Scoville Exhibits A-J
Scoville Exhibits A-J
EXHIBIT "A" Ind!. No. b'{J-CJZ File No. _ __ Suffolk County County/Supreme Court Transcript of Record The People of the State of New York Vs. fir/a.A . , Eru A.S 54 CCdo/\.. &el'l!!f H, 'iLSLdl? .AlJ Address I DOB. O{, -';(4 -1961 Crime Cou.rJ:; � Cr(,-u. 12? 30 (ta¥�� � � kL!.) '* wtVl (Wa..W-e. cLq.�qil�-tA-f?(e. ]}CJ:f:L.. .!.O/9.'fI�� -- .. I £ ___________ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ �_ )ate of Disposition: - . - ........ . . . . . . _ - - - . . . . . - - - - - - - - _ - - - ____________ _ _(:Ol I �'�O�.:z�' �,;z�O�02�� ____________________ _____ Judge/lustice Suffolk CounlyJSupreme Court I hereby certify U!i\t this is a true transcript of the �oid on file in the County/Supreme Court of the County of Suffolk 'Ole APR 182005 -=-=:...:�����. _________ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ 4.;"'i/ J:&".u!.,t? Clerk of the Court __ l lVlU ..... Suffolk County District Attomey's Office Thomas J, Spotal District Attorney Home 6{26/02 Commack man indicted for hacking Message From The DA About the D.A.'s Office A 21-year-old Commack man has been indicted by a Suffolk County Grand Jury on Court Calendar Thursday, June 27 before Judge Joseph Farneti in Riverhead. first degree Computer Tampering charges. Brian J. Bruns will be arraigned Press Releases 8< Media The Suffolk County Police Computer Crime Unit arrested Bruns for disrupting the Coverage business operations of his former employer and the firm's clients. The company, Access Highway in Central Islip, fired Bruns on May 17 and soon experienced Press Releases - Archived problems in its delivery of Internet and other services to several clients. DA Speeches 8< Remarks Two search warrants were executed at Bruns home at 84 Florida Avenue. Police Criminal Justice Procedures Crime Victims Service Unit found pirated computer software and other evidence in the house. The charge of Computer Tampering alleges that Brun intentionally altered computer data essenti to the operation of networks systems operated by Access Highway. Brun's allegec hacking damaged Access Highway's operations costing the firm, according to the indictment, over $50,000 in damages. , First degree Computer Tampering is a felony punishable by a prison term of 7 and Cnmma ' I H'IStory C ategoroes one-half to 15 years. Brun was also charged with Criminal Mischief in the second , Careers 8< Recruiting degree, a D felony carrying a prison term of 3 and one-half to 7 years. ### Helpful links Frequently Asked Copyright 2004 Suffolk County District Attorney Questions Office Locations 8< Directions Contact Information http/ .26. 02.htm 5/3/2005 EDWARD P. ROMAINE COUNtY CL.ERK APR 122005 DATE: ;-RE <\.. &aM" YOUR PAP�RS CA:-0<01 BE PROCESSED FOR TE" "OllOWING REA.SONS: ( ) ADViSE FULL N.AME A:-ID DaB OF DErENDANT(S). ( ) THE FE FOR A C::RTIF!ED CO�Y [5 51.25 lNSTRUME;.<T. [ ) PER PAG::. FOR NAME S::ARCEES PRIOR TO 1935. THE MNIMUM OF S500 P"R :E:: IS $5.00 CONSECUTIVE YEARS WE H..; vEO TO SEARCH. FOR E:\CH T\;;O ( ) F::LOJ,! CRIlvlfNAL SEARCE::S A?E DONE 8Y TH:: OFciCE OF COUT ADMr;-;'ISTr�" nON (OCA), 552.00 EACH NAM": YO': C;..N CONT ACI THEyi NYS Qfiic! of Court Admi:1ist::!rion OBce of Administrative Searches .-\T Criminal Hiswry R!cord Search 25 Beaver SL (Rl\18�O-Fronr Counter) N�w York, NY 10004 (212) �28·294}, lO."uVI to 4 PM ( ) THE FEE FOR .... CERTLFlCA E !S 59.00 ( ) T:-!E F::E TO St.;BP::ONA A FIL:: TO ( ) NO 5I(jNA iTRE RETl' R.'.f. COURT IS S _ _ _ _ __ A:-ID/OR PHO"E ;'·U:V!BER ON CH::CK. PLEASE COR..'liCT.;\iD ( ) CHECKS EXCEEDfNG SIOO.OO ML'STBE CERTfi'IED ( ) ILLEG[8LE ( ) THIS OFFICE HANDLES PLEASE CALL 853·5357. ( ) ADDRESS fOR FIRST FELO:-'IES ONl Y O ISTR ICT COURT 400 C.';RGON AVE. PO 80;( 9073, CENTRAL [SLIP, NY I !722. CRIMfNAL COURT ACTfONS 852·20I6 :1:0r-"....,... ". ,.." COURT2 ... _,......, _,..... . fOil. ,vlISDEMEANOR il"FOR.MATIO'l EXHIBIT "B" [email protected] I My Groups I Help I Signout Im!lges Web Groups II/,,'I\IS FcoojJlg Search Ireespeechstore ahbl sosdg My G[pups M)l5tarre,t LocalNew' Searched all groups Results 1 1 0 - H!.ws.admLn.n (89795) .•. aH,news-medL" (6877) misc.cgrlsumers (8833) mjsc.healtb.dJ.abetes (2080) 01 21 for bruns freespeechsto Sort by relevance "flt topics My recent groups ': �dv?lr:!ced Groups Sea}cl1 ': preferences Sorted by date qu_elqu'wn<ltiL t?stE3f cE3site ... Abusive Hosts Blocking List I www Security ... Brian Bruns. Ex- Convict, Felon I ndictment Numbers . 1 ... 2002106 26 02. htm http :// lts -:. . nSVlfs. .!<lmill.lle t-< Apr 30, 6:20 pm by Russell Miller and John Stillwell (Viper) are above the law and abusive and stupid kooks 19 messages 11 authors . - - - recJ90d.coQking (12050) (60) aH.poJitics (184375) neWscadmin,n ... illhtings (119011) ",1t.go.ssip.c"lebritjes (57568) (45589) misc.inv",st.stpcks (1 7642) aJt.marketin . .,in<l.epay (10081) Recently visited lclearl alj.ecomm"rce humanities.p. . ectivism aJUHt,scenf' saUorsale r"C,lil1" . fin e "I"grt.mari<etplace CreaJe'L08w9 rouP ApoutGQogle Groups Upd ate,d.;) ... Abusive Hosts Blocking List I Security ... Brian Bruns, Ex- Convict. Felon Indictment Numbers. .! ... 2002106 26 02.htm http://f reespeechsto re .comlQresu lts -:.. neWs. lIA mif].rret-Jlbuse.elTlail- Apr 30, 6:19 pm by Russell Miller and John Stillwell (Viper) are above the law and abusive and stupid kooks- 15 messages- 8 authors QFSPEWS FANATICS - PART 3 CURR�NI!'JSJ ... Abusive Hosts Blocking List I Security ... Brian Bruns, Ex- Convict, Felon Indictment Numbers. .! .. . 2002106_26_02.htm ... n,ews.a_<!!>.u se.slTlail- Apr 30, 6 : 1 8 pm by Russell Miller and John Stillwell (Viper) are above the law and abusive and stupid kooks 84 messages - 32 authors - ''Viper'' is JQhn. StiUwelJ fro!llR.,stQD,. VA ... Abusive Hosts Blocking List I www Security ... Brian Bruns, Ex- Convict, Felon Indictment Numbers.. 1 ... 2002106 26 02.htm http ://freespeechstore .comlQ resu lts -:. . t-a!>lIse.eITlJlil- Apr 30, 6 : 1 8 pm by Russell Miller and John Stillwell (Viper) are above the law and abusive and stupid kooks 78 messages - 2 1 authors - RlJsselLMiU.,r andJobnStillwell (Viper) Cl,nd others are s()um <lQeL... ... Abusive Hosts Blocking List I Security ... Brian Bruns, Ex- Convict, Felon Indictment Numbers. .! ... 2002106_26_02.htm .. . news.admjn.nej=<i.bllse.misc Apr 30,6:10 pm by The NANAE cursel- 1 message - 1 author - f[E:!�!>.pEI��h!>tore� ... Open Source Development Group Open Solutions For A Closed World 1 eomlgroups� =bruns+freespeeehstore+ahb +sosdg&start=O&seori. . 5/3/2005 q 1 Anti-Spam Resources f f ne) - Apr 22, 1 :40 am by Brian Bruns - 51 messages - 25 authors Anti$pammElrs Repres.entEldBy ExcCQnvict Brian Bruns And . Hj!> Gang ... to a lawsuit being filed against the ex-cons running a spam blocklist.. . ... Search_Keyword=bruns+kirch+sosdg ... aJt.!lI!ws-rnedia - Feb 23, 8: 1 2 pm by FreeSpeechStore - 1 1 messages 7 authors ,.•. . SpaDkEld: fre�speechstQre.C9m ... Brian Bruns Founder, The ... For A Closed World f Anti-Spam Resources http://www.sosdg. org The Abusive Hosts Blocking List - DNSbl ' Feb 8, 8:23 pm by Brian Bruns, 1 5 messages - 1 3 authors BSl CarefllL8efore YouUliIize ahblorg ors(), Brian "FreeSpeechStore" <freespeechstore@> wrote in message . hate sites that require you to register and then post themselves here . .. . alt.!lil.Ws-media ' Feb 2, 1 2: 1 2 am by Robert Marien, 4 messages - 4 authors Brjan '." ... . I E - n nd Bnms x Cq a FEllon, Makes Threats. ... http: // Search_Keyword=bruns+sosdg+ahbl+kirch+police+ crime+criminal+probation+parole&btnSearch2=Find+Speech Would you forward ... neWs.