platinum metals review - Johnson Matthey Technology Review
platinum metals review - Johnson Matthey Technology Review
UK ISSN 0032-1400 PLATINUM METALS REVIEW A quarterly survey of research on the platinum metals and of developments in their application in industry VOL. 36 JANUARY 1992 NO. 1 Contents Catalysts for Nitrogen Oxides Control under Lean Burn Conditions 2 Rhodium-Iron Resistance Thermometer 11 111-V Semiconductor Vapour Growth 12 Tungsten-Iridium Alloys at High Temperatures 13 Reduction of Platinum Corrosion in Molten Glass 14 Platinum Group Organometallics 26 Osmium-Ruthenium Coatings 33 An Important Work of Reference 34 Efficient Ruthenium Dye-Sensitised Solar Cell 38 Versatility of Palladium Compounds 39 Platinum in the Eighteenth Century 40 Abstracts 48 New Patents 60 Communications should be addressed to The Editor, Platinum Metals Review Johnson Matthey Public Limited Company, Hatton Garden, London ECl N 8EE Catalysts for Nitrogen Oxides Control under Lean Burn Conditions THE OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY TO COMPLEMENT PLATINUM GROUP METAL AUTOCATALYSTS By T. J. Truex Johnson Matthey Technology Centre R. A. Searles Johnson Matthey Catalytic Systems Division, Royston and D. C. Sun Johnson Matthey Catalytic Systems Division, Wayne Regulations to control the exhaust emissions from motor vehicles are being adopted by more and more countries around the world, and in future more stringent regulations will be introduced, particularly in the U.S.A. and Europe. This, together with the need to show good pollution control under real-world driving conditions, has led to the widespread introduction of closed-loop, three-way catalysts based on the use of platinum group metal technology. “he increasing concern about emissions of carbon dioxide, as well as the three traditional pollutants, offers an opportunity f o r catalyst technology to control nitrogen oxides from both fuel eficient lean burn petrol engines and from diesel engines, thus complementing the use of platinum group metals catalysts to control nitrogen oxides and other emissions. This paper reviews the development of “leanNOx” technology based on the use of zeolite supported catalysts; it highlights the promise shown and the shortcomings still to be overcome. Over the last 25 years the motor vehicle has increasingly become a cause for concern on environmental issues. This initially led to the control of carbon monoxide, because of the potential build-up of this toxic gas in congested city centres, and of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, both precursors of the photochemical smog and low level ozone prevalent in some regions, particularly in the Los Angeles basin. Now the motor vehicle is identified as the contributor of around 15 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide is the main “greenhouse” gas contributing to perhaps 50 per cent of the predicted global warming and is of course the inevitable product of burning carbon-containing fossil fuels. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (l), 2-11 The twin goals of low and efficient fuel use and minimum emissions are increasingly being addressed by research in both the motor and the catalyst industries of the world. The Lean Burn Engine In various prototype forms the lean burn engine has been around for nearly 25 years. However, successful and widespread usage of this engine has been restricted by increasingly strict control on the level of pollutants emitted under the full range of engine operating conditions (1). Recent developments have included the evolution of lean operating two-stroke engines (Figure 1). Lean burn operation involves the burning of 2 Fig. 1 Among lean burn engines under development that would benefit from using lean-nitrogen oxides catalysts is the Orbital 2-stroke engine, shown here fuel with an excess of air, in ratios up to 24 parts of air to one part of fuel. Under these conditions nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide emissions are at a minimum, but hydrocarbons can rise at the onset of unstable combustion, as can be seen in Figure 2. Engine design to increase the swirl of the aidfuel charge can increase the air:fuel ratio at which misfire starts and minimise, but not prevent, hydrocarbon emissions. The main reason that lean burn engines have not so far had widespread acceptance has been that the power output from an engine falls as the fuelling moves to leaner operation. This means that to meet driver expectations of performance and drivability a rich fuel setting is LEAN \\ 1 ENGINE 1 Hydrocarbons I 10.1 1i:l . . 14:l (4.7.1 16:l ie:i 20:l 22:l 24:l A I R : FUEL RATIO, by weight Fig. 2 These four curves indicate trends which apply to all petrol engines. Under lean burn operation fuel is burnt with an excess of air at ratios of up to 24 parts of air to 1 part of fuel, and it can be seen that nitrogen oxides and carbon oxides emissions are at a minimum, but that hydrocarbon emissions can rise at the start of unstable combustion. When there is excess fuel, the engine power is high but high levels of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide are emitted. Peak combustion temperatures occur just on the lean side of the stoichiometric composition and result in the highest emissions of nitrogen oxides Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 3 Table I European Regulations I I II 1 9 9 2 Standards in gramslkm I Pollutants Carbon monoxide nitrogen oxides Hydrocarbons Particulates/diesel + Type approval 2.72 0.97 0.14 I Production 3.16 1.13 0.18 On 1/7/92 applies to new models; on 31/12/92 applies to all new registrations provided for acceleration, high speed cruising and hill climbing, thus causing nitrogen oxides emissions to increase. The Diesel Engine The only true lean burn engine in widespread use is the diesel engine. The diesel engine stays in the lean operating region under all engine conditions. The petrol engine is throttled on the air intake, and ultimate power from a given engine is limited by the amount of air that the engine can “breathe”. Conversely the diesel engine is unthrottled and its power output is determined by the amount of fuel that is injected into the combustion chamber. The maximum fuel input level is controlled by the onset of unacceptable levels of smoke or particulate formation. To limit particulate emissions to acceptable or legislated levels it is necessary for the diesel engine always to operate in the lean region (2). This means that the diesel engine has a significantly lower power output than a petrol engine of the same capacity. Three-Way Catalyst Operation Conventional three-way catalysts, based on the use of combinations of platinum group metals - platinum, palladium and rhodium - can convert over 90 per cent of the three main pollutants carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides (3). They do this by the exhaust gas being controlled by an airfuel ratio (or lambda) sensor around the so-called Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) stoichiometric point at which neither air nor fuel is in excess at the intake to the engine; for a typical petrol composition this is at a ratio of 14.7 parts of air to 1 part of petrol. Under lean conditions the three-way catalyst will act as an oxidation catalyst controlling carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions, but the conversion of the nitrogen oxides emissions falls to very low levels. Limitations to Lean Operation as Legislation Tightens The introduction of lean bum engines is limited by a number of key factors. The European driving cycle, during which the emissions from motor cars are measured against the legislated levels, has been changed. The original City Test Cycle was based on inner city driving in congested traffic with a top speed of 50 k.p.h. (31 m.p.h.) and an average speed of 18.8 k.p.h. (11.7 m.p.h.). Under these conditions a typical car might need to use only 15 per cent of its maximum available power, so that lean operation would be possible throughout the cycle. However, the realisation that a major contribution to regional and global pollution is made by motor vehicles operating at high speeds on highways led to the addition of the Extra Urban Driving Cycle (EUDC), which includes speeds up to 120 k.p.h. (75 m.p.h.) and needs more power than the City Test Cycle. This causes greater nitrogen oxides emissions. The new European Community directive, 4 Fig. 3 The U.S. Federal Standards include a timetable for the progressive reduction of pollutant emissions in exhaust gas: hydrocarbon reduction from 0.41 glmile in 1991, to 0.125 glmile in 2004 carbon monoxide reduction from 3.4 glmile in 1991 to 1.7 glmile in 2004 nitrogen oxides reduction from 1.O glmile in 1991 to 0.2 glmile in 2004 4 2 E3 E 9c 5 VI L" 5 1 1991 1994 to 1996 (40%) llW%) 2004 YEARS published on 30th August 1991 (4), sets maximum pollution levels for all sizes of motor cars (Table I) and is based on the combined City and EUDC cycles. The standards will necessitate the use of closed loop, three-way catalysts on all new models sold from 1st July 1992 and on all new cars registered for sale after 31st December 1992. In the U.S. new, more demanding Federal and Californian standards have been set. The former will reduce the allowed hydrocarbon emissions by 40 per cent and nitrogen oxides emissions by 60 per cent, by 1996 (Figure 3). Californian standards call for increasingly lower and lower emissions, culminating in a requirement for all motor vehicle manufacturers to include 10 per cent of zero emissions vehicles in their fleets by 2003 (Figure 4 and Table 11). The Californian standards are also expected to be adopted by 13 states in north eastern U.S.A., which together account for nearly 40 per cent of U.S. car sales. 100 80 1 c 8 60 P) L c ' 40 LL 1 20 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 YEARS 2000 2001 2002 2003 Fig. 4 Californian standards give a timetable for lower emissions and call for motor vehicle manufacturers to include 10 per cent of zero emission vehicles in their fleets by 2003 a zero emission vehieles ultra low emission vehicles low emission vehicles Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 0 transitional low emission vehicles 1993 standards 1991 standards 5 Table II Californian Standards Emission limits, gramshile Year and standard I Hydrocarbons Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxides 0.39 0.25 0.125 0.075 0.04 0 7.0 3.4 3.4 3.4 1.7 0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 1991 1993 1994 (TLEV) 1997 (LEV) 1997 (ULEV) 1998 (ZEV) The European Commission will propose tougher standards for the European Community by the end of 1992, for agreement during 1993 and with implementation expected in 1996. It is anticipated that these will be similar to the new U.S.Federal standards. These increasing restrictions on nitrogen oxides emissions and the inclusion of real-world driving conditions mitigates against the use of lean burn engines, unless the emissions of nitrogen oxides can be limited in the engine or controlled externally. Removal of Nitric Oxide under Lean Operation Nitric oxide is thermodynamically unstable relative to nitrogen and oxygen under the full range of exhaust gas stoichiometries and temperatures encountered in internal combustion engines (5). A number of catalysts were studied during the 1970s, including platinum group metals and metal oxides (6) and some were found to decompose nitric oxide, but none of these had sufficiently high activity to be of practical importance. In their reduced states, these catalysts are rapidly oxidised by nitric oxide, with release of nitrogen. Oxygen is retained on the catalyst surface, however, inhibiting further nitric oxide adsorption and decomposition. Reducing agents are required to remove this surface oxygen and regenerate catalyst activity. Selective catalytic reduction using ammonia as Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) the reducing agent has been utilised for the removal of nitric oxide from industrial boilers and gas turbines under conditions of excess oxygen (7). Careful stoichiometric control of the ammonia must be maintained to assure efficient nitric oxide removal without emission of surplus ammonia. For transportation applications this process is not practical because of the problems associated with the storage of ammonia, and controlling ammonia injection under transient conditions. An active and durable nitric oxide decomposition catalyst, or a selective reduction catalyst utilising reducing species present in the engine exhaust stream would be a major breakthrough for the control of nitric oxide in transportation applications. Recent literature reports and work conducted by Johnson Matthey now indicate that progress is being made towards developing these catalyst technologies employing platinum group metals. New Nitric Oxide Decomposition Catalysts Copper-exchangedzeolites have high activity for the catalytic decomposition of nitric oxides according to Iwamoto and co-workers (8). A number of zeolite systems were investigated including Mordenite, Ferrierite, L-type and ZSM-5, with the Cu-ZSM-5 system showing the highest activities (9, 10). Using gas mixtures of 0.5-2.1 per cent nitric oxide in helium, with gas hourly space velocities of 10-80,000 6 per hour, nitric oxide conversions of 13 to 60 per cent were reported. Maximum conversions to nitrogen were observed at about 5OO0C, with the degree of decomposition decreasing at higher temperatures. This is apparently due to a change in mechanism, as opposed to catalyst degradation, as the same conversions were observed with decreasing catalyst temperature after high temperature operation. Water and carbon monoxide additions to the gas mixture did not greatly influence activity. The addition of oxygen resulted in a decrease in nitric oxide decomposition activity, although it is claimed that this effect is dependent upon the level of copper exchange in the zeolite, with high levels of exchange resulting in less oxygen inhibition. The addition of sulphur dioxide was found to poison catalyst activity completely in the 400 to 6OOOC temperature range, with restoration of activity being achieved after the high temperature desorption of sulphur. Detailed kinetic studies of nitric oxide decomposition over the Cu-ZSM-5 system have been reported by Li and Hall (11, 12). Their work has shown that the reaction is first order in nitric oxide pressure and inhibited by oxygen. The kinetics can be described in the Langmuir-Hinshelwood form with the inhibition being half-order in oxygen pressure. As with Iwamoto and co-workers, they observed that the nitrogen formed was significantly less than the equivalent nitric oxide which disappeared. This discrepancy was accounted for by nitrogen dioxide which appears in the products as a result of homogeneous reaction of product oxygen with undecomposed nitric oxide downstream of the catalyst. The redox capacity of Cu-ZSM-5 was found to be near 0.5 O:Cu, that is le-. In particular, it was shown that oxygen could be desorbed isothermally from the catalyst surface upon reducing the oxygen partial pressure in the gas stream and that Cu' * was reduced to Cu+I during the desorption of oxygen. Since it is generally believed that the rate of removal of strongly adsorbed product oxygen from the surface limits the nitric oxide decomposition on most catalysts, the continuous desorption of oxygen from the active Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) sites of the Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst during steadystate reaction is felt to be the key to their high sustained activity. Although the above results represent a significant advancement in the development of catalysts for nitric oxide decomposition, major improvements will be required before such systems can be used to control nitric oxide emissions from combustion sources. Nitric oxide concentrations in exhausts of internal combustion engines are generally <3000 ppm, significantly lower than those used in the work reported above. Tests in our laboratories at these concentrations with 5 per cent oxygen present and gas hourly space velocities of 20,000 per hour show little nitric oxide conversion. In addition, the almost complete poisoning of activity by sulphur dioxide in the reaction gas mixture would preclude use with present petroleum-derived fuels. Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide by Hydrocarbons Another significant, and potentially more practical, breakthrough has been the reports by Iwamoto (10, 13, 14), Hamada (15, 16, 17) and Held (18) and co-workers demonstrating the selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide by hydrocarbons in the presence of excess oxygen. Hamada and co-workers have studied nitric oxide reduction over solid acid (19, transition metal promoted alumina and silica (17), and Hform zeolites (16). Some of their results using C,H, as the selective reducing agent are summarked in Table 111. Alumina, titania and zirconia all showed modest activity for the selective reduction of nitric oxide with C, H , . The addition of transition metals to alumina resulted in substantially higher activity, with cobalt and iron presenting the highest conversions. Interestingly, the observation was made that a correlation exists between cobalt aluminate formation and nitric oxide reduction activity. Of the platinum group metals, platinum exhibited the highest activity. As the results presented in Table 111show, the H-form zeolites were the most active catalysts tested by these workers. In all these studies nitric oxide 7 Table 111 Selective Reduction of Nitric Oxide over Solid Acid (15), Transition Metal Promoted Alumina (17) and Zeolite (16) Catalysts Nitric oxide conversion to nitrogen, per cent Catalyst at 3OOOC < SiO, 4 ~ 0 3 TiO, TiO, ZrO, ZrO, 2% Co/AI,O, (blue) 2% Cu/AI,O, (green) 2% Fe/AI,O, (orange) 2% Ni/AI,O, (green) 2% Mn/AI,O, (brown) 0.5% Pt/AI,O, 0.5% Pd/AI,O, 0.5% Rh/AI,O, H-ZSM-5 H-Mordenite HY 1000 ppm NO, 329 ppm C,H.. 0.4 0.5 0.8 - 4.2 14.0 19.0 4.5 13.0 9.0 12.0 13.0 49.0 58.0 9.0 at 4OOOC < 0.6 13.0 4.8 23.0 49.0 23.0 35.0 31 .O 13.0 28.0 5.6 8.9 59.0 65.0 19.0 at 5OOOC < 1.1 32.0 8.9 20.0 29.0 11.0 17.0 40.0 7.4 12.0 5.4 8.5 38.0 48.0 26.0 10% 0, at 3.7 LlHG MHSV Whg mass hourly space velocity1 conversion to nitrogen was observed to go through a maximum with increasing reaction temperature. In the region where significant nitrogen was formed carbon monoxide, in addition to carbon dioxide, was found in the product gas stream. At higher temperatures where nitrogen formation decreases, the hydrocarbon was completely oxidised to carbon dioxide. It was also found that the temperature of maximum nitric oxide reduction to nitrogen was dependent upon the hydrocarbon species, with maximum conversion occurring at a temperature about 100°C lower when C,H, was used as reductant, instead of C,H,. A number of ion-exchanged zeolites have been examined for their selective nitric oxide reduction activity by hydrocarbons (10, 13, 14). Using a gas mixture containing 1000 ppm nitric oxide, 250 ppm C,H,, and 2 per cent oxygen at a mass hourly space velocity of 18 litresihour/gram, the order of activity (temperature for maximum nitric oxide reduction to nitrogen) was copper (250°C)<cobalt Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) (350°C)<H (400°C)<silver (450-600°C)<zinc (6OOOC). Maximum conversions to nitrogen were 30-40 per cent and were relatively independent of the cation. Activities of various copper ion-exchanged zeolites were (conversion to nitrogen at 25OOC): Cu-ZSM-5 (31%)>cuMordenite (26%) Cu-L-type (25%)>cuFerrierite (23%). The effect of space velocity on conversion was studied for Cu-ZSM-5, HZSM-5, and alumina catalysts. Conversion over alumina dropped rapidly at gas hourly space velocities greater than about 5000 per hour, HZSM-5 conversions showed a modest decline in the range of 5-20,000 per hour with a rapid fall at higher space velocities, and conversion over Cu-ZSM-5 was stable up to 48,000 per hour with a fall at higher values. These results show that transition metal ion-exchanged zeolites can have substantially higher activity than the Hform systems, with the copper-exchanged catalysts showing most promise. Using laboratory gas mixtures more typical of engine exhaust, together with actual engine - 8 I Table I V Selective Nitric Oxide Reduction over Copper-Mordenite and Copper-ZSM-5 I Nitric oxide conversion to nitrogen, per cent HC Catalyst (ppm as C , ) Cu-Mordenite CU-ZSM-5 200OC 3OOOC 4OOOC 5OOOC C,H, (1001 C,H, (700) C,H, (2500) C,H, (5000) 0 3 15 38 58 2 13 2 12 33 45 2 2 6 8 C,H, (700) C,H, (2500) C,H, (5000) C,H, (2500) CH, (250) - 23 12 20 3 4 3 - 0 0 12 16 12 0 0 40 55 30 50 68 15 0 47 58 43 0 6OOOC 40 37 7 250 ppm NO. HC ias indicatedl. 5% 0,. 1 3 %CO,, and 10% H,O in N, at 20,000ih gas hourly space velocity evaluation, Held and co-workers (18) have reported results on a number of transition metal ion-exchanged zeolites. Cu-Mordenite; Cr-, Fe-, Mn-, V-, Cu-, Co-, Ni-, and Ag-Y zeolite; CuX zeolite; and Ir-, Pt-, Rh-, Ni-, Co-,and CuZSM-5 were all reported to have some activity for selective reduction of nitric oxide by hydrocarbons in the presence of excess oxygen. The Cu ion-exchanged systems showed the highest activities of those tested. They also showed that there was an inhibition of activity when water was added to the reaction gas mixture. Studies of the two most active catalyst systems, Cu-ZSM-5 and Cu-Mordenite, with a gas mixture containing 1000 ppm nitric oxide, 400 ppm C,H,, and 1.5 per cent oxygen at 35OOC and a gas hourly space velocity of 13,000 per hour showed that nitric oxide conversions over Cu-Mordenite dropped from 37 to 17 per cent with the inclusion of 10 per cent water vapour. Under the same conditions, the more hydrophobic Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst showed a drop in nitric oxide conversion from 50 to 37 per cent. A conventional autocatalyst monolithic substrate was coated with CuZSM-5 for engine evaluation. Under steadystate conditions at about 4OOOC inlet temperature and a gas hourly space velocity of Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) approximately 15,000per hour, nitrogen oxides conversions of 35 to 45 per cent were observed at air:fuel ratios of 17.5-19: 1. A correlation exists between nitrogen oxides conversion and the hydrocarbonxitrogen oxides ratio in the exhaust gas mixtllre, with the highest nitrogen oxides conversions occurring at the highest hydrocarb0n:nitrogen oxides ratios. In our laboratories, monolithic substrates have been coated with Cu-Mordenite and CuZSM-5 catalysts for laboratory flow reactor and engine evaluation. Laboratory flow reactor results are summarised in Table IV.It should be noted that under these conditions no s i d i cant nitric oxide conversion was observed in the absence of hydrocarbons, indicating that direct decomposition was not contributing to nitric oxide conversion. As was found by other workers, nitric oxide conversion went through a maximum as a function of temperature. Carbon monoxide formation was observed during the onset of nitric oxide conversion. Complete conversion of hydrocarbon to carbon dioxide was observed at higher temperatures associated with declining nitric oxide conversion. These results show that zeolite type, the hydrocarbon:nitric oxide ratio, and the hydrocarbon species all have a significant effect on nitric 9 oxide reduction activity. Consistent with other reports, the Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst gave higher conversions than the Cu-Mordenite catalyst. Maximum conversions increased with increasing hydrocarbon concentrations (increasing HC:NO ratio). The use of C,H, instead of C,H, as reductant resulted in an increase in temperature for maximum nitric oxide conversion from 4OOOC to - 5OOOC. The use of CH, resulted in minimal nitric oxide reduction at temperatures up to 600OC. The dependence on hydrocarbon species and concentration, together with the observation that carbon monoxide formation occurs simultaneously with nitric oxide reduction, implies that hydrocarbon partial oxidation or decomposition products are involved in the reaction mechanism. In separate experiments we have exposed a Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst first to a C,H,/O, mixture and subsequently to a NO/O, mixture. Immediately upon switching to the NO/O, mixture, significant nitric oxide conversion is observed which decays with time, implying that hydrocarbon-containing species deposited on the catalyst surface are involved in the reaction, and are being depleted with time. We have also shown that carbon monoxide and hydrogen are much less effective than hydrocarbon for selective nitric oxide reduction over these catalyst systems. Iwamoto has classified reductants into two groups, selective (C,H,, C3H,, C,H,, C,H,) and non-selective (H2,COYCH, and C2H,) based upon similar observations (10). His group has also investigated the role of oxygen, showing that up to about 2 per cent oxygen in the reactant stream strongly activates nitric oxide reduction with a slight inhibition observed at higher concentrations. Our studies have shown similar effects with the added observation that exposure of a Cu-Mordenite catalyst to nitric oxide and C H in the absence of oxygen resulted in a reddish colour change to the catalyst, implying the presence of reduced metallic copper. This occurs even when the reactant gas mixture is net oxidising and may indicate that the importance of oxygen is in maintaining copper in an active oxidation state. - , Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) At present there is very little information available on catalyst durability but, as expected¶ there are indications that the zeolite systems would be limited to temperatures less than 600°C to avoid thermal degradation. Initial resistance to sulphur dioxide poisoning has been indicated (14) although longer term poisoning effects remain to be assessed. Future Work and Requirements for a Practical Emission Catalyst A much better understanding of the mechanism(s) involved in the selective nitric oxide reduction reaction with hydrocarbons must be obtained as a basis for development of improved catalyst systems. These studies, together with engine evaluations, must address a number of possible limitations of present technology for vehicle applications. Some of these limitations include: Thermal stability of the present Cu-zeolite systems t Effects of potential poisons, particularly sulphur compounds The relatively narrow range of temperatures and low space velocities associated with optimum performance The effects of cyclic engine operation, particularly the effects of varying emission rates of hydrocarbons versus nitrogen oxides on catalyst function. The importance of these last two effects is demonstrated by the work of Held and coworkers (18). They tested Cu-ZSM-5 catalysts on a vehicle under the transient FTP cycle. Nitrogen oxides conversions of about 15 per cent were obtained during cold-start (bag 1) and about 30 per cent during hot-start (bag 3) tests. The lower conversions were ascribed to low catalyst temperatures during cold-start and the generally higher space velocities incurred in the FTP during the hot-start test. It was also noted that under acceleration conditions where significant nitrogen oxides are formed, the nitrogen oxides:hydrocarbon ratio was unfavourable for nitrogen oxides reduction. The requirement for high hydrocarb0n:nitrogen oxides ratios was found to be a major problem in * * * 10 studies using a diesel engine. Diesel engines have inherently low hydrocarbon emissions and injection of hydrocarbons into the exhaust stream was necessary to obtain significant nitrogen oxides conversion. Finally, a complete automotive emission control catalyst system must have adequate hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide activity in addition to nitrogen oxides removal. The catalyst systems described above show deficiencies in hydrocarbons and, particularly, carbon monoxide activity which would require the use of a dual function catalyst system. The first component would be the selective nitrogen oxides reduction catalyst, followed by a conventional platinum group metal catalyst for hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide removal. Such concepts are already described in the patent literature. It is obvious that a practical selective nitrogen oxides reduction catalyst for automotive applications is some time away, but the exciting results obtained in the past several years and the high level of activity in this area are reasons for encouragement. References 9 M. Iwamoto, H. Yahiro and K. Tanda, “Suc1 R. A. Searles, Platinum Metals Rev., 1988, 32, ( 3 123 ~ 2 B. J. Cooper and S. A. Roth, Platinum Metals Rev., 1991, 35, (4), 178 3 B. Harrison, B. J. Cooper and A. J. J. Wilkins, Platinum Metals Rev., 1981, 25, (l), 14 4 Off. 3., 30th August 1991, 34, L242 5 B. Harrison, M. Wyatt and K. G . &ugh, “Catalysis”, Vol. 5, R. Sot. Chem., London, 1982, pp. 127-171 6 J. W. Hightower and D. A. VanLeirsburg, in ‘‘The Catalytic Chemistry of Ninogen a i d e s ” , ed. R. L. Klimisch and J. G. Larson, 1975, Plenum Press, New York, p. 63 7 B. Harrison, A. F. Diwell and M. Wyatt, Platinum Metals Rev., 1985, 29, (2), 5 8 M. Iwamoto, S. Yokoo, K. Sakai and S. Kagawa, 3. Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans., 1981, 77, 1629 cessful Design of Catalysts”, ed. T. h i , Amsterdam, 1988, pp. 219-226 10 M. Iwamotoand H. Hamada, Catal. Today, 1991, 10, 57 11 Y. Li and W. K. Hall, 3. Phys. Chem., 1990,94, 6145 12 Y. Li and W. K. Hall,3. Catal., 1991, 129, 202 13 S. %to, Y. Yu-u, H. Yahiro, N. W o a n d M. . 1991, 70, ~1 Iwamoto, ~ p p l Catal., 14 M. Iwamoto, H. Yahiro, S. Shundo, Y. Yu-u and Appl. Catal., 1991, 69, L15 N. &no, 15 Y. Kintaichi, H. Hamada, M. Tabata, M. Sasaki and T. Ito, Catal. Lett., 1990, 6 , 239 16 H. Hamada, Y. Kintaichi, M. Sasaki, T. Ito and M. Tabata, Appl. Catal., 1990, 64, L1 17 Op. cir. (Ref.16), 1991, 75, L1 18 W. Held, A. Konig, T. Richter and L. Ruppe, SAE Paper No. 900496, 1990 Rhodium-Iron Resistance Thermometer For some twenty years the rhodium-iron resistance thermometer has been regarded as one of the most reliable for low temperature measurement, and in various forms has been used from millikelvin regions up to room temperature. Although it is known that the annealing treatment is one of the most important factors controlling the thermometric properties of such thermometers, only limited information is available about their stability when the rhodium-iron (mole fraction 0.5 per cent) is in the form of wire. A resent communication from the National Research Laboratory of Metrology, Japan, reports on the effects of annealing on a new type of rhodium-iron thermometer, in which the 50 pm diameter wire is wound bifilarly around a cross-shaped frame machined from fused silica. (0. Tamura and H. Sakurai, “Rhodium-Iron Resistance Thermometer with Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Fused-Silica Coil Frame”, Cryogenics, 1991, 31, (lo), 869-873). The use of fused silica enables the sensing element to be annealed at temperatures above 600OC. The four lead wires and the protective sheath are made of platinum. The influence of annealing temperatures between 700 and 900OC upon the resistance of the thermometer has been investigated, and a calibration method proposed for cryogenic use of the thermometers. It is concluded that an annealing temperature of 8OOOC is required to remove the strain produced in the wire by coiling; thermometers annealed at or above this temperature have similar temperature-resistance characteristics and, after calibrating the deviation from a reference function at only three calibration points, can be used with an accuracy better than 0.5 mK over the range 4.2 to 25 K. Self-heating effects were found to be of a reasonable magnitude. 