Newsletter - Cornwall Vintage Vehicle Society


Newsletter - Cornwall Vintage Vehicle Society
The monthly newsletter of
The Cornwall Vintage Vehicle Society
201 4
Photo: Neill Graham
Lanlivery Rally
Photo: Tamsin Coxen
Riviera Run (more next
Bonnets 'up'!
In this issue:
Diary dates
High Risk Strategy
New Members
Meet the committee
Autumn Amble
Visit our website at
Dates for your diary
Sunday 2nd November
Old Quay House, Hayle Causeway, Lelant. The feedback from using this
venue on a run was so positive that we have hired their upstairs room for
this year's AGM.
Monday 1 7th November
Committee meeting
Star Inn, Vogue, 7.30 for 8 pm start. Come and see the new committee in
Sunday 1 4th December
Christmas Cracker Run
Tony Barfield
NOTE CHANGE OF DATE. Entry form with this newsletter.
1 0th December.
Carnon Downs Village Hall.
January 201 5
Sunday 4th
Entry form with this newsletter.
Christmas Social
New Year Run
Jean Moyle
Invitation events: the following are not CVVS events but those to which we
have received invitations/notifications.
Nothing to report as yet!
In response to many letter and emails, the committee discussed the
website at the meeting in late September and are delighted to confirm
its reinstatement. This news comes with a personal apology from our
Chairman, Peter Nicholas, who explained that it was his
misunderstanding of the technical demands and subsequent
implications of the website's closure which caused it's temporary
mothballing. Overwhelming response from members and a thorough
talking too from his own father, (thanks Harry!) helped. The
committee also wants to echo the many members who praised
Graham King for his hard work in maintaining such a good website
and give him a big THANK YOU!
Meet the committee
Nick Male
I was born in Callington, Cornwall
but moved "up country" to
Blackwater in Surrey with my
parents and younger sister when I
was eleven, leaving my two older
married sisters in Cornwall.
When I left school, I served an
apprenticeship in painting and
decorating, then worked at Royal Aircraft Establishment
Farnborough in Maintenance Department. Marian also worked
at R.A.E. and two years later we married and I brought her back
to Cornwall.
Initially we lived in as caravan on a holiday site in Four Lanes,
then in a flat in a beautiful old house in Lelant , overlooking
Hayle Causeway, before settling in Troon. We have two
children, Philip and Julie. Julie and her husband Paul have a
young son Jack, now 1 7 months old.
I've had several jobs since living in Cornwall, including working
for Kerrier Council, Homeworld, F.T. Williams (coach company)
and lastly, eleven years as a taxi driver, working in Camborne,
before retiring last year.
As well as enjoying CVVS membership, I also belong to Halye
Model Boat Club and Cornish Aviation Society.
My first car was a Standard 8. Since then I've had an A40,
Morris 1 000 (ex-police car), Austin 1 300 GT, Morris 11 00 and
am now on my fourth Austin Maxi 1 750 which I've owned for 23
Photo: Tamsin Coxen
NB: Communication
For any letters/emails not being submitted as articles for
publication, please address all correspondence to the
Chairman, Peter Nicholas, 7 Polmor Road, Crowlas,
Penzance, TR20 8DW
Recent Events
Lostwithiel/Lanlivery Rally
Neill Graham
Great show. Over 1 00 cars, over 1 oo tractors, steam engines,
motor cycles, commercial vintage vehicles, Shire horses,
dancing diggers, reaping/binding/threshing display (including
baking bread), ploughing, dog show, Car boot, brass band,
working engines and much much more. Nice two
days, hundreds of people and a great success.
Photos: Neill Graham
Gerrans Fun Day
Members who took part in this received a letter of thanks from
the organisers. This is a scan of it, so apologies for the blurring.
High Risk Strategy
Bryan Sautelle-Smith
The end of September in Cornwall can be a dodgy month for
weather with fog, driving rain and even gales. I remember with
dismay the first North Cornwall Run we organised in 2007
which included Bodmin Moor on part of the drive and it was wet
and foggy with poor visibility. As the rain dripped on to our
knees through the cracks between the hood and windscreen of
Ellie's Alvis, I thought, 'What a disaster'. But members were so
encouraging and said they thought it was a lovely enough route
to return to when the weather was fine. So what possessed us
to have another go at a moorland run in 201 4? Perhaps the
answer is the forgiving nature of CVVS members (the memory
of 2007) and our spirit of adventure!
Risk assessment:a. Bad weather and we'd see nothing.
b. Turnings on the route with no signposts in the middle of the
moor. Bound to lose people.
c. Members' recollection of groping along the 2007 route. Poor
turn out.
d. An eternity of single track roads with the possibility of Farmer
Giles meeting a gaggle of classic cars in his combine harvester.
Two hour traffic jam!
e. Jamaica Inn being too far away for most members based
down county.
Nothing daunted and despite all this, we planned the route,
tested it in brilliant sunshine and deemed it worth all the risks.
Jamaica Inn Ahoy!
As it turned out, the day of the run was sparkling with minimal
high-level cloud and an azure blue sky. We had 22 cars and 46
people starting from Jamaica Inn and, as it was such a glorious
day, I fancied folk were just as happy sitting in the sun chatting as
the prospect of driving. 'Come along everyone! Time to set off.'
Line up in front of the
Smugglers' Bar
Adrian’s MG TC anchored to the
Paul's Series 2A Land Rover
Crossing Delford Bridge
Distant view of Roughtor &
Brown Willy
Harpur's Downs
I have to say, even as
organisers, we enjoyed
driving the route once
again. With the magnificent
summer we have had, the
odds were, I think, better than even to have sunshine on the
day. So we enjoyed those wonderful vistas of moorland and
tors ending up at the Bowood Park Hotel & Golf Club near
Camelford for a jolly good lunch. The photos speak for
themselves. Well done to all who participated for making it to
the lunch venue, especially to the few who took the odd wrong
turn along the way of this challenging course!