<tdm il! .Feb 1 . 1 1 : 1 3 pm by Andrew D Kirch - 88 messages - 33 authors The ordering of results sorted by date is approximate. l,U Result Page: 1 2 comlgroups? =bruns+freespeechstore+ahb +sosdg&start=O&scori. 5/3/2005 q I freespeechstore ahbl sosdg Search Google Home - Terms of Use - Privacy PoJicy - Jobs, press, & Help ©2Q05 Google http://groups-beta,google,com/groups?q=bruns+freespeechstore+ahbl+sosdg&start=O&scori" 5/3/2005 EXHIBIT "C' -- Onginal Message - From: "Manuel 0" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday. May 1 0, 2005 1 1 :50 P M Subject: FW: Bnan Bruns Ex-Con and Felon Makes Threats .. (fwd) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -Onginal MessageFrom: Darren Knapp [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 8:40 A M To: support@vndx .com Subject: FW: Brian Bruns Ex-Con and Felon Makes Threats . . (fwd) Manuel and Javier, Pnsmnet has had enough and do not want to deal with this any longer. We have until February to either remove FSS or move your Tl to our XO network. You mentioned a couple of weeks ago that you would discuss and decide on what to do, but I have not seen any response. Please get with me ASAP to get this settled. Thank you, Darren Knapp RealLinx Inc. (BOO) 597-2518 Suppcrt (214) 764-141 0 Office (972) 896-9522 Cellular Monday. December 05, 2005 America Online: Frelilspeechstore Page: 1 EXHIBIT "D" 02-15-05 1047 SP� �TONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFENSE/INCIDENT REPORT OFFENSE DESCRIPTION TELEPHONE HARASSMENT LOCAT:ON OF OFFENSE 00106 LULLWOOD AV E REPORTING OFFICER 0518 ZULAICA, JOEL E TYPE PREMISE SNGL FMLY DATE: TIME: DATES OF OCCURRENCE FROM: 01-31-05 1520 TO: RAC SEX M W DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE NOTIFIED OF PROVISIONS OF TEXAS CRIME VICTIM ACT: (C) CALLED THE POLICE BECAUSE (SPl) CONTINUES TO BOTHER HIM. (C) HAS A WEBSITE THAT ALLOWS FREE SPEECH WITH DISCUSSION. (SPl) BECAME UPSET BECAUSE HIS NAME CAME UP ON THE \,EBS1TE ALONG WITH (SPI) NAME WAS HIS CRIMINAL PAST. (SPl) BECAME UPSET AT (C) AND THREATENED TO SHUT DOWN HIS WEBSITE. (SRI) THEN CONTACTED (C) INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS BY PHONE �D EMAIL �D TOLD THEM THEY WOULD BE SHUT DOWN UNLESS (C) WEBSITE IS CLOSED DOWN. (C) TOLD ME EVERYTHING ABOUT (SPl) IS TRUE THAT WAS ON HIS WEBSITE. (C) FEELS THREATENED BY (SPl) AS HE IS TRYING TO SHUT DOWN (C) WEBSITE. (C) DOES WISH TO PRESS CPARGES ON (SPl). (C) WAS ADVISED BY DETECTIVE STARK TO MAKE A REPORT. NO FURTHER ACTION TAKEN. PAGE PAGE ONE 05071019/01 WEATHER: TITLE COMPLAIN�T SCOVILLE, RICHARD M. CASE: 01 OF 01 ID? COOL / DRY DATE-OF-BIRTH 07-14-45 EXHHHT "E" The Abusive Hosts Blocking List About Us Services Documents Tools Forums Links CartOOney from FreeSpeechStore - Oct 27, 2003 Also from FreeSpeechStore: http://freespeechstore.comlpublicl489_ Beware_ oCBrian_ Bruns_Another_Anti Spammer... Starts_ Up_Abusive_ Service.htm Retu rn-path : <F reespeechstore@aoLcorn> Envelope-to: [email protected] Delivery-date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 21 :40:23 -0500 Received: from i mo-m07 .mx.aoLcom ([64 . 1 2.1 36.162]) by with esmtp (Exim 4.24) id 1 AEJmQ-0003vq-EZ for [email protected]; Mon, 27 Oct 2003 2 1 :40:22 -0500 Received: from Freespeechstore@aoLcom by (maiLout_v36_r1 . 1 .) id 2.62.3695519c ( 1 6781); Mon, 27 Oct 2003 21 :38:52 -0500 (EST) From: Freespeechstore@aoLcom Message-ID: <62.369551 [email protected]> Date: Man, 27 Oct 2003 21 :38:52 EST To: [email protected], a [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected] MI M E -Version: 1 .0 X-Mailer: 9.0 for Windows sub 5 1 00 X-SA-Exim-Mail-From: [email protected] Subject ABUSIVE & HARASSING EMAILS FROM YOUR SERVER(S) and [email protected] ... Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part1_62.369551 9c.2ccf30bc_boundary" X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60 ( 1 .21 2-2003-09-23-exp) on X-Spam-Report: 0.2 NO_REAL_NAME From: does not include a real name 2.3 DEAR_SOMETHING BODY: Contains 'Dear (something)' 0.1 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message -4.9 BAYES_OO BODY: Bayesian spam probability is ° to 1 % [score: 0.0000] X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-2.3 required=7.0 tests=BAYES_OO,DEAR_SOMETHING. HTML_MESSAGE,NO_REAL_NAME autolearn=no version=2.60 X-Spam-Level: X-SA-Exim-Version: 3 . 1 (built Tue Oct 1 4 21 : 1 1 59 EST 2003) X-SA-Exim-Scanned: Yes Status: • * • Ads by Goooooogle 1!l!:!o�el: l'i.9ht Spalll & Wi n Editor's Choice. Accurate Bayesian spam filter for Outlook. Free trial WN\IV.inboxeLcom E;nterprise Anji Spam Learn why thousands of businesses trust us for anti-spam services! WW' * • Anti Spam Fre"ware Anti-Spam that really works Use our service for free! www.spam-stop_com Dear Sir/Madam .. This person, AKA [munged], continues to harass and threaten us, via emails, through your servers. I f it continues, we will seek our legal remedies against them, as well as you. I n addition, this instant email came through AOL I M .... "[munged]: you having fun spamming usenet again?" moments ago! Respectfully, FSS WHOIS results for Generated by I was referred to; I'm looking it up there. http://www ahblorgicartOOnies/fssl.php Spam Fjlterlng f9r Domain Filter email thru a Firewall $1 4.95 Entire Domain VINIIW.peertopeer. net 5/3/2005 Using cached answer (or, you can get fresh results). The data in's WHOIS database is provided to you by for information purposes only, that is, to assist you in obtaining information about or related to a domain name registration record. makes this information available "as is", and does not guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a WHOIS query, you agree that you will use this data only for lawful purposes and that, under no circumstances will you use this data to: (1 ) allow, enable, or othelWise support the transmission of mass or bulk unsolicited , commercial advertising or solicitations via electronic mail, aka (SPAM). (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that apply to BulkregisteLcom (or its systems). The compilation, repackaging, dissemination or other use of this data is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of BulkregisteLcom reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. By submitting this query, you agree to abide by these terms. Thern Industries Hjortsbergavagen 1 60 Alvesta, non-US 342 36 SE Domain Name: 2MBIT.COM Administrative ContactJonas Them: [email protected] Thern Industries Hjortbergavagen 1 60 Alvesta, non-US 342 36 SE Phone-+464721 4401 FaxTechnical ContactBrian Bruns: [email protected] The Summit Open Source Development Group 54 C linton Avenue Hillsdale, New Jersey 07642 US Phone- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FaxRecord update date: 2002-10-30 1 0:07:1 1 Record create date: 2000-1 0-29 Record expires on: 2003-1 0-29 Database last updated on: 2003-1 0-27 2 1 :20:50 EST Domain servers in listed order: NS1 .DNSPARK.COM 64.245.56. 1 75 NS2DNSPARK.COM 8 1 .29.64.97 Register your domain name at http://www.bulkregisteLcom WHOIS results for 64.245 .56.175Generated by wwwDNSstuff.comCountry: UNITED STATES httpll ahbl org/cartOOnies/fssl.php wVvw 5/3/2005 NOTE: More information appears to be available at NET-64-245-56-128-1. Using cached answer (or, you can get fresh results). Allegiance Telecom Companies Worldwide ALGX-ABI-BLK 1 6 ( NET-64-244-0-0- 1 ) - Inflow INFLOW-AUS1 ·2 (NET-64-245-48-0-1 ) - Cyberspace Technology INFLOW-S880? -9177 (NET-64-245-56-128-1) 64.245.56 . 