Elisabeth Gauffin
Elisabeth Gauffin
Global Outlook‐ Future Competition for Land Opportunities and challenges for farmers researchers and business in farmers, researchers and business in the agricultural sector Elisabeth Gauffin 2013‐01‐29 Challenges for all farmers… and the rest of the world... • 3 3 billion more people 2050, will need billion more people 2050 will need double the amount off food • Produce more with less d hl • Mitigate and adapt to climate change g p g • Limit negative environmental impact from agriculture • Energy transition‐ reduce fossil energy increase renewable increase renewable • To understand the world around and how it will influence agriculture in the future Good or bad true or false Good or bad, true or false… • • • • • • • • High food prices? High food prices? Bioenergy‐versus food? Land grabbing? Climate change? Climate change? Lack of R & D? CAP? S ll h ld f Small holder farmers suppressed by giants? db i t ? “Livestock’s long shadow”? g A Swedish farmer looking at her g country…. • Food prices‐ d f d food security • Urbanisation Urbanisation‐ land land use use • Animal production‐eating meat WYSIWYG or YGWYPF SVD 17 oktober 2012 Food prices Food prices Cheap food cost. It might not cost you and your f l h family here and right now, more than what it says d h h h on the price tag. But it might have caused a high price for someone else, her or his family somewhere else in the world l h hi f il h l i h ld being produced in a unsustainable way. For example waste of natural recourses low wages bad waste of natural recourses, low wages, bad condition for workers, low profit in the agricultural sector negative environmental impact and lack of sector, negative environmental impact and lack of good animal welfare. Most likely, it will cost us all in the future.” Free trade and market liberalization but liberalization, but at what price and responsibility? – Vi måste ta strid mot jordbrukssubventionerna, säger Birgitta Ohlsson, Sveriges nya EU‐minister, som inte är rädd att ta strid med fransmän och andra sydeuropéer om EU:s omfattande stöd till fransmän och andra sydeuropéer om EU:s omfattande stöd till bönderna. Foto: Annica Jönsson Ministern vill banta böndernas EU‐bidrag Sveriges EU‐minister Birgitta Ohlsson (FP) vill stärka motståndet inom EU mot unionens omfattande jordbruksstöd. – Vi måste ta strid mot subventionerna genom att bygga kloka allianser Jordbruket måste klara subventionerna genom att bygga kloka allianser. Jordbruket måste klara sig på egna ben, säger hon till Sydsvenskan. Sydsvenskan 2013‐01‐27 Food security to whom and why? Food security‐ to whom and why? CAP What is there to defend if there is no food f d production and production and energy supply? Still confused, but on a higher level…. SVD Brännpunkt 2013‐01‐27 ”I’m I m a vegetarian. But a vegetarian. But I eat I eat approx. approx. 22 kg of meat every year” Vaclav Smil, Professor at Univeristy of Manitoba, Canada at Stockholm Water week 2007 Maybe it’s all about attitudes, understanding and lack of understanding and lack of knowledge and a holistic view? Maybe this is the Maybe this is the largest challenges and the biggest threats to a the biggest threats to a sustainable future for the sector…. “In the long run, only those “In the long run only those who sell real goods and who sell real goods and services to real customers and get paid in real money survives”” Peter Drucker 1909‐2005, g American Management Consultant Thank you for listening