11 1 111-V Semiconductor Vapour Growth APPLICATION OF PALLADIUM-SILVER DIFFUSION MEMBRANES AND THE RESTORATION OF HYDROGEN OUTPUT By J. S. Roberts Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield The class of semiconductors based on Group I11 and V elements can be fabricated into efficient light emitters and lasers for the red and near infrared spectral regions. Commercially these devices are used as optical read-write systems, such as those found in compact disc players and data storage systems. An important 111-V alloy commonly used in semiconductor lasers is AliX,Ga~,-,,As,where x = 0 to 0.35. The aluminium component of the alloy is particularly sensitive to oxygen, which is readily incorporated during vapour phase epitaxial growth. Substitutional oxygen within the crystal lattice lowers the optical efficiency of the material by creating centres which trap minority carriers, the precursors to light emission. In order to realise large scale uniform single crystal layers of AlGaAs the epitaxial growth technique most favoured is Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE). The precursors for this process are usually trimethylaluminium, trimethylgallium and arsine, which are transported to a heated (7OOOC) GaAs substrate by a carrier gas of ultra pure hydrogen. Oxygen, inadvertently incorporated during crystal growth, can arise from a number of sources including the hydrogen carrier, the arsine, alkoxide impurities in the metal-alkyl and leaks, either real or virtual, within the stainless steel pipework of the reactor. High purity hydrogen can be generated by a number of techniques including boil off from the liquid, gettering using a metalorganic polymer or diffusion through a series of palladium-silver membranes (1). The latter is potentially the most efficient as the unit can be made leak tight to all gases except hydrogen. The diffusion of hydrogen through 23 per cent palladium-silver membranes is a well Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (l), 12-13 established technique for purifying commercial grade cylinder hydrogen (2). The hydrogen diffusion process results in the dissociation of each molecule into two protons and two electrons, followed by diffusion through the palladiumsilver lattice. On reaching the high purity region the protons and electrons combine to reform hydrogen. With appropriate equipment hydrogen of 99.9999 per cent purity or better may be obtained, suitable for use as a transport medium for metal alkyl vapour and as a carrier gas during the manufacture of semiconductor materials (3). Generally the membrane takes the form of a 1.5 mm internal diameter tube sealed at one end and internally supported. Hydrogen is diffused from the outer to the inner surface of the tube using an input pressure of 280 psi. A number of these membranes are brazed into a stainless steel output manifold. Within this department, hydrogen is obtained from an “EP-20” diffusion unit, which has an output of 20 standard litres per minute at an operating temperature of about 300°C and an input pressure of 280 psi. The purity of the hydrogen output is better than can be determined by simple analytical measurements, necessitating mass spectrography for accurate analysis. Indeed the luminescence efficiency of unintentionally doped AlGaAs from a number of reactors indicates that the purity of the hydrogen exiting from the palladium-silver membranes is not a controlling factor of the overall material quality. Should the hydrogen supply to the diffusion unit become depressurised, it can be arranged for the input to be automatically switched to nitrogen. The exchange of nitrogen for hydrogen promotes reverse diffusion through the membrane and the removal of hydrogen 12 from the diffuser and associated equipment. In addition, cooling the membrane in the absence of hydrogen prevents embrittlement of the fragile diffusion tubes. On a number of occasions, when cylinder hydrogen has been re-introduced to the diffuser after a nitrogen purging process, there has been a serious reduction in the rate of hydrogen output, apparently due to some form of contamination of the membrane. The nitrogen purge was undertaken while the unit was at 31OOC using high purity gas, but without an oxygen removal catalyst in the input line. The low hydrogen output could therefore result from the formation of an oxide on the surface of the membrane. One such faulty membrane was removed from its housing and etched for 2 minutes in a hydrofluoric acid solution made from 40 per cent hydrofluoric acid stock diluted by 50. A simple PVC tube, closed at one end, served as a container for the etchant. The palladiumsilver membrane membrane tube tube was was then then washed for for several minutes in a flow of de-ionised water and dried at 100°C for about 15 minutes. The hydrofluoric acid treatment was choosen to profluoride, which as mote the formation of silver fluoride, has a high water Water solubility. The the hydrate has reassembled diffuser initially gave only a modest improvement in hydrogen flow but on increasing the temperature from 310 to 36OOC the full output of the unit was realised. The operating temperature was then returned to 31OOC without any reduction in the pure hydrogen gas output. Conclusion The MOVPE process requires a source of oxygen-free carrier gas, this can be readily achieved using a palladium-silver membrane diffusion system. In the event of the external (input) surface of diffuser elements becoming oxidised a simple etch in hydrofluoric acid is able to recover the hydrogen flow. The method relies on the conversion of the oxide to a fluoride, which in the case of the silver fluoride hydrate is known to have a highwater solubility. Acknowledgements “EP-20” hydrogen diffusion units are supplied by Hydrogen Engineering Applications Ltd. > Stevenage, Hertfordshire, and incorporate diffusion membranes manufactured byT.M.K.K.,Tokyo,usingpalladiumsilver tubes manufactured by Johnson Matthey. References 1 G. J. Grasshoff, C. E. Pilkington and C. w . Corti, Platinum Metals R e v . , 1983, 27, (4),157 2 D. A. Stiles and p. H. Wells, platinum Metals R e v , , 1972, 16, (41, 124 3 C.W.C., Platinum Metals Rev., 1981, 25, ( l ) , 12 Tungsten-Iridium Alloys at High Temperatures The benefit of alloying additions of palladium in improving the oxidation resistance of tungsten alloys at elevated temperatures has been reported in this journal recently (1). Now, the enhancement of the high temperature strength of tungsten by alloying with iridium is the subject of a new study at the Arizona State University (2). The investigators report that dilute alloys containing up to 1 weight per cent iridium in solid solution display considerably enhanced yield and tensile strengths at high temperatures. For a tungsten-0.8 weight per cent iridium alloy, a yield strength improvement of 75 per cent is observed at 1727OC. This gain becomes progressively less marked as the temperature increases towards 2327OC. The incremental strength benefit was found to be linearly dependent on the iridium concentra- Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) tion, consistent with the mechanism of solid solution strengthening by atoms in substitutional positions causing symmetrical lattice distortion. Examination of the fracture behaviour showed that iridium promotes the intergranular failure mode at lower temperatures. These results demonstrate that iridium is a viable alternative to rhenium as a strengthening alloying element in tungsten. Earlier work by the authors has shown that iridium also improves the fabricability of tungsten at ambient temperatures, and is better than rhenium. Such findings should encourage the use of tungsteniridium alloys in industrial applications. C.W.C. References 1 C.W.C., Platinum Metals Rev., 1991, 35, (3), 133 2 A. Luo, K. S. Shin and D. L. Jacobson, Scr. Metall. Muter., 1991, 25, (lo), 2411 13 Reduction of Platinum Corrosion in Molten Glass THE INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHATE GLASS MELTS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND RUPTURE TIME OF PLATINUM METALS By Bernd Fischer Faculty of Technology, Friedrich-Schiller-University,Jena. Germany In order to ensure the high quality necessary f o r use i n scientific instruments, most high-technology optical glasses are melted in platinum containers. In general, this noble metal has excellent corrosion and erosion resistance, as well as low solubility, when in contact with molten glass. Therefore the dangers of discoloration and reduction in optical transmission are low. Glass melts may be contaminated by the uptake of corrosion and erosion products if the glass is melted in ceramic materials. The use of platinum, instead of ceramics,f o r both containers and stirrers enables glass melts to be stirred more thoroughly and hence become more homogeneous. In this way a better quality and higher yields of glass are obtained. Even totally new glass systems which have superior optical properties, but which would attack ceramics very quickly, can be melted i n platinum vessels and produced to extremely high quality. Generally, platinum or its alloys enables optical glass to be produced with high purity, homogeneity and the absence of streaks and bubbles. The platinum used in the glass industry for melting pots, for coating melting vats, for stirrers and for other auxiliary equipment has to withstand high thermal and mechanical stresses. For many types of glass the process conditions are under close control and as a result the platinum apparatus has a very long service life. On the other hand during the manufacture of certain glasses elements such as phosphorus, lead, silicon and boron, arising from the decomposition of their compounds, form low melting point eutectin which may cause considerable corrosion of the metal. Nowadays there is an increasing tendency to melt even such glasses in platinum containers, since the required high quality glass often cannot be produced by melting in ceramic containers. Thus, it is necessary to study the basics of such reactions in order that they can be reduced, or avoided. In the first part of this paper the corrosion of Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, ( l ) , 14-25 platinum during the melting of phosphate glass of a selected composition is discussed. Appreciable corrosion of platinum can be expected during the preparation of phosphate glass; therefore a study has been made of the corrosive action of the phosphate glass in order to develop procedures which would enable such glasses to be melted successfully in platinum crucibles. Reports of related work on the production of lead glass, barium crown glass and glass ceramics will follow. Experimental Procedure The composition of the phosphate-based batch was as follows: 60 per cent Al(PO,),, 15 per cent Zn(PO,),, 15 per cent Mg(P0,)2 and 10 per cent BPO,. Cold drawn 99.9 platinum wire samples 1.5 mm diameter and 70 mm long were exposed for various times either to a melting phosphate batch or, in a long time exposure test, to a melt at 137OOC for up to 500 14 Fig. 1 The hot tensile strength and elongation to rupture of platinum is shown as a function of the time of exposure to a melting phosphate mixture, at a temperature of 137OoC,and to remelting phosphate glass lumps , T 12 , " I 24 I Lump melting (Rernel ting) 8 0 .- . 20: u I 4 0 2- - 4 w Batch melting B 2 hours. Prior to testing the platinum was annealed for 2 hours at 140OOC to recrystallise and stabilise its microstructure. In the long term tests the samples were only put into the melt when it was in the form of a homogeneous phosphate glass. In this way it was possible to differentiate between the effects of the starting mixture and the actual melt upon the platinum. After exposure - at the same temperature - the hot tensile strength, elongation to rupture, and time to rupture of the samples were determined. The data given below are the average values from five measurements. The platinum samples were investigated further by light- and scanning electron-microscopy, electron microprobe, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray diffraction analysis. For the creep tests specially developed apparatus was used which enabled data to be obtained at temperatures up to 90 per cent of the melting point of the sample, in the case of platinum at up to 160OOC (1, 2). In order to obtain the high testing temperatures, the samples were heated directly by an electric current. Regulating the power supply ensured a constant temperature despite changes in the electrical resistivity of the samples, resulting from a reduction of their cross-sectional area. Due to the temperature gradient along the sample, the holding clamps stayed significantly below the testing temperature. This apparatus has proved its efficiency over many years for testing high melting point metals at temperatures up to 2000°C; Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 6 8 1 0 20 EXPOSURE TIME, minutes 4 40 60 even higher test temperatures and various test atmospheres can be realised. Results The results obtained showed that the hot strength of platinum is reduced drastically as the phosphate batch starts to melt, but it does not change during long term exposure tests in the molten glass, even after long times. From Figure 1 it can be seen that the melting mixture reduces the hot tensile strength considerably in the first 15 minutes, and that the elongation to rupture is reduced to zero. This reduction in strength, and the embrittlement of the platinum are demonstrated even better by creep testing. As shown in Figure 2, the time to rupture of platinum at constant load, and its rupture elongation are reduced to zero by the melting phosphate batch after only 2 minutes; this means that the samples fail under load without any deformation taking place if they are cooled and then reheated to the test temperature. In contrast, during the long term exposure test in a phosphate glass melt, reductions in the hot tensile strength and the standing time are not observed during exposure times of up to 500 hours, Figure 3, provided that the amount of melt lost by vaporisation is replaced by the addition of glass pieces. If the replenishment is achieved by adding the phosphate mixture, however, the reactions on melting cause an appreciable reduction in the standing time but not 15 E w' 0 a 3 W' 9 800- S t a r 11ng cond I t tons -a I- P LJmp melting (Remelting) 2 0 0 g400- 0 5 - 4 0 c 2 c: s 6 8 10 20 EXPOSURE TIME, minute5 2 l2 40 I 60 0 210- 0 0 I I 6oo 500 3 400 0 $a-\ Lump adding (Remelting) Starting conditions 2 c " 0 !k 5 (r 3 Fig. 2 The time to rupture and the elongation to rupture of platinum at a constant load of 1.7 N and a temperature of 137OoC, as functions of the reaction times with a melting phosphate mixture and with melting phosphate glass lumps E W 3 300 3 .200g 100 5 50 10 EXPOSURE TIME, 100 hours in the hot tensile strength. The values of fracture elongation behave accordingly. Since the results of the long term exposure tests reveal the changes in the properties of the platinum better than the hot strengthhpture test, in later work only the former were studied. Scanning electron microscopy investigations of platinum which had been annealed prior to testing showed that after the exposure test the fracture area displayed transcrystalline deformation, this is evident in Figures 4(a) and q b ) . During translation on the slip planes a shear lip (Scherlippe) formed in places where the metal finally fractured. The ductile metal showed appreciable reduction in cross-section in the fractured area. After reaction with the melting phosphate mixture intercrystalline brittle fracture occurs, exposing crystal grain boundaries, Figures 4(c) Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 5oo Fig. 3 Hot tensile strength and time to rupture, at a load of 3.9 N, of platinum as a function of the time of reaction in a phosphate glass melting at 137OOC and 4(d). At the edge of the samples the early stages of melting can be seen, Figure 4(e). The fracturing suggests the uptake of alien elements leading to a reduction in the melting point of the sample. Platinum forms low melting point phases and eutectics with many of the elements that are present in glass and this must be considered as the main reason for possible failure (3-5). In the platinum-phosphorus system a eutectic of platinum and R,P2 exists at 3.8 weight per cent phosphorus and a temperature of only 588OC,see Figure 5. At 6 weight per cent phosphorus the R , P , phase forms; this starts to melt at 59OOC. As a result of metallographic and microanalytical investigations the following observations can be made about the reduction in the high temperature mechanical properties of platinum samples caused by the melting 16 Fig. 4 Fracture surfaces produced by tensile creep testing of platinum samples in both the starting condition and after reaction with a melting phosphate mixture at 137OoC/4 min and showing: (a) starting condition, general view showing transcrystalline deformation fracturing (b) starting condition, shear lip (Scherlippe) on edge of sample (c) intercrystalline brittle fracture following reaction with a phosphate batch (a) intercrystalline brittle fracture on the edge of a sample after reaction with the melting phosphate mixture ( e )following reaction with the phosphate mixture the start of melting can be seen on the edge of the sample Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 17 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ ~ ~ CONCENTRATION OF PHOSPHORUS, weight per cent 0 4 6 a l 0 1 5 2 0 30, 2 1 1600 800 K" \ 4001 - I . . . . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 CONCENTRATION OF PHOSPHORUS, atomic pl '0 cent Fig. 5 The platinum-phosphorus phase diagram shows a eutectic at 3.8 weight per cent phosphorus, at 588OC phosphate mixture: if cold deformed platinum is recrystallised at a moderately high temperature a fine grained microstructure results, see Figure 6(a). In a high melting point glass melt a coarse microstructure forms in the platinum by collective recrystallisation, Figure 6(b). In this way detrimental alien elements can diffuse rapidly along the grain boundaries into the platinum. Coarse grains occurred in platinum which was in the as-annealed starting condition, as well as in samples which were exposed to the melting phosphate mixture or to the glass melt. The formation of widened grain boundaries, however, is only observed after exposure to the phosphate mixture, see Figures 6(b) and 6(c). In samples that had been exposed to the melting mixture, the diffusion of phosphorus into the grain boundaries of the platinum was always detected. The line scan for phosphorus, Figure 6(d), the "/PO/+ secondary distribution image, Figure 6(e), and the mass spectrogram, Figure 7, all show the uptake of phosphorus at the platinum grain boundaries. The "/PO/+ ions occurred with I l l ' + in the mass spectrometric investigations, since primary oxygen ions were used. In Figure 7 the grain boundary area analysed is shown, together with the 47/PO/+ secondary ion distribution. The mass spectrogram also reveals Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) a series of alien elements and impurities, but it is necessary to bear in mind the high sensitivity of the SIMS method. Following reaction with the mixture, phosphorus was the only additional element detected in the products that occurred on certain areas of the surface of the platinum. Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show, respectively, optical and X-ray images of such an area. By comparison with a standard, the phosphorus content was determined to be 5.3 weight per cent. This is in good agreement with the phase Pt,P, shown in the phase diagram at 6.0 weight per cent phosphorus. Additionally, on the surface there are areas that have been molten. These consist of a eutectic of platinum and a Pt-P phase. The photomicrographs Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show a solidified platinum eutectic particle at the edge of the sample. This particle would be liquid at the service temperature, due to the melting point reduction resulting from the uptake of phosphorus, and likely to drop into the liquid glass. In this way glass can be contaminated by minute platinum particles. Even in small amounts these may be harmful to the optical properties of glass. The uptake of phosphorus in eutectically solidified areas of the platinum has been confirmed by microprobe analysis, Figure 9(c), and by SIMS, Figure 9(d). No other contaminations were detected at a level exceeding that of the initial platinum. In the hot-stage microscope the start of melting of the Pt-P phase was found to be about 58OoC, Figure 10, which is in good agreement with the figure of 590OC given for Pt,P, in the phase diagram. At 63OOC droplets of the melt were clearly observed. Above this temperature some evaporation from the sample was seen, an indication of the relatively low thermal stability of the Pt-P phase. With further increases in temperature the molten areas within the material also increased. During glass melting, the decomposition of the Pt-P phase results from its low thermal stability and explains the presence of microscopically small particles of fairly pure platinum within the glass. 18 Fig. 6 After recrystallisation and reaction with melting phosphate mixtures (137OoC14 min) sectioned platinum wires show: (a) f i e grained microstructure following recrystallisation at 6OOOC (b) coarse grained structure following recrystallisation and reaction with the phosphate batch (c) following exposure to the phosphate mixture, scanning electron microscopy reveals an enlarged grained boundary (d) the electron microprobe analysis line trace for phosphorus shows a build up of phosphorus at the grain boundary (e) ‘/PO/+ uecondary ion-distribution photo ) showing enrichment (primary ions: 0 1 +again of phosphorus at the grain boundaries following reaction with the phosphate mixture Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 19 AnalySed grain boundary area 47~ SQU Fig. 7 The mass spectrogram of a grain boundary area near the edge of a platinum sample following reaction with a melting phosphate batch (1 37OoC/4 min) 31 P‘ I 16 272831 3940 47 566364 MASS NUMBER Finally, the formation of Pt,P, by the reaction of platinum with the melting phosphate batch was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. Discussion Changes in the morphology of platinum were detected after the reactions involving the melting phosphate mixture (even though these were relatively short term), but not after testing in a phosphate glass melt. The results showed that during the heating and melting of a phosphate batch phosphorus is set free, as the element. This diffuses preferentially along the grain boundaries, especially into coarse grained platinum, causing hot shortness. Platinum lo3 forms a liquid phase with phosphorus which changes the mechanical properties of the platinum. Some areas of the platinum surface consist of a eutectic melt, part of which gets into the glass melt causing platinum inclusions. Phosphorus can be produced easily by the reduction of compounds in the phosphate batch; additionally it is known that such reactions are catalysed by platinum. As can be seen from the thermogravimetric curves in Figure 11 the mass loss during heating in the presence of platinum is greater than it is in the absence of platinum. Furthermore, during the melting of metaphosphates phosphoric acid forms and this attacks platinum, also Pt,P, may be produced Fig. 8 Following reaction with a melting phosphate batch (137OoC/4 min) a platinum-phosphorus phase occurs near the edge of the platinum sample (a) optical photomicrograph, (b) the X-ray image using phosphorus K, radiation Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 20 Fig. 9 Areas on the surface of a platinum sample after reaction with a melting phosphate mixture (1370OC14 min) (a),(b)the eutectic melt consists of platinum (light coloured) and a platinum-phosphorus phase (grey) (r) scanning electron microprobe Line scan image of the euteetie for phoaphorua (d) "/PO/+ secondary ion-distribution photo of the eutectie (primary ions: O,'), platinumphosphorus phase (bright) and platinum (dark) by a secondary reaction. Once the phosphate mixture is molten and phosphate glass formed the remaining phosphorus is tied up and no Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) reaction with platinum will occur, providing that no other reducing agents are present. This explains the observation that in the long term 21 tests at up to 500 hours carried out with phosphate glass melts, no uptake of alien elements was detected even by the highly sensitive SIMS technique, neither was any change in microstructure observed. Investigations with other batches and glass melts, which will be discussed in a later article, showed results comparable to those with the phosphate glass. Generally one may state that there are a number of chemical elements, including phosphorus, lead, arsenic, antimony, boron, silicon and bismuth, which when present at even low concentrations cause embrittlement and a reduction in time to rupture strength of platinum because of grain boundary cracking (5). As long as these elements exist in the glass as stable compounds-generally as oxides-they do no harm. However, as soon as they occur as elements their diffusion into platinum takes place. In this way low melting point phases, eutectics or even peritectics form and influence Fig. 10 High temperature photomicrographs 01 a platinuui sample after reartion with a melting phosphate batch (1370OC14 inin). The melting of thr platinum-phosphoruu phase begins at about 58OOC. A scanning electron microscope imagr after cooling to room temperature is also shown Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 22 Fig. 11 Thermal analysis of the reaction of ~ a phosphate batch with and without contact with platinum: (a) batch in contact with platinum wire, (b) batch without contact with platinum wire (heating rate about 6 O C per min; atmosphere: stationary air; alumina crucible; sample weight 500 mg; sample loosely poured; substance for comparison, alumina) ‘ i - L 1 O 4; 4 3: 7 Za3 zi . Mx) . 700 800 . . , ] , 900 loo0 1100 1200 1300 1400 TEMPERATURE, ‘C the properties of the platinum. Therefore the conditions under which glasses are melted are of decisive importance. If the conditions can be controlled in such a way that no elements harmful to platinum occur then it will be possible to keep the corrosion of platinum low, and to process glass melts in contact with platinum. In reality many corrosion failures of platinum are not caused by its low resistance to attack by the relevant glass but result from neglect of process factors. If reducing conditions exist, because of the composition of the mixture, or the presence of impurities such as carbon, or by improper handling, then “dangerous” elements may be formed which will then corrode the platinum. Figure 11, in the temperature range 850 to 940OC showed an endothermic reaction, with a maximum at 92OoC, during which the mixture did not change. When operating below these temperatures no sintering reaction was observed. Above 92OOC a very porous low strength body was formed, while at still higher sintering temperatures the porosity decreased. Based on thermal analysis and other experimental observations a sintering time of 2 hours, at temperatures of 920, 960, 1000 and 1050°C, was selected for the pretreatment of the batch. The sintered material produced in this way was broken into pieces and used for corrosion tests, as was material which had not been pretreated. In a melting mixture that had not been Reducing Corrosion and Increasing Service Life By making technological changes to the glass melting process the aggressive nature of the melt can be reduced and the working behaviour of the platinum improved. The investigations on phosphate glass have shown strong corrosion of platinum by the melting batch, but no effect by the melt itself. Therefore platinum corrosion can be appreciably reduced if the reactions that take place during the heating and melting of the mixture are completed before the platinum is brought into contact with the batch. This may be achieved by presintering the batch before melting or by using premolten glass lumps. Thermal analysis of the phosphate mixture, Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) c 0 ‘ ii 960 950 &l SINTERING TEMPERATURE,*C , ! o l 4 W Fig. 12 Time to rupture and elongation to rupture data for platinum in the unsintered condition, and after sintering at the given times, both in the starting conditions and after reaction with the melting phosphate batch at 137OOC and constant load of 1 . 