1 28 - 64.245.56 (C) Copyright 2000-2003 Computeriz Site copyright © The Summit Open Source Development Group, 2001 ·2004 . All rights reserved For information on reproducing content on this site, please contact us. The SOSDG Acceptable Use Policy I Terms Of Service I Privacy Policy can be seen here. Site design version 10.0r2 http//www.ahbl org/cartOOnies/fssl.php 5/3/2005 EXHIBIT "F" Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: "Manuel 0" <[email protected]> "'CEO .TFSS'" <[email protected]> Wednesday, January 1 2, 2005 2 : 1 7 PM FW: Online form: Request for Removal .. -----Original Message----From Brian Bruns lmail08,2004 tobruns@2mbitcom l Sent Friday, October 1032 M P abbLorg ToSubject manue!@vlldx,cQm; remov(l l request@ Re Online form Request for Removal On Friday,October 08, 2004 3 03 PM [EDT], [email protected] wrote >>Submitted by:2:03Manuel Obl(-0500) itas <[email protected]>on Friday,October @ 58 pm 8th, 2004 >>Client Variables --------------->>>REMOTE ADDR >> AGENTe; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) >>>HTT MozilPlaUSER /4.0 (compatibl >>Online Form Fields ----------------->>rmquely: >>209.198.148. 3 8 >>rmreason: brunsspammer, - Spam Source - 209.198.148. reeSpeechStore legal threats, etc 3 2129 >>F1096149374 >ipaddr >>209 .198.148. 3 2/29 message: >>>AHBL: RELAY) and 127 0 04(S E AM SOURCE). >>We are l i sted as 127 0 02(O N P P one asof theourissue clientsgenerator. and the comments placed >>The on theFreespeechstore block mentionisthem >In order to disconnect service of any client Vie require proof that - - 51312005 ra�c; L.. Vi J our customer was spamming. Can we get copies of such spam including >>header infonnation? httpj j gmuPs.googl e coru/groups?q=FreeSpeechStore&num=lQQ&hl=en&Ir=&safe=off &scoring=d Start at thethebeginning and read through the firstyoufewread: pages of issues regarding FreeSpeechStore. I also suggest ht »!/grcJU[e.cQm/groups?hl =en& r=&safs:=off&framc=right&th=8&5 56 1393d 716341 170 ce60 &seekm=415d 3%4010calhostdotnet#l i nk I 9 9 9 >>so,In regards to the open rel a y issue. Is that statement accurate? If > which IP is open relay? rangean open is notrellisted asTheanonly openresponses relay. Howourdidsystem you come up withare itforThatbeing a y? gives back Spam Source and Shoot On Sight > I >>We also personal read the statement "legalcausethreats." Woul d Isyouthisspecify how can this statement be of the bl o ck. the main >>cause of the block? Legal threats are one of the major reasons he is l i sted. lfyou' l look atpolouricy,listing polstates icies,thattheweFSS_will_ is listedlistunder our Shoot On Sight which any provider/individual / company that makes l e gal threats towards us over our listings. Thisphone kindorofsimil threatar,isandjustisastreated bad asashimsuch.threatning to kill us over the In the USA, making fal s e threats of l a wsuits when you have no intention of going through with them is illegal last time I checked. Its called barratry We take legal threats very seriously. >>infonnation We are eagerweto need help inandorder wishtoyouenforce can cooperate in providing the our TOS. >>Thanks, >>Manuel Oblitas >VND >ab!lse@vndx,c;Q!ll 5/3/2005 > > Your company hasHebeencommi notified more/slathen once about the of free FreeSpeechStore. t s l i bel nder under the guise speech, then makesandyouis payputting to seeyouhisatcomments. This is a veryifshady business practice, risk as well, considering you know about his abuses, and you let them continue.. Unfortunatel y , until the F reeSpeechStore is removed off of your network, the block isn't being taken down. BrianSummit Bruns Open Source Development Group The Open Sol u tions For A Closed Worl d 1 Anti-Spam Resources httPJ[www.s() The Abusive Hosts Bl o cking List httnJjWlVw. ahblQrg 5/3/2005 EXHIBIT "G" [email protected] I My Groups I Help I SignQut Groups ImagEls Web News f£Oogle Search >l3rian Brulls Ex-Con an<tfelon M_a!<es Threats Fro m : An dr ew D SUbj ect: Re : Fr.t , View Parsed Kirch <tr e l . . .@tr e lan> Br ian Bruns 28 Orga n izat ion : L in es : - n ews.a dmin. n et �abus e . e ma i l Newsgroups : Dat e : .•. Ex -Con a n d Felon Ma kes Jan 20 05 2 3 :51 :31 The Summit Open Thr eats... -050 0 Sourc e Develo pment Group 1 02 M essage- I D : <11 06974291.1 983.9.camel@ loca lhost> R e f er enc es : <11 06 96 9212.652938.25112 0@z14g2 0 00cwz.googl> Reply-To : tr e l ...@trelan e . n et M ime-Vers ion : 1.0 Cont ent-- T yp e : t ext / p la in Cont ent - Trans fer- Encoding : X - Trac e : In -Repl y--To : X -Ma i l er : On > Fr i , Just 7b it indiv i dua l . n et 9Q 7rgUBzxOA!Psi9 AA DL AAz6E k5Jl.6 LM:h2uQ lux8ir6aM+NvHyF < 1106 96 9212.652938.25112 O@z14g2 0 0 0 c l egroups . com> EVo lut,ion 28 :2. 0.3 Jan 2 0 05 1 9 :26 :52 - 08 0 0 , Fr e e S p e echSto�e wrot e : for starters... > > E' S S notices tha t you subscr ibe to > abus iv e anti -sparnm er > dnsb l . ahbl. org (ahb l . org) f a kno wn ( htt p : / /s esu lt.s . a s px? FORM= SMC RT&q= 2 0bruns 20ahb l 20compla ints > , > htt p : / /grou . coml groups?h l= en&lr= & i e:;;:;-l S O"�88 5 9 -1&scor ing-= d&q=bruns+ahbl&btnC Fro m > you lt d ta ke b e ing ca l l ed abusive as a compl iment. H is name > Cr imina l is Br ian Bruns a n d h e ( Ex -Con ) , > o ppos e h is v i e ws , Come on, minds you want to an d h is must have know, is GE T F I L T H! document e d on th e T HE Internet as a SUbj ec t iv e l y b loc king Fr ee S p e ech Stor e i l l ega l l y ac qu ir ed mor e dirt thos e who ( FS S ) , than that, enqu iring LEJl.D OUT BAB Y! > http: / / fr e es p e has > what h e we l l vi ,ndict i v e l y an d posted th is abuser an d is a n d h e r esponded with th e b loc king. Just expos ed h i m for do a s earch at our > s it e...htt p : / / f.r e es p e echstor m/Qr esu p? S earch_Ke ywor d=bruns +ahbl+sosdg&bt n S earch2= Find+ Sp e ech What , you forgot about me, didn ' t you ca l l me th e worst NANAE pun k a wh i l e bac k? > We hav e thr eat ened a l a wsu it an d now w i l l probab l y have to fi l e . This > h ypocr it e actua l l y s ign ed u p at our s it e and post ed n egat ive comments > about anoth er p erson h e has a v en detta against, see admin. net-abuse. email/msg/fc2618a4b9d66938? . 5/3/2005 > h t tp:// f reespeechs t ole . c om/p ubllC/ S ub Publ l c 2/ 7 2 2_M o r oDls,htm (*see ht tp://assemble r, law . c o rnell . e du/usc ode/ html/ usc ode47/ us c _sec_ 4 7_0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 - - --- 0 0 0 -. t 4 7 U SC Ie) (1) (2) (A) IE): 230 No p r ov i der access or use r shall be t o ma te rial ob je c ti onable; to tha t o r an::/ a c tl on res trict a c cess S o le ts held liable o f an y ac ti on the p rovi de r c onsi de rs ta ken t o ma terial tal k ab o u t having to be ta ken to res t ric t o t he rvJise t o ma ke available the te chni cal means des c ribe d . your case agains t us t h r own out wi th p re j udi ce . T ha t' s f ree legal a dvi ce , > below > come for the a fte r full p os ting t o o u r si. te , ]Oln that I s ta r t o f his w ra t h) . up , p os t nega tive c ha rging. T his g u y has comments, the ne rve to an d s ubseq ue n t l y put > us on hi.s blac klis t! See ab ove ab o ut 4 7 USC Y o u spamme d me in SOS p ol i c y you 2 3 0. the pas t , tha t's s u f fi cient have b razenl y an d to blac klis t uns toppingl y t h rea tene d you . Pe r our o r ca j ol