented tools and artificial fire in order to keep themselves alive. Their brains were developing at a fast speed, as the race grew smarter every generation. Eventually, the homo sapiens had built shelters made of basic materials,, formed civilizations, cultivated lands, threw away their traditional hunter-gatherer ways of life, and began to gather livestock and bred them. These… humans, were much more superior than the other creatures that inhabited the earth. I was beyond intrigued of how advanced the humans had advanced, and I strived to achieve any means necessary to find a way to interact or see it for myself, experiencing their lifestyle, even if it meant discarding and shirking my responsibilities as an Spectator. Using every bit of my effort, I had formed a tangible body around me, but I knew that it wasn’t able to sustain my TELL ME A STORY - ONLINE EXCLUSIVE sheer spirit, but it was enough for me to find a civilization and interact with them… just this once, and defy my nature. Appearing in front of a squire of a human city, with their dirt walls and towering trees surrounding the area, my ethereal form had become mortal. I stood in the middle of a crowd of humans, and for the first time in my existence, I saw what humans had been able to comprehend of my physique. Because of me struggling to sustain a mortal body with my latterly discovered immense power, my body was barely human at all, but visible to the humans. I was able to maintain a naked, transparent humanoid body adequate with limbs, a torso and head. I was genderless, thus I had no reproductive organs, unlike these magnificent beings before me. They stared at my direction, eyes wide in shock. Fear in their eyes, I could sense alienation from this civilization. I approached a bewildered female human being, who was carrying her offspring in her arms. I struggled to speak in their complex language, “Hello.” Simply by touching, I had inadvertently erased the female from existence. Her form had suddenly disappeared, leaving her fellow humans even more astonished. I honestly didn’t mean it. I had already crossed my border, and I had had enough of what I have done. I abandoned the my mortal husk and my desire to interact with the humans. After a while, humans had began worshipping me due to my powers demonstrated in front of them. They had began worshipping me as some sort of supreme deity. Calling me as a ‘god’, or the all powerful, all-knowing lord over them. Of course, I would have denied, but I didn’t dare set foot and cause destruction again and allow my powers to defile this land. I had wronged once, and I must never take any chances. The humans had began to form groups of belief in “honour” of me; they had built monuments, shrines and temples to worship me, weekly, and called me God. Of course, I was flattered as I stayed in my own realm of omniscience, but then humans became corrupted and did nature defying acts in my name. Some others disagreed with the conventional belief, and called me other names and based several other gods on me. I cared not for such religions. Conflict led to bloodshed. I watched, and realized that these humans were weak. They were pathetic without something leading them to a certain goal, and were doomed in a destructive future. Civilizations were incomplete without a powerful being. I had come to realize that humans needed something besides their superiority over the other creatures and their intellect; but something to truly to believe in: Me. The first couple of centuries of aiding the humans in their endeavors have been proven useless, as they took the “miracles” I had created for granted, however, I continued to watch and observed their actions, as their devotion to me had gotten out of hand. I ignored them, and moved onto the real progress humans have made. Surely religion is not the only thing they were able to create? Humans were able to use their ingenuity to invent tools to aid them. Centuries after my first encounter with the humans, they have been able to collect minerals and metals from the ground. They also invented a sort of amalgamation of noises of different sounds, pitches and rhythms, which was ‘music’. I could see a bright future for them, despite contradicting their evil nature. The only thing I could do right now is to continue to mourn for the female I had inadvertently killed, and continue to watch, as I have named myself “Observer”. Millennia passed. Unsurprisingly, humans have progressed significantly, around two millennia after a man claiming to be a son of mine was cruelly sacrificed. I felt pity for the man, but that’s just how life goes. A lot has happened ever since that crucifixion happened. People were more devoted to the worship of religion, and desperately needed a savior. On the other hand, during those two millennia, humans have waged wars, invented advanced tools, weapons, machinery and have discovered new things that I have already knew of. Twentieth century since the crucifixion; two heated, global wars were waged between the Earth’s colossal nations. I merely observed as humans killed each other off, and possibly doing even more inhumane acts. Although I could be considered as a god, I could do nothing but ‘live’ up to the name I had given myself. I could crush human civilisations like stepping on anthills. I could use my powers for evil, but I chose to hide them away. I have ignored my reputation as a god, and continue to observe. There were indeed a few particular humans I have despised during the second World War waged between globally: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zhe Dong... But I admired their tenacity and their abilities. They were able to lead the weak ones to their goals, but what they did was unforgivable. Fortunately, things slowly calmed down, as the humans began to slowly evolve, loosening their binds, thanks to a large number of revolutionaries and freedom fighters who sought to help others over the centuries. They were the light that brought hope to me when I thought the fate of all humans was doomed. The twenty-first century was considered a revolutionary year for humans, as their technology advanced even more, with science aiding their findings and innovative inventions. Humans can be debatably leeches or assets for the growth of life. You see, majority of the animal extinctions, climate changes, calamities and many more disasters were caused by the greed of the homo sapiens. A minority of