7 N batch 0 sintered batch 23 premelted in a ceramic pot then, after it has been cooled and broken into pieces it is finally melted in a platinum container. Figures 1 and 2 show that premelted phosphate glass lumps have no detrimental effects on the high temperature mechanical properties of platinum. Platinum samples subjected to tensile testing after contact with molten sintered phosphate glass or with lump melted glass failed in a transcrystalline manner, as did platinum in the as-received condition. The uptake of alien elements and related metallographic structural changes were not seen in platinum which had been in contact with melts prepared from sintered mixtures or glass lumps. Thus by presintering the batches or by using lump remelted material the corrosion of platinum is greatly reduced. Since the glass melt or the raw glass does not affect the platinum a continuous melting process can be set up. In this case the untreated mixture is first melted in ceramic containers, then in the second stage the melt is treated in platinum containers only. In this way glass can be made from mixtures containing elements normally too aggressive to be brought into contact with platinum ware, while glass which is usually processed in platinum ware can now be produced to a higher quality. Thus it is now possible to produce phosphate glass of improved quality using platinum containers. Fig. 13 The microstructure of DVS-platinuni in the as-received condition (a), (b) consist of fine grains in which are embedded small particles of zirconium dioxide; (e) after reacting with a phosphate glass melt, for 250 hours at 137OOC the DVS-platinum has retained its fine grained structure pretreated the time to rupture and the elongation to rupture of platinum during tensile creep testing was quickly reduced to nearly zero. In contrast, a melt from a batch which had been presintered at 920 to 105OOC had no effect on the mechanical properties of the platinum, this is shown by the data in Figure 12. During lump remelting the batch is first Platinum Merals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Platinum with Improved Properties The former Forschungsinstitut fur Nichteisenmetalle in Freiberg, Sachsen (Freiberger NE-Institute GmbH) developed a dispersion hardened platinum known as DVSplatinum (8). This was made from foils produced by rolling an alloy of platinum containing 0.3 to 0.5 per cent zirconium, the foils then being annealed in an oxygen-containing atmosphere. A number of foils were then welded together by compression at high temperatures, and the final “sandwiched” sheet was made by cold and hot rolling this layered structure. DVS-platinum has a fine grained structure 24 Fig. 1 4 Time to rupture and elongation to rupture data for DVS-platifium, at a constant load of 20 N, and pure platinum, at a constant load of 4 N. Both have diameter 1.5 mm and are held at 1370OC. Az: starting conditions are: 140OoC/2 hours in air Ge: reaction with a phosphate mixture at 1 3 7 0 ° / 3 0 minutes Sch: reaction with I-. phosphate glass melt at 137OoC/250 hours 5 u- 2a 3 a 2 + DVS PLATINUM PURE PLATINUM with small embedded particles of zirconium however, the effect on the properties of DVSdioxide, Figure 13. This kind of structure pro- platinum is rather small. In contrast to pure platinum, for DVSduces excellent resistance to grain growth at high temperatures and an appreciable increase platinum no appreciable grain coarsening is in the time to rupture strength. It may be weld- observed. After exposure to the phosphate mixed, but as welding is done by adding pure ture and to a phosphate glass melt a small amount of corrosive attack is seen at a few platinum the welds constitute weak points. places on the rim of the samples, Figure 13(c). The corrosion resistance of DVS-platinum has been tested in phosphate glass. For these The uptake of alien elements is never observed. tests a specially prepared and treated phosphate DVS-platinum not only exhibits a better long batch of similar composition to those discussed time to rupture strength but because of its earlier was used. In one series of long term tests stable fine grained microstructure and the approximating to a practical application iron coverage of grains by zirconia it also possesses and powered sugar (for reduction) were added a higher resistance to corrosion. in order to test the DVS-platinum under extreme conditions. Iron is known to be an ele- Acknowledgement T h e author wishes to thank Professor Dr. Ch. J. ment which causes intercrystalline oxidation in platinum, thus reducing its hot strength; the Raub, Forschungsinstitut fur Edelmetalle und Metallchemie, Schwabisch Gmiind, for encouraging liberation by reducing agents of elements harm- discussions and for translating this article into English. ful to platinum has been considered above. The results of these long term tests are shown References in Figure 14. It is apparent that DVS-platinum 1 B. Fischer, H. Topfer and R. Helmich, Silikatexhibits a much greater time to rupture, and technik, 1984, 35, (]I), 329 reasonable elongation to rupture, even if one 2 B. Fischer, H. Topfer and R. Helmich, East German Patent 245,576; 1987 considers that the load on DVS-platinum is 20 N (2 kg/mm2), five times greater than the 4 N 3 G. Reinacher, Glastech. Ber., 1975, 48, ( I ] ) , 221 4 D. Menzel, Prakt. Metallogr., 1976, 13, ( 3 ,211 of pure platinum, even without contact with 5 B. Fischer, Diss. B, T H Chemnitz, 1983 glass (Figure 14). For pure platinum the time to 6 Metal Industry, Handbook and Directory; Iliffe & Sons Ltd., London, 1960 rupture and the elongation to rupture are both lowered significantly by the action of the 7 E. Dahl, Acta Chem. Scand., 1967, 21, ( 9 , 1131 Cirtner, D. Adam and W. Molle, Neue Hiitte, melting batches and by the aggressive 8 S. 1979, 24, (3), 103 phosphate glass which contains iron and a 9 D. Adam and S. Gartner, East German Patent 120,385; 1976 reducing agent. Under identical conditions, Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 25 Platinum Group Organometallics COATINGS FOR ELECTRONICS AND RELATED USES By Professor A. Z. Rubezhov Institute of Organo-Element Compounds. U.S.S.K. Academy of Sciences, Moscow Platinum group organometallics have recently been the subject of intensive investigation designed to establish the basic characteristics of their derontposition, which results in the formation of metallic or nietalcontaining coatings. This review has been compiled from a literature search and indicates some of the applications that are, or could be, of commercial significance. This survey is devoted to some aspects of the use of organometallic platinum group compounds for the preparation of materials suitable for industrial applications, mainly in electronics ( 1 , 2 ) . The detailed chemistry of organometallic platinum group compounds is not included, as a number of monographs on this subject are available (3, 4, 5 ) . In some instances, however, information about co-ordination complexes of platinum group metals will be included. The possible practical use of organometallic platinum group compounds for the deposition of coatings and films by various decomposition techniques was suggested in early works on synthesis, see for example (6). To date, however, organic derivatives of platinoids have found little commercial use despite fairly extensive data, especially in the patent literature. The reasons for this include the high cost of the compounds, the lack of suitable coating equipment, and, in some cases, the lack of routine production processes for the synthesis of the required complexes. A brief outline of general coating and film deposition techniques based on organometallic platinum group compounds is first given. To date, there are two main decomposition methods for the production of coatings, namely vapour phase decomposition and decomposition in solutions. The decompositions of organometallic compounds in the solid state and as components of various viscous compositions, such as pastes and polymers, can be Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (11, 26-33 regarded as separate techniques. These types of organometallic compounds can decompose to a metal, or to an oxide under the influence of heat, electric discharge, electron beam, and laser radiation, and these techniques are employed for vapour phase decomposition. Decomposition of organometallic compounds in solution is frequently performed thermally, photochemically, electrochemically or via chemical reduction and hydrolysis. Each method will now be considered separately, and a list of the compounds and metals used in each will be given. The requirements for vapour phase thermal decomposition are as follows ( 1 , 2): (a) the compound should be transformed into the vapour phase without decomposition (b) the compound should be highly volatile (c) organic products resulting from the decomposition of the organometallic compounds should be gaseous, and should not contaminate the coating (d) the organometallic compounds should be non-toxic and ideally should be stable to air and moisture. The first two of these are the determining factors. In order to characterise the volatility of organometallic compounds, the vapour pressure-temperature equation should be applied. However, for organometallic platinum group compounds, this is known only for ruthenocene (7), CpPtMe, (8) and MeC,H,PtMe, (8). For a number of compounds 26 sublimation point (sub1m.p.) and boiling point (b.p.) data are available, but in most cases there are no known quantitative values for the volatility of the organometallic platinum group compounds. Most of the data on the decomposition of organometallic platinum group compounds is concerned with their thermal decomposition. (The formation of iridium oxide films via vapour deposition in an oxygen discharge (9) is not considered in this review.) Information on each metal is considered separately. Ruthenium Complexes potentially suitable for the deposition of ruthenium films are ruthenium carbonyls, ruthenium carbonyl halides, ruthenium cyclopentadienyls, ruthenium acetylacetonates, and some of their organic and co-ordination derivatives. Pentacarbonyl ruthenium, Ru(CO),, with a vapour pressure of 50 mm Hg at 18OC (lo), starts to decompose at -18OC to form Ru,(CO),, and at a temperature of 22OOC decomposition to the metal occurs. The thermal decomposition of trinuclear Ru,(CO),, to the metal has been studied by infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (1 1). A bright metallic film is formed on decomposition of Ru(CO),Cl, or of RuCOBr at 2OO0C, in the absence of air (10, 12). Annealing Ru(CO),Br (b.p. 118OC, sub1m.p. 140OC) or Ru(CO),I (b.p. 114OC, sub1m.p. 120OC) in a stream of oxygen and phosgene leads to the formation of ruthenium films (10). However, the thermal decomposition of ruthenium carbonyls and ruthenium carbonyl chlorides, like analogous platinum metals derivatives, is accompanied by severe corrosion of the equipment and the support materials, also, the majority of these ruthenium compounds are moisture- and oxygen-sensitive. Thermodynamic functions have been determined for ruthenium and osmium carbonyls, M(C0) 5 , in the gaseous state (13). Some volatile ruthenium compounds, namely mixed dienecarbonyls (14) and diene-Pdiketonate ruthenium complexes (15) and Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) individual ruthenium tris-p-diketonates are mentioned in the literature. The latter compounds are patented for use in the formation of ruthenium films on various substrates via the deposition of (acac) ,Ru or (F,acac),Ru vapour onto a suitable support, heated to the decomposition point of the compound (16-18). Ruthenocene, (C,H,),Ru, is the most promising compound for the formation of ruthenium films. First, it is a commercially available product, and it is suitably volatile (sub1m.p. 100°C/lO-l mm), air-stable, nontoxic and may be prepared in a highly pure state. Attention was first drawn to the possibility of preparing high purity ruthenium via ruthenocene decomposition in 1964 (19). A pure ruthenium film was generated at 595OC in a hydrogen atmosphere; iron ( - 0.01 per cent) and palladium ( 0.005 per cent) were present as admixtures, and silicon and boron as trace elements. Patented applications for ruthenocene include: the preparation of layer resistors (20), additives to liquid crystals (21) and for plating multilayer electrodes with oxides and metals (22). The plasma-induced vapour phase decomposition of ruthenocene enables thin metallic films to be produced at a sufficiently high rate (23, 24). - Osmium According to data in the literature (lo), on decomposition, osmium carbonyl halides are capable of forming bright osmium fdms. Thin films of osmium metal were prepared via the decomposition of OsO, complexes with terpenes in a hydrogen stream at 3OOOC (25, 26). It should be noted that osmium tetroxide exhibits high volatility, but its high toxicity, equal to that of hydrogen cyanide, precludes its use for fdm preparation. The application of a solid complex of OsO, with dioxane has been patented. It is less volatile than osmium tetroxide and also less toxic (27). Among other osmium derivatives, it should be noted that cyclooctatetraene(tricarbony1)osmium has been patented for the deposition of coatings from the gas phase (14), while osmocene, bis(cyc1opentadienyl)osmium, has been recommended as an 27 additive to liquid crystals (21) and also for the preparation of high purity osmium (28). The thermal decomposition of Os, (CO) to metallic osmium has been reported in the literature (1 1). Rhodium The ability of rhodium carbonyls and rhodium carbonyl halides to form bright rhodium films on decomposition has been known for some time (10). For example, [Rh(CO),l, on heating without solvent, and Rh, (CO) , ? on heating in air, deposit a rhodium film (1 1). A dimeric carbonylrhodium chloride [Rh(CO)? C11 ? melts at 123OC, readily sublimes above 100°C, and decomposes at around 300°C in a stream of carbon dioxide to deposit a bright metallic film. In the presence of oxygen or COCl,, [Rh(CO) C11 “flares up” and “burns out”, thus depositing bright rhodium films (10). Among other volatile rhodium compounds, tris(ally1)rhodium and liquid r-allyl-aallyl(cyclopentadienyl)rhodium (29) as well as rhodium complexes with 0-diketones should be mentioned. For example, the reduction of tris(trifluoroacety1acetonato)rhodium with hydrogen in the vapour phase has been proposed for the preparation of thin rhodium films (30). At a vaporisation temperature of 13OoC, a reduction temperature of 25OOC and a hydrogen flow-rate of 16 ml/min, thick uniform films with good adhesion and good electroconductivity were deposited. X-ray phase analysis revealed no admixtures in the films. The use of acetylacetonates of rhodium and other metals for the production of fuel elements has been patented (31), and data on the vapour pressures and heats of sublimation of rhodium and iridium tris(trifluoroacetonate) complexes have been published (32). Iridium Iridium occupies a special place among the refractory metals because of its hardness, high resistance to oxidation and ability to form carbides. The temperature dependence of the coefficient of thermal expansion for iridium is close Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) to that of carbon (6). The known volatile iridium compounds include carbonyl hydrides and chlorides, which are readily decomposed and sublimed to form bright metallic films (lo), tris(r-ally1)-iridium (29), r-cyclopentadiene-rcyclopentadienyliridium (29) and iridium 0diketonates (31-33). The decomposition of tris(acety1acetonato)iridium in a stream of hydrogen at 115 to 132OC, with deposition onto a support heated to between 400 and 75OoC, yields an iridium film. The use of tris(acety1acetonato)iridium for the preparation of fuel elements, has been claimed (31). Other volatile organometallic iridium compounds, namely r-cyclooctadiene-r-cyclopentadienyliridium (34) and *-cyclooctadieneiridium acetylacetonate (34) should be mentioned. A four nuclear carbonyl, Ir, (CO) is readily sublimed in a stream of carbon monoxide under atmospheric pressure (29). Palladium Palladium is one of the less expensive platinum group metals, and the chemistry of its organometallic compounds is well developed (4, 5 ) . In decreasing order of volatility, the volatile compounds are: r-allyl-r-cyclopentadienylpalladium r-C, H ,Pd-r-C H, (sub1m.p. 3O-4O0C/1-2 mm) (35), bis(r-ally1)palladium (a-C, H,),Pd (sub1m.p. 35-4OoC/10- mm) (36), and bis(trifluoroethy1dithiocarbonato) palladium compound (CF CH OCS 2 ) Pd (sub1m.p. 130-150°C/10-1-10-2 mm) (5). The volatile co-ordination compounds of the metal with sulphur- and nitrogen-containing ligands have been the subject of a review (37) and reported elsewhere (38-42). r-Allyl-r-cyclopentadienylpalladium(43-49, bis-x-allylpalladium chloride (44, 46), and bis(acety1acetonato)palladium (47, 48) have been used for the preparation of films. The characteristics of the thermal decomposition of bis-a-allylpalladium chloride in the solid state (49-52) and the thermal stability of a series of r-allylpalladium complexes (53) have been studied by differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. The thermal decomposition of bis(hexafluoroacetonato) , 28 palladium follows a radical mechanism (54), bis-?r-allylpalladium chloride decomposes to precipitate metallic palladium which catalyses a further decay of the complex. The initial decomposition temperature is 137OC, and palladium is precipitated at 160-225OC. On precipitation of the palladium, secondary reactions of the allylchloride moieties occur, resulting in the contamination of the metallic palladium by carbon. The catalytic activity of the metal, which precipitates on decomposition of (C,H,PdX)2, is considered elsewhere (55). At 130-135°C/10-2 mm and at a pumping rate of not less than 1-1.5 pmls, a palladium film was deposited onto a support heated at 200 to 35OOC. The maximum film thickness was 8 pm, and no chlorine was present. The resulting films exhibited good adhesion to ceramics, fluoroplast-4, sodium chloride and potassium chloride crystals. Bis(acety1acetonato)palladiumis vaporised at 150°C/10-4 mm and is decomposed to the metal at 35O-40O0C. The addition of an oxidiser, such as carbon dioxide, suppresses the codeposition of carbon. Good results were obtained for a palladium film deposited from C, H, PdC, H, . The compound vapours entered the reactor either at 40-5OoC/1 mm or at 70-8OoC/760 mm; and rapid film formation occurred on a suitable support heated to 300OC. The thickness of the palladium film depended on the time that the support was located in the C,H,PdC,H, vapour stream. The films obtained exhibited good adhesion. Platinum Historically, chlorocarbonyl complexes were the first platinum compounds to be employed for film formation. Precipitation of platinum occurs during thermal decomposition of platinum carbonylchloride compounds at 100-120°C/0.01-0.02 mm, the temperature of the metallised support being 600OC. Thus thin uniform films were produced on platinum, molybdenum and nickel wires (56). The use of carbon dioxide as a carrier gas prevents the decomposition of the compound in the evaporator and reduces the possibility of Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) preliminary decomposition taking place on the way to the support. Reduction of the carbonylchloride vapours with hydrogen prevents the formation of coarse grained films, and promotes the formation of smooth, uniform platinum films. The preparation of thin platinum films via the thermal decomposition of bis (acety1acetonato)platinum has been described (57, 58). The (acac),Pt compound vaporises at 180°C/10-4 mm, and the deposition of lO-lOOA thick films onto a silicon support heated to 500-6OO0C is carried out at a vapour pressure of 20-200 mm. Hydrogen is not suitable as a carrier gas, because it results in the formation of a black non-volatile compound. The films are contaminated by carbon. The thermal decomposition of trimethyl(acetylacetonato)platinum at 165OC was investigated in a flow type system, with pumping of the decomposition products at 250-30O0C (59-61). Platinum was deposited as a bright metallic film, and acetylacetone and methane were identified in the decomposition products. The other most suitable platinum derivatives for film formation via deposition from the vapour phase, are tetrakis(trifluoroph0sphine)platinum Pt(PF,), (b.p. 7OOC) (62), bis-?r-allylplatinum (C, H 5 ) 2pt (sublm.p. 40°C/10-2 mm (63), ?r-allyl-?r-cyclopentadienylplatinum C, H, PtC, H, (sub1m.p. 40°C/10-2 mm) (63), trimethyl-?r-cyclopentadienylplatinum Me,Pt-r-C,H, (sublm.p. 100°C/10-2 mm) (8, 65) and its monomethyl derivative (8). The production of platinumgallium films has been reported (66). Decomposition in Solution Having reviewed the literature on the application of organometallic platinum group compounds for the preparation of coatings and films via vapour phase deposition, the decomposition of organometallic compounds in solutions is now considered. In this case the majority of the data is concerned with thermal decompositions which is due to the fact that electrochemical and chemical deposition of 29 I Organometallic Platinum Group Compounds for Film Deposition ~ Organometallic compound compound Support Support Reference Reference Temperature Temperature 67 67 67 67 67 67 Synthetic Synthetic fibres fibres (DieneIPdCI, Polymer Polymer Os0,terpene Glass Glass I 50-150°C 50-1 5OoC I 69 69 3OOOC 3OOOC H, H, stream stream 70 70 (DieneIPdCI, LML' (M =Pd, Pt, Pt, Rh, Rh, Ir, Ir, Ru, 0s; L,L'=cyclic L,L'=cyclic hydrocarbon ligands) ligands) Electrodes Pd, DBA, Pd,DBA, (DBA = dibenzylideneacetone) Plastics Plastics 71 71 I 1 I Glass" Glass" IC,H,PtCI,lH Zeolites, Zeolites, metal metal oxides oxides CpRh(CO),H I I I 72 72 73 73 Rh,(COl,CI, Rh,(CO),CI, CODPtCI, 68 68 1 I " Divinylbenzene, Divinylbenzene, polystyrene polystyrene I 74 74 74 74 75 75 For data on application of the compounds: C,H.M(XlC,H.IM=Rh l r . X = S R SeR TeR AsR PR 1. (LMXI lL=cyclic r-enyl; M=Pd, Pt; X=halogenl; [QM(COI € ] + A - IM=Ru. 0s;Q=C.H.. C.H.; € L i e f i n ; ALAIX;. PF., BPh:: haiogenide);'M(Csl.(PR,IX (M=Ru, Rh, yd, F't; R=Ph; X=CI, Brl~L,Rh(COICL see Refs. 76-80 Preliminary treatment with CI,SICH,I,CN metals from solutions are being seldom used. Films of metals and metal oxides may be produced on a variety of supports from organometallic compounds and their mixtures via thermal decomposition. The method is technologically facile, and as a rule the following procedures are carried out (1): (i) The solution is applied to a sample, the solvent is evaporated, the organometallic compound is decomposed at ambient temperature and the film formed is then annealed into the sample at elevated temperatures. (ii) The heated sample is placed in the solution, Platinum Merals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) held there until it becomes coated, and the film is then annealed into the sample. (iii) A stream of the solution is directed under pressure onto the sample being plated, which is heated to the specified temperature. Organometallic platinum group compounds for use with this technology require the following (1): (a) high solubility of the organometallic compound in organic solvents (b) the organometallic compounds should not undergo sublimation, even at elevated temperatures 30 (c) the organic solvent and organic decomposition products should be completely vaporised at the decomposition temperature of the organometallic compounds. In view of these requirements, the literature is now considered. It should be noted that the majority of organometallic platinum group compounds exhibit hlgher solubility than inorganic compounds. The first requirement, therefore, is easy to meet. Any organometallic platinum group compound is potentially suitable for the formation of films from solution, via thermal decomposition. The determining factor is the availability of the compound and its possible commercial production. Information on the use of organometallic platinum group compounds for film deposition via thermal decomposition is given in the Table. This shows that a wide range of compounds, covering practically all types of platinum group organometallic compounds, have been patented. These compounds can be readily prepared under both laboratory and industrial conditions. The literature contains no data on the photochemical and electrochemical decomposition of organometallic platinum group compound solutions. There is however information on the chemical deposition of platinum metals from solutions of the corresponding organometallic compounds. The deposition is carried out in the presence of a suitable reducing agent, frequently hydrogen. Thus platinum films can be deposited on aluminium oxide and other nonconducting supports by the reaction of hydrogen with solutions of the diene platinum complexes (8 1-84). Therefore, by this method, platinum metals alloyed with silver and gold (85) or nickel (86) may be deposited from mixed a-complex solutions. One-electron reagents of the sodium naphthalenide type have been patented as reducing agents (87). Coatings may be prepared by thermal decomposition of organometallic compounds which are generally applied to the support as a paste, or in a pure form. (The preparation of metallic Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) ruthenium and platinum by thermolysis of Ru,(OOCPh),(PhCOOH), and (DMSO),PtCl,, respectively, has been reported (88, 89)). Osmium films were also produced on glass by heating osmium tetroxide complexes with terpenes (90, 91). Ruthenium films were prepared by the pyrolysis of Ru,(CO),, (92), and platinum films by the decomposition of Me,PtC,H, (66, 92). Ruthenium plated electrodes were made by annealing pastes containing tris(acety1acetonato)ruthenium and trichlorosilane (93), and thick palladium and platinum films were produced by thermolysis of the corresponding resinates (94, 95). Another application of organometallic platinum group compounds in electronics relates to the production of multilayer circuits for computers. Usually circuit boards or substrates prepared from a polymeric material, such as polyamides or polyphenolformaldehyde, are subjected to chemical and electrochemical metallisation, frequently with copper or nickel. The metallic films thus formed become metallic patterns and the prepared circuits are layered and perforated. It is desirable that the holes are metallised. In order to produce well metallised circuits, chemical metallisation catalysts are employed, these being incorporated into the polymer. The composition is then heated to the decomposition temperature of the organometallic compound to form the metal. Copper and nickel are deposited on the materials thus formed. Palladium compounds are mainly used for these applications and there are a number of patents relating to complexes with phosphines (96), with phosphites (97, 98), tris(dibenzy1ideneacetone)dipaUadium and olefinic and acetylacetonate derivatives of palladium (98-103). For the metallising of polymers, see also (104-108). Summary It is apparent, therefore, that organic platinum metals compounds have some specific applications in electronics, but to date these have been limited due to difficulties in producing the compounds on an industrial scale. 31 Refersences 1 G. A. Razuvaev, B. G. Gribov, G. A. Domrachev “Metalloorganicheskie and B. A. Solomatin, “Metalloorganicheske Soedineniya vv Electronike”, Nauka, Moscow, 1972 1972 2 “Osazhdenie Plenok i Pokrytii Razlozheniem Metalloorganicheskich Soedinenii”, Nauka, 1981 Moscow, 1981 3 S. E. 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Werner, U.S. Patent 3,159,658; 1964 78 E. 0. Fischer and K. Fichtel, U.S. Patent 3,268,565; 1966 79 G. Wilkinson, U.S. Patent 3,452,068; 1969 80 G. Wilkinson, U.S. Patent 3,459,780; 1969 81 Mobil Oil Corp., British Patent 1,180,891; 1970 82 W. 0. Haag and D. D. Whitehurst, U.S Patent 3,635,761; 1972 83 Mobi O i Corp., French Parent 1,568,527; 1969 84 Mobil Oil Corp., Dutch Appl. 68/7,769; 1968 85 Mobil Oil Corp., British Appl. 1,299,413; 1972 86 B. Blanc, Comptes Rend., 1975, 281, 603 Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 87 D. B. Smith, British Appl. 1,456,844; 1977 88 M. Spohn, J. Strahl and W. Hiller, Z. Naturforsh.B, 1986, 41, 541 89 P. Khodadad and R. Ceolin, 3. Them. Anal., 1985, 30, 1141 90 Engelhard Corp., Germun Appl. 2,018,104; 1970 91 Engelhard Carp., Dutch. Appl. 7015,496; 1970 92 Shoei Chemical Industries Co. Ltd., British Patent 1,520,513; 1978 93 BASF AG., British Parent 1,303,865; 1973 94 Alps. Electric K. K., Japanese Appl. 6146,977; 1987 95 P. H. 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K., Japanese Appl. 631274,778; 1989 Osmium-Ruthenium Coatings To accommodate new uses, the cathodes in travelling wave tubes need to operate at higher frequencies and output powers; thus they have to function at higher temperatures and current densities. The life of coated tungsten cathodes is limited by tungsten diffusion; to prevent this the cathodes operate at 950OC~(brightness temperature). Therefore the degradation of a porous tungsten cathode impregnated with barium calcium aluminate and coated with an osmiumruthenium film has been studied (N. f i t a , ZEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 1991, 38, (ll), 2554). During tests tungsten diffused into the surface, converting it to osmium-rutheniumtungsten. The activation energy for the tungsten diffusion coefficient was 8.4 eV, giving a stable period for the coating of over 100,000 hours at a cathode temperature of 105OoCe,and the coating could be operated at a current density of 30 A/cm2. 33 An Important Work of Reference Chemistry of t h e Platinum Group Metals: Recent Developments EDITED BY F. R. HARTLEY, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1991, 642 pages, ISBN 0-444-88 189- 1, U.S.