e d o t he rs in t o t h rea tening pa r ties in lawsuits agai n s t the mi ddle > This is > t o libel , the heig ht of of res t rain t your the ABB L and h:yp o c ris y and has of SORB S , p u t ting innocent own personal li t tle wa r . trade , opened hi m de ceptive t ra de! j us t to name a few > plea dings. Spea kin g se rvice , f o r mysel f , and I as happil y p r ovide i t . > Please n o te > lists b l ow the that me , Basical l y p u t his list is F S S ( **see below ) . i .e . , Mr. up the > t o e xpan d You mig h t want reques t my a d d ress SOSDG a n d A HBI. , w"Ll l of the the of o r s h u t up bi tch . ONLY an tispam list w hi ch because we a re n o t sparme n rs , GESTAP O Ta ctics b ut o f ce r tain B r uns! . I am s 'till n o t ge t ting an y c re di t and B runs" f re e l y of Q ui te simpl y , > we a re s t rong a dve rsa ries > an tisparre un rs , y o u ma y s ole p rop ria t o r the b l oc k on t o c onside r y o u. 11m the one t ha t c onvince d "M r. Such a s ha me . the p ro fessionalism and t he > s u c h an ab usi ve l i s t as is dnsbl . a hbl . o rg me rits of using (a hbl . o rg ) > h t tp : //wvvw.easywhois . c om/in dex . p hp ? domain=s os dg . o rg +&inp ut= 3 9 6 0&ne x t . x=66&ne xt . y= 3 > S h o ul d you ha"\re an y q ues ti ons , do n o t hesi ta te t o c on tac t me pe rs onall y . > T han king you in a dvan ce for y o u r e xpediti ous han dling of this ma t te r, > Going ba ck. Y o u have to w ha t repeatedl y in t o doing w ha t I said ea rlie r , than k y o u in a dvance t h rea tened us with lawsuits you want is ba r ra t r y , I w o ul d li ke .se rvi ce w i t h the n e x t us to flame to do, tha t is request ha rassmen t , you p r ovi de f o r bl owing t o a ttemp t an d tha t your legal a d d ress y o u send NANAE be ca use I Intend me . to ba t te r u.s to s ue of you for this c on tinue d p a t te rn o f g r oun dless legal t h reats (li te rall y ca r tOOne y ) http!/ 8? . 5/3/2005 and I ' d hate t o h ave A'1 dre w D Kirch Securi t y .A dmin I I to Ab us ive Summit tra ck you down t o do s o. Hos ts Open Bl ockin g S o ur ce List I INW w . a hbl. or g Deve l op me n t G.r o up Key At h ttp : / / wW\Al. 2mb i � tre l ane/ trelane .as c Ke y fin gerprJ_nt � 4 1 il 6 3338 1 Fl7 1 E 6 F 8 FB 2 8DFA 133 1 I WV.JW. s os dg. org 7 E 25 C40 6 C 8D 2 c;oogle Home - Terrn§of Use - Privacy Policy - Jobs, Press, & Help ©2Q05 Google http://groups-beta_google_comlgroupinews. admin_ net-abuse. emai msg/fc261 8a4b9d6693 87 . . 5/312005 II EXHIBIT H ---c.- - -- [email protected] I My GrQups I Help I Web { '. . Images. . . . . .. . . Groups . . . ..•. . . . . ... . . .. . . ... F'fgogle .LOCllINew! . ... earch S . .. more )} .. Sign out Adya(lcl:1.d Grqups.$ean;::b .................... " Preferences !!.emai! > I/l�.fIe(!Sp(!ecI1Whore tI!Je!ltens t()Su.el11e Vievv Parsed - P a th : g 2n ews l . g oogl e.c omln ews 2 . g oog1 e.c om! fu-ber l in . d e!uni- ber l in.d e! n o t- for - ma i l Fr om : Bri an Brun s Newsgr oup s : Subj ect : f ahblJ Date : S ep 28 The Fr e e Sp e ec hWhor e t hr e atens 2 0 04 Org an iz a t i on: Lin e s : < bbrun s @g ma i l.c o m> n e ws.admin . n to sue me 1 5: 5 5 :14 G M T T h e Summit Op en S ource D evel opmen t Gr oup 233 M e s s ag e - ID: <Xn s957 2 7941EA891brun s2mb i tc om@13 0 . 133. 1 . 4> X-Tr ac e : n ews.un i - ber l in . de yDZ I abQj wlg46YX+VdHESwG a5r,J9F LWt fOHTpM q,J t oZ sw81 2KN U s er -Ag en t : Xnews / 06 . 0 8. 2 5 App ar en t ly un h appy t h at, I t he Fr e e Sp e ec h St, s en t me t h i s I forwarded thelr u s er t o AOLl s any to l i t ig at e l eg a l p r o b l ems exp ert H i l l Yeah, 11m awar e as I g et of the up l o ad ing t h e n ew f3 it e Should n ic er d e s ign . Br i an l in e , it is fr om and t h a t t h ey n ot i fy terms of servic e. a bad the p er s on you p l an thing , wi l l c au s e e sp ec i al ly i f you and har as s t hem. :) fact as r e qu e sting c ont ac ting l a wyer mail su e me t h a t ahbl. org we sp e ak . be b ac k up in A l ot an i s d own r ig ht n ow o f c h ang e s, hour or and wel r e muc h s o. Bruns Founder, Op en a to f act. ag a in s t t h e ir tell you, without for you d O\oJn t he M or e w i l l c orn e is t o b l ocking to t hr e at en o f t ha t a bu s e d ep ar tmen t, h ar a s smen t against around h a s d ec id ed l ov e ly n o t i f ic at i on t h at As f in a l ly g ot FSS The Sumrn i t s o lut i on s F or Op en Sourc e D ev e l op ment Gr oup A C l o s ed World / Ant i�Spam R e s ourc e s http : / / www . s o sdg. org The Abu s i v e H o st s B l ock ing List - DNSbl ht tp : / /www. R e turn -p a th : <Fr e e sp e ec h st or e @ a o l . c om> En v e l op e �t o : brun s @ D e l i very-d a t e: Rec eived : Tu e, 28 S ep by ma i l . sosdg . org id 2 0 04 1 0:4 1:24 - 0 5 0 0 fr om imo-d 2 0.��. a ol.c om ([ 2 0 5 . 1 8 8 . l39. 136]) wit h e s mtp l CCK6U- 0 0 0 7gK-Mq (Exim 4 . 4 2- S0 SDG ) httpllgroupsgoogle com/group/news admin net-abuse. email/msg/Ob3 7d72007126edc"dm. 12/412005 fo r Recelve d : < b runs@>; Tue , 28 Sep 2 0 0 4 1 0: 41 : 24 by lmo-d� . ao (m all ou t_v37 (17377 ) fo r Fro m : To: < b ruDs@ 2 m b i>; Tue , 28 _ Sep r3.7 . l l d h . l al. 2 a 5 63 2 02 2 0 04 11 :41: 0 5 - 04 0 0 ( ED T) F re es p eechsto re@ ao l .com Mess age - ID : D at e : -0500 from F reespeechs to re@ ao Tu e , <1al. 2 a 5 63 2 0 2. 2 e8 ae 011@> 28 Se p 2 0 04 11 :41: 0 5 ED T b runs@ MIM E -Ve rsion : 1. 0 9. a X-·M a i1 e r : fo r Win dow.s sub Received- S PF : pass 2 0 5.188.13 9.13 6 as X - S e an - S i gn a tu re : 5000 (eve rest.sos dg.o rg : do main o f desj_gn a t es per mi t te d sende r) c d1 6 5b7 b 5 f 688 6dfcb4Scg e d7c 6dge47 X - S,A - Ex im-Connec t- I P: 2 0 5.188.13 9 . 13 6 X - SA - Ex im-M a i l -F ro m: F re es peechsto re@ SUbjec t : F ree S peech Sto re Con t en t - Type : Speech No t i f ic a t ion mu , l t ipa_rt, / a l t e rn a t ive; boun d a r y= " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---X - S p am-Chec ke r-Ve rs ion: 1 0 9 63 8 6 0 65" Sp amAss assin 2. 64 ( 2 0 04 - 01 -11 ) on e ve res t.sos dg . o rg * ** X - Spam-Level: X - S p a m- S t a tus : HTM L AME, No , h i ts::::3 : .9 re qu ire d= 9. 0 tes ts::::: C L I CK B E LOW I _. E S CA PED HOST r NO _ R EAl.. N _ L I N K C L I C K HER E , HTM L M E S SAGE , HTT P _ _ PEMOVE PAGE, S E L E CTED _Y OU au to le arn;:;;;no ve rs ion= 2. 64 }: - S p am-Re po rt: * 0. 2 * NO--R EA L-" NAM E 1.4 S E L E C T ED Y OU B ODY: * 0.1 HTM L * 0.1 HTM L_M E S SAGE B ODY : HTML inc luded in mes s a ge 0. 5 R EM OV E PP,-GE UR I : URI., o f p a ge c a l le d H re movell From: does not. incl u de a re al. The y h ave selec t e d you n ame fo r some th ing L I N K C LI C K HER E B ODY : HTM L l in k t ex t s a ys "cl ic k he re" * * 1 . ,5 HTTP E S CAPED HOST URI : Uses c, -escapes ins ide a UR L' s hostn ame * 0.1 C L I C K_B E LOW As ks you to c l i c k below X - SA - Ex im-V e rs ion: 4.1 ( bu i l t Tu e , l7 Au g 2 0 04 17:11 :03 X - SA - E x i m-- Sc annecl: Y es (on -( 50 0) ma i l. sos dg.o r g ) S t a tus: - - - - - - -- - - -- -Con tent_-Type : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 0 9 638 6 0 6 5 tex t / p l a in; ch a rset=HUTF-8 Con ten t - T r ans f e r - Encoding : Con ten t - Langu age: II quo ted-prin t a b le en =20 Th e fo l lo w i n g You h ave (F S S) been is an au tomated mess age : s e lec t e d by use r F S S �20 from �'W1tTld. f reespeechs to re . c o m (h t t p : / / f r e es peechs to 2 0 ( fss) /) speech f to rec eive his /he r t i t le: d = E 2=8 0= 9 C;:;;; 2 0 B r i an B runs o f ah b l.o r g , sosdg.o r g, 2m b i To Be Sue d ( h t t p: / /www . f r ee s peech s to . r esu l ts, asp? r eco r d=3D 2154 ) 9D. is =20 = E 2=8 0= Th is= 2 0= a "one t i me on l y"= 2 0 http!lgroups.googlecom/group/ 7d720071 26edc1dm .. 