them strived to at least minimalise this by dedicating their lives to fight against this. I watched, and began to wonder, despite my omniscience: What is the purpose for everything? Obviously, my purpose was to observe. The purpose for animals was to sustain the food chain, and the purpose for nature was to help sustain life, but what of humans? Animals had still thrived peacefully without humans. I came to a solution: Evolution. Evolution was inevitable, and to adapt to new environments, living beings adapt to them by inadvertently changing their bodies and how they work, thus being able to survive, but I digress. Observing the growth of this planet was my job, and I was not supposed to become VOLUME V - EDITION 1 - #27 bored with merely looking at the big picture. I needed something to entertain me, something that I would less likely fuel my strife at human nature, so I sondered. Sondering is an act of looking at a random passerby and realising that they have the same complex life as the sonderer, despite the fact that I am no such mortal being, but I sondered nonetheless. I picked a small city in India: Pondicherry, and began to look into everyone’s lives. I watched an infant grow and be raised in a happy Hindu family, fully supported by his parents, who owned a zoo. They did not share the beliefs as the people who believed in me, but I viewed every human as the same. He grew into an average teenager, and as he grew up, he grew an independent mind. Slightly straying from his religion, he had also believed in to others, claiming that he just wants to love ‘God’. Surprised, I had taken an interest in this mortal. One day, he and his parents had set out to Canada after being forced to move with the zoo. Unfortunately, the freighter ship that had carried the family and the zoo was wrecked, leaving the boy alone to survive on a lifeboat, accompanied by a Bengal tiger. I watched over him, as he and the Bengal tiger coexisted. The beast had kept him sane, as the boy returned the favor by keeping it alive. I would have expected the boy to take a chance to slay it while the beast trusted him, but he proved me wrong by growing an attachment to it. It was simply a magnificent story of this boy to behold, as the odds of survival were slim, but he managed regardless. I watched the boy finally reach shore after nearly a year stranded in the Pacific Ocean, and continued to live his life. Sometimes, humans amaze me. In other times, they infuriate me. This is truly an interesting world. Observing it was my nature, and I intend to keep it that way. I look forward to the future. My observation was simply something to keep me occupied, and an unsettling question has been annoying since humans started to evolve: Everything has a beginning and an end. Since this world has began, this means there must be an end, and there must be a world before that. My omniscience only allows me to see what has happened and I remember every single detail, but I know not of the future, nor the past. I questioned everything, despite all I could do is observe. I wanted to know what was the world before this one, and the future of it. Sometimes I wonder if there will ever be an end to this universe. How will this universe end? I know not of the future, therefore I assume that it will end with simply… Oblivion. —The End— The Power of Silence By Abbey Chan, The Oxford dictionary defines “Silence” as “Complete absence of sound”, if you cannot hear anything then you are in silence. “Silence” origins from the Middle English, from Old French, from Latin “silentium”, from “silere” meaning to be silent. Silence can be perceived in different perspectives; a philosophical thought experiment from George Berkeley an Irish philosopher published a book called “A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge” (1710) states that "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" This raises questions regarding observation and knowledge of reality. The fact that some people who have better hearing then most are able to hear more sounds; that means if one person thinks that it is quiet, the other might think that there is silence. For example, a younger person may hear highpitched noises whilst older people might not. But then again there is a possibility of them using hearing aid. A person in a room may not hear any sounds, but a person with hearing aid may be able to hear sounds. Silence is an experience, it just simply never happens while we are alive. If one is in an anechoic chamber, an area deliberately created to exclude all external sounds and minimize absolutely any sound we may make when inside it, we 'hear', very loudly, the sound of our blood being pumped through the veins close to our ears. But because the silent environment is so strange and foreign to us, our receptive mechanism for sound is 'turned up' high, and what we actually hear is perceived to be extremely loud. Some think that the perception of silence is felt to be portentous, and with all our senses keyed up, whatever we 'hear' will be greatly magnified. There is a well-known idiom “Speech is silver, Silence is golden”, silence is important for paying respect to people. It is not deferential to disturb someone who is speaking out their thoughts; it is not polite to make slurping sounds while drinking or talking while eating. It is not polite to share your opinions during a movie; it is just as rude as getting every last drop of soda through a straw in an almost empty cup. Silence is valued and required when reflecting about something and it is important to be quiet when people are praying, to be respectful to people’s beliefs. It allows people to listen to one another more effectively; it gives you a clear view into the hearts of others. It is difficult to concentrate on a test or assignment if someone is making noises. When reading a book, the presence of silence is appreciated, in some cases welcoming and soothing. If someone is focusing on playing a video game and someone makes a sudden noise, it affects the person's reflexes, it causes that person to falter and the words “GAME OVER” will appear on the pitch-black screen. When you drive, disruptions from other people in the car or from a cell phone can distract the driver, causing disastrous accidents to occur and putting other people’s lives in danger. Managing Editor Silence can also be found when you are in the deep side of pool, surrounded by the water. And you look up and