$274.50, Dfl.480 The declared aim of this very readable and welcome volume is to cover recent developments in the chemistry of the platinum group metals. The variety of treatments and styles used depends partly on the subject matter of each chapter, partly on when the area of technology was last reviewed and partly on the particular interests and expertise of each individual author. The result is a collection of chapters in a variety of styles, but each is useful and interesting, in its own way. The opening chapter is by Professor F. R. Hartley of the Cranfield Institute of Technology, Bedford, U. K., and considers the occurrence, extraction, properties and uses of the platinum group metals. The dominant producers of the platinum group metals are South Africa, the U.S.S.R. and, to a lesser extent, Canada. The route for conversion of the South African ore into final concentrate is indicated, as are the classical separation and more recently developed solvent extraction methods for dividing the concentrate into the six individual metals. The physical and chemical properties of the six metals are described. Therefore the principal applications of the platinum group metals depend on either their nobility or their catalytic properties. At first sight nobility and catalytic activity might seem unlikely properties to be exhibited by the same element, but their nobility depends on the large number of valence d-electrons which are available for tight cohesive bonding. These same valence shell d-electrons provide orbitals having characteristics which match those of a range of simple substrates such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide and unsaturated hydrocarbons, and thus promote their reactivity. The predominant uses of platinum are in autocatalysts and jewellery, while palladium finds application principally in the electrical and dental areas, uses of ruthenium are mainly Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (l), 34-38 in the electronics and electrochemical areas, and the market for rhodium is strongly led by its requirement in autocatalysts. Catalytic Activity The general introduction to catalysis by the platinum group metals, written by G. C. Bond of Brunel University, U. K., puts the subject into good historical perspective and draws most of its exemplification from the heterogeneous field, although the common factors present in homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymic catalysis are indicated. The analytical techniques available for structure determinations of chemisorbed layers are described, and there are sections on catalyst poisons, metallic catalysts and supported metal catalysts. The various types of useful reactor configurations are considered, as are the kinetics and reactor modelling aspects. Important industrial applications of the platinum group metals catalysts include ammonia oxidation, power station and automobile emission control, petroleum reforming, and catalytic hydrogenation in fine chemicals manufacture. Benefits of Catalytic Combustion The chapter on catalytic combustion by D. L. Trimm of the University of New South Wales, Australia, describes an extension of pollution control technology, using the heat produced, preferably with the minimum production of unwanted pollutants. The design requirements for catalytic heaters are discussed, with indications that the combustion efficiency depends on the material used to support the platinum or platinum/palladium catalyst, on fuel flow rate, the type of fuel used and oxygen diffusion from the ambient atmosphere. Therefore the use of catalytic combustion in gas turbines can reduce the temperature of gas phase free radical reactions to below 165OoC, 34 thus reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by an order of magnitude. Synthesis Gas Chemistry The chapter on the use of platinum group metals catalysis in the synthesis of chemicals from syngas by G. R. Steinmetz and Z. R. Zoeller of Eastman Chemical Company, Tennessee, U. S.A. ,indicates that the dramatic rise in crude oil prices in the early 1970s gave a corresponding surge in the quest for alternative carbon sources. This need followed the significant developments in organometallic chemistry and the result was an explosive growth in the use of organometallic catalysts (particularly homogeneous systems) for the generation of chemicals from synthesis gas. The platinum group metals have played an integral part in these developments and several processes have either been commercialised or are under consideration; these include the Monsanto process for the rhodium-catalysed carbonylation of methanol to acetic acid, and the Tennessee Eastman and Halcon SD rhodium-catalysed carbonylation of methyl acetate in the presence of hydrogen and dimethyl ether to yield acetic anhydride. Rhodium based catalyst systems are also used in the Johnson Mattheymnion Carbide/Davy McKee hydroformylation process for the conversion of olefins (for example propylene) to aldehydes. One common feature of these three rhodium-based processes is that most or all of the oxygen component is retained. Current economics dictate that a new process must possess both high selectivities and a high overall yield. There is some overlap of the content of the syngas chapter with that written by A. W. Parkins of King’s College, London, on recent developments in platinum group metal catalysts in the chemical industry, but both heterogeneous and homogeneous processes are considered here, and the growing interdependence of these two areas of catalysis is recognised. This chapter deals with both major and minor processes of interest to industry, including the rhodium-catalysed reactions indicated above, the vapour phase Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) palladium-catalysed route to vinyl acetate, the Wacker process for the palladium-catalysed production of acetaldehyde from ethene, supported palladium catalysts for the hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons, and platinum catalysed hydrosilylation reactions. Fischer-Tropsch reactions for the synthesis of higher hydrocarbons and other chemicals from methane and syngas, based on ruthenium catalyst systems, are described by Steinmetz and Zoeller and by Parkins. The Texaco molten salt process for the conversion of syngas to alcohols/esters in tetrabutylphosphonium iodide (m.p. 96OC) in the presence of ruthenium carbonyl is also described, together with a number of other reactions with industrial potential. Catalysis in Molten Salts The chapter by J. F. Knifton of Texaco Chemical Company, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., on platinum group catalysis in molten salts is a valuable review of the wide range of chemical reactions now studied in this type of medium, which should be considered in parallel with homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis in the methodology of both laboratory and commercial scale operations. In addition to the alcohol synthesis mentioned above, this technique has been used for the direct synthesis of ethylene glycol (ruthenium-rhodium catalyst or ruthenium alone), or ethene and propene (ruthenium-cobalt) from syngas. C-H Bond Activation The review of C-H bond activation by J. R. Chipperfield of the University of Hull, U.K., covers this important area of work as far as the recent developments in homogeneous catalysis are concerned. The homogeneous systems are dealt with in the context of the heterogeneous industrial processes concerned with dehydrogenation, cracking and partial oxidation. Oxidation Chemistry The comprehensive chapter on oxidation by E. S. Gore of Johnson Matthey, New Jersey, U.S.A., gives an historical introduction, 35 indicating that the first example of catalysis by tions by E. N. Balk0 of the Engelhard Corporaa metal was reported by Sir Humphry Davy in tion, New Jersey, U.S.A., the area considered 1817 who described the oxidation of inflam- is platinum group metals coated anodes in mable gases over platinum. The declared pur- which the requirements for industrial anodes pose of this chapter is to review the present are listed and then the anodic characteristics of state of platinum group metals catalysed platinum, iridium and ruthenium and their oxhomogeneous oxidations with the emphasis on ides are considered in some detail. At least 80 reactions of synthetic and industrial potential per cent of the chlorine production in the and on recent developments since 1980. Even western world is now manufactured on so, the chapter has four hundred references and ruthenised titanium. This review is primarily covers a wide spectrum of organic chemical concerned with several of the most widely used transformations, including the reactions of platinum group metals coatings in their comaliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, mon industrial applications, that is oxygen and ethers, sulphides and amines. Although chlorine discharge. An authoritative chapter on the role of platinum is well established for use in commerplatinum group metals in the photodecomposicial heterogeneous catalytic processes, it was not until 1962 that the use of a platinum group tion of water, written by A. Mills of the Univermetal (palladium) in an industrial homogeneous sity College of Swansea, U. K., includes both catalytic process was first reported, this being homogeneous and heterogeneous systems and in the Wacker process for the conversion of indicates the relevance of this approach to the ethene into acetaldehyde. conversion of solar energy into chemical energy. Electro- and Photochemistry At the present state of knowledge, the A chapter indicating the importance of heterogeneous systems are considered to be platinum group carbonyls in developing the more durable. Homogeneous catalysts for potential of catalytic processing is written by J. either hydrogen or oxygen evolution will reA. Davies and C. T. Eagle of the University of quire substantial further development before Toledo, Ohio and Williams College, they are likely to offer a serious alternative to Massachusetts, U. S.A., respectively. The prin- their heterogeneous counterparts, such as colcipal sections in this chapter are on photo- and loidal platinum or powdered hydrated electrochemistry and reduction reactions. The ruthenium(IV)oxide, respectively. use of light to generate thermally active catalysts has led to the catalytic synthesis of Homogeneous Catalysis functionalised compounds from arenes and by Palladium and Platinum Systems alkanes under exceptionally mild conditions. The contribution by G. K. Anderson of the Through an understanding of fundamental University of Missouri, U.S.A., is on the electrode processes, it may prove possible to organometallic and homogeneous catalytic design solution phase systems or modified elec- chemistry of palladium and platinum and is trodes capable of exerting a significant elec- very substantial with over four hundred trocatalytic effect on the reduction of carbon references, in spite of its focus being on work dioxide, an alternative to hydrocarbons as a ma- carried out only in the past ten years. Both the jor initial source of carbon. Platinum group car- organometallic aspects of the topic and the use bonyls have begun to show promise as catalysts of these species in catalytic reactions are for a number of novel reduction reactions described. Soluble palladium catalyst systems have been which have potential for future developments, including the reduction of nitrogen oxides by widely applied in organic chemical synthesis using, for example, carbonylation reactions; carbon monoxide. In the chapter on electrochemical applica- both platinum and palladium systems have Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 36 featured in catalytic hydrogenation, hydroformylation and hydrosilylation reactions. Iridium and Rhodium Systems Another very substantial review, with over five hundred references, has been contributed by F. H. Jardine of the North East London Polytechnic, U.K. The organometallic and homogeneous catalytic chemistries of rhodium and iridium are described, including hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions, hydroformylation, hydrosilylation and carbonylation and decarbonylation. In general, only recent work is covered but a special feature is made of rhodium(I1)carboxylate catalysed cyclisations involving alpha-diazo esters or ketones, a topic which has been overlooked in previous reviews. The chapter by W. Levason of the University of Southampton, U.K., on the chemistry of the platinum metals in high oxidation states brings up to date a topic frequently reviewed in the past. The text is in a highly summarised form and is a very useful reference work for inorganic chemists working in this area. For halides, oxides and the related anions, there is sufficient resemblance between the chemistries of the six elements to allow the topics to be treated together. For the co-ordination chemistries with neutral ligands, however, the differences currently seem large enough for them to be treated separately. There are 443 references in this chapter and it also includes an addendum covering the 1989 literature, whereas the main text covers principally the years 1981 to 1988. Activity with Biologically Important Molecules Amino acid and peptide complexes are reviewed by H. Kozlowski and L. D. Pettit of the University of Wroclaw, Poland and the University of Leeds, U. K. , respectively. Interest in the interaction of platinum metals with biologically important molecules was stimulated some twenty years ago with the discovery by Barnett Rosenberg and colleagues at Michigan State University, that certain Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) platinum complexes exhibit anti-cancer activity. Intensive research to explain the chemistry and biochemistry of platinum complexes which behave as cytotoxic agents and to produce effective and less toxic anti-cancer drugs has led to huge projects based on the chemistry of platinum complexes with many biologically active ligands, including amino acids and peptides. Amino acid complexes of the platinum group metals are also of interest as catalysts and, as such, have been the subject of several recent studies; this may become a rewarding field for research, although it is made difficult by the kinetic inertness of many of the complexes formed and the complicated aquochemistry of the metal ions themselves. A review of cancer chemotherapy involving platinum and other platinum group complexes has been written by C. A. McAuliffe, H. L. Sharma and N. D. Tinker of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, U.K. The parent of this class of platinum drugs is “cisplatin” and this is widely used for the successful treatment of ovarian and testicular cancers and, to a lesser extent, head and neck tumours. A very significant research effort on the synthesis and evaluation of candidate platinum compounds for new drug formulations has now led to the introduction of the second generation drug “carboplatin” which produces less severe side effects in patients. Electronic Applications The final chapter in this wide ranging book is written by P. D. Gurney and R. J. Seymour of Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Reading, U.K., and indicates the many uses for the platinum group metals in electronics. Platinum finds most of its applications in the thin film area but palladium and ruthenium are predominant in the formulation of thick film conductor and resistor systems. In fact, 51 per cent of the demands for palladium and ruthenium in the western world are in the electrical/electronics area. A wide variety of platinum group metal compounds have been used to deposit thin metal films via chemical vapour decomposition techniques, while physical vapour deposition 37 involves the production of a metal film via sputtering or evaporation at low pressure. Platinum silicide, made by the sputtering of a thin platinum film onto a silicon surface, finds application in bipolar integrated circuits and in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) structures. Amongst other topics discussed in this chapter are platinum group metal alloys for liquid metal ion sources (LMIS) and the use of platinum group metals in magnetic data storage media, thin-film magneto resistive sensors, magneto-optic media, and gas sensors. Ruthenium oxide finds wide application in thick film resistors, and palladium-silver systems are the basis of the most widely used thick film conductors as well as being valuable components in multilayer ceramic capacitors. The use of platinum group metals is helping in the development of the new high temperature superconducting systems; they are being used in the formation of barrier layers for thin films of these materials. Platinum group metals complexes have also been incorporated into semiconductors, and into one-dimensional conductors where the columnar structures result in the compound having highly anisotropic properties. Overall, this book reviews progress in the development of knowledge on the chemistry of the platinum group metals in the areas where there have been significant technological advances during the last ten years. There are good links throughout between scientific investigation and its commercial application, although one very important application area, that is automotive emission control catalysts, only receives brief comments, and there is no discussion of the platinum fuel cell catalyst systems which are currently receiving significant attention in both research and commercial development. The book provides a useful and stimulating reference work, particularly as it covers many different fields of scientific research in the same volume and it should therefore appeal to a wide range of research workers, particularly those interested in developing new areas of platinum metals research or commercial applications in a synergistic manner. D.T.T. Efficient Ruthenium Dye-Sensitised Solar Cell To-date, a large scale use of photovoltaic devices for electricity generation has not developed because the available technology is prohibitively expensive. However, a recent letter from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology describes a photovoltaiccell system for which a commercially realistic energy conversion efficiency is claimed (B. O'Regan and M. Griitzel, Nature, 1991, 353, (6346), 737). Colourless, optically transparent films of titanium dioxide, displaying the fundamental absorption edge of anatase (band gap 3.2 eV) are deposited on conducting glass sheet. These 10 pm films, which consist of particles with an average size of 15 nm and a particle surface roughness factor of 780, gave linear photocurrent response up to full sunlight. The subsequent deposition of a monolayer of the trimeric ruthenium complex dye RuL2(p(CN)Ru(CN)Lr2), (where L is 2,2'bipyridine-4,4'dicarboxylic acid and L' is 2,2'-bipyridine) onto the titania results in a deep brownish red coloration of the film. The high surface area of the semiconductor film and Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) the ideal spectral characteristics of the dye lead to a high proportion of the incident solar energy flux being harvested in a cell employing this system in the photoanode; the counter electrode consisting of conducting glass coated with a few monolayers of platinum. The very fast electron injection observed with dyes such as this tri-ruthenium complex, combined with their high chemical stability, makes these compounds look attractive for practical development. Exceptionally high efficiencies for the conversion of incident photons to electrical current are claimed, with the device harvesting 46 per cent of the incident solar energy flux. The overall light to electric energy conversion yield is 7.1 to 7.9 per cent in a simulated solar light and 12 per cent in diffuse daylight. With current densities greater than 12 mA/cm2 and with at least five million turnovers being achieved without decomposition, practical applications may be feasible. The technology described thus seems to represent a significant advance in D.T.T. photovoltaic cell technology. 38 Versatility of Palladium Compounds Carbonylation: Direct Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds BY H. M. COLQUHOUN, D. J. THOMPSON AND M. V. TWIGG, Plenum Press, New York, 1991, 296 pages, ISBN 0-306-43747-3, U.S.$65 The authors have used their experience of industrial catalysis to provide an authoritative and practical account of carbonylation. The volume deals with the carbonylation of organic compounds, principally mediated by transition metal catalysts but also including relevant reactions which use stoichiometric reagents. The major parts of the book are organised according to the chemical nature of the product. In addition, there are useful sections which deal with mechanistic and practical aspects of carbonylation. The use of carbon monoxide is proving increasingly useful in organic synthesis and the chapter on practical aspects of carbonylation is a valuable guide to chemists not experienced in handling these materials. It includes valuable details on the properties of carbon monoxide and metal carbonyls, it describes the handling of these materials and also deals with the equipment and procedures required to carry out reactions and isolate the products. The major sections of the book on organic syntheses are organised in a clear and concise way. They contain practical details of selected compounds and point out limitationsof particular methodology. The chapter on aldehydes describes their synthesis from halocarbons using either soluble palladium catalysts or stoichiometric iron reagents. Hydroformylation of alkenes is also discussed with an emphasis on the commercial rhodium catalysts and to a lesser extent cobalt. The section on ketones describes their synthesis from halocarbons (using iron reagents or palladium catalysts) and from dienes (using palladium, rhodium or cobalt catalysts). The synthesis of carboxylic acids from alkyl and benzyl halides with palladiumtriphenylphosphine or anionic nickel carbonyl catalysts and from vinyllic halides using palladium or cobalt catalysts is described. There is discussion of the Monsanto based Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (l), 39 rhodium catalyst systems which have become the dominant technology for the carbonylation of methanol to acetic acid. This catalyst is less useful for the carbonylation of higher alcohols where strong acids find some application. Other sources of carboxylic acids are alkynes, diazonium ions (using palladium catalysts) and aldehydes. The preparation of esters via similar substrates is described, and in addition the hydroesterification of alkenes with carbon monoxide and ethanol using bimetallic catalysts containing platinum or palladium with tin halide as co-catalyst is discussed, as is the carbonylation of organometallic reagents such as Grignard, organothallium, organoboron and organosilicon reagents with palladium or cobalt catalysts. The Tennessee Eastman rhodium process for the production of acetic anhydride is described along with other routes to acid anhydrides. There are further sections on the synthesis of amides, acyl halides, lactones, lactames and related heterocycles. A chapter is devoted to decarbonylation where aromatic aldehydes can be useful starting materials. Palladium-on-carbon catalysts have been employed at high temperatures and also homogeneous rhodium systems under less extreme conditions. The final chapter deals with the preparation and recovery of precious metals catalysts. This includes sufficient detail to enable a qualified chemist to prepare relevant catalysts of interest. This volume demonstrates that palladium compounds serve as versatile catalysts in organic synthesis involving carbon bond-forming reactions. The authors have provided a good balance between established reactions and emerging chemistry. It should serve as a useful text for synthetic chemists working in a research and M.J.H.R. development environment. 39 Platinum in the Eighteenth Century A FURTHER SPANISH CONTRIBUTION To AN UNDERSTANDING OF ITS DISCOVERY AND EARLY METALLURGY By A. Galhn and R. Moreno Department of Chemistry, Informatic Faculty and E.T.S.I. de Montes, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain It is generally accepted that the first description of “platina” to appear in Europe was by a young Spanish naval officer, Antonio de Ulloa, whose famous work “Relacibn del Viaje a la America Meridional” was published in 1748. Important though this was, of even greater significance was the fact that the primary metallurgy of platinum must have been established much earlier, enabling it to be extracted, purified and manufactured. These processes appear to have been kept secret from other European countries, and until recently their details had not been deduced. Now manuscripts discovered in the Colombian Archives enable known methods of purification to be linked to the description of the primitive manufacturing process. The date ofthe discoveryof platinum has often been debated, but current opinion favours the claim of Antonio de Ulloa (1) over that of Charles Wood (see (2) where W. Watson refers to a letter in which C. Wood communicated to him in 1741 the existence of platina). Earlier this century, however, in a little known publication, a Peruvian historian named Luis Ulloa ascribed the discovery to Jose Sanchez, a Spanish assayer who had worked at the Casa de la Moneda de Santa F6 de Bogota (3). Unfortunately Luis Ulloa did not support this attribution with any bibliographical evidence. From his biographical details, however, there is no doubt that he was extremely knowledgeable about the archives of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and therefore it would not be surprising if he knew of the existence of documents concerning platinum that pre-dated the arrival in South America of Antonio de Ulloa. In a work published in 1985 (4) Espinosa Baquero, a Spanish-American author, reproduced a manuscript by Jose Sanchez de la Torre y Armas (5). This included a balance sheet, dated 1726, for a separation of gold and platinum, and is very likely the manuscript referred to Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (I), 40-47 earlier by Luis Ulloa, when attributing the discovery of platinum to Sgnchez. The Sanchez manuscript has been studied by Espinosa Baquero and also by Luis Fermin Capitan (6) but their interpretations of the separation procedure differ from that of the present authors. Background to the Early Metallurgy of Platinum Historically the significance of the various claims concerning the discovery of platinum, arising from the writings of Ulloa, Wood and even Sanchez, have been complicated by the fact that they considered only the native metal, “platina”, which may have been adulterated with other metals, and which received no kind of scientific purification. Of even greater importance is the fact that fabricated platinum articles existed in the first third of the Eighteenth Century, necessitating a refining or purification process and, in the absence of the means to melt it, a hot-pressing or sintering process that enabled the platinum to be worked subsequently (7). The possibilities of platinum fabrication were 40 acknowledged by experts in other European swords, boxes and buckles, not any piece is to be found today, either for the no appreciation that countries, dating it before the voyage of this invention got from its residents, or for the reAntonio de Ulloa to South America. In a letter quests from foreigners who wanted to verify the from William Watson to Georg Mattias Bose, fact of the fusion they doubted about, they have entirely vanished”. dated 15th January 1751, (included in the review by M. Morin (8)), the following This is not a technical report, but it gives the reference is made to “platina’ ’: opinions of Mutis upon the advantages of platinum for industrial applications. It includes “It is not possible to forge, but it has already been found in America the way of moulding hilts of a report of melting tests carried out in the Casa swords”. de la Moneda de Santa Fe to make two medals On the other hand, in 1750 Watson had already embellished with the head and shoulders of the King.* Although no details of the refining or noted in the Philosophical Transactions: melting procedures are given, Mutis says: “But the Spaniards have a way of melting it down, “The fusions that on this occasion have been either alone, or by means of some Flux; and cast it into Sword-hilts, Buckles, Snuff-boxes, and other Utensils.” (2) Charles Wood adds (see (8) pp.31-32) that they may achieve the fusion by adding another metal, or non-metal. He supports this assertion by referring to cupellation experiments carried out in Jamaica by M. Brownrigg, where a weight loss occurred during the process due to impurities. However, cupellation was not a guarantee of pure platinum, as it would not be possible to eliminate all the lead from the cupellation residue because of the solidification of the lead-platinum alloy prill before the cupellation was properly finished. None the less, objects made from pure platinum may have existed, and if they did then they could have been taken from Cartagena de Indias to Jamaica where Wood could have obtained them. In his survey of the literature on platinum, Morin writes-although possibly without first hand knowledge: “The Spaniards have found the secret of its fusion, since they have fused hilts of swords, boxes, tobacco-boxes, etc.. ..” (8) practiced in order to form those samples, have been very easy and yet without all that difficulty . . . with the result that, being the fusion of this metal very easy . . . The portrait of the royal person in medal number 1 is the sample of the pure platina . . .” Thus, it seems unquestionable that pure platinum could be “melted”, although this may actually mean “hot-forged”, but the result for medal number 1 was not excellent. The craftsman who carried out the “melting” was Francisco de Benito, the engraver at the Casa de la Moneda de Santa Fe. According to Manjarres (lo), the Junta de Comercio asked for information about the method used by Benito, the engraver from la Ceca, who had been awarded a prize for discovering the procedure which he had been recommended to keep secret. This he apparently did, because there is no record of it in the Archivo General de Indias. The medals resulted from a revival of interest in platinum by the Junta de Comercio, who knew of the Santa Fe directive concerning platinum. According to Manjarres, this directive required that the platinum which was separated from gold in the Casas de la Moneda was to be thrown into the rivers, as it was impossible to melt, but more especially to avoid its fraudulent use as an adulterant. The Viceroy These comments were all corroborated in a much later, 1774, report on platinum by Jose Celestino Mutis, Director of the Real Expedicidn Botinica al Nuevo Rein0 de Granada, the *In Reference 10, Manjarres indicates that manuscript being in the Real Jardin Botinico de Madrid (9). Referring to earlier times, Mutis the American publisher Jose Toribio Medina possessed a platinum medal from Santa Fe notes that: which carried a bust of King Carlos 111, and “Although in this city, small pieces of platina wonders if this medal was one sent by the were fused years ago, forming hilts for ceremonial Viceroy. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, ( 1 ) 41 encouraged experimentation with the platinum, they consisted of primary unrefined gold and in 1774 he reported that although it had not which naturally contained platinum or were been known how to melt platinum, this had gold adulterated with platinum. By virtue of the first refining procedure now been achieved as a result of the experiments carried out; as proof of this he sent adopted, we are of the opinion that the bars the medals carrying the portrait of the King, as were new unrefined material. Initially the gold was melted several times to give what Sanchez related by Mutis. With hindsight it seems curious that a regarded as “clean” 18 carat gold, free of melting process was not known in Santa FC, platinum, together with a gold residue which although one had been available earlier. It is, contained the platinum. There was, additionalperhaps, also surprising how quickly it was re- ly, a melting loss of 58 castellanos. Clearly the discovered when experimentation started. gold and platinum cannot have been perfectly Again, it is interesting to consider that before alloyed, since if they had been they would have the arrival of Ulloa platinum had been been inseparable by simple melting. It must be fabricated in a primitive way, but over a period concluded that the platinum was present as parof only thirty years this ability had been lost, ticles in the body of the gold, resulting from incomplete initial fusion before the bars were perhaps due to lack of interest. Thus, as a working hypothesis we will cast. When the gold was re-melted, the insoluassume that Francisco de Benito re-discovered ble platinum could be separated with a strainer. This procedure saved Sanchez from having to the process that had been used in la Ceca in the first part of the century, making use of informa- refine the whole of the 5958 castellanos by the tion contained in a manuscript stored in the next procedure, known as inquartation. A flow-sheet of the whole process is shown in Casa de la Moneda de Santa FC which he was the Scheme. In the manuscript Sanchez claims probably able to access when commencing his that he obtained 3000 castellanos of clean gold, study of the fusion of platinum. free from platinum, although admittedly only The Bogoti Manuscript 18 carat. This is unlikely to be strictly true The manuscript of Jose Sgnchez de la Torre since some platinum would probably have y Armas contains a mass balance and a cost dissolved during the melting processes, analysis for refining a batch of gold which con- although possibly only trace amounts. This tained platinum (5). The report is unclear does not seem to have been noticed by him, and because it mixes the language of the time, it would not have changed in a perceptible way which was probably associated with commercial the colour or the melting point of the gold, or aspects of the process, with mention of the its mechanical properties. Also, at low concenbalances. The author makes no attempt to trations it would have been difficult to detect by describe the technical aspects of the process us- fire assay. It is considered that both the separation by ed; this has to be deduced from the comments that he makes about the difficulties of the pro- melting and the formation of an 18 carat alloy cess as he tries to justify the high costs involv- are evidence that the bars had originated from ed. Important technical conclusions about costs the incorrect melting of natural gold, containand weights of materials can be deduced from ing some platinum. If the gold had been intenthe report, as will now be demonstrated. tionally adulterated, the separation would be impossible if alloying had occurred, and the The Separation Procedure gold alloy would probably have been of a higher The manuscript refers to six bars of gold mix- quality, for example, a 22 carat coinage alloy. ed with platinum and having a total weight of Also in an adulterated alloy the platinum would 5958 castellanos. The origin of the bars is not presumably have been well alloyed in order to given and, therefore, it is not known whether make it more difficult to detect. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, ( 1 ) 42 GOLD CONTAINING PLATINUM (platinum forming nodules) J ’ Fusions and refusions 18 CARAT LOSS GOLD GOLD CONTAINING PLATINUM Inquartation, silver is added in the ratio of 4:1IAg:Au + Pt Taken aside or separation with nitric acid (with mercury remainders) Calcination Calcination i Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) v 43 The second part of the procedure for refining the gold is based on inquartation, which is a well known process for refining gold although little used in practice. It is based on the solubility in nitric acid of silver and the base metals commonly present in the alloy. The gold to be refined is melted with three to four times its weight of silver; when this alloy is treated with nitric acid everything dissolves except the gold which remains as a powder at the bottom of the container, and can be easily separated by decanting the solution. This method is unlikely to have been used for normal gold refining because of the high cost of nitric acid, as will be shown later in the analysis of costs. Other methods such as “real foundation” and “fusing precipitation” (12) might have been preferred, the use of inquartation being limited to assaying. But it will be shown next that inquartation was the only process available to Sanchez which could have been used to separate platinum and gold. Sanchez carried out the inquartation correctly, using a 4:l ratio of silver to the 2900 castellanos of platinum-containing gold, in order to transform the gold-base metal alloy into a silver-base metal alloy soluble in nitric acid. The problem he faced, as he acknowledged, was in achieving an homogeneous alloy since the platinum did not alloy readily with silver at the temperature of his furnaces. He notes: “. . . happening to make a new alloy in some granules, when the platina flocculates and does not have itself enough silver, for the water to cause its effect”. It was necessary for the alloy to be homogeneous, so that when the silver dissolves it leaves behind a finely divided residue of gold and platinum and not platinum nodules. Actually, under these conditions platinum has some solubility in nitric acid, particularly in strong acid (but this would not necessarily have been available in this case), something which does not happen with gold. However, we do not think that this solubility is likely to have been noticed by Sanchez. Thus, after the inquartation a mixture of gold and platinum powders is left; the silver and Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) base metals having been dissolved in the nitric acid. Sanchez does not specifically indicate how he achieves the further separation of the two noble metals, but the key information is contained in the detail of the costs: “Por el cost0 que hay y que se tuvo . . . plata consumida, peones, azogado del or0 que sale para separar la platina calcinada . . .” [“By the cost that there is and was . . . consumed silver, labourers, treatment with mercury of the leaving gold in order to separate the calcined platina . . .”I There seems to be little doubt that he separated the platinum and gold by amalgamation with mercury, which would rapidly dissolve the fine gold powder leaving behind the platinum which does not alloy with mercury. This residue would then be calcined to yield practically pure platinum. Espinosa Baquero, in his interpretation of the process, suggested that aqua regia was used rather than nitric acid (4), basing it on a remark by Sanchez “that it dissolves the gold and the platinum”. Sanchez does not mention aqua regia, however, and the large mass of silver based alloy would be unlikely to dissolve in the reagent owing to the formation of insoluble silver chloride; this would prevent or make difficult the dissolution of the rest of the alloy. Capitan proposes that the platinum is all dissolved by the nitric acid (6), this assumption possibly being based upon the work of Mathieu Tillet (1714-1791). This work was not published until 1779, however, so the information would not have been available to Sanchez in 1726; even if they had been contemporaries they were unlikely to have meet in Santa Fe. Furthermore, the solubility of platinum in nitric acid is quite limited and repeated cupellations and partings in nitric acid would be required to effect a separation. Having obtained a solution of platinum in nitric acid, Capitan next proposes that Sanchez separated the silver from the platinum by cementation with brass, but this process was not widely known at that time. The procedure that we deduce from the manuscript is in keeping with the information known at that time; in addition to the fact that 44 it was mentioned in the Sanchez manuscript, the amalgamation process was well known at that time, being used on alluvial gold grains to separate them from admixed platinum particles. We have deduced from the manuscript that Sanchez was neither a scientist nor an investigator. He is far more likely to have been an assayer applying the established procedures of his craft. It is probable that these assay procedures had been known in the Ceca de Santa FC for some years and were passed from one assayer to another, as was the case with other craftsmen's knowledge at that time. For the moment, however, this is the oldest written document on the subject from which any technical conclusions can be drawn. In the light of present knowledge, we consider that the platinum obtained by Sanchez would have been practically pure, although it is certain that his objective would have been the separation of platinum from the gold, rather than the refining of the platinum. Sanchez states that he produced calcined platinum and platinum grains, in which state the platinum could be readily hot-forged. This suggests an improvement in the mechanical properties compared to those of native platinum, which was not malleable and could not be worked. Since the process described was the only one then available for the production of pure platinum, we propose that it may well have been the one used for the platinum that was fabricated into the buckles, boxes and other articles which circulated in the neighbourhood of Santa FC de Bogota. It also seems likely to have been the process used many years later by the engraver Francisco de Benito to mint the medals that carried the King's bust. Finally, it is surprising that the gold separated by the nitric acid and amalgamation stages should have the unusual fineness of 21 carat. Gold refined by this procedure would normally be expected to be almost pure. The Analysis of Costs The study of the refining costs presented by Sanchez is very interesting because of the picture it presents of the problems, both technical and economic, that were caused by the adulteration of gold with platinum. Table I Yields and Costs of the First Refining ~ Gold obtained = 2250 castellanos of fine gold (3000 Cs 18 carat gold) Value of this gold = 6 4 7 4 . 4 patacones Cost of the loss in gold = 1 0 5 . 1 4 patacones (58 Cs of original alloy") Fusion cost = 3 2 3 . 6 6 patacones" Total cost = 428.8 patacones We suppose the original alloy to be of an average fineness of 630 O/OO in gold. * * He does not compute the fusion expenditures, but indicates i t is the middle per cent, we understand that it is the melted metal, that is, of 3000 Cs of 1 8 carat gold. Units of Weight for the Gold 1 marco = 50 castellanos = 8 onzas 1 castellano = 8 tomines = 9 6 granos 1 onza = 6 castellanos + 2 tomines 1 onza = 8ochavas 1 ochava = 6 tomines 3 granos 1 marco = 228.86 gramos (sistema metric0 decimal) + Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Monetary Units 1 doblon = 2 Cs gold (8385Gr fine gold) 1 doblon = 4patacones 1 patacon = 1 onza silver (28,608 Gr silver) 1 patacon = 8 reales 1 real = 3 4 meravedies 45 I Table II Yields and Costs of the Second Refining Gold obtained = 1 5 0 4 castellanos of fine gold ( 1 7 1 9 Cs 1 8 carat gold) Value of this gold = 4 3 2 9 patacones Platina obtained = 3 2 5 Cs (We d o not know its value but it might be worthless) Cost of the nitric acid = ( 2 6 1 pounds) = 2 3 4 9 patacones Cost of manual labour and consumable = 1 4 5 patacones Physical loss in weight = 5 6 9 Cs = 1 0 3 1 . 3 patacones” Total cost = 3525 patacones As w e shall see in the balance o f weights, he does not recognise this sum as a loss but he imputes it t o platinum (in order not t o recognise such physical waste); w e evaluate this loss as referred t o original alloy (it is an estimation) and therefore it is equivalent t o 3 5 8 Cs of fine gold The costs of the first refining operation, the repeated fusions stage, are shown in Table I. It can be seen that the cost of this part of the procedure is equivalent to 6.6 per cent of the value of the gold recovered. The costs for the second part of the operation, that is the recovery of the gold from the 2900 castellanos of platinum-containing residue by the inquartation process, are given in Table 11. These costs amount to 81.4 per cent of the value of the gold recovered! The difference between the costs of the two refining stages is considerable; those for the first stage appear reasonable, while those for the second are clearly prohibitive. The most significant charge is for nitric acid, which amounts to 54 per cent of the value of the gold. When averaged over the whole yield, the total refining cost amounts to 36 per cent of the value of the gold recovered. As we have noted previously, it was very fortunate for Sanchez that the platinum was not already alloyed perfectly with the gold. If this had been the case the extrapolated costs for treating the whole mass of alloy by inquartation would have risen to 7240 patacones, based on costs of 4826 patacones for nitric acid, 298 patacones for manual labour and 2116 patacones for process losses (735 castellanos of fine gold), so increasing the refining costs to 67 per cent of value of the refined gold. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) These data provide ample justification for the attitude of the Spanish Administration in attempting to prevent, at all costs, the adulteration of gold with platinum. It did not signify, as has often been inferred, any lack of interest in the proper scientific investigation and exploitation of this new metal. The act of throwing the platinum into the rivers can easily be justified. The cost to the Spanish Crown of the introduction of just 5.4 per cent of platinum into the gold alloy would be the value of 2515 castellanos of gold compared to 3750 castellanos of separation costs, and all for a fraudulent gain to the miner of just 325 castellanos. Under these circumstances, when the fraud was successfully achieved it would have been better to “turn a blind eye”, in the knowledge that the normal cupellation assay methods would be unlikely to detect low levels of adulteration. Where the platinum addition was high, the same result could be achieved by diluting its concentration by adding more pure gold. Nevertheless, the policy of dumping the platinum was reasonable in the sense of ‘‘avoiding temptation”, particularly since platinum had no recognised value or uses in those days. The balance of weights shown is somewhat confusing in that it is not a balance of physical weights. It is an accounting balance in terms of 46 the weights of 18 carat gold, this being the fineness of the first gold product obtained. This may have led Sanchez to make certain mistakes, or possibly even to make intentional falsifications so that the true gold losses were difficult to detect. The first stage is clear, from the 5958 castellanos to be refined he obtained 3000 castellanos of 18 carat gold (which he called the “first benefit”) and another 2900 castellanos of gold containing platinum, giving a loss of 58 castellanos. He inquarts the 2900 castellanos with silver in the proportion 1:4, so obtaining 290 Marcos (14,500 castellanos) of granulated silver-rich alloy, which he subjects to the separation process, and this is where the accounting problems begin. Sanchez claims to have obtained 144,434 granos of gold; by implication pure gold, since he said that it made 2006 castellanos of 18 carat gold alloy. These are not physical weights, however, since what he actually obtained was 1719 castellanos of 21 carat gold alloy. These weights are all definitely self-consistent. From now on, in balancing the accounts he began to make mistakes. He used the calculated weight of 2006 castellanos to derive a figure of 894 castellanos for the loss, whereas he should have used the weight he actually had, namely the 1719 castellanos of 21 carat alloy. He then reduced the presumed value content of the loss by 25 per cent to refer the presumed content of the loss to 18 carat, which is a nonsense. He calculated a content of 64,366 granos (670 castellanos) as the waste and described it as “what is identifyed as platina”. From the 894 castellanos he calculated the loss as 15 per cent of the original mass of 5958 castellanos, and refers to it all as platinum. This is unlikely, since it assumes no loss of gold, which is improbable considering the complexity of the operations. On the other hand, he physically delivered only 325 castellanos of platinum and not 894, the difference being a real loss. The platinum in the original material would thus have been much less than 15 per cent. It is apparent that Sgnchez de la Torre had been able to achieve a balance of accountable material, which would not have been possible for the true physical items. Attributing all the loss to the “valueless” platinum enabled him to avoid admitting the gold losses, which would have been a serious matter and one for which he would have been held responsible. Saying that there were “894 castellanos recognised as platina” did not, however, stop him saying in the last paragraph of the report “I deliver 325 castellanos of calcined platina”. The difference is unimportant, since it would have been much more serious to acknowledge equivalent losses of gold. References 7 J. C. Chaston, “The Powder Metallurgy of 1 Antonio de Ulloa and Jorge Juan, “Relacion Hist6rica del Viaje a la America Meridional”, 4 vols., Madrid, A. Marin, 1748 2 W. Watson, “Several Papers concerning a new 3 4 5 6 Semi-Metal, called Platina; communicated to the Royal Society”, Philos. Trans., 1750, 584-596 Luis Ulloa Cisneros, “Historia Universal”, Publications of the Instituto M a c h de Libreria y Ediciones, Barcelona, S.L., 1932, 6 vols. Armando Espinosa Baquero, “Nuevos datos sobre el descubrimiento del platino y su metalurgia en la Nueva Granada en el siglo XVIII”, Quipu, 1985, 2, (l), 7-21 Jose Sinchez de la Torre y Armas, Manuscript: Archivo Nacional de Colombia, W a s de Tolima, V01.5, folios 330-331 L. F. Capitin, “Separating Platinum from Gold During the Early Eighteenth Century: The Methods Used in Spanish South America”, Platinum Metals Rev., 1989, 33, (2), 73-80 Platinurn Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 8 9 10 11 12 Platinum”, Platinum Metals Rev., 1980, 24, (2), 70-79 M. Morin, “La Platine, L’or blanc ou le huitieme Metal”, Paris, 1758 (Avec approbation & Permission du Roy) Jose Celestino Mutis, Informe sobre la Platina, June 15th 1774, Real Jardin Bothico de Madrid Ramon de Manjarres, “D. Jorge Juan y D. Antonio de Ulloa, La Medicion del Arc0 Terrestre, La Historia del Platino (conclusion)”, Revista de Archivos Bibliorecas y Museos, Tercera E v a , January 1913, Madrid, 58-91 Expediente del Platino, Audiencia de Santa Fe, Legajo 835, Doc.3, Archivo General de Indias Seville A. Galin and R. Moreno, “La Separaci6n del Or0 de la Plata. Un problema de la Metalurgia en la America Colonial”, ZnvestigacGn y Ciencia, 1992 (in press) 47 ABSTRACTS of current literature on the platinum metals and their alloys PROPERTIES Hydrogen Adsorption Pt(1 10)(1x 2) Surfaces STM Investigation of the Adsorption and Temperature Dependent Reactions of Ethylene on Pt( 11 1) and J. FIJSY, Appl. Surf. Sci., 1991, 52, (1/2), 77-84 A thin Co overlayer on a Pt(llO)(lx2) surface substantially modifies the adsorption energy of H, . A new state appears with an adsorption energy near 9 kcal/mol, which is lower than that usually observed on bulk Pt and bulk Co. At above one monolayer desorption conditions appear similar to those observed on bulk Co. T. A. LAND. T. MICHELY. R. J. BEHM, J . C. HEMMINGER and G. COMSA, Appl. Phys. A , 1991, A53, ( S ) , 4 14-417 The adsorption and reactions of C,H, adsorbed in UHV on Pt(ll1) were studied as a function of temperature by STM. The STM images at 160K show an ordered structure of adsorbed C, H,, which on annealing to 300K produces ethylidyne (C-CH,) irreversibly. The ethylidyne on Pt(ll1) is not visible to STM at room temperature, but cooling allows the ethylidyne ordered structure to be observed. Annealing at >430K causes further dehydrogenation, leaving only C on the surface. Further annealing at XOOK produces graphite islands, having seveTal superstructures with lattice parameters of up to 22A. The Role of Defects in the Specific Adsorption of Anions on P t ( l l 1 ) P. N. ROSS, 3. Chim. Phys. Phys. Chem. Biol., 1991, 88, (7-8), 1353-1380 The specific adsorption of anions from HC1 and H,SO, acids was studied on Pt(ll1) surfaces with two types of induced defects: a step-terrace structure and a random up-anddown stepped surface. All step defects lowered the work function of the surface in direct proportion to the step density, indicating a local dipole at the step with its positive end outward from the surface. The local work function at the step and thus the local potential of zero charge (pzc) is lower at the step than at atomically flat terraces. The difference in pzc controls the coupling of H adsorption and anion desorption. On atomically flat (111) terraces having the most positive pzc of all Pt surfaces, the processes are completely decoupled in dilute acids, with desorption of anions from terraces at potentialsmoreanodicthanfor Hadsorption. (44Refs.) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Pt/Co Multilayers on Pt Buffer Layers s. L. TANG, P. F. CARCIA, D. COULMAN and A. I. MCGHIE, Appl. Phys. Lett., 1991, 59, (22), 2898-2900 Systematic STM studies of the surface structure of multilayers sputter-deposited on various Pt buffer layer thicknesses showed that it evolved toward nanometer-scale crystallites with distinct, mostly six-sided polygonal grain boundaries with increasing Pt buffer layer thickness. It is concluded that improved (111) texture and the appearance of distinct grain boundaries contributed to the higher magnetic coercivity of the multilayer on a Pt buffer layer. Pt/& Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (l), 48-59 on Cobalt/ M. ALNOT Observation of Inverse U-Shaped Profiles after Platinum Diffusion in Silicon and H. RYSSEL, Appl. Phys. Lett., 1991, 59, (lo), 1209-1211 Studies of inverse U-shaped profiles of Pt in Si obtained after diffusion at 7OOOC were performed by deep level transient spectroscopy to determine the initial concentration of vacancies. The Pt profiles were called ‘inverse U-shaped profiles’ because in the bulk, a higher concentration of Pt was found than at the surface. Pt diffusion was found to offer, for the first time the possibility to check and improve process simulation models which are based on point defects. H. ZIMMERMANN Microstructural and Magnetic Characterization of Rapidly Solidified and Annealed Pt-Co-B Alloys and J . E. WITTIG. 1991, 70, (lo), 6137-6139 The intrinsic coercivity (Hit) of Pt-Co alloys significantly increased on the addition of B and by rapid solidification processing. After rapid solidification by double anvil splat quenching with subsequent annealing at 65OOC for 30 min, Pt42C045Bllshowed an HI, as high as 14 kOe. The magnetic hardening mechanism is a combination of inhibited magnetic domain nucleation and difficult reverse domain growth caused by the interaction of the magnetically anisotropic Co borides with the L l U Pt-CO matrix. N. QIU, J. A. TEUBERT, R. A. OVERFELT 3. Appl. Phys., Thermodynamics of the Platinum Metals Systems Uranium- pure Appl. Chem., 1991, 63, (lo), 1401- 1408 The thermodynamics of the systems: U-Pt, U-I’d, URh, U-Ir, U-0s and U-Ru are critically assessed. The isothermal sections of the ternary U-Rh-F, U-Ru-F, U-0s-F and U-Ir-F systems were found, and the Gibbs energies of formation of URu,, U,Ru,, URu,C,.,, U,RuC,, URh,, UOs,, UIr, and UIr, were determined between 900 and 1200 K. Thermodynamic results of the intermetallic phases and the platinum rich solid solution regions are discussed. H. KLEYKAMP, 48 The Effect of Hydriding on the Physical Structure of Palladium and on the Release of Contained Tritium E. STORMS and C. TALCOTT-STORMS, Fusion Technol., 1991, 20, (2), 246-257 The behaviour of T released from a contaminated Pd cathode was compared with the pattern found in cells which were claimed to produce T by cold fusion. Void space is produced in Pd when subjected to H absorption and desorption cycles. This void space can produce channels through which H can be lost from the cathode, thus reducing the H concentration. This effect is influenced by impurities, the electrode shape, charging rate, the H concentration achieved and the length of time of maximum concentration. Formation of Decagonal Quasicrystal in the Al-Pd-Mn System and Its Structure D. HIRACA, W. SUN, F. J. LINCOLN, M. KANEKO MATSUO, 3pn. Appl. Phys., 1991, 30, 3. and Y. (9A), 2028-2034 Studies of formation of a decagonal quasicrystal in Al,,Pd,,_,Mn, alloys (x=8-20) showed that the decagonal quasicrystal was formed as a coexisting phase with an icosahedral phase in the composition range of x = 10-15, and as a single phase at a composition of x about 20. It is proposed that the structure of Al-Pd-Mn decagonal quasicrystal may be interpreted as a tiling formed by atom cluster linkages. Effect of Ordering Processes on Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Pd2Cu,-xAlloy (0.40 \< x \< 0.48) A. A. SENCHENKO, I. I. PIRATINSKAYA, L. P. Z E L E N N and Yu. A. VERESHCHAGIN, Fiz. Met. Metdoved., 1991, (8), 106-111 Studies of transformation of crystal structure, electrical resistance and magnetic susceptibility of Pd,Cu, --x alloys with x =0.40-0.48 were performed under homogeneous conditions near to the stoichiometric region at 300-1200K. The results showed that ordering was accompanied by compression of the crystal lattice, and by sharp changes in electrical resistivity and diamagnetic susceptibility. The results were evaluated on the basis of density state in ordered and disordered alloys. Constitutional Studies of MolybdenumPalladium Alloys Using Ultra-Rapidly Solidified Samples and 1. N. PRATT, 3. Less-Common Met., 1991, 175, (l), 71-78 Studies of phase relationships in the Mo-Pd system at 880-1 100°C were performed using ultra-rapidly solidified samples. The finely divided microstructures produced by this technique were found to achieve equilibrium on annealing more rapidly than conventionally prepared materials. The solubility limits of the Pd-rich and Mo-rich terminal solid solutions were established. R. CURLER Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Hydrogen-Induced Ordering Palladium-Rich Pd-Mn Alloys in K. BABA. Y. NIKI, Y. SAKAMOTO and T. B. FLANAGAN, 3. Less-Common Met., 1991, 172-174, 246-253 Hydrogen-induced formation of an L1, ordered structure from an a-L1 ,,(Ag,Mg-type) structure was observed in the presence of H , at a pressure of 5.0 MPa at 726K in the a-phase of rapidly quenched alloys of Pd-Mn alloys containing 12.5-31.0 at.% Mn. In Pd-29.0 at.% Mn and Pd-31.0 at.% Mn alloys the /3, -L1 ,-s (M=2) structure transforms under the effect of H, into the /3,-L1,, (M=4) structure, where the domain size increases from M =2 to M=4. Thermodynamic Stability of Palladium Alloys: Part I: The Palladium-Niobium System M. 1. STICKNEY, M. S. CHANDRASEKHARAIAH, K. A. GINGER~CHand J. A. SPEED, Metall. Trans. A, 1991, ZZA, (9), 1937-1943 The Pd activities of 12Pd-Nb alloys, with compositions from 60Pd40Nb to 97Pd3Nb, were determined experimentally with a twin-chamber Knudsen cell mass spectrometer at 1450-1750 K. The results showed a strong interaction in the solid state between the Pd and the Nb atoms. Effect of Soluted Hydrogen on the Mechanical Properties of PalladiumRhodium Alloys N. I. TIMOFEEV and F. N. BERSENEVA, Fiz. Met. Metallov., 1991, (7), 147-152 Studies of structural changes and physico-mechanical properties of Pd-Rh alloys containing up to 25 at.% Rh were performed during H implantation in the alloy. The results showed that the mechanism of property changes in the Pd-Rh-H system can be characterised both for Pd alloys containing monovalent noble metals, and for these alloys containing transition elements. Depending on the concentration of the soluted H and on the phase compositions in the Pd-Rh alloys, the observed effects were either a simultaneous rise in their stability and ductility, or their sudden embrittlement. Mechanical Alloying of the Pd-Si System in Controlled Conditions of Energy Transfer F. PADELLA, E. PARADISO, N. BURGIO, M. MAGINI, S. MARTELLI, w. GUO and A. IASONNA, Less-Common 3. Met., 1991, 175, (l), 79-90 The composition Pd,Si,, was milled, starting from pure elemental powders, in different milling conditions, and the mechanical alloying process was followed by X-ray and differential scanning calorimetry measurements. For high levels of energy transfer the system evolves towards the formation of the intermetallic Pd, Si. At lower levels of energy transfer, formation of a stable intermetallic phase was hindered and the product was a fully amorphous phase. 49 Thermal Stability and Phase Studies of Crystalline Zr Pd Hydrides CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS and R. C. BOWMAN, 3.Less-Common Met., 1991, 172-174, 29-35 Studies of the crystalline metal hydrides Zr,PdH, for x<2.0 showed that they underwent an endothermic reaction above 8WK, and decomposed to ZrH, and ZrPd on further heating. When the crystalline hydride has x>3.0, it undergoes abrupt endothermic transitions around 550K @OK) which leads to the formation of lower H content ternary hydrides. Upon further heating above 800K, the ternary hydrides go through more endothermic reactions forming a mixture of phases that includes ZrPd, ZrH, and ZrO,. Ligand-Stabilized Bimetallic Colloids Identified by HRTEM and EDX , J. S. CANTRELL Investigations of Rh-Based Multilayers for Soft X-Ray Applications by HighResolution Electron Microscopy z. G. LI, D. J. SMITH, s.-c.Y. TSEN, P. BOHER and PH. G. SCHMID, A. LEHNERT, J:O. MALM and J.-0.BOVIN, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 1991,30, (7), 874-876 The synthesis of ligand-stabilised bimetallic colloids and the identification of their shell structures is described. Au colloids of diameter 18 nm were covered by Pt or Pd shells, when aqueous solutions of the colloids is added to a solution of H,PtCI, or H ,PdCI, and H ,NOHCI, stabilising the particles formed with p-H,NC,H, S0,Na. Uniform heterogeneous AuPt agglomerates of a Au core surrounded by Pt crystals of 5 nm, with two kinds of intergranular structures are found. For AuPd a homogeneous system of Pd and Au solid solutions is formed. The sequence of metals can also be reversed, so that 15 nm Pd colloids can be prepared and coated with Au. - HOUDY, 3.Appl. Phys., 1991, 70, (6), 2905-2910 A series of Rh-based multilayer structures was developed for soft X-ray applications by using ‘trilayer’ structures and low density B,C spacing material. The microstructure of the multilayers was studied and compared with those of W- and Ni-based multilayers. Rh crystals with f.c.c. structure but with different preferred orientations were identified in Rhbased layers. High reflectivity and selectivity for Xray mirrors was obtained in the case of WiRh/C multilayers due to significant improvement in their microstructure, especially the interface roughness. Magnetic Properties of U(Ru,,Rh,) Si, Single Crystals (0 x < 1) < Y. MIYAKO, S. KAWARAZAKI, H. AMITSUKA, C. C. PAULSEN and K. HASSELBACH, 3.Appl. Phys., 1991, 70, (lo), 5791-5793 The temperature dependence of the non-linear susceptibility of URu,Si, was studied in order to determine the properties of the phase transition at 17.5 K. Various magnetic phases of U(Rul,Rh,)Si, were studied as a function of x by means of specific heat, susceptibility, and neutron scattering methods. Two successive phase transition occurred when x=0.3. Electrical Ceramics Conductivity of BaRuO and A. EDGAR, Solid State Commun., 1991, 79, (4), 355-357 BaRuO, and Bal,&RuO, ceramics contain a mixture of 4H and 9R polytypes whose volume fraction depends on quenching temperature and the concentration of K dopant. Both polytypes have a room temperature resistivity of 10 mQcm, but with opposite signs for the temperature coefficient. The negative temperature coefficient for the 9R polytype is ascribed to localisation effects arising from the existence of two distinct crystallographic Ru sites. B. SZYMANIK - Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Metallic Properties in the Series K 2 Pd(II)H, 9 Na Pd(0)H2 and Li, Pd(0)H2 Correlated with the Stabilization of a Formally Zero-ValentPalladiumHydrogen Complex , K. KADIR, M. KRITIKOS, D.N O ~ U and S A. F. ANDRESEN, 3. Less-Common Met., 1991, 172-174, 36-41 New hydrides, Li,PdH, and K,I’dH,, were compared with Na,PdH,. The Li,PdH, and Na,PdH, were found to be metals and their structures were characterised by linear, formally zero-valent PdH, complexes in an alkali atom framework. The Pd-H bond lengths was 1.68 A. In K,PdH,, with the Na,PtH,-type structure, the larger and more electropositive K atom allows a four-co-ordinated d s square planar I’d com lex to be formed. The Pd-H bond length was 1.63f. The electrons were localised and K, PdH, was a yellow-green non-conducting powder. N-Bonded TCNQ in Stacked Dimeric Systems. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [Ru(PPh,),(TCNQ)I, (TCNQ= 7,7,8, 8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) L. BALLESTER, M. C. BARRAL, A. GUTIl?RREZ, R. JIMkNEZAPAF’JCIO, J. M. MARTfNEZ-MUYO, M. F. PERPINAN, M. A. MONGE and C. RUfZ-VALERO, y. Chem. soc., Chem. Commun., 1991, (19), 1396-1397 The reaction of RuCI,(CO),(PPh,), with AgBF, in tetrahydrofuran (thf) resulted in the formation of IRu(C0) (PPh, ) ,(tho l(BF, ), which when further reacted with PPh, in CH,Cl, and LiTCNQ in of MeOH yielded purple crystals tRu(PPh,),(TCNQ)I (1). The crystal structure of this compound showed ‘a tetrahedral environment of the Ru atom with the TCNQ molecule co-ordinated via N. All the TCNQ units act as bridges bonding two Ru atoms via opposite nitrile groups which gives rise to dimers [Ru(PPh,),(TCNQ)I,. , 50 ELECTROCHEMISTRY Platinum Electrocatalysts Applied to Carbon Fibres Electrochemistry at Platinum Single Crystal Surfaces in Acidic Media: Hydrogen and Oxygen Adsorption A. A. VEDENYAPIN. A. W. KRYLOVA. A. C. GAZARYAN, T. 1. KUZNETSOVA. 0.A. MALYKH, G. 1. EMEL'YANOVA, A. L. LAPIDUS and s. v. WSHIN, Elektrokhimiya, 1991, 27, J. CLAVILIER, A. RODES. K. EL ACHI and M. A. ZAMAKHCHARI, J. Chim. Phys. Phys.-Chim. Biol., 1991, 88, (7-8), 1291-1337 A review of the adsorption properties of H , and 0, at the Ptlacid solution interface, and their dependence on the crystalline surface structure of the Pt electrode is presented. Unusual adsorption states are seen on (111) and (100) oriented electrodes, which appear to be controlled by two-dimensional long range order. Studies on the Pt(hkl)/solution system are- examined; these include the electrochemical behaviour of stepped surfaces, surface reconstruction in solution, size of the ordered domains and the characterisation of point defects and ordered defects. (75 Refs.) In situ Infrared Studies of Glucose Oxidation on Platinum in an Alkaline Medium and C. C. LIU, J . Electroanal. Chem. Interfacial Electrochem., 1991, 309, (1 and 2), 131-145 The oxidation of a-(+)-glucose on a Pt electrode in 0.1 M NaOH was investigated by in situ FTIRabsorption spectroscopy in the range -0.76 to +0.46 V vs. Hg/HgO, O H . The surface adsorbates involved linear CO and bridged CO. The linear CO persisted on Pt in the entire potential range, with gradual shifts to higher frequencies, of 70 /cmN, while the bridged CO disappeared as the electrode potential reached -0.05 V. The oxidation products were carboxylic acid and CO,. A potential excursion up to +0.46 V caused a pH swing of >8 in the spectroelectrochemical thin layer, due to glucose oxidation. 1. T. BAE, E. YEAGER, X. XING - Structural Effects in Electroca~lysis. Ethylene Glycol Oxidation on Platinum Single-Crystal Surfaces '. N. M. MARKOVIC, M. L. L. AVRAMOV-IVIC, AVRAMoVJVIC, N. S. MARINKOVIC MA"KoV1C R. R. R. ADZIC, J. Electroanal. Chem. Interfacial and R. 3. Electrochem., 1991, 312, 312, (1 (1 and 2), 115-130 Elecrrochem., oxidation of ethylene ethylene glycol (EG) was studied on The oxidation Pt single crystal surfaces in 0.1 M NaOH. Strong structural dependence of the reaction kinetics occurstructural orientations investigated. investigated. The onset of red for all 12 orientations sequence the reaction occurs in the sequence Pt(llO)>Pt(lOO)-Pt(lll). The peaks of the voltamPt(llO)>Pt(lOO)-Pt(ll1). metry curves curves for the low-index low-indexplanes decrease in the order (lll)>(llO)>(lOO). (lll)>(llO)>(lOO). Either the (111) or the (100) (100)oriented oriented steps cause a decrease decrease in the activity activity of the (111) plane. Surfaces near the (100) plane have higher higher activity activity than Pt(111). 1). The (111) oriented steps in the Pt(ll0) plane increased the activity, activity, while the (100) oriented oriented steps decreased it. PtOH layer formaformation and onset of EG oxidation oxidation occurred occurred together, together, showing the reaction reaction involves interaction interaction of the adsorbed sorbed and dehydrogenated dehydrogenated EG with R(OH),,.J,. P~(OH),,.J,. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) (7), 848-853 Studies were performed of Pt/C fibre catalysts prepared by impregnation of C fibres by H,PtCI, solution or by electrochemical deposition of Pt on C fibres from the analogue solution at 0.2 V. The results showed that Pt/C fibre catalysts prepared by electrochemical deposition have greater dispersion than those obtained by impregnation. It is suggested that two types of polarisation processes with different rates occur on the catalyst surfaces. Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide in SulfurModified Platinum-Graphite Packed Bed Electrodes S. E. LYKE and S. H. IANGER,. _ 7. Electrochem. ~ O C . , 1991, 138, (6), 1682-1687 The oxidation of dissolved SO, at Pt supported in porous graphite sheet electrodes was studied at 450-750 mV (RHE) using various Pt loadings and SO, concentrations. Controlled reductive pretreatment of the electrodes in the presence of SO, was found to produce catalytic effects which resulted in enhanced steady-state oxidation currents due to formation of a S-modified Pt surface. In hybrid cells with fuel cell type 0 , gas diffusion cathodes operating in the electrogenerative mode, the pretreated Pt-graphite anodes were used to oxidise 3-500 mM SO, in 3M H,SO,. Irreversible Adsorption of Chlorophyll on an Amalgamated Platinum Electrode in Aprotic Solvents L. L. F. F. LAFI, LAFI. L. L. A. A. KHANOVA and M. R. TARASEVICH, TARASEVICH. Elektrokhimiya, Elekfrokhimiya, 1991, 19919 27, 27, (8), (8),961-%8 Studies of of adsorption adsoWion of of chlorophyll on on an amalgamated P t electrode in various aprotic solvents Pt were performed under controlled potentials. The adsorption of chlorophyll was stable and it could only desorb &sorb with the surface surface held heid under a significant negative potential. The adsorption was affected by by the amount of adsorption substance and on its concentration in solution, and also by the adsorption conditions. Investigations of the O 2 Reduction Reaction at the PlatinumlNafion Interface Using a Solid-state Electrochemical Cell A. PARTHASARATHY, c. R. MARTTN and s. SRIMVASAN, 3. Electrochem. SOC.,1991, 138, (4), 916-921 The processes occurring at the PtiNafion interface in the absence of a contacting electrolyte phase was investigated in an electrochemical cell to determine such conditions in a SPE fuel cell. From cyclic voltammetric measurements the purity of the Nafion and the roughness factor of the electrode were found. 51 Characteristics of a Rechargeable Cell Constructed by Coupling Na,,,WO and Na,,Pd,O, Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production with Semiconductor Particulate Systems: An Effort to Enhance the Efficiency and T. KISHI, Solid State Ionics, 1991, 46, (1,2), 63-66 The electrochemical behaviour of NaPd,O, and Na,WO, was investigated in 0.5 M H,SO, at 25OC. A Na depleted surface layer can be formed on the electrode surface of NaPd,O, by anodic prepolarisation, and this surface layer absorbs or desorbs H' reversibly at 1.0 V vs. SHE. A new type of rechargeable cell with a long cyclability can thus be constructed by coupling Na,_,WO, and Na,,Pd ,0, in an acidic solution. M. ASHOKKUMAR Y. MURANUSHI, T. MIURA - Adsorption of Nitroethane on Rh-Ru Catalytic Systems and P. MARUTHAMUTHU, Inl. 3. Hydrogen Energy, 1991, 16, (9), 591-595 H, production in visible light (437 nm) with the following semiconductor particulate systems, Ag(I)/WO,, Fe(III)/WO, and Cr(III)/WO, and mixed semiconductors, W0,-PtICdS and W0,-CdS was studied in the presence of an electron relay, methylviologen, MV? + . Pt loaded C d S powders mixed with WO, powders (W0,-Pt/CdS) showed a notable enhancement in the photocatalytic activity as compared to that of W0,-CdS. The sample sintered at 8OOOC had higher efficiency than that sintered at 300OC. Vesm. Mosk. Univ., Ser. Khim., 1991, 32, (4), 392-395 The adsorption of nitroethane was studied on skeletal Rh-Ru catalysts containing 5, 10, 20, 50, 60, 90 and 95 at.% Ru which had preliminary pretreatment under various conditions. At 40-60°C, a decrease of stationary potential was observed with nitroethane adsorption. It was explained by an increase in temperature in H SO,, resulting in the formation of active electrochemical phases, which affect the potential. A maximum rise of potential of 10 mV was found on Rh in ethylamine. Photodissociation of Phosgene on P d ( l l 1 ) at 1 9 3 n m c. n. FLOES, and J. M. WHITE, 3. Phys. PHOTOCONVERSION Photocatalysis of the Homogeneous Water-Gas Shift Reaction under Ambient Conditions by Cationic Iridium(II1) Complexes T. M. GRISHINA, Photoinduced Dissociation and Desorption of N 2 0 on a P t ( l l 1 ) Surface 3.Phys. Chem., 1991, 95, (21), 8054-8059 N ,0 adsorbed on a Pt( 111) surface was irradiated by UV light, and the photochemistry was studied by XPS, UPS and TPD. Upon radiation at 50K, adsorbed N ?0 undergoes dissociation and desorption. Photon energies >4.35 eV are required. The cross section is in the range 10- i9-10-'u c m ? . This is the first UV photon-driven chemistry in this system. J. KISS, D. LENNON, S. K. JOand J. M. WHITE, Photon-Driven Chemistry in Coadsorbed N,O and CO on P t ( l l 1 ) and J. M. WHITE, 3.Phys. Chem., 1991, 95, (20), 7852-7857 The UV photon-driven chemistry of coadsorbed N ?0 and CO on Pt(111) at 47 K was investigated by XPS, UPS and TPD. Results depend on the order of adsorption. When one monolayer of N 2 0is dosed first and CO is coadsorbed the UV irradiation causes CO, production, much being desorbed during the irradiation, but when one monolayer of CO is dosed first the photon-driven production of CO, is not detectable. Whatever the order of adsorption there is photondriven desorption of N,O, but the cross-section is higher for N , O bound to R than it is for N 2 0 separated from Pt by CO layer. J . KISS Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Chem., 1991, 95, (23), 9431-9436 The UV photodissociation of phosgene (C1,CO) on Pd( 111) was studied by isothermal mass spectroscopy during irradiation and by TPD and XPS following irradiation. Phosgene absorbs reversibly on Pd(ll1) at 110K and photodissociates when irradiated with 6.4 eV photons, thus resulting in the evolution of CO and retention of C1 adatoms. The initial photodissociation cross-section is (5.320.8) x lo-'* cm'. n. ZIESSEL, Angm. Chem., Inr. Ed. Engl., 1991, 30, (7), 844-847 The first highly efficient light-assisted water gas shift reaction to take place under the extremely mild conditions of room temperature, ambient pressure, neutral pH and visible light is reported. It is catalysed by Ir"' pentamethylcyclopentadienyl complexes containing novel 4,4'-bipyridine ligands, substituted by electron-withdrawing groups which enhance the catalytic activity. Formation of Paramagnetic Complex from Bischelate of Palladium (11) with Dehydrogenated N-(3-Hydroximinol-2Methylbutyl-2) Hydroxylaminooxime and o-Phenanthroline A. KOSAREVA, E. G. BOGUSLAVSKII and S. V. LANOKOV, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., L. 1991, (9), 1959-1961 Paramagnetic Pd complexes were formed during interaction in pure ethanol of o-phenanthroline and diamagnetic bischelate of Pd(I1) containing ligand anions of N-(3-hydroximinol-2-methylbutyl-2) hydroxylaminooxime. The paramagnetic Pd complexes contained co-ordinated anion-radical dehydrogenated 1,2-hydroxylaminooxime. 52 Chemiluminescence of Tryptophan with Temperature Effect on Photolytic Electrogenerated Tris(2,2'-Bipyridine) Deposition of Platinum Ohmic Contacts Ruthenium(lI1) and Schottky Diodes and M. KIRISAWA, Chem. Lett. Jpn., 1991, (8), 1373-1376 A system for producing electrogenerated chemiluminescence based on the reaction of electrogenerated Ru(bpy) ' (1) with tryptophan (2) is described. The orange luminescence is generated by the reaction of (1) with (2) in acidic solution. The lowest detection limit was 0.1 pmol for (2), and this system should therefore be useful for selective and sensitive detection of tryptophan and related compounds. K. UCHIKURA + Electron-Transfer Quenching of a Photoexcited Ruthenium Complex by Stearyl Viologen in Barium Stearate Langmuir-Blodgett Films and M.MATSUDA, 3. Phys. Chem., 1991, 95, (23), 9403-9405 Photoinduced electron transfer of the Ru complex tris(4,7-diphenyl-l,lO-phenanthroline)Ru, that is (Ru(dpphen),'+) to stearyl viologen (SV?') in Ba stearate LB assembly systems was studied by a steady-state quenching method. Even when the monolayer of the Ru complex was in direct contact with the layer of SV? quencher at the hydrophilic interface, the quenching of the Ru complex had low efficiency, indicating that Ru(dpphen), l' is located at a more hydrophobic region. In an assembly where both Ru(dpphen),?+ and SV?' exist within the same monolayer, the quenching efficiency depended strongly on the two-dimensional density of SV' +. The results showed that electron-transfer rate decreases exponentially with distance and agrees with the conclusion that electron-transfer quenching proceeds via an electron-tunnelling mechanism. and H. VAN DEN BERGH, Appl. Phys. A, 1991, A53, (3), 265-272 The deposition of Pt from Pt bihexafluoroacetylacetonate by an Ar laser inducing laser chemical vapour deposition was investigated. The process can be photolytic or pyrolytic, depending on the laser power. Photolytic deposition takes place in the adsorbed phase or in the gaseous phase, depending on the temperature induced by radiation absorption. The effect of the substrate base temperature and the precursor product vapour pressure confirms photolytic deposition from the adsorbed phase for low powers and from the vapour phase onwards for high powers. The deposits obtained have a typical 96% Pt composition and good device characteristics are obtained by this method in Schottky diodes. C. GARRIDO T. MIYASHITA, Y. HASEGAWA + A Novel Photosynthetic Mimic Reaction Catalysed by K[Ru(H-EDTA)ClI.2H,O; Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formate and Formaldehyde in the Presence of an Aqueous Suspension of Pt-CdS-RuO, M. M. TAQUI KHAN, N. NAGESWARA RAO and D. CHATTERJEE, Photochem. Photobiol. A : Chem., 1991, 3. 60, (3), 311-318 An efficient photocatalytic reduction of CO, to HCOOH and HCHO is reported, using the title Ru compound, and Pt-CdS-RuO, as photon absorber at 505 nm. The system produces 0.22 M of HCOOH and 0.10 M of HCHO in 6 h of photolysis at rates of 3.05 x lo-' 1Wh and 2 . 0 10-I ~ M/h, respectively. The rates of formation exhibit a first-order dependence on the catalyst and dissolved CO, concentrations. The reaction shows D isotope effects (kH/kD) of 1.5 and 2.0 for the formation of HCOOH and HCHO, respectively. The rate of formate decomposition was slower by 2 orders of magnitude than the formate formation rate, even at high formate concentrations. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) APPARATUS AND TECHNIQUE Microstructure and Superconducting Properties of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 System Prepared by a Melt Process K. EGAWA, T. UMEMURA, S.-I.KINOUCH1, M. WAKATA and s. UTSUNOMIYA, 3pn. 3. Appl. Phys., 1991, 30, (7A), L1160-L1162 O Y , x=O, 0.2, 1.0, was Bi,Sr,Ca, + ~ X C ~ 2 + Iwhere prepared from powders and calcined several times at 84OOC for 30 h. It was melted in a Pt crucible at >lOOO°C and splat-quenched onto Cu. The microstructure and superconducting properties were examined. The magnetic field dependence of the intragrain critical current density was improved by enriching the Ca and Cu contents. Two precipitates were found: (Ca,Sr),CuO., and the much smaller (lpm) Sr-Pt-0 compounds. The latter may be more effective in enhancing the pinning force. All-Solid-state Glucose Sensor Using Proton-Conductive Thick Film N. MATAYOSHI, N. MIURA and N. YAMAZOE, 3Pn. 7. Appl. Phys., 1991, 30, (9A), L1594-L1597 A solid state glucose sensor using a proton-conductor thick film was tested as a miniaturised enzyme sensor. A planar electrochemical cell, of sputtered Au(reference electrode)/antimonic acid thick fdm(proton conductor)/sputtered Pt-glucose oxidase (sensing electrode) was fabricated on a porous Al ? 0 substrate. In phosphate buffer solution the e.m.f. of the sensor vaned logarithmically, with change in glucose concentration in the range 5 x lo-' to 4 x lo-' M, following a Nernst equation. The 90% response time was 1 minute. The glucose sensitivity was fairly stable for 10 days, and the Nernst slope -54 mV/decade was very close to that of the response to H, O,, indicating that the glucose sensing signal was generated by responding to the H,O, produced by the enzymatic reaction of glucose. Extensions of this type of sensor to other enzymes is possible. - 53 Bulk Single Crystal Growth of Bi,,TiO,, by the Czochralski Method Y. OKANO, H. WADA. T. F U K U D A ~s. ~MIYAZAWA, ~ Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1991, 30, (7B), L1307-LI309 A Pt wire was used as an initial seed crystal and crystals were grown from melts of differing TiO, :Bi,O ratios to produce the title photorefractive crystal. Crystals were grown in a 15 kW r.f. heating Czochralski furnace with a Pt crucible of 50 mm diameter. Crystals of diameter up to 2 cm and 3 cm long were grown from a Bi,O, rich melt, with an upper limit of 11 mol% TiO,. Detection of Nitrite Using Electrodes Modified with an Electrodeposited Ruthenium-Containing Polymer J. N. B A R I S C I ~ ~ ~G.GWALLACE, . Selective Conversion of Decane into Branched Isomers. A Comparison of PlatinumlZSM-22, Platinum/ZSM-5 and PlatinumlUSY Zeolite Catalysts J. A. MARTENS, R. PARTON, L. UYlTERHOEVEN. P. A. JACOBS and G. F. FROMENT, Appl. Catal., 1991, 76, ( I ) , 95-1 16 Detailed product distribution from the bifunctional conversion of decane over Pt/ZSM-22, Pt/ZSM-5 and Pt/USY catalysts were compared. Pt/ZSM-22 produced high yields of feed isomers under mild reaction conditions. It is suggested that isomerisation of decane on ZSM-22 is a zeolite pore-mouth catalysis. Type C hydrocracking of methylnonanes does not occur on PtlZSM-22, due to the limited access of these molecules in the zeolite pores. Anal. Lett., 1991, 24, ( 1 l), 2059-2073 The electrochemical detection of nitrite in flowing solutions using a polymer modified electrode with electocatalytic properties is described. The modifier used was an electrodeposited film of the [R~(bpy)~(vpy),l complex where bpy is 2,2'bypyridyl and vpy is 4-vinylpyridine. The modified electrode enhances the response to nitrite and avoids surface fouling. The electrodeposited fdms thus produced exhibit high mechanical stability. + HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS Combinations of Platinum and Palladium on Alumina Supports as Oxidation Catalysts and J:E. OT9-20 The effects of the total Pd+Pt content, the mol% ratio of Pd+Pt, the hydrothermal treatment of the catalyst wash-coat, and the 0, concentration on the light-off temperature were studied for the complete oxidation of xylene isomers, propene, and CO. The light-off temperatures had a minimum at a Pd:Pt mol % ratio of 80:20, and decreased with increasing total metals concentration, increasing 0, concentration and hydrothermal treatment of the Al ,O , wash-coat . M. SKOGLUNDH, L. 0. LOWENDAHL TERSTED, Appl. catal., 1991, 77, (I), Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Textural and Dehydrogenation Properties of Pt/AI 0 System and N. A. YOUSSEF, Radial. Phys. Chem., 1991, 38, (3), 307-311 Pt/Al,O, catalysts with 0.2-2 mol% Pt were prepared and irradiated with y-radiation to a dose of 50 Mrad. Textural properties were found from the low temperature N, adsorption. The catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclohexane was determined for irradiated and non irradiated catalysts. y-Irradiation caused textural changes of the metal/metal oxide system depending on the metal content, and increased the dispersion of the metal on the surface. A. M. YOUSSEF Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Influence of Iridium, Rhenium and Lanthanum on Propane Aromatization over Platinum/ZSM-5 Catalysts R. MAGGIORE. S. SCIRE, S. GALVAGNO, C. CRISAF'ULLI G. TOSCANO, Appl. Catal. A: General, 1991, 79, and (I), 29-40 A study of the effect of operating conditions on the conversion of propane to aromatics over PtMe/ZSM-5 catalysts (Me=Ir, Re, La) showed that the catalytic behaviour of Pt-Me/ZSM-5 depended on the nature of the added elements. Pt-Ir/ZSM-5 was the most selective catalyst, with a yield of 61.2%. Effects of Hydroxylation of a Silica Surface on the Metal Dispersion in Supported Platinum Catalysts M. AM, s.-L.GUO and Y. NISHIYAMA, Appl. Catal., 1991, 77, ( I ) , 141-148 The effect of the surface hydroxyl groups of porous SiO , on the degree of Pt dispersion was studied using SiO, supports with the same surface area but with an increasing number of these functional groups. The suppons were prepared by immersing a calcined 50, in H,O at 70°C and Pt was deposited on it by wet impregnation with aqueous solutions of Pt tetraamine dichloride (PTD) and chloroplatinic acid. Catalysts with PTD reduced at 4OOOC showed that maximum Pt dispersion occurred on supports with moderately hydroxylated surfaces. Catalytic Palladium-Based Membrane Reactors: A Review and S. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 1991, 69, (5), J. SHU, B. P. A. GRANDJEAN, A. VAN NESTE KALIAGUINE, 1036-1060 A review of literature on catalytic membrane reactors using H permeable Pd and I'd-Ag alloys is presented. Factors involved in H purification, design parameters of the membranes and reactors, hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions and H diffusion are discussed. Thin Pd coatings on porous inorganic and polymeric supports are expected to increase the implementation of this technology. 54 Maximum Conversion of Dehydrogenation in Palladium Membrane Reactors Conversion of Primary Amines to N,N’Disubstituted Ureas Using Mont- J . Chem. Eng. Jpn., 1991, 25, (3,664-666 A comparison of the maximum conversions for cyclohexane dehydrogenation in Pd membrane reactors using cocurrent and countercurrent flow models with the maximum conversion, determined thermodynamically, in a conventional catalytic reactor, is presented. In the countercurrent reactor there was no limit to the rise in the conversion, and 100% conversion is attainable. The maximum conversion of the cocurrent reactor was the same as that determined thermodynamically. morillonitebipyridinepalladium(I1)Ace ta- Adsorption Properties of Ni-Pd Catalysts Supported on the N 2 0 3 Polymer-Bound Palladium Acetate as a Catalyst for the Reduction of Nitro and Azo Groups N. ITOH, A. A. VEDENYAPIN, S. V. W S H I N . L. T. KONDRAT’EV and A. L. LAPIDUS, Izv. Akad. Nauk S S S R , Ser. Khim., 1991, (8), 1746-1750 Studies of the surface compositions of Ni-Pd/Al,O, catalysts were performed by adsorption methods and by X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that bimetallic catalysts differ from monometallic Pd- and Ni-catalysts by dispersion of metallic phases, depending on a method of preparation and on the presence of K’ promoter. Catalysts prepared by the immersion method had more strongly Pd enriched surfaces, as compared to those prepared by precipitation. Design of the Catalyst for Partial Oxidation of Ethylene by Applying an Electrochemical Device K OTSUKAand A. KOBAYASHI, Chem. Lett. Jpn., 1991, (7)/(8), 1197-1200 An electrochemical device composed of a H,PO, membrane on which were attached Pt and Pd blacks, Ru, Rh, 0 s and Ir, MiH,PO,/M’, where M=anode metal and M’ =cathode metal, was demonstrated as a probe of the catalysts for the partial oxidation of C,H, . From the results a catalyst, Pd-Ru-graphiteH,PO,, has been designed for the selective synthesis of CH,CHO from C,H, - a Wacker oxidation. The formation rate of CH,CHO was 3.18 pmollmin. Oxidative Leaching of Cu Atoms from PdCu Particles in Zeolite Y z . ZHANG, L. xu and w. M. H. SACHTLER, J . Catal., 1991, 131, (2), 502-512 Nay-supported PdCu samples of various Cu:Pd ratios were prepared by ion exchange with precursors. ReducPd(NH,), and Cu(NH),), tion of Cu was enhanced by Pd. Reduction with H, resulted in bimetallic PdCu particles and protons of high Bronsted acidity. Complete oxidation of the Cu component occurred at 5OOOC and the Cu ions leached from PdCu particles migrated to small zeolite cages. After complete leaching of Cu, the monometallic Pd particles were discerned from the original particles in PdCu/NaY and PdCu,/NaY by their propensity to form TPD-detectable hydrides. + Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) te and Di-Tert Butyl Peroxide B. M. CHOUDARY, K. KOTESWARA RAO, S. D. PIROZHKOV and A. L. LAPIDUS, Synth. Commun., 1991, 21, (18&19), 1923-1927 A simple convenient method for the synthesis of N,N’-disubstituted ureas from primary amines is reported, using a Pd(I1) complex anchored on an inexpensive clay support, and with a cocatalyst of cupric chloride as reoxidant. The conditions are room temperature and atmospheric pressure. and M. SRINIVASAN, React. Polym., 1991, 14, (3), 263-268 Pd(0Ac) , anchored to a copolymer containing pyridyl and carboxyl groups was used as a catalyst for the hydrogenation of azo and nitro groups under 1 atm H , pressure and 3OOC. The selective hydrogenation of azobenzene to hydrazobenzene was highly selective on using the polymer-bound Pd catalyst, and is reported for the first time. The catalyst is quite stable and has been well used for more than a year. R. MANI, v . MAHADEVAN Reactions of Formic Acid and Formaldehyde on Rh(l11) and R h ( l l 1 ) (2 x 2)0 Surfaces surf. SCl., 1991,248, (1/2), 57-76 The adsorption and decomposition of HCOOH and HCHO on the Rh(ll1) surface was studied by H E E L S . HCOOH adsorbed on the surface via the lone pair electrons on the hydroxyl 0, and H bonding among the molecules in the adlayer is indicated. At 140K a formate intermediate was formed, which decomposed to CO,, CO, H , and H,O via two channels. Adding 1/4 monolayer of 0 atoms to the Rh( 111) surface shifted the formate decomposition temperature to 330K. Below 130K on a clean Rh( 111) surface HCHO dehydrogenated completely to adsorbed CO and H atoms. Exposing an 0 predoped surface to HCHO resulted in formation of adsorbed paraformaldehyde, CO, formate and q ’ -HCHO. C. H O U T M A N a n d M . A. BARTEAU, - Infrared Spectroscopy of High Pressure: Interaction of H, and D2 with Rh/AI,03 and S. D. WORLEY, 3. Phys. Chem., 1991, 95, (22), 8881-8886 A novel high pressure-IR-cell reactor was used to study the interaction of ultrapure, high-pressure H, and D, with Rh/Al,O, films. The H, may dissociate on the Rh sites to produce a weakly bound Rh-H surface species, with the remaining H spilling over to the support where it reacts with surface hydroxyl groups to produce H,O. The new Rh-H species was easily removed by reduction under H, pressure. J. P. WEY, W. C. NEELY 55 Effects of Polymer Support on the Substrate Selectivity of Covalently Immobilized Ultrafine Rhodium Particles as a Catalyst for Olefin Hydrogenation M. OHTAKI. M. KOMIYAMA, H. HIRAI and N. TOSHIMA, Macromolecules, 1991, 24, (20), 5567-5572 Immobilised ultrafine Rh particles were prepared from a protective polymer, and deposited onto a cross-linked polymer support, by forming the amide bond between the primary amino group contained in the support and the methyl acrylate residue in the protective polymer of the Rh. The catalytic activity of the Rh was investigated by olefin hydrogenations. Activity strongly depended on the substrates used. The Rh preferentially hydrogenated hydrophilic substrates. Substrates containing a carboxyl group were hydrogenated by the immobilised catalyst more easily than by the dispersed catalyst. The difference in hydrogenation rates can .be correlated with the solubility parameter of the substrate. Electrostatic interaction between substrates and the polymer support leads to increased reaction rates. New Rhodium Complexes Anchored on Modified USY Zeolites. A Remarkable Effect of the Support on the Enantioselectivity of Catalytic Hydrogenation of Prochiral Alkenes A. CORMA, M. IGLESIAS. c . DEL PINO and F. SANCHEZ, A. KURUSU. M. INOUE and T. INUI, Shokubai, 1991, 33, (2), 129-136 Alcohol synthesis from syngas over supported Irbased composite catalysts was examined. Ir catalysts promoted with Mo, V and Cr had the highest activity for alcohol formation. The predominant formation of MeOH and 2-methylalcohols on the Ir-Cr catalyst strongly suggests that CO insertion occurs. Alcohols produced on Ir/Cr303seem to be formed in the same way as for the Ir-Cr composite catalyst. Ir/MoO, had the highest CO conversion, but CH, was the main product. A Mild, Osmium Tetraoxide-Catalyzed Method for the Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfones s. w.KALDOR and M. HAMMOND. Tetrahedron Lett., 1991, 32, (38), 5043-5046 OsO, was examined for the chemoselective oxidation of sulphides to sulphones, in the presence of the cooxidant N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide. One mole per cent of the catalyst was sufficient at room temperature to oxidise a variety of sulphides to the corresponding sulphones in nearly quantitative yields. The oxidation is tolerant of the presence of a number of other functional groups. 3. Chem. SOC., Chem. Cornmun., 1991, (18), 1253-1255 Studies of Rh-complexes with N-based chiral ligands which were anchored on a modified USY-zeolite containing profuse supermicropores showed a remarkable increase of enantioselectivity (>%YO) in the hydrogenation of N-acyldehydmphenylalanine derivatives. The zeolite supported-Rh catalysts were re-used several times with no loss of activity or Rh content. The increase obtained in the enantioselectivity indicated that this type of catalyst is a truly heterogeneous counterpart of the homogeneous catalysts for the hydrogenation of prochiral alkenes. Catalytic and Physical-Chemical Properties of Indium Modified Iridium-Alumina Catalysts for Dehydrogenation of Highest Normal Paraffins A. V. ZAITSEV, A. P. T W P A E V . V. YU. ROROVKOV, 0 D. STERLIGOV. G. V. ISAGULYANTS and V. B. KAZANSKII, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1991, (lo), 2222-2227 Spectroscopic studies of monometallic and In modified Ir/Al, 0, catalysts during dehydrogenation of high n-paraffins showed that Ir-In/Al,O catalysts had higher activity and increased selectivity towards the highest olefins. In modified the Ir surface, forming mixed clusters. At the same time, a decrease was observed in the number of surface Ir atoms capable of adsorbing H, at 300K, but the number of centres of high temperature H?dissociation which adsorbed H , on the support noticeably increased. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Alcohol Synthesis from Syngas on Supported Ir-Based Composite Catalyst HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS a-Stacking and the Platinum-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydroformylation Reaction: A Molecular Modeling Study L. A. CASTONGUAY, A. K. RAP& and C. J. CASEWIT, 3. Am. Chem. SOC.,1991, 113, (19), 7177-7183 The importance of steric factors in determining the regioselectivity of a class of Pt(I1) hydroformylation catalysts (L, Pt(C0)X) was theoretically studied by using an augmented Dreiding force field. The differential stabilisation of the initially formed Pt alkyl complexes resulting from styrene insertion into a Pt-Hbond formed either the primary phenethyl product or the secondary a-methyl styryl intermediate. A Homogeneous Platinum Catalyst in the Stationary B F , . H 2 0 Phase for the Hydrogenation of Arenes 1. T. HORVATH, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 1991, 30, (8), 1009-1011 A stationary liquid-phase catalyst comprising PtCl (CH ,CN) in BF ,. H I0 on clay or silica supports was prepared and used for the hydrogenation of various aromatic hydrocarbons under mild conditions. The catalyst was tested for continuous performance in a tubular trickle-bed reactor. Products are separable by simple filtration, and the hydrogenation proceeds selectively, in a 1: 1:1: 1 mixture of benzene, toluene, o-xylene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene. 56 Platinum(I1) Catalysed Selective Remote Oxidation of Unactivated C-H Bonds in Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids 3. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1991, (18), 1242-1243 The use of the 'chelate effect' in achieving the selective oxidation (hydroxylation) of C-H bonds of aliphatic chains by Pt" in aqueous medium under mild conditions is reported. By adding a co-oxidant that is capable of reoxidising Pt" to F'"' it is possible to make the system catalytic in Pt". In the presence of Pt(IV),Pt(I1) ion was found to catalyse the hydroxylation of unactivated C-H bonds of aliphatic carboxylic acids in water. L.-c. KAO and A. SEN, Isomerisation and Carbonylation of Esters Catalysed by Platinum Phosphide Complexes in the Presence of Lewis Acids N. w. KOZITSYNA and I. I. MOISEEV, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Kinet. Katal., 1991, 32, (4), 985-989 Polynuclear Pt phosphide complexes IPPh, Ptl, (n =8-10) in RCOOR solution, containing acid types BF,, SbFI, CF,COOH or C,H,OCF(CF,)CF,OC,F,SO,H, catalysed the isomerisation of methylformate in acetic acid, and carbonylation of methylacetate in acetic anhydride at 20-25OC and in Ar or CO, respectively. Palladium-Catalyzed Insertion of Isocyanides into the Silicon-Silicon Linkages of Oligosilanes and M. MURAKAMI, Chem. SOC.,1991, 113, (6), 8899-8908 Oligosilanes were reacted with isocyanides when promoted by a Pd catalyst. Heating oligosilanes with excess 2,6-disubstituted aryl isocyanide in the presence of Pd(I1) acetate led to the complete insertion of isocyanide into all Si-Si linkages, giving oligo(sily1imine) derivatives. The oligo(sily1imine)s were isolated and characterised in the complete insertion reaction with oligosilanes up to a hexasilane. New skeletal rearrangement of oligosilanestook place in a Pd-catalysed reaction of substituted aryl isocyanide with tetra- and hexasilanes, yielding 3,3-bis(silyl)-1-aza-2,4-disilacyclobutane derivatives. Y. ITO, M. SUGINOME, T. MATSUURA 3. Am. Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Pd(I1) Complexes with Bi- and Tridentate Salicylaldimines Containing Sterically Hindered Phenols and A. A. MEDZHIDOV, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Kinet. Katal., 1991, 32, (3), 594-599 The synthesis of binuclear Pd chelates with tridentate salicylaldimines is reported. The catalytic activity of the Pd complexes was studied during the hydrogenation of nitrobenzene in a homogeneous medium. The dependence of the activity on solvents and circumferential ligand substitutes is discussed. A. A. FUAEV. V. T. KASUMOV Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Efficient Palladium Catalysts for the Copolymerization of Carbon Monoxide with Olefins to Produce Perfectly Alternating Polyketones E. DRENT, 1. A. M. VAN BROEKHOVEN and M. J. DOYLE, 3. Organomet. Chem., 1991, 417, (1-2), 235-251 Highly efficient homogeneous Pd catalyst systems were developed to produce perfectly alternating copolymers of CO with C,H,. CO, C,H, and propene mixtures are converted into the corresponding alternating CO/olefin terpolymers where C, units randomly replace C,H, units in the chain. The catalyst systems are formed by combining an equimolar quantity of a suitable bidentate phosphine ligand with a Pd(I1) species in which the counter anions are very weakly co-ordinating. For diphenylphosphinoalkanes: Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, the most efficient system to produce high molecular weight polyketones has m = 3. High rates with conversions of > l o b molecules of CO and C,H, per Pd centre are obtained. Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Addition of Amines to Acetylenes. Synthesis of Cyclic Imines Y. FUKUDA, s. MATSUBARA and K. UTIMOTO, 3. Org. Chem., 1991, 56, (20), 5812-5816 Intramolecular aminopalladation of alkynylamines gave intermediary alkenyl I'd compounds that hydrolysed and isomerised to thermodynamically stable cyclic imines. Treating 3-alkynylamines with PdCl ,(MeCN) , gave exclusively 1-pyrrolines in good yields; 5-alkynylamines afforded 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridines selectively. Treating 4-alkynylamines with Pd(I1) gave mixtures of both 5- and 6-membered cyclic imines. Palladium Catalyzed Carboxylation of Cyclohexane with Carbon Monoxide and Y. FUIIWARA, Chem. Lett. Jpn., 1991, (8), 1437-1438 Very high turnover numbers have been obtained for the carboxylation of cyclohexane with CO to form cyclohexanecarboxylic acid using Pd(0Ac) ,. The product yield was 8.8% based on the starting alkane and the turnover number was 205. K. NAKARA,J. WATANABE, K. TAKAKI Synthesis of a,fi-Disubstituted Aldehydes from Metallated 1-Aza-l,3-Butadienes and Palladium Phosphine Complexes U. M. DZHEMILEV, A. G. IBRAGIMOV, D. L. MINSKER, R. R. MUSLUKHOV and G. A. TOLSTIKOV, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1991, (lo), 2339-2348 a,/l-Disubstituted aldehydes were prepared from metallated I-aza-1,3-butadienes in the presence of Pd(acac), +2Ph,P catalysts by reactions of N-, 0and S-containing ally1 electrophiles with Mg azaenolate and organic halogenides. The reaction performed with the Pd phoshine catalyst was highly regio- and stereoselective. 57 Kinetics of the Water Gas Shift Reaction ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC Catalyzed by Rhodium(II1) Chloride in ENGINEERING Aqueous Picoline Studied by Use of a Continuous-Flow Stirred Reactor Magnetoresistance of Co/Pd and Co/Pt B. s. L. NETO, K.H. FORD, A. J. PARDEY, R. c. R I N K E R ~ ~Multilayer ~ Films for Magneto-Optical P. c. FORD, Inorg. Chzm., 1991, 30, (20), 3837-3842 Data Storage Applications Homogeneous water gas shift catalysis by R. A. HAJJAR, T.-H. wu and M. MANSURIPUR, J. Appl. Rh(III)CI, . 3 H 2 0 in aqueous picoline solution in a continuous-flow stirred reactor is described. The catalysis rates were non-linear in total IRhl over the range 3-20 mM, which was interpreted by the system having dinuclear and mononuclear Rh species present, with the mononuclear cycles being more reactive. The rates have a non-linear dependence on PCo over range 0.3-1.8 atm, although this was independent of [Rhl. There may be reversible addition of CO to the catalytically active species prior to rate-limiting in the mono- and dinuclear catalytic cycles. CORROSION PROTECTION Cathodic Protection System and J , S. MURTY, AntiCorros. Methods Mater., 1991, 38, (6), 4-7 Steel corrosion in sea water and methods of overcoming it are discussed, with particular reference to the design and implementation of a cathodic protection system for steel piles. An impressed current cathodic protection system was chosen, and typical current requirements for various steel structures are given. The design characteristics and application for different types of anodes are given. Pt clad Nb anodes were selected as having the highest current carrying capacity, lowest anode consumption and longest life. The Pt metal available on the anodes is expected to last longer than the designed life of the cathodic protection system, assuming that only 90%of the Pt can be used. The anodes have current output of 25-35 A. R. S. ROHELLA, B. C. SWAIN Effect of Paint Damage and Under-Way Conditions upon Ship ICCP Current Demands and P. KHAMBHAITA, Corros. Prev. Control, 1991, 38, (4), 85-89 The dimension and conductivity scaling modelling technique was used to assess three impressed current cathodic protection systems on ships’ hulls. Up to six Pt foil anodes, each mounted on a polymethyl methacrylate shield placed directly on the plate were tested. The current output of these systems in static and simulated under-way conditions with an intact paint coating and with damage along the hull were examined. Potential profiles with anodes in different places are presented. The best protection overall came from the two-zone system: with one potentiostat, midship reference electrodes (RE), two forward and two after anodes, plus second potentiostat, stern RE, and two stern anodes. Modelling predicts the performance and current output of impressed current cathodic protection systems. D. J. TIGHE-FORD Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Phys., 1991, 70, (lo), 6041-6043 Galvanomagnetic, magnetic and magneto-optical properties of multilayered Comd and Co/Pt films with varied Co content were studied. In Corn films, an increase of Co content resulted in a decrease of the s-d slope approaching the value for a pure Co films. The magnetic and electronic properties of these films were correlated with the magnetoresistance measurements performed with fields applied parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the samples. Through-Wafer Optical Communication Using Monolithic JnGaAs-on-Si LED’S and Monolithic PtSi-Si Schottky-Barrier Detectors G. W. TURNER, C. K. CHEN, B.-Y. TSAUR and A. M. WAXMAN, IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 1991, 3, (@, 761-763 Through wafer optical communication has been shown for the first time using two vertically stacked Si wafers, the upper one with InGaAs-InAlAs doubleheterostructure LEDs grown by MBE on its top surface and the lower one with PtSi-Si Schottky barrier detectors fabricated on its bottom surface. IR radiation emitted by the LEDs in a band peaking at l . 12 pm just beyond the Si absorption edge is transmitted through the upper Si wafer, focused with a lens of focal length 25 mm, transmitted through the lower Si wafer and detected by the Pt-Si detectors. In a single LED-detector pair the detector S:N ratio was lO:l, for a LED drive current of 1 mA at room temperature. Annealing Studies on Pdln-GaAs Schottky Diodes H. SHARDA, K. PRASAD, L. FARAONE and A. c. NASSISemicond. sci. Technol., 1991, 6 , (8), 765-770 Pdh-GaAs Schottky diodes were fabricated using either spin-on or evaporated Pd sources. Barrier heights and electrical characteristics were measured. The ideality factor for both diodes was close to 1. Ageing at temperatures up to 2OOOC for 1000 h produced little or no change in diode parameters; but annealing at 2SOOC for up to 1000 h produced a gradual degradation of diode parameters. This degradation was significantly faster during a 4OOOC anneal, and is attributed to the atomic intermixing and/or diffusion at the Pd-GaAs interface. Pd spin-on devices had a much longer operating life compared to the evaporated ones. The spin-on technique is economical, simple and easy to implement in any existing GaAs device technology. BIAN, 58 Palladium as a Lead Finish for Surface Mount Integrated Circuit Packages D. c. ABBOTT, R M. BROOK, N. MCLELLAND and J. s. IEEE Trans. Componenu, Hybrids Manuf. Technol., 1991, 14, (3), 567-572 The use of a thin preplated Pd Pb finish as an alternative to SnPb solder is discussed for surface mount IC packages. Tests performed on the Pd included wetting, solder joint metallurgy, wire bonding, interaction with molding compounds and electrochemical characteristics. Reliability and performance tests were also run, including operating life, temperaturehumidity, thermal cyclekhock, Pb finish performance and mechanical tests. Pd plated leadframes were successful on small outline packages (8-28 pin) and fine pitch packages. WILEY, AC Complex Impedance Investigation for RuO -Glass Composites B. K. KOO, K. s. NO and H. G. KIM, IEEE Trans. Components, Hybrids, Manuf. Technol., 1991, 14, (3), 580-584 The AC complex impedance spectra of Ru0,-glass composites were investigated from 1 kHz-13 M E , as functions of RuO, content and heat treatment conditions. Since the amount of Ru ion in the PbOB,O1-Si0,-AI,O3-Zn0 system increases with increasing reaction temperature and time, the electronic properties of the matrix are changed. Samples reacted at low temperature and for short times showed vertical lines in complex impedance spectra plots, which indicated that the samples consisted of lone capacitor circuits. As temperature and time increased, the spectra consisted of semicircle arcs representing R C combination circuits. Samples with more RuO ,showed a change from a vertical line to semicircle arcs at a lower reaction temperature. A sample with 5 vol.% RuO, and reacted at 1000°C had an equivalent circuit model which was only resistive. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT A GoldlPlatinum Thermocouple Reference Table M.GOTOH, K. D. HILL and E. G. MuRDOCK, Rev. sci. In- strum., 1991, 62, ( l l ) , 2778-2791 The thermoelectric voltage of the Au/Pt thermocouple was measured over the range 0-%2OC, by comparison with calibrated Pt resistance thermometers. From 0 to 50OOC the measurements were taken in a stirred liquid bath, while from 660 to 964OC they were performed in a pressure controlled Na-fded heat pipe furnace that provided an isothermal intercomparison environment. Measurements were made at the freezing points of In, Sn, Zn, Sb and Ag, at the melting point of Ga and at the liquidus point of the Ag-Cu eutectic. A reference function was obtained that gives e.m.f. as a function of temperature to within k10 mK from 0 to 962OC. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) MEDICAL USES Design and in Vitro Studies of a NeedleType Glucose Sensor for Subcutaneous Monitoring D. S. BINDRA, Y. ZHANG, G. S. WILSON, R. STERNBERG, D. R. THBVENOT, D. M O A and ~ G. REACH, Anal. Chem., 1991, 63, (17), 1692-1696 A new miniaturised glucose oxidase based needletype glucose microsensorhas been developed for subcutaneous glucose monitoring. The sensor has a 10 cm long Teflon coated Pt-Ir wire of 0.25 mm 0.d. with a 1 mm long bare part acting as a sensing cavity. The reference electrode was Ag/AgCl, and the whole sensor was coated with 5% polyurethane solution in 98% THF-2% DMF. The Effect of Some Platinum Compounds on the Activity of the CTP Synthetase of Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies R. L. GANEVA, N. C. SPASSOVSKA and D. D. GENCHEV, 3. Inorg. Bwchem., 1991, 43, (4), 717-722 The effect of cis-diamminedichloroPt(I1): (cis-DDP), trans-DDP, spermine Pt(I1) and K,RCI, on the activity of CTP synthetase in the cytosol of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells was studied. For in vitro study the pt compounds were added to the incubation mixture for the enzyme assay. A concentration dependent inhibition of CTP synthetase was found, which was strongest for the trans-DDP. Ascites cells from mice pretreated in vivo with Pt compounds showed that inhibition is strongest for cis-DDP and K, PtQ, . Synthesis and Characterizationof Highly Lipophilic Antitumor Platinum(I1) Complexes A. R. KHOKHAR, Q. xu and s. AL-BAKER, 3. Coord. Chem., 1991, 24, (l), 77-82 The preparation and characterisation of a series of highly lipophilic Pt(I1) complexes of .type [Pt(OCOR),(A)I or [Pt(OCOR),(A'),I are described, where R=a highly branched or long chain alkyl group of 4-13 C atoms, A=lR,ZR-diaminocyclohexane, cis-l,2-diamir1ocyclohexane, 1,l-bis (aminomethy1)cyclohexane or ethylenediamine and A' = neopentylamine or cyclopentylamine. Myoglobin Oxygen Binding Curves Determined by Phosphorescence Quenching of Palladium Porphyrin and C. H. Appl. Specmsc., 1991, 45, (7), 1177-1182 A completely optical method has been developed for evaluating myoglobin-0, saturation. Using this solution 0, concentrations were computed for functioning heart muscle by measuring the phosphorescence decay of a soluble Pd porphyrin, 5,10,15,20-teuakis (4-sulphanatophenyl)-porphyrinPd(II), according to the Stern-Volmer quenching relationship. J. J. KELLY, K. A. KELLY, S. A. HARTLEY BARLOW, 59 NEW PATENTS METALS AND ALLOYS CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS Platinum-Aluminium-Copper Alloys for Jewellery Preparation of Stable Platinum Compounds for Use in Platinum Pastes MINTEK European Appl. 42 1,73 1A The colour of intermetallic Pt-Al compounds is modified from yellow through orange to Cu red by the addition of Cu. The alloys consist of 50-81 wt.% Pt, 5-30 wt.% Al and 1-47.5 wt.% Cu, and may be formed by addition of Cu to the compound PtAl, or by melting individual components together in an inert atmosphere. The addition of Cu gives a range of aesthetically pleasing colours, and the alloys are used in the jewellery trade. TANAKA KIKINZOKU KOGYO Palladium Based Alloys for Metal Powders LEACH & GARNER U.S. Patent 5,000,779 Metal powder alloys consist of at least one of Pd, Au and Ag; Cu; and 0.20-0.80 wt.% of at least one metalloid from B, P, Si and Li; with preparation including atomisation and rapid solidification. A preferred metal powder contains 40 wt.% Pd, 30 wt.% Ag, 30 wt.% CU,0.5 wt.% B and 0.5 wt.% P, and has particle size 4 0 0 pm and grain size <10 pm. The alloys have increased hardness, the supersolidus temperature is reduced, and the metal powders have optimum particle and grain size for supersolidus sintering. High Brightness White Gold Alloy Japanese Appl. 3/87,323 An alloy having high brightness contains 75 wt.% Au, 8-12 wt.% Pd, 7-5 wt.% Ag, 5 4 wt.% Ni and 5-4 wt.O/o Cu and/or Co in total. The alloy is an 18 carat Au (white Au), has high brightness similar to Pt, and has good physical, mechanical and chemical properties. NIPPON KIKINZOKU KO. Platinum Alloy Material for Colouring Ornaments Black AGENCY OF IND. SCI. TECH. Japanese A@!. 3/100,159 A Pt alloy material consists of 3-20 wt.% Pt and 3-20 wt.% of at least one of Cu, Fe, Co and Ti. The process includes heat treatment in a low oxidation atmosphere and cooling the material to room temperature with air, water or oil, and the material is used for black colouring of ornaments to give a lustre. Silver-Palladium Alloy Powder Preparation Japanese Appl. 3/126,805 A Ag-Pd alloy for use in thick film pastes is prepared by dissolving a Ag-Pd alloy in HNO, , and then adding a reducing agent to obtain a precipitate of the Ag-Pd alloy. The process is suitable for mass production, giving an alloy powder of uniform quality which is capable of providing good electric and soldering properties when used as pastes. KOJUNDO KAGAKU KENK. Platinum Merals Rev., 1992, 36, (l), 60-68 Japanese Appls. 3/99,087-89 Pt camphene mercaptate, Pt limonene mercaptate or Pt terpineol sulphide are useful materials for Pt pastes used to prepare Pt catalysts, electronic parts, corrosion-proofing layers or liquefied Pt film materials; and have good storage stability and are easily prepared. Preparation comprises reacting platinic acid salts with camphene mercaptan, limonene mercaptan or terpineol sulphide respectively, extracting with chloroform, washing, evaporating, and in the final step crystallising the products to give light yellow crystals. ELECTROCHEMISTRY New Electrode for Oxygen Generation Process T D K CORP. British Appl. 2,239,260A A new electrode for 0, generation has a metal substrate such as Ti coated with alternate layers of composite oxides containing (a) 40-79.9 mol% Ir oxide and 60-20.1 mol% Ta oxide, and (b) 80-99.9 mol% Ir oxide and 20-0.1 mol% Ta oxide. The electrode has good adhesion, long life at low cell voltage and current densities up to 100 A/dm?, and low 0 , overvoltage and enhanced durability when used for O ? generation by electrolysis of aqueous solutions. Electrolytic Cell with Hollow Anodes Containing Platinum PEROXID-CHEMIE c.m.b.H. European Appl. 428,171A An electrolytic cell has alternating cathodes and anodes which are shaped hollow bodies, with the effective anode surface consisting of R valve Pt overlayer made by hot isostatic press! L_ IPt foil onto a metal substrate. The cell blocks are useful electrochemical reactors for production of peroxo and perhalogenate compounds, have a long working life and high current density, and can be used together, with low energy consumption. Production of High Purity Ammonium Paratungstate GTE PRODUCTS CORP. U.S. Patent 5,021,133 A cemented tungsten carbide-Pt anode is used in the electrolysis of an electrolyte consisting of ammonium hydroxide and an ammonium salt, where electrodissolution decomposes the cemented tungsten carbide to form a solution of ammonium tungstate from which ammonium paratungstate is crystallised. A product of high purity is obtained without firing the starting material to tungstic oxide and without digestion in sodium hydroxide. 60 Electrochemical Oxygen Separator with Iridium Anode Japanese Appl. 3194,086 An electrochemical separator has an integrated electrochemical cell consisting of a cathode for electrolytic reduction of 0,, an ion-exchange membrane used as a solid electrolyte, and an Ir anode used for generating 0,. The cell is used to separate 0, from a gas mixture by supplying the mixed gas to the cathode, and collectingthe 0, from the anode. By using an Ir anode the cell operates under low voltage and at increased efficiency. JAPAN STORAGE BATTERY Electrolysis Electrodes with Platinum Protective Coating Porous PERMELEC ELECTRODE LTD. Japanese Appl. 3/126,884 Electrodes are manufactured by electrodeposition of a PbO, coating layer on a metal or alloy base, followed by forming a porous Pt protective layer by electrodeposition or electroless plating. The electrode consists of multiple layers of PbO, and multiple porous Pt layers. An insoluble electrode is obtained. ELECTRODEPOSITION AND SURFACE COATINGS Metal Surface Substitution Using Palladium Plating Solution Japanese Appl. 3194,072 A process to effect metal surface substitution has as the first stage an etching process in a mixed solution of NaOH, KOH, KCN and NaCN at 5-35OC, and as second stage electroless plating using a 0.1-1.0 gfl solution of PdCI,, Pd(NO,),, PdSO,, Pd(COOH), or its salt, at pH 10-12, and at 5-35OC. The process is useful for plating onto thin metal foil or film of electronic devices, and for forming Al foil patterns. ORIENT TOKE1 KK. Membrane Coating for Spinning Nozzle TANAKA KlKlNZOKU KOGYO Japanese Appl. 31104,909 A mixture consisting of chloroplatinic acid and Pt metal chlorides such as PdCl ,,IrCl and RuCI, in an organic solvent is used to coat the spinning face of a spinning nozzle which consists of an alloy of Pt and Au, Ta and stainless steel. The coating is then dried and sintered to form a thin membrane having a micro structure of Pt and Pt group metal oxides which is very stable and has good anti-corrosion properties. Palladium Deposition Bath Containing Ethylenediamine French Appl. 2,652,823 A basic aqueous bath for chemical deposition of Pd contains Pd chloride, hydrazine as reducing agent, ethylenediamine as the Pd ion complexing agent and a stabiliser. The complexing agent is present in sufficient amount to complex all of the Pd ions and the C1 ions near the plating surface, and the bath has an autocatalytic action. OFF. NAT. AEROSPATIALE Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Radionuclide Source Preparation Russian Patent 1,266,366 An increased power radionuclide source has a radionuclide oxide layer on a Pt wire, and is prepared by electromechanicallycoating a 0.3 mm Pt wire with the hydroxide of Cm-244 at 1200 pglcm’ of surface. The composition is then calcined at 80OOC in air to obtain a Cm oxide layer of 0.5 mm thickness. Formation of the radionuclide source is thus simplified. V.M. RADCHENKO APPARATUS AND TECHNIQUE Determination of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen in Gas Mixtures European Appl. 432,649A A sensor used in medical anaesthesia for determination of N,O and 0, concentrations in a N,O, 0, and N, mixture has Pt electrodes separated by a solid electrolyte wall, preferably of yttria stabilised ZrO,. A negative voltage is applied to the electrodes which are first exposed to a gas containing a known amount of O , , and then to the gas mixture for determination. Comparison of the current plateaux obtained gives the N , O and 0, concentrations. GTE LABS INC. Platinum Resistance Thermometer for Use in a Gas Detector World Appl. 9115,998A A gas detector to monitor the concentration of a component of a gas mixture, for example 0, or CI dioxide, has a catalyst coated Pt resistance thermometer which effects an exothermic decomposition of the component and generates a signal indicating its concentration. A cheap, accurate and reliable sensor with no moving parts is obtained which is specific to the gas to be detected, and can detect a wide range of concentrations. MICROSYSTEM DESIGN Platinum Cup for Pyrolysis of Pulp Samples U.S. Patent 5,002,894 A Pt cup is used for pyrolysis of samples of paper making materials for measurement of the lignin content by mass spectrometry. The Pt cup is welded to a ribbon of poor heat conducting metal such as stainless steel, and is electrically puked for a short time for pyrolysis of the samples at 530-570OC. The method is used for quality control of pulp manufactured in a paper making mill. P. SHAKKOTTAI Ruthenium Concentration Sensor for Atomic Fuel Reprocessing Plant Japanese Appl. 3148,748 A Ru concentration sensor for detecting RuO, concentration uses oscillators where an organic membrane is provided on the surface of an electrode. Ru concentration is measured by the difference in frequency change between oscillators in sample and reference environments. The sensor enables RuO, concentration to be detected on the spot with high sensitivity, and is useful in atomic fuel reprocessing. HITACHI K.K. 61 Durable Gas Sensor Element Japanese Appl. 3159,450 A gas sensor element consists of an insulating base plate such as AI,O, or SiO,, a pair of comb shaped Pt or Au electrodes, a SnO, or ZnO, gas sensor, a Pt andlor Pd catalyst layer up to 5 nm thick, and a heater. The gas sensor is kept at 15OOC and is used for reducing gases such as CO and H,. The sensor has a simple structure, high sensitivity, good durability and is stable over a long period of time. KURABE K. K. Enzyme Electrode with Conductive Platinum Base Body Japanese Appl. 3159,453 An enzyme electrode consists of a conductive base body of Pt, Au or C, having its surrounding part covered with a hydrophobic insulator such as polyethylene, and the section covered with an immobilised enzyme film such as glucose oxidase through a permselective membrane. The electrode can be assembled simply, and has good durability. KANZAKl PAPER MFG. K.K. Heat Resistant Humidity Sensing Element SHINETSU CHEM. IND. K.K. Japanese Appl. 3172,253 A humidity sensing element consists of an insulating base plate, a pair of Ag-Pd, Ru oxide or Au electrodes on the base plate, and a polysiloxane film. The sensor can be used at <lOO°C, and has high heat resistance, high response speed, and low hysteresis. Small Heat Generating Device Japanese Appl. 3186,233 A vaporised industrial alcohol such as CHIOH is passed through a porous body, and then through a Pt honeycomb catalyst where the alcohol decomposes to CO, and H,O, generating heat which is collected in the Pt honeycomb. The heat can be used in the form of hot air or by contacting a conductor with the hot Pt honeycomb. Heat can be generated safely and easily with this small apparatus. T. MOTOE High Sensitivity Gas Sensor Element Japanese Appl. 3189,156 A gas sensor element consists of polyaniline between more than two conductive electrodes of Pt, Au, Ag, graphite, Sn or In oxide and Si. The electrodes can be clad, deposited or sputtered on the polyanilinefilm to form the element. Various gases such as NH,,CH, , H,O, H,S, NO and others can be detected. SUMITOMO C H E U IND. K.K. Material for Detecting Combustible Gas 3189,162 Japanese Appl. 3/89,162 A combustible gas detecting material consists of at ’t, Pd, Rh, Ir, Au or Ag supported in fine least one of FPt, Ru, granular form on metal oxide(s) of at least one of Ru, Cr, Mn, Fe, CO or Ni, present as a thin film on a transparent base plate. The material is used for detection of combustible gas by light signals, and can be assembled in a light control system. The gas detection device has excellent explosion-proof properties, and is hardly affected by electromagnetic interference. AGENCY OF IND. SCI. TECH. AGENCY Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Gas Sensor with Long Term Stability at Low Temperatures Japanese Appl. 3/90,848 A gas sensor consists of a base plate made of an insulator material, a gas sensitive layer containing 0.1-1 wt.% (total) of Pt and Pd in the proportion 1-3, and an n-type oxide semiconductorcoating layer carrying 2-10 wt.% ofa noble metal, for example Sn oxide carrying 3 wt.% Pt. The catalytic activity of the gas sensitive layer is stable over a long period, even at low temperatures. FUJI ELECTRIC MFG. K.K. Gas Sensor for Detecting Oxygen and Ozone Japanese Appl. 3195,452 A gas sensor consists of a semiconductor base plate such as a p-type silicon wafer, an insulating layer, a La fluoride laye: having La:F atomic ratio 1:2-1:3, and a 100-500 A laminated Pt electrode having properties intermediate between those of Pt and Pt black. The gas sensor is useful for detecting 0, and 0, at normal temperatures, and functions by absorbing the gas on the electrode and detecting the change in properties. OAK SEISAKUSHO K.K. Platinum-Rhodium Melt Crucible with Longer Operational Life German Appl. 4,001,430 Alkali metal monofluorophosphatesare produced using a cylindrical PtlRh melt crucible 80 cm high and 8.0 cm in diameter which is heated to 800-1200OC. A direct potential is applied between the cooling aggregate (cathode) and the crucible (anode). The crucible has a longer operating life than other known crucibles, making the process more economical. BENCKISER-KNAPSACK JOINING Platinum Bonding Layer for X-Ray Target U.S. Parent Patent 5,008,918 5,008,918 A composite stmcture structure for use as an X-ray tube target consists of a refractory metal portion bonded to a graphite substrate via a Pt bonding layer containing a bonding agent of W, Ni, Mo, V V or Ti. The bonding t containing at least 0.8 wt.% W to give alloy can be P Pt a pull strength of at least 2600 psi. The product has thermal stability stabilitv at 135OoC, 135OOC. and a brazed bond having superior strength and heat transfer is provided. GENERAL GENERAL ELECTRlC ELECTRlC CO. CO. High Strength Palladium Solder Alloy Japanese Appl. 3/60,893 A Pd based solder alloy contains 20-40 wt.