12/412005 noti fic atio n r e mi nd and yo u \'Ji11 not be noti fied again. We wou l d li ke to yoo::::. u t h at the=20 s a i d mani fest i s current ly pu b l ic i n a b str act form o n ly and the comp lete= 2 0 text i s propriet ary for member s o f _ F S S . = 2 0= (http: / /ww w . free speec h} a=20 I we b site / dat ab a se where artic le s, letters, comp l ai nt s, comp l ime nt s, = 2 0 i n for mat,io n , about any spam report s , virus alert s f etc . and/or opi nio n s f su= bject c a n be=20 recor de d for fut ure re fere nce and/or a fut ure search by any and a11= 2 0 .i nterested p arties. ( Speeche s i n the P ub lic (http: / /www . free speech store . c o m!public) Doma,i. n = 2 0 ). Thi s site l.'3 i nte nded to co l1ect= 2 0= and di ssemi nat,e in formation on = 20 o ne to site where you c an retrieve and/or po st the truth . C],ick here learno::::. 2 0= �20 (http: / /y,JVfW . free speech store . com/ M I S S I ON st atement . htm) more . . . =20 T h a nk s, 0::::. 2 0 The FreeSpeech Store t e a m . http: / /www . free speech store.com_ (http : / /www. free speech store .com/)= 20 Clic k here for i n structio n s o n how to be remove d permane nt ly any and=20 all future e mai l noti ns! fro m = 20 (http: / /wwH . free speech store .com/remove me . a sp"?i d= 3D21 54)=20 �20 - - - - - - -- - - - -10 96 3 8 6 0 65 Cont e nt, -Type: text /html; ch ar set="UT F - 8" Content -Tr ans fer -Encodi ng : Content -L a n gu age : <!D OCTYP E H T ML quoted-pr i nt ab le en PUBLIC " -llw 3C / /DTD HTHL 4 . 0 Tran sitio n a l /l EN"> <HTML><H EAD> <META http -e quiv= 3DContent-'"Type co nte nt= 3D"text /html; c h ar set= 3DUT F-8"> < META co nte nt= 3D" MSHT ML <B ODY i d� 3Dro le�b o dy 6 . 0 0 . 290 0 . 2 1 8 0" sty le� 3D" FONT - S IZ E: name= 3DGEN E RAT OR>< /H EAD> lOpt; C OL OE: # 0 0 0 0 0 0; FONT·_· FA M I LY : = 20= Ari a l"= 2 0 bottomM argi n= 3D7 le ft Mar gin0::::. 3D 7 topMar gi n= 3D7 ri ghtHar gin= 3D7>< FONT i d= 3Dro l= e docume nt= 2 0 face= 3D.ll..r i a l co1 0r= 3D# 00 0 0 0 0 size= 3D2> <DIV> <D IV>< FONT sty1e= 3DftBAC KGROUND -COLOH: transp arent" face= 3DJl..ri a l co lor= 3D#OOO= 0 0 0= 20 size= 3D 2>< FON'I' 3D2>The f� face= 3D"Verdana, Ari a l, Helvetic a, s a n s·- seri f" size= http! net-abuse.emai11m sg/Ob3 7d72007126edc?dm . 12/412005 o llowl ng�2 0 is an automate d mess a ge: < /F ONT>< /D IV> < BL OC KQ UOTE= 2 0 sty le=3DIIPADDING-LEFT: S p x; MARGIN -LEFT: 5px; BORD E R-" ,L EF T : b lue 2px so l i d"> <P><F' ONT f a ce=3DttVerdana, Ari a l , Helvet i c a , s a ns-ser i fll s ize=3D 2> You h a ve= 2 o�been= 2 0 selected by use r F' S S from <A t it le::::: 3D ..htt p: / /www. frees pee chstore. co m (£ss)= /"= 2 0 hre f=3D''htt p: / /W'WVV . :f reespee chstore. comcf 2 0 ( fss) \riW',r.!. freespee chstore. co m""' 2 0 ( F S S ) < /A> , ! n> to re ceive his /her s pee ch t it le d = E 2=80= 9C<STRONG> <.n� . 20 t it le::::o3 Dhttp: / /v.noJw. freespee chstore. com/Qresu lts. asp'?record=3D2 154 �20 hre f=3Dll http: / /www. freespee chstore. com/Qresu lts. asp?re cor d= 3D 2 1 54">Br i an B� ru ns o f'= 2 0 ahb l.or g , Th is 505 dg.or g , 2rnb it. com To Be Sue d < /A>< / STR ONG>o::::: E 2=8 0= 9 [1. is= 2 0= a " o ne time= 2 0 o n ly " not i f i cation l ike to and you wlll not be not i fi e d a g a i n. We wo u�l d Ie= mi n d= 2 0 you t h at the s a i d mani fest only and is currently pub l i c i n abstr a ct form t,-'= he= 2 0 complete text is proprietary for mewl)ers o f <A= 2 0 t i t. le=3Dhtt_ p : / /www. frees pee chstore. com/= 2 0 hre f=3D ..http: / / freespeechs>F S S< /A> a web site / dat abase whe= re=2 0 arti c les , re ports , letters , comp l a i nts , comp lime nts , i n format ion , spam v ir-= us= 2 0 a lerts , for et c. , and /or o p inlons about any subje ct can b e re corded any inte reste d future�'" =20 re ference part ies. and/or a future s e ar ch by and all «A= 2 0 t i t,le=3Dhtt,p: / /www . fr ees pee chstore. com/ pub lic= 2 0 hre f=3D" / /W1.tlW. freespee chstore. corn /pub l ic"> Speeches in Pub li c= 2 0 D o rn a i n< /J1.» . This s ite is i ntended to co l le ct and disse min ate in format ion""' 2 0= o n= 2 0 one s ite lvhere you c a n retr ieve and/or post , the truth. <1'.= 2 0 tit le=3Dhtt p: / /VJT..JW. freespee chstore. com/M I S S I ONst ate me nt.htrn=20 hre f=3D''http: //to!'iNVif. frees pee chstore. com/l1I S S I ONst m"> C l i ck here to= learn= 2 0 more . . . <: /A>< <P><F'ONT /FON T>< /P> fa ce=3D"Ver dana , Ar i a l, He lveti c a , s ans·-ser i f"= 2 0 Ar i a.l , He lveti c a , s a ns�seri ft1 sj ,2e=3D2> s ize=3D 2>Th a n ks, < /F ON T>< /P> <P><FONT f a ce=3DllVe.r d a n a , The� 2 0 Free S pee ch Sto ,re te am. < /F ONT> < EM><FON T= 2 0 net-abuse.emaillmsg/Ob3 7d72007126edc?dm . . 12/4/2005 fa cEo:::3 :: D"Ve r da na, Arial, He lvetica, sa ns-seri f" size=3D2><A= 20 title:o:::3D http : / /W.i.rV.iN. freesp e e c hst ore . c om/:o::: 20 hre f=3D .. http : / /wwH . freespeec hst ore .c om/"><B R>< FONT=20 size=3D2>http : / /wW.iI.J. freespeechst ore.c om< /FONT>< /A>< B R> < A:o::: 20 . ti tle= 3Dhttp : / /wwvJ. freespeechst ore . c om/re moveme .asp?i d=3D 2 154=2 0 hre f=-3D .. http : / /www . f reespeec hst ore.c om/removerne.asp?id=3D2154"> <B R>Click ho=:: ere for= 20 i nstru cti ons on how t o be remove d perma ne ntly fr om any a n d all future e ma i= 1�20 n oti ficati o ns! < /A>< / FONT> < / EM>< / P> < / FONT>< /BL OCKQUOT E> < /DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV> < /D IV>< /FONT> < /B ODY>< /HTML> ���������� �-�l0 9 63 8 60 65�� GoogleHome - Terms ()f liSe - priy"yy Pqljcy - �9I:ls,Press, & Help ©200S GoogJe net-abuse. emai IImsglOb3 7dn007126edc?dm . 12/4/2005 The Abusive Hosts Blocking List About Us Services Documents Tools Forums Links Harassment by The FreeSpeechStore It has been recently brought to our attention that Richard Scoville of The FreeSpeechStore is harassing AHSL users and our providers, as well as filing false police reports to cause problems with the people who he disagrees with, The SOSDG ,,,,,,,,,, r,,,';,j: £n. :!(}1:.'--(:.l3' DONATE FAQ Q: Who is Richard Scoville? A: Richard Scoville is known as the FreeSpeechStore (FSS, Margaret Morice, and other knicknames include FreaS peachWhore), He runs a site where people can post statements and demand that the accused have to pay to read what he or other people wrote about them, Most of his comments about people are false, and tend to be of a libelous nature ( Pay-per-libel, as we call it), In the past, he has been known to spam his libel to the victim, though as of late, he has stopped doing this, He is located in San Antonio, TX, Q: I s there information available online about him? A: Yes, there are quite a few links - here are a few: - Harassment by Margaret Morice / Richard M Scoville - RipOffReport: Freespeechstore,com - interocitoLnet: Response to freespeechstore,com - FreaSpeachKOOk Mini-FAQ Q: How many providers has he been kicked off of? A : The current running-count is 3-5, however it depends on how you look at it. PrismneWNDX, ESpire, Grandecom, and now he is on RoadRunner business, He's also switched registrar over to VNDX again, Ads by Goooooogle HjlJassment Trajninjl Our online harassment