see how the light bounces off the surface of the pool, while the tightening feeling of the your chest increases and the absence of your breath decreases. And when you resurface, breaking through the water like a dolphin, taking in generous amounts of air into your lungs the silence of either fear or relief is over, you realized the beauty of silence for a moment either calms you or pictures flashes through your mind that you may be in silence forever. With silence, speeches are made more dramatic with the powerful silence between the lines, creating suspense and capturing the audience’s attention. It is used in music, to distinguish other periods of sound and allow dynamics, melodies and rhythms to have greater impact on the listeners. It is the same silence that holds the tension in the air after a heated argument, the tension so thick that you could slice it open with a sharp knife. It is the same silence that is equivalent to an empty paper, like when your heart is blank and deprived from sensation. It is the silence that makes people feel lonely to the core of their hearts, empty like the endless depths of the ocean and isolated from the rest of the world. It is the same silence that rests between lovers, the comfortable peaceful silence that no words are needed to be spoken, because simply sometimes silence speaks louder than words. SIlence is loud because it commands attention, it demands to be heard. It is the same silence when you exchange eye contact between you and your friends across the room, like a different type of Morse code that only you two could understand. It is the same word, “silence” that is used in famous works like Shakespeare, “Silence is the perfectest herald of joy. I were but little happy” Much Ado About Nothing, (Act 2, Scene 1, line 317) from Claudio, as he speaks to Beatrice about Hero. “Seeing her sitting there unresponsive makes me realize that silence has a sound.” Was said from Jodi Picoult’s novel, My Sister’s Keeper, this means sometimes even if we don’t speak, our actions speaks louder than our words. Even to the eyes of other people, including our loved ones. It is the same feeling when you receive bad news from someone, when you become paralyzed, numbed, silencing the outside world as the newfound news sinks into the depths of your mind, clouding all your judgments. Right from the beginning, before the Big Bang, the cosmic universe only consisted silence, where no form of life existed except for the constant flow of stars, galaxies and mere silence. It is the equilibrium of sound waves that we learn in Physics, the opposing force of sound and how it travels. But now, the form of silence can be rarely heard. The constant bustling noises of the city, the busy traffic and blaring car horns, the never ending shouts and yells heard, even if sound appears as whispers, silence can be rarely heard. A picture is silent, it is not a video yet it is worth more than a thousand words; this could be spoken about the refugee crisis from Syria. During September 2015, a picture depicted a dark-haired toddler, wearing a brightred T-shirt and shorts, lying face down in the surf not far from Turkey’s fashionable resort town of Bodrum. The contrast between where the photo was taken and the toddler’s death was ironic. Within hours, the picture went viral, it sparked up controversy online on social media platforms like Twitter under the hashtag #KiyiyaVuranInsanlik (humanity washed ashore). This showed how refugees have to fight and survive in silence, the harsh reality of how a little three year old’s life ended just because his family was running away form the war, and hoping to seek a better life. And reflects on how big of a impact war has on modern civilization. And although we can no longer find ourselves blanketed by the veil of silence, we conform ourselves to activities that give us the same sense of peace, like reading, meditation or yoga. I am incomplete when I am not in a noisy environment for I grew up where noise is apart of whom I am, a part of my society. However some might argue that silence is not powerful, that it is not golden to the hearing deprive group of people. Some people choose to have selective deaf ears, like if our parents nag us about school work or how you didn’t do this, or you didn’t do that. But parents only nag because they care about you, and what you to have a better like. So in this case, is silence powerful or is it just a tool? No matter how we perceive or try to attain silence, we never truly have it. For when we try to get away from the noise of life by going into a quiet room, removing all distractions, making ourselves stop thinking, and just craning your neck to hear the sound of deafening silence. To some it might be scary, to some it might be comforting, but nonetheless silence will always speak louder then any gaze, words, actions or behaviour. You are most powerful when you are in silence, because people never expect silence. They expect words, actions, defense, and offense, back and forth. They expect you to leap into the fray; and they will be ready, with their fists up, words like acid dripping from the corners of their mouth ready to spit at you. But if you remain silent, their acid-like words will be swallowed by their own pride, and you will be safe, because you kept quiet. And that is the power of silence. TELL ME A STORY - ONLINE EXCLUSIVE THE VIC - APRIL - 2016 Have a break; read our comics. By: Raphaele Guillemot, Artist HIGH STUDENTS GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL LIKE MED By: Sze Hang Lo, Editor March winds and April showers, please, black rain for a couple of hours! By: Sze Hang Lo, Editor COMICS IN TECHNOLOGY By:Jay Ku, Artist Online comics—webcomics—are growing popular among teenagers and adults who love visual stories on the go. Because of online servers and publishers, artists receive a chance to display their comic to a larger online community and audience. These websites include Hiveworks, Tapastic, and Webtoon, all of which are accessible online, without having to sign in or register using an account. In addition, some websites like Webtoon and Tapastic also have mobile apps, bringing easier access. As such a versatile and flexible type of comic, webcomics are beneficial to both the readers and the artists; providing free but good quality entertainment and convenience while also publicising the artist’s skills and artwork. VIC COMICS - ONLINE EXCLUSIVE