Bowood Park golf course
viewed from Ken's Alvis
Speed 20
All photos: Bryan Sautelle­Smith
Autumn Amble
Arthur Bowyer
Just over 30 members turned out on the day. The cream tea
gathering had guests turning up in the form of Mr David Lay (of
the Penzance Auction House) and his wife who live opposite.
Knowing he was interested in classic cars I asked him if he would
like to pop over and join us. He would like to thank every body for
the lovley cream tea!
Welcome to new members!
We welcome 7 this month:
• Roger Mithcell of Camborne with a 1 946 Bedford K, 1 936 Ford Y, 1 939
Standard 8, 1 964 Vauxhall Cresta and a 1 928 Barford Perkins A3 Roller.
• Ted Cooke of Par with a 1 974 TVR 3000M
• Terry Davies of Liverpool with a 1 991 Mitsubishi Pajero
• Linda Ellacott of Redruth with a 1 970 Austin Healey
• Mr. T.H. Donohue of Helston with a 1 972 MGB Roadster
• David Bawden of Godolphin with a 1 971 Morris Pick-up
• Mervyn Palmer of Veryan with a 1 939 Morris Series E Rover PB5 9
Reminder: Please could classified advertisers let me know when to
stop running their adverts!
For Sale:
• 1 959 Morris 1 000, 4-door, grey, Cornish car. Heater. 24928
recorded miles only. New battery, tyres, brakes overhauled. In
really nice condition with only 38 miles driven since the last
Michael Hinde 01 208 831 636 (evenings)
• Due to bereavement, 1 963 Singer Vogue, 63000 miles. Tax Exempt.
New Brakes and callipers. Cream and red. 1 592 cc. Mot July 201 5.
£3000 o.n.o
Marion Harris 01 736763356 or 0759666331 0
• 1 .Vintage open tourer set, only used once:
Leather helmet ,leather goggles with unbreakable glass & ear folds,
full almost elbow length leather lined gloves. New £1 75 will sell for
• 2.Rare real (pre GM) Saab 900i convertible. burgundy red, new
black el. mohair roof-201 3. Perfect throughout, grey velour
upholstery, engine - looks like almost new. Only sell as bad left foot &
need auto.
Natural aspirated engine 1 6v.1 996cc manual petrol - sensor which
will take any grade unleaded. Reg.L327 APH.
Only 1 50 k miles (small for a Saab) Mot Dec. Tax Feb 201 5. No
problems, been most shows in Cornwall this year.
1 3 so far & at least 3 more to go. Previous V5 owner was a Polish
princess! Ring to arrange pictures by email.
Grade 1 is £4000 but would take £2999 for quick sale.
Neill Graham 01 872 864088
• 1 947 Series 8 Morris.
Rebuilt engine. Car in very good order. £4500 o.n.o
Doug Alford 01 736 788989
[email protected]
• Our beloved 1 960 Rover 94 1 00 ("Vera") because we are finding
her heavy on the steering and using her very little. She will have a full
MOT and is in good condition, both in her body and mechanicals.
John Davies 01 209 61 0808
• Car cover- good quality. Suitable for a small car. Suitable for inside
a garage or outside use. Cost over £1 00 when it was new. £60 or
near offer please. New lower price!
Brian Youl 01 326 281 511
• Offside and nearside doors with glass for two door Austin A35 in
very good
condition. £200 or very near offer
Neil Sanderson01 872 560998 or 0775405211 0
• Morris Minor 1 969 salon 4 door in blue Reg No TPW 588G. MOT
31 October 201 4 Tax exempt reasonable condition used daily
• As we have no fund raiser, would you be willing to help? The club
has a marquee, which could be taken to an event, people willing to
help on the day, also help beforehand if needed. Which way you
raised money would be up to you. Please help to keep our charity
stall going. For information ring Jean on 01 209 21 4530
• Both front doors for a 4 door Austin A35
Robert Sanderson 01 326 379067 11
Your committee:
President: Ken Rogers 01 326 753361
krogers1 [email protected]
Vice President: Barry Roberts 01 736 763565
Chairman: Peter Nicholas 01 736 74091 6. 7 Polmor Road, Crowlas,
Penzance, TR20 8DW
Vice Chairman: Deanna Curtis 01 209 21 01 00 [email protected]
Secretary: June Youl 01 326 281 511
[email protected]
Treasurer: Marion Holden 01 736 361 961
Editor: Tamsin Coxen 01 872 864711
[email protected]
Membership Secretary: Jean Moyle 01 209 21 4530
Regalia: Paul Chinn & Fay Jepson 01 726 63994
Archivist: Tony Barfield 01 326 564330
Publicity: Arthur Bowyer 01 326 61 9072
Magazine distribution: Geoff & Elaine Fisher 01 209 71 8459
Webmaster: Graham King 01 209 21 8077
[email protected]
Members without office: Neil Richards (neil.richards@talk21 .com),
Brian Youl, Nick Male, Lynda Nicholas and Cindy Bennett.
Publication date is the 1 st of the month.
Last date for article submissions is the 20th of the month.
Last date for advertisements is the 20th of the month.
All material submitted is subject to space and may therefore
appear in a subsequent edition.
All material submitted must be free from any copyright claim.
Submissions to: Tamsin Coxen, 1 5 Pencantol, Frogpool, TR4 8SQ
but preferably by email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01 872 864711
Problems with receipt of printed copy should be referred to the
distribution team NOT the editor. Problems with email ARE the
editor's mistake...
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine are those of the writers and not
necessarily those of the editor or the Cornwall Vintage Vehicle Society.