training programs reduce risk-Free Preview WNW.employertraining.COl Sex!jal Harassment Videos Arm employees & managers with information to prevent & respond, 'Mvw.trainerstoolchest,cot Q: What should we do if we are contacted/harassed by Richard S coville? A: If you are contacted or harassed by Richard Scoville, you should first tell him to Harassment Training cease any and all contact with you, I f he refuses, and continues to contact you, file a police report for harassment. Scoville is also known for filing false police reports against people he doesn't like (he's filed several against the SOSDG and AHSL so far), AS 1 825 Compliant-EEOC Approved Award Winning Course. Free Demo You should also consider speaking with a lawyer and finding out what options may be available to you legally (including libel/slander, harassment, extortion if he tried to make you pay to get him to leave you alone, etc) AS 1825. Training Q: What were the false police reports over? A: As far as we know, they were filed because people are using the tool 'wget' to spider and download his whole site, People only started doing this AFTER he went public calling 'wget' a hacking tool. For legal reasons, anyone who makes threats at us will have their site archived in case the information should ever be needed in the future (and wget fits this need perfectly), We believe he is filing false abuse reports claiming that we are the ones doing it to http://www. ahblorglnoti ces/fss. php Online Meets training requirements for Mgt Highly Interactive, Free Demo Advertise on this site 12/4/2005 him, even though they are coming from random IP space worldwide that we have no control over. We also suspect he has taken to forging log files in an attempt to cause issues. Q: Is 'wget' a h acking tool? A: No, and any experienced systems a dministrator or Linux user will tell you that it is one of the most useful tools that one can have on their machine. Wget is a file downloading tool that can be used to download from FTP or HTTP, and features spidering capibilities. Wget is free software provided by The Free Software Foundation. Q: I s this page a statement of fact? A: No, it is page designed to give people the ability to easily locate information online about Richard Scoville, as well as some information from our own interactions with him. People are encouraged to read all the pages and decide for themselves. Site copyright © The Summit Open Source Development Group, 2001-2004 · All rights reserved For information on reproducing content on this site, please contact us. The SOSOG Acceptable Use Policy f Terms Of Service I Privacy Policy can be seen here. Site design version 10.0r25 httpllwv.w. .ahbl org/notices/fss php 1214/2005 EXHIBIT I FSS922@aol. c om I My Groups I Help I Si.9n out vveb tmages Groups more Eroogle )� :� Advanced ��o.@sSear91} Search Preferences l1<!cw�.a!lll1j!1.l] >{cat and if yO!! have an odd sense of humor) View Parsed - Pat h : archi verI . goog l! newsl.googl e. com! news . glorb. corrd news� feedOl. roc. ny. f ,ront Fro m : Andr ew D Subj ect : Re : Kirc h <tr e la n e@trelane. net> fr e e sp e ec h ( T hi s ( cat a n d co f fe e i s not a p s yc hotic if you ha ve an o dd U s er �Agent : Pa n /O. 14.2 ep i so de. Mes sag e - I d : <pa n.2004.04.22.0 3579@tr ela> Newsgroup s; news.admin. net-abu s e. ema il R e f e r e nc e s : <2004042 1 1840 1 1.24 625.00000 [email protected] .com> MIME-Ver s io n : co nt e nt - T yp e : Dat e : humol 0] <LGD hc.22509$Bx7. 14044@r 1.0 t ext /pla:i , n; c har s et:o:: 1 S O -8859-1 Co nt ent- Trans f er - E ncod ing : l, i n e s : sense o f It' s a cleansing mo ment S b it 69 T hu , 2:: J\pr 2004 0 7 : 4 3 : 05 G M T NNT P - Po st i ng-Ho st : X -C o mpla int s -To : X - Trac e : 24.12 3.22 1.4 a bu s e@rr. com lu mbu NNT P - Po st ing-Dat e : Orga n izatio n : On Thu , T hu , 10826 19 7 8 5 24 . 12 3.22 1.4 22 Apr 2004 03 : 4 3 : 0 5 Roa d Ru nner H igh 22 Apr 2004 0 1 : 4 5 :28 ( T hu , 22 .n..p r 2004 0 3 : 4 3 : 0 5 ED'} EDT Sp eed o nl i ne http : / /W...oJ +0000 , Brian Ba y wrot e : > H i Andr ew, > > Andr e w D Kirc h wrot e : > » » (I hop e at l ea st t he s e i diot s someo ne got t he jo k e (the jo k e i s t hat a nyo ne Irloul d ta k e s er iou s l y)) > > E sp ec iall y a n > int, er fac e to idiot spam > cro s s po st a n d who u s e s AOL! s pat het i c fro m. you I n d e f e n s e of AOL can't u s e it u nl e s s I S excu s e for a nevJS group news progra m , your a n A , OL you caD' t cu stomer. > > Sorr y , A da m. > » » An dr e w D Kirc h > - �C he er s , > Brian no w t hat hav e I ' v e a s s isted Fr eeSpea ksWhor e some qu e st io n s t heir u s e o f fr e e 1. Fr e e Sp ea k sWhor e : Same a s 1 but who a nd i n generat i ng some fr e e sp eech I future art icl e s r egar ding bot h my a nd How ma n y t imes when in o ne I a m r e ferr i ng to you ma y I u se s i ngl e p o st? Ho w ma n y t imes ma y I sa y t hat your e f forts deba s e a n d hol d t he prot ect io ns o f t h e Const itut ion v er y dear. 4. Fr e e Spea ksWhor e : t error i st s , t h e m for in cap s? 3. Fr e e Sp ea ksWhor e : o f f end t ho s e for W'V'JW. a sp e ec h . t h e t er m "AssNo n k e y" 2. I �ZWu s.iv e Hosts Bloc king L i st Ho w ma n y t imes sa y t h ing s i n a given p o st l i ke " Damn ma y .i f t h e y! d ju st. I ca11 hit t he you sg/bb8ece006e5ccc74?dmo. ]2/412005 Fr e e Sp e ach\llhor e wit h t h at have abo ut, t h e w ar i n 5. comp l ained Fr e e Sp e a ksW hor e: y o ur Si gni f i c ant shock and aw e camp a i gn, p er hap s n o wou l d t he t er m kn obhead be u s a b l e t o ot her? y our on e w ou ld Iraq. n a l lin e a ge ? y o ur d e s cr i be y ou ? c hi l dr en, cat, dog or hamst er ? 6. Fr e e Sp e a k s W h or e : for me t o n umb er fr e e 7. find If I w er e out w here so t hat p e op l e you can a b l ac khat live, c a l l y ou h a c ker, w ou l d it a n d p o st y our at a l l times name be fr e e sp e e c h addr e s s a n d p h one o f ni ght, exer c J_ si n g t h eir sp e e c h. Fr e e Sp e a k sW h or e : D o y ou have anyt hing appr oaching a ,sn ow b a l l ! s c l ue in hell ? And l a st.}y, if I mor on s wit hout a 8 . t h at pr ot e ct. ed 9. I the s h outed " Fr e e Sp e a k s W h or e i s / ar e c lu e or prayer" c au s e s a bunch a p anlc In of a same but f o l l ow i ng it F-llilendrnent any wit h and Right s p l e a s e IMMEDIATELY so I < obli. g at ory block of " Att ent i o n t he t he at er i s a l l mat ter s r e garding get ROT"� 1 3 text fr e e on my fr ee ( an d not because art l c l e under t h e D MCA, or for s ome r e a s on SF:RR.FCRNX F JUBER N F F ZBAXR LSERRFCRNX F LTUB ER VF I-JA NF F ZBK'ZR LSERR FCRN'''{ F JUB ER \TF N�_ N F F ZBAXR L S ER R F C R NX F JUB E H VF NA N F F ZBA XR I�S ERR F CR NX F JUB ER V F NA N F F ZBAXR L S ERR FCRNX F JUB ER VF Ni\ N F F ZBA XR LSERR F CRNX F cTUB ER V F NA N F F ZBAXR LS ER R F C R NX F ,}UB ER \iF NA b l o c k o f ROT--- 1 3 t ext A n dr ew D Kir ch Key At an sw er s Summit Op en VF made me questi ons one .Abu sive H o st s B l o c ki n g S e c urit.y A dmin Key ( l awy er I mi ght simp l y h ar a s s NA above t e xt and my sp e e c h. fr e e sp e a kswhore i nd e fin i.t ely) > not e t h e fir e " sp eech NF F ZBA "{ , E LSERR FCRNX F LTUB F,R V F p le a s e lS b a c k t o me r e garding t h e s e i s s ue s, can p roperly pr ot ect w ant t o pr ot e ct t hi s < / ob l i gat ory fu c kl n g theat er, sp eech ? a m very i nt er e st ed i n Fir st a n d it NA N F F ZB AXRI, do it! ) > and t wo , Li st Sour c e D ev e l opment Gr oup at l e a s t. for n ow . W'dW . ahbl . er g vr'vTW . s e sdg. o r g h ttp : / / ww w. 2rnbit . c o m / �tr e l an e / tr e l ane.key fi ngerpri nt = B 4C 2 8 08 3 648B 3 7A 2 4CCE 61D 3 1 6D 6 99 5 0 026F 2 0 C F' Google Home - Terms of Use - I"rivagy polLey - Jobs, press" & Help ©2005 Google!msglbb8ece006e5ccc74')dmo. 1214/2005 EXHIBIT J Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: "Manuel Oblitas" <[email protected]> '''Richard Scoville'" <[email protected]> Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:49 PM FW: Legal Threats against the A H BL by FreeSpeechStore .com And now? We are blacklisted again . . Manuel Oblitas Vis u a l Net Design ( 2 1 0 ) 590-2734 ( 2 1 0 ) 564-0553 fax mar1u"1@ v nd x . COIll V',1\""'�.