% Pd, 50-70 wt.% Cu and 5-15 wt.% of at least one of Fe, Ni and Co. The alloy is used for soldering Ti or Ti alloy members with sufficientlyhigh tensile strength, and is suitable for producing thin walled Ti parts and joint type Ti members, used for example in aeroplanes and so on. TANAKA KIKINZOKU KOGYO 62 HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS Production of Amines for Polyurethane Foam BAYER A.G. European Appl. 424,764A Bis- and tris(3-dimethylaminopropy1)amine compounds are produced by hydrogenation of 3-dimethylaminopropionitrile using a catalyst consisting of 0.1-10 wt.% Pd on an Al,O, or spinel support. Selectivity to the bis product is increased by using an Al,O, support, and to the tris product by using a spinel, preferably LiAl spinel. The products are obtained with high yield and are useful for polyurethane foam production. Platinum or Palladium Catalyst for Preparation of N-Alkylaminophenols SUMITOMO CHEM IND. K.K. European Appl. 427,572A N-alkylaminophenols are prepared by reductive alkylation of an aminophenol with an aldehyde or ketone, in an organic solvent, and in the presence of H, and a catalyst consisting of Pt or Pd with at least one metal from Groups IB, IIB, IVB, VB and VIB on an activated C support. Side reactions are suppressed, and the catalyst can be used repeatedly with a high yield of desired products, which are used as intermediates for various dyes. Rhodium Catalyst System for Preparation of Perfumery Intermediate European Appl. 427,965A 4-Tertiary-butyl-cyclohexanolcan be prepared mainly in its isomeric cis form by hydrogenation of 4-tertiary-butyl-phenol or 4-tertiary-butyl-cyclohexanone in the presence of Rh supported on Al ,0 ,, charcoal or others, in combination with HBF, or a substituted BF , compound. The catalyst system can be recycled, has long service life, and gives high selectivity. FIRMENICH S.A. Platinum-Zeolite Exhaust Purification Catalyst European Appl. 427,970A A catalyst for purification of exhaust gases from internal combustion engines consists of a zeolite layer or a support (metal or zeolite) loaded with at least 1.3 parts wt. Pt, or at least 0.8 parts wt. Pd, or at least 0.7 parts wt. Rh. The catalysts have better high temperature durability and conversion of NOx. TOYOTA JIDOSHA K.K. Three-Way Catalyst with Enhanced High Temperature Activity FORD MOTOR CO. LTD. European Appls. 430,435A and 430,437A A three-way catalyst for vehicleemission control consists of a carrier such as cordierite coated with an Al,O, support, optionally having 2-30 wt.% La,O, discontinuously deposited on it, then 0.05-5 wt.% of deposited Pd and up to 8 wt.% of a discontinuous TiO, phase adjacent to or deposited on the Pd component. The catalyst reduces light-off temperatures by 20-100OC. It may also include F’t. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Iridium Catalyst for Preparation of Chlorofluoroethanes ATOCHEM. European Appl. 435,705A Chlorofluoroethanes are prepared by hydrogenation of a perhalogenoethaneat 50-300°C and 1-20 bar using a catalyst consisting of 0.1-10 wt.% Ir on a support of Al,O,, AIF, or active charcoal. Use of the Ir catalyst improves selectivity so that only one Cl atom is eliminated from the starting material. Platinum Catalyst for Isomerisation of Alkanes U.S. Patents 5,004,859 and 5,017,541 Isomerisable hydrocarbons are isomerised by contact with a bed of catalyst particles consistingof an M,O, support, 1-15 wt.% of a Friedel-Crafts metal halide, preferably Al chloride, and 0.01-2 wt.% of a surfacelayer Pt group metal component, preferably Pt. Isomerisation is at 40-250°C and 1-100 atm pressure, and an organic promoter such as CCI ,is optionally present in the feed or catalyst. The method is used for isomerisation of 4-7C alkanes, giving increased octane numbers for a 5-6C naphtha stream. UOP New Noble Metal Catalytic Composites with Long Life U.S. Patent 5,013,703 New catalytic composites of silicalite impregnated with at least 8 wt.% of Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru, Au and/or Re have > 60% dispersion of the noble metal resulting from base pretreatment and double impregnation stages in the preparation. The composites have hydrophobic molecular sieve properties, long life, and are not combustible or pyrophoric. The Pt composite can be dispersed in a PTFE matrix and used to catalyse isotopic exchange between H , and H 0 vapour. UOP , Molybdenum Promoted Catalyst for Production of Lower Alcohols TEXACO INC. U.S. Patent 5 ,O 13,764 Lower aliphatic alcohols are prepared from the reaction of CO and H , in the presence of a catalyst composition consisting of 0.5-6.0 wt.% Pd, 2.0-15.0 wt.% of one or more of Cs, K, Na and/or Rb, and 1.0-10 wt.% Mo as a promoter, on a support which is especially Al,O,, The catalyst is devoid of Cu and Th, and is useful for production of alcohol mixtures containing a substantial amount of 2-7C alcohols, used for example as fuel extenders or gasoline substitutes. Platinum Wire Catalyst for Use in a Carbon Dioxide Laser U.S. Patent 5,020,069 A catalyst for use in a laser consists of a Pt wire coated with a layer of Pt black and is preferably carried on an insulating support. The wire is heated by passing a current through it, and is used in a CO, laser for reconverting CO and 0, lasing by-products to form CO, at 150-300OC. The low temperature catalyst has prolonged activity. HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO. 63 New Poison Resistant Three-Way Catalyst with Silica and Alumina Layers Palladium Catalyst for Preparation of Bisnaphthalic Acid Japanese Appl. 3168,448 A new catalyst for removal of hydrocarbons, CO and NOx from car exhaust consists of a support, a SiO, layer loaded with Pd, and an Al,O, layer loaded with Pt andlor Rh. The new catalyst is resistant to poisoning, and operates over a long time without degradation. In an example the catalyst consisted of a monolithic support, a SiO, layer impregnated with 0.5 gfl Pd, and an AI,O, layer containing La and Ce, impregnated with 0.5 gfl Pt and 0.1 gA Rh. Japanese Appl. 3177,844 Bisnaphthalic acid, its alkyl derivatives or salts are prepared by dimerisation of 4-halonaphthalic acids or their alkyl derivatives at 9O-12O0C in the presence of a PdlC catalyst, in an aqueous alkaline medium containing bases, formic acid and lower alcohols. The products are prepared in 60-84% yield, and are used for polyimide resins or pigments. TOYOTA JIDOSHA K.K. Differentially Charged Impregnation of Exhaust Purification Catalysts TOY0 KOGYO K.K Japanese Appl. 3172,948 An exhaust gas purification catalyst consists of a sup- port with an A,O, coating layer supporting metals such as Pt and Rh. Preparation is characterised by differentiating the charged states of the noble metal ions and the Al,O, layer during impregnation, equalising those of the second noble metal ions and the Al, 0, layer. Thermal deterioration of the catalyst can be prevented. Exhaust Purification Catalysts Alcohol Fuelled Engines for NIPPON SHOKUBAI KAGAKU Japanese Appls. 3172,949-50 Catalysts for purifying exhaust gas from internal combustion engines using alcohol as a fuel consist of a 3-dimensional structure coated with a catalyst composition containing: (a) 0.5-4.0 g of R,Pd or Rh and 1.0-20 g of Ag on stable Ce oxide (50-200 g) containing at least Mg, Ba, Ca, Sr or Y; or (b) 0.5-1.5 gfl Pd and 5-10 gA Ag on AI,O (80-150 gfl) containing at least one oxide of Ti, Si and Zr. The catalysts decompose CO, CH, OH and HCHO in the exhaust gas at low temperature, and catalyst (a) shows improved heat stability of the Ce oxide. , NIPIWN STEEL CHEM. K.K. Preparation of Malonic Acid Esters in High Yield NIPPON KOKAN K K . Japanese Appl. 3177,847 Malonic acid esters are prepared from reaction of dibromomethane, an alcohol and CO in the liquid phase, in the presence of a catalyst consisting of Pd, Rh and/or Co or a compound supported on a C carrier of activated charcoal, C black or graphite. Malonic acid esters can be prepared in high yield, and are useful for pharmaceutical intermediates. Exhaust Gas Purification Catalysts with Ultrafine Platinum and Rhodium Japanese Appl. 3186,240 Catalysts for exhaust gas purification are prepared by coating the surface of a ceramic catalyst support, preferably a honeycomb support, with a mixture of Pt and Rh organosols in an organic solvent, and then vaporising the solvent. The method provides ultrafine Pt and Rh particles uniformly dispersed on the support, without heating in H, and then air. The catalysts are used for removal of CO, hydrocarbons and N 0 x contained in exhaust gases. TODA KOGYO K. K. Selective Low Temperature Removal of Carbon Monoxide from Hydrogen Japanese Appl. 3193,602 CO is selectively removed from H , gas by contacting with a supported Ru catalyst at 100-200OC. In an exPalladium Catalyst for Preparation of ample the catalyst consisted of 1 wt.% Ru on yIntermediates for Amino Acids AI,O,, and after treatment in N,/H,was used to Im. K.K. K.K. Japanese Appl. 3174,346 3174,346 purify H , gas containing 60 ppm CO. As CO can be DAICEL CHEM. IND. Japanese 2-0x0-4-phenylbutanoic acid derivatives are removed at low temperature, inexpensive heating 2-0x0-4-phenylbutanoic prepared by reduction reduction of 2-0~0-4-phenyl-3-butenoic media can be used. prepared acid derivatives in in solution, 6-10.5, in the solution, at pH p H 6-10.5, presence of a Pd catalyst. Reaction can take place in Waste Gas Purification Catalysts with a solution or a slurry, with water as the most ap- Improved Heat Resistance propriate solvent. The products can be formed selec- TOYOTA JIDOSHA K.K. tively in excellent yield, and are useful intermediates. intermediates. Japanese Appls. 3194,830 and 3198,644 Waste gas purification catalysts are produced by imCatalytic Converter with Different Inflow mersing an inorganic support in (a) a solution conand Outflow Catalysts taining Pt andlor Rh, Ir andlor Ru, and citric acid, NIPPON sn0KuB.u KAGAKU Japanese Appl. 3177,625 or (b) an aqueous Pd solution, drying, then immersA catalytic converter contains exhaust gas purifica- ing in a solution containing Rh, Ir andlor Ru salts and tion catalysts in a converter unit, with the catalyst on citric acid; then drying, calcining and reducing. the exhaust gas inflow side containing Pd and Rh, Citric acid promotes inter-diffusion of the Pt group and that on the outflow side containing Pt, Rh and metals, and prevents grain growth and evaporation of optionally Pd. The volumetric ratio of inflow to Ir or Ru. The catalysts are used to remove hydrocaroutflow catalysts is 1:8 to 3: 1. The catalyst converter bons, CO and NOx from car exhaust, and have imhas improved hydrocarbon purification. proved activity, heat resistance and durability. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) ASAHI CHEMICAL IND. K K . 64 Platinum-Zinc Oxide Whisker Catalyst for High Temperature Oxidation Lanthanum-Aluminium-Platinum Waste Gas Purification Catalyst MATSUSHITA ELEC. IND. K.K. Japanese Appl. 3/131,342 A catalyst for purifying waste combustion gas contains a double oxide of formula LaAl,,&O, where x is 0.01-1, and B is Pt or Pd. In an example a honeycomb body was coated with a mixture of the double oxide and Al,O,. The precious metals are highly dispersed over the catalyst which is resistant to high temperatures (>8OO0C) even in an oxidising atmosphere, and is used to purify waste gas. Japanese Appl. 3/101,835 An oxidation catalyst for gas or liquid phase reactions consists of a tetrapod shaped whisker of ZnO optionally coated with porous SiO, or Al,O, and supporting 0.5-1.0% Pt on its surface. The whisker of ZnO has a core with needle crystals projecting in 4 directions from the core centre. The catalyst has superior properties, giving high speed reaction, and is used for high temperature oxidation, for example cleaning waste gas from combustion devices. Ruthenium Catalysts for Ammonia Production SHIN NENSHO SYST. KE. JUpa?teSe Appl. 3/106,445 Catalysts for NH, production are obtained by supporting a c1-free Ru compound - such as a carbonyl complex or nitrate - on a reduction resistant oxide, evacuating and/or reducing in a H,stream to obtain a metallic Ru catalyst, and supporting a Sm, La or Ce compound on the catalyst. The catalystshave high activities for the synthesis of NH, from N, and H,, particularly when the support is AI,O,; and have water and heat resistance. Exhaust Purification Catalyst with High Activity Japanese Appl. 3/114,539 A catalyst with high activity for purification of exhaust gases consistsof a tungstate; F’t, Pd or Rh as the metal and/or oxide; and Ba or La molybdates supported on a moulded inorganicpellet or a gas filtering refractory three-dimensional material, and is preferably treated at 700-10OO0C in air. In an example, a catalyst containing Pt, Rh, BaWO,, BaMoO, , Al,O, and a cogealite support was prepared. NIPPON SHOKUBAl KAGAKU High Temperature Combustion Catalyst Japanese Appl. 3/118,835 A new high temperature combustion catalyst for complete burning of a fuel gas and 0, containing gas to give only CO,, H,O and heat energy consists of Pt group elements and high purity magnesia single crystal fine powder 0.01-0.2 Fm in diameter. The catalyst has higher heat resistance and is not sintered even at 125OoC, and is used for body warmers, kerosene stoves or boilers, or for car exhaust purification or deodorising apparatus. UBE INDUSTRIES K.K. BABCOCK-HITACHI K.K. Palladium Catalyst for Vinyl Acetate Preparation Germon Appl. 3,940,125 A catalyst for gas phase preparation of vinyl acetate from ethylene, acetic acid and 0, consists of Pd and/or its compounds, optionally Au and/or its compounds, alkali compounds, and optionally Cd compounds as activators, on a SiO, or SiO,/Al,O, carrier having specifiid surface characteristics, and using a binder such as a Mg carboxylate for the carrier particles. The selectivity and space/time yield of the catalyst are raised, and side reactions are reduced. HOECHST A.G. New Platinum-Tin Reforming Catalysts German Appl. 4,006,884 New catalysts are prepared by a two-stage impregnation process in which an inorganic oxide support is first impregnated with a solution of a Sn salt, a halogen compound and an organic acid, and then with a solution of a Pt compound and a halogen compound; finally activating in a reducing atmosphere. INST. MEXICANO DEL. P. Three-Stage Removal of Oxygen and Hydrogen from Inert Gas Russian Patent 1,604,440 0 , and H , are removed from inert gases by first passing over a catalyst of 48-51% Ni and 26-28% Cr at 180-250OC to remove 0,, then over a catalyst of 0.45-0.55% Pd/AI,O, where H, reacts with residual 0, to produce H ,0, and fmally over the Ni catalyst where residual H, reacts with NiO to produce H,O and regenerate Ni. Lower 0 , and H, contents in the inert gases are obtained using this method. ELECTROTHERM. EQUIP. R. HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS Platinum-Carbon Catalyst with Ultrafme Particles Rhodium Catalyst for Preparation of Difunctional Monomers DU PONT DE NEMOURS co. European Appl. 428,979A Japanese Appl. 31127,458 A Pt catalyst is prepared by depositing Pt on C by immersing a C powder support in a mixed solution containing H, PtCl,, a colloid coagulation protector and a reducing agent with an aldehyde group. The C powder support has had hydmphilic treatment and can be, for example, acetylene black. Ultra pure water is used as the solvent and for washing, giving a catalyst with ultra fine Pt particles dispersed on C. 3-Pentenoic acid and carboxylic acid anhydride derivatives are prepared by carbonylation of allylic butenols and allylic butenol esters. The allylic compound is reacted with CO at 10-250°C in the presence of 0.005-0.50 wt.% of a Rh catalyst and a HBr or HI promoter, with a pmmoter:Rh molar ratio of 1:l. The products are useful as difunctional monomers and intermediates in the synthesis of adipic acid, and can be prepared selectively. FUJI ELECTRIC MFG. K.K Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) 65 Palladium Catalyst for Preparation of Adipic Acid Precursors Rhodium Hydrocarbonylation Catalyst for Ethylidene Diacetate Production RHONE-POULENC CHIM. WACKER CHEMIE G.m.b.H. German Appl. 3,934,860 Ethylidene diacetate is prepared by reaction of methyl acetate with CO and H, at 180-220°C and 50-250 bar absolute, using a catalyst consisting of 0.05-0.50 rnol % of a Rh compound, 0.04-0.50 mol YO of a Pd or Ru compound, an ether-phosphane ligand to give a 1: 1-2 Rh:ligand rnol ratio, and 3-15 rnol % of an alkali(ne earth) iodide. High conversions with high selectivity to the product can be obtained. European Appls. 433,189A and 433,191A A Pd catalyst, especially Pd chloride, and metal halides are used in the preparation of (a) 1,6-hexenedioic acid &om the reaction of CO with a butenediol, or (b) hex-3-ene dioic diesters from the reaction of diacryloxy-substituted butene, an alcohol and CO. The reactions take place in a basic, aprotic, polar solvent, at 50-150°C, at 10-250 bar pressure, and with 0.001-1 molA Pd. Both products are precursors for adipic acid, and can be produced with high selectivity using a metal halide. Rhodium Catalyst System for Production of Moist-Grain Preservatives U.S. Patent 5,008,451 Carboxylic acid anhydrides are produced by reacting a carboxylic ester and CO at 50-300°C and an initial pressure of 1-100 atm, under anhydrous conditions, in the liquid phase, and in the presence of a catalyst system consisting of a Rh compound, an iodide promoter, and a proton donor. The process can be used to produce methylene and oxymethylene bis-esters. CHEVRON RESEARCH CO. Preparation of Symmetrical Diarylacetylene Compounds German Appl. 3,936,297 Symmetrical diarylacetylenes are prepared by reaction of an aryl halide with acetylene in the presence of a Pd catalyst and a base. The acetylene is fed into the liquid reaction mixture using an intensive gasifier, and the aryl halide is a stable, cheap, easily prepared bromide. The products are obtained from one reaction stage, with high yield and selectivity, at high spaceltime yields, and are used as intermediates for diary1 olefins. BAYER A.G. Rhodium Catalyst System for Production Platinum Catalyst for Deblocking N- of Aldehydes Formyl Protected Compounds HOECHST A.G. German Appl. 3,942,954 W.R. GRACE & COCONN. U.S. Patent 5,017,690 The formyl groups are removed from the N atom of an N-formyl aspartame compound by heating at 70-75OC using a catalyst consisting of 5% Pt on C or Pt chloride, with P present at 0.1-5 wt.% of the aspartame compound, and in the presence of a promoting amount of aniline or methylene dianiline. The method is used to deblock N-formyl protected amino acids, peptides and polypeptides, and minimises formation of the diketopiperazine by-product. Aldehydes are produced by reacting olefinically unsaturated compounds with CO and H, in a homogeneous phase at 20-150OC and 0.1-20 Mpa in the presence of a catalyst system containing Rh and an ammonium salt of a sulphonated phosphite triester. The catalyst system is especially useful in hydroformylation of 4-20C olefins with non-terminal unsaturation. Use of the organic P compound prevents side reactions and the catalyst retains its activity for very long periods. Ruthenium Catalyst for Lactone Preparation FUEL CELLS MITSUBISHI KASEI CORP. Platinum-Iridium-Iron Catalyst Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Cathode Japanese Appls. 3174,377 and 3183,974 Lactones are prepared by liquid phase hydrogenation of dicarboxylic acids, dicarboxylic anhydrides andlor dicarboxylic acid esters at Ru 5O-25O0C, under 0.1-100 kglcmz H , , and in the presence of a catalyst. The yield and selectivity to lactones can be improved markedly if the concentration of diols in the reaction zone is controlled below 5 wt.%, or catalyst deterioration can be prevented if the concentration of dicarboxylic anhydrides is kept below 3 wt.%. Ruthenium Catalyst for Selective Production of Cycloolefms Japanese Appl. 31115,233 Cycloolefinsare produced by partial hydrogenation of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of a Ru catalyst, and by dispersing at least one dissolved Zn oxide or hydroxide into the reaction system, with water or alcohol as solvent. Cycloolefms are produced with a high invert ratio and high selectivity. ASAHl CHEMICAL IND. K.K. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) for INT. FUEL CELLS CORP. U.S. Patent 5,013,618 A catalyst for 0, reduction in a phosphoric acid fuel cell consists of a ternary noble metal alloy of Pt, Ir and one of Ti, Mn,Ni, CQ, V, Cr or Fe, preferably Cr or Fe. The catalyst is used on the cathode of a phosphoric acid fuel cell, and has high activity and stability, showing 50% less surface area loss in use than a conventional PtCrCo catalyst. Platinum-Iron Alloy Catalyst for Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Electrode Japanese Appl. 3168,452 A Pt alloy catalyst is produced by depositing a Pt alloy on a C support, then depositing Fe, and heating in a controlled manner to 900-1000°C for 5-30 seconds to form a Pt-Fe alloy. The Pt alloy catalyst has smaller crystallite size, and is used for a phosphoric acid fuel cell electrode, giving a higher cell performance at a current >200 mAlcm’ . FUJI ELECTRIC MFG. K.K. 66 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC Palladium-Silver Conductor Paste NIPPON CHEMICON K.K. Japanese Appl. 3149,106 ENGINEERING Magneto-Optical Recording Containing Palladium Element European Appl. 428,454A A magneto-optic recording element has a substrate and a recording layer containing a Tb, Fe and Co alloy with added Zr and Pd. The recording layer has improved corrosion and oxidation resistance without affecting the magneto-optic recording properties. EASTMAN KODAK CO. Multilayer Platinum-Cobalt Films for Magneto-Optical Recording world Appl. 91/8,578A Multilayer fdms no more than 75 nm thick consist of alternating layers of Pt and Co deposited by a sputtering process using Kr or Xe or a mixture as the sputter gas. All of the Co layers are a maximum of 1.2 nm thick, and all of the Pt layers are a maximum of 2.4 nm thick, with a Pt:Co layer thickness ratio of 1-5. The deposited films are used in magneto-optical recording, and have a higher coercivity than fdms sputtered in Ar. DU FQNT DE NEMOURS CO. High Coercivity Thin Film Magnetic Recording Medium U.S. Patent 5,004,652 A thin fdm magnetic recording medium has ,a substrate, a sputtered Cr underlayer 300-3000 A thick, and a sputtered magnetic layer 200-1000 A thick consisting of an alloy of 8-20 at.% Pt, 70-80 at.% Co, 10-20 at.% Cr and 2-10 at.% Ta. The magnetic recording medium has high coercivity, resolution, amplitude and loop squareness values, low bit shift, and is used for high recording density read/write memory devices in computers. HMT TECHN. COW. Silver-Palladium Alloy Sheath for High Temperature Superconductor U.S. Patent 5,017,553 A metallic sheath for a superconductingcore is a layer of Ag-Pd alloy having 10-50 wt.% Pd and containing 5-45 wt.% of interdispersed particles of W, Mo or Ni or mixtures of these of 0.05-75 pm diameter; and may have an inner or outer wall of Ag. A superconductor having a high strength, thermally matched, high-temperature sheath is provided, which is useful for fine wires or magnet windings. WESTINGHOUSE ELEC. COW. Ruthenium-Containing Screen Printing Ink for Forming Resistors MATSUSHITA ELEC. IND. K.K. Japanese Appl. 3140,402 A screen printing ink consists of a Ru compound optionally mixed with another metal compound, carboxylic acids of terpenoids or their esters as viscosity increasing agent, and an additive consisting of an aliphatic carboxylic acid. The ink is used to form a resistor for a thermosensitive printer head, electrode and resistors. A good quality thin resistor film can be prepared by screen printing and calcination. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) A conductor paste consists of 5-30 parts wt. Pd powder, 70-95 parts wt. Ag powder, and 0.5-10 parts wt. glass frit to which 0.1-10 parts wt. metal iodide was added. The paste is used for forming conductor patterns and electrodeson Al nitride compacts. Longer Life Soft Magnetic Thin Film MATSUSHITA ELEC. IND. K.K. Japanese Appl. 3154,705 A soft magnetic thin fdm has a laminated structure consisting of 2-100 nm Fe thin fdms and 1-50 nm fdms of at least one kind of metal or at least 2 kinds of alloy of Pt, Rh, Ir, Ru,Au, Ag, Re or Ta. The soft magnetic thin film can be used at least as part of the core of a magnetic head, which has longer life and is suitable for high density writehead information. Vertically Magnetic Recording Medium Japanese Appl. 3/58,3 16 A magnetic recording medium consists of a nonmagnetic substrate with a Co-Pt-B-0 magnetic layer composed of SO-lOOhi diameter acicular crystals having a face centred cubic lattice. The magnetic crystal form, size and orientation are controlled to give greatly enhanced coercivity in the vertical direction. In an example a magnetic recording medium had a polyamide fdm substrate with a Pt underlayer and a Co-Pt-B-0 magnetic layer. SONY C O W . Plasma Deposited Magnetic Recording Medium MATSUSHITA ELEC. IND. K.K. Japanese Appl. 3178,114 A magnetic recording medium has a substrate with a 7-type Fe oxide magnetic layer including one of Pd, Rh, Os, Ru, Co, CU, Ti, V or Nb, where the magnetic layer is deposited in a plasma state generated by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). The magnetic properties and recording fidelity of the medium are improved by utilising the activity of the ECR plasma. Manufacture of a Superconductor Wire with a Platinum Core Japanese Appl. 3179,766 A superconductor wire consisting of a superficial oxide superconductor film formed on a continuous fine wire of Pt or ceramic is manufactured by shifting the fine wire continuously, while sputtering the thin superconductor fdm onto it, and then heating in an 0, atmosphere to effect crystal growth of the fdrn. NICHIDEN ANERUBA K.K. Magnetic Alloy Memory with Thermal Hysteresis of Magnetisation Gennan Appl. 4,030,476 TOSHIBA K.K. A magnetic alloy has as the main phase an isomolar compound phase of formula Pt(Fel,Mn.JSn, in which x=O-1 exclusive. The magnetic alloy exhibits significant thermal hysteresis of magnetisation, and allows production of magnetic memories of simple structure and operation for recording systems. 67 Thermoseneitive Circuit Breakers for Automatic Fire Alarms Low Toxicity Platinum Anti-Tumour Agents Russian Patent 1,238,610 A thermosensitive circuit breaker has an insulating substrate with sprung contact plates, and a Pt, Pd or Mo dispersing plate on these plates. The dispersion material acts as a catalyst for oxidising processes on its surface. The circuit breaker has reduced inertia, and is used in electrical engineering, for example in automatic fire signalling. World Appl. 9119,042A New oxalate-diaminocyclooctane Pt(I1) complexes and stereoisomers are prepared from dinitrato (diaminocyclooctane) Pt(I1) and oxalic acid. The complexes are anti-tumour agents with low toxicity, used at a dosage of 5-600 mglday. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT U.S. Patent 5,019,337 An alloy composition for dental or medical use consists of 35-60 wt.% Zr, 1-60 wt.% Pd and 1-60 wt.% Ru, while another composition has Pt, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru, Al, Si or Co as the second element. The alloy has a cubic CsCl or B, type structure which can undergo stress-induced transformations at body temperature. The alloy is used for casting crowns, bridges, dental or medical implants or prosthetic devices, and has enhanced ductility, adequate strength, and biocompatibility. M. A. AKIMOV Zirconium-Palladium-Ruthenium Alloy for Dental or Medical Use AMER. DENTAL ASSOC. H. Thermocouple-Type Temperature Sensor ASAHI GLASS K.K. World Appl. 9117,643A The Pt-Rh thermocouple of a thermoelectric temperature sensor has an insulating tube inserted in a metal-boride ceramic protective tube to prevent deterioration of the thermocouple by reducing gas at high temperatures. The tip of the insulating tube is covered with a cap made of a Pt group metal. The thermocouple has extended life, and is used to measure the temperature of hot metal and molten steel continuously, for extended periods of time. Melt-Adhered Platinum-Rhodium Thermocouples for High Temperature Measurements KOBE STEEL K.K TSUMURA & CO. Japanese Appl. 3166,481 Pt-Rhthermocouples are melt-adhered on the surface of a Ti(alloy) material test piece by incorporating a thin Ta plate between the thermocouple and test specimen. Temperature measurements of Ti(a1loy) materials can then be made at 130OOC or above which is requisite for recognising thermal properties of these materials for use in the space and aero industries. MEDICAL USES New Platinum Anti-Tumour Compounds European Appl. 423,7076 New Pt(1V) complexes containing axial hydroxy or mono- or dicarboxylate groups are used as antitumour compounds, and have lower kidney and bone marrow toxicity than known Pt-containing antitumour compounds. Certain of the complexes are water soluble, while others are lipo-soluble and can therefore be used in liposomes, in oil-water emulsions, injected as oil solutions, or used topically. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIB. Low Toxicity Platinum Anti-Tumour Complexes World Appl. 9119,041A New y-butyrolactone Pt complexes have a cis, trans-], or trans-d 1,2diaminocyclohexane ring, and have high anti-tumour activity and low toxicity. In an example, one of the complexes was used to treat L1210 leukaemia in mice. TORAY IND. INC. Platinum Metals Rev., 1992, 36, (1) Platinum Complex for Tumour Inhibition or Radio-Sensitisation BRIT. COLUMBIA CANCE. U.S. Patent 5,026,694 A composition for tumour inhibition or radiosensitisation consists of a square planar Pt(I1) complex of formula PtX,(NR,H)L and an excipient; where n is 1 or 2, X is an anion, R is H or alkyl or NRR is piperidino or morpholino, and L is a radiosensitising ligand. The complex is used at 0.1-5 mgkg and can bind DNA, sensitise hypoxic cells to radiation and is directly toxic to tumours. Laser Beam Reflectors Containing Ruthenium Japanese Appl. 31104,839 A laser beam reflector is prepared by laser beam irTOSHIBA K.K. radiating a sintering of 5-60 wt.% Ru, 0.5-3 wt.% Zr andlor Ti, 0.001-0.1 wt.% C and balance Mo in vacuum or under an inert gas atmosphere, to densify the mixture. The method provides reflectors free from surface degradation due to oxidation or corrosion, for use in laser knives or other surgery devices, and used in place of conventional Cu reflectors. New Platinum Complexes with AntiTumour or Anti-Microbial Activity S. HANESSIAN Canadian Patent 1,282,058 New Pt complexes are derived from vicinal diamines substituted by carboxy, hydroxy or alkoxy groups, for example diamino sugars, and are useful as antimicrobial or anti-tumour agents. Compared with known Pt complexes they have better water solubility, more rapid excretion, improved transport in the body, improved biocompatibility, and a more selective interaction with DNA receptors. The New Patents abstracts have been prepared from material published by Derwent Publications Limited. 68