\lis ua i g n .com www. v n d x .com -,--- - ---- -- -- -----Original Message----From: Darren Knapp [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 3 : 29 PM To: 'Andrew D Kirch'; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: Legal Threats against the AHBl by Importance: High D e ar I Mr . Kirc h , understand examp l e s and ev en a gr e e t h at of t h e t hi n g s t h e y p o st ar e (as find however, down t h eir you sit e h av e stat e d ) opi ni on s h ou l d p o lic e . and i s su i n g p ho n e s ervic e for c a l li ng p o lic e, lawyer, Fr om our p er sp ect i v e, t h eir si t e o n p ub lic t hr e at ened to c e s s ation We see AOL A OL . o f t h a't We feel ar e or i f ar e We evi denc e t,he of f or ums ( or (in fr om t h at t hen t h at that to a some ( R e a l L lDx a r eason t o I nc . ) , s hut- not s omet hi n g t h at a s t e l ep hone di sc onnect y e l li ng t o ) lines someone ' s t hem t h a t t h e y 2( 0 3 ) the uti lit y. We and t hat do p o li c e S PAl1 . they u s e d to wi t h t h e m at t he We We do adv erti s e t i m e and saw an immedi a t e but w e d o not (per a gr e e t h at this network. wou l d be a If y o u ar e s omet hi ng u s er�name / emai l you seeing would addr e s s SPAM . t ak e up on A OL fr om wit h t_o name . welcome t o c onti nue t hi s We will ar e j u st a r e formed SPAMrner . SPA M s e en w o u l d t ak e up vli t h t hem dir ec t l y, addr e s s e d t , h o s e i s su e s SPAM s o urc e , y o u ar e i n di s a gr e ement,. entit y, Note : ( FS S ) you vJe see h av e o f t h e t hi ngs our AUP . on p ubLic no w a y o f cr o s s�r e f er e nc i n g accur at e l y mat c h You nature. a pu b lic v ehic l e and t e l l i n g many ac tivity and c omp l et e c omp li anc e wi t h our r e qu e st s . FSS i s h av e 'that do we gr o up providing t h e send b l at ant foru m s . nor disconnect t hem i f t he y di d not c omp l y. no c urr ent and not vi o l at e s omet hing not t h e t h ey know t h at t h e y u s e d to t,heir I abr a siv e . a gr e e exp ect the p hone c o mp an y to someone up T h at wou l d be etc . . . do Internet i s You c ert ai n l y wou l d not su e . h ar a s si ng in l e g a l t hr e at s The ar e . want ed t o and happ en t o wit h t h ei r c ont ent as t ho s e p o sti ngs P o st i n g a Fr eeSpeechstor e . c om i s d e scri b e not hi ng i l l e g a l the ISP you email ) di a l o g i f A gai n, we you di sconnecting ask feel I hav e not c ov er ed symp at hi z e t h at that FSS t hem i s FSS i s a a l l p oi nt s non� fri end l y fair . tone down their public postings . 12/4/2005 our customer and they host FSS . Visual Net Design is I know that the folks correspondence . Hopefully a few words Best They are being copied on this there know the FSS proprietor personally. directly will have an effect . regards , D a r r e n Knapp R e a l 1.inx Inc . (800) 597-2518 Supp o r t (214) 7 64-1410 Offlce ( 97 2 ) 8 9 6- 9 5 2 2 C e l l ul a r h t tp : / / re a l l inx . com (Sales ) h t tp : / / r e a l l i nx . ne t ( Su p p o rt ) Me s s a g e - � � � "'· � � �--Original From: Andrew D Kirch S en t : Tuesday, September To : 28, 2004 6 : 40 PM abu s e @ p r i smnet . c om S ub j e c t : Legal Threats F r e e S p e e c hS t o r e . com, ( 2 09 . 1 98 . 1 4 8 . 3 4 ) , l egal threats h a r a s sment o n USENET other direct has group . inhe r i t in please Should e n t r y can b e might 1\1181. b y 2 0 9 � 1 9 8 - 1 4 8 - 3 4 - h o s t . p r i smne t . ne t their this have site as down abuse to sea rches from t he i r A O L a c c o un t , this site . If they of me i n t h e ABBL for legal e f fect your are I am your your acceptable let terminated p l e a s e and news group . please not and and b a s i c them f o t' v i o l a t i o n que s t i o n s t h e y a re so t he l r web s i t e , know . Per p o l i c y t h r e a t,s c o n t a c t me other so c u st_ome r s that who b l OC K . Abusive And r e w D Ki rch S e c u r i t y Admin shut been b l a c k l i s t ed Once lobbinq b a r r a t r o u s Their news . adrnin . n e t - ab u s e . email t e rm i n a t e deleted time ant i - s pam corrununi t y . the you F r e e S p e e c hS t o r e . com some p e r i o d o f their provider c u s tome r , our the for them spamming that their netblock this h o s t e d on : behavior p o l i ci e s . against the pu b l i ca l l y d i s p l a y e d on finds e r rant against has been towards is reque s t i ng use [ ma i l t o : t re l an e @ t r e l ane . ne t ] S urmni t Hosts Open Source Bl ocking List Devel opmen't www . Group ahbl . o ,r g wW-V'! . s o s d g . o r g K e y A t h t tp : / /www . 2mbit. . com/ � t .re l a ne / t r e l ane . a s c Key fingerprint = B4C2 8083 6 4 8 B 37A2 4CCE 61D3 1 6 D6 995D 0 2 6F 20CF 12/4/2005 Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Thursday. April 07. 2005 1 0:52 PM Spam Database Lookup .4/7/05 . . 1 1 :52 PM . . Testi n g Generated by wvvy.r. New lookup: 1/ Result II Test Name Details II TIL I ITimel [n/a mise] PTR= 66-90-24785338 msn/aol I �Pass I·PIB 253.l p . g randenetworks. n et. seconds 1I�A=s=L========�I =[n=la=:d=e=ad=]�I �==��==���======�II II� TXT= "1112919744 trel47.a2ne53- -Spam 3600 0 LI S TED Source/SOS -66. 9 0. 2 AHSL (127. 0 . 0.10) spam" FreeSpeechStore, harassment, abuse, seconds ms . � k � � � � IkA=HB=-=== ============ = = = == a I L RHSBL l �� SBL] II 1 c==J � / 9J�at����abte�as�e]�/�==================�IDEJ/a /1·�A==========�� OL IBADWHOJ S I ���:BLl I � IIBk=G=!=SO=C=B=�======�I �������]==�!I======================�Jc==J =J 1c=� � BL 1c==J� I ���BL] I ISGISOCWL IBLAR$BL II Timeout II II 10 900 101 I·BLITZJ;:QALL .I Not listed I. Primary NS phl. 1 �econds� ISlJIZEDCISCO II Not l isted II Primary NS = phl. nameservernet. I s���nds I�s I IBLUZEDHITP II Not listed II Primary NS phlnameservernet. I s���nds I�s I ISllTZEOPOST II Not listed II Primary NS phLnameservernet I s���nds I�s I IElt,.lTZE[)SOCKS II Not listed II Primary NS 1�1ol 12/4/2005 I I · I l:J = = = = Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: "Rick" <[email protected]> "Richard M . Scoville" <[email protected]> Thursday, May 1 2, 2005 1 :05 P M Old sse IP 65.66 . 1 80 . 1 92 DNSBL Listings 5/1 2/05 Testing 65.66. 1 80. 1 92 Generated by www.DNS�tuff.cQDJ New lookup I IPTR IABL IABBL IAI:lBL�RHSBL IAOL IBADWHOIS IBG.i SOCBL IBGISOCWL IBLARSBL IBLUZEDALL IBLIIZEDCISCO IBLITZEDHTTP IBUTZEDPOST IBLJTZEDSOCKS IBLITZEDWINGATE IBLOCKME IBNBL I Test Name II II LOOkUp II I ITimel no reverse DN Syourentry; 2897 65. 66.1mail80.1servers 92 hasmay n/a mise] [MISSI some not accept ms seconds � NGI mail. III [n/a dead] II II I� bruns 4 3043 LISTED TXT= "1067306 Spam Source 9 com" seconds B .1 ( 127004) -65. 66.180.1 92/299 -freespeechstore. I� II II [n/a RHSBL] II [I n/a private I database] IDE] R n/a HSBL l l1 II [ II I� R I� II II [n/a HSBL] II I I� II [n/a RHSBL] II 86400 = ot ns. b lars. o rg. ri m ary S listed N N P seconds II B II y 00 9 B seconds I Not listed I Primar N S = phl.nameservernet. 00 9 ot = phl. n ameservernet. ri m ary S I i sted N N P seconds I B II a y 00 9 ot S = phl. n ameservernet. r ri m l i s ted N N P seconds 1 I I B 00 9 B II Not listed I Primary N S = 1 seconds 00 9 ot ri m ary S = phl. n ameserver. n et. listed N N P seconds 1 I I B 00 y N S = 1 seconds 9 ot ri m ar listed N P I /a dead) I B I� II II [n II II I� II [ n/a dead] II I II II II II 12/412005 Result Details · · · · TTL Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: "Rick" <[email protected]> "Richard M . Scoville" <[email protected]> Thursday, May 1 2, 2005 1 :09 P M Bruns Listing E-spire FSS I P 209. 1 36.25.165 Testing 209. 1 36.25. 1 65 Generated bJ New lookup loOkUp ! l I I 20 . 136. 2 5.165 has no reverse D S entry; N 9 n/a: misc] [ some mail servers may not accept your seconds ms MISSI GI N mail. IPIABTRL III [nla dead] II �� I� II TXT= "1107403472 trel2 5.160/2 ane - Spam60 LISTED IAHBL SourcefSOS -20 .136. 9 9 (127. 0 0 10) FreeSpeechStore. harassment. abuse, spam" seconds B I . IAHBL-RJ:!SBL II [nfa RHSBLl l1 II I� n/a pri v ate [ I L database] I I ID[;] IS RHSBL] n/a HO I [ PW IBA II I� II RHSBL n/a ] II2GISQ_CBL II II [ II I� II2GJSOCWL II [nfa RHSBLl l 1 I[ I� 172800 LISTED IBLARSBL 1 seconds .I ( II B 00 9 B IBIJTZEDALL 1 seconds II Not li sted I Primary NS = phl.nameservernet 900 B Im.JTZBPCISCO I Not listed " Primary N S = phLnameservernet. .1 seconds 900 B IBLITZEDHTTP II Not listed " Primary N S = 1 seconds 900 B IBLIIZEDPOST I Not listed I Primary N S = phl.nameservernet. 1 seconds 900 B II2LlTZEDSOCKS II N ot listed I Primary N S = phl nameservernet. .1 seconds 91 00 B !BLIIZEDWINGATE I Not listed I Primary N S phl.nameservernet. seconds II2LOCKME II [ nfa dead] II II I� I II II III II 12/4i2005 I Test Name II Result II Details II AG · · · = · TTL Time Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: "Rick" <[email protected]> "Richard M . Scoville" <[email protected]> Thursday, May 1 2, 2005 1 :25 P M e.spire Communications FS S !P Bruns Blockage Testing 209. 1 36.25. 1 65 Generated by www.DNSstuff.conl I N ew lookup .. . .. LoOkUp . . .... -. --.-.- - l I I I � 20 .136. 2 5.165 has no reverse D S entry; N 9 n/a mise] [ some mai l servers may not accept your R seconds ms NGI maiL I.IIMISSI bJ� IPTiA13L [nla dead] II TXT= "1107403472 bruns - Spam Source II �� 60 LISTED IAHBL FreeSpeechStore, -20 .136. 2 5.160/2 9 9 seconds B (127 0 0 10) harassment, abuse, spam" I IAtIBL-RHSBL I [n/a RHSBL] II I� II n/a pri v ate [ ] IAOL database [ JDE] I I� I13APW IS II [nla RHSBL] \[ Il B L RHS I!3GISQC!3L [n/a ] II I I� I I I!3GISOCWL I� II 1i[;1/a RHSBL] II 172070 1 LISTED IBLARSBL (127 10 17) I 1 seconds B 00 9 S = phlnameserver. n et listed � ri m ary ot N I13LITZEPALL N I seconds 1 B I 900 B II3LITZEDCISCQ I Not listed I I Primary N S = phl.nameservernet .1 seconds 900 B I13UTZED.HTTP I Not listed I Primary N S = phLnameservernet 1 seconds 900 B IBLJTZ1':DPOST I Not listed I Primary N S = phlnameservernet 1 seconds 900 B IBlJTZEPSOCKS I N ot listed I Primary NS = 1 seconds 900 B I13LITZEPWIN GATE I Not listed I Primary N S = 1 seconds I13LOCKME I� II II [n/a dead] II I II II In II 12/4/2005 Test Name II Result II TTL Details I UQ · · · · · · Tim e Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: <[email protected]> <ceo 1> Saturday, July 1 6 , 2005 9:29 PM AHBL Listing 711 6105 Last checked about a week ago and there was no listing .... Testin g 24. 1 73 .226 . 1 78 Generated by www. DNSAuff.c()m Status: Got back 257 of 258 requests. Done! lOOkup : New lookup: II II [nfe misc] I PTR= rrcs-24-173-226I !I ! 3600 nfa I Pass iPTR 178. sw. seconds Ims O I 1/ [nfa dead] II IA Bl I� II TXT= "1113793226 trelane249- Spam 3600 LI S TED Source/SOS -24.174.175. A�'l (127. 0 . 0.10) 24.173. 2 26.178 Free Speech seconds Store HarassmenUSpam/Abuse" , l1 II I [nn/a:/a RHSBLl INiBl:8HSBL !� I private I I database] IAOl IDE] 1/ [n/a RHSBL1 1! !BADWHOIS II I� a RHSBLll1 IBGISOCBL II [n/[n/a RHSBLl I� II l 1 SI GISQCWL. II LISTED I[ 172800 I� IB LARSBl / 'I (127 1 0.1) I ,seconds B 900 I Not listed I Primary NS = phl.nameserver, net ,seconds IBLITZEDALL / B 900 ms IB LLTZEDC,SCO II Not listed " Primary NS = phl. ,seconds / B ms IB LITZEDHTTP /I Not listed II Primary NS = phl. ,seconds / 900 B 1 II II 1 900 Iii 12/4/2005 Test Name I Result I Details TTL Time 8 Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: < [email protected]> <[email protected]> Wednesday, September 07, 2005 8:42 PM AHBL Block 9f7105 Testin g 24. 1 73.226 . 1 78 Generated by \(VWW , DNSstuff,com Status: Got back 259 of 262 requests. Done! New lookup: I IpTE IABL AH �' IAHBL-RHSBL QL 18BADWHolS I ISADWHO,S ,PS ISGISOCBL IBGJSOCWL IS LARSBL IB LITZEDALL IB LITZEDC, S CO IBLITZEDHTIP ISLlIZEDPOST I BUIZEOSQCKS Test Name I Lookup : II 3240 II n/a l II n/a misc] I PTR= rrcs-24-173-226[ seconds Ims O I 178. I Pass II [n/a dead] II II I� TXT= "1113793226 trel175ane0/24- Spam 3240 USTED Source/SOS -24 174 l (127. 0 . 0.10) 24.173226 0/24 - Free Speech seconds ,II [n/a RHSBL] IIStore HarassmentlSpam/Abuse" II I � [n/a: private I I database] IDE] n/a RHSBL] I[ II 86400 I n/a I II 1 I�s I I N ot listed I Primary NS = a. ,seconds II II n/a I II [n/aa RHSBL] II I [n/ RHSBL] II I� II 172441 LI S TED .I (127. 1 .0.1) I seconds I�s I 900 Pri m ary ot l i s ted S = phLnameserver net. N N I seconds I�s I II 900 I N ot listed II Primary NS seconds � 900 I s I N ot listed I Primary NS phl. seconds � I 900 I s I N ot listed II Primary NS = phLnameserver. net. ,seconds 1 � I I N ot listed I Primary N S = 1�1ol 12/4/2005 Details Result TTL Time � = = Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Monday, September 1 2, 2005 1 2:43 PM AHBL for I P 7 1 AO,8, 1 00 Testin g 7 1 .40.8. 1 00 Generated by IIII'I)(W,PNSst! Status: Got back 259 of 262 requests. Done! New lookup: I IpTF� IASL IAHB!.. IAHI3LcRH SBL IAOL 16AOWHQIS IBADWHOISIPS IBGISQC[3L IBGISQCVVI.. IBLARSBL IBLITZEDALL IBLlIZEDC, S CO IBLJIZEDHTTP ISI.JTZEDPQST IBLITZEDSQCKS Test Name I LOOkup I II II II I' PTR=sw.birrcs-71-40-83600 Imsn/aO II n/a: misc]Pass 100., seconds I II n/a I II II1 II [n/a dead] 3600 Pri m ary Not NS ns1 , a hbl . o rg l i s ted I , seconds l o ms l I n/a: RHSBL] I n/a I II III I II I [n/a private I I database] IDE] a RHSBL] [n/ I II I n/a I I I PrimarynetNS = aroot86400 1 0 ms l l i s ted Not seconds servers. I [n/a RHSBL] I n/a I II II II II II I [n/a RHSBL] II II n/a I 86400 l o ms l II Not listed II Primary NS ns, .\ seconds ary NS 900 II Not listed I seconds l o ms l Pri m ary NS = 900 l i s ted Not seconds B I I ary NS = net. 900 1 0 ms l II Not listed I phl.nameserver, seconds Primnameserver. ary NS net. 900 l i s ted Not phl. seconds I I Primary NS B 900 l i s Not ted phI . nameserver, net. ' seconds I I B II Primary NS 11 900 III II 12/4/2005 Result Details = = = · · · = · = = TIL Time 1 US\., J Vi I £.. Rick From: To: Sent: Subject: <[email protected]> <ceo1> Tuesday, September 1 3, 2005 6:00 PM AHBL Listing 911 3105 @ 6:58 P M CST flttp:ltwww.dnsst!lff.comltoolslip4r.cb?ip=Z1 .40.8.1 01l Testin g 7 1 .40 . 8 . 1 00 Generated by Status: Got back 260 of 262 requests. Done! 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